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THE ST. LOUIS REPTT THE most WONDERFUL STORY of the year. Next Sunday's Republic. Four Maga zine pages in colors. A four-page Comic Section. Colors. NINETY-THIRD YEAR. ST. LOUIS, MO., SATURDAY. OCTOBER 20. 1900. PRICE J" ) (In In St. I.octs. One Cent. ! M. I.cnin. 'I n o Cents Trnins. Three Cent". TREMENDOUS DOCKERY MEETING AT MARSHALL. BRYAN WAVE SWEEPS OVER NEW YORK STATE. Thousands of Voters Attended From Sa line, Lafayette and Jackson Counties Democratic Barbecue. Remarkable Ovations Given the Democratic Candidate Sn the Republican Counties. MUSICIANS, amateur and pro fessional, will be interested in four or five taking Sunday Republic features. v COLORS. & & JdJuILa i If. r I f Estimated That Twenty Thousand Persons Participated in the Demonstration Pointed Mottoes on Parade Banners Large Meeting at Lexington. r.r A STAFF CORRESPONDENT. RKPI'llUt' SPECIAL. Lexington. Mo.. Oct. 19. The biggest find most eathus'astic gathering which has greeted the Democratic candidate for Gov ernor during his present tour of the coun ties was that at Marshall. Sillne County, to-day Between 1S.00O nnd .CO) persons were present. Concerning the record breaking nature of the attendance Mr. Dockery said that It was the biggest dem onstration of the campaign outside of the laree cities. Those who remember the outpourings which greeted Mr Dockery at Greenville. Ironton. Potosi, Clinton. Neosho and Rich Hill can placs some estimate on the charac ter and size of the Marshall meeting. It was fortunate for many present that a barbecue had been arranged, else they would have gone hungry, for the three ho tels and the eating-houses were swamped with the demands on them. A big excursion train of six coaches was run by the Chicago and Alton to Marshall from Kansas City, carrying crowds from Jackson. Lafayette and Saline countlej In to Marshall. Another was run by tho Mis souri Paclflo from Versailles. Every road leading to Marshall was alive with a holi day crowd from early morning till late In the afternoon. The Dockery party was net at the train by a mounted delegation from the Bhackleford Democratic Club and try a reception committee In carriages dec Brated with flags and bunting. Dockery at Marshall. Btmoottng Chapllne, chairman of the Coun ty Committee: Representative Matt Hall and Edward T. Orear, whose home town Is Marshall, and who came from Jefferson City to attend the rally, were members of the Reception Committee. Marshall Is dis tinguished among Missouri county seats by the fact that Its Courthouse square 19 sur rounded by asphalt-paved streets; as perfect as a boulevard In Buffalo. Ropes had been tretched to keep horsemen and vehicles oft these streets, and there the divisions of the parade formed. Two big bands, car riages containing Mr. Dockery and the Re ception Committee, a large number of ve Moles decorated with flags, bunting, tissue paper and lithographs of tho Democratic candidates, and 702 horses, actual count. lome carrying a double led. and all elab orately caparisoned, formed the parade. There were strong delegations from every one of the twelve townships In Saline County. A crude uniformity, both In mounts and decorations, was adhered to In the dele gations. Each marshal horseman carried a picture of Alexander Dockery, mounted as a banner. Another delegation must have tripped the county of white horses to get its uniformity of mount. In another dele--vtion web pair ot horsemen carried ban-' aer Inscribed with a Democratic epigram. like "Ripubllcs Need No Big Standing Armies." One horseman represented "McKlnley Prosperity." He was ragged and unkept and rode a horse whose boney protuber ances and general decrepitude bespoke long training for the stunt. A number of empty dlnner-palls dangled from the horses' girts. One party of horsemen rode standing on their saddles, and ridiculous Rough Riding antics behind a banner Inscribed "Roose can not support william Mckinley. For Forty Tears a Republican, Captain Piggott Will Sow Vote for Bryan. JUEPT7BLIC SPECIAL. Qnlncy. I1L. Oct. 13. Captain Michael Piggott. & lifelong Republican, who for six teen years prior to Cleveland's first term was Postmaster here, has received a letter from John J. Mealy of Chicago, a member of the Republican Veterans' Yates Club of Illinois, asking him to aid In the or ganization of an auxiliary club. Captain Piggott's reply Is In part as fol lows: "For about forty years our political work' and sympathy have been In accord, but now I must say, no' to your appeal. I could not follow "William McKlnley or his supporters after he turned from freedom to Imperial methods, and allowed his Sec retary of State to reprimand Consul Gen eral Pratt for presenting an American flag to a Filipino commltteo at Singapore as an emblem of the liberty that Agulnaldo and their brothers, then our allies, were fighting to attain. Then ho cabled an army commission to W. K. Brico at Hong Kong. In charge of the Brice syndicate con cession In China. In order that he might proceed at the expense of the nation and In advance of our army to Manila, to turn American guns against the Filipinos, In order, that Republicanism might not dis turb tho British colonies at the gates of India, and to furnish a base from which the Brice syndicate, organized by and largely composed of Ohio politicians, co operating with British capitalists, might exploit the Chinese Empire; monolopllze Its mineral resourceaand Its cheap labor. T note what you say about Democracy being the enemy of pensions, but I cannot apply your objection to Democracy as now organized. I am sure no Democrat could do more to deprive the wards of the na tion of their dues under the law than has been done by the present Commissioner of Pensions, who la held in his position against the protests of more than IOO.OiO soldiers. If successful In November. Hanna will bo apt to follow the advice ot Cecil Rhodes when he advised us to hold the Philippines, and If the people grumbled over the expense to abandon some of the pension list which the Chicago Tribune last March said. 'Is so unreasonably large." " KRUGER HAS EMBARKED. Dutch Warship Bearing the Old Fighter Sails To-Day. Lorenzo Marquez, Oct 19. Mr. Kruger was secretly taken at C o'clock this morn ing on board the Dutch cruiser Gelderland, on which vessel he Is to sail for Holland. It is reported that tho Gelderland wlU all to-morrow. velt Is Smoking the Rough Rider Stub Thut Buffalo Hill Threw Away." llrlimeriltlc Ilnrhrrae. For Iho baritone a wire fence had been thrown around the Courthouse Miuare and long tables of fresh unplaned pine planks had been Improvlred In the lnclosure. There from early morning until noon a iuad of several hundred volunteers from Marshall, men and women, prepared the food for tho multitudes. Thousands of chin plate and half-pint tin cups had boen provided. On each Plato was a Lis cut of beef or some meat or fish and a pickle sandwiched between slices of bread. The tin cups were filled with sweetened Mack eolTee. Eight large beeves, y) pounds of flh. -O'-O loives of bread, five sheep. seen hogs. jTX) chickens, fifty hams, threo barrels of pickles and twenty bushels of potatoes were consumed, besides the contents of about ICO country baskets, added to the pool by townships. Pocket knives nnd natures tools alone were used by Ihc dinprs The signal for dinner was given to all four side of the court house square by the bell 1n the courthouse belfry. When the barbecue was first planned It iai supposed that Conartssman Joe Bailey of Texas would be the principal speaker "When about u week ago it was found he could not come. Mr. Dockery con sented to arrange his engagements to be at the rally. This faot was extensively ad vertised an! according to the local com mittee, ndfied to the enthusiasm und In creased the attendance. It had been planned that Mr. Dockery should speak from a stand in the court house square, but the condition of his voice forbade. He spoke In the Opera-houso to an audience that crowded ever- inch of space la aisles, gallery. lobby and on the BtSBe- . . r. Not one-tenth of the persons who wished to hear the speech could gain admittance. Tho overflow was addressed in the Court house square by Major R. W. Nichols of Marshall, who in ISM was a Palmer and Buckner elector, and stumped the State in behalf of that ticket. Mr. Dockery's speech was a presentation of the reasons why the Democrats should be retained In power In Missouri and placed In power at Washington. The hall was too tmall for the cheers and applause that greeted the speaker's telling points. Con gressman James Cooney introduced the speaker, and declared his Impression that a DO.CW Democratic majority would be rolled up by Missouri next month. Attorney General Crow reached Marshall on an afternoon train and addressed a mag nificent gathering in the Courthouse square after Mr. Dockery had completed his speech. He dwelt on State Issues. In the evening Mr. Dockery addressed an enthusiastic gathering of over 2,000 persons In the Olera-house at Lexington, which Is one of the truly metropolitan possessions of the county fat of Lafayette. It was a difficult Jump from Marshall on the Chicago and Alton, to n connection at Higglnsv Hie, with a Missouri Pacific for Lexington. A lucky delay which met the Missouri Pacific train below Ulgglnsvllle saved the Dockery party a drive of fifteen miles across country. JOHN C. LEBENS. GEORGE DANIELS NOW FOR BRYAN. Influential Illinois Banker, Editor and Merchant Unable to Accept Imperialism. REPUBLIC SPECIAL. Salem, 111., Oct. 19. George E. Daniels, banker, merchant, capitalist and owner of the Iuka Bee, a leading newspaper ot this county, and who has been the most ardent Gold Democrat of this section of the coun ty, has come out for Bryan, and the Bee will from now on urge the election of the Democratic ticket. Mr. Daniels Is one of the most extensive merchants In Southern Illinois, having large stores In Iuka, Johnsonvllle, Orchardvlllc, Rlnard and other places. He Is also a large land owner and conducts a private bank at Iuka. He Is also nn old soldier, having served three years In the One Hundred and Eleventh Illinois Regiment In the Civil War. Mr. Daniels's declaration for Brjan will have much effect in this and surrounding counties, where ho is so well known. In one editorial of the Bee this wek he closes with this sentence: "If Bryan Is elected President, the Consti tution of the United States will remain larger than the President and Congress." SOLDIERS DIED ON TRANSPORT. Nine Expired En Itnutc From Ma nila, Two More Yesterday. San Francisco, Cab. Oct. 19. Two deaths occurred this morning on the Sherman, which arrived from Manila last night. They were Private James M. Italics. Company H, Thirty-seventh Infantry, and Private James H. Richardson. Company F, Thirty-ninth Infantry. Both men were In a serious condition when they left Manila. Nine soldiers died on the voyage. They were: Teter Savey, Company E. Nineteenth Infantry; John F. Carroll, prisoner, late ot Company L, Thirty-sixth Infantry; William Gordon, Company B, Engineers' Corps; Wil liam II. Moore, Company L, Ninth Infantry; John M. Thompson. Company B, Engineer Corp?; Henry Sutter. Company L, Thirty second Infantry; Bert J. Emmons. Battery E. First Artillery: Edward J. Anderson, Troop A, Eleventh Cavalry; Edwin Ellis, Company E. Forty-seventh Infantry. OREGON'S CAPTAIN BLAMELESS. Accident in Pe-Chi-Li Gulf Was Unavoidable. Washington, Oct. 19. Secretary Long has ordered that there be no further proceedings In the case of Captain Wilde of the Oregon. A court ot Inquiry was Investigating to determine the responsibility for the grounding ot the battleship In the Gulf of Pe-Chi-IJ last summer while hurrying to Tnfcii from Shanghai. This action finally disposes of the matter. 1 HKSHRastfwHYK -.Y ru- tsa&afrhauk- ROBBERS WORKED UNDER PISTOL FIRE. Bank Safe Dynamited and "Rifled While Citizens Poured Bul lets Into the Place. CONSTABLE M0RAN KILLED. Fifty Shots Exchanged in the Darkness Two Thieves Worked While Three Fought to Protect Them. republic srnciAi.. Nevada. Mo.. Oct. ID. The Bank of Bron augh. fifteen miles southwest of Nevada, was dynamited and robbed and Constable William Mornn wos killed in a fight with tho robbrrrf early this morning. About 1 o'clock Mr. G. O. Blau was awakened by a shot In tho direction of tho bank. Ho aroused Doctor Holme3 and Doctor Donovan, his neighbors. They heard a shot at the hotel about half a block away and across the street. Immediately following the shot they heard some one groan and thought the Marshal had killed a robber. The three citizens promptly opened flro in the direction of tho bank, which Is Just across the street from tho hotel. It wns so dark that they were unable to sec anything but the flash of the powder when the robbers commenced re turning the fire. They believed that Mr. Moran was standing on his porch engaged In tho fight with the robbers. Not a word was rpoken that tliey could hear, during tho fight. During the firing successive explosions were heard Insldo the bank as one party of the robbers steadily worked a way Into the safe. There were evidently three robbers on tho outsldo who held rtspectlvo positions near the hotel and bank. The citizens heard the balls whistling near them. Two balls struck the corner of the Blau store and one buckshot struck tho corner of the doctors' ofllco. As nearly ns could be ascertained, fifty shots were fired. Tlio number nas about equally divided between tho two parties. The robbers stopped firing first and slipped away In the darkness, apparent ly without being hurt. They had rervo enough to stay until the Job was entirely completed, though they were probably un der tire about fifteen minutes. It wns thought there were five robbers, three of whom acted ns guards on the outside whllo two did the work of blasting. Money lllonn to lMroen. Sheriff A. Ewing Is In pursuit with a well-armed posse. When the bank was ex amined after the robbers left, all the doors we're standing open. The vault door had been blown ojen with nitrogljccriii. Charles llrubaker, the owner and cashier of tho bank, said the safe contained tl.Co. Of that amount, u few dollars In silver and the fragments of four J10 bills were found in the debri. The paper money had Iveen blown to pieces, o that It was barely pos sible to recognize its denomination. A small votellne bottle, which had evidently con tained nitroglycerin, and a little chunk of solt soap, partly wrapped In brown parer. t had been left by the robbers on the safe. I A cold chisel alid a pick without a handle were al&o found In the room. The robbers carried away all the notes and valuable papers of the bapk. The loot ed bank was Insured againrt robbery by the Bankers' Mutual of Des Moines, la.. In tho sum of I3.ju0. The Hankers' Protective As soclatlon. of which this bank a mem- i hw. will offer a reward for th ont,.r nr ' btr, will offer a reward for the capture of the robbers. Constable Moran. who was killed, was asleep in the hotel, which he owned. Just across from the bank, when awakened by the explosion. He stepped to the door with his Winchester. One of the robbers Was standing guard in iront of the hotel, and was probably standing on the porch. As I mt. .Moran op.. w.e uoor nc saiu: uet puoIlcan partyt by , disregard of the' away from there, or 1 II till you full of i . , . - ,. ... , . lead." At that instant the robber tired the principles of our Republic, and by Its ad fatal shot, and his victim fell in the door- vccac" o policies repugnant to the doctrine way. No one ventured onto the porch until i of self-government, has left us no choice ! the firing had ceased. Then Mr. Moran but to summon all lovers of the Declaration was found still alive, but unconscioust. Ho of Independence to the defense of that sa llved only about thirty minutes after being crei document and the Constitution framed sbot, and did not regain cansciousness. in accordance with It." A HOPELESS WRECK. LEADING TOPICS is TO-DAY'S REPUBLIC. l'or IImonrI Fair Snlnrilay; prol ntily ruin nml coolfr unrfnys cooler nniitliitrly 'nillds. For Illinois Fnlr Snlnrilayi wnrm in Koutlirrii portion! Sunday, ceiirrn-lj- fnlr, rxrrpl nollly rnln In nnrth vrost portion; lirlnlc miutlirrly vrluils. Page. 3. Tremendous Docker' Meeting at Mar shall. Cannot Support McKlnley. Georgi" Dnnlt'In Now for Ilry111- Robbera Worked Under Flro. "Supreme- Court Has Ruled Agalnt Holding Colonie"." Athletic Priest Appears In Trunks. Ilrjan at ltochetr. New York. -. Germany Again Alarms Powers. Kwang Su's Note and the Keply. Youtsey Case Goes to Jury. Payne Failed to Mako Answer. 3. Accused of Intent to Kill J. W. Gates. Republicans Begin Intimidation. 4. Race Track Results. Sporting News. 5. Seks Her Children, Who Wero Ab ducted. Thinks Her Son Was Kidnaped. Closing Day nt the Ex. Two Switch Bills in the Council. Murderrd for His Money. Jewels Stolen From n Trunk. . Church News nnd Announcements. Sunda-chool Lesson. 7. War Imminent in Central America. Rice Case Experts Agree and Disagree. Notes of the City. Death of Mrs. S. A. Beauvals. General Lf-o Siys Cubans Are Divided. S. Editorial. Double Wedding on East Sldo. Society Notes No Hitch in Elopers' Finns. Unique Will Was Signed by a Cross. t. Gossip About American and English Authors. Fresbjteries Are Greatly Divided. 10. Republic Want Advertisements. Record of Births, Marriages, Deaths. 11. Republic Want Advertisements. Grain and Produce. Cattle Sales. 13. Financial News. River Telegrams. Th Railroads. U. Republican Fight on E. C. Hcncken. Guardian Appointed to Consent to Her Marriage. Trade Reviews. Putting Through the Amendments. BRYAN'S LETTER OF ACCEPTANCE MAILED Defines the New Paramount Issue to the Silver Lincoln Republican Party. Rochester. N. Y.. Oct. 20. William J. Ervnn Tnallf- tMo TYnrntnr his IttA n ,i .,, ., ., ,- t,.,. . , ! cePt'ns 'e nomination for President given J him by the Silver Lincoln Republicans. In the letter, which is a brief one, Mr. Bryan quotes from Abraham Lincoln In de fense of tho principles enunciated In the Declaration of Independence. He adds: "In 1S95 the money question was the ques- tlon of paramount importance, but the Re ATHLETIC PRIEST APPEARS IN TRUNKS. The Ueurend M. O'Flaherty Wins Contest for Putting ."G-Pound Weight in Coliseum. HIS CALLING WAS NOT KNOWN. Assistant Pastor of St. Vincent's Church Was Filtered Merely as "M. O'Fiaherty" His Iden tity Developed Afterward. M. O'Flaherty was announced as the win ner of the contest for putting a tlfty-sl-pound weight in the Coliseum last night. The name blng a new one In athletics hereabouts, many persons wondered who It could be, as the man put the heavy weight in a style that proved him no novice at the gnme. An Investigation developed the interest ing fact that M. O'Flaherty was nono other than the Catholic priest of that name, who !. tho assistant pastar of St. Vincent's Crurch. nt TaIor and Enston avenues. When Interviewed by a Rrpublle reporter after his easy win. Father O'Flaherty did not seem to like the Idea of his feat being made :i matter for publication, but. never theless, did not hcsiO'0 to give a few facts about himself, so that people might know he was an athlete "in his day." Father O'Flaherty has been in America only three years. Previous to coming here he was a winner In many weight-throwing contests In Ireland, whero ho was cdticatrd for the priesthood. He now holds1 the Irish record for putting the tncnty-elght-pound shot, having hurled It a distance of thirty-thret- feet. He hns put the fifty-slx-pound phot twenty-two feet, which was way above his mark of la.'t night, twenty feet five and one-half Inches. The athletic priest Is In favor of all kinds of athletics, nnd Indulges In many forms of exercise hlmelf. Including blcvcle nnd horseback riding. As a high jumper he has won events in I113 native country with Jumps of slxty-dght Inches. An idea of how good this Is may be gained from the fact that both high jump events at the Coliseum have been won with 8lxty--ight-inch Jumps. Father O'Flaherty has dona no training for the events ho competed In. Last Mon iliy night he won the third prize in putting tne sixieen-pounu snoi. ne mso competed In tho heavy-weight throwing event, but ns he did not get first prize, no one seemed to pay much attention to him. As to the question of propriety In com peting In athletic contests, dressed In eho regulation clothes of a sleeveless shirt and a pair of trunks. Father O'Flaherty says that no possible harm can b.? done, and that the exercise he gets with the Idea of competing in those events keeps him in such good health that he can do a great deal more work In tho lino of his rarish duties. The Reverend Mr. O'Flaherty Is very popular In his parish, where he Is callf-d upon to preach frequently. Oa the programme the young priest he 13 not over 27 jears of age was entered a Christian Brothers' College man. Tom Altken. who has teen shot-putters here and in the old country, never having heard of a C. B. C. weight-thrower before, watched hini put the thot In practice at the Coli seum and at once picked him out as the winner of the X-pound event. Father O'Flaherty says that, barrins tho possible Interference of the Archbishoo ho will compete It: any of his favorite contes's that may te held in St. Louis hereafter ' Tha other contests of the evening faded Into Insignificance beforo the unusual sight of a minister of the gospel comi-.tint. i short trunks before an audience of about 1,500 persons. Nevertheless, there was a ! 4J0-yards run that stirred up every man in the bulldl-g. John King winning tho race from Harry Klener by a margin of three 1 ""-", m.tiwuK a. gum in rne stretch of fully a yard. The summaries; Two hundred and twen ty yards dash: First heat Gwynne Evans first: Bert Bali, second. Time. S3 3-J. Sec ond neat J. A. King, first; F. A. Quinn Fecor.d. Time. :K-i-5. ' Putting fifty-slx-pound shot Th-j Rev erend M. O'Flaherty, first, a) feet 5i inches: William Bick. second. 17 feet S Inches: F. Scbosttler, third, 17 feet 1 Inch. Four hundred and forty yards run John A. King, first; Harry J. Klener, second: Fied Qulnn. third. Time, :59. Record-Creaking Crowds Greet the Party at Every Stop and There Is No Diminution of Enthusiasm Speaks to Cornell Students. BY I.ANGDON SMITH. ni:i'i'iu.H' spkciai. Rochester. N. Y.. Oct. 19. William Jen nings I!ran to-diy paj-.-ed nlorg the Grape Brit and throuch sn lnnselj IJ-publl"m rf'PUlat!in. where McKlnley banners In tN proportion of t n to on'. Notwith standing this fact the crowds along the routo were large, frl'nd'y nnd inf.uvHstle. Bryan was In much letter form than on v.tTday A qui"! night's ret hsd tnsile his olce cler ami reronan' mil had bright ened !.!n up phys'cally and mentally. After the his- m-et'.nE list night at Os wigo and Syracuse, the lical Democratic coTmlttemfn fxp'essed their lelief that Brjan would mrry both thpe cl'l.s Judg. Bulger stands sponsor for Osweco at lea-t It Is openlv ts--erted here that Bryan will carry the State. Never In his ent're career his Mr. spoken to a greater or more enthusiastic crowd at one time than t"iat which gathered around the Power? IIoue to grctt him In Rochester to-n!ght. There were E.o-0 persons at the depot. Two hundred uniformed panniers with torches wheeled into line behind Urjan's carriage, nnd the cavalcade went -ollin; up the streets, followed by t. dark cloud of humanity. It is no exaggeration to say that 3.0Co persons w-Te parked alone Main street in the three blocks In front of the hotel. They wre packed as closely together as they could stnnd. The deep voice of liryin float ed nut over their heads. roi'BIITTIl SIIAKK HIIVAVS HAM). This huge gathering was regarded by the wise men In the Bryan party as a standing protest against Imperialism and the trusts. Bryan i-poke for twenty minuter on the l-M-ues of the campaign, after which thTe was another strusgle. Men fought their way to his carriage wheels to shake his hand. Finally he succeded in reaching Fltzhugh Hall, where another larg crowd of per haps 5.0(0 awaited him There wa- nn land ing room, elthir in or around the hall, t was by far the rre-itet demonstration or tl o tour. At various points along the route there wer- evider.cis of peculiar Republican prc perity. which Bryan dwelt upon with par ticular emphasis during tho day. At Ludlow, where the Salt Trust owns a riant, the wages of the imn have been re duced from $!.;) to $1.15 per day. and every man In the works will vote Tor Bryan. The price of salt has gono up and wages have gono down. The men certalnlv show no signs ot the full dinner pall In their ap pearance. At other points there were huge factories lylrg idle, besido the track, with the doors grown rusty on their hinges from long dUuse. They had suffered the blight of Republican trust consolidation. rixns A ista:nck OF ATTCJIl'TEl) COIMICIOX. Almost every large factor- or manu facturing concern in this part of the State Is using. all efforts to Intimidate the men. In Auburn it was declared that the man ager of a large reaper company has threat ened to close down this big concern In case Brjan Is elected. In other words, if the 70 men working for him do not sell "SUPREME COURT WE CAN HOLD David 0. Hill's Speech on the Paramount Issue at Chicago. Chicago, Oct. 15. An audience of COM peo ple crowded the Second Regiment Armory to-night to listen to nn ad.Irets by former Senator Pavid Bennett Hill of New York. A great number of people were unable to get Into the armor-, and, for their benefit, several outdoor speeches were made by local orntorr. When Senator Hill arrived at tho armory, accompanied by Maj-or Carter Harrison, he was glen a magnificent ovation. Mayor Harrison Introduced Mr. Hill, call ing forth a prolonged outburst of applause. It was fully lle minutes before the cheer ing subsided sufficiently to allow Senator Hill to begin his address. Throughout Us delivery he was accorded a generous amount of applause. Senator Hill said. In part: Government by Injunction. "Tho Democratic platform declares against what Is popularly known as "gov ernment by Injunction." This pbraso has been much misapprehended and has been subjected to many misrepresentations. Op position is what is properly comprehended in that term. It does not mean an approval of the total abolition of the writ of Injunction. "The term 'government by Injunction" has come to signlfj-. In the popular mind, an abuse of th power to Issue injunctions and to mean lp unrestrained and arbitrary exercise by Judicial officers of the Govern ment. It alro Includes tho Inadequate regu lation of the proceedings for the summary punishment of those who are alleged to have violated the commands of the writ. "Opposition to such abuses and oppor tunities for Injustice is what Is meant In recent years by opposition to government by Injunction. The Constitution Precludes Colonics. "The Supremo Court of the United States has already decided the constitutional ques tion Involved, and held (19 Howard, 3KS 117) that 'thero la no power givtn by the Con stitution to establish or maintain colonies, bordering on the United States or at a distance, to be ruled and governed at Its own pleasure." "Permit me to suggest that our oppon"nts, who, during the memorable campaign of 1K, so severely took to task those Demo crats who had enturid to criticise a certain noted decision of the Supreme Court ad verse to their views, should not themselves now refuso to respect and accept as con clusive the tlme-honortd decision of that high tribunal, expressly sustaining the Democratic position in this campaign In reference to the unconstitutionality of American colonial governments. Democratic Chnnres Are Bright. "William J. Bryan does not need to be Introduced or described to an American audience. The people know him the farm ers, the mechanics, the laborers, the mer chants, the bankers, the editors, the law yersall classes of the community have studied the history ot hla life and public their .suffrage wholesale they may consider themselves out of a situation. With these big trust corporations in this portion of the Sta'e. the voting franchise is npnrent'v the only sv-illahle afct that huUN a workir-rrun t. his job. If he sells his vot- to hW liipuMIcnn 1kss, ho can work. If he keep-, his wit- for his own use. he can starve. Tliia is the mighty ful.-rum being used by Republicans to de feat the election of Bryan. But wh-rever Urvnn speaks he makes fr!nds and v.herevi-r he has made friends in the pr.-e-.t tour he h?s persuaded them, to vote according to tliflr own convlc tir.s. The S!r.-t stop of the day was at Solvar. where the immense works r the soda ash company are situited. Here Mr. Bryan spoke to about l.OOO laboring men. It seemed ns if all Auburn was crowded into Seward Park around the statue of Governor Se ward. Th-- crowd r.'iml"Ted about 10.WM. On the platform stood up. and Bryan had to stir. I ot tw eampstols. There were 7.C-j persons In DeWitt Tark In Ithlca when Bryan mounted the platform to face the Cornell students. He was far cooler than thev. The bovs began to rlnr out the Cornell cheer with a Bryan ac companiment. Half a dozen girls dis played a McKlnley banner. In the rear if the crowd a eoterle of students began to cheer for McKinley. Others jelled for Brj-an. 1 i-s ovnn Tin: !TlDi:vr AT COK.SjKI.!,. The students cheered and j.ered several questions Mr. Bryan then said that he would answer anj- questions anybody might ask provided the questioner would stand up. He paused and gazed Inquiringly, hut there were ro questions, and Brj'an con tinued to pa- lilA respects to the trusts. Suddenly n olee Interrupted: "'How about sdher?" Mr. Bryan rp!ird- "I tard to-day where William MeKlnUy u.-"d to stand before hr bowed to the dictation Wall street. It jcu will defend him for changing his opin ion 1 will defend mjseif for not changlns mv opinion " Binghamton tuin-d out a crowd that was little short of wonderful. Special trains '.had arrhej fiom half a U.zen different pcint. i-nd a thteng or 20.ftlo persons were cheering around the gr-cd bland of 'h rccc track when Bryan arrived. His speech was continually Interrupted by cheers. The entire crowd seemed to be his friend. For his speech he took a text from a transparency which had been placed In front of the grand stand It read as fol lcws: , "Elnghamto.i match factcry and Weed's tannery have been closed by the trusts. There are no trusts." Mark Hanna. With thlj meeting Mr. Brjan was ex ceedingly well pleased. It seeme.! to be his Idea that the action of the trusts, through out this part of the State would greatly help the Democratic caue. As Mr. Brj-an's dinner was blng pre pared on the special nt 7 o'clock, the train struck a double curie at a speed of sixty miles an hour. The Democrats wer ted about liku tenpins and the dishe-r trmblcd about tho table, but no serious damage was done. HAS RULED NO COLONIES. 99 sssssssssss CONSTITUTION BARS AfilERICAN COLONIES. "The Supreme Court of the United States has already decided the con- stltutional question Involved and meld s (19 Howard. EH-447) that There Is no power given by the Constitution to s establish or maintain colonies. bordering on the L'nited Sutes. or at a distance, to be ruled and gov- erned at Its own pleasure." "IVrmlt me to suggest that our s s opponents, who. during the memors- s able campaign of 1EH. so severely took to task those Democrats who t had ventured to criticise a certain noted decision of the Supreme Court, adverse to their views, should not. themselves, now refuse to re- s spect and accept as conclusive the time-honored decision of that high tribunal expressly sustaining the Democratic position In this campaign s$ In reference to the unconstitutlon- allty of American colonial govern- ments." Extract From a Speech D- Hvcred Last Night at Chicago by s David Bennett Hill of New York. sssssss4a services. He has stood the public scrutiny as no other modem statesman has done, and the people are satisfied with what they have heard and seen, and are read- to cast their suffrages for him. If elected and his prospects are Improving every day and hour he will discharge the high and ardu ous duties of chief executive of the nation to the satisfaction and honor of the Amer ican people. The political skies are growing brighter every day and hour, nnd the prospects of victor" arc most encouraging. Every Dem ocrat Is falling Into line, and preparing lo do battle for the good cause, the cause of good government, the cause of humanity, the cause of Bryan and Stevenson, tha cause of our country and Its best interests. "A long pull, a strong pull and a pull all together and tho victor will be ours." ALLIES IN PAO-TING-FU. Reports Say the Column Was Not Seriously Opposed. Tien-Tsin, Oct. 19. Reliable unofficial re ports say the advance guard of the allied forces entered Pao-Tlng-Fu Wednesday. October 17. Tht city. It Is added, was prao tlcally deserted, and offered no resistance. The British column captured seventeen Imperial soldier at We-Nan-SIen, October 10. who were part ot the force of 2,000 men sent to disperse the Boxers In that region. The captives assert that they killed 969 Boxers, and were returning to Pa-Chow when they were fired upon and dispersed by tha French. a ti- 3uar Ilcan, ; lass that tte Irhea that ' ler lea. no raiar rdef ! oS j Ho -Mr. -this r to ;cch 1 la om th "!n-Ich- diar ion. of ths last and llns was ir - Ul J. id!- 3 Ad -It- fc Jir K Z , rr". V.-- .. -