Newspaper Page Text
THE REPUBLIC: SATURDAY. OCTOBER 20. 1900. t I 'I-" 1 i U it i1 !l 1 M A 4 j. i!M f t-M ?5 J. i It i U' I? f rv .1? tft TO-DAY'S NEWS IN BRIEF. BUSINESS. Discount rates -were S to 7 rer cent on call and Mme loans. Clearings. $10j.4S2: balances. $513,37. New York eTchange. GOo J discount bid, 40c discount aelted: Iuls vllle. S5c discount bid. par askei; Chicago, 5c discount bid. 25c discount asked: New Orleans. 3c dicour.t bid. pir u-keJ: Cin cinnati. 3c discount bid. par asked The local wheat market cloed higher at Tie n Oct- TTVc b Dec. TT'.c b JIhj. .3 7c No. I red. Corn e loed higher at In o a. Oct.. 3IVr,c b Dec . 3.W b. Mav K'-tr 3Sc No. 2 white. Onts closed liiEher at 3".c n Oct . X'-c b Dec 2Tie b. Ma). fas No ? Tho loil market for standard men" pork Io-cd stronaer at SIS for new. Prime ste im Inrd clo-cd stronger at C S:?c for Eat S'de The local ""pot cotton market closed quiet and l-16o low or. TjOCAI AND SUBURBAN. The seventeenth annual St. Louis Ex position closes to-d.-iy Jewels worth SlA'l were stolen from the trurk of Mrs C S. McOulre while on her way to Cincinnati from a visit in St. Iyiul. - t Titwti er n en vnrs of f nut let" search for' his brother. Gust-iv. Ins appealed for assinanco to the Ocrman Consul. The City Council takes another ret of a Mr. John Buseh. who died In the Ash ley building, bequeathed property worth nearly $1,300 to her husbana. Ttepubllcars are sending out threatening circulars to Democrat" to prevent them from voUng in November. Democrat? nominate three candidates ror State Senator and six for Representative In the Legislature. An accidental the Imperial Electric i L ght M Power Compaq's plant caused a brief upell of darkness downtown. Mrgmiv Bonner and Joseph Britt eloped to SU Charles. Mo. and were wed The Democrats State Committee filled lu enncie, on the State ticket, caused by resig nations of Presidential Uectors Kmma Thompson '.S?1"!, , hiving a-aulted Susi- Hensel while street railway men's strike was on. Mr. Mirla Johnson, whose husb urn claims she Is a victim of spiritualistic se ances. Is at City Ho-p'tal. R Percv Kennett. a native of St Lou.s. was killed bv the accidental dl-charge of his own revolver -it Victor. Mont. Abram N Milner. former Street Commis sioner, who dis.ppeaml last summer, has been heard from .it Webb Otv, Mo. t; T Morris was arrested in Chicago on a 'charge of plotting to kill John W Gates. Mor-is underwent treatment here for the drink habit last month Marv Zubellk and Peter Hartman. sot a license to wed after appljing five times. GENEPM. DOMESTIC. A reception and banquet were tendered to Frank A. Vanderlip. Assistant Secretary of Treasury or the United States, bj St. Ixmis officials and bankers. Mrs Bonier, her -on and daughter are strickc.i with diphtheria, and three other children are under observation. Mrs. Svlvanle A. Beauvals daughter of Joseph Robidoux. founder of St. Jo-eDh. Mo . Is dead. The Wabash and Iron Mountain railroad ask City Council for switch privileges. The picture found on the unldenti'ied dead man in Arkansas is that of Jennie Rlckebj She does not know- the man Editor Arthur Prcuss and Pauline Beuch mann. and William Beuchmann and Eliza beth Wclte are to participate la a douhlo wedding in East St. Louis. The Youtsev cae 1ms gone to tro jury, which will make Its flrs-t report this i morn ing The defendant's condition Is sllgntli .Improved. The preHbjtcries o Tar heard .ran en the question of creed revision are wider divided, some favoring revision, lome sub stitution, some a supplement to the present creed and others the dropping of the ques tion altogether. Miss Lillian Costlow. flancco of rerrell. the Felf-confcscd train robber, took the stand -the trial at Marjsville. O . jesterday and testified nfjainrt him. He has broken down and Is a very sick man, in his cell. SPORTING. Mascagnt. Dangerfield. Weidemon. Poyrtz. Tour Leaf C. and Captain Gaines were the winners at Klnloch Park. RAILROADS. A movement Is under way In New Tork to Increase the salaries of ticket agents Trafhc managers of Eastern trunk lines .are trying to improve the rate situation on westbound traffic. H C Bush has been appointed general trafllc manager of the Colorado Midland. A company ha been Incorporated In New Jersey to run a railroad through the Yel lowstone Park. The Dubuque and Sioux City elected offi cers for ensuing j ear. The rise. In Vanderbllt stocks has caused rumors of several Impending deals. Jacob Newman of Chicago savs be will contest the eligibility of Edwin Gould as president of the St. Louis Southwestern. An inspection party of the C. P. & St. L. arrived here yesterday. The Canadian Pacific threatens to brak away from the antl-commlsslon agreement. Marine Intelligence. New Tork. Oct. 19 Arrived: Patricia, from Hamburg's Kaiser Frlederich, from Hamburg. Hamburg. Oct. 19 Arrived: Pennsylvania, from New Tork. Glasgow. Oct. 19. Sailed: Sardinian. New Tork. Moville. Oct. 19 Sailed: Furnesia, from Glasgow. New Tork: Parisian, from Liver pool, Montreal. Southampton. Oct. 15 Sailed: Columbia (from Hamburg), New York. Havre. Oct. 19 Arrived: La Tonraina. New York. Napier. Oct. 19. Arrived: Ems. New Terk. via Gibraltar, for Genoa (and pro ceeded). Cherbourg, Oct- 19 Sailed: Steamer Co lumbia (from Hamburg and Southampton). New Tork. Brow Head. Oct. VO. 1 a. m -Passed: Steamer Etrurta. New York for Queens- tewn and Liverpool. New York. Oct. 19. Arrived: Steamer Werra. Genoa. Naples and Gtbraltar. Tlie Beat Precrn op ". Chil.s and Ft ! a bottle of Grove Talttlni .rorn," S.rS&jr.aSd gaacW STRIKE SETTLEMENT BLOCKED. Operators and Miners at Odds Over Powder Question. Hazleton. Pa . OcL 19. Tbe settlement of the b'S strike of anthracite mine workers Is undoubtedly blocked by the question of the price miners will be asked In future to pay for powder. Emplojcrs have agreed to pay their men i per cent more than they were paid before the strike began, but tlie insist that in figuring the net advance of 10 per cent the reduction of Sl.Z a keg In the price of powder sba'.l be taken Into consideration. The miners apparently want to g back to work for the 13 per cent advance and then rrbitrate the question whether they ore to get their powder cheaper as an additional condition. It Is not believed that the mine owners will grant any such demand, and their re fusal may mean the indefinite prolongation of the strike. The spirit of Jubilation that prevailed in this resion on Wednesday has given way to a feeling of disappointment. This is appar ent everywhere. OIE COLLIERY WORKITO. Shenandoah. Pa.. Oct. 19 The Cambridge coll'ery resumed operations to-day under a promise to the employes that the 10 per cent advance would be granted and the eliding scale abolished. FOR A COLD IK THE HEAD InaUve-JUromo-Qulxta Tablet. GERMANY AGAIN ALARMS POWERS. Fear Expressed That tlie KaNfr Mar Seize Pome Chine-e Territory. CZAR WOULD DO LIKEWISE. Authorities IMeased With Count I.aini'-dortrs Interview, and Be lieve That the Russian Kuler Siucerelv Desires Peace. IlEPUBMC SPECIAL Washington. Oct. 19 Administration offi cials and diplomats accredited to this Gov ernment were deeply interested to-day in the cabled Interview with Count Lamsdorff. Rusia'h Minister for rore'gn Affairs, out linli g Itussla's pollcv in China. M Dewollant. the liusslan Charge d'Af falres, said" Russia made formal declarations of her purpose to the Powers when on Aucut . last, her diplomatic representatives, in accord nice with Instructions received from St. Petersburg, repeated that she had no territorial designs on China: that her pur rose was to act with tlie other Powers In ei-tnblisliing tho safety of tho foreign lega tions in Tekln and to nid tho Chinese Gov ernment in suppressing disorders Her oc cupation of Manchuria was solely for de fensive purposes" In the official view ther can h no with drawal br Russia from this declaration, ard the officials express den Hatisract'on til it through Its Minister for Foreign Afilrs the Rus-inn Government has agiin given e-pres-dem to Its pollcv along lines identical with those sot forth in its officiil circula te the Powers The authorities fullv understand tint Rus la proposes to protect her own Irterrsts. and thev applaud her purpose In this re spect With til- United States. Rusia and France oppn.ed to dismemberment, it Is un likely that anv other Power will attempt to seize territorv- At thesnrre time there 1 the prave danger of Genrnnv precipitating mich a eontlneen ev and or Great Britain following suit, and then, of cour". as .a natural rnnequem.r. wou'd extend ber sovereignty over Northern China Wateli Rrrmanr ml Rnssln. An ofieial here, who Is deeplr Interested In fie solution of the rhlnese question In .a manrer which will preserve th territorial fqpltvof the Rmpire m-de tbi st.atement" There are tin nations whose pollcv In Chl-n mii't be sharrlv watehel One Is Gerrnnv and the other Is Rula The foTnr will attempt to tVe territorv nv brute force The nthe- will oppose such pol'cv. It will ntii.vt to ih. entrance of Germany into Nn-thern rn,na and It will use its best efforts tn rrake a peaceful solution pnsth!o Ard when peace has been restoied Russia will iv to fhlnT "We would 1'ke this bit of terrl'orv in the north You have a greit deal W showed our friendship for von nrhen oI were In trouble We withdrew our troon and made every effort to restore peace Now why not give ns thij. when we ask so little "And China." cn-Kded th's gentleman. "will say. -es' This was the pollcv pur sued subsequent to the Jap mese War. and It secured Port Arthur and T.illen-Wan and gave Ru-sla control of Manchuria.' It will be seen from this that efforts are still being made to discredit RussU's mo tives The Powers that are not in accord with the principles which have guided the Czar's Government In the international ne gotiations regardlrg China have not been lnicttve. and the quotation given above In dicates that thev have succeeded In creat ing the belief in some quarters that Rus sia has ulterior designs not consistent with her professions It can be reoll'sd to this, however, that Kuss-in's actions from the beginning of the trouble ill China hive be n In complete harmonv with her professions and thire .s no nason to suppose that they will b othrwlre. MERLIN Ft RT1IEII II- TIMIKI. Berlin, Oct. 19 The joint note of Li Hung Chans and Prince Chlng has not made .1 good impression In Government circles here. The general comment Is that the noto re ids more like conditions imposed upon the conqueror than the reverse. Doctor Mumm von Schwartzenstein. Ger man Minister to China, will arrive In Pe kin in the course of a few dujs. LI Hung Chang and Prince Chlng will bo informed formallj of tlie conditions upon which the Powers have agreed. Germany takes the view, however, that such a declaration by the Powers could not be considered tho commencement of negotiations, as such .1 step as negotiating for peace would onl be possible after the removal of all doubt that LI Hung Chang and Prince Chlng are fully empowered by the Chinese Imperial court. KENTUCKY. SAILS TO-DAY. New Battleship Htarts on Long Voyage to China. Washington. Oct. 29 Th- new battleship Kentuck sails to-morrow on her long trip to China, which will take about two rronths. Sho has been t the navy j.ird for some time making flml preparations, and Is now gone to Tompklnsvllle preparator) to u start .n the morning. Tho gunboats Vicksburg and Annapol!. which are alo to go to China, will follow In about two weeks. The Frolic, which has been designated to take tho place of tho Dorothe for rimilar service, is In good condition for a start, but probably will be detained In ord"r to furnish more extensive quarters for the large number of oillecrs assigned to ner. REPORT A REBEL DEFEAT. Admiral Ho Said to Tlave Routed the Enemy. Hons-Kong. Oct. la The military man darin at San-Chun reports that Admiral Ho has d.reuted the rebels, killing 10 of them and driving the survivors Into th" Northeast River. DENOUNCE THE EMPEROR. Rebellion Aimed Solely at the Manchu I) naMy. Shanghai, Oct. 19 Sun Yat Sen, the re former, and other so-called rcb-!s have Is sued n manifesto to the local Mandjrtns of the Vang-tse Vallev derouncing the gross mi-government of the Manchu lnatv and proml'lng not to-lnterfere with native con verts. R. PERCY KENNETT KILLED. Native of St. Louis Victim of Acci dental Discharge of His Pistol. St. Paul. Minn . Oct. 19 A spec ial to the Pioneer Press front Helena, Mont. says. "R. Percy Kennett. member of the State Game and Fish Committee, and a wealthy and promlnert sportsman and cattle or ner, accidental! shot and killed hlmelt at Vic tor. While rumaging through .1 drawer a loaded revolver fell to the floor and was discharged, the bullet crashing through his head. Kennett was a stepson of ex-Governor and son-in-law of A. M. IIoI ter. a millionaire mining man. He was a partner of Granville Stuart and took part in the famous raid led by tint pioneer through Judith County, during which many cattle rustlers were shot and hangeil. Ken At. w,. 30 .crarfl old nnrl native of St. LouU." KWANG SU'S NOTE AND THE REPLY. Chinese Emperor Pleads for Ameri can Aid in Restoring Peace. GRATEFUL FOR PAST FAVORS. .McKipley S.iu All lloverninenls .Must p.. Satisfied of the Ruler's Ability to Punish the Offenders. Wishlnslon. Oct 1? The message of the Chl'ese Kmperur to the President, tuning e trlv negetti itbns for a spttbmnt. and the President's npl ihircto. were made public to-d i .is fnMows. (Handed to tin- Preside-t liv Minister W Oetolur IT !. "T'le following telegraphic Imprrlul let ter, ditod n t-b-14 t' forwarded by tho Pnv Co incll from Turg-Kinn (in Shen-Si). and retransmitted from Fh inglml by Hi ret tor G neral Sheng. tinder d ite of Oe to!er b". has been received by Minister Wu " The i:mror of the Ta-Ts!ng Empire to bis Kxrelienry, the President of the United St.ites. Greeting. We are extremely grateful to jour i:cellencv for taking the initlitlve In the withdrawal of troops (from Pekln), and for consenting- In the Interest of friendly relations, to use vour kindly offices betweor China .and the fnendl Powers, who ben offended on account of the rnent upevpetttl uprising in China. " 'n therefore espee fallv delegate our Hn vov nxtnordinarv ird Minister Pionltn't'-n-tliry. Wu Ting to personallv deliver this telegraphic letter to vour Kvcellency. tonelng our sincere evpn sslon of thanks " 'Y b-g that 5 our Kcellenev. in the in terest of peaee and intern itlonal good tr illions, will ex.rt jour fritndlv Influence with the either Powers toward the complete efr.icement of nil 111 feeling and the speedy determination on their part to negotiate for a pt.ic.ful settlement For thl we s-hall feel unbounded gratitude towards jour Kxeellencj", v hoe good offices we nre now earnesth- hesee'chlns ' President MrKlnle'n Reply. "Communicated to Minister Wu for trans mission, October IS. ISO " 'Washington. October IS lW Ills Majes tv, Kwang tlii. Kinperor of China. Greet ing It lias afforded me much pleasure to receive jour Imperiil Majesty's telegraphic letter of October II, which lias be.n dcllv eied by jour Majestj's Minister at Wash ington "I cordiillv- -hare jour Mnjestj-'s wish that there nnv be .1 peace Till settlement of all questions between China and the Power-. whoe Interests and citizens liave ho grievcuslj suffered wrong in jour Majestj's eir minions, and that the outcome may ho the eomplite iTaecmeiit of ill feeling be tween them " 'The desire or this Gov ernment that such a settli ment m iv be brought about spee-d-ilv Ins bee 1 made known to all the Pow ers, and T trust that negotiations may 1 e Kin so soon as we and the other offended Governmerts shall be effectlvelj- sat!sfd of jour Majestv's ability and power to tint with Just sternnes the principal of fenders, who are dotiblv culpable not alone towards the foreigner, but towards jour Majestv. under wlosn rule the purpose of China to dwell in concord with the world has hitherto found expression In the wel come and protection assured to strange rs. "'WILLIAM McKINLKW " FERRELL'S FIANCEE ON WITNESS STAND. Self Confessed Train Robber's Sweetheart Testifies Against Him He Breaks Down. Mir.sUHe. O. Oct 11 Miss Lillian Cost low, who was engaged to be married to Ferrell. the clf-oonfeseMl train robber, was placed on the stand late this afternoon. Al though quite nervous, she did not at nnj time Ios- her composure She hesitated at time's, but It was evMeiitlj' the result of her de'ire to be explicit and positive rather than to evade the questions. She said she had become engaged to Fer rell in September. 1S91, a"d that shortlj- aft er the date for the wedding had been flxel for August Hi. l'tti. She told of the prepa rations for the wedding and of the money that Ferrell had given her to keep for him the day following the train robberj-. She said Terrell had tola her that ho had drawn it from a building and loan associa tion, and that It represented his avinss. She did not know the amount of the money. It was. in two packages, one containing gold and the other bills.. She also told the storj" of Ferrell's arrest at htr home on Suiidaj. two elajs after the reibberj-. Kdward M Weiodcock, a prisoner In the I'nlon County Jail, was placed on the stand and repeated a confession Ferrell had made to him It tallied clos-ly with that made bj Ferrell to the Columbus, po lice. When .asked bj- the defense how Terrell had come to make tho statement to him. he said: "Terrell must be 'cracked.' " Ferrell was taken sick in the Jail to night and a phjsiclan attended him. He Is apparentlj- weakening, and It Is feared he will have a nervous collapse. GIRL ORATOR VANQUISHED HIM. Then Frederick Kharong of St. Thomas. 111., I.ot His Temper. Tho little town of St. Thomas, near Kdwardsville. 111. is an en thusiastic municipalltj. whenever a campatgn Is on. Ju-t at present matters an- at a fever heat and dis-iu--sions occupy most of the time of the citi zens. The other !ay a debate was gotten up. Miss llertha Herb, the adopted daughter of the prefent Major. Julge Nagle. spoke for Brjan and Trcderiik Kharong. a prominent citizen, spoke for the admlnistritlon'H 'full dinnr pail." The joung lady was more than a match for her opponent, and refuted all his argu ments with such skill that he lost his tem per and the debate at the same time. Wii'n Mr. Kliarong's i-elf-control deserted him he w.i snmo pxnresiions a little too fctronj; for the rostrum, and his opponent left the platform. The following day her father. Judge Nagle. returned from New Douslas. where he had been transacting some business, and ..,. .h ne ihn ilolmter with jn axbandle. The latter was not brought Into plaj-. mere words proving strong enough to convince Mr. Kharong of his ungcnllemanly conduct and elnc the Interview he has not been teen In St. Thomas. Drraorrntlc Picnic sit Dallard. IlEl'l. I.UC M'hCI.VL IJutler, Mo. Oct. 13.-The Democrats of Northeast Rates County held a grJnd p.c nle at Hallard to-daj. General II. S. Clark made an able address. 141 Boarding Places Adverted In to-day's Republic YOUTSEY CASE HAS GONE TO THE JURY. First Report Will Re Made at ! O'Clock This Morning Xt Rallot laht Night. TAYLOR BLAMED FOR ABSENCE. Commonwealth's Attorney Bitterly Ciiticised Ilim Nelvm Refened to Packtd .luries, The De fendant Is Slightly Better. Georgetown. Kv., Oct 19 There will be no v-rd'et in the Youtev c,s,s to-nigl t. vvhen court met nt S : to-n!(,lit. the ejs.. was forimllv submitted to the Jurj. Tlie Judge told them thev could us- their own pleasure about eor-idi ring the ci" to-night or to-morrow mo'iiing. They decided to take the papers to their rooms to-night and report back .it 9 to-morrow morning and thev were sent to their bcardlnc-housn with that understanding. Yoiit-rVs condition to-Jilght is better than jesterdaj. He Is taking nourishment to dnv without trouble, and phvticlans stiy his tempernture. pulse and respiration are nor mal. e1non Mentioned Tncked .Inrles. Colonel Nelson began his speech In the Youtsev trial at 9 o'clock to-daj. He said the belief existed that Juries are lieing "packed" In th:e cases, "for the defend ant had been urahle to secure a Juror of hl own political faith to sit in t-e case." Continuing. Colonel Nelson asked the Commonwealth's attornej- whether he wouli ask that Yout-ev- be tried for firing tho shot or for aiding and abetting the fir ing. "I will leave that for the jury to dfter mlre." responded Franklin. In referring to Tout-cy's, present pbv s'cal condition. Colonel Nelson said he felt like asking: "Can a dead man have n fair trial as guaranteed by the Constitution? That Yout-ey is to all Intents and purpose of this, trial a dead man. Spoke for Flv Ilonr. He said Yout-ev had .1 right to deferd the Executive building If It hail been at tacked, and his having a gun on January T wa not suspicious because ev.rv other man in that building was nrmed nt that time. Continuing, be said the testimony plainly showed that Yout-ej- was not even In con templation of any crime, and that John RIcketfs -tnry thnt Yout-ey took twelve men into th hall and stationed th-m there shortly before the shooting was completely de-trojed. NeNon took up an the testimony and commented on It in detail. He sjvike 'or five hours and did not conclude till after 2pm Franklin eorel Tnjlor. Commonwealth Attorney Franklin be gan Ms speech at HCS this afternoon and spoke till T o'clock Ills eloquence at times was thrilling and he brought sobs or tears to all. even Judge Cantrtll en the bench and Julge Askew of tlie defense be ing visibly affected. He scored ex -Governor Tavlor. saying if he had two sparks of eourag he would re turn here and help Youtsey out of this trouble, if anv of the witnesses had lied on Yout-ev: that If T.ajlor hud even only one spark of manhood he would now commit suicide under tb whip or his con-clence. He fitted .all the testimony togethr. .an! told the Jurv that nil those thing t'stln'd to could not have been occidental. He -aid lr Arthur Goebe had told an untruth as to what Yout'ov told him. then Arthur Goebel was .a worse man than the one who assas sinated William Goebel He cited many incidents as told bv other wltn-svfs that corroborated what Youtsey told Goebel. and said ex-Governor Bradlej's absence as a witness practically eorrobo lated Culton'a testlmonj as to Youtsev. frr if Culton did not have a talk wlt'i Urad'ej-. then he ought to be willing to go a thousand miles to confound Culton and save Youtj from death. At 7 o'clock court adjourned till S.20. when th" rase was formally given to the Jury bv the Judge. RICE CASE EXPERTS AGREE AND DISAGREE Say Checks Presented by Patrick Were Forged, but Differ in Explaining Hon. New York. Oct. U.-The preliminary ex amination of Albert T. l'atnck and Charles T. Jones, charged v Ith attempting to de fraud the estate or Willi im M. Rice by a forred check for JT.OO. drawn In Patrick's favor on Swenson & Son-, b inkers of this cltj", was resumed to-daj-. Mr. Klnslej. an expert on handwriting, was recalled by the defense. Hl3 testlmony was urlmportaitf. !! was followed by Mr. Tvrrell of Milwaukee, also an expert on handwriting, for the prosecution. In his opinion tl-e signatures to the $25.iU0 and 30)1 checks, submitted to him. are for geries. Ills testimony cornhorated th it of Messrs. KinMry and Carvalho. Mr. Tyrrell said in nns'ver to Magistrate Rrann that the Tifth Avenue Trust checks, which the former declared to le forgeries, were written on the same dav. mid that tho trirlngs were done with .1 wet pt- Kxpert Carvalho said v.'terday thej were done with a drj pen Mr. House ..s'ted tro wltncs-. if he could recorclie his statement with that eif Cirvalho. A legal argument fellowrd between eounrel on both sides. Magistrate Rrann Interposed v Ith the re mark "That experts never .agree" Henry Tolman of Chicago, who described himself as a "microscopical expert." de-e-Iarcd the checks forcerlfs. He aUo pro nourced as forgeries the rlgmturcj to oth-T checks. Including one for tlS3 0.r. the latter on the Tifth Avenue Trust and papers of assignment and revocation or right. At this point Mr. Ofborne said: "The people rest." and on npnllcation of Mr. Hou-e an adjournment was taken to Wedne-daj next, when th" defi nse will be gin. Mr. House said he will finish on tht daj. . TERMINAL OFFICE CHANGES. W. S. Carson does to Philadelphia G. nanrauer His Succes"or. W. S. Carson, former jardtmster of the Terminal sj-stem, has resigned and will go to tho Philadelphia and Reuling lines. He will be succeeded by George Hanrauer. formerly chief clerk to General Superintend ent Dunlop of the Terminal Companj-. F. K. Bentlv. former secord t krk In Supprln. tendent Dunlop's otllce. will succeed Han rauer. The departure of Mr. Carson Is a matter of much regret to those with whom he was associated, as ho was verj' popu lar. His resignation toot effect lesterday. FAMILY STRICKEN WITH DIPHTHERIA. Mis. Ben.ler. Son and Daughter, at riiy Hospital anilTlnee Oilier Child! en Ciider Observation. DEATH CLAIMS ONE VICTIM. Willie. Five Years Old. T- Buri-d , on Thursday and Mother Be comes III Next Day Ali Aie in Danger. Iiis.jve has i,,i, a 1,, n han 1 upon the family of Mrs. M iry lienzkr of No. Mil Rulwer avenue. The motlitr, on- d lughter and a -on are at the fit Hospital, -offering from diphtheria Ultle Will!.- Hi nz ler. ". months old. ilfal of the -ickness Thursday and w i.s buried ve-irdav Three other rhildr. .1 arc IsoIiPd with the suf f"iTS. rind e ich was cxpettcd list night to develop "jmpi,,,,,, f Ine ml.,jy at anv mom' lit. The boy Willie was the first stricken. Tho seriousness of the complaint was not recognized, ami the other children cam" into Immediate een t let with him Flmllj' a doctor was called In. but It was too late. Tlie child dl'.l. and I is brothers and sifters had contracted diphtheria. nftr the funeral jesterday Mrs. Renzler w is tr!ekn Rut an hour or -o Htr Htrmin. a -on 4 jears old. de veloped the sjmpt'iin-. ami then Iiuisi lVnzW. in j-ars old lwnme sck. Mrs TVnzler then determ'n'd th it It would be let If th whole fimilv were removed to the CTtv Hospital. Tlie pediee were notitiel and an ambulance srpt for Thev were r-e It d at the hospital about S 30 0VI01 k last n'ght. anl were asslgred to ward No 1, the diphtheria ward. It was the opinion of Doctor NIetert that all tlie fnmllv would contract diphtheria, hut that. (-Ince the three who bid nlreadj- con tracted the dl-ease were In the Incipient Mages, the lives of all tould probably be snved. Mrs. Renzler Is married and sajs her hus bard's name Is John but that he left home a week ago and has not sent her anv indication i.f his whereabouts. m OFFICER BURKE ACQUITTED. Charges Preferred by Mrs. Mustek Were Not Sustained. Pdiceman Tatlrick Rurke of the Fourth District was a defend nt in the First Dis trict I'ollce Court vesterdov morning. He was charged with disturbing the peace of Mrs Annlo M"sck nnd her daughter, llirdle. who live at No. H"-7 North Slx te nth street. Tho alleged disturbance took plnro on September ., when Rurke and Policeman 1Mb irds nrrftnl Joseph KlelJ" In the act of holding up Frank Dobehnan. It Is raid that Mrs. Muskk and her daughter followed In a crowd which surrounded too officers ard thtir pri-oners. Interfering with their movements At tne time. Mrs. Mustek alleged that Hnrko cured her.Tlure wire witnesses who said he di I nnd others who were ii the crowd were emphatic in savlrg that he did not. Rurke was dis charged. A Qntck Core for Malaria, Colds, etc.. Parker's Cascara-Quinine Tab lets Monoj- back if thej- fail. Price. I3c. Parker's Headache Powders Never Fall, luc. GIRL BEATEN BY PURSE SNATGHER. Xegn) Held Miss Bitter. Struck nor in the Face and Got Her Purse. l.lsic Ritter. 17 j cars old. of No. HIS Dol man street, while pasting a dirk allev which opns on Dolman street, near Cho.i teau avenue, was assaulted b a negro, who struck her twko In the face, snatched her purse, and made his escape. Though the negro secured but a few cents in change, the robber wasi of the mot daring and brutal character. Mi"s Ritter was going home at about " o'clock jrsterlay evening. She had Just crossed Chouteau avenue, and was walking on the east 'lie or Dolman street. The negro had cvilently been concealed In the alley, for no sooner had e come abreast of him then be ru-hed out at hr. He threw bis arms about her and struck her trice with bi clenched list. The first Wow was a glmcing one on the temple, but he secord struck his victim directly In the mouth, cutting and badlj 1 rulsing the lip. The voung ladv was tomplelelv stunned ,r.l could not think to rail for assistance " " . ..,.,, Mr,,- ilmrn the alleV until tlie --.---. r. IT." w't'i her purse In his possession. Then a . .. I.AI.XAn.ll1 tf tit number of persons .... i- - - ct.,.. Iv answered her cries nnd set oft In pursuit of th P'rso snatcher. The chase was unavailing. jjls Ritter describes her assailant as a mulatto, who wore some kind of dark clotli mg and a gray cap. She was too much dazed to note closelj-his appearance. 100 nelp Wanted Ads Printed In to-day's Republic. FIND BL0CKS-0F-F.VE SCHEME. New Yoik Democrats Ilsive Letters Bearing Odell's Name. ;;, lorlt. Oct. 19 -Dudlej's famous blocks-f-five" scheme, uncovered in In dura during the first Harrison campaign, is recalled by 1 letter givvn out to-night by ..-. 1 . .r 1d Muni 1. ' Jatr.-s K. MiHUire. cnairiu.... u " -- I cratlc State Kx.cutlve Committee Tins let- ter Ix-ars tne nshjiuic 1'-. " . Republican candidate for Governor '' York, who also is the chairman of the Re , niil r-in St ite Committee. 1 N.1I.R..1 that It U a clrcnlir l-'ter cop'e of whieh have been -ent to RtPiibllcjn workers throughuit the Sta.e. dlr's:tliij them to l.uj ten urchaat.Io Dem ocrats each election dis.rl.t. Here h the letter as made public bj Chairman Mc- My Dear S'r: Your nanc Ins been haml- - lie.jM.- tttnnlil ffn whom wo I ru me a"i 1.' vt ...,....-- I can tru't. Will jou klndlv s,nd m" at on-v , the rames of ten lndervadcnt Democratic ! voter- residing In jour elerti..n district ! who ou think nny be Inilaenced to favor our ticket on .-lecuon oav : "Al-o advice us of any cxpeno Involved. Yours very trulj. R. R. ODKL.I., Chairman R-pub!iean State Committee." "It I 1 lain to even fair-minded man what the s'gnificance of this letter I'." said Cb ilrm in McGuIre. ' Only on- construction can lie put upon It." Mr. McGulre showed the letter to Richard Croker. who said: "It Is a plain case of blocks of five." Chairman McGuire soil that the letter had been sent to former Senator Murphj- by a friend in Greenwich. Washl gton County, who wrote that he and two oth-rs had seen the original. The Democratic managers here have only the copy quoted. Chairman Odell said over the telephone from Newburg to-night that th" letter was a forgcrj". and that no such communication had ever been circulated by himself or bis party friends. The Coming Dry Goods Event. It Is Well Worth Waiting For. At the great Auction sale, October 11th and 12th, in New York City, of Imported and Domestic Silks, belonging to James McCrcery & Co., we were by far the largest in dividual purchasers. Out of the Sit 1,000 worth put up for sale we secured am enormous quantity of the medium and finer qualities. We hope to have everything ready for the sale Monday morning. Dili' GOODS' P. S.-We are advised that first shipment has al ready arrived in East St. Louis. get nro oi totju. rQACM: vm. lVia'' Of3'-. ti Smiern Hotel. St. I3U's, May VS. 135. W r Ifu"iins. hro . No 4 N. STnd .st Cl'y Dear Mr -In rei ly to vuurs it th lh l-.t I talt j!ajr la stating tht th work rm have tee-n dolnc ror u t r th- rit fu-ir jears a th srmsern jiotc-1 has btn p-fc"ly sit -factory It i a er unus-uat tatnK to -e- a roi Ii, fun In car atcreroom it" wo'klrg dpart mect I renew tlie cinirait t r in tber jeir th pleasure. Very trulj Jur. It C. ! i:v I lI-n.jT GETZ ROACH AND HEKIH O UNTtH'IIVATORS Altl! sol.D BY ALIi DEALERS COV TRACTs TAKVV TO ItlU llOL'Si-'b OF KOV'il.S AM) OTHEtt tVSriTS; AVU fjrAtAN- TtE ONE 1CAR. PAYNE FAILED TO MAKE HIS WAGERS. Republican Manager's Swoepitm (.'liallcnjip Taken l"p liy New York Deniocrati?. nEn m.ic New York. Oct. 11 llefuldlcan 'V ice Chairman Ilenrv C. 1'ajno was called in his latest bluff to-d iy. Ycterday he issued a iweepins chilicnKP thnt lie? was prepared to bet an unlimited amount that Brvan would not fi"t ni mttiy fl:t)ral votes a he dil In ISM Not enlv thtt. but he would bet -to 1 on It. all offer aceepte'd. To-dij there were seven! easer portlns liloof'; vviitlns Mr. I'aj-ne'"! arrival. Pavne Kot In late, and smlltel a sl"Kly hmile when informed of the errand of the waiting gen tlemen. Then he announced tint he hid made one bet of Vt.W on the terms men tlnr.e'd. and w 11 all he cHred to take He had no I'oubt that other Heptihllctns vvoulil be tvillin? to -iccnmmoate them, but that was all he cared to venture. Preed for the name ef the party tvltli whom he vvaqere-d. Mr. Pavne declined to furnish It. leavins the troiiR aid probnbly crrect Im pression that It was 1 'wash" bet at best. If it vv.i" watered at all. J. J. Tonnsend. a romincnt Chicaco bro ker. this morning that he want ed to reacli out for !') of .VIr. Pavno's monev at the odds mentioned, and an agent called on Air. I'ajne to arrarce for tho waprr. but I'avn- at the Turther end of his hole and still dlsglnff dirt. Dcmocnts of a. rhltosophic ii turn of mind refer to Arthur P. Horm-tn's theory "f ! chotocieal vaves In politics as in other hu man aff Urs. They say that thee politlcil waves run abttit throe v.eeks naart. The last week in t-cjitmber Hanna was be moaninc Knpubllcan arsithv. Alwut Octo ber the Republicans spninc thrlr hurrah bcttlnR fever and claimed everjthlna;. Then came nrjan's vHit to New Vork ard the crest broke and Is now r ceding, while tho IJemoeratlo wave Is coming on. . UCZEM; 0 ClItE. .NO PAY. Tour druKEiat will refund vour monev If Pa7o Ointment falls to cure Klngworm. let ter Old Ulcers and Sores.Plmples and Black luads on the face, and all tkln diseases. Uc. "NEWS MARY" LOCKED UP. Elderly P.ijier Vender Created a Skene at Union Station. On tho "disturbance-of-the-peace" regis ter at the Pour Courts U the name of Mary Arnold, who U Known as "Ntvva Mary." a curbstono vender of newspapers. She Is mere, than W yers old. and for the last four vtars htr accustomed stand lias besu at the southwist corner of fcightetnth and The polfco My tint Mar) occasionally becomes irritable, M-pttl illv when her cus tomed are tew and recerpla small, lester day tho police say. she became unusuall obstreperous, and. alter throwing a roe.K througU a plite-!asj wimlow- and attempt ing to break ..not her with her umbrella the was arrested by Oilier P.obertson ana "Ne'vvi Marv" objected strenuously to in carve ration. hh re.-i ted with all h-r feeblo for.e. but to no avail. At the Central Jjis trlet Station Mie d.-citred that the had numerous hom.s. but wa- loo niolMiiant to alvo an specific address, ll.r arre't she. considered a perfccuti.)ii. sten.c.intr.y .e cided to allow her to remiin In tie Hold over until she could tell a connected otory Otherwise she will be int to the INitlco Court to-day. charged with disturbing tliu peace. WRECK OF A FAST FREIGHT. Illinois Central Kailroad Train Goes Through a Bridge. Fast freight train No. ES. on the Illinois Central Itailroid, bound to New Orleans from St. IouK crashed through the 1U bled bridge which spans the Okavv Itlver at New Athen.s. thlrt-one miles from St. IJtis, shortlv aft. r t o clock last ninlu. Tne focemiotlve crossed the briilqe sa.ely. but fourteen loaded freight car fell with the su.l brldse into the r.. A brake v is injureil. The locomotive was driv.n b I-. I- F0r ot Kast !,(. jj.uls. I-.te trams x the Illinois Central were taken over lh Mobile and Ohio road to Sparta and thence to Coulterville.. The dam uuo will mount .nto the It was Impossible to secure an e.tlmate last night. s.nreecsful Canetlilnles. I.KI'Cr.IJt HH I M- tpriogii Id, III. Oct. U The following ap plicant have. si.ccessiull .included the ritate evimln ition for certificates as mire ncnag. rs and hoisting engtii-ers. and will bo 1 pible to e iiiplonient 111 the State: lllne iianas.l J .tin Mlllr-e u--. f-1 rlnn "al lv. c. 1. iVnnell ami 1" ler .iy. Tana; oorK U llurUm and JfJr Ilerry. Oreen vl'. Wll'iam Kunlri, iv-kln. Jeter lvt.rflurfc. Walt, r V fruUl han5. East IV er. VV. il. e.reen. Jehu It. Wlute jul J0M1 e.iitt licit vtti. v.liliapi Iiienitr. Hennan V. la-imall. l-vrr .Villon ana Jutn txiunon. rirlrBncM. Henry VVelcr, Jluiphtxno; 1". JirlAusrhbn. aul.urli. J. In .im. Ui-- I. -Vix-rnder VU-on l art 11 till!. iecl):e er.. I'e-a-ant I Ulna. emeu, laltuta. Jamts Muti.h. I.lvrt n. tvlard clerk anj Jutjn e.1ar, l-fatur. Ii.rtlnsr i:nslTer5-linlt A Hl. :fJi; John Kenhnr. J-n)h I,. ilui.n. Isrard l.out nnd John Ilrrmin, IklUelll". Thomas Ii!it. lilsraond; John lhllr. Ilrahlivoo.1. John 1' lartnan. Morjhptr". HNy M. llcrk. I joti; Vviium 1 l.unn. cXirk cu . J s-pli Arcner. lUrclaj: .tllnir It septan, iirac-.ll'e, W 11 ford lJjt'cck lut'd Alln. e'olai'v.Ie. IlrUe ltorn. Ivtei-tJurx. Kre-lnleic V". Dr.sctiH, Tay lerMl.e. V.Miam UilMi. Auicrn. Tirt! f etor w!n. e.rten Kldire. Times M Miifer. Cirard: -harl. A. VV.mack. eS'en e' Ihmras Oiaj. MrtnsreM: Jlkhei I.uej. JE.l.e.y. Min F.xa miners (.-urse Timb and Matthw Bnun, l)rinKtlW John Kctd. Tllden; James e"ay. Shelbjtown, Jacob II. VV"illlamlon anl Jacob Williamson. Hiell; John I! fcrnith. Illchael Galllgan and VVI11 Jon, Herrin. John Ii Hrrnnan. Vlrden: Andrew J. Wotneartner. Barclay; VV Ullam P. Mclran. Ilea Junction: Sam uel O. llakr. Auburn; eTiarle fliehl. lUvlle; Jacob Davis. Athena; Chatl's ir. Klllln-r'th, Plnckneyvllle; Joiin G. Atklnwin. Cable. William McLaughlin, Uuqnoin; Jacob VaKntlne. lUver-tca. (OMI'tM. Ufc.TZ EXTfllMIN'ATOltS. vi -nt v si-Y,-ri ct st iiri rt A New Train to boutheast Missouri, Arkansas and Texas, Daily, after October 14tb,leaves Union Station 8.57 p. m., with through Chair Cars and Sleepers for Dexter, Alalden, Campbell, Paragould , Jonesboro. Stuttgart, Pine Bluff, Camden, Texarkana and Texas points. Morningtrain leaves, as nsnal, at 8.36 a. ra. Thenetrtralmrillrarty ninety pr cent, f ttportsa2entotfeSt.rrmn. eisRirer became it rrtchct then at aeonTeaint hour in the mornlsff. Oar booklet." With Hod nd Gun la ArL&neft." deeorlboe the finest spnrtlne gToandt la America. Send f jr t re copy to Gty Ticket Office, 969 Olive St HARVARD DEMOCRATS MOBBED. Fellow-StuilentH Routed a Club .Mass jleeting. RUl'l'BMC SPIVIU Cambridce. Mass. Oct. 1? The Harvard Democr-atle mass nvctins was mobbed this evenirs by the Republicans of the uni versity. Two hundred Democrats were Roldlng a political ruliv In Mar-nchnetts Hall, the olKst of Harvard's buildings. On th foor nbovo were a thousand Ktudente listening to a lecture by Doctor Ealley. Vhen the) lat ter hud fnlshed the men came downstairs aril forced an entrance. In their rush they sm ished win-lows, broke in doors ami com llttcly routed the meeting. Through the broken windows anj eioor.s the Itepubllcans 1 ourcl. There were SCO or them to 2X Dem ocrats. Tho president or the) Democrntla Cinb. K. 1 Iprfan, a Councilman of Boston, crietl: "The Itepubllcans have called us the party cf dissension." The Republicans cheered and yelled. He continued: "I see by the crowd befor mc that there are some Republicans here. Thee are not Democrats, and they are not gentleman." . For an hour the crowd within doors anl out jeileel and cheered, jamming Into the low wlndonK and jelling for JIcKlnley. TO CLUE A COLD IV OSE OAT. Take LaiatUe Brcrao Quinine Tablets. All drur. htrts rerund th money If It fal!e to cure. . VV. drove s eicnaiure la en eaca box. 23c. Knthnnlaatlo Demoermtle Meatfac REl'LllLIC aTECIAi.. Flora. 111.. Oct. 13. One of the largest as4 most enthusiastic Democratio meetings dur ing the campaign was held at the country residence of Captain Abel Longworth. near this city, yesterday. The gatherlnir was la the nature of a neighborly meetlmr of old tinie. voters. Capt ein longworth has been a lifelong Republican. General Alexander (J. McQueen, who was an old-line Republic an until lately, and who was a delegate to tho Fremont convention, spoke. Many others spoke and voiced their patriotism by declaring for Democracy against oppression siml the retiuenant doctrine ot lmDerlailsm. llimniiim ami .McKinlcvlsm. THE AMERICAN HABIT. One In Every Three Affected. Of the 73,000,000 people In America, It to estimated that Z,000.OSO. or one In srery three, are partially d'sabted from a broken down nervous system. America Is the) greatest consumer of coffee In the world. Can jou draw the correct Inference from these two fact? Many a person will exclaim. "Nonsenjef It is eaiy for any thoughtless person to jurnn at u. conclusion that a philosopher woula tudv carefully over before reaching-. Think of the members of your own family. How man) of them are perfectly and com pletely well in every respect? How many of jour friends arc perfectly healthy? Inquire of them nnd jou will 1 surprised to learn that tho average eif one lnevery three who an sick. In the main, stands true. Health, depends, primirllv, ujon a perfectly poised ne-vou". organization, and tho greatest known mmv to t'le nervous sjstem Is esaf lee. Its active I rinclpal Is caffeine, which. Is .1 pronounced nerve destroyer. The ac tion Is, first, to attack the stomach, then the piicumogastric nerve, which lies behind the stimach and which is directly connected with the brain. Tlie disordered condition passes thence from the brain to all tnrts of the body, and In tome it will show In trepidation (well known nervous condition): in others this 1 hidden, but the work goes on from day to day, until some dav the accumulation cf forces climaxes in some organic disease. It maj be the kidnejs become affected and Rtlghta dlseise sets up. It may be weak c i.r. may be catnrili. stomach trouble, pal- I Itation and heart failure (which Is be e nlng moro and more noticeable among Americans). Somewhere, ou ma)- depend upon It, this work will show forth in the form of disease. It may become so Hied and chronic that It cannot bu thrown off. It is hard to Induce II man or a woman to give up coffee when thev have become addicted to its use, but It sucli people can be given Postum Food Cof-f.- thev will qulckl)- change for the better, for the foex! drink, when rronerlv made, has 1 etcn a more beautiful color than the or- ernarj' coitee. ami nas the delicious, tooth some flavor of edd government Java of the milder and higher priced grades. The work of reorganiratlon begins at once, for the tearing-down element of cof fee has been elimintted. and in Its place the strong rebuilding effects of the elements contained In the foenl coffee go elirectly to work to rebuild the broken-down delicate gra matter in the nerve centers and brain. This Is just plain, old-fashioned common senso that any thoughtful person can make use of: in fact, hundreds of thousands of brain workers tn America have already dis covered the fact and are using Postum Pood Coffee, to their very great benefit and relief. dffiflgK A' r 9 i ?& rlic 1