OCR Interpretation

The St. Louis Republic. [volume] (St. Louis, Mo.) 1888-1919, October 21, 1900, PART I, Image 1

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84020274/1900-10-21/ed-1/seq-1/

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The Ssscsj JtsffftfKsM
Prlatittla Three Parts.
Tbi. Sunday Magasiaa I
Printed la One Part
14 PAGES, i
J '
Trackman and a Servant Girl Meet Death on
Suburban Tracks Mother and Child in
Two Collisions at Same Point on
St. Louis Avenue.
tOn the main lino of the St I.ouls and
Suburban Railroad, at points not more than
two blocks distant from each otter, two
persons a m.m awl a woman were struck
by cars and killed yesterday.
Timothy Houlihan, n trackman, was run
down shortly after C30 a. m. at the cross
ing at West Cabanne court. He was knocked
from the tracks and Instantly killed.
Elizabeth Cooney, a servant, met death
at the Maryville avenue crossing, two
blocks east of West Cabanne court, at EJ
P"The motorman of the car which killed
Houlihan was arrested, but was Hter re
leased. In the other case orders were issued
for the arrest of the motorman. and a
police ofllcer was sent out to bring him
in last night.
At the corner of St. Louis and Semple
avenues, on the Cass avenue division of
the transit system, Mrs. J. G. McKlbban
and her 2-year-old son, Lester, were thrown
out of a rig In a collision with a car.
Afterward, when they had been placed In
an ambulance, another car crashed Into the
vehicle. Both mother and child were In
jured. John Trossjuer was struck by a Cherokee
lice car at the corner of Russell avenue and
Menard street last night, and so seriously
hurt that the City Hospital physicians con
eider his condition critical.
Other accidents of a less serious nature
were reported.
While n aklng an pffort to catch an east
bound Suburban car. Elizabeth Cooney, 22
years old. of No. 13 O'Fallon street, was
struck by a westbound car and killed al
most Instantly at Maryville avenue at 5:30
o'clock yesterday afternoon.
Five months ago Miss Cooney and her
cousin Katy Dagnon of No. 1031 Thornby
place left their homes In Roscommon
County. Ireland, to seek work In this
country. They came to St. Louie, and In
a short time the one secured a place with
Mrs-John R. Whlttemore of No. 15 Park
land place and the other at the Thornby
place address.
About three weeks ago the Whlttemore
family left town, and the servant temporari
ly took up her abode at the number en
O'Fallon street, which is the home of
Jerrem Dagnon. an uncle of Katy Dagnon.
Friday night Mrs. Whlttemore sent word
to the Dagnona that she would be home on
Saturday nnd that she wanted Elizabeth
Cooney to be at her residence by a o'clock
Saturday afternoon.
The ill-fated girl started to the Whltte
more home, but at the designated time
her mistress had not arriv ed. She remained
at the house until after 5 o'clock, when
nhe was notified by a nurseglrl of Mrs.
Whlttemors's that the latter would not re
turn for several days. Then, in company
with the nurse, who was an acquaintance,
be started for a car.
When near the Maryville avenue crossing
he heard an eastbouad car coming, and,
bidding her friend a hasty good-by, she
sped toward the tracks in order to cross the
westbound track in time to board her car.
At the same time a car "was approaching
rapidly from the east. In her Eurry she
failed to see it and stepped onto the track
directly in front of It. she was struck and
knocked fully thirty feet. The momentum
of the car carried it past her, but the
wheels of- the car did not pass over her
A crowd soon collected, but from, the
moment she was struck she gave no sign
- "or consciousness. She was removed to the
house immediately adjacent, that of Mrs.
Emily Ashdown. where she died a few min
utes after o'clock. The body was not
crushed or mangled and the only visible
sign of injury was a long gash In the fore
head. About t o'clock an undertaking wagon ar
rived at the Ashdown residence and con
veyed the body to Jerrem Dagnon's home.
The funeral will take place to-morrow.
The crew of the car were: Patrick Mc
carty, motorman. and James. O'Brien, con
ductor. A mounted district officer was sent
out last night to arrest McCarty.
Timothy Houlihan of No. 2271 Blcndon
place, a trackman in the employ of the St
Louis and Suburban Street Hallway Com
pany, was run down and Instantly killed by
one of the company's cars at the crossing
of West Cabanne court yesterday morning.
Houlihan's mangled body was conveyed to
the morgue, where is will be held pending
the Inquest to-morrow morning.
Houlihan boarded the last owl car In the
downtown district early yesterday morning
and rode to Maple avenue, where he alight
ed and went Into a saloon. After taking a
few drinks be left the saloon and started
west in the Suburban tracks. It was then
about (30 o'clock.
At the Intersection of West Cabanne court
there is a sharp turn in the tracks, but as
the care have the right-of-way they main
tain a high speed. While Houlihan was
walking west in the track car No. 163, In
charge cf Motorman Paul Dasqucz and Con
ductor Matthew Donnelly, overtook him.
knocking blm down and killing him Instant
ly. Dasques sounded his gong as the car
approached, but Houlihan did not seem to
hear it, and the next Instant the car struck
him. His body was tossed to one side by
the fender.
When the police arrived on the scene the
body was removed to the morgue and the
motorman was taken into custody. As soon
s Chief Campbell learned the facts In the
case he ordered Dasquez's release. Houli
han wua 35 years old. He leaves a widow
and one child.
Mrs. J. G. McKlbban and her 2-year-old
son, Lester, were the victims of two street
car accidents yesterday which happened at
the same spot within an hour of each other.
Mrs. McKlbban with her two sons. Miles,
aged 8, and Lester, and three other children.
Mamie and Robert Moore and Bradford
Humphrey, started from her home. No. 4209
McRee avenue, J esterday morning on a nut
ting trip. They started to drive from St.
Louis avenue to Natural Bridge road
through Semple avenue, but finding the con
,. '.w"l .?."! ;'L" .'?::.r. ...... t
dition of Semple avenue Impassable Mrs.
iHtnjuuuu tururu it iu oc ijuu o.cuuc, i
Intending to take the next street west to I
Natural Bridge road. Just as she was turn
ing from Semple Into St. Louis avenue car
No. 1725 of the Cass avenue tine, in charge
of a. E. Dennis, motorman, and C. A. Jones,
conductor, crashed Into the vehicle. All the
children except Lester jumped out. one of
them falling Inside the car.
The carriage was upset and Mrs. McKlb
ban and Lester were caught under It. They
were both bruised from head to foot, and it
is feared the boy will not recover.
xne rig iiavrog oeen aemousnea, an amps I
.. .-. .-"t-., ... . ..-ji
lance was summoned to remove the injured
to their home. While Mrs. McKlbbay, and
the others were being put In the- ambulance,
an hour after the accident, car No. fci 0f the
same line, eastbound, came a,iong. It
crashed Into the ambulance, carrying ait ay
the rear end of the vehicle. Save. f0r fright-
er.lr.g the occupant. It did no further dam
age. This car was in elnrgi of Motorrmn
Oliver Freeman and S. 1!. Sprinks.
The broken inrts of the ambulince were
picked up by Ccorsre Thomas, the driver,
and placed in the vehicle, after which tlio
entire nutting pirtv, tnjuird and uninjured,
were taken to their home, where medical
aid was summoned
Little Lester McKlbban, who was so badly
injured, in the two jtars of his life has" :-us-tclned
all sorts of accidents. Six months
airo he fell out of the second-slory window
of his home. landing on his head on a brick
pavement. He cleaned without serious in-
Jury. Two months ago. while playing with '
a lawn mower. two of his Angers were cut
off. He Li the pet of the neighborhood
where ho live- and his friends think he
bears a charmed life and will pull through
uns last accident successfully.
two menTnjured.
John Trossjuer, a tobicco worker. TO
years old. of No. 2412 South Eleventh tro:t.
was run down by car No. C-M of the Chero
kee division last night at Russell avenue
and Menard street. Doctor Nietert of the
City Hospital said Trossjuer was In a dan
gerous condition. He received several t,calp
wounds, a fractured leg and a sprained
back. Conductor Paul Ercvln and Motor
man R. J. Sheridan were In charge cf the
Addison Rose. EI years old. a carnsnter.
residing at No. TOO South Third tr;et, while
standing at the Intersection of Sixth and
Market streets last night, was struck and
knocked down by car No. 9 of the Market
street division. He walked to the City Dis
pensary and Doctor Johnson, who attended
lilm, pronounced his Injuries slight.
Five Articles Applying Alike to
All the Powers.
Pekln. Friday. Oct. I3.-(Copyr!ght. 19T0.
by the New York Herald Company.) The
Emperor and Eir press Dowager, with- the
court, are now traveling from Tal-Guen
southwest 200 miles, to the capital of Slicn
Sl Province, which Is SCO miles from Pek'.n,
and where there are more comforts' anJ
warmer weather.
Prince Chlng and Li Hung Chang are here.
They propose to begin the negotiation by a
preliminary convention of Ave articles ap
plying alike to all the Powers, and after
ward make a separate treaty with each
In article 1 China apologizes for the siege
of the legations.
In article 2 she admits her liability for all
In article 3 she urges that new treaties
be made, and asks each Power for its
views in this connection.
In article 4 she suggests that when the
preliminary convention is settled the Tsung-XJ-Yamen
resume business, and when the
indemnity Is arranged the Powers shall
withdraw their troops.
In article C she contends that the Pow
ers should declare an armistice when fio
negotiations for treaties begin.
Bemarkable Experiences of Mar
iner Peter Johansen and Son.
Punta Gorda. Fla , Oct. 30. Peter Johan
sen and his 12-year-old son, Peter, arrived
to-day from Gibraltar In an open boat twenty-nine
feet long, beam set en feet six
inches. They left Gibraltar with ISO gal
lons of water and provisions for sixty dajs,
and made the trip in fifty-nine days, en.
countering no storms.
Peter came by the Canaries, north coast
of San Domingo, Porto Itlco and Cuba,
landing first at Boca Grande, the mouth of
the harbor. Both mariners are In good
health and spirits.
Johansen left here twenty montlis ago,
the captain of an English tramp vessel,
tho Senator, with a cargo of phosphate for
Yokohama. Off the Philippines he en
countered a three days' hurricane, in which
the deck beams and all the canvas were
carried away.
Returning to Liverpool, he picked up in
the ocean an abandoned vessel loaded with
ore, righted the cargo, put In a prize crew
and took her to Europe. His share of the
prlro money was handsome. He resigned
and came here In his open boat to remain
tho rest of his life.
President's Cousin Says He Will
Vote for Bryan.
Southport, Ind., Oct. 29. "Tou may brand
that story that I'll vote for Cousin William
as a lie. I shall vote for Bryan, and so
will all my sons. You can bet your money
on this."
This li the answer of B. H. McKinley.
first courin of tho President, to a reaort
circulated here that he had forsaken his
adherence to Democracy. Mr. McKinley
says his family his Rlways been Democrat
ic, ahd "Cousin "William" Is the only black
sheep in the fold.
Business Portion of Lourell
Threatened With Destruction.
Lincoln, Neb., Oct. 20 A special to the
State Journal from Hartlngton, Neb., says:
"The town of Laurel Is burning up. The
Park Hotel. Hanson's harness shop, Hol
lovcn's drug store. Mlddlestadt's lumber
yards. Kverctt & Walt's brick block, the
Laurel State Bank and at least a dozen oth
er buildings are already In ashes. The en
tire business portion of the town is in dan
ger of burning, as the city is wholly with
out flro protection.
AUBAMAHAS 1,828,697.
Growth of the State Was 215,GS0,
or 20.8 Per Cent in Ten Years.
Washington, Oct. 20. Late to-day the
Census Bureau announced that the popula-
tlon of Alabama Is 1.KS.C37. as against L-
,,,.. . ,-cn rpn. ..,.., m
iO.S per cent.
Battleship Kentucky Was Forced
to Return for Repairs.
New York. Oct. 20. The battleship Ken
tucky, which sailed for China at 2 o'clock
this afternoon, returned . to the Uovern-
Lnent anchorage at S o clock this evrnlnir.
. .. .. . . .
owing to an accident to ner turrets,
after the Kentucky passed the lightship
the 13-lnch ffuns were tested. The turrets
stuck and could not be turned back to their
proper position, ine snip was topped and
after some time had been spent in trying
to remecV the trouble it was decided to re
turn to port and have the turrets over
I "a Hi ' f" - : -I
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Doctor Politics Sam'el
Attorney General Under Cleveland
Sees Great Danger iu the IJe-
election of McKinley.
administration condemned.
Was a Gold Democrat in 1S9C and
Still Is Opposed to Free Silver,
but Thinks Other Issues
More Important Now.
Cincinnati. Oct. 3). Judson Harmon, who
supported Palmer and Buckncr four years
ago, declared himself to-day for Bryan.
Judge Harmon was on the bench hero for
many years, nnd succeeded Secretary Olney
as Attorney General In the Cabinet of
Grover Cleveland.
There have been repeated efforts during
tho present campaign to secure Judge Har
mon's services on the stump and he has
received many letters of Inquiry, but has
net Indicated his purpofe or prefernce un
til to-day. when lie gae the following let
ter In reply to a letter from Mr. Iruln, on
attorney nt Colorado Springs. Colo.:
"Otaclnnatl. Oct. 10. Mr. George M.
Irwin. Colorado Springs, Colo. Dear Sir: I
am glad to answer the question you ask by
jour letter of the 17th inst.. Just received,
about my position In tho present cam
paign. SIoKInley'a Election Means Danger.
"While I disagree with Mr. Bryan as
strongly as ever about many things, the
free coinage of silver Included. I Intend to
vole for him because, like him and the
Democratic Convention, I believe those
things are not ro Important nor so urgent
n others, on vihlch I heartily agree with
"Under our system, when a President
seeks re-election tho primary question al
ways Is whether we approve or condemn
what ho has don", especially when he
means to keep on doing It. In this In
stance I wish to condemn nnd have no
means of doing so except by voting In the
onlv way w hlcix can posalbly be effective.
"The attempt Is made, as it always is, to
prevent condemnation for what the ad
ministration has done by foretelling dread
ful things which the opposition will do. But,
If there be such danger, wise men always
prefer a risk to a certainty, especially
when, as now. the certainty involves so
much more than the risk.
"Very sincerely, yours,
Great Crowd Gave Him an Ovation
at Music Hall.
Cincinnati. O., Oct. 20. Ex-Senator David
B. Hill addressed over 4.000 people at Musla
Hall to-night. Long before tho opening of
the doors the street In front of the hall was
crowded with waiting people. Judge H. D.
Peck presided.
When ex-Senator Hill was Introduced he
met a reception of cheers, waving of hand
kerchief", clapping of hands, that continued
several minutes. When the applause sub
sided. Mr. Hill raid:
"Fellow-Democrats: Thl! reminds me
more, of Kansas City than any place I'vo
struck In my travels."
As soon as Mr. Hill began speaking there
was Home disorder that sounded like an in
tentional Interruption in the rear of tho
hall. Policemen removed the disturber and
quiet prevailed afterward.
The whole speech was a strong argumen
tative attack on the Republican policy in
regard to tho Philippines and Porto Rico,
which he called imperialism. That, he said,
was the vital question at Usue in this cam
One Soldier Killed and Three
Wounded on Island of Luzon.
Washington, Oct. 20. The War Depart
ment has received the following cablegram
from General MacArthur, giving additional
"Manila, Oct. 19. Adjutant General
Washington: Killed Jean, Luzon, Company
C, Twenty-fourth United States Infantry,
James 11. Benjamin.
"Wounded October 13, Company K. Thirty-fifth
Infantry. Roy Gage, wounded in
thigh, moderate; Santa Cruz, Luzon, Com
pany C, Thirty-fourth Inrantry. Leonard
Robinson, side; moderate; October 7, Troop
B. Eleventh United States Cavalry. Frank
M. Tracklea, wounded In foot; serious.
i a, j... "inr mmtr " s. vj "- -
: "I recommend a trip up
For SlUsonrt and Arkunmin Italn
nnd cooler Sunday. Monday fair,
rept In rutrrn portion; soathen-iterlj-BhlftlnR
to northwesterly Triads.
For llllnoln nnln and cooler Sun
day. 3Innlay clrarlniri brisk atinth to
cast winds.
1. Street Cars Kill Two and Injure Four.
Britain Provisions Powerful Squadron.
Queen Wilhelmina Did the Poisoning.
Jtcpubllcans Now Support Bryan.
2 Death Notices.
Pullman Says He Has Only One Wife.
Managers 8ee Bryan Tidal Wave.
Z. Laying Corner Stone of Bunch Hall.
. Beautiful Natalie Bereft, and Alone.
Noted Guerrilla Buried at Dillas.
Captured Seven Years After Killing a
American Bankers Honor Walker Hill.
Spared Neither Woman Nor Ch!ld.
7. Missouri Finances In Good Condition.
Making Tour of World on Foot.
The Railroads.
. High School Too Fast for Wetern.
Sporting News.
10. Heidrlck Says "Falsely Accused."
Race Was Given to Maggie Davli.
Results at tho Tracks.
11. Dockery Trill Facts About Stato Taxes.
Meriwether on British Colonial System.
15. News of the Old World by Cable to The
12nd of Bryan' New Yorlc Tour.
St. Louis Exposition elope. for the
II. Michael Uavitt Replies to Story.
McKinley Organ on the Election.
1. The New Gltmon Girl Is Net of Lady
v ero Ue v ere Tj pe.
Relna Mercedes Up for Repairs.
Ho Recovered Sight at tho Altar.
Maids Who Study, Play Golf and Hunt.
Adrift Eight Days Without Water.
Girl Scientist Makes Discovery.
5. Attractions at the Theaters.
Stage Kings nnd Queens Acquire New
New Street Car Sign to Be Tried In St.
I. Missouri Team Shows Improvement.
Footbnll News.
Jeffrie Is Willing to Fight.
5. Too Much Practice Hurts Many Golfers.
Tom Keating Was a Great Trainer.
Bummer I a Speed Marvl.
6. Editorial.
Taxation of Mortgages Discussed.
Interesting Political Talk by Republic
ans. 7. Death Notices.
8. Chinese Anti-Foreign Movement.
1. Wiles of a Boer Woman Outwitted the
Revision of Creed Agitates Presbyterians.
Anniversary Services at Old Cathedral.
2. Society Notes and Gossip.
3. Out-of-Town Social Affairs
t. Fraternal Order News.
5. Financial and Commercial.
6. Record of Births. Marriages, Deaths.
New Corporations.
Pages 6 to 11. Inclusive, Republic Want
11. Kentucky Has a New Election Law.
Sheriff Ewlng Without a Clow.
Copeman Children With Their Father.
River News
12. Week's Record in Realty.
Eastern Star Ends Chapter's Session.
Wants to Rebuild Downtown Sewers.
Magazine Scctioa.
For Index to Republic Wast Adver
tisement see Pace Six, Part Three.
Total Number of Voters Qualified
Is (J4(I,iri.
New York. Oct. 20. The total registration
in Greater New Tork for 1800 is 64S.1R
Salt River next month."
While Horseback Riding Holland's
Sovereign Asked Duke
Henry to Wed.
Uetrothal Kiss Exchanged Before
the Hide Was Completed Pros
pective Groom's Disappointed
Brother Coming to America.
Tho Hague, Oct. IV.-CCopjrinht. 10. by
W. R. Hearst.) It has now become known
that Queen Wilhelmina, follonlnir the er
nmple of Queen Victoria near three pcoro
ears ngo, href made tho proposal of
marrlaeo to Duke Henry of Mecklenburg
Schwerln. while staying, four weeks ago,
at Schwarzburu Castle, the country seat or
the Donager Princess Mathllde of Schwarz
burtr, grandmother of tho Duke.
It it now known that Duke Henry had a
rlial in the person of his brother Adolph,
ono of the crack gentlemen riders of Con
tlnetal Europe, nhose exploits alike a a
srortsmjn and as a. great traveler w ere Ken
crally believed to appro! more ftrongly to
the joung Queen than the le- showy qual
lti.'s cf Duke Henry.
How bitterly disappointed was Duke
Ailolph Is shown by tho fact thit on be
coming aware that the Queen hid propovj
marriage to his brother, he left the cistlo
without taking leave of nny of the mem
utrs of the royal house party staying there
Duke Adolph has asked nnd obtained a
long irnve of absence from tho Emperor
and purpo-ses to make a trip around the
world, beginning with a Iran- uf.,,. in -,.
Icn. with the object of obliterating hi dis
appointment, rendered all the more, acuta
by the. coquetry with which ho had been
treated by the young Queen, having been
led by her to bcllete that it was he whom
she preferred.
Prnpnvea on Horseback.
Queen Morla. according to h.-r own ac
count, proposed marriage to Prince Albert
jf Saxe-Cohurjr while standing with him
lii or.o of the bay wlndowa nt Windsor
Castle, and expressed her hope of "making
him very hippy," os she herself relates In
o letter written Immediately after the pro
posal to her old friend. Baron Stocktnar.
Queen Wilhelmina proposed to Duke
Henry during a horseback ride, and tho
kiss by which the engagement was scaled
was exchanged on horseback, tho mettle
some steeds lending themselves to thl3
loverlike manouver ns If realizing that
they were helping to decldo the falo of the
Dutch nation.
Queen Wilhelmina and her betrothed, ac
companied by the Queen's mother, arrived
here this morning and were enthusias
tically welcomed. Tho future consort of
the queen was presented to tho authorities
assembled nt the railroad station. Tho
royal party then drove to the palace,
where crowds sang the national anthem.
I,ater the members of the diplomatic corps
arrived at the palace and were Introduced
to the Duke.
Tho following telegram of congratulation
was received by the Duke from Emperor
William of Germany:
"The task you hae taken upon your
pclf is arduous, but by the side of the
Orango Princess, who discharge her high
duties with steadfastness and clear Insight,
you will, with God's help, succeed in giving
happiness to the sturdy people of the
Netherlands My thoughts and best wishes
attend you and the dtar Queen."
Chicago Passenger Left Tracks and
Two Men Were Killed.
Pittsburg, Pa. Oct. 20. The Pittsburg and
Lake Erie lljer, due In this city from Chi
cago at 10:3) p. m., was wrecked at Main
street. South Side, Just after crossing the
Two men were Instantly killed and an
other was badly Injured.
Fortunately, none of the passengers were
Tho dead are John Shafer and a man
whose name has not been learned as yet.
Former President of Transvaal En
Koute to Europe.
Tr.T, ivtm-nurz. Oct. 29 Tho n,it-h I
cruiser Geldcrland, with President Kruger I outraged and killed during Ave days, wlth
on board, sailed at noon. I out the Intervention of Turkish troops.
She will call at Dar-Es-Salaam, Tanga, Eight villages, it Is added, wfJ9 enUs!
Jltutll and Marseilles. destroys! and burned.
Significant Activity Following An
nouncement of an Alliance
With Germany.
Compact Is Aimed Especially Against Russia and
France Allied Empires to Act Together,
Offensively and Defensively, in China.
l.on..'un. Saturday, Oot. M.(Cop right.
1M by tlw New York H-rald Company.)
It Is announced to-night that the warships
of the rerme squadron at Portsmouth have
bfen provisioned and are ready for service
at a moment's notice.
This is the first time that provisions have
eier in this precipitate manner bren
rushed aboard the ships of the reserve nVet.
The work of preparation was done in ac
cordance with instructions Issued by the
ciiii'u.wr u.i.icm rvssia.
London. Oct. W (Copyright, 1900. by W.
R. Hearst.) Gnat Rritaln and Germany
liae formed an alliance, and England is
ordering her great lleet to get ready for
The alliance Is ostensibly for the purposo
of presenting the partition of China, and
the preservation of tho open door in that
Empire, but there are many things to in
dicate that It is a more far-reaching and
comprehensive compact than appears on the
It has Just come out that the German Em
peror defeated a scheme on the part of
France nnd Russia to prevnt England from
re aping the fruits of htr victory over the
Beers. Uho Kaiser ctpressi'd himself ai
convinced that German interests demanded
that the Boer Republics be wiped out and
become part and parcel of the British Em
pire. Prance and Russia desired a substantial
alliance to conserve tho Transvaal and the
Orahge Free State as Independent countries.
nils was balked by Germany.
Tho alliance between England and the
great Continental Empire has been tilked
or tor several weeks, and on more than one
occasion It lias been spoken of as an actual
fact. Now it is proved that those who thus
tpoke knew what they were saying.
The position of the United States In this
regard Is a matter of small concern here.
It Is generally believed that America is a
party to the alliance and that after the
elections In the States this will be confessed
at Washington.
Russia and France are especially aimed at
in tlUs alliance. Russia. In spite of all her
protestations that she does not Intend to
keep any territory. Is not believed. States
men know that, having taken Manchuria,
she will hold It, and that France will back
her up in this. It Is to prevent any such
partition of China that England and Ger
many have Joined hands.
The aftermath alone can prove how much
further reaching is this agreement.
Orders fcaie been issued by the Admiralty
that all the reserve warships must be ready
for iea nt once. The country Is to be pre
pared for any emergency in view of the an
nouncement of the alliance with Germany.
Tho terms: of this agreement, which was
arrived at October IS between Lord Salis
Washington. Oct. S). The United States Is
in complete accord with the terms of the
British-German alliance anounced to-day
and which has for Its presumptive object
the preservation of Chinese territorial en
tity and the open door.
The United States is so much In accord
with the HrIthh-Gcrn.-.n contract that If
Its terms are t forth correctly the com
pact should be written BrltU-h-Amerlcan-Gcrmnn.
State Department eiflic'als were not sur
prised at the announcement, but they were
embarrassed because It was premature.
The ofllclals went so far as to say that In
general terms the British-German nolicv.
ns revealed In this pact. Is only an affirma
tion or the President's note of July Z. In
which he stonI for the open door and tho
Integrity of the Chinese Empire.
It was no surprise to the State Depart
ment, hecaust the negotiations were no se
cret to Its officials. Baron von Sternberg.
until a few days ago Charge d' Affaires here,
rounded and obtained the acquiescence of
the State Department on tho ostensibly new
policy. Baron von Sternberg, however. Just
before he sailed for Europe, allowed one of
his letters to be made public In Washing
ton. In which he stated that "In China the
United States and Germany were hand In
This letter was written a few day before
Four or Five St. Tanl Men Burned
Property Loss Over
St. Paul. Minn.. Oct. M.-Flre to-night de
stroyed J. T. Hlnmann's packing-house at
the Minnesota transfer. The walls fell,
buryins a number of firemen and killing
Assistant Chief Irvine and three or four
others. The flames also destroyed a Great
Northern locomotive and about thirty box
cars. The total loss wlU reach 11,000.000.
The flames started In Hlnmann's slaughtering-house,
and, owing to the distance
from town, had a good start when the fire
men reached tho scene. Among the build
ings destroyed were the Northwestern Line
Company's warehouse, the Merlam Parle
Ico Company's houses, the McCormick Har
vester Company's warehouses and a num
ber of houses and dwellings.
Mussulmans Killed and
for Five Days.
Paris, Oct. 20. A special dispatch from
Constantinople to the Petit Bleu says new
and frightful massacres of Armenians have
Just occurred in the district of Dlarbeklr.
e -uussuunaii 11 is assenea. piuagea.
bury and fount von llatzfelt. German Am
basfador to England an- utllclilly given out
u.i follows:
"The German Government and Her Brit
Ish Majest Government being desirous to
maintain thebr Intt-re-ti in China and their
rights under evlstlng treaties, have agreed
to observe the follow Irg principles regard
ing a mutual policy In China:
"Firstlj it wa a matter of Joint perma
rnt International interet that the ports
on the rivers ami coat of China, should re
main free and upen to trade and to every
other legitimate form of economic activity
for the peoples of all countries, without dis
tinction: and the two Governments agree
on their part to uphold th same for all
Chinese territory a-, far as they can ex
ercise Influence.
"Secondlj Both Governments agree that
they will not on their part make ue of the
piesent complication to obtain for them
selves any territorial advantage in Chinese,
dominion, and will direct their policy
toward maintaining undiminished the ter
ritorial condition of the Chinese Empire.
"Thirdly In case of another Power mak
ing use of the complications; In China in or
der to obtain under any form whatsoever
such territorial advantages, the two" con
tracting parties reserve to therm-elves th
right to come to a preliminary understand
ing regarding the eventual step to be taken,
for the protection of their own Interests in
"Fourthly The two Governments wilt
communicate thLs agreement to the other
Powers Interested, especially Austria-Hungary.
France, Italy, Japan. Russia and tho
United States, and invite them to accept
the principles recorded in it."
Berlin, Oct. 10. The German Government
Hunks the Anglo-German agreement con
tains nothing the United States cannot ?ub-s-cribu
to, since the United States has stead
ily lavored the "ope-n door." the territorial
integrity of China and equnl advantages to
all the Powers there.
No other Power as consulted before tho
agreement was reached, because It was
deemed best that the two great Powers
come forward with an agreement as an ac
complished fact, and then Invite the
other Powers to subscribe to the principles,
of the agreement. One nation could not
have done a alone without arousing an
tagonism. Two great Powers could.
Pekin. Friday. Oct. 1J. via Shanghai. Oct.
20. Field "Marshal Count von Walderae
said this morning that he regarded the
campaign as over and expected to be re
called, personally, soon.
The Ministers or the Powers are not
ready to met Prince Chlng and LI Hung
Chang Saturday, so the meeting will prob
ably be adjourned.
The Fourteenth United States Inrantry
leaves here Sunday.
the date of the Brltlh-German alliance,
which, according to Germany's Charge d'Af
falres, s the British-American-German al
liance, offensive and defensive In the Chi
nese question.
Baron von Sternberg's letter was regarded
by officials h-re as equally Indiscreet and
premature, and the report was Industrious
ly circulated that he had been recalled for
a lack of vigor on Chinese m itter.
State Department officials are now
obliged to confess that Baron von Sternberg
knew what he wat talking about and re
everything to commend In the new alliance.
As usual, however, the officials balk at the
word alliance and repudiate th term.
The reason for this Is found In the third
paragraph of the British-German pact,
which is the essence of the agreement and
which In substuree means that If Russia or
France attempt to -seize Chinese territory,
Germany and Great Britain will stop either
or both by force of arms; or Great Britain
and Germany and their ally, the United
States, will proceed to size their own terri
torial Indemnity.
In other words, the British-German An
nouncement Is aimed directly at Russia
and France, and while Great Britain and
Germany and the United States do not dis
close future action, the Impression here is;
that they would prefer to submit to the
partition of China than to provoke a world
wide war.
They Marched to the Sea With
Sherman "Sow Renounce
McKinley and Roosevelt. ,
Indianapolis. Ind., Oct. 20 A Kokomo dis
patch says that the Republicans of that lo
cality were thrown Into a panic to-day by
the announcement that Edward W. Free
man and sixteen other Civil War veterans
In his company, who marched with Sher
man to the sea, had renounced McKinley
and will vote for Bryan this election.
Mr. Freeman Is a well-known newspaper
man and has resided here for fifty years.
He was Postmaster of Kokomo for twelve
years under Grant and other Republican
Presidents, and has held county offices of
honor and trust. Ho was a brother-in-law
of the late T. C. Phillips, founder of the
Kokomo Tribune, one of the oldest and
best known Republican newspapers In the
Mr. Freeman and his sixteen comrades
who have abandoned the McKinley ranka
are all substantial citizens.
They departed on the issue of Imperialism
and pension methods. They wiU vote tho
straight Democratic ticket from President
down. AH are enthusiastic for John W.
Kern for Governor.
"The flopping" is all one way In this
vicinity. Nobody in these parts who voted
for Bryan four years ago w!U vote for Mc
Kinley this year except one, and he calls
himself a Populist and not a Republican
or Democrat. The gold Democrats are all
for Bryan this time.
A-F.?1V'1U, 'onnerly editor and owner
i..the Ko"""o Tribune (Republican), now
editor of Pper at Salt Lake City, Utah,
nas also abandoned .Trf,!, n . a--
wu w attjmu
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