Newspaper Page Text
13) THE REPUBLIC: SUNDAY. OCTOBER 21, 1900. V ora3sspyx?- Homeliness not positive ugliness but mere plainness, often passes for beauty when crowned with a halo of beautiful hair. In scores of cases the secret of beauty is Ayer's Hair Vigor. Ajrer't Sirupiriua Aycr't Pill. Ajer'i Agoe Cure Ajn't Hair Vigor Aje-r's Cherry Pectoral Ajer'i Conutone If jour druggat cannot upplr you, tend u 1.00 Carpets ! EXTRA LOW PRICES. THIS WEEK WE OFFER: Beautiful Velvet Carpet, worth SI. 25; at 79C yard Linoline Oil Goth, worth ."oc; at 29C yard Ingrain Carpets that will not fade, worth -13c; at 25c Linoleums, worth 75c to 90c; at 45c az"l 49C SPECIAL a All our 50c and 60c Straw Mattings, at 25C an(i 29C Remnants of Floor Oil Cloth, worth 30c toooc; at 25C and 9c yd. J.H.TIEMEYER 514 FRA&KLIi. AVENUE. REARING A IJISMAL CIA)E. Republican Campaign In the State Dying; of Inanition. With the election less than three -weeks off. the Republican State Committee lias been busy day and night. The sacred por tals of the rooms at the Llndell Hotel havo been closed, except In the general reception department, and the sign "Keep Out" la posted conspicuously where ubiquitous re porters may readily Fee it In the last week there have been numer ous caucuses between Chairman Aklns and various visitors from the country. In nu merous Instances theso visitors have cu rled their grips behind the closed doors and what transpired there Is only Known to Chairman Akins and those who have lieen In the conferences, These aforesaid grips have been carried out again. It may be that they were there for documnts. but the gripe always seemed heavier on the descent of the broad marble steps leading down irem the Llndell parlor. Documents are totally sent through the mill und are not carried away In hand-satchels. Chairman Aklns has lost that look of as surance that was with him at the beginning ot the campaign. It Is declared that recent reicrts received at headquarters from over the State havo not hid the roseate hue they had in the beginning. There has been a. lump recently to the Democracy from the laboring element that has stirred Flory and Chairman Akins visibly. This was their lone suit at the beginning of the lit; lit. but the laboring men scan to be flocking to Dockery In large numbers. The report from Gouthwest Missouri Indicates that that whole section will return greater mijori tles than ever for the Democratic ticket. The same Is truo from the southeastern end of the State, which Mr. Flory had so fondly Imagined he had buttoned In his vest pocket. The State chairman has alo received a it 77 99 Breaks up Colds that hang on, GRIP "77" breaks tip Coughs, Colds. Bron chitis, Hoarseness, Laryngitis, Catarrh, Influenza, Sore Throat. TonsIHUs, Quin sy, Loss of Voice or Clergyman's Sore Throat, and Grip with all its prostra tion; Pain In the Head, Back, Chest and Limbs. Taken early cuts It short promptly, taken during its prevalence, preoccupies the system and prevents Its Invasion; taken while suffering gives quick relief and leads to entire cure. "Seventy-seven" consists of a small vial of pleasant pellets; fits the vest pocket. At druggists', 25c. Doctor hoot mailed free. Iluicptarejs Homeopathic Medicine Co., Cor. William and John at., JJertr York. and we will expreua bottle to you, all chirgei preruiJ. Carpets ! A HHKSEaKHHMIIMiHBI partial report from a number of towns In which the railway shops are located. Thsc reports, too, are not what Mr. Aklns. ex pected. At headquarters the whole force has been engaged for two dajs sending out circular letters to the men who will vote this jear for the first time. Thec letters are couched In pleasant expressions and seek to F"cure support from that class of voters on the ground that the Republican party has ai v.ays been friendly. It i a despairing wail and will hardly be productive of requite. Another proposition winch the State e'om mittie had to tackle within the w-k was the negroes. J. Silas Harris of Kansas City and Doctor J. it. A. Cropland of St. Joseph were visitors at headquarters jes ttiday. They were closeted with Aklns for quite awhile and worn again demanding that something be done to hold the n"gro in line. The negroes over the State threaten to .desert the Republicans and the situation Is so serious that Harris and Crossland finally had to make a personal visit to re cure a promise of assistance In a pecuniary way. Momcrti.v Fan dockery. Cltljen I'rnm Severn! Conntlrn Par tlelpnlecl In I lie Meeting. rtnritm.ic t--pnciAU Mobcrly. Mo.. Oct. 50. This was a grand day In North Central Missouri for Democ racy. It showed conclusively that Mobcr ly Is overwhelmingly for Dockery. At 9 o'clock this morning people from the country began to arrive, and at 10 o'clock there were more people on the streets than on "Flory Day." They came from Charl ton, .-uonrpe. uowaru and eiacoii, and at 2 . o'clock, when the speaking began. tile' sidewalks were almost impassable. Mantue ' county came witn .iw Horsemen, bearing banners inscrilxsl as follows. "McKlnley, Sultan of Sulu, Kmperor of Cuba, Dictator of the Philippines. Ask Mark About the United States." Three bands" made music for the crowd and Attorney General Crow- spoke at Con tention Hall to tcvcral hundred persons, while Mr. Itlchmond talked to several thou sand In the park. Kvcry township In Itandolph County was represented, as were sevtral from Monroe. Macon and Charlton. It was the grandest political demonstration ever seen in North Central Missouri. This afternoon Attor ney General Crow spoke at Convention Hull, and his challenges to any Kepubllcau to deny his statements were unanswered. Ono of the most unieiue and beautiful fe-atures of the parade waa that from Salt Ittver Township of sixteen young ladles all clothed in white, representing the purity of the public lives of IJryan and Dockery. 11AIS1XC XATCKALIZATIOar FL'AU. Special Itepnbllcun Committee Solic it) Subscription! Anionic the Gnnir. William Eroeker and Billy Schlingman. members of the Republican City Central Ccmmtuee, yesterday morning called on olhclals and clerks in the City Hall to col lect a 10 per cent "assessment," which, they claimed, tho committee had levied against the salaries of employes of the city for the purpose of pa.vlng tor "naturalizations." Droeker and sj-iill.igman represented that they had been selected by the Ite-Mican City Central couiiuiutt- to make a frlendlv visit to municipal officials to solicit dona" tiens to the "fund." They said that they Ptopcsed to gather In subscriptions to tho amount of $3,000. which would Indicate that 2UH persons had been Induced by the "ma chine" to take out their papers, the "ma- J. C. Ayer Company, Practical ChsmistJ, Lowell, Mass. Be sure and give us jour nearest express office. tl.lne" offering to produce the $1 fee for inch case. Brueker and Schllngman worked diligently j-cflerday morning and succeeded In pro ctiing subscriptions vnrytng from sJ to Sj'j. Mu-l of the amounts subscribed were for J-V, UOj. SZ'JO and 5.V.M. and one was as low as ?0. Some of the city officials acced ed very readily to the demand and consent ed that a cam-ass be made among the sub ord:i'ates in their olllces. The list of names grew steadily and the total swelled rapidly Into a large hum. It la understood mat there were enough responses among city offlclals alone, without considering subordinates-, to warrant the belief that at least Jlrft) wero assured Broekcr and Schllngman in a short while. Sewer Commissioner Hermann nnd Holler Itspector Gunzebach acknowledged that tley were approached by Brotker and Scl.llngman. who requested the payment eif an "assessment" of lu per cent ot a year's salary, lioth Mr. Hermann and Mr. G'in:e bach "turned down" the official solicitors in the coldest manner possible, and Mr. Hermann's rejection of thtlr suit was no frigid that they promised to get revenge on him. Mr. Hermann told them that ho would not subscribe one cent. and. moreover, ho would not liormlt solicitations among em plojes of his department in regular work ing hours. Mr. Uunzebach greeted them In somewhat the same manner. Broekcr and Srhliiigman did not caM on President Me-Math 01 ihe Board of IMiblic Improvements, or Water Commissioner l'lad or P. F. Shirmer of the Special Tax Department. One of the officials who de clined to "cough up" denounced the action as corn-Ion and said he would rather re fign his position, which. Is an Important one. than ce a party to any "assessment" scheme CAI.A MAY AT JICVICO. There Were Four !ieaUer and a Grent Pa rude. I'.ni'IT!I.IC RPKC1AU Mexico. Mo.. Oct. .. To-day was a gala d-iy for the Dtmocr-acy of Audrain County. Fatly in the morning the Democrats of Audrain and adjolniri: counties commenced gathering in While It was expected that Joseph Hiiley would h In MejJce. and deliver an addre.--. there v.eie plenty of good speakers in his stead. Amo ig tncis present were: W. II. Wallace ot KansMs City. Champ Clark, Harry It. Haweie, president of tl-e Jefferson Club of St. Iaiui: J. II. Whltecotton of Paris; IV. A. Vundivcr, S. If. Cook and W. H. Kennan. The at tendance and the spirit fhown by the Dem ocrats clearly does away with the report that there Is any apathy among the Demo crats of Audrain County. Every neighbor hood in the county was well represented and a large numlxir of Democrats from ad joining counties were present. The speakers v. ero listened to by large anil enthusiastic audiences. Auilrain County Is unanimous for the national. State and county Demo cratic ticket. Tim joung and old men will line up against the trusts and imperialism and are for the principals of the Demo cratic party. W. H. Wallace and J. H. Whltecotton spoke at the operu house this nftcrnoon. Champ Clark and Harry II. Hawes -spoke at the Courthouse. rvingressman Vandlver speike at night. Lirge audiences were In aUcnelance at nil of the-o meetings. The parade took place immediately after dinner. There were a large number of clubs In at tendance. bcl'Jes a great many Democrats who were not nttached to anv club. The three -onte-ting clubs were: Hengle'si, 313; Wilson's. M. nnd Jackson's, hj. xii" fligM were awarded to Ileagle's and Wilson'., jfr P. II. Cullen presented them from the Kingo Hotel bclccny with an appropriate address. JOHNSON COIXTV MnKTIXO. Tltoaxanil Atteneled the Ille Demo cratic Demonstration. BltPUBMc SI'KCIAU Warrershurg. Mo.. Oct, 20 The Demo crats of Johnson County held a rally here to-elay. In attendance and enthusiasm It broke all records. Ity 9 o'clock the streets were thronged with cheering Democrats. The grand parade t-ok place at 11 o'clock. It was fully two miles long. One of the banners read: "Republican City or Ft. Louis, debt, $19. (Wi.trJO. Democratic Missouri State, debt, ti Ouu.tfjQ." Another read: "Illinois State tax. 38 cents; Iowa State tax, 2S cents; Missouri State tax, 10 cents." On one float appeared: The flag waves over the Sultan ot Sulu. Who wlil haul It down?" A banner valued at $23. awarded by the "Warrensburg Urjan and Stevenson Club to the delegation h?ving the greatest number of voters In line, was won by the Columbus Township, with a total of ac At 2 P. m. David Overmyer of Kansas addressed a large crowd, conservatively estimated at 4.000 people. At night two great meetings were held. One in the Courthouse, addressed by the Reverend F. 1J. Loos, and the other in Em- lre Hall, whero the speaker was General ,ou!s C. Boyle, former Attorney General of Kansas. Hundreds were turned away from these meetings unable to get In, while in the streets there was a surging mass of humanity, wildly cheering for the Demo cratic candidates. Johnson County will give the Democratic ticket at least "0 majority this fall. D0CKERY TELLS FACTS CONCERNING STATE TAXES. Shows That a Democratic Legislature Was First to Leyy on the Railroads. Their Assessment Has Increased in Greater Proportion Than the Assessment of Farm Lands Platte County Meeting. nv v staff conni:.-:rnsr)r..NT. Kansas City. Mo.. Oct. .v. Platte County Ialr Urouuds was one ast camp fur the Democrats of Platte County to-day. on tlu occasion of the address or the next Cov ernor of Missouri to the Democratic clubs or that county. I'ew except those who livo In I'latte and In Tracy, towns mar the Fair Urounds. eparatd from each other by tho Uttle l'latto ltler. came on foot. Platte City was the rendezvous for tho clubs and visitors. They went to the fair Uround in a procession which for length broke the parade record of the present cam paign ill Ml oiirl. The detachments formed on each side if I'latte City's, main Mitel and took their wa across the l.lttle I'latte It'.ver through Tracy to the fair grounds, a distance of a mile and n half, and when the had reae'xd the ground the cuard hail not yet lallen into line at I'latle Citv. A beautiful blue silk Uiiiner had bm of fered for the township most numerously nnil attnv-tKcly represented in the parade, ai.d so there was great rivalry. Men o.i horseback and In vehicle, only were rtck oned. No fiHitnun jarticlpated. Ilnmploii Won the llimner. Hampton T.iwi.ship won the banner with n deltgalion strong, comprising a troop of llfiy oung horsewomen dreseij uniform ly In ml, white mid blue shirt waistn. white felt hats and black skirts. It v.aT Inspiring to see the long bright line at a trot uir the undulating xiuntry roids. Other clubs wire not lar behind Hamp ton. I'latte City had Ml In line, the Cini ilcn I'olnt military cadets) rode js strong, headcii by Major W. X. Stagncr: rarkvllle had 31 In line. Unkville , Ilhlgsly UTa mid Weston 40i). Two bands, a police o.r don wearing rc-il sashe, and vehicles corn pitted tlu parade. Kverj thing from a farm wagon to a, two-story Magu coach partici pated. I'latte City had been elaborately deco rated with lithographs ot tho c-.i.dldate.s, bunting and Hags, but whn ti:e parade reached the Fair Grounds It was a destrled vlllaije. The most notable tidng about I'latte Coun ty's Fair Urouuds Is its mile track and grand stand. A speaker's sfin-i had bttn reet 1 opposite the grand stand. The lehlcl-s wire lintd up on the bltie-gras paddoik so as to foi ma gigantic stinltircle, with the FINiikerii' stand in the ctnter, the horus weie unnitched and fed and tho spectators fell uimn the lunch baskets that nail b.-in brought. It vvas a grand family lunch. Cit izens of I'latte City supplltu most of tho provender. A fowl pool was formed. tolTeo was cooked on the grounds and verbody was supplied. Tor the llrst week day In over a month Alexander Docker- delivered but one ypetcli to-dav. That was an open-air speech Irom the .speaker's stand In the I'latte County Fair Urounds In a raging duststorm. Ho rpoke to acres of listeners, who Mood and ihecrtd In dtllance ot wind and dust. It was an all-day trip trom Uwlngton through Kansas City and Ueverly, ending with a four-mile drive to Platte City. Con gressman Charles F. Cochran of St. joe. of whose district I'latte County is a part. Joined the Dockery party at Ueverly. Only one rig. the mall carrier's spring wagon, could Lc obtained at Iltvrrly. IJvery other conveyance In I'latte County scennd td be at the fair grounds-. Mr. Dockery drove and the rest of the party picked themselves in somehow, the mall carrier "catching on be MERIWETHER'S POINTED TALK OK BRITISH COLONIAL SYSTEM. r.r.pcnuc fpixiau Macon, Mo.. Oct. -). I"e Meriwether and F. ii. Itlehmond addressed an opera-house crowded to the footlights with farmers and miners at Uevier last night. Although every Inch or space on the stage and in the wings was occupied, many coulel not get in and had to listen through the windows in the Mreets below. Mr. Meriwether lias many friends In Uevier. and they always turn out to hear him, without regard to party aflilla tlon.s. It Is said fully 300 Republicans wero lu tho audience last night. Four or live hackloads of peeiple from Macon drove over early In the evening. Inspiring music was furnished by the Hevier nnd Macon bands. Lizzie Jom-s. a little girl of C. sister of W. E. Jones, chairman of the local Democratic club. In a clear and well-controlled voice re cited a poem that had been written bv a citizen of lit vier. Chairman Jonep Introdaccd Mr. Meriweth er, who. he said, had been Invlteel to Ilcvier not to address a Dockery meeting nor a Flory meeting, hut a gathering of American citizens who had laid aside partisanship and come out to hear principles of govern ment discussed by a man whose experience had richly iiunUllci! him for the task. Mr. Meriwether seems to be more nt home when talking to laboring men than nny xvhere elre. The audience) gave him a gen erous recepil ii at tl.e start and cheered fre quently during the hour and a half he spoke. Twelve e-irs ago. vvhn I.abor Com missioner, he visited Ilcvier in the interest of the miners nnd took a decided stand in favor of their contentions. He referred to this Incident last night In cpenir.g and said It wns the dividing line In his life. After a brief Introductory he ell.-cused national question?, citing Information he had derived from interviews with prominent men when In England and other countries of Europe. Touching the colonial system of England and Its policy as a business matter. Mr. Meriwether said: "Now. I want to say something to you English. Welsh and Scotch people here. You will be intere-sted in this. I happened to be In London not long ago. I was well ac quainted with a member of the House of Commons. Mr. Illgwood. For years he has lccn a supporter of Ihe Silisbury adminis tration. I said to him as a man Inquiring fcr information: 'Mr. Rlgwooel, how elo you convince the Rritish workman, merchant IMMENSE CROWDS WELCOME C0CKRELL AND M. E. BENTON. itnruni.ic sitciai.. Gallatin, Mo.. Oct. 20. More than 10 00) citizens of Daviess Countj wero in Gallatin to-day to participate in the grand rally of Bryan and Dockery clubs, anil to hear tho doctrine of Democracy from the lips of the grand old commoner. Senator Cockrcll, and the brilliant Congressman M. E. Benton of the ntteenth Mls-ouri District- The rally was opened this morning at 10 o'clock with tho finest rarade ever witnessed in this county. It was In four sections, each one headed by a uniformed band, and was fully four miles long, and as pretty as a pan orama. More than 3.0U0 rersons were in line, some In attractive vehicles, others in gaily decorated buggies and wagons, and still others were on horseback and afoot. All manner or floats, flags, banners) and car toons were dlplajed In lavish profusion. Mark, Teddy and Mack were burlesqued to tho edification of the multitude. Many terso stirring epigrams were on the banners. One reaU: "Slavery and Polygamy Are Indorsed In the Sulu Islands by McKlnley;" another, "Trust Salt. One Dollar Sixty; Non-Trust, Ninety Cents." On a six-foot banner an immense hog was. painted with this In scription: "Trust Hcg. Fattened by Hanna & Co.. Biggest Hog in the World." On State issues there were hundreds of good ones. One read: "Dockery will show Jce the books"; another: "Missouri has the second largest school fund in tho Union"; another read: "Missouri has lowest tax rate In tho Union": another with Flory pictured on bis bicycle read: "Flo Jory go hind" and shouting warning of "Watch tho springs" whenever a rough bit of road was ri.ichtd. A high wind was carrying the dust In whirls ovrr the grounds when the time for the speaking came. Mr. Dockcr's voice Is troubling him and be has declined to ieak but llie size of the I'latte County crowd and the Imposs-lliiiitv of transferring it to ii hall forced him to i(M. As the speaker's stand was loeitid. the sltaker would have l.n obligtd to speak in the vtry tctli of a howling gale The stand was of heavy lumber, looted ovtr and s-ub-s-taatlal. Sevtral handled 1'1-itte Coiintv tntn took It up ldlly and swung It around so that tile's back mUht be toward the wind llorLrr) on Mntc- tssucft. Mr. loiktiy spoke tor over an hour on Stale nffA-s. "i.M"ililrl-.iii hadtrs" he "have he'll haiging thai the tax assessments f I. tlrouds have been loiuitd. .vnile those ot farms have been iiicreHd sinee lb3 by the Duiiotratlc liarly. The charge 1" as Uiseless as the ih ires Imnighl regarding tin s.1,,,,,1 fmid. and in this case. also. aH in the case of the school fund. InvertUatlon shov.-.s tiiat tile Kepubllcau parl'.s rnord in tills respetl contains ause for tensurc. 'It was not until March Vs. 1571. when the K pul.liean grip on tne State PiosoninS and whtn :i Deni'icr.itlc legislature vvas in powir. that the act assessing railroads for taxation was passed. Itefore that time the i.illroads or Missouri had not paid a tent of tax. -;: taking the figurts or 1S7T. the Hcpu' Ucan li.idrrs have attempted to show that nulroad.s wc as-itssC,i at jn.ll.; per mile tbsii. while now they are assisaetl at $11. US pr mile. "The ansvitr to this Is that In 1ST3. under railways, vvtre Ineludtd all kinds of rall- oad property which are not assess-d under that, head now. It ineludtd "uO.'juo acres of land, it ineludtd town lots, workshops, machine shops and warehouses. Thes'e lat ter clast-es of property are now- assesstd, not l.y the State, but by the communities where tliiy are located. "Comparing tho railroad assessment In 177, when these clashes of property wero lirst cxcludisl from cla-sltlcat-on as rail wajs. with the present ass ssmeiit, we llnd that in 177. T.1W miles of railways wtro assessed at JJI.11S.1H. or at the rate of V.XO jkt mile. In r.", .77.". miles of railway aio :i-etd at $77.41S.2?I. or at the rate of JII, 131 per mile. Hi re is an Increase in assess ment In tvwnt. -three jears of SI per cent. "This proves that the a-sessment of rail roads has not ridiiced more than this. The assessment of railroads has Incrc.isol In greater proportion than the assessment of farm Iandp. "In l-77. W.l.1fO acres of farm lands were taxed at the rate of' per acre. In 1, 4!.J!"75 acres were taxed at J7.7" an acre, making an Inciease of 11 per cent. Kail loail as.sssment has Increased il per cent s.nee 177. while farm land assessment has lntrtased only 11 per cent." Congressman Cochran, who followed Mr. Dcckerv. was Introduced by C-uy l'ark, a oung "attorney of I'latte City. He UIs ci:s.sed trusts and lraperlallam. In the evning Major James A. Heed of Kansas City addressed a big gathering in t courthouse. State Senator Frank Cos tello addressed an overtlow- meeting and a. Iavlh pjroteetmlc display took place. I'latte County Is tho banner Democratic county or the Fourth Congressional Dls tucl. and Increased majorities are looked for from the rally. Mr. DoeKery spends Sunday In Kansas Citv. taking treatment fur his voice, which si.nered trently from the outdoor address in I'latte County. JOHN C. 1.KDCNS. and shopkeeper that your colonial rollcy is n good thing? Just think of what it has ceist them. There was jour war with our country, lasting tight years and costing you nearly Jj.iO.vw.1"); the ltoer war going on now lias cost ou JIjO.IjOO.IO); ".our Soudan war rost )c.u $7j.t'0).'jCM, utul so on down tho list. Turn. ng over the pages of history you wl.l find there has hardly iwc-n a day In this century when Englanel has not been carry ing on a war somewhere in tho world, and her total national debt is now more than .VI.VM.0. "He answered by saying: "Look at our encrmous Hrltlsh trade; look how we have extended our commerce." 1 asked him If ho thcught his commerce came from the Brit ish colonies. 'Of course; it does, he an swered. dcciileJly. Well. I happened to 1mj loaded for him. I had a handbook of mil clal statistics lsued by the Hrltlsh Gov ernment. 1 said: '.Mr. lilg.vuod. here is a book lssued by jour own Government which says that In all your trade onl" 31 per cent is with your coinnhs. Seventy-! per cent more than three tlme-s as much is with foreign countries that don't float jour flag and don't care anything about jeiur flag. If you set Ihe grtat hulk of our trade without otir colonies, don't you think jou erould cct that little end piece, too?" "lie looked thoughtful a moment, and I went on: 'Lven supposing not a single dol lar of this i'l per cent would be brought to jour shores unless the colonies it came from belonged to jou politically and Hew jour flag, dots it payT Again turning to mv deadlj- little handbook. I said: 'If j-ou allow li per etnt on everything British mer chants and manuf ccturers sell to their col onies, tho total amount of net profit l only Jir.iXWMf. und j-et jou spend tZU.WX'jO en jour armies and navy in order to make ihnt tl5.iWV Then 1 asked. for I was In terested and wanted to know: 'How in tho wcrld is It that jou can get the British people to keep on voting to sustain jour policy? What do j-ou suppose his answer wes? It was frankness indeed. He said: The only reason wo win Is because they don't read those figures as carefully as you do. "Now. In the light of these Incontrovert ible facts. It Is only In tha event that the American people will shut their ej-es to logic and reason that they can bo induced to support n pollcj- that is essentially the same as the ono that Is to-day robbing the people of England of millions of pounds anr.uallj-. I don't believe thej- will do It." Mr. Richmond followed Mr. Meriwether In a half-hour talk, and the crowd adjourneel with cheers for Brj-an, Dockerj' and the countj- ticket. ing up Salt Crek." Several read: "Dockerj-, Daviess County's Pride." When the parade reached the square 5.000 persons were on the streets and In the public park, the band struck up "Dixie" and the crowd went wild. Judging from to-daj- tho Democrats will cany Daviess County by not less than 000. The frost on Flory Day last Saturday has made the Republicans hopelessly dtspon ctut. Congressman M. E. Benton spoke at 11 a m. He made a magnificent presentation of tho Slate and national Issues, He spoke for two hours und then the audience was not willing for him to quit. It vvas a splendid speech and will be of great service to the Democrats. Senator Cockrell did not arrive In the city until 1ju o clock, when he was given a rojai reception, crowds meeting him at the depot with three banus. Ills marcn to tne speakers' stand was characterized by the n.ost Intense enthusiasm. He made a clear, logical adures. lull of statistics and un answerable tacts. He spoke both upon State and national issues and treated, them In his usual earnest ami convincing way. it was one of the ablest addresses that haa been made here during this campaign. He also s-pone in Piittonsbutg, in this county, to-night to a crowd that filled the large opera-house to overflowing. He was given n grand ovation on reaching that cltj-. Manj- of his old company wl.o marched with him in tne late war live there. Democrats are Justly- Jubilant to night. They feel that, despite all the Re puDlican bluster and huilaboo, Daviess. County Is as reliably Democratic as ever. ICothlng Is now in doubt, but the size of the majority. AX ISirOKTA.M' Kl'l.I.NR. LfHQrur sn Hun Xorulnnllfiii .Maf lie Made l.y I'ollllenl rnrlles. REPCIJUU Sl'KCIAl. J ffcrson City. Mo.. Oct. 1?. Secretary of State I.esueur madn tho following im I.rtant rulings concerning nominations bv political thirties. In response to a letter sub mitted to him bv Chairman Seibert from the County Clerk of Douglass County, which answer.; numerous lntmir!-s of a similar character. "It Is regular and according to law- for the I'rcgrcssive People's party In Douglas County, Missouri, to nominate a ticket by petition with fifty-throe legal signtr.-. with names properly and lawfully acknowledged, this numl-r being more than 1 per cent of the vote cast at ttso last preceding election In that county. "Provided tint said signers thall have declared In said certificate tliat they are I bona ilde supporters of tho candidate I sought to be nominated and have not aided and will not aid in the nomination of any I otner candidates for the same othce. I "If It can be proven that cle -spite this declaration In the certificate. :i sulliclent number of voters to Invalidate the eertili cate have, as a matter of fact, aide-el lit the nomination of other candidates for Ihrt same otrice. the certificate may be attaekul for fraud In the courts and rtmlertd void l and of noneffect. j "There are three ways under the An."- . tralian ballot law of nominating either i:i- I dividual nomlne-t-s or a ticket: om i.v -n- I xentioa. ope by primary election ai.d one by 4 (-IIIK.II. Missonti mm:aki-:iis w.wtch. Cfimmlttrr From IIiinI M. Louis Calls on Clialrniiin e;'ierl Louis IMIieh. City Treasurer of Kist St. lends-, anil Thomis J. Ilaky. c:, rk e-; h City Ce.uit. calleel uiiii Chairman S-H.-rt Je-sterlav to secure speake-rs for t"i- "oig tonrcs-elr.n il meeting which the I), n-o-erats .if i:.t rit. Louis will hold next Mature!. iv evening. Octoder 17, In the a ,dl torium e.f the- ntw city Hall. K-Uov-criir John 1. A te-ld will 1 . the prlne-lpil spe.ek e r e.n that oeasien. but the of the affilr. that the Citv II ill au ditorium v. Ill not nccummoclatp ohc-h-ilf the people that will turn out on that cKvarlun, wish to prepare for an overflow- -neitlng. anil to that ene! are elesirous of obtaining tlfKtue-nt speakers to address the overtlow. In the event that the evening will le pleasant, the overtlow meeting w'l lie -addressed in the rity Hall l'ark. just norm of the City Hall. If the wcutln-r Is 'n clement. the overflow- meeting will be hi 1 in the ope-ra-houe. Chairman FeiLjri his taken the matter under ndvi-t nient. nnil will n.-s.-e. tin,, ne I more able speakers- to the me eting. Juiige I 1-rar.k M. Lste.s will be coie of them. nii-.nv to m:ri:ivi; jiaioh itr:i:. Crent Driitonslriitltiii Planned at West i:nd Collneuni. The reception to Ik given Mavor James A. Hcs-d of Kansas City In the West Ihvl Coil scum to-morrow night is expected to be the occasion for the greatest demonstration by the D-moerats of St. Louis since the recep tion to William J. Uran In the nxposition Coliseum. Tro meeting, which v. Ill bo held In tha Interest of James J. Hutlcr, Democratic congressional romlneo In the Twelfth Dis trict, will b under the nup!ct of tho Workin-men'.s nrjan and Doekery Club. Every organization In the district has prom ised to turn out with Its full marching stri-ngth. and march to the Coliseum. There will bo several drum and fife corps in the parade, and. from information rts-elvcel by President Haughtun or the Worklngmen's Ilryan and lockcry Club, there will be a torchlight procession a half mile in length. The meeting will be presided over by Robert H. Kern. The Committee on Ar rangements Is composed of W. Jeff Pollard. K. F. Cunningham. S. C. Jolly. K. . Frazee. T. F. Keane. A. H. Itobbins. Ben J. Selkirk. Charles Haughtou and A. C. Range. Tho Iteceptlon Committee Is as fol lows: Charles Bai ge, A. I Iierce. E. F. E. V. Frazee, Frank M. Klelber and W. Jeff Pollard. SU.VATOIt IJEIUIY E.VTHUSIASTIC. Think Prospects of Ttryan'n Election Are Bright. Senator J. II. Berrj of Arkansas was a visitor at Democratic State heaelquarters jesttrdaj-. Senator Berrj- Is enthusiastic al out the prospects for Democratic suc cess In Arkansas and the ccuntrj- at large. 'There are no prospects." saj-s Senator Berrj-, "from mj- iiolnt of view they aro all realities. Thej- slmplj- have no show ot beating Br) an down m- waj and I know the same Is true of Missouri, and. 1 be lleve, of Kentucky and Indiana, and. I hope, of Oaio nnd Illinois, and. I sincerely trust, of Ntw- York. There is an extensive revul sion of feeling. I And, In favor of Bryan lr. those State-s which cast their electoral voto against him in 1S:; sufficient. I be lieve, to return him President this fall." Senator B'rrj- will spend the coming week f tumping Ml'souri In the Interests of Bryan and Dockerj'. His engagements are as fol lows: Bowling Green. Mondaj-; Fulton. Tc.elav: Columhla, Wedr.esdaj-; Salisbury, Tkurulay; Liberty, Friday; Richmond. Sat-urdaj-. AV. A. CARTER MADE A HIT. Xoonelny Mcelii'ji- Audience Grenlly Entertained Other Speaker. W. A. Carter of Montlomery was thi prlncijtfil ieaker at the noonday meeting of th- Jefferson Club at Its downtown head ouarters In the Carleton building j-estcrdaj-. Mr. Carter Is ono of the most entertain ing. Instructive and humorous speakers that has ever been sprung on a St. Louis nudl ence. His speech waa mainly along the lines of Stato Issues. He knows Jot Flory from a to Izzard. and the waj- he exposed tho fal lacies of Florj's pollcj- nnd adverted to his labor record was sn unctuous that the audl erce was kept in a tumultuous roar, and when he had finished tho cheering was so hearty anil continuous that he was com pelled to beg to be excused from further on account of his voice, which ii hoarse from the strain of nightly speeches In his own district. Michael J. Gill and Walter D. Jonejt also made speeches on State and na tional issues, and kept the large audience at r high tension until long after the hour ussUned to the meting. At Ihe meeting to-morrow II. Clay Heath er will bo one of tho principal epeakers. Cfl ILLKXGK TO DOCTOR HARTIIOLDT He la Asked to .Meet Mcrlvrether in Joint Del.nle. The Woiklngmct's BtJ-an Cljb has Issued a challenge- to Congressman Bartholdt to meet Ix-e Me-rivvethcr In debate. The challenge, which Is slgneil bj- Owen Miller lis president and J. E. Mulkej as secretary, fellows: "Richard Bartholdt: Dear Sir It appears that previous engagements prevent August II. Bolte from accepting j-our Invitation to a Joint debate. This, however, should not deprive the voters of the Tenth District of the Instruction always to be derlvexl from a frank nnd courteous discussion of the Issues of tho campaign, and we hereby In vite J'ou to participate in a Joint debate, on tho terms suggesteel by yourself, j-ou up holding the Republican policies and the Democratic policies btlrg championed bj our speaker, Lee Meriwether. "Our club is to hold n me-ctlng on October 30 at Bohemian Gymnasium Hall. We will divide tlmee with J-ou there or will hold a meeting on November 3." COfXTY XEGROES FIGHT IIEVCKEX. Orcnulre Clnl.s to llefent Hepnhllcnn Xominee for Mit-rliT. Tho fight against Edmund C. Henekcn. Republican candidate lor Sheriff of St. Louis Count has been taken up bj- tho negro Republicans of that place. Fridaj- evening thej' organized an Antl-Hencken Club at Webster Groves. John Williams, wa.s elected president of the club, William Thomas vice president. Amus Wulson recording secre tary. Darl Turner corresponding sccrctarv. John Walker treasurer, nnd William Scott I sergeant-at-arms. The club waa addressed ' by ii. li. llacfiet. "Other anti-Hencken cluba were organized last week bv- the negroes of Lake. Fergu son. Black Jack and Kirkwo.ed. To-morrow evening one is to be organized at Allcnton. M. I.oplsnns Speak at Richmond. nEPL'BUC SI'ECIAU Richmond. Mo.. Oct. 2). Judge W. Jeff Fol.ard of St. Louis delivered a splendid ael dress to the Richmond Democratic Club at its meeting last night. Lre Meriwether of the sarrc citj- also addrts ed an enthusi astic assemblage of Democrats here th!3 evening. Democratic Prospects Very BrlRht. REPUUMC SI'ECIAU Butler, Mo.. Oct. K. Congressman De Armond returned home to-night from a two weeks trip through Illinois and Indi ana. He reports Democratic prospects in those States very bright. Overflow Meetlnic at Memphis. RCPUUIJC SPECIAI. Memphis. Mo.. Oct. . The crowd which attended the address made by John A. Lee here this afternoon filled the Courthouse to overflowing. Democratic Picnic at Butler. kEPl'BUC SPECIAI.. Butler. Mo.. Oct. 20. The Democrats of Northern Bates County held a grand picnic at Altoona. to-daj-. General IL C. Clark and Judgo J. F. Smith troth made able ad Thonsands Have Kidney Tronbte and Don't Enow it. How To rind Oat. Fill a. bcttis cr common glass with yeor" wat;r and 1st it stand twenty-four hours: a ssc:rncr.t or set- rj tnnj maicates an forif tion of the k!d- f . V ncys; if it stains yo-ar linen It fa evidence of kid ney trouble: too frequent desire to pass It or pain in the back is also cor.vincins proof that the kidneys and blad der are outof order. What to Do. There Is corr.fcrt in the knowledge so cften expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every wish In c".r:.i rheumatism, pain In ths bask, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part cf the urinary F--3aEe. It corrects Inability to hold water and scalding pain In passing It, or bad effects following use of liquor, vme cr beer, 2nd overcomes that unpleasant necessity cf being compelled to go often during the day. and to get tp many times curing the night. The mild and the extra ordinary effect of Swamp-Root fa scon realized. It stands the highest for its won derful cures cf tne most distressing cases. If you need a medxine you should have ths best. Sold by cruggists in 0c. andSL siies. You may have a sample bottle cf this v.-oncerfuI ciscovery and a book that tells more about it, both sentg absolutely free bv mail. Address Dr. Kilmer iz n-m of Swamp-Koot Co.. Binghamton. N. Y. When writing men tion reading this generous effer la this paper. on BROADWAY, Cor. Locust St. iNG SILVERWARE. Our new nnd exclusive designs in Wedeiiig Silverware for the Fall anil Winter Weddings are the most beautiful ever offered for sale. We etipeciallj- Invite attention, to our new Martchal Neil designs in. spoons and forks, and the artlstlo Martele Chasing in larger pieces ot silver, representing the highest type of the silversmith's art. IEHM8D & JACCARD'S, BROADWAY, ftcW Write tor Calslozae. 3. 000 Ban., MsIIcj Free. flR-B YOU SHORT? GILBERT'S HEELCDSHIOMS noro insiaeui aftoa," Increase Height. Area x n a intitp. Make Better Fitting- bhoea. Re move Jar la vTalkinjr. Indord by payslctmns. Simply places! in ihe heel. iVIt down. Don't re quire, lamer shoes. '- In.. Sc: 'i In.. 3Sc: 1 in., fee per pair. At tho and dep't stora. DC hi) snd name. Hlze shoe, height deJlrad, EHII ana 2c stamp for pair on ten days' trial Gilbert .Vlfg.Co.. S Lint at-. Rochester. U.Y. EACH LEFT A LEG IN CHINA. Five Grievously Wounded Soldiers on Transport Sherman. Ean Francisco. CaL, Oct. 3). Among tho Invalid soldiers who arrived on tha transport Sherman is First Lieutenant G. W. Lee of the Thirty-ninth Infantry, son of Brigadier General Fltzhugh Lee, now at Havana. Ha i? suffering from disease contracted In tha Jungles of Southern Luzon. Lieutenant Lee says the Filipinos usually fire from ambush, aiming at ths American olticers. He saw Captain W. L. Murphy of his regiment shot down by natives concealed in a hut. Five men. each of whom lost a leg In tha Orient, came home together on tho Sher man. They are: Arthur Kosloske. Sixth Infantry, wounded at Tlen-Tsln; George. Kirg, Fourteenth Infantry, wounded at Pe kin; Charles Johnson, Fourteenth Infantry, crirplcd nt Yang-Tsun: Joseph Bier. Thlrty icvcnth United States Volunteers, wounded In the Philippines, and James Iakln. Four teenth Infantry, injured August 6 on tha inarch to PcKin. One of the most grievously wounded sol diers who ever entered the Presidio Gen eral Hospital is Private R, W. Adams of Company A. Fourteenth Infantry, who took part in the battle of Tlen-Tsln and was one of the relief column that pushed on to be leaguered I'ekln. He was wounded at Tang Tsun by one of the British shells dropped by mistake within the American lines. Tha whole of one side of his face, his nose and one eje were literally torn off bj- a frag ment of the missile. First lieutenant Harry F. Rethers of tha row- famous Ninth Infantry Regiment Is another arrival from China. Accompanying him is his wife, the daughter of Major Lee, who succeeded to the command of tha Ninth at tho death of Colonel Llscum. Lieutenant Rethers has been mentioned for gallant conduct at Tien-Ts'n and Pekln. and has been recommended for a brevet. His storj- of the march to Pekln show that the men suffered terribly from hent. the thermometer standing as hlh as 120 In the shade. Street Picture Machine Biraei. JirU'l'ttLK Hl'lIC-IAU De-cntur. HI.. Oct. . A spark of fire was droppeel into the films of the Galveston flooel pictures In a street fair feature hera to-night and tho outfit burned. The loss was $. Larue, the operator, had an arm baellv burned. It was the only accident of the fair, which has drawn big crowds for six days. This was Traveling Men's Day. and the T. P. A. gave a burlesque and decorated carriage parade, with hundreds of vehicles In line. WHAT PEOPLE SAY Is Sot What Makes m. Resseay Talis able. Testimonials are good things and w ara nlways glad to get them, but they don t make our remedy any better. Stuart's Dj-spcpsla Tablets are good be cause thej- elo good because they cure. Testimonials simply prove that the tao lets have hclpeel other people, but It's your self j-ou are most lnteresteid In. and whether they will cure jou Is the question. It Is very easy to find out try them. A. full package costs but flftv cents at your druggist's. Thej' tire worth that If they only help you a little bit. The chance is worth taking at the price. We put it on that basis because you con t know about the tablets. If you knew as much about them as we elo ou would have complete confidence; ills advertising would . be unnecessary. We have seen them cure the worst case of stomach trouble. Caes of long standing and obstinacy, cases that other metllcincs and even high-priced doctors had failed to subdue. Here are some testimonials. If you care to read them we b-ive thousands of them: Reverend J. R. Hoag of Wj'more. Neb writes: "For Ix years I have been troubled with dystiepsia. Last fall I became very much alarmed at some symptoms of heart trouble and came to believe there was a sympathetic relation between the two ells rases, or rather, that the stomach troub'e was the caue of the heirt disturbance. I hit upon Stuart's. Djspepsla Tablets for a remedv nnd Invested a dollar and a halt for three boxes, which lasted me three months, and I can eat any kind of food I want, and have a good, vigorous appetite. Although. I am 77 vears old. I now fel perfectly well, and without being requested bv any one I mako this statement as a compliment to tha virtues of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets." Mrs. LVdia Bartram of Assyria, Mich., writes: "I have suffered from stomach trouble for ten years, and five different doc tors gave me only temporary relief. A Mr. E. R. Pace advled me to try Stuart's Dys pepsia Tablets, and four boxes did me mora permanent benefit than all the doctors medicines that I have ever taken." We honestly believe that Stuarts Dys pepda Tablets are the best medicine ever made for the cure of stomach troubles. Don't mistake our meaning. We don t claim them to cure anything but dyspepsia and stomachic disorders. Just the one thing Is what they are made for. but that one thing is the cause the starting point of nearly nil the sickness In the world. Use Stuart's Tablets reghlarly. Keep, your stomach right, and you aa neve ha E1CJC xECvUCr' ITTf-L-X-JS F- ' T II feriCffi?S r- sv P T?WbK,sw srw gg&ti 7v's?V SvRsr. 'jl ir-ff-iij. .... -, - -.