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THE REPUBLIC: SUNDAY. OCTOBER 21. 1000. MICHAEL DAVITT REPLIES TO STORY. - WvVvWS He Says the Charges Against "Web ster Davis, Macrum and Con buI Hollis Are Falsa. Erected by the patronage of the St. Louis public Is symbolic of all that pertains to fair and honorable business methods. It's a sign of continual growth, and In our onward march of prog ress we constantly aim to force down prices and give you bargains worthy of the name. Hundreds of these hind abound here this week throughout every department. SCORES LONDON DAILY MAIL Journalists of Repute Who Were in South Africa Discredit Its Statements Political Move Aimed at Bryan. 14 slV L MONUME T Sr u BBSS SbI BBBBBBBsl M I '"' .111. ii. ' ;,l "M.f .1 ;;! , rWaJ'ssstil ili ') 1'ltl?'iTnsrlFsl,: ;e BT MICHAEL. DAVTTT. SPECIAL BY CABLE. Dublin. Oct. 3) (Copi right. rCO. by W. R. Hearst.) I hae read with indignation the charges made by Douglas Story against Webster Davis, Mr. Macrum and Consul Hollis of Lorenzo Marquez. in the London Daily Mail, and desire to offer a few com ments upon what I belie e to be thi base lets fabrications of a person who has dis graced the profession of Journalism by pros tituting It to purposes of deliberate politi cal calumny. I met Story In Pretoria on several occa sions. Ho obtained entry into the Trans vaal on tho profession of rro-Boer smpa thy and by saving he had been for some time connected with the London edition of the Standard and Dlsgers of Johannesburg a strong pro-Boer Journal. Webster Dals's ar Kalian t was, theiefore in pro-Boer erv lce. At one time he was in the cmploj ment of Messrs. Mendelsohn and Bruce, whom he now Quotes as having received loans frcm the Netherlands Railway Companv. But theto previous occupations gave him no better means of obtaining private in formation from the Boer Government while In Pretoria than were open to such Jour nalists of standing and character as Thom as Millard. Howard Hlllegas, Richard Hard ing Davis and other representatives of the American gress who were In the Transvaal. Has any of these Journalists of repute confirmed In any way the stories of the Daily Mall representative? Is It at all prob able that a person of Story's limited capa city as a Journalist representing a paper than which all Jingo England could not pro duce a mora venomous anti-Boer sheet would be likely to ferret out more Infor mation from the Boer officials about promi nent Americans than American Journalists on the spot? I trust the American people will consider these points before accepting as true the uncorroborated testimony of a man who, having enjoyed the Boers' hospitality, and having earned Boer money, turns around upon his former employers and supplies unfounded charges and calumnies to the order of the London Dally Mail when the Boer Government ceases to exist. This Story says he has discussed the standing of Webster DavU with State Sec retary Reite and Attorney General Smuts. 'es. but be dare not say that either ot these honorable men ever said a word about Webster Davis or Mr. Macrum hav ing received money from the Boer Govern ment tor pro-B er agitation la America. It U absolutely untrue for this man to say that any money was given by the Boe. Government to Webster Davis or to anj other American, with the object of helping Mr. Bryan In the presidential contest. t had far greater opportunities, while In Pretoila, of learning the views of the Gov ernment about what was being done for their cause outside the Transvaal than anj KngUshmsn could command, and I am ab solutely certain that I would have beeu made acquainted with the transactions. spoken of by Story if any such had eve taken place. i reel that I am Justlfled to branding Story's statements as absolute falsehoods written to order for the Dally Mall, wltu the object of having these calumnies cir culated la the United States for English service In the presidential election. There la sot a single syllable of proof adduced to sustain the allegations against Webster Davis. I write solely in defense of American honor and reputation. Involved as they would be If the Dally Mall's fabrication were true, and to ask your readers to re sent this Insult leveled at the character of your public men by an English paper known to be the most consummate liar In the Journalistic world of our time. Wot si QnestloB of Age. Boms need spectacles very much earlier la life than others. Dr. Bond, expert op tician at Mermod & Jaccard's, Broadway and Locust, will examine your eyes without charge and fit you properly. Steel frames, Jl and upj gold, g and up. HAVEMEYER'S ESTATE Surrogate Decides That $869,018 Is Subject to Inheritance Tax. New York. Oct 30. Surrogate Thomas to-day signed an order tlxlng the value of tho estate of the late Theodore A. Have meyer tor Inheritance tax purposes. He finds that the value of the personal property, subject to taxation. Is 11.763,331. the Indebtedness of Mr. Havemeyer being J1.O4C.630. Of that amount JSJS.SS2 Is to be deducted from the U.760.JS1. leaving the to tal taxable estate JSG9.018. The share of Mrs. Emily Havemeyer. widow of the decedent. Is fixed at KS3X72 and of the children at $$4,371 each. Texas Court ot Civil Appeals. BBTUBLIC 8PEC3AL Dallas. Tex- let. 20 Proceedings In the BUM Court of Civil Appeals. Fifth Supreme Judicial District, at Dallas to-day: CASES AFFIRMED. T. Ja Btrry vs. Kfiitlng Imp. A Mae. Cow Dal las Oaunty. W. Bcott vs. W. H. Chllders. Hill County. OsqarH. Psppla vs. 6hermaa S- 8. Ry. Co., REVERSED AND REMANDED. WlmM. Kansas ass Texas Railway Company va Sarah F. Moor, Dallas County. Texas Midland Railroad vs. A. V. Cardwall. KaatOsonty, MOTIONS DISPOSED OF. T. P. Salmons va, Mary E. Tbomaa, dismissed. i'liaal overrated; appellant required to Die hwiwiuuii waniy oars. & Stewart va W. A. Polki file transcript rasa. CASES SUBMITTED. tenors Kolaalum vs. J. T. Veaaey. . M. Ptittca et aj. vs. M. A. Keshan. ' uumui aniiw vs. ?exaa lAna asa Axon mcanr. Midland Railroad va 8. W. TtL & TeL Oorsie aea&a National Bank va. 1. Baum t al 1C X. Stock va. H. W. fclmmona at ak CAHE3 SET FOR J.OVBMBEK t. Hants Company vs. Waxahacal Cotton Oil , juus vraniy. SUMP va LaveQ Bros, Lamar County. u Cnioa TaL Co. va. J. T. Turntr. Madl- bnntv. W. J. Tma1na vs. S. T. Sawyer at at. Manas- sa oouniy. . St. Lost Booth weamu Railway Company va. John T. Knight. Bunt County. W. J. Davis vs. R. IX White, Wood County. Ilksom Man i'eand Murdered. REPDBLIO SPECIAL. Georgetown. Tex.. Oct. JO. An unknown man was found dead In a pasture near Taylor with a load of buckshot In his breast. He bad been dead several days, and had evidently been murdered else where and the body brought to the pasture. There were no papers or valuables and the pockets were turned. He was about SS years old, weighed about ISO pounds, was 6 feet 10 Inches high, long reddish mustache, black hair, blue Gannel trousers, negligee shirt, tan shoes, no coat, cuff buttons not mates. The Inquest disclosed no clew to the murderer, and nothing leading to the Identification of the dead man. He was burled by the county. 'When your watch needs cleaning take It to Mermod Jaccard's, Broadway and Lo cust. Only expert watchmakers employed. DtstlUlnsT Company Elects Osscers. New Tork. Oct 20 The new Board of Directors of the Distilling Company of America to-day elected these officers: President. & M. Bice: first vice presi dent. Thomas Dolan; second vice president, Bdson Bradley; third vice president, H. J. M. Cardexai treasurer. A. P. Plummer; secretary. T. K. Wentworth. ir. xxiian vu auu roaue rnmnnno ui i the Board of Directors and Mr. Bradley I Mirmaii vi ma Mkcvt.uvv wmihiiw,. ! i H'lMI -I I ! ' p && . ) I cP-sI.M"yq I SlFts)Ssrl8sff-sssf jSSSSW-SSSSSS ' f "" ' ' sVA. ssl TsssssWssC"" ' " " " 3 u I .HilllillllllilUIIHIIIIIIItlHU MlNLEY ORGAN ON THE ELECTION. New York Herald's Poll of the States Favors the Repub lican Ticket GIVES IT MAJORITY OF 115. Electoral Vote Will Be 281 for the Ohioan to 166 for the Ne- braskan, Says That Newspaper. REPUBLIC SPECIAb. Now Tork. Oct. 29 We hava reached that period In the national campaign when partisan newspapers and political mana gers are using their divining rods In a fruit less effort to determine how the American people will vote on election day. Even the life Insurance companies have ceased to write policies, turning their ubiquitous agents lcose instead to canvass the people on the presidential election. The "authen ticated" canvasses of tho life Insurance people tell specifically Just what Mr. Smith of Indiana. Mr. Jones of Illinois, Mr. Brown of New York and Mr. Carter of Maryland aro going to do. Just how thesa erudite canvassers reach the conclusions mads public It Is hard to tell. It Is prob gm I - Ml I 11 Ml EBBBRlJ-iHHBEsssSsw3 'Mssy-BjJB-lM 'lL'SsfTlsss4HHfc?b f ' i "-"i '-'""v'T'l','1v''''''l':'-"i'T''''"' " 'j'T-ryr''fr""-i""'""'"-'iiMi7r'" ''"''' "'l Mllttlillllll ably a case cf the wish being father to the thought. The latest canvass of this character is that which will be published to-merrow by the New Tork Herald, a vigorous advocate of McKtnley. This poll gives MeKlnley 2S1 electoral votes and the remainder 166 are conceded to Bryan, a majority for tho Republican candidate of 115 Electors. With the excepUon of Kentucky. MeKlnley. ac cording to the Herald. Is likely to hold all the States ho carried In liW. and will make a, net gain of 10 votes In the Far West. The ext Conercss. As to the complexion of Congress, the Herald Unas that the new House will have certainly lti Ilipubllcan votes, the Democrats 1J3. tua FuaionUts and Silver Repbllcans 5 and that U districts are In doubt. The present House stands lba Re publicans, 163 Democrats. 7 Tuslonlsts and 3 seau are vacant. Thus ' the Republic an majority would bo silently Increased. At present the Republicans have SO mem bers of the Senate. The Herald poll gives them 13 members next year, or 1 more than a majority. There are 11 doubtful sena torial elecUons pending. Among the Indi cations cited by the Herald are that Quay In lennylau.a unJ Elklss In West Vir ginia may be defeated. It should be said that the Herald, in sum ming up the results of Its canvass. Is dis posed to qualify the more important claims made. Mar) land. West Virginia, Delaware and Kew lorn are claimed tor Jiciuniey dj- re duced pluralities, but the Information upon which these claims are made Is both doubt ful and qualllleJ. Kven In Sow York, vthlca Is given to MeKlnley by 113,000 plurality and to Odell, the Republican candidate for Governor, by 91.000 plurality, the greatly In creased registration may upset all calcula tions. This registration, th!ch shows an Increase of more than EO.tnO In Greater New York alone, represents. In the opinion of Impartial observers, the Democratic "stay-at-home" vote of four years ago. Illtuois Rather Doubtful. In the Middle West the Herald finds that Illinois and Indiana and the othor States that w ent for MeKlnley in 1SS6 will support him this ear. As to Illinois, however. "Cook County is the key to the situation. If the Democrats get a very large plurality there, tho State Is doubtful and likely to go to Bryan. Alichuler. the Demooratlo CHIFFONIEBS. I1KO CUI. golden ilnish, well made. This Week.... ! i J Large Arm Rockers, like cut, solid oak, cane seat. This Week Combination Book Cases, like solid oak, well made, worth $12, This Week $7.98 S. CASH OR CREDIT. candidate for Governor, may be elected over Yates, the Republican candidate, and the fight between Senator CuIIom and Gov ernor Tanner for the control of the Legis lature may give It to the Democrats, re sulting in the election of a Democrat from Illinois." The farmor vote la depended upon ta hold Indiana In line for MeKlnley. Kansas Is given to tho Republican candidate by u rohable plurality of 12.K0. North and South lakota also are placed In the Republican cuiumn. Minor chances are touched upon In tho Far West. Tho probable outcome in detail, as the Herald see It. Is as follows: For MeKlnley California. 9: Connecticut. 6: Delaware. 3: Illinois. 1; Indiana. 15; Ion.t. 13; Kansas. 10; Maine. C; MarvUnd. &; Massachusetts, lj; Michigan. 11: Minne sota. 9: New Hampshire. 4; New Jersey, 10; New York. 3o: North Dakota. 3; Ohio, 23; Orrcon, 4; Pennsjlvanla, 32; Rhode Island. 4; South Dakota. 4; Vermont, 4; Washlns ton, 4; West Virginia. 6; Wisconsin. 1.'; Wyoming. 3. Total. 331. For Bryen Alabama, II; Arkansas, S; Colorado. 4; Florta, 4; Georgia. 13: Idaho. 3; Kentucky. 13; Louisiana, i: Mississippi, 9: Missouri. 17; Montana, 2; Nebraska. S; Nevada, 3: North Carolina. 11; South Caro lina. 9: Tcnne?ee. II: Texas. 15: Utah. 3: Virginia, 12. Total. 165. Total electoral vote-f 447. Necessary to elect U34. McKlnley's Indicated majority 115. English Chiming Hall Clocks. The Westminster and Whittlnston chimes. Hear them at Mermod & Jaccard's, Broad way and Locust. Farmers' Institute Adjonrna. REPUBLIC SJ'ECIAL. Marlon. HI . Oct. 10. Tho last day of the Williamson County Farmers' Institute was a great improvement over the erst both In attendance and Interest manifested by the farmers. At the morning session J. C Chamness of Cartersvllle read an Interest ing paper on "How I Made Success With My Hogs." after which an Impromptu dis cussion cn hog-rslslng was engaged in. In the afternoon Daniel Berry of Corml de livered an address on "Insects Injurious and Insects of Benefit." The following of ficers were elected: President. T. M. Mitch ell of Corinth; vice president, M. N. Swann cf Craborchard; secretary. Mrs. M. L. Copeland of Marlon: treasurer. A. M. Townsend of Cottage Home; delegate to Stats Institute. W. M. Held of Marlon. BOX COUCHES, like cut, covered in cretonne, very us:Iul and ornamental, " This Week &STS2.50 FOR )) cut, i jftgSfu BJramragt 'j ml A By3YptssJBssssWm3SBI) rfjB BBBBBBBBsl SBBBBBB BBBBBBBsl SBBBBstH BbJBbI BBBBBBBBBBsl BBBBBBBBBsl fH BbCbBbI JhjK "W BsELsi HsBBsl CnR bsE''?bbI sssBSBBSBsrl ssKsssH BLH v fc El BB n pi Sail E. Cor. Eleventh and Olive NEWS OF THE CHURCHES. October Meeting of lien's League Galloway Recital. The Men's League of St. Mark's English Lutheran Church will hold Its October meeting next Tuesday evening, and the fol lowing special programme nas been ar ranged tor tho occasion: l'lano solo. "MaElc Fire Music from Walkure" (Wag ner), Mr. Rodney S-aylor; baritone solo, "Honor and Arms from Samson" (Handel), Mr. W. W. Gibson of the Second Presby terian Church choir; soprano solos. "Bird and the Rose" and "Love In a Bubble." Mlbs Graco f Smith. Compton Hill Con gregational Church choir: piano rolo. Fnut waltz, Rodney Saylor; tenor solo. Mr. W. H. Jones. Second Presbyterian Church choir; alto solos. "Were I a .Star" and "Open Thy Bluo CyeV Mrs. Wyatt Evans, St. Mark's Episcopal Church choir; duet. "Crucifix." Mr. Jones and Mr. Gibson. The Mount Calvary Evangelical Lutheran Church, the Reverend E. T. Coyner, pas tor, has outgrown Its present Quarters at No. 1507 Euclid avenue, and has decided to build a church and parochial school build ing at once. The new structure will be 25 feet by 75 feet and will be flnisaed In front with toner and belfry. The membership of the church Is now eighty and the Sunday school numbers 103 Tho officers of th Mount Calvary Church are ai follows: President, Eric Larson; vice president. Con rad Meyer: secretary, H. M. Barrloi. and treasurer. R. T. Cllno. The Building Com mittee js composeu or tne raiior, . x. Cllne. Isaac Johnson and R. Glldx. Archi tect. J. L. Wee3. Charles Galloway, assisted by Mrs. C O. Bang, nlll give an organ recital at tho Evangelical Lutheran Zlon's Church, cor ner of Twenty-first and Benton streets, Friday evening-, November i. The follow ing Is the programme: Coorertsats In C. Louis Thlele (a) Melodic In C. Ttl. Salome (l) Canon la II Minor It- Schumann (c) Grand Choeur Ulalorua E. Olgout Mr. Galloway. Soprano Sclo Jttua of Nuareth Ch. Gounod iln. C. O. Bang. (a) Fantaila on Eln Feats Burg Ch. Vlnk (t) Sonata la D Minor (first movement).... ...,..F. Mn3e!nohn (c) Cintonetta, In A Minor A. Guiunant (d) Elevation S. Rousseau $3.98 XVarJrols. like cut. couoift ccr. wrii mace ara n!ciy ly ..$4.25 r.niinm. Ttis Wk... A STEEL RANGE. This season we closed a contract with the CHARTER OAK STOVE AND RANGE CO of this city, for the tale of a lot of their New Improved "Imperial Charter Oak Steel Ranges (like cut) six ho'es, warming closet, duplex grate and large-sue oven (18a Inches wide) which we propose to give to those who apply at once for only $2.53 down and the balance to be paid $Z50 a month, without interest. The factory list on this Steel Range is $50.00, but for this special sale the price will be $35.00 EACH EACH Such liberal terms were never before offered in this city, but thi Charter Oak Stove and Racgi Cct, through us, their agen's, desire to get at once Into general use (as an advertise ment) these New Improved Steel Ranges, hence this very easy payment plan. This fully warranted Steel Range all delivered and set up in your home for only TWO DOLLARS AND FIFTY CENTS. UNEQUALED CfiRPET VALUES. Velvet Carpets, new fall de- QCn signs, worth $1.25, This Week.UUb Brussels Carpets, worth 90c, 7Cn This Week I UU Brussels Carpets, worth 65c, Cflft This Week JUU Ingrain Carpets, worth 60c, A Cn This Week f3l Ingrain Carpets, worth 50c, "ICa This Week Zub Straw Mattings, worth 20c, IQn This Week lib (s) The Oraat O Minor Fugas .....J. 8. Bach Mr. Galloway. Boprano) Solo Coma Unto Me.. ....W. Cora en Mrs. C. O. Bang. Them. Variations and Final ....Louis Thlels Mr. Galloway. Tuesday evening, October 30, the members of the Assumption Parish will give a festi val for the benefit of the church at Con cordia Hall, Thirteenth and Arsenal streets. For the last month committees have been nt work on the various tables, and report excellent progress. A gold watch has been donated for the handsomest man In the parish. Mr. Harry Lrlghton Has returned to his former position at Mer mod St Jaccard's. Broadway and Locust, where ha will be pleased to see his friends and all interested in flno diamonds, watches, wedding silvern ares and Jewelry. The Missouri Nupreme Court. RETUULIC bPEClAU Jefferson City, Mo., Oct. 20. The follow ing proceedings were had In the Supreme Court to-day: DIVISION NO. 1. Carroll va. HmJ. submitted on briefs. 8mlly va St. Louis and Hannibal Railway, ar gued and sabmlttvd. ElUry Vs. Caldwell, death mixta ted and cause revived: signed and aubmltud by plaintiff tn error, submitted cn briefs by defendant In arror: twenty days to defendant In error and five days to pUintin In error to We additional briefs. Peterson va. lie ha, axtued and submitted. Hants vs. llurnnanu argued and submitted bt appellant, submitted on briefs- by respondent. Kirn National Bank of Maxico v. Ragsdale. arsu-d and sjbmltted. Harvey va. Stevens, submitted on briefs. Reedy vs. St. LouU Brewing Association, con tinued to January call. COURT IN BANC. Roberta vs. Crawford; appeal dismissed oa stipulation. DIVISION NO. 1. Fleckessteln vs. Waters: argued and submitted. VVltnauDt vs. St. Louis; eubmltted oa briefs. Babcoclc va. Merchant' Sxchange: argued aad submitted. Francisco vs. Wlrsn-ld: submitted on briefs. De Oonato va. Morrison: argued and submitted by anpell&nt: submitted cn briefs by respondent. DtTlaloa No. 1 adjourned to November U, 100. at wnicb tune It la expected several Important decisions Fill be rendered. Court In bano will hold another sesalcn Monday, the tii Inac. for tho purple ot hearing the argnmmts tn the case of the State ex rcLTaus va Crittenden (the Kama city election east). BBSBsIbI BBSBSBSBSBsi BBSBSBBBBB BBSBSBBSa SBSBsl No. 7 Coot Stoves, lite cut, made in St. Louis, worth ,10.00, This Week S6.50 Turkish Lamp, wrought Iron, with bracket, like cut, ruby glass, This Week, China Closets, like cut, bent glass ends, mirror top, golden oak, high , goiaen wax, nign- $14.75 ly polished, worth $20.00, This Week.. Sts. CASH OR CREDIT. AN IMPORTANT DECISION. Foreign and Domestic Corporations Placed on an Equal Footing. REPUBLIC SPECIAL. Springfield. 111.. Oct. 20. One of thai mora Important decisions of the Supreme Court was that ordering a writ of mandamus Is sued against J. R. B. VanCleave. Stat Su perintendent of Insurance, compelling btm to license a foreign Insurance company to transact all lines of Insurance business In Illinois. In April. U93, the Ocean Accident and Guarantee Corporation, limited. appUea for a license to do a credit Insurance busi ness In the State. The application was re fused on the ground that the law forbad , a foreign company from engaging in all lines of Insurance in this State. Last Marca another application for a license was mads and refused. Tho Supreme Court was then , asKed to issue a wnt ot manaamus, aireci ed against the Insurance Superintendent, , compelling htm to license the company to write Insurance against accident and em ployers' liability, licenso to transact an other line of Insurance already having beea obtained. Among other things, the Court says: "Our construction Is that domestic cor porations or companies organized under th act of April 21. 1&9. are authorized to trans- , act all the lines of Insurance business men tioned in section L It this Is true of do- mestlc corporations. It is also true ot for eign corporations, b-cause under repeated decisions of this court foreign companies are placed upon an equal footing with, do mestlo companies." Splendid OBees for Rest, $17.50 per month and upward. In the new Mermod & Jaccard fireproof building, Broadway and Locust. Best city locattsa. Grocery Firm Falls. RDPLTBLIC SPECIAL. Eureka Springs, Ark.. Oct. 90. Isa O. Ward & Co.. grocers In this city, closed their doors to-day. The assets about equal the liabilities. Solid Gold BIrthOIontb Blags. For October, the Opal, signifying "Hops," US to fl3; with diamonds up to 1500. Mer mod & Jaccard's. Broadway and Locust. BBSBBSBSBSBSBSsI SBBBBBBBBBBBBbPBBbV s 4 X J iM&: "-