Newspaper Page Text
fr . i ' ' ' y i part n. I : 8 PAGES. j THE ST. LOUIS REPUBLIC. ! TO-DAY'S REPUBLIC: J Special Mall EdMoa la Piloted la Three Part. The Sunday Magaalnt Printed la Oae Part. COPYRIGHT, ISflO. DY PUBLlSIIEItS. GEOUGD KNAl'P & COMPANY. NINETY-THIRD YEAR. ST. LOUIS, MO., SUNDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1000. PRICE FIVE CENTS. I v y 3 THE NEW GIBSON GIRL IS OF LADY VERE DE American Maids Who Would Follow the Artist's Latest Model Must Be Graceful but Not Haughty. nernnuc spivial. Philadelphia. Pa.. Oct. :. There I- a new Gibson girl. She is a pretty pattern, too. for other maidens to follow. She Is bright and winsome and not at all like the oM Gibson girl tall and slender, of the Lady Vere de Vere tyic. In evcrjday life this newest girl with a Fralle that is bewitching is Georple How ard. She is a native, of Philadelphia ami still lives, with her mother and sister, in the house where she was born Miss How ard attended the public schools and when quite a small child displayed an unusual TWO POSES OF GEOKGIE HOWARD, GIBSON'S NEW MOTEL, COMPARED WITn TnE OLD STYLE "GIR- SOX GIRL." aptitude for music and was n. wonderfully graceful dancer. After her school -lays were over eha went with her twin sister. Ulanche. on the stage, and tho two girls attracted considerable attention by their specialty. Georgle especially made a hit ty her imitation of Otero, the Spanish darcer. Miss Howard Is of a retiring disposition and for this reason she is still almost in the ranks of amateurs. Though she has trav eled much, she Insists that there Is nothing of Interest In her Ufa to relate to the pub lic, and seems to be more pleased at toeing selected as the. new Gibson girl than with any other honor that has come to her. Miss Howard docs not wish to be regarded as a professional model. Thlsiis her first pcing. The tall girl with ions straight lines will se-on be entirely forgotten If the new Glb on girl is to become the ideal of the WIDOW OF FAMOUS CONFEDERATE GENERAL Mrs, Stonewall Jackson Is 111 and Has Entered a Baltimore In firmary. BEPDBUO SPECIAL. Baltimore, Md.. Oct. 20. The widow of the celebrated Confederate leader. Stonewall Jackson, arrived in Baltimore a short time ago and Is at present In an infirmary on North Broadway for treatment. Mrs. Jackson is now over 70 years 'old, and though suffering and sorrow have added their traces to those of the passing j ears her face still retains much or the fas cination and beauty which enthralled the then awkward, dithdent joung military ca det from Lexington when he first met her as Anna Morrison at the homo of General David HUL Her black, luxuriant hair has yet few traces of gray, and her great black fyes. partly dimmed as they are by tears, are piercing and lustrous still. Since the death of Mrs. Jackson's only child. Mrs. Christian, several jears ago, she has devoted her Ufa to her grandchildren, who reside with her. Her home is a plain two-story building on Trado street, in Char lotte. N. C. To the unpretentious dwelling, however, a picturesque charm is given by Ivy and madeira vines climbing at will about the veranda; violet-bordered walks leading to the hospitable doorway and stately magnolias casting their luxuriant loliage over the whole. 'Within is the re fined atmosphere of a typical Southern home. In tho drawing-room the most con spicuous object is a large oil painting of Ueneral Jackson. Portraits of other heroes whose memories are still sacred In the hearts of old Confederates are also hung everywhere upon the walls. Interspersed with tattered flags and other trophies of the lost cause. Here the widow of one of the greatest military geniuses the world has ever known has passed her peaceful days, busied with her household duties or superintending tho education of her grandchildren until now, when disease has laid Its unmerciful grasp upon her. causing her to relinquish all her pleasant tasks into younger and stronger hands. It Is hoped, however, that the in tended operation will prove successful in which case a reasonable amount of health will be regained. PASTOR'S SALARY SIX DOLLARS WEEKLY. Finding Even This Sum Hard to Collect, Preacher Resigns His Charge. KEPtfBJJC SVECiXU Park Ridge. K. J.. Oct. 13. The Congre catlonal Church In this place Is again with out a pastor, and the church has been closed. The Reverend John W. Cooper is the last occupant of the pulpit to resign for the same reason as his predecessors, alleged inability of the congregation to pay his salary of JC per week. When the Reverend Mr. Cooper came to Park Ridge he was said to be an advocate of up-to-date methods, and the jourg people were Interested. The first thing ho did was to advertise la the local papers that he was prepared at all times to offici ate at weddings, christenings and funerals. This did not bring any material business to the new pastor, but ho was not discouraged. He. It Is said, noticed that a good portion of his congregation persisted in occupying the rear pews near tho door. It was hint ed that seme of the young folk had a habit of slipping out the door just berore the collection was taken up. The pastor moved the pulpit to the center of the aisle leading to the door. This change was not popular with a majority ot the congregation, and the attendance grew slimmer and the col lections amaller. The Congregational Church Is owned by James Leach, a New Tork business man, whose home Is in Park nidge. He has been an earnest worker In the church and superintendent of the Sunday school. Mr. Leach has become discouraged with the lack of Interest shown in .tie church, and he said to-day that he would have nothing more to do with It. s'vhb& my American woman, ns she is of tho Amer ican artist. The new girl has a figure of the genuine femlnlno tj pe graceful curves and lissom grace. Art is going to humanize again, if a conclusion can be drawn from the appearance of the blithe little woman Just now being pointed out as tho new Gib son lady who will smile or frown in black and white from the pages of magazines and books. The height of tiie new model is medium. Her eyes and hair are dark, and the way her hair ripples and swirls above a smooth and womanly brow Is altogether fetching. In the latest gowns, with sloping waist lice, the model's figuro is perfection. In the Gibson picture iho will stand erect, with back not too straight, but with a graceful curving-ln that comes through throwing the chest out and standing so that if a line were dropped from tho chin it would fall straight down to the feet. TALLEST CLASS OF ENROLLED Maidens of Splendid Physique Who Will Study Hard, Play Golf and Go Hunting. i.'IIE TALLEST GIRLS ALWAYS rtEruiiLic special Boston, Mass., Oct. 3). There are two ab sorbing topics of conversation In North ampton just now. One is the coming coon hunt and the other is the tall girls that havo Juat landed in the town and have been enrolled as freshmen in Smith Col lege. At Smith, however, they do not call tho girls "freshmen." but "first-year jj plls." for this is considered more elegant In a college where only girls are admitted. The first train Into Northampton depot the day before college opened brought a tall, blond miss that towered aBove tho polite brakera m ami gallant conductor who offered to heir her off her two dresj suit cases and a box or two of candy. Since then tall girls ji.ivc been steadily alighi'ug at the depo and they say ai-ouc iirvn that the average iie'rht of the new otay.s is 6 feet 10 Inches. Whenever a tall girl, with rosy cheeks, and a Tarn o Shanter cap pinned on her head, comes In sight the whisper goes around that she Is from Smith College. Some time ago some one made the dis quieting announcement that the Hastern college girl did not begin to compare in stature with her Western sisters, ami that the Eastern girl student was growing thin ner, paler and smaller because of hnr close application to books. Northampton Is. therefore, much elated over the proud showing at Smith. Mr. George W. Cable, the celebrated author, who comes from the land where Creole belles are prettily small, exclaimed: "Verily, the Amnions have captured the cltyl" And the editor of the town paper sought his den and wrote a "greeting to th tall girl." The tall girls are young and wear their hair down their backs In braids, ux school girls should. The new freshman class NOT VERE TYPE. The Gibson Kill at home is a vnv inter Ming personage. It was i:i bright sitting-room the writer learned of this girl's ehlef ambition, it Is rather loo prac tical. Iiovvevtr. to :i..-ociato with a model, ami an artist's studio, and all that i-ort tif thli g. I-amNcnpo gardening is the work that till'! oung woman would pii'f.-r to do. She that j.lic weaves her idas in the open air and not nvi-r :i de-k In a dingy olilce. on a large table in the room where Miss Howatd does her drawing, tin re is :i bis portfolio lliled with diagram, colored plates, and sketches of road and lawns. Tt'is clever drawing is nil Miss Howard's own work. On a white page opposite each lndscape there is n diagram with scales of measurement and dotted nrcs of circles, and angles and geometrical devices of the kind only found in the Innermost dens of architects. The Gibson girl went over these with the ease of a master, showing bow certnin equations full of X2 plus Y solved certain disputed points In the vistas facing n river. In another placa was a bunch of figures nnd letters which, when explained, turned out to be tlo treatment of a curved read sklrtlnif a wail or rock, with a sloping bank of grass on the lower side. The Gibson girl alive Is n plump and jolly little body, with no frills or affecta tions. Perhaps when Mr. Gibson reveals her to you upon paper she may have a few airs and graces that jou may not detect about her at home, but then this is Just an artist's way. FRESHMEN AT GIRLS' COLLEGE. TAKE THE MASCULINE PARTS. represents the robust, out-of-door girl, who has come with the summer tan and sun burn on her face to con her lessons with a vigor that It will be good to see Tradition lias It that the average height of the girl of "college age" U 3 feet t Inches. A number or colleges sustain thl Hut nn nverage of .". feet 11 inches! This is breaking the record. It Is not an Inva sion of WeRtern girls, either, that has raised the record for height at Smith Col lege. Nearly all of the "tlrst-year pupils" are daughters of New Kngland There have been 311 new names enrolled. The en tering class of last year numbered 3j6. The sophomore class this year has 171 m-mbrs the junior 211 and the senior 239. "' The maids at Smith College act as their own caddies. It Isn't unpleasant, either, to see the easy grace with which they carry a burden of golf sticks across their shoul ders. Later on In tho season there will be the dramas, in presenting which the tallest girls always take the masculine parts. The "freshles" may be expected to be pressed Into service In this line, and the girls are all congratulating themselves that there will be tall girls, and to spare this year. And the coon hunt that has something to do also with Smith College, and the tail girls, for it Is at the college that the plan for the hunt Is being fostered. The resi dents of the town are on the alert, for at the first after-dark barking of dogs heard in the woods round about they will Know that the "tall girls." and others, are hav ing their expected lark. A Well Woman Must be a happy woman, and a happv woman never lacks admirers. All women who would have health must take Peruna. If your trouble is catarrh of tho membrane lining any organ of the body, give Peruna an honest trial and you will be cured. REINA MERCEDES UP FOR REPAIRS. Later On Untie Sam Will Put His Valu.'itile Capture in Firt- ClasM Shape. i:Kffi!iJO.i'i:'i.M- i;ovto. Mass. Oil. SL-Tl.e Itrin.i Mer crdv?, tliti big steil cruiser captured from Spain at Santiago. Is at last at rst in Portsmouth Navy Y.inl, wl-r "lie will !nultl".s remain for seneratlons. as a vil llo ,'vidPiiro of AlmTifMU naval prowes. This splendid flshting ship is tin- iliust war truphv 111 tin' lHfSClon of our Govern ment. Japan is the onlv .th. r Power in th world will, mi-dern war!i!ps "iptird fiom an iiiii. I'liglatnl has imt beu in gjiKtil In a naval war since l!i day of mod ern battleships. The former Chliif-i: ships row in tin- possession of Jap-in. and the for mer ships In the possession of lncie Sain, of which tho KUna Mficcdis 13 by tin- l.irgi'st iitt'l most valuable specimen, possess, tlicrtfore. a peculiar value and la-ti-n-st The llein.i Mercedes riched her perm ireiit berth in Portsmouth s'VTal weeks ago, and is now imdt-rgolng ttiupor rtry n pairs. At present there Is no rpi-iitlc sum nvaii ablo for re-equipping this soiivtiilr of Sant iago, but CongMss will probably ! a-k-l this wililt r !u appropriate a sum sullitl.'.il to make her prist ntable. The r-Juvriiatd Relna Mercedes will In- an interesting object lesson In naval history when the babies of to-d.'.y are grandparents. The Ileina .Mercedes is 173 feet 1ft Iwhe Idiig, 4L' Teft 7 inches t am and K feet 1 inchis draught, a single-screw steel-hiilltd vesM-I, inte as l.irg- as many of the trans atlantic liner.", having morn than 3.J tons displacement, hho was Kirk rigged, and carried a complement of nearly 1m men. Shu has no protective deck, but in 157. when tho Ileln.i Merce-des was built at t'ar tliageiia, protective decks wero a rarity. Her sp-u. 17..1 knots made her a valuablo Integer in Spain's maritime possessions. There ar. m ships in the American Javy with which any sort of precise com parison may be made, but the ltoston and the Atlanta ato of the same length and dis placement, though much heavier in arma ment and with greater indicated horse poner. In condition the Ileina Mercedes was much svvitter than our Chicago, ltoston or Atlanta. She hud live ftxod torpedo tulws and ona launching carriage. Her coal ca pacity was ut) tons, mid when launchetl, thirteen ears ago. her Indicated horse-jsiu-er was 4M). Xroin neglect ami nilsman ngcment this subsequently fell to 3,7uu horse Power. Her armament consisted of six C.I-lnch Hontorla breechloaders, mounted In sikjii- soiis, two 2 7-Inch Hontorias.tnree 6-poundcr rupld-llro guns, two machine gun", two 4-pounders and six I-pounders. In May. ISM, before our fleet penned Ctrvcra In Santiago harbor, two of the 0-Inch guns were re moved and mounted on the crest r Sweapa batter', on the left of tho entrance to the naroor. lnese guns tired shells weighing 112 pounus. une in me ait sponson. port Fldo. or tho Relna Mercedes, all rusted and covered with barnacles, to-day. is alone worth a trip to the Portsmouth Navy Yard to see. So much for the material side. Kverylwdy knows how carefully Eng land has preserved her naval relics. Tho English now have anchored In tho Thames an American warship, the President, bear ing the figurehead of John on tho bow. and captured from u.s in the War of ljli They also had the Chesapeake, but Kho was broken up. We have many Knglish nuval relics, but no KncILsh ship entire. As sho now lies tightly hawsered to two mushroom anchors she Is a picture of ruin. Her rusty. crushed and wrecked galley. where twenty-four men were killed In anlnstant by a 13 lnch shell from the Massachusetts and thetr bodies scalded, bespeaks a terrible les son. No one Is on lo.vrd the Ileina Mercedes now save a grave, taciturn boatkeeper, who has n bunk in what was once a richly-furnished otllcer's cabin. Now nnd then u Mt of rusty ironwork, ex posed to wind and weather, breaks off and goes clattering down the riddled berth deck, nnd clanks against the hull with n hollow echo following after. The wind whistles hoarsely through the wreckage, and suddenly the breech of a torpedo-tube tangs smartly against the bolt latch. In the moonlight ghostly figures seem to beck on In the shadows of the hull. When Hobsan nnd his men iay clinging to n. raft in the murky waters of Santiago Hay. after the sinking of the Merrlmac. a launch containing Admiral Cervera picked them up and conveyid them to the Ileina Mercedes, which had fired several torpedoes at them previously. There they were cared for as brave men care for Intrepid foemen and fed and clothed. ' GIRL SCIENTIST MAKES A DISCOVERY. Xo Longer May the Chicken "Pip' Parasite Pursue His Work in Security. unpiruuc Syracuse. N. Y.. Oct. 2). ror ways that nro durk the chicken "pip" parasite has held the record for a long time. Poultry raisers for years have labored In vain to discover the cause of tho disease that laid somo of their tlnest feathered products low. Now Mls Grace Norrl3 appears on the Eceno and savs she has found the tiny but wicked little worm, and many raisers of chickens rle up and call her blessed. Miss Norrls is a second-year student In the Syracuse Medical College, where sho has distinguished herself by her work in biology and her skill In analytical dissec tion. "I ahvavs liked fowls nnd animals," says Miss Norrls. "I lived on, a farm part of each year, and they were my chief compan ions. One winter, when I was a child, I trained a pair of geese to draw my hand-slt-d. They drove well together, and I waj the envy of the neighborhood. "I ulso had a collection of field mice, which I caught one by one by chasing them In the fields and putting my foot down on them lightly and grabbing them up I" my hands. I kept them In a box In the barn and fed them there, and I got very much attached to them. "One cold night I was afraid they would freeze In the barn, and I got up after the family had gone to bed and brought the bov. Into the kitchen. Thero were forty of the mice, and In the morning there wnsn't all) thing left to cat In tho house. They bad got into the pantry and cleaned every thing up. The next day grandma set traps all over tho place and caught thirty of them. I daren't confess to her about them. " "I never knew them to come in such swarms before,' raid grandma, as she drowned my mice. "Last spring 1 spent my vacation on a farm at Illchfield Springs, where large numbers of fowls were raised. I noticed that some of the young chickens, turke.s and goslings would open their mouths, gasp for breath and at the end or a few days die, apparently from lack of air. Prac tically this was nil the chicken farmers knew about it. 'Tor the next four months I did nothing but study and experiment with tho disease. The results of tho Investigation showed a parasite hitherto unknown, n Is bright pink In color, about n half Inch long and twisted lit shape. It has an appendage near one end, which gives It a forked appear ance like the letter Y. This appendage fastens itself firmly to the mucous mem brane of the chicken's trachea, forming in masses, which closo the air passage and cause death. "The worm, or parasite, is pointed nt the single end. where the mouth is located. When It has reached maturity the parasite, which I have named Hablta trachena, emerges from the nostrils of the fowl, drops to the ground, deposits Its ova and dies. The fowls, by scratching in the soil, cause these crrs to float in the air: they are breathed Into the trachea, and the cy cle of generation begins anew. "I found an average of twenty parasites in each fowl I examined. "Authorities havo never agreed as to the cause of the disease, and a successful rem edy has therefore never been found. A hooked wire npparalus is frequently used. Tie wire Is run down the trachea, but. since this method nearly alwas kills the fowl. It can't be called successful. "In my experiments the only effective treatment y.iik to prevent the dlspase by keeping the fowls on fresh soli, whero poul try had never been kept before. Of course, there were no eggs to be Inhaled and they did not contract the disease." BLIND BRIDEGROOM RECOVERS IB 8? iR1 Sill '' ILil f v-'cz W- 1? : Kii SiL it I 1 I i i i iiftil Lb k.w T i-tfr Mh LJEr n The physician In clinrpo raised Iiandaccs at the iuii.ortaiit noinciit. tvr.iTTKN ron Tim svndat r.EiTmjc. Wealth and position have materially aided romanco In preparing a happy denouement to tho courtship of Sir William Hart Dyke's son. whose marriage to tho daughter of Admiral Cave occurred last week in Lon dcn. Although th marrlago was solemnized on l'riday that day so often shunned by mat ing couples tho re-storatlon of tho bride groom's sitrht, though but partial, served to lend to the occasion a most happy flavor, and now that the talented son of so il lustrious a sire has embarked simultaneous ly upon the seas of matrimony nnd politics all Kngland is predicting for the joung man a brilliant future. Hart Dyke, who ! alvut 21 years of age, in spite of complete blindness extending over n period of fourteen years, is a graduate, with high honors, of Cambridge. Through out his school and college career ho was un der tho tutelage of special instructors, who ADRIFT FOR EIGHT DAYS WITHOUT A DROP OF WATER. Two Miners in an Open Boat Rescued Before Reason Had Entirly Deserted Them. ONB 0 THE OTIIKK AVOT'LD SHOUT. "A SAIL: A SAIL!" BUT THE 1'HANTOM SHII' WOULD SAIL AWAY. I'CPCL'UC SPECIAL Seattle. YVash.. Oct. M. WilJ and weird are the tale of suffering that the sea could tell, but none, perhaps, would be moro filled with the details or mental and bodily anguish than that which two Alaskan min ers, recently brought to this port, are now telling. There are Hne of suffering, deep-graven on the faces or Samuel Dutton and John Bauer, who tossed for eight days on a piti less sea. in an open boat, without a bite to eat or a. drop of water, except the briny water of the ocean, which they, in their mad trist. tried to moisten their lips with. The officers of the Centennial, tr.e ship that re-cued them, say that the unfortunate men were so nearly on the verge of mad ness w'fcen they wer picked up that at first fears were entertained for their reason. Thev- saw phantom ships In th sky nnd rancled they were drinking plenty of cold water when a cupful could not bi poured down their parched throats, because cf tho paralyzed muscles. It was hours before they could be relieved by a drink of fresh water. The miners started out from Noro en September la In their IKlle open ljeat. In tending to round the cape on a prospecting trip. They wero caught In a storm he fol lowing day and were blown far out to sea. The water cask was knocked overboard if i Mi r vi r handsomely paid to coach and espe cially fit tho young man to follow In the political footsteps of Sir William, his father, who. as vice president of the Committee ot tho Privy Council on Education, is virtually the Minister of Public Instruction of the llritisli Empire, nnd as such occupies a sent in tho Salisbury Cabinet, For a long time past the bridegroom has .been undergoing treatment by the most "r.otc6of English specialists, and while they have all along held out encouragement for the restoration of his eight. It was at tho instance of the young man himself that the moment for the supreme test was made Identical with the moment of his supreme happinefs. nnd throughout a long, lonely week and a day, with alternating nunshlno and tha blackness of night, the hopeless men io-d with death staring them in the face. The boundless ocean swept round them on every side. Out and out they drifted with not a strip of land In sight or the sail of a. ship to raise hop for a moment. If no more. In their breasts. Onco or twice thero wera alight showers and they were able to catch a few ounces or water In a pleca of canvas sail that -vas left in the boat. On the fifth day the men Lecan to grow dizzy and delirious. One or the other would shout, "A sail! a sail!" but the phantom ship would sail away nnd the awful stillness that followed the sound of their voices would add to the horror of tho loneliness. After the fifth day the castaways knew little or nothing. They snt upright with staring eyes that looked across the sweep of waters, but saw nothing. When the Cen tennial at last came in sight the men made no effort to attract her attention. Had they tried they would not have been able to cry out. If they saw the ship at all as she came toward them they believed It but another phantom. Hut their helpless little fishing boat had been seen, and the ship altered its course until it drew near. The men in the boat heeded not the voices that called to them. Quickly orders wera gives to lower , SIGHT AT ALTAR. r Touching Story That Comes From a British Bridal. It was in the churrli. when he was about1 to go up to the altar to marry the lovelr , daughter of Admiral Cave, that the son o Fir William Hart Dyke received his sight, the surgeon who had treated him for ter j ears removing the bandages from his eyes. The young lnedict 1 a very brilliant young man, and his parents' favorite. He in legarded as likely in achieve the sama amount of political distinction as the lata Pro'essor Kawcett.who. in spite of being en tirely blird. hold a chair at the University, of Oxford, and who remains on record as the most efficient and satifactory Post master General that has ever held ofilca In England. boat, and soon the unfortunate men wer lifted in strong arms and carried on board ship. They wero put to bed and ev erything possible done to relieve their suf- ferings. The doctors say that both will recovers The horrible situation of staring- death in the face for not moments, but dajs. haa wrought great havoc to their nerves, but-, f rrason nas Teiumcu ana soou nursing ji -. i being depended upon to rcstors theunforH VI tutiitA iAli).oasl'or tit fioalf fi 'fl GATHERING SNAKES FOR MARKET Here Is a Profitable Industry Thati Would Not Attract One by ItnJ Beauty. ' KEFITBLIC bPECIAL . Portland. Ore., Oct. 10. The snake ln dustry la not an cMpetfally attractive ona, but it Is profitable. The snakes that abound i in this locality are particularly deslrabla, becausa of the excellent quality of otl that can be made from them, and this Is what the 6nake harvest must yield. A short time ago Postmaster Castel oii Klamath Falls received an order from -, snake-oil refinery In St. Taul for "four bun- i dred pounds of tho best snakes.'' and slncaj then business hus been looking up In tha snake fields. IHIng- confronted with a enaka famine to Ills' part of the country, tho Minnesota. man, having heard of the excellence of tha Klamath Falls snake, wrote the Postmaster for Information as to prices and ordered u. big shipment. At first the letter was putt usme as a jose. out wnen Mr. costet got to thinking the matter orer. he decided that it might not be Intended that way. as ha snake oil being used in certain kinds of medicine, so he answered tho latter, saylna he could furnish tho best sort of snakes at 1 cents a pound. The order for tha aoar pounds has been filled, and tha snake oil! man has further announced, by mall, thatl mo mu prooauiy wane aw pounus more. Now that the household snake of Klamatlt has been siren a marketablo vnlue hl nntw ularlty as a resident of the domestic hearthjj weighed In the balance and found wanting. It is seen now that his company may La dispensed with without breaking up tha family to any noticeable extent; and already every other member of the family has) turned against him and Is plotting for him deportation to Minnesota by slow freight at bo much per pound. He is caught in the bare hand and carrtcol In armfuls to a box and dumped In. until there's a whole case or Interwoven, squirm ing, matted reptiles packed squarely Into the box and nailed up. One man may take) a stroll In any direction, and In the coursa or an hour or two catch a hundred snakes. At the rate of 15 cents a pound, this flftifi pounds of stringy live stock Is worth JU.501 a fair wage for a day's labor. No wondtr Mr. Castel took a chance and told tha writer or his strange letter that he would Da willing to furnish all tho snakes required for a quarter a pound. But while Mr. Castel has the car of tha Minnesota, market, there are others who pursue snakes no les busily and intend to make a living thereby. There are just as good snakes In the valley as ever wera caught out of It. they aver, and if anybody; wants to buy snake meat at 25 cents m pound they are going to do some of the fur nishing themselves and not let Mr. Castel have a monopoly In It. If ln t tltTIA vtt fnr ft Vl.mKk 1.117 snake trust. ) The town of Klamath Falls Is situated at ine iooi oi me raws inemseives. which, ba eln at Upper Klamath Lake and continue through a narrow, rockv milrh fnr- -mil- to the lower lake. The descent Is gradual.) T?.fe ,.w. vi.uubi. i a ucuivuy eu masa k un wormy ine name, so mat Klamttui Falls are really nothing mora than a rapid mountain stream a hundred yards wide and a mile long, linking the two lakes. Tha declaration of the stranger abovn anotad I. that he saw "miles of snakes" along this pressionlstlc sketch. A mile of snakes prob-J ..u.jr iwns iu.o any uuuuer ox muc9 or awi creatures to a visitor going for a stroll' inrougn meir neigncornooa. uuiess warned beforehand, ha would undoubtedly lmaglna he "had them again." and would go noma on the first train and swear oft". Klamatlt Falls would bo an excellent home for In ebriates. It would beat the gold-cure re sorts out of business. Its beneficial prop erties: are natural and do not cost much.1 only S cents a pound, brought to your door.) uu .u BV vu, W1U1 a piLCCIOTK Mful tad scoojs EMptm up. juiy ytMioaa. KNiaa saw toe