OCR Interpretation

The St. Louis Republic. [volume] (St. Louis, Mo.) 1888-1919, October 21, 1900, Magazine Section, Image 38

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84020274/1900-10-21/ed-1/seq-38/

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$ Seven Stories Told by
t Men Who
Knew Their
3 Facts.
, mvi 1 ij nn vJ v. J i i irr f w !
Talk about stealing
a man'a trade." i-aid
tin; shoemaker, a
KJU tunny thin.; happened
up ill the (.nop l useu
tn work at on Frank-
llllll I) ":1 avenue one lime.
mere was one 01
them rfj'lJr little
bandy-legged tailors
u-ei to cume in (hire
and loaf around
whenever nork was slack with him at his
own trade of tailorln'. Course, he ai
friend of the boss's, ami I didn't have
nothin' to say about It, or I'd have told him
"Well. heM been coming in pretty regiar
lor two or thiee weeks, and I noticed ht'd
use to watch me and the boss pretty close
.what we was doing. So one day he up and
ays, "1 b'leeva 1 cud mako a pair o thoes."
Just like that conhdetit like.
"So the boss answers him, and says.
FWclI, bo ahead. Why don't jou?'
"So tho little tailor, he says. 'All It needs
Is care and patience that I can see. Course,
leather is a little different from cloth, but
If you wasn't a good customer of mine for
a. Ion? time- now, and I didn't feel like U'tf
fee stealing a man's trade, I'd make them
" "The boss didn't say nothing; he only
roiled and Edit the kid out for the beer.
And after we drank the beer the little tailor
makes a bet with the boss that he could
mako as good a pair of shoes as anybody
t tho boss'U lend him a pair o' lasts and
k awl.
- "So next day little old Bandy-legs goes
Mown to the leather-house and bujs the
tock for them shoes he was goln; to make,
nd wo didn't bee nothing of him for about
Cve days.
"And, say! talking about stealing a man's
trado from him I jusf wlsht you could
have seen them bhoes when little 'Bandy'
CCts 'cm done. lie cams In the shop with
'em, and me and the boss knowed there
as something wrong with 'em when he
first camo In.
"Now maybe you fellers don't know how
a. shoe's made. There's some that claims
to bo good shoemakers don't know much
more. I'll tell you that. Anyway, 'Bandy'
kad went to work and forgot about tb
sroovc or maybe he never kno wed that
you got to allow for In stitching the pole
on Course, when a shoe's miUe jou draw
the upper on over the last and stitch th
Insole on with stitches that's about two
sixteenths long. That there's enough to
hold It all right, and then when you go to
put the solo on jou got to cut a little
groove all around and allow for that. When
it comes .to sewing tho sole proper on.
twenty-two stitches to tho Inch Is pretty
(air sewing, but doggone me If that little
'old tailor hadn't gone" to work and sewed
thirty-two. But the worst jiart about It
was, he hadn't allowed for no space be
tween where he'd sewed the Insole on and
where he sewed the sole. So, of course,
them microscope stitches o" hls'n didn't do a
Jthlng but play tho dickens with, them two
Ixtcenth stitches; Cut 'cm clean to pieces.
'And when he went to pull the last out it
rlrped tho stitching, as I said, clean all
to pieces.
"So when ho came down to the shop he
had 'em with him and he asked the bas
.what co'jld be done to save 'em.
""Bout the only thing you kin do.' says
the boss, 'is to go to work and peg 'win.
Maybe they'll hold that way.' says the bass.
"Well, I went to work and pegged 'em In
for him, and Old Bandy sends the kid out
.with the can for the beer and some good
dears what he'd lost on his bet with tho
boss, and everything was all right,
"But I'll tell you one thine right now, you
can rubber all you're a mind to, but jou
can't steal no man's trade."
lYRrrrnN rxjn Tun si:nday rtEriTBiJc.
No feature of the human countenance so
clearly indicates tho character and temper
ament of a person as does tho mouth. In
extremelj ancient writings the lines of the
mouth aro described to Indicate character,
while to-daj- tho shape of the mouth and
Jaw Is the first thlrg mentioned In dcicrlb
lng a strongly marked face.
The mouth is not an unfailing index to
character, however, and many exceptions
occur to the rule that temperament can
be determined therefrom. A notable exam
ple was Charles I"ox. the great English
statesman, whose mouth showed onl) the
sensuous side of his nature, the firmness
and decision which were his btrong points
appearing in tho squareness of his jaw
Other notable cxeeptlors, occur In the lead
ing political jMrties, men of opposite lis
posltioiu having the fame type of mouths
In some instances. As a general rule, how
ever, it will be found that public characters
live up to tho temperament indicated, as
generally accepted, by the mouth. As ex
amples, the leading men in the late Demo
cratic convention may be taken. All those
who were most earnestly and inflexibly in
favor of the tenets or their party and were
known to be men of unflinching resolution
were possess-ed a most without exception of
the style of mouth generally accepted as
t indicating these characteristics. This was
I especially true of Bryan, with his thin,
straight lips, and also of W. D. Oldham, his
, J-uHlcliard Croker has a strong mouth, but
on a. different cast from Bryan's, The cor-gnft--
of his lips are slightly turned down
l his lips are fuller than those of Bryan,
Jl tho strength of his character Is most
"rent In the shape of his Jaw, which
B- be taken as a type of pow er.
or mOtliln lines of Brjans mouth show the
trees a, American mouth, this cast of lips
1 saw f been pc-aseeU by most of the great
wmtti:n foi: run suxdat itnri'Bur j
Oh. I don't know."
nf,l th, lilllcher. "1
f'fj never exactly se-"n no-
lill boJy steal nobodj's
trude, but I tell Jim
what I did see once. I
reen a meat cutter
loe his medal, what
he got fur cutting
meat. too. What do
ou think of that,
"i'sre, I u-tc-r work over on Market
street, close to lightli. Thit's right you
remember me, don't you. Shorty, when I
niter work over there? An" while, o course,
I ain't saying it mys'elf, rt there ain't so
very many meat cutters can put me on the
bum. at 3t.
"But I toes Inter the Meat Cutters Tour
nament an' I lose. On the stuare and prop
er, too. The Dutchman had me skinned, it
wa. up to me an' him. an' lit" beat me to It.
"But yet, at that. I'm game for any oH
thing. ThafV how- I seen my rival set beat
out o' his medal. An I wasn't a bit sorry,
"A 'Chink' done it.
"How's that? Well. I'll tell you. Y'see,
there was a lame guy on the cornel, run
the 'Owl' lunch wagun. Micky was the.
camo he went by.
"Well, one day Micky comes to me an' he
says: 'Say, I sen jou when you lore out
on the tournament an' I've gut a scheme
fer jou ter get square.'
"'What It is?' sajs f.
" 'Cough up fer a can, an' I'll spring It,'
SMS Micky. So I coughed."
"What's the. hardest thing to do In meat
cutting?' at-ks Mli-ky.
" 'et the medal,' says. I.
"Hats'.' say Micky. 'Dat ain't wot I
mean. Where does the crafty-handiwork
como InV tays he.
" 'Well, I don't know nothing more down,
right dlfiicult and harder to make a good
clean Job out of.' eajs I, nor trimming a
bboulder o" pork."
" 'Hai the man with the medal got any
coin?' utks Micky.
" "Sure." says I. "But that don't cut no
Ice with me. All I'd like to Ijy my hands
on Is that medal.'
" "Oil, dat's eaiy," says Micky, because
be talks that way. Dis and dat, you know.
" "How 1m It easy? asks I.
" U'o got a dark horse.' says the lame
"An' sure enough he did hae one. and a
peach, too. The Chink 1 was tellin' j.ou
"Well, wi fixed the match up. an' the
medal Dutchman showed up on time. "Twas
a Sunday morning, n the winner was to
tako all the shoulder that was cut In a
btlp'latid tlma. A keg y beer was what I
Let against the medal.
"Well, the Chink, ho showed up all rUht
'cause Mlcky'd fetched him along The
'Old Man" held the watch himself, an' the
Chink didn't do a thing but trim three
shoulders to the Dutchman's two.
"The Dutchman had all the best of It
when it camo to tools. But the Chink oidn't
have nothing but one of them My knife
cleavers they use. That was atl. An' he
didn't leave u nngernailful o' meat on a
single bone, neither.
"Three shoulder to tho Dutchman' two.
Think o' that! Wouldn't that yet jou
"But, o' course, Micky hadn't n-ver told
ma who the Chink was, or I'd n.iv s.iv!ei.
"Say, he was the cook In a Chinese res
taurant on Eighth street.
"Any old time you can Ioe one o" them!
Why, one o' them would be more liable to
leave bnriH In thn mn.ii tl,n nn ... .,.
I - ,- --- .nun infill ,jh mi;
. 1-one. AnMhafu what, as :i meat cutter I
call cuttWg 'medal meat.' "
Shown in the Mouths of Demo
cratic and Republican Leaders.
statesmen this country has produced. Wil
liam J. Stone, former Covernor of this State,
has also a thin-lipped mouth, though It
seems a trifle full by comparison with Bry
an's. The slight downward slant exists in
Us lips, also, as it does In Croker s.
Carter Harrison of Chicago lias a per
fectly straight mouth of somewhat sever."
lines. The fullne.-s of his lips removes til
severity to a great extent, but tho general
lines of his mouth neem more indicative of
the business man than of the politician.
That buslne-ss capacity and party leader
ship are closely conpected, however, would
seem indicated by his record.
John I. A!te1d has a straight, moderate
ly full-lipped mouth of a distinctly opposite
type from that of Carter Harrison. In con-rection-with
Harrison It may lie mentioned
as a rather curious coincidence that both ho
and Croker, who come from large cities,
have rather full lip-, while the tendency of
politicians from the smaller towns and
country Is toward thin lips.
Adlal 1. Stevenson has a firm mouth, but
It Is so effectually concealed by hi- short,
drooping muntache that an idea of his char
acter can' only be foimed from the Uups of
his chin. James J. Jones has a Mmilar
mouth, with more of a droop to the cor
ners, and In his case even the chin H con
cealed by the beard.
David S. Rose. Mayor of Milwaukee, was
another figure at the convention, with tho
mouth of a business man rather than of a
politician. Tho expression of his lip is that
possessed of a financier rather than a ihpI
ltician. though the same connection exists
between tho two, as in Carter Harrison's
Charles A. Towne of Minnesota, nominated
for the vice presidency by the po-ilipt,
has a firm mouth of the general appearance
of a scholar's, the shape f the lips not be
lying this. David B. Hill poies?es a mouth
Incline! to fullness.
Charlei S. Thomas, Governor of Colorado,
has a thin upper lip. with a heavier lower
lit ft ttttttt1"tV-Tc',-,, ...-.--r-.---- .--."-"., -,- -,-,.-,,-,,-,,.,-,.,-,-,' '.-.".-"'.- .
kittkv rou ntn sundry rtF.ri'nrjc.
"Well, talking about
frinom ami cotiks
unl one thing and
another." tiid the
btatlLt.ary engineer.
"I used to make It a
habit to go hunting
" Kit "Sometimes It would
lililll. te In Canada jou
know I'm a Canuck.
bo:n and rnhed-but
I vote here, and sometimes It would be over
on this fclde. In Michigan.
"Now. Michigan ain't like II used to be.
boy.". for the reason that ttheie thevM used
to go through and cut out what timber tiny
wanted and fire the rest, th-y do thluj;!
difleient there now.
"Nowadays. If a man's got a patch o"
tlmbtr In Michigan he nurses It. And
there's some pretty bis patches left up
there jet, let me tell you. But, st I was
saying, or Htnrttd o'lt to pay. to orrect
myte'if, the man that owns timber in Michi
gan nowadays takes miKlitj stood cue he
doeen't kill the KoiiRe that Ias the woodm
egg your grandmothe- tl.rned on.
"But what I was golnc to ;il: ou was
say, did any one of you -ver cat or know
how to cook a beaet' tail?
"Well, 1 Mippose th-'ie Un't a one of jou
that ever tried that And I don't blame
J'QU. Because, when I went up against It. It
was a case of 'have to' or starve, prac
tical speaking
"Vcsslr. one winter I use-l to always ko
with an old Indian him and me were over
In Michlj-an liuntlntr, 1!)1 the noble old red
man took It lull) hi: hrcid he'd xet ome
bea-er trap., whlcli he knew hov. to d-.
Not on tho bank, of course, like some do,
but under the water In what they called
the beaver's run.
"Vou see a beaver builds liH home s-o
that jou have to go through watr to get
to It, and that keeps all other animals out,
don't j-ou see?
"But If jou set ycur trap on land and
Mr. Beaver gets caui ht he'll gnaw his leg
oft. l'e often seen that.
"You see, we staritd that year rather
late in the fall and the old Indian Insisted
In setting his traps cut before we did any
hunting. So we went to work ami built "
a little whack with a place to cook in it,
and laid in some fuel lo conk the game wu
were going to kill. At d its mighty lucky we
did that, too. Because the very first day
we went out to try our luck we didn't
seem to have any at .ill. In fact, we didn't
set a thlrg but a fen1 beaer tiiat the old
Indian got in his tra-s. Of coar;-. we had
rainf provisions, but not very much, tind
we hadn't counted U the blizzard that
set in.
"Well, alonjr about the third or fourth
day most of our provisions and all our
meat run out. and It j-ou ever been out
hunting j-ou know wlat that mean.
The old Indian, I noticeJ. hud tklnncd
the beavers and thrown the careusies
away. Of course It wasn't any n.o to try
to look for them In ;hat deep snow But
It seem h'l kept tl tails for some rea
son, I don't know whit.
"Well, the fourth il ly we didn't 'at much,
nor the tlfth daj- tuilher Bat on the tlfth
day the weather begin to let up. and tho
old Indian rave mo tho a. and told nit: to
go out and cut "down a j-oumr white maple
"So I went out, and he cine aleng. too.
and brought Kick the chips ;tnd part of tno
wood. I brought the ic..
"And tln-n he Ro k to wirk and builds a
good lire in our little old !iack and pul.s
them beaver tails on ti boll. Hut first of
all he puts in the white uiaii!" .hips he .1
brought alotnr. And h parboil, you might
say, them btaver ta is fir alsnn twentj
minutes, and when h took th-:ii our juu
ousht to see them white niapln chips black
as ink. But when he iklinieU that Kotwumer
rubber tkin olT the bjavvr taiN they were
white as snow.
" e had a spider alons, and ! put theui
In that and made wa.it you might call a
pot roast of them.
"Cood? Will, lii tell you lion- sood thi-v
wcrf. Next day the wn 1iir.ui tn tru It anil
for two or thre wwKs we had tin lit,, st
huntimr and morr R.itne to .-.it than I ,.-r
,',", ,m mj "ft arl -'' hunted v,j,IH.. J!)lt
ill-In t any of it com; up to thoss; be.n,r
lip of rather drooping cornels. James D.
Iticiiardson. Congitu man from Tttim-ssc-e. i
had perhaps the pi. a.,antet mouth ..f all ;
those In the eonvcntlon. Ills mmith was a
typical Southern one. in which :iimnr.s
wns blemhd with gi nullity.
The most notable !li;ures at the P. publi
can Convention were, of course. MeKlnley. '
Hoosovelt and li.inna. The thin noiith is ;
nt.tmrtit tn li.fl. ttl.'l.i .. 1 n . . . .. !
,,-..'... ... .-.in in imiiii illlll iiiiini.i ill ;t
marked degr-". llar.nt havimr perhaps the
coldest expression nrout the ltp. Boie-i--velt's
mouth has the tendeney to fullness
nlri-ndv mentioned in connection with th
politicians who hail from the I.irg-r rllle.
but more resolution xpic.--.il In l.i.s lines
than MeKlnley.
Another case in point is that of Timoth. r
Woodruff. Lieutenant Governor of New
York. He has the thlc-cer lips of the dwell
er In a large city and the general express
ion Is more that of t"-ie i-olltlci.in thin of
the leader. Matthew j. Qunv. the political
lender, has the cold, calculating mouth
which one would exjiect him to pos-e-
Thomas C Piatt has a mouth which It
would be hard to deerlbe. Its lines ml-iM
mean anything, and there Is no feiture of
It which indicates on- phase or hi- rlnr.' -i
ter mom than another This effct is proo-
ably heightened hy the 1,-ard he wears.
John Davis Long, tie New Km-Iand an
didate for the vice pridenc has a gid
natured mouth of ralh-r full lmes. The
same may be said of John Prentiss Dolllver.
the Congressman frenit Iowa. Charles (1.
Dawes of Illinois, ha u rather weJk mouth,
as has Edward Oliver Wolrott. this last
effect being brought r bout by the fullness
of Wolcott's lips. Ciamleey M. Deis-w's
mouth Is well known and needs no descrip
tion. Charles Dick Congressman firrn
Iowa, has a rather full mouth of uncertain
There were several other" notable charac
ters in the convent I or whoe mouth were
so shrouded bj- a liuhy growth of whiskers
that their real charaeter could not te de
termined. A case in point was that of
Charles H. Grosvenor, Congressman from
Ohio, he possessin; facial adornments of
the Big Van Winkle Ijpe.
It Is notable that while the characters of
j the Democratic lcadersi arc llalnly indica.t J.
in tneir faces, there It. coi'.s.dcrable dim jl-
" "The mast fun I ev-
tn er had wa.s when I
wa carjw ntering up
around l'"armer City,
in Illinois." said tho
curcenter. "And you
fellows talking about
game and stuff like
that ruts me In mind
' of the time I used to
train a game rooster.
"In the first place, there was an old Dutch
man up there had an old Indian game, and
he was a dandy, even If he was old. He
wasn't exactly what j-ou could, strictly
f-ieaklng, call a regular flghtins cock, but
he'd licked evirj'thltig heM ever gone t:p
against. And he'd had lots and lots of bat
tles, too.
"Well, one time ma and ray friend up
there, the bartender, floured out a chance
to have a good Joke on old Jake. This hern
bartender knowed a fellow In Chicago that
made a busiress of fighting chickens, and
we sent up there und got him to hnd us
do'vn a blid to pit against the Dutchman's.
But h was only a young bird, and Julie's
M Indian name made short work of him.
"Of cours. . that put the laugh on us ln
Mad of tho Dutchman, and maybe -ou
think tho old fellow wasn't tickled. I can
Just see him now. half sloushed. and laying
back and laughing at us.
"Taln't ii jiibir. bo s. j er can t sit no
wr-r-r-r-g-oostah wh-it ran lick mine." And
that's the waj he pronounced rooster, too.
lie was a riotdn t.ker. jou &. aril that
accounts lor It, bteauso there ain't no li..i-d'-etsker
living can pronounce -roostr
"So we sert to Chicago again, and this
time we got a regular old veteran of th
rins. guaranteed 'never licked."
"The onl- trouble about him was he was
out of training, and the Chicago man tn..I
uj wt'd better train him for a coupls of
weeks. He was kind of bhort-winded. that
was what was the matter.
"So we tookhlm up Into a great big emp
ty room juiiVabova the saloon, where
there'd used to lcn a paint shop. Hound
the edge where the painters had used to
let their cans the floor waj hard and Mick
as glass. So we spread burlappmg all
around close to tho wall, and then I'd stai:n
in the pit we had built in the center of tho
place, and I'd take a lonir llshing pole and
give that chicken his daily exorcise. Course,
1 never hit him none to hirt him. just
I.rodded him up a little bit, when heM get
lazy; that's all.
"Well, he didn't like that fishing-polo
Idea of mine a little bit, and he'd nearly
break his nei;k to get away from It. We
put the burlapplug around his runwaj-, of
course, to keep him from slippin-,-. Hut mien
In a whilo ho'd got In such a big hurry to
turn a oorner that he'd get off the burl..
lln and strike that hard paint, and tnen
he'd go a-slldlng clean around the room
"Tb.U' where the fun came In I w. tell
ing jou about. It was worth a can of Iwr
any time to ee him hit that hard paint
v.hni he wan coins; at a lively gait.
"Well, come time to light Vnt in about
two weeks. Me and the bartender figured
out that after two weeks with the fishing
lMle. If he didn't have his mind, he'd never
get It.
"Vou never cen a prettier chicken ilsht
than that one was whllo it lasted, old
Jake had his bird In elegant trim. I'll sav (
that for Jake. " j
"Both of them weie o!d-old-timer. and '
j-ou tiet thej- Hciapped .some. Jake's l.n-1 .
gut winded first, and. to show ou imw '
cute he wa.-, h-'d run his head undir tno ,
other fellow's wing and hold it there till
he i,t about, two or three iiikkI long breath.s.
and thn he'd go to scrapping again.
"Well, hy-and-bj- come our bird's turn
ti breathe, and that's where tho Sarit Hill
came in. He ha'In't no more than stuck
hl head under old Jako'3 Indian game's
wing than ho let out a whoop and rWv the
pit. and we never could get him back in
"It all w.t.s don so quick we couldn't
sfe what .lakes bird done to him. hut
about a year :ifterwat.ls afur he had the j
laugh on us that long-Old Jake rulmittol '
tn it ho had put red ptpier under his bird's
two wings.
ty In reading the countenance of many of
tho l.epul.llc-ni. r.rhaps the ii.i-ii is
that Kepulillcans have more to corneal tlu.
------- ---------. --.
WK rail at Time and Chance, and break
our hearts
To make the glory of to-day endure.
Is tin- sun ilt.nl because the il.iy departs"
And aro the sums of Life and I.ove le-ss
- Itieliard Hovey in the Bookman.
A coi respondent of the London Time tells
of an elephant's good manners and of the
tenacity with which an idea once rece-ived
adhere- in its memorj".
While visiting the "Zoo" some time ago. I
took my children to see the elephant and to
give them a ride. After the ml- I v anted
to give tho elephant a bun. and to make
hlm say "Please," said "Sala-m kuro" that
Is. "make a salaam."
The animal looked at me hard for some
time and at the bun in my hand. At last
memory came to his help, and up went his
trunk and he made a most correct salaam.
The keeper seemed very much surprised,
and asked ma what it meant. I told him it
was a point of good manners) for an ele
phant to rale his trunk up to his forehead
If any one was going to feel him and that
frequently elephants will ask In this polite
manner for something when they see any
one pass by who ! likely to feed them.
The keeper :csured me he had never seen
the elephant do this before, and if I remem
ber rightly he had been la charge of the
animal since it arrived from India.
For seventeen years this animal had nev
er heatd these word?, and had always taken
his food without this maik of good manners.
-..-...... . . . . nUUlUUliAUUl '-- A.AAAAA ititlMMf
"Yts.speaklng about
came." Kaid the met
al nniiher, "there's
botne mlghtj- funny
things might bo told
in connection with
"Twenty year ago,
when I was a good
deal j'ounger than I
em now. and a good
deal of a dare devil,
I took what money I
had saved In twelve years of hard work in
the Itou mills of Toungstotrn. O. I was a
purtdl-r In those dajs. and mde my eight
and ten a day and. going West, located
In Montana on a ranch lylnjc between the
Powder Ither and Big Box Alder.
"Well, come along the fall of "S3, and
th ranchmen, cowboj-s and hunter, hav
ing viewed with each season the gradual
decrease In the number of buffalo ranging
ther?, got up a scheme to get one more
bljr hunt
"It- common consent everybody In those
parts r trained that fail from killing buf
falo, for It had been agreed that a general
hunt should take place on a given daj-.
and then everybody would stand an equal
"Two wcfks before the day agreed upon
cowboj-s ard hunters and ranchmen In
fact, eviry man. It seemed, that had a
horse ami gun. began to assemble at Miles
'itj And by strange coincidence. It
f-"imed. the buffalo from all directions hart
begun to fiook Into that iortlon. It had
ln-eti years lt.cc such enormous herds had
been .en.
"Many of the men were Tor polng for
them at once, fearing. If too much delaj
were Indulged In. the buffalo would either
liecome icattered or move from the locality
entlrelj-. But wiser counsel prevailed, and
It was decided to wait for the appointed
laj-. However, riders were sent out to
Keep track of their movements and report
"As long as I live I will never forget
tho grand, magnificent sight of that herd
of buffalo the day before the big hunt.
It was (stlmatcd thcro weio Si.' of them.
Slatidliur on our own prupertj-. we could
look away over the ranee artl view- them
jieaeefully grazin?. unmindful of the fato
In store for them.
"As the sun sank low In tho afternoon
of that nd and golden November day tha
buffalo were observed to mako their waj
down through the deep cut paths leading
from th plain to Powder lllver that had
taken their ancestors centuries to make.
"1-verythlng was ready: everything was
primed. A considerable party was to start
from our ranch, and when the riders. Jubi
lant of the morrow V prospects, came In
with th" good news that the herd was all
together and peacefullj- reclining and chew
ing their cuds in the cool, deep shadow.s
of Powder Ulver's bluffs, wo almost quiv
ered with t!u tension our minds and bodies
wert subjected to.
"Toward mldnlslit a iletarhmftit arrived
from .Miles CitJ-, and when we told them
the fortunate state of atfilra their ela
tion. If anj thing, evceedid our.'.
"That sumo herd of bilfTalo Is along the
White ltiver. up in Biitish America, to-day,
protected bj- law from slaughter.
"It Mflns tho hand of !od must hav
Interfered to suve them. Or It maj- have
1 n tr.al animals understand. And then,
Hgain. it may liave been that thu butfalo. in
liar of complete extinction, had long bten
lonti'mp'.itlnt; tho move themselves.
"The size of the herd in itself would in
dicate that, for it was remarked at tie
time, after we gut to thinkin? over tho
matter, that It would svem tint all tla
buffalo left in the United States nuiM have
bten coimreKated in that herd.
"Now. whether tho btitfalo knew of tho
plan that had ben formed to slaiightir
them, or whether they didn't, will never le
kr.own to mortal man. But it rimaln? a
fact that they did leave that tiiKht nnd
st;cceifu!ly eluded pursuit. It Is said they
made no stops unlU they had crossed til"
Can.idi in border.
"It does no m strange, doesn't If
"Soiiii of our number cussed anil swor?
i.nmoreifnllv when It happened, and a few
lisl b-tter lives afterwards.
If Nuh had lived In days as teeming
with enterprise as the present no doubt hU
ark. left high and dry by the receding
waves, would have been turned to tome
commercial account, for its great roominess
wculd have suggested Its excellent fitness
for a storehoue
The recent terrible flood at Galveston car
lied inland vessels that It would have been
Impossible to drag fmm the waves to the
sands-, and there they stand, silent yet em
phatic testimonials of the awful strength
of the tidal wave that bore them inland.
Doubtless in daj-s to come these stranded
vessels will be put to some use never
thought of when they were designed, and
littl- children playing about them will ba
told stories of "once ujion a time" when
the storm that swept over the Island e-ar-ried
the ships over the terror-stricken city.
In Front street. New- York, there Is a
building which rests upon the wreck of a
beached ship. The storj- of this ship is
well known to old New Yorkers, and the
building still preserves the name of the
In San Francisco, where none may aspire
to rank in tho pioneer or "fortj'-nlner"
class unless he can cistlnctly remember
"when the water came up to Montgomery
street." which, relatively to the present
pier and bulkhead line, represents a dis
tance much farther inland than Front
street in New York there is another strand
ed vessel-house. At the time when Mont
gomery street had only one side, being in
reality the beach, the bay of San Fran
cNeo was crowded with all sorts of ships
lying idle for the simple reason that all
hands and the cook had skipped out for Sut
ter's Fort and the mines. It was Impossi-
"What j ou was.
sajlng a little while
.TH til I hi I ago about dealing a
man's trade." said
the old machinist, ad
dressing the shoemak
er, "brings to my
mind a curious uj
falr. tn which a kan
garoo rat eertainly
earned his title of the
bass trader.'
"EIevn years ago I went down to Old
Mexico wits a consignment of mining ma
chinery from St. lu!s. which was to be
placed la an old deaerted mine in hopes of
making It pay again. Kverj i-ound of that
machinerj- had to b hauled 3K) miles over
the mountains, by ox team, too that hi.
after wo left the railway-.
"After everything had beti set up and my
part of tho contract had been fulfilled. I
stayed around to look after things for
awhile, and. naturally, having picked up
some knowledge of mining, another fellow
and myself started out on our own ac
count, "The mining laws of Mexico were too si
vere. and as I didn't llku a 'greater' no
how, me and my partner drifted up Into
Arizona and tried our luck there.
"By the time we'd got settled down I'd
let go of most of my monej-. I never w-as
no hand to save, but my partner was. Ho
had about 3f.. and, as it was all in JJ gold
pieces. It made It Ju-t a little bit too heavy
to carry around with him all tho time.
"We were stopping in an old cabin that
some fellow had put up and lived in awhll-J
snd then gone, away and left It. Of course,
that meant "rent free,' and v.e weie glad
to get It.
"In the cabin thre was a fireplace that
had a brick hearth to It. and my part
ner figured out that would be U pretty
fctod place to 'stash.' So he took up one
of the bricks, and hid his money in a
little hole ha dug. And then ho put the
brick back, and to save j-our life. If jou
didn't know it, jou couldn't tell ther was
anything there.
"Well, one day I stayed home. sick, whllo
he went out to work on the claim, and
It wasn't more than two or three daj-s
after, vihen he went to look for his mouey
ar.d found It gone.
"Of course, he accused me of taking it.
How could you blame him? He knowed
him and me was the only two living be
ings that knowtd anything about where ho
had it hid. and it didn't seem probable that
anjbody that might have stopped at the
cabin during our absence would ver have
thought of looking under that brick.
"Well. I thought I'd like to drop dead
whrn he accused me of taking it. and I
told him so. That ain't all I told, either. I
told him to give me a little time to think
the matter over, and If I couldn't convince
him 1 never took his money, why we'd have
to llcht, that's all. That's what I told him.
"And he said, 'all right." nnd asked m
how long I wanted.
"1 told him a coupl of days would be
long enough, I thought, but first I wanted
to rtamine the place where the luoiie'd
tone from.
"Weil, bles your heart, when we lifted
up that brick there wasn't a sign of a
gold piece, but there was Just a pile of
horseshoe nails. He was so mad when he'd
firt looked thero that he had paid no at
tention to them nails.
"But them there nails set me to think
ing, and I sas. 'Jim. there's been a kanga
roo rat at work l.fre
"'What's thatr asks he
"Why. one of them little devils with
the lonx bind l"g- aini the pouch just liko
the kaucaroo. I told him. And they'ie tho
biggest traders on earth Thej'll steal any
thing they can carry olf. but they'll . 1
wajs brln something back and leave it In
place of what they took.
"So. we laid for that rat. 'cause I knowed
he'd come back fur them nails some time.
And. sure enough, he (lid com", and we
watched hlra careful, aril took an awful
lot of pains to ke-P from bearing him.
and In that way we found out where his
shack was. and I.imn me if we didn't find
Jim's slxtv five-dollar -jnlil piece, id', mixed
up with atuut a. half a keg of hor-esluM
"I claimed the nails for my wounded feel
ings, and sold th m for $12-
"Horseshoe nails was high then in Ari
zona." ble to get the ships discharged: men would
nver consent to be stevedores on the beach
when thej- could be millionaire at tho
m'nes. That Is why many of the cargoes
were never broached except when there was
need of something to nil up the mudholes
oil the litach stieets. No Argonaut would
respect himself if hu could not tell of the
time when he saw the streets along the wa
ter front paved with plug tobacco In boxes.
One of this fleet. aliandoBJ and derelict
at her anchor, the goexl ship NIantie.
parted her cables in one of the stiff' wimls
for wheh tho Golden Gate U notorious.
drifted ashore on the mud tlat at the foot
of Claj btreet, and found a convenient and
sticky lierth about a hundred -arth off
shore ou the line of the present S-icsome
street. Th" underwriters paid the lo-. foe
at the current rate of wages and the ab
sence of labor It would havi ccst half a
dozen time her worth to get her off. and
even then she would be of no u.i without
sailors. Having .aW the loss, ti under
writers In turn atandone.il her. and probi-blj-
felt In luck that they wer not called
upon by some owner of real estate to take
the ship away.
The presence of the ship aH-d the siltlmr
up or the mud flat, and it a snqrt time It
was awash only at high tide, and finallv
dry all day long. Then It was recognized
that this was a new addition to the front
of the city, and some business man took
possession of tho ship and made It over Into
a warehouse. The vessel was sound In every
timber, spars all standing and sails on the
yards, the hold as tight a? a drum, and if
sre did make as much as a foot a month.
It was only a short trick at the pumpa to
clear It ouL In fact, nothing could have
been better for a warehouse and general
chandlery. The hold made an excellent cel
lar, the floor of the second story was sup
ported by the lower masts at the tops, the
roof was fixed at tho crosstrees, ami the
royal masts were left itandins" above the
The Shoemaker, the Butch-
er, the Engineer, the
Carpenter, the Metal Fin-
isher and Two Others.
"Well, jou fellows
can talk about anl-
ilirflT mail all you're a
IllLUl iniria to, bain ine
Liarienacr, w no, u
RL'IUHI coming Interested, had
linliiiliL comc rrom i"-'hi1-1 the
sar ana siooa v.i-.n
his two hands on the
back of a chair. 'Til
admit there's lots of
OF 1.
funny things about
animals, but the funniest animal I know
anjth.ag about' a man.
"There was a fellow came In here on
day. and went into the vvlnerooin there
and s-it down and ordered a cocktail. Well,
I took it to him. end didn't think anything
further about it until I went la to git the
glasses, and he ordered another one. Well,
that was all right, too. I didn't care how
many ho ordered, just to long as he could
pay for 'em.
"The funny part of It all w-u, thout-;h. he
was still bitting thcra when Julius camo on
watch, and Julo told me next morning that
he hadn't moved off bis; chair, not once. In
all that time. Just bought cocktails and
drank 'em; that's all he done. Jule said.
"Well. I thought that waj kind of funny
and I went In to see If there was anything
the mattr with him. But there wasn't
nothing more the matter with him than
with you or me or any one of us.
"He said ho was a pictorial sign painter,
and ho told me about a funny sign ho seen,
the day before up on Washington avenue,
rear Nineteenth. He said there was a sign
there with a picture of the Maine, with all
her steam up, and cornins right at you, and
he said she wasn't half a block away from
the shore, where tho water couldn't te more
than three feet deep at the most, and all
the people on shore, he said, was) Just stand
ing still and doln-r nothing but looking- like
wooden dummies.
"He seemed to think It was awrfully fun
ny, 'cause he just Eat thero and chuckled.
And then ha went on ordering cocktails
and paying for 'em. And he never moved
one off hi chair all that day.
"When I came down the next mominfr
Julo said he'd been there all the time and
had ordered, on an average, about three
coektaite on hour and drank 'em. Where
he put 'cm all I don't know.
"Julo told some of tho stereotype that
como in here every morning after they're
through work about It. and they must have
told their friends, because all tha third daj
pcople kept coming in to take a look at
'The fourth fiaj- the reporters began to
come, and one or two of "em, wrote him up
In the paper?. I believe. I've got one of tb-s
pieces they printed at the time somewhere
around home. I don't know where, but I"U
look it up soma time when I think of It and
bring it down to show you I ain't lying.
" 'Courso thoy wrote him up for a 'mys
tery,' and he was) a sure enough mystery to
me, at that. How any man could sit on en
chair and drink cocktails for four days and
four nights was what I couldn't under
stand. But he done It.
"Finally I began to get scared, and X went
In and asked him didn't ho think he'd better
be going home or somewhere. But he only
onlered another cocktail, and. when I
brought It, he asked mo It I was trying" to
get rid of him, and didn't I want his cus
tom? "Well, what could I say? It's true he
drank an awful lot of cocktails In them four
dayst But ho paid for em. and I didn't see
very well how I could throw him out.
tonally ho asked me if I didn't think it
was pretty near time for 'tho house' to treat
"At flr-t I didn't know what to stay, but I
mtei him up a cocktail und told him it wa
on me.
"And then he told me about a sign
painter hu knew- once who had to paint a
marine cccne nnd put some lobsters and
crab-- and things on the txach. H said
the fellow wasn't quito sure about the anat
omy of tho lobster, so ho got a picture of
no off a cat: and got his marine scene done
up. as he thought, bully. He said them re-1
lobsters backing around on the beach Jn-t
put the right dash of color in the picture.
"That's what seemed ro make a hit with
the cocktail man I thought he'd die lansli
iug as Ik vent out the door.
"But Just think! Iliur days ami fou
nlRht. never movinr off of one chair, ar I
drinking cucktails all tho time."
roof, with the signal halyards ready rove,
to serve for flagstaffs.
Gradually tho building was altered ;ml
patched, and the traces of tho original ship
disappeared from view, but tho name Ni
etntic was a fixture, and people entering tl.o
wnruheuie continued to speak of coming
aboard or coming over the side. When tha
city decided to expand at the expense of
tho ba. an.l filled It the flats and formed
Sansome and Battery, and all tho other
streets which have put the wreck of tha
Niantio half a mile inland, the filling in
burled out of sight the hull and channel
plates of the shi-?. and It ceased to resem
ble anything that had ever floated. When
this first buiMinc went into decay and
was condemned, the old ship was found to
te the soundest part of it all. But It was
burleil still deeper by the foundations of
the targe, and for that time, modern build
ing that took it- place. Now there is
nothlns of the ship left except the came of
the building and the old mainmast, which
runs ur from story to story, and H vtsed
to support its due share of the weight.
Som of th pien-ers stoutly aver that t!io
mainmast of the Nianttc prophesies tho
coming: of jriles upon the bay by th way it
creaks for two or thre clays More the
wind come, anj that these forecasts are
much more to be relied on than the guesses
of the Weather Bureau.
O mated soul, that through the blisful
Of heaven on heaven wing j-our ethereal
Know ye how- Love on earthly shores to
day For your true sake his feast In triumph
Know ye how all the world of lovers heaps
It garlands on the living- words that a e
The holy passion of your vows shall say
Till Song ltseir to gray oblivion creeps?
The alpha and omen of the heart
The perfect scale, to Its first noto return
ing; EJr-c,'.,i f-,on.d d?.tS1-' fach ' fe or art.
Touched with the fire upon tho altar
Marion Pelton Guild la the Atlantic,

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