Two Stctions in Color
FtraUils Fato of Royalty,
The Story of a Remarkable
Mtxt Sunday's Republic. ....
A Four-Page Comic Section.
Ntxt Sunday's Republic ....
In M. I.eeuls, One Cent.
1-ttICIi. J imtlu -t.
Oil Trains,
. lamls. Tnie Otili.
Three lentie.
B wjho I fj Vili?:
Two Thousand Employes of Chicago Lumber Companies Re
sented Being Taken to Hear Republican Orators Fight
Resulted When Men Were Not Allowed to Leave.
repuhuc srECf ak.
Chicago, III.. Oct, 21. Nearlv 2. men en
gaged In a fierce battle late Saturday after
noon as the result of an attempt by bis
lumber Arm"? or Chicago to force their em
ployes to attend a Republican meeting.
Men -were knocked down right and left
and clubs and rocks were wielded with tell
ing effect on both tides. Before the arrival
of several wagon loads of police officers,
who dispersed the crowd, fully fifty of the
participants in the fight had been Injured,
many of them severely.
At 3 o'clock all the Iumlor yard south or
Twenty-second street and on Blue Island
avenue, between Iomh and Kobey streets,
stopped work and all the men employed In
tho yards received orders from their fore
men and superintendents to "fall In."
They did so, and were marched to Ulue
Island avenue and Kobey street. At this
corner a number of Republican campaign
spellbinders were In waiting, and as soon
ai the lumbermen, numbering nearly 2,ou0.
arrived the Republican speaker began tell
ing them of the great prosperltv of this
country resulting from th McKInley- ad
ministration and of the full dinner pall of
the workmen, which would Iv emptv lr Mc
Klnley and Ilanna had not made the coun
try prosperous.
However, all of the involuntary listeners
did not believe In the Republican' claim" of
prosperity and full dinner palls, and their
protests against being forced to llten to
tho speeches were many and loud.
Attempted to l.psif.
Many attempted to leave the crowd, but
Oil such attempts were thwarted by their
bosses, who were scattered through the
crowd and threatened to discharge every
man attempting to leave. The lumbermen
claim that one superintendent wa- pre-ent
with about 250 men who stood ready to
force tho men to listen to the speeches.
Daughters of the Revolution Will
Make the One President Whote
-. Husband Is Elected.
Wasnlngton. Oct. 21. The presidential
election may decide who Is to be the next
President General of the Daughters of the
American Revolution.
It has been decided by many of the lead
ing members to ask either Mrs. Roosevert
or Mr?. Bryan to fill this honorable position.
Neither of these ladles is at present a mem
ber of the association, but both are eligible.
Ono of the Hoard of Managers to-day
made the statement that within the last
w-ce; papers have been made out for the
admission of both these ladies to the ranks
of tho" daughters.
If McKInley and Roosevelt are elected,
then the choice will fall upon Mrs. Roose
velt: If the Democrats win, then the honor
will be conferred upon Mrs. liryan.
The election will not take place until next
February, but already the warmth exhib
ited In the contest Is burprlslng. Mrs.
Daniel Manning's second term expires at
that time.
Mri Manning has been criticised by some
of the daughters as being too mucTi 'of an
. aristocrat. One member of the board Is a
Clerk In the Pension Office; another, al
though of aristocratic lineage, runs a boarding-house.
Mrs. Manning neglected her so
cial duties in so much that she did not ex
tend her courtesy to the point of calling on
these ladies. This criticism of Mrs. Man
ning will probably stand In the way of her
election for a third time.
If either Mrs. Roosevelt or Mrs. liryan
should fall of election, then Mrs. Donald
McLean only comes In for third choice. The
society much prefers to have as president
one of the first-mentioned ladles, as they
ccrslder the position a national one.
Previously, when Mrs. Stevenson was
trado President General, she was only ad
mitted to membership ono month before
the elecUon took place.
Mrs. McLean has many warm friends who
are making a canvass In her Interest, and the
result of the next convention Is looked for
with Interest by outsiders as well as by the
daughters themselves.
Turbulent Dockmen "Were Subdued
by Officers.
itnpL'nt.ic spnciAU
New York. Oct. 21. There was mutiny,
full-fledged mutiny, with tho old-time ac
companiment of excited rushes by the men,
huddling together and pushing forward
their leaders; of cool resistance by a hand
ful of determined ofticers, rallying about
their captain and each gripping a revolver:
of frightened passengers, roused from their
bertha by the sound of pistol shots, crowd
ing foolishly forward Into danger and
finally of the subjection and arrest of the
thirty-two mutineers In the City of Lowe'l,
plying between New London and New York,
this morning.
Policemen of the steamboat squad hauled
tho thirty-two in patrol wagons from Pier
SB, North River, to Jefferson Market Court
and marclrcd them In front of Magistrate
Mott when the morning's court work was
Just disposed of. Boatswain Boardman-told
the story and the brawny thirty-two looked
sheepishly guilty.
"Triad" Army Reported to Re Pre
paring to Attack China.
London, Oct- 21 "Official Chinese dis
patches." says the Shanghai correspondent
of the Standard, wiring yesterday, "admit
that the Imperial troops have sustained de
feats In the Province of Kwang-Tung. All
the Chinese Generals In Kwang-Tung and
Kwang-Sl are begging for re-enforcements.
"Tho leaders of the Vegetar!ans," the se
cret society whose members last July mur
dered the missionaries at Chu-Chou, have
been captured and taken to Hang-Chau for
"It Is reported that a 'triad' army Is pre
paring to attack Canton."
Funeral of Charles Dudley Warner
to Be Held at Hartford.
Hart'ord, Conn., Oct. 21. The funeral of
Chsu!' ' Dudley Warner, who died suddenly
Saturday, will take place Tuesday after
noon at S o'clock, at the Asylum Hill Con
gregational Church.
Notwithstanding thtir position were at
stake, mail of the men would not Mibmtt
to being forced to listen to what they did
not want to hear, and after the 'peaking
had begun several of them shouted for
llrjan and Democracy and against McKIn
Iey. trusts and Imperial Ism.
Arcordlng to the statements of witnesses,
every time any one shunted for 15ran he
was Instantly knocked to the ground by
guards scattered throughout the crowd.
After about twenty -live men had been
krecked elottn beoau-e they opposed what
the speakers were saving the free tight
I.liir.I I i llnltlr.
The independent liiinbermen lined up on
one side, while the guards, who were there
to force them to submit, augmented by the
Republicans from the lumber yards, were
on the other.
Tor fifteen minutes the battle rased, and
there were few men who were not knocked
down, kicked and beaten during this time.
The struggle attracted a large croud, Sev
eral patrol wagons tilled with police of
ficers were dispatched to the scene of con
flict. When they made their appearance the
Republican forces cease-il their attack on
the lumbermen who refused to be coerced
and the crowd dispersed. The meeting was
not held and many Republicans who are
employed In the lumber yards announced
after the trouble was ended that they
would now ote for Bryan.
The employes of one of the larget firms
In the district said that they had been
forced to sign a petition promising to march
in the Republican parade next week, and
that they had been threatened with imme
diate discharge It they did not promise to
ote for McKInley. It was al-o said that
several men refused to make such promises
and were discharged.
edward j. cornish
arraigns Mckinley.
Delegate to National Convention
Explains Why He Is Not
on the Stump.
Omaha, Neb., Oct. 21. Edward J. Cornish,
for the first time In his political life, is not
stumping for tho Republican party. Mr.
Cornish Is a, brilliant attorney, a warhorse
of tho Republican party and was delegate
from the Omaha district to the Republican
National ConvenUon. A local fusion paper
called on him editorially to explain his
silence, lie responded to-day by an open
letter of 3.000 words, containing a. bitter ar
ralcnment of McKInley 's policies. .Jie says
In part:
"All these policies tend to confirm the
statement that not only In the United
States but throughout the world there Is a
reaction against democratic institutions.
The ransacking of history to discover the
frailties and shortcomings. Inconsistencies
and cruelties of our past eminent men
over which oblivion ha.s cast Its charitable
mantle and magnifying them Into prece
dents to override the Declaration of In
dependence and burning words of free
dom In which alone our fathers have lived
In the hearts of every schoolboy Illustrates
our growing lack of reverence."
Again he says:
"To encourage the brown rices of the
earth to attain and preserve free Institu
tions of their own Is the greatest boon that
can be given them. To do this is the light
and easy white man's burden. It only be
comes heavy when Incumbered by selfish
ness." Am to tho race question, he says: "Under
the decision of tne Supreme Court of the
United States, no vote of a citizen of Ne
braska can directly afreet the status of the
black man In North Carolina. The moral
Influence of the citizen of Nebraska, how
ever, will be most potent In North Caro
lina, provided he does not convict himself
of hypocrisy by approving the North Caro
lina practice in the treatment of the people
whose political statu;) Is influenced by his
"The best taskmaster never transformed a
slavo into a nobleman. The highest type of
citizen cannot be developed unless each citi
zen feels that he Is sovereign as well as
subject, the governor us well as governed,
responsible for the making and enforce
ment of laws as well as amenable to their
punishments. Such a citizen, developed and
preserved by equal laws. Is the rock upon
which alone we can bas- our hopes of im
munity from excessive power In the hands
of a few, or anurchy or communism on the
part of the mob."
Will Send All Available Speakers
to New York at Once.
Chicago, III.. Oct 21. Within six hours
after his return to-day from his six das'
tour in the West. Senator Hanna had al
tered the Republican plan of campaign in
a way that confessed his fears for New
At i conference with Henry C. Payne,
chairman of the National Executive Com
mittee; Perr S. Heath, secretary of the
committee: National Committeemen Stew
art of Illinois and Kerens of Missouri, it
was decided to call in all the chief Repub
lican speakers who are In the West and to
send them at once to New York to offset
the Influence of Mr. Bryan's wonderful
campaign in that State.
The reports of the perilous condition of
the Republicans In New York had been
accumulating day by clay since Tuesday,
when Mr. Bryan reached New York City.
Their alarm culminated Saturday, when,
after a scries of immense meetings, Mr.
Bryan announced that he would stay in the
Kmplre State until October 29.
Telegrams by the dozen were sent to Chi
cago by the frightened Republican lead
ers. "Help or we perish." was the gist of
the appeals, and their urgency caused Sen
ator Hanna to take prompt action.
Geneial Anti-Foreign Outbreak in
Southern China Is Feared.
Manila, Oct. 2L Mr. R. Wlldnsaii, United
States Consul General at Hong-Kong, who
Is now in Manila, says the expectation of a
general anti-foreign outbreak in Southern
China, notably in Canton, is growing dally,
and that cablegrams received by him last
week record an increasing uneasiness in
A troop of the Sixth United States Cav
alry and a contingent of marines from the
United States battleship Indiana have ar
rived here from China
UNCLE REUBEN SAM "Say, Mister, I can
Mr. Bryan Missed His
Train and Thereby
West Virgin
ians. RKPl'llMC SPECIAL.
Pittsburg. Ot. 21. William J. Rran is
racing down the Ohio River Into Went Vir
ginia, agairst time. He Is traveling to
Huntington in a roundabout way and will
miss his mcrnlng engagement there. By a
delay on the- Pittsburg and Lake Kric Rail
road, he wjji placed In an awkward posi
tion. He airlved in Pittsburg unannounced
at 11:03. and after being separated from his
party Ipar ed at 1:23 for Columbus.
At Buffalo It had been arranged to at
tach the sleeping car "Rambler" to the
Allegheny Valley train, leaving that city
at 10:43 last night and scheduled to arrive
in this city at 7.2") a. in. In time to be at
tached to the S.20 Panh indi- train for
Huntington. Owing to the second Buffalo
meeting concluding late, the car was sent
ahead with a party and Mr. Bryan, accom
panied by lits secretary. Robert I". Rose,
followed on another train via the Pittsburg
and Lake Brie Railroad at midnight. In
stead of the train leaving Buffalo at mid
night, as Mr. Bryan expected, he did not
get away from that city until 1:20. Tho
train missed connection at Youngslown and
got Into Pittsburg too late for Mr. Bryan
to go with his party on the "Rambler."
The latter'a occupants expected to find hlra
waiting for them. When 9.20 arrived and no
Mr. Bryan there was consternation. The
railroad officials held the train thirty-five
minutes and getting no word from the
presidential candidate could not wait
longer. It was thought he might have gone
to the Birmingham station un the South
Side, but he was not there. Huding that
his car had gone and there was no direct
way of reaching Huntington until SM3 to
morrow afternoon, too late tu fill two en
gagements, he went to the MonuugaticU
It was Mr. Bryan's first visit during the
campaign, and his coming was in the nature
of a Mirp'lee. The news quiekly truvileil
and In a fev,- mlaules former County Chair
man Joseph Haw ley. W. S. Guffey. l 1C.
Barr. II. 1 Kearn. e and others, called lo
pay their respects. After taking dinner. Mr.
Bryan confrred with his visitors until the
departure of the Columbus train at 1:23 In
the afternoon. He figured that by going to
Columbus he can gel a Norfolk and West
ern train from there to Kenova, across the
Ohio River from Huntington, arriving there
at a little after noon to-morrow.
This will prevent his speaking in the
forenoon, but his afternoon engagement will
be filled.
I'EVtSYLVAM 1S niStl'l'OIVrill).
Huntington, W. Va.. Oct. 21. The private
car Rambler, in which W. J. Bryan, the
Democratic presidential making
his lour of the country, arrived here about
S o'clock to-night, but Mr. Bryan himself
was not a passenger on the car. It brought
only the newspaper corresondents who
usually accompany Mr. liryan.
At Wheeling the newspaper correspond
ents were met by a committee of distin
guished We-st Virginia Democrats, headed
by Colonel John T. McGraw, National Com
mitteeman from that State, and Honorable
John II. Holt, Democratic candidate for
Governor. This committee occupied a par
lor car of their own. and they will accom
pany Mr. Erjan throughout hU West Vir
ginia tour.
The fact that Mr. Bryan was expected to
cross the State, though without nny Inten
tion of niakmg speeches, had apparently be
come generally known, for the various stop
ping places were filled with people in their
Sunday clothes, who had come our to greet
him. There was a large crowd at Wheel
ing, SistervUle. St. Mary's. Parkersburg, and
Indeed at all the other points all along the
travel. At many places where the train
did not stop, including farmhouses and
churches, tho people were gathered in num
bers, and waved their greetings to the train
as it passeil by.
At many of the stopping points the peo
ple were quite incredulous about the absence
of Mr. Bryan,, and some of them insisted
on going through his car and making a
search for him. There was a general ex
pression of disappointment over his nonappearance.
Dockery's Campaign
Has Insured In
creased Demo
cratic Majorities.
Knnas City. Mo., Oct. 21. The unbouiiled
enthusiasm that greeted Alexander Dock
ery In his tour in the western part of the
State last week augurs well for the ma
jorities, which will be rolled up at the
election next month. During the week Mr.
Doekery delivered ten spe-eches to crowds
that aggregated over w- p. tmhh In Hen
ry, Newton, Jasper. Bates. Jack-on, Va
line. Lafayette and Platte counties. He
shook hands with thousands in the coun
ties through which the tiaiiis passed, eover
lng the entire western portion of the State
Bach of the counties In is1"! gave Demo
cratic majorities of from l.v to -t.uw. and
In every county but one Jackson the pir
ty leaders declare that the old majorities
will be held or increased. In Jackson Coun
ty two tickets are In the field, pending
the decision of the Supreme Court, as to
which Is the regular Democratic ticket, and
even here the party, leaders declare the
light will injure tho State and national
ticket but little. If any.
Congressman Cowherd Is the Democratic
nominee for Congress In this district, and
his constituents declare that ho will be
returned to Congrc-s.
Lafayette County, which Is ao com
prisd In this district. Is highly Indignant
over reports that it will not bring out the
full vote for Cowherd.
"We are going to re-elect Cowherd." sajs
Stephen Wilson, chairman of lafavette
Ccunty Committee. "We recognize that the
fight In Jackson County may affect the
vote somewhat there, and this county Is
straining INUf to the utmost li make up
any deficit that may result. The Democrats
of this county recognize in I'uwlitrd an
able Representative, a nidti who has stood
lip for the right on the lloor of Congress
with elotjueuce and success, ami whatever
Jackson County may du, l.afajctte County
will not be found wanting."
The Democratic County and Congressional
committees cver where nre nor king encT
fcelicallv to bring out the vote, and the
Democratic speakers In the State are labor
ing with siidl earnestness to Instruct Ml
sourians in the Issues that have arl.-en dur
ing McKlnley's administration. M!souri
ans .ire- thoroughly alive to the conviction
that the Declaration of Independence and
the Constitution of the Vnitcd States are
really at stake In this campaign.
One important fact of this campaign Is
that the Democrats who left the pirty In
U9fi on the money Issu" are returning In
numbers amounting to practical unanimity.
They aro welcomed back with open arms
and appear delighted to get back. The
Democratic party in Sllssourl is a united
party. There are no distentions in the
State outlde of the very minor one in
Jackson County. Men who left the part In
ISM are now stumping the State for the
ticket. Major Nichols of Mnrshall. who ad
dressed an overflow meeting of the Mar
shall rally, is an example.
Alexander Doekery addressed UKetings In
the home towns of four Ml'sourl Congress
men last week De Armond at Butler. Ben
ton at Neosho. Cowherd at Kansas City
and Cooney at Marshall.
Benton. Cowherd and Cooney partici
pated in the rillles In their towns at which
Mr. Doekery was the leading speaker. De
Armond was campaigning In Mltblgan and
Indiana and De Armond's sons welcomed
Mr. Doekery at Butler.
Democratic speakers aro very active in
the State. Frequently their meetings are
held simultaneously In adjacent localities,
and then comes a struggle by tho local
committees te get the best crowd for their
speaker. Thus, -when Mr. Doekery spoke
at Marshall, Senator Cockrell and Dave
Ball spoke at a big rally at Versailles,
with one county separating them. The
Marshall committee gave a big bonfire
that drew Its full share of the attendance.
sec your lips move."
I'iip Missouri Fnlr In western and
cooler in eastern imrtion Monclnx.
Toeselny fair; northwesterly Trtnilx.
I'or Illlnfii Hnlu ant! cooler lfciu
ln. Tiiesiliey fnlr; fresh miutlienstrr
lv. ntiifllnc In lirlsL. northwesterly,
I'or ArUnnieuie Fair In western,
cooler in ensfrrn portion Monday.
Tuesday fair; uorllincntrrly winds.
1. Hrjan Missed Train; Kast Was Disap
Will Mrs. Br.van or Jlra. Roosevelt Win?
". Senator Vest Is Hopeful for llrjan.
Sugar Trust I'slng Tariff for a Tool.
Spe-aker Routed by Polntoel Questions.
Chlnee Charged With Robbery.
2. America's Leading.
Great Year for Football.
Kiitrie for To-D-ey.
4. Killtorlal.
The Stage-.
More IJght on State School Fund.
5. Seeking Steden Ihigagemeut Ring.
I!pcct McKInley to Keep l'ioiiiits.
Illness Hastened Wedding.
C. Republic Waut AK
T. Republic Want Ad.
Ameilcaii Bid the llet. and Zinc Report.
Keene's Hand Is Felt In the Stock Mir
ket. 8. Sermons and Services In the Varlocs
Reiurmshiug Dewe'j's Home.
Five Firemen Killed.
9. Movement of Grain.
River News.
Found Deid in Ills Room.
10. Sister Pushed Him Into Moiling Water.
Duel With Knives In Dark Halhviy.
Kansas Citv's Horse Show.
Overpowered Hospital IS nurd and
Kau Seven Xol Keeaptuied.
I'miKhkeepsie. N. V . Oct. 21. There w is
a revolt at the Muttevvaii State Hospital
for the Criminal Insane this evening, when
sl or eight keeliers were assaulted and
overpowered by about twenty Insane pa
tients. Some of the patients escaped tend
seven are still at large. One ur two of the
keepers are badly bruNed.
There were no suspicious movments on
the part of the patients until suddenly and
wltl'out wurnlng each keeper was attacke-d
simultaneously by two or three patients
and heavy blows fell on the heads of tho
surprised attendants. The keys held by the
keepers were slum taken from them and a
rush was n-ade for the eloor.
Chae was given across the hospital farm,
and all but seven of the patients were cap
tured. The keepers then took the recap
tured patients back to the Institution and
had them securely locked up In other parts
of the building. Ry this time the keepers
had formed several searching parties, ami
they all started out to scour the woods In
the vlclnltv of the hospital. The keepers
who were assaulted were given medical at
tention and Joined in the search for the
The revolt. It Is thought, was caused di
rectly by the crampesl quarters at the hos
Objected to Appointment of WVy
ler as Captain Oeiieral of Madrid.
Madrid. Oct. 2l.-Sehor Sllvela. the Pre
mier, had an audience with the Queen Re
gent to-day rind formally announced the
resignations of Senor Gas(tt, Minister of
Agriculture, and Senor Da to. Minister of
the Interior together with the resignations
of the high officials In other department-.
hs a protest against the appointment of
General Weyler as Captain General of Mad
rid. The Cabinet Council, which followed, dis
closed serious differences between the mctti
mcrs of the ministry, and the Premier de
cided to place the question of confidence in
the Cabinet beforo the Queen Regent.
At 7 o'clock this evening. Senor Sllvela
went to the palace to tender the resigna
tion of the entire Cabinet.
Secretary Walsh Issues His First Election
Forecast, Claiming 257 Votes Cer
tain for Bryan.
Indiana Is Claimed by
Adlai Stevenson to Be Safe
and He Thinks Ohio and New
York Will Tall in Line.
i:i:i'i iJf.ii-M'O'i v
New York. t. 21 The New Yejrk Jejiir
nil this morning snvs in a spee-ia! ili-pitch
from Chicago:
"The active campaigning of the last week
has maided the Democr.i'lc leaders to get
a e !, gauge upon the "nation, and sev
eral of them have made slne-el statements
of their views for the Journal. These opin
ions are printed herewith:
"Secretary ('. A. WaNh of the De moer.etlc
National Commit tee- to-ei.iy MibuilttiHl a
t-l!e of States, putting In the Democratic
eediuuu 237 electoral votes as alreaely .i
sureel. He said:
"'I feel absolutely confident of Bryan's
ele- lion liv a large majorliv. I b-lleve that,
conceding e-ver thing to e.ur opponents
wlere serious doubt arises. Mr. Rrvan will
receive 237 of the 417 "Sectoral votes. This
means a majority of thirtv-feiiir votes In the
e leetornl e-eillege. and th's numlier e-annut
cut eluVMl.
" 'I am tint a plunger, i am ne.t accus
tomed to making re-e-kle-s stale merits. I
base mv contideme on the reports I receive
dally from men who nave every incentive
to state only cold f icts and give the enemy
tire be nefit of doubts.
" 'I haver not been disposed heretofore to
ii v aiii.u i:. vri-:vi:Mv
Democratic Candidate for Vice President.
Chicago. Oct. 21. We have an excellent
chance here in Illinois. Jluch depends upon
Chicago. Chicago In m! elected Cleveland.
It may elect Br.van this vear.
I have been In Ohio. West Virginia.
Maryland and New York. Ohio was Re
publican by less than four ears ago.
Jones of Toledo Is doing effi-ctive work and
he had over 1OO.0K) votes for Governor last
ear. Ills following, it ! safe to assume,
will so to Bryan. Tbe Gold Democrats In
Ohio are largely with Brvan this time, and
I hear there Is m-icli Republican dissatis
faction onions the Quakers In the eastern
part of the State. They elo not relish war
and imperialism.
West Vlrglnl Is a close State us i Dela
ware. New- York Cltv will declare for
Bre-an by s-V) plurality that is the claim
nor will the McKlnlev vote In the upper
iurt of the State be able to overcome that
Tour years have passed slin.e 1&W. New
questions are before the people, notably
lriperi.ilism nnd trusts. The vote four j cars
agei furnished no criterion by which to
forecast the vote will be -this year.
The Democrats will carry this year all
the States they carried In ISM. except Wyo
ming. Both Kansas ami Nebraska are In
favor of Bryan. The New York Herald's
estimates are merely a matter of opinion.
They signify no mure than opinion.
In mv judgment, the chances favor Brjan
In Kentucky. West Virginia.
Ohio and New- York. You may count In
eliana as safe for Rran. None of these
States (H,l he carry last time, and probably
he will capture them all this lime.
Suddfii Naval Aitiity Is Talo-ii
to I a to
Trail te.
Aiiltit'criuan ('onipact ICffps
''njilaiid's (ircatcst Kiifiny From
Fin tlu-r KiHTiiH'iiiiHiii
Ann-! ifa I'smtioiis.
sim:ciai. bv cabli:.
Loudon. Oct. 21. tCopj right, isw. bj W.
R. Heirs-t.e-l'ur the moment the absorbing
topic In 1'aris is the Anglo-German agree
ment. All the papers comment on It ami
all consider It directed agalnt Russia.
At this conjunction the preparation of the
British naval reserves and the organization
or an additional fleet In home waters, an
nounced to-daj, cre.ite-s a de-cided uneasi
ness In France. Thinking men cannot deny
that the tlme-s are critical.
Kruger arrives in France at the begin
ning of next month, and It Is expected there
will tier .i big demonstration. Petiple ask.
Has the Rritl-h naval activity anything to
elo with this, or is the Anglo-German
agreement Intended to clear the way for un
Anglo-German struggle?
It is evident that this Anglo-German ac
cord 1 a wai ning to Russia, met to collie to
the help of her ally.
Sadly in Nwil of Kenaiis and in a
l)aii",eroil.s State. si'KVt v!
New York. Oct. 21. Bartholin's Statue or
Liberty is in :i eleplorable- condition and an
expenditure of from J73,'-1'0 to Jlun.eMr will be
required tei put it ill proper repair.
Decav. rust, filth, vandalism and lack of
attention are everywhere visible on Liberty
Island, and the only excuse for this de
plorable condition of affairs Is that there
la no money for the use of the committee
to whom Is Intrusted the proper care of the
jlft ot the French Republic.
It Is fourteen years since the pedestal
was declared to be finished and the God
dess of Liberty was placed In position. T6
day the right arm of the Goddes3 holding
the torch supposed to enlighten the world
Is fully twenty degrees out of plumb, to
Democratic ..257 t
Republican ..K)3 r
Doubtful 87 t
Necessary to elect 224
eiigoge ill the prophecy or prediction busi
nes. ,ut now I am confident of Mr. Rrj.m's;
election. My fenindatlcn for this conh Icnce
is shown in the forecast of th electoral
vote of the various States, which is as fol
lows: DKMont n it-.
Alnlenmn 11 llssemrl 17
f nllleirnlli .... .
New A oris . . "I.
feilorHcIo .....
Neertli Cnrolinn.l I
llrliiwnre :
.Neinelii :t
t-'lorlcln 1
Seilllli CnroliliH 11
Crorislsi K!
Penlie'SMce ...... 1-!
lelnliee :t
Trails I
I lull :'
irginin I-
Knneells .......... Ill
lvelltlicl. ...
I.ciiilnlrtiiii ....
. i:i Hliliiictii .... 1
. West VirKlnln..
Ills. insipid : Total '-'
.Mciulnnii :t
Illinois i!t Minth IlnUeitn... I
VllrlilKili II eimlnjl :t
Wllllieseetii ....... t "
rn Jrr.ri I' Total
Ohio -::
Ceiiiiiectlrut .... IS lVnnInnln ..:SS
!,! 1" Klioelr Islnnel .. I
.Mielne II lermonl
Massachusetts .15 A Isronsln 1-
s.. Hampshire... -
.Neirlli Dielsoln... ::
Totnl KM
11V .T VMKs 1C. .lllK.
Chairman Democratic National Committee.
Chicago. Oct. 21. Al this stage of the can
vass everything appears to be satisfactory,
and I feci absolutely certain that Brvan
and Stevenson will be elected by a large
majority in the electoral college.
The Republicans are depending upon the
use of money to debauch the electorate in
the jame wav that they succeeded In eloing
four cars ago. but it Is my opinion that
the have not as much money to spend as
they had in IW. and that even if they had.
they would not be able to effect their pur
pose. The reports that I receive from the coun
try at large are cheering. When such dis
tinguished patriots and partisans as cvj
Governor Routw-elt of Massachusetts. Sena
tor Wellington of Maryland, ev-Senalor
Herderson of Miouri. General Bcatty of
Ohio and hundreds of others abandon their
part on the Issue of the Republic or thu
Empire, it means that the great mass of
the people of the e-ountry, irrespective e!
prrty. are eloing some very eletp thinking
or that -subject.
It is impossible for me or for anyboely
else to adequately gauge tho result of art
election In advance. I can say. however,
that I receive reports eliily from sube rdi
nate committeemen in every State, e-ountv
anil district in the Union. These men :ire
Irstructed to report only cold facts and glvo
the enemy Invariably the benefit of any
doubt. From these reiiorts 1 feci satisfied
tlat the Democrats will have at least 257
votes In the electoral c-ollege. I feel alesei-h-lely
certain that Bryan and Stevenson will
be e le-ctcll.
that visitors have been cautioned against
e-llmbing to Its dizzy height.
The iron work inside the statue ami peel
estal is heavily- coated with rust, showing;
a lack of paint: the work of vandals Is
everywhere visible.
It is feared that unless Congress takes
some action to supply- funds for the care
of the gift of the French people to
America It will topple over.
iilio) Fontosali Endured Agony
Four Hours JJefore Death.
Victoria, British Columbia. Oct. 21. Ac
cording to a correspondent of the Shanghai
.Mercury. BNhop Fontosnti. in South Ho
Nan. was tortured four hours by Chinese.
Different members of IiLs body were re
moved singly.
Two prlfsts were covered with coal oil
and placed on a pile of ticks. which were
then et tire to.
I'-ishup l'ontosatl was disemboweled ami
others were frightfully tortured. Three
thousand converts. Ieil by French priest,
in defending; their church, were massacred.
(Inly His I'eniarkalile Vitality Is
Kee'iiii"; Jliin Alive.
Was-hliigto'i. Oct. 21. The condition of c-S'-crt.iry-
Sherman showed a eleclded change
for the worse to-day and it Is not believed
he will survive the night.
Doctor W. W. Johnston Mme to the hous
early in the evening and Is In constant
attendance to relieve the needs of the dying
Advices From Hayti Say Fijjutinjj
in the Interior Continue.
Kingston. Jamaica. Oct. 21. Advices re
ceived to-lay from Hayti assert that the
revolution In Santo Domingo Is not ended
and that fluting Is proceeding in the In
terior, although the revolutionists ate weak.
Noted Suffered Vrelral
Hemou-lingc and Loss of Speech.
Loudon. Oct. 21. Mr. Robert Buchanan,
the novelist, has had a cerebral hemorrhage
which was followed by paralysis of right
side and complete loss of speech. His con
dition is very critical.
Another Deacon Went to Mauslield
Only to Be Sent Away.
Mansfield, O.. Oct. 21. Dowlclte Deacon
I.eo came here from Crestline to-day in a
carriage, but was sent away by the police.
r,- i:i.vj - ,!-'
VVS-i" e.es5-,'.. ,M.