Newspaper Page Text
rj&iftZ-H.Ttf, a.-: r "&&& wsfs tWt CWri THE REPUBLIC: MONDAY, OCTOBER 22. 1900. i f I H h n i m I j H 1 I t :f 4- i ;i frtr. fi? l:r 6li &pu f Pi-? TO-DAY'S NEWS IN BRIEF. LOCAL AND SnU'RIIAN. Mercantile Club members were pallbearers at the funeral of Thomas Bovine. Three-year-old Michael "Levitt was pushed Into a pan of boiling water by his sister and received probably fatal burns. William Springer was stabbed In a knife duel with John McGuire. The anniversary of the dedication of the Old Cathedral was obt-erved in Catholic churches of the St. Louis diocese. Nora Kins and Mary Tender lost their pavings of years through the visit of a thief while they were at Senator Vet. who Is voting In St. Louis, Is very hopeful of I?ran's election. Gui Vesper, a fanner, was robbed of mon ey he had hidden in a dr.ntr. Tho HygeU Hotel was raided for the third time. Miss Bertha Hyman is seeking her en gagement rins, uhieji -a as j-tolen. Louis r. Bersch, a well-to-do woodworker, yas foupd deart-iii his room. Charles Woessner. who klll.-d b!mclf Sun day mornlnjr. will be incinerated to-moriow Harry Shoon. 15 years old,, was run down ty a car and injured. Colonel M. C. Wetmore lias returned from New York and will nulc s-peechts for Mr. Dockery. . . . . t T - - GENERAL DOMESTIC. A Texas sport watered $l.v that Bryan Mill carry Indiana.. . A monument erected in hcror of Georee I". Bllycu,.vsho was killed in the Virden riots. wa umcllnl In the cemetery nt'ar Taylorwlle, 111., yesttrda. A ISryan Club with eighty members has lieen organized at Wentzvillo. Mo. Swindlers took advantage of the confu-lon nggregatlng JlO.rtW In -value, at GaHeston and utteretl forgeries for good Congressman Oscar Turner of I.oulsilIe. K.. predict that Kentucky will go demo cratic by aiW plurality. Kansas Republicans hae laid plans to decoy Fusionlts out of tho State on elec tion day. The scheme has leen uncovered. An effort is belns made to bull zinc ore prices. Football ha claimed another victim. A Ptudent died at Binghnm School. North Carolina, yesterday from Injuries sustained In a game. Miss Lizzio Jcurney of St. Charles. Mo., who was engaged to bo- married thl week, committed s-uieide by shooting herself bc-cau.-e she -was ivrarj of life. Tho Daughters. of the American Resolu tion will elect Mrs. Rryan or Mr-'. Roo-e-velt their president. The choice ileiwnds on whether Rryan and Stevenson or McKinley Bnd Rooseveit are elected. mi. Ciniii. nf t lliirtt- In eil1 in frt In lan- Eer of toppling over, having been neglected lor years and being sadly in need of npair-s. Secretary Wal-h of the Democratic Na tional Committee has Issued bis llrst elec tion forecast. giIng Rryan ST otes cer tain. Chairman Joniv and Adlal Stevenson have also issued signul tatemtnts In which they express groat contidenco In the result of .the November election. Insane criminals at Mattewan State Hos pital. New York. ocriowercd their keepers and escared. Setn were not recaptured. FOREIGN. A letter purporting t have been written by General Aguinaldo has been received by Filipinos in Manilu The letter advit-'.-s the Filipinos to desNt from tho formation of political parties and contains a mysterious allusion to certain new plans which have been formed by the army In the licld which are best for the country. Senor Cisneros of Havana declares that If the Government of intervention does not keep its promises to the Cubans they will fight for their liberty. Reports from China state that a general aiiti-foreign uprising In Southern 'China Is feared. - The Imperial troops of China bve met with fresh reverses In engagements with the rebels, and recruits re being pushed into the disturbed territory. . sroitT. TrainerVBlue, Grass'JItnFrguson ,1s seriously ill at his farm near" Lexington, Ky. St. Louis football teama did not make a Bood showing1 on Saturday last. - Mnrlne Intelligence. New York, Oct. a. Arrived; La Rretagne. Havre; Statendam, Rotterdam and Bou logne; Cymric, Liverpool. Queenstown. Oct. 2L Arrived: Steamer Irvnia. Boston, for Liverpool, and proceed ed Sailed: Steamer Campania, from Liver pool, for New York. Movllle. Oct. a. Arrived: Steamer City of Rome, New York, for Greenock, and pro ceeded. Innlshonen Head, Oct. TL Passed: Steam er Tunisian, Montreal and Quebec, for Liv erpool. Dungeness. Oct. a. Passed: Steamer Grosser Kurfurst. New York, via Cher bourg, for Bremen. Southampton. Oct. a. Arrived: Steamer Trave, New York, for Bremen, and pro ceeded. STOLE SAVINGS OF YEARS. Burglar Entered Servants' Itoom at Xo.'4L'25 Delmar Boulevard. Nora King and Mary Pender, servants In the household of Mrs. Una V. Newman, at No. i2Z5 Delmar boulevard, have lost their savings of several years through the efforts cf an enterprising thief. Yesterday morning, as has been their custom for jears, they left the house short ly before C o'clock to attend early mass. In their absence, and before the members of the household had arisen, some one effected an entrance, presumably by the rear or side door, went up to their room on the third floor, unlocked their trunk and removed therefrom all the money in sight. In tho trunk of Nora King there was a purse containing . In $lu and (S) bills. In Mary Pender's trunk there was an en velope containing 5160, the most of which belonged to her sister, who had left it with her for safe keeping. The burglar very gen erously left the purse and 13 cents, .-us also tho envelope. He closed one trunk and locked it, while the other he simpl closed. MILLER ALEXANDER IS DEAD. Kentuckian Was in Business in St. Louis Thirty Years. Miller Alexander, for thirty years a resi dent of St. Louis and a member of the Merchants" Exchange, died at S o'clock yes terday morning at his home. No. i'Clo Eads avenue, at the age of K years. Mr. Alexan der retired from uctke commercial pursuits about three jears ago, atter spending .i lifetime In the leaf tobacco and commission business. A native of Cumberland County. Ken tucky, he left his home for Keokuk. la., where he engaged in the commission busi ness until his departure for this citv. Fu neral services will bo held at the family residence at 2 o'clock. Tuesday afternoon. The body will be com eyed to Keokuk for burial. Three daughters and one son survive. Misses Marv, Katie and Anne Alexander reside In St. Louis. Edward Alexander 13 at present In Patagonia, Ariz. Heart failure was the imisedlatc cauve of death, but Mr. Alexander had been aftllcted with a com plication of aliments for some time. Maor Iteed to Speak Here. Mayor James A. Reed of Kansas City will arrive In St. Louis this morning. He will make a speech at the noonday meeting of the Bryan-Dockery Worklngmen's Club at Its downtown headquarters In the Carle ton building. To-night Mr. Reed will speak at the West End Coll'eum in the interest of James J. Butler, Democratic nominee for Congress. "Venterner lit Aetr York, RUPUBLIC til'IXHAL. New York, Oct. a. Hotel arrivals to-day Include tbe following isltors from the West: St. Louis Sirs. J. C. Robinson. F. "W. Peters, Mrs. H. Copehart, J. B. Desnoyer. Imperial; A. T. Curtis. Herald Square; L. P. Williams, Grand Union; J. P. Bovco. St. Denis; J. T. Mllliken. Holland; G. W. Simp tins. Victoria; W. Patrick, Broadway Cen tal; A. M. Hclman, Hoffman. Kansas City G. L. Sanford. Holland; H. tieben. Imperial; Mrs. F. Brumback, Mur ay Hill; F. L. Morris, Astor; L Palllstcr. Uben. SENATOR VEST IS HOPEFUL FOR BRYAN Confident of the Usual Democratic Majority This Year in Missouri. . , NOW VISITING IN ST. LOUIS. Passes His Time in Resting and Driving Will Co to Washing ton in Time for the Open ing of Congress. Senator George G. Vest is visiting In St. I-ouis at the home of his -on-in-Uw. George 1. II. Jackson. No. li19 Thornby place. Sen ator Vest arrhej from Sweet Springs a few days ago. He has passed his time rest ing an,i driving about tho West End and through Forest Park. The Senator has not ventured downtown, but he s.ild'last night that he expected to vNlt the State Pemocratic headquarters at tho I.icletle Hotel In .1 day or so. Senator Vest has not been In good health for some time. Since the adjournment of Congress he has passed the greatir portion of hi time at hl.- home in Sweet Sprlns-. He --aid last night that he was f cling bet ter tlum he had for some time, and declared that wlitn the weather greiv colder he ex pected to regain his former health. "St. Louis is a wonderful city," he said last night. "I notice a vast amount of lm-. proicment since my List visit. Tli;r are many beautiful residences here and 1 enjoy looking at them. I went through Forest Park the other afternoon. It is the tlnest park in the world. I think. "Politics? Mis-ouri wll! certainly give its usual majority to the Demo cratic ticket, both State and na tional. 1 sc no reason why it should ihange. and 1 do not bellee it will waer trom Its former record. Mr. Docktry is a stromr man. The entire ticket is strong. We will sJrtly elect It by a handsome ma jority. The electoral vote will go for Mr. Rryan without question." Continuing, the Senator said that he knew little about the condition? us they exlut in the other States except what he read In the newspapers. He said, however, that he had great hopes of Mr. Braii's election. Senator Vest grew rt mlnlscent, and said that while he is Tl years of age. the old timers who rode the circuit with him out of Georgetown In Pettis County In IsM are nearly all dead. He spoke feelingly of his former companions' and related Incidents nf the hunting experiences he had In what are now some of the most thickly settled coun ths of the State. Senator Vest will go to Washington In time to be present at the opening of Con gress in December. REAlts, A I'.MOX I.AIIEL. The Geonlnc Ilouk W'nn Turned Out by Organized Labor. ISRI'CIILU SPECIAL. Mexico. Mo.. Oct. 21. U. E. Cluster of this city is In receipt of the following letter frim Senator James K. Jones, chairman of the Democratic National Committee, rela tive to a circular tent out Intinntlng that W. J. Bryan and otner Democrats were in terested in "The Second Battle.' a book published by a nonunion firm: "My Dear Sir: 'the circular which you Inclose to me was a tissue of lies trom be ginning to end. If I could do so in the compass of a letter. I could jolnt out at least one lie in every sentence. In the tlrst plaie. when M. Bryan bad his 'First Battle' printed by the Conkey company, they hid the largest union fchop in Chicago, ano the label which ou will find on that hook of the "Allied Printing 'trades Council' Was rightfully and legitimately printed thereon. Alter tins book was printed Mr. Conkey moed his shop to Hammond and It became a nonunion shop, as I understand it, and 1 submit that neither you nor any other fair-minded man could blame Mr. Bryan tor this. "Ihc book called "The Second Battle." as I understand It, IS a compilation of Mr. Bryan s, public utterances, together witn quotations from a part of his 'Urst Battle." He has stated publicly that he waived all of his rights under his copyright of his "First Battle' and gave every one nis full permis sion to use anything he set torth therein, in order that nis utterances might obt tin the widest publicity. 1 understand that the Conkey company, or some one tor them, hae compiled 'Second Battle" from the sources mentioned, and that It was printed without the authority, knowledge or con sent of Mr. Bryan. "I inclose herewith a circular Issued by the 'Allied Printing Trades Council' of this city. In wnlch ihe set torth that no blame can be attached to Mr. Bryan in the prem ises. "The truth is. the circular you Incloe to me was a cowardly attempt by some un known person to injure Mr. Bryan with union labor. I am ery much ooliged to jou for having written me on the subject, and hope the reply covers the case entirely. Vtry truly yours, JAMES K. JONtS." 3IAXY COXVEKT.S TO DEMOCRACY. What O. II. Aiery Found In n. Tour or 31lMMourl Counties. O. H. Avery of Benton County and M. T. Davis of Aurora, member of the Democratic State Committee, were at Democratic head quarters at the Laclede Hotel yesterday. Mr. Avery has leen out on a speaking tour alcng the Wabash Railroad. He declares that the Democrats are In shape to oer lattllngly defeat the Republicans in Novem ber. In Gasconade County Mr. A very found many men who voted lor McKInley four jears ago who expect to vote tor Brvan this year. Such changes Mr. Avery reporis art- common throughout the territory which he has visited. Mr. Davis niys that all Indications lead him to the opinion that Ills county (Law rence) will Increase Its Democratic majority from less than CO to more than I.X. lie sajs that Congressman Benton Is abolutely sure of re-election. Around Joplin espe cially there has been a great defection from the Republican party to the Democratic party, and he has every assurance Uut Benton's majority will earily be greater this year than It was two years ago. IIRYAX MEX SI1XT Fit OH STATE. fill en Eniploj ment for Indefinite Time on IllinolH Central Railroad. A party of twelve workmen was sent to Illinois points yesterday afternoon to work on the construction of the double track on the Illinois Central Railroad. By a cuilous coincidence-, each of the workmen was a Democratic voter. A poll of tho twelve men was taken by a Republic reporter yesterday. Each man declared that he was registered in St. lyuils, and expected to vote the Democratic ticket. iKith Mate and national. They de clared that they had been hired for an in definite time, and expected to vote in Illi nois. When It was explained that they would be disfranchised in Illinois, owing to the fact that their residence was in Mis souri, they realized for the llrst time that they might lose their votes. DETERMINED TO DEFEAT KI.E1X. Ileprenentntives of Sixty I.iibor Unions Pas IleNotatlonft. The presidents and secretaries of about sixty different labor unions met last night in Walhalla Hall, pursuant to a call is sued by the Central Trades and Labor Union, and for more than two hours they discussed the local political situation. The result of the dellbtration was the appoint ment of a committee, composed of C. P. Connolly. John Murtaush and G. A. Hoehn to draft a set of resolutions expressive of the ideas of the assembly. The committee responded with resolutions opposing Judge Klein in hi1 campaign for re-election as Judge of tho St. Iuls Circuit Court. Clauses In the resolutions state that he has been antagonistic to organized labor, and friends of the Allied Printing Trades are Invoked to nssist in an erdeavor to defeat him. The resolutions were adopted unan imously. II lor Democratic Meetings rxronuc spkctal. Centralia, III.. Oct. a. State Senator C. E. Hull of Salem, Congressman Thomas M. Jett of Hlllsboro, former Sheriff Isaac Lear of Salem, who opposed the nomination of Senator Hill, and Benjamin J. Renslng or Germantown. addressed a monster meeting of Democrats at Central City last night. Mr. Renslng spoke In German. Senator Hull Is steadily gaining ground. . SUGAR TRUST USING TARIFF AS A TOOL Hopes to Secure Torto Hiean Plan tations Which Are Deprecia ting UikKt the Tax. EFFECT OF M'KINLEY'S CHANGE. Dclleciiou From "the Plain Duty of the T'liited States" Has ' Imposed treat Hardships Upon the Island. RY A STAVr CORRESPONDENT. I-xint:tm. .Mo., Oct. a. Hawaii escaped the tariff tax under which Porto Rico Is groaning because the sugar and coffee truM.s in tint Fnlte'd States se-cured control of the sugir and coffee lands In Hawaii prior to its annexation. These f-ame InUre-ns. with the tobacco intenst added It Is charged, brought about the change of mind in McKinley which led 1 lm to appme a tariff on Porto Rico after he had declared. In a message to Congres that It was "the plain duty of the United Stales tu give free trade to l'.irto Rii-o." Alexander Dnckcry met here anil talked with Mr. J. A. Evans, a mining engineer llilng at No. 2!iJ P.-uk avenue. St. Louis, who recently m a tlip from Key W-st to Niw York had occasion to delie into the Porto RieMii tan IT. " September." said Evans, "while traclli'g from ICy West to New York, I fell In with three Potto illeaiis engaged i"r spcetluly In sugar, coffee and tobacco glowing. The mgar planter had been edti e.ited in the I'nittd Slates previous to the Spanish war .-mil sjiote English we-ll. They told me they had e'ome to the 1'nlted States to borrow money .m their lands. " The sugar i. liner.-. In the L nlted States," said the sugar planter, 'have learned by In vestigation whit those Porto Rle-an tuar plantations are worth and are willing to lend money em them, taking u mortgage. My friends will llnd the coffee and tobacco interests In the IJnitisl State.s equally well Informed and recep.lve-. These Interests hope that we will default on the loin and that the-y will thus secure those lands. These interests in tho United States are straining every nerve to secure thoj I.enil.-. Tl.ey rely on the taritt which puts the prod ucts of Porto Rlean plantations at a dis count, to enable tlie-m to secure these Unds cheaply.' "1 ii.qulred."" says Evans, "regarding the existing conditions. In Porto Rie-o and was toM that the prospects and present condi tion of the agricultural clatwes wero very discouraging bee-.iutc of the discriminating lax on tneir pruducls. 1 expressed surnnst at this. " " hat effect.' answe-red the Porto Mean, 'do vou suppo.-o It would nave on the busi ness or Missouri if all her trade wlih other States had to pay a ti&T "'But,' said I. '.vol. aro getting this tax back In public improvements anil schools.' "'How can this, atfect export traue Une ilclallyr he answered 'How leng woind It take the: money spent In public improve ments to Lac to me point where it started, and what v.ould the export traue tin In the meantime? That is why we are coming to the United States to borrow money on our lands." "Such a condition," continued Evans, "Is deplorable. 1 assured these Porto Hicans that the people of tho United States would never consent to sanction such an abuse; that the American people would see that the'j- got the free trade with the re-i of tho United States, which the United Stales Con stitution guaranteed to them. I htllevc that in the election next month the American noplo will right this great wrong. I would lose my faith in' the stability of the Re public, founded on Justice and right, if they did not set this mal'er right by rebuking McKlnley's administration in the only way In which such a rebuke can be administered by electing Bryan." JOnSC. LEBEN'S. Catarrh of the stomach and other Irregu larities of tlie digestive organs promptly re lieved and permanently cured by Eupnsia Tablets. Prke M cents. Adv. I1AXXA IS VKBV hVXGCIXE. After Visltlnc: South Dakolii and Xc lirnskit TliinUx Them Republican. Chicago. 111., Oct. a. Senators Hanna and Krje arrived here this afternoon from Omaha, Nib., where hist night the conclud ing nuttings were held of their week's touring In Minnesota, South Dakota and Nebraska. Senator Frye will pioLaUj leave here to morrow for New York, while Senator Han na will devote of the coming week to spe-ech-raaking in th!eage. with Jolt t. 111.. and Milwaukee, Wis., also on Ids Itinerary. Senator Hanna Is almost worn out from his week's traveling and Is sullering con siderably trom rheumatism. He was driven to his apartments immediately uijou h.s arrival. "'1 have taken South Dakota out of the doubtful column." slid s-inator Hanna. "There Is no doubt n my mind that its ele-ctoral Vote will be cast for McKInley. Of course, surface indications are all one can go by on .1 trip of that kind, but the imimnset crowds I talked to and the warm gre'etings 1 received leave no other opinion possible. I'crwmally, I thoroughly bclievo Nebraska will go tor .McKinley." iiEiani.iCAX trh'ic i:rosKri. FasionlNts XVere to lit- Deeojed Out nf KamntH. REPUBLIC SPECIAL. Topeka, Oct. a. Chairman RIdgley of the Populist Stale Committee to-day dls covereel a well-dedliitel plot by the Repub lican machine to e-.xport Fusion voters Into Missouri and the Indian Territory so that they cannot vole, and also a plan to hire others to remain away from the polls. He has sent dispatches to all sections of the Slate warning Fusion voters not to bo caught In this Republican trap. Two Republicans in Wilson County, un der the direction of the State Committee, have planned to get ten Fusion voters into the Osage Nation on election day. These two men have secured a promise from ten Populists to go hunting in the 0age coun try on November S an J to remain there ten days. Chairman Ridgley heard of this slick trick, and now If tin two Republicans, go to the Osage country hunting they will go alone. TUItXEffS PRKIHCTIOX. GlxrK Ilran Thirl; Thousand Plural It? in Kentucky. REI rilLICSrEeHAL. Dallas. Tex., Oct. a. Colonel L. M. Buck ncr of Dallas to-day received a letter from his friend. Congressman Oscar Turner of Louisville, In which Mr. Turner makes the unqualified prediction that Kentucky will give Bryan and Stevenson JO.OnO plurality. Mr. Turner also expresses confidence that Beckham will be elected Governor, but by a vote smaller than that which Bryan will receive. He advises Colonel Buckner and other friends to pDce every dollar they can get covered, if they feel eliposed to bet on elections, that Kentucky will line up In the Democratic column on November 6. Tlinrmnn on Iinnerinllam. nnrunnc special Mountain Grove. M., Oct. a. Judge It. S. Thurman. late of California, made a Democratic speech heic last night. His sub ject was "Imperialism vs. Americanism." He compared McKInley. Hanna & Co.. an! their followers to Hamilton ard the Tories and William J. Bryar and the Democratic principles of the preent day to Thomis Jefferson and the prlrciples he and his fol lowers fought for in the dajs of President Adams, in a way thai was discouraging to the local Republicans. John J. Kern, a former Republican n id a pensioner, pre sided over the meeting. Ilrjnn Club Organized. REPUBLIC SPECIAL Wentzvllle. Mo., Oct. a. A Rryan dub was organized at this place last night with a membership of elgh:y persons. Tho meet ing w?s addresed by C. W. Wilson of St. Charles. A committee was appointed to ar range, for a big celebration and parade on the night of November 3. Eucepsla Tablets correct all digestive dis orders. Druggists sell them. Price 50 cents. Adv. aqliatiaj DRY GOODS COMPAXY. Bonnet Black Silks. We are sole Agents for St. Louis, by special appoint ment, for the sale of the world-famed C. J. Bonnet & Co.'s Black Silks, made in Ivyons, France. Bonnet Silks have been the best Silks of the last three generations. It is but natural that they should have again captured, this year, the Grand Prix. In this Sale we have five numbers of their fine lustre Peau de Soie. $1.00, $1.25, $1.35, $1.50, $1.75. I.cs rctits I'ils le C. J. Bonnet & Cie, 8 Rue ilc Griffon 8. Lyon, Ie 1 Septembre, 1900. Aelresse Telcuraphique : Xostcnnoli I.ron. Messieurs Scruggs, Vanelervoort it llarney I. G. Co., St. Louis, Mo.: Clters Messieurs Notts sonitncs ltcureux tl'avoir a vous certifier eitie Messieurs Les Vetits l'ils le C.J. llonuet & CieMe Lyon, vout out choisis comme leurs seuls agents pour la rente a St. Louis tie lews cclclires jiroJuits. Conr.iinctts ime la superiorite main tenue pendant plus il'tm Steele par ccs l-'aliricauts nniverseltement re ltotmnes non seutcment facilitera tine augmentation rtu chiffre le rentes, mais encore tlonnera a vos clients la satisfaction si tlesiree et si difficile a olitenir ailleurs actuellement. Xous rous presentons, Chers Messieurs, Nos salutations devouees, Les Pelits I'tls de C. J. Bonnet & Cic. C. J. Bonnet, Kobbc & Co. 72 Grand Street, Telephone 1704 Spring. New York. New York, September 25, 1900. Messrs. Scruggs, Vandervoort cc Barney 1). G. Co., St. Louis : Dear Sirs '"The house of C.J. Bonnet & Cie have always been awarded the grand prue nt every World's Kxposition since the first held in l-'rance in 1853. "We have just obtained the highest prize at Paris, and, what is most grati fying to us, we are the only manufacturers of Dress Silks to whom this prize has been awarded." Yon may inakesiicit use of this letter as you may deem fit. Yours sincerely, C. J. Bonnet, Kobbe & Co. The second shipment of Silks for our great Silk Sale has arrived, and the balance will be on sale by noon to-day. ifmci DRV GOODS STRONG APPEAL FOR SUPPORT OF BRYAN. Anti-Imperialist League Issues Us Warning to Independent Voters of the Xatjon. REPUBLIC IS IN DANGER. Republican Pnrty Would Depart From Time-Honored Principles of the Constitution Sign ers of the Address. ChlciKO. Oct. 21. The American An'.l ImperialiHt laRue Is.ue-1 an a'ldress to night to all Inelepenilent voters In the l'nlte'1 States, asMns them to support Wlil'am J. Pryan for President. Anions the names attached to the docu ment are those of Ge-orse S. lioutwell. I!o ton; D. II. Chamberlain. Massachusetts, former Governor of South Carolina: Joseph S. Fowler. Washington, IX C. ex-United States Semtor; lMwin I Goodkin, New York: William Lloyd Garrison. Boston: Judsnn Harmon, Cincinnati. ex-Attorney General: lllshup V. V. Huntlncton, Syra cuse. K. Y.; Thomas Wentworth HIstbIiis fon. lioston: ei-Congre-ssman Henry U. Johnson of Indiana: William It. Iord, Portland. Ore.: Charles Kllot Norton. Har vard I'nlverslty: Franklin Pierce. New York; Arthur Latham Perry. Williams Col lege: IMward II. Shepard, New York; Moor lield Store-y, Itoston; Ialwln F. Phi. Grand Haplds, Mich.; John J. Valentine, president Wells-FarKo Kxpreys Company: I'nltM States Senator George K. Wellington, Mary land, and ex-Congressman John IJeWltt Warner, New York. The address say: "We regard with profound apprehension the course, of the present administration In Porto Iltco and the Philippines. Our prior acquisitions were of adjacent territory for tho extension of tho arta of the constitu tional Govemme-nt and the creation of new States of the Union. We made their few inhabitants citizens: our people settled them: we the-re establ'shed the institutions of freedom. "For the first time In our hl'tory It is now- proposed that the President and Con gres shall rule vast territories and mil lions of men outside our constitutional sys tem. Ortlcl.ils, sworn to support the Con rlitulion and deriving ail tlielr powers there ftcm, have- ae-iultc(l colonies and assumed arbitrary authority to govern their inhab itants without consent and to tax Shcm without representation. Imperial lain Plnlnlr IlrHnct!. "This policy offers to the people of Porto Rico and the Philippine? no hope of In dependence, no prospect of American citi zenship, no representation In the Congros which taxes them. This Is the Govcrnme-nt of men by arbitrary power; this is im perialism. "We believe that it Is the first duty of the American peoplo to stamp with their disapproval doctrines so hostile to liberty and dangerous to constitutional govern ment. If they are to remain free and their government is to continue representative, their servants must not have or exercise any but constitutional powers. Between the claim that freemen are entitled to equal lights and the dogma of tyranny that mignt makes right, there Is no middle ground. "We have not. prior to this ear, sup ported the candidacy of Mr. Bryan. We do not now concur in certain of his views on minor issues. Yet his position on the supreme Issue of the present campalsn Is vj sound and his advocacy of it has been so able and courageous that we now favor his election as the most effective way of showing- disapproval of Mr. McKlnley's course. Itrpnbllc In Grave? Hunger. "Without claiming any special political In fluence, we unite for what our example may be worth to our fellow-cltlzens In this state ment of proposed action In the presence of "a greater danger than we have encoun tered sine the Pllsrims landed at Plymouth Itock the danger that we are to be trans formed from a Republic, founded on the Declaration of Independence, guided by the counsels of Washington, into a vulgar, commonplace Empire, founded on physical force." "We Invite the co-operation of all In dependent voters to avert this great ana impending danger." C.J. Bonnet & Co. 8 Rue Griffon. . Lyons, Sept. 1, 1900. Mess. Scruggs, Vandervoort & Barney I). G. Co., St. Louis, Mo.: Gentlemen We take pleasure in certifying lo the fact that Mess. C.J. Bonnet & Cie of Lyon have appointed you sole sell ing agents for their celebrated fabrics for the City of St. Louts. Believing that the high standard maintained for over a century by these world-known manufacturers will not only greatly increase the sales, hut give to ytmr customers the satisfactory wear so much desired and so difficult to find to-day. We remain, Yours very truly. Les Tctits lMls de C. J. Bonnet & Co. COMPAM'. SPEAKER ROUTED BY POINTED QUESTIONS. I'olisli Orator From Chicago Tried to Make Republican Speech, lint Couldn't Answer (Queries. QUIT THE STAGE IN DESPAIR. Then a Democratic Orator Made a Democratic Speech, and the Jlceting Ended With Cheers for lirvan and Dockery. "Kazely bedzle. mial prawn stawienla, pytan" in English means that "everybody will have- the pleasure of asking questions." This sentence, appended to a circular of invitation Is what rlaved havoc with a Polish Republican meeting held at Stolle's Hall, at the corner of Thirteenth and Bid die streets, yesterday afternoon, to the to tal discomfiture of Krongold N. Zlatniekl, editor of the Chicago Dzlenlek Polskl. who was sent down to St. louls to prevent the general slump of Polish votes Into the Democratic party. Mr. Zlatnlcki's audience tock occasion to remember the admonition on the small bills distributed prior to the meeting con cerning the questions, and when the Chi cago editor arcse to speak to a houe full of Polanders he was greeted by a frtorm of questions that floored! him the first round. Zlatnlckl was relished off in a few mlnute-s. and he left the hall vowing that if the Republican National Committee de sired him to make other speeches' to his fellow-countrymen they would have to send along a copy of the Ready Political Inter preter, or the Campaign Speakers' Guide to Success. The room was crowded when he began. It Marcel with hfm. Polanders from every pnrt of the city were present in large numbers, and there was not a Republican In the audience. The meeting had been well advertised, but tho Polish residents had al ready made up their minds to vote the Democratic ticket this year. They simply went to see the fun and ask questions. And ask questions they did. No sooner had the Chicago editor got fairly under way In his explanation of the dangers of the paramount Issue of expansion than the ercwd turned loose Its box of interrogation points. They Hew thick and fast, and by the time he had one answered there were a half dozen still in front of him. He struck a hard proposition from the Pollrh standpoint concerning the standing army. He stopped, and in a minute had floundered too far into the surf to recover Ills feet. The audience shouted in glee, and laughed so loudly that Mr. Kronsold N. Zlatnlckl cf Chicago retired from the plat form. F. S. Knwalskl. one of the Democratic leaders among the Polish residents, took the stage. He made a good Democratic speech, which lasted for quite a time. The meeting broke up with three cheers for Bryan and Dockery. Stops the CoaKh net Works OS the Cold. Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets cure a cold In one day. No Cure. No Pay. Price 25 cts. RAILWAY EMPLOYES OHGAMZE. Petition for Xew Democratic Club Denounce Florj-. A Democratic club Is being organized In which any r3llway employe will be eligible for me-mDershln. The petitions are circulated, and already many signatures have been secured. The railway employes of St. Louis In large numbers are openly denouncing the Republican nominee for Governor, and they will support Dockery. The petitions for the club denounce Flory as an enemy of organized labor. Twenty-Third Ward Democrats. The Twenty-third Ward Democratic Club has been organized with an enrollment of 41S voters. The officers arc J. J. Coffey, president: J. II. Stoddard, vice president; J. F. Colllgan, secretary; Thomas Dacey, treasurer, and John N. Owen, sergeant-at-arms. The club will hold regular weekly meetings. lGr DRY GOODS COMPAXY. piam Ribbons 10,000 Yards This Season's Best St les, At Prices Unapproachat Iy Low. To-Day, Monday, Oct. 23, We shall offer 1,000 pieces of Plain and Faney All-Silk Ribbons at prices not likely of repetition this season here or elsewhere special among which will be: Sash Width Ribbons: Corded Taffetas with plain white cen ters, edged with narrow stripes of high colored satin, edged in turn with cords of sclfcolor. Satin Brocades red, Nile, rose, lilac, sapphire, black on cream. Solid Color Taffetas, with centers formed of grouped stripes of satin, in pink, blue, cream, Nile, lilac, lavender, red. Liberty Satin, in wide stripes of black, pink, green, lavender, cardinal, nav'3', with hemstitched and quilled edges of cream Taffetas; 25c Per Yard. Regularly worth 50c, 60c and 75c. Hair Ribbons: Corded Taffetas, in assorted plain colors and high novelty satin stripes, in blue, red, Nile, violet, cardinal, pink, maize, yellow on white; 5c Per Yard. Regularly worth 20c . fir. High-Glass Dress Goods. Our stock of fine All-Wool Dress Materials this sea son includes many confined styles and colorings in Zibe fine Cloth, rough-faced Cheviots, Homespuns and Fancy Mixed Suitings, now in such demand for Skirts and Tailor-Made Gowns. 50-inch 52-inch 56-inch 48-inch 52-inch 62-inch 48-inch 50-inch All-Wool AU-Wool All-Wool AU-Wool AU-Wool AU-Wool AU-Wool AU-Wool In the less expensive grades of Dress Materials wo are showing a large variety of plain and fancy weaves, suitable for waists and dresses. 40-inch AU-Wool Homespun, 40-inch Fancy Cheviot, 44-inch Novelty Checks,40-inch Skirting Plaids.per yd.50c 44-inch AU-Wool Illuminated Mixtures, 46-inch Two toned Homespun, per yard ...............85c Hosiery. This morning we shall have on sale a very important purchase of new Fall Hosiery, at less than regular prices. These are very unusual value. For Hen: 100 dozen pairs of plain Black Cot ton Half Hose, silk embroidered in green, pink, blue, yellow, red and white; all sizes 22c per pair, or 6 pair for $1.30. Regularly worth 50c. The second shipment of Silks for our Great Silk Sale has arrived, and the balance will be on sale by noon to-day. fam&mcm DRY GOODS CHINESE CHARGED WITH ROBBERY. Game of Dice in Hop Alley Winds Up in Arrest of Kong Bo and Long Dang. t Kong I5o .-mil l.nns Dans. Chinamen, were arrested yesterday afternoon at No. 12 South Klghth street en complaint of Long Keen, a Chinese laundryman from Granite City. III., who told Captain Reynolds that he had been held up and robbed at the point of a revolver by these two men. The prisoners vehemently assert their inno cence. Long Keen came over to St. Louis Satur; day and spent the ntsht vIsitinB the celes tials In Hop alley. Yesterday afternoon he was met by Kong Bo and Long Dang and it was suggested that the trio engage In a game of dice. Long Joe. an East St. Louis Chinaman, joined the party. Keen clalmn that when he was handling his money Bo and Dang at the point of a re volver robbed him of 2S. Special Officer Itocmer arrested Kong Bo and 1-ong Dang. A $5 bill, found in the possession of Kong Bo, was identified by Long Joe as money that he had given Long Keen in payment of a debt. Warrants charging robbery will be applied for to-day. EXERCISES AT VANDEBB1LT. Bishop Hendrix Delivered the Com memoration Sermon Yesterday. Nashville. Tenn.. Oct. a. The first exer cises in commemoration of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the opening or the Vander bilt University were held at the chapel of the university this morning, when Bishop E. It. Hendrix of Kansas City preached the commemoration sermon. On the platform, beside Bishop Hendrix. were Bishop Charles E. Galloway of the Board of Trust. Bishop W. A. Candler of the Board of Trust. Doctor Andrew Hunter of Arkansas, one of the oldest members of the board, and Doctor W. F. Tlllet. dean of the Biblical department of the universi ty, a? well as other members of the Board of Trust, the faculty or the university and the delegates from other educational In stitutions. . At the afternoon exercises Bishop Har grove, president of the Board of Trust of the Vanderbilt University, spoke on the founders and organiiers of the university. The exercises) will continue to-morrow. Ad dresses will be made by Chancellor Fulton MORPHINE Homespun, per yard ........$1.00 Venetian, per yard $1.25 British Tweed, per yard.... ...... $1.50 Zibeline, per yard .. . .. ..........$1.50 Melton, per yard .......$1.75 Satin Cloth, per yard .....$1.75 Fine Imported Covert, per yard.. $2.00 French Broadcloth, per yard $3.00 For Women: 50 dozen pairs of fine quality silk plaited hose, plain or drop-stitch, tan only; all sizes; 35c per pair, or 6 pair for $2.00. Regular retail price 75c COMPAXY. of the University of Mississippi and Senator Sullivan of Mississippi at the morning ses sion, and an address will be made by Pro fessor E. E. Bernard of Yerkes Observatory; at night. AIRSHIP SEEMS A SUCCESS. Count Zeppelin of Wurtemburg Made Second Ascension. Friedrlchshafen, Wurtemburg, Oct. 21 Another trial of Count Teppclin's airship was made, to-day. resulting in a series of successful evolutions. The airship, with Count Zeppelin and Herr Eugene Wolff on board, ascended at 3 o'clock this afternoon to an altitude of five-eighths of a mile, where various ma neuvers were executed. It then descended slowly to the water, which it reached near the point of departure at 25 minutes past 5. The Kin j ana Queen of Wurtemburg wit nessed the trial. KANSAS CITY'S HORSE SHOW. Kich Prizes Offered and Hundreds of Fine Horses Entered. Kansas City. Mo.. Oct. 2L Almost every State in tho Union that has fine horses has sent a contingent of high-steppers to tha sixth annual horse show that will begin to-morrow and continue for a week. There are over 300 thoroughbred animals here, ac companied by some of the best known horsemen In the country. The show will be held In Convention Hall, whose Immense arena has been transformed. Into an Ideal show ring. This J ear's show will offer one of the largest lists of prizes ever offered on a similar occasion. To-morrow the A. li. Stlllwell stake of J1.W1 will be awarded to the four best sad dle horses entered. Among the entries In this class will be Thomas W. Lawson's mare Gypsy Queen, purchased recently at Versailles. Ky.. for $3,0u0. Some of the representatives who have ar rived, or are expected by to-morrow, are: B. F. Cordy of England with an exhibit oC polo ponies; the stables of J. W. Springer. Colonel W. L. Hughes. Doctor E. It. Rust, Doctor Sherman Williams and Judge O. E. Lerevre of Denver, Daniel It Hogan. Lit tleton, Colo.; C. S. Palmer. Idaho Springs, Colo.; Judge J. G. Bernard. 'Colorado Springs. Colo.; C. E. Rawson, Des Moines, la.; A. P. Valentine. M. W. Marshall and George Lehigh of Chicago, C. F. Nagle. Lexington. Ky., and Ball Brothers, Ver sailles. Ky. The stables of R. Park Von Wedelstaedt. J. C. Sharp and W. C. Mitchell of SL Louis and Thomas W. Lawson of Boston, which have been exhibiting at Louisville this week, arrived to-day. The Judges are as follows: Gaited saddlo horses and high-school horses W. S. Crabb, Eminence. Ky.; Wallace Estill. EstilL Mo.; C. E. Pratt. Little Itock. Ark. Heavy harness C. E. Qulnton. Trenton, N. J.: George B. Hulme. New York. Hunters, jumpers, polo ponies, -walk, trot and canter saddle horses Thomas Mack. Boston: C. E. Qulnton. New Jersey. Roadsters and appointments Warren Gal breath. Dallas. Tex.; Murray Howe. Chi cago. 111.: O. P. Updegraff. Topeka. Kas. WMI?KFYTbeeI'e,slveuseotallsmulntspos nnijKbi lively cured by a new process. The cue is effected without pain. It Is not a substitute, but ananuaoie. Ada. G.IL ROOSE. AatlaarcoUn Sanitarium, successors to Narcati&m RanitiL 3015 Lucas Avenue, aw jjcuu, mm Btmssa V. f, - . v Ai-.r5-iasa pit r.-:-.r-.-.y.y s-SE ,-::...-:' -&&.; -'&-,- mmmmWmWmm