Newspaper Page Text
' v -m-S& - -& nc - i Fora.ells Fate of Royalty. The Story of a Remarkable Clairvoyant. " Two Sections in Color. THE ST. LOUI S REPUBLIC. IS A Four-Page Comic Section. Nexi Sunday's Republic .... JflNETY-THIKD YEAR. ST. LOUIS, MO.. TUESDAY. OCTOBER 23. 1900. TrnTrn I In St. lonli, Onr C(. 1 IxlUJll 1 Ontwlde St. Louis, Two Cents. v On Trains, Three Cents. FEW REPUBLICANS FOUND BY ROOSEVELT IN BRYAN'S WAKE. DOCKERY WELCOMED WARMLY IN MERCER, -'1$ 77T z ' s 555he .&! I'-i Teddy Loses Temper and Calls Questioners "Hoboes." rEPEATEDLY JEERED Excited and Irascible Orer Failure to Arouse Enthusiasm. NEW YORK'S CHANGE. Remarkable Reversal of Sentiment Shown by the Receptions. REPUBLIC SPECIAL. Kingston, N. Y., Oct ii Theodore Roose relt la perhaps the gloomiest man In the Btate of New York to-night. He pees the handwriting on the wait New York State Is lost. He wound tip his first day's campaigning with an address to 2.000 people at the Acad emy of Muslo In this city to-night. The Bough Rider was tendered a much heartier welcoma here than at any other point ha topped at, yet there was little enthusiasm. This was all the mora apparent to Roose velt, who was Idolized by New Yorkers In his campaign for the Governorship two years ago. Blnce then, however, the voters In this State have learned a few things, as the receptions accorded Colonel Bryan tes tify to. DlBaoDolnted on every hand, the Rough - "Rider was nervous and Irritable, and when -at West Nyack and Newburg, cheers for Bryan were asked for by some of his audi tors. Roosevelt fumed and lost all control of himself. He Indulged la personalities with several individuals, and even the Gov ernor's best friends do not hesitate to pay that they were both shocked and amazed at bis Indiscretions. A Trouble Day. Governor Roosevelt's special trato i etump Ing tour of the State began this morning at West Nyack at ten minute, to 11 o clock, and from then on was interrupted by a series of Bryan demonstrations, which reached their breaking point. ov faras toe candidate concerned, whll. be was ad drwslnr a crowd of 10.000 meawomen and Joflrea !a.tb great Pl & CwetjOf the CoortnoBaa-ax nvmovrs- loovsrnor Rooanslt waa repeatedly inter .n,. hi. xAHrnta at this point by VO- clferou cheers for Bryan. Finally, growing bolder, one man asked In stentorian tones whether Bryan wan all right, to which a chorus of voices answered that he was. At this the Qovernor'a face grow purple with rage, and, stopping short in the remarks he was making about the lea Trust, he turned upon the man and gave him a ter rible tongue lashing, which lasted for sev eral minutes. Jeers' and cheers greeted this outburst of temper, and when the Governor, throwing -moderation to the winds, exhorted his an- sorer to "co back to his brother hoboes," there arose a succession of hisses, the In tent of which could not be mistaken. It was soma moments before tho Governor re gained his equanimity. The disturbance began by cries of "What a the matter with Bryant What's the matter with Stanchfieldr Then came back the stentorian answer of "He's all right!" This occurred several times, and the Governor was visibly annoyedL. Finally Governor Roosevelt roared back: "No, he's not all right!" "He Is all right!" Insisted a-voice again. Roosevelt stopped speaking, ran over to the aide of the platform from which the Interruption came, and, shaking his fist, roared: "That gentleman has an the symptoms of a Bryanlte. He la one of those people who work with their mouths." " "Hurrah for Bryan!" shouted a hundred voices. "That's right," screamed the Governor, in a fury; "you Interrupt the meeting because you're a hoodlum. You belong to the dis orderly classes, which are naturally against us. You object- to prosperity because you don't work. Go back to your fellow-hoboes and learn to do something useful. Natu rally, you have no patriotism. Naturally, you're against the nag." At this point the crowd shifted and con cealed the object of Roosevelt's attack from view. "Ahl" said the speaker, Quick ly. 'Tm glad you're going away. I think you'll learn hereafter not to monkey with the buxs saw. In the absence of the local police, I am glad to have driven away the disturber of the meeting." "Hurrah for Bryanl" yelled the crowd at West Nyack. It was like the red raw to the bulL "Why don't you hurrah for Altgeld or iagulnaldo while you are about ltf hissed , the Governor, but the cheers were only 1 hushed for the moment, to breaw ,,t again as the train moved out of the sta tion, the Governor. Just before he began at Newburg a dele irate from Poughkeepsle stepped forward and handed him an immense tin pall loaded with cabbage and turnips, which he de scribed as "the full dinner palL" Roosevelt took the pall and said: "You notice he hands me a full dinner pall with the American nag. This is what the Democrats call a sordid argument." A Jtesro Veteran. Governor Roosevelt had scarcely got well started in his speech on the second stand at Newburg when another Interruption oc curred which sadly ruffled his temper again. He had singled out a colored man In the crowd who wore a "Grand Army button" and addressed him as follows: "I sea a veteran of the Civil War over there yes, you, my comrade of the black face (and Roosevelt pointed to the object of his address), who have been deprived of your vote In North Carolina; to you I'd say that Mr. Bryan would give a vote to the yellow man who's shooting down your brother in the Philippines." Here a voice cried: "How about the Democrats who are cowards at home and abroadr "1 never sold that," cried Mr. Roosevelt furiously. "It's a lie and you knew it was a He when you said It." Then the Governor turned to the report ers and said: "They won't make much by Interrupting me." ' In all his speeches to-day the Governor waa particular to emphasize his opinion that Bryan and his party appealed to the lowest and basest passions of mankind, or, aa he said at "West Nyack, to those quali ties watch were most reprehensible. "whether represented by JPettigrewism in Booth Dakota, by Altgeldlem and anarchy lnvBllBeia, by Goebellsm In Kentucky or fey Orakerlsm with Its-blackmailed vice in a great otty." V.VWIiVWV.VJV.' WiWMV.VAWAhWWVWVWW ROOSEVELT CALLED QUESTIONER HOODLUM nr Afcsoci.vrnD runs. Kingston. N. Y.. Oct. 21 At West Nyatk. u. man closo to Governor Roose velt's car, cried: "Hurrah for Bryant" and Jlr. Roose velt replied: "Why don't you hurrah for Altceld and Agulnaldo?" The cheering ceased. Another called: "What about tbo Ice Trust?" and ho answered: "This election will le decided by the patriots nnd men of Fensa In tlio coun try, who outrumlier the Junker ehouters of your type. The Ice Trust will be attended to in a proper legal way." Toward the end of his remarks at Newburg tho Governor was Interrupted a number of times by soma shouts of "What Is tho matter with Bryan?" "Down with trusts." Governor Roosevelt remarked: "That Kentleman has all the symptoms of a Bryanlte." Then, walking over to one Elda of tho platform, end epeaklng directly toward the point lrom which tho shouts arose, the Governor, paid: "You look Hko one of those men who work exclusively with their mouths. What do vim mean to down, the Cotton Balo Trust of Mr. Jones or the Ice Trust of Mr. CroUerT" (Cries of "What Is the matter with Bryanr "He's all right!") "That Is an argument of wind. You are afraid to hear the truth; you In terrupt this meeting because ou are a hoodlum end nothing else. You repre sent the disorderly class that Is natural ly against us. "Now. go back to your fellow-hoboes." I Juvv&rJvvhrjvjvsjrjv'rj'jJrrnr-mJrsjv'r. BRYAN WILL RETURN TO ILLINOIS TO CAPTURE IT. Democratic Managers Say State Is So Close One Day's Work By Him Will Win It Must Cancel Lincoln Date., republic special HInton, W. Va.. Oct. 21 Illinois Is to ba made the storm center by the Democrats In the closing days but one of tho cam paign. If tho campaign already made and announced can be changed, Mr. Bryan will Tljt m tn tJnmln THrlnv nltrht from Chl- JaRWr - - mTT(1Tls1. He -was to speak In his home city Saturday night. Yesterday Mr. Bryan received word from the Illinois State Commutes to the effect that It is believed by the managers that Illi nois may bo carried by the Democrats if Mr. Bryan could speak in the State oa Sat urday. According to the politicians who sent tho word, a strong Bryan tide has been setting In and the State Is now so closo that ono day's work by the candidate will change the result. Robert E. Burke, Fred Elder and M. F. Dunlap. who had a short talk with Mr. Bryan at Niagara Falls Saturday night. In their efforts to get all of bl3 time possible, advanced the argument that tho State electoral vote could be eecured by the right kind of work, and Mr. Bryan's presence was the principal thing demanded. Following this, came further word from Chicago, und the plausibility of tho san guine claims mads by the Illinois, managers so appealed to Mr. Bryan that ho took steps to cancel his Lincoln engagement and devote Saturday to Illinois. He has not yet received word as to wheth er the Lincoln local committee will agree to release him. The details of tho additional Itinerary are not known to Mr. Bryan, but havo been mapped out by the Illinois managers. This plan wlllglve Mr. Ilrjan but one day, Monday, to do the work for the legis lative ticket In his own 6tate which he had planned. "Went Virginia Work Completed. William J. Bryan finished his campaign In thl3 State to-day. Ho started with a meeting at Huntington which, ail things considered, waa as great a demonstration as has been a part of the Democratic cam paign. "Governor Roosevelt was in Huntington last Friday. Tho managers of tho largest three hotels Bald to-day that his coming had occasioned no perceptible Increase In their business. Last night at 7 o'clock there was not! a vacant room In any of the hotels, and several hundred people walked the streets all night, being unable to secure places to sleep. The crowd this morning was several times as large as that which greeted the Rough Rider. From a radius of 100 miles came the Bry anltes to-day. A third of them came out of tho mountains horseback, mulcback and In wagons hauled by horses and oxen. Spe cial trains brought In several thousands. Without exception. It was a Bryan crowd, and one that was not afraid to show It. Mr. Bryan reached Huntington at 12JZ3 TOOK OUT HIS OWN BURIAL PERMIT. Aged Lover, Jilted by Girl, Bought Cemetery Lot and Then Took Toison. REPUBLIC SPECIAL Pittsburg, Pa., Oct. 21-Frederlck Welntge, 78 years old, lies dying at Allegheny General HoSpTtal to-night w. the be- cause of love for l-ycar-old Minnie Sterlff. He swallowed two ounces of laudanum. He has remained unconscious and cannot re cover, Welntge was infatuated with the girl, who called on him frequently until a month ago. The old man lavished gifts up on her. Then younger and handsomer ad mirers attracted her fancy, and the old man grew bitterly jealous. A few weeks ego, when shs denied that her love was cold, he shot at her, but missed. On Sat urday he bought a lot In Vniondale Ceme tery, took out a burial permit for him self, and during last night took poison. He left a note to the Coroner, declaring that the girl caused his death, and that he. had spent ,080 upon her In fifteen months. vwvvvvw i BRYAN WON OYER HIS QUESTIONER BY ASSOCIATED TKES3. lllnton. W. Va.. Oct. 21 After the train started to move In leaving Scwell. a man In tho outskirts of tho crowd, ap parently very much In earnest, very earnestly demanded to know about Mr. Bryan'3 attitude toward the ratification of tho Tarls peice treaty. Mr. Bryan hid the train stopped and mode a full explanation of Ills action and position in that matter. When this explanation had been con cluded, the samo man nrked about tho expenditure of $X.000.000 in procuring those islands. To thU Inquiry. Mr. Bryan replied: "If ou had read an article that I wrote about a month beforo the treaty was signed, JOJ would have seen that wo could havo got It bail: from lha Filipinos In return for independence. "But if you d.d not read that letter I would rather consider It a contribution to liberty than as part payment on men and their lai.ds." When Mr. lirjon concluded his reply bis Interrogator pushe-d his way through tha crowd, nnd. coming up to the car platform, offered his hand to tha presi dential candidate, raying: "I thought I laid a right as on Ameri can citizen to usk that question." Mr. Bryan said in response: "You certainly did hav e. und I am glad you asked it." The questioner Joined In tho cheers which sent Mx. Bryan on his way. w a. m., and waa greeted by several hundred persons. The streets began to fill early In the xnornln?, and by 9 o'clock were Jammed. At thst hour. Mr. Bryan entered his carriage to ilda at the bead of the pro ceiclon, which stretched away miles be hind, him. Most of the marchers were mounted. Crowds Twice as Large si Roosevelt's At 10 o'clock Mr. Bryan faced 11000 people from the stand which was built for and used by Governor Roosevelt. Ho spoke for nearly an hour, and his periods called forth most ardent applause. During the mcrnlng It began to rain, nnd a light shower fell most of tho time Mr. Bryan was freaking, without affecting tho size or enthusiasm of his audience. Newspaper mm and others vvfco accom panied Governor Roosevelt through thla State and who were on tho Bryan train to day agree that to-day's crowds on the aver ago have been at least twice as large as these to which the Governor talked, and that the enthusiasm was several times as great. Mr. Bryan ma3o eleven rpecches and was In better condition than for Bomo time. The route lay along tho Kanawha River a good part of the day. and tho territory traversed Is compartlvely sparsely settled. The enthusiasm along the Chesapeake and OWo to-day wai greater than that along the Baltlmoro nnd Ohio, when Mr. Brian was la this Stt.te a few weeks ago. In all the audiences to-day. thero were large number who aiplauded Mr. Bryan wera about equally divided i their political eym? pathles. Nowhere along the line was there any antagonists demonstration. The Thurmond meeting was a large one. and Mr. Bryan spoke from a platform built out of the bluff high up from the level of tha tracks. A considerable pait of the crowd was col ored. Caropnli;pManaircrs Very Joyons. Stops wera mado at Hurricane, St. Albamr Charleston, Brovinstown. Eastbank. Hand ley. Montgomery, Sew ell. Thurmond and HInton. HInton was reached at 1:1a, and Mr. Bryan found tho city and a good share of tho surrounding territory banked upon a hill from the tracks to "meet him. It was tha demonstration of the day In point of numbers and nclse. Tho crowd was con servatively estimated at from 16,0u0 to 13, 000. As a result of to-day's canvass, Mr. Bry an and the campaign managers on his train are Joyous. The reception here this even ing, when dozen i of mountaineers in their zeal tried to for:a their way Into Mr. Bry an's car. Is a fair sample of to-day's en thusiasm. Mr.' Bryan left hero at 7 p. m. for Wash ington. Ho will bavo breakfast in that city with Judge William Springer and leave for tho Maryland to or at 8 a. m.. reaching Bal timore at night. COURT WILL OELIVER ITS OPINION TO-DAY, Petition for Writ of Mandamus Argued Will Settle Kansas City Muddle. HETOBLia SPECI1L. Jefferson City, Mo.. Oct. 21 The Kansas City election caie. a petition for a writ of mandamus, to compel County Clerk T. T. Crittenden of Jackson County to place the names of the nominees of the faction known as the police wing of the Democracy on the official ballet, was argued before the Supremo Court tn banc to-day. The case was argued for the police faction by Ed win SUver and John H. Lucaa The antl pollco faction represented by Judge B. L. Scarrltt, Jud(;e W. M. Williams and Judge Elijah Robinson. The court will de liver Its opinion to-morrow. This will prob ably settle the KiJisas City muddle, as there Is a tacit understanding that both factions will abide by the ruling of tha Supreme Court. The Barthold! Statue of Liberty Is Badly in need of repairs, and may topplo over. News Item. The Old Man: "I've got to fire youl You've let that statue go to ruin." LEADING TOPICS 1.x TO-DAY'S REPUBLIC Missouri Fair Tuesday and Wednes duyi southwesterly winds. Illinois Rain In northern, fair In southern, portion Taesdayi Wednes day, falri fresh southerly, ahlttlns; to northwesterly, winds. Arkansas Fair Tuesday and Wed nesday! westerly winds. Page. 1. Roosevelt Finds Few Republicans In Bryan's Wake. Mitchell Says Strike Is Near an Sod, Telephones on Electric Cars. Bryan Will Return to Illinois. Dockery Welcomed in Mercesv Took Out His Own Burial Permit. a. Death of John Sherman. Went Together on a Long Journey. 3. Becomes Her Aunt's Daughter and Heir, 4. Clark Scored the Republlcana Married His Chum of Childhood Days. Joke Now Rests en the Republicans. Men Singers Hard to Find for Chorus, Campaign Opened In Cook County. " Farmers to Choose Bryan or MoKlnleji 5. Gloomy Life Ended Under Car Wheels. City News In Brief. Trying to Make McKlnley Votes. Had Little Time In Which to Wed, Says Exposition Hop Injured His Pic tures. Emlley, Brown and Unger Indicted. . Weather Report. Fell One Hundred Feet. But Not Injured. C Race Track Results. Sporting News. 7. Wild Car Dashes Through Corner of a House. ,ml Laugh at Fate and Bow to Cupid. Proposes to Buy Englne-House. Boy Killed by Six-Penny NalL 8. Editorial. Eugene Cuendet to Wed Miss Rachel Drummond. At the Theaters. 9. The Railroads. 10. Republio Want Advertbemcnts. Record of Births. Marriages. Deaths. H. Republio Want Advertisements. New Corporations. Transfers of Realty. 12. Grain and Produce. Cattle Sole. 15. Financial News. River Telegrams. 14. She Fainted on Track In Front of Train. Street Cleaning to Be Abandoned. Teson Win Not Go to Asylum. Weather Caused Trouble. LITTLE WAIFS TRAVELED ALONE. Came In on Iron Mountain Train Wearing Tags Bearing Names and Destination. When the Iron Mountain through train arrived In Union Station at S:C0 o'clock last night William H. Morton, station passen ger agent of the Missouri Pacific, and Her man Struckhoff, his assistant, were thun derstruck by having five little girls under 4 years of age and a baby in long clothes consigned to their charge The little ones had nobody with them and there was no one at the station to meet them. Each girl woro a tog pinned to her dress, which bore her name and the fact that they were to go to the Children's Home Society of Missouri, at No, 25 Chest The girls are Ivy and Mabel Collier, Ur als Mortis, Addle Miller and HatUe UlU. The baby wore no tag and Its nam waa not known. It was learned that an agent for the Children's Home Society, to whose care tho children have been Intrusted, had shipped them to St. Louis. The Collier girls are from De Soto, Mo., and the homes of tha other children and baby were at Ironton. They were not expected to arrive In 8C Louis until to-night, consequently the so ciety had no one at Union Station to meet the tote last night. MITCHELL HAS ACCEPTED TERMS, Great Strike of the Pennsylvania Coal Diggers Reported Ended. EXCITEMENT AMONG MINERS. News of the Settlement of the Great Struggle Becomes Known Lato at Sight. REPUBLIC 61'ECIAL Scranton. To.. Oct. H Information was received here late to-night that President Mitchell had agreed to the operator!' effer and that tho strike Is ended. All this aft ernoon and evening the local mlno cClclals have been In conferonco wit, tho operatorr, but the news was not announced untU late this evening. Great excitement prevails among operators and miners. BEFORE THE 6CTTLEMCNT. nazlcton. Pa.. Oct. SI President Mitchell. In an interview to-night, practically admit ted that the anthracite coal miners' strike wodld end as soon as all tho operators post ed a notice guaranteeing tho raiment of a 10 per cent advance In wages untU April L President Mitohcll said: "The prospect of an early settlement of the coal strike is becoming brighter. Soma of the operators havo not et posted no tices signifying their willingness to fall in line, either with tho Reading company or with the proposition mado by tho Lehigh Valley company in tho Hazleton region. If all of them notify their employes by post ing notices or otherwise that an actual ad vanco of 10 per cent will bo paid each mine employo and guaranteo Its continuance un til April 1. together with the abolition of the sliding scale, I believe that the terms would bo accepted by tho mine workers The reducUon in powder from 11T3 to JLM has contused tha minds of the miners, but some of the operators have so fuUy ex plained how contract miners could receive tho full advance of 10 per cent, as well as all other employes, that I believe this ob stacle can bo overcome." As soon ss all5 tho notices guaranteeing the payment of the advance until April 1 are posted. President Mitchell will call a meeting of the National Executive Board, at which it Is believed the strike wlU bo de clared off. The largest labor demonstration ever held In this city took place to-day, when nearly 7 000 miners paraded the streets. WOMCX ATTACK WOI1KER9. Wllkesbarre, Pa., Oct. 22. Tha Stanton washery of the Lehigh and Wllkesbarre Coal Company, in the Wyoming Valley, was the scene of a clash this morning between the doxen men who havo been employed there since the mine workers' strike began and a number of women and boys. This morning when the emploes started for work they were met by a larse body of the women and bojs, who again began to stone them. James O'Hara. the foreman of tho gang, was struck on the head, but not seriously injured. Tho mob took tha tools away from the men and broke them. Sev eral shots were hred and some of the work men fled. Tho workmen finally left the place for their homes, and no attempt was mado to resume operations at tho colliery. This evening there was another riot at tha Stanton washery. Whon the workmen started to go to their homes fully E,0u0 peo ple had gathered. A telephone message w oj sent W police headquarters in this city for help. The men who had been at work were put on board a small mine locomotive, but to fore the lacomotlvo could get under head way some one fired. The police returned the fire; but no one was struck. Anotner volley from the windows of some houses followed. Every pane of glas In the cab of the locomotive was broken, but no one was wounded. Two of the workmen wera knocked down and kicked, but were rescued by the police. As the officers were returning to head quarters the electric car on which they rode was stoned. All the windows on one side of the car were broken, and PoUce Ser geant Hall and two other passengers wera allghUx Injured, Former Constituents Gave Strong 'Testimony of Their High Regard. MANY REPUBLICANS PRESENT. They Were Urged to Weigh the Issues Davis's Ef fective Work. ET A STAIT COr.RE.rONDnNT. Trenton. Mo.. Oct. 21 The citizen of Mercer County to-day welcomed at Prince ton Alexander M. Dockery. tin- man who represented them in Congrc3 for sixteen j cars, and who is now asking them to voto fcr him for Gov rnor of Missouri. Mr. Dock cry makes an eloquent speech, which cap tures and f-nthu-'es Ms nudienco undtr any clrcumstan'ts but li surpassed himself as he faced his former constituents. There was arplaua and cnthuMafm from tha time ho ascended tho rostrum until ho left the Fall. A brass band and a glte club :arllclrated , In tho meeting, and Itosi Alexander pre sided. "This has been tho most creditable meet ing of tho campaign." said Mr. Dockery as hu left tho 1-ilL It was a disagreeable, muddy, malarial day and rain fell unremittingly. The speak ing was at 11 o'clock in tho morning. Princeton und Mercer County aro Repub lican by an overwhelming majority, jet tho Mercer County Courtroom was packed to thu doors. "you'll havo to scrape the paint off tha walls to gi.t another man In." ono of tha spectators remarked. Men had como through rauJ and tluaa to hear thu speak ing. Horses hitched to vi hides of i.very description blood by hundreds In tho driz zling rain while their owners heard Mr. Dockery's matttrly exposition of tho Issues of the present canvass in nation and Staio. Jlcn-cr County Uemuutlrnllua. Half the Democrats of Merctr County wero in that "uud.tnce, and sat far pat their usual dinner hour to hear the speca. It was on a tunshlny da last Friday aft ernoon that a Republican meeting, ad dressed by ex-Major Cyruj P. VAu.bridga and "B1U" Osmtr of St. Louis and by tha Republican candidato lor Congrcsa in tha Third District, wai held in too same hall. Two hundred and fitly persons Wero In tho audience. Bttoro tho meeting to-day Mr. Dockery shook handd with many clUzcnj of Mercer County at an lntormul reception held In the olfita of tha People's lTess. Tatra wero mucn entnuslasm and many reiolves to bring out tho full LMmocratlo vote next month." "1 think tho Republican majority la Mer cer County wlU bo mt down very material ly," tfool Judgo 1U W. Steckman. chairman or tho County Couimltte. "Mercer County was tho first to Instruct for Mr. Dockery for Congressman ana me llrst to legiJly Instruct tor him for Gov ernor; tnat is, it wa tho first to Instruct for him after the Stato Convention was culled. I know many Republicans of Mercer Cuunty who will voto for Mr. Dockery, and I f aliy expect him to poll a larger vote in this county than any other candidate. Mr. Dockery tertalnly la popular In na former district. Ho knows tho full name, occupa tion, connections and politics of almost every man In tha county, und many point to courtesies and favors received from him during Us long congressional career. "I havo never had the loast friction in Mercer County in the sixteen jeara 1 havo repre sented it," Mr. Dockery told mo after the meeting. "Tho county paid me a loyal trlhufrt trwilav " Tills evening Mr. Dockery addressed a big rajhJring In tho opcra-hous in this city, urundy County, in which Trenton lies, is another ov erwnelmlngly Republican local ity. The proportion approaches two to one. A pelting ram had been lolling throughout the day, and few farmers had como to tha speaking, 'the hall was packed, however, with miners and with employes of tho Rock Island road, who division headquarters and eCops are located here. Appeal to Republicans.' A large number of Republicans wero In tho hall, and Mr. Dockery mado a stirring appeal to them to consider tho Usues at stake In the present campaign. Tho Declaration of Independence and tha United Stntes Constitution aro at stake." he told thorn. "Under McIClnley'a rule the Philippine war has developed into a schema to make tho Filipinos subjects of tho Unite! States, and to attach to thU Government colonUs which we do not want and cannot uxe. and which do not want to Join thut na tion. "When McKlnley"s administration placed a tariff on Porto Rico It knowingly violated a plain provision of tho United States Con stitution, and when Americans protested. TELEPHONES ON CARS RUNNING TO SUBURBS Innovation on the St. Charles Rock Road Line. INGENIOUS DEYICE. Eomethlng entirely new In street car con veniences Is the telephone being fitted to the cars of the St- Charles Rock Road and West cars of the St. Charles Rock Road and Western Company. The value of this inno vation Is obvious. The motorman Is at all times able to communicate directly with the oQce, the sheds or the wrecking crew, as occasion may demand; and. further, passen gers will find this of convenience when they lsh to let friends at their destination know the exact time at which to bo ready to meet them. The Instrument Is placed in the rear of each car, tho negative wire being connected permanently through the wheels to the ran and the positive wire being fitted with a simple device resembling a Jointed fishing pole by which connection Is secured with a private overhead wire paralleling the trol ley. The device Is the Invention of J. D. Haussman, president of the company. It is probably only a question of time until some such fitting will be a part of the regular equipment on suburban electric cars) throughout the land. Another Innovation In these cars Is the complement of four motors, which enables them to maintain a speed of fifty miles an hour, even when weighted down with a load. Their seating capacity Is ten greater than that of cars built heretofore. Sunday after noon last one of these cars was raced against a steam train on a parallel track. The motorman proved by far the better jockey, winning handily, while tho engine crossed tha tap puffing hard, WEBSTER DAYIS IS CONFIDENT. itnruni.ic stkcial Trenton. Mo. Oct. H Webster Davis declares confidently that Bryan will be elected. He was on the train that carried tho Dockery party out of Kansas City Sunday night. "1 am fully conv lnced now." ho said. "that Bryan will La elected. I have r ached that conclusion within if the last two months. I have made speeches and felt tho public pulso over a large portion nf tho country. I believe Bryan will carry West Virginia, Maryland. Kentucky. Ohio. Illinois nnd Indiana. Tliat would give him ninety-nlno addltlon- 4? al tle'ctorial votes and tha election. even if New York went against him. I do not. however, anticipate the loss of New York. Bourke Cockran. David B. Hill. Carl Schurz and Dick Croker aro working sincerely and they aro powers In that State." the answer came that 'Constitutions wera made for men. not men for constitutions. We cannot approve such a course and wa must rebuko it." According to the local Democratic lead ers the railroad and mine authorities of this city, who wero vtry actlvo in li&6. are tak ing no part In tho present campaign. In ISM local leaders say two excursions were run from Trenton to Canton, O., at a fare of W cent, and Republican speakers were In troduced directly into tho shops and al lowed to address the men at work. Nothing of tho kind Is now going on. "Wo have nominated a full county tick et." eald E. M. Harber, a prominent citi zen of Trenton, "and aro working hard for it." Tho county Is so largely Republican that frequently the Democratic county ticket fc not filed. We have a local iajue here, too, which seems to me highly Important. Un der Republican rule annual county expenses exceed tho annual Income. The State Con stitution forbids this. The County Court pays this excess out of the sinking fund. It is financiering In direct violation of law. The Democrats are bringing this to the at tention of voters., and good results for tha county may result Grundy County eeems to ba a fighting ground. Numerous great speakers on both sides aro participating. Tho Democrats held a meeting. addrescd by both David Overmyer of Kansas and Senator Tillman of South Carolina. The Republlcana havo had O'Fallon and Walbridge. nnd expect to have Dolllvar, Plory and Dyer later. Contertcd by Webster Dul. Webster Davis's Maysvllle meeting, the first in his pre-;nt campaign In Missouri, achieved remarkable result", according t n dispatch re-ce-ivtd thU evening by Mr. Dockery from G. T. Crenshaw of Majsvlllc. DeKalb County. Charles E. Moss, a life long Republican, who. for eight years, was Clerk of DeKalb County, openly renounced his Republican allegiance and declared hi support of the Democratic platform and candidates. In nation and State. Moss H on of the most influential Republicans in. DeKalb County. Ha Introduced Webster Davis and presided at the meeting. Despite tha rain, many pe-rsons were entirely un able to secure admittance to the Court house, where AVcbster Davis spoke. JOHN a LEBENS. DEMOCRATIC DAV IX PIKE. Large Crowd Greeted United States Senator Uerry. p.Errnuc special. Bowling Green. Mo, Oct. H This has been Democratic day In pike County. Such a rally has not been seen here in twenty years. Although there was a heavy down pour of rain all last night and showers thU forenoon, at least 1Q.MJ0 persons gath ered to bear United States Senator Berry of Arkansas and other distinguished speak ers. The processicn was so long that It had to be formed on three streets and there w?re 1A" carriages in lino and a corre spondingly larga number of people on horseback. Four bands and a drum, corps kept the town alive with music Senator Berry spoke two hours in tho Gillum Opera-house, which was packed from pit to gallery. It was a masterful discussion of the great questions before the American people. He was followed by Congressman Cowherd of Kansas City, in a short but able and well-received ad dress. During this time W. a Allison of New London addressed thousands of people at on overflow meeting In the Courthouse yard. . . Champ Clark spoke In the forenoon and took a train to fill other engagements. O. IL Avery. Virgil Conkilng. David 1 Wallace, and W. A. Rothwell fpoke to-night In the-ODcra-housn ard Courthouse. In Pike. many Republicans will vote for Bryan. Dockery and Clark. Imperialism and trusts aro making defections In Republic an ranks. $ in SBSW J&2r I fcisOTsBBBBBBBBBBK ljattlBsJ I XVrf illllill iWbI -1 rPfrff H I MxiXirl wWfflmtim IBM '.if Kim' 111 wvmm iP'H fuMS Hil 11 1 if iiHlilB H IMIIH IV I (II 1U J llflll HUH IIB I nl Willi M I sc5HScnNg pote. Telephone apparatsja oa tha new St. Charles clectrlo cars. Ta by which the connection Is made -with tha telephone wire 1 shown, disjointed, i IV I . A n i H ft '4 3 v , i t3 T3 U 3 Mil ill ; i 'i M 2i- r 3-1 is- l . ' - 45 I' M '. $: i ;- H "- - '-. s " 2. -o m q bS A. A c ' -, i!f tfP3: , ,' -T'"' -S-51.,. r-Wu&Sf if'revi .'WA.''t- -ja: tte'JQ,