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THE REPUBLIC: SUNDAY. MARCH 17. 1901. THE PIRATES OF COTTONWOOD CHEEK. Romance of the LouisianilkT. 9 Purchase lw M hi I X E. s 5 How Culbert WRITTEN TOR THE SUNDAT RErUBUC. Captain KIdd himself was no -more daring and no moie murderous than were tho lead ers of those various hands of pirates wITo infested the Mississippi River In tho latter j ears of the Kighteenth Century. That was before civilization had dona more than send her advance guards into this region; but not until after that advance guard had established a rich trade between Its stations. For what is there that pirates may prey upon if thcro be no conimerco? Your pirate, whether on sea or river, has no use for those legions In which there are no goods that may peel: market and. In the seeking, expose themselves to peril and their custodians to death. There was almost a chain of pirates ex tending from a few miles below St. Louis to a few miles above Cairo In the early eighties of tho Eighteenth Century. Their existence was bnel from the time when tho commercial trade between St. Louis and New Orleans grow- Important enough to war rant the expenditure of a robber band's time and attention upon It to the other time, not lar distant, when it grew too great to be successfully and safely Interfered with rBut In those feu- years an enormous amount of goods was btolen and bcoies of lives were sacrificed. And this story has to tell of the blow which was virtually the destruction of the Mississippi Itiver pirate Industry. The Start of the Barge Of M. Beausoliel. It was three years after the great Hood "annee des grands eaux." the Frenchmen of Louisiana called it which occurred in June, 17S1. In the spring of 1TS7 M. Francis Beausoliel started from New Orleans with a richly laden barge, expecting to Sell his cargo to the citizens of St. Louis and reap a great harvest of llvres. His barge was fitted out as luxuriously as possible, and the crew that manned It com prised a score of men. There were oar locks and huge oars for rowing; there were windlasses for the ropes which, fastened to trees along the shore, might give help when the current was too strong for the oarsmen to overcome: and thcro was one big white sail, square-cut, which might be used when tho wind was in the right direction. The departure of the barge late in March. 17ST. was an important event in tho local history of Mew Orleans; for it was a large bargoand the most richly freighted one that had ever started up the nig river, m. ccau sollel had all his fortune in the venture: His cash had gone to purchase tho boat: his lnnds had bought the goods; a dozen slaves had bought the provisions. It was a momentous enierpnso mr .u. Beausoliel and an historic one for ew Orleans. So it was no wonder that M. Beau- illel was anxious: and no wonaer tnai wnen tho barge began Its trip, with the first niinnu nf flnviicht one March morning, the low river front of New Orleans was lined with villagers, who waved their hands and hats and kerchiefs and shouted "bon voy age." A Thousand-Mile Trip Rowing Against the Current. The trip for a thousand miles was prosaic Now- and then a favorable wind wouid fill out the big, 6quare-cut sail and send tho heavy barge plowing stolidly against tho nwift-flowing current; but for the most part It was a steady battle of oars and ropes galnst the current and the wind. But there wero intervals of rough feast ing and rougher song. 'With tho fall of dark ness each day the-barge was dragged toward the shore and tied up; for It was a tortuous and unmarked path that was being followed, with snags protruding their ugly heads upward from many hidden sandbars and huge tree trunks riding madly upon the waters with the force of battering rams. M. Beausoliel could not risk his precious Will Celebrate Her Ninety Second Birthday oi April 1. Mrs. Nancy Palmer. Who Came io Missouri in 1830 and Has Been a Republic Reader for 60 Years, Is Still Enjoying Life. ftvltlTTEN FOR THE SUNDAY REFDBLia On ADrll 1 Mrs. Nancy it. raimer wiu celebrate her ninety-second birthday. She has been twice widowed, has survived seven brothers and sisters, three sons and numer ous grandchildren, has recovered from the physical Injury and nervous shock occa sioned by being thrown from a buggy which was in collision with a street car, and is still enjoying life with as light a heart and as bright a face as though she were but 60. It Is only within the past two years that Mrs. Palmer has become physically en feebled. She Is not an Invalid even now not by any means; but only In the brightest and balmiest weather does she venture out with her daughter, Mrs. Virginia Shaffer of No. 728 North Newstaad avenue, for a drive. Now and then she attends services at tho Delmar Avenue Baptist Church, of which she Is a devout member, and of whose pas tor, the Reverend Doctor J. T. M. Johnson, she is a great admirer and firm friend. "I could so to church fust as-well as amti 15!rTMcyTiaihief, vfhd birthday on s5Si Fl!rlssssElisssssssssssssssssssfe iIjSBBBBBjE tssslsssssssssllsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssVsssssf' k LsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssSaSfN rd v r-ir5WjlBSSSSSSSSSSSslE4-?-'rf''-:rJK ?s'6v Wt C u!VKrSS9lisssssssBtlmMCCSv 7 Jti -$ J and His Crew Fell Victims to the Ingenuity boat and its more preclouB cargo when night had hidden the dangers from view; and so the brawny crew would draw close to shore and, with work forgotten for the time that raust elapse before the first rays of the morrow's sun should signal the beginning of another day of toll, would spend their hours bellowing songs that had been learned in Franco and swearing rough oaths the while they told of marvelous adventures and drank deeply of strung red wine and golden brandy. The hills of Natchez, the sheer bluffs of Memphis, the swamps of the St Francis basin and the wide mouth of tho Ohio had been passed at last, and the time until the end of tho Journey was being computed in days instead of In months, as at the start, or in weeks, us had Iken the manner later on. Passing the Ohio and Beginning the Last of the Jouruev. It was well Into May when the barge had passed the Ohio and begun the last stage of the long trip. All the chill was out of the night air, and the sun beat down hot and straight during the long days. The water glistened In moonlight and dazzled In sun light. The closely wooded shores were dark ly green, and. day and night, big-throated xrogs Deuow-ea a chorus w fclcn was taken up j.? uvim uuu uuu &nu orcnesiruiea oy droning insects. At Ions, long intervals there came the sharp report of a rifle; now and then a red face would peer curiously from between the trees on either bank. And all through the day there was the rattle of oarlock, the curses of men tug ging at ropes, and, when the wind was fair, the clanking of yardurm and mast. At night there was the halt, and then louder songs and more thrilling stories and deeper curses and longer drafts of wine. One hundred and thirty-five mile" below St. Louis, on the Missouri side of the river, there was a break in the solid wooded border of the shore. Here a sluggish creek, that began its course some twenty miles to the southwest and wound its slow way be tween low banks that were broken In many places by other sluggish streams, poured its reeble strength into the Mississippi. One hundred and fourteen ytars ago this creek had no name; twenty years later it was called Cottonwood Creek. Its mouth was a few miles below Grand Tower, and ten miles above it was a wooded island that was half a sandbar. This Island, likewis?. had no name In ITS"; a few years later it was called Beausoliel's Island. Now it is washed away or has become a part of the mainland, one cannot learn which. Culbert's IMrates Lay Plans to Attack. In May, 17S7, the creek was the head quarters of tho most dangerous and daring band of pirates that ever Infested the Mis sissippi. An Englishman, named James Culbert, was the leader; his first lieutenant was Joseph Magilbray, who called himself a Welshman. The party itself was com posed of as precious a lot of renegade Frenchmen. Spaniards, Americans, Indiana and negroes as ever remained unhung. Every man of them was a daredevil, who hesitated not at any kind of plunder or murder so long as there was the promise of 10 llvres In the Job. As Beausolell's barge nearcd the mouth of Cottonwood Creek one of Culbert's men saw it. Preparations were made for an attoik, but a strong breeze sent tlu neavy bo-it swiftly north, and it was soon hid Lehind Grand Tower. Culbert sworo impotently for an .rri,r; then he and his band Tiegan a desperate march up the river swimming creeks. .ad lng through marshes, clambering over fall en logs bent upon heading off the barge, and ever pushing forward with the energy that the hunter displays when there is game to be killed. I body," declares Mrs. Palmer, with great posltlvencss, "if I were only a little better able to walk. I could sit through the serv ices without the slightest inconvenience, and could enjoy, the sermon, too." The greatest regret Mrs. Palmer has Is that defective vision, developed In recent years, prevents her from reading. Until a short while ago she was a great reader of newspapers, and especially of The Republic, having becomo a subscriber to this newspa per sixty years ago. .Through it she has gained a wonderfully wide range of infor mation, and has kept In closo touch with the news of not only the city and State, but of the nation and the whole world. Now. being unable to do her own reading, she has it dona for her; and the most pleasant hours of htr day are those during which she lis tens to the soft voice of her youngest daughter, Mrs. Shaffer, reading aloud the day's news. Oh, I can in tl pictures," corrected snnrails-ladz whe It was suggested wu7 celefcrate ner 92ncT April 1. The second day out they caught sight the barge again. The wind had died down, and the crew was pulling heartily at the oars. A hundred miles, and they would be at the end of their up Journey. There should bo a rest that night, and In four days more, or five at the most, St. Louis would be reached. Five miles up the river was the island which later came to be known as Beauso lell's Island. It waa plainly In sight of the crew, and Beausolell determined to tie up there for the night. The robbers guessed as much; and when the barge reached the Island and the crew carried the lines to the shore and made them fast to three trunks Culbert was opposite, on the mainland, gathering his forces for the stroke. Casotte's Gay Dance to the Music of His Laugh. Darkness brought the crew upon deck. A waning moon split the blackness of the eastern sky, but gave scarcely more light than did tho glow of the busy pipes be tween the lips of the lounging men. The singing and the story-telling and the drink ing began quietly enough; but ere long there was a roar of voices that drowned even the chorus that filled the forests on mainland and Island. Out of the small cabin room of M. Beau- History relates that within the space of three minutes Casotte pitched fourteen of the pirates Into the river. solell came a yiung man. He was small of stature and slight of build; but there was tho strength of a Kiant and the agility or a panther In the limbs of that small body. His face was light brown in color; his kinked hair further proclaimed him a ne gro. He wns Casotte, slavo and body servant of M. Beausolell, and cook for the barge crew. "Come. Casotte," called n youth near the bow. "Cornel Dancel See I Blng!" And he began to roll out a rollicking song in which hH comrades Joined. Casotte threw back his head and laughed. that It was unfortunate that she could no longer enjoy that feature of modern Jour nalism. "If they are well printed, and there is not too much black about them. I can mako them out nicely. But I can't read tho small type." ' Th'o period In this latter sentence was a patient aid reigned little laugh. Mrs. Palmer tells of the December, seventy-one years ago, when she came with her parents. Captain and Mrs. Jo Garrett, In wagons from Henry County, Virginia, to the great West. Six weeks was consumed in the trip, which now requires but a day and a half. The family settled near St. Charles, but in St. Louis County. A year later Colonel Daniel Martin, her sweetheart back in the Old Dominion, came to claim her as his bride. She went with him to Warren County, Missouri, where they re sided until his death in 1S44. The widow came to St. Louis then that she might better educate her three sons and two daughters. Her house was on Market street near Fifth. After seven years of widowhood she married William Palmer, who was a neighbor of her parents. and lived with him near St. Charles until his death in 1SS3. Then she came to St. Louis, and has since made her home with her two daughters. Mrs. J. H. Kennedy of Clinton. Mo., anil Mrs. Virginia Shaffer of St. Louis. Last spring Mrs. Palmer and Mrs. Shaf fer were driving near D-elmar avenuo and King's highway when their buggy was struck and overturned by a street car. Both women were thrown out and severely injured. Mrs. Palmer's wrist was broken and sho and her daughter sustained deep scalp wounds. It was feared that Mrs. Palmer would not recover from the shock. but she rallied bravely. Mrs. Palmer counts as one of her best friends, the famous Colonel D. P. Dyer, whom she has known since he wns a very young man. She and Colonel Dyer have had many political arguments, for Mrs. Palmer Is a stanch Democrat, while she calls Colonel Dyer "a black Republican." Mrs. Palmer's other good friend. Doctor Johnson, promises her a great reception when she completes her century of life on April 1. 1909, but she insists that she "does not want to live to grow old," and 100 years, she contends. Is quite old. Mrs. Palmer has thirteen grandchildren, and fifteen great-grandchildren, most of whom live in St. Louis and Missouri. One of her granddaughters, Mrs. Nancy Sears, daughter of Mrs. Shaffer and the wife of Fred Sears, formerly of St. Louis, now lives in St Paul. WESTWARD COURSE OF CIVILIZATION'S MARCH. To th Editor ef The Sunday Republic. I suggest as a feature of the World's Fair a panoramic display showing the westward progress of civilization, which has now almost completed the circuit of the globe. Start In the Far East with China, show ing the Temple of Heaven, or the Temple of Confucius; India, with the Taj Mahal, the finest building extant: Babylon, or Nineveh, the Temple of Bclus, or the Hanging Gardens; Egypt, the Pyramids, which could be used as observation tow ersr Greece, the Parthenon, Acropolis and Stadium. In which Olympian games could be given; Rome. St. Peter's and the Coli seum; Spain, the Alhambra; France, tho Louvre," and -perhaps the storming of tha Bastile; England, Westminster Abbey, Balmoral Castle, London Bridge; the Span ish' American countries, typical buildings: Mexico, a facsimile of the volcano Po pocatapetl; United States, exact counter parts of the different State capitals. If Forest Park Is selected as the site the River des Peres could be used to represent - me juississippi niver, ana on It could 08 ahown everything of Importance Do Soto 'discovering the Mississippi, and other hls 1 torical incidents; tho Eads jetties, the Eads 1 Bridge, scenery, engineering possibilities. ucn as portaDie jetties, dredging, overflow reservoirs, eic we couia snow wnat was done in Egypt with the River Nile how they took care of Its overflow waters, or we might reproduce the Euphrates. JUL A. MARTIN. No. 713 Bayard avenue, St. Louis. amd Muscle of Laughing Casotte the Year oflt was a peculiar laugh loud, strong and penetrating, but wholly musical, "No, No, monsieur. Casotto could not dance to thatl Seel" He mado a few grotesque movements in time to the song that was being shouted. "That Is what it would be like should I dance to your music! Seel This Is how I would dance." His head was thrown back again, and the peculiar laugh burst forth. But this time it was a different laugh, for all that it was tho same one. It was a dance tune, rippling and rolling tn perfect time for the steps that the ne gro's feet began now to take. The bargemen sprang from their Beats and crowded themselves In a circle around Casotte. Some began to beat time with their open palms. Culbert's Band .Toius Casotte's Audience. No one turned from the laughing dancer; 7ffM W&K(f not even when a score of heads were thrust Irffi He Jvu(mv above the edges of the barge's deck, and a vJo 3 uv score of swarthy bodies were lifted upward YAWy E 'jy5?Y by twoscore of hardy hands. WMj IS ' VAai(X The first of tho Invaders to spring aboard ly 3 r)$&wyi .was Culbert tall, heavy and powerful. His By 'TOwZWMmITO moccaslned feet made no noise that rose gyyy(yy 35 'ySiO fr """ "1 m ""SJBjSBBSPlai HT"'SLrrZ BOOKER T. WASHINGTON TELLS HOW HE CAME "UP FROM SLAVERY." WRITTEN FOR THE SUNDAY REPURMC. Booker T. Washington has written the story of his life. The book Is called "Up From Slaery. An Autobiography." Com ing just at this time It seems almost nn answer to the harsh criticism of tho negro race which has been embodied In William Hannibal Thomas's "The American Ne gro." Mr. Thomas Is a negro, but not a Southern negro, and ho did not become ac quainted with tho conditions of negro life in the South until 1S71, when ho went to South Carolina in the interests of negro education. He takes tho pesslmlst'3 view of the progress of his, race. To him tho negro Is deplorably bad. On tho other hand. Booker T. Washing ton is an optimist. He writes particular ly of his own struggles, and the two books are dissimilar in purpose. Mr. Thomas ad mits that Mr. Washington's work at Tus kegee Is admirable, but he agrees with the latter In condemning the majority of the negro clergymen and teachers. There are other points or agreement. Both are of the opinion that a mistake was made In granting the franchise to the negro. They unite in thinking that It Is In the knowledge and practice of agriculture and a country life that tho negro's best hope lies. Booker Washington is proud of his record, as he tells it In his life story. Ho shows much gratitude to all who have aldoii him He says that he Is proud of his race and hns never wished to belong to any other. When a ragged, dirty little boy of 12 Wash ington made his Journey on foot from his iume in vest Virginia to Hampton Insti tute. Arriving at Richmond without money he slept under a wooden sidewalk for many nights, while he earned enough money during the day around tho wharves to car ry him on to Hampton. Not many years afterwards a great reception was tendered to him in this same city of Richmond. Such contrasting Incidents are numerous In his life. From the day when a little slave, Booker carried his young mistress's books to the schoolhouse door, and so caught-a glimpse of the children studying within, he longed to go to school. Ho was a good-sized youth when the opportunity came, but he had learned, by solitary study, all that a Web ster's spelling book could teach him, and even mastered the making of the number 18" mui-u was uiways stamped on the barrels m mo sait rurnace where ha after the emanclDatlon. wi .r,. worked. trance examination at Hampton was an order to sweep a recitation-room, a task ""ltu "" was so eager to ao to perfection that he swept the room three times and dusted it four times before he was satis fled, says a reviewer in the New Tork Times. Ono can imagine the joy In his faco when the teacher told him that ha seemed worth admitting arid n)ni.).i. appointed him Janitor, thus enabling him to jr-.u uis uuara enureiy Dy work. His tu ition was paid by some kindly friend of the institute, his clothing generally cam out of gift barrels from the North, and his books were borrowed from his mates. THE IlfFLUEJfOE OF THE TOOTUUKTJSH. Primitive enough, probably, the accom modations were at Hampton In those days, but it seemed Ilka paradise to a boy who had never sat at a table to eat -his meals, slept on a bed between two sheets, or. en joyed the pleasures of a bathtub and a. toothbrush. Tha latter Instrument evi dently made a deep Impression on his youth ful mind, for he says mora than once that Its civilizing Influence Is enormous, and that if a pupil In his school voluntarily buys a new brush when the first ono Is worn out he always counts on that boy amounting to something In tha future. Ho has. Indeed, Inculcated the use of the tooth brush so forcibly among his pupils that, as he remarks, very often a new applicant comes to Tuskegee with no other wardroba, Tuskcgee Normal and Agricultural Insti tute has been built up under the direction above the laugh of the dancer and the rhythmical clap of brawny hands. Ho stepped straight toward the closely drawn circle; behind him came his men. Each held a pistol, each carried a long, glittering knife In his belt. Culbert's heavy hand fell on tho shoulder of one of the spectators, and Culbert's pis tol barrel struck him sharply on the side of the face. The man gave a cry of pain and alarm. WJMM end according to the Ideas of Booker T. Washington. He went to Tuskegee on the Invitation of two gentlemen of tho town and began work with thirty pupils In a tumble-down shanty with tho colored Meth odist Church as nn annex. Very soon ho obtained money enough to purchase an old abandoned plantation In tho neighborhood. THE IIAIIDEST TASK IN SCHOOL. Mr. Washington admits that tha hardest llW jMfc V TfejA-V5JH) 15, Mr 7.asssssfijisssssssssssssssal 1s?S iflE& Y?W iQ HlHl.sllllBajsllllH ; iK& psIM ? '- ajijijijBjijijijSjijijijijBiijijisssjl wi i5!ojSSSjPsir iijisssssji ( MKrSB : HW "V'U'.-JBBbssssI, w BtsslHallKI I LkJ3MmH'! Bij.....HiBeS : teiHB 1 HKpgssssBM rff gt J '-lBHIiy asssssM f jfei I .'l?SX;S3;j ''.Wi-.l ') iisjijijijijijijijijijijiDajiRajijijijijl 2 B$$SSiljjlSSSjjjf I'ti ' etSSSST ''f I A ijSPsy:4 'asssssW :fl JT A if J l"8"13' CKV A55 jl iff K Before "L'Aiuiee des And Culbert's pistol sent a bullet crashing through his brain. There was a wild scramble, but It was In vain. rour or tne oargemen were ueaa; ine outers, couna nana ana toot, wero lying helpless upon the dec. With them was 1L BcsusolcU head. a. nkwilng gash In. his fore- Casotte alone was untouched. He stood silently where be had been dancing. "Come, pitch 'em into the hold," cried Culbert And the bound men were kicked and rolled and dragged along the deck to on open hatch, and tumbled roughly through It, one upon the other. Culbert turned to Casotte. "What are you doing here?" he asked. In reply Casotte began to laugh his pecu liar dance song, and his light feet began again their dance. "Pool nigger, scared out of his wits," grunted Culbert, giving Casotte a kick that sent him across tho deck. Casotte's Joy Because He Was Hid of a Master. And still Casotte continued to laugh. "What are you laughing at? you fooll" shouted Culbert. "I laugh because I am free! I was a slave you have made me free! See! I dance! See! I sing!" k And around and around be moved, his arms waving gayly, his open mouth shout ing forth its laughing melody. "I have belong" to M. Beausolell," shout ed the negro. "I cook for the dogs the beasts. He beats me. Now you have got him tied. You will let me beat him. Then jou cut his throat." "Say you are the cook7" Interrupted Culbert. "I'm. monsieur; I cook for the beasts the dogs you have put In the kennel 1", And his laugh was a low, broad, far reaching guffaw. "What's your name?" asked Culbert. "Casotte." answered the negro. "Well. Casotte, stop your infernal laush and get mo a rousing supper here in half an hour." The negro began to shout again. He doubled himself together like a Jackknife. swaed from side to side, and fell to the floor In a p.iroxysm of mirth. "What's the matter now, you fool!" Fhouted Culbert, kicking him again. "Get up from there aril get my supper." "Yes. ma.-.sleur. But I must laugh for onco I more. See! There is good food! And I laugh to think that you will eat it you and your brave men, monsieur le Generall He broke into another fit of laughter, and danced his way toward tho cooking-room of the barge. Casotte's Feast for Pirates and the Beginning of the End. Casotte cooked away, and laughed as he cooked. In half an hour he had set before the hungry pirates such a feast as they had not tasted in all their wild lives. And with it he gave them wine rare old wine that the rich merchant Moxant of New Or leans was sending to the stepson of his dead partner, Pierre Laclede Llguest. Culbert drank as though the wlna were water. Then he called for more, and Ca sotte rolled a cask of brandy upon the deck. Cultert burst in the head with his mighty fist ilnd summoned his men to drink. They took the fiery liquid Into their throats by I the cupful, growing, first, boisterous, then j maudlin, and at last falling about the deck l:: iirunKen s-tupor. Culbert alone kept his head. He continued to drink and roared volumes of curses at his men who could not stand the liquor, and whilo doing this he was stamping his way task he has encountered In his school, aaldo from procuring enough money to run it, has been tho convincing of his students that It is a good thing for them to learn these trades. Most of them have come to the school with the idea that by educating themselves they can for tha futura avoid all manual labor. It is a ruda shock for a man (for most of the students are grown men and women) with such an idea to ba put to making bricks or digging a cellar, or for a woman who has coma with tha ex pectation of studying; Latin and literature) to be put to laundry work or tha vin of mattresses, as an incident to her edu cation. The students object and tha pa rents object, hut still they coma to Tuske gee In ever-Increasing number and go out I Dix Ba.tea.ux." about the deck, now and then halting tl I kick tho rlb3 of a sleeping pirate. I At last ho rolled his drunken way toward 1 tne hatch, with much deliberation ha load- eu ais pistol, neja it at the opening of th hatch and fired upon the moss of helpless icon piled together in the hold. There was a dying scream la answer. Culbert laughed thickly. The Death. Struggle, and the Passing of Culbert. The next Instant hl3 throat was between the fingers of Casotte. The pirate leader struggled with the pow er of an ox. His thick fingers gripped the negro's slender wrists, and hl3 heavy arms strained with a force that would have broken tho bones of a lion. Slowly the slender fingers of the negro were drawn apart. But as they yielded they tore skin and flesh from Culbert's throat. The pirate screamed with pain and partly relaxed his hold upon Casotte's wrists. In stantly they slipped from his grasp, and his own wrists were caught as In a vise. It was a grip that would not yield. There was the cracking of tenso muscles as Cul bert's arm3 were forced downward until they were straight, drawn backward.pressed closer together behind him and forced, steadily upward up up until there cam a sudden twist, the sound of a breaking bone, and a piercing howl that was half a curse and half a cry for mercy. Casotte quickly released his hold upon the pirate's wrists, threw his arms about his body, lifted him. still screaming and, cursing and pleading, clear of the floor, ran lightly to the edge of the deck and pitched him Into the treacherous, muddy current. What could tho pirate leader do, with a. broken arm. and a torn throat against the might of the Mississippi? Nothing, except to cry out in fear, and go down with his cry unended. I The Return to New Orleans and "l'Annee des Dix Bateaux." Casotte hurriedly released the bargemen and together they attacked the still sleeping" pirates. History states that within tho space of three minutes Casotte pitched four teen of the pirates Into the river; that ha beat them back or shot them as they at tempted to climb upon the barge. It is possible that history 13 wrong as to the time consumed by Casotte In that work; but certain it is that he and the members of the crew threw every one of the pirates Into the river. Some got ashore, but most of them drowned or were killed when they; sought to clamber upon the barge. M. Beausoliel seems to have been faint -hearted, for Instead of continuing his jour ney to St. Louis, barely 100 miles away, ha turned the bow of his barge downstream and made hosts to New Orleans. There ha reported his experience with the pirates; and , Governor General JVIiro ordered that In fu ture trading barges should go In fleets. In the following spring ten keel boat started together up the river. Each waa ! armed with a swivel gun, and the purpose ' of their commanders was to capture or kill the pirates If they could be found. ' But they were never found. On the banks of Cottonwood Creek a cabin, some cases ' of guns and the wrecks of half a dozen barges were discovered; but there were no pirates, and from that day to this there has; " not been a well-organized, progressiva band of river pirate' t that neighborhood. The ten boats proceeded to St. Louis; and eo great a sensation did their arrival occa sion that the year 17SS has gone Into history as "l'annee des dix bateaux," or, as w would say, "the year of tho ten boats." equipped, not only with good mental train ing; but with a special knowledgo about soma ono trade that will make them, of usa to any community. MOST TRUSTWORTirr OF COLORED HEX TRAINED IX SLAVERT. Among those who have aided him at Tus kegee Mr. Washington mentions an ex slave as ona upon whom, ha has always depended for advice and guidance, and ha ays that, since the man has never been to school a day In his life, ho attributes) his unusual power of mind to tha training given Ms .hands In tho process of master ing well three trades In tho days of his slavery. Ho also gives it as his opinion that in five out of ten oases the most trustworthy colored man in any Southern community to-day wUl ba found to ba ona who learned a trade while a slave. Hs says little or nothing; of the negro' social or political standing', evidently think- jlng that those things will come in dus 'time, and when the negroes themselves have learned them. In a. speech delivered! hefore . congressional committee in Wash ington tn 1S9S to secure Government help for the Atlanta, Exposition, Mr. Washington emphasized the fact that while the negro should not ha deprived by unfair means of the franchise, political agitation would not save him, and that hack of the ballot hs most have property; Industry, skill, econo my, intelligence, and character, and tha no race without these elements could per manently succeed. A chapter which the anther devotes to his methods 'of raising' money is full of rood humor and good sense, and It reveals In a marked manner the mfperlor and en dearing traits of Booker T. Washington's character. A man who receives thousands of dollars in trust from such men as Colli 9. Huntington. Andrew Carnegie, Morris K Jesup, end others ilka them, must be a person of most convincing worth. Mr. Washington says that all he has ever had to do In collecting' money was to give peo ple of wealth an opportunity to helt, and; that ha has nowhere met such a, One spirit f generosity' as in Boston. XJkewise, it is far too early to do any guessing as to the partioular attractions that would ba given at those two houses in tha event that they ba kept open all tha rear. Of course, they would be flrst-classt txxt thai is an that can ba said of them just now, At Chicago there were many theatrical Tentures that never got beyond the con Vtiuullv stage! a larger host never got any further than the promoters. All visitors to that bis; fair remember the huge monument to the failure of Steel Mackays plan to bnHd a glgantlo amphitheater in which tha sports of ancient Greece were to be repro duced. A mint of money was sunk in tha Ventura, and ittll it was never carried through, tha constructive period. The build ing was never finished, and the shows were Tor givan. believe I am safe in predicting that'soma great scenio production will be the theatrical amusement feature of the St. Louts World's Fair, It will ba something after the ordai f "Ben Hur" probably not "Ben Hur" lt elf, bat something on the gigantic scalo ol that wonderfully produced play. It will b given in a place that Is especially suited to such performances, with an enormous stage, and a vast number of supernumeraries; with magnificent scenery, and 'with a finish that will rival any actual pageant of ancient oi ftnodani times. I am not prophesying now: out x win dare to' suggest the possibility of soma great Louisiana Purchase speotacle being shown. It may be operatic, or dramatic, or both! but certainly It will have much wealth of scenery and hugs armies of people. There Is certainly enough material in Louisiana Pur chase history to give foundation for such s work; and perhaps somebody will choose tha light incident, evolve the right story, and ba successful 'enough to get it into tha hands of the right manager for presentation to tho public along with the mammoth cele bration in honor of the greatest Interna- tlonal deal in real estate that was aver coo animated. 41 i.a rjf g&l 3 ' . , . &5l ?t TVMfe M, &Jfi?iSc-hViI---t" v v-a- rfV-jyr.,'4t?c.tfrg-'ffj $&ii-M taw-'-ijjjy .yfrwj-y;fe,a;'fe mmmmmmmm mJ-