OCR Interpretation

The St. Louis Republic. [volume] (St. Louis, Mo.) 1888-1919, September 16, 1901, Image 1

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84020274/1901-09-16/ed-1/seq-1/

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f In Si. tonli. One Cent.
:nety-fourth te.ak.
SEPTEMBER 10, 1901.
"P Tf. T fl Vj "i OutIde St. I.ooU, Two Cet.
" on Trains. Three cna
-Jtf-" 5-.
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buin'IIouse. Buffalo. X. Y.. Sept.
A ;
death mask of the late Presi-
deii's face was made Ht 7:3) o'clock.
ThX mask was taken by HduarJ L.
AJFausch of Hartford. Conn.
fauseh has modeled the features
oC many of the distinguished men
who have died in this country in je-
cfnt years.
Buffalo. X. Y., Sept. IT.. Mngnirtcently
impresslve by nasor. or their- simplicity
i'-e the services this momine over nil that
temalns nf William, MeKinley save the
memory of him, that will linger in the
hearts of the 'American people, whom, he
loved and who loved and trusted him.
The grandeur, and pomp that oftentimes
lift at' the last men of attainments' to a
p'neaele of supposititious clearness, were not
present. They would have been so far out
ot .place as id' be a .distinct shock to. the
sorrowing hearts that "pothered at. the Mil-
hum cottage 1" Delawaie avenue at It
Had William McKlnlcy himself- directed
the ceremonies, those who know him best
are -united in tjici't belief that he would have
changed none nf the details. It was a
simple ceremony. . Kxc,ept for the presence
oftmahy of fbe'most distinguished men In
the nation, the set vices in the house might
have been the last words said over any
one of a hundred tho'uni;d men. so far as
one acquainted with the facts could have
observed. "Barely l'l'te wcre admitted
to the house,-and those.bnly by special In
vitation, and. except for the -newspaper
roeni the military escort and the guard of
lKHee. there were few people.within a block
f'the cottage while the sen-ices were in
-. Elements In- MournliiR.
The day was gray and cheerier. Heavy
clouds 'hung bver the city, at times Tircak
liiR to let through a rift of sunshine, and
the threatening to-let "loose downpour
cPon the gathering multitude. The Mr M
tumid -and heavy, and only a light wind
from" the south stirred the dnjoping Mag
.nT the emblems of mourning The very
elements- reenrtd to lend fitting "" f
ment to the, fcene of sorrow about to be
enacted. - : -n-ri
Major General John R. Brooke., "Depart
ment Cernn.ander of the Bast, who was per
sonally in command of all the forces par
ticipating In the escort, ai rived at M
o'clock, lie was In f..liguc uniform, with
service sword at his "side. Around his, left
. arm tbs wound a heavy band of crept-.
WUh'hiru were his aides, and a hair seoic
of "btlfer officers.' all in fatfcuc uniform,
with the badge of mourning on their sleeves.
The time jnw .uppivachliiK for the
service. TJi'-trami of the assembling mlil-la-v
could he heard, and the walks leiiolng
up "to the. MI'burn house began to be lined
with those who were to be assembled about
the Wcr. Kvcn amid the stir of assembling
a solemn and awellke silence prevailed, and
the division of the escort came to their posts
with silent bands:
Formfnsr of llic MIMInry.
At 10:30 o'clock the- military and naval
detachments took temporary- station on
HKtSr--ret,lmmedlateJy-iu"und Hij
corrier-'irf the Mllburn house.. ilrsfiipe
mkrchlnrrwllti fhe steady (read and tearing
of regulars'. Following them came a com
pany of IheScvcnty-tlrird C'ast Artillery,
now on dnfy at the' I'an-Amerii-.-ni hNposl
tion. in command or-captain. J nhn P.Wcis-.
rer ' These were, tlic men who had been
rear-the President at the moment he wiis
hot and who to))k part lu the straggle
lthhls assassin. The National Uuard.of
the SUte of New York was represented by
picked companies fropt the Seventy-rourth
mid Sixty-fifth, regiments, under ccmmaml
of Captain- If bwland.
Then-thcj trappings of the military arm of
the service iravp- way to those ot the United
States, -Navy "as- nrty men from the Culled
Btates gunboat. Michigan, under command
of Colonel X. T. .Mlnnlx. swung into position
alongside their military brethren lu arms.
rrh naval contingent "had arrived only this
.morula 1n order that all hrancfics r the
military, naval and marine service might
be fittingly represented. At their head
jnarchefl a detachment of murines in their
dark blue uniforms and with largo gilt
trimmed hclmetp. After them came the'
blue Jackets with open-throat.'-d shirts, their
loose black ncckcarfs in sailor knots, with
yellow leggings and sailor hats. Sallow
and marines marched. v,ith their shsrt. car
blnea'at shoulder arms. The entire military
nd naval "foreo formed In company front
on, "West Ferry street and there awaited
the time for the services to begin.
Gnrernmcnt OBIcInls inhcr.
Meantime the members of Ihe Cabinet, of-
flclils Igb in the uovernment service ann
- near friends of the martyred. President, bc-an-
to nil the walks leading up to the en
trance ot the, Mllburn residence. They
came' separately" and In group", some walk
ing, -while those In carriages. were admitted
-within the roped lnclosure iip to the curb.
Secretaries Wilson Rnd Hitchcock drove up
together and with bowed heads entered the.
house.-" Governor Odell of New York drove
up -with his secretary and Representative
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Savl oflrial who will sneeeed Ad'iuhal'Howison as a meiiiher of the.
jSchlV Court
"Ltad, kindly light, amid
Lead thou me on.
The night is dark and I
Lead thou me on."
PoiTowiiiu Hearts Gathered at the Milhurn Home fur a Last Look
rinu the President Who Had Met His Death in Maiivrdom
Remains- hi State nt the Buffalo City 'llalll
nBjnnnFnnnnnn9Shi5s. iJFr-nrrBta nnnrnnnr V
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Lucius Utlauer of New York. afld. Mint
ing the Coventor, came Major General Hoe.
comman-icr of the National Guard r New
York, with Ids staff or .".ids, all. in full uni
form: Secretary Itdot walked to the house with
Mr.- and airs. .Spragne. nt .whose house he
has' bevi a guest since first sufnmoneel to
the city. Two and two. a long line of men
or dignilie'd' tearing marched jip '.to Ihe
house, the foreign Cornmlss.lonsrs. sent to
the exposition, and after them the State
Commissioners-. With the .foreigners was a
i"iilmii r ih.. MpxIraTi armv in hi full
uniform of black with scarlet stripes andJ
peaked gnld-bralded cap.
The ;olhcr members of the Cabinet In Ihe
citv. Secmtarv Ing,. Attorney Rcneial
"Knox, Iostmaster General Smith; the close
ron!idanl3 ami friends of the late cnu..
Senator Hanna Judge Day. Governors
Odell. Yates and Gregory. Representatives
Alexander and Ryan. " Majnr "Genera
Brooke. K. H. Butler, H. 11. Kohlsaatand
many others.
Arrival .of rrcslilent ItooevcIi.
It r.as Just eight minutes beforo the open
ing of the service,- when a covered barouche
drove up to the house, bringing President
Roosevelt and Mr. and Mrs. Wilcox, at
whose home he ti a guest.
The President looked very grave, as he
alighted and turned lo assist Mrs. Wilcox
from, the carriage. His face did not relax
Into a smile 'to the salutations ot those
nearest the .carriage, but he acknowledged
the greetings silently and wllh an inclina
tion of the head. Word passed up the well
fllled walk "that the President' had arrived.
ofjiianins'- ; . ? -
the encircling gloom;
am far from home;
and those waiting to gain entrance fell
hack, making a narrow lane, through which
Mr. Roosevelt passed along to (he house.
As the President passed within the house
and the servltes were about lo begin, the
long line of soldiers and sailors swung in
columns or fours into Delaware avenue and
formed In battalion front along the heatitl
rul thoroughfare, opposite the hone and Im
mediately racing II. On Ihe extreme left
were the regulars, on the right the sailors
and marines. In the center the national
guardsmen. Thry stood at pirade rest with
colors lowered, each flag wound about II?
staff and hound with rrpiio. Thn frnm of
'the house and (lie lawns had been cleared
by this time, and Ihe sweep ot the avenue
was now deserted save for the rigid, mo
tionless ranks, acrofs from the house.
Lifelike in Ileal h.
Within the house of death was woe un
speakable. In the drawing-room to tho
right of the hall, as President Roosevelt en
tered, the dead chieftain was stretched up
on his bier. Ills head was to the rising sun.
On his face was written the story-of the
Christian forbearance with which h had
met his martrydom. Only the thinness of
his face bore mute testimony to the' pa
tient suffering he had endured. He was
uresscu as no always was In lire. The
black fro-k coal was buttoned across Ihe
breast, where Ihe first bullet of the assassin
had struck.-- The black string tio below the
standing collar, showed the little triangle of
shirt front. The right hand lay at hlaslde.
j.iit: it-it uliuss me oouy.
He looked as millions of his countrymen
have seen him, save for ono thing. Tlic lit
tle badge of the Loyal Legion, tho only dec
oration he ever wore, which was always lu
the left lapel ot his coat, was missing. And
those who remarked It,, spoke of It and
after the body was taken to the City Hall
. ..v. ...hi.-, miicii iic -prized through
,. .....v.,.. utla, ihh-ib ii.naa always
Wrapped in the Fin nc i,ovciI.
The body lay In a black casket on a black
brarsk n rug. Over the lower limbs was
flung the slnrry banner lie had loved o
well. The flower.1 were few. an befitted the
simple nature of the man. A spray of white
chrysanthemum-. H flaming-'bunch of blocd
red American Beauty rO.-cs anil a magnm
cent bunch of violets were on the casket.
That was all. Behind the' head against a
pier mirror between the two curtained win
dows rested two super!) wreaths of white
asters and roses. These were the onlv
flowers .In the room. Two-sentries", ono from
the- sea and one from the land, guarded
the remains. They stood M the window
embrasures behind the head ot Ihe casket.
The one to the north 'was a sergeant ot
Inrantry. In Ihe other window was the
sailor garbed in the loose blue blouse 'of the
Mr. McKinlcj With Jler Ucml.
The family had taken leave of their
loved one befcre the others arrived. Mrs.
MeKinley, the poor, grief-crushed widow,
had been led into the chamber by her phv
slelan, Doctor Rixey, anj hat, sat aw.n,'e
alone with him who had supported and
cocrt-, hcr thr"Sh all their years or
wedded life. But though her support was
gone, she had not broken down. Dry-eyed,
she gazed upon hi.m and Tondled his face. She
did not seem to realize that he was dead.
Then she-was led'away by Doctor Rlxey
and took up her position at the. head of
the staln, where, she could hear "the serv
ices. Mrs. Hobart. trie widow of the Vice
-President during Mr. McKlnley' first "term.
Mrs. Lafayette McWilliams of.Chlcago', Miss
Barber. Miss Mary Barber and Doctor
Rlxey remained, wllh her there. The other
members of the family, Mr. and Mrs. Abner"
McKlnley, Mlw Jioln MeKinley,, Mrs.
Duncan. -Miss Duhcan, Mr: and Mrs. Barber
Jind Doctor and Mrs. Baer 'iuul withdrawn
Into thcU'irary'lb the north of the draw-ing-room.
In "whlchtliqcasUet iy.""on.l here
e:nnHn, Fag.. Tnw. Co!ni-n Trpi
Memorial Services neld and Honor
Js Paid Former President's
In Some Quarters the Impression
Prevails That ihe New Presi
dent Is SotjjVer.v Cordial
Toward .Germany.
Si. Petersburg. Sept.-ir.. Tile all-absorbing
topic In St. Petersburg to-.day was the death
of President McKlnlcy. The tone of Uik
press was uniformly sympathetic with the
American people Jn thelr-bercavement and
uniformly just'. fn estimating McKiniey's
character. The.XovoefVremya says:
"He was a man uf" large talents and a
beloved son of the country for whose wel
fare he unceasingly and successfully la
bored." Swift says: "Let us hope that the death
nf the talented and energetic President will
aiouse the lands, which, for the sake of
freedom of conscience 'and: thought, harbor
bad element'and arc the breeding ground's
for plot and action .against the enemies of
Special services were al.-o held in the
Kngllsh Church In. -Moscow, where ineinniial
services will "be held on the day nt the fu
neral, attc-hded 'by aU(tlie members of Ihe
Consular Corp.-.
Uerlln, Sept. 35. The.1 service of mourning
for the death ot President McKluley. lield
this morning in the American Church in
Berlin, was very Impressive. The edifice
w'as heavily hung with crape and crowded
with Germuns, British and Americans-.
Among those who attended were: Raron von
iilehthofen, Germany Minister of Foreign
Affairs; Mr. While, the- United States Am
bassador; Mr. .Tackso.li. secretary of the
United States Kmbass'j;; Mr. Mason, United
Slates Consul General in Berlin: members
of the family of Commander Boehler,- the
United. States naval attache, and many Ger-
Tc-day's papers tre?t Of the death of
President McKlnley, the anarchist danger
and political' outlook under "Mr. Roosevelt.
The Krctizc Zeitung -describes h'lm as
anti-German in his' sympathies, but other
wise gives him credit...
The Neuste Noehriciuen says: it is- sen-
evident that the German press of all par
ties, except the Socialist, expresses sincere
sympathy, in the death of President- Mc
Kinley. One paper points out that Mr. Roosevelt
pent a year- in Germany in his youth.
Is Expected to Ac(.oiiikiiiv Funeriil
Train to Washington.
Buffalo. Sept. 15. It was definitely learned
at half past It o'clock, to-night that unless
Mrs. McKlnlcy suffers a collapse between
now and to-morrow morning she will ac
company the funeral train to Washington.
She will bo taken from the Mllburn house
to the station In, a closed carriage. Mrs.
McKlnley retired early this evening, and at
11 o'clock. Secretary Cortelyeu said, was
sleeping quietly.
Doctor Rixey Is attending her constantly,
and his belief now is that she will be able
to stand the. journey lo Washington to
morrow without serloii3 ill effect.
If was reported this evening that she had
grown ivcry ill and had demanded that her
husband's body be brought back to her for
the night, arter being viewed nt the City
.Hall, but both these reports wcre denied by
Secretary Coit'eiyou.
Biirfnlii. N. Y., Sept. 13. The Coro
ner of Krio County to-day Issued the
following certificate of death ot the
late President:
City nf Buffalo. Bureau ot Vital
Statistics. County of Krie, Slalo ot
New- York. Certificate anil record of
death "f "William MeKinley:
"1 hereby certify that he died on
tire 14th day nf September. 1901.
about 2:13 o'clock a. m., and that, to
the best of my knowledge and "be
lief, the cause of death was as here
under written:
"Cause Gangrene of both walls of
stomach and pancreas, following
gunshot wound.
".Witness my hand this Hth day of
September, 1001:
H. 7.. MATZINGKR, M. D..
Date of death September 14.. 1901.
Age 58 years, months, 15 days.
Color White.
Single, married, etc. Married.
Occupation President of the United
Birthplace Nllcs, O.
liow long in-United States if for
eign born
Father's name William McKlnley.
Father's birthplace Pennsylvania,
United States.
Mother's name Nancy McKlnley.
Mother's birthplace Ohio. United
Place of Jcath 1168 Delaware ave
nue. Last previous residence Washing
ton. D. C.
Direct "cause of death Gangrene of
'both walls of stomach and pancreas.
following gunsiiot wound.
Modest Fortune Xeft Almost En
tirely to His Widow.
" Buffalo, N, Y.. Sept: U.-Presldcnt Me
Kinley has left a will. The Instrument was.
executed somfe time before the.shooting, and
at no time during' his final suffering was
there any wish or occasion to revise it or
to frame a. codicil. It leaves the bulk of
his -property to Mrs. MeKinley.
How much tno estate Is-worth cannot lie
slated with exactness by thoso most fumlllar
with the late President's business affillrs.
but it -i JJCltovcq to nc a, goodly stim.
nnr-.to V-L.1 r-r'sn?.
4 New York. Sept. 13. Mrs. Theodore
Roosevelt, accompanied by 'her five
children, nurse and maid, reached
tills city by steamer from Albany
4 early this morning.
Mr. Roosevelt reached Oyster Bay,
4 I I at 10:0 a. m. to-day and spent
a few hours at tiie home of James A.
Roosevelt, when she proceeded to
Sagamore Hill, the Roosevlt home.
As the coming of Mrs. Roosevelt and
. her family had not been announced .
few wcre present on her arrival at
Oyster Bay.
On reaching her home Mrs. Rooe-
veil, by request, gave out the follow-
"Leave Oyster Bay. accompanied
by Theodoie Roosevelt. Jr.. Monday
morning at 8 o'clock. On arrival at
long Island City 'will proceed to the
Manhattan side and take carriage for
4- Jersey City, arriving at 10 o'clock, in
time to cateh.tlie congressional llm-
The Pennsylvania Railroad Com-
tiany will place u private car at Mrs.
Roosevelt's disposal. Tlic. other chil- ,
4 dren o'f the household will en 'to
a. A"nuhlnf.liti, iitf-aiinn ..u tirriiiii-pmniits 'a,
can be made there for placing them.
in school.
Buffalo. N. V.. Sept. 13.-Wbile. Buffalo
and its tons of thousands of visitors have
been reverently filing past the dead Prei
dentV bier, the new President, with brave
and lesolute face, surrounded by serious-
minded counsellors, has been looking- ahead
in the future and making plans for the
;.ublie good.
Then- is no wavering about Theodore
Roosevelt. He. Pees his work before lilm
und i- preparing to do it. He Is preparing,
like a man who. ha had a great charge1
left to his 'keeping by another. He is pre
paring as a son would go about fulfilling
the last -serious request of a dying purent.
He Is doing it reverently, without pride, im
pressed with the tremendous responsibili
ties, yet courageous withal.
His declaration, which thrilled an all-too-panlcky
country yesterday, that he would
carry out the policy ot President McKlnley,
Is the only public utterance that he will
make at this time. That utterance has won
for Mr. Roosevelt golden praise from all
parts of the country to-day. What to-morrow-
may bring forth in Wall street no one
knows, but if confidence Is not restored It
will not be Theodore Roosevelt's 'fuult.
He. mean.-, absolutely what he says. No'
man has a. livelier sense of public obliga
tion, and the rights ot vested capital; and
no man In public life Is more anxious that
the coarse of 'business prosperity should
continue. .
President Roosevelt la not antagonistic to
Wall street, although certain elements in
Wall street have been bitterly antagonistic
to and distrustful of him. He has never
dreamed of making war on the great ma
nipulators of the stock market or the crea
tures of those vast aggregations of capital;
yet some of these gentlemen thought it a
very tine thing to make him Vice President
In order "to end tils political career. Presi
dent Roosevelt will not carry. Into the pres
idency any personal or political resent
ment. The exploit ot shelving Roosevelt
has terminated in the elevation of him"
Well and good. Roosevelt i3 willing to cull
all things square and begin over again.
The statement the new President made
just before he took the oath was no hasty.
Impulsive remark. Jt had been carefully
considered. It was made after due thought
and consultation. The President really
meant It as a tribute to President MeKinley
and as an acknowledgment ot the wislom
ot the policy that MeKinley had started.
He felt that he had really been called to
complete the work that the nssassln's bul
let had rut short.
Some of his Tricnds had already called to
his attention the wisdom of making some
such declaration, and one man at least had
traveled COO miles in order to ask the Pres
ident to make a statement that he would
adopt rathe-- than upset McKlnley's policy,
the same lo be published on Monday morn
ing. When ho opened the morning papers
this morning he declared that he had been
anticipated and expresses great delight. .
When the new President returned rrom
ihe ceremonies ot the removal or Presi
dent McKlnley's body to the lying-in-state
In the City Hall licwas joined at the house
ot .Mr. Ansley Wilcox by Secretary ot -War,
Root and Attorney General Jmiox. tic liaa
a long consultation-with these gentlemen,
both ot whom arc not only eminent law
yers; but possessed of n large degree of
common sense. The subject of this conver
sation was not made public, but It Is known
thnt there Is st .very strong wish on the part
of Roosevelt's friends that he should In
duce Attorney General Knox to remain In
tlic Cabinet permanently.
Mr. Knox entered the Cabinet at the car
nest request of President MeKinley. -His
private affairs are In such condition that It
Is not ne-cessary for him to resume the prnc
tlc3 of. law, and since he ha9 found his way
clear lo become Attorney General ho one
would bo surprised If he should remain in
the Cabinet until the end of the present
As to Mr. Root's remaining in the Cabi
net there Is believed to he no question. Ho
and Mr. Roosevelt are friends of long stand
ing. They have been through so much to
gether and know each other so well that It
Is pretty certain that Mr. Root will remain
unless ill health some time in the future
should compel him to quit.
MR. ROOT wu.i. rnonAUi.v
At tlu present time public men can ,see
.nothing but Root for Secretary ot State.
They would all like to see Mr. Hay remain.
Indeed, Mr. Hay has been invited to re
main, yet the understanding here is that
tho present Secretary' of State will retire
when hdcan do so without embarrassment.
While it is understood that Senator Lodge
is likely to receive an offer" ot the portfolio
of State. .It Is quite likely that he will de
cline. W'lth Roosevelt as President the
position cf Senator Lodge in the Senate
w-ili be that ot spokesman and personal
representative- of the administration. This
Is a porition that will certainly be much
to Senator Ijdge's liking. He will probn
'111? also be chairman of the Committee on
Foreign Relations, and this would com
mand Influence and respect second to .none"
In the Senate, with the exception ot Sena-tor-Frye,
.the "President pro tern.
It Is. also-said" now'that an efTort Is being,
made already to bring President Roosevelt
and Secretary of the Treasury .Gage to
gether, in .the hope that' Mr,- agc might'
corttfuue at the head of the" Treasury De
partment.. -:
., .-, -.-.i"- evcrveM vxrjfct? Mr.
Mr. Poosevelfs Announcement That lie Would Follow the Workof
Jlis 'Illustrious Predecessor Emhodies His Whole Purpose "'
His Relation io Wall Sheet Interests Prohahle i
Cliaui-'es in ihe Cabinet.
tf0ff-i':.. I' ' L i-" vK i I'.it '.'" "' "?'':;., -B '
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Photographed at Montauk. Lonj; Island, immediately after the Simn--
ish-Aiuerican War.
Gage to retire. The opinion is expressed hy
Mr. Gage's friends that he can be Induced
to stay. He knows Rocssvclt and lllMS
him. yet it is recalled that when he went
into President McKlnlev's Cabinet in 1KT
he was scarcely acquainted -personally with
tne I'reslilcnt. aim nc ami .ncnmu:) "";
not met. when the Invitation was carried
to Mr. Gage to enter the Cabinet.
The new President had a number of call
ers. Including Governor Odell. General John
R. Brooke and Representative I.ittuuer.
For some he had only time to shake hands
and say a' pleasant word. To others' lie
could, give more' attention. To the news
paper men he was candor itself. He told
them frankly what his plans were so far as
he had plans.
.It Is the. Intention of the President to ac
company the dead President's body to
Washington to-morrow on the special train.(
He will remain In Washington while the
body is there, being a guest at the house
of his brother-in-law. Captain William S.r
CUwies. He will Journey from Washington'
to Canton and attend the funeral, and when
the obsequies are over will return to the
national capital as quickly as possible and
establish himself In the White House. Here
he will be Joined very soon by Mrs.- Roose
velt and all the children. It had been the
Intention of Mr. Roosevelt, while Vice Presi
dent, to spend the b.ilance of September at
Oyster Biry and gn.to Washington October
1 for the purpose of jilaclng the children at
The Jrelatlonx between the new President
and the old Cabinet are very amiable. "A,
report gained currency to-day that.- at his
"conference with the Cabinet yesterday, -Mr,
Roosevelt coupled his request that the
members remain In olflce with the state
ment that he, would like them to stay two
mohths at least. This Is not no. and tho
story is denied on the authority of the
.President, as well as the members Of th
Cabinet who were present.
Postmaster General Smith, in discussing
the matter this evening, said:
"We are all trying to continue-the Gov
ernment without any friction or Interrup
tion, and the new President Is doing hts
part nobly. It has not been the Intention ot
any member of' the Cabinet to .resign; 'in
ruch a way as tf cause President MeKin
ley' successor the slightest. embarrassment!
But when Mr. Roosevelt yesterday asked
us to remain In office. Ire accompanied the
request with such generous," and sincere, ex
pressions that we ail unanimously ugrecu
to comply with tiiem: No one knows-how
long 1t will be before there is any' change
In the caDinet. m me uuusl oi: i-unuiiim
grief, the. only thing we are thinking ,ot.ls
to continue the work of the Ggvcrnment,in
:a--mariner that will hcsL suit thcnubiis.
That Is all .President Roosevelt .Is thinking
of and all V arc thinking: of, and I trust,
we wili" i V."s - ' "
. Ati..i Bifrtr' im
lOr 31 ijUIHei null ? ' -. ar 1 1 ;ti
nnd cooler -trcatlscr to-day, contlM
Inir TttcmXay. f
Vi ltlaannrlwKnlvi piirIiif ilaniav I-jZim
. , . .... . iaE .el
THCiuay inir; wihhi ncconiias hues MM
erlr. .-"SI
For llllmilit Fnlr Momlnri cooler'""
In nnn4ffi nnrilnit. TnaHm tmlrt Atmfffi
mlnlshlne n-eat to nOrlhiTeat it In da. .
.. For Arkanam-Fnl Monday. Trff.
and cooler; nontherly Tlnd. -" ffiZM
For Trxnrh-Fnlr .Monday. TneaWTi;
piir(1- cloudy) nhoTrers In aoatheaat
purtion; northerly winds.
1. New- President's Policy.
FUnerul Services t Buffalo.
. v.i i
S. i
President's Death a Theme for
Sunday. Sermons.
Z. Ofllcial Plans Tor Funeral.
May Send Delegation to Funeral.
J.ri.ll UL V nu , ivnuciu. ''&- A
.McKlnley and Garneld Had MucbiinV-'
Same ISxpcrlcncc. J. .'?
1: Pharmacists Will Convend To-Dayi - -
-...-. . . ?-i.-r .vi
Grace Greenwood Best' Greyhound. .;-.1
' Fought Duel on a. Crowiled Street C
Hof'ton May Soon Abandon ContcsLJf iA,
, . - ,- I.-. jiaL-
.ucicgaic James j. uonam tiK""9Kp.SM
tne iomoinc. &K'. il
5. Basoomi score?. 5rF3k
r TnTtir.. fl'inorrnn t?r'ctrL :t VV1rIlfH lfo1at
l" "-" "- - " .gti.m
6, Kditorial. "?J
.The Since. S -fti SM
St. Louis -Surgeons Give: Opinions. Majisij
Will Work Only as Union. Men. - jgSffVl
.7. Police Officers Drill With Riot GtW
- Breaking Up' of Political CombInat
- Pfesldenf3:Death Atlecteel ratient; l
- "Weather Bulletin.
' Attitude in Schley Case.
r -. iff "I1'Aat liliiimttiiiimaiila Jcfm
...puuu -u.....-.. -j
'.S.i.Bepu'blla yant ;Advcrtisemcnts, jp
River telegrams.
" Knights Tcmpiar's Mourn.
'10..Se'rmone About the Late PresliicnfiO
It. Sermons, and Services.
12. Methodists-Seeking a Presiding-Eld
Financial Panic Is Notvfc'eareil
Served In theAVsr With McKlaIwi

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