Newspaper Page Text
10 THE REPUBLIC: FRIDAY, FEBBUAEY 21, .1002. c IT i BIRTHS, MARRIAGES AND DEATHS, PMMMK WVWWHH ,,.- "n"""l -"-" i Jin-JiJi.ULU ItF.COlU) OF IIIK1 ll. Onn A. and G. Randolph. ICC North Tncnty Jlr.1. drl. Mr nn.I Mr- Hack. M Nebraska, sirl. lavM nnl S. Kncc-halier. ;Cj v. estmlr.ster: crt r.tnll and K Frel SKC Mei-amec: lv. dm Hint K. Ila.-rtl.-ln. 3W. s.illliur . clrl. Mr and Mr. llcim-in II. S. hroed. r. jr.22 south Tu.IOti Is.. X I. jii.! M. Markl-.. ."OV. l-i-t.n. clrl. W lliani and I. CVr -1J ntvenn Ixn "!! in-l !.. otrn-.o.mer. 111! Si l'iii.. irtrl. M i; .mil I l"Jrl !.V -.mill Tlilr.l. bit. Mm and M llnliinan 113 North Ma-kit. RirL I and A Murph. !';!r B.rl iMin sini L llaM. t-t: I'fflii". ilil l I! and A. Iv-I.IK IJ-r. SJ.S KMin!i . Ih. I lank and S Ilaml.urK SM. MadIon. elrl iMilfi and O Mtn-lik-, Rti5 Minr.-ota. clrl. Turl.s and A Illndcrkrifclit. as South Tucn t. third Iti. -. , . . I" T and M Wei. 1 1. 2J South Tlltrd- bo. 111. lull and M. Mi-i"artlr5. o'L.A Theodosla; m it it i m:i: i.ici:"I. ! ill-n.l MrPnrlnnd . hi t ainnrlclit .. W r- Mill, r . .. . Ivan M ivtrle . s ii Mai key Mav Ijaurrnt K Munn lara. S .tankrr t. fi Matto. k lMcn falxln J2i Morran 113 I.ifaette 4M1 riori.-ar.t . 2" .loin NrtKht i'IH Mo i; Vul. .n 1117 tVM.lcr HIT Wlw.ii-r 41(1 f'oto lirlULinta 4H3 t'otc llrllllantc Wrdillnw: HlnK- Kullil ;M). rinrst qualities. J3 to JS) Morxnod t Jaccard. Hrondnny and Locust. mriML ri:itm-. Tart illepi. 2 mnth. "'1S Tapin, ocJma cf lunri John Wiicnpr. 37. "I Mntpin; m:jsuMiitl"n Kllcn- r lUrrtt C 2SS P'ne. lirart tlla? Janif- MrlXlj. 3 n)inith. JJJ V'ita. eoslpH? AnOrrrt i 'nil It on. H. I"1" .rlmupe, .t.iij!r debility. HrMot Traxl. .'!. Poortioui. ncj.ihrUi". Maui" Turnw. ii PorhMi. tlrjs. .'UMn A IbiUlaii'I. T". M2 TaK?r. injury from "h,rl W PatiAn. 1. K15 OLvnn . cvstitis. ;onr: T Kian. months 1702 Ciii. brr.nthlil'-. uciiM r- 'luirrmni, 7. i-l Ni'rth Twntj tnird ItiKlil - til-Matf .imuff .- irlnr. 4i. ?JfG ltall) ; uraemia. IMwaM llln. t. feZl Mnunil. senile lJ.Uity Matt Itoblne m, 42, 1ZZJ Mraii; cancer m( li'CI John W Klchardon, 5 month", 2123 Walnut: Icraim Mann, 1 nmnth, ft. Ann's A.rl4:m; TrniriFmU! Kxink A. Jtccctft. II. 217A Cass; cerlral -m William J. Wallrnutt, 12. 6 Morton plac-; "Hllt llrldeft Tomplnn. 2. 2312 MaHs""n: accident. lUtrl.k J. iHrln. 32, 216 Ii?t ilaneau; con Fi' nipt Ion. I'll, n ItaKor. 72. 4.I7 i:jins: n-nhrltifr. Patrlrk K. liuRan, 3 djF. 2223 ChirpCTia: cnt!if I ni-lcntlfir-1 infant. 1 day, found en -vacant In Then IJowlvr. Tt 2l tl.irk; xponuri". riiwpnco W IIufIi. n. 17 Cok- cndooanlUls. hi: il itati; iiLsri:iiH. Ai;ilKUTi ft . v. 5 . -t 1'ountaln and ttelmar; 11 la Jone to John Taylor w. d.$ 11).iiAmv a V & ft- & In , iu j. , iet. Hniad- 7.;oi w and MUM, international itaiiK Co to 1 1nr MhIirHf w d. . . OK)K 2i ft. n. fr.. Ict, aiieeni-r and 10.W0 rrairie; jamen chaw to hJiza rJHW w CiVoOE-''' ft, .. n. bet i-t. Kcnllnand and O'ttajrp; l'ldellty JUaltj Co. to Sab nia hinidt w. d 1 JJti IMANA-21 .ft, 11 in., w . bet Ou-r-k-e and Potomac; Mao Adier to Kllia 1'illlnffhain d ) wrtj nn- .c n . a., iru rtcaa nn ieu; OUvrr ltealty "o. tt Jin Item If y w. d. iII.VI7rtVA-C ft., f. f, lwt. lEiarkstone and (Jdfellrw; Jame Kerr to 1 "rands Il,jer w. d 2M.OMNrKKonT-2I ft. S in . . f. t-t. ond and Hroadua; Ivd ron to St J-ouls TTut Co . v,. d OMI- ft., n. .. tret. Sarah and Wliit tir, John Itentley to Oliwr IValtx u.; w d Ol.lVj;-i ft. n n.. Iict Sarah and Whlt-tlf-r. Austin Miller to John Intbj !tc. d ri'NriOK 23 ft., f k.. bt. r:y and Pair Amy Heal Itaf C to Jame Ivpan w. d roPI.Ut-rtr. ft. r. s.. It. Randolph and I'opUr, Unniar Itfalty Co. to Scliwarr iliiM i Hulzborcer Co. -w. -I 4 f t . w. f ItPt. Mallinckroilt and Oftrehan: i Ctoiib to St. Ixu1f TniM o -w. d TU KXTV-KIKfiT-K ft . - ., bet. Han "b'lUh and Poplar: Eliza rawley to SfhvarzsrhlM & Sulzberger C"o w, d.... TNITEI1 STATKS Sl'RvnV 1 S7 acre; FVanfJt Pcdrcd to John I3rUfge . 1 . VNIVPHSITV-O ft., f .. t-u GarrlFiVi and (IlaFeTOw; TMlhur HiIe to Joseph tiruender . d TVA lNtTr ft., ii. a. bet. Beaumont and allej ; Pred Omennlner to Annl Scholl S.3AJ J.OW JOO 6,133 11.750 1.6W 7, S- 4,fW HLILDING Ii:ilMITS. Ft Iuls PreF-ed Heef Companj-, sOj Manches ter, enrine-room, JtI.O0. NEW CORPORATIONS. TU.YAS. REPFMLIC SPEiIAI-. Austin. Tex.. Feb. 20 The charterF of the fol corrKraticnF were filed in Secretary f Fiate'n department to-day: Center Point Mercantile Company of Center Point, capital ptork Jin.ono. Tli tienter point Holler Mills Company of Center Point, Kerr County; capital Ftock J.J,W The Reaumont Seiurltie Ccmpanj of Reau m"Ht. tapltal tHk $4').u00. GaHrrton Hrewlne Comiwiny of CalveFton, cap IU1 stock Jj,iX0. ILLINOIS. JtlirUBLIC SPECIAL. Springfield. HI.. Feb. 20. The Scretary cf State to-day licf-tined the incorporation of the follow ing' i-ompanlts: , Mount olive "onumerF Association. Mount Olive; capital ftock, $2.); r.bject, to engage in tnercantile busines. Incorptiratnii I), p. Jack ton, Georjre Hanson and 11 A. IbiKkohl Stelnl.erg. cfilcafco. upltal Mok, J2.j: object. to manufacture clothing. JncorpratorF John H Hume, Sdtiy Stpln and Hotert ). Kellogg, Rich Grocery Ounpan. Chicago; capital flock. $2.i. nbjept, dealing In gpxcrlt and proriiony lncorrioratort Peter A. Wozniac, 1,. W. Thom foii and Percival Steele. Trpedr Top Company, chlcaro; capital stock. S2.W0. objei t. tn inanufactur- toje and nojveltl" Jncoiporators- Edward HatlelmiFt, Frank G Ma son and R. H Pullen. F, S. Iturcli & Co., Chicago, rapltal slock. J2n. "': obJ-t. lo manufacture toek fivIs and -on-d It Ion powder". lneorpnratorB ."hartfi Tlmscn, William S. Hay and Henry J Hair Hottinger Urn and Truss Companv. Chicago; capital stock. SI 2, :'.'. object, to manufacture and deal in mediclnt-s. surgical appliances. tc In co.jforn tors John S Hottlnger, Joseph Hottlnger und Atthur Hottlnger. Munrte A Sxjuthworth, Chicago; capital Ftock. SlO.trOO; object, printing, publishing, binding, etc. lniortoratcrs Waittr II M,iin- Arthur E. Southworth and George H. Walker. Max Matter COmpanv, Chicago; capital "toek. 11.00; obJtKt, d-allng in country produce, lneor-IoratorF-H R. Calvin. J Clvde and John Hlum. J, II Stouffer mpany. Cblcago: rapttal ftock, J-a.("(iy., object, general mercantile buflnos. In corporators J. H MtutTer, William J. Prlnrrle nd harles W IamNrn. GoMterg Calculating Machine Companv, Chlei. ro; tapltal nock. SlMJi"), obj'-ct. t inanufactum calculating machine Ineorpo"atorf" a-par taub. Otto Malcher and Iljinan R OoldWr-- Hushillle Gun tluh. Ruhvlllr, i.ot for profit, object, focial Iticorpcratt rbWarrfti H, raca. George E Walker and John S. Raehy. The Wejburn A- HtUss f'o of Rotkford certl fied to a change ot name to Weyt-urn uinpany. The Paramount Knitting Coirpany of Chif-ngo rerttiied to n Increase of capital stock from J-Vi.yi to $1 w,ftH The Giiat Wf-tstern Crndened Milk Companv of (.liieago certified to an lncreafe of capital stock from S2J,(i to S2Xo. The numtter of di rectors is also Inci oaf vd fnm three to live. Tlie l-tor Gossom MMIcal Company .f Chl cacn entitled to an increase cf capital ftock from Sin Aw to $Ro William Mtirdock A Co n' CJiieago certified to a. change f nam to William Murdock Tlie capital of tin company Is also In rcasM from Jt IXV) to $P,jo. The s. I; Hmrrtt Manufacturing Comrany cf Chicago cetlrlfd to a dift-otutlon. gi:m:hal;mi:ts. ""DIRECTORS MEBTIXG-Xotlce s tirely given that a, meeting of the dliectnrs of thr CrjHtal Railway Oimpany will be held nt 2 o'clock p. in. on TuHdav, the Ittlu dav of March. A D. l'02. at the office fif wild ccmpinj. In the Wain light building, nt the tiorthwft corner of Severn, and cliestnut fts . In it. fit, of St. Loul and State of Mlvurl, for the purpoes s;ccified in section I07i, Revied Stat utes of Missouri. l& relatln: to railroad com xanics. C R BFRXHAM, Vice l're-Meiit Edmund T Allen, Secreary. ST. I5F1S. Mo.. Jan. 15. I2. The public U Tiereby not f tie. 1 tint ertltlcate of membirship in the 3-erclantf Exchange of St. LmK X S,1 nated Atarch 13. lf3. In the nam of tieorj- Ra ker., haft been lost nr det.lrm.t.1 nnrl thai ;.i. fi 'iiujimn n-i (feii mane io tne iiotri ir nirec or cf said exchange fur a duplicate thereof. GEORGE RAKER. EXCHANGE AXD BAKTER. TO Trade-Two park waffons and buggy for hitch-seat dfllwrv- -wagon; must be In good con dition. Wm. Bollwrrk. Seventh and Arenil. LOST AMI FOUND. 1X)G It. a black, white and tan -etler dog. Upturn to 43J9 Vista ave and iecce reward. IOG Iyjt. dcff, with black and brown stripe; Tr"ifd If returned to No. 752 S. Fourth ft., St Louis. JXKi Lost, black nd tan dec, with license on collar; answers to name of Trip. Reward if ie tutned to 3t3i West Pine boulevnrd MACHIMuRT FOR SALE. ELKCTRIC motora and dycamost lo tent: 1 to fQ-liorFe-po-rer. Rote Electric. 204 3. Third st. GASOLINEand STEAM ENGINES Boiler .te.ra pump atm. ru and water .tip. pile,, Mnmlll -ji.chlr.rr. beltlnr. Iiose, tc. FAIRBANKS. MORSE & CO.. St. Ixiull. STEAMSHIPS. JlKp,li.fmf, PHILIPPINE ISL-VNIK. VII 'rK UHIKB HoNOLl I.C-P-ulnc Mall S S. tn, OecldMital .x. Otiental S S. 11. and Oriental V S Co. I'rom san rranc!-'o: N.Pi ""i Mam. ir lii"-2, Peru. M irch ;.. ?!: Copll,'. liar h 11 19 T2 l"r liassici- -ir.d frclK1!! rat. rpnatlims pa'-saiie ordeiH an! .n.inia tlon. to I. l: Tonpy. Acrni. 1-1 OIIi " . Si 1, uls. Jin'utv mkctixg.-. NOTICE Is lienbv ruer that a meeting of -he Hoard of nlroitorh or the st liuis and Han RhtlriM 1 IVinram ulll he held In ttf print ip-al nlflce of the -mpan. In the I'om mental hulldiilK. W llc t . in tl.o city of St Imls-. Mo on Ti""-da. 11. TV.2. nt ..'.'lock a. in., fo th trai.acllon of u II lmln.- as rr.a icoM'r.i conic Nforc tli.' meet- trrr. l: I o.VKl'JI. rnldnt. K II. Ilnmlltop 5.. r.-tar. St. LouI. Mo. !brxir i is a. orriri: st. i7ui iiri.iB- nwn, rcb ::. lyC The annual nicclliri: of .oc to. kh.ldT oi IhN c.iitiriaii. tor the el'.tiin of 'jc ii d.ii. 10:3. IU Ii- hold ,,t the otlli'.. . f Hit comjunv on Tuey.l ly. the fourtti ila . f Marcl:, Vji'2. UM TfAfSSIu. I'rctldcut. V. AV llnnc-. S. crctarj irjlVlri: Tunnel Jliilriad ' t St-'lrfitlln. IVbTsi. 1PT2 - The annual nit-tini; ..f the i.m kliolUern ..( thl c.imlan. f . r the ,.1.h n. n f M . r,i direct rv l! 1 held at the .'fTue of hl . rinrunv '"I Tuewlay. the fou::h iln it l'rti. i .i! rn .-u;. 1 ntl.l-'rt. V V l-l-n- S ,-,1111 Ei,E.t tiux xonci;. ST. LOUIS, lllUX MOCXTA1X A. SOUTUURN HAIL. WAV CO.. N " York. Jant;ar 22J. l?n2 Xctlcn N Invebj i;len t'.at tin annual mrett:is of th stockholder of the St. Iwul. Ir.m Moun tain and Southern Kailirav lompjny ft!ll h- held at tie genrul olfio of tl n CcniDan, in t lie City cf tt uoui. MK-Hiurl. n Tti'djv. Minn 111. 33.!. at. njrc o'chik a. m . for the Hictloi rf tlilrtci. Dlreotds fur tl.e n'ulns jeir, and for the triractioa rf my other buin'iss that may cm' lefrre yald n.titic Th nr nual mettlng cf tr Iirt'tyrs udl ! re'd at the same o:nc en IN a.e day at t .!. o clo k noon. Trn transfer b- A" will be cl-i-ed ,n Pr.dnv. January 31st lKC, nt trrr- clock p m.. anI roppned en te dav follow Inc tl annual net'tij of the stockholders or any adjournment there f GFO. J. COVLTi. A. II CALKF. Secretary- Pre J Went. PTrKHO!.DKUSMi:i:TIXO-A irecllns of Ihe siit kn. l.!-ic of tin- Ji. C !Iarrl M inufnc- turinc rnniranv will 1-e l.f-ld April 22. l'Mi tor the ur-! of itins upon a n-Folutlon to m- rrt a tin tipitai f toi k or tne omip iny ironi JV'.""! ti) Mt.00i TTi rs II Minis. m:vHy oi KMM.r,. Mijoity of St .tck holders. stock iioi.ti:hs- Miiirrixti xotice heic- bv cixen thit the annuil m'etlnc t'f tne rto-k- noiiifr- (i tr.e uiuiMani i-urcni-e i.xjioiiiiin Cfitnpam. a c rptration n;anirt-1 under the lawi f the sit.. of MM.u.1 will 1-e h.dd in tlill X. 1. eichth il',.n. iVM Pillows buIMins. FOiuh- c,it corner Ninth and 0'ie tr'-t,. In the rit f t. I'Ui". M" n-i Tiie-An. Mirch i, l?-i2. at a in., foi th" f'ictbn if tnIrt-on irembcrs of the F,na-d of Director, an 1 f'r th tnn-.u-tioti of tn !i other busiiics nwj ctin- before -aid meeting. PWID H. riiAXCH. President. Attest- Walter B. tten, ecta3 St JtaK Mo. IVii. l, ino siTrATioN! AVAXTi:n rciiAi.n. COMPANION Ymir.i? Ionian, with fopio e pi'ricn' in nursini; w.'tild tiofcitlun iu com panion to Inalld H f3. KepuMi-- CDOIC Mluatlrn bv t-ompvtf nt took; beet of rtfvrencr al at 221 X. Theresa ae COOK Situation b flrst-ilas cook and c Irtfnfd hcuse and dlning-rooin Rirl. 3' S Mor gan t. t "OOK Situation by pood Grman pirl to ro-k or uii ,er-ial !uuewoik, list place four jears, tefirere.. 2yi Finn, ac K ---Ituatli n Ij niiddW-ige-! woman In pri iHte tHinlK ,is i-nolv r housicnoik; reference MS X. Twnty-lim -t . uptairF. IIOFM'filltl, -ltUdtlnn u houeslrI. lice Sonori, J3J3 S Bruadway, rear. HOrSKGIIvIy Situation hf liouecirl; no wash ing or JH-rutbirK. 173 S nieenth Ft.; Ml?s I l.l'XIHI'r4 F.-iton as laundrcw. 27i Wes-t Pine. rear. Ma:j Ibdl.tnd. ' U MXIiRi.s ituaton bv liundixs for Wtdp"Ma of cath wck. 22j Adai.i Ft. T. !XDHIS SItuitioii by I,rt-elaKs -alilte laundress titst two da. in the week. 1121 N. Nlnteenth LAFXIRi:s.3-oo'I. reliable colored ioman will go out .r take home na-hing, ch1 refer enrp". Piraj-e address Mary Thompcn, 124 Mt iran t XFHSK -Situation by .1 jnuns girl of 22 ears a mil.-; a No willing to d rwu-ewoik, call. 1127 Locut frt ; tttond iiofir. HTEXOGRAI'HHlfA young lady stenographer, enplivf-d, wants mehns, to address or clr ular Htttis to writ" .1 32. Republic. TELEPHONE Iich Hro 1C2 Centur. for thcrotighlv ccmetent tic nogrnr hers and book keeptis. toth photur E REPAIRS. A. G. BRACER. 21C-1I8 X THIRD ST. SITrATlONS tVANTHD MALK. LAV ER- Position as brad or paMrv ltaker tn a finall hctel. i ountry pi ef erred. J J3, Hpullic. HAKEH Situation bv a firtt-class bread and cakt baker and ice cream maker. Ed Duffin. -II St ImK ave l'HFG i'LERK Situation as junior drug elerk, one year's experience; one year at college. 1) It Rt public DRUGGIST Mtuation by competent lrugglst; tviflve cvars' expenTce, married; country pre ferred tl .V.. Republic. LXGI.M.LR Mtuatlon by st-cIas engineer and elt-cttlcian, tne jears e-tpenence; out-ide f city preferre-1. C W, Republic. GARHLXLR-Situition bv tim-class gardener; private place prefened, best cf r.f.rences. J 424S Juniata t HOSTLER-Situatton l"l a good. soler hostler In t table or butcher niarWct Call or write three dtv-. J. Mahoney. 1122 Market. .,'.?,KI",IC: MAXSUiiailcn ly rool ofhco man; billing clerk profencd. H I.C. Republic X M( L MAX PoMlIon bv first-Ua-s office man corresimndent and Fatemin; lore anJ themuph exierience. O ,5, Republic. OXE of the bpt specialty alemen of th" Southwen will Le In S(. Iyjuis several dav. Who would Ijke to talk with htm aNmt seiima their ....v .,. ..ti. ui in,- .iiuiii-!!! firiit-s, lexis prc ff rifd" Now. here? a chance to cmploj a siles inan who his the rord. the references in fact, holding os'.ttrr; at present time, o if ou have g"od to nfivr replv at once jour letter shall be ftrlctiv conndntlil. S is. Republic, I'ENMAN-Envflo-iPs to address at home; irooJ penman. f-Oc fer j; - liepubllc. PLFMBIXG Young man of 23 wrnnt situa tion to barn the plumbing or enginetr trade. T C. Repjotlc lORTER Situation by German man as porter oflice r.r housework O .1", RpuTlic. SALLSMAX A stetlaliv Faleman calllrg on grotrv trade in Arkanns and Texas wishes a Fldi line F C6. Republic STEXOGRVI'HER-Sltuitlcn bv educated stnf:nii'hcr, ten veart. perl r nee In rallroid and law oftitcn: riijt make eh-inge by Mai eh 1: references frcm pifrent emplojers II i."., Re ptibllc WHO wishes to employ a bov K, 3 ears cf nge. who is witling to Ftart in -with Fmatt iliy Prefers to get plac whre parties can bo ml and room him Xlce looking bo. gOrKl habits. hnn"t nnd deserving, will wort; bird, wants to muk a good buInes man out of hjmrlf. lives In Ken tueky. but can reach thl citv on two days no tice; can furnish firt cla-s rff?-en-e. Now. any ne n"dlng fu-h a bev. address at once. M M, Republic WORK Young man, IS 3 cars old, ileIr-s' iiosN Hon In ome wholesale hou?e, with reference, A . Republic. MOHK Hry. IS vcars old. desires position in cigar ir eandv "tore: pxpfrlfn-cd at both, ivlth Coo.1 teference O 7A. Republic HELP WAMKD-rKMALE. Cook. COOK WANTED-Good cook; small family; gooil wages !3t7 Olive ft COOK AXTEP- (Jernian coi-Ie fr b,.if.l (l V T TTT.rt.i .-ktiti,stli. -I'-.II.i I COOK WXTi:D-Middlc-Kfd ladv prrffTicl nice home, good wagef. Call. 4237 Cote Brilliant ae- COOK WAXTED-nrst-eli Cok; cooking onl v , nal I f a m il . A pj 1 . a t once . reft. rnce. 4421'ed" n.c HOUSlGIRL WAXTFD V!ih gilt to do Co,ik 1ns and nstNt with bousewoik; no v.alitng; good wages. 4)2 Page boulevard. DrrAanigiLrKr anil tf-amatrem-ie. COATMAKERS MAXTKD-Coat and skirt inakeir. W. A. Gerr, tailor. 221 C0K ave. G1HLS WAXTED-Machltif and hand girl and prcsser m pant 121 Prattle ave OPERATORS WANTED 0-eiatf on Hngcr nutcinatie ewing machines Hurst-Zucker N'eck v.iar 'o . 7'72 Washington ave m:AMSTRIS WANTF.D -Scamstrcfs platr sewing ?! N High M SFAMJTRESS WAXTBH-JIIrl or woman to ew en irat tress tick. .7I "ranklin ave. MIlLTMAKEItS " W AXTITD-Exrncr'rji-nitoiH ru tine u-tim fhlrtF; steady 1 mpluvment rt le-t pay i.diert Bios., OH Olive st S K II tTM A K in PVV AXTI ;f Ca X oti PAperb nce.1 fkirt maker on til-h--r:tdn f.klrti. nnr.i tfj t . ufo-lit. .i.iTrrln. iA,ift iAn.. !... a 1 -... . .-.-..-.; ii.(iiv.i1i..ii h.'i.t- mil iifl(."ir(ij t hantiK nc-,l annlv I er;uon-AtfKinnfv :Ulrf p-. 1 nr. jii .-.. jacvenin su . ... .. t ....": . - -- ....- - WAISTMAKI:RM WANTED-l:xpcrKMcd H dics wnlftmakfr en power machines, ion n. Sixteenth st. WAlSTM.Ki:RS. ETC. WANTEIv Iwentj flve waptmakrs; .ils. tackfrs; nlr those ej,per lnced need apply. O'Cy Mfg Co.. V;J7 X. Eighth. Lasni1tcaea. FIN1S1IFRS TVANrnn-rTen first-class flnl-h. ers en new work. Ferguson-McKlnncy Itundry, 11 V L.MM1 t.t. "IROXRR WAXTED-Flnt-clas band Ironer on custom still If: goo.1 wages: t-tea-Iv position to right part j. Apply at Gland Iaundrj-, SOD Law ton ave. HELP WASTKD-FKMAI.E. BoiiRirork. HOrSEGlRI. UAXTilP Girl for ccncral llOUSOttolk "1 .V SdloOl t',. Hill Ni:i;iti. ANTi:iYhTte"Kiii fcr geneial i.u.ork 1 .21 Wa-di st. iii'si:i:ii:i. ntep Girf llOU. Wtlk 11JL l.llPKWlll. ll'ilsEGlRI. XTKI-iilr huU't-uork mj c-rr uif.' for Kcnera.1 for i;ener.i.l HOI SI-GIRL WAVTED Girl hou. work. J-ri. l-i sallo st. for general Hill Sl.Clltl. loucork. li w AXii:n-;iri Unrtro'd H. for for ccnenl inn sruiiu. wAxn:ii-i;iri h.'ll-i'W.'ik. 3J.1S IJlK.'ln Ar. I . ' lliirsi:i;iiti. w NTi:i-i:co.i Kirl fcr cmrml h. ti ttrk. WXI i.'l.eland ;uc Ilol'i:c!i:i. VN1i:s uirl Tor firnrr.U l!Ot'Si:CHtI VANTh"H-hln jrlrl for Kn- Iuii-(.rU lu JV.inklltt .iw " lIDrSKWOM XX V.XTi:i -Stnmtr. ieltatit lUHi:JJi:i7 WAXnlTv tTrruian fiiri for ceti rr.U ljiL'erwi r. Sill Jtiiivhtai:l tt h. nt t m I7i ilirVAXTr: n-a poaBiri to .10 fei.u: ii titUO-K J (A T.C.Ior ; iuir.r,mu vanti;i-iii1 for huueiiK. no wa'iipjr. 4VBA Jlutpfr. K''ncral 1 1 1"-U"-I III A.Ti:i)-'.ii! for Rfneral In iwniirk, no wahirr. 23T. 1)UksCn tt. mil Si:t3li;i. VA:Ti:i--fSnmn slrl for ren ral lioiiM work in Mnall faimU. 132 Sidney M HH MrCIIEI. trirl to do piW'il IMit..rl.; tnK.II faniil. 41 Morpm t. 41)L1J:iTij1: p4".ftlriib 7juuni: mati"pflJ to o colIitlnr. with gmtS reference. 'A .".. U ptibli. IlriIK(;iKI. WAXTi:D-ri!rl for crnenl hou'fwurU; no wahiru; or ironing. 125 Dil lon st. Iirir.-l'C-IRTj 4VA?m:i-fJin to do eenrral I.ouM-woik. ro wasliinp. C324 Victor, rar Grand -. tnti. 1 HOfSF;ini, XAXTi:i-01rI for cfnernl i liMtisfUork, no mit'iJe work Inquire at 313) Al : len ave. TKrKim, WAXTRD-OIrl for neneral bou-fwrrk; country girl preferred 4014A llus sell -no Horsi'CilKI, WANTHD-nirl for Ecneial 32I Glar-Kow place, between Cas and Kaston IUH'.-IMIKI. WXTKI-Goo.l German Irl to arFlsit In houvwork: Rrxvl home and fair waic. zzL "'n l IlOt Si:GIKr. WAXTKO-C.nod white Ktrl for r. nernl, lmu work, fuully cf f.ur .idult. . :-prin.r ae .-,, ;: ---:;:;., r. V. W-.v.; :" : i r; : ,mI-IHI- UXTLp-t omiytont C'rmin ' 5-ir" "r central nouvework; ranitly of tv;o. ji;i Kensington ae IIOFSI'GIHb. VXTHIT Gooil whlt lrl fo general lmu'Work. snnll l.imily: goo-3 v.nsi's. 2'dl GinmIi ne. HOFi:;iRL WAXTRD Good German girl for cent ml hi'tiework; family 'f tvo. refer nccs ro quired 442D Lucky t. HoFSrillHI. WAXTHD-German girl for ri.ue i,ork anil ai-I-t with waliin? and Ironing, no c.iklr.g. 27i'b W vend tiff. HOFsUGIHt WNTKI-GIrl tn asM-t with geneial houFeiork; live nwim. SI j er week; home at night l.V"i.A Pas'" ave. HOFSrynRL AXTHD Womin for genf nil iKU'cwnrk; cmk wish, iron; go home nights; reference-. SC-) Iji Itnle ave llOFPFanTl7VANTi:n-A neat, voum; Ger man clrl for general hou-ework. two in family; good In W.bster. Call. 2725 Olive. IIOFPFGIRL WAXTKH GovI strong, voung hou-eclr! about 13 or 1G ".ears ! I. t alt in housewrk; gohl home to right pirtv. 242u Hick son HOFHGIRL WAXTCH-GIrl t do general l.ou-cv.ork. must be good toik: keep u;talrs girl r.o laundry vvoik. refertnce required. 41'Jl Morgan. . ("OMPAXION" WAXTi:P-A refined joung wom an with reference, lican do plain tewing, as totnpan!on and nurt-e for elderly ldy. .all at . Vandevcnter pkuc. "lcii:KirTr:i7"wAXTr:t Young gin as nurs; iZiZ tininifr piacp. XFP.SE WANTi:0 Xurse to take circ of nt once Mrs. Moon. 2I(- Eugenia -t. chll I The Irntle. ili't(LATi; DIPPERS W VXTKIi-Chorolate dipper bv the Ideal Candv"n.. 12) Olive -t. ""maCHIXT: GIRLS WANTED Ou pants; etead work Call 330S Art-"nal s "PRE' FEEDERS WANTFD-Two job-press fefde-sr ftenlr Job. penton IZIH Pine ft. PRESS FKF.DHR WAXTED-Glrl for job-pre-s vxperl-nctd. Peeler Todd, lft'7 CneM nut Ft. p Si:.MsTRESSI WANTED Machine hands on pantF: ieadv emr.ovment, jilfce work. Milks & Averill Tailoring Co.. and Pine. StenoRi-nphers. STFXOGRAPHUR WAXTED Competent younr ladv .tenograpber, SS. alro expert. Sir. ier week 1 iC, IU i u'die. Mlierllkoeom. CII VMHFHMAIDS. vvnltrrscs, pantry girls and nil kinds female htlp 12"0 Olive. GIHIWAXTED Girls to pick nuts. ZV X. Commercial st GIRL WAXTEP Smart girl, alrout It jcars old. Mrs Mumaghan. H" Luea GIRL WANTED Nat German girl, vlth ex-rerieiicejwvjrrknake-yr1: I'ninKlln .iv . r GIULrs WANTED Gl'la to pick nuts; iuum b over 14 vars old. Apply to Barnhart Jlercan tlb Cc. SIS X Second . LPJU1D ttrct of Galega (gtit-srue). for th" celebrated Ir. V.mcalre's bust-developing pre scription, can be had at WhlteomhV Pharmiey, Garrison ard Washington aves., where It Is ac curatelr comjVfUnd-d. HELP WANTED MALE. The TitaUe. "aPPRI:NTICE WANTKD Barber apprentice. C21 Market st. BARBER WANTKD Good barber. 3?3 Olive Ftreet BARBER WANTED Good barber; steady job. lir.1 Sidney Ft. B.'RBER WANTED Barber for Saturday anl Surdr.v. 'Cill Mnilinckrcdt. BAltBER WAivTfi:ii.ubeT for Saturday and Sunday; wages Z.3). 243 X. Broadway. "HARHERWNn:D-Gofvlli.irber. steady If fuite-tl Wil I'm Place. Broadway and O'Fallon. "T iIU'KSMITH "ill LI:Tt"lArXrKI) An x Ierli:nil carriage blackmltli heljier or iln1shr e od wngts. Call at Harvey ctirriagf. Co, lyi Pln t. BRICKLAYER WAXTRD-Flre-brlck Grand Avmue Hotel. lijer. CARPEXTEKS WAXTEP Carpenters, call nt once; all rough wotk and Inside; husibr wanted. Burton Brokerage Co., 6-i Ch-ftnnt st DRAFTSMAN" WAXTED Terra" cot ta drafts man; good chince for a 1 right oung man. St. Iuis T rra Cotta o. "SI.. Mnnche-ier ave. HXPKltlINC!;i HELP WAXTElPnperiencTd wo hi viortrrs fn bujrgv geir Moon Bros. Car riage Co. Gano and McKtsock ave "WILDER AXTi:D-Gltdrfornrcture frainc. Schcenberg Mfg. Co.. 221 Iomhard t. foiTM:SHbl'"vr!X:TED irH s Tiiirii t. .loiXEH WAXTKD-PJeture frame Pclioenl erg Mfc. Co.. 3JI lyimbard st. Joiner. MACHIXSTS WAXTED-Machlnlsts. Apply at 2M0 PeKctb st. MOLDERS WANTED Two gor, machlre moldtis Standard Foundry Co.. i;n Collins st PRES-; FKFHRRS WANTED-Job-pie f(l eis t-curltv Printing Co.. 213-221 Chestnut rt. l'RIXTKRr 17. yiv Olive WAXTED-Rri.-f printer. Court Iu Journal. STAMPMA1:t;R WAXTHD Rubber maker H X Eighth ft. stamp STEAVIFITTER WAXTEI Flrft-clafs steam- fitt .Vppl .:and Avenue note). TVIIJIR WAXTEP First-ilis tailor, stead v work; flngle man preferred Kelbr. 3141 OIKe t. TEVCiiEit WANTEDA good mali'who can teach elH tricitv to 1 c -upl of jounc men In the evening. 2S3." Dickson ft. "VOfiDVORKEi:S WAXTFPCarrlaV wood nnrkcr" at one-, at !U0 Maiket Ft. BARBERS, TAKE NOTICE. 1I letup are hieby roll fled to cpnear at rlTIie rf Mate Board of Hxamitirt for Brbers 2H Errlllf building, anil -ren.' jour license at ore: b-ing jour .crtlbcate anl rani b'.th with vou. J. 1- TANKS. J. J. RYAN V. E. BFBCH. Stat Board of Examiners for Barbers- of Mfs f nri Hoy. BOY WANTED Hoy to work In bowling allev. Sit Ohve st. I BOY WANTED To work In Japanning shop. BOYWANTED-Bov to leini denttftrj'; no piv lut few months Tui1-.. Iln. "fy WAXTt'D-Gennan luy to v.oik In gio icr Rlcre I51. N. Jeffen-on ave. -BOY WANTKD-Neat ftronglov to .vork In lrug stt'ie. mth and iiontgomerj streets. ,,rtV imi WAXTKD Gtvoil strons boy; must over I.. liiquito ji a. in.. Ferry Fie Co, S23 Tenth st. BOY WAXTED-Strong biv to deliver tjp writci: salary J3 to ?5 weeklj. Room 311 Chem jcil ln.IMIi.g. BOY VVAXTED Bay to -work tn drug store; One or two ars experience ; references. Bren ner's Phirmaej-, Kossuth and Pleasant. OFFICE BOY WAXTED First -class office boy, with thorough experience. Address, stating age. i'XrrIcnce and where last tmplojed. Y 7w. Republic. llaokkecper-i. BiaKKEEPKR WANTED-Thon'Ugly compe. tcnL Imohkeeper: lumber; South; $1W fr month Leigh Bros., 1023 Century, .j iii:m wastkimiale. teiiofiraplirrff. pti:norapiix:i: wANn:n-ror binins en Uumliigton Ilt".itc. K 31. Hcpubllc. "Ti;Nt)iJitpli:n VANTi:i hU-noCTapiir; pKe fxprri n. m-l iefirns. WHlUm 11 ijrtiiti.ii, M.ifii,. Mi .iis...Mr. ,i., ... .. ,. . ,' law tflii, iu ,.lhTiill s.ilar , . til tietwtfti :unl I. CZl C ndirj I uilt.iiK sTI:NHi(;ki.jii:i; AXTC1-Malt xteti ,' I'licrs; ii:ninls,sion tallrui'l. to f'r lumn nuthju' l.etiii in, .si , i..t; (Vntiirx i . i3ll.XO;i;.I'lli:U WA.N'TKl' Yoiin? mai h iicwinphor. utwpen lU' lives f an.l Zl , must li ill-tU-s nfinnrei, fctaic ane and .ilaty xa. ittyu-ilic AlisMlI:iii4Mir. i 1.1 MIOV": tine . ife; JJ Ftr.ld. run otnip ooK. !'. ;''. fr-e it-. lead V.m,n-jard man. watchman, ;J.. ti-adj pi it e. 'two oung bnttnlciF. UK nl'e pla . t'nnen clerk, one m:irntl tn in. J'2 .. Six lws to barn trade; Jl, Jj wek -Uiit CiIort d man r utt i I ic- . ulo ! dri er, Mai tern Thrrr camp tlunkie!. 5'. room. IkmpI; steady. iri'-teis ip'rs. facr.irv UlKvrr . It It. new 4 agent, thr.uuii W. Cain train t nbm carte nt, r. I. :ig iul P'J" weKH Kid hen iiimi, ;. Jit ?7. rangt firerien. Mon- ii t r, lift ".tin rt irt. Ji labonr-. ti-mi-t-r-, .uthwi-t Mioiiri. Ue -bin t. da oklahoiua. Ind. Tor. teal. All wi.ik jv r,.,,r, t.,',ii b the oMt and lariM i'mpl. mnt mp.V in M lyutM Xatjoml Kmplovnitnt U.i IF. X mmIi t. IHM1W V-IIi;it WAXTIIP -Apply at i a&t tide d"or I'aptKt Hoplial. 2H" Fianklln. IIOFSH M X UAXTFD C.Ionil mm lor Iiou-e and dln'ng-rooi'i work. r fen nets required 3741 West Pin bouleianl .IXlTOIt, .fric bnll.ltn?. iK c-ilori! porter. Hotel rook, .ountr. $3n. H. It. l tiee pa. Otloicd !ioii:v, tltning num man. J25, IS. II, Men factories machine .shop", $1.75, 12. DMhiij driver0. ?.". M2; leamstirs, ?.IT. Man, Hhdeaak- houe. 513, trmker. American Fmplom.t.t C(. . Ml OlUe it. MAX WXTII V-'ung man. vvoik on Daeen ger trains, govtl silirv, erxperbmt e unneccs- iry. aii oiie ' MAX Wxn:i Good rolored man for tdaM w-ik ai.d to help amund house. 42't J'age bou le va id. 1 Mil between ji and fi p m. Mi:X WAXTFD Two xoumr men to run n p.'t--'pger trail.. tlmia;li. tlijlight inns. .:. Olive MFX WAXTKI Two men to run on rnilroid train; t-n-mllo iun Hallway News Co.. J7u7 Market tt HI- POH1 CIt W,"STi:i Reporter Cor IMncs, H'utf (ifttrn -or Ci a nnrciil. ad lres quick; i si in . aI i'-iirlf- TUFCKFRt-. waui ii h Ipr, wrecker and nil Mt-ils I Hurt's iTJn iliv(. VXT I) know ali -at U kkeeir-. Land and Gittb' tv Write ,t's I" oto building- WAXTFT Hui-tlei . trr.ip rary ptsRIon; no cana-int j;,i A .n5 GIiTt, TjI Chest nut -l Philadelphia. P' "ifH G ,li:x VXTLP -Two voun,: men to run in nam- jii X Xt-WJ Co. 'Jtij S Kisht-ci-iith st 7yVirjJf)ia3(fM' (2 Library, Lulldin?. Ninth and locust, tt. Loulm. Tour regular courses. Eir-Tlemed tenchTs. ClerLn nntl CollrcJorw. I'LFRK WA.VPi:r V ung in in t the charge fn,; out -id, oil;. Jv. ep i5ej. ?lHOHe et . ro,m 2 !- Ilk WAXTEP t xo man tike charg" of ( stu'p. txptriencf unnet 5-ar. Am-ricati FmploMinr.t Ci . ii 0ie -t X'LLI vfonWA XTEH One vitii cit xri rm rive age ond -tfercnis, itc. II 2C, Re- lUliir PKFG CLERIC WANTED Drug clerk; vounir man of three of four jeirv experience. K 7, Rej-uhlic. MAX WVXTED Man to travel. J"A oipontes; ejerience unni'is-arj ; permanent position. Sl'j Olive st , ioom 2. YOUXG man to assist In real estate offic, S12 per vek. I2l'i Olive. 4gits ,i.n sali:smc.v. Agcnti. AGEXTS to sell oil stocks In Eit St Lmi's; call or write. W. W. Kimb'ill. 222 Collinsvllle aviiiut. A GFXtVvVxt1:I Ascntb to sc ti the Utile bonder gas lamp, call f n in 9 to 11 a. m. I'rcuder Kros., sitd. i 'hist nut ht PLOFITAHLE work off -red a sent s In every town to eurc sub-crlptions to the L idles" Hem Joi.rral aid tho Saturday Evening Post. e vinnt ngptit- who will wotk thurouirhlv and with btsii t. system to cover eacn Fertion with our Illustrated little booklet and other advertb-lnff rattcr. rnd tf look Murplj after itneaals frn oil -.ub-ciibrr: the rnv is first-rate, anl at the end of the ..a.son SJ.O"") will rw given the best workers as extra, prlre for good work, how .vell some of our a;nts have ucceded ! told In a little booklet v i would like to fend .oi por traits it ome nf r.ur bst n irent. with the Ft-ry of hdv.- thev H piv. The Curtis lMbllslilrt? Co. PhlladtlphlK, Pa. I'.IG profits; small Investment Bookkecpei-r," J-ind and Cattle Co, booklet SOS De Soto build ing rnnxn-rer. C XVASERS W NTFP Two men to ennvas In Wet End i-in rafily earn S per tliv. ;ill at 44- IfImar ave. C VNVAS-i;RS WAXTi:D-lidy oinva-s-rs. stlfH-t proiKj.itlcn Call room ,1 1-eMcniI bulll ing. Seventh and Pine Ft Liuly Agent- nnd Solicitor. LVDIES 10 take work home: clean: no deooslt leijuiml RiKim ti'4. J2I c'hestnut Ft. titles men. SALES:iAX WAXTEDi:xperienced retail saliwuian for intatlnunt furniture business; state cxpei ience. c ",".. Itepul-lic SALESMAN WAXTRD rinrt-rlatw citv sales man, thurcjughly familiar with the Iron and sttet trade Address, stating exi-eilcnce, refer ences and vvhre last emplujed J f.".. Republic. PALESMAN WANTED Hustling salesman f .r Mlf-ourl by well-established wholeo.ite Iiou-e. high commt-lon cortiaet. vvitli xj.. weekly ad vance win!. traveling. Jess H. Anitli Co., De troit. Mich Solicitor.. SOLICITORS WANTED-X-w nitlclc: good ter rltorv , (! mo to-da Gird ti. 311 N" Fourteenth " SOLICITOR-WANTETAl" solicitor of good addres, tnip't be ihle t futrlFli ieference and l-ond. ncn- but llrt tics pin. capable of making big monev ned iplj Call at 9 a. m., OC'J ltur llnrton bulldtnir, &m Olive st MIsccllHncoasj. LADIES to call and ie our cheap sewing rhnuM on cas tenn Elliott. 2-ii Franklir JC3IPI.O1UT AGOCIGS. ALI those desiring help or seeking situations ma j register vvitli the Free Employmtnt Burmu of th State I.ibor Bareau of Statistic. H13 Che-tnut st Situations nnd help furnished fre. of ihiige. T-l Kinl.Hli A JIM GENERAL hou- wi rk"rs. men and women. wanted at the Ml-Mim lrmplovmcnt Bureau. 7"J G nit lot t TFN bridge ca!jier.trs or llllmN: free- pais, ralli oid labore-si, t-nnTrrF. t if maker, camp bl.ukmith-, etc. Kcenig's IalKr Agtncj, C1J Walnut st. PAUTXHRS WASTED. ELECTRICIAN nnd lorkmith. to take part of store and v orkshop 4 Ms Olive. GOOD pirtnt-r for meat market; one famlttir wltli gioirlf ard meit- 2"i23 X. Prairie ave. PARTNER WANT KD Active, man with refer encf. $2'f. can siitire Interest in good busincti. D .v.. Republb. Hi;SlKS VVAaTI'.l). OI R lubber collar- have the linen finish; m.'ilcd fm icielpt of 2" cuff, Cf")", stilt t fronts. 7. Collar O. IJDl olH- st. ST LOFIS Collection gen j Collectlois guir anteci itiidT our new wftem. no InitLitton fee VV. o. Tlmnms. Mai.agr Mo Olive st. 3iom:v waated. MONEY WANTED Mili to borrow JI30 cm a note for ) or fi' davs S 7.1;. RcjitiblU MISCKI.I.AMSUUS WAM3. ALL klni new revcm- stamps, pctage stamps and jij-tal cards Kaicht for cah: premium ILt 2o. Ilussmnn A 10, 415 Fulloton building. CASH for untanceted potl -can's; ictage ftami. coins, 11-t fre. premium coin li-t, i"c. tt. Iuls Stnmn and t oln i o. lm Pine st. H. XKION Sc SONS cash buyer oS rags, scran iron. imna and metals ijftlce. 2S2i) X. Ninth t. Klnloch "phon-, H 14M. PATENTS OBTAINED. Mark R. cjjarnand. went Millcltcr; "vtunina tions and advice free tXi Cartebar butlllrg. i:oi:catioal. LES?OXS in English brandies and literatim bj expcrin'vd woman tacher at pupil's home nnnuscrlptj. corrected; defective education cor rected. C 2M. Renutllc "MISSOURI " i"ollcsci f Haw. Olivia Bultllntr. Grand Ave. Day and night school, complete course In one jcar office r3"i jur- building Tllli iiiiiimk Hch.-ol rr I'nnicjjrBi ny teaches tn j art ur stctonaphj. futnlshes all cncmtcals and liiatrrlnl by mall, and cinrjntecs pupils a riiolllable profos'on In four neeks. Addre.s II- THE Illinois Sehffjl cf Photogra by teaches th ma i Plolltable nrofe! ltnoi ijchool of Photopraphy, Kat gt. liulp. ill. Wr KndScho.l"ot Ujsiu?(!, I.Inm ir bids.. Vandenter and Waiitdnptcn. new method; ttor ouli teachers; lo.tst temc A. Hollvltz. man. Tim 11i:ill, IT7. M'llODI. "P fcVXISL'ARES hT. I)t'Ifv Odor.n aa.l M'rm"il & .laccard Blic. I'upIN Epeak the forelcn ti-nir'ii from becinnlnir. rouii sinn.M.s r rmfi nxrosiTio.v. net Natlic Tcache i)nll! Kcc Sloderate. TrlJl Lesson Free. Hoi;si:noi,n coons. Wrtr. t. TI Kin a I"!1. .M.l. KIIHI- or ImilHflin'tl KrH itoiuht- it ntnt of i.n-.s want.fl, full val i .lotus a. nn i,- m m lin j-t r 7t: ntlr' IMI1. Ij AI.I, Kln.lj 1 tinu ,f Ii u f lurnltt.w piuiof. .arjHt". c ti- ItU I'1,, - " ' " iln-r. lv,i 'n's a rlimir I !)!tlHf:i: w.Mltf.l n...;. ti rr.rxi.rirr villi a ..,!,.,.. or i :. " rifm-r1 50 XI., h! FFVTIII'P I,fH . 17 - . ,- . ',. . 1-r.mrt n,r V'lr'.'lin1'' tn?U 'Vai''h) ." K . s la ,, I. ? ! nK : : VP1'1 ,H,Stdl canJ W-,-l,.-1- .- . ' - i I. . ii Ifili. absolutely highest citv pricey, hnitft Aght. i.rompt. a-h ikalin,, lllJl -.-hl?llU' w l" '- S. Hi--idin PAHTIi:-; .If.-Iininff ho!ik-Tirig - n Irfor I s-eiiin; riintiur. pam.s. ...rp-ts; p.i IiIImm price. ,)f ,ji, p..rK Plii.i. C JC. Main I3m SI (ONDHANT) furmtiitt tm., etc.. laigeor tna II lots. Iioight at r.i.l.rto or sto-; kck1 prlre Khcn bj t;ihnn. Wi Wah St. For Sale. (o.nti-ms of 5-nioin Hit at a bargain, mj-t ...... . " "ni n uain. nat tor rrt 2S.1 i:enti n lake Cns ae par. FXTIHH furnl-liln--.. bf. .ires-rs if , no !- d two w ( ek iron lieu. rs. 3144 P.n t. FXTIiti; cort. nl! ..f nil I finnlhh d nin--r on !.ou-: tll uites vppaiit'Iv 72y X Spring M?AVIXG tlie city, will II . ontent of 71 Avcm Pine boulnanl at iriate sale. eonitiit; of mahftganv par..r furniture and odd p- In rilk Xeonia. 'Iurkih leather cc uch and chairs to niati li. in thojaii divtnncrt. quirtered oak dining :. oik Ujokta-t, ladles dfk odd rock er?, pirlor tabl(. parlor cabin-!- drrftF tldf fonl. rs in oak and miiioganv, brass b-ds, lx SuiiiE, hair mattieF-ej.. I--ge and tmall rug. mirrors. portire, lace nutains. pictures ytjtu .m Vtrri- M..rtir mutp .abiret. halt clock, ev-f-rthiPK like nw ; 5-11 s-parafdj; tall any tim rid. Is n trasli. MV.TF.SPIC and Oulck Meal ringew Morris air tight ,itd HucI-'h air tight h .iters, Mightly n-edf at low price, 2?"'i S. .leffrr-.n MFV WVTi:H-To g-t their I,oes hilf sMed nnil hfcll work guarantt-ed "ik a piir. Ainer le.m Slir UepTlring C.tmpan,. 23."" Mirkt. XHW National cl ! p on acc nnt ang and b Kjki ise, will sri f bavlrg clr. 2533 Locust bt. ST'iV'IiS rew and -condinrd fJrnllure. bnu tiful niilt caTit. rues . tp ; time pavments. N'-W Yf.rk ,-f rage C- . 2212 to 2213 Wash st nrM.M; roit si,r. I! A I II 11 F t.imi"'Tl.f-r linl ... .. f,.( .,.- I ai-d tiiore:will ell at a birgain P. J. t ia- iiaumi. j,,! ,. ttraiM nvt. IJFST 4 1 1 -ii baiiif r -hop in city at pr'ce. ovvrif r 1 as uther bt.sitH.-. iall 101 1 locust st. iXFRCTK) VFRY aiul .m Hon store; cheap; having itv Jt.22 Lubfb' ave. 1UV bI. furnihfrgK ."hoe-, etc.. In a ro-gu-iv town on FiNto Kailwa. In best part if Crek Nation; i-totk Is new, iiuines paving will; will -ej ,r r,nt balMing. no trade. Adt're". W. Ii. Iianoid. WViumkrt, I T FIR--T CLASS G ft, Hepubtic Jjwntown -aloon at a bargain ;i)Oi lunch vtml. -tabll-tt. d . wdl Fell cWap; n wn 1 wentv-Ff n.nd and Ma ket ft. G i Hi grnry JI " or lll iee -turf. World's Fair ill-trlct. pplv at 'd Man, hcvttr ave I.l'XCHROOM-Heart of rltv nothing bftter; tine buliier-. prb e $7' "I. vvirth 51 Wi. ipilck. PUrtt'U nrnkeragf Co.. O) Che?tnut St. NICELY furnNhcd nine-room room hi g house. alu is full good-piving roiintr, "cellen. loca tion. ell at big bargain, py N. Ninth st. PAYS to own tsk in r.o kkeepcrs IUid and cattle Co. .Vi. Pe Soto building. noOMIXO-HOFSH-We-t End: ? rooirs. all renttd nictlv ft.rnithed, mom j maker, J5"-0. L (M. RpubIIc ROOMIXG-HOiE "tn Fb"pIng-ro-msTal- Kit. ht ii ard dinltu-roorn, tomplfte, r chai for ca-h. nur Twelfth Call Vj X Eighth ft RouMlXG-HOF.-E-Central Io.-atlon:jll of ro;i:nT. small -.ivmenls. tiirgaln, good, new furnliuif Hurtori Pro k rage Co.. est) Chestnut ft. SMALL drug j,tore; West End; bargain. M r Repuhllc. TWi nite locations to Ftart rooming or board ing liou-s. Wm Thane. M I-ouU Hall. 1136 X. Proailwaj iilmm:ss chaces. DIVIDENDS i2 pe- cent dividend- guaranteed, pav able qu irterly . eufe as tov ernment bonds. Call or address South American Development C mi-any 707 iiurlinptcn building, bt. Ltuls. FREE information conccrnimr Biokkeerers liflnd ( Cattle Co Addrtfs -; De Soto building PARTNER WAXTED-Gentleman with llif" and f ei uttvcbu-ine3s atlliiy to take posltlin a Feiretaiy an.l trt-asitrer of a. large corporation just forming. stricte-t Invetig itinn. Ioth per Mjnal and by xpert. befcrc any investment; Iit pre fits .ibove JlO'M'i' vearl tjiii bo made, and double that amount dtirin- Wurld's lair jrar; no iigent dealingf rtrletly with prluclp.iJs am ple s'vuiiiv for munev. II I. Republic " PRIVILEGES are options cr puts and calls on given sirnks it a Mated time: a put on copper touting Sh ltcently pi hi a prttit to the holier of JSOrt, looses limited prttlts unlimited; write fcr tlrcular. further cxpliiiiing Nassau News Bu reau, l't Na&sau Ft., Xevv Yoik. rou s.Li"r Mibci:i.uxnous. ALL the world knows nbout It. Ishara's Cali fornia W iters of Ufe: circular free. Long & StaUr. tMstrlbuteri. 519 Union Trust building. BARBER outfit with two chair, complete; a bargain. Nlebur's store. Fourteenth and DeMre bau Fts BARBEKS-I. X. L. razors. 4-1 first-class biands. 7c: v.orth SI VK horsehldc razor rtrorp. 20c. worth 4V Slardard Tool Co., --'3 N irixth BOOKKEEPERS Place Investment with Book keepers' Land and Cattle Co.. 3Jj De Soto build ing CAR built In. with folding bed, rurlsiard. n!cMv arrant,e-l. must "ell at rnr Call on pro prietor. "Whitcbjihart Rftaurant. Delmvr an 1 Do Baltviere aves Delmar or Olive through car IAXKUUPT ?nle, 3V on the 1; good oveeoat or lull -ult clothe, Jl S5; gootl pants, O;; good hat". 3.'.c. 217 X Twelfth t. t HAL Best family cnal lu and H tents a t ushel. dIIv ec-d . welphts guaranteed Sout h'rn Ceil Companj, 21. S. Fourteenth pt. Klnloch C JS4. "kLEGAXT Brunswick pool and billiard tables, sell or rent reasonably, a No all kinds of M "plies on hand. J. I.. Fovvhr. 1321 Market st .II ST received a carload of secondhand slot mil hints', nil In flrst-ctisg order, for sale cheap. i-t Ixmls Novelty Works. 2)0P Luca. OXE medium-Fize sate, also desk, tine condi tion, bargain. 413 Washington ave. PAINTS For -lie; oil. O. turpentine. 4e; lead .V to Cc. cill and get rrlces Xbinar Bros., 1911 Park ave. Kinhxh D 1234; Sidney J2SM. SEE the Gieat Western Paint and Co'lor Co. for Shenv in- Wilt lams paint". Xortlicast ccrner Twelfth and Plt.e Ft- ; Ivlnloch C R."7. Muin 1C25A. 5TOVE re: a In for "any ell" stove. Forslian, HI X. Twelfth "t. Kin. C 57. 7t"T bin els goHi, sn.nd apples; cold storage. 124) Collins rt 1.200 thick brooder (successful , cot $14.."fl, sell for ST 30 If jou don't think this is a bar gain, call and be convinced 4202 X Eroadwaj. WATCHES TIME PAYMENTS ON AT A CASH PRICE. We offer a a special Inducement a full-jeweled. EtIn. Walt ham or Hampden movement, m a. high-grade gobl-ntWl cae, warranted 2) jear. U'Seth' r for SI, with J2 ns tlrst pavnnent and Jl per week there ifter; selling vvatehfs anil fw elerj on tlmo ha been our fjeclaltv for the past Jl ejr-, and tan give yen htttcr value for 'our iiirnev than W can alford f rtve tti alKive oiler, ns our sale- are lirpe and prjflts inall. Give us a call HABERMAN fc C Room 41. Hnllsud building. Seventli. nar oil e. STORAGE All MOVIXG. AMCRICAX S'orage and Moving Companj. 2211 Olive St -packing shipping Ftorngc. separate rooms, TH Miln 253 1W HLangdale, pr-ldent. ' BOXDRD Warehou-e- Hv C Wietu Stoj-jigo .nd Moving Companj. !312-1S Franklin ave ; n.onej advaiced whn dslrd. Kfnkt.ii C IJ- .NEW MiRK Mo'ige Conran. Office all Union Trust Building Mov- pack, ship utore tine fur niture In private rooms Phone Hiln 26b SOUTH' Side Stern-- and Moving CoTlSOl, 13 andlWS Sidnej st. Tel fiidny 23G; Kin C 1115. CTnOflifSS ABSOLUTELY .bICfriMll Xew Warehoure L.icloJe aes.. fo r ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF (iranri an 'nr safe-keer In of furniture, pianos, trunks, vntuibles, botss. etc.; strictlv rlrst-class; moving, pjcktng, ship ping, tc Money advanced. Snip join goods our care. Estimates free. Get our rates. Phona COS; Main 1C7SA R. U LEOXORI. JR.. A CO.. 1213 21 Olive at. PKbIO.S. 1MTKATS. AI.I. U H. inslon-, bounties. de frertlon removeil; diorres. Und. damafi. tlalm-. collcctlors- I. D. Imniell. Flo 0!lc it.. St. lj.iis. l'ATUNT.'. penIon5. back ra". dlschatge; notatv public. udlcc fref. II. D. R. S. O'Hrion. 421 Chestnut ft., st I-Aiilr, Mo. icuiiiii:r stamps. sbi.. srnciLS. ADAMP. the Mump mtn, ; JJ. SWth t.; mb Nr stamps. se.iN, &tencll3, etc.; nod. chp. quick V. rite for new list. ItrimnR stamr. rubber tre lgn markers. I and aluminum checks at lov.est prices. Karrer Htairp and Seal Company. 916 Ivut st. n-iiovAi.s. UOI.K1- of 1(02 N llroadnay. has opened a ': ,,--, ,,.. i rwr.ziVt fii "" . "Jh. ' ""Jl S,irhT.t fricpror ' J WK '" ,iK,,.h,:,.rcr3 ror and all kinds ct tr-ienln-r. ltroauway, wnere oiu iron, nieiai TYm-wniTEns. For Snlc. WE ha I.WlO typewriter, for rent or sIe. Call or mall or telephora cur order; satisfaction cuarantecd. The Typewriter Cxchanse. ItX .'. Ninth st.. St. L.OUIS. Mo. Jit") REMINGTON Ijpewrlter. J15. Room 111, ulldln: telephone Main Il-2. PERSONAL. Fifteen Cents Ir Iln. ALT pnat llhra'it a p,cultjr at thP Frun'c n Avnu- Vrtf li.spen-ary, nil Franl-Mn avf. "ONFINKMi:XT8 (roe; homcii "round" fcr In fnnts If d.ire J. cun-smtation and trial trpatmnt f.Tf. taTv's mr r.-v fn nnrV ( ,1sirri1. Ollvate, ft ItiiJM h"iT..'. hr jou will pet joul rci.frr. trpn: lrrcuHritl-. boar.l $C pr wrfi in niail r. m; t!y ,insure'J itlcnts m"! at lent cr ftuhri fn m HiIrl Mr Dr Mur Ity. 213 ar.J 212& r.iif. tt Tin np ICInlch r WL , . '5tk maiiv aptiu-ii. :m M..rr.n s?t.- irlilt hm.n. froi, 0 -,. m tlllr. '' nR WVT NI3WI.ANP 2J3 ll M I -'lte Fflt:dfl llen-cd h- -re f r idle. bef. rt '- diirin-- . nfl-mert oM-t and m-st r-HaM- IUmr-in m-ItuPfn in the lt. . -tf.Mt-n.-d over ! forty yt ir hnw cniforti anl motherlj .a-; home-, found for iefint- frer-. -unf-fullv treats ; all Irregiroritif-. ladles in tmuble mM rr write. PP. niiXNIS. rpciilnr llrt r?ed T-htcUn. nf. c-ifiil!y treat1 all Te l.ile tr -jbles. ?ii iranteM resultr alpo confln.-inriF -;frt ."Iti!n" In my private home, cen fn 2CT1 Wihlngt.n i-.e i in. Tun mi:hwix. ladies- tnmbleK t treats all j I.DItS Mr reuTatrr : vr fi.I -n- rim ! rlete treitnent f:c ?drs n Starr. r39 Franklin. I-DIFS trnt-d for SI e n'mrirnt'- JT); bonr! 12 p" wok mitiirlun. ll' Ijori-t "t IAI'irs I'A rwird fir a e" t b-th'rt rt'iii1-! n am "w- nv mrnthlv remato fall ti rfbevf . n'-il ' nrml"r v. get i! If- -ife. 'ir1 u v Pint? vipifi.s' I Ii .Iickon IT. Co , II PW. lf7 tif irb -tn h- ns MII I! i: f. r n fit P . n ii nt Ii m 's .jtl JSJS Uif.r Jt MRP. PR druriIYS Hfciirn- Jt aI- treats iil. JI. ji' fire, no pav 2125 OHv t. GOLDEN SEAL FEFviALETEGULATOR Helfi in thrf lion- T.ware of substitutes; nore without -Ignature tf Catula Med. Co Price Jl 2M Olive st. MRS DR IP'GAX r eel 1 ore ind durlns confinement Infints id ie.i if desired ladles In trouble, call or wr.te. i-m rt nable; ccnJl tatlon freo. 221" oiH5 R Pt T out- MRS IIOTSOX l-idle- i rtvate bam during confinement. a"oIj;e jnv.icv and 5aft as- FUrro.. elPcmt t nnrno at! n motlierlv ca'- and rc-wlir dm tra nrd n iri-, guaranteed; Infants ndir' "d afentlt,n at ... . ,...-. . lowet term-. Cill ir writ- 2?i' n iv GOLDEN SEAL FFHAI p R'SULfiTCS , .. ta OwHU r. J..fiE.- 11-uui.H.un Rellevta in thrte hours- beware. - uhFtlutf none yrnulne without "Irnirar of M n eal Medical Co.. 291! Morrnn ht price SI ni:ini i'ioi.t)f.v. r.' act Iiads, rTr"P5. -ifu I't"".. ir i n"- a i Wk tSa B oily sk.H poil.Wy curM. ft3s6 -ullitifrrn4ttoafre L r Ollor wit- JO'IV II. W 2 Msrcicd-Jaccard Eld- ,St I '(ODBURYD I.. Louis. iiohmis am) vi:hicli:s. HLAi'l-TSMITH. wagonmakrr and horeshce shop Inquire at 1VI S Tenth Ft COAL vard wc "- iMniiFt and Ftreet car; verv .'ht ip -I1' Mark t Ft 'HLl' T w t-ig w rk hTir f fcultaWi fcr eoal or dl"t wag n SCs as avf . JIXB line of fincv-tup grocer and butchr df Ilvery vagdn. John Toblnka, 14J-tI X. Seventh Mrtrt GOOD team fcr farm or rltv usn; cheap: bujjsv ami delir hore J"2i Olive t.ROCER haker. butcher. laundry, mlilc, pd dter. (arp-nter. epie.-. undertaker, painter anl light advertUtu? wago:i3. Joiin ToMnka. H-6 X t-eventh ft HARNESS l.C'J seta of harness, nevr and Fecondhant, double and ilne'e; cull and gt my prices before Lujlng. A. Tuckett, li22 24 21. H road way. ONE d livery wagon; horse. iy) ltston ave nu. MX horses and mars. sound, joung; no u6; Ieavirg it. ltl Morgan. STORM buggle-: nis beht truck srrlrg stiki wagon, repairing and painting; done on shcrt notice. John Toblnka. 140O-C X Seventh st. KTYLIH tav bugg. mare, ladv broke; team big ilraft horses. i.i farm mares, bargi'lns; mutt ! to-day 272i Morgan st TEAM of big joun; mares, also team small mule, SC. buvs team mules 4CA Cote Brilliant" TEX" largo draft horse; five mires; six smaP horss; stak1 vvapn and harness; closing ou; buie'F. Express StalIe. 4I Wash St. TOP wagon. ;.. aIo small ftock srocerles; cheap. 2137 Ljiah "t. TWO horfs, one mule, wagon, harness; In materiil j-ard. Sixteenth and St. Charles. TWO mares; also gentle- saddle mare: bar gain; torm buggj and wa?on cheap. 1314 Mor giii st. IIICYCIiCS. For Sslc. ANDREA BICYCLES They never disappoint. Morgan X. Harding. ngnt. 35r, Olive; bicycle, automobile and tire repairing Llndell 14I4A. Y'OUNG Jcrser covr, calf 3 weeks old; gentle: cheap. 1323 Blackstono ave DOGS, CATS, PETS FOR SALE. FINK lot of trained ferrets; cheap: also lrr ported canary birds, mockers, small pets, dogs of all sprt. Wchrman, 417 Walnut. Branch 32$ N. Broadway. DAINCISG. ATTEXD the parties at Uhrlg's Cave every "Wednesday evening, Sundav afterncgn nnd even ing, Jtfsons Tuediy and Fridaj evening. ATTEXD Trof. Delloney's receptions and prlz waltz everr T'xuriav evening. Academy. 3P41 Olive. Cta-aes open for beginneru at reduced rates. DANCING Lesions Join Prof, and Mrs Fran kel'a tancinc classes, lesions everj- Mv-ndaj and Frtdaj evenings Academy, 1411 Chouteau ave. GRAND square- and Tvroletm schnttich tiught free at Harmonfe Hall every lhursdaj evninr; from 7 to V; dancing until 12 o'clock JOIN Prof, and Mrs. FmnkePs dancing class for beginners Frldij evening. February 21; pnrate hill for beginners. Acadcmj, 141 Chou teau ave PROF. PARKE guarantees waltz and two-st-p for 3.1; private lesrcns any hour. 1210 Olive t. MUSICAL. BARGAIN Talklnj machines at rcducel print-, records, 34 iJ do-, Haur I'honcjtniph stole, 2723 tiravols ave, Io-c at D P m FINH upright ilanos for rent. 33. J3..V) and 31. Daniel G Danker Piano Co., northeast corner Fourteenth and North Market sts. "HUAR the Soul of a Krakauer Sing; to hear it is to buy it. sold ontv by Daniel G. Hunker Fiano Co.. 1'ourteenth and North Msrket sts. JOHN FKLD Fdls enly reliable pianos Soh mcr. New by ard Evan?, Monroe. M tj"tlc. only at J3R St. Imls ave. Klnloch phone I) HI, LXRGH-SH'KD upright, in splendid condition. Slid: Gabler upr'ght. 3:: Bradburv upright, $225, 1-nth In H-st-cLiss condition, are s-pecial bargaliw this vvek at I. G. Smith, Mfr., Ills Olive st. A, 12. Whltak-r. Mgr McKIXLEY and Xatlcnil editions. Kc; sheet music jne pi r cojij Joseph 1. Hunleth Music Co.. 3 S Broadwnv XHW pianos. , lew ptlees this week on account of .iluratknn to t.le, elegant assort ment, vaie jri to ib"i ly btislnir from tho urtuu. fatturtr illiwt V. I. Smith. Mfr.. IMS OMc . A. I- Wliltnkfr. Msir VIOI.lXS-rinet selection of Iolins In city, guitars ai.d mandolins. Joseph V. Iluntcth Musle Co.. 3 S. IIrradia $2.1 bins a ccod tI.ino. perfect order. Kleekamp ItroN. I'luno Co.. 23-IT T.irk ave 1 mW tt? & S llle piant more I I tg", Y to bc ilesired tlian any ouier. uo not purchast; until you have heard them. THK ESTKY CO . 1116 Olive St. I)llIiM.KI.'G. i:XfJ-:iT10NAI.I.y .ife and prontaMc: stock, liookkci p. rs' Lani t Cattle Co. C"S IV' a'oto hulldlUK DEXTISirtT. IIOSTON fetesm I'ental Rooms. 1S N. Broad way, letween Iiciit and rft Charles. F-"t. IS.1; gold mlini. SI up Dr. .1 II Case Prep. ROnTON ftea:ii Dental norms. 41: N. Broad waysets of tcth. .3. painless eiu action. Sic: bridge nurt, $3 Open hundas until L DOCTOR HARTMaN. Dentist Eximlnatlrr fre-; special rates to uorUlnir people; plates. bet tteth. Jl to J7. N. W. Cor. Eleventh and Frank lin ate. TIirCATnlOAt,. ARTISTIC Iheatricil lett, r lirad. sell Iialf totiis. .olors The,- T Smltli C 1.. 1T S. Sxenth. T I'ummini;'. 4". U'alnut St.. rpjiovitc mith etn Ibitcl. set uir masMi:'rn,V lofttmie, wtit1. masks, i.untry orders frolicked; theatrical ,Ias, opnis furr.Khil. FOR elec-ant m iiuerade costumis. f-eo K MVllnnin. 172 S Urcadiv.iy Rejuon itdo price. oidib nut of tlty protnpt uttendid t. WORLD'S FAIR costumer and vilsmiker; the atrical supplies for profiz-slGnal',. l'ueser. 321 V, alnut st. CARPHT CT.CA.M5R. EMPIRE Steam Carpet Clennlmr Co Carlets taken up, tlcan-.!, made over and laid, best work: lmet lir!. I12S Lni'a -Main 1IH. !""; ENTERPRISE Steam Cartel (-J.anlnc ii5. -Special attentlorr to altering, sewinir and relaylne. Ka-tun and I'fpdleton Lin I74M: Klnloch I JiVJ. III'IlOLSTKIliyG. mattrefs-m-iklnc and feath ers ri-boatetl; do jru wih any work don'? LKuilzan. l.".i: or 4IO OHe st.: rhone Main M7M. DYEI.G, CI.KAMXi AM) IlIIt'AIRIXS. T.ADIE?4 and cents. bae tour aarrrents cleano.1. ded and repaired: lad cr' Jackets remodeled. Parts Dyelna i CIcanir.K Co.. i::j Franklin. MJIn 1W.A. 'ijs r. - a MOXCV TO LOAN. On rrwoaal Property. A PRIVATF. p.irty loin money on firnlture eav pavment. conililenti il ind prorr treit mfr,it yj chemical building. Eighth an.l Olive ""vrtvrv n lnj,. r.n furniture, rlint e anl nil i cnol ,-..iriti. liiwKt ratc In th city tuil- nts-s tTtrictly confidentlil; est. 173- 10r'l Mc-rsan. A GKXTIEM'AX having nurplus funds I11 a.j- m mne on furruure. tianos aim i" p-r, niinnt salarietl :nip;ocs. u- isenowt Dunjir.; '"2 X xintn xTuvi-v iiiTra.i .ii.irl-iT r.eorlf without sccui tv. Iwi-.t rHt. repayments easy Drake. 12uS Cht ml-al building MOFND CITY ITIXAXCH CO. advances mon-v on lalariei-. pianoi anl furniture; confidential; all the tlir jou want. Al Benolt buPdin, Ninta and Pine. Wmm m?Mi Kvi'Y I'AVMKNT U'AKS O.V I'l.VMlS. IlfU'FE I'"I.I' ClXUl.-. OK. ASY GOOD SKCL'UITV We win -.ak- nu th- cnr:.ri:sT man in the lty en i.ur rew l'II.lIN(: ASSOCIATION' l-'A.V. Th!ch I- i.i5 easiest PI.N in the world. The PAYMENTS can he arranged hi fiat 0U can n pay the I.nn In rasv Wi:CKL.T. MONTII I.Y cr VSAI1I.Y rt.imtnt. Our X'l..X cnaLles lou to repay sour aceoar.r. without an trouble or Inco:ienlenie to vojr-elf. hkkctiiicc. coous Ai:n xEvrin ni:- JI'iVIMj We uill cue jou ALJ. THH TIME ion want an.l will carry jour LOAN as lone: a desired Ue 'tll pn all your bill ar:,i advarce ynx more money. It U earlAr to pay utie th m a mm tr IX CASi: OK SICKNESS OKOCTOr EMrixr- me.vt vi: wii.r. i:xti:ni Yorn loan Itemember, In dealing -nrlth ut there arc no ad are thar-es whatever. I.mnRAI. UISOJl-NT IF 1'AID 'nllFORK ntTK. If jou .-annot call. WRITK or TKLErilONtJ and we will end our rerri""entatie to our place with the money. JfEW YUICK KINANrn CO.. UOOJIS 21T-C.VU3HT ani 21(1 odd fi:i.i.ows' ninth1- OMVI: STS TBMirilONi: MAIN 39SM WE LOAN MONEYS On Furniture, Pianos, Etc. V. loan from $10 to $:. W" I.ITA r th In tnti" PflCCPcctrttr I We cheerfully giv our TERMS nndRATr.3. innnr iu.iiio in riisi . i . uu. is. You get the morifj on SHC":T XOTICR. ! You rt-celve the full nrrrounr In ?AIT. au may Kep it u.B month or MORE. ! Jou a' r,N1-v, for th- timi -ou w it. , y iu. nav pay UEIIKUY If jou d"-1rt. y u mv hive jour time extended If fIcJc. nr rates are as LOW as the fjOWCST I Our office- are the Mi7 lRrVATC "" Ot.r tuines l STRICTLY ronfkntlil Oir motto Is COURTEOUS TREATMENT, "hi- t. lphone ! Klnloch U J91I. ( t'ur dd.rei. FLLLTIRTOX RLDG. 7th d Pine. "' " "is are jo" ;'i ami -JJ3. secona noor Call, write cr telf-jhone u. TrfH HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO. IV30reEY TO LOAM o FruMTrnn, piixos. nonsn. JU C-Vc antl WILL lv- you a CHEAPER j. ail of lntrrt man any other company tn city, and jou cin choose YOUTt OWN TIME for lliK'H fcack th,, l03n hn,5 AMOUNT OF IAY MEXT 301 wili to n-.ake eith-r vreekly or monthly, and you PAY FOH ONLY such time as jon have hid mony. GOD REMAIN In your own possession, and if ou GET SICK or OFT Ol9 WORK we will hold pment so trier is no danger of losing our gd Thers Is XO PUIi LICITY OR INCONVENIENCE, papers can b F'gned at hous. You can et rroney same aiv ivu apply We will pay anv indbtedness en your goods and pHe you MORE MONEY. If sou cannot call, writ- or telephone, and w will send agent to explain our svstm. Tel. B 4M FIDELITY BROKER GE CO. Perm i Mansur building. ?I4 Olive st. FyiTORE iumB EASY PAYMENTS-LOWEST RATES. Monj loaned on furnltur. pianos or any pcurltr. without ifraoiil. Terms to suit. No Ttibllclty. Call, ti-rlte or telephone Main IT64U. and lie Tvlll calL XATIOKAl. TRt.'ST CO.. room a iinnMOD-JAccAHD tjl.tx;.. COn. IWOADWAr AD IXICUST. Money to loan tn any amount on all kinds of personal property. Bar gains la unredeemed Pledges. 912 FRANKLIN AVE. SALARIED EMPLOYES, OUR STOCK IS MOXEV. W will give vou credit cheaper than others. In amounts from TEX DOLLARS to TEX THOU SA'ND. "Why not go to the cheapest place. where no objectionable inquiries are made and onr business is strlctlj conSdntIal? Do yru know what this mears? Call or write. John MulhoIIand. 511 Century bulldlm;. Telephone Main 2Z70. MONEY! MONEY! MONEY! For salaried men and women, without wmrUv at lowest rates; can be paid back In small week lv or monthly payments; confidential consulta tions In private rooms; aNo tnoa-y loaned oa furniture, hours R to 6. Equity J Co.. 1410 Union Tru-t building. MOHEYFOR SAURIEO PEOPLE. Ve furnish you money quickly and conflilcn tlally: without eecbrlty. .National Credit Co.. rooms Ml-02 Chemical buiKl'.ng. Eihtn amd Ollio sta. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE. Teamsters, beardln-hou" keepers without secror Ity; easj jtjmtnts; largest businesa In 42 princi pal cities. Tolman, Ml Houser bldg.. 503 Chestnut. FI.ACIAL. COO shnres Equitable Land and OU "Company; 2h: a share. A Z3, Republic. OLD CLOTH I A G BOUGHT. IHGHEST cash price paid for ladles" and gen tlemen's cast-off clothing. Call or send postal. Mrs. J. Miller. C07 Walnut. Kin. A 215; no branch JOE CULBER, lust from Texas, can use any amount of gentlemen's clothing; par twice as much as anybody. 1321 Carr; s-nd postal. rooivs, r.ivEns. FOIt blank book, memorandum, note, pocket and sons books, candy, stationery, periodicals, cigars and toliacoo. eo to T0I Market St. COM), SILVKR AJ.D .VICKKL FLA.TIXG. DOWXING renlates and rrpalrs sllvenvare cold plates natchc". Jewelrj-; sood -work; cash, for old irold. slUer and platinum. 2H X. 9eenth. COI.T) ird silver Tilatlmr In all branch-s; rah for old Kold and silver; tine sold for sale, Se ltamp & Krause. S12 Pino at- PRISTI.IO. Al Article Cheapest place for PTintinr; sam ples frc.McGIU ijjj, i:iX. Eleventh it. AKTISTIC J"rlntini: net an.Ichcapc!if nm PIch free Thos. 1. mlth Co.. 1ft; s. Seventh.' ItCSINKSrf tards, Jl; billhead. Rtatements cr noteheadi. Jl.tO per thousand. A. I. Vilrey 101 N Tweltth nt. CRESCENT IT.INTING COMPANY. 907 N Fourth St. Fine lommerclaj job work; popular prices. s.-nd for Kimple. HOTE1.S. HOTEL. Wyominr. Fifteenth an r.. .(,.. Modem lmpruemcnts; rooms, 0c and 11 per day; S2 per ncelc and up. OPTICIANS. AUTIFICIAI. human rvei scientifically ln-ert- ed: p each. f).-tnr A S. I,-. 1709 Market "t. GOLD spectacles. 12.50 up; comollcatert ra... - specialty; fine.t cjulpped tertlnjr parlor In city Pt I.uuts Optical Company. 70T. Incust- VAJ.Ti:i-IOR IIUSIMSSS PURPOSES. rl'FbU '" "" otfice: niU!t be rearonable. w 5X ROOMS AXD BOARD WANTED. AT rnce. tno conectln- rooms for ladv nnA West End. with boatd. rofflT; ROOM, v.lth board. In private famllv tvw End by younrr Kentlernan; refcreSceV f?icJb-anT Address sf.tlln-r remit I.,.-. ... -'."-...iscu. T 13. lc- public. ROOM and board In private family West Knd preferred, by centlcman. wife and cHPI "" which mu-t be reasonable. K i ROOM and board for myself, nlf .n.i ,wl little Blrls. 7 and 9 ears old; apejr F.H YOFNG man lyants room and two meals -niih PCRepCbUc. COOa loc:,ll,: -tale ternVi riii.Msuni) iiocses axd flats for RENT. X1JVANS Ave.. -37CA-NIeely furnl.hea" fist" 7hM roems. lath, modern comeni.-n,.ej So .hlltfren? "gahrlvon a.. i3ot x.xieIT,tifUii ,'rr ni.hM 6-room Hat; - janitor- tell rfanatde"11''-"0 "a": "-fc SS;' Ic'ry UCl.LI)E Ave.. 3I2l Tl.r... tl fl.TTlldriOil fll-r-neijOA IAn. 1... -I . . TOfHTis, complete- nI-hbi.rhc".a ;"ill.n . r.V.. ' L"'" .T " r-""-- ... ., ...t .s.,.,1-, j-rtr-.o.l('I. HOUSES. ROOMS. ETC., WANTED. v.V$mm na'- m"lpt. WANTEIl-A threiroom flnt In the West Fnri ?5.V'i ""Jr no chlhlr. by "Khrury s. 3137 Morsan St. FO?1 .ni;'VT--',--T.Mi:XTS. FLATS. no:aR,.-,a'irVerSm ST;,-; SSWl,TI,lf ,?; statioaary athstand: light wm ul ,tee! IF TT M SM k. X. fm s V - s I 1 pi f ' I ei jf TV "" e i ti m &?,r.,-.. xxr.-rr- ..; Ssf.p- -r- '- ;? myvs?rJp?&ri