Newspaper Page Text
m f.2 14: THE REPUBLIC: FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 21, 1902. V I : H i -) ! h V, t fc i i lr It. I i' I Jl i u WHY THE "Stella" Music Box IS THE BEST. Indestructible Tune Sheets. Ko teeth to u ear or break off. The only box which can be oiled with out removing from case. The only box of which the star wheel can be oiled through the disc. The only box with patent speed regula tor -which secures uniform time, slow or fast. The only box holding the celebrated Swiss combs the finest made. 1'or the same prices you get larger tune sheets and therefore more music than any other make. A music box in the home is an unfailing and ucver-ciiding source of pleas- I urc and entertainment. The "Stella" interchangeable disc box plays thousands of tunes there is no limit to the number and every late piece of music is quickly put on the disc Mermod & Jaccard's, Broadway, Lo0crustst. MARCONI PREPARING FOR IMPORTANT TEST, Will Try to Transmit Words and Messages Across Atlantic by Wireless Telegraphy. IS PERFECTING HIS SYSTEM. Satisfied of Its .Commercial Value ' Will Challenge Sir William t,- Preece and I'rof. Lodge to Intercept Messages. "London. Feb. 20. At a general meeting of the Marconi Wireless Telesraph Company to-day. Mr. Marconi, referring to the Trans atlantic experiments, announced that the next series ot tests would Include the transmission of words and messages. "bo added that there Is nothing to pre vent the company from undertaking com mercial communications with ships at sea. TJie system at present Is in permanent use on board seventy fchlps, and there are twenty-five land stations. His transmis sion of twenty-two words in a minute did not compare badly with the work of the cables, ho said, and the defects with reference to secrecy had been removed. . Ko Encouragement in England. After perfecting arrangements In Can ada, he would challenge Sir 'William Preece and.Profes.sor lodge to Intercept messages. " Trie monopoly claimed by the British pos tal telegraph had hitherto impeded the es tablishment of a wireless s,ervice In Eng land and Ireland. Mr. Marconi complained that obstructions were thrown in his way on this side of the Atlantic ia marked con trait with the generous encouragement Which he had received from the Govern ment and the press of the United Btates tm Canada. In regard to the commercial side of the System. Marconi said that on the recent ar rival of an American liner upward of 1.100 -Yprds were received within tixteen hours, tfhe transmission of this number of words oany across ine Atlantic would represent ah annual Income of 73,000 for each pair of .-stations. The company, in the first In stance, was proceeding to Install two pairs -of ctatlons. Mr. Maiconl will sail for Canada next Saturday. Knse the Ec. The Tight glasses will relieve the strain. Have your eves examined free of charge by Dr. Bond, expert optician, at Mermod & Jaccard's, Broadway a.nd Locust. They guarantee proper fitting. Steel frames, l and up; gold, $5 and up. NEGROES PLAn'tO HELP RACE. Tuskegee Conference Names Bene ficial Influences. Tuskegee, Ala., Fib. 20. The Tuskegee negro conference, in session here, is the tarrest and most successful gathering in tha history of the movement, both as regards th number of negro farmers here and Iiri'mlncnt educators from all parts of the louth. George Foster Penbody, the New York millionaire and philanthropist, is also in attendance. The conference to-day adopted declara tions, in which it states that ownership and proper cultivation of the soils; freedom from mortgaging lands, crops and stock raising for food supplies at home; keeping out of the large cities. North and South; pzompt ana wining payment oi an raxes fceebffir out of the courts- avoiding all Keeping uuiui ine couris, aoi(iing an lorma ot extravagance; Keeping ine young people off the streets and from public lounging places; starting a bank account: holding farmers' institutes and agricultural fairs, are the foundation and growth of the nefro race. The strengthening of the pub lic schools is also advocated. AMERICANS DESTROY PROFITS. i fllflBfrmv Tiirw Pomniinr fitnifa b ' i Dividends and Closes Works. Glaigow. Feb. 20. At tbe annual meeting ot the Wilsons and Union Tube Company to-day the chairman said no dividend could be .declared on account of the unparalleled lump la prices, due to American competi tion and the dissolution of the combination of tuberaakers. The directors decided to clpse the works at Govan. Dond Inane Submitted. REPUBLIC SI'ECTAL. , llartvlile. Mo.. Feb. 20. The County Court or Douglas county has made an order sub mitting the proposition of issuing bond! by the county to pay Judgment? against a lotof old warrants held by various persons and corporations. CITT ITEMS. CRAWFORD'S made-to-order Dress making Department is said to be without an equal in this City. Every lady In the city should give it a trial once: they will b pleased we told them of it. Prices most moderate and fit guaranteed. ILES Pcrroatratlr cd without (101 oMrmlwn. Car Gutr nleed CoiuluiJon tnt Sd1 i a.m tt B.t. L M. JIKlr SMITH. sptcUllit 800 dlln EL, Si.Xt.oli, Ms. NOTARY PUBLIC. XS JOABrH P. PARISH. 7- T. LOUIS REPUBLIC BUILDINd, BX. MAIN 3018. KINLOCH A 873. tO IT NOW. Writ for Our Catalogue. 3,500 Engravings. Mailed Free.1 PRICES (According to Size of Hoi), $26.00 $35.00 $52.00 $70.00 $100.00 $280.00 tunc sheets. TAFT FAVORS GREAT PHILIPPINE EXHIBIT. Agrees With Commissioner Bar- rett It Should Be Feature of St. Louis World's Fair. FOR GREATER APPROPRIATION. Will Recommend That Commis sion Increase Original Sum to 500,000 and Set Aside ?lf0, 000 More for a Building. The Republic Bureau, 14th St. and Pr.ns lvanla Ae. Washington, Feb. M. Commissioner Gen eral Barrett to-day made an announcement of considerable Importance In connection with the Phillpplneexhiblt at the World's Fair. He has had . ,, . many conferences with i Is deeply Interested in Governor Taft, who the Exposition, and is much encouraged by the result of his labors. In lino with the Ilrst recommendations i which irrett mads to the War De partment and the Philippine Commission, it is quite probable that the appropriation al ready made of SSO.000 will be increased to jaO.tOO. Governor Taft says that he hopes to be able to advise the Philippine Com mission to take this step. In the second place, it Is practically de cided that the Philippine Government will construct a building of Its own that will cost not lesa than C150.000. Governor Taft desires that this structure shall be Included in the main scheme of bulldftgs, and shall bo of such architecture and size ns to be worthy the exhibit It will house and of its surroundings. Last but not least, Mr. Barrett says that, after discussing the situation carefully with Governor Taft, he believes the Philippine building and exhibit can be ready on time for the opening of the Exposition in 1303. Commissioner General Barrett Bays that the attitude of Governor Taft and of the Wnr npnflrtment toward the Exposition Is pleasing and favorable. Governor Taft la sincerely desirous that the Philippine ex- ! , hiblt shall be one of the great features ei the World's Fair, -nd be prepared and iet up in a way that will make It thoroughly interesting and instructive. He says that one of the principal matters for him to at tend to while in this country is to see that arrangements are completed for the Phil ippine participation. Mr. Barrett Is especially gratified because he has held from the first that the Philip pine exhibit. In view of the public Interest in those islands, should In Itself be made so extensive and unique tnat it alone would re- pay time and money for any one to come to tK, TT-nnoltlnn at Sf T.rmla from nnv trnrt tne Exposition at St. Louts from any part of the United States. To Cure Headache In 10 Mlnntea, Take Parker's Headache Powders. They are safe and sure All druggists. Price 10c TEXAS OPERATORS TO COMPETE Will Attend World's Champion ship Telegraph Tournament. KErrnuc SPECIAL. Dallas. Tex., Feb. 20. Keen interest Is be ing evinced throughout Texas, and especial ly In Dallas, In the world's championship telegraph tournament, which is to be held in Atlanta, Ga.. about March L Two, and possibly more, candidates from Dallas will attend the tournament, accompanied by As- sIstant General Manager S. M. English of ),. v.,f.i Tiinh iin in Tn Thor the Postal Telegraph lines In Texas. There will probably be other representatives from Texas at the tournament, as many telegra phers throughout the State are groomlnff for the content. There are several promis ing possibilities for championship honors In the Western Union and Postal Telegraph offices in this city, but if the Western eanntvn ViA nr.nn1 V.n.A -,-. ... h.i,U I the fact known. E. e'. Bruckner, who is ! Amnln..n.l It. U . .ln .... .1.- T. .-1 I .,,n,,jj:i i,i nr uiaiu uuivca m lilt; rusiuli has exceeded the nresent ehnmnionshln rpr.- I ord several tims In nrlvnt tpsta nnrt will i doubtless be the Postal representative, both In sending and receiving. The Associated Press has decided to send F. M. McCIintic. chief operator of its Texas lines, as a representative from the South west. Mr. McCIintic finished fourth in the last championship co&test. held at Madison Square Garden. In New York, on May H. 189S. and won two second prizes in other classes. There will be gold medals, silver medals and money prizes given to winners, and the i promoters hope to Improve the standard of leieisrapo worn d;' inese tournaments, which nro to be held annually hereafter. Busv Bee Bargain "Dnv tn-Hnv TtmVnn nt fics. butter cups and nut chips, mixed, 10c lb. STYLES IT AS AN OUTRAGE. Representative Sulzer Objects to Putting Out Liberty Light. EEPUEUC SPECIAU Washington, Feb. 20. Representative Sul zer of New York will "attempt to prevent the War Department from putting out the bright torch of the Statue of Liberty In New Tork Harbor. Mr. Sulzer intends to offer an amendment to the sundry civil ap propriation bill for the light. He has stated that he regards the contemplated move by the Secretary of War as an outrage. ,J-ht !?r Department authorities say that the brlirht electrli. tlirht m ih. a.f.. . Liberty is dVtWmen? t '...' :"m"'"'uS "' I rw!$?mpla!,nts, h?ve en received by th a?sVnf0htf-is iMK "nn!sa51. : rrz "-"".''." " pecreiary or hrRJht S? iT J??ve nvea the present i -..... uu,, ,iiu, ana replace It with a te.y beacon which will not be of jf work. rtrenstn t0 nerfere with the pilofg Hobaon to lie Banqueted. REPUBLIC SPECIAL. Evansvllle, Ind.. Feb. 20.-Arrangcment were completed to-day for a banauat to Captain R P. Hobson of th United Stated aPS ahbouT-thMe && KiS" JBS9 MAIL ORDERS CAREFULLY FILLED. NEW PRESIDENT FOR GERMAN1A TRUST GO. Joseph. Dickson Resigns and Is at Once Succeeded by William ' II. Dittmann. CAPITAL REDUCED ONE-HALF. Talk of Merging Germanin, Colon ial, American Central, Common wealth and Possibly Mis souri Trust Companies.- Joscph Dickson resigned yesterday the presUency of the Gcrmania Trust Company and was succeeded by First Vice President William II. Dlttman, of the Dittmann Shoe ! Thu tmrd aml fourt)i v,ce pres, mo iii.i.uiiu, kiaiu a ii vi turn hi in aent& each move(J one I t,...... . , r,,T ,. ., ice. and appointed j DJ. tno alre;,orV foimh vlce presWent, ' WILLIAM H. DITTMANN. Elected pres-ldent of the Germama Trust Company yesterday. which office he will fill In conjunction with that of treasurer. It was decided to reduce the capital and surplus from Jl.OWOO) to $2.- 1W1 Wi i... iti.....i .i- . ,. '.. uw.vw u ciiiijiMuijui; me surplus. Ane cap- Ital will then be full paid by May L Tha i siock dropped off from 1S, the closing price Wednesday, to lOSVi. Ex-President Dickson will depart Satur day for a prolonged rest either in Cali fornia or Europe. Mr. Dickson stated yes terday that his health had been falling, "and that his physician ordered Tuesday evening that he give up oil work for a period of several months. He had been anticipating some such necessity for several weeks, and his resignation followed In consequence Ili'liMun for Itcdiic-tnK Capital The reduction from JWWOO to J2u-1000 was decided upon, said Mr. Dickson, with the understanding that the. capitalization could be Increased easily, should business justify such action. It was felt advisable Jo get the stock fully paid as soon as pos sible, which, under the new condition, will be done by Mav 1. William H. Dittmann, the new president of the Germ.inia Trust Company, Ins been p. resident of St. Louis all his life, educated in tho public schools, and for twenty vtars the president of the George F. Dittmann Shoe Company, in which he succeeded his father. Under his management the firm has grown to Its present proportions. From his connection for eight years with the Fourth National Hank, the List three jai us vice preFmeni, air. Dittmann s friends are coniidciit Mat he comes to the U 111 103 OI lllS Ilt'VT Olllffi tint lITtlMln A f- P,lttl2.?n,n is ?,su a director in the Me'rcaiu tile (.1111) flltfl Iln nPtlVH tnnnilia. nt ,Ua TTnlnn nii, .... .w4 vl iuc union t-'UD. Ine onlcers of the Germin . Truot Corn- E?1?" 'TS "3W; i'resldont. Wl lijrn II. Dis mann: llrst vice nresidpnt Ti,.nt-. T.-AnHi Jr.: second vice president. Max R. Orthr wein: third vice presldent.George A. Meyer; fourth vice president and treasurer, TV. L. McDonald; sneretarv. Frederick Gabel. trust officer. V. A. Brandenburger. MerBep of SeternI Compnnle. The first official act In the development Project to merge several of the tiust American Central. Colonial. Commonweal'th ..,.:ia-a, iiniuiig uiem me Uermanla, anu possmiy the Missouri, was the confer- v..,i.o jtaicmaj- uetieen a prominent broker who ! fostering the deal, and officers of two of the companies. The broker called eiterilay afternoon on Mr. Dickson in the offices of tlie Germania Trust Companv and was referred to Mr Dittmann. That tho merger will ba effected ultlmite ly Is current talk In trust-company circles, the result being to reduce the number of ?I0orcPale"' HUt ,,naln,,al" high capitalizaf tion, strengthening them and securing suf ficient business for all. Jfo lev Trust Company. The promoters of the Prudent'al Trust Companv annojnrptt Tto,..i..i- u, , had abandoned their project Tor tho piesent. They decided that the recent slumn in trust-company stocks, which hai as yet """"' "v c' ui auaiemeni. as an indi cation tllQt thp flplfl x-cna o1r,1 ..n clently filled. The w:hrae may be laid 'over St. I.oals-Unlon Trnut Denl. The stockholders of the St. Louis Trut inTYtnnriv Trill v,A .t ,n . ' .J,ual inV;V"'.' V.'"" 1"l,.iu l" vote an fh tni,iVi';; ","u..i.,i"u"5e ot n? ih,.. .;.." .I."'-':; tt."u .a cnange of nam tion of that company with the UniSnTrust fS&S'.ll. L U"1o..T Company. y "-- '"" ?Sa win oe euected within " LTV,Iour hours thereafter-that is April U. Birth-Month Rlnsa for February. Set with "Amethyst," meaning "Content ment." J2.50 to J15, and with diamonds and amethyst, ?20 to $300. Mermod & Jaccard's, Broadway and Locust. Write for Catalogue Mailtd free. Convention Datea Selected KFPUpUO SPECIAL Tayiorville, 111., Feb. 20.-The Christian taUrf. cit?",1?" CeDHtral ConiUeYmet .wiiii c"yTto-day and organized by tha LoVifc"" -. Smith chairman and St J?' Gr?n? secretary. March 22 was fixed for holdlne- th. nf.ti '",.? ' ' . . A 9 '.' a iy I . i mmmmsmzimgbaamMmmm taaMMWIMmWsmaJklMjSB&MmmmWkaammtMam . . ' e ...a 2? For Close Buyers S B-fe, Do Vou Need a Plr of & i, -S FINE WINTER SHOEs?K J SEE THIS POINTER FROM wptiz $5 & $3.50 SHOES FOR o (a 450 pairs Ladles' Black Russia Calf and f V.ct Kid Lace, heavy tolas, broken J s-.zes, ss aal S3. SO, take them tar f S?l.GO- 2S0 pairs Men's Black Russia Call and ( Patent Leather Lace, broken sizes, SS fy and J SO, yours now for frl.. SO ( Cff-IIEAVV UEDUGTIONS ON J ALL WINTER SIIOES.ffl ? I 311 N. BROADWAY. I POLICE INVESTIGATE PLOT TO POISON, Analysis Shows That Whisky Sent to Benjamin Sehuetz Con tained Arsenic. Benjamin Sehuetz, proprietor of the Broadway Tailoring Comrany, at No. K3 North Broadway, is investigating what he believes to have boen a plot to kill him by polsonlng. He suspects a young woman. On February 1, Sehuetz says, he tasted w-hlsky which has been sent to him in a Tint bottle ns a gift and shortly after be came sick. He hurriedly called a physician who suspected arsenic poisoning and ad ministered antidotes. Sehuetz recovered in a few hours. The physician advised Sehuetz to inform the police, and Sehuetz called at Chief of Detectives Desmond's office en February 3. Detectives' were detailed on the case and the whNKy was analyzed. A report from City Chemist Teichman's office, rendered Wedresday, showed "that arsenic had been mled with the liquor. The police are now endeavoring to locate the woman whom Sehuetz Implicates. When seen at his Mote yesterday Sehuetz stated only that an attempt had been made to ad minister the pcisonol vUiisky aid that he Intended prosecution Ho would not s.iy what motive the woman could have had, but averred that lie had proofs against her In "black and v.hite." Ho intimated that she wni out of the city. He seemed determined on prosecution and said that he will spare no expense to have the young woman brought back to this city. JUSTICE GRAY HAS AN ATTACK OF PARALYSIS. Member of flic Snpreine Court Han Lost Control of I'll it of Ills Hod, but Kecoicry In lxpcctcil. Washington, Feb. 10. Justice Horace Gray of the Supreme Court has suffered an attack of- paraljsls, but it is stated that there is every reason to expect his recovery. Tho attack occurred Tuesday night. His mind is clear, but he has lost the muscular control of a part cf his body. Justico Gray lias been unwell for some time, and at hla advanced age, 74 years, gave rise to some apprehension as to the outcome, although his family says the at- tack Is not serious. A Neat Moncifrrnm On your stationery gives individuality to correspondence. No charge for one or two letter monogram, except for stamping, which ranges in price from 10 cents per quire upward. Mermod & Jaccard's, Broad jyay and Locust. LENTEN BARRIER NOT HEEDED. Young People Eloped When Mother Objected to Marriage. Rolland McFarland and Miss Jessie Waln wrlght had a romantic wedding Wednesd.iy nlght, all because tho mother of the young lady devoutly oppored their marriage dur ing tho ienten season. The young peop.e have been engaged for three months, and concluded to hasten their marriage because of an injury which befell the young nun. Mrs. Wulnwright ln h's.ted thai the wedding wculd not ue per mitted until after Haster, and there was much disappointment. Cupid soon broke the bars of church for them. and. accompanied by a minister, they called at the home of License Clerk August Filley late Wednesday night, and. after securing the necessary permit, liad tlie marriage performed. Young McFarland is said to be only 2:) jears old, and his bride is but 17. He lives at No. 2324 Morgan street and she" lived with her widowed mother at No. 1103 Lafayette avenue. ST. PATRICK KNIGHTS' REUNION. Washington's Birthday Will Ue Celebrated at Same Time. In the parlors of the Southern Hotel to morrow evening- there will be a Washing ton's Birthday reunion of the St. Patrick ivnignts. following the social meeting there will be a banquet. John L. Leahy illl deliver the Washing ton address, and rnemlers of Rogers broth ers' company now playing at the Olympic will entertain the members with songs and specialties. Short speeches, songs and recitations by members will Inter.snerso. the Ttrnrmm making It one of unusual lntciest. George J. Tansey is president of the society'and John J. O'Connor Is secretary. SAVED AlTvEFrTmTHE RUINS. Thirty-Two Persons Are Rescued in Wrecked Town. Baku. Trans-Caucasia, Feb. 20 During the course of the search to-day for bodies of the victims of tho recent earthquake at Shamaka, thirty-two persons "werd disen tombed alive. - Escaped Convict Caught. Jackson, Miss., Feb. 20. J. L. Lsland a prisoner in jail here, who is charged with burglar' in Smith County, this State, lias been Identified as one of the convicts who escaped from the federal prison at Leaven worth, Kas.. last November. His real nam 5? ,J2es Seymore. In addition to the bmlth County robber-. Seymore is accused ? glarlzing the safe in tha office of 000 f Newton County. securing A WINTER TIP 8 "anvfaJUojV Cch." The rest of this week we will give unheard-of values in our Boys' department. The b:st made and most stylish clothing to be nad in any market. Every garment perfectly tailored and well trimmed. $ Boys' S10.00 and 89.00 Two-Piece Suits now.. S7.50 Boys' Storm Collar Reef ers, clioice of house. ... Dots' 810.00, S8.00"aud Q) QQ 87.00 Vcstee Suits now.. (?&vO Boys' .SG.50 and S6.00 Sail- 8J "J J? or Mouse Suits now Iptf c I U Boys' S2.53, S2.C0 and 1.53 Leggins now Star $1.00 Shirt Waists now Caps, size 6 to 6t, now -.. 10c reif Stubborn Colds and "Grip Thousands of Cures Years of Successful Tests NOW PROVE Powders "head off" Colds and Grip Cure advanced and Stubborn Cases under Simple Directions. Sr.tJ.F.ftpu.dltir.Portlaiid.Ind .writes: "lam delighted with tho results obtained from 'Oraajrelne for nervousnees, msoranla and thirteen casea of grip with eevoru rorapllcaiintis." lira. A. O. KrHier, Thomsons, B.C., irrltes: "OrancelnH' has curd two very ferere elisor of Vrlp.' MIM cases and headaches are a matter of a few minutes." lrrom Yvkohsma Jarn . Mr. Fred I-owderwrites: Orangeine'workf like a cbara to check iet colds ReT.I'crv'rnI IeIntIrefCblcaiCO,saj-s: Or a3fflc6 heUwJ my cold like maffic.' Jotd by Druggists in 10,25 and 50c Portages. ITALY'S KiNG SAYS NATION WANTS PEACE Imposing Ceremonies Mark Open ing of Parliament Queen Helena Appears. Rome, Feb. 2. King Victor Emmanuel opened Parliament to-day with considerable ceremonial. In the speech from the throne he referred to the tranquilizlns effect en the country of the Government's' liberal policy, and to tho excellent relations exist ing between Italy and all the Powers. "A policy," said his Majesty, "which bears in mind all our rights and all our duties, has earned us a large share of good nill, and flattering testimonies of the es teem in which our country is held by for eign nations. The which Great Britain and Brazil placed in me by elect ing me as arbitrator, is very pleasing to me. "Thus, in the concert of the great na tions, the defence of our Interests and fidel ity to our alliances and ties of cordial friendships are fully reconcilable with Italy's supreme aim. which is peace." Queen Helena accompanied the King to Parliament. The procession to and from the Senate was imposing. Don't XrBleet Your AVntcli. Have it cleaned at regular intervals!, not more than eighteen months apart, by the expert watchmakers at Mermod & Jac ard's, Broadway and Locust. DETERMINED FIGHT AGAINST DESECRATION OF THE FLAG. Socletim Working for Pnaiage of Law Prohibiting I'm- of AatlonnI Em blem for Commercial I'nrpoaeM. RErUBLIC SPECIAL. Washington. Feb. 20. A determined tight is to be waged against the desecration of the American Hag. The Grand Army cf the Republic, the Sons ot the American Jtevo lutlun. and othertpatrlotic societies are at the head of the movement, and it Is be lieved by them that they will succeed in se curing the passage of a prohibitory law be fore the end of the present session of Con gress. In thl3 belief they are strengthened by the apparent friendliness of the Military Affairs committees in Congress. Five bills have been Introduced already since Con gress convened all with the same object, and differing only in scope. No particular mcasuro is to be pushed by the societies, except that they wish as strong a law an possible, and one that will allow no uso of the national emblem or any semblance of it for commercial purposes. The Senate Committee on Military Af fairs this morning gave Its first hearing on the subject. General Peek of New Haven. Conn., Past Master Kay of the New York branch of the Grand Army of the Repub lic. Genera Thomas? M. Vincent of Wash ington, Assistant Adjutant General of the Grand Army; J. W. Clous, retired, of the United States Army, and John M. Wight, representing the District of Columbia Sons of tho American Revolution, were a dele gation representin? the different interests before the committee. - Tho delegation announced that it would favor no particular bill now under consid eration, preferring to leave the selection of a proper measure to Congress. They advocated slmnlv n hn whinh would absolutely prohibit all uso of tha Stars and Stripes for other purposes than It was intended for. Merchant Committed Suicide. Kansas City, Mo., Feb. '20. E. H. Kirk ham, TO years old. proprietor of a general store In Coalgate. I. T.. and a man of wealth, committed suicide In a hotel here at midnight last night by taking morphine. Utvph ORAHGEiME TO PARENTS. their shoes?" Give them Into our hands and we will put their feet Into stout, easy-fitting, trim looking shoes that' they can skate, slide, kick and romp in and still have shoes on their feet Misses Bright Dongo'.a and Eox Calf, kid and patent tip, medi um weight soles, U to 2 SI.25 Misses' "Foot Trainer Last," Vici and Box Calf Lace, medi um weight extension soles, kid and patent tip, low and spring heels, 1 1 y3 to 2, B toE $1.50 Misses' Patent Leather Lace Boot, circular foxed dull kid top, low heels, medium weight soles 11 to 2, B toE SI.G5 8 to II in above shoes, 25c to 50c less. These Are New Goods 1 iSliitil V I a . MOLL GROCER CO. 614-616-618 FRANKLIN AVENUE, AND 822 N. SEVENTH STREET. Specials for FRIDAY and SATURDAY. Our Best Kettle Rendered Lard, m For Friday Only, T MA per pound I 1,000 pounds Fresh Roasted Virginia White lW ' Peanuts, regular price 10c; Messina Cukes with Marmalade 9k filling, jier pound Iav Frgsli Barataria Tickled Shrimp, K 2 cans for yQ California Seeded Raisins, 0 per package Q California Sweet Trimes, C per pound QC Baby Strawberry ISeets, IA large No. 3 can yQ rillsbury's Celebrated Spniu Wheat Flour 24-lb. Sack 60o 4S-lb. Sack $1.00 OS-lb. Sack $2.00 I-arce Breakfast Mackerel, Itffc white and fat, each Q IJest X. Y. White Xavy Beans, JC 7 pounds for QR Ideal Telephone Service I Residence Rates Direct Line, $3.00 Per Month. Three Cents Per Message. INCOMING MESSAGES FREE. Metallic Circuit. Bell Telephone Co. 0F MISSOURI. 2090- MAIN EXPENSE OF GOVERNMENT OF MANILA GREATLY INCREASED. Governor Tuft Snyn Snlnrles of SpB IU Offlcer AV-re So Loir Tney Incited l'raudx. Washington, Feb. 20. Governor Taft con tinued to discuss the climatic conditions in the Philippines to-day before the Senate Philippine Committee. Reverting to what he had said yesterday concerning the health of the American trocps in the Philippines, Gov ernor Taft said that much of the sickness which does exist is due to exposure, and he incidentally made an appeal for liberal ap propriations for the construction of barracks and for the protection of officers and men. The witness thought the high death rate of troops in the Philippines due to the guerilla warfare, saying that it was impos sible to get soldiers to observe the laws ot h giene. His experience. Governor Taft said, was that the greatest danger in the matter of health in tho Philippines is found in the neglect of symptoms whicn are not general ly regarded as of importance in the United States. He knew, he said, of Europeans who had spent thirty or forty years in the Is lands and who are in good health. Ho thought, however, that they generally left the islands for several months every two or three years. As a rule, contlnusd residence had the effect of causing a. gradual deteri oration of health. Governor Taft said he attributed his own loss of health to lack of exercise. He re ferred to the prevalence of private diseases and "said that certain precautions had been taken by the medical authorities in the su- RUPTURE Have you a boy or girl that "almost, nccps 1 you poor wearing out Youths' and Boys' Satin Calf Lace Shoes, opera toes, medium heavy soles, quilted or plain bottoms, 11 to 2 and 2tf to 5 . SI.25 Youths' and Boys' extra quality Satin Calf, London toe, lace, ' extension soles.quilted or plain bottoms, 11 to 2 and2 too.. $1.50 Youths' and Boys' fine Box Calf Lace Shoes, full extension soles, quilted or plain, best shoe on earth, 11 A tt tb 2; iy3 to 54 QLmUU Youths' neat, dressy Patent Leather Shoes, new toe, right up Q n jC to date, 11 to 2 faftV Boys', same as above 8Q.50 and Latest Styles. S. W. Cor. Broadway and Lucas Ave. J per pound SQ Daisy Brand Early June Peas, 25c caus ior Large 43c Bar Genuine Imported White Castile Soap, tm Per bar UwC French Bed Kidney IB Beans, 2 cans IOC California Evaporated Aprl- 11 cots, per pound IbO Dinner Bell Brand Alaska ij Bed Salmon, per can..- C Boueleps Codfish, A per pound lUC Gunpowder Tea. . Aflat per pound HlG Formosa Oolong Tea, ' Aflat. per pound 4110 Old Bob Pepper Whisky, 4 years old, per gal. ... $2.00 Duplex Line, $200 Per Month. Three Cents Per Message. Lon g Distance Equipment. fhl. n.nlch.5" tnouht necessary for the protection of the troops and the public. Governor Taft made reply to a number ot questions by Senator Culberson concerning the expenses of conducting the Government of the islands. He said that those expenses 5 nu?h.JllSher tnan under Spanish rule ?."?- .2l th.e. 15creae would be greater this year than it had been last year. For in stance, while the annual exixniu mn. .i. .. . . "i . - ..-.. l.G0O.X in gold.' The lncrMse In the total was, he said, due to the Increase In salaries aHd A0 Jthe hnprovement of the government afforded. "Under Spanish rule." he said, "salaries w,er Y.eI7 ',OWT.SO Iw that they were the plainest Intimation that tbey (the Spanish offlcers) expected their Balaries to be pieced jut yj'lel collections and squeezes, and that they were so pieced out Is Indis putable. The way Salva-cea curea Pile Confederate sons Organized. REPUBLIC SPECIAL ' thtTn'!Jri!!.Ic'nTex-.Peb- A chapter of we. H,nJ!t(Lon.s f Confederate -Veterans was organized here to-day with thirty-flv j B a , ... - . . . 'esJs ssl m IIcKmealII ytv IlSTEELRANGEsll $ N MlBINCEH STOIffiColl 1 Permanently a U K E D HS1iMWrM3mt .in V ; V p i: f K ? is I Y T-- tv. V "OE LACY'S LAXATIVE FRUIT WAFERS" fvwwlftrt tCr cld and yma' '- OrUMlats 407 N. 6th St. and Senatorial cWentlonT and Mai -3 Tfor f..; "---" W. J tMMUagtaa W.4.LEWM M.L Mm ay, r. fc:k-L-i&fe -J. j-' 7 itt.?ta.Tvr,W $ - ...j- ' .: . -. ' ..& . Sfiflaga? fi'fl -i ...J smjiMM ;; 4T? rfy.j'. ?s.'r.A.?jHr.b ;' I'-iJJafSL?gl IPfeV .7'r-i-, ,-a-y.x t...f.-.-i- Hi-r. v.-j.r......-:.:- . ,-- -"-.- -.-.-.--. . t..-. -. .m .-mc--.!, .. i- x-.. .- - .. .. .-- .-- -. --- - --..... .. ...-.- ------.---'--m'--- Jggjj aslslslslslslslslslslslslslslslslslslslslslslslslslslslslslslslslslslslslslslslslslslslslslslslslslslslslslslslslslslslslslsi BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl Get Harris' S4.00 Shoes. Hi ZamWtf&dxkikml