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lcirt"awt. wf-,.1, iu--'t w J-. ,v -. . m. -t!l'il!mJ.' V JlJLi fJrjiZ.wl5iiijS ij : ' ... . "n-".----'-.---.- i 1" THE liEPUBLIU: AT UliDA 1 EBK U Ali if -i 4-)rJ'-3lM ' jM .. ft? -, 1U2. I .1; : I If: ' T i i n &. " y ft lid I ilk t nl Svlei .MtBJ IflpJl trnei Jal ftlort fcfc : Gold Medal 1TO'" m '". , L"K At Pan-American Exoositiarv Unlike Any Other! The fuli flavor, the delicious nnality, the absolute purity of Lowney's lircakfabt Cocoa Dis tinguishes it from all others No "trt'.-ifiiient" Tuth alkalies; no iidiillt'i-ition Willi llonr. starch or smuml ooco.i t-Iiclls; untiling but the nutriti juj eltKt'stiiile prod uct of llu- choicest tKoa Ite.ltis. I Ask Your BcsJer rcrlt. CANAL TREATY IS Copies of nayl'anntcfoie ("omen- lion Am K.chaii";ed Hot ween IIa anil J'.inntcfote. LATTER WILL NOT BE RETIRED. i!riiish Scitcian of Fou'ijin Af JnirN Si"iiitu's His Dcsiie That Jlinisk'i- Shall Hciuain in Vasiiii"ton IniU'liiiiU-ir. WashiiiKton K -b. 21 Tn il i iiilitations d' the H.i-P.iuncefotc trit. t,ivh Kiik and's assent to the corvlrrctlon of a t.i'nal leros, ("eitral America bv the t'nlted 2'ates. wire exchanged at the Ptate I)e partment at 3 o'clock this afternoon Thero was ery little ceremonj about the oxchancp of ratifications. Copies of the eaty hud been prepared and were for mally excllaiiRtyl between Lord l'auncfote ind Secretarj ll.i, a protocol being signed. OriihUI attcstlns to that fact, which v ill orm part of the records 1'nrilirr fotr 'Will 1 Itellrc lyird Tauncefote was Iu the be-st of hu or over this ucccssfui outcome ot tho tbora of himself and Secretary Hay, fol ic recarded the tnaty as the most Im ortant toncntion ever drawn lietween the I'nlttd States and Great Britain, and one that will do much to prcvt.nt friction in 'ho neur future between the two people". It ha been sU(;jjCsted that witli the iom- detlon of this Eruit work, the ItritWi Go- niment mUht recHrjl 1ord I'auneefote's erilces as ended, but it Is learned that this not the case Lord I-aii'dow ne. the s.ecrelarj of Torelgn Affairs, hasi hiBuilkd to Irri I'auncefote Ills de'lro that he .shall remain in Washing ion for an Indefinite period. NEW SWIMMING RECORD MADE. Jiiewer of Shii Francisco Vou ihc One-TIiousaiid-Yaul J!ace. Chicago, FVb. 21. In tlie 1.tjcO-ard swim mlng race at the spoitsm in's show to night. Brewer of San Francisco defeated Fred Wleland of the Central Y JI C A by hair a lap. I A. enck or Yale finished third, a lap und a halt behind Wielanl BtBwer's time w.ig 1". 2-'.3-3 This establ'fhts a new American record for the distance Tdie world's record is 13 13, held by J b Jnrvls of Scotland. J. Scott J.rarj of San Francisco won the im-anl race, leading Wenck ot 'iale bv two and a half jards Johnstone .f Otta" wa. Canada, was third, cltht vards behind Wenck. Learv's. time was 1 033-5 lnck Clifford Kiiockei! lint ("onile. .$ I'?1,c;-, ,.U'1, 'lh- 2 Jack Clifford, a (.alirornlt light-weight, put out Itov Conde or Salt Ike in tlie fifteenth round of a scheduled twclilv -round contest before the fcait Lake Athletic Club to-night. HARRIS WANTS RE-ELECTION. .Senator Ha.As ilc Is Not a ('audi, date for Got ci nor. KKriTJlMO H't-CIAI. Topeka, Kas.. Feb 21 W A Harris th 1'opullst I'nitcd States. Stnator from Km sas. arrived from Washington xisttrday to atteuti the conference of his paity hue to-daj. lie is a candidate for United States fcenator and foi uotliing else. Senitor Unf its 5ald. Under no circumstances will 1 accept th n initiation for tiovtmor. I don't want to be Governor. 1 am a candidate for re flection to the Senate To pose as a gubernatorial tandldite would be to the part. and a piece of llshoncstv on my part. A man .should run tor one ortice at a time. I .im tunning for faenalor and would i.ot accept ihe iiominillon for Governor were every delegate in the convention to il-o up In his place and vote for inc." Want to know the best waj to seture a good servant? Auv.rtisr in The s.un(a, jit public. MR. HOUSER RECOVERING. tjiilleriiip; From Jionchitis, Followed ycor Cold Which U 31. llouscr. president of ih Giobe 1) mocrat, who has. been sick at his home, Xo. 1313 West I'ine boulevard, for ten das, is recovering and was able to sit up at din ner esttrda He eoiuracKtl a cold which dev eloped Into bronchitis, ami tor more than a v-t-k lie lias not been able lo leave his room fNOTICE;!!! f Observe this blue signature on erery jr of LOiO COMPANY'S EXTRACT oi Beel For KITCHEN For Mck Room J mmnrananNM I its- i jr- jr-w n ec i r- rv c -r- a - v . - . a si's! ruAU un dir ri St Li1 ina" Iinoiii 1- Now tlio "!,ii 15" (Siwn ,i Toucli .if ("o.ints 1 aide 'iiuiituu' Mow .'o .Ma r ii i miii tit-- nil- "))'mk3 fo.-'JiiLfE X jr?.l . Win, " WlsA Es:l'.'i.f1V,r" ,;i --s-V ' I j s, .i:m- i ATiimt i:i)uoiiis Two dtliciiuish prettv dimity frocks. Tiie pissing if Hie sii.or in nan) of ths jiodern homes Is u ihins to lie noted ai. I ncouraRed. The roem s,.t apart for tlrs use in the majoritv of houses Is reallx ilmost hopeless for anv oilier srice it Is usuallj Ion? and ruii-row. IIkIiu.1 fiom onl one end. and with little to offn op portunlt fcr leiief from monotony In fur ni'hliiK. Artistic houstk-epets have iei' ized this. :ir,i rra't of them lme Ii rutcd their iffort lo nhte the-e t ondi tions vlth success "y-ou must U gin sas one who has tione this. !,, ellmln i' ing the pallor Idea Give the 'mum t touch of the cozimss uf thtf I'vinK-iouu with a bit of the diunltj or the librarv aut otir iiarlor' will be ti.inrbrreeil " The speakers method in lier own ias wj ls rolious. l'Irst to upen the tire place .uid ue it. One forgot tlie stiff and Inartistic nrir.ltl with the eheerful blaze beneath it ard t omforfuble (Ijiirs drawn up .within "easy range Xnr, along- tho wall fiom the Jiieplace to the corner where the piano stood to put i'l a low line of bookshelves tilled with books, the upper shelf holding anous bits of bMc-a-brac. a good plaster ca-jt, one or two fc.-, aim pieces or ware rich In color nn.i - .fi !.. .!.... ... ... " . '- ,.....u. in .nr-nii Lnnvr i.-iaii eosny in fabric. Iu another corner an old rea- hoganv table supported on Its polishtd rurface some bits of s.l.elliel.1 plate In old designs- Opposite the bookcase was iut a low wall scat covered In teira-cotta cor durov, Willi cushions to matin There Were some good pictures on the walls anil por tieres in terra-cotta cordurov at the hall threshold, and aNo at the double doors, leading to the itcniiji loom. Ne ir one winnow stood a pretlj writ nrf table with a chair in f-unl ot It and nn air of dainty ue alout it IIv another table, on which was .1 reading lamp and one or two of th" laio periodicals, v.ilh a little bookracl. evidenti.v holding cme favoi'te tvlume-, was drawn .1 comfortable cl air that inviiei rest and losing one's self in books On tAie tloor wtht a nutting of tine -weave ami in Ihe natural tint, upon wliiih the priie of a t arpet had been invested In one or two goo 1 lugs. it which the chatelilue txplaiotl that she meant to add as sl.e found It u. sible Tlie house was tilt oidinaij leut.d sort with ugij woodwork and tN' stlrf iiitinotonous arrangement on lie pulo. Moor, but the room described was so e.e1- eoming and attrat tive that tlie ur.plt a Ing details wire completely subordinated The back parlor used a- a .on! lg-room the round tabk left bare ljetvvcen meals with the exception of a e enter mat, wlilcn wai a piece of Faste-n embroiilcrv and on which stoe-1 air ivs a ptt of ferns Tlie iror.l Dtseineil hid Den made into i chil iren -, piivroom and stiuiv the children took their dinners if coiipany I I jltd.ii... .. n. I. nlo -..... .1.. ...... ... .1 .. ' too nere loo. j i '.ii.... i i ii.-.i. iuio-iii eni. 1 1 iiue.i Green mercerized lawn and lace . ostumc Luncheon for the fnmilj wis also -ervd In the basement loom an arrangement which made It po j,Ie to leave the elinlng leom on the tir-t floor uninvaded from breakfast until just before dinner large three-foid screen interposed --ullicii-ut protection during meil- fiom fie occ.i sionnl ciller Th: arrangement nas been carried out for several je.irs in a fannlv wheie onlv one servant Is kept, cstra as sistance be'ng had as required. Mtiiir gown oniiiTins. Fop Hummer Hie sipsHre eel- Is irrj Comfortable The plain white night gown is to be fcaind ard in -urli 1 glorified state that one is ii reistlblj moved lo call it the prettiest of all the prcttj things offered It is cry long, though not longer in the back than in the I rout add i finis-ted with hand-em-broiden. The iincomforial.l. font mfft .s largely done away with and the plaiiinen, ot the hem Is relieved bj . mbroldered roses. sprajs. of vallev lilies and bv- deep Grccl ml borders, all either worked hi hind or cun-l lilngly applltd. and the miterlil cut awav" ..iMii-oie-flui .i iiiongii me urgers nail tione the whole deed, w lieu as it nuj be mo-tly niaihine made. ' For sunimtr the squaic neck Ii very com fortable. The neck is cut out in a deep lis AW szJmWk Will I fjv Ml e :ui(i to H .iti.tiii - the Aiti-tn I v of lc This Ai.ii tincnt KV- Ii Slu.rM N; k e i III, squire', front and lnck and bordered with ndlFvork I. ice ie not veiv cootl for th's pur(o-e. as it dees not hold Its 3npe sU wil rvsino miii. i:in .l.-t.LetM .t. Mill the rniorll.-s 1 lt!i lliini Women. Ih Xuifolk jacket Is worn onlv- with the shorr w..lkin.r sKnt. leavniK the Ktou stll' tlie lavorlte I'm tjenutronwho f-ar that the Kton is too jiiaitv tiie short reefer ! shoHii An Klon which is inteti to the lovv tr tdgn of the waist-line does not make a worn in look siioit.uaMcil. but all others Ho .some of In- piettlest shirt wai-ts nv made ol albatioss n.stii'K troni to ". etnts a ard Hoth batks and fronts are tucked all ovu The -leaves are tucked at tlie top and finished at the wrists with shlrt-t nil-, two inches deep with round ior ners Three peiri buttons fasten the plaits With these shirt-waists are worn slock and tluv tumovtr tinbroidertd or hemstitehtd tollirs White lawn Is the 'in lining ior tme wafts Willie pique shirt waists ire among the i-'t to b.- worn In tlie earlv spring The I newts, ,re or a lljlit weight and tine cord. and aie made quite simple . with a cluster of tucks al each side of the front. Drcssvs. f thin transiaient mmtrmls will b- If 1 Ml marl , th.ti .. lou, .. .n.n ..lit. - :;":.-;"...-:. "vr ?.' -""' """ "- i eucii iiues insertion an.i uce Ilet of both id lin and ribbon id irt vel vet will lie worn with spring woolen gowns huc'i belli are stvllsh and may be worn with spring gov lis of anv color r The prttltst belts ate made with l ssiu ,up In the middle of the trom siiwi.n rn i Dui:ss. Ilcsi-Ilress.-.! ,lrl Stmlii-s si,,i,,irii j Itatlier Tbitn Oriilline:ilittItiit. To be wtll die-spii , A Ju itillab'e aim, Vet In strivl lg to aiti'in this ob.teet a oun-; girl must never forget that rmpllrlt.v and ippropriiten. s should lve tl . thief rlni uctelstics jn her ittlie outh in Itself Is a charm that Is most thinning with few adornments and the gnl v ho Is best dress,,j siudics lmp!icitv lathtr tlun orna mentation and overdccorallou She avoids In hat oi govvii uir. tiling that i eettiitrlc oi oou-pit'iious. Sli- is partlcula: In tlie cut, tu iliu aid of lin owns rafter than in the triimiing. Often the greatest tost inauj be In tlie silk Holms, for the rea son that -lie pi ft -s until and sincerity 'n her garments to outward cstei tation intl In up finishings She is conscious that it velvet wrap, for Instance, overloaded with i.lrauuug is not appropri ite to her age. and a proliis'on of leathers wavin:- ind di ping mum anlngTv In a hit is not in , gootl t.isti The wcli-tlresspii Elri nnJpr- . 'lulls bet ov,n ursi.nil looks olid lutein- gentlv adipts the fashions of the ft ij to these requirements She v.ears whit Is ap- j. 1 roi i ate to tlm. and occasion anil always is thorough!', consistent vlth h r mean' Willi a dark rlolh cniin nn.l mil lltllm fn. a n 'me anil n.tonung toque cr hat. well Io lltd shn-s. ,i i-lrl 1-3 M.lln,.u.t for stnet, ihiiieh, wedding rt teptions. afternron ttas and othtr djvtime functions I'ltlllT) J'HIIt'Ks. tir.ix t litfftin I'firms tin liiiiiortniit rail of loiiriilng: llresn A clurming frock recently mule for a girl in h.'lf-mourning was composed enllre lv of grav ehiffon. the whole skiit belnj tuekeil In a erles of tiny lucks, ant ., number of flounces untlerneath to give the ncccsfarj suggestion of frou-frou and to prevent the wearer getting hopoiessj , n. tangled iu lier tlraperits Tlie bodlet tucketl to the waist, and over this came a belt ro of Farm i violets in tlie jialcol Ehadis of miuve velvtt and silk on a groundwork of transparent iilnr. Above this wis a coll n oi plain ehifron with an .dging and tntredeux of old Flemish piint The sbevc weie merely nniplre puffs tietl with a band of silver To be worn on tilt head with this delightful toi bt w is i garidtuie of pale Parma violets and silver foliage, and the foitumte wearer ivas to 1 ac silver slippers with silken hose of tlie simc entrancing sin,,, to wen vvith lit r fetching frock .M:W MONOfilt VMS. .Ilipillienc S, Is I sevl lJ rtl-tie union. The old -ts Ie plain letter monogram i bt -ing supc-seded. and the woman who would be ihou-'ilt artistic and up-to-dite in dahitv trlfifs Is using the new monogram some what uftei tlie -apanese s-ljle. The more subtle the design the hetttr It is liked Tho idea is to hive somethln graceful In out line, wed lialtiicid iu laifs and altogether artl-tlr. a monogram perfectly eleai when once dcciplmed, but which to the casual ob'-crver s cms to be mtrelv a pleasing, fanciful skttclt or a svmbol rather than a combination of letters. OIIDIIins IN Fl.OlMCs IV.tlernx Fiupliaslseit Willi Tilm ri Ing- of Illnck rlvel Kliibon. An effective way to join a flounce to a skirt ii lllustiatcd in a model gown in lib em satin Th- pittcrn 1- in a black and white scroll effect on a cafe au ialt ground This prettilv emphasized with trimmings of bl ick velvet ilubon. which also Is In irocuccd at the head of the ilnunee ti- iinron is in graded wdth-, the vvidtt ' .v.-e uunii, aim mere are several tov ? rt on a foundation of hea cream eol trftl net The whole Is then Used ai a tort of Insertion between the skiit an I flounce, and the net ..hoiri tlimitfii t.A ..n.- bon to good advantage. Nni:sr tuhnon ibis. Collar Is Made Iu Germany nml n GIiimm) Appeiiranc-c. The nent little turnover collar of Has lace or hemstitched linen that has added such a prettv linLh lo the well-dressed woman's melt fixings, hai appeared Ii a new guise- It is made of heavy linen which mai ie J lilte or loloieil and i t.i:nped with i prem irull nutcrn In n tilth immcrou'" I rench knot" are to le Tvorlceil the Hm-J "e'l for worklns thr- i( Ittns La cal'fJ Hello's. it in made in Germam. .ind like ill int lutdmtinr, i mercerized whicli uicsitT r l0"- apfeJiaiup 'lhecni orcil i ollan. ,ir ftiibioldernl In jirett con trasting oior i and the wMle ont-s .ire es puiallv pfTt-cth-e whin worked in pink, blue or an of the !o,litfi shades, uith ,i line of hi uk Intiixliirel Tho-e of the di!nt, ihi.i rn.iti rliN ale much ihepr tlun for intrl an.i Um mil" to match iiri i: i.o i:ii. I Iittl maiden tame to me, iier s-nial hands lirimnilnt; oe- -"t ulth t)le pinlen's choicest rtnriH, Hut onij bweet nhlte loer. I too oT cift the while mj thought jhe lonj: ear Ii iiled ocr. Wlifii 1. lik,- i.r, witli lmsv hands Hide wreath" of sweet vliltf ilor. The -nwi tilds Mirtch before mj ee, .,'" f-tr-off tene I listen. The while hemuth the summer sk, I we the hlue naici sll'ten. I ;I:eani m cldlli-h dieann asain. In f.iirj land a roer, x 1.1'11"1'- solund this. I w.en, lhcni;h onl bwe-t wliite i lover Jlr Uimlolpli I It-mlii" I ! io-i)ii: t'iri'iii o'is. I net jiiul Kiiiliroliler 'I'riiiiiuiiiM IIi'.liKifi li a Creul Cvtenl. . l'oi the In netit of tho-"v ho are laisdv eiiQiKed durhiK the earlj s,rlni; moutiis "n i''dln to tii"Ir Ftippl of ptlicoits ajid other Fnowy aiticks. that intiie under t'u head of hneile It mi-ht lie will to mil," .i note of the fan that -klr cut on the oil lines- win niin ,iIP MOt of ,j llev-st'e ,rowns f a underKarnients ln not Ml win . is niiien sinoiiii'i'fsi a the outer ap Ptrfl the ,pst eiTirts nf oiir expensive mo Me.K" Ior "'f1!1" Ji Jon miht Ju-n .11 'H Iwie tiken cliinces on the pnnluetioii-. ri llonit' tlii-'imlar The snKi,, jurfle of late or emtirolderv on the ordtn in htme-uiade white skirt would form a ery ninis-v fcundition lor the heiuffled gown- or the present w to a rirefulU cut an 1 tltted i-lurt tint ii linlahed with a sm i'l runic of about four Inchex a li ipeil tlounc tnat tn ij h ie Insertions of lace or ei.ihro 1 erj is jet on if about kme iltptli To t'l Mount ejs irjirerrtl the embiold.ij or lace trlnr.nifs, eamlelt nr ilnui ruff-. If efj rulliifu is del it. 1 another ruftl nf th tnmiulns: ma be n on ttndet tlie llml one llanv of the more etpiiisiv,. sklits tn He sfe j ,)le HK,.r .lepirtnitllts Iue late and embrolden to mat h and the lice I' j therm to the scallops of the . mhioid erj ai a tinl-di to the list iiifilr i:iiiiitoii)i:iti:i) hitiiins. II I u, silk. Is im Mtriictlve In I"iir- Itrt-lU ot. Jkim of the jouns Kill" ale hard at work tmbroi.I.rins prettj buttons on white and etru line n and grass cloth for their summer dress, s The m tterlal ii stamped Just the size ot the batton required in one are piete Then, when nuMied. it ts nit oiit and madf over a wcodui button-moltl An attractive set of both large and small but tons, for Jacket and shirt -waist, are being done in foi-get-me-nots, in Mile silk, oo a natural-color, d linen. s,l large onts for the Jacket and one dozen small ones for th vaiit, eight for the front and two for each tuff. These buttons are workej in was'i silk laundrv as well as anv othei kind ant are eteedingl ornaniental. A AltllltOtlt: HINTS. . Not I'rollliililc save null I lollilui; in llaM or Ilapltl Indices. The careful woman who bought an ex pensive .silk petticoat to;wear on state oc taslcns when the lage for thetj lnvelj luxuries wis at its he-ghf. now looks unon htr purchase as a neediest extravagance. Alter ft istlng her eves upon Its baut!e- tills, tieasurcd bit of finery was t.iterullv wrapped In tissue paper and lai 1 awav In i lavender-scented box until some sum eientlj grind function ifiould demand is rearpiarame s nothing short of a inag unetnt wedding or a White House ret ep tlmi was deemed wortln of such goigeoui ai parel s 0f th- economical spirit han ho' bin h fmall return for hri invrstmnt sand-brown linen foi a siuniiiei Ianih-on. as the siikpn pttticoit his fallen seven! notches) in the tstim-tlon of JUIatli Fash ion this season and her fair tlevotees hive made haste tn don the lilm . hand-made white creations tint aie quite fine and dilntj enough to be worn on the out-ile Huvlng co'tlv clothing ami then hoarding It up Is a verv poo- pollcv in these tlavs of lapul changes in il ings ti it .t 1 1 i: iii:m:ij iii. Newest hp IxiinlU Iteitiletl I pou One Shi,. nl. Foi tin- benefit of the Human who is going to cioehet Inr ran bended bag it may 1 " reliled that simp of the nevvtst of there artie'es aie beaded onlv- upon one side, the other heir,-of iiiocade Tlilisivtsa greit of work, foi onlv half of the bag need be beided Thc are making big fiat, -quale bags o b-oeade and be idiug a pittcrn upon tnem Acros the fitinl ot a big ,et bag of vel lovvish gold -atln there was beaded a mono gram iu sold leu!" with here and there a pearl lit id set in The t lasp anil ch-iin wtie of cold FIMMt'PM; S.t. MiiM.iiiMil-r Slichti, Ill-tin,.,.,) with Wltlpped Cream tiiisUule- Dressing. A saint! of pineaprle and c-lerv is sca Eonib'e at the moment. To two cups of slfedded pint ippl" add ore cup of chopped eelerj and one weet red pepper cut into din Ft i the dres-lng ue a iniionnaN' cream dr,tsg which is ,)le ordlnar? ma xonninise siightlv reduced with wHlppc, cream Seive verv. ccld on lettuce nearrs girnlshed witli nut in. at-, or It mat 7,e strved Iu cup made of apples peeled nnd 'ctopcti out. or It m iv be packed In n rim' mold, turned out on a platter II, ?en.r pibd with bttuee heirt-.. and f,ent" inged tint-hie the ring. w MiiN. sin:i:i.sKIN Kl,,s Hon lo -oflen Thviu Ii, ,ic P..r tllxture of Soap it nil Ilornx. JIake a strong sud- with white soap- to each gallon of sutl-t add cne tabIesi11)(',rMi of borax dlssolvtd in half H pint of boiling water. When the suds is tepid put In the rug and let It -oak for half an hour nr more. Wit-h well. thn wash In a weaker suds and rinse in cold water to which a very little soap ha- been added. Press out the water and harg th rilir lo tha .,..!.. ... .3... I t. I.. 1. .1 .1 . . . "'. m j. n.-ii it i- ury run it between tlie hands This will ulten it. oelw,eh ii of TiLi.i: Women Hair IJIscinerei, That ClillTon Maj lie Wosbetl nml I'ressed. A whole letler could be written on the ue- of tulle. Another on Its adversities. The debutante prefers chiffon as a coming-out frock, which Is a departure from the good old dajs: but chiffon wasn't ln xented then. It duts not DIIY too loni- ft.... few clever women have discovered" that t ! M,riKt SvLrL' ," ; "sfeli' I!?D 9 One ni.1 s.i'l lilt f t" men id atfiir , ii lis- iniln .lin! . wl'iliieron' be-t or bii-inej-. I those in-di-Inis wl.ifli mis" t zc si.e iiitrsaSnni and tLe i Icive the inte-nil orjri'is In a i.slip itcil luiiilitlnn. sj-.ip nT l'ij is i.ot b.nlt mi ('i)e li"t-. II ; itsii,tiir.U.ait3eIli,',tbil.i itanse".,sHrtetianI 'tit njjtlicns I'm1 mtrriul i r 'ins ami 1 m.o t.ieni in a lieallliv enndillnit. It in n'fil oi a l.i5tie leiieilj tiie most et-elli rt lssjrtip of tlKs.tnii wlieiai'vllilnlinirt tain .1 Iisili-t is it. nil! ed tl i Mle and sciei tiili 1 iu la to tea alt :. io:i:;itt":it ii'ijslrl.'l .'.id not to r -nrf to llitisi andleltus wliitli tl..iu to nir- ill n im.'r 1 1 tli-etws. T!i' ..lifoiuij I njsvriipt i. ".as the lb.! In ma u'f irtun r I iwilie iemt.Ii w!ni Ii vui: Id cive s..!i,ia(ilnii to :'!; . Ijs.ui'e width p'-j-irims toi.ld stii-iiui .:.m1 one ln.'iid i'"t ti'iirti a ! to .wittier: Hi '! tmli it dies proli ilili until all ntlierliittivPi i'JI i'ii.1 d. In j Hue il.-ee? tiiu-i.lti.ible tpni.tiHe. of olil-time ratiiaitirs n-rl i.i ,i rn miit illoxs arc still sold, h.i! with (I'e !reiieral dilTiisIiui of ku ivlftUe, .utot'ae bet mcu.'tinil .'i;ents. -vrup of 1 is has n into genenl u-e wlllilhe welMiittiriued. beniiM it i a renifib of hi.n.w ral ie anil i it r bent fit inl action. Tlie fiiulitj of Sjrui) t f Fiss i due net tuilj lo I lie eittllent foiuliiii.-litui of tin litative and irir.ii.rtite piintlidis of plants, kinmn to act most benefit lallv on the svstew. vvith arrecablr nml letre-liinsr arnmatie luitiiili. but abo to tile tircitiil lu-ihoil of lii.-n'llurMre. In order to it Ii si mill" anil its liei.i filial ellirts o ie tumiM aiv.ajs note the full name of the t, in Caliltiri'ii 11 Mnip Co. priuteil on the front of tverv pit m i be vvaslitd and pressrd, and look er well afterwards The In st i leaner- now take a chifinn gown and restore it to a tertiin fresline cue that maltts the gown wearable But tulle once crushed is hopeb's it d'ssolves while x ttu are wearing it. it t racks where It has been folded, it crushe into nothingness before tho orchestra p'avs "Home. Sweet Home." All of which shows tint it tikes a rich girl to allow this extravagant e and not mourn over t fche makes up her mind that It Is to be Just a first Impression gown The nchest girls aie now the most care ful Few of them will even go in for chiffon. It Is satin or silk, tint remuliis with nu through the season, that thev choose. You ma as well be out of the worl I as out of fashion, so ever woman affects the scarf and rosette of tulle, if nothing else. That scarf is ubiquitous it is worn with every blouse. It Is around th whole collar, or above it It has a nsette at the back or front, or both It is ilwajs white wbn It isn't soiled It is perish ible, co-tl. but it is vr where. nn OF Km P ire M.'ar.N ar -pilnjr, cfi1!! tn nl Ions fringr I'lllllMUTV. to be worn in the of silk trimmed with 1 IITII-.U IHIIII-.ll lit UK lll'llll-Tllt Uir - - ! - - Ing lhree-i in tiered hats geuerallv of vel- Prnnrtli -rk--.m. r4 tlie. -.. -.-,.,- .- -B.1- vei. irimmeui wun vvutois. oi mik oi laige pearl eirmment -vjint times holding plume. Tho .-.-nn,.., rr. ,,t .... ii. i , . Ing gowns, althouch thev mav be the nit - ... ' -.....-..- ....- .. ,.....-.. .... ..... delicate and tl lint" stuffs A nnignlticent dinner gown has a icket with po-qliiou of white lace over gren with skiit or wlii'e panne, embioidetnl with a peacock ilt-lgn The contrast between moire and the id ilu taffeta i- -inguiarlv effective, whether one r the otrei be the foundation, ami hvi pe.1- tnglv -nijit lo-tumea are tlie result Klaboratt vokei and sleve and skirt band- are the rule, and in -ome ivs there Is a iletoiatlon in joke effet t on the top of the sjrt which nift ts and coire-poirs with a trimming around the lovvei part of the 1 odict This givts a piinttx-e effet t wliiili is most beeoming m:i:n in hii: siiois. For evening wr.ipu the toat shipe is much more fashionable thin the cloak Costumes of tltrk dahlia red trimmed hi black are qultp populai. Bisket w;ves in Hr;lit-vveight woolens aie to hive n -peclil thH spring. Most cftectlve figure- lor summer si,irt vaist are m ide In a new sv,ft finish t)m does nw.i witli the old-time objection to their weight and stiffness LIMIT ON GRAZING LEASES. l'mih'oi'.s for Twche Months on l.l! 0 A i-i i Tiacl-of Land. i:i Item.. Ok Feb 21 -The Depai tmeut "f ?" 1'"''r,".h,'- uirrcted the Sup, riljor ot the I tnes- Bpserves In the Kiovv i and Comanclie counlrj to base the land for gi.i7ing ci a tei;n not exceeding twelve month-, and tn limit each franchl.e lo 1 r Th. re aie JT Bfd acres in the iccrw and tin- action on the part of the Interior I'e putment will be a rehef to the big -toe'e-men. who are novv trovded out of their o'd grazing I mils bj the homestc id. i-. who are fencing .mil improving their cl ilins. In a few more vean big htr.K of cattle will be things of the past In Oklahoma CLAIMED TO BE 112 YEARS OLD. A lie Hill Found l)v:ti on His Cot a I City Hospital. Abe Hill, a negro, who claimed to be 112 veirs old. was found tie id on lis cot at the City Hospltul ve-terdav morning. Hill was taken tj the hospit il Mav S ItK) and worked at the building 'I'veral month". men win ii. rim. i) is ni:n. Large rinj Contractor of Ilnrtl Xni-V" llnrliiK tlvll Wnr Cincinn iti, O Teh 21 Blehard B Field tiieit here to-dav in Ills ninttltli veu. Mr. fiM.i .. o .. r .i ., , . 1 I icld was one of Cincinnati 1 pioneer bjsi- ' l.e-s men. h.lvlnir been in llo. Int. Ing business fiom 1SI7 until lxjs Durlrg the Civil War ho was a large contractor toi "hard tack" He was the 1 !-t survivor of Ihe founders of the Unitarian Chur'li in this clt. Ileeliim!ttor Conlesl N Innerx. KEPLMILIV SI'KUI VL. Central! 1. 3Io ,"Kcl. 21 ITie intertill de clamatory contest between .Moberlv, Mont gon trv city and CT.ntralU vva- 1 unlisted at the Ootra-honse ri.r, t.wi.o.l.. Tl... ounjf ladies' m"dal vns won bv Miss" Laura Harris, tentraiia, and .Mr. .Manlev Hud son cf Jlo-itgomerj CItv von tne vounir Rtntlemen s medal. The judges were Miss Mattle Shea. 3IexIco; 1'rofts.or Green, Sturgeon. Jin. and Profeor christian. Tarls.- Jlo. The Jloberly Orchestra fui nisbctl t p mu-ie. Cattle Issorlotlons (o llerce Guthrie. Ok... Feb 21 The Uxeuitivc Committee of tne Cattlemen s! A--cU.tions of Oklahoma anil the Panhandle of Tex is xv ill meet here In .March to merge inder the name of the Southwestern Cattle Grow ers' Asoclaticn. which will then be th; lar gest organization of cattle interests In the world. .luntlrr amy Ik Better. Washington. Feb. 21 Justice Gray cf the Supreme Court of the United States, who Is suffering from a stroke of pararjsis. is better to-da than he hap been sincn 'the Stroke occurred, but !. still cere serlonslv lndlsiiosed. He rested well Uat uLjhU - '..hV', ami li-It everv Iiiuti !.nd en rvvvlicie will f.ui. wlm .ir v.t!l i-it'o-n -!. !i tve n-iti-er Hie lir. To Youi Housekeepers Start GR.DER. Ns McKiimey's Bhie Ribbon Bread ; WILL DO WASHINGTON HONORS. ! .. , t Nills OI Allll'I lc.llt Revolution Will Vlelu-.ite With Kaiupift. Til. -Mwfxirt l? ... .. .. . . . "" ""-"' ""- oi hi- it-vim - i " ..".u ii animal nusine' ; ..Ill V.. .1.1 t, ... .. ineetim- intl election at the Southern Hotel at 1 o'cleci. this aft.rno-in Bishop Tuttle will preside. In the evening the annual dinner will be given At this furcllon bronze medals will be aw.uded to three High School pupils of Missouri, who were victor- . '" ,n," competition for the three be-l sit i ' " ribjects jert.iluing to tie Itevalutltiii t Sllfll'll -n-l j ! n.a. 1. ...... . -...... illumine me us i sre lc . ,i mtmorative of the lilrtb of George Washing ton, which are given b the sotietv on tlie biiinlav neaie-t hi- blrthdav. will be held in St IVtei's Kpiscopal Church. Undell .ouleard and Spring avenue. Bishop Tuttle will nniilite assisted by the Beverend I'tTife I? Jlillei m." iSUl st'" of "" i-r iot at the services will be members of the Sin- of the Amer ican ltevolutlon, the Missouri Commanderv or the .Mllitarv Ortler of the I.oval Legion. Mi-.ourl Socletv of the Wars V''"; of the Annrican Bevohitinn! hlldren of the American ltevolutlon ami "Ulcers of tilt United state- Ami' ml Navs The sermon will be pre iched bv the Itevertnd William Short, pastor of St Peter's Church APPROPRIATION BILL PASSED. Sewn Xrw .Measures; IniiodiKCd in Ilou-e ot Delegate-,. The supplemental appropriation bill was sent to engrossment last evening in til House or Deltgites The lull authorizing construction of sewers In Blackstone ave nue -ewer dMrict Xo . the bill providing for anpoli'tmnt of a in ister mechanic In the Fne Depirlment. and the bill rcqulrlna certain ipparatus m the attrs. wtie passed The bill authorizinir emnlnvment r ..l.n. I tionil inspectors and el.rks bj the Com- iiii-sioii.T oi i-uiiiit liiuiiiiugs. was reenm mittd It will le anieniltil -o as (o makff onlv- men eligible to tie position-. The following Mils, appropriating funds to pa- dtmagry for nllev openings were read tlie hrst time: Alley In citv block 1"1T. M.1S9. all' iu cits block 21S1. ?Ti,2. alley In cit block 1Mb $12; alley in city block 21S1X. VBt. allcv in cite block -UnT. SKS siJ: allev- in city block 1MB. ir,iu antl alio in cit block I). V. It. Celelir.'Kion nt Hunker Hill. Ill- I'l'RMf MTV! U- Bunker Hill. IP -Feb 21 The Daughter of the American ltevolutlon, local chapter Xellie Custjs veil" hold a celebration ot Washington's Birthday to-morrow All the tliugliters will be attired In Colonial cos tumes. Ilotli l.i'si Crushed I15- Curs. ihc-ib Ho-.Ie. Ark.. Feb 21 -List night Kbb Itas dun. residing near Hart'v Ark in attempt- ,nc lo "oarti 1 northbound Iron Jlnunt tin freight train here fell beneath the cars. Both legs were crushed UMFORD BAICI C Makes Light, Delicate Cake, and Rich, Flaky Crust. A I v-- "T I A ' ji - ; i H Vn d 4 Right -ABSOLUTELY PUR.E. CHICHEJTEn't. CriCLISH ummmi pslls rvllBnnlnlR is IMi.r.M MU. 10,000 !!. R.1 1 .11 Dn rrlita B.ailon tbl. pcs. Clehc.ler C Uf ulrul Cm.. VJ.Jlio. -mj.. PKILA, FA. ITS WORK IS FOR CHARITY l'resideiii Sh.tjiiio Exlain,s Posi tion of Hehiew Charity Socieh. Piesldent if. Shapiro ot the Yours 3Jen'i Hebrew Chant Society stated xesterday til it tilt societ is going ahead selling tick ets and making arrangemtnt- for the bill to be given for the benefit of the Jewish poor on March 11. Mr. Shapiro sajs the Young 3Ien He brew Ch iritv Socletv h i been organized four J ears, and that its members are yeuing Rus-ians, who are not sati-fied with tho way chanty Ins been dl-pen-ed to person" cf their nationality in St. Louis. The cir cular is-ued bj Jlosei Fraley. president of the United Jewish Chirltable and Educa tional As-oclatlon. on Thursday. Mr. Shap iro savs, doc tlie Young "Men's Hebrew Charity Society much injustice, and lib s0 c iety considers it? existence necessary, and will continue to do its work in the same inTnner as it has In the part. The ball will bo given at Fraternal Hall. Kleventh street and Franklin avenue, and 31 r. Shapiro sajs the outlook for success I? ery bright. TIPTON DEMOCRATS AWAKE. Moniteau Will Give Party " Ma jority. A. X. Clark &ns. Close majorities! of recent 5 ears have given the Bepublicans some hope of stices") in 3IonIteau County, but according to A. X. Clark of Tipton, who is one of the oldest workers In the partv here, they will not be able to elect their ticket this jcar. or come anv where near it. Mr. Clnrk was for nine xeari City JHr s nl of Tipton, and this jear he is think ing of becoming a tandl late for the Tvgli lature. He savs; the Democrati will trv to roll p a lir-er majority than ever In Jlonitcnu County this fail. FotiTlaliimrnt for Itenellt of Boers. J.I I c l.l.ic .-1-L.CI.VU Trenton, III.. Feb 2l.-The ciliz-ns Highland aie making extensive prep tion- for an entertainment to be givcri nun cii in- tne nenetit nf th -ul noneomiaiant Boer- in South Afrlc5 It win i.iKe piace itiinia night. Jl.tnh I. In the Turner Hall. The programme onsl-11 of literarj and musical features. Neir It 11 i-r b nt Bunker Hill III UKfumjcHi-ncfAi. Bunker Hill III. Keb. 2i.-The Christlm Cliurch of Bunker Hill l.j- ,,,rh.....i . t J liable lot ami will in the near future' erect j an elegant ami modt rn church building. V7fvV "Ob. AUr.Hntr 1 (tTIr. It nct tor FCKjS arI i.tA mi Hfbotw -rjl-iwlrttlntf-iHNMi. J Wv TLc othtr. Kfti Dncrro fc f9! 7LP tltntluR lmltt1. Bo f Jfr I iD jr-atiii, or -u 1 -it. iu -"inufi for Purtfetuitr. r f? y rfin Xin POWDER A 1 I K J-Stsjftft -tj ,I.V t V V iJ'C L2?iii .5 'TV-A' '- 'S-lV-J; CAf.'Slst.'.vg 'lifA'yfiA. 3fi"" i T-.j '-i ' -