1 Of:-5
J .- a
Mirnnr sofiKTii:s.
skciiut soch:tii:s.
HOOJIM VTi: HANOTi I ou'rt (, ntl'inan "
i,'kI lutllt uwies. a. iiHiimuuiii in hbpk iwiti".
05 Bartmer Avenue.
i of the finest homes In the West End White stone house, hardwood flnlph,
water heat, 12 rooms und ballroom. lVit 10fl"10. Ever thins first class.
p4 Bartmer Avenue.
rt r-Ymi3 and rercntion hah modern and complete ti Itli screens, fixtures, etc.
fll furnished ir uiifii-m'heil
or. Etzel and Hamilton Avenuss.
Ten-ronni modern frame residence, on a choice corner. The lot itself will soon
.it iv i ! i he ji: b-i
.'est Morgan Street Bargain.
V- i .1 - iiiMintil Vrwin S-torv hiir't residence, well located, on line,
I if. . i 'i'i uhl, h e i.m i.ll for S4.500.
api- A venus, bstween Belt and Union.
: i i. H - i nv lint wti'er hi at, every modern convenience. I, it
" l v i - -. S1H.GDO.
20 Nevvstead Avenue.
t . . i; -r. . . ,,. if, option hall, lvtli. saF. etc. Lot -i-.12u. Cor rale
m - i - l' iif.rMnp I tisii.os
07 Pendleton .Avenue.
" ' - 1 .. ti -. .inu .",-r.ioin biiik i.ttase, rtcepUoa hall and h"t
i I a t. '1 i
35 Page Avenue, '
- i- .M.i.Mn f-roiim brick risidenie. Iat Sl.'Jxrki. A fine
r ' - n i ,r or dent-st. Will sell cheap in dliMit Interests.
19 N. Tav.or Avenue,
lc ii" i i ioilc.ii 7-rn-iin brick residence, reception hall and all con-
i i i-I.e.. I--.: J.'MI.' $5,000.
- ? t i. ., : i. i.s.d.n.t- v id i.-i i t t.- rm::i: ir':i:u"''
a . .',- offer We luv -iinie -.f tl.- I'lNKST Hi'Mk- IN
fii. yi '. i w n vci a-lliiliso. .ic.i i-nl-. m pull , ti liOXA
I-'II'Ufi ' i - .::; "i. -"plication .it mi offl
Unit ?
nltli Iirt-ilub. I-oaiu
l,utas aie.
references rchungrd
ROOM and lurd n'ar llraiid .iip h two
vi.uiie stiitl'men A ldr .. i.iii- C It .Missuuil
UOi-.M:' . ri;t Two furn.hpil ru-inn Tor
light lions, lumlni:. ai-ll'lp lo Tut-lfih r
rar from MjUl!i.e-. portion of clly. , 57. It
publli ROOM WANTED NVar Ci mt t -n and I-afaj-pitp
ai-'. i ninfortalle rmrn for Kt-nlipinaii.
southern ir pjstprti firti". with furn-ice hpjt
Tvirli T V, It. mil luh'.- Iwlrd W 37 IJepubllc
HOOxC with board tn prliaie tarntlv V.eet
l'n.1 In i.mnp lrpnitenuii'; leferinces i-xchingod
1 d.irri-i ?lnimfl 111111 anJ location. T S3. I'.e-
! ruuic
itoiM:M. inc.. yvAXTKn.
I I'I.T V. NTi:i Miiirn 1';:: li" ilnldrea. It
I r It' mWi'
HiiuM ' xxmi-Ilj leflnul k "t. man. nt e
' fitn!al'ii luon. in ln-ii.i wt . liow with-jut
ll'Mll.l i Itrpilljli?
axciext rncc axd
the Th!rt-' .Mafunic n.tili-t ut JI"
tout! vtll h' hrii! t T.30 to-nlgnt norp
in tie lonlr Hall, itrjnt rnu- -"-'"'
TotpIc M'lsl-i 31n?ont an- '?' "; u
lulled lo alt' ml Vil , 11A1.L.
Win II I'lie.ih-m. teirel.nj
i) I). I! M
At'iiH i.ot:i xo. 5i ir op p..
tffo rurti e7er - Tue?day fccninff ut S oVlork
himi in fjurilllinn uuii.iinK. sio U1H
hlrtpt. W.irlf in rank al. im rn tinnd.
VVtw.r'. ciirdtally imlleii and mtmbfr exr-pcted
wuttxiJ FRANK Ui:rkT, I. '
itei- O v.- nifton. K. cf K. A. S . Xo. :i!2
.ii'h Twnt3-.ecfnd trM.
A I!KfIP. .Mi:CTlXli Ob V .' V
Slene I.1se No 3. A I, '-,,Ar.,, !,
XX''"'1-1'! "' M'ont'' ThtoI' VVt!,'
' r -:r p. in for work ir. tne I ir;t an.I rn.i
l.ior Hi.'-" . ,.r.t t
VCAI.TL.K M.l.U3ii
Jan A Smith. Jr.. PfcrUiJ.
CAl-llK I.OIMSI:. Ml l'? -V' . ,.
l!rea.l.n W.rklnlV ""," vi'.H.
l,.r lejll-tfil ti l" l'"!,"U- ,..'! w I. ome ll li. an.ui.!...
. j. WalUil:.
IllOr NH.
A i VI- !L A M will lioll ttitMl
i:oi:a ifliwi; no -, ic of i.
,i, li"-!-. -ii u"-iiot,r ri in i;r"ilvTv m i
l Ktril llri-fl Prill. nlri- W.irk In till.
" i.lUK DC IvnlRht IellrilJll ri. 1502. A cor
lil InillHiI.n is rxtcr.di'd to ch
J f i-.ivt.-iiv.n ." C
J llunj. K. rr It. ?.
or iioxiTon lyiDor:. .-..-ri Thuri-iliiir
-iiiinj; in i nwr t.ull.llni: (east nail).
Vlnth RI. 1 0!Hn itn.,1. War' In r-i
rank it l.tdulri; Tburft'aj. Tebruary 2i. Members
esrirt-u un.I i.lfclli.-p Invitnl.
rnr.ii i, rnsTnn. c c
i .1. tlllo. K fT II p
i".Ti.r n.M.i.
-V-Sc- no r.s. k .,r i
to i.i: i' nut iils
ltrjU fund
i: I'l U1MM.
. I
i n-.a'i
141 HAN r.
; .,1 I. i.l'lll.
I n.-.lon Af
: liui -h
e" liejp. i .ill
run i!i:'r-
.! mi:vi v ri. rs.
lOil Air. -T-T IVu- li-o-n fiAl. Hi t
i-'oii hi:nt vim Jiiiix i,ini:,K!H v.
9 ffl Ual 1"3 ft rA 131 0 -fft inn
' S (i-d
ir ii .
itiri:n t:
u-i f .nihil,
. ii hi ti. for rnt
CIT1 flttlfilllTV
l.i-ir.l n-1
ih- I M
reniM--t-il tn
1- !i llt-J
' Henry l.tliou. ?"e'tan
e.lll. f. lor
Iti-ir.lif ar .ar-ii" a-e fni'ernul-
. I. MMtlOX. V- 51
a r.ooi. ihii-i: l.HKii:. xri -l' a '
Jl.,1 11 - S--ut'-d ..llilt.iullli.nt .Ml -""'J"''1
T?X ...i-lu Mart. '. !"! -it . !l " '.'.'.',,.,,
'V i,,m No .Til pi in) L'l.intnai. ,'7'"';"
mi!. I IVII.I.IIM V i:AX.-. W.
1- ml W. II -I " l!.l.ll.l. 'r ill..
" a mi hi 1:1 uiur.r. xn 1 a. & ).
'KJf k' ut :.: ii ic. .-.iniiiiiuii i.-i-.
V liru'lj.l Arllli SIjwiii' 'IVnlfle. Al l
il. --r.-p 51. 'iilm, are cii.f -J to b pirtiiH- i
lltns l-iithtPii fiateinallv 1-ivlti-il
fit VS. JKI.KAX. W 51
J l'i II ' i.
8 iioo'i"! foii itFvr. j
2. CPU ' -C "" n.'f .'-tai
m fo J i op i- -k i --l l 1-- -i-p5
j II..iip s ti-.p ' ' t'Pi N nth rl linn.
D,l, At. n- N- " U -" ij-itmr " I r--m. .'-!-.
innni-itir f r i;p -1' i . ip,r. not '
9;i. 'I -i- "1- :- I "
lAI'l v1 " - p vr." 'pn. a's
lAl1 A f?R X-atl. flirnl.iiPd bd
l - ' Uli. )ip f i llgti' h iii.r.-pplrc. cpap.
HlAl'WA. tn pud 117 N - At "The Kent,"
3ti r uni .- . tpn rvoins. Sic; t-!i lomns Wc
tfH Af , -R13 Neiit'y rurnlh.d riyni fpr
lempn or houser l 'nc. Pi. .toi.e, batli,
-TSTNT-f an1 Tlfrrrnth Gt (Wj-onln; IIo
orty front roc'. 515) w-rJ. up. steam
R3!, ft- qi!t
inrSTNT T St 1Wl rurnlshM front nn4 ,
?nym for j.rn.-'.T-.n o- l'jfht houkerpirg;
iDvtnl'nrt-, rtnD rnt !
V)TTrT" W- 11-Hall room and rooms I
arnt nrmwfcpini,
InUTKAT' Ae SC" T o lire front; fur
i Lath. rj gfntlem-n Jl -. up, als? rrar at
SuTEA!" A". 121--Nirljr furntshM rponx
fruf kp;iln(r J- "5 n- "--. h-ll room. ?1.J.
ftothr rnr is
rlTTT-AI Axr l-X N!cly furnled frcnt
fr n" it-entl-ii'n. Rlro m All room, p'.
itooMs roit unvr.
-l" 1 N 111 :t lli s Mm funM., ' M
r- 't. flri-r ll"tr. otnt-l.-te one o tw s i 1 m ti ,
f mat- fHtnilv
SH I'.NTll -t ill! Nrj,". fnrhi'lr "nt.;
FuiTitht- ff i ' .n.... 'mi-- im.: i -in - r i
i u-m tv- pin., t 'in i i iwr. p . -i - i
I. Til st . 1- N - V h ii'-" if A-nh , -.-i
ittl HiK ..' . r i in, Ih .). . , , i 1 ri
per wk IJ-5 1 fr- Iti'i
. Tl.NTIl St. HO' S With fultilvli-! i i
itltftb'- far (.-"..tlt-iiion . ti"' kc . ' i ti -t
TIZN'TII m S tltC- rural-cLl i- .-in fn irl
nt fttTnil. fcr or cnlIrM-n. hot hath, tin
lfn'alli ra-ni.iilr
7Un i onnprtins rocms. one- hKc from -ib-ann-
Tut. tv,i scniKiren cr cu-;;il X a?,
J German pvr( famlU
11:a1" A J"5 Nlrly furnthed frcnt
Lcomple.e f r ruht IiOUS-KfCFing. 51 . J
i .jj. nor " mm uuu.
At. A?. 'Wl-6 IMC an-I irl3S
tt- forVIarht .uni.--pn;j; furnlohed. lz
f uiifuiVtrrd i z rotiDPcimg rooms
UrM w-st-r Tn-2 i nwniu a
tit N Nl- rlr fin:!3h?4
nell fur-
nt reasonab.c.
K, ca. latb
3Cx c S'U -f-ni Titc mom.
fl. sap. hot t.av furoai.)
fi -
21 C SOX Pt - n-santlv furn.hrd front
n nil molcii. n -rnlrnecs, rfapcnabl.
TtlOS St Tt,A bcTii-i:t.,ri front rcom
tthr rooms, ftirn .' heat. ks, bath, termi
Vbl p
ZTON 5tv SS -SwdTnl-nlorv front room
Jth-r room8. farnat: liat. gan; hath, terrrii
I?KNTI. S.t H19 3 NIcMy fumlsliM front
a-ultA f-r is ntlr-en; aL.o conncttR;
- comr ' f'T light hou-kpcpInff, J3 to J12.
INKT.TV vf . Z3- nirrlhM rtKm. for
rhou(-ekplT.s or roomers, from 31.25 to ti
wk. nip an-J rip-p!oble
tAM;i.1K A, 30i i!Anawi-f, iicwlv pa
's rcwly fn".'rict3 room; nil front rcom;
fc r connctIrz; cas. bath: 1.S0 a -wetk tip.
fnv.s.lFT.. or tirrcrnthed: monthly In a3-
. $3 up w . ncputiit
ASCOU I'lare, 30-3 -Suite
- for man anj ,lfe
of unfumlshM
lAS'GOW lMar- ?C-3 I'urnlshM or unfur-
d ioof:s, tlrept loratnn tn tne city; see
I'lllr St. .SNir'lv and newly fumlsiieil
i-3r3r room. J2 &) per wek. also back
ra-. nai ana niin.
ST Ft ;M -I-ara-e. nlrl furnlfhed
with al! p-nienlno: special rates and
Yition pi- n i mill-wrs
jCl"ST St ::I2 TCI-- pleasant ecom.-storv
k ar.ii nin-r nic1 jriomi: luinnco n-ai. i-wt
r, hith, ct- r-rv rea.onabl
WASHINGTON Ave.. lM3-K.trr.UhM room- ,1
a e'j up; furty :nliiuts to VrM's l'clr
"vashxnOTOX Ae., 225 Tno elepantly fur
nlpbed frunt moms, all modern convfricncen. !of
and cold ra-tter
VSHINOTOC .Up. .noXIlv fur-.I-l M
front room and other- for li-rht houv-;tlnK an I
pentlerrtn. all vonnIrr-LH uascnable,
"WASHINGTON Air, C' N"! -Iy fi.mi'het
-econd-flticr front neiTi, ninplete for luni'i"ck''0
ln: or Kt-ntl-nen. ilso hall room. roaonthle
" WAhHINGTON Ae. 1515 Nl-ely fml;hel
front parlor. alo reronJ-'trv front. fiiltl 1- for
tnn or four gemUm-'i' nice, pmalt room II 50.
W ASiilNf -TN A-. IM" M-eI runi'hc 1
rlean -omfarnole room-, whol- .1- dlstrlc?t. ro--.pertaMe
hou-, light hous-keeplns If do-lrcd;
tl wk tin
WASH St . 2342 One furnWiM roam for lUht
houyekteplnc. SIM perweek.
ViIbSTIU Ave. U-P Xentlv fuinlphe,! rr un
'urnihed rooms for centle-n'n o- llpnt hoii--keeplnc.
all ronvi-ilence; ronf-ii!ent to cat".
WINI-i-OIl Place. SWA Two rocinf. newly fit
tM for llpht touekeeulnc. northern xtoiurc,
alw. two romf .ult-b. l r couple ladies or
ftm wth nmi.
" AlTNTION t d with rar- of e-;r.eri-ncc
ulth fMIdren wou.J Uwrl and car frr Fmall
rhlld- 1 ot of referenre. 11.1 Hen ton gt
"COOK Ave., 4142 One nlcelv furnl..ed second
Morv mem, --o.urern exiwtiro. with first-cia-
h-trl- all ouvenlr.eei-. reaornble
"'iMYTON St 2tS -. -SecfnJ-Ptirv front ron.
th honrd. and other rooms, furrac lieat. pas,
t ath. ieaonah!e.
"" "t.ii i m t ini.t r,i 7ln Vliolv ftirnlmird
,)!. Dill, IHIUlliBKii ij ...... .-...
rc-tinr, nlth board.-o.ery-Coner.UncN
""pni-llAT: llouldi ard. CBAElegant room for
renllm-r., accommodations first-class; prhate
DELMAR Ae.. ".Tf Nkcly furnished second
storj front room, suitable for three gentlemen
or couple; also light back room, with board.
T.EI-MAI. Bo-lenrd. 3T9 N'lcelj furn'shed
second-story frcnt and other rooms; first-claFs
troard; prliat family, all ci nyenUnrcs.
"riNNI-V Ae. 34 Modern r oms. nicely fur
nlehfsl: all convenience?, wen heated; rooI
board reaponahle.
FINnTjT " A e.. 37ft4 Nifltly furn'shed second
tor; ro-ms; hot bath furnace heat, Kood table
board: rates reasonable.
Twele-room modern houe, lot )xlS5.
two baths, hardwood tin-ah. hot water
heat, cedar clops.", K.ns and elictric ll(?rit
hxture. .sitades. .cretna and storm win
dows co with the houfe
Prios, S7.500.Q0 Cash,
Iinjiitr- on the jrcmls.-s No deduction
f-oni price tiara- d -'an he made foi com
niioilon or ir.j i th"r purpose. fl.WHii Is
.'3 p"r leiow the market prlc for the
t oucc
4259 Wss? Fuib Oouiovard,
Lot29or54 Feet Front.
lias 10 room, fire reception hall, parlor fin
ished In bird -- map'e, dlnlnu-room finished
In quait'T sawM oak. rec ptlun hall, jurlur nn 1
dining- o.j-11 -J ub'e floors ard poll-died ak, with
parquet'o i m Vi hathn on n: wMt, p r.
lair tub til t1 fUinr aid n kl pUtn rlumbms
also blll'ard i ".ne n--(e- en firt and
end n.-ra- als - "n-ole In rerept'on Iul1 s"t
s;1r. 'ii Ut-hin. trunltoid fl-tt r ir ieUi- ard
. jU stooiP T--j,rr. i-ll3r - feet In ilear. K
porch an tl" I Pour. ele trie wiring .und p3l.
lnz tubes. V . Itrv. pflop -lid lorttculirs. ee
K!:t:i.l-:. A. CO. 1113 Ch-stnut st.
K.I I G It. S OF roi.UMUt'S.
sr. iAris rn..'iiu no
V. nee:s er .rst and t.itri
i uedtj at ft I---1 Hall,
u.!.w-.t ' Tint ey jnd
Varideeiter amies Ynlne
Vnirhts ore crdUiU
JOHN S l..:A!Ii.
GrariJ Xn'cht
Jo. f Carroll. Jr.. nejordln?
T ai.m'mm: iit".tAXii:iiv. -no.
- IH Kntpliti TPnipliri. w li Ii.iW a m-iipi
V. . .n lo,. r . . 1S.I11M1H PVPl.lPC. U1IPI1
Sl-4-? i. ,.V..ini'tli .11 S ...ilt. In PnM I "rni
l-.'tnjl- Knlc'ii" sip 1 ipiliall. m-lied
M I! Vli'ivltov. lnlnpnt I'-uiinundi r
IV 1' lit. kail. Itp-or-lp--
jur, 1 OIIAI. I."D'Sr M lw.. I. O I)
iyffAKi V . iiippi- prj r-i(anla ptenliifi at
f!V'il- at Hi hall, llllion inl llanchpstpr
-.aiT5 H-pmi'i M.-mlii-i- ai- rpjiti'Sted lo
aitp'.d isitlni; hiwtliptd wflp.-ni"
w. j. ki:"k, ". r..
J Clnrnptt. S.crelary
Asn.r ii i.i, itiuinitT i: cntVAV.
f Xo 1-1. K i.f I' IVp Hall. Ontnrv
I! llillrc N'-nlh and Ollie Street 'n
51-ml iv lVlii:arv 21 al s n. m .Zia-p.
'H mPetl-K l-iti.rl iiir.liallv InlitPd
i: i:. mn utAN. i ".
Mte.f llpnr. II I iitLl'ert, K of 11. & ?.
cmcvu.H'R iormi: no 70. K. of
i n .p. 11 in in t hi 1 riiiini"' Tptp'p.
1II! V.i . rioor ItiKilHl irl
in.i p.enlrir. 3 o'cltil:
Hi rltip if iiiivi t m--p p.ln'-iliv i-iri- . .u l"Pj l.ltilll' kllUlltl HlWAiJ
imp mvs'i.i:vii i"iiri:. ' '.
.-.t I. ill V. S-iCPrrrpi. V if I! i !-".
Ir--. ""fc1 Xr-'-lial s'ri pt
Ins ii
M int.
1 noie
tV'M Ml.) l.OI'Gi; 0. 2.6 K (H
1 ".I'-- . t Tur.iJi evt-nlns; at s rtr Hall, Vnti-rv hiilldlnr.
Ninth ard Olie tiets Tnlav -e-
it fn rink if Kill!.' ar'tlifVd firn.
j 1 iiu-ted 10 h- prist nt Vl-Mor- wel-
O K. M'Hl.NIv. t C.
lTnpse K It A S
gX UVMON I.oifGi;. NO 2 K. or !.
V-WW I:it eeri MVIn-'-'a-. - erilnp at lVa
wVjy terti'il but Id n ir. tPonlli trpet 'ind
--" !'r.nkIJn awrm- Hall No 2, Bt-lpe4
nierni7 Membr of th- Senate win report for
P titc- 11 C '
ti-- l- n rwinrl. K. of It. JL S-. No. 3T4.A
I.. t n flenie
gom-cn sfi:rTi:rt ioioi.. no.
j-,- i n o I" - M"ts Satar
..a pAenir-t at And.- lull, comer
' ....- of j.ffc-n a.f-iu- and IVstalozal
str'et Visitors cordlallv lnlted nd members
exrcted to attend. Go S. VH-. 2tl ralifornla
nve.. noble pr.tnd. II. 7k'ue, iL-.Kraiid. Win.
H Ta.lor. recording secretarj; Grant C t.reen.
financial t-cretary. J6 I3ulblana aenue.
s?jI yorvn -Try i.orGr. no 27.
VVtSSf' r -lT--r nitetlnps e---ftP"er
on,i an,i fourth s turda of each
. -if; month at UV No 4 OdJ Kell-iw"
luiilhni,. ui.iripc-t come- Ninth mil H'e
Ft!- t--.ttnK bifthi-'i frr.v ttiallv lnltetl
p:hmi rtii.rv. N n
(iiniis l. M' ntErcnie . s.t t jrj'-
? 7"i"nir: gi.kat innn :o 27. K.
Vjty of l . meets nerv v dnedav ee"ilnKat
A K t.vifnk at II01 -ird'f Hall. Thirtieth and
OPe treei- Vedped.i exein- TVb
r vx "H. worh In rank of Jf.nire All KnUht
aro "niiernnllv llU'lt.d
war t nL'Tnn. c. c.
C".."."-. Gi)MEN CftOWN I.TW.E NO f2.
meet- nrrv Tridir eenlnc. Hall No.
2 t nth nr r-nturv bulMInc:. Ninth
m' Oli- tife'c Work in rank of
Knljtlii at nxr t o-nentlon, Trbla
eVlipuiri 21 II tnernhoiS exported.
1-ito-r- oordhlK In . itd
J H MU-M.I.. C. C.
Choice Residences.
j Lovely I3Room House in
Fullerton's Westminster Place, No. 4349,
North side, hetween Koyle and Newatead avenue?. The hotire tva built for the owner's and it thoroughly well built. Owner, leaving the city, wishes to sell at once. A rar
opportunity to get a home of thi3 bind.
Maryland Avenue,
Iletw-een Whittle"- and lioile. Several choice 8-room houses on north and south sides of
street. One of the nicest locations in the city. Low pilce.
4363 ricPherson Avenue.
A beautiful 15-room detached house. Tvlth 30-foot lot. On toji of hill.
$2,400 Will Buy a 6-Room Brick,
With strfct and all improvements made Only JIM cash required.
Washington Boulevard.
Just what you
netween Kinir's h:i;liway and Fnion
I'hiiii" arid Jt low- tlRurem.
We huie two Uautlful lious.s In this location.
NVti M-ionin ilrt.n lied
n.'iuthl i.imptl.
5927 Clemens Avenue.
h.Hi'-e on 0-j-fiiot lut Wilt Mnall cash ji merjj -nC
10 Per Cent Net Investment.
We li i r soine Mai- and Itt sttnenls that will jiay Jt pr tctiL net.
Ih .m want a l".iutlful rrl.Iencr lot lit
Fullerton's Westminster Place?
We hale one on 11k south side of ilie -tret al a low- figure. See n.
Now Is the Time to Buy.
Prices will soon .-idiance. We ha for ?ale
Choice Building Lots.
Honey to Loan.
uiil:ia i'iiopkktv roit salh.
LOT COxlS1. feet on riubu-ban car line ut city
limits; for particulars write c ie, Itepubllc
1. OS A LIB St Tin. iniendal Seen-rxm aub
urban h -use. larce lot aM lmpro.ement.; cheap.
ruoillirTVoiT or citv rou si.n-
COTTAGK. lTO. -Hematite, Mo., new ard
mor,in tL-ee-r. im ioitaj-o ant 2' eri sroun 1
leiralily lotated at ji l-ar;-ilii t lnure imme
diate jr Applv 4lr. l.lndeil boul-ard
ijtns IPGC. NO i. o.
saturaiy e-.-n-
c-5aSSSJK:. n r v-t. ..err
ISIW Ir.c li ill N 1 atf ocU-rk south
'Stif- at . rn. i Mmh and OlI.e stie.:.
All nu nib' r ii .a ntfth riueaied to attend
Is-itur wej miv W rk fn the rlrsi degree
r n rrcK. s.crt.
r.itMs rou mi.i:.
I.NI lio-it 'i.'") serps .Ir!n hnrdwo -d
timber lands, will tut l'.3u fot mil -ier p-r
acie. r..-ee-m-ible to water and rail trHiipoita
tljn; -he.p to r.ish pur.,,a-r II ".". I!ep-dii.
1N1 !" nt unimproefl ner bott'im
land, in Klpl- Cunt.. Mo . one mile ..-,m
town; two raltioadi". i ii, IV Addi-rs it -;
.!". I-mlphnii, M
KMIM -2tt'-a"re farm in HHim4" near --t
! iit- te-i-if-im. :io-mi iv hou.e, 1 irje inrn.
tlte ftr t-oal tTitn- on the frm. pi ice s;.vi. n'
- i acr-. Kirpeji rkh t-.ttonj -en-r fat1 Ins;
water .cr M'-.k. tiri-e. jtt"M, Jn fish, balance
ten .-jr- r' ;". Ilepuh'ii.-.
.iCWit WI1.UUV LOtG. NO. 2. 1. O.
-jvWi O I", meets Tuesday eenlnj of
-SaiSi- each week nt 7l ill No. 1 Odd J el-
t-f lows bulldlr.E. co-ner Mntn al
oiie at S d ia. Vlsltlnc brothers are cordially
lniitrd J- r. rniciiARP. n. g.
V Moore. Secretary.
GAI.RISON Ave. T1S N Seeond-torv
roTitn. nicely furnished, with h-at. hot
! suitable or couple; lioald
CTST Ft . Jl3" Nicelv and newlr fur-
Im room with all modern conveniences for
houseKeepin-r ri '-.entieinen. lea-inapie.
iCl'ST St 2311 Il'-u.'-ekecplnir roomf, -reter
irwim-. larp ratitij all conveniences. r1o
room one urge e.epp'ii'r-roi'm- furnate r-at
GUST Ft 2211 -llousekeeplnij room, water
room, larjr tantrv all convenience!; also
room; on larce sieeping-room. mrnnc neat.
CITST Ft. 2F1- I.arce. ivwl an 1 eletrar.tlv
Ished room, with 1-at hot and roll wter la
li ; all modern eon, enle ncr reajtcnable, to
CAFA e .217 Nicelv furnUhed room for
emen. hot water hath all conveniences;
CAP A.e. 22-C Nlcel.) furnished thlrd-r.oor
; souinern xiw-ure. Fiiunoie tor - ceniie
nr1 couple nil cinenlences reasonable.
CAP Ave JitC Newly furn's'ird second
front mem hot and coM water In room;
pas and funece tent prl.ite family
CAS Ae. 4n: .The Inn -.looms nightly. 16c
re. weekly XI to XI m- bnths free: lust
11 nn1 e-.enh.nsr rew nnd tlrs-clii-s.
CAS Ave 2327-rienutlful seCond-torT
; southern j.rKTsur with nrst-cli-s boird;
younr men t two voini; men. $, each.
T-ACI.KDr. A.. '054 Beautiful, warm, newtv
furnl.shM front room, fur one or two entlni-n
or couple. Lreakfast If desired, no -hlldr-'ii, rea-
iIaWTON Ae. 2ST-3-J4W week: evillent
l-oar-l; latRe. nunnj. necord-story frcnt iTom. for
two. hot lath: aaf, heat. o.n Iioro-j.
EAZINi: St 5003A-T-A neatly furnlfihed
I for two nentlmen or light hou-tt-keepim-;.
rtvonierces, prtat faml'j . convenient to
l.INDlZI.I. Ucuhtird. 310 nirfMtlt seiond-fclor-,"
eonnectlnp ioom, with boanl, slnsle or
-n suite, for couple or Kentlemen.
LOLTST St . 211R Rtr-rtis and board. ood tnble
Locrd. home comfort".
I.OCCST St. 31 .5 Newlv furnbhed ro-.m-s;
Brst-claa tHirJ; mo-Irn conveniences.
' I"CCST St , 1424-Guefis to ilty accomm -dated,
also dav b..ard-rs. l-ttoni atit-mnio-3at-d
Mrs. Thomas
I..OCI ST St 20.0 l-arire, well-furnUhed fom-nrt-clnss
lmir and all cm.enlepc. special
rat-tofajiiUbs and gemle-w-n. 'h !! X.S-
IH-TST St . 1511 Kront parlor. ld foms.
,tood board: furnac- h.ii: southern ocpo-ure.
1,001 rats and accommodations foi milliners and
I.VCAS Ave . 3213 Neatly furni'hed, heate,
room. v.ltli excellent board, J3i for two.
MISFOIni Axe. lOV-I.irse, clean rooms, hot
bath, furnace heat: ccnvenlent to tar", good
table; terms moderate.
"3FoiI(;AN Ft. 2?22Arurnl,-h-d room, with or
without board
I.GAN Ft t1;3J rc- week fnrnls-iM
for houekfeping, all conveniences caj
tat- suburbin ars to I.eon.-nl nve.
MORGAN Ft.. 2.""4-HaIlroo-n. with t-nanl, for
pentltmen; J13 per month; gas and heat.
MORGAN. SiOA Irrnt room, furnished to
pleae. secord floor; Imnrd; tea-onabIe
lC2r IocIy house cf S rooms
I'. J. Cav?mu;ii, nt,
10 AN $t " Prhat. family has nic
Tn-e-ro-ei rrmt rom, ilso back room to
i. nor hith neat, --ultabls for one or -.o.
RGAN Ft r2I U r.p per wrV. conrectlnc
. furnished fi- hrMse-eprif: sill ronven
. rhs rans:p u:urh-in cars to lonard &Te.
UGN Ft . JC-l NleeU- fiirnHhe.l ooiriT
Vi i oncnlencei -. !Ient table f w n r.irtie-.
-;ii r'r mori'i on- nioci; uuro;tn ana
3241 -urn!ifheil for eentle-
kht housei.erprr
1VR R 2T24 Ntcelv furnished rooms
keeplnc IV centlepn. nil conenIenes.
ivr. 5i
T-o ejecnntly funIse.l front
all con eiletjce; m. btth.
LlW i :"TV" Newh fumlhe.i frrnt rarlor;
an r.w.m St - un. pii c nvenience?. cn-
VI - rr N' n-at1v furnUhM
nice -til roM furpl'hM and comfortably
near "cje-ne.! crnter
tl "i rw" Crt.t-.-.-i.or. frort nicm, for
-nirr .lth furnar-e he4t hot and cold
aIo bath, terms rcn.sfnaiiic.
Vr. t 231V Nice front room", neat! fur
1: hot water, bsth. f etc near business
: and tatlon verv reasonable
VD Ft 2S23 ""eTvlv and eiegntlv fur-
l rooir. for contiemen, or win nrrance for
iceepins if d'fjrei.. ga, iatn and heat.
r -t ?v Newrh and rtelv 'irI,i1
1 -econd floo" frpt and other -'vre.
cnmrnlepces well heated; iras and bath
Ft 2;io-- Two nice, neat room all
fr hrt'i-ekeepipa other nice rooms
t r "ertlemen hot water, bath, fte :
i t0 l'hfpe Klnloch r 2131
N. Grand aif
MORGAN Ft. SHT-neflutlfuIlv fumlfihed
rovns. m1 th beat and all comcnjenie-; tirt-clai
table, term- reasonable.
MORGAN Ft . ""Ai Iirre, eie-ant rooms, one
block from fn ar line: married couple or
tnt!emen, latter prefcrn-d ftrst-rlass board
OMVB fit . 42T5-Handsorne -.e-onrl---trrr front
room: southern epo-ure. first -cii-s boml. mod
ern hotie. furnac heit: couple or aentltirien.
OLIVI Ft 22IG Nice, pleg-mt room-, warm
spil comfortable neitlj furnKhed hot water,
furn'ic- hont. with or without bo-inl: ea'-opalle
ITNr Ft . TC2- Roorcs so'ithern e-,poure, --1!
fumishr-d. excellent beard, modern convenlen-'e?,
rssopaHf terms.'
TINi: Fr.. NirrRrnutUiil fnrrdl.ed rnoms. with
be-1 of board, fur-aee heit and f onvenlcnc.
(rim er tea son tble
1TNI" t , "'.r.'V Nleely furnlshe,! rooms, second
Poor. -.lth first la bn-ird. furnace heat and
convenience-", verj rrn.onable.
PIN!" Ft. 22P- Iir-:e -cc-Vi i-"torv frrnt toom.
e-ganilr fnrnfsl -d, with f.rt-Mas toard; hot
and cold bath, all convenience.
ITS'I. Ft 3.2r nxcellent table Iwiard. without
rooms g"Kl ae-ommo!atlonp. plentv fruit and
rKetables; by dav or week; $1 per wee,,.
PINi: Ft. 3"-W NorGrnml-nienntlyfur-nUheil
pecondtr.rv front room; alo back parlor;
very be?t board; furnace heat, pas, hot bith.
ITNi; Ft.. 2:?2-Lirjre, nlcelv furnlshel front
room; also larse hall room; t-econd floor, tltsi
ci boiril; f-irrace heat and connIenee-; rea
a. o. r. w.
,----, rnni:r i.oi'GK. no., 12. a. o.
vN,lii u W. Meets en the ccor.d and
ft-?tr'- tnnth ttituitls) of each month at
"CTI; Pranklln aenUe. Iltors fratcr-
- ,U1I,J V C. llorSK. M. W.
Attrf Pankl IUan. Hecor-ier.
Ilenrv " i
MH-'nl III Ijilirii: NO IC Ol" P.
SrV rturllncli-n liuildircr V. .;n II .itrepr
Th IiiiIsp will til. rpcti'I. or Ar
' mi'iiil iHtil. if r-qnirp on rriilni en-
ms, lvhnur "t vi.iturm ,-iUnii wPlonrn.
v Moitrtis
ilia" f rink. K "f l: S
g rifinr inner., xo j. k-of.-t.
S-, net p.rv VPdi"Mlj PiPninc In Cpn
1 Itirj hclMinr Nlntli an-1 Olive ptr.t.
v ' Mnilitri xi'pctd .ind islton. cordially
liiilte1. W..-1. In pujulre runl. v,)niiir evn
lr.s. r-brinrv 13 c HOGGI.1. f. C
J jr&impbJi;. k of n & s.
IS1 r.xn tnnx lopcji:. :;a s k op i.
VrjfcV n-p.l. p.pry TUP"dav epnlr.u In hII No
"g 3 O.M IVIIpiis' bulMlic. Xlnth nn.l OIIip
' 5trppts Xrxi Tiip.ilai- rank of n.qulre
Membprs and
alt -ri pip pirilUlU- InvltPd.
ro v nnrvin - c
r -irk Irh-vs. n. i: cf I!. d ?.
"kmihi wri:r v :ii tc of p
1. ituhr in", mz ppr Thtlrnlae pven-i-ii;
n. Ildll V. 1 (hM Fellow.' hu'Iiilrr
Ne-tr Th .. orlt In of Knlgli:
Sl'mli11"- .i'i i"il r- . ordL-illr in. ltPd
,ivo a HP.i'Nr.i:. r ci
j r wine, k of n -i
i'5tfV mp"ii '
iJX Hall 1
'7- ;.-, in.
rfd tro?h i-onon, no r.i. ic or p .
!!, pinfv uedniBvliv t (ml ppiioi.
Ninth anil OIUp rtrpets rPUrnary
.np. X'l kilanti nro ln"lip'l
ripiiit-ir. k of n is
m wiiiiT ijoncr.. .o :. k. of i-.
4 rippt. eierv Thursdav pvrnlnc at . o'clock
fS "harp nt I-luhtrfone', II:i. ourt ccr
3l npr V:iPpnt:i ,tift find Franklin avpnut.
AT Cummin-;', -lti". Walnut. onpo-lte Fotithern
Hotel, --t our maju-rade c0htuins wig
mack-; country orders solicited; theatrical p'avs,
t-jieras- furnished.
ARTI--TIt theatrical I'-tte- heads, tanls. en
velop? swell half-tone and olor pointing, price
right Tic I'. S"mlth f,f .-.. seventh trt.
CXSTl MI'S Masn.ucrad centimes and wig
by Louts Kuith, CM- S. IVuMh st . rea-rnble
MAFCr.7r. lI-and the.itilcal costumes to
rent: Iargi variety and low pflces. . II. J
Fhaw. 11" F. I'ourlh ht.
WORLD'S PAIR coFtumer and wicmaker. the
atrical supplies for profrjssl.nals. 1'ueger, 5...
Walnut -t.
I-NTI'lH'RISi. Steam t'arret Cleaning V
Special attention to altering, sewing and relijfnsr.
l.aston an1 Pendbjnn Un JIT4M. Klnlotli 1 S9.
KMPIRi; Steita I'arp't fe-inrcfi Co -Carpet
taken up. -.Itane.l. made mr ind laid. Iie-st
wo:k: low.M pibt. 21.2 Luias Main 1121, C CC;
IINTKRPRISI; sleatn ("arp-'t Cleanlrg Ci -Special
attfi'tio-i to atterl-ig, sowing anl lelavlnj.
Kaston and 1'endUtm. I .In 3"4M Klnloch I V$
PI'IIOL'-TTRING. mattre-s-makuig and feath
er renovattd do ji t: wlh any work donf?
iMmitraii, P.12 or 42 Olive st : phon- Main MTM.
dvi:im:, ri.i:. ami im:iikiw-.
I. I'IRS and ::ents. have a iur ra-iiHnt, dfan?d.
dvedard rpalr-d. Jadbs'jekets imodIed raric;
!tlrg . Cleamrs (. . 1 Z) I lanklm Main 13h..A
BOSTON Steam Dental Room. 415 N. Broad
way, netween Locust and St. .'hirles. l"t. lil;
geld fllllng SI UP X)r.J. II. Cire Pi op
ROSTON --nea'ii Dental Rooms, 413 N. Brcad
wavhets oT teeth 53. palnbs ex-.ra-.tion. 2."c:
bridge wi'ik. J3 opn Mimlaj urtll 1
- Reg liar m-ellng fver S.turdiy etn
lrg at lren-n Ha'l. No rwj- North
Ievcrth f-trcct -H Krlsht- of Hi-nor
lRVNIv 1- ii-wi--. ificifc-i.
21f N Ule.erth i-tre-t.
Ma hen Tionn. Reporter. 2.K. UnUer-Ity ft.
Wv ff II meets evei Saturday at iwrt;
yflj west corner T en tv -second and 1 ran it
-W- nn avenue All Kn'ghts of Hon..r artf
mt cordUllr taM oXO-?"SS-l0-.
47J line-in plac.
On. A. Pcbm'dt. Itppoitfr. 3531 X. Orini avr.
, rXITY I.ODOK XO 51. K. OT II .
J'A'' mppf. first and third ttiturdaj a' fIon'
ty- r, Hall mi utliwcft cornpr Rroiowaj
'". el Munrrp :rpft All KnlKnts of lien
or iniltP'l to ..'ir nippiics..
WSt M VY Diet itnr :" Jtadlin .trppt.
Ptpr Itarth. Il.rxitPr. TT, Unliprjlty alreft.
ft'i'ii'vttojal Armnum. 3-311 llolinnl
yJ'.-fiK ull.Unr A cordial wel.ome tn M-Ky.-Tj
tors, frlenils. brethren anil niemlmr,
UX5M rem ahicad
Carl Moller. Grand PecrPtary.
Visitors cnrdl-tlly lnlpd ?nd m-mber expectel
W. .1 II ITRKINS. C. li
Tl.rr. A Metard. I: cf It S
x ...rinvprnv" i nnn'r n la. K
vv of P nippta eer I-'rldav eienlnK at 8
&f?t o'pIccK paitlp iall. Centurv hulldlne.
- tpntn florn 1 all .".o l. Mntn a"u.X.
Ftrfpt. rrldai pienlni rphnnrv :'. crand Ort-p-it-il
rallv Ml nieinlipro pspiptp.! 1 urdlnl 11-xl.Ml.n.oWtlnBhrf:lhrrn,-jilK
Jp-irh r iminmlch. K. of n & .1 . HO Clarlc.
ArrlrnN nml Ilepnrlnre. of Train, nt
I'nlon Atatlnn.
Rally Jtsiatunlav pnd Funday
TDall eicirpt Sunday Pnlv.
-Sund.) only. Kxpept M"ndaA
ttgaturday onlr. Iiallr e.cppt Satttrdaj.
mm.iXGTox noiTi: vmov station.
Ippart. Arrive.
2:?oam pStSfipm
T:lt am -8.2 pm
t7:il am f66pm
S.01 am
!.'. pm
2'10 pm
7.1 l.l'M V IlPfSi: XO Kl K. OF V.
Aa rnppti .Monnav preninc, Fehruan .4. nt
S&V' Hall X" 1 lel'l'' flvir CeltU-v bUiidL-.E.
? at i opo,K nu-in-s me-tlri: pf Im-
rf,. nru mik,r All niPinnpi-i ciliecieu ..-
tt-i"" -r6MU JriVsnr jMAiiAUA.
Attes-t: O M J'ro'v"- JilJj'-JLA-?-
o. c.
prrnEJin mrxni. knihuth
pf F.thpr Malhew Office, Xo. 1503
I.OCUM ftrppt-V.'rllP. call ur ttle
llionp r- i!3 for printed niattpr.
jpreme Chief ir Kn Rn'.
Ttmi S t!nndp-n .-uprPme Iteconlpr.
rnATi:iiMii. "itnr." "" i'agi.hs.
t wiuipi vnmn. xo. . f. o. e..
inpets per 'l"hursday nlKht nr.d t.nii
1'i-t ?nnda aftemocn of each month
at Ha.'in'm Hall. ?lxth and Walnut
strppts vi.ttlnz nrPtnren kvpicuiuc
cJ..ivi.' i.i- " .
W. P.
John A. Cerr.ez. W S.. 1X1 Chestnut street.
liOCTOlt A F .HISKK. d nt'st. lui remoii-1
from 1321 Waililnstin t. RIO 1'ranl.lln- crr.Tvii and
lirldce woiK a hpecialt. cnnitl latlnn. ex. flee.
"DOCTOlf HAIITMAX. Dentist Kxamlnatlf
free: special ratei lo worMnir ppcpIp; plate". htt
tppth, J4 to J7. X. W. Cor. IJIcicnlh and I'rank
lln aie.
OUT l'AIN. by n new preparation.
mces incera.e
-. i:. COR. SIXTH AM) I.firi'ST STS.
3r. 0E3- O. CFTABE,
R-v.kkeepiis ljnl A. Cattle
building "-i rk-
Co. .'S De Sito
Order RM Mep, met every I'rJdav at D-uIda
Hall. outhe-ft orner Ninth and Marfcet siieets
Work In Adoption depiee. Rffihth run, no breath
sharp. Visitor cor on 1 1 invited Members ex
pected to attend tZ. M ("OTTA Sachem.
Will m Pert'. C. of R inis Hamilton ae.
JMulevard V'M Reautlfullv furnlbed
front an c3nvenienccs; pii7i.-
f Roylev-urd 42TArrrm two to four ftir-
roims for houseKceping. i:r-i cr D
JC Are 1.C3 Nestlv furnished room.
Jn etro--ure, for -.entlemen or couple. In
'.itnUv- convenieni
F. Ft. ?3l2 "51nrl and ce,nn-tlng rooms
e.l complete, JOr HKi.. MOU.eK-"-pi..-.. ,
Ave . ins .Tltreo n'c. furnished room
Iht hou-ekeeplnc; h"itlrt. stove and cook
l water in kitchen
Pt . sit rieni-ntl furnished room:
heat etc. trie light e"eator and tele-
vnJoe for enlleii.en o.h
I: Ft., 221 Nlcelv furnished rooniF for la-
uetiis; j"io cn bin loom, ji t whs;
heat; hot bath and convenience.
h-PTH St.. vm P. Nicely furnirhedTocm.
Iticat; runxdug water.
TINT St . rumlshed ser0nj
story front rotra for Kentlera-n. nIo adjoining
room: good buard heat an1 convenience; tei-onhle.
FTODDMtD Ft 5T01 Tw'o front rooms nl ely
furnihed. hot bath furnace heat, first-class
table board reasonable.
VP.RNOV Ave.. 5262 Federal aduIiT ean pcuro
teInble board and room In mo-Ierti hou-e.
"wAFlliNGrrON A.lA-ZCcTrMm for gT
tlernen; excellent table; convenient to car.
WASHINGTONA-.e . 31iI(The AllV VIsUvl
Reautiful rwm, with firt-cla boarl. hot
bMh etc lift-heated houe in city.
WASHINGTON Ave.. rl-Reautlful see,.nd-floo-
ro.-m. outhern extwure. with le-t or board
and all convenlero; tensonable Call C 70.
WASHINGTON Aie.. 2404-I.irge first-flor fur
rdhed room, --tjltabl for three or four cent'e
iren; good board. er- reionable; all convenience.
WAFHINGTOX Ave. 32.S-T".o ' rieeiv fur
nihed connecting: room, cither iriie or en
suite, with flrt-clafs boan! and all convenience;
WKFTdinLIX PLACR. AEi -Hindsm- scon1-storj-
suite; bedroom and parlor; roup!- or gen
lleien, flrt-cUts board and service.
Improved Order of Red Men. meets
over. Thur-Ja s'ecp nt Druids Hall.
soLtheast corier N'nth dnd Mark-t
strei-t. firs: Thursday of each moon-
Adoption degree; second Thursday. Warriors' de-er-,
third Thumlav. Chief' degree; fourth
Thursday, tribal business. Vlitlng chiefs invit
ed to our councils.
r Scovll C cf R.. 13 Wash j-lrett.
Tr'bo of Joseph Regular nieeting cf
this lodge will be held la Anchor Hall.
Jefferson ard Park avenues, Saturday
evening. February 22, 1132. at S o'clcck.
All member-- requested to bo present. Vinton
welcomed G. S. BROWN. Patriarch.
W D Gillespie. Fcrlbe.
iyDKlEDE?rr OKDKIt forkstehs.
r. Regular meetings t-rcond and fourth 'lua
dms In ea.h month at Bowman's Hall, nnrthca&t
corner Eleventh and Locust streets. Visiting
I"oreters invited.
P. X. ROTRRMANN. Chief RanSer.
Wm. G. vVrithT. Rec.rr.lng Secretary, Wo. 4j
I.enaerlv :venor-
MOI nd citv corxni-. No. i;
National Cnlon m'. on econd and
Virth Kr.dHjs ech month at Howard's
nan. corner Garibon enue and iillve
m--., nx - i jock. cu nieeime. Peb-
IU1I V 2S. Snjfal untarfa iiim-n -. .
menifrative cf Washington's Rirth.Uy.
Rkliard E. Bcrtr. SeSkS' r"ldt'
Ilc.s-iiin Iiil Iifinnnils :ui Ivvpla-
iiiilinii I'roin I'rotlior-in-l.iuv
of the Czar.
Djrni'-l.iilt llrainl Ihichy of Hove, l-'cb.
21 A caucus if the party le-iderK in the
tecum! chamber of the Hpalsan Diet ha-j
rtitieteil the Cr.tlitl lluke of Ueso to com-:nimii-ate
tn em liH le.uson for ohtulnin
a dliorce from the (.rami Duchess
The I'rime Minister, llarl ltnthe. in a eon
cilintory statement, intimated that tlie com
munication icfirrfd ui uould be made to
the chamber behind closed doors.
The separation of the Grand Duke and
flrand Duchess of Hesse wai iiroiuiuncd
Dicemhcr 2"-' la-t by the Superior Court at
Ernest I.uilnlfr, (Irand Duke of Hesse, is
the sun of the (..rami Duke I.imis IV and
uncle of the present Emperor of Herman).
His mother Mas Princess Alice of England,
a daughter of the late Queen Victoria. He
is about 3 ears of age. and was rn.iriled
on April in. ! I. to I'rinces.s Victoria of
Sae-Cob unr and Ootha, who i' :i
KranddauKhter of Qi!e"n Viclorij. Onn
cl-ild. the 1'rince.x Elizabeth, bom March
11. 1W: is the result of the union. A nister
of the Crawl Dnko U the Czarina of Htis
Ma. while another married Prince Henry of
1'olice Akml to Searrli for .Alary
Mary Cibriiliiie of Xo. IIS Xorth Peicnth
street disarpe.tred from iter home last Suu-daj-
and her relatives have not heard from
her since. After searching vainly for four
days, they called upon the police jestcrday
to ask their assistance.
Miss Cubiilllne i-. described as beinff quite
pretty. She U a blonde, 10 ears old, and
of slender build. When she left home she
ucie a black skirt plaid waist. li;ht Jacket
and black fascinator. Sh" gae no inti
mation nheie she fvas- going
Sam Hyman. 1G years old, of Xo. 2713
Dickt-on street. Is mUsing from his Inune
He departed Wednesday. The police have
bten asked to assist In the seaich for hii
watchman. While he was absent last fjll
a Kane of men isited his house at Tv.-enty-tlurd
and St. Charles streets, and after destroying-
ail the furniture carried away a
lot of his clothing-. After that he was av
Paulted liv F"nif men who are-supposed to
hae bt"ti -n the crowd. Smith thought
It best to mo nrmeil and procured the
rrim-ip.-l ui it. I-W.ljjiM's Srhool
SiM'cuinlfs to Aipt'iMJiciti.
Tlu I.everenil Hrnthi-r Columlian of the
Orilfr of the Christian rirothrrj. ami prin
cipal or St. llr.dgvt'. Parochial School, disci
at St. Joint ri Hospital yesterday about
noon Appendicitis, whloh doyelopcd a
week a-;o, was the immediate cause of hta
llrothc-r t'olunibun, wlitwe family name
-a a rHvnrd Klley, vva-- horn in cnker?
N Y. Tl'ere he entered the Novitiate of
th Christian I.rothcrs uhout twenty years
ago. Ills, parents reside In Xw York.
Within tlio last ix years th brother -".a-
engaged In tcachinj- In tne brother"
For Hannibal. IT .t Ft. J
point. Mulncy, Keokuk and
Local to Hannibal
For Qulncy and Nortn . ...
For Ft. Paul. MlnneapoIIe, via
East Side lliea. Illinois anl
u isccnsm
Tl.e Rurlington-Nortl em Pa
Ific R-ipie-... ftr Kansas
'lt. Ft Joseph. Northwest
Nehracka. Iliac I. 1RI!, Wjro
mlpg, MontaiM, Wahtnstrn.
Paget hound. Portland and
Tn'n Cltv n-iDre., for Minne
apoii". st Paul and Towa
The NtbraHka -Colorado V.x
j res. for Uenver. Colorado
It.ih and Pacific Coast, -via
Ft Joseph
I.oal to Rurltzstoii
For Northern Iowa. -t Paal
and Mtneaioi- . . . 7.4' pm
For IIHnoI, via East Hid Un
to Rock IIand ard Clinton.
Iowa.. .
Pot Dubuque and La. Croe. .
For Kan-ap CR-.. -TdUnclI
lUuff-, Omiha, ht. Jocph,
ren-.vr. NehraKa. Colondo.
I'tia and Pacific Coart .. '3 -V pm 7:1' am
i-ocat for HannibU ll:ldni
For Alton ave 7:41 a m. dallv; S:I a. m..
dally; ll:or a m.. dally; 3 p. m . except Sun
dav. 5:01 p m.. etcept Fundav 5.M p. m., dally;
7:4 n. m.. dally; 5:21 p. m.. dallv.
i.. v. n
FIorMa I.Irrfted via Na!:vllle,
Atlanta and Macon ..
Fa-; Mall fSvanit-tll. Xah-
".Hle-, Rirminahani. Montjom-
ry. '"hattanooga. Atlanta.
Mobile. New Orleans and
Jacksonville, jna.. .
Southern E-roreR-i to r.n
llle. Nashville. Rlrmingham.
Mobile, X"W Orlean. Thorn -as,
ill-. Jackonville. Pa lit -Ua.
Ocala and St. Petern
hvrg. Pla -
:19 pm I ip-.
. S:2am 7:1 pm
3 -'Mam
2:13 rm
7:10 pm
K:21 pm
S:21 rm
4:SSpm J I- II A ST, I.. RY. (Henderion Route.
Tra I n Depart. Arrive.
Fast Mall Owrnboro. Clover-
rrt. Liulf-.llle and th-
i.R: 8:25 am 7:I pm
2"tm Kxpre Owenboro,
Cioverport. In'.isville and
tb- rat . . .. "8.55 pm ".) am
(.:;-: ?m
B:9 am
' :..9 am
7 : . A m
, 7:10 am
i ram Depart. Arrive.
Indianapolis Espre .. .7.J2 am :?- pm
New York ard Roton Umlted J;20 am 3:47 pm
Knickerbocker Fpecial New
York, post oi. Washington.
Daltimore and Philadelphia. 12:00 am $: pm
Mattoon and Alton A--roTrmc-datiori
iR. rm 10:42 am
Boton. New York. Clnclrnatl,
WaFhtngton. Raltlmort and
Philadelphia :fpni 'tam
Alton Ieavejt iO:si a. m. "3.45 p. rn. Arrive
S:t-- a. m.. 1:4" p. m
n. t o. s-av. h. n.
Train. Depart. Arrive.
Cincinnati. LmilFville. Wash
ington. Paltlmor-. Philadel
phia and New- Yn-I Epre-s. 2.05 am l:35pm
Cincinnati ImisvIIJe Wah
tnrton, Raltlmor-. Philadel
phia and New- Yor'c Exnrear tll-5 pm
Cincinnati ry-uifvllle. Pltts
hurr. Wahington. Haltlmore.
Philadelphia ard N-w York
Fit Mall . . . .t:C5pm ; am
"Ipcip.nitt AecommMatlon 17:3m 7:12 pm
Clnolnnatl. IouIvlll. Pitt
bnrg. Washirgton. Haltlmore.
Philadelphia and New York
Royal Bin- Limit 1. . . . -?:,fl an :. pm
Flora Accommodation . . t3:4t)pm !?:"Ism
Flora AiC'ommcnlation IS:.S pm Jl):22an
West Baden and Freneh t,i
Fprlng-. -ila Monon Roiite RMOaro ":"0pm
Jcffer-on City. Columbia.
Roonville, dalIa. Fort
F.-ctt. Indian Territorr and
T-iai Ktjre . .. -"IRIS am J:01 pm
The Katv Flyer." for Dal
Ifl. Kurt Worth. Houston.
...liv eton. Fan Antonio.
Mexico ''liv atd Interme
diate points
Jeffer-oii 1tv. Columbia.
Boonvilio. Sedalla. Kanraa.
Indian Territory and Texas
Express 11:43 pm 6:20 am
Missouri. KanfPt. Indian Ter
ritory anl Oklahoma Fljer.. ttSZ pm 73T am
Depart. Arrh e.
8.32 pm 77 am
Train. Depart. Arrlv.
Fast Malt 3-or) am 10:5 pm
Local Exrresi 7.35 am 5:50 pm
Dav Exprea Kansas CIrv.
Pueblo. Ienver. Fait Iake
'itv and Fan FTatjcI?co -":W am tf.aS pm
Washington AcommcdatIon .. 3:23pm t"5i am
S:t. .Ioeph. JnpMn. .Wichita
and Kan sa Limited, and
Hcnthnent Mls-ourl , 5:ID pm 7J-an
Kanns and Colorado Kxprs.l'.;l' pm 7:lan.
re- Coeur I-ike train leave Fnlnn Statl-m
at 6:i. i. n... -i:i a m.. l:0 p. m . -f:"t p. m-
Oak Hill trains leave Union Ftfttion at IMS -.
n . Ttt-jn . rn . i:0o d. m. and t.:30 p. m.
Kirkwoo! trainsi leave Fr.'on Ftation at t?:"!) a.
n.. r. m., 4 TO p. m.. tft.23 p. m.
(Clover Leaf Route.)
Train Depart. Arrl.
Southern Fpecial '3:16 am -
Ft. Louts and Florida Limited 7:tSpm
St. Louis and Florida Limited. 83 pm IJ4am
Mun.heboro. Sparta. Chester
and Percy Accommodation.... t5:30pm tH-Ham
ciiiCAr.o. rnoni ,sn st. i.oris
raii.av .v ir.. P. A T. I..)
Train. Depart Arrive.
Tcorla. pekin Fprlngfleld and
Jereyvill- .. S:! am 7:2'tpm
Chouteau Plough. Grafton and
P,,-,h-" Mam .:tnpra
Alton. Chautano,oa and Ortfton tf :56 pm 10:f.5am
Alton. Fpringfield and Jerey-
I1I' t4::S pm 10:03 am
Alton. Sii-lne-fl-dd. JorpevIIIe
-nd Grafton t6.0O pm liCKmn
" - i ' a
7:"t pm
7:W am
Chlcnixo Train-.
Train. Deort. Arrive.
TIi Alton Umitc.l .. ... Stam 7:?.S nm
Prairti State Rrr.res 1'-.'V i im-,
rJ,ft;n-V-, :' pm 7:l am
Midnight Special 11:40 pm i:Wam
Kamm City Trnlnn.
-r7ra,n - - Derart.
Missouri State Express ... J:ro am
Kansas City Limited . .10:00 pm
borni irnio-i.
a T.ra,n. t , . , Derarr, Arrive.
Springfield Accommodation.. . 18:70 am ..
Jacksonville via Ylrden . . , t :20am t7M pm
Peoria Limited 9:fi4 am
Fpringfleld. Capital CItr Flyer. M-2S pm 1('.5 am
.rc'i-onvliie vIa Ylrden -,4:2 pm flO:W am
Roodhoiie Accommoda t ion .. . . J 4.2- pm flO.-iOa m
Trn,n , T- , Depart. Arrive.
Arkaras and Texas Kxpre
fvla nismarck and Deltni.... 6:00 am 7:13 pm
Arkara- and Texas Fat Mall
tvia Blfnu-rck and Deltnf J:40pm 7:00 am
6:15 am "$:5 pm
7:10 pm
9 .3 1 am
souTnnnx hsIlwat.
Train. Depart. Arrive.
in- lien special, excepi auri-
Princeton. Lou's.!!!--- Iexinc-
ton and way -rtatlons. Chat
tancoca. Rome. Atlanta.
Macon and points In the
Southeast 7:10 am
Mount Vernon Accommodatlcn .! m
1T1PCC.OU. nifvu-e. jexing
ton and wav tatlon. J.nox
illle. Afhevlllo. Chattanoopa,
Rome. Atlanta. Augusta.
lnrletcn. Macon and all
points ii Florida and the
Southeast 5:lSpm 72am
ST. I... K. C. C. R. H.
Tra la. Depart. Aniva.
101-102 Mall-Belle. Mo., and
Intermediate polntu 5:43pm 5:00 am
1W-106 Sunday Fpecial Belle.
Mo., and Intermediate points. 27:47 am 13:15 pm
11S-1H Atcommo-lition Hell-. Mo., and Inter
media. e points (dally except Sunday), leaves
Vandeventer avenue at 6:39 a. m. and rorayth
Junction at 7:20 a. m. Arrives at Swing ave
nue at 8:25 p. m.
See C. P. A. St. L.
--T,irx,n-. , ... "depart. Arrive.
alley Park Accommodation.. t7:w am tlftjto am
Valle-r pirk Accommodtlon.. J:"to am :$:U am
Paclflc Accommodation f 9 :00 am "1:25 nm
Texa- and Kanai Mall, for
Caifhage. Joplln. V.'ichtta.
Dallas. Gainesville and Fort
Worth.. r -t:am S:43pm
Pacltlc 'tccommo.latlon Jl:0 pm I14.S5 am
mii-v ihik .i.ciu.;ijation . i.ji'iDm
Pjclflc A room mediation 3:24 pm
Valley Tark Acrommotlitlon . '".'tpin
Texas and Kan-as Limlteil
tve-tituled), for Eureka
Fp-lna. -ort Smith. Pari.
Dallas 'Greci.vllle. Ennis.
Cors!eano. Houston. GxRe
ton. Austin.' San Antonio,
f-artliero. Joplln, Wirhlta.
Rurrton and tte et
Western Exrre for VInita,
Denls.m, Sherrmn. Oklaho
ma. Carthage. .loplln and
7: .3 am
'jsi pm
R 30 pm 7:30 am
10:fl pm
:2 am
Smith Hud Ki-rlit
Carry Kevolver.
Graham Smith, tthn nas arretted lust
week on the charge of carrying a concealed
weapon, -a di.icharsed In the Court of
Criminal Correction yesterday morning
lU'on the exhibition of a r-rmit from .Mayor
Velli 1 cam" a revolver. It is the tirt
pi milt from the .Maior v.liich hai bcn j
suowii in mc i-i.ijri.iii i riminal t.orreciion
since Jlnor Wells nai inauKUr.ited, and
was honored, though, technically, it covers
only such cases as are colored by the eft"
ordinances and not th Plat' law. A nolle
proi-ecjul was entered In the case.
Smith was, until rccentl, a private
nnoTiri:ii rm.i'jniAX.
I'ilniiu-l of Ht Itrulitt I n Tarothi-l,
K ho di 1
schools of ChicaKO and St Iitil". I'or the
lat jejr ll" was ut the h ad or St. Utld
get's lioj'd yclioul, where he labored witli
the most Kratlrin siicce-s.
Brother Columb.tu was an educator of
markid ability, and was highly esteemed
for his e,cn!.il iiualities- of heart as well .n
for his scholarly nttalnm-rts. The news of
h's death was received with deep regret by
ihe rations and pupils of St. Ilridgot'a
Tlie funeral services will he held this
morrinsr in St. llridget's Church, commenc
ing; at 9 o'clock.
The rciiiilcrr. dill be sutiK lis a select
choir of tlie Christian Brother' Cntleee.
cor.sisilns of the fellow rellElou of the d
ceasi'd father Kenton, rector, will cele
brate ihe i.nK I-athors MuUllilll nml
Thomas- Walsh will be the aid'tants The
pupils of Ft. ISrMgel'. school will aslt at
tlie services.
Tiie body will remain In state In the
sihool parlors until J o'clock Saturday. The
burial will take place at the Hrothers No
vitiate, Glencoe, Mn
. t-.ICam
. K.36flm
Northern Line.
Train. IViwrt
.prirern Illinois c.Trrp.
prinejlpl'l. I'rpppiirt and I)u-
litinnp . :r. nm s:iipm
TporlA and Sorlntdfld l!:vnm TJl pm
chlpaart D.ijllzht S-ip-lal ItiSiam "7.00pm
Kerlnnllpld Accommodation '45 rm 11:4.1 am
;nicas niamnpiii ''eclaI sn-jpni
Smitlicrn l.ln
Tralp. D.Dart.
Iailucah Mall and Kprp.s
3i urplu slmro. Caroondale and
Marlon "7:4.5 am
New Orlpans Fat Mall Cairo.
Memphl.. Jnckson. T.nn..
and Texns Kxp-p.: faph
vIUp. Atlanta and Jackton-
lille t.
Ft. lyiiils Jtpppl-il Cairn. Menv
phis and N'p-r O-lpans. . .
Appfimmodaflcn Murphv.bcr'
Marlon. Cairo, pjrta and
Cles'pr tl'iO pm
. t oniiiiodatlon Murtitivsl-oru.
M.rliin and crpa; st.rl- - . l:rj) pm
Xpiv orlPan I.lrni'pil Cil-o.
.M-nipld- filp T'ls p .N'ash
llli'. Atla'it'i ilnd Jackfon
Mllp U.1'. nm
Train. Dppirt. Arrive.
Ttas rat Mall, tn Mttle
Rock. Tpxnrknns. DaJ'a.. Fort
Worth and Abilene S.CSam 7:33 pm
Pclta. Columbus and Cairo
nxprp.s J:Wam 'fdSpm
rat Dav KTDre.s riallan.
1'ort Worth. Austin. San An
tonio. tlouton and OallP'ton :::t pm ir.lpm
Hot Sprlnas Speclsl t:o-)pm ;: am
TPxa.. MpxIpo anil California
ypprlal linlla". 1'ort Wo-tlt.
Kl I'aso. jyi Anrpp. fisl
ipston. Pan Anto-ilo and I.-i-
rpdo ".2lDm '--Jmm
Mi-mnhli KKnrpss., s-4lpm 7:Wsm
l'oi'itTH ind ciioctkai; avi:ni;f:
II. Spo and nl-.mirck Accom
Tl pm
7.2I pm
11:16 pm
11:C2 am
mg am
Eainbound Lave ElRhth and O .Hot tr ti.
encept Sunday. 4:04. :t8 7:17, 8:51. 10:05, 11:19
a. m . 11:01. 1:42. 2:45. 4:00. 5:13. 6:23. :0 p. m.
Saturday and Sunday only 11:41 p. m. Sunday
onlr s-24 ":.". .03 a. m.; 1225. 5:51. 11:41 p. m.
Iave Wa.hlnaton aienue. except Sunday 4:Ck.
f. 21. 7:11. SM. lo-M. 11:23 a. m.; 1:12. 1:19. 2:5i.
4-01. J:19. 6:. S4 p m. Saturday and Sunday
enlr 11:13 p m. Sunday only 5:27. 7:C9. 39 a.
m.: 12.23. &:25. 11:45 p. m.
Wp.tbound Lpiiip Orar.lte City, except Pun dav.
5:15. wl. 7:M. 8:14. 9:2S. 10:42 a. m.: 1:10. 2:12.
5:23. 4:42. s:tn. C:i. 7:12. 9:17 p. m. Saturday
cnlj. 4:30 p. m. Sunday only 12:15. 6:35, f:0i.
10:00 a. ut.. 1:10. 6.-i p. m. Monday only 12:1
a. m. r
I-aie Madison, except Sunday 5:19 6.09. 7:04.
8:1. :32. 1014S a. m.: 1:13. 2:17. 3:27. 4:47. .-07.
7:17. 3-21 p. m. Saturdav only 4W p. m Sunday
only 12:2. art. 8:05. to:i); a. m.; 1:13. 8.04 p. m.
Monday only 12t) a. m.
Train. Depart. Arriv.
"The Commprcial Traieler"
Toledo. RufTalo and New
Tork , 7:1(lpm 7:in am
ntiftalo and N York Express -7:28 am 4:J8 pm Accommodation 5H pm "9.01 am
Train. Depart. Arttie.
Trains Nop. 20 and 21. New
York. PiillartPlphla. Biltl-
inorp ind Washington Special ":44 am l.40 pm
Indianapolis and New York
lies! MiMam 'SMpra
Nw York I.lniltpd "1:00 pm :! stn
Columbus and na.r.rn 8:13 pm "7:12 am
Vandalla AccommoiUtlon - "3:30 pm ?:li pm
In-llanaiK-vIls and Npiv York
Kxprpp. . lt:Wpm "9.40pm
Fan Mall 2:40 am "2:03 am
Efi.frrn I.lnc.
Train. Dppart.
Ccnllnpntal I.tmllPd Dptrolt.
Xlnaara Call. Iluffaio. New
York and ltoton "9.00am
Tolpdo. Dptmli, Nlaxara l-'alls.
tufta!n. New York ard lis
ten Kxpre. 8:30 pm
Tolp.Iu, Nen York and Hoiton
Kat Mall 2:45 am
Mldnlcnt Umlted PPtrolt.
Ruffalo. New York and Bos
ton '11:32 pm
Toledo Ical Expres. "7:20 am
' Chlcnfto I.ln..
Ilanner Cllicairo 9:22 am
Itinppr Umlted Chlcaxo '2:"6 pm
Mldnlirht LimltPd7-Chlca-o...."ll-.'2 pm
Karans City Line.
Kantas City Express "roam
Kansas Cltv Faal Mall "2:15 pro
Kansas Cltv Limited "10:15 pm
Tfortli 'eafern Line.,
From I'nlon Station
Oiuncli Bluffr and umaha Cx-
preia 7:4.)am
Cinnon Eall Omaha "7:33 pm
Ottllmwa and Des Molnp. Ex-
press "9.01am
Ottumwa. De Moine. and
Minneapolis Limited "7:20 pm
Local Train.
West Moliprly and Kansas Cltv
Local. "7:40 am
Moliprly Icnl "'Oi pm "11:10 am
East Decatur Local "1:40 pm "lis am
Suhnrlinn Trains.
St. Chart's 111:20pm l:07pm
L' .CI- i ' "'
..iixwvi, . .. ............. ....... ..... pm
rernuwn ."....
FPrKUvon i
f.riru"on .-
f roni (Hire fttppt station
7:15 pm
"2.30 am
2:00 om
9:01 ptn
7:02 pm
7:33 am
7:48 am
:00 pm
1-50 m
6:50 am
1:0 am
7:00 am
":) pm
0.50 am
1:30 pm
.."2:43 pm "4r. pm
.. 2:40 pm 73:40 Dm
-18:30 am
210.2 am
Jipm Milftani
MT. LOllS AD llsMn.M. n,ILROAt.
I Via Wnba.h.)
Train. Iipp,rt. Arriie.
Mall and Bxpres" t7:4ft am tllMO am
Mall and Expiess tS:"5 pm 6:15 pm
SI C'tiarlps
St. Charles....
HriilKPton ....
ltrldceton .....
rercil.on .....
Klnloi-h Tark.,
FergiiAim ......
.'11:00 am !:.", pm
.. 15:40 pm l8.oi am
.4:13 pm ::vm
. t:4iam t:lpm
.. "S.V1 am '10.30 am
. '1:5.1 pm
. 15:47 pm T5-Ji7 pns
. u.M pm U'JDvm
-iVVl.'; -w.Mi-1. ..vKtv:
dfi&i.'-.'ft -'
rf .V;.-i4S -
'r-A.-, t;c. iv .-"??- p-1
. .. ,W-. . Z xu , "'rl