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sliS?31lliS3 I BfaSlVBjnSVffrKW!toiirt1i i2SrV.S-fc'Vvy'' --4- l-r - THE REPUBLIC: SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 22. 1902. StwESt SUMMARY OF ST. LOUIS MARKETS. All lcal cxeliancei will le cloned to-ila; In commemoration "t the birth Of GcorRe IVimliliictori. Thero wis scry little country support for cither wheat or coin j cstcrda In the ahsence of outside" lit- Ins orders, the market was largel In the of prof.sslomls, most of whom were rjnsed ou the bear side. There Ji little mw, to justlfj .in .id ancc Crop reports agreed on the statement that the fall-ri'antotl client In neailj all sections of tho winter belt Has well protected by snow. Predictions did i ot indlcite anj treat change In temperature either wa. Receipts, locallj and at other primarj points, were large, and outside of tho sale of JO.tOO bu. of contract wheit to Southern inilVrs thero was no outward movement. I'orelsn markets were e.isv. In addition to .ill thoe bearish factors the approach of two consecutive holidajs had a depnssin-; inlluence. as few trader, were wlllinc to carry Ions lines oer Satuninv and Sund.ij. Corn was freely &old throughout tho session. From nnny tctloiu cune reports tint farmers were showing a greater readiness to sell. There wus no corresponding outward xnoxtrucnt and littlo cash demand. May wheat opened V3'o off and closed iCJUc off. July opened ic off and closed '.li'c off. Ia corn opened l-16c up and closed HS'ie on. July opened Uc off and ilo-ej "iC? ".c ..ff. There was no speculative ttaihns in oats. Produce was in good demand, with prices steady to higher for top-grade fruits and vegetables. Local securities rallied well under, the Impetus of an Increased ouf-Me demand, trust companj stocks closed higher. Yesterd.ij's bank clearings were JS,r,,U'; balances, $l,fffiSM steady betw ecn 4'5 and J1-., per cent. Spot cotton was quiet and unchanged in the local market. GRAIN MARKETS LOWER, WITH DECREASED DEMAND. PAUMEBS SAID TO BE LET TING GO. Professionals Control Tr&Sinr, mil Outside Kuviiig Inquiry Is Light. Weather conditions and a decreased coun try demand, lioth for cash and tpeculatho nccount. ciused all (rr.-vlns to decline In tho local market j.estcrda All ot the reports rrceied indicated that th (rrowiiiB wheat crop whs in sood condition and that the plant was well covered by snow in most if the winter Stales Trom the Northwest .ime adice" tint fanners in that section wire maklnp; nctte preparations to rush tlilr Brain to market. Receipt-) nt St. la ul-j and either primary points were 'he.iM Tie correspondinB div lrust jcar was a hi.IidH. Uhoucli 20.C 0 bu. of contnet wloat were taken by Seiuthern millers, this was practically the limit of the cash de mand, and thero was almost no export in In its wttklj outlook the Jlodtrn Miller -ild ' The crop in the central section of the I wiiiier-wneat belt is iioinp; well, and sen I'jlle is a in nh protected bv Miow. Mois line Is pit ntlful eeijwhero. Ciilms of iif (nil .1 imni-a fo nnlnlilA Co Him- - ,t-nl I The weather since r entered his ' !,'! '.". r'I"',;i!S1C-, "Sl:11?,!' v.'ient liv fannets are1 noted, oninir 10 liet - .-j. m..u...... -. ...M. -t-......v . .. . i - crop pro-ppcts and to tar a-sct.-iment, vl Icli will be made March 1 " Ia. wheat opened -iftc off and .oId nt: : 2- a.ftii-t-,c. S2c 53,5i4i. sic. nr dile 3".i, sJ-.-ieic. (J-.r 3,4JSa n, S3Jc. t3't .S1s,c 4. CV Mc S.t. i, K!-c. S3c, V..I (3V.iu.c and ft'tc lull ta'f. 77-. ,''ir: 77'.c 77-l?77,ic, 77ri. 77?i.7tc ,,4e 7 ".7741. 77rc. 77a.c. 7iVe .. .t ,.Sc 77l-e. 77ec. 77,c. 77's'i!77'ie an I 77't.i lleiiortu tliat farmer-; -were s-ellins corn fn'iie- in the- Vtt hroKe- the mnrket for the eiir-e srain. 1'oreiRii prices were e.t-, --ml thtre was a erv llRht cah dem.in1. forn clearances for tlie week eeere l'57.S3o. Trading was mo-tlj in tlie handt of pro-fe-'onal-. ila corn opened 1-lCc up nnd --old at rj2'.c. C2c. ;i,c. 61--,c. i.lfSel-,c. flVd82c. IV. Cl'ka61--.c fiuc el.c, in-, rise. "le. Cli.iifli.c fil'.c 1150. eiic. HUc. lc. CV f'1-.c wVifXVt c)c. iii.Qwi'jc, i'1-.c. or.fiflc die H'-iC fil'ic. Clue HWc l'e. Cl',tf6l',(-. tl',c. MSM-nr. Cl'iC. tic. I'.i. ric. &)-4(iC0".c. e'4c. UHSiWiC. CiiSc. !. C"-ie CO-.0 and Wtc lul iale- t2'c c. i:ff2',c, 2',c. C2c, f2B er'.t C2c. fTic, Cl-.c. Cl'itldl'tc. U-iC. A".; l.e and l',c Thcrf ttan no ipecuiatlee tradins ln oats M-iy clo-ed nonilnallv "Sill-c oft at 4!ic, and July -c orf at 5(j--;C. Iteceipti of wheat at St. I.ouis were 19, :l I.u , of viiiich 2,175 .ikf. and 15 cars were local Ilecclpts of wheat at Minneapolis and Du luth were 503 cars. r-rimarj receipts of wheat -rrere 5IG.C7C bu : fhlptnints 164,727 hu. Itecelpts or corn at St Iv3uis were C2.3S0 i -. "t"-" "-1. cr.c. i.ju -w itii-i nciu lucai t '. -, -msy iniuulli rrimary receipts of corn were 202,130 bu.. shipment- 2G3.-J7U hu Uecelpu nf cats at St. touls were ES'OO bu., nf TiMch 2l0 fks. nnl 2S cars -nere lo .! and 31 carp tlirourh I'rlmary rcccipt-s of oats were 2C0.710 bu. piiljinitnts l8f7W bu. rimh Grnln. riimr, TZtc. Wlli:vT-Cajh Market-Receipts 2.17.1 Bk nnd cir local No ; at 5314c thl anl S3.f(s6o E. :,'"a,n;lkryf,lrh.olce f o. I, c -ddedei from this hde. No 3 red and No 4 not off, red or bid lor No 2 hard Nebraska sold at 77c this ldo and Zm tholo Turkey f o b. 1: id,, at 7S-.c p",!-',1 -rflc below -No- 2 -No- "prtlwVoIri 1JI1N Cash Market Tleeeli t r-wt .e. .i o fni Iwal and 3 cars throuch Bv sample del .V5.a,.5 E "'de- No 3 and .Vo 3 eellow- at Vi B,lc tnI nna B tllJ,. No. 2 -.eHow U ClHri',,- i iTIJ".: az Sh,,e at e'"5ac: E. side. No. S white at f4c E. side. 0T. rash Market Receipts 200 . End "S cars local and 23 cars throuch. rtv sample, del No ; at 43e this and E. side and choice at 43'-c this Pldo- No 3 at S; Ii sll- Ko 2 white at 4'jit,c this side No 3 whlto at 45a4ltc to 47c for fnnce thlt and 46c li side: No 4 white at 43 (ti4e,e this side mi.-No 2 nt G2c P.Altt.n Quotalle at CSe to Cc. acoardlni to welcht nnd color. H.tNinED-Kii market. f LOI'lt ejuotntlon. en i-oft -winter for car lots trk : Patents S3 )Sf straUhts nt S3 TOWI H: extra fancy JJ.CJQTJ 60; clear 1.i:9S 30. low Bradesoft winter In lute k. SX.'Wi. hard win ter In Jute fks $2 7"22.S3 for clear. J3S3.I.'. for stralnMs. S3 3fc7.3 3.) for patents, sprlnc wheat l,"1'n'' 15 '"?"' J" hulk, rv hl(thr in word. I.IJAN This -Ide or E sld nt )c, larir or rmnll sks.: direct onle-s J3c. at mill MatlSe.. S-lp-stuffa at mill at Slffl 03 , ItYi: lXOUIt Jcl I lnc at 13 13 in skn. and a 1) In bid. CORXMRAI. fit meal, r. o b . J3.10: rearl meal. Rrlts and homln tt.4 HAT Receipts r;-, tons and 79 tens throuch- shipped 313 tons. Prices E. trk as fol lows: Timothy SU 30 for choice. SltSM for No T S123I2 61 frr No 2. cloeex SJ SOSU: eloiex mlxed jll Mffl2 for Nn 1 nnd $10 10 for No. 2. prairie this side $13 for choice and No 1 and $12 for No 2. nlfalfn $145?14 SO. STRAIN -t heat $4 304.73. oat $5 50CJ8.S0: rye 14 C096 L.1U1) ANO RPEIVrnR-Fpelter at 14 S L,eal at $4 0 .15-1 c,7r. HICIIYlIXllS Steady nt 11.21. Prlpe nn 'Chance. Th followins tables show the ranee of prices UI. tJLUIC Uim MBU Krdll B Cloed Ranced Closed Thursilne W heat Mav . SlIfM', a Julj 77', Com -May .. C2C2'; li Jul R2I, I) Onts-May .. 4(-,13b July 367. 1. 1 esterdae . Yesterday. 1SS.41M S3'-b 77t(,77i CO'. r0 1,211 Cl'!l62'. 77',',i';b 60V. I. eiT.S'Jh 4iXn !- faih wheat, com and Oats rancid . lesten'al Thuislns Year Aco 7P,f73. 7iu.f,72 r'i'i33, 4-1 it ". sr. tn. St'l . . Tl'-W . 2T.Vt27 ll'14ft27 :2ni- 27e45i2s, 27 J27'3 26Ul2i'j 1n -,, rti .sc. mi n;.-.. -i-4 No. 2 hard .77 ti so irn N'o 2 mxd 61 (a No 2 whit" .. 4t,r. No. 3 mixel. )i,lil Nc. lulled .. I 'a No, r. white... 0.1 gel', No 2 ellow. i... No 3 elow.. Cis4i Onls-Nu 2 mxd 43 43t No. 2 Northern 01 No. 2 white.. ..4tji47 N'o. .1 white... 45 1.47 No. 4 -white.. ..4S fl47'j No. 3 mixed.. ..4H,ft(.'. No 4 mixed .. 41 414 e.,4,! erij EZ i M ei6i'a 1,1 tI 1'iV. . ft 47 SM7U. 4TT,17 4. (StT 43 (14, L, Stock of Grnln In Store-. Yesterlae Th'sdav Last Yr I.)t1". 1.217 419 1129 1C6 tthrat Corn Onts Rye Parley No. 2 red wheat . No. 2 hard Vo. 2 mixed corn No 2 white No. 2 mlxe I oats No 2 white . No. 2 r .... Na. 2 i el low corn i.ii-i. 2n.2) 1.VM.74R 43.3.-MS njll 37 7-11 101.3-M 13 TCi 42.047 43 S 17 101 2H 4S.S1C r ',73 &I7C01 t,"b 103 33 (r.'2 1U7.C1.-. 7.202 Snij . 121 Ml E47 111 1,704 33) GZJ..M o;s.iiii 11 '-S3 107 .U 7,ue f irj2 126.34 ST. LOUIS PRODUCE MARKETS. Fruit, Vegetable, Poultry, Egg and Butter Quotations. c'urrerit n-oeipt at 23c Hecelved Hit pkgR. n. 23 tlaoUKQ. 33U Fl.ll'peO. Huttti Meadj. juotatIon: Crramery Cxt 3iWiV firsts 77Je; fecunfls r35?lc. Dairy J'xtia "ftiU:; fin-tn l'hlac ountr Choice roll 37e; jMwr to cood JJiiH-o; choice jacked lftc; poor tt flr Iffilac. KimM 4c. iJulle.pacKed lxtra 3o: tlitt ;7o i !?eoe vTtJ-hlnq: T-vlnv at li-Jc: slnplra llJc; lnlrlcj I2l , 12V. I'mp liorn llC. Tn. j lire ll'c X Y, mhjU 12- lImliurcer 33c. Mvls itulrc IV. No 2 i;91c I.rlclL 13te. !nk -Now -taiilor0 J15 WI'j.IQ per lb In a Discount rates were I-jrd-Choice clran i: fide 5 l.'c rer 11 In a ol.ltiiK was. ketlle-rende i rd at 'AiiC Grcei Ha-a:, In tar lots f o. h I- side IUmi H:jll4 av at V,Ii!';,(.. 1C ai it .' lie. lc0-,,"' 2i eUmcil bum i. av liiiiu at lHiC. v."1 al 1V,i. Ca'IfeinLi C5ji5-4- N lorl. hou Her at 7c lYim Hoc,, ,'fI mioiftiOe lum- ' i'c to SV brl i at S'iSjJ'.c r S-. len- lu iirrlv.. -n lUtel fllM 1M at 4 5mjis i-c. Ai nv at S "i'sC. - 1 IKil lots ii i JnlniiiK vviv IMS"-. 1- "rorJ mid cribs at !".(.. ilpar si cs 1V t-elll's at 'Vi'-V. Manilanl la k at t- rl-ms '?. to, lii SV. DtHlerh ,lnrf. hisli" on or J n 1 .i.i.n Ttx ! s c Melts m a njnlrs w iv rannii Uxtrn i-'.u atil c ribs nt JV. " .. O. n IIHa. at ,Tn ti 1 11. e 1H 111 J el n(,e platts -t Se4e fft laeks at "c. -l-llulM lmcks at S-,c dealers cUoe lndici on orJers. JlreaLfast la 01 at lc fir heais tu 1-: lor , fanei ti nil hinis at 10',e t Il'c. ' allfornl 1 at 7C3Sc Nen lork rs e 1 laird eJi ilce TtiiSc j t 01 ntrv leacon MJes at 6c. 1 Tallow iteajj: -.rime countre Ko 1 at C'c: No 2 at r.i.c. rake at C're Packers' prime and ch dee bell nt Tt to 71.3ii1-c ' Oieo Mearlne Quote nt li)'c . Grensti fcmall IneRular lots ccurtry- Ilrnwn at ' Cvvc. eellow at 4-.c. while at 4.c railurs FtO"k Kiown at 45c. elIow at I'lSJ'iC, while at Ti heep at 3ii3i2e. thin ewes and luck. Iii-'tc. rprlnp lan'bs 4Vd',i-e Veils Llcht rei elpts; firmer Quote hole fat at tic lr lb. fair at 4'!lV heretic-, roecli tmnll arl thin at 3c to )c p r lb Dec' On order-i Hhlrl Pln'e at !S " ) 1 ulton Market at in jO drb 1 rets 12c. t indues 12c ier lb. ln"liles He knuckl. V out-Id- lie I.'le Poul'r Hens a-d mieel chbkens at c: old roosters 4e. caiKns 1iW13c staCKV yo 111c d-rsedtat heads THe -Ponpl ill ii-c dre--ed bull buffalo rrni 4c dre-c-l bufrilo drr''l Ocnmn earo 4c. threpheal :':e OarnlVrel at e rer d : Jack -, $1 !0 iict IIOZ. Ducks Mall rd XI V hlnc-wlne tcI fl'A. PilM J! W) ritur-sb-irh-a -c rei lifiili J - " Hal bit frnlcf at Cr72c. ls for frozen tc du No 2 SI 2J Haccocn Xu 1 larse . . J No i medium Do mall ct No. 2 No N.) No 1 larce . 1 iu-dluni 11 t lletp No 4 No 2 MI- k l No 1 lar?e No 1 medium . Do mall .X. No 2 No 3 Ml 4 i -ki.rk Prime, a: 1 FllC l.lnck, larire .... lllail medium ohort strii-e . lied fox No l . .. . 1 No 1 neliuin . 1 1 l -NO 2 No 3 No 1 lira No 1 No. 1 1 i ) llCNi fo medium . No 2 No 3 No 1 Otter No 1 lnrce No 1 medium.... No 2 . . . . 1 CO M Narrow trlpe Broad strife Tcxns .4iiato ii S.-.0 , - -MK Illue cT. unp'Irne la'.21 Wild int 1-ft.1) eiret cat . . .. 10113 lit icer 3&2T Ilou-e cat 10 Mlfkrat Sfj-li) Opo-ium No .... : ii-i .... i ; SifiBl ' No I Uolf Prairie .. TIniltr . lie ir I.ene" .7)cM -.1 lffl2 . Sllf - .,r,-, 5outhern rkins 13 ;er cent le and Nort .y-j :cr ten more Missouri A llllnoi IIeai line Ii) fill Combine and ilothlii; 1STJ pi- Jled clothins II 1P; llrald nnd low. 17 M'Khtls burrj 11 il4lj l.t"ht line it 4iP unknta A. etern Medium .I3':i!f'a Pin- medium. !3's1714 Ucllt line 13 613V. lieaij fine l-i r,tll Ark -V Soulliern Twelve months 1. Sil7e Iinib . ... 1 , Clfij lturrj . . 12 (113 II u d burry . 11 Tubw nshed-t-.0 1 24'2 llnrd lurry IP. ll(a line liimb 11 T1J In ili- la. tUs. & M.edium . Mlnn 16UT117 11 a 13 13'-314 It 012 ilT" Ined Jllsnt ''E' Une medium .Ml - .. .. 1 t-li lleaw fine 13urrc . II title Ulcek and seci at from 4c to Ce rrr lb less; 15c allowed on eld and 2V on nev wool ski. l'rnitN ami A e-eetnlilr-it. The Repauiic s quotntions are for car lo's In fi'-nt hand", unless i.herwle specifie.1. frmill lots on order-, are chare, d higher bTRAULl.ItltlKS 1 I.ridn -efriseratsr stoci 43i30o per quart box. APPI.r- -e.urrtnt receipts -v-llinc from $1 '0 to $3 per tbl fancj stock hicher Prom -tornce l.en Jjni5 htll nt ti "Kil T3 as to rjl-allt,, and winrsap and wlllowtwlg J4'j I 30 per bLl in a, Jci bine wni I'Ki: liillfoitlp $1 305?1 r,1 per Lot. LEMONS e'allfomia nn trk 52 23 fir choice to $2.73 for fancj and $1 4) per I") car lltl New Messina $3ftl ol ln a iobbinc way ClItM'Es e'atnwbn w nle- 10'. I.e. OP.Al'E n!l'IT-!3!iO-V) ter bat. atcordinr to sire ORANfir's 'slow. st"?ih. tju te new Mexican Scmra at S2 23 1 box on trk $-' 4) dil e.nll'o--tlla naecls at $2&fiJt", fir choice seeollrccs at S-12 23 Fleiidi at S3 V) for choice 'ancy Red lands $2ff3 13, In a Jobbing wa 23fIC,)c per box hUh.r Tancerlnes j" j-r I ox .llAMlEUltlllS KoTM ier lbl .II 73-g2 J9 per box PIN'EAPrl.E 52 MS2 per crate for ejasenre: New llaean.l SI r0rf2 MALAGA :i!M" S-$ V1511 ne- "flCnAMTs-nlllnir In .Vnlr 1 t $25 per l.oOl- In n sn-all wa at S3 per 10-) HN'AV On older" at i i-cr 1(0 POTATOE Quote: Ku'al tn t k 73JI7V fan ei 78ii'0c poor r fl7V 1'erlv Ohio JI 10S1 13, red cut rose and triumph 735777c INJUN- t lioice near-l iwihi at SI 22 on in. . si i.. dti . wnne at si il. red clrb' JI 4-1 In bulk SI 43BI 3n In k PXUBAGI: New York Tlani-h 2221 del.: do mestic 1, wcr ce-1 P- ikm lb TOMATOE-e-rloridn nnd (i.b- at S2 ' pe- C-bnsl-et crate, fnncv it $2 73413 Mexican held nt $2 4K12 eo tier f-bnsket crate. ("ELI It! -Mlehlt in leiM for slrnll- white plume 2ir'"V rer tloz ,unche Colnrndn 23T11-, home-cr-iwn 1004V per doz bunches tty to se bulk S2Si 2 o j er crate tilifo-nln Jlt72l;i p-r crale i'eler roots ru'ftOc nrr .Ice. LP . r iT 0f-, c per 1 11 1 ox for Imnlc-arowi i-'lorida 111173 er I imp. r New O-enn $: Fix v pr libl fVTtUeiT- Ntrtheni SUftlt 0 pr ten ys.i-.i-el 70'i."-c 1 er ts-bM New Orlei- 23.J3V per tl z bulirlie- '"PIINIP's- Iliime-Erown "0'i'V ne- bu clrbe, "liMc jer i bl 1 sick. New Orlenns at 23fl"c iwr 07 bunches PU-iI.i: -New Orbnns at 2TSTC02 per dor lu-nebe-t it to rlre nnd iU lllty sU'BI TFOrATOE-i-Kenuitici J '3 fo- eellow lo S3 M4i4 for red Oolis'cncd $2 73 rer bl 1 ; home-crown $lf?12 per bu RPT'.IH ; A- ii.Se per bu ' piN'CIl Nw Oilcans nt ICfiMc per 'doz. bunches . 1 AI rRKRl"T Ilandmnde Sl c3 per if bbl. ' nnd $1 r0 ner bbl In n Jobblnc inj rRAN'nERRIi:-S7!iS per bbl . Ji.M-JI.TS per 1 llOT 1 iinnrPHADisli-S4f?i fi 1 PAR-VIIV Nrrthern SUVifJl ro pPr bbl. for I unwashed warbed 50c per 'A-bbl -.ack e'APMKI.Oi:it-New Cillfornin at II riTi (3 per cmte lit-I.It ji u ier j,j iu. .ew eitiesns 3Ufi40c .infisn' T)TIlH''rCl!rtI 1., it -,,-. -MA SPANISH ONION- $1 Gi per crate. CondgnM ! wouM brin $3is so t-er Imix HTKINI IliiAN .U1Kl lirm. J loriaa Jl " per Inv for wix. ?" for R(-fn Mexican at $4 per C lirtvk-r rrnt. J'Nnivn $3 CO iht 111 fr choice iTCl'Mnni' riiftern hotbiti" Jl.7.. per dos ; riu Ida 4''Ji7c tr d-z for mall liUIlIi; 4li&V ier doz bum he for New Oibnn! ?OUA5IT New l"lcrl1a S3 00 rr crat JillALLOTS CofiSc ier doz bunch MlKcclInnrnn 1lurUet. rnATlICRS in demand, stead Trime live cce in em All Fk. 47c. In lirpe k 4jc. cray Shj In "imall "k ln liiro pk" . old white "ZZft C r.frt.Tc XX ICi20c; XNN IMii:c; XX fie; chicken 2c turke. till win? Cc, polntrra 2c wins md tall 7c: wins, till and pointers Zc: Ludv 2c. durk whlto 3ic. dark ZTic. JKKHSiciN iTTC lrlmn dcrrsklni Wc ier lb : Teas nt 27c; antekno lc per lb , oat 30c pe?i. dHni'tped nui, UnnhWAX-Qottc at 27c per lb. for prine. ii-ivr- ,c. urouers i.c junm ;- w- rj an,; jr,ic : ti 2 'n, h at KiK; ind Wtb Coin. i , V. t , l e Iair IO m,,11m Mnls e' Drecd I,oallr-acaIiIel nrd undrnwn. with tc,2i Yin nter "iwV.I i. mrh il s ;r-J V n l ,,,-,n ln 'nl",-t lleari-h nov.- was ill the reel, i ut woild hale boucht i-eieral m"re he.n.1. arl lee, en Chic! cn-i hol '.'.' . jioiv. p.fiii- in, h u" s'C-a-i nmi sid i '- Jeirit . .mil -emimeiit w i- nearly all on ;i nnl Hie tudpH ban Ureir I'ick.rswei J'"?-"0 ,;j,?n' !?',- Tujkei-eh. I.- li. l,i--e-s a-,! replies nt 2I t nruen at JJi h - tile -t IliiiK -idi Corn fouirlit ilcellneK btuli- ." 2i. l&'i . fri1 ' ,'.";"" rdirl.ujit.ner- ?a,n-:rJ? ks .,".'" '" x!l pT'r mn.n.i Uri h "' t,'"-e- '""' ' " l'.oi' Im Ii at SJ s tiornlj, howceer. in n way to puzzle thf nlifn ,'?,'''' xtcnt onh lhe late o'Wl?- " ' w-lft'e?,'-7, -..' Vm,!'S,"-) "1J '-" '",k "--"ie Cables t? sic-uU-a little l.isher con'tnU" m"a " un-'iMt K,'iloi.0'An(r nU?e-ln dema,U at SIS to SI 7", per ' V. IB ','n nf ' n, S;! -i" i hVl J,tr,I,'1 I':"1" reported n. t. eue.l. he.e, noLS 'Aui'1 i" rae Sal rienil IIIckti-1 at s-GOin Id. k. r n-cle, it -i iVlnr ",,u '"'' P"irni.scu lor ArKentini. aoutn- :.'.."'."- meillllin llili.ll!-. l'-o t rju lb-. crapple at fc for -mall ti c for lnree 1 l 7c rnrXT,n, V i .1 ..!,.". JTrLiiiY i n, ri-r. ntlt st nt In -lt,l. -o,m 'n,. .''. lu" - at 55 SMiC i,. the I ulk at i.. .. ltnt for Urze IV for crd, r slie wl lie lu 2 . ;. i . "7.. '"' . ' 7 """'. '".' i """ "": I .;...; ""-.." ..!T''.' ""'.'. I'UII-. 1M to l-l lb nt l.f,.-,'.,i it,. f.;,ii" , ,. .:.,;,--" , .. -l..-" ., ... iictxt ; . ii rk hiv sis lift line m r srt-o I . i.m,. nrr.i,a .th .i:t i . .- .. i.- .. ...".. ,eLz i. w, aac. rao.,.,, ,. er ( j, ,,,.,.-, run JJ .Inch -tocU fir nijo , n,- 'er mc 1 ra. u'oT. TJniln T o tlrnXer, '? '-- -.:4nr.n,--!Viu-,fbic5nri--!fi orei7Ic.,r. Va,!:;",;" ,':!':'' ,'1."'""Jj: .,VS?.n,rirJrS;-rVj:'rSa'.V." Ati?' r 0., , .l,,,, a, un,n,ereic. Trade nSS0,'i'' Von'.V, Vtl'n,'. l..S'und-n'nlt:", sAVTilnillilrrk'blVsTl f '- &? to'k JP1Xi B '?" " t't L'u... '-c. cm tint vt.v I. .1 unrse iiirr.-s tt- ... t iic.i .JtJ.j ier ecu uwic iui- 1 ciuies iicM SHU;, lib M.1C M l rill "t.ll lln- F'lOrt toecril,- mirl. Md nrl,...u t,.,. I luc. si'iiej r. . fV- .Al'l x; .Maj b4v. luni t 4 1. . Julc a -mill alliance Ontlnns Hiir-timtn.i ,eV- .Ml ,:t:sj- lend or two o' mulei .n-riicd Inf "i. e i-c, .iui, j.jc.. pi Sc.Dct , s.c 'Ihemarket narruwle Mi, mrt .1 1 - Ti V . inureni. 1 ui ine 1 rmae nrrnaii wen- aunot ' cntnel elmlc. wnh 1 ..rl.,t 1,1. h.r t.. .. ...i."" 'V. -M.u PorK cloo-d ,ic hlKllcr at ncmlnal. ano tie frc-h 111 11K wai therefcre of I I.--.. n -- 1 . -. . - 0 nt . !.... ,.-.. ............. "- Ml.'lo. A!.n imr-h ........1 . ... . ,. . .. ..".-. ..... ... .. ... iiuiM-t. .vuii-m i tc-s i .. v -.1. ii.i.A . rt . i inn lor 111" 1 . -I OI I ne illy 101- i, 1, .,, .. ..,,i,,T-n ,u .tc. unu -man i'iiijm riicn'- ic n w il fuiei u IJ. Wlin Medium H. mti- I.liht line 12i.ffl-'j lowed a nai on iut. with the I ulk of the buslnesn -";v '"'- - ic HP at JS.45fiS.471-. t 'he week olefins on an unchanjed baK and In I ire medium 13 SiIV Medium 17 ilTe prehuliday icitlemcnts bj the "tilent" I-Kliiatd receipts for to-morrow : hent mo-t escentiili -ttJidc witli the week I-efo-e N'o .-ii-rii une . i mills ime nicuium u u li 1 1 ere waa no inuieaiii n ot weaKniss n tie slot J. eurK, eom, 1 ft cat'- tmi 10 , ,- iw, orancn tu uie utmann nai ni'piaee-i anv steal I lleaw fine 11 (f.lll. e'oar.o .C low .14 frtlll, ltllntli .i nt ntic n.-ilnr Sli.lcilm, - ...n .i-m,lc. -. .m i . " t -a --, uoaj-, aellcltc during the week nnl nlrieiher l-tve h.. .in, l.,wl,s -T. -i i-'.o-Jlrt .. An ... .... " "" iu.-i.-u j.s. ,.,.j -'- -,i ii-n-.r, iwme rjl4-; .titvlvv-ririrldn i irim """ , 1 tanc -mall Mate lull cream earli made. 234 4 V-r-r-p uiT-llrMi l'ffMr rrnle colored 12fii21.c tiru small Mate full cream 113 027 L(,dlM.M I iiithij 3-nt, per crale eiilt innil- lhlte l-frli.e rssi !!ffiVft1;"AboeTS,.,,',r,,J-:-Sf, ,01 I'"' IcVS.: l-S, Jilmutr i: crenrren,, .. I.H1 kOHMUBI-NHiv OrtaM 11 4.H Wr te. fl: .lalrlia 1S':i24.- I'hrese llrm 10ai2i'-c. FIll'l'l' I'i:l.T5-Fuil viool pells nomlinllr Mc SV I lmli at 2e to 4-e. &li, arllncs at 5c to 1-e drv uloik fallen, elc . Sc per lb uoorb iiiiisui!.- ii :rtm k. r, t ti :;. u&i fcllplHr flt fce seniles, at C'c link at He KOlJen leil lit 4Je. it n uppi a, -'21 uahrwv lnrk of wot So. bark of In 2'-c snaki- at S!c. bl ick nt 'c ansrll-t it i(i(' tilool 'it :e blue IUk 2. lllkalJ UaMa lOu fisaofns tarU 5c. wild Klrgt r - CAbTOi: llUVNs-lll.l JI '.S and S! ' per bj prime H cir loti -.111111 and inferior lebs. .SLM I Oviint m:i.d j,-r Kt lb. l.lsfi:i) fiiu-iun at CT- LotleJ Ic: prlco non'Mil CAM oil Ol!-I.ot 111 cat . ll'-c lb No 1 anl lOt-i No 3 sm-il . r iiuant tut lo per lb. more "no -Jl i:d oit.-sin.mT yellon at 4ic; .hit 4t,i nhtirvtll 1 4Te ,Inter while 4Bc uejps- N. link 1CC1T 1 ionic Coa-t i;3ICe 1,1 at lit fire1Kn qt 4j;l4 SVl.T-U id . itftlium W 1 rnnulated Euo jier L,d r. i-r Ibl more this side linMP--l.:i.l-Latist bid at SI K Pr 10) II13 . pure t,st IjKII.Ii e:iti:i;- PKXf.n-.IfMPl from strire at 11 KhIki t-cotch S16,iilT0. 1 lit 11 3)1 iZ. whij imk ruill pejFe JJ fo Wllin; l.I. NS Hind pic'ted r't leira In a Fmall wa from si ro ai 51 73tfl vo per bu . -"tni 1 sic; itr bu icaLh!n. picked S! TO. l.lilll at tlSC- er lb IInke J".-o. CtI-Ifor-It mi k nt 2c l.ntda nt I'.fil'-c. New ork kldrej 4" JIOMIY" Comb" L'Hk at f.jSe brltrht nm',r 10. lie while cloier e lilti ulfnlfi l",le Mmlm I Southern In Mis at 4e to 4',c. csns i'j W e'alifotni.i tans Cab'.c MO. 'Mnrkit H ilj. i-Mvhlne picked in bet deinail ttrr1n;s lllw-il, 51-0 nihol luiiy mle,l ri-'.c in-ii bin rkked V r-e,e. XK at at 4'-i.c .X TO ' c. ln Itrior pi. I.c.I l.vs ein 1 lae ti I"IIvr It I1I1 1 i-.. 1 c.'I turpentine nnl casolire ..:. 'npir To llm nil Me ilr-e.,l lu'it ell upil irnl-h 7,. uc-tr IV. ililsK ', 1. 00 . li.df iill- CSt wine l tuerkraut T' I'ei,le 4K-. nit rK IV llflai" "A., lird llercc a: 1. i ful- )3(n broken 1 ca.1. re ot lor each 1) ion llte,tn BlttUiM m n.ilmlli r-m Quote r-r ton ;!r. ? '" ' !V" ! "I :''. c-iiimon SKiff. it u. I n r -lr liO 11 t oimlrc i lira it Vff fV Ml iope - -c nil Ih r a No 1 and ninila SI -0. N.i 5 at rOM -. i 'Him blenched at III ier ton. nth-r klr' frim Siorm 'OKM" IIMN i "IHTM--rer 101 lb : urouiilt 1 1 on t-T, Iea east Me; m-illenble 'liel brenkise -k- ;nc 40c. burnt -V. lielit l-rhsi J. lull Inn JiO. copier 111. zinc S2 M. I a., $3 Ti $1. lOP (Oi:-nn i obl-Cholce white pecrl 51 'n n ivh r - ion 11 ii, e w. nh 53 mixed II Wt 1'F l"s li rae li-ientu TliT'er I'rXMT4 -We nuot. rarmers' --lock lied at i ,Sr.c'i.r lb ulie -i J) 1.I T5 .llln it :'c per bu Hie K ( lit M Tb-Qnctnl 'e ier tu at S)c for laipe and jrc fcr ehelll nrk CIIU rt-Quctablc per I bl in lots at from S3 Pf)TN":Tllnr i-s.-i sni'D-Nominnl at S2 50 per "-Oi:tlHrl Prlije new quo'abI nt :03:;c per "lIU'I.C hUdVn M SIP.I I'-Vew uar at . !.? "' P r lb . l"madiin at 14c. mnplo flnip at CPc o 'jic pt fill iill si-i:i)t Tii-o'hT at r 75 to H hi 1 lor 1 rime w Millet j to J3.0.. for ltunparlan or ctjirmon lle-m in !2 " Hntr mmlnalle nt !to $1 "5 fcr elein. huh sra le red lip at SS-M HIIII.U 1 It!,b- rb-e 11 nt 4e t ie for Fundil-d cpin'tcrs and at Cc to c for eanor-itcd rlnes e h 1 s it 1511,1 pcnei,es San 1-iel nalees nt le-l(2i,c 1-1 iiiu.Ji 1 10m lust 1 inn quotation- ranKO ii 1 mm i-opiar-: in 11 at 1. md JIB.iH. i- ini ii ?'i,,y.s:sfi ' nn'' W- -'. imb nnd tin k- t S'lf,-; nnl 1.15.::. sr,uar.s-4,l n, j;j anj ,'V " " " l-7ri.s mil SPCili. S and up er at S'l nt -MM ttllTiOOil Mill 1 t.n fit SI 1 ""JlTl". 1-irtT lintrle lit Imiw ind oci) nt JJ) in mm n ii for ip $15 anl s f r n 1 c ptos it 2jh ' nnd Jlhl s m Ice Iui-ari no th more Mjple $12 fjr ('w Ord. r Mcli r t'ooiTUMfl 1; -OuMf Cdtnnuool fliur ' ' - . ii' nic ii i ii hi . n nt S'l It If it- u- .a n r "-. t. ...I j.- .11 n t tvi mfi-i ,i, 4 .)( iu aiM iictxt -; . j. rk hiv ?n let line Il'.aniNfj. l-ri'-Ilnsclns r.r eard. l.-lb '-c -lb at ".", 2'i !o at C'ic Ircn cotton tics 51 Heiiip twine V sl. I.tml- Ctittnn Market. Jt Iiult. lib jn yuiet .irl unelunricl N'o nr,Ie- Old lure ,. .. 7 1 16 Hood ttdliiir ... . . 7 11 In l.uiv mlJdllnK 2 1 15 Uduliu? ... .is in lK.l it lil lll.i - . . . -i H -li'ldllrs filr . s Mi, 'Iirscd -ir.l -lilte-I ',c to -tc off white - - L I IMIC1I1 IIUI , i t on i.ui. l at - ,-lM . rtteij-t-i i.t.7 Lab, at 1 at 8 2 16c. re- Ntv trrit in (jakt c jt.s h i , bib 'cl Ut Qui. , at J-i,, reteipts '-21 balc-i -.ieann in Quiet and cnj nt S w lee. receipts ., 4. bill - 1 haile-ton riln it si iictlt 3SS lule Noifolk III II at Rl-C. re, cilf l-Ol-I laleji Italtimoti- Nomlnil at i- le. e 1 1- i 71 1 ales Ntw lnlk-Qi.Iit at e u hr tMeltis 7i. I ale-, lrfi-tun Quiet at f 1- iu it i cl is wl bnlet Hvjusi, n Meade at s 7 li receipt 4.,bab-t ;ieinihlr-.-te.iili at , i-e.ujts 335 tai II? Telt-nr.ipli. New "loik. IVb 21 -pot cotlon closed ut kl. inidllln? U lauds slllw. 1,0 irulf JI u, tales ingle biart-di If reckoned with alone, but when Hit enorinjus sxpurl raoiement was cinslleiccl and the tacerni -i, of exporters In the -outh to snip up all .rrcrlncs at fo mer htcli pro tho nioiericnl lickul -pei lal -icnllicancc' lhe j-up-r-Inlendtnt of the rotten !.xclunc male the 'in siht ' for the we, k -I'lc; I aj agniust 13 i.4 last 1 V2j two Jiars ajj ind W i,D2 three jeirs cko with the- total since -epl mber last fc 3-'-' .7. t r -ome 4',(yi) more th in tliirliic the -aine a icir .iko The LlieriKxl cabl-s wero sometl lnc cl a polnt.nent but male little lmpio-ion upon the local mirket At the elo-e the 11 here- was steady with rrlces n-t 2 points lo.eer to t poln's hlgler. Lice liol Kcb 21 Cltton Mmt llmltcl de mnnl prices steal! Americnn middllrc 4 21221. 'lhe --lies of the ilne were 7.000 of when n were- for speculation and export an 1 lrelu le 1 C iijo .Mrerlt m. Ittceirtt 1!0"0 I ale. inclulini; 8 414 American Pulurcs o-ientd quiet an-1 cl -eu -tcath : Anu-rltan nilddilnr cue Pel rurnry. 4 37-1.41 s. Ielrniry and Mar-h 4 17 C4"74 &-M li . March and April. 4 35-C4IM 7C eM b . nrtl and Mae. 4 36 C4.1 s. Miy and June 4 3-. Cl 1 s June anl Jul 4CC41 b Jule and ucu-t. 4 2C-K41 -. Aucust an! September. 4 11 6iir 4 32 ft 1 K: .-optimlicr ail ilctolri. 4 22Cly 4 -TCI I b Oetob. ran-! Noiember 4 13 6)1 s .Nt w Orleans I.". Peb 21 CHton fulu-e- stenlc. IMrunn 11-7? lie Mnrch S 1. pidl -lCl'20c. Mil "-27c Jun- slirm-,3 : julj -7 e Ifi . MielKt s23'nSlc t-pot quiet sabs 2 '00. i,rdinni 1. 1" ICc. cn.,.1 ordinnre 7 7 Kc low icid tlllrs 71"lCe mi-Mllnc I ll-10c cood inldllinc s'Mfic inii.iiinc filr ss-ldc. rccii,is 7,031. suck 211.37S Vcvi York. b 21 I Jim! wcitiVr Iia" lurt in lr cv hI to i!t but tha el ot husinct.1 ifnnril r.therwl- In Itepii of ar(ice xtcnt. TI o t no or tie m irkrt rcrtinuva Hrm through out Tor botli etiplt arl tint cotton e aJs tiMricin f-tton ianis .re In Imprnw-J tlni tn I. ith nn aiUancfrsr tntlnc U ortnJ irn MUiet. iut firm "Un .un- .( ulv l.lnrn ams t-tron Maiktt -Ioctl to-mono v Wa-h-inton lurthtla Alanthtcr I rb 21 t luihf bujers ami e(n cri -irnrt Varna Jull ami hiacthc X?v- ork 1 cb 21 oTe-1 -pot Itlo pti . No nt-l'lnm eJlUn wlilt. in. h .it f, 1 i t n ( T Imolco .vvc, miM !ull, "'ordoa SfilA. Th t 4ffTee jriiMt rpnM U uU tth prkri un- cn inRPxi to . i fiimi imvcr, aim ionimp ine can ' under 'brisk selling tor Utli ,1 Ly dlI pointlliK foreign mar- .intlnni im-,,, ri.lms -f, I it. turti or (a'-fd on ncn lints. n'OliltltLi 1 t in'cirm itir.n 4ropt!nuo(i ln ih countrv. frrr oierfn23 for Fpot corf',t and er tamp ilem md Tlie close was Malj, with rtcc- i-t 5 to 1) points lower Toul aU writ f 7t lnc' lnlmllnK iliroh it r -55 "'h lunc r ii) , Iu' i Vi., uc . 70-, t. niifiW . " t 0 o. IV Iter j fit tn hjj u'h Il!o o t 5jc nchanKP 12 I Ile'r ts 1 . nH M,s 'lpartl for ti o t n'te,I vtats 1 Oh) li ir cleirotl for Unropc I &! Uijrs. Mink &() 1 tKB nt'" weak, aens vrnio llic rocf-lpt ;i lacs. istocK 1.2Ut- tip- Ilambi.rt; omuM W't1 pf! lowtr. ati SO p m was nt tt pf lower, -tIc -Jiho ts. 1 iu ro miTKet openiNi nareiv Fteaaj , Inupr ii nriori tinrhiii2ftl t S n i ton f i .mA uiKhaPKCtl. cloeJ Mi1, franc net lemer. sales UOObac I "HJiIir. I 2fv orK. 1 21 "UKir uitt FWaih fair n tluiiiiT ZKsi. rontilfuc.iL It tet 3a-c. nui'dinw Miwr c. icfineil llrm. (ru'-hoJ Z 20i., poudcreil lCtT oljjllc New Orlan4 La. 1 &! 2t ucar firm rp kettle C$?25ic; contrtfusal, ranulitod nna white none; scllows 3'Q3 13-lc owomls. S'iSI ZKc. Mnacs Ptrori-j; cdt kettle HSiVSc; ccn trifi'il 7Wlffc Syrup nominal i Jluttrr ami Cheese. Xcw Tork J li tl nutter n"cclnti 1 713 VSi . ft"" htat lalr :0'iT2c. ereamr 2T(3'c .(unc creamT 17t2jc. factor li21r Chofo-1 ItfcHpts AC&) ukRR . fnn f-.c lirco "jrly tii'nn rumriii jic, iiiinj tiiijr fitiiy irHie, wnili lfl . Helton Mv. IVb 21. The rmn en lal Eul- J lexin wui vu in m-mt-nuw reoiT on the wo.1 iju" ui m. . mnii -i.m-a Actlvltv nt'rs in the Uet rather ib.-m th Kat. Tne in v Arizona clip upemd last wetfk. had adviunc mltlv tbH week, thf longest and llpest .w)li FUHmr thKwotk ,it i'noenix, Ariz, at Cti' cle in. dellv red In Ilotoi. an ndtance of li) cnt ths fcouud iH-iuiul over lait o-irs opening rati, limern dealr are c intruding for vool on the ?,u?cp tack In Nevada and fl-ewhre l!-nfonl dealers hpve boucht thU week, the entire upply of scoured wools left in M Iout In lJoton Australian wools of 66 quality have foIJ nt 70c. clean, on advance of 2 cents Flnce the last sales At the comlmr Iyindn auctions but 360.M3 lialen will be offered acalnst 218 C bales at the same tlmp last vear The receipts of wool In Tlo-ton Flnce Jan- u tn j . -. ...... ,s.... . -,i v, .n i--j w.i-jo. u.1 il vi .ira ..iii run rttn u- a t. 'Afa . t . I'm.' ntp tirnn i i i: iili .miimta nmiw. i i Ii0.-,t.l pcunds f,5r the same period In ll.j 1 " ,t:"f steers 1..TX) to I flo Uis The Hirers in this '"iriJ.1 ins?wi ni-HT i..f,ir iVhet ."!"" , Durlns the nrnioui, week the full ranse E'"1, J,i, 15; i-'Mtn " '"i",' '", ,;o.s""; -iasHfo. the lulk .old at 1 Q3 SO. tMk to da, '63--st-- rJSflE a'' tho t0UI Sleers. l.eoo t, i.u, Lt.. -Th- reprofnta stock to doj is 63.,S.G pounds. j tlon , ,,j, class In lars; lots cr loads sold la GRAINS HAVE A SLOW, DULL DAY ON 'CHANGE AT CHICAGO. I5K KS PREVAIL AND PRICES ARK LOWER ALL ROUND. Coin Altr.icts the Greatest Attcn limi and LaiK in tho Down ward Mou'inent. Chicacio, Keb. II. Grain had another slow, monotonous d ly Most ot the light trading was eenins up in preparation for the hol iday on 'clunKo to-morrow, but bearish sentiment, especially in corn. entunlly turned the pits weal;, an I Ma wheat clo-ed r,.u lower. May corn Vrti" lower, and May euis c oil. rroiislons elood unchansed to Ze hicher Wlicnt. Whe.Vt conditions were little changed, roitisn niw- was sliqiitlv liullioli. and do imstlc the reverse. Clo-liiK up tlcilsi ttartcd the ui.irl.ct a trille lower, but so tamo was speculation th it iluctuatlon-s the lln.t p.irt of ilie session were hardly noticeable, 'lhire was little intere-t In the market, and the pit was illmobt without a fe.eture. ena bles were iibout steady; Argintlno shil nients a. ere much rulueeil from 1 i-t jear; Northwest reci ipts are 1 irB r and are ex pected to be larger for wmc time, oftine; to line eIators ihlppim; into their ter minal.: The preiailiiiB -entiment was to tell for u modi rate break, but the eperi- ! enie of short -eller- in both cctn aril wheat I foi the last feu da- held the feeling In ' c'leck to -ome etcnt Thero still holds eiut the iIi'Dre-sint; absouee of ouuide bu-iness. ' i:entii.illv the Southwestern markets be I can ttirninE: wmk; eorn w.n nffecte 1 0 .iiiblll, and wheat turneii the swale and -lipped downward. When tho b-ari-h feel ins was well manifested in whe-at. bulla had a prett; hard timo of it supporting the market. Mae, which opened a shade h'sher to 'bC'iC lower at TSUc to Vic hailed for n. long timo, then declined to 77'3C, and elo-ed wtak, ric lower at TiiyaniC. One of the ejrle beari-h inlliiences was the ad iei that e-trda's export Ies were for Manitoba wheat Cah business to-day was onlj .1 trille better, lieal receipts were 12 ear-, one of contract grade; M.nncapolls and Duluth reported !Wi cars, making 11 tc t il fur the three points of 517 cars, agaln-r M Int week This day last vcar wa- a 1 olidae I'rimnr reciipts were 0JSO1O bit. Si aboard clriirancs In wheat and flour ennaled Ssl.liiO lin Ar"entlno hlnmont.i vert- t4 If0 bu , t ompare-d with i'UffUO hit. ' ..ut week S -i,bMrd Vel , ,ra rL1 aim iiij.-i mi last e.r. The portend 1J loads taken for e- quarter-, mo-tly for -mill lot-, hut eon- re itiee hoti-es repeatt dl denied that the cuiintre was o-ferlnK more freil. St. laiuis ln.wiver. Iroe ,-h lrple, and -eld under CI. - ipo the lir-t tlmt in a Ions period The 1.2'L?'-" y '"' -X'ed-inffuence, md . .. ,,u. .. - . i.i. .eiiiii i . it win nririni KniiKi- of I'uliirpN. ltl le. oneii IIlKVt Uwe-t fio.e Vneil-Maj . 77'. 7S', 77- 771-1,, Iu!) . .. .7-V. 7m. 7 " '-t 'Ut 7-, 771 77'. 7-1, forn-Mav GI', 1 1, eiv, ). .."'''"., -1. ')"-) 6 riv. "'.iC lull .. . . -il. .-;,, xi tj, Tt "IV -p. 3!Ji21i DK1-11 M. - Tork-Mae H C.C ,; 7-. " 13 67' 13 j;i". , 'ulj . . 1" 2je. 1 ..1 j- 1 j, ,-,- Jird Mae . y 41 '1 4 . HI n 40 " Jul . n vi -1 v. .j -q n -., f-'-oit l.iln K 4". f mi s i 5 7i; 'u'e- . y V, K f 0 -,-, j. -,71; i-'pt 5 7i ! (T, S 67'! Ite-i-cipls anil -hlpincnt. Article n., . s.!n ''""'. ':' 27 01-1 Jl.'jo Uheilt, bl S.". L.J t,-. Ifl 'oil. hu . 7- Oil 41 oo-i at in .... .... r.MNio in, ion !;5-: bu -oni f-,,,,1 naiio. bu ... .").,) -.ij.yyo l'rolloilfl. I'rot i-'cins h...J a Rood tone, in contrcyrt with tlie Kniln weaknt-. The Iiok mar ket v.a- tiling, .md .1 f.iir dem md from eoinini-.sion liotip-. tocether with ome Mi1im;ts itv ' New ork. 1M :l Hour Receipts 13R34- ex. . ,. ..-.. . . - T"l. hA. M.t --- ..""v."""..:''-. " ' .ii--a, 11 i.j- i3 rr .it)H mi i and clen to niouVrite depression b reason of faorabl crop iifwe, Ifls actht, txport tnido and seneral ' Miw wuh int- ciost; weak at c net lo. March tlWd St.c- May 3.,ivi i;.p. c!oe hV-c. Julr Mi.833-c clo'-ert '4c: opt. hV s2-c. lo-td K'tC rorn Hnlpt II 00) export) 8 JM, siot Ptead. No 2 6S,. eIeator anl 67sc f 1- Tilrot. ilullnc4 In the corn nnrket was .ilFo it ten led b eiIer price follow lnc wheat, aid liit closo wis weak at (,zc net lower: 21 ly GfViefle. cloe,i -c: ItiU fa'tfottUc cIoe,l )(( S.-pt C4MiKr. dost e4c. Oats Heceipta l ooo bu export Ifl 20" bu : pot Ftroiff; No 2 .Ve. No 3 ?. Xn while n.p. No 3 whlto lc. trk mixed Western Cj5Mc. tik. nhlte 30fif- Optima quiet anl taller: c!o--el n Fhide lower with other in trkets Iird eai- WeMern hteanind J3 ftVfi 6 n lined Ptead ; ontinent CO TO -outh America J10 3J. compound T34Clc. I'ork Pttudy. TiWow firm; rlt U2 per Pkf; C'4c. country (j kg free) 6'Cc. Mo lasses ffadj t hienso Teb 21 Cah flour dull; winter patents $3 S0JI4. nralRht J3.4j72.T0. Wheat No. 1 TSIiTi'tc No i red i'ft M4c Oit No 2 43'?44'bc: No. 2 white AV.'f 4le, No 1 v Mite 4414,341V Itj-No. 2 nH:6tC I'srJej 1-alr to .rulc molting C(.S2r. e N No. 1 Mix in',t o. l Northwt-nern Sl 711 71U; prime tlmothj GJc, cloer. contract sride Vi 2j rruviUin Me. ptrK. per bbl , Jl" ZO'iitf 03. lard. Ier 10s lbs. fZKlZ112 "hurt rib fdc liom-i 303S4j: dr -F.ilt.i fliouWrs dioxedi. JT KMf 7 Jl elort ilear slle (boxed) JS.TiHJfS SO. T"hlky UasK uf Iifqli winc tl JS. hrpool. lb l-Hop3 at Tendon f Pa eiftc ( ri.t) liMH. (Z liC4 l'. Haenn-fiimberland rut toidl. 4N UHcelmo ef uhit iltirlnp th . jat thr?e lij 203Oijt lentaN, includinp 117.000 1 iiut-ricHii n-.t.-iiJis ii American corn pom inrce dt. fcj centnle Weather dull Milwaukee. UN, Kcb 21 W hfat '!o'-e. No t Nirilirn -.C-J5..C. No. 2 .Nort'ieni 73,S7C-: Jl-v 'n.. ,c. Itie nulet: No. 1 WaftClc Uarley weak. No. 2 uHsc. samtlles ..ifilc. I'nrn Mar 0,s.c I . 21 Wheat dull: lower: cash luly fl',c Corn dull: loner: ' !c Oals dull. Teb 41'-c. May . Tod-i O . Teb. f'.c: ys S33.c Mil fir.i. Iulv61' 41c. Jul 37',c Cloicrsoed falrlv aclle."hlclier, ensh prime Jnd Jlaub Jii-i'i, No - aMlte J aO QS60. Minneapolis, Jiinn . Keb 21 Close Wheat "i'h 73fl71s-. Jln 71'. c. Julv 7',ii7-,5c on trk N"o t lianl r.c; No. 1 Northern 73l.S74c: No 2 Northern T2U73c. Flour First patents Jlv'.ffi'!",. scconl pitent1 $S.75Ti3 S3: first It-rs 53 7Tft3 Si. cecfnI clears S3 40 Hran In bulk $13. i tfirs,is uj. in . i-ru 21 cioc: Wnfat May " rtTV-W- JlU 74'C ra;!l o " Jiarl TT.!?7Ht.f " 3 74c .No rfil 43c: No 3 S384c; No 'Z Fprliw Tt1, 4ac Corn-May ftU4c- ept BS"ic: 1I i1'" - ihac-ii wnmj'; .TQ VW1JIA t4Vl t. No 3 t.3'(Me Oats No 2 white 4SfT4bCc. Jit- ,o ; iiuc uav unoiee tlmothv J13 ) do pr-iIrU $12 M nocelpts heat It! OCO bu : corn VtA) bu . oit DOJ0 bu. shipments Wheat tin) bu corn ,J(Kt bu : oats H.t bu. I'earln. III. Teb 21. Corn eteadv No 3 59Uc Oits tlrm, Nu 2 whlto 444c billed through. Wbl'kv on the baIs of $1 31 for HnHred good Liverpool. Feb 21 Spot wheat Mead; Xo. I No-thern prlnc- 6 2.1: No 2 rel Western winter Cs md: No 1 California Cs 3'4il ruturea quiet; March r ld; Mav fis ld. "Corn Spo. Amer ican mixed new Fteady. fs Id: American mlxpd old oul-t. 3i 2d Futures stead , reb. nominal: Minn r 1V1: Mav Si ld. Dulutli. Ttb 21 Cione: Wheit Cifh No 1 h ird 77c; No 2 Northern 7H4c; No l Northern 74o ; May 7k ; Jl 77c. Manitoba No 1 North ern nh 72'4e; May 74'3c; No. 2 Northern 690. Oata 4i.c. Corn Cue. I.UK STOCK 3IRKRT. ntle Cattle Scarce Ilotclier Prices Stend Males Unchanged. IVef Steers Native cattl receipts Tre email and about like Friday of la-t week, a here wie trv few beef 'teers on ale. lrices were ten erall crWtred stead j to stron?ar. Durln th wek there was considerable Irregularity and un eenesd tn the market, but a ery general ten deccy tw strength, and. the close fndi prtces potrd 25c higher than on Monday on the bulk ot the Bteer trad There are extremes to be noted. Tho week closes with a good healthy un- Beef Steer?. 120) to 1.603 I,b Steers averag- t lnc 1.200 to 1 6 1 sold at SSQ4.3S, th bulk of I FnT?ff- nt S3 Vfifi.lj The oualitv nas nnlv fair arid he weight ranged from l,3ro to 1.C3) It'4. jiuniiif tre rv1u' ck ne iuii rarge was . ----.-i--'-. "' jrti- sitnuv tn tone; w intir pal.nts S3 s."5! 23: winter stralchts $3 70& 1 B) Minnesota pilmts $1 -i"&4 10 bakers' $2 tja "', ' H"r stijdj Cornineal llrm; jellow Western JI -a. tlt Jl ; ine ensi : No "West ern C. ,c r o li alloat. When Receipts 61 7T0. Met easj; No 2 red SSo f. I, No 2 nil BV dilator. No 1 Northern Duluth "3J.c f. ti b 1 nn, :: . -,. .,,,. . ... ii'tual. sti 1 nnril XTnnltolia cti.- t .. u itrmcs from WtitZZ. tli hulk s-n .it JI SOjil V Dm ins h i'r1uu wtok the full range wis 55 (Uh.7 hihI the IuIIc "iM at Jiwdw liutclur Miers (Zi to 90 Ujs. Tiic full rjJise In ilii clifs wan i24i5-l. tn I ulk vt tales at !3J &5 Dutin,; tin pn ious . tlif lull nipee vis JJiiJi, wuh tit. Imlk at J3(S5rfl3 j uti ami jjutc-hi:u bTi:cit T::J:S frAl 1'lM an:tn7k.fc4.maut. "-aiLS' Pr 1 . Ilutiher CattleThem was a light run of tiuuher and eanner snips on nli. Tr.ult was MUlet for lack cf -uppl. 1 ut prices were lirm at the pmdiial adeanc-: -Icieloiiid during the pre, iius iln of the week and all dc -Irat le stuff is tl otahie nt a 1 advanet of aniurd is. over the elo-e uf lin wttk 'I be llltrI u riles of emls on tednc-sln nnl rhiirsda nulled lujtrs tu nil up, and as 1 SiK,a"rl,uc" Irblaj's jrties dctlineJ around S,y lc Wirt; slcadj it the hrm prices of the Cow", Heifers and Mixed lits lie iters 'old at ? .. r,,"K! ef JJfiO'i-oo and ions at 51 litH v; liefer nupi Ilea wem fnlr In (,!. best lull 1-i.uls eeljlns at WTofi5 The bulk ut the cons -old at s iJ'M. lielk t the bellirs nt J.I2Q(m4. liur mc lh- ireilous wiek the blilL of all th- cows Jilil t i . at The bulk of the .,ull.wet i, ives sll at !- U it 4;, and the butt r clas cone-ally .!i "Hi.1" " ''' "' solni; hlsher Cunning S?" iS". ,Jt l -rv.. Mi-.I l.utiiKr cattlo b.ia Ircrni J-riO, tho rail!, at U 7i (I v.. .Vo '"t'-ial lall.s teal lirttly at le?7 l'Zju " and the full ians- for veals was, jJV . Jjulls, Stass and OienThe bull s.ji.i 2t j: "., to?' "L " Za- stJts nd oxen at & ,nce,:nl.Ir:I"'rA2:r5. ' ?fU of tZ ,: "r ""'"a " iimu. ini tti tetM :7.:2.lf 0I.?'"r iuallt ini iJliuiiJ nui J,"10. "-nbaed to ti uleis and ns not ur-ent eliaiiM I " "u"ft a" ' "a nteri.ill JM't- u"'v" bo-ine-5 from an out s .mj point uj- t,n liupiatcni-nt oier in,- Ireil'iii j; 'Wf-. but lln Is , r cJ,! .. t fea"?. t-0""r " ek-ti -ere Mill on a bed rJtlt Muck Flrern miin.r'v.-'V"",3 - ,u '"- " i-tf- - ?. i".',"'5. r.1""1' ,,ul,i oU nalnl nt S3 i " 1 -,i "V'i "' '"" n.nB was 71 z, ''1',' ' -'Ili.i-lti,i,,t, or quar mtlne gatlns iij.v ataint .1 11111 of 41 on 1 l-t llllu ilii?m'.Ut'' LM.i,ra'' ''T-' fca'id uitiJ titers liinn- Li '"' .''"", u'""l"d imi -old win ai iim oT.c 1 . lK'"B urou"d iSc h!(,hir thin el.?-it l lVe !irit ot tlif wick "lhe wed. sZTcwLrSXS- nTme- ,,ta,,,, ""' ttlth J ii.e,ilnB t,,c wtcU r'' na'1 Indian TerrPo-v steem .ncr ifcintr 7i, to l.JH ib -0id at a full lV.'f, f3-7" , ",ost ,' """, K' ,n " 4 " and btlfers bioinht J.nlj... iuu 3ci4. i-tacs Hill:- Tlie ttt-r.l. .f !,... ,. , . ... in.. , -,--j -. -,.-. -,.im uni lair. our. included a kihhI n prc-ent ition t, medluin an! in ii hu-i lominiid ti rtetTit luipli 'li. inarktit oiencd .utile ,.n 1 ialui,i uu 1I11 bet l.rii,lt wen eoniil.rtl ab ,ut Lr. bl-her ilinn .,11 Jlliil PlltAJ , i.,-if t. rMird n r.(. t..i itv. .. t -- eull,nt M 0s i.. fair Vo K.VW.'ed tt " CIO. the ton iut St, 4". an 1 ih bulk .if ho -3 e u ib. n.1,1 at r.os a. aualrM a up or ,7, ,',,"' ' the bu,k "' ''"'' -" "n 'Ihur.dis . ,,,1 iT. '""1' mirkot wan in mucn tre Vh" w 'SKtt , hi' kJliY ? week nji th upu1 half us renire of 4.-l63D with the bull of the -lies ruins at ;:735i., -toc'.iri -ill I it S13,)B2 2,. cull iambi at j "fifi 1 anl buck- -old at W 4 3-) 1 rincip-UU at S3 30it M Ie al-j Include-1 W.-tcrn lanib-t nt J 4nil,"'i lb-urn ceirliusi; nt '1 ai 1 Weinrr -hctti at S3 2 anj tbiep at $3 ii IIOIt-Ks rile hor--e nrrlinl- were .ere IlKlit Th"r, were 1 11K 1 1 irload t,r tm. not tnjuzh In Ju-tif in nil. In 11. anl whit few were milUtl. ntre on 1 hnils .f i.rliate rale The week I n I een mi 1 strnrcr baslt thnt the week p-e ce-llnp- fn-nu dtmnnd haefne; ooriderabl lm I ro ed fortlnc prices ,,f pitdliun chunks up about S3 ier bend ijno-l I.isi.rn hue ini; ha 1 e-n the rule md illhoucl, there wnt no inquiry in Siuthern bu.inz t wn 1 kdo-1 mirket for ten Mnds. The week U ilodrc with a pood c'tnr-sn-f Hore quotat.ons Heare draft common to pood S121al3n choice to extrn Slf0-183 rhunl . 1,U0 to 1330 lbi . fnlr to nood Siii''l Rood t) choltc JK'itVtO e'om Ii horses and iol"s fair to fcood J14iil73 choice to extm $2iJ0,i7 IlTse for the -outh -mall 1'rht drle.rt, filr to pood 31043 ,h tee to cxtri S30a7-l -iilthrn diiiT-. lirKe Ss3?tl2o l.xport chunk-.. 120. to 1 V.i II - . I lain to i;ool $7-) t hotce to extra SlOJf I2- Iluslnes- drierej fair to pood Ss3tilM. choice to extra S123f.l3il S-adlhr- ftn- Southern iie. filr to Kod S.S'is-1 .hobt ti ott t Slc313. fnnev Faited and New Yt rk salllem ei3iV73i). Inferior hors, . tomnion. mall pluqs f-JCfCO. hca work mndo un n mc lente olume of sale-. Mule ouotatlo-s ifor 1 roke mules 4 to sears I oi'U. 1 14 lipid-., extreme ranee ,.$ ".J Mff 70 10 ... SOIklc 010) ,. To 00 W 10 . 7.3 Ol-i Ii3 0-1 . 71 UMi 110 Oil , 77 WIS th1 fO . ! 011-&1L'. (o . 7 Oil ( I .3 SO . 12) OOtiiaion ' 14 hands bulk of sal-s I... .....,. ........... .. ..'Z nail,,,, t-,...:.,,-; tuiixt. .......1 14l2 hinds, bulk rf sale. 15 bandit, extreme nntc,e 13 hands bulk of salts laifc hands, extreme rane 13t- hands lulk tf sales . . into li-Vy hand", extreme ranee ii 10 jii'j hands nunc or -mes , 125 waiu.o 'TIia flrct Tina nf niintnllAiii In (! ritm l!4tsi i .. ."." " mv vr. " "-" a"" raicuiaiea 10 rcrn cent int run ran-sp ironi com- nion to extra Deiler hoeer. oft"n clatfij superlatUe bunches (all Up') for buers, which sometimes Fell .onlderabiy ato the Wfihet obotitlon The record line of quotations signi fies the bulk of pale and Renerall represents the arfcurt c!fs3 ar the are roil un the t-m-mIslon market, more or less rnKed Ily Telcsrrapli. Kaovis 471 tr. Mo, IVb 21 Cattle Receipt 2, 4) natives. &.0 Ttxans, 100 cahes All clare actixe. -teadj , choice extort and clrctd leef steers J61fi 5; fair to pwl V'lb. .ockers nnl fee,icrn $.1 r)ffl 0. WetnTi Ted steers $."Ijfi. Ttxns nnd Indlin Fteerj il ."Viif 72, Icwi tows JT 25574 . natUe cow S-lglTJ, heifers 11 73W C 5, can n en S21i3. bull 53 23 f4 3', in He SI M trf 7 Hi's Pccejpt 6 2tf, market Ic hicher. ton Jb "Vi-, bulk of ales S "cj6 30, heavy $( riitf 6 37's. mixed iiacker 5"i fuG 23, llsht $3 Ti 6. piss SI 7j&3 23 hhe !-Keceiptl jO), market f-teifU , native limb Sfi 40?n 75 Wettrn Iambs S6 Wt6 do rative withii $5i3 73. Western wethers 53tT3 CO; earlln $3 -.iC t", ewes Sl C3 I OS 50. mil an.l feilera J2 305f 4 50 -1 jo-epn. mo, d. si i-aitie ifceipt vj, market etrong, native Sl 23j7: cows and heifeis Sl.733 V). veils S45;tj ,,; itockers and feeders J2 U)i& s't Hoics Jleeelpts 3100, market steadv: Ilcht and liRht mixed S 70tio 10. medium ind heavy Sl 031 37,, pli; S3 U4 90 fcheep Ittr cflms 1X. mnrket stcudj Clilcaco. I'eb 21 Cattle Ketelpt 3 V0 nctlvo and.sten.1v, jjood to prime tteers $., 7-3 ponr to medium $41tS -13, tocl er anl feeders 5-30IiJ cows i.-r7j iu, neiiTs j i'j w cinnera S1.2vll2 40. bull1 S. 'ii &). idUes J2 Vi; 'lexas fed Fleers S4 .V1i4 &" Hcri Receipt 2-1.- r-Oi). left utr 4 001). actUe: strnnir to 5c lilcher: mled and butchers' $3'-0-iib4). gKKl to cliolio liay $1. 23b 4",; rouch he-tj rtyt. A). IUht KMlm lulk or sal-s 1 3, ils 25 biieep It- lelpts 7.000: sheen stead 1 . lambs weak to 10c louir: Kood to choice nttliirs 14 73&7 Zj. fair ti 1.UVII.V iiiiAeu . oj'ii-i vi. iirnrni snecp ami jni- llnga Jl 30-nl . natbe lanil-s 13.75i6 J) Western lambs J.--1it n' Olflclnl jcsti-da.- Ketclpls Cattle IOSIj, hORs ;7 0j;. hen Mm. ship- rocnt-Cittle 4 43. hegh i 15i. prt 1.972 "Sew Yoik. Teh 21 lt'?e-KH.ppH 3 0 fl. steers sletiv: bull; and cow jinn 1 1 1 to hlshT. ftPr $1 7"fit 10. oxrn ami st urs II VWi; bulls $3 4 rows iZ.V&iM. t-tuckt rt S3 ' CiI.m loucr. live cattle lSsiill'ic. clreU weight, re frlKfrator beef. 104ilUic per lb Kurorts t- morrow 8S0 cattlo anl ." 31J murtern f beer. ralvcs Keccli'ts K. slow and -"c lower; tn cr ot vve'ierns unjoin, ain i- o-iyi i, ioih $S 73: bamvinl calves 5J-S3 .0 eterna $3 . li';. Sheep and lambs Receipts 5.710 sheep tcad. limb' slow, pood lamb 1 c lover, medium grade rTj2Tc off. Sheet. $IIi5 2.",. r.n choice here; cuIIh J35j3 50. limbs $.ol4t7".. culla It Z-)QZ IIoks Hecelpts 3 423. rtnrer feellnj, nominal quotations 5t50j6Cv for Mate ho;s. poniitY. Sapplj- nscreiln Deiuund nt .Nrrr Vork and Price Arc Cnnler. RKPUBUC SrFCIAL. New "uilc teb 31 Live poultry receipts for the week wer- J7 cars Western, J Southwestern. 2 tfoutiern and fullj 2 cars cf near-by fattened, ccee, with S cars exprtFa, asalnst 2V ear- last w rek The receipts for t he vv et k hav hovvn an mlookfd fur Increase both from A extern and "outherls "actions and the fact that mre than & cart were carried m unok! b Job! ers swelled tho available supply mitt h ln eces of trade wants, and tho market declined sHght- ly. out not n proponioti to tno mere iaeii -uppij Jl is expected mat iuu a io ? cars win CO ovr to next market, to-morrow being' a close holMar. and th outlook ftr prltTS next week will depend entlre upon t)e clutne of receipt Prices to-day wero unchaaged. OreiLfI pultr receipts tu-ili. were 2 113 not Is ages. The frebli ietelpt ot fouls thh , Meek were lealer than lookel for. the In ' crease belrs due tn t late prr ultlng hii prices wnicn atiracieii iock in tnj? airection. besides considerable stock arrl d last u etlc after the trade was put piled. whlh ad to be carried ocr to this week Demand on th who1 raa cf limited -volume, ai nearly all th dealer? u?e frozen and the demand for f'eh fonl as connncd mainly to the phop trade, which found mach difficulty in ratting to market on account of heavj snoxvtoms Several cirs of fowls arrived to-dij. but li the absence of de mand hid to be put away In coders till next neeit Receivers offered best drj -picked fonts at Ulir. but couM not uttract bn crs Scalded ffwls were nnt plnt and cteadi'. Prices rc miln untltanrcd EffRi. Ilin UBLICSl'KCI VL. Xen lork. ret). Il.-Eses Rtccipts to-iay lid lt,ler In ihu el.i. ti, 'ini1-.! "".""" "H.hts,c.I from 1 .ir". ",- "" tl" iiuaiit. wa l ilr t.i SWid lhe lull, ot ill t, sti.Vr-. ioq ,. , - "-. -old it cijvjioj. .mi . .to liV)'b -Joel, llilftrs ml ltar!ln-.-hlci.k towi ,,.-! helfei -.oil .ii i ..-- ..,7.. .,.,. . ..r. . . 'J'.1 j V ,". -tl.ll .1 LUllv IT 5', ti --.,-. !'ii -, uii a -n- u. alii calves i7l,V '"r ''Y ""J '- Ht-O lor 1.J lbs .UUiims in,l lenas -teei- vju t r.'l ILt ai- "'.-V-W',1""' 'd iKifcra Void it !'-,l ".'r-.;""'- in.d 0.xen il 'f:-il. lulled li1!' "-..V "l-l. be luik at J. l. jearllliKJ .--1.1. t. and wilts. j(i ,.r no ils CTW cd-?s Th courir of the marl"! ha b"n dpclclllj rrratlo llirt-tifihoiit the wJm1 Wsrfk'f ttit'llnc. ind ti nmclii,'lr- of the p.j-td oi eruturs as to th- iinniMi it futnrt- lia It"! r much at fault at to It-ad to considerable hwt-s in tlm Pirt df thoe who cr I-d to antltlpit" a decline as the effect of diminished cnumiitn and a u Mt n Increase In uppliH rs misht ie antlclrilM from the fullj uU ncel pei-on On Monday the mir';tt Opemd Ftroi? and pomewhit excited under locnl and Interior t-mh er condltli n biislne-" ilrT adjusted 'i lh IaU of Zie to th repiilir tnde On TupMij th imrket rose to Z7c. hut In thi n port of tnit dit' it was noticed that there wi' a more mijilprite lnnuln anl the lick of brik dem ind ffirenhadoued the decline on ednMliy to ?c t'lir-i deralb ifulitle Inn In? wis d n In th. ifUrnotjii of Wt-dntslny ind with tock -wIl In band operaturs 1 inir t-u-Uined bj a cnod d rrand it th- oirnlnjr were en ildd to ileir thtlr l,oods at a prnilt althouKh at i eonceson undr the rtKulir in irket, which showM a d trrnln nt 3f'c Tculathe holdlncs hie been vell re duced as the inirket sraduilly worked up to owners' limits an I the amount of stock o held hTe N nm mal! The nmrc of price? I e tnt"n th fiiift anl defetle nuilltl bis Iwn er lipht anl prolftbU Zc a dozen would coe thf entire nnc unless in the ent of tt-k Wins thoroushlv frozen of which les I hjnl than lit week T-dij mirket oenefl at ?tif vlth cIolnc ales it ST'-c. Quctatlons at mirk Xcrthern and Centra! Ut Src et e-n an! south western straiiel, Kentiiek' ended "-1 c Tennf st jnd South"n ?rail"l TiV frh calbcrd filr to sod SI 0 35c. de fect J i "2fiSV Kanis Ht Mo IV1 Z Vcr Eteidv : f esh 3IIourl in I Knnis tok onote 1 on 'chins it -7e doz cn:es Ineln ld 2'-? Cliicio. F-b :i rxz wealcr frtsh 25P3IC rer Jus Pried Irul(. Xew- Yi.'k IMi II There U k qul-t mnrket fir eentnrnteil ipTile-t. anl 1 rlcei nr T-lthout ehnrse Jelbtrn -now a fnlr Interest In htrietli priin-i ajr'c" 1 it th rroeenieat i irrerallr l-iw -late common to pood art quo-e.1 at Tffc Sc 1 rime 'tPr,,tO chclee pu'jlftc fance loVille In eallfi-nln tlrlel fruits the feelim: show. Ilrni re . nrd a fnlr -U,d movement ! notdl Prant n S'.cjf, prlit' rojal Il14i Moor IV-k 12" l-'st I.a hi' jeltd nfl-c anp Itl S'u.c Ittriilc-tiin. O': CPy Pn r b -I 'ndlt Intnnee. 115 cer-tllltnti-i r,, 11J shipment lc!24l. aicrace 7 -CijJ ritni 1 C14 aee-are cf, R7-7 Tobdo r I cb :i -Oil North IJrra Kc: South I.i-ra a-d Irdlnni 'lhe Melnl llarkrt. Ne-v Vork IVb jl All of the mefet mnr Mere tiult to Oav except In two rr thrie cate where price- -iere Ilfled Fllshtl Tin 1 ere wnn ouctel uri to SZZ'iZoZ) for T?ot nnl Iindon prices were adeorce-1 1 to tU7 for .fot nnl tl it! 17 ftl for futures The New Yon mil I.o"lon copper rrarket weie stea Ir. but unlet nnl unehnnsei' I.end wa firm here nt 41. wl He Iyindnn was ln31 1 Iicrer at 11 13 ! 1 -pelle- wnn hlrrlier closlmr nt X4 20Ji4 2.i. I,ul Iyirttn wai 2s ed lower, nt 17 ,3s Tb local Iron mnrketu were- ouiet and unchapcel, and thfl Kinrllh mnrketi wire erndernblv lower I7!n goiv clewed at Ki Id anl Mlddleiboi) at 477,il Ilur Sllirr. Np Yo-k reb 21 I'nr illeer Kc or ounce; Lonlon dull at 2T3. 1 per ourc- 110ND SLES AT .UV YORK. Kw York. Ib 21 Siles cf bends were zxi3.Ce here to-daj as follows I'lrwt Call J.CO) I i Jf unit 4s 101, a l'ensa & All ti 112i( 2.000 Man cn 4s.. 33 n.Wi Jinx O con 4" S.'.-k3:': a.0-10 Do 1st lnc 3s . .. &.vfi9 7 0)0 Atch pen U !04T4 's .. .. Wi-SOl &0o,0 h &. o rold .. . 1C23 wVW) io pr SiMlW. 2 () JI &. St L. con 6i ZZ LOW) MKtT lt ti in1; J0) Io 1st 4 Jll, 7m. IJo ;.,! t, . . ),;u Tii Do ext m .. IUj'i 3 M iO ne ...'' 131'j CCiO Ho liU M .114 1.UU0 .N 1- . tt I. lit 7s .. .. 12JV 1.W.N i ii i: I. S col Ii-i SJ 2.000 N r c i St I. 45 .. 1 7. 12.000 N V Dock Co 4 o; 10.W0 N V Gas Kl 1. 11 1 pur tm-ncj $v. Win ! c, 5s u S0.I-I-) Do 4s liiWllivl a,ipiio ;. ,i ton 4. ...i sj'Hii-:i; o.o-o i: i n irVj, ' 14 coo Ecnvr;?sl J.o-0 nt, o m- .n It J01 2iW --t H JI i " 'n ts 10W Do nnlf'ani"73 ret 4s ... 9(i 45.C-.9 bt I. h v.- lt 31 m Do M.. T-ijiiTj.; -s i ut ; ljjil l: WJ Vpx l'a- 2 1 3.00 TUlllI is7.-i.jj L- y c-- f' i:Wv.ab d,ii",Iws'4 a w s 4, n.fe13" 1.1W) W 4. J. JJ in 7s ...... 115 30 000 DU lt nm t 900 v c ecn '1 SJ'.il'S---, t i . ... JT ,v-v wj r u &. w 4i . . loo3 1.000 I S W dlv 3-s .10)- . 1 tn a is iy0 1 J) Ceo t-f ih con 5 m ry' D) lt im 731. ' ui . j ,en bs . ICC 1.000 r a. o cm fTnA JM. .. WI " Jt ' s. i ,. i is M 13!) S.fl-0 I1 I . I., ,cf . 1141. :c i-.,i .-v, i.t ,. Si: lWtfiJCcn Tob 4i - j ui o. i, at' 1SH 105 ii-iw jj 4. i; i, crn 4 . lii'J ,1 ;: 0.HJO U Jl ,v i V0 ifct f-o 41 m - WO 1; T V ,v O 1 on 1st 1:1.. S."1 I !.-n Clfe III ot V Y Jst run Zl i)3 1 i I ne ut ton s .. . . ro ISiKj 1st ,., 4" . J.i.l7sl ' 114: jnouiioa riu n A JI II il:v 111. Mo JI i 1- lI.CWKtTli'i'' Jl 4s ... p-Vfa-i: '" I. K . V Ut lO.fflO "li s, . 121li 1, s ""al et ftil '? - . 153 et-oncI Call. Cot U is 3 cou lus-, -0-M .mn Spirits JI 63 .. 871. 3 I") it ,V o told 4s . ..102". 22 000 1)0 I j .t. Jt -T's Jin 0000 Do II I, r. X. V- 4s . 1(1)-. 4.(K0 Hrook U IN Ists lOOL C,0iJ Ten f!a con -rs in 10 WO Do Zi ino.... Jlli 16.00-) l JJ Q jct 4s SS 1 OO-i Do di-b Sn 1-31, 5.(00 1- CCi-l I. Ken u us I03U 1.C05 CS)I JIM 1st 4s S3 1' 00-3 Do 1st 35 anil 4s S1J, 9.f- ol So 1st sfi "ill! 30 Det m 4s .is 22.0l 17 W A. D C 1st 112 14.000 H SL Jo? con s .... 122 2,003 H V l3t 4',a lOO.O-'O I S. G X ; l1''3 fs ini 10.0"O Iv c h- h & JI 4., IJ BO. 000 JIan con 41-.10T HllJlKiBln 9.0OOJI K.T 2d"3 .. . Si'i 2.0v) N & ;v con 4s 103: 1.009 l'ac of JIo 1st Id 40.000 i- i c mc 4s Sl'jS- 6,f" Hde --en 4s sjs, l.oifl bt u s, vr it IS 000 S p dl con D,: ., js stamped .111 1 I4 T loa s 4s jl E.000 T bt I & -4k yr llHoo-n'V0- STOCKS A'ND HONDS IN BOSTON. S?;'f."-- rn .--?eb. ".rroUowlnic ar- t'l- i-- --.- v.. inu ,vjf, siuuk. Donas and ralnln 3Ione. Call leans. 3171: time loars lffl'5. HoiiiIn. Aichlsoi 4r loi i Gas 1st ... f S!ev. Central . xn, t ,-. E. Oas i Coke . (3 ?-i()irin. Alchlson . . Amor. Tel & Tel.. Do. j,fd. . . 's-, Po.ton . Allmnj 25.1 Iloston i Main .181 Iloslnn FIitl . 1U X Y. X 11 til .11 " 1 lt-huuiK pfil. ... Hi 1 nion I'.ioillc .. .. MPS Mev. Central .... Cs Almrlcin buar . IJ-X 1)0. pfil HS'i l)omin I. A. H no? Oen. l.lectrlc JS7 Mas. i:irctrlc .... "H Vi pfd f)M S. Ii Gas . Coke. 5 I ritcd rrult fv: v s sti-si -: Do. irfd W estlnbouse com. S3 31iniu; Sliarcs. Adenlu"e .. AUouez Amilfj-innted Baltic . . . JMnchim 2m 3 4Iii Osceola 75 Parrot 3U Qulncy ut banta Fe Copper... lli latiiaratk 23.1 Trlrauuntaln 3 Trinity 12 1 nited States iji; Utah ZV Mctorla rf Vinon.i j Wolverine jqi il JL irecli.eiJJiC. ("entennlil . .. I")1 , "oprr Kanse . . . (V? iKiinlnlon Coil ... M1. franklin Hu IIe Uitjalf iri; Mnl mk il ' Old Dominion 211- Mining Stock In New Vork. New Vork. Feb. 21 Mlnlre stock quotations: Nfiiin vvu. ....... f Alloc 43 lt-cec- ol rn-nsulk an ... R C-mstocK Tunnel.. 5 f'on " ul al ..12, Dcidnrwd Tern .. ".) Horn Slher .. ..H Ircn f-IUer W Ltadllle Con ... 3 Little Chief 1 Ontirlo TOO Ophlr ioo I'noenix ...... ..... 4 Potosl n -J5HKC 7 Merru Nevada u Mnall Hopes .) standard .... u (iairrament Homln. Xew Ycrk. Iel' 2! Government nonds. Unit."-! Ftates refun.l'nir Cs. reslsterel 1'nlteil Mates refunding Cs. couyo'i I'nlteil t-lales 3. registered T'nlt-d Mites rs. coupon United Matei, :tei 4s. rcslcttred ........... I'nlttil MatiM rw i. toupo-i rnlte-1 stptea old Is, reslstertd , flitted btates oil 1. coupon , 1'nlle I Watt &. reglstcrtd Vnlted State3 M. coupon , ...111 ...l-i ...M'i ...1 ...i', ...l'St, ...iu-: ...nftij ...106'i lreainry Statement. IVashlnsUn, Fet sl vailable cash balance. JlM.(sO0 sold. S-7.C13.TS:. Tlie Until.. New "crk. Feb. 21. Clcee: Moiv on call siendv, lth CSCii per cent cloned bid and asked 2fa-ls fer cent. Trine mercantile paper Ai) 4U s-r cent Mertlnc exchange very strong, with actual buslnes In bankers' bills nt 14 STss il.S7a for dimand and at 4 srB)4.& for &i ilaj"; iiosted rat's 14 K and 14 S8: ommerclaI bills 11 S4'it'4 b3".. Har silver iie Mexican dol lars C3.c. lloveniment bonds strong; Mats bond Inattive; railr-id bonds Irreular Chicago. Feb. 21 Clearinas i:c,SI.S0;: bil amts llSSlCTil l'osfed exchange J4 S frr CO days: 4 SS'i on demand. New Vcrk xchan lie discount. Cincinnati. O . Feb. 21. Money 3hG5TS per rent. New York exibdni,? 1 i-ETSOc dNcount. clearings 4 lm Si) Nev- Vork, Teb ;i Exchanges ;:-H KT.fTJ: balances Jll 431 S6 lioitton. JIass . Feb. 51. nxchare-s 2:.(C?;3: balances Il.CM.SK. l'hlladelphlt. 1'a . Feb. 81. Clearings Kl.CS. 000; balances :2.443,S08! CINCINNATI FIREMAN Disap peared Chief of Police Klely rcclved a circular letter yesterrlty from Sjperln tcndent Delt'ch of the Cincinnati, O . police retiuestlnr; him to be on tlio lookout for Frank noting, a captain In the Tiro Dcp irt mont of that clt), who disappeared lit 1-Vli-tutry T. lie is 47 jears old. When he dis appeared he wore the uniform of the department. RETURN OF CONFIDENCE ADVANCES LOCAL STOCK LXCELLEXT I5UYIN0 AT SI 0XD SESSION. i Trust Coinpsiny Decline Clreck anil Other Issuer f-trong ius Smi.ithv. ' ; Local securities responded promptly outside "-urport je-Ucrday Rood bujlnd lioth sessions checked tlie donnnard raq ment. and at the cliv-o of the day's trad the tone of the mirket ms better tha-j had been in nearl two u.cek,i. Despite inclination on the rart of mnny Investors let go tluir holdings', hullfch ad-vices w acccptid bj the imjoritj. and a majoi of -vho sold o fretlj- on the deel c ime back into the m irket on the oL side G-iini at the- afternoon session w! rcasturiiu In the morniii'; only i few of the iss r.trc CltnaanU Trust was fre offtrid, and sold loner at J137 ). St. T.i Trust was e.i"-y -tt S-i--"lO. and I'nion Tr barely suadj. at JIIj American Cent ras,t;d olT to ?1C? .MI of tin- others, were tin- upturn Jlis-soun. nflcr selllnET MJ3 .7). ,iil.incrl rapiulv to jr.l.o". with t bid at tiie lIosi . MisMiv-ippi Vnllcj', nil o!il as Iov .ii ?ir, on the recent slui vai well tul.en at Jljo Third National j Aaiiuuai f was In g Max stri llrm at .'i:.,.- .mil ( Ttas m : iliinnud at $2- L'liitnl It.iiln.-ijs, pitfirred. at Cf 17' .mil ? V iiiiitiK onh rs floo-Jcd the iwrltct at afternoon M"lon Jlisscuri Trt't as ) lirst to fetl the iniiictti'" of rr-sflycil col dentc. "lhe Ilrst -iiit- was -it jny.r-0. i Ultra was u later transfer at flT3.At tio'e tiio stock was wanted at Jljn.K" niai j rust was strons .it 5J"). and ciipl Valley eacerly sousht at S42I. tioslns bid of J1J1.G0 Uncoln Trust ut $ bid un in S-JlI A sm.nll Till srtl.l -,t l German! i Trust was In much bctttr sill at $137. J1S7.W and SMS. Tmctlons tliared In the general advan Transit was sharply higher at SU.:;; a I'nlted ItPilwajs, preftcred, ery stronuj J'iS.iS and JS1. Mnrnlnsr hcsalun. Closing; quotations: c. . m . Bid 1 lyiufs Transit t ! C I A'h" i 53,) ; nusfi itaunajs rra J-2..', t I nlusl Itallwnjs is Ki"i mi? I Intrr.tato Transit iu.-. oo " I ISc-raanU Trut l"t,.73 hl'i ..ii,.-it-ji,i. v.nii.-y 1-rust 4.il0i .... ("nlonlal Trust 2u7.un . J Mlssojrl Trust 132 O f W Mli Tniht m m iat i -non lrut 4i ., J'ertditlh Trust (oldl 4-i5..1i Mer. intlln Trust (neu) 4..Vl Lincoln Trust 237 i) American Ontnl Trtst i& to ommonnenlth Trust (oldl Third National uj 73 Continental National 2ik'r) "irch ints-Lacledd National Ptato Jwatlonal 2i'3 C-) 413 4 rf.,, --iiiuii r.-ti.-iiiins-. ians...... I4ank of Commerce Alrerlt.nn Penlml Tn,nrann 212 (v Msourl-nlison pfl 4- 0-) "VIls-ourl-Kilson rom JIlssourl-IMIsoii Ts UrflO) S2 0) Missouri-I.dlso 1 3s (H 000) "" 2 r5 102 3-) blmmons Il.nrdnaro com............ IS-) ril bt Jo- I-a-1 je 0) American Gold Minlcc Silos: .11 United Rallwars nfd. at 23u fnlted I'.ailnars pfd. at. 4) fierni inlA TTll.t nf .. . .. A. Ml slssirr! Vail. T at . Missouri Trust -it 3" Jllssourt 'lrust nt 13 Missouri Trust nt 10 Missouri Tiu-t at 75 Missouri Trust at 3 Missouri Trust ut 43 bt. Douls Trust at I nion Trust at atu.L J ' ijrnericnii Central Trust at -flCTU - ,1.1111 ...uuniii at............. lis. intlnental at 1.0-t-) B:en cry ts at Afternoon Sesld Closing quotations: Bid. JUkl S 31.23 331.3 4 0O 81. 59.12ii .s 197.75 19SO- t-t. Louis. Transit , limtd Itallw.ijs pfd Unlti Kall.ij3 43 , flermanla Tru-t illsls.pri all.y Trust... Colmlal Trust ilissourl rrust , Mercantile rinst ir.l,n 4.-4 CO 305.01) 400 a 203.9 411 IT. Mercantlla Trust (non) :.... til W I-lcioin Tmst (cafh) zm W Centril Trjst. 'ommnnn-rallh Trjst fold) 1 65.01 l ommonnealth Tinst (new) 'SM.50 roitlnenta! .N-itloial aa 0) American ExchanKo Bank JSi.w Jll'sourl-ailson prd ., 3 sii iit 3 6s tivi i) 2S3 5I 303 OJ1 :::::r .me'l-aii :ili Mlnlns l tin uranitc-BI-Mctalllc 2.K', Z. Sale-. J aw St. Louis Transit at l njl rr; I ntteU Ilalln-ijs pM. at. Jta" Ullnlteil ltllhvays pfd. at. Mjc. i.c.i ymted innwa's at,.....::::::.:: SS ri V,?01 lx Tj"31 at a lAIisSourl Tru-t at in i uivun irut at. ..........,.. 1: o viis.ivtnni VaJlPV Tni.srtat j- i-jjincom i nm at 250. wmt-u.ii inibi at .....-......... S'. art. - .tn .ucrijiiiii! ill .. 4 'ennania irut at ......1JJ 25 Germania. Trut at Aafj' i- wvuurtiiia 4iU"i in .... .......... l". Continent-it atlinal at , 10 Bank of Commerce at , 1 American I'xchanKf Banlc at.., ii .viissoun-KiiFon rid. at ij, ivt urinite-tuMetaiiie at.... . c J Granlte-Bi-Mctalllc at 7 Ltti Chicago Stock Market. j Reported by G. II. Walker JL Co . Jfo. 310 Xorli Fourth street: S2Ll c.. , - B!l. Arfi ., , BI1. Arfl Striwboird 5 1 Carbon com jjij mi Ki'e""i:."n"-r.;;i:i;;.:"::; . ;:t! Mcult 7'4 :.u BKcult pfl 107 2 jlliri ! au CM I iu ucua national Do pra. iaK tt. Natlt,ral National BIcuit nf 1... West Chicago ijt. it. n.. Jfetr York Cnrli Stocks. T.J?."tte.'l LJ".G' H wa'k & Co. Xo. a.1 Xorfi Close: Tim American Tin Can com if "oKf:v' :...::&. firttlcti ('nJiimKI i . nr.TU. j Conwl. llerrlcer. i Ug. Co...... 4I J Llectrlc Beat com ?B-tl 1.. pfd tlectric Vehicle com . ti m i" .! Klectro-l'ncumntlc i Enameling cum., -uti j uo pfd iS n Oen-ral Carrlaco II'."'. 1 l v.t-imun Areasury 4 per cent 101T. WL i.recn consolldalea Copper 3 CO xi .-uiid -.uiunicrciai com........ 11 Do. pfd . m IIIInol3 Transportation " u Ne" Amsterdam Gas 1st 5 per cent. 'J i J.. 1J41 ml' X. T. Flee. Veh. Trans " iji 14 li X. i... t-iec. ven Trans i. Otis 1. levator com .34 i'Vi z , 4' St M iw. pin Ttojal liiklne; 1'onder pfd fceaboard Air Line com.... In. pfd IJ) 4- Standard Oil ot N. J Telesraph. Telephone and "cnWe.""'." 6 s Ternesee Copper 14!i st. Louu Trinsit Co. com ."..".." Mi. United fctreet Iljs. of St. Louis dM.. "3. Do. 4s ...., SJ ....... -L- yr, .. .............. l b. Cast Iron ripe com.... Do pfd 11. i- of lleilco Cs Mr. Iron, Coal nnd Co'te.... Do. 5s White. Knot. tpper Ncr. Securities IjOCQI Motiev Mnvlr. Trannaction' at the bank tver (n fair to "" V' wuu,cr na outsue buI less on- an.l tlm- loans Ulftconnt rates, for whleM? 't" -"-iuj. ueuic-a s-j ana oia pr cent.: .. .1tc?rrl7i nnk Clenrlnirj. ': lesierdas clearine-ho-ise Ftaten-.nt shore! rleirlnE3 IS 6S4 15 Inlanccs ll.irb 301. corottnt vvith clearings Thursdaj. XX full Y14 I.T.t-.. 1 -. ' 4 St. I.nulK Curb Market. Wheat lower: Jlay sold on to ffl'.c. bark k S e 4- 7'i? lit s-',c to S.Tc: puts Kiic to srue: calls Ste 1-lV.i- Julv nfferB.1 .1 r-. ..... -.-'-. n-li. r?: torn lower; May sold at fil'.c to 6"", and ter asked; puts jO'.e in C9V-; calls T,rlc. Domestle P!vl.nn-r. i- "tvhlttker t Co. bond, stock, commercial nu fr...""1""1" brokers. Xo soo North Fourt street, quote exchange as follows: t New Tork rd!, Chicago locdls I Vi3") VKlMs Ni-vr Orlea-is 10c dls I'orelsn Excliaii-xe. 8v..lKr,? by ,,"rnela. Bro. & Co. aiVo: - "U ,1. BlIITi; -.V?-me 'erllnn cables 4 --iSJI SSIJ: checks S4.S.S: (0 das 4 '(i4 S3V -.uiim-rrrni piernne checks "a,tg4.MV lii 4 4 S7'ia4.S7J. I63H. -.-.,. Willi- I.BVl. Cotton bills 4 84'4 Bankers' I'arls cables 5.1S; ch-clrs S.15H: cais S.lSli. womniercjai jrench francs checks, s I6i: t najs 5 1Si: Swiss checks S 19.: 60 days i.ZVt ItelSlan checks z HT.-It-lS; 0 dajs r.l!H31-l.I 5- - ,ierN reicnsmark catle; ;ij -K cceeja - .. w ...j. in. . Vrnrrrrclal sterllnir checks !Z S-1C;C0 Ja-I ro j1" Tn Dutch guilders, checks 40 5 lffl yjEfE1."1 'crllfS chcclj 41 1-15515';; CO dl; --- l-3lilf3?7.. ?trlinc: ven- elrotis-. 1 2 hlirhe.. Ccntinental cxciiangc uschaasiill .. 42) i .. 32J1 .. i2.: .... is) 130 S .... 13tJ .... IJUIl Jl. S43.7 S3 5 6J& IS 3J 'M &2 :::::: n'lW ft Ask. I Tar f par par i V" I ' t VmA