Newspaper Page Text
-- rm-?-:'f-tf,ir-3H,tfxKii't THE REPUBLIC: SATFRBAY, FEBRUARY 22, 3002. if a . i tm ;l ' i : ffw .'.v "- & J J. TO-DAY'S NEWS IN BR:h BUSINESS. Yesterday's hank clearings were JS.5SJ.15o. balance? $1 .035.5m:. I.oral discount rates were firm between 4'- anil u'. iicr cent. Do mestic exchange was quoted as follows: New Voile, Jc discount hid. par asked; Chi cago. Cincinnati, Louisville and New Or 1(hIi, ID discount liid. par asked Wheat cloyed lower at &ttr hid May; S.i'c3! Klc No. 2 red. Corn closed lovier at C0!c bid May; Clc No. 2 mixed. Oats clo-ed at -iic 11.. VSfi -Jre No. 2 Northern. The local market for spot cotton was quiet and unchanged. NOJ.ONIHSV.U Secretary of the Navy L)liT confirms tile report thai he will f-oon retire "from the ' jblnci. He says he mada up his mind to tender his resignation several months agu. Tlie Hou'r committee on Territories voted to report tlie Mils granting fitatehood to .Arizona. New Vt-'cieo at-' Oklahoma. - Til Hn.tse parsed the Indian uppropila tin Mil with no Important .-'lnendmentt In the Senate lis'uss.loi. .f tho Philippine, bi'l continued. S oator J :.: tes of Tennej-si-e delivered a carefully pi (.pared speech al tacktns the policy nf tlei administration in the ar--hlpelaau r.r-I dickering that th" treaty .of T'jris n-mmerclal rathef than a. s-etuime:,jl transaction. President Uoo'evelt If reported to hav? taken a hand in the Illinois light tuni U have decided to appoint an Inlernal llnv cnue Collector for Soutl'ini illlnulM with out resisting the wishes of either Senator Vinson or Senator Cullom. The final ratifications or the Uay-I'aimee-fnle treaty were exeharigt-U yesterdnv by Secretary of State Hay and Hrltifh Ambas sador I'auneefote. The State Department Is loath to believe that the brigands have bioken faith In tlie matter of Mlm Stone's raninn and the hrpe Is rsprcsscd that the delay In restoring the missionary to freedom may be duo to bad weather. It is stated with much definlier.ess that an agreement will be attained by tho Re publican members of tho Ways and Means Committee on the subject of Cuban reci procity and that a report favoring n. 30 per cent rebate will bo made. LOCAL AND SCBUKBAN. State Chairman Thomas J. Aklns declares he Is not a candidate for senatorial honors. Former Goverror William J. Stone says the withdrawal of Chatnn Clark from the renalorlal contest, will have no effect on hi; candidacy. Jud;e Ryan discharges employes of the Southern Tciccraph Company, holding tliat Boeder' law war not violated. Kvangellst Hendricks visits factories and workshop.s at Alton and preaches to the laboring men. The Grand Jury adjourned until Mon day, at "which time warrants are expected for the arrest of persona concerned In the garbage contract scandal. j Better feeling prevails In the. local stock market. Public ."chool pupil celebrate the anni versary of the birth of Georga Washington. Underwriters' salvage corps makes Its annual report of fire losses In St. Louis, showing that companies paid out $2,;97,J25 In 3301. me traveler." a monster derrick that moves on wheels, will be used In construc tion of the World- Fair Textiles building-. An Iron Mountain freight car crashes into and wrecks a foundry building. A summer street car, owned by the Tran sit Company, was brought' to the Court house to be used as evidence In a damage Elllt, Mayor presents r.ew or31nsnc to City Council providing -for World's Fair bond' Issue. Official statement Ik made of the exploita tion " work done, for the World's Fair. Tetanus damage suit Is argued before Judge Fisher In tho Circuit Court. Chief Smith, head of the World's Fair Transportation Department, will go East to consult with experts in preparing rules for the airship contest. GENHRAL DOMESTIC. President Roosevelt has notified Colonel 'Alex O. Bodlne. famous Indian fighter and Rough Rider that ho will bo appointed. Chief Executive of Arizona to succeed Gov ernor Murphy. The sale of the Big Consolidated Street ..Railway Lines at Cleveland, now formally uinouftrc4. greatly relieves the difficulties of tho Eveettz-Moore syndicate. Republican candidates In Illinois ar Tear ful of the consequences of support from tho State administration. Three Nebraska men who caused an in quiry to be made into the sanity of the leader of a religious sect lose a suit In which the subject of the Inquiry demanded damages. A Xcir Tork bank will bring suit to test tlio legality of the ruling that banks must pay a tax on undivided profits. Emma Fisher, a nursegirl or Tonkers, X. YI, believed to be insane, shot a C-year-old girl In her care and attempted her own life. The last details of preparation to receive Trlnce Henry at New Tork.havo been com pleted, and the city now only awaits his arrival. Immonse Ice gorges in the Monongahela and Allegheny rivers threaten to cause widespread destruction. Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., who has been suffering from pneumonia at Groton, llnss., starts to Washington In charge of Ids mother. A Georgia delegate to the D. A. Recon vention at Washington Is injured by fall ing on I co at the entrance to the conven tion hall. The Kansas Populists at their conferencs at Topeka rejected tho move to erfect ruslon -with Democrats, and decided to tetaln their party organization. A lively fight was precipitated In the meeting of the D. A. R. at Whshlngton over the contest in the Jlunworth Chanter of Illinois. A storm of sleet and rain breaks down nearly ail telegraph lines In the Eastern States, and several large cities are prac tically isolated. A fight occurred between Oklahoma officers and three outlaws Jn tho Indian Territory. One deputy was wounded, an ontlaw killed, and two captured. FOREIGN. Tlie British Admiralty demands BS4,M, 000 for the use of the navy for this year. The Italian Cabinet resigns after a srvlce of nbonl on year. The 'Kniser and the municipality ot Ber lin nro again at loggerhead? over the con firmation of the appointment of a seeond Hurgom aster, to whom the Emperor has uravo objections. The Hessian Diet demands tin explana tion from the Grand Duk of Hesse regard ing his recent divorce. RAILROADS. Financiers say they want to see the le gality of the Northern Securities Company fettlcd ence for all. Tim Southern Railroad will greatly im prove Its roadbed between St. Louis and JouIbvI!Ic. Tho Lackawanna adopts on elaborate pension system for retired employes. Mars meetlnr of American lines may b held In St. Louis to net on railroad matters with iclcicnee to World's Fair. .The Katy withdraws from the Southwest ern Passenger Bureau. .Murine Intellliceiirc. New York, Feb. 2L Arrived: Georglc, from Liverpool. Queenstown. Feb. IL Arrived: Cymric, from New York, for Liverpool. Glasgow, Feb. II. Arrived: Laurcntian, from New York. Hamburg, Feb. II. Arrived: Phoenicia. New York. .New York. Feb. II. Arrived; Teutonic, from Liverpool. Naples. Feb. 10. Arrived: Langbank, Portland. Ore., and Coronel, via .St. Vln ctnt. C. V. Liverpool. Feb. II Arrived: Sylvonla, Hocton: Numldian, St. John, New Bruns wick, and Halifax. Boulogne. Feb. 20. Sailed; Amsterdam, fiom Ttcltcidam, New York. Movllle. Feb. II. Sailed: Corinthian, from IJvcrpool. Halifax and St. John, New Brunswick. ..Gibraltar, Feb. I). Sailed: Trave (from Genoa and Naples), Now Y'oric WILL GATHER DATA FOR AIRSHIP RULES Chief Smith. Head of World's Knir Transportation I -ji;t j-1 men t . lo Go Kast. CONDITIONS TO BE ANNOUNCED. CoiTespoiideiiee Heing ('(imlllcf ill Willi I'nreign Aeiostatieiaiis Vsii-lu luiihler .Moslicr :i 'oii lestant for Prize. WHlaril A Smith, chief of Hie Tr.ius:or lalion Depaiiiueni for Hie World's l'.ilr goes K'M fruiii Chicago in a few Oaj-. tommij-sloned to consult i'rof.-vor l.anRe ley of the .Smithsonian Institution Jnd other i-Npeiti on aictatie-, and ohtnln thwr view-- ui to the inles which should be ... I.i ....! 1... .!.. i...... l.l,... ... ...... . . . !uuinr .... ii, u J-.A(Ur IIWI1 IU Uirill lllO -in-t r air.ln.. The .'xpoMtioi! committee on nerial navigation hui plartd thi matter la the. hands of Chief Smitn loi Ins in vestigation anil report. At the same limi a voluminous correspondence K being ;on- aiictd by Hie committee with those vliese ranies linvo been connected in ,i pionilnent way with the science of nivlgatlm; tha air. This documentary expression of opinion will bo sifted by the committee. All phases of the (jueFtion will be consid ered, as set forth by Santo-Diimont. Max im, I.ingeiey and others. Tho rules will be formulated from this mass of matttr. It Is known that the intention of the com mittee is to hasten the work of complet ing tho rules so as to announce them to the world at the earliest date possible. The ccniinlttco haj, recognized the rlshts of the proposed contestants to knew the condi tions ill older to create, build and eijuip their craft. Committee I'loiiiled With Inquiries. Inquiries have Ilocded the exhibit divi sion of tlie Exposition, and the committee in charge of the matter has been compelled to take decisive action as a matter of Jus tice to those who have been stimulated to spend their money i:nd energy in the at tempt to win the chief prize ot SlW.Ow). The lutest notable entry is that of C. D. Mo&her of New lork City, builder of the "Elllde" and the "Anow," the fartest yachts lu the world, which have made a sjieed of forty miles an hour. Mr. Mother writes that he has already built a model flying machine, which has made llights without tlie aid of gas for support. He says uiai ne win tie nappy to construct a ma chine and enter tho contest if the prize warrants the outlay and the conditions are not too severe. luientor Tells of Ills Airship. "Having noticed various accounts in re cent scientific publications rejrarding a prize ot 5200.OH) to be offered for the best iiying mu chine. at the St. Iouis Exposition," he sayc. ! would state that I am greatly in terested in the -ame, and would lie pleased to receive full particulars regarding tne conditions to be complied with. I nm er conally acquainted with Mr. Octavo Chaun te, with whom I have been brought lu con tact several times In reference to aerial navigation. "1 om credited with having built tlie light est machinery in tlie world in proportion to tho power realized, and have broken the record five tunes for building the. highest speed vessels, of which you have doubtless seen accounts. Tlie "Elllde." the fastest yacht In tha world, having made a speed of forty miles an hour, is an example, and the "Arrow," built for 3Ir. Charles It. Hint, and designed for a speed of forty knots, shortly to be given its trial trip, is an other. A full description of this yacht was published in the Scientific American Sup plement of November 3, UCO." ECZEMA; NO CLUE, SO PAY. Your druggist will refund your money if Pazo Ointment fails to cure Ringworm. Tet tar.OId Ulcers and Sores. Pimples ana Black heads on the face, and all skin diseases. 'jOc. BROKEN CRANKPIN THROWS -FIVE CARS INTO DITCH. rmicntcri Kecrlve Severe Shaking. lint Leave Coaches Through tlie Dnora. Cleveland, O., Feb. 11. Tlie Iike Shore accommodation train leaving this city at 3 o'clock this afternoon was wrecked on the outskirts of Oberlin about o'clock. Louis Bates, tho head brakeraan on the train, is the only person reported seriously hurt. He jumped through a car window, and, in fall ing. Injured his back, causing paralysis of his lower limbs. .John Labe of Norwalk was thrown against a seat and hU head was cut. Beyond a tevere thaking up. It is aid. that no others of the passengers were hurt. A crankpln on the left front driver broke, loosening the connecting rod, which swung with the wheel, demolishing the cab on the fireman's side. It also broke the connect ing rod on the other side. This rod tore the airbrake-cylinder off the engine. Tlie en gine and cars left the rails, and the live cars were piled up in the ditch. The pas sengers were able to leave the coaches through the doors. CAR JUMPS INTO CORNFIELD. '!A Kuiisiway Girl" Opera Company in Wreck. Fort "Wayne. Ind., Feb. II. The Richmond' passenger train on the Southern branch of the Grand Rapids and Indiana Railway was wrecked two miles from Peru this evenln Every car was derailed. The accident was caused by the breaking of a truck under the baggage car, throwing tlie smoking car eft the track and throwing a parsenger coacii seventy feet into a corn Held. .The Fpccial car occupied by "A Runaway Girl" opera company stands crosswise of the track. Many of the passengers were badlv shaken up. but none were seriously injured". RELIEF FUND N0W$25,533. Donations Yesterday Came J".ai- ly From Laborers. More than $259 was added yesterday tu the Merchants' Exchange fund for the benefit of the families of the seven fireman killed at the Chestnut street lire February 4. Tho largest donation came from th employes of the St. I.otiis Dressed Heef and Provision Company, who collected $173 ST. A statement of tlie fund to date follows. Previously reportrj . J"3 -si ci Employes St. Louis Uics-vd fief Com- lny . ,-- l-.mplove Columbia Transfer Company n ri Si""? .r"u',,,,,'i?:1"..n.,,. Organ Company isio) M. Iiouf and Mr Mulir Coal Conioanv n mi Buys' dfpa.rtlr.ent, UlWe !as . ' ;s Total TO CCIt 15 nillP IJf TWO DAYS Laxative Bromo-Qulnlne removes the caue. E. W. drove's signaturo on every box. iib)uth-Srlinol 31eetliitr Cloied. ItBIX'llLK; SPKCIAU Nashville. III.. Feb. 21. The series of Sab liuth school conventions which wern held throughout Wanhlngton county during the week closed at Oakdale to-day. An ex haustive review cf the year's work was made and plans for the coming year out !U'C!?: ,.The ensapement of State Worker (i A. Miller at Oakdile tc-day closed hi itin erary for this county. m Will Meet nt .leffernoii City. spkcial. Jefferson City. .Mo.. Feb. 2L Tho Execu tive Committee of the Central Mlssoufl Log Rolling Association met here to-night and decided to hold the second annual log rolling In Jefferson City on Thursday, Au gust 2S. This association comprises four- teen counties, with 120 camps and 6.COT mem ties, with 120 camps and 6.W) mem- iers. unc association held a successful log rolling hero last June. Form Wont" Want" the good habit of- reading- the 'J pages rverj- day. There are iVX j ads printed In to-day's Republic 1 W$$M&2ZJ$&&&M lfStfe.r? . v "SSfi SEVERAL HOURS HAD EVERYTHING CLKAREH I S CITY TANGLE STRAI6HTENE0 OUT ila.voi-" Appointees Continued and .Municipal tusiiifss Ie- fiiined at Cilv Hall. l!EIt:i:IJC SPECIAL. Kiiisjs City. Mo.. Feb. 21. The municipal chaos dissipated to-niqht when the re bellious upper l:ouic of the City Council conlirmed orae of Mayor Reed's appoint-, es. A. .1. Oallashtr was custlrmed for Comp troller, which means that as soon ns hs iunlit!e.i the And u.r and Treasurer and cashier in the tment will receive mou sy, as they will be able to give receipts and have vouchers and wai rants countersigned. George Holmes was confirmed as Assessor. The situation is merely relieved. There Is yet no City Clerk or Counselor or Superin tendent of tlie Water Rates i-ilice. The day was an eventful one. No public business could be transacted at the City Hall. A policeman was in charge of the Assessor's oiiice. The fifty deputies who had been at work making the assessment vere held bark by 'the officers. Mayor Reed nominated Gallagher as a concession to the Walsh wing of the party and in the Interest of harmony, pursuing; tho policy laid down by Governor Docltery when he recently named the Police lioatd. INDIANS RAIDED A STORE. Crazy Snake's Band Keep Officers 15nsy flaking Arrests. Mutcogee, I. T., Feb. II. A band of Crazy Snake's followers to-day made a raid oil Keokuk Falls, Ok., just across the line from the Creel; Nation, rushed a hardware store, seized a lot of arms and ammunition and fled. A possu Immediately started in pur suit, and. It is reported, captured several of the band after a two hours' running fight. Two or the captured men have been brought to Keokuk Falls. They are George and Pe ter Hutipltta, prominent members of the ChlttoHarjoband. They stated that they were going to get arms and then go to Yard-de-Ka Chute's place, twenty miles west of Eufaia. Old Yard-de-Ka is a' blind Interpreter living near the. old Hickory grounds, tho council meeting place of the Snake band. The latest from Wewoka Is that the Snakes have dispersed, going In even- direc tion. ALLIED PARTY" NAMES DELEGATES. .11 ll eh SpeecIiinaklnK at Vevierluj, Session or State Convention. Speechmaklng occupied the greater share of the time in the two sessions of the State Convention of the Allied Third party yesterday. In the morning delegates to the National Convention in Louisville were se lected and a pro-Boer resolution was adopt ed. Speeches were made by members or the r.ew Statu Committee, including Captain John M. Lundon of Macon Count v. S. A Wright ot Springfield, A. C. Roberts of Wright County. I'rofcssir Scott of St. Lou! Doctor J. E. Chambers, J. II. Cook and j! Adjournment of the morning session was not taken until 3 p. m. In the afternoon tho members of the State Committee caucussed. In the evening a mass meeting was held at Lemp'B Hall, In Soutli St. Louis, where Joseph Parker of Loalsvllle, Kv.. national chalrnian of the aiiddle-uf-tho-Jtoad Popu lists; Captain London and others addressed tho small audience. About 100 were In at tendance. The speakers laid stress on the enmltv to the Democratic party. Said cue: "Fusion in any form will ruin every hope ' have ot getting; tho balance of power." Captain I.ondon advised his hearers not to believe what he termed Mandorous reports concern ing the relations of leaders In the movemel t to Republican iolitician.s. "We have no fTTiii I rpvi rj ifllipyffjffJTKf ijiiir I "1 1 1 1 F"",rririii XWM ,gifrgrc2rt:i4gSSL"rx ". mFtSSiP'FfSiatB BWfcifcfaaygLHlV-v-s ji-t- - I - Jr I ,1-.- rf. ktetar-t -n.-NiBra ' ' Jcf'---- - " -- - 1 1 fitiilSSmvlttltmmtlmKm NOTWITHSTANDING THE HEAVY 1'ALL OF SNOW P FOR THE DAY ? TRAFFIC EARLY THE ! creater proportion of rascals In our party I than lias any other organization." the j speaker s-iid. ' 1-vlcgates to the National Convention were chosen lrom congressional districts in pro potien In (lie latgest Independtnt vote east , .'t any time slim. JfiW. The following dcle i Kates were chueu, tlie district numbers be ing given: ! irst John M. Londnn. Kasewillc; I. E. Stanley, Gienwcoii; Joseph .Miller, Gran ger. S"-rn,'x'. u Bajiey, Clark; Obo Snell. M'.licrly. Thlul Jacob A. Smith. Jamesport: Ste phen Peubody. Hamilton; .Tame-. II. Hill:--, .MeFrtll. Alternates Levi Wood. Mays vllle: A. M. Wright. MeFall; Elijah Guld.s bfrry. MeFall. Fifth II. Barkis. Kansas Citv; G. C. Ilar liauKh. Slblev. Sixth II. c Donahue. Appleton Citv; J. C. Phillips. Butler: Thomas Day. Lewis Station: Pierre Haekett. Vlralnia. Seventh Doctor Juniej Smaller, Spring field: Ellis Hayiiiirst, Odessa. Ninth Mark V. Wood, Macune Station. Tenth Charles Kunst. l;o V. Hairv, A. G. Iwis, Charles llesmi.-r. Doctor E. A. Shay, J. W. Snyder. A. A. Gebhardt, Victor Gelihariit. Alternates Mat is. Eaton. Henry Duile, William .1. Masek, Jr.. Flank Uam back, Henry Opprmiimi. Doctor L. II. Da vis. John Pekarek, Joseph Waltenberger, all of St. Louis. Eleventh John Palmer. C II. Osteneisch. G. W. Fuller. Peter tiohmm. J. C. Gocd enouqh. Alternates E. Echenkamp, W. T. Roliidoux. Charles Graj-, Oscar Fotnachen, J. T. Gtivton, all of St. Lcuip. Tweltth T. G. Scott. Doctor II. P. Wy rnan. S. L. Moer. Alternates James )1. Moakley. Doctor W. T. Chambers. P. A. Jensen, all of St. Louis. Sixteenth J. G. Greig. Alternate W. R., Not man. No representative from the Fourth, Eighth, Thirteenth, Fourteenth and Fif teenth. Delegates at Large Mills Williams, West Plain,-: S. A. Wright, Springfield; J. M. Burrls. ICansas city: W. T. Foster, St. Joseph; Doctor J. E. Chambers, St. Louis. Want to know the best way to secure a good t.ervatit7 Advertise In The Sunday Republic. LONG CONFIRMS THE REPORT. Declares He Made Up His Jlind M-outlis Ago to'Leave Cabinet. Washington. Feb. 21. After the Cabinet meeting to-day Secretary Iong stated that the report that he tnti-oflcd leaving the Cab inet was auite true. He said he had fixed upon no specific date for It's leaving, and he had not yet formally sent his resigna tion to tlie President .md might not do so for some time. Tlie President, however, was fully aware of hit purpo.-.e, which was fotmed many months ago. MERCHANTS ASK PROTECTION. Ketail Dealers Will Ask Legisla ture for Xew Laws. St. Joseph, Mo., Feb. 21. The retail mer chants of Kansas City and St. Joseph held a meeting here to-day at which orders were given for the preparation of a b 11 which will be introduced at the nest session of the Legislature giving merchant-? protection against dendbeats and overtaxation. All meichnnts of the State will be invited to join the organization, with the object of forcing thtough needed legislation. .1. A'. Henry Arqultted. I'.IU'LUI.lI' SPECIAL. Quincy. 111.. Feb. 21. J. V. Henrv. former seeretarj -treasurer of the I'nited Stales Itailway .Mali Clerks' Mutu-il Benefit Asso ciation, was to-night acquitted of the charge of embezzlement of $3,500 of the funds of the association. At the tlrst trial tho jury disagreed. The trial has been pending tine- September, 1KK, when Henry v.a arrested. Mlf llerry llan Accepted. ISKI'CULIO SI'KCIAL Vlncenncs. Ind.. Feb. 21. Miss Bav Cece lia lletry. student of higher music in New York City, to-day wired her acceptance, of musical Instructor In Vineennrs University, to take effect March 1, Miss Marv Venable. daughter of Historian William 11. Venable of Cincinnati, having icslgned and will probanlv go to Denver. CASTLE ERDMANNSDORF, IN SELESIA, SUMMER i:i;ci-..N'T S.NuWSt'ult.M. which almost comi'lim-klv hlockko bthekt hailwav tii.u-fii i.vm Tin: STi!i:ET.i'i.i.''ivn iviiipp ivn NEXT MORNING. ITALIAN CABINET UDDENLY REH3NS d'oveninii'iit's Candidate for Pres idency of 'number of Deputies Js Defeated. Rome. Feb. 21. Tile Cabinet has resigned, owing to the failure to-day of Signor Villa, the Government's candidate for the presi dency of the Chamber of Deputies to se cure his re-election. The Cabinet which has Just resigned suc ceeded the Sarrac Ministry, which resigned February T, 1101, owing to its having been defeated in the Chamber of Deputies Feb ruary C by a vote of 21S to 102. at tho c!o-e of the debate on the dissolution cf the Labor Exchange at Genoa, which had lastei several days. The Zanardello Cabinet was composed as follows; Premier. Signer Zan ardello; Minister of the Interior. Slgnor Gio litti; Minister of Foreign A flairs. Signor Prinetti; Minister of Finance. Slgnor Car- ennu; Minister of Justice Signor Coceo Ortu; Minister of Agriculture. Industry and Commerce. Signer Uaecelll: Postmaster General. Signor Galimbertl; Minister of Pub lic Works, Count Giusso: Minister of War, Lieutenant General Count Disan Martino; Minister of Marine. Vice Admiral Morln: Minister of Public Education. Slgnor Nasi; Minister of the Treasury, Slgnor Dl Iircglio. INSURANCE PREMIUM SUIT. i i Efforts lleing Made in Tennessee j to Enforce New Law. ISKPrULlC SPECIAL. Nashville. Tenr... Feb. 21 The State of i Tennessee, through Insurance Commissioner Folk, to-day commenced suit against the Tennessee Manufacturing Company, a big corporation, owning cotton mills, to recover 3V. per cent on premiums of fire insurance. The bill seeks tD recover on insurance- since 189!. The premiums arc alleged to be siavtral thousand dollars a year. Suit was brought for heavy penalties for delinquency, which will affect a lotge number of companies do ing business in a similar manner. The laws ot Tennessee require insurance companies to have a licence, and persons doing business with unlicensed companies nro liable to a tax ot .!, pr cent on grof.i premiums, and heavy penalties for failure to comply. This is the first suit Hied under the law, and a big leal battle will follow. ALIMONY CAUSED A SUICIDE. Express Agent's Salary Not Snf licient to Meet Decree. IlErUBLICSPECIAL. HouIder, Colo., Feb. a. A. J. Strover. Wells Fargo Hxpress agent here, committed suicide to-day by shooting himself through the heart. Garnl-diment proceedings', and probable discharge in consequence, made, him despondent. Out of a S70 salary he had to pay $40 ali mony and JS.73 insurance premluniM monthly. A married daughter at Hannibal, Mo., will get SI.OW insurance. Mrs. KeuiiiMlj'n Appeal nEPi'BLic ICansas City, Mo., Feb. 21: Mrs. Lulu Kennedy to-day gave out fur publication a denial of her intention to abandon her ap peal to the Supremo Court. A story was circulated to that effect, with the further misinformation that Mrs. Kennedy was moved to take the step in order to share her brother's imprisonment. The brother starts for prison this week to serve two ears. Mrs. Kennedy Is sentenced to un dergo ten yenrs' imprisonment. Worrying about a position? What's the use? Theie are IX advertised In to-day's Itepubiic. Read the "Help Wanted" ads every d3y. RESIDENCE OF PRINCE HENRY OF "Pi""i"M"'BiMMawBnaiMiiniaHiiMMMainaaaaMaB -5 a-Vs -i---J-T "-.3 j-.: .-,i --!- -V t-'Tr1 -' j -V- i"t'J-ii-'"i ' - :"7-""-,".n 1"' '" ! "H --' - ihihf ih-im up tiii utih-kt iuiriirm FREIGHT CAR WRECKS FOUNDRY BOILDiNG. Lea res Track and Crashes Into Structure Two .Men Have Narrow Escape?. One of the buildings of the Standard Foundry and Pulley Company at Collins and Ashley streets was wrecked by a freight ear puhcd by a Merchants' Terminal switch engine which left a switcii track yeslerday morning. Two men narrowly es caped injury in the wreck. The car was on the end of a long train of empties that were being switched to a siding alongside the building. It was about By a Republic Photoirrapner. Scene at Collins and Ashley streets, after a freight car had crashed Into a Standard Foundry Company building. 7:20 when the train, drawn by engine No. C3 of the Merchants' Terminal Association, backed into the siding. The men who are employed In tlie foundry were entering the place to their work. As the first car crossed the frog it left the rails and crashed into a pile of heavy molding flasks near the tracks. Ftank Itoblnson, a helper, living at No. 913 Cass avenue, was about to enter the foundry when he was struck by the flying ma3s. He managed, however, to reach the door and escaped with but a few bruises. George Heek. a molder. of No. ISCt North Eighth street, was'In the yard adjoin ing, when the car struck a telegraph pole and brought it to tho ground. It tnissed Heek but by a few inches and wrecked a shed In tho yard. Hefore the train could be stopped tho car was forced against an out building of the foundry, completely wrecking it. ISrIilue Contract Awarded. itci'cni.ic srixi.vL. Dallas, Tex.. Feb. 2L The National Confederate-Union Association to-night let tho contract for the badges to be used at the reunion to lie held In Dallas In Aprit next. A Milwaukee lirai got the contract at S2.W0. Baltimore, St. Loul Kansas City. Camden. N. J., and other firms have contributed large quantities of canned golds, soups, etc. Tlie Finance Committee reports good prcg kss in making up the amount of meney MIU lacking. Worrying about a position? What's the use? There are 1W advertised In to-day's Ilepubllc. Read tho "Help Wanted" ads every day. PRUSSIA. G iihiiwi i muMJffMn w i m QjlC?iuijSffi.aBMBBHJHPBC3SirjBBffl3ji'B i Kiin w. C W. Allen, Thirteen Years In the Service, Talks Inter estingly A bout His Life. The postman often has strange experl ncest. One of thes? came recently to Mr. C. V. Alien ot 377 St. Albans street, St. Paul. Minn., who has been a letter carrier for the past thirteen years. He is ZS years old and ha passed the greater portion ot his life in St. Paul. Owing to exfosure. Mr. Allen contracted a severe case of muscular rheumatism, which doctors failed to relieve. Hearing of the m"nt. if Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People, he was persuad ed to trv a box. His improvement date from that period. To use Mr. Allen's own language: "The tlrst box brought me the llrt real relief from suffering I had experi enced in weeks, the second made me prac tically well again and. since taking the third. I have had no recurrence of the rheu matism, though it has been more than a vear Mnce I u---eil Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Why shouldn't I recommend them?" The blood in rheumatism has an acid im purity which irritates the sensitive tlfsue that unite the joints and cover the muscles, thus causing those indescribable torturs which rheumatic sufferers endure. Eh" umatUm is always dungeruus, as It i liable to attack the heart. Years ago those afflicted were hlfd. as if taking away some of the Impure blood could remedy tha balance. This folly has been abandoned and to-day physicians prescribe and druggists recommend the use of Dr. Williams' Pink 1'ills fot Pale People, as these marvelous vegetable pills go directly to the seat of the trouble, exerting a powerful Influence in purifying and enriching the blood by elim inating -poisonous elements and renewing health-giving force-thus making a pottnt remedy for curing this disease. Dr. William- Pink Pills for Pale PeopI will not only cure rheumatism, but are a positive specific for all diseases arising from impoverished blood or shattered nerves. They are sold by all dealers or will be sent postpaid on receipt of price, fifty cents a box. or six boxes for two dollars and fifty cents, by addressing Dr. Williams Medietas Company, Schenectady, N. Y. eAIRO,t(TCPT. ALEXAMOS!A,EGYr ST.LOUIS. UEWYCSX. EGYPTIAKCIGARETTE5. A. BARON. MAKER. ST. LOUIS, MO. LIABILITY OF CITY IN TETANUS GASES i'oint Was Argued in John Fnerst's Suit -for Damages for Death of Daughter.' Argument! were heard yesterday dJ Judge Fisher in Division No. 5 of the Cir cuit Court, on the demurrer of the citv to the petition of John Fuerst, who Is suinr I for $20,000 for the loss of hia 4-yemr-oUl daughter. Flora, who died of tetanus, caused by antitoxin received from tho city, and administered to her. The matter was submitted to the Court and the attorneys will file briefs. Associate City Counselor William F. Woerner contended that the city cannot bs held liable for the two-fold reason that it was acting for tho State, which cannot ba sued, and that It was performing a func tion for the public good. He maintained that the city was acting with the- State la the Interest of the preservation of ths health of the citizens of th State, and that the city received no benctlL He claimed that under the law, if ths purpose of the act was not attained, or If the result was opposite to beneficial, th city cannot be held liable. Attorney E. E. Wood, who is prosecuting' the case, argued that the city voluntarlly assumed the obligation; that tho burden wan not Imposed by the State, and that tha city ls, therefore, liable for the consequence of its act. He said he proposed to show that the antitoxin was sold. Attorney Woer ner said he was satisfied that it could not be proven that the antitoxin was sold. NEW BUILDINGS ARE ACCEPTED. Enlarged Accommodations at Fed eral Soldiers' Home. REPUBLIC SPECTAL St. James, Mo., Feb. 2L The new bulidina, a dormitory and hospital, added to the Fed eral Soldiers' and Sailors' Home here, wer Inspected to-day and found to meet all re quirements. The last General Assembly appropriated $22,000 for these buildings. They are provided with all modem conven iences and their completion will afford am ple accommodations for 209 Inmates. This, however, will not accommodate all who have applied for admittance. Mine MnuajEe-rM Seek Conference. Springfield. 111.. Feb. 21. The fifth annual convention of the Illinois Mine Managers" Association closed this evening. The consti tution was amendel lo make the association national. The committee was appointed to go to I'eoria and arrange for a Joint confer ence with the Illinois Coal Operators' Asso ciation to arrange a scale of wages- to gov ern the mine managers of the State. Editor tndrrgoei Operation. Springfield, III.. Feb. 21. I.ewls II. MTher. one of the proprietors of the Illinois 8tnte Journal, who haj been very ill for two days past with appendicitis, was taken to-day ro St. James's Hospital, where to-night he wa. operated upon by Doctor P. J. Murphy of Chicago. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim offer new ways of using I Grape-Nuts. .iniiimiiiiiiiiiiifiiMimiiiiiimmiiimiiimn J "The cook places three heaping teapoons ot Grape-Nuts In a saucer for each truest and pours over the food some hot milk or hot water and allows It to stand ten min utes; then serve with rich cream and sugar. "I have sorved the Grapo-Nuts food in th'.t way at my table to, numerous friends, romo cf whom do not care for It dry. They are enthusiastic about It served hot, and It is so great a favorite with us that I have been tempted to write, suggesting that you add the ubove recipe to your package." F. W. I-avItt, Minneapolis. Minn. (Mr. Leavitt Is superintendent of the famous Housekeeper Magaine.) There aro many way.s of serving Grape Nuts and making from" them tempting and deUcious dishes. The variety of tastes can be suited, and under ail circumstances it may be remembered that tho food Is first perfectly and completely cooked at the factory, and gives the highest form of '""I .' '."-in u wie numan Doily, for It la directly used by the system to rebuild tho brain and nerve centeix. Ten days' trial by any thoughtful Mr son will prove the assertion. COPK TIPS flISI pus J iij K If I lv: I 11 &. S lr5iL5S!i',-SLJ CS'WtiiC&K' ;.-: :.vm.v...e,TO,j!,..: