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- -"-fiIra-''" 'jjah. -. --srrl i-i L7V-.4M."MMfrC t ""Sbs' "ajw, iJSlrfFlVRijfrrmr'!r9'0'2rr tfs -- i- "- '" I i R- i t i . 1 ! r f I Is i if r It i 8 ? f; V'i tr l i le s I V k IW m at: I-i 1 I 3 Id- ! ldL nla uis tins rtga, man Itee j IM n Ulur M UTCKI'J HJTURTtAREER AT STAKE IN TO-NIGHT'S FIGHT. If He Loses Battle With Dave Sullivan ilic Forim-i- Champion -May as ."Well Abandon Hope of Chance to HVfrain His I.ot Title lias a Worthy Opponent and ilain of the Little Terror's Former Friends Believe He Will He Defeated by Tom Shar key's Protege Both Men in Splendid Condition. GREAT CROWD IS GATHERING REPUBLIC EPECIAU Louisville. K-. Feb. 21 Preparation nr. now completo for the McClovern-Sutllvan contest, to-morrow night. Davo Sullivan is In the pink of condition and says that ho will face, McGovern confident of winning the fight. Hn has. mado the ben of his reason of training- and ra9 that ho Ins never entered the ring feeling as well as . . will whnn lie. ltncs im to do battle ! with Terr'. Sullivan received mesa.c from lit father last night at Shephead liar. I. I, Raring: "Date, for jour old dad's sake, knock Terrj's head off." Sulltran will enter the, rlrg at ir. pound-. Tom Sharker. Sullivan's backer, declares that It will bo easy for his man to "put J.eGovern out of business" and Is outlin ing his future plan on tho assumption that Sullivan tlll bo the victor. II tays to-day that he Intends to take Sullivan and Hob Armstrong t ragianct. "I will meet a3 comers In the heavy- weight class" he said, "whllo Iave will wdgnt ciass, :i - --t look after th little fellows. I also expect to tour Ireland, giving rparring etlil- .... , .. onion .--i-inr- The JIcGoverr.-Sulllvan bout Is attractin wide ittentlon Lnrgc delegations of ,' ' ., i,i fmm St Iiuis. tportlns men ere arriUng from hu i.oui , Chicago. Cincinnati and Indlanapoils. i.oti- ert Fiti-imnions. who will referee the bout, will arrhe from New York this evening, while XlcGovem and partv will reach this cltv from Cincinnati to-morrow. The betting continues at 2 to 1 on McGocrn. To-morrow's battle before te Southern Athletic Club will be a great eent In Ioulsvllle and all the sporting men are worked up over tlie prospects for tlie great est mill In years. There is nearly as much interest might be expected If Jeffries . . .. . . ... -ii. ana .zsimmons wero w.e vu.h.-iuul. . Armstrong. Joe Choynskl. Jack Hoot. Kid Broad, Austin Illce, "Wild Bill" Hanrahaii. Benny Tanger. the "Tipton Slasher" and Tommy Ryan aro In Louisville to Eee the fight. William Rothwell. "Young Corbett." Is ex pcted. because, when he was In Loui-Ulle. with a theatrical companj. he salj ho would return to ee this bom. As he may be forced to fight one of the principals orae day he prcbably will Keep his word and attend the fight. Sharkey- Tips OfT MillUmi. Tom Sharkey has been In IouUvIIIe sine Tuesday. He has been looking over Sulli van, and sajs lie cannot see how he can lose. SuDlMtn believes he will will to .i cer tainly, and there are man) who take iho tame lew of thing A few "porting men who had a chance to latch JIcGovem in his preliminary training at Hempstead are certain that Sullivan will win this light. Sharkey sent scleral telegrams from Iou lsvllle on the day he arrived. They wero duplicates and read as follows: "Sullivan never In as good shape. He Is good for a big bet." Charjey Sieger is Sullivan's sparring partner. He U thu Hoboken fighter who eparred with Young Corbett before that lighter's victory over Terry McGo ern. Sie ger sa)s that Sullhan Is faster and better than Young Corbett wa.. i?.h . a yocunur ngnier. iie wms all the time. I,ery one who has seen him nt practice has Invariably been struck bv the fact that he n'er spars in training, but m-ets. his partners as It they were actual opponents in the ring. Slcgcr went up againrt this nort of thing jcterday and was forced to throw up his hands and uit In th third round. .Sharkey sparrcdwlth I)ae Sullivan, and the little flghter'bent In some hot wallops. The Siilor Is In very fine form and laughed at Sullivan's efforts. Pnlltsnn'N Menniircinrnt-i. Doctor Sanders has examined Sullivan and taken his measurements. The) are as lollows: Height, E feet 5t Inches. Weight, 12J pounds. Chest, 33;, inches normal, 37 inches ex panded. Waist, 265 inches. Neck, ItVi Inches. Bleeps, 11 Inches. Forearm. lOi Inches. Wrlrt. 7 inches. Thleh, J.9S Inches. Calf, 13H Inches. Beach ftpm finger tip to linger tip. Z feet H Inches. McGoTern'a Former l"rleud Iiiliion. McGovern will i.ot arrivo at Louisville until to-morrow, a few hours bi fore the fight. He will then weigh In and go direct ly to Ills dressing-room at the ring bide. Sam Harris say3 JlcGovern lias been j ImLIh. I....W n...l 1 .1 .. .. . . V44UU1JK IMIU IU1U UHB UUIIU hU CltT Flllte ha has been in Cincinnati Harris aivv.iys ays that Just before a fight the usual -.Kid stories of how McOoern lias to beat olt an overanxious sparring rartner are told now of Kid Ashe One thing is certain w hen i!cGoern trained at Hempstead Just before ho lelt for Clrclnnatl. nobody was Impressed with his work. He did not appear to ba in ear nest about It. According!), a strong Impres sion has taken hold of local tporting man that McGovern will not win. These men are the same who thought they saw McGovern a sure winner of his light with Young Cor , tiett. Perhaps they aro too sore at tnat re sult to figure correctly on this contest. Importance nf the Jtntllc. L"i,ery sporting man agrees that this Is the" most Important light In the careers of both men. To Da-,e Sullivan, It prcs Ms an opportunity he has long sought. He fore McGovern was a defeated man. ho would not consent to meet SullKan. Mc Govern was criticized scxerely for the stand he took in this matter. The real reason why ho would not givo Sullivan a chance, was neer pi lined. It wns that Sullhan as n champion amateur Jttused McGovirn a match when ihc lat ter was beginning his career In thu ring .McGovern (.'ae nlm a taste of the same ticatment after McGocrn had passed him in the race for the championship. To McGovern. tnls ligni menus a chance to ledeem lumt-clf. If he loses thLs tight, ills defeat will Indicate to all his friends that his career Is clo-ed and that never again will Terry McGovern lie champion featherweight pugilist of the world. Defeat by SullKan will Indorse tho result ot McGovern'.s tight with "ioung Corbett. .Many sportlmjr nun still believe that that light was u lluke and are counting on Mc Govern to whip Sullivan soundly to-morrow night. TKiinv ix thu riMc or comhtiox. Cincinnati. O., Kcb. 2L Terrj McGovern. who has been tialnl.ig here mr his bout with Have Sullivan nt lnulsvllie to-morrow night, will leave for that city at S:15 Sat urday morning. MeGovt rn will be accoin- tianled hv .Mimnrcr Hntrle -1n.t Hum. Jhres, J)an Daugherty, Hushes McGov- I crn ami oiners. lie Is nniloulitt'illy In the pink of condition and r.v confident that lie will win in short order CIIINC TOM! AT HOSPITAL. Doctors S- He W:is ot Iri" I'lslitlng; Cnmlltloii. KEPUIILIC SPKCIAL. Cincinnati, O.. IVb. II. Chins Kong, the, i Chinese pugilist, who lasted less than one .round before Hush JIcGovern In aboxlng match at the Ulue Grass Club- in central Covington, Ky., ednesdny n.'sht. was ad mitted to the Cincinnati Hospital to-day buffering from a complication of diseases. Ioctor Grless, who examined Clilng was dumfounded when told that he had partli!- tpated )n a light, and expressed, wonder that Jo was not killed or seriously injured in the AT LOUISVILLE TO SEE CONTEST. ring, namlmtlon cave ample evidence thit ne was in no condition to inter in ring. Lliril, IviI'ltlT l 1IOIT. Jim ( rmiin Ili-nds l'nrly WIi It'll Will Attend FlKhl nt l.oiiln lllf. Local Interest In the McCiovi-rn-SullIvan hout Is 11 elj ard quite a number of vvell knoii n sporting men dtp.iried last night fop Louisville to attend the fight. Alderman Jim Cronin hioded ,1 luttv which de'i irud ' In .i .-penal i ir and which vv ,is composed nf John 1 I.utlor. John O'Connor, Joseph I O'Connor. John llovdeii. Jack lllUms. Munis-ov. John Maronev. Kiihird llunlon. T A. J' Mlltc Walsh. Thomas Uvan, . Tli'im-n. Klnni-v. JjnuN l'.cll, John Mo) ill j ban anil Gloason upli.lims as In the probable, vviniiir it th hnut arc overwhelmingly In favm of Mc Uovoin local)), although -i' vvill hnnv n patrons of the ring favor Sullivan. Ainniij- then- lar is John Wallraiio. nresi dent of the foimrr Oljmpic Athletic Club ana i.ow manager of tha. SU 1-ouU. Kov. ins club 1 I.e. ,ul- Wallrapp his made . .,,. llls at Ira!.t ., M,ual ch.mce with Mc- j Uovem. "Mc(.nvern has been knocked out once" ' 'aid Mr lllrapp. "and tlie charm wnlth i,,,,,,,,,, hl3 uninterrupted victories has ,.eil ),roken. It has been proven that his I Jaw Is just as vulnerable as that of any ! other pugUNt and that he will so down and "Pulliv.ui ha- t-een deielopin? his hlttinit powers tremendously of late, and he v. Ill i go after Mcfloxern with all the mor.- con- ( nJen(,)i m a(.tuum ,)f the Ultf.r-S tlt.fH.u ,, younn: forbett. He Is said to be a. ckvt-rer than Jlidniwn, ami 1 uoubt It tlie ut- ter will be utile to react, him first on nal spot 1 look to tec Sullivan win the lisht." Charles H. llatighton. president of the et Knd Club, wax rather noncommltt il on the point, but was inclined to faor Mc Gotern. "They arc both good men." said he, "hut why shouM Sull'van b- able to win from 5IcGocrn now any more than list fall?" Had SulUan met Jlulovern 'then. 'lorry would hae been a general anil nveiv. helm ing f.itorlte Yet because his nose his been oneraieu on laitiv. m operated on lattly. many persons -eem to tfilJ)k lhat ullva,; hls - ,ar boU chdnce than before What difference dros. th" np Tation make anyhow? If his no-e was nut In good shap .McGoveru would not outer the ring 1 am not picking winners znyel Jut now, a I hae no faorltes In tho bout, but McGoern seems to hae the best ehancti on form ' Jlnl I)oh. well known in local pugilKtie circle as a tefere -iat,.s that tnere i nothing to the light but MrGovern. "Terrv is too1 last for riulllian," lie ..ild. "and If he gits to tlnsi- qu irters with hale ho nill ct tou hot pace for him. Fullivaii ma, be tleverer. but JIcGorrn has the btiength and the punch. He v 111 beat tattoo on Sulliwin's stoirtch ui.tll thi lat ter Is willing to let matters end light tin re I look for on!) om tudhig to tlie light " Jerry Hunt, the well-known local patron of the ring. Is Inclined to fnor McGoveni In the bout and thln'cs t'lat he will get the decision Said he: "If Young Corbett and J'cGovern come together again, 1 would be li.clined to fax or McGoerti. In the nre'eut bout I think McGoern has also the bet chance." Jio Stewart, referre nt the West Hnd Club. Is Incllin d to favor McGovern. Night Chief Gilla'-py. in speaking of the matter lat night, said: "I nm not a e!oce follower of prize fight ing and do not know much about the game. But from what I lrne read about 1 oth men and their records. McGovern should win." Detective I'at said: "McGovern should win. and I hone to s"e him make ccr.nectlons." wkimc i)i:ki: ti:i iiocoRincif. T. nna, rc,lt ni.fnre Decision AVn(( nniiuii'eil. j ni:prni if FrrciAL i ,'., ' . ' ',,",, , .. -,- , . , I "l Spnnss. Ark TO. 2I.-A1 Wclnlg of j ""Talo won a declshe Mclory oier Jack -icv ormics or i-nii.iacipnia to-mgnt in me , tenth round of a hard battle. I"rom the lift of the fight. JlcCormlck. who w.i fort) -one pounds the he.ii.ier nt the rlna slde. forced the flBliting with rushes. He limleil time after tlmi on the countenance of the IlufTalonlan. but Al took th" pjnlh mcr.t and I.Med his time In the eighth round Jack began to tb nnd Vhii,r .starteil to tight. He floored "UcCormlck in thi round, one In th ninth, and In the tenth had knocked lilin to the Hoor twice, when Tim Callahan. econdln.r McCoimlik. entered the ring and carrlel his man to the corner mi'Kiioi's "wim-ii wn.i: showing. Onr-to.riie Mini in I'mir-llorse I'lrltl I'lnUlied Third. Kan Tranclsco. Cal , l'eb. 21. The racing at Oaklard to-day was under disagreeable circumstances rain falling nil afternoon and tho track being cry slushy. Duckoy. a 1-to-I vhot, was one of the two favorites who failed to land, and he made a disagreeable showing. He was In with Bragg and U-unald, and was thuught to have the event at h's mere,-, especially as the going suited him Bragg beat tho Ete, but Duckoy otrhauld him at the first turn They ran on even terms for a time, but Ducloy did not have his usual speed, and stormed bmllv dp.Iui.i i.a.i no leii icngnisior tile place. The books were hit linnl nn fii ,. both Ilragg- and Hedv.ald being heavily i plajcd for the place o Connor carried n.T i ll.o ridini; honor- bv landing three iiln- nor.". He put -a br'Iliant, tffort on Sid- jtiii!.. niiiimiig mm iron: last position In the closing event Arthur lathers(one. th wealthy Chl o.'go .inner, to v.hom O'Connor is" under contract, was a spectator. He Is accom panied by Julius; iSauer. his trainer "ln-llaj'x ):il.lninl Iliiirlcs. Ilrst race. Hie furlorgr nlllnjr. maidens: All I O V .. . . iWby Winner , 101 ..leijAtnloali . ltrljOratnra 115 M7 107 112 liul WHde 1W Jllack Thoiri mj. Jllldreil 1.J7 Mentoj i .... chultz t-ecord race, jf ar-old". ..."'1 DIClt.Il .. . . ,t" Feien-sin.fnths of it mile.' 2- ii. , ,... r "Jailota lilt Lilgaro . .. Adlronlacl. 11I The J'os: llcliarKe.l 103 H!sh rhanVell'oV '" id.; .iw ..113 Third race. threc-fourPis.of a mile. seiinK: Tufts . 51 IVirir Montana I'etreis .. 113 . 12;) ... Ill , ..12 l ....102 . 110 .. ?7 Wionilrii- . ltllllls un Mzura IK) Irmata lil Clarando 112 Oillz 11 i Tanus M ireschine r-harp liird Poiirth race Handicap mile and a furlor; Talaco Hotel Th rretter 1r2'Jinlee .. . Pl.lerot vi, John JtnCurk ! I 1 i-auclble ml Black D'cl; ... ldIons tnlsva Lien l'lfth race, mile and u fiilccnth. f'lllnr: Iele btar Irtli Pormero . Ntlgar .. i roiMai Meroas . ... If3 Ulllv laois .... 111 ..its ,. 57 .117 171 Jll.l.i . Mllittorce Denev 23 Sixth rae. threo-foirtiis f a mile, selisui: i Ouianthus 10S Praisaunnah 107 ' ..107 uralter pie.i Klnc's I'at 10 101 -1'j9 .101 nie Elk liWl Tlburon .. . Younc ilo'elh 10'lKlne shot .. Horton I12r.ducatc clUJ-tu 11:1 OiiLttiiid Selections. RnruriLic specia i San Praiirisco l"al . Peb 21 Selections: Pirst Itac Jlontoia. ltildd Wade. Mildred P. hultz Pecon.l Itare Adirondack. Cailota. Hlsh (Thsn ccllor Tlilr.1 Ilsce-Sliam ISlrd llanschlnn Winmlng Fourth lt,le-Jiinlce. HHcK Dick. Tho I'retter. rifth rtace Constable. Iwidcstnr. Kormcfo. h!Mh Itace-llucute. ilubto. Hortun. OM.Y O.MI AYI.NMM: l IVOItlTC. llnu Acnlnst Jockey Willie Pair I ln dellultelj CnnliniK'd. Nuw Orleans. Iji.. IVb. 21. Prestome was the only successful favorite to-day. Jockey T. Dean was suspended pending an investi gation of his .ride on Panther. The ban of us-pon-don pronounced by the stewards against JocKev Dade has been llrted and that against' Jnckr-) Dale continued Indefi nitely. Weather cloudy and track heavy. Sumuiars : , l'list race, trn furhncsclilckndee, loi J Mlll(r). 3 to 1, vv.n. Panther. 1 tT Oean). 1 to 3 s((nd. 1 rank Jones, iri lljmilrj), 7 to 1 third Tune, i; jLrir Jtnkcr, The jronon !.,l.l,Sa. Hinald Ijjy Alza. Yampw Haiil Heart. Nalillun also rm Snicetnl lave, six furlonus Xach IVrd. 105 (Line), 5 to J. won. Kchcjal. 1'? (OJuin. -111 sccncl, ixro)d, M tl!i) M to 1 third Ti-ne.'i Attvica. Horseshof Tutiareo. rlr Diirwi. Fnlit Woed and John Ivitfeity alo ran Jhlr.l ra-e. e-llins. mil" jnd svent)- '", Dlgt.) Uell. Si lV Waldo). 1 to 1, won. .tele i: Jarlo. bM mtl, 4 to I. s-i-ond. JIfflie va tell M til vdl. :j io 1. third Time. 10't fcara gamp. Star Colten. IValrlo IJoe ard lieponta also raa , I'rtTirlh n. i. fclll-r-. mllp fln 1 a !ltt"lttl rie-trme. If! (T I)an), : tn I. won. I - tur nrrlrl.. ur (I.vni. to 1. s-iond- Ultl- ll--. 10 en lnm) i.) io 1. third. Til if. 1 54 Honnm. llalloon, lirlle of l.lcli t mtivliiElan A!!irt !. Zjek Ih!, 111) the 1 Udler. .MejE a" ' Kcbp't ItcanT alr ran l'lfth race. srlMre. mile an 1 peventv jar.l 1 (lanlrv). .t P 1. won. Dramhure. l'l iMInleri : it 1, pot.nJ Corlnne, t (Wal lace). : to 1. third Time. I S3 rim Nap. lafe Line Aiua, Jnioleice. Aijulnas and Kdna litrsli alto ran Pltth rac "filing, rille and a slxteeni'i IJt tli- Tornmv Tuck'r. li)l (Wallaic-I. 5 to 1. vol Ai-na I'Krllny. 53 lee.mer). i: to 1. oofind. He oti'iith. to; (Jvik;). n li 1. third Tim. 1 ..'. Itlifile Stone. Aliomo. Jo I'olUnF. Amoro- Ll f has c and VerltaMe Boy also ran. Weather nlnlr.i: track sloppv. l'lrst race, halt mile, maiden :-)ear-old purfa .NlKrettM. id ,o c'oanor). 1 to ?. won I)lae,n" 112 c" .nlej). r,J to 1, jicond. 1cm illtihsll. Ill (Itanscti). J to 1. third Time. .11. Maud her wi'O.1. (iulda, ilholnu, Clarinette and UupaT.' aliii ran. fc.econ.1 rare, even furlonys Itasnroa. 301 ft. lal) 2 to 1. wiai: Urclilr. 119 (lle-tfern). 6 to 1. neconj. Klldne. lot (I. Jackvjn) :' to 1. third Time. 1JI legal -MaxliE. L,j)al .-. and 21u-.Ja ats ian. Thirl rnte, one mile. fMlrs llrair. t tltan-tli). o to 1. won iMrnM 111 (llullinm). .. to I. second. HucLoy. Ill io Connor). 1 to I. tht-d Time. l:tsc, Onlt th-cn etarttr. Tourth race. seen rurlons. slllnr r-Tnbrero. 53 il. Jaikor. 7 to It-won. IJotnv. fl :' to l. -eioil: Dur.biar.e u; il!u!'.nian), 13 to I, Ililnl Tlm. 1.32. .Irslp c5. .dsj mi. I'lrili race. lx furlonps. i,.'hnp ater Ptnte'i. J1S iO'Ci nnor). It i. non l.vander. 1CS (tlull tnsn) I J to t. eeoni. rdonlil !lrl. 107 (1.. Jackeoi) S to 3. third TlTie. l IS Jacqueminot anl 11 i I ibuahuaalro ren lxth rate, nitto nnJ a fixteen'h. e'llnc SW ' n. 107 IO Connor). Z to 1 'on ea IJon. 1 ft. .Ta.kt.on) ;i. to l. nj HunsTrlan. 101 ilonon). 3 to I. third Time f-,i Llmer 1.. laivatci ard il.'r I-e alo ran 'Iu-Ilns l Orli'tins Ilntrlrs. l"Irt lace. vUIn en furlongs. The Itnre Dei.ion Ill .MtiKel . 177 .17 '-; .. 137 ...13-" .nnn -.. tti MMmrfni Tveva )t. . iij i',nis .. . ilekma ijn tmiendo JulTe Mirer -7 t,,r.i tmuarl lllsarllinl II... .1.-7I IKrse;lios Tobacco, Second race. Felling, un" ullo Ulue ItllRe . .. 73 I (Iraelous , IJidj Alberta MlTreltor 137 ... f-s .. 3J ...l"i lien nullum K4 1 Vas-al Dmc Pirate s clueen . .. . w I Third race, four furlonKs. 2-j ear-olfi": Mv llccts Tlie Ilsn laczle Iliool. . .. Queen ite Imp. lvdy "VV Inkle Xnvi!.. la. ... Wilton .112 . 113 Dllipclntmeur t- lj Kourlll race thp Mn. Witlilni.fon Il.n.l!rnn SI n.Med. one and one-slxtenth mlit: acbte Jarboe lvtlt Jlaltre . 91 trancent Henry of Kranla- nar Idi rlfonl . . , Albert I De'vf i q, I mar . . .130 I'n Cuarie . . Idi rz-Jforil . . ..lO'l Ie"i Jta) -5 liur.lh . . .11.' MUeri'.un !i. il'lfd, rich I'". 5 HUr.lsh is il'lcd.rleh -. . -W rrliice lilarej... l.andit.ip. lx fu-longs: Kj Illce U2' Prune lilarej... . I); II fill race, Anileari .. 99 1 Nobleman 1 n-alljik :linraii H- vi I Nobleman i3 1 inrap Ui i-iion j-ost Mxtli race, selii-r. , ne and ene hat; mile: Jackunap QS i la Ohor Precursor 1 i Major ilan'Ir . . Little rikln . 101 1 ( oUOlt im Iturileu -t-y. tOuupIed as Detvltt entrx1- ..M3 111 freftecnt rity Selection. i:i:ri ni.ic sphciai.. Ner. Orleans La. eb. il -S-lfctlons at Cres cent Cltv I lrst Ilaee Judge JtaKee. I'ovntz, Tlie Ilronze Deiion pto"J ItacePiratc's Quetr. Ulue Ttldce. Ldj Alb, rta 'fafrd rinec "Vaaoti. Tl Don. 'Wilton rourth llace Uinlsh. Pitni.e Blazes. i.tniiiest 1'lfth llace Nobleman Lennp fmi'l tail. ltli llace-l.lttle i:ikln. LI Ghor. .Major Man- s'- Ilesnll nt Clirirli'.ton. ll.jileton. S f. trh 21 rnsil J-akehen e.ld Ordeal r.eie the wlrnln favorites at til I7poltlon traek th afternoon A tallwr rain tmr tiaek mutldv Itesults. l'lrst race, nie furl)ns Pflf-ale ncn. Trilby Nfhori, teeond; t'arn.bert. third Time, i.y.,', Record rate four and a 1 3lf furlcnss PaKeli.'n won, .lanle ,ea. , second. Mill btrram. llilrd. Time. I'i.i Tli'-d race. mileTom rurl won: Handcuff. fc tnd Hnera third Time. 1 49 ruith ra.-e. Ix rurloajrs l'nfror ilrave Tcn Qjen 1.. second. Cathedral third. Time. 1:21 rifth ra e, n end one-half rurlccgs ordesl von. ulce, second; Chiiiiiulca, tr.lrd T,n, l i;. tiii:i:i: y.-.noo i:iri:s ri,iM:n. Irrli1et Turber Hopes to Ilriri Ilesl Tltnrour;libr'ds Ton;ellirr. uniTni.ic srncTAL. Chicago. HI , l'eb. 21. President 1'urber of the Olvnpian (lames Committee is working; on a plan to trinjr the best thoroughbreds of the world together In a competition for three rich purser, under the auspices ot tho Olj mpian Games Association and the Washington Park. Harlem and Ilauthorno raeins associations. The result will de pend pn the attitude ot the Wa-hincton Park Club, as the other two aro under stood to faoe the projec'. The general plan at ilr.-t Included ono !ik race nt Waohlagtnn I'ark, but later it v.its upgested that three races alued at Ji". iy each be planned It woull lie necesirv for the Western Jockey Club to rhange the I Mini track uale for that ear Aoeordlns to Jlartln X.ithnnson of the Ilaritm track, this could easily be arranged. MtTIT.n '. MIM) T( WILLI VMS. ."uliiirlinii nndidn(e s.ill I!e .ciit to Sliei'iiilirnd llnj. Iir"I I'LIC SPECIAL. I-xlnglon. K , l'eb. 11 Tho (1-iear-old hay mare Jlatllda 7.., liy i:pedItion. dam bj Onnaril, wni to-day Fold by W .1. Young; to i W. Williams, onner if the ..talllons Allerton, i:pedition. In 1'act. and others, on pmate terms. Th" price Is said to be dne to Jl.Oift Gary Htirmann. Alillionilre. P. P l'.ri.wn's IlrooKlin frd Suburban eam'idate. arrived lure to-dai and to-morrow will go to Sluepr bead Hay to be trained by Peter Wlmmer. On the same day nil: b sent a I- ear-old sltr to Imp. The Huguenot, consigned to .lames Howe, trainer of the Keene stable, and the trotting mare Stifle J.. L':l"'i. consigned to J. -Malcolm 1'orbt.s of Boston. MS1l:rt TO CAP AMI HULLS. Vnlnnhle Flllj- 1 "on I oil nt Jiimca II. Kerne's CaNflctoii SJml. nni'CULlC SPKCIAL. Lexincton. Ky.. lb. 21. One of the roost valuablo foals ever dropped In the United States was fcaled at James It. Kerne's Castleton SitU last night, when Imported . w'., Crte' dam r Tne Oaks v.lnner of 114)1. Cap and Kell-. thiew a bay filly by Kingston The Idly Is-, therefore, a sister in Can and IWIs llen-.Mv-Cree Is the only dam of an Oaks winner In America. At Oakwood Stud the famous brodmare Ite ceSS foaled a bay lllly bv Imp. Woolslorpe tho first of his get over dropped In America.' poi.ici: jivri'ii to-iiay. OIHeer. Will Jleel In It.volver Conine lltlon .s,.,.,. .Spp.-iai Ten in. Three l'atn3 of police marksmen from the evpert revolver division will meet this morning at the new range. Xo. is South SKtli street. In a ten-shot contest to de cide which team shall oppo tho rivillin P-m in a revolver match to-morVow morn" ing. This match between the civilians ,.l the police was postponed until to-morrow morning at H o'clocl:, ard the police will t&eSS.0"'" "Ur3 t0-d"5' '" ""z Pcrseatit Ixigar. Captain Creccy and Cap tain JlcNamra will each bead a team nt tlie range. Sergeant Logan's team will be composed of S-crgeant King and OHlcers Ijongworth. Dryden. P.eeve. JI. Gibbons Hasson. P. Thompson. Wflls and fc'nratt' C?PA?J!1 -'""iw team will be composed of Oltlcers Cabanne. Horden, Daniel. S-ars lje. it. Thompson, N. I'hllllps. .McCormlcIt iind Goetz. while Captain Crceey's team will have for members fctrgeant Nolle and Of-lle-rs J.iplln. Jems. Hancock, H ill. Shlnne man. Hav hurt. Craig and Ilarada btrscant O'Lcary. Detective Harry 1 recM- rind Officers Degnun. Sneeti,,, Vonf. er. KUcI. Hums and Weber will s-ive -is alternates, to take part if members of the ..... . ..... ...iu, aiitrar on nine nie team selected from the three will meet tho civilians In a special ten-shot match, to which those desiring to vvitress th shoot are lnvlled. The range is- on the fourth I Hoor of the building ut Xo. 3S South Sixth Twenty-nine nfileers appeared for revolver I practice jestetday. and twentv-elght passed I the TWO mark. Scores In detail were: P 'ihompson. 1'23; Hancock. 231. Goetz 2t M. Gibbons. "3S: Has hurst. 227: Hasson 220: hergeant I.opin. 224; Sergeant King. 220: Doden. 220: Horden. 220: Hall, 219 It Thompson, 213; P.aee, 213: Hums. 217: Wells' 21.; Shlnnem in. lie, M. Comer. 21.1. Jleevcs' 213; Daniel. 213; X. Phlllins. 212: Craig "li' Spratt, 210; Joplin. 2us. 're, 337; jjcCor mickt 207; Harada. 20i; Jeans, 203. Kuel. 2d. rifiis or iiot.Mis ix coiii'iititiiin. i Thclp Musters Aprienr tn Vnll limit- ' InK Array nt lteneli Slioiv. New- Y'ork. Feb. 21, The most picturesque i reature of the estmlnMcr Kennel Culb'a arnunl bench show- took plqce to-d ly in th competition between packs of hounds ficm various hunt clubs. The masters, hunis men and others connected with the trial aipeaied in full hunting costjtne and their ptnl; coats lent a touch nf color to th eceiie. The judges aie rapidly disposing of following first prizes wero iwaiuen io-ax lliooiotrl rk ..1 .. .. ,...,. e- ttVlJlV-SU""-' Doctor c . jusn .in.r Pllllte of SJ?.", nt tub lies Doctor J-.lugCEt s ''.;r",t':. l'r,t V.iller Johiiston'3 - ,, ...k . "airc- C !unhla Ken- ...'.' ,s,5.- ".iV- dogs and doct nni bitche3 Newton . iiwv -"ur i s iI.,ntt-beH j Knr.fl'a clian- v -at.,. blthv L)utTon's Vekti John ITmjjvj j jVf-rlitupi!. team atia of t, ineir work, 'j- v iTe?''' "Js'r" W'V. Newton Abbot 1',,' cl'"'"SiUn jrodj Mu.c I'n XU ii!Vj J ion. l.lnlovne Halt VtV.'l.kf b"'-ha. Y1- laK,: r,iIlUr Kn-i'a 'i!lmtfmii,ts- 4 ""'aniplon llarton Tolv. awTrSd it" iailoS'l "j" '" a anl ' BOILING. lonu'fTjrJr," V(;l n. ,, .,T,!f,,,'" ": jli'lmemts. . tho eapt op ef th - I .. i1s.t niK!it m IV ,Ac.: 'r.i,!11' !h 4 - " wis not awn- ..1..1 i , n .l it'll ih n The 'cote: " T'l. v. .1 """. 47 17 11 r. 1-3 ". 1 'I 4-3 ". 1 3 31 .s -i 41 :.-. J Ilurlim'.... .Mc!-r ... . Martini ... JjllUis Mohlmm .. Totali ... N'anit. Maxwell ... rrottdl .. . h nits . Nclt .. Muins Y-a'iij) ','1 1 1; 177 I'h-J 41 SlT'V. ' Tl Av - Jl r" 111 (' f ' ' ' 113 f2 : : :j;t f-l II 4. kl .. ! !1 3 31 a ..I ,s ., - ,, 4i -l.V ' !1 i I "I 40 217 41 2 3 - ; -. 4) Totals . :;vJS:n:.r -rtirT.T, .3"; 1.77 riitir.Mv !.Vt:i u 1IiibIt r.. Sfrl.olier i .lie )!osli- ! n. inl t -. w from the l-in'ener-. I n 111. i ins l0 ,,lne in ei ci game. J Andreus nd li;in(ni6n .! tilled for thetr le- i. Tti- F l "" i"l"Vl. II " iv.rfii -i Name .' 't. 1 j k 4 t; T'l At .1 And-eas ' -; 1 n fi 4 "6 2i: "i .-". Han i ' s, a, i':i 1 iri J3 4-7. .V l'loeer . .1 ' ;, M 41 "O 41 4 '. 1 hi 7 55 i" 56 l'l " " 3K 41 4 3 Ulrth 4 J -i j; .-I ,t 4 :jj ;a Tcta'a 21 JC ii a, z:i UOtiiuits. .13 lti.'l 431 33 Names. ' M.'-l I : I ". T I Av Jiiier - - : 7; s.1 4) ri r.t 4-n lluetieaiai . 3 " 1 JJ -1 .; n 15 1 4)1-: YOllllS f 4 27 31 31 4. ls , v Neul . . S '1 Triisi M ,, -, ,-, -, XI Klein ...2 ! ,iV" ' 31 HI C2 4-.'. Totals 22 Id! KlVjUJaiTJ i7 B 47 Wnni-i'liv lt HnmeN 1. Tlie. 'Wi.n'clis tie ll ers It ch ilt ti, .,t cane in their matc'i l'h the i.m.s ui tho I'' alle Ke n 1 1 the innt i: team, lihllo I' An Irea .'nd lleer were o-nv tlireu lilns reinrattd for tl-e lev! nl !0 ,x the Hemes, n.e score. X HOMirt ; 3: re l . 't I !3 U ., 'J 1 41 lb 41 i a ;i ;s Name. C II 1 - - 4 I T 1 A v. I' Andreas . . 7. '." :7 24 I7 4) 43 21? 42 3 1 mint m -T n n u 29 n m, si i-r, I)llhci:r 41 22 rj St :n n j-j 242-3 ttlttl.orr 7 -A 2S 27 3- ;-, 45 1S2 S4. 2-3 V. l'locacr 21 4 4." 4.". .C 41 21) 4J Total' 21 l'fl l" 177 1'5 17S 2'5 513 77 IS 1 rxsr-iis Name. C M 1 2 3 4 3 T'l Av ICI.ln ... . . IS I S7 4J 4-1 ?s i-t l4; Llpie-t .. 1) 2-i ," .5 43 ') 31 V. 27 1 : Ku-rnT . . If- 44 31 29 .1 4) 21 i 42 Zl Mrant3 .. 7 3. 2i 31 f7 31 6) ) 4t i-tumrf . . 3 Tw ."l ."1 59 27 27 JC ! 72 7 1 Total- 3 1S3 2C7 1S 221 KS i:s v.Vt 4) H- Ilriiinnnt' ", Knni'lier, . 1 lie Ittrnin.s di ", atfd tlie Knochfrs en th" Krenir a!le it Alt'. Tll.:rdlv flenln.r t tl." fiore . f 3 to 2 Kctli tennis nnlViJ In aj:olnI rl u" in the tirst e li ef tl e Alton mi fie i;ime ; n, the e, oud ;.itlnn to ihc l:eni2ant. l'he follo. I: J .s or. s v ere mad . KIlJINANTh Name" II 1 r 3 4 ri Tl V. Jouh'tv ra 27 41 72 4". ' r.". t.'t 4-l It lienen (7) 1 2". 4K H 72 'S 5' 1.4 liM .1.. Ill-son IS) '. 3.' ,' 44 71 7- 4! ;?! ,,4; l, k .R) 7 27 .1 C 41 33 Itt 52 l'hlnnrv (') 3 2S 71 43 4' . ( 271 ;i 4 3 To'als t"C) '- U'i 21-) 21.0 2J4 215 3I 12r. 51 KNOCK Bit-: Names M 1 2 3 4 S Tl Av. I. Hp'ne- fl 12 28 42 41 44 .-J 11 It. 412-3 Hard (M 1 'I 3 x. 47 41 r 217 412 3 yimmerman (,) II ,1 !7 7.1 52 27 41 223 44 2 5 Iiemp-ev (Si . 6 1 (.' C' 42 70 74 2-1 M 2-3 fhaw 0) . . 12 7 4 i 41 7,7 J3 JO 4 4-1 TotalJ (2S) ..4C 1'3 2T21 211 22-1 217 2fo 12T7 45 i:3::;it''ON n:t:in. Winders, I".: Illeetrli'lniis. II. Th) Win lei rf tfi K-n-son Coi-kea-llit Lc.ije. won the d 1 r me from the Kle-trielans 'st n'sM ris'ier and Harm were tho high boil ers The score. Na'ne. lldcr- 12 I I r. Tl Av. Ptun H 41 47 f 77 77 2J2 V 2-3 rourtnej . .. r. 35 41 2S 41 21 1-1 37 4 i Ittusch 7 t 4) 42 42 21 114 " 2-5 Hshir .... -'7 34 5" tl SI 41 223 44 35 Ahrers 7 2s 3S 7.2 31 .1 '-' 4) Totals 21 21C 223 211 JSl 1!S 10:: HLlICTItK IAN Nan-e 'Ji,. 1 2 3 I ' Tl Wa-niclin ... - 1 32 3, '3 31 : p, (lraeer f- 31 "3 " ' ' Karrus. . . " "-3 23 ' 1 33 -.: 1.1 Uvrlefs . . li s.. "I It -1 Jilt Hallii ... s C C. 4J 41 41 212 To'als . 1! i 1 i.". 10 1 3 133 S 0 iioi M itv i.i"fit'i:. 40 12-23 Av. 71 1 3 23 4-3 21 4)3 3 4 2 5 rtl.iltos. ": iieitre-s, 2. T'le lllalt. s of the Moanl t Iilie v en til r.I1 rnme Ir. m tie l-pen ers lss risnt 071 the l ns.ent a!le 'ih - ore 11IALTO-: Name. C Jl. J - 2 4 .11 Av. Itcln . . 21 -.7 41 77 4' 31 22. 4, l.lupelman 7 M r. .j .4. 0 -Il ? I-; nmrbell . 4 ., ''. -- 42 4 -1 SS I. 1-3 Ml. Hals . . 7 M II 42 - '1 f7 '"7 '1 2-? Heeke- . 1 21 '2 4i 71 .'1 44 22! 4.1-, T.tais fiixziiic ir? 12: io 1113 41 13-23 4.PSNCCKS Namo C. 11.1 ' I 4 3 T'l- Av. Mll-rr 4 13 -a 4S 47 C3 il 2Co .3 Kin. ll 3 4) 31 41 4S 77 2S JJ 21. Tliomr-en . 13 El 41 CJ 51 . 14) 40 2-' Ill-irk .. .. 7. 17 44 79 47 r,l 70 m 41 ClnKory 7 27 41 41 1 r1 27 11. 43 2 3 Totals 3 l"32 117 2. 13) 2.7 107 1111 45 13-23 Will Hon I rpprlmrjc Trnm. Tlie rrcmV-rs of thf limersjn rckPd-K-it lypcie w'llch V .1" 10 illtl) chillci!:l by tlie Tri'lurF lil. I iwllnir iphiii. Iiav dclcrd to lucert the Jefl un 1 will luml th lontist at th" lll'no's city on f-anln. I'ne f the follow liar Inlf iln'cn wilt cor'"-t Ail ilsht. Vendfl. W hit tier, Uosch, I-isar and anK'in. rnT-r.: nn Mi:nn.Mi 'id-d.vv. Spalding's Iis:":ll Villi Come I I for r.inslilor.llloil. RLIT'ltUc hPEl'lAU Xew York. Kcb :i .Members 'of the Fpaldlng factiou in the National League are biglnning to appear In 1'lttsburg, where the conference is to be hi Id tills evening to determine what iuture loliey to puiue. "Ned" Hanlou of lliu llrookljns. .lames A. Hart of Chicago, Harm v 1 Jreyiurs and "Harrv" rullman of 1'ittsnurg uro alreadv on the ground, und Char5-s II. l.bbets or lirooklvn i.ncl f olnnel Jolin I. ltogers of Philadelphia an- on tn- a. , It was ass i ted ti -day that four clubs interested would undo 'btedly vote their ap probation of what Mr. Spalding has dono up to the pre-ent tlni'', bat there N some reason In b-llcve that a unanimous vote will bs lacking in Indorsing all the plans that lnav be propped mr the future. Local baseball cnthusiists were inclined to brllcve after leading -Mr. Spalding s let ter that an effort would be made io expe the New York Club from the National Andrew rrecdman, president of the New York niBiiilaitloa. was n-ked to-dav what he thought of the "possibility or vjch n move Ho laughed qttietlv when the ,uei tlon was put to him and it-piled tint he had little fear of such an undertaking. "The National League.' s.aiu lie. "owe? me New York club snm.-thi!ig like Sld.W). A t lalm has he-n mide against the Nov.' Y'ork . ilub for money sa'd to be owed to the Na- I tinnal 1. eigne. 1 don't believe tin v will put Xen York out In a hurry undtr those con ditions. tUMeys thej want to light a clear ease of conspiracy against the interests of tl.o m-n wiio are behind the local corpora tion. I drn't care lo 'iv a word about the matter I am perfect! salisllid that the I business nirn of Tvew 1 on: unuersiaml the situation thoroughlv." mom: iieii:ts i-ijtiihsov. He Mal.c-s n tliiuil I'iiilsli in Class A Tiiiiri'rnueiil. Hob Stone defeated Frank Peterson last night at tho Grand in the clasi A threo ctiFhlon tournament. Peterson's showing toward tho latter part of the game was poor, and Stone. b frequent clusters of points, and a good safety game, drew- stead ily away, nnishuig; wltn a pur of points, , twelve points ahead of Peterson. Stone ran four twice. Tn-nUlit Judge Noland and Tom Wright will meet. i The scoro of last night's game: sitcn- 0 DO 0 2 fl 0 I " 1 ll il 0 0 ill 0 ! li j o fl 1 o 4 u ii o l rt i 0 ii i i o a i i o ii o 4 o 1 A ft i o l o e o 1 ii ii ii l e ii . o n . e 2 ii v l l V " " ") o 0 i a i ii o 'I ii w 1 f 0 0 1 II 1 l) ) 1 0 .' 1 0 I " 'i 1 : Total, . lili.Ii run. 4 nveriiKe, .47 lvti ron liiionoiaceoonsonninnni. i z "I l' e i a u 1 e ii t IMI i i II '1 - "I - 1 I) II II ii o 1 o n o ri ri ii ii i o ti ii tl .i ii ) i o i i 0 'i o u i) t) ti t .". I) t 0 i) ii 2 0 4 0 a 0 0 0 0 i) 0 'J 1 1 n 0 1. Total, SS- IiIkIi mi. 3 average, .'it I'Cferre Ken;!. A III 111 m 1'nllnii ill tlie "lt3-. IIiUV I'attnn. one it tlie famous "siiorttori" Millar Millard CXlierts r. rlie VVe.t. Is in tlie cltv. pi Irc st th- Itovab Cattun .cent!) Ims laLen vn ilie tlirpe-cuhlon game, ar.l while here will meet . vrnl of the local crnrks He" lhat lio v.Ill plj) all oiners and his J3)) to wnstr thst he is ilm beat man lV.rItli II II Hard Itcconl Hiulo. riiJcutTo. IVIi 21 A worl la metnl ia- mailn , licre to-nisht at thre tuh'tm liHUTr!" whn II J Anr an aniatfur. rn mit n ( Mjlnt pani lu flfti-om inninci Tb ireiou rtord lnth IroftFsion tl oii'l an?ctour i? he! it by th Ut .inan ( Mci"rer of t Ijju wlm, m" thin tin tnri .ic . In i inatii tgntt'st. ran -0 Ik tuts in ilftj-tl r inning-. Iiiol 'I 'iir tin 1:1 ii( I:imitirii1. ChrU Von lr All w 111 inauur He hU coi tinuAi pool toitrnunent t.j nlcl t at hii liiltlanl loum1. f-t Ijuhanl Griint& nut-s Trnllijr lme ntt-icJ jnl th uiMnr ivtll hv knuwn .n tl i champion of Xortli M Iul. its all th Majors art fnm the North -l 1, Mat) MiMr anil (Jus. I'oletr iu will iIa ti- flrt cinie t night. Tli" toinnanient. Is a scratch affair, each man rIalns C- quints Ioi:t Turin 'Iir4i Tntiriiiiniciit. Monte "T-lo. ! -M - Tairlnj; for th twelfth rnuni of tlie Jntrnitlinil Oi-ss T nrn uncnt, llaj-.i hen to tla v-h annrflinff to murii i f tht uit-TROT titi'-Iult Nailer anl i:i-en I "; had bje in tin tlrt msMiii of th t!i. Mai n dtfairil Poi'iil. n-pKii n fmn Moiilmer ami Uolf deftatrJ rh-. l In atn-M l.etn I'lll liur. anJ OuniLt r arj Jlartu ami Tarrath sveps draw. In the aflrrnorn Mle-es won from riirchall an-1 tcllovter f r. m .M muz) 'IVkhman ami i n t'rew tpri TrhlKor.n mil .Ia-wu- tiljntirm-t tlnir p ime Siiuc of the tlruu pim-s from I ro IvJj rounds will have to h iIi.ed to-iiurrow Trnlnlii'r nf lliirsi'i Greatly Delajcd. Meirph., 1-rn. lib 21 e, i-etary jiurray ITo. . of the "I-mp'ds llrhln- I'ar! Vssoclillon, Willi h Is a or th" i.ran 1 ili.ult. ajs the trn!nt'.: sf harness hores at tie drlxltiK jarll aid 'th r 'ealnlng points in thr ouib Is dsht v. t-ks !,Mn! formr ei n oi a. tint of t'l. Ions p. lud .' bad ,-alli. r Pfi-ffer ( lliimiKe IJernliir Tntiii. l"citur. II! Irl, 2! -Kr. I I'f. ffer the vet ei in i-,irid liusemin ..f th . l.i i-.i,.ito h't .-toi kin. has tefti prsiiRcd a. of tne D'Citur team of the Thiee !. I.mir.i.' I'fcrfer. ir. o retir'tiK In.m tlie I..',i4ue .h iriond. his .aptaiied s. -ii, nfes-h n il ten is tn chleairo. Li-t vnr !i wis at tie h'Tl .if the White Ib.rk.. en., of Ihi- .inrs"! a .(jtlons i i i'hl-cjiK-i lie w II .i-virno the du'ii.s of his p lt!on 111 llbiUt tVl Wf'kK 014 lorll-.i Irnln t llomt. Now "W.ik. IVb "I NoilfAg i iv.v iJe,n mnllPi to -til tht plajcrs un 1 r jntrort to ti-? Nw iork hi si Un 1 oluttAriii one In all, up to ihJ j ro-nt 1( it port "or thli iiril-minary prln Irdiilr in j:jr(h 2t Tlif mm il)l train nt tile J'! tr-iiu-ii ir 1 lub hmni; ! oni-J diIlnitly to nUiP'-h ih tjiitl.trn prlnr trip'-. Lexington lIorf- :ilf t lonvil. LetlrRton. Kj . Fee 21 To-i!ay cUs--tl th Uor-i-iid ,, Phtuiklln i)ts-i!a Filr- All lion-e- to-J-ij foM for th.m So o -ia Mer" djM, aiuJEint: V- During the sil 41 hof--s were tuM for J'-J.C', aerJKlnu $-"3T prp li. ml. "-porllnsr oie-i. ;;f- i::o(.k rml Anily M-enon will F.Rht t'-ii r-urn's it t .itclt wIhts befo1--' th M Jjml JtoliK ClLh to-morrcw cfttrnoim A a ir HitJnary Otto Ilcrjet and i:iunr Majllell will jis) on tn ii n tent-round Unit ot .13 pouni!- Tommy ls dM not arrl- in t Ixuli jestt-rilav, as vn eti-?ci?.1, uni he la3 proljahly i-toji't'l or at I,u!sIIIe to attend th- Mi-Cioe-n SuIlUan bout, which take) plate this tcmrg A I'nl mpctin-; of sportsmen to perfect the organization of tio -Miaguri porlmen3 aid (Sntn I'rotertlvo Aoi.!3tion ill ! Iiel 1 "W lne-dav ftninK. Kebruarj If, at ElkB Hall, In th Holland hutldlrg IkjiM c directors i 111 b ilrctti! anJ a .onstituilon anl ljy-Iaw-j adopted The Ifcird of IM-n ti-n will then e'ett officers AH cport-m-n are inltcd. Mill" Iti-i'oril nni'i iti.ii--bi-i;ciu llurl'ntrton. la I'rh ri lln'ph TYrlne t night rut th" shot Si pct. breaking l-tit. rnnrl JEWELBYSAMPLES ARE STOLEN C:o TiiKpii Im mil liiigfjr of W. 1'. JSi'owiiiiiji tin .Morgiin Street. At Morgan strict, near the corner of Twcnlv -second street last night, a thief stele from tb- buggy cf William I'. Hrovvn Ing a grip containing Jewelry which Mr. llrownihg values at SCO) Mr Ilrownlng is a salesman fur the f It. H"tt. 1 .Iewery Companv, No. IV) Washington avenue. Drowning vas on hl-i way to the store when the theft was lommitled. Three gtips wero in the rear of the buggy The fpri enco of hav ing a grip stole n Iron his hutrgv while on .Morgan stre't several vears ago has alwavs caused Drowning to l.eip an oe on his sample casis while on tint street At Jefferon avenue the grips were in the vehicle, but when he loSked back at the corner of Twenty-second street one was missing Itro.vnlns stopped his horse, but could find no trace of th thief A negress In formed him that she saw a man tunning west on Mnrgnn street with a grip in nh hand which answered the description nf the one wolen. He is supposed to be tho thief , . , Tlie crip contained lice nr.rl 'ash pins, pock-tbooks, combs, brushes, thimbles and chatelaines. EASTERN DELEGATION READY. World's Fair Iidoiupin Will Leave St. Louis at Noon. Tho World's l"air delegation, wh'ch will lUt the legislatures of New York. Mas sachusetts. Ithodi- Island and New Jer sey, will leave at noon to-.da for their des tinations The personnel of the partv In cludes I'ti-sldent Francis. Vice I'nsldent Sruicer. Grorcc W. 1'arker. Norman .1. Coimin. the l!ev.-rend Doctor Ii. C Por-(hisl-r. Cleorge .1. Tansev. lieorge II. Mor gan, i r. Walbridge, Cieorge M. W'rlgl t. f. B Tebhctts, .1. .1. Wertheimer. Charlrs . Brown. C. L Hllleao, lireckenrldge Jores. Nathan Frank Arl.ilpims litisch will Join the party In Koston Iseth W Cobb will rmet them at Albaav. f. II. Hiittlg will Join them in Ntw York The itinerary of the delega tloi has appeared from time to time Presi dent rrancis probably will go to Washing ton beforii returning to St. Iuls, where hn cwpects to consult with President Roose velt on the appointment of World's Fair Ambassadors to Kurope Other members of the party return March 1. STATUS OF MAGNETIC HEALERS Are Entitled to License in Illinois as I'h'sieians. Snrlnctleia. Ill . l'eb. 21 -The Supreme Court to-tlaV handed down an opinion that I a magnetic tlualer is a pli'sician, ami not a trained rupo, and Is entitled to a license. The opinio, (was entered in the case of the People. s. J'lseph 1 Gordon In a suit tn re cover the- penalty for practicing medicine v. itliout a ueetnse The case cornes from Winnebago Count)", where n Jusfinent was ntered in favor of th defend UI and which tho Appellate Ccairt atllrnwl Doctor i.ordnn was a m ig netlc healer and the Supreme Court linds that the Circwt Court erred In Instructing the jun to Bill for the defendant and that the ApiellatiUrourt erred in affirming that judgment art the Judgment of the lower court Is re7fd and icmandrd. the Supreme- Court Hiding that u inagnetlc healer Is a ph)sloIar. Und not a trained nurse, as insiieil on bjU'ie defendant, because he dues not us dPKs or material remedy. SUIT RECM-LS THE STRIKE. J. F. Yoiimt Van Is Damages From Trtinsil Company. An echo of the street car strike of two years ago was heard In the Circuit Court )esterday in the suit filed by James 1. Young against the St. Louis Transit Com pany for injuries alleged to have been re iclved v.hile In the employ of the company as a niotorman by tn in.; assaulted by strik ers or their svmp,itsi?ers. He- avers that he"aas employed durinr tile strike and; '.leorge V Haumhoff. lranager of the "nrrranv, told him that In the event of nis being injured he would be given permanent employment or recom pensed. He states tiat on May 1C, 1W, he was assaulted ov- i nioh on Hastoti avenue, and that one nun struck him with a base lull bat, and that i.tfters struck him with rocks, rendering hint unable to perform his dutle-, as a niotorman. TEXAS BONDS PAID IN SILVER. Then' Were Thirteen Drayloatls. Weighing ,!7,no() i-ohikIs. nupuni.ic spncnij Kansas City. Mo , Fob. 21.-The American National Hank of this city was notified to- ' dai that pamcnt had been made at Au- I 5' tJCX'i i0i?,-m, ',r T',x-"5 municipal lisncho!oll'F.n,d.t"e "ank ,u 'h S'" "' ' The notincatlon was accompai.Ied bv- the that po.i"o of tbfi mo nev hid been paid in silver. The sliver V wfigneij...,-") pounds, and mide thlnecii dr-av load- The Texas State Treasurer does not deposit his receipts In bunks, which ac counts for the tremendous amount of sIM.'pi,. on ham'. " AI'KICW i:lM.ORIllt linn Vienna. Feb. 21 i he death is annou-ire,i i of i:mll Holuli. the African eiplor"" A 1 " A w ns, We want Io talk or write to every man who Is nflictcd with any or the abo.o JL --e-sts. aid who fiels that he is not up to the proper standard cf health. i'a it anu iruihsud The curing and building up ot weak, broken-dov n men has been . ur -elusive I.usini-s for manj Mnr-. and u multitude of cured patients will gladlj tes.i' to our surcs-, skill and honesty In the practice of our sptHlt Our methods of .n"" mcit aic p 'itivel- the quickest .lfest. surest and mo-t modern Known to me.ji n ECKiice. and the onlv oniv that should ever be used fir tin -e destructive and ""'"' -oils aflllctions. If jour health Is miaarti by diseat . v a wri'v must realise fie r.i'v of allowing it to go on tv re. king your -vltal'.tv knowing, a. vmi no thu wo .oss s t , curative skill ami ability in entirrh and fori v. r rid jon .f it Hei ."tse 1 1 i r i laiiid is i,n reason wbj v should "do so V.V ilaiiii ira;i aiU.itt.vs mer tii .i m.iy i.hjsii Ian. who lacks the knnvvl'.le.- and periene.- -o neiev ary in p rnit e What we hav. done for othirs , aa l.i d ne fr vou. if v iu will ..ut gi( n " ' f lei in of i' nonstratlng the virtuib if our tn-atment fast a dde our muu ' i .i iiijiitri i iiif t T-'t. it., n r,,t ,-j , . 1 1 r.r . .. A.,. -. it & .1 1U1 Jl -fl ip.liJII ,li ltil .!!' Tl'imi 'Vra ilcirrt lc- ii. .... .... .-.. -sil 1". 'i i mill 1.1 u III) it 1 'Ut I s1 ' & .inpfi tt'il Ml (iMllnr-ij !,! !.-il - r,nfiil iiou:; : a in to S n rn &ur.dn & n 0rs. FS AiyCSS FRAfyISP???T SSEASESof ilE 904 OUVE ST., to i: uily Cltv I.ircrs srlll provs The ncjubllc: be convmc-d. I'For Nonest f reatrsieiii'L AtkS'Kti cures all rbromr., Illimd. bli trii,.ir I.i- X5S?tisJJsijCSeasc tutu st Nltiiiiu Di-lillllj. I.ut ilsiiliuuil. etc.. pm'-. 17 SEs fiSSf ""nmMsr.oi. ilcron!rcy aid lrrKabkrcn or cr,atn-"i for hu Iiaau or ruariiaK . -...-. I. . .rr..H 1., m.,..A..1 , IIL, tirlf- ,.r!l, I..I..K ll'l!tkntS fits I'awr und n. ra.ltciit cere EUrnr.tcea As.: for b .ai I IjIooiI I'olsolts All -t.iS' I.czi'iiiii Ulcers. I'In7a.. OlfScult Too "r.f.urrt cr ClooJr Lrlnc al'o uriiat' ('.i-eiscs wh'ch obstruct urlmri ra-'iz- "K for Mm Z! t'rliinrs anl Klmliler nllTi-nts quleklr cureo cured 7o- 1 'e sjfc trns Aik for I' irk l'ile and kl' Ilei'tlll Vi' Vl KiKVr. rc-.ho.Is no calt. ir r-Vl -r v-rlte (or a.irlrc -olcnl nipOonra ".! -,sU-r frt ofre or l,r trill - r'' vtnr; nsiis aj "vr ti W fTi, U 63 Y5J '.-i 11 K LJ JI juaiiMiiaAwi ioii s,i-"4iwur-J'VTJ;i .-.-f.?. KIT J I V 1ta D A 1 J m I -.A tOi il LlAS&i-J ' ll 1 Tit flffiis. flew itV &-&ztjzsjl . ;.n yp:- iiM(rrk mlnil rralila.Xnme ... 9r.ttiv,- ront ett desnondent, tZsy i:foro: srlmul-trs the brain .anrl l?svwi3' a.A!rt??.'5B'SR!VSt -7,?L&3ffitt'ZC(C.i'''-'-'''- ACUItll Diauu, .. - - COUNT WANTS A NEW TRIAL. Jury Gave De Lucenay Four Years on Ch-irgo of Digamy. Ill I'aso. Te-c , Feb 21 com.t de Lueaa)". it is nnniunced, -vill tret a new trial oi the charge of big iniy. for which the J'iry gave him four ycar3 last Saturday. The- Indictment on which he v. as tried tins defective according to the law vers because it failed to mention the name ot the Count's first wife The Count has been reindicted by the tlrnnd Jurv AVS A ".IIMS'I'IIt I'DII MVTY YHMtS. l'limeer l'rc-aeln-r nf Mi-lliodlsin in Kaiisns Is Dead. Topeka. Kas , Feb. 21 The llevcrend Cal vin Holman. one cf t..o pioneer preachers of Methodism. Is dead at his home In this city, aged K jcars. He had been a Meth odiVt minister for slty )ear. fifty ) carr ot which wero spent In active- service He Idled manv important charges In the New L'ngland S'tatcs before coming to Kansas. ci'oitiii: ii. Miiiiiu:. RKlTIlUC Pl'ECIAU Princeton. Ind . 1 eb. 21. George D. Mcore. J viars old, secretary and treasurer cf the Moore- .Milling Compar.). one of the largest corporatio'is in Southern Indiana, died this marnins In this city .iohn v vTi:n. ''ca'rllnv ille. 111. 'l"cb. 21 -John C Waters, "ged Cs )iars. one of the prominent clti ?ens of e'aihnvllli-, died In this olt) this morning. iioctoi: AV. V. I.Mtlv. i:i:i-i in.ic hi'iX'i u. P.rd Hud. III.. Feb. 21 -W V . I.irk. need (T7 veirs a prominent ph.vslclan at Nev, Hinov-r. just north of here, died at hi3 heme this morning l-H'Ttn -I. " "lOTT. i:i:pi r.i.u' mwim. Var.dalia. Ill . Feb. 21 -Captain ;T r. Scott, a traveling -ilcsman for the Amer ican Hook Companv of Cincinnati, died suddenly hero this afternoon ot npnplesy. His homo Is in Bast St Louis nr-MtT. ii. riiuu-n. New York. Feb 21 -Ilei-rv Miller Pierce. LU D. is de-id nt Ocala, Fla.. sa)S a dis patch from Hot h. stir to ih Tribune. He wai well known us a sv lentist, and served for thirteen veara as president of Rutgers Female College-, to which position lie was elected at the age of 29 In 1S3. he founded the industrial of Wet Nashville, Tcnn Doctor Pierc- was a lineil descend ant of Doctor Harvey, who is credited with discovcr'ng the clrculat'on of the blood in the human system. RICH Xltn II IIKICKK. New Y'ork. Feb 21 -Iliehard Maurice Ilrucke. impi rintendent of t''o loidon. Oi ttno. As'Ium. v-e'I known as an insanity e:.pcrt. oi-d as the life-long frh ml ard lil eiarv executor of Walt Wh tn in. the po't, Is dead, s.ivs a Times special lrom ln don Ontario Deith was caui-ed by con cussion of the bialn. brought en by a fall on the ice. "!1I5S. II Mr FA LI.. nci um.ic f-i-ixi vu Mnttoon 111 Feb 21 -Mr.-. D McFall, wife of the oldest phvs'eian nf this cltv. d cd nt Miami Fla... this niorii'ng, where h'ie had gini- for the bete-ht of her health. She was vhK k:ovn in Fistern Illinois. a i i.i.i v.i ricii:i. nS,.ltrtei:,MoXU.Vb 21-Wli.lam Priep. on of Mr. and Mrs Henrv P.-l p. die-! at tho home if his parents on Fourth and tlmmcev streets, in this eitv. Thursdav night, aged 17 eus The fun. ral will Le held Sunday afternoon Franklin avenue- ll-miisnme prizes MUS. AW V b'-HM'IlS.I'i:. la-l'lT.MC SPUCIAU ., . ,, t-t' Charles. Mo, I eb. 21 -.drs Aim ochnedler. relict of the late e-Hnry Schnel lT or this cltv. died at her home on Fourth anl Tompkins -treets. In this city, at noon to-day. aged 65 years. 'Ihe funeral will hi held .it the Lutheran church In this clv iioiToit .i. v.'. Yiruosu:. isni'uni.ic srrn.H. Metropolis, 111 . Feb 21 Doctor .1 W. V.'vmnre. a prominent citizen oj Samoth. this county, and a well-known ph) sl-'an tliroughout Southern Illmol-s, died to-d I) after an Ulncsc cf alma3t two )ears. MK. I'llKITIMI llllAl'. ItBI'l' M'l-I'lAI Hennunn. Mo. Feb "1 Mrs Christine i:sllngrr 3raf from IS7D to 1SST- publisher of the Hermann Voll.slilatt and .ilverfiSer Courlcr, died this evening, aged SI jcirs. eiitlnnd ('mint Primaries. rj'ruiii.ic ti-KciAL. Memphis, Jio , Feb. 21 The Democratic i Countv- Central Committee met hre to-dav and llxcd the date- of the prisiiry for th election of candidates for county officers on Saturday. April 21 The names of the United States senatorial cir.ili.lates were or- ( cereu piaceci upon ine naiioi-. I'OIM'NIIACJU! I,i:it'llT. iir.i-rnbic pi-i:'i.m. Carl)Ie. III. Teb 21 Frank Pcpenhagen of Sandoval and Miss Lulu Leicht of Boul der were united In marriage In the office of Countv Clerk Ackerman, Squire Hogan olti i latlng They will live on a farm near llouldcr. .chi:i.dt oi m;i:h. iTi'i'rii.ii s-i'iyiAi hunker Hill, III.. lb. 21.-Charle-s Scheldt pud Miss Marietta Younger were married in thi- citv las: evening b th" P.ever-nd H H Youiig in:iiTO vrnM:i:. '"liold" n"Moir' Feb' 21 -Mr. Harry Herton. '..' . ....nPi.t.,- fn Ih. Vllccnitr, I'tt- tl.- teiegraiin ..41........ "'"- ".,;,, . ,' U"'... .Tt this 1 fit), daughter of .1 retln l 1 i.!e. iK.-re marrltd at ln-1 pendence )-s- , KMaooii!nrrVu!l.-Mr Gardner Giv- 'tiSBfe 9aris90i -n 5 D-a's-SSs'iefsare - Days. BlOOd PelSQsl in 90 Days. Sexual Bebiliiy D0 Days- And a!! Vital rea!iiesscs anil Diseases peculiar to iUeii. ! ...,,i,. ,-. , II O'.r rcrf""tcl --ysic 11 Ull "Ut k' . r ., . . rft . 1 1 . .. i ti'ti in '"a T J Ut. - - nt r.i I ion-al4.iti ii 7w nxamlnatim t m. to I p in Olivo ; I Ci;LL 0i2 V?RI7H- . r it. Louis. Mo. I.'oon: -' 1. and I Dice? -d foor Fmil lllrl; Hours-aa n to 7 P in taturdij toi.", st"lllhc,l rractic Rlnce nZ. f ts-nl nuc-'i'rj cf Tcu ?o Dll 'WHITTinP. li pfror. i s tez .iii.rV.ii. U & Scpariite. Wainnc-.toora ui la -sw i for I'nrli I'ersnn. tl it rf . U SI l PS. (;- l ilii't--1 'llf-nf' --i.-WTimi V. t t . , , .i f I)Urfcare. -t-r p- a care 11 t (i?j-il w. !-? inr .a ct nerve ? J-!' " i CL-ul free RB3 m I.. :i jSEi San a Insra-i He iff Cure in 13 diYS. er return" t wl'l L-llril. i--Mi to nv suff rer In n Win etlleC en Telon 11 "! n pr ip' i '-Hi' full dtrecnoni for . qillvk. r vb ." ne t r 11- V itul.t) irTH IV hlhtT Varies-, i L. P. ?AuE) Private 2o 701, KARSKALL, MICH. HKsfosns!nHi IBStdBiPlBln 5ffiBS:2ZE2 I'Piniarr. . nUary or Tirary M It D JY.ImjS I-firnnen v i -n n 15 t 1 lar on . in IV -rcHtel tt lioiu-jior o Jiupr iiC'lci t-irc giirnity. If you pnjler to ni liTt ae will coaiit t to I oi tall roai fare and Ii te' l i , an' no ciiani If we fall t If"uLa-c - n nit rrnry. l(dMli itI.ili. trdrti't iiJTfnibric-iTj tiucou-4 I'.iUIit i-x mouth, -.oro plinpl, iitr oltr-il crots, .l4irs o a t i - tr K txnl- imir or ovHirons teltlu;; ot, it 1 thi H'n'larr ItLOOH i'Ols-'j ' - .anijtco t' rure. u solicit tit r c-t tMtii:ato" case an! Ii.iUczik" tlienorlil rr a ,! avr cannot fur". IhUUUes wIm t itiufllrJ t.H-r-kiU ir the inot cniinriit ;hjicians. S.ti,tOt ta;ii-ii litlihulour um cu rant'. Mtoluto jj-ho-. ami J0tJ-ti XntuU firnt ecalcil. Nol --arfh rtSce. Ve.i i."re-jl,ou(rti: COOSC REMEDY COR1PANY, 1107 2!asonic Temple CUJCAGO, 111- ri t pim" TRErx vp. i,on-, 3f0. IIS YrerV nsjirrli-nrr. lii.ate n-uttrs tKiI.un ir-atta and m-oici:-ei furnil)d in at m tfiki.o N 'i n-lr.i u fjoiu tusfnefs. .so eo(Suif lut a t-je J n-i rrmaret ture tn a few Ja5 l-ati-nfi u-- ut i.o cit trraieJ bj ti ail ur -.ircsa oi ; --Irr : J5 tr jav for me!!piip iil c -nrlte nna d- FflM sMiiptrnw Iiurt. & to is "Siiiidav? 1 ti 12 yvvvJvvvvv,vt S &fr itJ SI & Itsrr' 13132 ?v INJECTION. 5 A PcRfflflatHl UWi: $ of the most otrtinite ti" gi.srsr.tccl p J ii fro'ii S to J days : no nth-- t-ra'r"-nt J required Sold bv all d-cp-isn. ? en of Oklahomi Clt" Ok and Misa Harriet Jennings, a secletv rnnn nf this cltv. verr- mnrrii-i nt the 1 rblr'-i 1-nne list even ing by the JteVe-ena Mr Dclinnip. IIAI'III'I VY ilLVIIM. r.nn'r.uc spkciak Holden. Mo.. IVI . 21 M-. Walter Hrrrl- man and Mls Flrrt lllulim were mirr.eil Inst ntuh- at the re si lenee o' ill" officlat- ing mlnlJle- the Tteverend .1 W B u'ten. f!K WSOV Stll Mi. Doctor Frank C f!ra)Son, Jr con nf WUISnnj Grh)"on. As-es-nr of this town ship fT the past twenf. -five veirs svi married here last evenirg lo MIffs Fhnlia S Shull daughter of Samuel Shull or Dihl green. Ill vimiisi: sTKi'iir.'iS. KKI'njI.IC SS-BlTAI, llloomil-M. v . Feb. 21 M- Alonzo Moore, a wealthy nr-.l Ipllwiitl-tl )oang farner. was nnrrlrd to Miss Una Slepheis. a leiding society belli- of AshevIIIe In th's -Itv last nlcht at the re-dd-ire of County Clerk J. N. I'nnch. the Itevercnd V.. A. Williams officiating. MITTOV Vl'IIKI!!. iinrrniiie special Grajville. III. Feb. 21. Mr. A. K Sutton and Mis Millie a. Perklr.p. both of this city, tier? marri d here to-day. -l Tii D; . K. 'j: i IE ii: 'J: V: iiigh Mark Whtn p-rfeclicn Is reached ths highlit rr.ark is touched. JL.. mi tra 1 iH I Tv isKey is perfect in Age, Purity, Flavor. Its siindird of quality i3 tir.iaue. uniform, invariable;. It is ai7sys best by every test. r VVID ICICnOLSO", St. I.cuIe,M. E D 3 6H F! 1 n iR 74 L 1 U xCE MfT 5 Vf-ii &tttt&&&3&:: A N f mij fi" fen rr. C- "7 :'- " i. t"j II: "o -C ,1s. v: -i ii . r,: o Tal rr D- 2 nil o fM I'i sv 'J? l".'."l' iiaiVar..;.