Newspaper Page Text
,THE REPUBLIC: SATUKDAY, FEBKUARY 2'2, 1902. JONES SAYS PATRICK MADE SERIOUS ERROR Valor P.u lie Obji'ctul lo (Vilili cm lion of Checks Whii h ItVsnU ed in Their Anh. WHY HE ATTEMPTED SUICIDE. Will Toll .Tiny Aboiil Dinni.tlif Orcurreiico in tho Tomb IV fondant Wants to -Cioss I.v aniine Witness. Ne v Vork. l'cb 21 There was nnr lime to-day ub'1! Charles I. Jones U-, d the word 'murler" in connection with tli .1 ath of William Marsh nice. It was tlio r: time he li id csed the word during the i ill of Albert T Patrick, and. during hi- j le'linlnarj examination nenrlv a jear ago, J one hail tudioucly avoided that word. It nu durlrg bis examination bj A Mstint District Attorney Osborne that J in s uted the word, and he itnmidlatelv corrected it, while ho was going into .ill b details that preceded and fallow -il the death of Mr. Itice. hi! emplojer. tpparentlj- there was 10 point left un covered by Mr. 0-born In his examination and when the trill Is resumed nel Mondu) lores will be callc-d upon to etplaln wh he attempted suicide in tl Tomb' Mr Os borne will not oul) ask Jones to tell wheie he obtained the knife with which he gishet his throat, but v ill lk Jun to leinnve his collar so th it tht Jui in iv see the i,.ash in hli throat that --till remains as evi llence of the pri inr s intention to take hi wn life i m mi.ii:rri:u to i Kit rii-ie vi n or t 111:1 ics. Notwithstanding Jones was suffering front a severe headiche to-dav. Mr Osborne plied him with qtic-tlcns In his reiital of t'.e alleged farts .lone told mint thli'gs thi i-howed with what care the death of Mi nice had been arranged Lven licloro the death of "Mr tin e he nnd I'atrick had .1 disagreement a to the iLelhoJs of procedure, I'atnok n sited on the certll'calion cf checks drawn on S. M Suenson A. Sons Against this Jones protested. Patrick insisted and overcame Jones, and the checks were ptopented for certification, with the rcult that both were arrested It hlle KIce vraa still alive. It shown Iv the teMlmonv to-ouv inquiries v.ere imde bj Jrnes as to the crem ition if bodies, and he obtained eheulars oli the Mibject. These had come under the ob servation of Mr Itice und their present e In his apartments had been explained In Jones, who said thej had been mailed to them. j'vriucic in to hi: i:c.i:k to citoss-KxwuM: .7om:s. There tins a suggestion to-day tint Pat lick would cross examine .loi es Patrick himrelf Is very anxious to go on Hie Ftnnd iind refuto all that-as been said against him, but his lawjers will. It possible, pre vent Patrick front cross-esanlnlns Jones jvnd will keep the law- er oft the rand. Jcnesnas never more In possession of hl3 Itejf-control than ho vas to-dav When h J-lacc-cl himself In the witness chair, after c. night of sleep, ho was as composed as if on, tho dav before he had but told of a Jral eEtatB transaction Assistant District Attnrnev Osborne In troduced a copy of a dispatch Jones had rent on the day of Sir. Rice's death. This was at tho opening of to-dav 's proceedings Jones Identified the copies of the dispatch l-ert to Tctas telling of Mr. Rice's death. This was followed bj Jones telling of va rious assignments of property belonging to KIco that has been mado over to Patrick Jones eald that Patrick believed Rice to lie worth t8,000,0. Jones thought Mr. Rice was worth SG,XO,000. Jones based his belief in tax and other papers he had seen Jones fixed his figure on a list he had made. iom:s decurhs ricc m:cr met patrick. Mr. Rico was afraid people would know too much about his business and Jones ele strojed a list ho had mde, shoving how much Mr. Rico was worth. Jones said Pat rick never met Mr. Rice, but the latter had seen Patrick once or twice. On one occa Mon Rico got a glimpse of Patrick and said to Jones: "Who Is that fine looking, bald-headed man"' to which Jones replied. "That Is a. friend of mine." "Did Patrick ever know Mr Rice?" Mr. Osborne asked. "To ttte best of mv- knowledge he never did," Jones replied "I don't believe they rver spoke togttlei." Mr. O3boroo questioned the witness about n conversation Mrs. Van Alstjne had with Mr. Rhe shortly before the latter's death Mr. Rico was feeling ill and had expressed the opinion that he had outlived the age of uspfulness and would be better oft dead. DR. MILEN. (ESTABLISHED 1OT ) S ) SEKUAL DISEASES I ) OF MEN. Doctor Mllen Is tiie onlj specialist In sex ual diseases of men In St. Louis who treat II patients personal)). Hin experience l more extensive and ktil greater than any ether specialist in his linn In America. II has the largest and but-equipped offices In th"i West, nnd has the largest practice. II refers to t) best banks and business men Ho gives a legally binding contract to car or refund his fe. lie guarantees a cjmck ano lastl.'g cure In all cases of sexnnl ll-lilllt. Speirlno lllood Poison. Mrlrtnre.. Val toerIr. Wnlr Ilnck. rrotnllo Trimble nnd nil $exnnl Allinrntn off Men. CnuMilfntlun frs-e. OBlce Imiir. S a. tn. lo "5 p. in. .lnllr nnd 8 (o 12 Snnilnj-n. IVvifo ,f ,ou cannot call, and descrlb BlltlC vour troubles and receive by re turn mall, free of charge Dr. Mllen's per gonal diagnosis of .jour disease. Address THECDORU HILL'S, M. D.. or DOCTOR MILEN MEDICAL GO SfiO Olirt SI., Upp. Post Office, St. Lojij, Mo. ' lessee,.--tv e Q,.t-j-S '-. ?j ) -rti. f. - "Mrs Van Alstvnc called me," Jones said, "and told me nbout this com ersatlon 1 told it to Mr. Patrick It was thin that Patrick suggested that when I left the houe that I f-hould lock mjs, if out and then. In a Mr Rite died. It oculd b- s.,ui Ml Kite tomrnltttd suicide m:i:ii iiii.i:n itifi: iNMsri:i n umu. Wilt 11 1 left thi hou-e on Prltlav pie eJ lug Mr ltie--'s tliath I locked tht doots ami one kej I threw over the transom 1 walktd up and down and when 1 tttuined trd rude on the levatut" o t ti uttrat t the attention of the elev jtot men I ills" s ild to the el vator bojs that Mr ltlc- had threatened to i uiinnlt suicide I tliiallv had, to crawl In tin kltih. n window ' Mr Rice had lir,n lufoim-sl bx t.lrgrapli of the destruction b lire n( the Met,li..iil' aid Traders oil M'll f.nnpain s woikt In Texas, and the orrespondem e tint fol lowed, both b nail and telegtaph. was nJd to the jury. There was an effort made l the milt companv to obtain loan ut nionej and to rs.onstnut Its wuik- I tola Mr l'attkk nlotit this and be wanted to know what It would uosl t,i le balld the works " Jones sjld ai d I i;ot tha Information from captain H ik-i and Mi Ollei. Mi Patrlik asKtd me In tiv to p'r suade Mr Uli nut to rebuild the work and I did fot thre,- ,lm- I thl'ik I wtute a letter for Mr 1th e. In whhh lie ' tid he would adviiiLe the SfMw, but 1 tiev'i mailed It HH'i: Wis lilt V VMM. Kit. Ill' ri:n 'i:n i' tiv i.t. "Vlr. UIco vias determined to ubtiild thu plant, and Mr. Patrick said that we 'would have to get him out of the wa as sjon is possible I 'A draft did come on Siturdiv preceding Mr Rice's death, beptember 1".'. lStK) anil was pretnted bj a collector. I ased the collector to wait, and then told h'm Mr. Rlc was ill nnd aktd him to hold It until Mondnv I saw Mr Patrick 1 ltet ml tuld him about the draft He said " 'Whateve- we do. Mr Kb . in't T.e lure en Mondav as i lore drafts are tuiilUfr' "This draft was for $JIH? Mr Itke v is dravinjj S per sent on the loan, and ns the interest was In txcess of tint allowd In this State Mr Hire had the notes male for J2K"! the dlttert-nce to be applied c i ihe Intetest " This diaft a.f put In evidence b Mr Osborne, and on the of it was a n eniorandum, whiih re id Mr Rice died last night " sis i'vthiciv mot mi i iui:i ttoiiii m:uu shio.ouo. It had been presented again for pavment on September 21. 1900 Jcnes told about the drawing of four checks for $.5 WO each uriglnallv. Patrkk said the monev would bo neeessarj to tight tbe will These were drawn to Albert T. Pattick as trustee. 'Ihe rhcrks were dated September Si, the dav before Mr. Rice's death Then we had iie disagreements," said Jones "He Insisted on presenting the he ks "or certification and I objected, but he per sisted "He said he would not present them until then, but after I Ullei out the thecl.s and h 1 handed tfcttu to him uerm shoulder, he said he was going to present them for certification This led to a disagreement between ns at hrst" PRESIDENT MIXED UP IN ILLINOIS FIGHT Kejioited Thai He Has Decided lo Appoint Dan Hn;au Inter nal Kevenne Collector. KKI't Ul 1C Sl'l.ilAr Washington. I'eb 21 Thtre is little doubt that President Roosevelt has became tan gled up in the Illinois neiritorlal fight, riom sources which mav be considered lellible It has been ltirned that he has decided to ap point Dan Hogjn Internal Revenue Col lector in the Southern Illinois Dl'tila. to succeed General Powell, whose term of office will soon expirc. Hogan Is an important "cog ' In the Lon-mer-Yates-Hopklns political machine, and President Roo-evelt Is making this appoint ment at the request of Vates mid Lorimer. Hogan is aid to cojitrol the senatorial situation in Ills ilNtn t l'rrslilent Iniiies 'J rouble. Ill so doing, Mr. Roosevelt knows lint he is inviting trouble from both Senator Mu on and Senator Cullom. as thej hivo ree ommended the appointment of xStite Senator Jomes A Wllloughbv of Relville for the office that I.orimei wants Hog in to have . While ntlther Mr Mason nor Mr Cullom Is making anj threats. It enn be sjhl that If Mr. Roosevelt carries out his p'lryose tn appoint Hogan. his confirmation will b held up in the .Seinte until the PMent wlthdiiws it or Hogan de-erts hlj. iiresent political allies and moves over into the cimp of the Pepubllcans who ae lighting l-oi liner and his associates At the White House It was practical'v admitted that Mi Roosevelt had decided upon Hogan's appointment. Roth Sen itors M ron and Cullom refused to sa aiv tiling for publication In regard to their proposed tug of war with Mr Roosevelt. AUGUST F. SETZER DEAD. Resident of St. Louis for .Moie Thau Fifty Ye.iis. August F Setzrr, 2 jears old, a ri-sMeiit of South bt. Iouts for more than llfty vears, died at the home of his con, Frederick Setzcr, at Xo. III! Tjler street, je'tcrdaj afternoon. His death was the result of a complication of kidnej troubles Until two "eeks ago he made his home at No 1C3I South Broadway with another son, lain aril IJ Setzcr. Mr Sct7er was rrobablv- one of the bpst known of tbe German residents of the South Side He came to this countrv In IS! fiom Higen. Oermanj. in companv with others who have since become prominent In St Iiuls and vlelnltv. as Prederlck Heckcr, Carl Scburc and Knill Preetorlous. After a brn f stuj- in Xcw York and Clu c iko he llnalljj s( ttled In St. Louis and engaged in h grocerv business in South St lous His business soon grew lo be one of the largest in th it p irt of the eltj i nnd U3 neepme u, memoer "f tn eMfr- ch nits' Exchange He held the oflli e ot chief -lerk undr Marshal John Mcr.ill when the citv and countj were undei one head He also held th office of Citj- lang r ust before the disclosures of the famous "whiskj ring." and was n prominent llgure at that time. H v-as later mode mirket rrafter of the Soulard Market under Major Lwlng The Inter part of his life was spent in re'iiemen fit the home of his son Arrangemnts for the funeral have not as jet been made ANNUAL HARVARDCLUB DINNER 1'iofessor Le lUron If. Hiiggs Will 15e Onest of Honor. The Haivard Club of Ft. Louis will hold lis annual dinner at th" University Club on the evening of March 1 Professor L Karon R RHcls. dean of Harvard College. will come on from Cambridge to represent j the college and the facultj. and will lv the guest of honor. j Professor rirl .L 111 v t... ..... ,.r .1. ' Contcmporarj t,lub on the preceding cvei iiig Ills vls.t takes the place of that or rrtrident Kllot. whose Western journey has b?cn abandoned becaui-e of the serious 511 rj of Mrs. Lliot. and not because or the v!lt of Prince Henrj or Prussia. i-,r.mrfPSOriBriRB':;, wl"i is Professor ot luIt-li and an author of some note. Is one . 'hf most popular members of the fac ul tj. Ills presence (it the dinner Insures a large gathering of Harvard men. . .l,n). lhe coo', ,ial,lt (I rcadl.ij the ..S,""1.., I'JBes everj dav. There aie OS Want" ads printed In to-daj's Republlc li2iiiMiall 2?ZJ2S--ij!iiAiz'. ICWA MAY DOMICILE RAILROAD MERGER Two r.ilK for Tluit I'm nose I'n del 'oiisider.itioii li Stale l.e"isl.iliiio. KATY LEAVES THE S. W. P. B. ..i knwann.i Adopts J'en sion S stem "Yorlds, I'.iir Mass Meeting of Anient. in Lines .M.iv lie Ut itl. l.M I L.I.K sj'l I t. l-s Millies.'lhc Iowa Legisla ture his under i .ii-i.leiatli-,u two bills In-tenJe-I to domicile the Xorthtm sp, uritia railroad m-rger in this State '1 hm this 1 the significance of the bills ! " .ited b igents of the Iturlmgton load in vestlgitlon bj legisl itors has developed an unexpected and intimate relatimshlp be tvetu these me.isures utid Ihe plans of the Noithein t-ecuriiies. The Hubbnnl merger bill jtupors to amend the Iowa law st that an Iowa rall toad niaj. in an other StaK. buv, lea-e or consolidate with anj otlnr road It was intioduced by enator Hubbtrd of Sioux t it j. The bill bv s,euatur Molesbunv of Muscatine provides that an Iowa rallroil mav lsue un amount of bonds it chooses without reference lo the stock issue Doth me&sutes aie Intended to oveicome pre ent lavs whhli viould prevent or einlur ias the oocrations of the Iluilhigton rail wa i oiporatlons, uiganlztd in Iowa lis war and which took a leise of th- llurllmr t n -jstcm 1h Northern Sec mines oaih (Ireat Northern and Pacific Thc-se two ovin tho Bjrl'nrflon Railroad t'ompaio't. prupertv. leised to the llu'llngton Rallwav Companv Tho old liurllngton was an Illinois corpor ation When all its slock went into pos hesstoi; of the HIM mads an agteement was mjdu which u vents issu.inre of more utock or bonds b the Illiuols corporation, to to make future eitenslons. a new opei atlng companv h3(l to be formed 'this could not be formed under Illinois law, be cause the Illinois Constitution savs no rcllroad snail lsuc -stock and bonds . x ctedlng the tost ut construction Mis souri has too strong an adverse tmiMIi opinion. Wisconsin is in the h md of tue an-ti-oiporation element, Minnesota m flghtlns th- merger 'Ihe other States In which the liurllngton Ins! lines are PopuIKtic or lighting the mer gei s0 iow , Jt, ,E(3e th home of the new Burlington liailwnv Companv. This corporation was form-d list summer. It has JlOOwOO) capital not vtt Issued lis only assets Is its, lease of the Hurliugtou yjstein on terms which guarantie pavment of 4 per cent interest on the bunds, which are exeh ined for Rurlington stock at the rate of $x of bonds for eacn S1W of stock. Tills binds the rallwav companj to pav $s . W)ii0 annuallv on the old stock The mail has never paid over Jo a,tj oniiu.ill to stockholder 'Ihe nev rallwav companj, und-r it nlnetj-nlne jear lease, will build extension, ut the Rurlington, guaranteeing their bonds md owning their stock. In order to do these things the change In Iowa laws pro-po-ed bv the Molesbtirrv and Hubhard bills are necessjrj it vias deemed easier to get these changes lit Iowa laws tlnn to handle the proposition In unv other State When the bills were Introduced mjsterj surrounded them There his been a bellff that thev had relations to the merger, but the details have nut, until now, been made public. The facts are admitted bv men Interested in the bllN The Molesberrv bill has been it-commended for passage in both Houses. When it comes em the floor, there will be a tight. Its real Intention was not understood when it was recommended The o losition will declare tint Iowa c in not afford to give u hom to the m-rger while other bt.ites .,ie fighting it ind tho President of the l nlte-d Slates Is taking steps to ten its legalitj vvr its,m:i.i.ii, i:srii!,isni:rr. tulrter A lew or l. -ninu-lit'a Snlt Vuulnst Xorlbern Securitlex Co. HI PI HLIl-M'nriAI.. New lork. I"-li "I A much ciulter view was taken In Wall street to-dav of the an i ouncenient that the Government w is to piueeed agalii'l the Northern Seeuilties ; ompanv- under the Sherman anti-trust law ihcss- dlre-ctlv concerned in the compaM. r; fused to discu-s the matter for publica tion, but a rathei definite Intimution waH given that, the Government having decided to bring action, the c-onpanj would trj to Iiduce the Attomev General to let Its biw-vet-j co-onerate with him to the ot bringing the suit to a peedj tcrnilnution a hose vvho are trUng to look on the heeiful side of the sItuation saj that much Kood mav result from the I'resi, ,lt s ac tion It was absiiluielv ntcessarj. they sue that the prinnrv ciuestion of th- legallt" uf the companj shiuld be det mined once and for all While am- uncertalntv re mained the stock would be under a clod It was sahl t-dav b an ai thoritv on the questlors at ssuP that the proposed suit differs ridlcallj from that now pending in the I nlted States Supieme Court, In which the State of Minnesota appears as jdalnttff That s,It Is brousht under Minnesota Slate laws forbidding combination b-tween com peting parallel lines of railroad The effect of a decision adverse to the securities com pinj would be conlircd to that companj in its operation, unless there m lj 'ie oth r unso'idatlons of rallro ids In ths St lie The Shermin anti-trust law. under wfich it Is proposed to sue. has never been fullv Interpreted md corporation Iiwvers s,, tie "ounei all the- (piestlons involved are settled the better it will be for the busn-; uf ihe ointrj As it Is now the uncer tainties with vrlch It Is e'lcuinpa'seil mal e investors timid about Invpsrlmr In t!.. se. Ueurltles of onv corporation which niaj some uav ue nun il llllo Court ns a trust Whether the purchase of securities " if competing- companies bj a st,,?!,. owiing companv escapes the provisions of the Stuiinan 'aw. Is the ciuestion now at Ksue lauvois sav. and there are financiers ind llnincial students who pieillct that If the ownership of the great ti msportatioi com )i inli s bj- In'ge proprielarv companies Is decided to be Illegal the onlj solution o"" the railroul problem in tills countrv will b feov eminent, as in 'ome nuiopinn countries KtTV wiriinntns Mnviuimsiur. CIxon tntiof- to snnlhwrnffrit Pnssen Rri' Iturenn. i;ffec!le In :tO Day. The Missouri, Kansas and Texas Railnaj has given notice of withdrawal of member ship in the Southwestern Passenger liureiu to Chairman Pratt, effective thlrtv divs from Pebru irv 20 The notice was signed bj Jiimes l!aikr general pissenger and ticket agent of the ompinv. and wns aillrespel to th" ba re lu's headquarters in tlis 1'nion Tru-.t bnlMIng Yesterdav a notice covering Mr linker's communication was piomulpated to all Hies holding memlorship in the l"j-cau In ieference to the notice Mr darke st ites V f Cll"h tn ns-IITA nlnr ninmlmiG ef tin buieau that the Missouri Kan-a and 1 e-as I itallwav, as a nomnember will abide In all reasnnible rules or the buieau We vlll co-operate with the bureau lines to the lull st extent, to prevent demnrallzat'on At all times we will confer with the bureau on "Ubjects of joint interest, and will give the cn-tomnrj' notice of our intention to- take individual action " Mr. Ilarlaralso stated vesterdav that he h id asked for the rull aril heirtj co-operation of the bureau lines In the maintenance of rate. Nothing further ujion the sublet wouil be stated bv Mr. Parker. The Southwest i rn Passenger Bureau coveis a terrllorv In cluding Texas, Oklihnma and tne Indian 'Jerritorj- ind Sonthv.e.stern Missouri It vr.s oiganlzed In lime, ISIS, and Includes In its memlership all lines opi rating into its territorj. zn.iitoi.vrr: ir,,sio sti:m. The l.nrknvTiinnn vnpl npriates S.'iO, OtlO feir Iteninlnder of 111(12. Tho Iickawanna vvnl place a pens on svsttm fo- the benefit of its qmploves m effect Mitrch 1, and h?s appropriated K0, i"3 to meet pension claims for the remain der or isc;. Cnder tli" svstem worked mil b Presi. dent Trucsdale, who has been w.lh Ihe road oll.nn ICXl it. ..e.-il... .. - I 1. .. i . -.- -,.tv- .o.. anj ciillilu-r H HO lias UCeil Willi the road for twentj-tlvc jears. In the faith ful pcriormance of his duties, s to be re tired at the age of (S, ami receive a manth-Ij- allowance dependent In amount upon hl paj and length of service. Ths pension fund will be regularlj- appro- ZlP.--' t-' ". f 'thwri7f J-i? - r,' - printed each jear by the companj-. No era ploje will be caked upon to pjv anything. 'Ihe- amount of pension will depend upon the number rf vears of bj tiie cuinjianj. and his average regul ir puj for ilio ten vears next preceding his retire ment. If, foi instincr. this pay has been i'ti i inotiih, md tbe e-mpiove has been in the cuiiipaiiv's reree tlditj Vears, Ids pen sion will be ?1S a month an ainoinit equal i i I pt cent i veil fui thiitj .ears of tin iviaf.e salarv ol vji ls wrxriMi is cwulllll). sj. I ouls PannfiiK" len i ( Oil siir. KcstlltDs for orlil'n I'ulr. V ls-olutiun v as adoptid at (be regulai muiitlil. iree'.Ing of th. St L,m. t , la ilun ol Geneial I'lis-cngei md 'S'kei A,!iis jsie-idvj fivuriu a mass un-eiiuc of Mil li all line- lit St. IviUls fir lilt p'JI- juJ- of toiisldeilng in liter- peilaiiiiug h- World P. It The .isjocI ition took ai Hon n rr-preseat In the st Louis terminal li les, aad e-lre-s) . fill appieilatluii a the s ig-s liens vsblili have ln luadi ti bold inc luass inn tin. In the i ent of the nice -t i. the majs niesrtlns tthiih uwi'-f, to lu- l coudiiioiis decs llul 11.. IV alpell to exlt (he lesolll tli i expitss d a wllllllSliess ., act mi th siifcgestloii" pro)er null., to be piuiuul aated A resolution s -I-" ad Tor the for mttloii uf a committer . iiisisiini, ,,t th iei resentJtlvis of live iijiJ- this coiimi'i tte le. ley i it lebiliVe to matters of mutual Interest the i!l l'ali Com lain and ehe Itiilioad Cmiiiii'tlie tli- lat ter 'o se'tv- during 1""- W Ulti:sUK. W VMS II. Vla OnVr llir ulurmlu Itmul ItlrfUt uMllli 'IIiioIikIi .luliiisou IoiiiiK. I.t I I UI.K M r Cl XI . Warrun-burg Mo. IMi .1 1 lie bt 1.UUK Kansas Citj and Colorado s.ivev ors who havi be. n working here the la-t two weeks have moved to H-nileita. 'If teen miles jouthi ist Th. v are ri nnhis a tireliinlnjiv -urvej to ule Camji to which pulnt tin line is lot ild Chi. f Kngiueer Campbell and x-Lleiituiwnt Governor llolte in- hire In the Intereet of the toad. '1 hev came ovrland from Col- Camp ill a begoj. wile fivorabh InipiesiC'd with the countrv and s i the lout can be built on an eas raile Then- is J thiee-iori ercd llaht fur th roml b-tween -edalia Warrmsbui ic and Cilnlon Seclali i's offer to give the nght-ot-vvuv thromli-Pettis Cuuntv. provided ihe line pass ihroimh that citj. will probiblv be followed bv Warrensbuig otteilug th rUht of-w iv through Johnson d unlv 'in ivieitovc iis no viiii:i. 'I he Southern Will In) llenvj Kllll till l,uuls-l uulsv lllr Diliftlon. Ihe Southern Kallroad will make exten sive, lmproveinent'i In its madbed this vear -ast of St. Lou!-. The road will be changed at the bluffs to avoid the heavj grade. Three miles of new load will be built at Georgetown Hills near New Albanv. Ind Ihe old grade, parllallj built three vears ago. will ba reconstructed L irgr steel trestles will be built and a nev. tunnel iui Tor manj miles a double track will be laid Heavv steel lalls will be la'd en the entire Iciulsvllle-St Uitils dlvi-iou and mik-ballasted H I. 1)1 l'ao Op-culufc. ChlcJhO Peb 21 After a jear or mote uf wotk. oflciils of the Rock Island loict to-dav announced dettills of the opening ot the i:i Paso extension ot the line The Itock Island will operute a through tra?i service Irom Chicago lo Kl I'aso. The new schedule will become- effective March I an 1 pio.ldes for a through train, to depirt frci CI icago dallj at 11.10 p m At CI 7io connection-) will be mude with Ihe Southern Pacific for California, and with the Mexi can Central for points in Old Mexico ItMI.llOM) AOll'.x l-Ie-4 tloim - VppoliitmrnlH IlarnliiKS 1'orelffu Prmonal Lccnl. -The directors of the Peoria and lias-tern, elected at Danville, 111 , Tebruarj IJ or ganized in Cincinnati jesterdaj. electing the-'e officers, il i: Ingnlls. president; Z 1. Osboin, vice president; I. C Davie, sec retarv; P. D Comstock, treasurer. Pavment of a 4 per cent dividend on the income bonds for the jear ending December 31 was au thorized, pajable at New York-April L This road N a part of the Hlg Pour sjstem Charles H Lewis hus been appointed chief clerk to George Met7ger. general agent uf the Hlg Pour, to succeed Preenian W lp per, who has been made chief clerk lo George H lngalLs. assistant general freight agent. Mr. Lewis will assume the duties of hU new position next Tuesdaj. Charles P. Dalj has been advanced to chief assistant general passenger and ticket aaent of the Lake Shore and Michigan isouthcin at Chicago Harrv II. Rhein suc ceeds Mr. Dalv. and the former will bo succeeded bv John W. Dalj -Th" Hlg Toar statement for the see end week in I'ebruarj shows that the lines proper e lined S-"'-0V7t. a deciea'e of $-"7.-S.:(f Pur the two weeks of Pebruarv th earnings were $iOC3ICO. a decrease of $.!. SS1M The Peoria and Pastern eiraed gross the second week $32'jsl 17. a decrea-e of 113. IJS4.1 Por the two weeks the eirnings v ere $7?StO!7. a decrease of i;S27J3 Ihe gross earning1-! rur the m coud week of Februarj bj the Cincinnati New Orle.un and Texas pacillc It.illvvaj Companj were $97,5S;. an irerease ot $2.74'' A J. Lowe has been appointed assistant superintendent ot the Alabama Great South ern, with headquarters at Birmingham r C Nelson has been nppolnted roadm istei uf the Birmingham division President IeeiN, l'irst ice President Parker and Chief l.nglueer Dauchej of the Hock Island v 'sited Horton, Kas ves tcrdaj, and oidered the Immediate rebuild ing of the If ir sud siiope destioved bv lire two weeks .ija. The new "heps will be latter At jesterdav's me" ling uf the stockhold ers of the Luul')n nnd Northwestern Corn pane In London Lord Stalburgu said 'Puibnvlnrr the American lead, the North western haj introduced mole powerful loco motives and cats, lesulting in in-Led economj.' low town, to h- known as Poswell Cite, has been located on the Arkinsasand t hoctavv Railroad, embracing eight hundred acres It Is being survjed The town will ho north of Hone Grove and thirlv lalles we-t o' Hugo. I T. Uillrci.ul grad ing outfits at" at woik In the vicinitj -Ihe Ilurliugion stockholders met igrfi i vesterdav and took their usual adjourn ment for on week, without transacting .mv business. The Supreme Couit of Mli'nss0t., ee.stei !aj deck-red uiuoiistltutioi al the I iw plac ing a 1 pci cent t ij. on the propeit- ,( freight line i "the culllt held Dial the law inakis uneijual taxitlon The dei Mon as in Uiecase of thi St ite against the Cinadi Cattle "ar Cohinanj. mi actlcu lo collect a sum of monev al'ej cd to K- due as I: ist,rll igents ,n the I irue lailrtads and thu traffic mil act's ,,f tweutv-seven lane I 'dutrlal ursaniza'lo is met vrsteiek.v in New Yurk at i him-heou nnd dsciofd conimtinitj nf interest This J-,r.V ,T,octl,K r lh- kind prolubly will be follov ed b others at resell tr pnods The Southwestern P issengt r liureiu announces to the Wnhell Chautainiut A 'cmblj et Wlnn-ld. K.i . lime 17 to 27. a rate of cue fnie in the round tilp fiom point' m Oklihoma Frisco earnings for the , () , week m Pelruarj were r7ift".S " .,n Incr.a'e of "". 441S7 TotuI fiom Jnh 1 11)!. ws I5. lHli7o". an Increase of l-,:.7lt7! Miles operiteil in l'Ol were .'.'SID" mil .T.l H in 1'2. Itrtlvat 'Ire-tltll&s 1 Jose. '1 he revival meetings wh'ch have been conducted bj lvai'g-il t W h irtou at the Pieslijt. rlan Chi.n n. I'.cliPVille. came to a eh se last nlghl The attendant e w is un-11-t lllv large mil in ich lr.trewl was mar' ic-ticl. List nKht. tli Reverend 1: .1 llin'tr-on of the IliptNi Church, the lf-v-e'end-Jt.A GaPalu 1 rf lie 're-bj lellan Church md the R.verend C D 8c.h11n.-1-1 t the Methoill't Church made short t ilks His. Ilinllv I III Ilecifl. Mis Pmelle, wife or George- P. Phi. did at tie f.imil. resideno. No 2VI Portland accrue Rellcville. vesterdav. aed "1 iej-. Mrs. Uhl was ihe daughter of the late Martin Med irt of Hellevillc and Is related to tlm Medart familv of St. Louis SI13 leaves her hu-band and five children The funeral v ill take place Sundaj afternoon, the luilal being In Walnut Hill Cemeterv. Warrlncsc Licenses -Mcrriage llcn-'s isaueil Jn Belleville je terdav were to Arlhui S Wilkej. 2J. an I Anile Winter. 19. both of Kvansville. Ird . Frark B ckmann, -"A Ccntreville Station and Masgie i;fcii. SS. of East St. lajuis. PRICE OF BEER MAYADVANCE. Miln.iukp.- Hicwi-is Waiting foi Dispotsil of War-Tax JJill. Milwaulce. W is Fd' 21 The Sentinel to morrow will f.iv . The Milwaukee Rrewers' Association hn decided to raise the price of hcer "onn un it fi i i-cductlon of the war tax is ma J? The amount of the advance in price In not vet decided on. bat will be dc tenilned later, the pi Ice depending on the acti:n of Congress. The brewers milntain that materials of all kinds entering Into the manufacture of beer, as well as labor, have advanced In cost. yr, .-a. .Sy yJ "sK-.-'i.-.-y.'c-. MONMOUTH CHAPTER AGITATES D. A J. rielle W'.ll 1'ioUe Olll When llli nois Mattel Was r,tiint;lil rp for 'oiisiilfi.ii ion. VIGOROUS USE OF THE GAVEL. ( 'imiinil Ifi- Oldelttl lo lli-jinil .tl Xel .Mc-etillj; hele.ile 111 jnutl li Fall Klet linn Ke- suits Annoiiiiied. Kl. I II I.ll -iHl t I VL W i-hiPhtun, !" 1. -I 11- fj. noil tlKhl among the ni-mbei- ul mi D A It was -liuttii uii in nil Its lien . in . to-dav to the Continental Cuiibius. Mrs. Xcsh of Ohio, chalrmiu uf the speeiil tuiiimitter whlc'i n in the Monmouth I'haptei tiutiblt i niis.d the luweiln,; of th- wji i l.mds In asking the coni,r-ss what v ,s its pleasure as to when the special committee ?hould leporl on this vexed HPnois matter. Half a bundled delegates rolesttd thai the Monmouth matter had b"t u disturbing the eongr's ir the p ist tbr-t vtais and th it thej Wanted It settled for all Unit. Mrr Murphj. the State regent of olii ) moved that the coiniiiitte,- be lustr,itel to it port at t o'clock t-inonuiv. iis Wllss vvas on her In t protesting, but Mis Palrbanks's guvel mitde so much nulse that .Mrs wiles could not make herself heard Th- Stale learnt of Illiaois 13 not talking to tin inotlun." said the pi.siJent gfiieral ' I am talking to the ciuestion," ejacu liled Mrs Wiles ' v.ou are not talking to the question," le plled tiie general and she pnnctuateil- the answer vUth her gavel -Mrs. Wiles refused to be stopped before she was through. Mrs. Matthew T Scott, i Ice president gen eral from Illinois, asked foi recognition, but It was refused Th n the members of the Deere faction decided not to take pan in tbe d'scusslon Mrs Fred Lee tumbled Into the frav, causing shriiks of laughter bj- Ihe an nouncement that lir husband wanted her to come home. "I am In favor of standing with tie raJ Jorltr for Justice," she cried ner voice choked with excitement and trembling with emotion, but I 1 on't see how we can do It whn mv husband is s-ending for me and wants me to come heme." Mrs Fairbanks then put the notlo.. thai tho committee report at It o'clock to mor iow, and It was de-lared c irrled After It had been deckled on the floor of the con vention, those interested in the Monmouth right followed Mrs. Nush out of the con veillon hall. For five minutes entrance iind exit to the .-ongress were sunt off. The women selected the slalrwav leading to the opera-house for their meeting place and expostulations from the nages and doorkeepers were of no avail until mattpra hid been settled to their sallsf ictlon. An anonvmous circular Is Stirling the en tire Illinois delegation. It contains an at tack upon Mrs. Whes and is beb.13 circu lated secretlv among the delegates of the congress The members of the Deere fac tion denj that thev have had anv thing- to do with the Issuing of this circular and declare It Is onlj- another sharp political trick on the part of the Wiles faction to makesvm pathj for their leacier. Mrs Matthew Scott -t Rloomington gai an elaborate luncheon this afternoon. Mrs Wiles was not invited, t.rr was onv of her supporters. Less than 100 delegates were present when to-daj's session of the D A R convention opened Mrs William Uvait Jone. a dclegale from Georgia, slipped 011 the ice at the en trance to the theater where the contention is In progress and broke her wrist, she was hastily carried to the Kmergencv Hos pital, where she received medical attention. Announeem"nt was made of the result of vesterdav 's elections for vice president gn eral as follows Mmes Marv Hepburn Smith, Con necticut; lielle c. l.vons. Kentuckj ; S. 1 C. Morgan. Georgia, Harriet Simpson, Massa chusetts; J V. Quarles. Wisconsin: D D. Colton, California; Arthur It. Bedie New Jt rsej , Henrj W". Burnham. New llamis shln;. J. llerron Crossmarf. New York, and Llizabcth C Williams. Marjland. Mrs. stratton ot Minnesota offered a reso lution, which was unanlrnouslj adopted to recommend 10 Congress that the Sundaj following the blrtlday of the late President McKmlev be set apart a a dav of praver In inemorj uf Llrcoln, Garfield and Mc Klnlej. - englanFfrepares for "day of neeo" Ailiniialty Denuutls of P.iilianient ?l.".(;.l)l)(),()l)l) for of the Xa This Year. London I'eb :i The Secreinrv of the Ailmlrdltv, 1' O Arnold-l'oiester. mtrc duced the naval estimates for liijt,: in the House of Commons to-claj. Tiie t stun lies show c tct il ot t-.I.Ji'. iw. as compired wilb r,S7"..trlti la-t ve ir In Hie course of an iccomr mvlng statement Mn.Vrncld-l'oiestn reinarl e-d Piat in thinking man coul I have anticipated anv r-Iuc'lon from the estimates of List ve-. In view of the fact that the iirmv was en g.ired in a cli.'llcuit contlk t 7UW 'iiil-s aw iv. In regaul lo the naval reseive. the ee lelatj or tie Aduilraltv said the Giivt'ii i lent hid di covered that theie were legal o'J--i cioi.s to tin enisiiment or men In d Tie 1 lcvement v ould their-for- b i-mpoi-irii. inested. bu legisla tion vcould be intiohieed leg ill, lug the en l,ai..'mFiH ot m i in everv put of lhe Lm )lre Tht bccnnrv iiuilier aniiuiiii. ed Unit Pirinotini in tli i:nf,iii -t rlnj. Dipirlm t would be aci elc rated bj- the ere die n of te i nei pt H. .iSeo aid that the prnyiess of iv;. il coiistruetion in the list v. a' had been inpirilleltd 'ili present t-silm ite cald the Secret tr .ie ihe Gin rumen' tnov-ixn fo- nev hn, ami l wis. . . It niled to spend tin monev No fJwei t' ir fortj-tupe ships would be put lu the watt r litis ini im.1 next veir there vcoul I b- i ii dei fOllslilic tion -ixtj ships. 1,1 iddlllon to twtntj-s-,1, othei that v.oull be I ,i doui P. -'tics this. , ,.., proKruum- of iceon true tli l v.ould he "in ier ake i Iher-bv -luding reatlj to (h II51 In j, cower of tin- fleet Guns of irure fo"n il ible u. II ei t.oiiI 1 be mon Mtd on m 1111 es-ls ,ni 1 j six-Inch utis of tie I let a.-d must in -I tirml tcpe wou'd replac tile 4 7 gnus 1 It-ferrlnz to the srraiicr crad. the S irt I t iiv sa'd th't nne')e"tidli r'i, d ,him--s vas being made i-lth th simid,i j , t 1 ind tlJt moie i.'.4-. .oulI be ddul t, thi 1 i'eec A 1 e-. tvp- if ior;.do-b iat de strojiT has been desi'iied. .md it was hoped lo attain bMIci if suits thin i.i th c 1 uf j Ihe exi-ting vessel". After giving furthei letui ef th ad i mlraltv's pn gramme. Ihe Secietirv eon t eluded bv saving that what the admiralty was cleterm'nel on was to orepire ih tleel for war. a , reparation Tor that daj of trial which It was hoped v ould rever ce no. but against which the admiral!) w is ill cTutj bound tu provide POSSE COMITATUS WARRANTS. Xiilitinal of ('oninicn e Wants Uic .Monev. Two repie"-ntntivcs of the National Lank of Commerce called at the ollc- of Sheriff Kckmann In the Courthou?? jesterdav and made a formal demand for the pavment of warrants to tne amount of JlljaSW. which were isfUied to members of the pese- comi tates sumrmned dining the strcct-car strike lo preserve order. The Sheriff told the bank representatives that he was not authorized "to recognize the warrants. The bank men. It Is stated, also vli-ited tie Ma) or. Citv Treasurer and City Comptroller on the same mission. - Ayers Hair Viaor Is a hair-food. It feeds, nourishes, invigorates the hair. It goes right down to the hair-bulbs, supplies needed elements,gives tone and strength. Ayer's Hair Vigor will not do impos sible things; yet sometimes, not always, a most marvelous growth of hair follows its use. And it always re stores color to gray hair, all the dark, rich; color of youth. "I Lave used jour Uair Vigor for 30 years. 1 am now over Co years of age, hav e a good head of hair, and not a gray hair on my head, I can recommend the Vigor to any one." -s. Mrs. L. Wilbur, WavUnd, r. Y. II m. Allrnl" J.C AYER CO Lcnrtll Man. EAST SIDE NEWS. NO TRACE FOUND OF SHADRACK SEAGO .Irisewillt- Aiitlioiiiip OrirT ltV waul ot ?:.." for lufonuatioii J-t-ailiii"; to His Ariest. No further trace of dhadrack Seago. who escaicd from the Jersij Pountv juil it Jersejville earlv VA'tdne-daj night, was ob tained vesterdav- bj- Sheriff Cosmo's Keller and his deputies As was told in The Republic jesterdai Seago, after breaking oat of Jail, went to Lock Ha.t-n. where he secured his 7-jeir-old daughter, who was stojmg at the home cf his brother. William s-eago. at 1 o'clock 'Ihursdaj- morning, and escaped into Mis souii Iieputv Shei iff Illljm Powers, w'no traced Seago to Lock Haven, returned to Jersejvilie. but sent two men across the Mississippi Itlver into Missouri to follow the trail Sheriff Keller also notified the Sheriff of St. Charles Countv, Missouri, as well as the ctllcials of all the surrounding cltlef, unl vesterdaj posted a teward ot $-'3 for the capture of Seago, or for In formation that v ould lead to his capture. Seago is considered a esperate man bj the ornclals of Jerrev Connij, and has served two terms in the outhern Illinois Penl ter.tlarv at Chester, one for hrand larcenj and on for burglarv. Seago was being held for the Grand ilurj of the .March term ot the Jersey Countj- Clieult Court on the chaig of grand latcenj. Ks.nEH HOLD IST1T1TE. lulerrslInK Topic, of the Farm Ilis--uril In PapcrK. The farmers or Lmder Township. Greeno Count, hld Iheli second quarterly Insti tute vesterdav in the Llnder Town Hall The address of we'eome was delivered at 1 o'clock bv W. H. Osborn, and the re MonEe was gLen bv the Reverend J. Ld waid Artz. pator of the l'irst M. i:. Chu'Ch at c'ani'lllon. Ill Among the In teresting addresses of the morning session were those of S IJ. Shannon on "Most Profitable Grasse- for Farmers to Raise and Proper Time of Seeding." "Cp-to-Date Partners That Prcllt Therebc." At noon the lac'les of the Providence Hap ten Church served dinner. In the after icon interesting acldres-s were delivered bv Representative Gforiee Witt of Kane on ' Care and Peedlng Profitable Parni block." H. D. liurruss on "What Ik the Most Profitable Stock for the Average Farm er to Raise.'"; A. T. Sei or on ' What It the Best 'Roughness' and How lo Prepure It for Inter Peedlng"; W. li. Robinson on "To hat P.xtnt is the Grange Fitting Its Members to Hold Public Otllco;'; John Canned) on "lhe Most Profitable IYuit to Raise In This s.e,.tIon." list evening a number or interesting ad dresses were deliveird among which were: "What Art the Advantages of Schools To il) ns Compired With Port) Years Aio." bv Miss Eva Shannon; 'The Opportunities 'lhat Pre""iit Them'elves Sjclallv and Fi nanelallv to the Young Man and the Young Woman on Ihe Karip, ' bv Rlelmrd Shannon of Daum - Terse, vlllr- Nutes. Rral t-tl.le Iran-fc-s ill !er- v C's-Ulltv lse lffa it !-Ml!ile ... fcll'jK MlTl Il Sunderland to Fredeil-K II Ves(-rhij 1, lanj In toivnltp 1 weFt range I. uest of t-e IVril (ttic'l it meridian to tiie uniuilt if 17J cure. l n-I.l-ii.Ui n jit, .ej ; Xlsrl. J.. M Iianle: to V. Illluln K mil llrjie . Mclalirl C'.l jere. ii: '.ana li i-eelliii 7 ten. nttilii 7 nurth tune 1... cet of thlrd 1 rinett,l inerltlan, eunsM.rltlcn Jwj Kate VI Hants to Anna Ujuccti. eniit qutrter nultliwesl nurttita-t 17 7-11. culrilem Hon JJucl via c taven!ort-sois anj hutan.l I 1'atrftk Hurli lanl In sec Men 2i tor-n-i.tili K range X It 1 wt tf fiiri prlmlinl insrldtan cenc!.Ieriittcn JJ GT-4 Vlarv Ml: lieu to IhI- Allllton I I In 1 w. Y J In tuiit uf I it-Mon i-ori-Iu-iatUa $t(,it Vltchael llali lull tt Jflm Il-v. Isml tu s,cti)n - tuunchlp V iio.tli rarite lu net ,' third p-incilMt in.rUIuti 1. p.tileratlon Jse Kttz.ibeih Mint- to electee VI Ittl2i;s lanl ii 7 tuunsiiip 7. Ii-tli raliKe It wet cf tliinl il-isi(at inerldtan. con lU'irullm SJfi. IV-file V Ijinil. to II 'V c i e ian 1 li -e. tion s iuiiimiiJc. 7 nurtb runce li urst t r the ihiui i rlnIpl merman, ein- l-ldelhtlell V-'J Cinttnl -.nTe'en e ne will te MeM .in srilai jt tit K r-l VI i; CMiieh st Jeij cll.e u-der the (Ureeflc-i of tilt I'leldlnff Ktcler !'! Iteiert il IHHttl I". Jl. Vdll Tre of letMl, n HI ! -Iltn-l - I .h i sv eene of I ie C'lilfu,i TV.iia ftn I s( 1 .ui. KjIImis.i j t i,a(t ? if int-n t c ell el !srll!t an-1 Im f ,r the let! .Un luthni; tits r reisiir vi irk Clvn t'cs te-n Vi el ati Iiann t.ii. - tn tiiU er!V -f 1" VI I'Jr rf It-rrecitlle las -ron b Iui r if I t il. full .! ami Idilct IliiTlnu- tN lext utek real cstHtr iuc,ile& P I l all. cun ! untc an ,,-.!, liny to J" Ijt er " H'el fei t llirciln In tie fame EAST ST. LOUIS. I Ol Is va -. . in; m. I'iolin-r t I'.mt SI. I.jnls I Worker ftir t.ooil srrt-(a. Lad's es s., a pioncr ,.,.Pr of Gjs. -SI l.ellis. ell d il hi home. X,i .n fon-ve-rs-i vei ue ,,t ; ,, m. ve,;eidav Hlsit niiT-e vv i of s ,t iliiiatlon and the cause of-t'eatli was m old wlildi lie contrattrtl les tnm c ,vk vi Tli-fuper-l a"atgemtiis i.ave not vtt I eeii in. no. Mr. Weis was is e rs old. II' was born In tirmiaiiv. wheie ht leurmcl tin tride of c baker, and came lo this lounlrv v.Inii IS vt.trs old He s, tiled. In Kast h; LouN. wh re he oi en,-d ., baker) In lS'x he mar ried .lis Louise 1 laeh Mr. WIes was a'wa)s In fnor of the Piogress oi his town, and v lieu the ipiesilon of raiding the stieets to gi nle was pre senleil. he took the ifflv.m iiv side alon with the late Mi)or aohn R. Uowmnn To show the residents of lhe citv tint he w is "incere in ls convictions, that tie grade or the strrts should be ral'ed he built the Worklngnien's 15 irk building at (he corner or Hroadway and Third streets, w hen fin ished the brick structure, Ihe first in the citv to be buUt to the proposed grade. iov -Med three stories above Ihe "itroundlnic buildings. Air. WIes Wps the fallie- or thl'tee i children, nine of whom ale now alive. Ills wife died rour vear ago. Shortlc iftef hi death he stricken with paraljsls and has not b.en In perfect heilth slrce. Mr. W'iss's chllCrrn are- Mr Annie Sno'i of St. laiul-. Mrs George Dau-ch .mils C. 1U", Mrs. Amelia Becker. John J. WIes. Ilenrv les .Mr. Jo'ie Heck. Frank W ies and Kddle WIe-. Mr. Kllsn Roblnmin III oil. Mrs Elira Robln'on of Godfre) died suddenly yesterday morning with heart dis ease at her farm residence, near that vil dage. Mrs. Robinson was S3 vears old and vas one of the oldest residents of Madison County. One son, William McGanthlon of Godfrej", survives. The funeral w'll take place on Sunday afternoon. - '- 'fi c-iv .-?-r i.t 3W iB VnHn m Wmm wmm Mi ill M LIFE SENTENCE GIVEN JOHNSTON Shiver of J .imps Uybnin Knteietl I'li-.i of Guilty Afioi- -Ini y Was siwoiii. The trial of Thomas Johnston, slf-eon-fes-eel inuid-rr of Janes Itjburn, of Bloommgton. reached a sudden ending vca terdaj. The prisoner threw himscif upon th mercv- of the court, and was instantlj' sentenced to imprisonment for life bj Judge Hartzell The whole proceeding wan so brief the spectators could ycarcelj- be lieve that v hat had promised to be a fa mous trial wat at an end. The entire week, up to Thursdaj- night, had been consamed in the" selection of tho Jurr The details ut the crime were known to almost the entire countv. and there was a grim sentiment against the man responsible for It. When Johnston a'zed up the Jurj- vtsterday morning his heart sank and he whispered to his attor neys lo give up the contest at once. When nuestioned bj- Judge Hartzell as to whether his decision was a final one and arrived at with ilchberation, ho asserted that it was, and the Judge thereupon passed sentence upon him. When he had dona so the prisoner at the bar took occa sion to thank the Judge feelingly for ac cepting his plea of guilty, and for the sen tence Imposed He will b taken toChester bj sheriff James Hoty probabij- the first of the wek. The crime for which Johnston has Jiut been sentenced was the Wiling of James Rjburu of Rloomington. The men met at Last Alton last Julv, and in the earlj- hourn of the morning a game of cards was. started, according to Johnston. A disa greement came about, and Johnston killed his companion with an iron liar. He went to St. LouLs. and was captured there the next dav He never denied the act, hut I r"lated it In all Its details with coolness Ho was one or tre mot: desperate prisoners ever held In the countj jail at Edwarris-i ville. and. after leading an attempt to es cape bj soienteen prusont-", which required six hours to overcome, gave as his reason that he expected to be hanged, and would as soon be shot trjlng to escape. His record eaovs service in several State penitentiaries Kilmirtlsi lllr- Notes. The Reverend Joseph I) Jtetz r. pator St. Bmlfaies rateollc ( hutch Wks puinfullj in jured eestcfrilac lie was summoaeit to Maunton ti hold nervier in tiie piue c f the resiclcnt pastor, who was prevented from tilll-g bis culomary duties While casing alone (re walk. le lipped on the Ice. ami In faillns. his face trusk fenee. Xlr Voroll wife of CVpar Vorwall Sr . IIHd on ley- steps at ler home In East cial u street jeatenlaj anu sustalreil a fracture of the if On a, count of 1 r ailraneed ace th liijiuv is considered seri iuf. -Henrj Vaunecek. a rtskiert of th Wet Kn 1. diej eten!ai. lie vaa K jears old. . tlelleillle Veiri. Note - VII airansements have lcn ronijlete,! fnr tiie f ll k. 1 leiemonu.! which will be oei.l In ca-tle hall K ef 1'. llellevllle. this cven'n-. Ilie Ejt M I euls degree team will hihia" tnelll-ni- Helleiille candUInt. Tie cntlrn inemberelii or Ilie Ka frt Ixiuis leJge is e-r. rectei u be piesent A ba-iquet will fellow the lnlllatlon Jthn I'abst. a cod miner lh'ng t Xo. lOIt Clam! avenue IMIeiUIe. ve-Uidai asked e-lilef of I'olk-e Ileldniger to ah.t him 111 loeatlns bin wife. Nanej, uhum lie has not -en etnee last t-rlilaj. Mi- letl four clillcl-en at horse. l,. thinks she Is stajlng with friends nar lhe tlty IMleWlle I ank. ronie of lie badness houes the Cll Hall snl the c'oartl.ou-e i.tll rl s iti honor of VV i-hlni.tin s Rirtlid-t). anl the Pu"t Of fice will elc-e at 11 a. ie County c lerk Ocrite K Thomas nnd a lum ler of count) of.l !al will iltlie to Mntthton to-dav li, atleriil ihe rarniers- liikitute to 1 ii-ld at the Turner Hall tli-ie - Hie leathers tf the llelleilll vhools will Iiottl Uielr noiithlv meeting this ini mine -The , uii en's Relief fos ef rrlletill wilt Kiv- an entertainment in I.teilerlcraiiz Hail thi rvenlnir l V llodenl-rt: n 111 deliver his lecture. Henetli Hawaiian Pains anj Mars." titan Notes nut IVrsoiinls. Toe llecrrend Iloctor . II. Vradle). pastor cf the Pirt ltitbvtrlan CIiuicli at I pper Alton will eh to l.ttrhtield III. ihH momln- whers b- v-ln deliver uu allreis i efure the Jloiitgomery Ci.jntj Tei. hern Assoriat'un The Uon LiOite ef th- I'nlted Commercial T i e'er care a ball laFt evenlce at tiie lavst . Jillitia Armorj. In U-ile itret. csuests were 1-v" atierdanee from lerfi!e. Unite Hall. Collins ville and Fdnardnvl'le Reputv Orand 0.atll2fr A". II Pilwanls ef ConVen 111 Ihsi eientri; ureiinizecl a lodge ot , t.'.e Itovtii Vejhbors of vm- rlca at .Vorth Alton. BELLEVILLE III.M Hill Ml tl'l'llf SK -IH-vn. Vlli-linrl I us.-.v Is Coinmlllrd lo Oblrr vncloo Word at ( onnty I'nrm. To nn Injury recelvtd in a mine In Enj-I-' d. ten jears syo. Is t-aeed a mental af fliction which vesterdav vas the caiiFo of the conmitinenl of Mlclnel I'l-r-y of Kast St l.uiN to tht observ.illon v.nrd ot the Ci.-.ntv Farm at !i!iilit.. C.asej- Is t,Qs. ms. n tlr ie. i. Par h illuclratlon'. which cause I ini to dNroIs no matter whether h be on tin si- ,t or in a house. A Coidirg to th- story tonl bj- friends of Ca-rv II auieirs that v hlle empiojed In i mine In Hrijind. and whll pulling off his outer shirt, pre p iratorj- to ftartlng lo work, he was struck on th- head by a fall ing lock. He lav between life and nnih for a month before he showed signa otre 'overv. Tli'n for several months all seem-d -i bhiulv to him When he recovered several of his friends induced him lo come to the I'nlted Stales, and up to a fev- months ago thev sav that he has ben perfectly ra tional . 9 i Thlt popular remedy never falls effectually cure Dyspepsia, Constipation, S? Headaches Sitioasness And ALL DISEASES arising frr Torpid Liver end Bad Sigesf The natural result is good op and so'id flesh. Dose small; eu ly suar contcd and easy to sr- Take Mo Substitute... c.g,cc t e r