Newspaper Page Text
m w THE REPUBLIC: SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1902. ' '' 'j V i x I Vi 1 ft 3 9 f i i ft f A3S0L0TE 1 OluUiiI 1 1 1 Genuine Cartels Little Liver Pills. Must Bear Signature of See Fac-SImile Wrapper Below. Terr small and rn easy to lake as iraar. FOR HEADACHE. FOR DIZZINESS. FDR BlliGUSHESS. FSB TORPID LIVER. FOR COHSTfPATIOH. FOR SALLOW SKI!!. FOR THE COMPLEXION fZ i osseins: MutrhAvt tp.ATuwr. 23Ctj I rarely 7ezcXXbe.&ct i4iv . 1 iriv CURE SICK HEADACHE. Missouri's Greatest Store offers nn array of all that W useful and novel and at prices especial..- appealing to the economical It Is . i: .m.-.i v for Barr's big store to present unpai -1 ci,d bargains at'the beginning of a new ; ear. SUIT TO TEST RULINGS ON REVENUE Anioriciin 1 tankers' Association r:uks l.cpnl Action Against Tax on Undivided Profits. New York. Feb. "I. Legal proceedings to test the ruling of Commissioner of Internal ltienuc Yerkcs that all banks are liable to -i tax on undivided prollts. as well rs capital and surplus, villi be Instituted at once. ' A committee represent ins the Clearing house association's of St. Louis. Chicago. Baltimore. Philadelphia, New York and Boston, had a conference with Commis sioner Yerkes. at which an agreement mil reached not to enforce the tax pending a judicial construction of the statute, the hanks in the meantime to nuke a return of !!: .tinount of their undivided profits under the statute, leaving the payment of the tax In abeyance landing tha decision of tho courts. it vas decIdAJ lo have some bank ray " tax under protest and bring: suit to rc- r th- same In order to obtain a ju- l!c!W! construction, which would apply to the 7jnks of the country as a whole. As the question involves all the banks of the country, the American Bankers' Association decided to assume the responsibility and xpense of this litigation, and tlie leather Manufacturers' National Bank of this city, in whose name the suit will ba brought, paid the tax under protest. Military Ilnnqnct nt Illllsboro. REPUBLIC SPECIAL. uiiisdoio. in., Feb. :i. Company K. l-'ifth ' Jiif.uitry. I. N. (.!.. gme its annual ball at the th:. evening. It proved to b .... MniiuiM .-.fviin u.xir jii-iu iierti in years. Olttwr. ot the National Guard fiom all I till. I.ulnl.tirl.i, .n....... ......... . .. .... .... ...i,ti.uitiii, ...tiits huc i'lcrfm. j no music was Kirnlshed bv the Gcodecke Or-di-siia of St. Louis. An elegant banquet was served. Adjutant Abbott ot Plttsileld wn present with several of the State o!Hier. The co.Uume vrorn by the ladles ere beautiful in extreme. Youne Woman Committed Suicide. iu.-i'LIsi.p: special. Pa.duc.-ih. Ky., Feb. "I. News reached thH ty to-day of the suicide of Klla. Downing, .-" .. -ij.i, ciuinuyeu as a cook f rill- Willi.... I In...... 1. it. . ... -. ..... .j. in... iuu, inC jcaeiing i:otei in Bnton. .'he went to her room, dressed htr- .-... rt,,.j ivui. i uvsc u. morpnine. jso cause Js liuown. MI.yriti:i. MIUW-A luiilcn' minstrel ,'ntertalnment will be given by the "Wamen Chor of the Frien Gemeinde" at the hall. Twentieth &nd Dodier streets, Sunday even ing. March 9. DEATHS. IUTRKE Fel.ruarv ?.V IVi? nt p. m., Mrs. M1Ib iiurte. mother ot Gregory O'Toole ani Mrs! J""' I)dlil 1117? U U1C. Funeral will take place from resUenc, cf her laughter. No. S3 Wash street, Saturday at : p. in. Friends Incited. Ueceaned was a member of Eunset Ixjdee K. fc 1 cf H. BUSSlir On fiiursay. rcbroary io. iir at 1:3 p. in., Ucbert J. Dnji-y. beloved hujtanj of Loretta Uussey (n llaessel). at the aee ot iZ jearn anl 9 mcntln;. t'untral will take place from family refldnce, No. 375 rernod avenue, Saturday. February S.', it 3 o'cbk p. m. llillstioro and De Soto papers please copy. InviNK Friday, l'ebruary ;i. PKii. at 12 o'clock noon, Margaret, the belovul wife of Ku tne Ievine, and our dear mother. Funeral Sunday. February 23, at 2 p. m.. from lesldence. No, 1241 Temple place, to Pt. Rose's t'tiurcli. Inlernient in Calvary Cemetery. tIAUEX Entered Into left at t".uerloo. III., on JrlJay. 1 ..bruary 2t. SSKI. at 1:W a m.. Mr. Marr l.auen, nldow of Ueoige C Uauen. aecl n j earn. Funeral en Sunday next at 2 o'clock p. m. Ualthiiorc, Md.. papers please copj. GUTMAN On Itlday. February 21. 1M2. at 3:JJ a. in.. Ia)uU Gutman. our b loved lather, at the ace of ,2 j ears. Funeral tll take place from family residence. No. 2T2S South Broadnay, SunCay, February 2i 'at i p. m. IIOU.1UAY After a llnKerllnr lllnss on Thnrnlav. Fehrnarv 2d. lli at 3:15 a. m., Sam tiel N. Holllday departed thH life at hl late residence. No. 513; Wafhlngton acnue. In his .c.iij-.i.iiu jr... at 2 p. m. Interment prhate. I'leaee omit noiverp. iOTTi:MAN"S"On Wednesilax- TVhrliarv 1, Plm ntlOlrtll KMternann. rtenr lielnve.! nf AnnV Kottemaun (nee Schengbcr and our dar faihef. after u short Illness, acd 3 jears f months and 1) days. Funeral Sunday, February 23, at 1 p. m., from family residence. No. S1G Natural UrMcc road, to Kabens Church, thence to St. Feter"s Ceme tery. New Orleans pdpers please topy. MACKKNZin On Tuesday. Ffbruar' 21. 1502. at 8 p. m.. Halph Cliarles, biloe,i rnn of Charles - and Frfiinle II. Mackenzie, aced 19 years 6 months and 2 da . Dje notice of funeral later. STOCKB-On Frid.iy. February 21, at 12;1) a. m.. Anna. Stocke tlc Hegner), dearly lielnve-1 wife nf Jaixtb Stne!e and mct'ier cf Christ. Phil ip. Albert and l.ilf!e ytockc and lto.lna Mueller inee suoke), aged .'0 years and S months. Funeral will take plsce on Sunday, February 23. at 2 p. m.. from residence. No. 2700 North Broadway, thence to EellefonUiIne Cemetery. Rel atives and friends are lnxlted to attend. Cleveland. O.. and Macomb. lib, papers please ccpy. WALSH-February 21. 1M2. at 10:30 a. m.. after a lingering illness, at Marine Hospital. GeArcn t"alsh. Pr.. uced E years. beIo"Cd hus band of Iella Walsh (nee Walsh) and father of ;enrc Walsh. Jr.. KIchard Walsh and Mrs. Ixittle Street (nee Walsh). runeral from his sons residence. Io. 2226 South Fleienth street, Sunday. February 23. at 2 p. m. J WALSII-On February 20. 1902. at 11:15 p. m.. Richard Walsh, beloved husband of Kllzabeth Walsh, aged 62 years. Funeral will take place frcm tb family resi dence. No. S7JS Hickory street, on Sunday, reb ruary 23. at 1:20 p. m.. to St. Cronln"s church, thence to Calvary Cemetery. Friends of the fam i llyare Invited to attend. Deceased was a member of Standard Idge, No. SO. A. O. U. W.. and Uentcn Lodge. Kalghts of Honor, No. 1122. WCAVLn-Fllday, February 21. 1W)2, at 1 p. m.. Mrr. Maty IVranr. nired 6. ars 2 munths. mothir ut Jospli A. and Daniel II. and Mrs. t. J. Krl.t. luneial Sunday, Kttruary 23. from residence of William J. Urltt. NO "I Tllonas street. ICAffiTFfS Kittle gfiVER J pills. N c MR. E. W. HORNUNG'S novel, "At Large," fails to meet the expectations of those who enjoyed "Raffles" and "The Amateur Cracksman," and is so melodramatic as almost to amount to burlesque. Other new books. Gossip concerning authors and the work they , are doing. New hooks received. j To those who have read the adventures of "The Amateur Cracksman," alias "Baffles." anything which comes from the pen of F,. W. Hornung is worth while. Though tha stories of the daring and resourceful ad venturer are nil short, the author has given evidence in "I'eccavi" of his ability to hold the Interest of the reader through the length of a full-fledged novel. Presumably, what Mr. Hornung has done he can do again. However, in his latent novel. "At Large." from the Sctibner press the author has failed to maintain his ar tistic standard. There Is genuine art In his treatment of "P.affles." The delicate shade of gentlemanly refinement which characterised that personage were reflected In the s'.ories. It l different In "At Large." it you want melodrama and that of the most pronounced type here it is in the broadest seiiM?. The machinery is all exposed io the leader. The villain is painted in colors that leave no doubt as to his character. Where something might be left to tho read er's imagination, the author has blazoned tho bare fact. So that if you like melodrama without cx ti minting circumstances, you may have it. There is nothing debasing in the characters. There is an offense against good taste which in ltlt is worthy of attention. I 'or whatever may be chaiged against the ou thur. he .succeeds in holding the reader to the end of Ills tnle. Kvcn where situa tions an overdrawn, where live men and women talk "to the gallery," and where othcis)vlolate every law of human natme. the author has not failed to develop a plot which has the elements ot vital strength. In the opening chapter the reader is in troduced to Sundown, bushranger of Amv traha nd terror of all good men. He Ts the cool robber, the man who never los-s control of himself, who is the admired of his gang, and who in a moment of com passion refuses to take the purse of Jack Kdmonstonc. an Knglish lad making hN fortune in the colonle-". Po thankful is young Edmonstone for the return of his all that he promises that if tho time ever comes he will be the friend of Sundown The times docs come. I'pon his return to Fngland he finds Sundown, now trans formed info Air. Mile.", a guest at the home of hlK betrothed. Henceforth, the author is eng-tged in btlnslng about situations, or to speak melodramatically, the plot thick ens. The villain triumphs, is foiled, r covers and loses, with a persistence truly admirable. Unfortunately this gentleman has a wife, disowned, deserted and heart broken. When she discovers hr truant husband. phe burlesques. To quote: "She sprang before him. her black eyes flashing, her whole frame qulviring. "Edward Kyan, JUSTIN HUNTLY M-CAltTIlY, Author of "It I Were King." you shall answer for those foul, cruel words lief oi e him. who knows them to be fals?. You know me for the woman who sacrificed all for you who stood by you through thick and thin, and good and bad. while you would let her who wouM not have forsaken you for twenty murders! who loved you better than life God helu me." ciied the poi.r woman, wildly, "for I lovo you still:" She ios-p the next moment and continued in a low, hard, changed voice: "But love and hate lie close together; take care, and do not make me hate you. for If you do I shall be pitiless as I have lieen pitiful, cruel as I have been fond. I. who have been ready all these years to shield you with my life I :iiall ie the first to betray you to the laws you have cheated If sou turn my love to hate. Ned: Ned! step and think before it is too late',' " Do not think thc.t the entire novel is taken up wjith such thrilling paiasraphs. There is much of sjbstance in the bonk. Time spent in rending the tale is not wastrd. If you wish melodrama do vol neglect "At Large." If you are looking for anything else, you will de disappointed. Other Xctv Hooka. "lllgg's Bar and Other Klor.dyk? Ballads"' Is tho title of a little book of verse by How ard V. Sutherland, now just issued irom the press ot Drexel Blddle, Philadelphia. Thn ballads do not make a particularly strong appeal, despite the picturesque material at the singer's disposal, and some of them are weakly reminiscent of Bret Harte's early .California dialect poems. Mr. Sutherland's ear for rhyme is something weird, else would he not use "arrived" ns a rhyme I" "side." or attempt to make "pork" rhyme with "walk" and "more" with "raw." The terrors of the Klondykr are not lessened by the publication of efforts such as these. The contingent output of historical ro mances is maintained this week by a vol ume from G. W. Dillingham Company. Nov." York, entitled, "The Role of the l'neon quered; a Itomance of the Courtship ot Henry of Navarre and Marie flP Medici," the author being Test Dalton. The story, us will bo se:i. is laid In a stirring time, and the novelist has no lack o& picturesque characters or of moving incident. He has written a tale, which, while making no special claim for originality in a Held now worked almost to barrenness, will furnish ei'tertalnment to readers net vet satiated by large feeds of the historical novel. "The Second Generation." by James Weber Linn, i. the name of a novel pub lished th's week bv the Macmillan Com pany, New York. It is a strong and dra matic story of American political life, with a touch of lournalisOc atmosphere, and Is effectively told. The denoument is striking to a degree, and tho reader's interest will be maintained to the end. Florence Warden's latest novel, "The Lovely Mrs. Pcmberton," is among the new publications ot F. M. Buckles & Co.. New Yorlt: and is well worth while. The story Is bright and clean, a pleasant and wholesome society novel, lacking In tho sartling and sensational features belonging to other work of Miss "Warden's, and its heroine is an attractive character. Literary Gossip. Doctor Joslah Strong, whoso writings have been very popular in the last twenty years, I. n e.nt Crtt-fl. Ibenileli the Ttnlfer &. Tavlor Company a volumo of exceptional In-1 torcst. It Is entitled "The Next Great j Awakening." Doctor Strong works on the theme- that there were great religious awakenings In the Sixteenth. Seventeenth. Uiihteenth and Nineteenth centuries. He. i -j I M TTtrm-rr- TmniMiiiiBUi 1. 1 I ! :m JhJ Sk ft nm Fl'.NKST II CROSBY. Author of 'V;-Pl.iln Jinks. Hero," a satire on militarism. believ .- that a revival will come In this is'Miuy, but that it will be of a different nature. He points out that the revivals of the past have been incited by the preaching of cjrtaln neglected scriptural truths and he. devotes a part of his book to a summing u; of those truths which he believes it neces sary for the ministry of to-day to preach in order to bring about another religious awakening. A volume of verse which takes its tltlJ f-nm the initial poem in the book, "The Nameless Hero." by Pames Blyt'.ie Ander son, will be published immediately by the A. AVessels Company, New York. The interest created will he- due more icr haps to the exciting incidents upon which the poem is founded than to its intrinsic merit. It Is for the most part a faithful narrative of the execution of ten Confederates at Pal myra, Mo., October, l;b2, lv order of Gen eral John McNeU The lyrical poems in the book ore marked ty simple sweetness and gtace. The book will come in upptoprialc dress both as to paper and binding. Mr. John Lane will publish this month a volumo of verc entitled "India's Lovo Lyilcs." collected and arranged by liw rence Hope. Kastern poetry indeed, Kattern thought and litcraturo in general is occupying tho marked attention of the Western world to day. Perhaps it was FitzGerald who woke us to a full J.nse of Its beauties ,by his version of the songs of "Omar," tho tent maker. Max Mueller fanned the embers and to-day Sir Kdwin Arnold luids a hun dred lesser lights along the path. And yet in Eastern verse I think it will presently be owned that, despite the many volumes that have been turned into our own tongue, none has approached In beauty of conception. In height and depth of pas sion, or in poignancy of feeling, the won drous love lyrics collected and rendered ino verse by Laurence Hope in his iio volume. One word ot well-meant warning: Let the reader who desires to enjoy the real beauties ot this colle'-tiui of verse never forget as he reads that these ar ino love songs of young Ivistern blood, whoso laws of conduct were framed to fit their temperament, not ou:s. Tho Scribners announce a new and en larged edition of lirander Matthews's "Pen and Ink." a volume of essays described by its subtitle as "Papers on Subjects of Moru or Less Importance." These essays appeal directly to those In 'etcsted in various aspects of literature as an art: and in this new and enlarged edi tion this appeal is strengthened by the in clusion ot other papers on allied topics, rescued from two earlier volumes which Mr. Matthews has now allowed to go out of print. Thus tl.e "Philosophy of the Short Story" 's now supplemented by a kindred "Note on the Kssav," and the discussion c? t". "iithics ot Plagiarism" and of the "Trmi Theoty of the Piefac" is now accom panied by a discussion of the "Whole Duty o. Critics." It is a common lemaik nowadays that the ticli are becoming mote and more lux urious and the poor are descending into a deeper and deeper squalor. It is, therefore, inteicstlng to learn from Doctor Tappun's new boo!.', "England's Story." published by Houghton, Mifflin i Co., Boston, that in the time ot Queen Elizabeth there was a v.ry gieat -ooutiast between the homes of the rich and those of the poor. There was, however, one ground in common ami that waH--diit. In fact, the poor people were forced to be more cleanly In their habits trail the rich; for "while the rich man was accustomed to remove fiom one to another ot the houses which he might own when inch In succession became unbearably dirty, the poor man was obliged to keep his single house endurably clean. Mr. Haydcn C.vrruth, with whoss ,ontribu tioiiB to "the "MJiuwi-r" readeis of Harper's Magazine have long been familiar, was iiorn at Lake City. .Minn, lie was for many yeai.s In journalism, aim early in his career he ran a newspaper of his own out in Da kota, called tht; Estelllne Bell, loiter ho was fcr live years an editorl il writer on ihu New oik Tribune. Among Mr. Carruth's best-known books are ""The Voyage of the Itattletrap." ".Mr. Mllo Bush, and Other Worthies" and ""The Adventures of Jones," ot which the last-nanitd has had a very lai gc sale. Mr. Carruth accounts for the considerable success of this book by the stipposlticn that every man named Jones has put chased it; and a ft lend of bin has .suggested that when the resources of tlie Jones family have been exhausted, that sub sequent editions of the book be successive.y entitled "This Adventures of Brown' and Tliii Adventures ot" Smith," by which means Us exceedingly funny stories may be indefinitely read iind enjoyed. Mr. Thomas K. Watson rails his new book "Napoleon; A Sketch of His Life, Charac ter. Struggles and Achievements." He ap proaches his subject from a popular and democratic point of view, using the word democratic in its broadest sihsc Napoleon's personality is studied rather than his cam paigns, and his political system, his laws, institutions and civil administration are considered by, Mr. Watson as his most Im portant and enduring work, aiyl his at tempt to reconcile modern liberalism with the absolutism of a divine right is looked upon as his fatal mistake. So long as Na poleon was the soldier and the organizer of liberalism as typlllcd in the best work of the French Revolution, Mr. Watson holds that lie received the support of the French na tion, and also the sympathy of the nations ot Europe; but his downfall began when he came to terms with the Pope and put France again under the heel of Rome, cre ated a new hereditary nobility and married the daughter of the Austrian Emperor. Here, says Mr- Watson, Napoleon's system changed, and he shifted1 his supports from rock to sand. Mr. Wratson enforces his opinions with much spirit and with his al ready well-known power of language and style. His book is published by' the Macmil lan Company. Ernest Ctosby's forthcoming book, "Cap tain Jinks, Hero," announced for publica tion Febrr.rv 2S by Funk & WsvaialU Com pany, promises lo score a big hit. Already the advance sale is very larg?. and dealers sav the book will surely create a sensation, not only in this country. lut thioughout Europe. "Captain Jinks. Hero," is a satire on militarism, every piiase ot which is dealt with in the novel with the keenest wit and the most irresistible humor. Mr. Allen French, the author ot "The Colonials," p'lbll-hed by Doubledny. Page ii. Co., H a icsident or concmu, j... , was Kirn In Boston and was graduated at , the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and atterwatds at Harvard; and he chose , literature as his profession. He brought to the construction ot this novl the style of r. cartful writer, an accurate historical knowledge, and the good workmanship of a man who has given hlm.-elf seriously to , sustained literary work. Frank K. Stockton forthcoming novel, "Kate Bonnett," to be publish, d by the Ap- . pletons. is characterized by an exceptional . degree of humor and Incident. I Brooks Adams believes that wars, linan- : cial rallies and revolutions are the efforts . of socictv at readjustment an.. ..- ... , rium has been destroyed. Hi the March , Scribncr"s Mr. Adams will show from th" I history ot ancient tiadc routes wnai is to . apprehended in modem times " V..U..S, lug industrial conuiuons. . "Jefferson was passionately fond of good horses." writes William V.. Curtis in his new book. "The True Thomas Jefferson, published by tl.e J. B. Lipplncott Company, Philadelphia. "We generally worked mules on the plantation, but he would not ride or diive anything but a high-bred horse" His overseer is quoted as saying ot Je.ferson. "'lav was his preference tor color. He would not 'have any other. After he came from Washington lie had a line carriage limit at I Mom-ieHo. from a model that lie p.aiimu t himself. The woodwotking. blaeksnutliing 1 and painting were all done by his own ! ..,ri..,.,aM n., iii.i tlie fiiMtm? done at Rich mond. When l.e traveled in this carriage h always had five horses four in tuc carrias;" . and the fifth for Burwell, who always rode I behind him. Those five horses were Dio inedo. Brimmer, Tecumseh, Wellington and j liagle. In bis nw carriage, with line har ness, those four horses made a line appear ance. He never trusted a driver v.Ith the I lines. Two servants rode on horseback and each guided his own pair. About once a I year Mr. Jefferson used to go to Montpelier ! ,.! .-.. n.l teveMl il:HN with Mr. MadiSOnt and every summer he went to Poplar For est, his farm in Bedford, and spent two or three months." Translation" of three books by Slma Lagerior. whose Swedish stories have bo come papular ill this country, me pub lished bv Little. Brown &. Co., of Boston: "The Storv ot Gosta Berling." "The Mira cles of Antichrist." and "invisible Links. ' All show marked originality. Mrs. Strong.stcpdaughter of Robert Louis 'cvenson. will contribute to the March Century a descriptive paper of a curious character, entitled "In Samoa with Steven son." setting forth the picturesque ami i io mantlc lcaturcs of the native life, speak ing of the flexibility of the language, Mrs; Strong s.ivs that tho little word "ta means: I. we too. to beat with a slick to ulay on a musical instrument, to reprove, to tattoo, to open a vein, to tall, a can- NUBSE SHOT CHILD, THEN raSUIGiOE, Sats She Wished to Kill the Jirl Jiccause She I.overt nor Doth -May Ueeovor. RCPCBLIC SPECIAL. Yonkers. N. Y.. Feb. :i.-The 5-year-ola daughter of William J. Simons, a lace man ufacture of New York, was shot twice In her home, at No. J0 llruc avenue, to-day by a nursegirl known as Emma Fisher, who then shot herself three times and tried to complete her murderous work with gas. The nursegirl Is a Hungarian. She- said upon being restored to consciousness that she shot the child because she loved her. She is believed to be insane. Botli nurse and child, it is believed, will live. The trag edy was discovered by Mrs. Simons upon her return home from a shopping trir. On entiling the house slu noticed a strong odor of gas and u; stairs heatd loud moans, which were proc edlng apparently from the servant's room. In the rear of the top Iloor. On reaching there she saw the servant sttetch'd on the floor, and Mr?. Simons's little child, with blood-stained clothes, be side he:. Mrs. Simons nishesl distractedly to tlie til-phone, and called up a physician. Doctor Waldron examined the wounded baby while the hospital surseon worked over the un conscious form of the servant. Doctor Waldron reported that two bullet wounds were found in the left sloe of the child's Imdy. in tho beait region, but that one had glanced along a bono and passed oat at the back, causing only a superficial wound. The child was conscious and behaved In a heroic maimer. 11 is believed she will le cover. Her bloeid-staincd clothing, scorched and bkickenwl on the right sale, showing that the reolvcr had been held close to her breat:, lav In a heap In the servant's room, where it is supposed the tragedy occurred. The- hospital stugcOn, after an examination of the seivant's wounds, said that li-r chances for life were of the slimmest, but he could not definitely sny until he had probed for the bullets. The three bullets were aimed at her heart.' All cnt red her left bieist. ne lust over the heart. He said she was also siifferlns from pas poisoning. She Is now in St. Joseph's Hos pital. The revolver which was found in a corner ot the room is a cheap, sewn-chainbered affair, with six shots fired. Five of the bul lets arc accounted for, and it is possible that a. closer examination may result in locating the other. A neighbor said tho servant was extreme ly fond of the child, and once, when threat ened with discharge, she had said: "Well. I'll come back find kidnap her." INSANITY INQUIRY COSTS . NEBRASKA MEN $1,500. Lender of Itcllcliiua Sect Wilis Snit la Which She Aliened Malicious Prosecution. Omaha. Neb., Feb. II. Mrs Surah Figg. who sued John D. Hanger, Woodson Brown ing and Bert Donahoc for J2.00O damages for alleged malicious persecution in hav ing -Mrs. Figg taken before tlie Insanity Commission to-day secured a verdict for 11,5. Mrs. Figg is tho head of a religious sect of Gretna, Neb., which the defendants claimed caused their wives to abandon them. They allege Mrs. Figg had secured an Influence over many of the women of Gretna, which had destroyed the domestic peace ot their families, and asked the In sanity Commission to examine into Mrs. Figg's sanity. The damage suit and to day's verdict arc the results. School Teacher' Meeting;. REPUBLIC SPECIAL. St. Charles, Mo., Feb. 21. The public school teachers and directors of St. Charles County met In this city this afternoon and evening at Odd Fellows' Hall. An Inter esting programme, consisting of papers by teachers, and discussions upon the same, was given. .A'ddresses were made hy State Svperlntendeiit of Schools Carrington, T. F. McDeatmon of. this cltv. Professor Brice Edwards and County School Commissioner L. C. Saeger. I T I "iiJi CHAFNCEY C. HOTC'HKISS. Author of "The- Strength of tho Weait." non. to wash clothing hy beatlnsr. and to turn a somersault. Amomr the most intimate of the poet Tennyson's American friends wan Captain W. Gordon McCabo of Virginia, who vis ited him both at Fjrrinuford and Aldworth, at various times from JSM to 1S32. Captain McCabe. with the consent of t':e present I.ord Tenn-.son. has contributed to the Cen tury an article of personal recollections of the laureite. which sets forth In a varle tv of aspects Ills Intellectual and domestic life. Some interesting autographs accom pany the article, and a portrait from a photograph by Barraud. Among tho topics Heated ot are Tennyson as a host, as a rentier of his own poems, and as n smoker, his table talk about Thackeray and Shake speare, Ills methods ot work, etc.; ami there is a very curious story concerning his fa thcr's escape from an embarrassing and dangerous position at tho Russian court. New Hook ltecclvcd. The following books have been received by The Republic this week for review: "The Lotelv Mrs. Pcmberton." Br Florer.ce Warden. I'. M. Buckles . Co. New York City. "Tile Role of the Unconiured." Uv Te't Dal ton. G. W. Dlllinqham Company. New York City. $1.50. "If I Were King." T.y Justin Huntlv McCar thy. IS. 1!. Itussell. N'eiv York City. "Tl.e I'asan's Cup." By Fergus Hum'. G. W. Dillingham & Co. New "lty. Khal.espeuro Studies. Maebclh." Bv Charlotte Porter and Helen A. Clarke. American Ilock Com pany. New York City. Mc Latin Composition. By Anna Colo Melllck. American Bock Company New York City. c. "Russian Political Institutions." By Maximo Kova!esky. Tho University of Chleaxo Press. Chicago. S1.J0. -Gescblchten von Putsv-hen Stamen. By Menco Stern. American Book Company. New York City. J1.20. ETTER FEELING lr) TRUST STOCKS. -Marked Gains Made Joseph Dick son Honored Interstate As sociation Organized. With hut few exceptions the entire list ot local stocks rallied in good shape at the afternoon session of the St. Louis Stock Ex change yesterday. At the close trust stocks, which had been the feature throughout the week, were strong, and had gaiucsl severall points over Thursday's prices. The reeling was better than it has been all week, and the opinion was general that the disturbed condition of the market Is over. Bujing orders v.era plentiful, and the slocks which have been decidedly weal: since the latter part of last weik developed signs of strength. Money continue-3 pUnttful at from 4!. to .", and the entire., financial atmosphere" seemed to have cleared. One prominent broker was heard to remark that dealers would enjoy their holiday to-day much better than if it had com.; early In the week. The Germania Trust Company did not como in for the general ilse. In ths morn ing it sold as low as MM. and clOfd at $13S. The action of the Board of Directors in cut ting the capital and surplus of tho company In half failed to have the desired effect upon the stock. The fact that the capital will be paid up by .May 1 had no effect in advancing tho price of the shares. Joseph Dickson, retiring president of the Germania, was presenteel a handsome silver loving cup by tlie directors of thn company yesterday. The gift was accompanied by an elaborate address, thanking Mr. Eickson for the excellent work he had done In organis ing and dliecting the affuirs of the institu tion. Officials, of the Germania, Colonial, Com monwealth and American Central trust companies continue to deny that any con solidation is under consideration. They do not eleny that advantages would come from such a merger, but state; that the sentiment of stockholders generally Is against con solidation. As has been ever since the recent break In local stocks commenced. Thlrel Na tional Hank remained firm yesterday, selling at J213.a0. A good gain was made by Lincoln Trust, which sold up to J2GI. At a meeting ot the proposed Interstate Associated Trust Company, held In the Bur lington building yesterday afternoon, details of organization were completed omi otflcers elected. The election resulted In the selec tion of Jams A. Reardon for president. Hu bert S. Kronck vice president, J. Henry Wollbrinck second vice president. Clarence D. Warner secretary and August II. Kirch ner. treasurer. The company expects to commence busi ness on March 3. As yet quarters have not been decided upon. The institution's capital stock Is "..000.iw. divided into shares of a par value of S3 each. Several absolutely new departures will be made by the company in cirrying on its business. The plan will em brace many of the propositions adopted by the new Canadian Bank. ARCHBISHOP KEANE WINS SUIT. Gorman Catholics Demanded ;,(H)0 Spent in Church Building. Webster City, la., Feb. 21 Judge Whlt aker handed down a decision in favor of Archbishop Kcanc, in the suit brought by the German Catholics of Williams. Tho church at Williams was rebuilt In 1JS3. after having been destroyed by a tor nado. The German Catholics contributed Sl.OoO. and brought suit fur return of this m tho ground that. they had given It with the express understanding that a priest should be sent who should speak both Ger man and English. This was not done. At Xew York Hotels. REPUBLIC SPECIAL. New York. Feb. 21. Among tie arrivals at the hotels here to-day were the follow ing Westerners: St. Louis U. J. Tatissle and Mrs. Tausi-;, M!ss-s E. It. .snd J. It. Woraer. J. H. Wrlaht. F. W. Olln. Manhattan; -I. Moor? and Mrs. Moore. Waldorf; Miss S. Meagher, Victoria: A. Fersythe. Albert: C J. Christopher. St. Denis. Kansas City J. II. WIttmann. Morton. ., DIED IX TEXAS-JIrs. Mnuil "Medrr inghaus. wife, of Edwin A. Niederlnghaus. and daughter' or. Mr. and Mrs. John Bovcr of North St. Iiuis. died Thursday evening at San Antonio. Tex. The holy will lie hr""Kht t0 gt Louis to-morrow morning. EYES v-rrT tsrr -s. T5JAT ,fsx lgv B a i " ACHE when you are reading or working may be helped by accurately ad justed glasses. Thorough test ing by our expert optician. Dr. Reilly, foimerly with J. Jaccard Jewelry Co., costs you nothing. If you need glasses we wilt fit your eyes perfectly and at most reasonable cost about half the price usually aiked elsewhere For this week only we ni."ke the following SPECIAL OPFHR: Solid Gold Spring. Rimless Eye Glasses, with first quality lenses, sold elsewhere at 5.'!. 00 to $:j.50 $175. STEAMSHIPS. RnCTON to GIBRALTAR. NAPLES, a GENOA and ALEXANDRIA, EGYPT. J aiirrv.iii J-Jt Tfl!.f.iiiTHI I Common trcnl th Vvh. 12. I Cambroimui, April 1. T - t.a nn.t fitirK . t-i nTu n fl"ltAlfl"l 1 tif T c? . "r " ClaK t Tntrtn nr .1 I" I UltADl & CO. 1)13 Pise St., St. 1-uK Mo. BUY YOUR ..D8AMONDS.. FROM F. W. DROSTEN, JF.WCI.KH. 7th and PINE Sts., AND SAVE MONEY. CII S. I,. HATES. Manager Diamond Department. sfZi l AP00NDfr.Efl0H0A & 5t SQUIRREL g"! SALMON ft- sr - 4 tAViiPtli tlie price rlcareccl. t " Trade supplied by -atKk ADAM HOTH UUOCKRY CO -fj -AS- FATE "Want" ads inserted in The Sunday Republic never fail to bring quick and satisfactory results. Leave your ad for The Sunday Republic at any drug store. TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be received by the undersigned until i o'clock p. m., Thursday, March C. 1S02, for tho erection of a three story pressed brick dormitory building for tlie Missouri School-for the Deaf at Fultoa. Missouri. Plans and specifications may be seen at the Institution, also at tlie nKice of M. V. Rell, Architect. Fulton. Missouri. A certified check In the sum of Five Hun dred Dollars, payable to tho Treasurer ot tho Institution, shall accompany each pro posal as a guaranty of good faith. Right reserved to reject any or all propo sals. By order of the Board of Managers. N. B. McKEK. Superintendent School for the Deaf. Fulton, Mo. PEALED bld -will be rerrhed by the city of rilwar.lpvllle. III., for the furnishing of public, commers'ial jnd nriate electric IlKht for the cltv of Edwardsvl'le and Its Inhabitants. UMs to'b. received on or before March 21. I?'2. A copipiete copy of cpcclllc.itlons covernln bins and preposals will be mall-d en n-ouit by the chairman of the KIctric Llclit Comniltt. The cltv rescnea the rishl to reject any or alt bins. Two bids to be received, one for ten-year anj on.- for fifteen-year franchises. (SlKned) FRANK A. DAKCII, Chairman ot the Committee. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Tlie Heard of Commissioners ot State Ilo.pltal for Insane. No. 4. at Farmlrfftcn. Mo.. Invite sjled proposals until 0 o'clock a. m.. March . 1203. for the furniture, beds. etc.. for th re spective bindings; the Ilfatinir. CooMnir. Culin ary and Washing: Equipments ot the Dining Hall, Kitchen and Laundry bul'dings: the con struction cf r-1 fct of Hrlck Tunnel and the hulle'.fnf: of Granitoid Walks, curbs and Cutters, lians and specifications are on file at the archi tects otnee at ItiKu. Mo., and also at the Insti tution at r-arnilngton. Mo. H. H. ItOIIENFCIIlLD. Architect and Superintendent State Hospital for It sare. No. 4. Main Office, Laclede Bulldinc FOUKTH AND OLIVE STS. Item Offices. 50.W9 Miles Pole Line. 2SMW0 Miles cf Wire. i: Atlantic Cablet. Includlnz the only direct cable to Germany. QUICK SEIIVICE I Telephones: Ilcu. Main 1IC6; Klr.loch. A 1C5- WILI.IAM F. HOMES. H. J. DIKKNEITBL President. Secretary. ESTABLISHED IN 184. MISBOUIU STATE IIUTUAL FlItE A. ID MAHIE I.NSL'RA.CE COMPANY. Offce. No. T17 Chestnut St., HL Louis. Uo. Tel. Bell Main 2T71A. Tel. KlnlocO. A :0ti Policies are written on either stock or mutual plaa DIRECTORS; Henry C. Haarstiek. J. s. C. Lueu. II. R. Orttmeln. D. D.- Walker, Aucustus Nedderhut. Ja. W. Belt, ' Wm. F. Homes. j F " Ss;'4 SC mmm oil mmmM 'service AUCTIONEERS. . a. SELKIRK & 00., Auction and Storage H'TiiIa- ik ever1 at warrtmr nt jnral ol'ifj. 133313-12 Ciioutrat: ,ve. 9 it la ncrs a fpcl.ilty. Phone KlnlfKh C 187. i Fire Underwriters' Sale, Ths Entire Salvage of the aiSE, STIX DRY Q030S GO. Warehouse at Auction, Inventoried Value $175, 000.00, at 1101 and 1103 Washington Avenue, St. Louis, Mo. WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, Fstaiy 20 and 27, At lo A. II. 'ach tiny c will sell at poroliiptory auction sale sitii,il"'r lines of STAl'I.i: AM) FANCY PKKSS GOODS, L'ULVTS, PHKCAIXS. (.;i.C- iiams. 1'i.Ains. r.Li:Aciu:i' ani i:i;ovx siiki:tix":k. i'laxxkls. lt"l'K. CHASM. TOWKI.S. IIOSinUY, IIAXOKKKCMIKI'S. l'.I.AXKKTS.'i X- I)i:uvkai:. craix r..u:s. ami n. iar-. quantity nr i.tlit-r gnuls usually found in :t lirst-t-lass wholesale; dry squids vii-f. Salt; will be in lots to suit trade. Stock open for iiiHjiecti.iu livo days pro "ttliin; Mile. In connection with above sale we wilt also sell on Wednesday. February -i. l.'-J rolls of matting from American Gras" Twine Co., St. Paul. Minn. , WESTERN SALVAGE VREGKIH6 AGEKGY, SAM'Ii CANS, .Mauaswr. A. A. SKLKIRIC. Auctioneer. 1808-10-12 CHOUTEAU AVE, SATURDAY SALU. This day at 10:30 o'clock, at cur warehouse, wa will ell a large and arle-l collection of pilnie. I-'ljll.MTL"RL CAItPUTS, STOVES, ETC. A. A. SULKIKIC J. CO., Auctioneers. WESTERN SALV5SE . WRECKING A0ES9QY. Farau Oans.f ManaKr. 714 and 715 "Washington ave. Auction sales or talvase merchandise. VatcIi far special notices. A. A. SELKIRK. Auctioneers- AMUSEMENTS. OLYMPIC-T-R&rp. The Klaw & Erlanger Comedy Co. GrZTSJ jra (to g ca swj ft l John J. rarce. The Rogers II rot hers in Washington. Beginning MONDAY, " FEB. 24th. Seats On Sale Now. Charles Frohmaa presents (Ttnth Season) John DREW In a Comedy In four act?. "The Second in Commnnl." By Robert Marshall, author of "A Royal Family." CENTURY. MAT. TO-DAY AT 3. NhjiitutSilJ. NEIL BURGESS In his great production. "The County Fair." Next Sunday, Feb. 23, STUART ROBSON. As Bertie tin- Lamb TUG UCUOICTTfl in Brocson Howard's I tit If CN HI CI I A Reserved Seats Now On Sale. IMPERIAL 25c MAT!SE TO-DAY A?AETJlR,r SPOTTING L!F5 KMWi. Sun. Mat. Neit "Treasure Island." E5o Matinees Tuesday, Thursday. Saturday. toT:e 1 00 WN iQBilS l,.'W' Sun. Mat. Kext "One of th Bravest." Moi diy. Feb. 21 Manager Garen'i Benefit. HAVL SaBmrGARE8'S BENEFIT &nnty Feb2 Seats on Sale. Get in line In tim. Three big ihowa In oiv-"On of tho Bravest--On hegtra of CO and local talent. natlnee Wednesday ti ltd WW Saturday. Night Trice 13. r3. 33. 50. TSc. No Higher. SiSife IrtaH8T0UJTISE Sun. Mat. Next "Are You a Buffalo?" CMO oPHnanoasE. SPECIAL Onu Wesi, Beginning March 3, rs. FIBKE PlcsTnKThs Utwslcema Hrs. Hatch followed i.y A Bit of Old Chelsea. Seatn on 5n1c Kebrnary 2f. C0!lTiHU3US VAUDEVILLE. ALL THIS WEEK ANT) NEST SUNDAY. Marie Walnwrism & Co.. Fllscn - Errol. 1-rank Bush, ll'r.o & Richards. Jllllon Bros., UVnona & Kranfc, The lliosraph, Walter Fellows. Hanlon & Singer. Itarr & Benton. John Flood. :-chafer & "i'ouns. Kitty Mills. Miller Sisters. 15, 23. 30c. Orchestra Chairs, Reserved. 30c. Drnlrl Frsimii tri Iloza Corllti aaromfe QDEOft Monday, March 3 FirtHttl toiftrt Tickets II.! and Siuo, nt Rollma: Bro-:.", HooOlivosL SAI.n OFKXS TO-IiAY. UERESTCHAGIN Amre PUINTIINGS HAFGLEOH and PHILIPPIC! 1IK! 11 9f) illlVF ST ,1 " " PICTl'IlCS. i '" '-"' ' to JO p. r In city for short time only. Admission 23c. Huf days, 13c. Children. 10c. TJ1E HOME OF FOLLY STANDARD. THE HiGB inLlilS. EXTK.V- The rctumieif -McUovtrn-rialltvaii l.'ghl vtrlll In- revived by special wire Saturday XhcbL GRASS WIDOWS Next. TWO FROLIC DAILY. JOLLT f.WESTER&S ,f5 IVUBELK i VS'.. tfArAk'PiM'i'.r, s.'3 ifer:-"-?"::; .'S.-7 -.4Ty-. -.tjr-';.:--. .-JtoS, iw, .1 a.HmtiiS:.&.Jf v'.V:f.yjgi'4 r&lJpS:&&i.-S:&&?i-&i ... -.., .-ivir.r