OCR Interpretation

The St. Louis Republic. [volume] (St. Louis, Mo.) 1888-1919, June 01, 1902, PART II, Image 25

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84020274/1902-06-01/ed-1/seq-25/

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ir epgs,.qg i fxj: ;ja eji?j ,",yfr,wftW-i sgjrtsi'SS'yqajf gji- j. t'T" jjg-.s.o- '
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An Investment of National Interest
TiTP 5s no better or safer investment than the 7 per cm nrefened stoifc of the For.- Wirr ship antt
Enirlnr Co. of Qolncj, Mini, it Is a legitimate seven percent 'nveTJii lit. and the wide range in the sub
scriptions already received serves to illustrate the jKipularity f.f ;he offer made and the way in which It ap
peals to the public.
It is an Interesting fact that the entire plant and workmen can lie kept employed until the fall of 1!A4
with the work now on hand. Since the offering of the stock to the public ihe company has lieen awarded a
contract for two Terr large steel car floats for the New York. New Haven and Hartford Railroad.
The Audit Company's report of net earnings In five months of over SI 00.0ft shows what the plant K
earning, and. If only this rate is maintained, dividends can Ik- paid on the Common tock after paying divi
dends at the rate of 7 jt cent on the entire amount of Pref'-rred t ek.
In purchasing the Preferred stock of this company you are not pin'ing your money In the hands of in
competent people, lint Investing v lth a responsible concern of seventeen years' oxpericnrc.payinc 7 per cent divi
dends, and offering the greatest s"-urity. The business is without the usual credit element of rl-U. owing to
the work being so largely for the I'nlted States Government, from whom regular payments on account are
received as the work on the ships progresses.
The machinery and equipment are of the latest design, and no shipyard is better equipped or superior in
any way.
It should be borne In mind that this is the first offering of the stork of this Company to the public. I'p
to the present time all excepting the treasury stock has been held in the hands of the co-partners, who have
built up tills successful business lrom small beginnings, .tnd.thflr investment, before he public was asked for
subscriptions, amounted to a million and a half of dollars. The direct offering of the stock to the public, in
stead of through brokers and bankers. Is n following out of the policy of the Company to give to its stock
holders every advantage Ry this method commissions which would, in the case of an offering through
bankers, accure to the bankers, will be saved for the stockholder- or the Company.
The fact that the Company has been awarded two battleships at one time is an evidence of the manner
in which if is regarded by the Navy Department.
Reference is made by permission to several national bank- and trust companies.
It should be borne in mind that subscrilwrs for the Muck at the present time, in addition to securing the
SO per cent bonus of Common stock, which offer may be witlidnwu at any time, will receive the regular
semiannual dividend of $3.r0 per share on the Preferred stock, payable July 14th. 1WC
A limited amount of the stock remains unsold.
10 per cent in cash with an application for stock will secure an option for thirty da-a on any amount of
Preferred stock, carrying with it the July dividend.
To any one de-lring further Information an illustrated description of the plant wlf. ':-. sen,. V'gether with
a complete financial prospectus, the certificate of the Eastern Aud't Co.. and other matters pertinent to the
investment offered Copies of reports made on the plant by several eminent naval and marine authorities
are on file In the company's cmce, and may be seen on application.
fore River Ship and Engine Company,
WE H4.VE PrnCHASED Ot'R SWEL.TEII of 1(( to 1S5 tonn dnllj cnpiicltj from AM.IS-CII4.I.MERS CO. of Cht
enco. III. Flrat uhlpment ivlll be mndc- In TIIIRT1 DAV", nernnil In TIIIIlTk Uls following. r rrrriiril n Irlc
Bratn from the Prraldrnt and "ecrrlarj- of thp Compun. atatlnc that tlic l.IIlintT I.KIKiE had been cro-cnt
nn the LAST CIIAMTU Mine, ."OO FEET luTvcr tbnn the apex of the mountain, proi Iiik Hint thla led Br extend r,00
FEET I DEPTH, 4,000 feet In lenctb and from O fert to 14 feet In -nridth. Write for iinr market letter, which
tells the ntnrj- of WEtLTB IN THE "BREAT WESTERN" 3IINES. Pur value of thlo muck ! I.(H per iliurr. elllnB
now at Be. ThU mar be the I.4.ST OPPORTtIT yon will rrer have to linj a dollar", worth of atork In the
Great Weatern" Gold Company for 5c. "GHKW WESTERN" stand to-dar before the world WITIIOIT an
EQUAL. There la no nilnlns cnmpanr on earth that will eompnrr with It. Hundreds of nrrrm of mineral land.
every foot of It containing; cold. Bur Orent Western Gold Mock, nil IT TO-IIA1. n fipportonlt; like this comes
to too bnt O.VCE In a LIFETIME. Ilnr 5.0OO shares. Hl.ooo shares: It will make jun IMIEPEMJENT of nnj- M IN
on earth. Mines located In Shasta County, Cal., In the Flat Creek District. In IfMIl Ifd.HlC.Ta.- was taken from the
mines adjolnlnar the Great Western Gold Company's property. Minsta Conntj has produced, since the discover
of Bold In California, a11H.IK21,344 In plarer cold. Of thr alioir sum Ts.(MIO.O(MI was taken from within n radlns
of ronr miles from the GREAT 'WESTERN Gold Company's nronerlr. IH'tI.olo worth of nlncer irnld was taken
jr ll t " l1 Creek, which Rt'SS THROUGH the GRE.T WESTERN property.
4 Til legal liXehed ns fast as men and money can do It. Aeain, we sny, IK Y GREAT
ft Pimilnmnr.511"41-1 LflTLB r IIL...
Men i
Are the Reports From ihe
California King Gold
Senator Pettlerew WIrea About the
Larse Deposit of 10.0O-Ore, Wblcb
Adda Millions of Dollars the
Value of the Property.
On Wednesday night Te recelred the
following telegram from Senator Petti-gre-x,
Tlce president of the California
King- Gold Mines Co.:
Yuma. Arizona, Uay 3S, lfcA.
lacleds InTeetroent Co..
in Pins Street, St. Lcclt. Mo.
1V have fouDd ths hactdiiR wall for orer three
thousand test and a crest bodr of or that -will
mo ten dollars per ton. I believe the mine la
werth very majiy millions.
k. j" PErrnGREW.
Senator Pettlgrew is also chairman of
ti ExecntlTe Committee and will stay
on the .property until the mill starts,
July 1
11 U almost Impossible to estimate
What this body of ore means iu added
yalne to the property.
All the estimates of values have been
based on ore at f 3IK per ton. 'When you
consider that there are millions of tons
that will go $10.00 and letter you must
agree that the mines are worth "very
many million," as the telegram says.
Work is progressing rapidly on the mill
nnd It will be running by July 1 withoift
fall. The railroad' is finished and tlie
cars and locomotives are on hand ready
to carry the ore as soon as the mill is
We cannot urge you too strongly to
buy this stock now while it can be sp
enred at $&00 per share. The company
1 capitalized for $5,000,0001,000,000
hares, par value, $5.00.
The mines arc located In San Diego
tjounty, CaL, 20 miles north of Yuma.
'.Ariz, and cover 560 acres.
It is the largest deposit of low-grade
or In this country.
The ore can be mined and milled for
less than $1.00 a ton.
The mill has a guaranteed capacity of
2.000 tons a day.
If the ores averare onrr sann nor ton
the profits wlU be $2,.'KK) a day, or 25
per cent on the Investment, but with
910.00 ore and millions of tons of It, the
profits will be much larger.
We consider this one of the most meri
torious stocks now on the martt, with
.wonderful prospects for the fuase.
Dividends will be paid In September.
If too want further Information write
for IllRitrated stockholders' report and
prospectus. Beralt la the nsual way
To the Antharlxed Xsents.
BRVCEB. OYLER, President
Fboae, KlnJooh O 216S. T0T-O-11
:gftati St. It. Lents, Ho,
Free! Free! Free!
81k Months.
Sptl aont-w on xratett goM-twpsr ntlntnr
Sn AXIMrtasA Orwifln.n anrf lUmfilit.
stoirof Jr JIM larcstsd pars am (2.000 rer
lr. XaisTMtlBj. B.trurtir.: .Ho bow to mak.
roppsx; Eieimoo jo. u to onuun special itsue.
WHEELER A CO, 22 Dresdmr, X. Y.
. ." ggw-trd moranient In New York stock
X Jt jeTOtnaneinc.
Ao&Ttn will Bttk. laurels ct raooer.
OsU -or-rttM sad w will tell jtw what to
bayv"eIiri. 3P srtsrs or lnrest roar money
lo ts runt slacks.
Aoooosts of W acd cpwartfs accepted.
ait Mm St, - - - HT. T-or-ta rn. 1
' -. r -. -
ma Win r jood gain, and all tm t b eathu
lartle anl alie lo th int-Trt of th -out
i'boralx Court mrt in their rw-w hall Th)--tt?mh
and Wright strrtp and had a hiu
warralnf Latt dMeratlons from sister ct-rrs
were in aiienaancr i-iethtrn appllcati -r.i wfr
recelvd. A claw of twMity will be initiated at
the next metini:
Ienton Court fca.d the Iarpe: attendanr- nf it
hictory at the laftt teeBton tentn applica
tions were recrvd Tlwir monthly drawing waj
held, the prize blne the znontblr du A laree
rlasft will be Initiated at the next eesfton. con
eluding -9.1th an entertainment and hop All
members and merater of rtter courts are in
ilteNl to b prevent
Gennanla Court had a well-attndd ssi!on
and received several anDllratlons All members
jromija to asst the court in tolng to reach
1 A-?IL?r?cn-r . . . . .
Century Court met a-i usual and Initiated a
larr cla-s. with full deer 1-octfr I'aul Vek-
ciina: asitaDDi JWpn. ...
ween .fui no a large aittioance. it cing
sn oi-n me-tlnB Broth-r McQuarter, t-d
-.... -- --.-... ....
rii..lt.. .i. .... k.ii ..i ..
2r.? nnit JD? li?,w'. "7i- ,aPd r""!.v'3,
,"a' ???,i2.BrW,;Ji0?:,t.r..::,f.'?.
elertlons at th flrst miinp. tn Jun1 and
mmt',"5 are earnest!) ijuFtd to flt-'nd th
Mvri. i.- .vuw "... iiuio I.W.. rl..a..uuUi
Order of Mtitanl Frntrctioa.
TVah ane Lod No h had a well-attenl-ed
rorrtlDR on We.jDeday. Doctor II N Ljnn
preBidms A number of Iftltoro ere prent,
three candidates wer initiated, on- proposed ami
lntrestlRK talks for th (food d the oruer were
311rourl I-oilpp No 3. had an en erflfiwirB
meeting on Munda. th oraion toeing th- offi
cial visitation cf the iupreme bCTlcern. th past
president and deput association Heerai nl-e
erhes erc made for tht- good of the ordr
Hepotutloni ere adopted to contribute t, the
orld Fair Fraternal tuUdlnx Th iwrettrj
a presented with a handsome Filter twrrv et
which he propex: to donate lo the nr si-jnMir
vi tt nw canuiaaie.
Ht. IjOUIk Lodee- No 29. had a roup Inn- m-t i
Inr. with Ieputj Grlrr.m a Huienlor -Th of
ncem and memberi of thli 1 Klg are anak V !
the opportunities offered them in their North
ht. Ijtmla fleld, and as a renult there wan une j
Initiation and two pn penal s Vimtors wr" !
present from No t and No 1S, and were ie-
ETuea nv tne uruoj entenainment after mtlnjc
Confl.ant Lodr" No IU. met with a ood a
tendance and Father Kleb In the chair Inter
ettlng debates r- the rule In thli lodge and
erte to keep the enthuiarm of th mmber at
th proper hot ilnr point. Brother Herrman. th
renlal secretarj. U one of th ttanch ipp.rfr
of law and order, and hai it aeld- a tpr.al
prixe for new mmber
Sehillr I-odjre, No 2S met on Tuda with
Ita usual full houne Several rrrvnraiB for mm
l-ershlp were received a nice, ent-rtalnment after i
"" T.runc wan xne ueuai arawtpg- cam for
many rlnlton
Uhny ldne. No a. had a wIl-attnde1
nitirr ,Wdniiday and renolutlon were raiifed
Indora'ru!: the elTortn of the Supreme Lodjce t-.
lnereat. nTmb-rhlp of this Jjrwdlrtion
rapt PrMdnt Society held its rcular m(nh
IT meetlCr lasrt RiitiIbv inf th m v-3. wall
attended The World Fair Fraternal bu Idlnjr
project ww thoroughly dlcued and heartily
lndonid Purthr propoeitirnii for the montr
picnic to be held in Pptmber were made
w jjj5Aiisi Fu-pne party wa itivn to iputv
HacKhaus on Saturday evnlnc at hl rpMilOTre
lodirefi. The viftt'oi. were of coun hanrmomeh '
uw hit- uirmwnl OI jiouni i-iraani ana omr ,
entertained by tn. frer.Ul r-lplnt of the ?w
prise, and remMlna toceuier tn the : of tpirlia '
until iheee ma hour cf th mornir.E ,
Woodmen of the? World. '
Preparaticns 'ir anntrfr da June t, ie i
ien comrieieo ana ti Friday eienlna- at F-a
ternal bulldlnfc cIsm of mo-e than Utt wll' tie
Initial-! into the nttrle of W-odcraft repu-
tj AViniam m. imnf wUl occur th vonul
commanderB station and will b- BlFtd , th
duree teams of 9t lul- and Mount Auburn
Camps, and the ale team Te-mtna. Camp a
uniformed body of eeenty fle chcp;er
Mapnolia Camp initiated elht canddats Ion
Friday evenlnr bad eleven applications and made
preparation!" for celebrating amnertarv da
Consul Commander Al Blank and Hscort litt!
roann who have the wUare or th "bibv -amp
In hand. reDort brilliant prwct( for tb future
and hav already cured a membership of stxtj -
one romupiapijc
The members of ilount Auburn
Camp were
JCTeatly surnnsed FYldar eienlne. when Kor-
elcn Georjre O Jury submitted his resinnatlon as
consul commander, to tak effect at onco. i?o -ereitn
Jury for the pat four yars has ben an
active worker for the camp and has morkd his
way to the hlrhest honors of the camp flavins
ben effered and accepting ft lucrative posUlcn at
Pes Moines la . Brother Jury's transfer card
was. regretfully allowed Two candidates wre
initiated and one application received
Bylvan Camp had a very larjre attendance Tat
had one aonllcatTon The committee havlne in 1
TTJUTfrtnv evening
charg-e the excursion cf last Funday on the Illll j
City reported a roost pleasant time and a hand
some sum added to the banker's fund The ladle,
of Oak Grove participated du-Ins "pwl of the
order" and were entertalnel by music, refresh
ments, and addresses by Sovereign c R. can-er
C. TV Main and Harry J. Davis of Shui camp
and George W B.rr and John Peck of Elk Camp
In a letter received late Thursday evening
My market letter dsscrtbe, ths exact
situation at Beaumont. Write or wire
for IL Odd lots of the best stocks at way
down prices.
Citizens' Xatlonnl Dank Dldc-
$173.60 NET CASH
Has been paM on every Invested with n
sine first. of this year: your capital doubled in
three jnonthr er the roost successful ur-tn-iaiii
"?5? JSSUff i2L,TllcklT '"Teasing; a moderate I
J?SicalSLL,Sl!lLm'.1';''". fr ;
22"L 5LU1- Bn Co.. lia Broad
ws, iin twisw
FORTV - TWO men worklnc. work he-
WESTERN Gold Mock at tic per
30H Continental nnnk nld., t. Iinls, Win.
from the bovereiKn ('amp, Omaha, announcement
is made that .Sovereign 'mmander J C Rom
smi-fipj ham G Smith editor of the Vliltnr.
and several other will rlit St Louls to j-arttcl-,
pate tn Friday enlng n big meeting: at the Fra
I ternal bulldlnir
. The -v-arious commltt halnp In hand the
I celebration and xl nir at the Fair Ground rn
Sunday, July 12 hae rfn busily enraged in
, the past fk atKi good pr grej.s has ben made
Th 2S3 camps tn Missouri hae been notice 1
of th eent. tickets hae been placed on s.ile
end nt-gotlations with U railroids made fnr re
, duced rats to the crld s Fair city on that
, dat Soxerelgn J W Kaler of Fort Hrot.
Ka . announces his int-ntlor, to J present, and
with him the Fort Scott t nlformed Guards if
th- W. O- W . with hoereicn Gtrorre U Moore
as captain. It ha also been decld-d to irtv JS
in caph prizes for athletic and other events Th-
different pommltteeR haie eltcted chairman a
fnllnW9: rmmitte at Lanre. will X rtar. ehalr-
, mo! jiiuiin n iiuirnr
man William H ITuehr ecretjr William
Itlchsrdson. treasurer on recrudh Wllllsin
' ' ". Ger"e Ben. IcchaJrrna" "at?.
, ' MadlMin. barfire. Otto Ehrhart!
' '""n HuBh. spoils. Ix-nnL. Vl-hle prtnttne.
V' HonbUtt. floor. James aaunder-f decora-
IIOnH ( YlaEr
Hlckfr Ciirnif Mid another later attenda-c
( ".V-dr.esiIav enlnp ""nnu! Vmmsndr Gorir
i Merritt, p-esidini:. Right applications were r
I rtlted and four irid upon Hlckor eiprt to
I contribute thtrtj-fie randidttep tnr the blc lnl-
tiatl' n at Fraternal buildfne on Friday erenlnc
ana will attend tn a bed;
llenton Camp nad a routine meetinp last Tue.
etenlnp. rcelted and acted m i",tenten applira.
tlons. Consul '"ommander Dunran M Wilson of
( WaM Ottnp, Consul ommandr George Merrt't
of Hlckorj mp and rorel(rn Smith of Botan
leal anp l"!td. and f nfratulatd lien m
Camp on its p-eat Trosrrlti Excursion om-
mltte reporf-d pofid pnvpeii( in le fo- th
' annua outing to O if Ion Terrace on Sunda"
.Iun 1Z
Terminal Cnmp'J mtln(c Wednesday evenlnc
i van the bekt and larceM mwetlnp of the past
( tnree monthf and the twent-n- appllration-
an"."unced ard balloted upon created prat ti-
thiK.acm Terminal iimiis Amt.lflr.n t ii. ru)
t'horp nnd til Iuih campn In mmbenhli
and all tb mmlwr? hat. b-n working ha d
with tr-nt nd In tlew Th rtiifoiatlnn cf S-w
reim Tullj a aflntant clrk ar acrppted i.nd
Hot-relcn Whltacre elated and lntalld Kxcur-
don ommitt-e
r ports k i prtiKreF on tne
ramp annual null i.e.
dar. June V2, to H-d
wni'n win taKe piac :-un-liud
Kul Kilt of 17 thin.
All the Knlfrhtp uf Pthla whf are D'ennmsr j
to eo to California In August will rrv, t'.e '
chance of a lifetlm to pr man v ond-f u.
thing In a short time First 'hre H 1 the b!p
rainenng!" in r-an t ranne''"- au'i i ti w
whre fullv 1 000 "thlam pilRrtnn will crvt I
on anoth- and tnke part in all FortF of en- i
joabl function" Hicht in the cltv thee -lslt-
or- durtnc lntrval. cf buRln. will nee all
California m miniature in the way of collection
of minerals and tree and flori and frnlt from
all the counti-. of th State That's a fhanc
for the enlTl5lnc resident I'ythlann t fancl- ,
nte th t i-lttn- and make thm tam for more ,
And more th can -e. for arransremcrtt are .
l- lilc TT. to Monnl Tsnwlrals. the hlrhmoun
tain that merlk Han Fratirl"co am; thf ra- i
inr. to R-uita irui bv-thf-S-a. the Ncwim't nf
th merar to an jnp nnn tn- cTeat mak ui
rator: tn I1 ilonle. th ramojn all-tl-ear
muuhm '"tr " -i"icj u;. i- .-.
tir-oarde of tren. to the oranee troi of
PortnlIlc R!er.de and Orovlli to pnead-na
and up alKe th cjud br electric rail Tray to
Mount Icw
Wabash Idpe at l lat meeting, wan rut-
pnd Y tn eni" or nn. mmwi rrom f-
rade l(!t. No WC of Granite Of III . headed
h their chant-llar r-.mmander Hut Wabash we I
eUal to the Tnergm-y, and uhlle the OTftanlPt o
r nnil .rillA hA rtrnTm9 n
t aecaa enteriainea in lioy wun aome nne i
music an Impromptu lunch wae ierred bv a I
r.elt-hhorlna fctrer Tour Kqulres earned the
golden pur of Knlrhthood sod all prent en- j
lavrA the fine ok that a? done b tVaharh .
team The visit of the succor will lone b J
remembered lis all who were preeent a.nd th.lr I
return to jsuc-ordrni was n the Eastern sky
he-aids the dawn of a new dav.
Lnfavette LffllB o irs worked the ranlc or
I'ace on file candidate ct laat convention At
pllcatione are etlll rornlnp In as promised rr
the memtrs The K R A- F found two more
applications on his delc The r G Is calllsc
on the delinquent members and rromtsea to
brrnr In a favorable report at next meeting".
Pvtharo'as Ixdae. No US. worked the rank
of Knight at lat eesion in their usual Impres
sive manner nd will work In rank of Page at
next convention The nes bv-laws have been
approed and will soon 1 procurable by the
Ijldlcs nf the G. A. II.
Funday decorations of floral offerings and nags
were placed on the graves of dead members in
'William Henry HlarK and
ine various cemrienes ine grave of colonel
tnat ot Jlrs. uzbeth
two circles Of these
Noble were visited by the
names, and with appropriate services beautifully
uTnea wiiu muuim ,i iwr ana respeci. ne
committee from Blair Tost No 1 G A. R
mt the ladles of the circle at Colonel Stark's
grave placing their offerings there In memory
of their late ccmrade The Ixbeth Noble Camp
of the Rons of Veterans also come with their
offerings t- the grave of Mra. Nrel.le A mound
was erected In loving memory of Past National
President Mrs Nettle E Ounlock. who died re
cently On the morning of Decoration Day the
members of the order, m conjunction with rlster
organ! rations, placed their annua offering In
memory of Genera! U s. Grant, on the monu
ment of this hero which stands In the City Hall
?!"-.. AJter..th "pplftlon cf this work many
visited the National Cemetery at Jefferson Bar
racks, while others arslsted In speolat eerrices.
Ft. Jamen Home circle. No. 11. assisted the G
A. R of Et James and the Harding Port of St.
cSi'il J.1 w!l.rSBSerJ' ,cJ 'r St- ,aro, Fed-rat
Soldiers' Home Mra Jennie A. Clary, past de-
Efs?.m'nt0.tr',m"1rr' J Kansas City, has D-en
i-"li!J! .SS. YiHA rt w,-lc returned
In time to help Phil Sherwan Circle. No. . with
their memorial sen-Ires. " "n
Eureka. Cctmcll had a' pleasant tfme tMr
last m-tlng A rSd ; d?.i IJSLi?BJ.f '!
noysil Lragne.
by the members of this council snd ecrwlderible
j business transacted. Two appllcatloia werTi
v;ed. and enrauraBlne rejiorts rnntlau to crro
from Kana '"tt 'ouni il Their m- nC r.lcfcf
leg been i-haiK1 tu Tuesda Instead l-Tidav
A lars attendance R-rtiJ the officers it th-ir
lrst metlnr mr application was rec nej
Th members at Grele Council. t .t at
Their last myelins. dfaiii to hae rauir durn
lnltiatinn b.rafter. and Mr Pnrr ,. au
thorized to arpomt an orsanlst and rc .mtM
ant onanist to conduct this work This will
add tn tr pnpuianrj z irni council ijmn wa
. serv-J after th- meetmc Brother shonf. id an-
nouneed lha: le uould take a vacatl n an 1 be t
rone .erai w-rs.. which i-ae wna cinini
tl'Doilmrn ut tlic AVorld.
Elk -amj h. 'i a larse a'tenlin ts )Tie)
Ws on edn-eday e'.entni:. and etc applica
tion were handed In Fi.ur randldale. uv ,ih
llxated- The croe if S-"-eie7i Cmrr.i- y jj, f
man. who l burie i In sr Harrus Oerneter
Kins' f hichwa and Graols axenue wl'l be
decorated on Suiulaj. Jun- 2 lock p m
Soierelgns Herp Welse and Taepe re ap
pointed a committee to arranKe d'l de-a le
Mmllnrlty of ObrllnUt nnri Tomlm
Knnn(! !c Mnle if Ooircu
and Land of MIe.
Mexico City. May 31 t.f-onn.do Batres.
cor.ser"ator of national monument?, fca re-
tumetJ trom his exploration ainnne th
rulnc of the Zapotrean cities in the State
of Oaxaca.
Amor.K other dloveriep he found th
ruins of an anclfnt city on Monte- Albar..
which fihon? jnmistakatl lndiration -f
havinc ben hubmrced ivrhap 3' y-irs
apo, for truces of extinct marine life were
Amnnc the ruirs ij an obltsk similar
to those of EiTpt. which wap found plard
at the entrance to a tomb exactij as wa
the cuiftom In Kgypt. Mr. Eatrs will make
a aetauea report oi tms remarKaoie pre
historic city to th Go-eJTiment.
Monte Alban was visited some timp ap;o
by I,rofpssor Colmes of the Smithsonian In
Ptttution of "VVahlnpton D It tands
1.800 feet hifiher than the city of fiaxaa
and it has a center square surrounded by
great temples.
The water ytem mr th park will o1 '
finally completed, at a cot of jftfc Thi '
consists of a renoir holding iw (. cal- !
Ions, elrvated high enough to gtv fir I
protection and water supply to Port Tl-i
JowFtone. the hotels at Mammoth Hot
Fprlnp; and the Inltd States piurinecrinff i
quartern, and to irricate th mii pquar
plateau near Fort Tllowstonp. which wl'l
be made highly productive ihrh
The largest slnple item of JfVtOf-. 1 not
one-fifth of the wm that will be ppent by
thp Federal fiovtrnmcnt. 1uT to ken th- I
dut out of the eje of usltors at th
park. The duKt evil beetim so enr;i! last
year that Co.rnl "hlttendn re'-ommended
to the department macadr.mizlnp K-0 mile
of the main roads with a srrlp of is fet
of crushed stone Thi wa apj'rovpd, and
sixty miles will be covered thip 5 par by
first puttinp; on tut nine feet Colonel f'hit
tenden reported it was Impossible to k-'ep
away the dust In any other way.
The bis new road of the vear it to coc
K0.000. and will eonnct Yellowstone Lik v
with the terminu of the B &. M IL R .it
the eastern boundary of the park k vine;
paBenKPrs a beautiful drive dirc from
the railroad to the heart of the park
Colonel Chittenden ha submitted o the
department plans for a J.V1OC0 llcht riant
thj.t will, if ordered by the department
supply electric lipht for the barrack" .t
Fort Yellowstone, the huteli at Mammoth
Hot Sprinps and the United State engine- r
The sum of $20flon will be pert thl vetr
In building: new quarters for the enlne
new cottage station for the pua-N an 1
new warehnu-es for the Governmt-nt sup
Interpstiiic Fipnn'S Show Progress
in Counties jmd U'sTvation-.
WshlnKtcn. May 3! Th Cenrw Barrau
has Issued a reort compnns agricultural
statistics of the contley and Ijidiaii. na
tion" In th Vnltrd Stat"? It chows that
the Chickasaw Nation. Indian Tcrrlt prv
ladp In the number of farms, haunt? 16ST4
The following rank nxt The Ch'rokce Na
tion. Indian Terrltorj. 12 ST farms. Phoctan
Nation. Indian Tt-rritoo S.SC-. Lancaster
County. Pennsylvania. 9.427: Oranpfhurg
County. South Carolina, 6.4'jf. and St Law
rence Countr New York. 83
Crow IrjdlJt; Rervatlon. Montana lead"
In farm - lth 3.S0fVi a-'es It is fol
lowed : tlarflej Count. Tna.. 3.246.335.
Chickasaw Natior. Indian Territor . 3.24C -1ST:
Wichita. Kiowa and Comraanche In
dtan Reservation. Oklahoma 2.5W.67S; I'ecos
County. Texas. 2.1DS.MT. and Cherokee Na
tion. Indian Territory. LM6.T1S. Hartley
County. Texas. Is the headquarters of larce
cattle companies and Home of the area re
ported as beloncing to that county undoubtedly-
is situated In surrounding counties
Cherokee Nation Indian Territory, leais
In Improved farm area, having LIC CI acres.
i il ' iuuuni mruinn .xiiiuii. iimiun
' Terrltorj- UUOI acre-: Ca, Co-jnty. North
It Is rolioweu hi ( hlckasaw Nation. Indian
Dakota 977.951 Fresno Crcntj. California.
TSe.337. Grnnd rcrk County. Xortb Dakota.
74J.5C7. and Whitman Count . Washington.
Cook Countv III. Iralc In the value of
land and building, with J77.lftTi.2r Ttankinc
next are I? Angeles County. California.
with S70 S9L30. McLean Count-. . IlllnoK
S61.1Q1.24f). IinaFter County. Pennsylvania.
JC..33Ji.55') I.a Salle County. Illlnil. S22JS3.
H( and Livingston Countv. Ulinoip J50.37S.-
'"hlckasaw Nation. Indian Territory. leads
in th& value cf live ptork on farm. with
S17.9T4 S2i Cherokee Xatlrn. Indian Terrl
torv. I next, with J.W0.Vtf: CreM: Nation.
Indian Territory, with JS.2r": Cuter
Countv Montana 5712725: Wichita, Kiowa
and Comanehe Indian Reservation Okla
homa. K 423. and Choteau Countv. Mon
tana. IT 977.041
L.inr.itrr Coun. Penncvlvama lead in
the value of furm products, with J12 Gt 415
Then follow CMej.-a3W Nation. Indian Ter
ritory, with Ji77&p'. McLean Count Il
linois. 110 TM.045 St Liwrenre Countv Nw
Tok. IS &3G3fi D'tne Countv. W!ronlr
193 9i9 and In Sail" Countv. IHInoiP SS.
San Francisco fJirl Bclifvcs Cnpi
talist lado Will in Her Favor.
Qa mMmr- rnl v.rti -rrhnn T0-e.
' an rancipro. Cal.. May XL "When Jam
Flnlavson died at Fan Rafael he -rap en-
j - ,,. i ?. t ... r-.w--t
Ka to be marri Ml Tviura FarwelT
of thi cltv waj the vounpr ladv of h!a
-i-i -j" ... i- ,.... , rt
choice, and at her request the- California
ciai admlnlftrator of thf vlll but Instltntort
, . ,w .,,, .i.u,.. ... ,
a crch of the late capitalist? effects tr
axcenaln If there wa a will yubefruent to
tal miK jn jjs If there If surh a will
fia Vo-.ii fu r
Jlias Farwell I convinced that a teener has
been left her.
Finlayon s funeral ta held last veek
and Miss Farwell vies one of tht nourn-
ern Vhn the re.Tmln wre nhfitif tn h.
borne from the house M.n Farwell 0bbea
hlttfrH and had to Le led ami Sh
-" .-
could not go to t'j press I. awn Cemete-
where the remains were cremated, but ent
directly to he- hone at No lln Hush .treet
Mis? Farwell i" employed by Atto.-nej
Hde as menotrrapher A few days aco h
met Flnlayson and the aced caplatllst con
fided In her as he had never done wnh any
one. Flnall the became ensased ana
were to hate been married, bttt Kim iyon
illneF prevented While he lay stniKRlinjr
between life and death at San Rafael Ml
Farwell visited Flnlaj-son. but he was un
conscious and did not rccosnlze her.
Independent Concern Has Capita!
of $3.HI.'!,W10.
Chicago, iil. May 31 The announcemetit.
has been made that a CWO.f0 glucose plant
Is to be erected at TVaukegan. 111., inde
pendent of the Com Products Company. It
was eald by A. H Kerning that a Fjndi
cale had already been formed with a C
000.O capitalization, and that enough money
had already l-en ia.&td to begin the erec
tion of a modern gluco?e factory.
C M Warner of Syracuse, N.. T., former
president xf the United States Sugar Refin
ing; Company of Waukegan. Is said to be at
the head of the new syndicate. Associated
with him are E. R. Chapman and Mr. Ker
sttng. Mr. Kerning was connected with the
National Starch Company until that con
cern wa.s merged with the Corn I"roducts
regular meeting of the St. LcuIh Dental So
ciety will be held at the Llndell Hotel
Tuesday night, beginning at 8. Papers will
be read by Doctor H. Prlnz and Doctor
O. T. Fruth.
BEXEFTT COSCERT . concert svlll
be giver at Tiffin Hall. Ferguson, next Fri
day night for the benefit of the Catholic
Church, beginning at 8.
Iowa, Illinois, Kansas.
iness Men Ought to Receive Our Prospectus in Time to Get Both Our Stock
Certificate and Oil Certificate at Ten Cents Per Share, Including Our
Declared for Stockholders of Record, July 1st, 1902.
You will ffct with each share of dividend-paying stock of the Continental N&tionaJ OH and Re
fining Compa.ny an oil certificate for one barrel of oil.
Other companies are putting- traveling salesmen on the railroad and spending- large amounts
of money in advertising and commissions in tr mg to find a market for their oil.
Our Stockholders Are Our Salesmen. Our Stockholders Receive the Traveling Man's Pay.
Our Stockholders Get the Advertising Money. Our Stockholders Get the Commission on Sales of Oil.
5 5 5 Our Stockholder Gets a.n Oil Certificate 5 5 5
Worth as Much as He Pays for His Oil and Stock Certificate Combined.
Oil experts say oil will be worth 50 cents per barrel in less than six months. Don't say we
are giving the stockholders too much because wc are giving them more than any other com
pany. It is the way we do business. Now when we give you this oil free, don't ask us to buy
it from you. We couldn't pa- dividends if we did. Find a customer for it yourself. You
don't have to pay for barrels to load it in. The railroads will furnish tank cars. The only
cost to the person having the oil certificate is a small charge of two cents per barrel by the
pipe line company for loading.
Every person accepting our offer to put up $500.00 and visit the oil fields, transportation fur
nished by us. will be thoroughly satisfied or the purchase will not be made.
L. A. SKINNER. PUBLISHER, 63 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK CITY, says: "The trip to the Beau
mont fields, and the investigation of the Continental National Oil and Refining Company's
holdings was a revelation to me. Instead of the literature of your company being an exaggera
tion. I will say that the half was not told. I did not understand how the company could give
an oil certificate, but I find that the company can afford it. and that it is the best investment
I know of. I note with pleasure that your company has declared its second monthly dividend.
"Yours truly, L. A. SETXNER."
Send us your order for stock and ask for prospectus. If within fifteen days after prospectus and
stock are mailed, you become dissatisfied, your money will be returned.
For alt particulars, prospectus, write the company ....
CofilisieRieJ National Oil . Refining Comp'y,
T. B. LeMoin, Secretary, Levy Building, Galveston, Texas.
Remit by draft, postal or express money order or wire.
ib-d uDd ont:
1 Ma
i r i
ll" MlliniMI
i .Nobi2sa
craqc e.cs3S4
V'BId per Acre se ,
-- u .ti3.E3J,3So.
S I . . .. ..
i rovc-n, s s-;a nr-
Aereciejc etG2.770
r-iilC per Acre IS,,.
-oToiv.eia lG7csaau
Stoker G.E5S.55CTor.B.
i y
Ttl fnt'rprlo will 2$i J3 nr tn Is all lhi wntfra3'l5 locnar'. rhiar ni'HisB U
tie rarnitr. iarBub'nr s" aifC2f laha'aai cfcfreirSI fr railrsidt.
F -r ra r m II I
hl co .n
wil u- titu
'lt in hj nn ' f - in f u i w ,
ir 'nifi i 5irt ii a fur-- ' t
a--l dtf.t
. 'T r
ana -11 ,- s- t rt riFUi :c n
um an.! p tus w ' r f
u (
phone 1.-.40 iHitmviN 84 Adams St., Chicago.
Ibou! Two Thausand Shares Left ai $50.09 Per Share.
Will Be Withdrawn from the Market on or Before Jaly 1st.
" Verde Grande " is guaranteed by twenty-five million
dollars' worth of ore blocked out and ready for smelting.
"Vfnlo fJrand'" at S."iimi jht .-liar- 1 U-s.- than uf-tmlf of ir ral value, as proTen bv sworn reports of reliable t
rxprt and mini-i.
"Vonh- Jraulc" at a upih nf forty fin-t 1ms juT npnir-d up a larsc ore body assaying a hundred dollars per ton
in silver. li'r.idt Ix-lne rifli in n!d and pjxt.
"Verde Grande," now at a depth of 1(!5 fe -t. eontinne- to become more compact and richer.
"Verde Grande" do- not sive "prize patkases" or "copper Jewelry" as an inducement to Intending purchasers,
nor will it continue the -ale of treasury stock for "improvements" and pay rejrnlar monthlv dividends at the same
Sri0.no orisinally invetd in Copper Queen, a near n"!shlor of the "Verde Grande." i now worth $4n,C
Wi.fK) orisinally invented in the I'uited Venle. north of the "Verde Grande," in the same ran.ce, is
Reliable miner state that at the
preat dividend pater..
$r.o.00 Invested now In the "Verde Grande" will In time buy ymi a house and lot. or a farm. AH "Verde Grande"
shares -ct III draw large dividends sure for a lifetime.
$.VMk shares In the "Verde Grande" will draw more in cah dividends than ten times that amonrrr invested in
average trust and oil stocks; as can be proven by the acsoal bullion deposited In its great natural vaults readv to draw
"Verde Grande" S.Ww"i shares will surprise the world in less than five years.
To miss this chance for a safe and sun investmenr is to neglect one's best interests.
OH Investors Journal.
The tnnh and nothlnr but thr truth
ccncsrnlJisT the Beaumont fW4 and other
Southern oil fields. Accural reports on
all companies fre. to subscriber Send
SO cents for 4-mos. trial subscription. Ad
dress Oil Investors aoumai. Beaumont.
Bi I m '
Missouri, Minnesota, Wisconsin and Oklahoma Bus
rv ii n- nf oaper pu p n the fare of the earth Is made from vegetable fiber. The tjn
t r ,- ,.u ha & v rJrajiy cuf iff in the United States. Manufacturers of paper are
n w run i Mti t.a1 r their suppi
Paicnts and Processes for mannfactcrin? from the -waste
ail Rrade-t of paper, feed and by-products.
Map shows tgnnaKe available for pulp right
fuiit on map the waste that can be turned
scroaqt u.oo.s iuiacia.
TlCja par cr& odic -v
Triti v;.if Ttnsasf343. VAtcreae
i'nli.. 4.a9r,09iec S ? !3.?,&r&.
l AC
x.k, VimIh "w.
V , . jajc.rjfi3o.-"'
! -
t STOtc
fricfc! per Acre 2Sb
Tool Yield IOO.T.S.A0
Iv-iuo S 5.7SZZ3C3.
Stcwe-. 7 59&.1330;
Th fjruT
was available
! t ji
ma hin- - f r tre rrit plants.
i ItPJEOTnOP k ' xan.lr. cur Ma-
same stage of development "Verde Grande"
ein3 for rsy I'rospcctns and
V.ny of tlic 31 K. A T. Oil Co,
Snltf 14 I.nclcde- nnlldlnc. St.
Lonls. .Mo.
MU i
a h
PULP for
In the heart of the United States. Kote
Into pulp In these seven States.
- CACS&.
Ucrcoos. Ti.SOStrc.
-coi.(SOO ftlc rrcrcar
M cm At
crsemsal Y'W
3a "
sfcTwr -xhat traji iroa-ncM anl wasted, wfeleh wst
for papr puJP. 3 vd cellnlcsc compo-surla.
A limited amount ot
stock Is tiered for
public subscription
at Sl.SO Per sbare, par value SIO.OO
each. Recent ottering was largely
oversubscribed and late orders wen
retused. We predict this allotment
will go even more quickly. Write or
wire at once.
now worth
Is the superior of either of these
"Verde Gra.nde" Bi Bsrttain.
Cold Shale ji, eeHU
Eauluble Oil certs
Sam Houston ...! cents
Volcano . 4 cenrs
Ground Floor ........H.. -J1.W
Stacks and Bends Bouxht and Bold.
I lDS,gsD.n I l
IOi4 3ror,Tsn -X
!.... .-A I 44A9 3S7 r
saoessse J v ""
QyOYcr-.'7bri9 J
I I STATM Trisrsi
I Ohio Ctsi38T
V P-J Indiana ..... sl.43t.4lti
SX yv lows 1 1. S 4 S. 117
J Mlssoorl...............M. T.S89.S3H
J Nebraska .........H..... R.SS.ft-
a I Kansss c8;,iii.i:
-S Tnts' i-v -K.I.K'l2
t i .' .r7"

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