2 THE REPUBLIC: SATURD&Y, JULY 5, 1902. TODAY'S f.cWS IN BRIEF. r LOCAL AND SUBURBAN. Travel through Union Station was heavier than la any previous year on the Fourth of July. The police are searching for a man who Is paid to hav collected small sums of money from charitable institutions under false representations. Paul De DInlere. a 9-year-old child, of No. SOS Laclede avenue has neck broken. Ernest E. Shannon committed suicide at his home In Winstanely Park by wrapping sheets wet with chloroform about his face. James Sweenev stabbed by beggar be cause former had refued to Eive the tramp a dime Robert Gsltz. who was burned In wreck of gasoline explosion on north Vandeventer avenue Is delirious and calls constantly for his wife and baby. Children will be given a f'ee excursion to Le-lalr, I1L. by the Clover Leaf read. George Klobasa died from injuries us tained by the explosion of a -in o' sulphur ic acid which he carried in his pocket. GENERAL DOMESTIC. The sale of Beaumont oil stocks for June showed that bettr prices prevailed than in the preceedlng month, though trading was not so heavy. Governor Tate has severely censured the Sheriff of Saline County. TlllnoW. for alleged lax of dutv in failing to orotect negro citi zens from threatened violence. A ko-hi rain has fallen In the vicinity cf Pan Antonio. Tex., breaking a long drought In th nuthwest"rn section Of the State. The 7t"vcrend lougla C. Feabndy. who had Just reigned as rector of St. John's Episcopal Church at Decatur. 111., because of 111 health, killed himself by blowing out Sis brains. A State ticket was nominated on the Fourth of July by th- Kansas Socialist-Labor party. OKI.- In the Indian Territory are dying with blackleg' and the stockmen are con templating vaccinating their herds. Cana'li-n immigration return": for the year show an lncreaw of 15.35 settlers". Hannls Taylor has been eletced to the chal of English constitutional and common law at the Colombia Fnlverslty. The order of Elks has acquired a build ing at New Bedford. Va.. to be used as a home for aged and Indigent members. Detectives have discovered new evidence In the DIbrow case which seems very dam aging to the accused. In a Fourth of July speech at Pittsburg. President Roosevelt says that reciprocity with Cuba Is "as certain as fate." Convict Harry Tracy again escapes from the Immediate vicinity of Seattle, though the entire country 13 patrolled by armed guards. Harry S. Lehr Invited twenty women and twenty men to dinner to meet a dis tinguished visitor from Slam and Introduced a monkey who was the gue"t of honor at the feast. The monkey got drunk and unrnlv and threw things at the guests, who usually pass for persons of wealth and re finement. FOREIGN. Tha Prince and Princess of "Wales gave a costly and dazzling entertainment In honor of the India Princes In behalf of the King. King; Edward continues to Improve. The wound is healing readily. Ambassador Choato tries to prevent cpeechmaking at a Fourth of July banquet In London; then hurries away to a recep tion given fcy the Prince of Wales. The banqueters who remain openly state their displeasure at the Ambassador's action. SPORTING. Winners at Delmar Park yesterday were: Pettijohn. Ida Penzance. Ben Lear. Alice Turner. Randazzo. Larry Wilt and Terra Incognita. The Western Rowing Club crew wen the Lemp Plate race on the river yesterday from the St. Louis Rowing Club. The St Louis CardinUs won both Inde pendence Day games from New York. The Browns won and lost at Detroit. The Larchmont Yacht Club's annual xe calta Is held at New Tork. Slnrlnc Intelligence. Glasgow. July 2. Sailed: Siberian, Bos ton. Singapore. July 2. Sailed: Tan Tee. from Tacoma. via Tokohama, etc. London. Movllle, July 4. Sailed: Tunisian, from Liverpool. Montreal; Ethiopia, from Glas gow, New York. Queenstown, July 4. Sailed: Commcn wealtb( from Liverpool, Boston. New York. July 4. Sailed: Celtic, Liver pool. Queenstown. July 4. Arrived: Merlon, Boston, for Liverpool. ALL-DAY JAM AT UNION STATION -Crowds Yesterday Exceeded All Eecords for Fourth. "Union Station was stormed by travelers yesterday. The morning and evening rush, the Incoming and outgoing contingent, ex ceeded all records, so the station officials eay. Hundreds were turned away, unable to catch their trains In the morning be cause they could not get their tickets In time. Tho ticket sellers were unable to hand out the tickets fast enough to the struggling buyers. It was a. case of "first come, first served," and the weaker and tardy ones wero not served at all until long after their trains had pulled out. Though heavy business Is always looked for at this holiday time, the fact that a triple holiday existed largely increased the number of tourists who, having three days to themselves, wanted to profit by It by leaving the city for a vacation. Monday's incoming trains will doubtless carry heavy leads as a result Usually on the Fourth of July many travelers who leave carry baskets and fishing tackle, expecting to return tho same night. Yesterday It was different. Host of them carried telescopes or valises. Indicating that their stay was to last sev eral daysw The trolley lines also cared for many of those who in the past relied on Eteam, railroads to carry them to places more than ten miles distant. Yet. with all the electric competition, it was evident that the tide of steam travelers was extremely heavy. It should be borne in mind that on holi days the cars are always taxed beyond their capacity, and the number of pasengers us ually carried in cars was far exceeded yes terday of necessity. Half rates were grant ed on all railroads within a radius of 200 miles of St. Louis, and this concession was taken advantage of by many on the night of July 3 in leaving and arriving. As Indicating the extent of the business done by the railroads the number of cars of the different roacs brought into Union Station in the morning tell the story statis tically as follows: Morning arrivals Chi cago, Burlington and Quinoy. 6 cars; St. Louis, Keokuk and Northwestern. 18 cars; Missouri. Kansas and Texas. 14 cars; Chi cago and Alton. 23 cars. B:g Four. 24 cars; Chicago, Peoria and St. Louis. C carsj Wabash, east. 32 cars; St. Louis. Iron Moun tain and Southern IS cars; Frisco system. 33 cars; Colorado Line. 3 cars: Missouri Pa cific, 24 cars: Wabash, west, 24 cars; Balti more and Ohio Southwestern, 17 cars; Illi nois Central, south. It cars; Illinois Central, north. S cars: Louisville and Nashville, li cars; Southern. 6 cars; Mobile and Ohio. S cars; Clover Leaf. 7 cars; Vandalla, 17 cars. Morning departures Burlington. 6 cars; EL Louis, Keokuk and Northwestern, 32 cars; Katy, 6 cars; Chicago and Alton, 1$ cars: Big Four. 20 cars; Chicago, Peoria and St. Louis. 10 cars: Wabash, east, 1" cars; Iron Mountain. 13 cars; Frisco system, 'Ju cars; Colorado Line. 2 cars; Missouri Pa cific, SS cars: Wabash, west, 16 cars; Balti more and Ohio Southwestern, IS cars; Illi nois Central, south, 11 cars: Illinois Cen tral, north. 8 cars; Louisville and Nash ville, 7 cars; Southern. 5 cars; Mobile and Ohio. 7 carsi Clover Leaf, 3 cars; Vandalla, 23 cars. IMMIGRATION INCREASED. Canadian Statistics Show Addition of 15,2S5 Settlers In Tear. Ottawa, Ontario, July . The Immigra tion returns for the year have been com pleted by the department. They show an In crease cf 15.25 arrivals of settlers In Can ada over the previous year. The Increase is as follows: Country. 1X0. as. Bntlra .................Jl.SlS 17.000 European CoMinent ........a.l! 12, SW United States . .....i;.CST K.CW ?CtlS ,....t....,.Mtt.3, C4434 1 DETECTIVES FIND MEW EVIDENCE IN D1SBR0W CASE Old Boat Wliich Had Apparently Been Used by the Victims May Hare Been Set Adrift With a Pur pose Oar Locks Found Tied Under Seat Indicate That the Vessel Had Not Been Occupied on the Night of the Tragedy. r 'fik, & rnr i SxSCtfwSF i '.--&"&-.? c' rii :'0ilr ttg&K 7?$eV; JTZrrZ&k i- t' J I " 1 REPUBLIC" SPECIAL. Good Ground, L I.. July 4. What is con sidered the most important evidence In ts tabllshlng the charge that Louis DIsbrow was responsible for the death of Clarenco Foster and Sarah Lawrence. In Tlana Hay. was brought to light here to-day. It hs started the town talking about the cas-j with renewed vigor, and every one Is wait ing to hear the facts in detail related at the preliminary examination, when It It resumed here before Magistrate Foster nest week. This new evidence. District Attorney Smith and Detective Field believe, proves beyond question that DIsbrow, Foster and Sarah Lawrence went out on the Tlana H.tv in the same boat. Even the sulriie theory Is exploded In the fare of this evidence. SSIALI., LEAKY DOAT WAS SOT OCCUPIED. It will be proved by three witnesses that the small. leak boat. In which, at tlrst. it was supposed that Foster and the girl had taken their fatal trip, was not occupied by any one on the night of the drowning. This will be established by the finding of the iron oar locks, strung on a rope and tied to a sat in the boat when it was found on the beach the next morning In precisely the same condition as when the boat was tied to the dock the night before. This shows that the boat must have been sent adrift by some one during the night, and the theory Is that it was done by DIs brow. When the alarm was given along Tana Bay on the morning of Juno 10 that Clar ence Foster and Sarah Lawrence were missing, one of the first things noticed was the disappearance of a small boat from the landing near the Ternell Hotel. The boat was an old one. with holes in the bottom and sides, was barely large enough to carry two persons comfortably, and, as was shown by tfcsts. would nU and S:nk with two persons in It before going 200 yards from the shore. For about two weeks prior to the tragedy this boat bad been used by a lad named John Carter, who was employed la the building of a small dock, extending out SCORES SUFFER INJURIES ON INDEPENDENCE DAY. Continued From Fose One. and pronounced his skull fractured. Ills condition Is serious. LORENZ BASCHT. 20. NO HOME, gunshot wound in left hand. ED COLE. 13, NO. 2031 PINE STREET, tirulses caused by explosion. ED ANGELICA. 17, NO. 119 NORTH Nineteenth street, gunshot wound In head. JOHN NEEF. U YEARS OLD, LIVING in Clayton, sustained a bad injury to hU right hand yesterday by the premature ex plosion of a blank cartridge. The wound was ' dressed by Doctor H. W. Caster of Clayton. MICHAEL SPANK. 20 TEARS OLD. OF No. 23)2 North Fifteenth street, was burned about the eyes by the premature explosion of a toy cannon. He may lose the eight of the left eye. FIREWOniCS CAUSED FIRES. Eleven Biases Due to Pyrotechnlcnl DIxpInys. There were eleven tire alarms during the day. Thirteen alarms we.c tounded July 4. 1S0L Last night several trej were caused by fireworks, but the lama-je resulting wa trivial. Several false ilarms were turned in by mlschlefmakers. The dry goods store at No. 41CS Ea&ton avenue, occupied by Mn. Oliver Cha-nltis, v-at. damaged by fire las. night, supposed to have been caused by rparas from hrcwoiks. I he building, th!c.i w ov.'u-d iiv Mrs. Aim Killoran of No. 11W Norm Tliar.ecnth street, was damaged JTiXi. Tne stock "uas damaged a like amo-Jnr. The house at No. l;j Franklin nvenue. occupied by Mrs. Ella C Siini'n. wjs dam aged JStv by Are last r.Iglit and th-i junc ture was destroyed. The lire started during he absence of the family. A skyrocket shot through an open window at the home of George Merrltt at No. 3114 Easton avenue last night, setting fire to the lace curtains. A burning balloon set fire to the roof of the house at No. S2H North Urondway. oc cupied tv Louis Flnnlnger. causing a dam age of J-5. A skyrocket set fire to the lace curtain' at the home of Robert Vogel at No. 4145 Cook avenue, causing a damage cf 120. Fireworks set fire to the roof of the house at No. 2S1S California avenue, occupied by Mrs. Mao Neuver, causing small damage. Fire on the roof of the hiuse at No. 1212 North Nineteenth street last night was caused by a burning balloon. The awning In front of the saloon of Fritz Morris at No. 19CO Wyoming street was burned. CELEHRATIOX MAY COST LirE. Dynamite Cracker Exploded In James Flicker's Hand. James A. Flicker of No. 373 Wilson ave nue probably will lose his life as the result of bis Fourth of July celebration. The pre mature explosion of a- dynamite cracker in his hand shattered his arm. fractured two ribs and Indicted ntetr.al Injuries which the attending physicians say will prove fatal. Flicker and a crowd of companions were celebrating the day in a general celebration at the corner of Sulphur and Wilson ave nues. There Is a. store near there where they bought fireworks at will, and so the celebration was In nrozresa nearlv contin uously until the accident put a quietus on It anout z o ciock in tne aiternoon. Flicker lighted a giant cracker with a match while he held it In his left hand. He intended to throw it into the nlr and let it explode, but he miscalculated. The fuse burned faster than he thought It would, and it expioaea in nis nana. He was thrown ten feet from wove he was standing and MKS. CLARENCE FOSTER. LOUIS DISBROW. They will figure prominently In tlie mysterious case which Is now agitating the East. from tho Terneil Hotel landing. He used It to ;o out to a snacboat. which he kept anchored in the bay about 2M yards from tn t-ach. He knew it leaked and wns unsafe for any considerable distance from the shore, and It has been shiwn that Clarence Fester knew the condition of the boat, as he knew every beat, large or small, on the bay. But on the morning after the couple disappeared this boat was misinp. and as tracks wore foumi near where the beat hiil ' be-n tlfd the nlcht before It was assumed i that Foster and the girl might have left i i In it On the following day the leaky boat was found in the opjiosite side of the Hay by , j tvo bov. They were Henry Jacobs and . E'lnnr-i froker j UST SEKV ALIVE IX I cmjii'am with nisiinow. i Fcstr and Miss Lawrence were last seen ' alive in company with Disbrow on Monday ' night. Tuesday Disbrow disappeared and th- same day the boat was lound. On ' Saturday the bodies of Foster and Miss Lawrence were found in the bay near the Temell House. With the finding of the bodies more careful attention was given , to the unexplained disappearance of the sntail boat from Its moorings, and the re- ; coi-ery of It by Crokcr and Jacobs on the other side of the bay. t An Investigation was made and it was ' soon discovered that a second and much larger bo-.t had i-one out on the bay that night, a boat onned by Frederick Squlrer. Thi- boat easily carries four or five persons. Tracks of a woman and men were found . about the rot where the boat had been tied the night before, and tracks of one man were found leading away frcm the spot where the boat was found tixi th next morning. The shoes cf Louis DIsbrow fitted those tracks, and the tracks led to a path that went directly to Ternell's Hotel. 1th this discovery an investigation of tha 1 disappearance of the small boat was begun. the largo one. It was easy to understand ' how a fight mirht have occurred In the boat, following the quarrel In the hotel and t ii inw lurpp wfnz tr.tr in in n.wtnrt i-nt tne ngnt on the oeacn. and from the tracks it was easy to seo how DIsbrow might havo brought back the large boat and then sent the small boat adrift as a blind. TIED THE OAIt LOCKS ODER THE SEAT. It was also revealea thnt when John Carter tied the small boat to the wharf on Monday night he strung the oar locks on his arm was shattered. He was rendered uncorclous. Some excited person who saw him lying on tho ground thought he was dead, and telephoned for a dead wagon. The police called an nmbulance. and he was removed to the St. Mary's Inllrmary, where the arm was amputated. snow wixdows nnoicn5. Strny Ballets Shuttered Lurrre Plates of Glass. Some one fired a shot through a large plate-glass window in the frcnt of Simon Ftclners ticket office, at No. 112 North Broadway. A large plate-glass window In the front of Alfred Mattbews's hat store, at No. TOO Pine street, was broken by a bullet. Tho glass cost $1(4. j A stray bullet struck a show window It I Joph Heller's grocery store, at No. 1131 urooKiyn street, maKing a note two inches In diameter. Tl.U.OO SET HOCSE AFinE. ninzlnc Max Fell Upon Roof of n MnttecntU Street Rexldrncc. A blazing balloon fell upon the roof of a house No. 1312 North Nineteenth street, occupied by Patrick Reagan, last night and set the house on fire. The flame was no ticed by Miss Mamie Brady of No. 1S31 O'Fallon street, who was passing. Tho young woman ran to a fire box at the corner and turned In the alarm. When tho firemen reached the scene the fire had gained such way as to threaten neighboring property, but was soon under control. The damage Is slight, CnEWED PERCCSSIOX CAP. It Exploded In Dolllc Zatterlee's Month. With Dire ReaU. Dollle Zatterlee. U years old. of No. 171S Division street, caused the explosion of a WORLD'S Andrew D. White, America's Representative in Germany, Responds to the Toast, "The President," at a Dinner in Leipsic Says Roosevelt Will Welcome R esults of German Love of Truth and Beauty as Shown in the Exhibits. Leipsic. Gcrminy. July 4. United States Ambassador Andrew D. White, according to his usual custom, responded to the toast. "The President." at the dinner of the American Colony here to-night, at which the United States Consul, R. H. Warner. Jr., presided. The Ambassador cited tho German historian Neumann's re mark: "In what age or country will you find so large an array of rulcrsi. every one of them a man of Integrity, every one of them a man of high capacity, as In the "J care of the Ions series of Presidents of the United States: every one even by the avowal of his enemies a man of high char acter and ability" Mr. White alluded to President Roose velt's originality, surpassing that of any known President, except Lincoln, and to the variety of his gifts, unequalcd by any predecessor, except John Qulncy Adamr. "Like Jefferson." he added, "he has a decent respect for the opinion of man- klrd." Referring to the Louisiana Purchase EX' a rope and tied them to one of the seats. as he had always done. To prevent any one from taking the bjat away during the night he slipped the locks beneath the seat, so that thev could sot be seen. Soon after the boat was found a detective arrived, and it was known that he gave much attention to all the facts surround ing It. It whs known that John Carter. Henry Jacobs and young Croker were be ing given a great deal of attention by the detective. To-day the whole story was learned. When the boat was found by Jacobs and Croker the oar locks mere still Utd under the eat. John Carter was sent for and posltivelv Identified not alone the locks and the rope with which they were tied, but the knot tied in the rope. "I always tied the rope in the same trav." he said, "ard th-n- Is no possibility that I could be mistaken about It." The uncovering of this evidence explain why District Attorney Smith and Drtectivo Field havo all along appeared so confident that they would prove that the three wero out In the same boat. The oars belonglnz to the larger boat are of hardwood ard have sharp edges. They are about five feet In length, and from tests made In the boat It Is seen how easy It would hae been for a man fitting In the center of the boat to have inflicted the wound found over Fos ter's rlijht eye by a swinging blow of the oar. or by a stra'ght Jab It will be con tended by the District Attorney that Foi ter and Dimples were sitting side by side In the stern seat, and that DIsbrow was in the center seat with the oars. The finding of the oarlocks, the District Attorney believes, supplies the necessary link In the evidence, making a very stron? case against DIsbrow. All along It has been a matter of common conclusion that if tho prosecution could show that the three persons were In the same boat that night and that the leaky, small boat was not occupied. It would be very difficult for Disbrow to escape conviction. With the proor or motive, wm.-n win oe maae mucn stronger when Mr. Ternell tells what be knows about the occurrences in the hotel, with Miss Pearsall's and Walton's similar stories of the tight on the bench, with the proof of the scar on Fester's head and DIsbrow's flight and silence. It Is generally believed here to-night that Attorney Miles will have a perplexing task In explaining DIsbrow's lnnocense. The people of Good Ground believe that there is now something which must have a. very clear explanation If DIsbrow 'eT capes conviction. Percussion cap between her teeth yester day morning by biting it. Her brother was firing the caps in n cane, which is ex ploded b thumping It on the ground, when she conceived the idea of exploding one in her mouili. She put it between her teeth and bit It, An explosion followed, which shook her head until she could not see nor bear any thing for fully two minutes. Several teeth nerc loosened, but none of them were blown out. Her mouth and tongue were se verely bumed. She was taken by her brother to tho City Dispensary, where Doctor Scharrt attended her. "frightened nY FIRECRACKERS. Mrs. Alice McGratb. Falls DoTrn FHixnt of Stairs. While standing near the stairs on the scond floor cf her home. No. 1215 North j Tenth street, last night, Mrs. Alice Mc J Grath, 10 years old, was so startled by the explosion of a giant cracker in the hall that sne tell to tne lioor dhow, icn ireu After being picked up by friends. Patrol man Rice of the Fourth District summoned nn ambulance and sent her to the Central Dlspenrary. where it was found that her left leg was severely bruised. She was later removed to her home. ECZEMAS NO CURE, XO PAY. Your druggist will refund your money If Pazo Ointment falls to cure Ringworm. Tet ttr.OId Ulcers and Sores, Plmplrs ana Black heads on the face, and all skin diseases. sCc, STRUCK nY A STRAY nULLET. Edjrar De Itoqnr Probably Fntnllr AVonndnl. While playing near his heme yesterday morning Edgar De Roque. " vears old. of No. S401 Riley avenue, was struck in tho I head by a stray bullet. The ball fractured I the skull .and rendered him unconscious. Some or his companions carneu nun nome. FAIR'S GLORY. positon, Mr. White said, still speaking of the President: "He will Indeed rejoice In the material prosperity of our country, for It will then be revealed as at no previous display. But still more will he bo Interested In the con tributions which will show the progress of art, science and technical skill, whether of our own or other nations. Especially wilt he welcome the results of German love of truth and beauty, as displayed In scien tific, artistic and technical contributions." After alluding to the influence of German culture In the development of the Repub lic and In the enrichment of American ctv IllxaUon. Mr. White said: "With these feelings the President natur ally desires the best relations between the United States and all other parts of the world, and epeclajly between the United States and Germany. He has more than once uttered this Idea. In public, and those who know him best know from his expres sions in Private, tht fifraan Iriral. snit I German devotion to truth and duty are es pecially recognized and honored by him." WTS To-Day, Saturday, Will be the last day of the Clothing Sale to consumers made by the Wholesale Makers, The Alayfield Woolen Mills Clothing Compan)-. Many are buying to lay aside till needed. 120 0LIE ST. sv-Open till 10 p, tn. Saturday. An ambulance was called and he was re moved to the City Hospital. His condition is pronounced serious. It is supposed the bullet was fired by a man who was sen discharging a revolver in the street. Immediately after the shoot ing he disappeared and the police were usable to locate him. DHOPPED MVTCn IX POWDER. Doctor Mnyflelil'n Son Wns Serlonalr Injured. William Roy Maydeld. the 12-year-old son of Doctor W. H. MayficM of the May field Sanitarium, at Taylor avenue and West Belle place, was dangerously injured by an explo:on of powder yesterday morn ing. He was burned about the face, hands and body. He was firing a toy cannon In front cf his father's home, at NV. 1013A W.dton aenue. While loading the cannon he ac cidentally dropped a match tnto a can of powder. Instantly there was a lorrttle ex plosion, which blew him backwards to ths ground. He was taken to his father's of fice, where his burns were dresed. GIItL SHOT TMItOlGlI THE AHM. Mnnile Lmvrelirp Hurt !y Accidental llKchnrsp if Illilr. Mamie Lawrvnce. 7-year-old daugter cf Ednard Lawrence, who lives on the river frcnt. near Loughborough avenue, was ac- , cldentally shot las: n'.t;ht by her father. The bullet, of 22 caliber, passed through the girl's left arm near the wrist. The wound Is not serious. Iiwrence was In the yard at his home shooting at a target with a cat rin. The rlfln dropped from his hand, and, striking against a stone, was discharged. The lit tle girl was ten fe-t away at the time. Tne bullet passed through the fleshy part of the arm and no bones a ere fractured. GIRL SHOOTS MAN WITH TARGET RIFLE Miss Burditt Dillard Accidentally Wounds Fred Lovell at Creve Coeur Lake. Miss Burdette Dillard of No. 112S Leonard avenue while shooting at a target at Creve Coeur Lake yesterday afternoon accidental ly shot Fred Lovell of No. 1120 Papln street In the back of the head. Inflicting a wound which it Is feared will prove fatal. Lovell is a trunkmaker, 22 years old, and lived with hLs mother. Miss Dillard and a party of friends npent the day at the lake. Shn took with her a 22-caliber rifle, which thoy u-n.-d to shoot at a target which was placed on a telegraph pole nenr tho terminus of the street car tracks. At the point where they were shooting the cars run In a deep cut so that they could n" be seen by the party shoot ing at the target. Lovell. with hli brother and hls brother's wife, waq on a car passing through this cut on the way to the lake when Miss Dil lard fired. Tho bullet missed the target and struck Lovell In the back of the head, about an inch from tho left ear. He MI back In his reat unconscious. Doctor Har ris, who was at the lake, volunteered his sen-Ices, but a glance at the wound con vinced him of its seriousness He onlered Lovell removed to the Missouri Baptist Sanitarium nt Taylor avenue and the Suburban tracks. When he reached the sanitarium vitality was so low that a. salution of salt-water was lniected Into the brain. It was decided that his condition was too critical to under go an operation, and so it was deferred. Lovell's brother kept vljil oxer his cot last night. While hopeful of re covery he Is prepared far the end at any moment. Miss Dillard. when seen at her home lost night, was almost hysterical with grlif. When Informed that there was little cnanco fot Loveb's recovery she wept bitterly. E. W. Grove. This nnme must appear on every box of the genuine Laxative Urorno-Qulnlne Tablet thw remedy that cures a cold in one day. 23c GRAM) STAJiD FELL WITH CROWD. Score of Spectator Are Ilnrt nt Fort Smith, Ark.. Uaaehall Game. Fort Smith. Ark.. July 4. The grand stand at the baseball park near this city collapsed to-day during a game between a club of Springfield. Mo., and one of this city. A score of people were Injured, several sustaining broken limbs. Five Injured at a Crossing;. ItBPl'BUC SPECIAL. Montlcello. Minn.. July 4. Five presons were injured, some of them seriously. In a, crossing accident here to-day. The Great Northern pas.-enger train struck a double-seated bulcgj. Harry Evers -aged 15; Willie Evcrs. 11: Roy Sutton. 10: Andrew Hall. C3. and a boy named Nyga&rd were Injured and taken to a Minneapolis hospital Sutton and Hall live In Minne apolis; the other In Montlcello. Tno Counties Celebrated Together. REI'L'IIUC SPECIAL. Klnmundy. UL. July 4. The nation's an niversary cay was celebrated by 6.W0 Ma rion and Fayette County citizens. The principal speaker of the- day waa Theo. G. Risley of Mount Carmel. III. nlUTIMI WARSHIPS HOXOR DAY. American Vccl Make Display of Flao t Uaccnton. Queenstown. July 4. The Massachusetts State training ship Enterprise and the United States training ship Alliance have arrived here, and, with the. Unlttd Stales traln.ng ship Monogahela, which has been here for several days, they made a profuse p!uy of bunting In honor of the Fourth of July. Salutes were fired, and there were boat races and other sports. The town was decorated and tlie British warships drescd ship In honor of the day. Banquet at Coptnlincrn. r.,,nt.nnan MA-m,L' Till.. A Tha AmfT- lean colony here celetrated the 1-ourth ot July wiin a oanquei m ine jioici i-iiw;..'. to-night at which L. S. Swrnson, the United State Minister, made an address. Patriotic music wjh plaeii and tho room was appropriately decorated. Day Is Celebrated In Colombia. Colon. Colombia. July 4. The thmia to day celebrated the Fourth of July. The sn p Slng and public and private buildings were ecorated with flags. A reception was held thlo morning at the United States Con sulate. Boy Stabbed by Playmate. REPUBLIC SPECIAL. Hlgbee. Mo July 4. Frank Chrlstenscn. a boy 14 years old. was stabbed by a play mate here to-day. His recovery is doubt ful. ?22 AshevIIIe. X. C, and netnrn ?2S. Via. Southern Railway. Oince. 1V Olive street. agM7mpcne This Store Is Closed To-Day. .Wonday, July 7. is the Opening Day ofihr. Great July Sale of Household Linens. Many thousands of dollars' worth of Table and Bed Linens, Towels and Towelinj; for your choosing-, at even lower prices than those for which our former linen sales have been distinguished. V.'e want this to go down as the "great" sale of linens. For price lists see Monday's papers. Other events of interest icill le our Summer Clearance Sale Of all surplus stocks of Women's Shirt-Waist Suits and White Shirt Waists. Also a special sale of all broken lots of high-class washable fabrics at half price and less. See Monday papers blKiaMm osi A Summer's outing- in Colorado is not expensive. Throughout the State there are good hotels, boarding-houses and ranches, with extremely reasonable charges. Send for special book of Colorado stopping places, free. Camp Life in the Rockies has been sys tematized by companies which furnish entire outfits. Colorado is full of delightful outing places, and Sum mer life among the mountains, with their clear and crisp atmosphere, is a positive tonic to a depleted sstem. Yerj Low Rats Excursions lo Colorado All Summer. Maks Inquiries. Apply for Colorado books. "Camp Life In the Rocky Mountains. Burlington lllratratea Colorado folder, with excursion rates and tours, hotels, maps. etc.. all free. Let us advise you the least cost of your Summer trln throuch the West. C"l?v T1rkt Offir S- W. for. Ttromlurnv S. W. Cor. Broadway Pine St. pecia! will8 Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo .----$21.00 Glenwood Springs, Colo 31.00 Salt Lake and Ogden, Utah 36.00 TICKETS ON SALE JULY I TO 13, INCLUSIVE. The Wabash Line Runs Magnificent Through Sleeping Cars Between St- Louis and Denver, Colo. Leave St. Louis 9:0O A. M. Daily Arrive Denver 11:00 A. M. Next Day Arrive Colorado Springs 10:35 A. M. Next Day Arrive at Pueblo 11:50 A. M. Next Day Ticket Office - Eighth and Olive. KILIPI.NO IMUSONEItS FUKED. .Vsutnnldo Expects to Mnlir Visits lle forc Leaving Slnnlla. Manila, July A. President Roosevelfs amnesty proclamation was read at noon to day In English and Spanish, from a flag draped stand on tho Luneta. after a parade of 6.(0 Americans and Filipino. Arthur Ferguson, secretary to Governor Taft, real the proclamation In t presence of a small iMthcrtn,. ine heat navlmt dis persed the crowd when the parade endeu. The prisoners freed by the proclamation, estimated to number CW. were released without ceremony. Many military prisoners had preiloualy been treed. Axulnaldo remained i.i the house which has sheltered him since his captivity. He Is expected to visit friends brietty and then deuart on a trip. Hla destination is not announced. The exiles on the Island of Guam, are expected to return here on a tpeclal uteamer. , , The observance of tho national holiday was general. The city, was decorated and the ships were flying nil their IUr- The celebration was typically American even to the firecrackers. riOXEEH IIOTKL MAX DIES. J. Irvlni Penrce Snccnmbs to Brltf Illnoa In Chlcazo. ftEFCBLIC SI-ECLVL. Chicago. July 4.-J. Irving Penrce, pioneer of Chicago, widely known hotel proprietor for half a century and head of the Sherman House for twenty years, died suddenly this afterooon. alter an illness ot two days. He STr,ai?2rS 1. born In Tates County. New York, in 1KT. and came to Chicago m isS; lie was once a nnat-clal power inChl cago: was one of the rounders of the Third Vatlonal Bank, a leading spirit in the old rVi.tat TExDOSltion Company and was a JeadTnmembefand rresident of the Illinois b,. Hoanl of Agriculture. He gave much Ume and mony lor charity, being especially mres?ed in friendless boys and girls. KILLED I1V A STTtAY BULLET. 31 r. Laroir Wns Standing In Her Yard WntcblnjS Firework.. ItErCUI-IC SPECIAL. Farmlnxton. Ho.. July --Mrs. Larose. the wife of n well-known citizen at Flat river near this city, was shot and killed to-n cbt by a stray bullet from the pistol of some one who was celebrating The woman was standing in her yard, witching a. display of ttreworks. Hoy. urorrned While Celebrating. Hock Isiand. ltL. Juiy 4. Emll and Edgar Llndberg. 13 a.nd B. years old, weru drowned this afternoon. The lads were celebrating the Fourth of July on a ratt, which cap sized In u ravine, which had been fliled by the recent rams. Westerners In Xctt Tork. REPUBLIC SPECIAL. New York. July -L Among the arrivals at the hotels here to-day were the following Westerners: St. Ial-lIUs H. C. Clubb. Ed Taylor aad Jtrs. Taylor, d. C Divlf. Holland; A. C Poctu. Cantata A N". Wttwr and itrs. Vber. HoCmin; J. D. jlrtJulre. F. v.". llacKEtn. lmpcrUI: d. C. JxiKir. '. fc. Ateuaier. Xaldcn: J. 1. JMctnn. 1Uj J. L. Whitman. .Alter; K. il. Heroer. '.V. U. llunir and Jits. Hcrctr. J. K. Urar. U. Fath and Mrs. Fata. St. OraU: J. Jtltaea and Mrs. Miuon. tV K. Llncley and Mrs. Ucdler. aturt Tant. A. XV. Conner. Manhattan: tfte Rereread F. IL lllcher. Ftfth Avenue: A. lllrarh and Mrs. Hlrvcli. (lerard; MUses Sw!n. Grand Union: C. Miller. Metropolitan. C. L. Bacon, Ashland; J. IlraUi and Mrs. Heath. RaleUh. . Kaasas Clty-K. H. D Weese, Aster: 8. H.. f-navelr Volcn Square. R. M. Hartley. Grand Unlcn: J. T. Boone and Mrs. Boone. Crlterlos. Gala Day at Lebnnon, Mo. RETUniJC SPECIAL, Lebanon. Ho.. July 4 This has been a gala day for Lebanon. The city ha3 b?en full of visitors to participate in the Fourth of July celebration. Larktn Wise of thU city aros the orator. The afternoon wa3 ilvea over to athletic contests, doslnc with for full price lists. and OIIva Rf. nnrtl Tnn and Olive St. General Passenger Agent, 604 'FOLLOW THE FLAG" Round-Trip Bates -TO- a game of baseball between the Lebanon and Sullivan teams, resulting In a victory for the former by a score of U to S. About !" reisTs witnessed the display of fire works to-night. CKLEIHIATIOX AT OLD S.VLE3L "" Grand Army Veterans Hade PlLxrlB Bsre to Lincoln's Home. Springfield. UL. July 4. The Grand Army of the Republic Post and athliatcd bodies ot this city chartered a special train this aft ernoon and went to Old Salem, near Peters- . burg, the first home of Abraham Lincoln ' after he removed from Kentucky to 1111 nols. The pilgrims ppent the day with the Bonn of Veterans tn a drill, gold medal oratorical contest, music and addresses. Colonel Charles V. Mills, commander of Stephenson. Post. G. A. It., presided, and addresses were made by Profesxor Alfred Bayllss. Stato Superintendent of Public Instruction, ant Colonel V. E. Hull, fcrmer commander o the Illinois Division of tbe Sons of Vet erans. Large numbers were also presea: from Petersburg and Athens. Flower Parade at Xerr Franklin, REPUBLIC SI-ECIAL. New Franklin. Mo.. July 4. Never In tto history were so many people seen upon th streets as were here to-day to celebrate the Fourth. All businees was euspendeu and tbe boslness houses beautifully decor ated with flags and bunting. A flower parade through the principal streets under the auspices of tbe Woman's Club of tho city was the leading attraction of the day. Addresses were delivered by the Reverends E. N. Richmond of Fayette and A. N. Lindsay of this city. A display of fire works was given at night. Fourth Hnd Many Attractions. REPUBLIC SPBCIAL. Virginia, IlL. July . A large crowd en joyed the celebration here to-day. An ad dress was made by L. B. Stringer of Lin coln, and there was a parade, babv show, gun-club tournament, baseball game, horso rrce. all sorts ot athletic events, and a con. tlnuous vaudeville. The band contest, which held the crowd In the evenlcir. resulted In a victory tor Jirenzruie. Modern Woodmen Glva Plcnlo. f REPUBLIC SPECIAL. 8L James. Mo.. July . Independence Day was celebrated here tp-cav by a bl picnic, itH en bv the Modern Voodmen of tha wona. The day was spent hi epeeeenmax lng and athletic games. A fireworks duw play to-night concluded the programme. l Under Royal Warrant "J. THE QUEEN OF TABU WATERS is supplied to His Majesty, The King of England and to H. R. H. The Prince of Wales and served at all the Court Festivities- Ei i i - V -"V-. 3Kr-j.-., .;-