As the Gibson Girl. SSSS? """ V'"' - ' - -'Y&Ls-f lk W ' ' " JMHHI "V?: 8
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& Sic Is Only Swett J6 and Has Posci
for S;ox
Ejyp'Jca Qu:casz2da Vhs!;
Sajlio c Turkish Ladi;
Ctarlcs Uana Glb:on is to huVe a new
Shs la to pos for .the popular artist I'j th
kail, and soon her fact will bs familiar to
11 'Wh.o like to look at pretty eMs.
Gtlon3 new model Is Uay Gilmcre,
tnoxvn in tae family Bible as Rachel
lArnclia Maude Gllmorf. She is the youas
leet child of English parents, transplants!
Hsro years ago to American roil.
And Gibson Is to have a nerr ciri!
The ycung lady herzelf a-dm!ts'lt: her
another tells It with pride; her slaters' are
Jubilant about It: nnd her friends rejoice
tha' cucli coed lud: has befallen her.
The only ones trho are not clal are her
former patrons, the artists of Xetr York,
Jfor Trhom she had been posins for the pist
jyear and 'who -crill clevo that tliey have
lest her pretty face- and settle oarrtare.
Araons those who will foil badly is Car
roll Beckwith. tho trtist whp paints ili
donnas, and for whoso s'at heads of the
Hothcr and Child Miss Gilrr.ore has often
sit. Another artist who will miss her.
Bhotld she decide to pore no mar-; is J.
fWels Champncy. William il. Chase and
all t . creat artists of th? metropoHs know
Say Gllmare. and one and all love her.
Tlus Is no sentimental assertion, illss
Glln ore Is a little girl In ono sense, for
cue is only IS. In another she Is u very bis
girl for she stands 5 feet C, and is mag
iilflcntly developed. She Is wide-chested.
bls-J PPed, and an athlete throwing in thf
sha.e all of those delicate, sickly-locking
youas women who are pretty In the face,
but delicate In constitution.
Ariists Looked at Her Pictures
ai'd Saitl "Wonderful."
ZL s Cilraorff is a Htt'.e sir! in the senss
thct she la not yet "onf in society. In tne
e&e-il world to which she Jjeions3 she has
not yet made her debut and 13 -still tied to
her mother's apron strings, as. far33 solng
out alone la the world -Is concerned. Two
pre'iy elder sisters, themselves 0reat heau--t!cr.
do the- honors of tho family, -and a.
verr Eood-loeklng- mother asBlsts them.
Miss Ray la still the "little RirL"
When Hay Gllmore first bejran to roe
nrtjta looked at her pictures and sa'd
"wonderfuir-Jhat such depth of expressTon
cou'.d come Into a youne slrl'i faco they i
could not believe, and they" thought It only
a. chance look, something that could not 1c
But when ths drl appeared aiain and
showed that she could look that way, out
of thota same eyes, every day in the week,
they stopped doubting and took to rcjsUlnr
at their good lack In rinding her.
Serine th past i months 2Iiu Qil-
mere has saved for the Madonna scores of
times. She al3o has posed as the DancI c
Girl, as Cleopatra, as the Sultan's Fa.or
Ite, as an. Eastern Lady and as a. Utile of
Society. She does society parts wosderfull;
well and has .the look of the high-barn laJy
as Indeed she is.
If Mlss'.GUmore has a specialty It Is that
of posing for the bead and eyes, and into
thtlr liquid depths she can throw such
sweetncis that you look and look seeming
always. to-see deeper and deeper Into tho:
Bay Gilmore Is Xot Lik
Other Pretty Girls.
In Ufe Hay Gllmore Is rather airxppo'jtt
Ins. She does not know she Is pretty.
She is not hard to please.
Sho Is neither peevish nor coquettish.
She does not crave for fine clothes.
She loves to pose and does not set tired
of It.
She Is jrentle and patient in all her ways
and Is a home favorite.
She Is not mercenary and Is wlUlnr to
pose a few minutes longer In the interests
of those- who employ her.
She llkea tha studios and could pose every
day In the week.
Sho. never strikr attitudes and nvr
smiles for effect. Her work Is pure, sincere,
earnest and almost childlike.
If any more contradictions than thtss
could bo found for any Girl who is a
beauty, then let them be made Itnown. To
be. one of the handsomest women in the
world, to-, be sought after by every artUt
of Importance, to be admired and fLitterad
and told every minute In the day. and ev
ery day In the week, that you are lovely
and not to realize It, even then! Surely
that Is one of the most unusual of unusual
Tee Gllmores are English people and. un
til the time that Miss Ray was It years
old. she lived Jn Canada In the Queen's
domlnlonst, Here she went to school, posed
under the EnKllrii flag, wore short dresses
and 'tJk part In school tableaux.
.Family changes, reverses of fortune, and
th? Hand of Fate brought the elrl with
her family to Gotham and, here, losklns for
a way to help f a Gotham nlrls do sh
happened Into a studio with u friend. And
from that minute her fcrtunc was raado.
The posing for artl'ts Is not all this
talentfd futuer GIb.on Rlrl can do. She can
dance ami in the Hungarian dancer is the
most skillful performer in Xew York. Sho
Is lithe and graceful and can etrlke the
poetry of altljudcs.
The moat difficult stfps arc easy to her
and. in dancinc a? she playfully says her
self, she can kick her head, backwards and
forwards, ami lean over one side until her
head and arms almost touch the floor. That
rather dldlcult feat, kniwn as the spilt, is
mere play to her and In posing for It. for an
artist, she took this very trylnjc pose and
held It fcr fifteen minutes, declaring it
nothing- at all.
Gotham hes made models, but, -of them
ell. none can boast greater gifts than Ray
Gllmore: and none of them can show mare
sweetness of disposition and. In any girl,
pretty or otherwise, this is half the battle
Miss ailmore. besides tc!ng a beautiful
mcdel, U taltnted otherwise. The true ar
tistic temperament pcrvaccs her and she
can sing, play tha piano, do marvelous work
and dance like a fairy I
. . i. i
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