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TT - " THE REPrBLIC: TrESDAY. SEPTEMBER 2, 1902, BIG PARADE CHARACTERIZES THIS HOLIDAY CELEBRATION. VIEW OF LABOR DAY PARADE GROSSING OLIVE STREET AT BROADWAY -various trades. In the afternoon there was a big picnic, where addrctses were delivered , or Colonel J. a. Fetter of Bpringfield. TV. I' E. Brandt cf St. Louis. Thomas V. llliamsos of Edwards-riUe. and tba Reverend Harding of thia city. A week Street Fair commenced In the evening, and the city Is crowded with vis itors. TOW" SETT DELEGATIONS. J . - y Fifty Thousand YTorkingmen With Flaps and Emblems Symbolical of Their Crafts Parade the Thoroughfares in .Celebration of Their Annual Holiday Largest IK-monstration in History of Lo cal Labor Organizations Picnics Held at Concordia Park and the Fair Grounds. a FEATURES OF LABOR DAY CELEBRATIOX. Parade Are miles la leasts Fifty thousand men In line. Every labor organisation in the city represented Picnics siren at the Fair Grounds end at Concordia. Park. Parade started from Twelth and Market streets In three corps, the Central Trades and Labor Union, un der Grand Marshal J. G. Hoppenjohn. The Metal Trades Council, under the leadership of J. P. O'Connor and the Building Trades Council under com mand of C. L. Meyers. The paraie was lour hours passing Broadway and Olive street. No accidents occurred during the parade. ..a.! Marching side by side. , strong, repre sentatives of more than 30 labor unions paraded for hours the streets of the down town district yesterday In what was the greatest labor demonstration In the history of the city. In former jears there has been Jealousy between large organizations, resulting In divided parades. This year Grand Marshal Hoppenjon. president of the Central Trades and Labor Union, was followed by members of every labor organization in the city. Before, the hour set for the start of the parade, uniformed troops left ehelr head quarters to march to Twelfth and Olive streets. By 10 o'clock thousands of men bearing banners stood about in lrregu'ar companies, but without disorder. Then numbers of vans arrived, all fantastically decorated with bunting and flags and em blems symbolical of the crafts of 'he workers. Then, came the mounted mar shals with their broad sasjes and badges. Losg experience in similar parades since tie first Lahf r Day celebration in St. Louis j In 1SS7. had given the ofSciils In charge the requisite skill. There was no confu sion. At a Utile before 11 o'clock bombs were exploded tor tne stair ono. me "-j ... .. m .i - mass Began to moike ..u a jw. .M.a line. THOUSANDS WITNESS PARADE The sidewalks were thronged with specta tors and the windows of the big mercantile establishments on "Washington avenue were. Ailed with clerks and porters, many of j whom, through megaphones, shouted words j of cheer to the marcher!". The same scenes i were enacted along Broadway, where the , itecoru-uir, w. -, ---- ----were e1 ! rlac. ,n .ji Eat St. Louis and Belleville, crowd was more dense. All along the line picnics, at which the crowds of march the street cars stopped to alow wf accmaojaled. the passage of the men to be uninterrupted, , "'f ra-ade star-ed -om Tho fair weather called out the laborer yS!Sa. mS ITiJ'ttMS In unexpected numbers. Id by mcttnted i j jj rnarched through the principal aolice under Sergeants McCafferty and Bo- C .,.- .,, ! hnds nlavini- all elang the line; the unionists rnarched from Twelfth street and Washington avenue to Broadway, to Chcuteau avenue, to Tenth screet. to Allen avenue, to Menard street. to Victor street, to Twelfth street, to Sid ney street, to Thirteenth street, which was followed to Concordia. Park. The corps cf the iletal and Building; Trades Councils dis banded at Twelfth street and Washington avenue, tiling street cars to the Fair Grounds. MARCHED E EIGHT DIVISIONS. The Central Trades and Labor Union. In eight divisions, continued its march. In the. first company following President Hoppen 'ohn and his aides; M. E Murray. J. T. Wade. Charles FInie. S. O. Ingram. G. A. Hoehn. Jacob Gableman and Charles RoloS. were representatives of the hoot and shoo workers, tho cigar makers, carriage and wagon makers, leather workers, broom makers, the Theatrical Brotherhood, bill posters and soda, bottlers, under J. V. O'CormelL division marshaL The second division, under Richard De harry, was composed of woodworkers, brick. tHe and terra, cotta workers. marbJe and glass workers, metal polishers, grani toid and cement workers. Marshal Georgo Staley of the third dlvi Eion was foUowed by various organiza tions of the typographical union and allied trades, mailers, upholsterers, waiters and Jfeakers. In" Th-larth division, under R- B. Parker, were hrher-trnkand bag mak ers, electrical workers, sewermes. team sters, riggers, whiteners, pattern makers, badge makers, tailors, brush makers and bottie packers. P-ct-si Pred Baeckmarm of the fifth alvlsion led the molders of stoves, car wheels, core makers, coopers, car and coach painters, millwrights, machine erectors, blacksmiths and bollermakers. In division six were brewers and maltsters, beer drivers, bottlers, brewery firemen and engineers, with other brewery workers. The butchers were under Marshal Julius Rudolph. The seventh division. led by Otto Ehr hnrdt. was made up of garment workers, alrrmeu, retail clerks and members of the Federal Labor Union. Marshal U. S. G. White of the eighth di vision was followed by Tobacco Workers and members of the Laborers" Protective Union. Under Grand Marshals J. P. O'Connor and C L. Myers and their aids. J. A. Davis and Edward King, the forces of the Metal and Building- Trades Council formed for their ehort march before taking street cars for the Fair Grounds. The same good order that characterized the ranks or the Central Trades and Labor Union was observed. The Metal Workers preceded, many in car riages, the others marching In double file. All were attired in rent new uniforms, car rying emblems and banners. The Building Trades followed In six weH-ordered divis ions. Interspersed with floats. The division Targfral were Frank LesUe. J. W. Wood, W. A. Perry. George Powers. Mlchatl Shan non and George Palschraff. TWO PICNICS ARE HELD. Two basket picnics were given at. Concor dia Park and the Fair Grounds, la the north, and south of the city. Men, -women and children numbering IflO. 000 participated. The wives and families of the marchers arrived at the picnic grounds Ions before the paraders. Thousands fol lowed In the course of an hour. Tired from their Journey, whether on foot or in convey ances, all sat on the grass or around rough tables for their noonday meal in the open j air. AT CONCORDIA PARK. The feature of the afternoon, programme was a speech on the coal strike by General Organizer Prank Stevermana of the boot end shoe-, workers' national union at Con cordia Park. The speaker- outlined what he held to be the underlying causes tor the failure cfithe laborers to secure their In terests, arguing that the proper nse of the ballet was their only zafegcard and. that they rnustibe responsible tor Vie probable iallcre. The athlrrlr events -were all contested, the -2S0-Tards dash being won in eleven afTT1 flat In & hard finish between Albert suit- and. Wjniaa Carroll, the former win- nmj5- Thirteen young -women contested In the next event at fifty yards, and one of the unlucky number fell. The time. t even antl" a half seconds, was creditable, considering that the contestants wore long skirts and that the course was rough and uneven. The winner was May Blake. place going to May Schelp. who ran the w winner a hard race. 1 The other two events, both at fifty yards. were for children under 1 years old. the ! boys finishing in six seconds and the girls In eight. The winters were Edward Wil- son and Maggie McEaroy and the reconds Benjamin Ilanwey and Ida Telss. All the contests were well managed, hard fought and rich in useful prizes. ' In the evening dancing continued urtll laie. The committee on entertainment and arrangements was: L. P Negele, chairman: ' W. A. Kenward. 3. Lev, J. C Goedeckei and L. Stoil. GREAT CELEBRATION OF HOLIDAY IN ALTON. Labor Day was generally observed in the Altons, the business houses, almost with out exception, remaining iioed the greater part of yesterday. The principal exercise were at Rock Springs Park, preceding which was a parade through Alton and Upper Alton. All the labor organizations In the city partici pated, under Grand Marshal Schramm and Aids Ju.iUi Maas. C- B. Grace. Charles WUdt and W. J. Lwis. , Tee parade was in two divisions, headed by tne hite Hussar Band of Alton, and tne White Hall UU-J Band. I he first was composed ot mounted po-ice. grand marshal and aid. City Council, city officials and j-peakers In carriages. Trades and Labor Assembly, and Bunding Trades Council, street railway emplojes. plumbers, printers, butchers, teamsters, bakers, orewery work ers, cigarmakers. carpenters, stonemasons, clerks, painters, boot and shoe workers and nod carriers. The second division was composed ot glass bottle blowers, stonecutters, brick layers, electrical workers, coopers', barbers, bartenders, etationary nremen. miners tool workers, tailors. Federal Uruan. unntrs tnd stationary engineers. At Bock Springs Park the address of wel come was delivered by Corporation Coun- el B. J. O'NeilL The principal address vn Ttiwn nairprui I IUP urtcicuu ..-. -- cnVtenden. Vector of ' St. Pauls Episcopal rsinrth. and lormer Congressman W. Rodenberg of East St. Louis. Last evening a concert was given at the park by1 the White Hussar Band under the direction cf City Comptroller O. J. Gossrau. EAST SIDE PARADES GREATEST ON RECORD. streets to Central Park. All the local labor anions were represented by large deleca- rions. most of tnem taming out with a lull quota of uniformed members. It Is tsti m2ted that lu:() men wre in line. Many advertising Soats and wagons and six bands helped to well the numbers, and the pa rade was fully one hour in passing a given point. It was the largtst ever seen In East St. Louis The streets along the route of the parade were crowded with spectators, and all business-houses and many residences along the line were decorated with Sags and bunting. All business was suspended throughout the day. At the park the wives and children of the marchers turned out in holiday attire, car rying well-filled lunch baskets. A pro gramme of races and other athletic events for both ladles and men was carried out. and several handsome prizes were awarded the winners. Dancing was also a feature. Central Park was crowded until midnight. and no accidents occurred. In Belleville, fifty local unions, aggrega ting 4.10) men. marched In parade, and as many more attended the b-'g picnic at Huffs Garden. J. T. London, a lormer railroad engineer, who is a lawyer of Sprmgneld, was the sptaker of the day. Business was suspended for the day. as In East St. Louis. The paraders wore unl fom designed by the various unions. The festivities la BeUevllle were continued until a late hour, some of the young people dan cing until after midnight. EXCITING RACES A FEATURE AT FAIR GROUNDS PICNIC. The 1'etal and Building Trades councils held their picnic at the Fair Grounds. The feature of the afternoon programme was a series of races on the mile track, the prin cipal event being a ten-mile autcmobUe race. Children were admitted free and thousands of the little ones took advantage cf the opportunity to have a good time before the opening of school. In the amphitheater they rendered an Impromptu prcgramme Twenty thousand persons took dinner on the grounds. It has been tho eastern at former picnlrs to have a number of speakers, bat this was abandoned. Forty-six unions were repre sented at tbe picnic. When the races began at 3 o'clock the grand stand was filled. The first event was a one-mile open bicycle race- There were so znanv entries that it was found neces sary to run the race In two heats, the first four In ach hat quaUfylng for the- final. Two motor cycle contests, one at five miles and the other at ten miles were warmly contested. A list of events, winners and the best time made follows: One-mile open bicycle race. firt heat, first four to qualify for final First. B. Harding: second. George F Manners: third. A. Ericgs. Time. 2L One-mile open nicycie race, second neat, first four to quallfr for final First. George Tivy; cond. H. Noack; third. J. Schaefer. Time. 31. Final First George E Manners'; second. A. Bricgs: third. H. Noack. Time. 1:53. Five-mile motor cycle race. handicap First. Harry Geen second. A. L. Jordan: third. Higdon. Time. 35. Ten-mile motor cycle race, handicap First. Harrv Gert second. A. L. Jordan; third. Dan Clark. Time. 22:23 1-i Five-mile tandem race, handicap First- Harding and Cornelius: second. Orr and Grinham; third. Hopxins ana naertjag. Time. 13 C Ten-mile automobile race, handicap First. Jeck: second. J. R. WHson; third. Preston Dorris. Time. 21:05. A baseball came was played betwe-n the Flatt & Thomburg team and the ll Re porters, resulting in a victory for the Re porters'. The score was If t-" L The picnic continued until a late hour last night. Two bands furnished masie for the cancinc The Arrangement Committee was as follows: Jas. A. Davis, chairman: Eugene Sarber. Victor Kleiber. Henry Fromann. Edward ' C Thels. George C Newman. Claude G. ' and William C Reese. RETURNS HOME IN COMMAND. Irvinj: Hunsaker Left Home Pri vate in Philippine Begiment. REPUBLIC SPECIAL. " Alto Pass I1L. Sept. L Irrtas: Hunsaker, who left here four years ago for the PhU ippines as a private soldier, has reterned in command of his regiment. He is visitinc his mother In the co unity south of town, and will leave soon for Ari zona, where his regiment Is cow stationed. Grocery- TVajroii Stolen. A grocery wagon containinrr nine barrels of flour was stolen yesterday afternoon from the southwest corner of Nineteenth treee ra -Vaeilrt!r, v,.ie Te fa tha tvotw e. .-e t t dh. .- 1 .. .. ;. -w . A... A.wiuiu.. HUU Ud. 2a. SLUe da. -o. CSC Konh Twenty-fifth street- , of Monona. County. Iowa, while It U'-r to 1 effort. Production has. coasecrnently. enormous- ! Phhc. cosagience: ta a tscroaga taculcsttcn of Tdacs Fred CarZT Tmdrr arrest! waiihot " ieresed- Increased rrodaction cda teen- J the rincSples of fat- deansc smcag men: m er-4eTf.- rL-nTlZJr .Te-ifiSe Urged raarketa. The demand. Usrrefcre. U xrow- snlxailoo. and In wise, busraas Jeaerxstp. and Lirf Z103-""1 by Cams and Is fatally e ,,4 eCrrat -or a worid-wide cotsmereui 00I- 1 la the e-taiilahment. of BeareTofScina wounced. jejr which ahan mitre ta our cuu-oij its loss- Hen or Aronnricn. which arc aasciulery free A? D0CKERY DEMONSTRATES MISSOURI'S FEALTY TO LABOR. Chief Executive, in Address to Large Gathering at Rich Hill. Tells of the Laws Enacted bv the tate in Its Desire to Protect the Interests of the Toiling ilasses Believes in Ar bitration and Hopes for a World-Wide 3Iar ket for American Products. nCTTBLIC SPECIAL. Rich HilL Mo. sept. L A mammoth La bor Day clebrai!on was held here to-day. In the morning taere was a big street parade composed of marching delegations from the difTerest unions and artistically arranged Soats emblematic of the different trades. In the afternoon Governor Dockery and others address-! a crowd of CfrO persons in the park. In part Governor Dockery said: The Umita Slim and the St&te at Mluvcrl baie bote r-i-ufmlird te dlsnttr of AxsKlcan Uxor bj .r;---!i.t-- Hit ozti. MciMUr : jVp Itzttr or etch tr s Lolur Day aad a pod Uc kciiixr. It was my -ytUsmg prlvlse wce Rert:uutve .a t"tgr to u;part the but 9i&biiti!c & nation! iDor Xo. i 1 mar tn rarcoaxl la Uu connection. lor iuiC( tnat colli; ue ililtrti yruls l ua tne nun nonjr ot ri'resecUM tse rpndtd Mlrl 1 tnct 1 scraoed crrr measure frsntu by cr- sacxxetl laiM.r wnlcn 4j reported txiorabjy by tno IjpTTiTnitlfO en Labor t th1 Uou- of Rrpre- ntauYrs. 1 t-ilrre la the Toer of orcantzatlcn. j. j, the stronc rtrm urn far ti dln?e uf Tbe T2t Rents ot labor, and ha ceozpiuat3 cucn to rTT-a)i waxes. cnpiiAl -"-TaT'T. laLor mul ut ncs!ty co uLnie. Orsamxaucn, ncwrvr. elthrr en tne pan ot pitil or laoor. ahouKl not tx permitted to .-suanKr ir d.iiac tne m.&tr forres into nostl.e otsne TJi iri inlrrrsu ot both are one azd iuerable. Uoth of tner mil lntnfi. jhiulJ care the protection ot ;ust and lcnarti iawa, bindlns lua tcscther in the bone if nistcal itrets aa wi:h nLs of ti. If capita. nnrmnnraUe. the wcs cf labor inurt ot utnritr b uaatu factory hcwTr. cap.tai 1 priroua it mwuIO. under lust and rearois policies. rstabUae a atl13c tJry Kt Jtr tr. Tbcrc can It cs coatiaulse ana abidznc sroftwrttv unless both capital and labor int upon ib bajit of sbtaal inxr-ta. .YSaJtrhATlON Err"l-:CT1VE AOENCT. It ix--itnt-. fc-f.r-. . ist tr o grate ao- mest lu oelerm.m aball arrctnnTodate arutration to adluvt toe capital and !a:r Lfnnne xnr .v.nj GoTmmct oid miu:h ta nrcmote tne lnierrta ot later. It vnatt4 law creaanx the Indus trial Comrnia.on. litnl.ttl the daly hsars of la bor to etebt. prvld'd sh auicinnr i.r nauunai trqut td mLroad zhiu t9 pro wie ail -ara w,:n aut.rfriat-c c-joplera. enacted ctrciM for the b-a.t& atl safety of mlcei a and other latx rrr In the TtrrTiont and the IMitnct of Coicmua. and also enacted usdry minor law to protect .abcr wberever the authority of the natlcnal Gcrernment can be lawfully extr cld. The State of Missouri has also bees rwtft to rrpona to the ast demands cf labor. MUiorl has orzanlzeti a Bsreau of Laor ftatlftlcr. which haa prmed to be an Invaluable aid in the collectlcn cf stattstlrx rrU:!:c to the commer cial, tndsrtrlal. social. erucatwnl and sanitary cocditiins cf wiCT-eaxners. We hare prrrested fraodclrnt mpormest aceccies and eetab.uried fre emp'orment bu rracs In tfe crt cliies of 5t hosia. Knsraa City and lit. Jcfepa. Ttee bareaua are in sce cezsfnl er-ration. and tce ect!Trd ernrjjojrmect tor tbtiiands cf persona withoct expend to the becetdarieE. The law of thi Stat relating to cecnanlcs liens are arscne th most rraocal4e and effect ive it their kind of any State in the Colon. Oar laws also irerarte the waie-arrer the rlcht to affiliate with labor crsanizancns; the rtxnt to vcte at elections without ws of tlm or wases. .Totection from IntlrnMa.ticri and cor- , iZzh JrJSie- abratety pro- j hlblt -blacilistlns. LAWS EXACTED FOR LABOR. Missouri pronlbits the enrpscyment ef children trader 11 yer of :c ts iisbealthfsL dacsrcas or dl5TrpctaMe employments. This law should SrVt.Y IfS?v7 k .eJJrS.tTS JS? '..U'S-S tabo?!s mmel I f- e eipsoj-meni ot CUC laoor I SOB. i iimasufartoties" i tS taw pa,.ed by lie last Leeirtatare creatine ' tb- ofSce of Mate Fietnry Inspector Is a most ert aU to labor The fedrrw-eerrtnt law. a. ras-ed w rears since, has the Mnctwo of the : Mnctwo of the . arui !.. ..p. 1 'itJr- ' the Se oeth-: r.uprem t-uuiu ana . 2. wise rnent- The restrietua of "jwea ',?' J?Z.JrZ'"nZr nanr tn.t Uocr -twcid eizaciz. L. tvr or- pUttorm adopted at St. Joseph In favor of ! PrisneId. I1L. Sepf, L Labor Day was their cierenc-s. uoiieciir. itanaau.ns naie ttelr cr.ln n tnr lntni or ! nk... rr i it-j .i ... I ....-j cn.i i.k j j -ne of ih most erfeciirr Kmiti ietf-Meserrauos. et mut-ai nii.uSreL or ' - . i rZ TT ..1 t. . ". . "ic" aura; iw.u.ta .-h.h.uu . ,au: . oit-rrcurriE dme.eoce between ZZLiZ-' .ZXZTTr, K ,. C7;-7,rS.?!h..?t Hon o legjlatlon in their Interest passed nlfnic. vrle rn;.rr.. Tee i-, t.. e,, e. ,h. .,me " "rhr.?-fi. ! - ffni'TJSi-liS ifJiU-3- i parade. represenUnc labor unions of Scrlng- SSuVt-r "lie htwrertlnlr S "reSS- "rdS SgRJjViFW tMe rood can b rrt.Tl.lon l.r the f their emp.cTes. and JSSrtlsSl.Ef ."? ?JS!?1L ??' JS? the -weather vestibule" repaired en stf-et cars , f"fSi LSi t,iV?SSS".r." ,1.ts.raS i .- nrnser-! nf eLm. .. an ri!r.iT-! wl" ecpend upcn tee character ef Its lead-rS-ssnfe. pnurua:l az P-Tes. are m umrty , rttUp , lu aabTTc. lo ,34 . Vnderrr laws a days labor Is ab-:utelr lira- ' t?"!:Vtf?le?f1S 1k?'S4SS?,.?' V? Ited to elrht rrrr ., k. with a reneril pro- j rei? ,..?SSlS!5S'5 at" vio3 for a like Urartattoo as to all other m- I lL'ii Sarrore c rsalny ends. catl-r... The. Law. townee, ores the rlefct to I . . tfc. ,A"TIr?1JLiC-... ,-v i. .. contract for lonser or shorter hour, but exempts ' arricnltzrai or -neatHy wasesrrer. The law prohiBlttrc the ratk tm- for the payment 'f sun. and r-qulrtne thtr paj mer In .awful money, is a. just roe-anrre. Debts 10 Tabor and employe- have priority In Missouri, except 13 cas ef pect3c liens. Cor porations of etfarr Sates may be ned. and if wais are rednred thnr-y days notice must be etren of mA Intention. Mine rperatcrs are re cretred to pay their -mrlcyes er-ry ateen days. under palty cf double cxmare. rVmtmoctiily payment of employes of manufacturers ts also required. STATE BOARD OF ARBmtATIOjr. The last LexlsUtnre passed fiur rese-al laws to further safeguard the health and safety cf miners. In my T!nloa. howerer. the most Im portant law enacted by t last General As sembly in reyct to labor, was the act ertlac the State Board of Vellattea and Artltrxtlcs- I This board has already proved to be verr ef fective In aajustms- dicerenc- oerween cacitai and labor. The la"e require- amerdment to make It stUl mere effeetlTe. xcd I am sure tb next General Assembly win crve thl msxestlos piompt and favorahle consldcratlcs- . It will be- observed, therrfcre. that both th- satlosal and State roversments hare already parsed laws for th- rrnmotlon cf the Isietrests. cf I Arnencaa labor. These Uws. howerer. while they are wise and have dene much to adjust the tlrrlcultles between Ubor and capital, are tO ineffectual to acrempi:-i th fall measure of re lief to which th rreat Interests are entitled. I shall nm at this time t-va h upon the domain of political evuuuielli. I may say. however. that certain Uws upon the statute books cf 'tis ,fmiLi i should lie ralflejt er r-rjemled- and a broad, aeneteuo. ccrnaerdal policy established which shall rrre to the products cf Arnerlcaa lndasTr the rlxtt to ecatest for supremacy, not mie ' m ! ji TT.rre tmt 1-, all tfee markers - -. - -- - 2 .3 ST 5S. eIH!Sfa.eS" SSSI . W-aal We .aS W J aSaT all fcf aT Si-. I I saving maenmes. tne product ot Aggm xa- -restive trentus. are dust- in everr depam-st of THE CROWD AXD MARCHERS Vt rrow trpon the rss. and ctre to American labor (cctlnsed and nro&tahle emrlormcnt. SENATOR FAIRBANKS SPOKE TO KANSAS CITY UNIONS. Principal Spmkrr at Demonstration Attended by T-rrenty Thutuajiil Persona. Kansas City. Mo.. Sept. 1. Ten thousand union workmen from the various trades of both Kansas Citys paraded the down town streets here this forenoon. Headms the procession were a rramber of carriages bearing city ofhclals and the speakers of the day. chief anions; them, belns United Stales Senator Charles W. I Fairbanks of Indiana. The parade ended at Eiectric Park, where nearly 2.0a per sons listened to the spetchmajtmg. The prmcipal address was delivered by Senator Fatrsanka, wno was given a rous lns reception. It was the most notac.e Labor Day celebration ever held here. .Among iHr other were Ujtiress mat O-amp Clark. Wljun a. Cownerd. ' ihlam J. Stone. Rlcnora C Kerens and Lee .Meriwelner and Major lUlam Warner ot Kansas City. Stn&ior .rVuriAtrks said in part: aL laeme walcn Is TZ??eiaa.K ca occasions I ue uits is orEamxec iawr. ictre has been .: u. in,e ,. ... -t aecaeu avasce me ns. o. urr during em;aiatirelr recent yesrs. rhe ervlutlon in ou; .ccssirul c.n..nij-t. wiucn u the nurvu 4 1 a.,-n,raut.n i .ar oori. has rendered it rmrati.n er libt-r n cad! er-.11- eaod in hand, rne enc la tutuUUr tne com- piemnt ot tne ether. j " KTcwm ui ijaor jnmzatKss has been ' address from Don C. Summers of St. Louis. J?-P..ere,1ite.Jl sro"'n- M I Mr Summerr. while a ycung rr--, -nada a teen accomra-leq or traral and mistakes, it -n i.n.A.fXn Kt. ..t.Z-L U net .-tzSZz that la so. it -oulo. indei ie . JTS. i!5-. . u remaifcaur if it were othrrwii-T eat i ?e day's programme ended with a tcrch- muiersenu In society, ana ait stet ucdeiu- Usht procession. inrs in etramerce. are aitende4 by ucce44s and tauaree. by iictorie ana o-ltaii. Is Uie , TOLD MIXERS TO RETTCRX TO WORK. cctsptarfceat o! their p.ipre Tee success cf ; wrSetL'SloSIpf S W wue d j Arbitration Tansht at Uevier Lab.r Tnose who represent the var.ous labor orranl- j Celebration. rations are rhargej witn latortknt nd deucate I RU'LHLIC i"-!'! it. respnsslbillUef. nd It ts esiial .hat ther T . .. i'". , . sbcul be men of ccot 3-diment. of isrrefJl ' Bevier, Mo Sept. L Labor Day was sen- lr'!aborlC3:wSjn1 ', tTllr - - T T a celefcra and aMe to lueert cn-a -na.-ttaia tomn. They I t'on an;l picnic at' Firtsman's Parle under be wuiisk and able to reefect them. suvuu iivhc . " . . fui. oi capjiai an4 That labor rzarMxauons hare dene much to advance the tauee jf oer there e r-a . docbt. They care been eamet airocatn of edu- I cstlcn. Knowing full weU that knowiedce ts mi power rtey lte estaousaed newrpapers thtouxhoat tne couairy. inteittcestly deroted to the- rcnHit't-n ef their Interests They hare fuesoel benerolences and raid -"'Vrs of dcl lars to their membersn-c. They hare Increase I "rfJrMr, ZS3 iZ5'Z ' tv,,, n t-e w-at shos of ereatc?I I i w-jra vtie unoermunns tne ceaitn and rn ! the t-rserattres ftcy hare to.i acaisst tae abuses if child labor They har tacxht tiw neceesitr or tne otierTarc or contracts k7v?w. I K 1" "'1 h coatr-ct. ar- founded lnhoa- , and are the bas-s f cwsraercUlSSsr They u... Ann n.I & ts rnl?.ln -, Vl.... tax increased and seek to maintain a tlsher 2Stetouarlr5r3rr',Sif-rJ. ?Z 2. i VIiTC7 .SSL.fUrff.i?! T', V?!00'' -----.---. ---- -- -.. 5ST??. "?"-re aaienaco er erceriy tS ISSrSLSSSi' aienac. " erceriy and stab coTernmetit. Tttn " ore '" J toeal Ubor unions ta tte United States, wlta a membership cf more se-cur- the recotmttlon ef Its ilphta by capital throa-h panic means. War Is cestrsctlvr. end -Hxr vvs are no exceptlcn to the rule. It has emed to roe that thruczh orcanlxed labor the misundersTi nrt'r c between labor and canltai can be raimnnxed. turbulence and disorder larzely arolded. -sad that stable condition may be main tained. Tte Kilke should be the last arpeal and resorted to only when other means of securm Prcrer redress have fald. This la. isdeed. the randamentai theory cpon which orxastxrd labor Is founded. Compulsory arbttratlm has been scree-ted a a remedy, but It has fcund few adrocatfa. It Is not acceptable to either Interest, and wherever It baa b-n attempted It has been abandoned. except la New Zealand, where the experiment U not proline alts-ether sansfactcry. and has net acecxapllsbed all Its authors hoped. Compul sory arbitration la regarded as an ussece sary and rriercus umitatlta upon tie freedom ef both labor and capital. It reilures laser to slav ery and is a menace to capital. It la destruc tive of free axency. The relations between these two great forces axe so delicate tnat they are not to b -crersed Cy the rigid Cat cf either th Cir-resa cr the Legislature. LABOR JTCST EE FREEL w wast no alave Ubor. Two mUHea men. with th-ir blood, wiped away shvre ibor foe- ever. e wui no iaoor. riucr otacic or while . in a virtual stats ef serfdom. Labor must be free, with all the prrrocatlres which pertain to freedom. It nun be frpe to sell ... . ... ,,ir. In the hhmect market. So capital must be like wise free to buy labor where Ubor d-slrea to sell Its commodity. There must be reciprocity of prrrilexT. rclpitJly cf CTPortuaity. tabor bureaus and remmtsslans hsre been es tablished in many cf the States at the Instance of labor. They have done much to promote the Isterests cf Ubor. an have sseeerf.v. ... . - ; " ...- and iSoiV " 3OTC- - aa- -. u uw srnBtKin oz tne tfuesuoui arising be tweea Ubor and casital Ilea m sn awakened APPEARED DtRD,(x THE PARADE. f-on: tb po-ctlnr t-ach ef rtsh teterts or political demas c;e to wh-eh the interests con cerned mar freely and comVieCtlr appeal. 1HLD LABOR. Ther is co areater evil thar that of child labor In workshops, factories an.1 mines- Labor o-'canlzaiuns hare don much to correct tins evil m many ot the States and are -"'- com mendable 2"ort to ra41cata It -hre ther" are no Uws to Borera It- I"cbHc- attet'an 1 b3ic harrly drawn to this crtmo In Southern cotton mills. A condition exists there whtcn Is mui- frame anc sun scouu net be prmtttl to cea tinie is an American state. OMld labor 1 not wrssr; dos alone to child- i REPt'ELTC TECAL. !A. Scrtty ts -rttallT interested In --he fUl-I r. , - . t Khrstcal. moral and iate'lecrsal .lerelopm-nt Mnrphysboro. II!.. sept. L lO-fiay was a .i'Jlfs,'" ,3d ? .'-'. ' n rc?rr., ,n ' General holiday In Murphysboro and most csUbrra who are to censt-tste in membenhln ar- " " , trpiued in the essential craallurs of healthy everr bnsiners ptere In the city was closed "Ki'5-i.j .w e . . ' kal- tte day. while many did not open their rSorf SSmv- 15rerSSs:S5r"a5; : ioor'- Mcrphysbo.-o i one of the most . of "iSr. GreS sSuli-ot"be- : -t'?r orsanued title;, in S-uthern IU1 lcweji -o cot the sweat of childhood and rob . aoir- , -. . . . . ... chiVSren cf tesrler years cf two cf the nesst j Fully 1.099 men paraded the streets in the eis ther can pef heati and edicatics. j procession that represented the different. LinUT. GOV. LKB AT 3IOBERI.V. He Addressed Lar e Crorrd on the nbjrct of Labor. yJTUBLIC SPEaAL. .'oberly. Mo. Sept. L Labor Day was observed en a lar?e scale here to-day-Kirly this mtrnlnir visiters from the sur rounding countl and towns Demon pour lrn into the city and by noon tn strets were a minK mass of people. The busi ness hfL-ses closed at neon and all were Handsomely decorated. The Wabash shops closed and the shop men turned cut in a. bodr to ioia In the demonstration. Four thousand vlslbirs were present ana these, with the tcttn peo ple who turned out. swelled the audience at the afternoon speakinj: to T.tiO. Every labor organization in Randolph County took part In the monster proces sion which started at l:i p. m. Two brass bands paraded the streets and fur- nisnea music ail day. Fifteen hundred - ------ - -- z J2 S,.? li s?IJsalon' " t3 be Procession which was one and one- nau rnues ions;, xtrenty decorated float were In the line of march. One of the floats carried a solid siuar- cf coal welsh ing four tons from the Eajtle Mine, one mile from Moberly. One of the most significant mottoes dis played read: "tabor produces all. therefore iasor snouu ruie. Mayor Carr introduced GoTemor John A. ! .i-e iu lur aiioitace ai tne pars alter tne crrjreirelo-! H'oirtr' Tk nV.. - .. for three-quarters of an hour, captivating his hearers. The burden of his addreio was the quota tion from the Kcrir.rrrreHi TTinn Hair rrn T 1 . -r- - - -. . .. ?S5ff JS, J.'5f JS1 -S2 J?-1 , n,le nlJ remarxs s. ere cmesy along labor ! lines, he at one point took occion ;o teU tne people ot tne pian3 In the Democratic xina word lor Joe p. itlce of iloberlv. ocratlc nominee for Railroad Commissioner. The Governor was followed In a short the auspices of Local Union S1J. U. M. TV. cf of A. Other trade unions and the people ail over Macon County participated. Johr E. Richards. F. L. MusseU and TV. M. TVardJohn of Plttsfcars. Kas were the peakers. There wa a. baseball game and other sportr'. President Richarcs of District No. 2 was on the ground and noticed the coal miners to go to wont as usual in the tri nlnrr' rn-ia'lfe ard th ntiratnr In conference at Kansas City. This decision rz met with much favor by the miners; XnWSPAPER M'SrEXDED. r.e..... -.- x - t " "' "" . "" " Day Celebratlan. gmi'imc cmn . i SM WUA. WAA Jefferson City, Mo-. Sept. L A monster street parade with bands of muse and all the labor unions of the city In line, and addresses by Judge E. L- Kins. Cou-nss-man Shackrcford and Speed Mosby. were the features of the Labor Day celebration 'here. The feliviUe- were held at Fricmers Garden and that is the scene of much jollity to-atsht- A dance and open-air concert are in progress 1 ne city was vn:a out newspapers lo-ouy. the three daily papers suspending m honcr of the day. ALL BCSI.E 5CSPEXDED. Initrow Thrones Witness Celebra tion at SedaMa. REPUBLIC SPECIAL. Sedalla. Mo.. Sept- L Labor Day was generally observed here, business of all kinds belti suspended at the noon hour. The parade of Ijt organizations through the prin'ip' streets to Liberty Park was one of th most l-nposlng demonstratiois ever made It the dy. At the Dric addresses were delivered by F. P. Humefelt. tredent of the Federa tion of Lao': Mayor J. L. Babenck and John Cashmac The amusement pro gramme fumlshtd enjoyment for the thou sands at the park throughout the after noon and eveniniC. hot srnrscs celebrated. Trades Display Most Impoilar Ever Seen There. REPUBLIC SPECIAL. Hot Springs, Art Sept. 1 Labcr Day was generally observed throughout the dry and busmesa was almost completely sus pended. The parade and trades display were the most imposlsg and elaborate ever witnessed here- The line of march covered the principal thoroughfares of the dry. the procession breaking up at Whlttlngton Park, where after dinner the day was de voted to various athletic sports. The orator of the day was the Reverend Doctor William E. Thompson, pastor of the ciTt Methodist rmnrch of Little Rock. Tho day's amusements concluded at night at the I parx wltn muse, erar" g a, urcnrur&a. ILLINOIS. holioat i"v MnsrmsBOHo. One Thonnnml Men .March In Street Parade. One Thonnnml Men March in the ; traces, i-rominent m in prtKrssion were aoais by the Farmers" Sjcta, ind Economic l. won. jiayor p. a. hssenmayer welcomed the throrig of near.y t,io peojrie at Logan Park and P IL Strawhun. tirgamzer for the Federal Labor Union, responded. This attemoon an aidre? on farmers in a union was delivetMi y J. TV. Jonest The bail game between Her in and Murphys boro was a feature which added new laurels to the MurFhysb-ro boys" records The score was 6 to i in their favor. GAVE STHIKERS' nE.tnriT. Unnsnal Celebration nf Labor Day at Cratralla. RTi'lT'LIC SPECLVL. Centralis. IIL. StpL L Labor Day was celebrated here by a mcnsler picnic for the benefit of the strikins anthracite miners. The local miners union first Intended to spend the day with some of the neishbor- iGh luwAS iiu rei a;jaxi ,u.v Uf aire a, ! special train to tae the members of the . union and ihir famiHe-. The rroner ar- union and th?tr families. The proper ar rangements could not be made with the railroads and the plan had to be given up at the last moment. Then It was decided to contribute the proposed cost of the special train to tte ; strikers, and give a horns picnic and do i nate the profits from the refreshment stands to the same purpose. It Is expected that the donation will be about XLOrx. Xo -..-. ,. -j. n tare "oe-e-he nr a..epi was to nave speecaes or a parade. SIX THOC5.UTD 3IARCTIERS. Sprlnsrlleld Has 3Iaromolh Street Pa rndc .Vorthcott peaki. ItrsLI. special. neM and several ueichooricsr towns. The United Mine V orkers of America, made the test rhowtnc A number of Coats, typical cf various trades were features of the pro cession. The picnic was hSd at the State Fair Greunde. The speakers were Lieutenant Governor Xorthcott. Mayer Phillips. State Attorney Shutt, John Farley, president of the United Mine Workers of Alabama: TV. D. Ryan, secretary of the United Mine Workers of Illinois, and James M. Graham of Springfield. TTIOCS.VSDS SATV PARADE. Litchfield Crowds Entertained Varied lr oarnmrac. bT REPUBLIC SPECTAL. Litchfield, IU.. Sept. L This has been a great day for union labor In Litchfield. There was an Immense crowd here to wit ness the celebration. In the forenoon there was a parade of miners, printers, painters, carpenters., dray men, masons, bricklayers, dgarmakers. barbers, clerks and firemen, accompanied by several bands and floats. In the afternoon there were addresses) by Fred DIrx of St. LcuLi and "tfcers: vaude ville performance, races-, s ball game and a t-and conctrt. In the evening a display of fireworks entertain d the thousands who had come from all the surrounding terri tory. JOUVT CELEBRATION. Slnttoon and Charleston Unite In One Demonstration. REPUBLIC SPECIAL, Mattoon. EL. Sept- L Ths allied Ubor tmlwr-s of this dty ?r.-! Charleston partld jatei In a mammoth demonstration. There were more than itO In the parade, which was nearly three miles long. There- were thirty iVats in the procession, which was the most elaborate ever seen In tnls sec tion. Judge Amos OKtr of Litehfle'd and Doctor X H. Wilson of this dty addressed 19.f pertons in Central Park. A pyrotechnic display and a bal. were the evening fea tures, which dosed the day's prcgramme. CARMVAL "WEEK COJI3IE3CED. Twenty-Five Tlionsand Persons Gath er at Dnqnoln. REPUBLIC SPECIAL. Ducjuoin, HL. Sept. L Duquoln's carnival week opened to-day with a monster Labor Day celebration. A. parade was given In the forenoon witnessed by fully Za.000 per sons from Perry County and neighboring Cities. In the afternoon Jchn P. Ee!s. president of the Iowa Mine Workers' Union and Democratic caneidate for- Congress In the Sixth Iowa district, and Paul- H. Castle cf "Vlrden. I1L. made- addresses in the City Fark. To-morrow- morning; a free street fair win commence, lasting until the end cf the week. Thursday will be farmers' day and a. bur. farmers parade win take place. PAH-IDE A.TD SPEECHES. . , , eeat I Taylorrille Besrins Upon CamlvaL BEPCBLIC SPECIAL. TaylorriHe. DL. Sept. L Labor Day was appropriatdy observed hero to-day. There was an Immense parade In the morning. headed by Goodman's Band of Decatur, f ol- lowed by all the labor unions In the dty. I I with magnificent Soats reprc writing the Immense Crowds Thronged Jacktoa ville All Day Long:. REPUBLIC SPECIAL. Jacksonville. IU.. Sept. L JackscrnvlUa celebrated Labor Day. and the city was crowded. Every branch of labor la tha city Is organised, and the unions were never so strong as at firesent- Labor organiza tions from Havana. Whitehall and all towns throughout this part of the Stats sent large delegations. In the morning there was a monster pa rade. In which ail unions were represented by floats', and many merchants participated. In the afternoon there was speaking la Central Park. Judge Owtn P- Thompson m his address advocated the settlement of Mrikes by compulsory arbitration. Tho other orators were J. IL Danekin. the Very Eeverend Dean Crow and the Reverend R. S. Thrapp. The balance of the day was taken up by balloon ascension, races, band concerts and public vaudeville performi ances. with fireworks In the evenlnc OBSERVANCE AT IIARRISBURG. Celebration Conducted by United Mine Workers' Union. REPUBLIC SPECIAL. Harrtsburs;. 111. Spt. L Labor Day was obeerved here to-day under the auspices of the United Mine Workers Union, and ins taken part In by all the trad.-rs unions. Tho parade, which consisted of floats represent ing the vanous Industries of the cny. tru more than two mlies long. At the grounds the large crowd was ad dressed by George TV. BagweU of Murphys boro. president of the Seventh District: William Toppin of Danville, and Guy H. Humphreys of Linton. Ind. The" Reverend Joseph Jones, brother of the Georgia evan gellt. Sam Jon's, was prevailed upon to talk to the worXngmen frcm a religious standpoint. 3IOXSTER STREET PARADE. easiness llaotn of Jlnseoatah Cloa for a Gala Day. REPUBLIC SPECIAL. Mascoutah. I1L. Sept. L Labor Day was celebrated here under the auspices of tho local Trades and Labor Assembly. A parade, with floats repreentin the various union organizations and business houses, passed through the streets at la o'clock this morn ing. a picnic followed at the Turn Park. George F Wombacber delivered the ad dress of the day. Charles Webb of BeUe vllle alro spoke. Most of the business houses were closed during the afternoon. JACKSONVILLE CELEBRATES. REPUBLIC SPECIAL. Jacksonville. I1L. Sept. L There was big Labor Day celebration here. Judz Owen Thompson, the principal speaker, ad vocated the compulsory arbitration aC strike. WILL REST FOR THE PRESEMT. Anti-imperialistic Party Beceivea Pledge From RooseTelt, REPUBLIC SPECIAL. Besten, Sept. 1 The leaders of the Anti imperialistic party, whose headquarters am In Boston, and most of whose names were Plmted to the anti-imperialistic petition to President Roosevelt, calling- attention to the allged outrages in the Philippines, have de cided that, their work for the present is done and will stop further agitation. They have had from the President ohn slf. through a reliable source, a definite premise which amounts to an offer of inde penrtTce to th Philippines as soon as tho inhabitants of the Islands have shown their ability to manage the civil jrovernmenr, which Taft is to inaugurate. This " that the anti-imperialists the country over wiU crop the matter of the petition and win let up on other public criticism of the Phil ippine policy. The President, while he declines to give a. pubJc pledge 'hat win bind the naticn to a hard and fast policy, thus early In the ex periment, wants the FIllDteoe tr km their independence if they insist upon It after the- '"'" cave acrnossrmiea their ability to run their own affairs under a limited setr gnvernmenr. The actl-ImperiaUsts do not step criticism bicause thry are Inclined to hack down, but becace they have faith in the President, and wiU not block his plana fcr eventual Philippine independence. SUNDAY-SCHOOL CONFERENCE ilennonite -Chnrcbes of Iowa and Missouri in Session. REPUBLIC STEOAL, Palmyra, ,11a, Sept. L A conference, of. the Sunday schools of the Mennordtw ahnrches of Missouri and Iowa Is being- held In this dty. The first session was held thl morning and the conference win con tinue tmtll tn-mnrmw rtl-e TTiu la A large- attendance and the conference. promises to b- very lnterestimc. The topic. -Why We Have Met," was dis cussed this morning bv- Geom e Cherrybox. Mo, and Andrew Sherdc o uronogo. jicu arter the organization rr" been perfected and the reports fronth VariOtXS Srtririair v)Ml Har4 haei taM)vt At tbe afternoon session John Kins- of Keokuk, Ll, and X. H. Shent of JJeutral. Kan., spoke ca the workings of an Ideal Sunday scliooL Motives was discussed bcr S. G. Knapp of South English. la. JacoS S. Buckwalter of Larcaster. Mo spoka on the Teaching; of Christ, and advanced classes was discussed by J. E. Shank cd Elkhart, Ind-. and Miss Loma Dltwiler of Cherrvbox; Mo. Gospel services were held to-night. BANK CLERKS HOLD PICNIC. Labor Day Enjoyed With Families at Fern Glen. The bank clerks of St. Lords yesterday held a picnic at Fern Glen. Their wives and friends swelled the total attendance to tao persons. Two special trains conveyed the ciuwd oyer the Missouri Pacific one Iearins at S p dock a. m. and the other at 1 p. m. Bas kets were taken and the day wast spent in boating and fishing at the resort. In tha Mterncon a programme of athletic sports. wis presented. The events were as follows: One-htmdred-yard dash for members of the sodety. won by W. G. Goodln of the National Bank of Commerce; cgg-axd-spoon race for ladles who are bank derks or the wives of bank: clerki. won by Mrs. John Donohue; nfty yard daah for ladles who are bank derks or the wives of bank derks. won by Mrs. Thomas M. Barton. Th's party returned to the dty on special traits at 5:15 and S o'clock. GEORGE E. ROBERTS TO RE3IC0T. Another Prominent Ofarlal of Tress ory Department Expected to Retire. REPUBLIC SPECIAL. Washington. Sept. L It Is said at th Treasury Department that George- E. Rob erts. Superintendent cf the Mint, will ten der his resignation to the President la the near future' Another romlnrnt cfadal of the Treas ury Dtr ment who. It Is expected, will soon r Jn. is General Spaulding. Aalst ant 5' tary of the Treasury. A n 3ber of names have been mentioned In cotraectiaa with the appointment, most prominent among them being tnat of Mr. Tichenor of Michigan, a son of the late Mr. TIchenor. member of the Board of General Appraisers at New York. There win os selected also a new member of the Board of Appraisers at the Port cf New Tork. It Is said In this connection that Colonel Hep burn called at Oyster Bay this summer- to recommend his son-in-law. but the Presi dent has dedded not to appoint another Iowx man to a high ofSce for the present, in view of a full quota from that tate. Propose to Ereet Lodge BuIIdlnsr. REPUBLIC SPECIAL. Pilot Grove. Mo, Sept- L At a P meeting of TVIHiam D. Mulr Lodge No. ST. A. F. and A- M ot Pilot Grove the lodgo voted to build a new lodge building In con nection with the proposed new building- of J. T, Ellis. Broken Bottle Severed Artery. . Henry Haeffner. 37 years old. employed as bottle washer at No. 34 Market street, ac cidentally severed the artery In his wrist yesterday afternoon while washing bottles. He was taxtti to the uty Hospital, wners K- s-nefrif w s a drearL Chanrrd TVIta Rokblaa; Cash Drsrsrerv Frcnk Rltxer. IT years- old. was arrested at Vandeventer and. Cook avenues yester day, charged with robhlnx- a cash drawer' ' in the drug store otT. a Glenn at No. 338 i TVashirnrton avermo of 5S2 artzrdsy. "rsa boy formerly worked at tha stcre- H larr held for lnvestlrntioa. 1 I . .