fJsTriitJif "JLl&TZ. . p .TS- --? iwjwf1 THE REPUBLIC: SUNDAY JANUARY 11. 1903. TO-DAY'S NEWS IN BRIEF. ISUSINKSS. Teslenlay's bank clcarinRs were f6CM.CC, balances, JTfcl.I'd. Liocal discount rates were firm, between 5 ami G per cent Do mestic cxchanEC was quote! as follows: New York. (V premium bid. . premium asked. Chicago. IV premium bid. ic prem ium asked, Cincinnati, I.ouisilc and New Oi leans, pir bid. 1Vr premium n.ked Wheat "!o-ed lower at ",& a-kert Ma) , i&71c No. 2 ted Corn closed lower at 4Cic May: C.fi6ne No : niKed. Oat closed nt SI'c Ma. 31fi34l:c N". 2 Northern Tlie local maiket lor s-pot lotton was quiet ami WASHINGTON. Preside nt Ttooseiclt has consented to send the firht otlirial wirelej-s mess. tec acicss the Atlantic New opposition to the Cuban recipiocit Heat) has ile eloped In the Somite, si-ierai Southern Democrats jolnlm; the .so-called Uoicr motment l.OCAI. AND Sllll KUAN T'nlted State Jtirv found .i?ain-t Jetr TC.ihkr iu laall lo'ibcri Plans of the French Giinmrnt fo- its World's Pair buildings and srounde ale le iid in St 1-ouh. .lames, J ltutlei has scried rotiee that he will ak to hae the ital'nts lecounUd in lie Twelfth i om;ro.sslo:ial Tlij-titut. ".here hi"! election Is brim; contest ,v 'ha He publican candidate 1 1 Nlcscn. who nronos to OLild an ehiated mid with a t-uliw.iv oowiitown seeks to oncolidjte the promoters of s( "ther piojms, ,j rortds Imitations ate k. ' o t i r lh" ttterni-" tlonal Good Koirts Comouilo'i to he held in St Louis- April 27 to JIa 2 General William llooih, 'o mdor f the Satiation Aimv, will leituie at 'he Ohm pie Theatci tn-nlclit Mr-. Elizabeth Hulbert of St l.oui-". when a child km w the author of tin Welsh national hinm. GKNi:itAI, DOMESTIC Mis Marie Hradlev. widow of the Min nesota multimillionaire, whom she mairied n few hours before hi death ha taken steps to protett hir claim to the ?K(0iK estate Charles T Yorl.c. the mlernatioinl street rallwav luacnatc. Jin returned from Kiilaud. excoriates the trusts, who. he hays, ate ile-trolnj; th foretell commerce of the Inited States He warn thun of a possible crash, which mishl make their se curities woithlisv Mayor Iow of New York :i'(s the presi dents of the coal carr.iliiK roads and a rep resentative of the in lependent operators to meet him In oufereuce Tucsda to discu's p'.aiis for liicrcaslns the cit's suppl ot j anthracite. Brookln ouths hae formed a "Cell nates' Hub ' the members of which are pledged to lie "-lnj-le all their Hies They profcr to be disciple- of Tolstoi and hate adopted the "Kreutzir Son ita" as their text book Citizen- of Indianola. Mis-, aie tlisap pointed by the aittun of the Cabinet In de ciding not to accept tne leslgmtlon ot Mrs. Minnie Cox, the negro listmistie. A promliunt clergyman of New York citj declare-, bail cooking dmc many men to drink. An Hplscopal minister Tt'. cars- of age. goes to Home to study fi the prle-thood. W. A. COOK. M. D. SCIENCE vs. ETHICS ' The best roars of m.v lift- have Iioon spout in' earnest devotion io ailment- in my elm-sen Held. The cuius of the neatest thinkers in modern niedit ine lias been Mb-m-licd, (he imiortant events in modi eal histoiy and the imderlyiii; anses of disease have icceivcd imjiar lisil (lioimhl. the eriule, uncertain elements discarded for known points of value, and the scope of inve-tifMtion f(mi a hue daily prac lice unlimited. I am in Minpaihy with nerve w recked men. and thoroughly in earnest. 1 deal onh in siinjilicities when explaining conditions to a patient, and ghe him the fa-ts hi a plain, compact manner, wiMi reason?, outlinetl mi that he can umlcr-l.iml. I conduct my business on a liifjlu'i- plane than the "tinkling e tubal" sjiecialists, who try to mwifv and conveii nude hills into mountains, and where advice is sufficient and tiealmeiit unnecessary, advice i.s cheerfully piveii fiee of charge. Main men call upon me for consultation and advice ,vho do not need or desiie tieatuicnt. and none are allowed io leau feci iii: sorry they did .-o; but. if treatment should be decided upon, the value in results shall be worth more than they will cost. My of lices and equipment aie tine enoup;h for the millionaire, but none too pood for the poor, for rich and poor alike receive my very best services. 'JF If I can show cases in this i it v cured within the last mouth that other specialists have 'inkcivd with iictU-ui tor two ear without benefit, the facts should be worth somethiiip to ou. and if I cannot do so I will forfeit .10iU; in pold. Talk is talk, but business is business, and a sick or afflicted man should hae the results that he frequently pas for without obtaining. I ask every pet sou afflicted to honestly investigate my special system of treatment. I invite in twrticular all who have tteated eNcwhcie without siitccss; all whose cases hae been abandoned by family plnsieians and so-called experts: all whose troubles have beonairprcnatcd and made worse by the use of belts, specifies, free samples, trial ticatments. pay-when um-d propositions, electro medical com binations or similar deuces. I will explain to ou win such tiealmeiit has noi tared you. and dem onstrate to your entile satisfaction why 1 can em e you sufeh. quickly and permanently. I will do by joii as I would want urn to do h. me if conditions wiih us were rex ersed. I positively cine the wort Capita!, $50,000 928 Canal Sffeat, w Origans, La, uSIlK H8f8r9nC3S! ntttoy.s.unaiV or"e- Or'lc 280 Bfosiiway, New Yorx. inceYou Joine forms (if -pecilic BLOOD POISON j-oki:ign. An Bngllsh newspaper pubh-hes a humoious article entitled "Medltitlons nt Berlin." in which it pictures the Iimperor as longing to do "omethirs to startle the world, but testiaintd b the fear ot what the J'risideMt wou'.I sa. IJoer l".iders nt I'retorla Inform Mr. dhambeilaln. niltl-h Screiary of Sute for the Coh.nie- that the "idea of crown oI ony I- all r'ghl but we want a little more eoleny and a little le- crown" The golden da.s of the professional critic of Paris seem to be p.i-s'ng. the newspa pers showing a lindeney to accept criti cisms from aclots, managers and general reporters. An American actie-ss in Dresden who married a dashing joung Lieutenant of Saxony has be..n compelled, to apply to her father for -upjiort. Mrs. Arthur O. Paget, the accomplished Bnglish si"'-iet leader, tails for New York to islt ie!atie in her natiie land The Alexandra curl 1 holillng its own among th f.!hionable women of Imdon. The Pail- Health Departmtnl estimates that 3.0j).rt) rat cnj-ix the hospitalitv of the clt) The f.n t that M. Camllle Pclletan Is a member ot tin" Combes CabiiKt Is consid ered the Minl-trj's greatest v cakness. England's new drmk law after ten da-' operation. Is generallj. praised as the brst licensing act the country has known In ars. A BritMi engiiiPtr who teiently icturrcd from a !s!t to the I'nlteJ States icpoits that the Ameiican workmen ic-cixe higher wages than Kngll-h, but in all othvr re spects the comparison faors Kngiand. The Bmperor iml Kmpre-s of Auttiit received Mi- Rellamv. Storer. the new American Atnbassidtti. with mprc-sie ceremonial In -7 to !l! das without the use of potash or mercury and the uiisitjhih blemishes, whether spo's, jiimples or ulceis. lopether with all rheumatism, aches, pains or swollen conditions will disappear coin pletely and foievcr. I cine VARICOCELE In one week without detention from business, mi ;i phin used b no oilier man in Anieiica, so that when ou hear arguments to the contraiy ou may know that ipuorant prejudice i- at her old tricks. When the preat Dr. I.orenz, specialist in ortii.ipedic siirpen. xisited this countiy only a few weeks apo he was subjected to indipnities by tethnical examinations at the hands of medical boaitls. and ellorts made to restrict his desiies to instill new id"as into our medical titists: but, like a bad child whipped into beinp pood, he was afterwatds publicly wiitid and dined in the laipest cities, and scoies of physi cians who Imped he would be run out are tod.n mini: to imitate his plan of tieatinent.-The Ies-on teaches that piejudice can onh be overcome b. foice. Vou can't poke hiatus thiouph a wet sponge with a knittinp needle. I cure NERVO-SEXUAL DEBILITY and REFLEX DISORDERS In from - to !t weeks, and Piles. Il.xdrocele, Kupture and kindled disorders in less than half the time of the averape local physician or pretendinp specialist. Consultation anil adu'ee aie f rt e ami solicited. Call or write A $10 Flat Bet on Our Three Selected Horses Daily Netted $917.00 Profit Past Twenty two Racing Days. LEANS IS EASY W W. A. COOK, M. I Or Cook Medical Co., La 610 OLEVE ST., ST. LOUIS, MO. OFFICE HOURS: 8 a. m. to 8 p. m.; Sundays, 10 a. m. to 12:30 p. m. fri-m Sl.tfti tf J2.r- anil nlll lia? a Rru luc BOWLING. ii!tini!i,in" i.i:;ii:. IllViilfi f, Kcculnl-M I. Scores vn th. MetzlT alke weie. ItOVAl.s CM 1 " 5 I - T I . mind 3j si .so si ;o t'.u . mini si jo .ii no jp i.v in inm ... . 3 u it ;t it 4s as s.7 r. r-j Mehlenhon" 1 4s n -,s 41 r. 4, 1 -., 5 .irnrmriuan . fi jj 31 v-y 33 4 j lji 31 4 Totals ti;ins,n . . 1 l.uns l)ug ItoHt-rix ttand .. . Totals . Nam" Kietz J. -Mftzler Krebn-t 1:. l'tretz l-nliarth Tutil. .. Oeorgic, llnrlnt- Intel I Icon cr. TCew- Y"rk. Jan H' Arr.ed, ftnni I ieriool .HonK-Knni;. .1 111 10 Arned Steamer Doric. S,,n l-'ranciscn. ia Ho-mlulu. Yuko hain.i. ttc Iliunhursr. 10 Steamer Hc ordot. fort ItlaKelj. Taconiu. San rruncis. co, etc. i.i London. Antwerp. Jan. T. Salld: Steamer Tries tand. New Vorlt. Hnre. Jnn. n -Sailed Ii Savoie. New York. Southampton. Jan 10 -Railed: Steamer Philadelphia, New- York Ia Cherbourg. Liverpool. Jan. 19. Sailed: Steamer Luca nia. New York Itutterdam. Jan. 10. UrUid: Stcimcr Amsterdam. New Yoik. New Yoik. Jan. 10 Sailed- Steimers Orar W.ildeiee. Har.ibnrK. etc; I'nil.ria. IJ-r-IKiol. ftinidlan. LUerpooI. Ilekla. Chili tlanscnd and 4'openh iKen. ile-aln. London. Il.nic. Jan. 10,-ArrUed. 1.1 ChampjKne, Now- ork ,Cliertiourf. Jan 10 -Sailed Philadelphia. New Yoik. II 113 151 ITS til KJ 173 !: 30 T-.'j JtlVAI.s CM 1 S 3 I I Tl A 2 3J 61 ') t) 1 11 r3'j IT 4-3 1 .: ,t .ij x, c, jr. i-i ; - .s :n 11 .-j) r.i 3.1 ict .ir 3-; . : 33 it 11 ss 31 44 nc. 4i . :. i'p 34 ji r. 31 !. ici 3. 1 ; !6 SI JIT 313 IS", .03 ptf JT3 35 ,1-r5 ... " z W eiz"l Jill A Ui.hman Total" . Holler .-., Ilinltuit.O. . ltOLLl'ItS M t 3 j 4 -. -r 1 S 4" 41 41 11 .r 3S S a, J ; 3 33 4,' 31 J) 4 1 42 .11 41 ;-, I) J 33 Zl 141. 33 I--. . o i i 4. f) 44 : 321 41 3 3 II 31 11 i A) Tt jv, :.7 -a .31 IT.' Kl !SS za 311 311 Tun t; is-s lt'LIO CM 13 I 4 r. T'l . 4 41 3i T It II 4t Rf, 37 .r :s 411 ; 11 31 : it. 33 . 3. ST. 4 .T 31 41 VS, c 1-S J J 47 33 TM Z 3 1T3 33 .3 J 41 13 M n 41 3J3 411-5 Name AhiMiis Hruniiner ; Mrtzlcr "W KlGKeF :t ?)t Mi is; t's l": 15) sii 3s 1 zl llapld 1'Irei ::.. Itumtiler" u. kamiii.i:k ' M 1 3 3 t r, T I S 4 31 3a io 31 -W 1T 3" 1 3 4 44 34 3; j. 3." 3; 153 ;. j.., 3 14 :-, 3- r. 37 Jt 1C1 33 1-3 J 31 34 38 31 3T 3 170 .14 .. Si .0 3t .-J 3T 4T 1-4 13 4 3 TRY YOUR LUCK WITH US. Weilo nut 1-1:11111 Tie cm iih n't tltepjee-. imr ili Te-Rnj von ftm't lnsc uii"tliiiil, lint uni.' tire tiling is tI1.1t t' haTi- ncirr Ict Tic prill iptl i-:ii.ll:il Intrusted to ns li.v'any of our investor!, and to nie oior:iiiiiiier leu T":l nit". ueelvlj. YOU CAN PLACE YOUR OWN MONEY OR WE WILL PLACE IT FOR YOU. On ii'ir Kifi'-t po-hil- ilitrniK 1'ie- week Trims, live lol!:u fur tltree speeljil witi"-. Intl. If ion ile-ite tis tu plme ynur luoiiey Tie charge notliiti for itilnniintioii: dcilitet same tiom "et piolits. Wiite for our booklet: it K in:illeil fne in plain ciiTc!oe. Within Hie next ten ilijs we expect lo (Hit uier somu X"eil Iiiiii;Iiiii t inner.-. VIC BRITTON CO. Capital, $50,000. Ex-Jockey Vic Brltton, AlRr., P. O. Box 015, New Orleans, La. E are literally coming money for our three-horse-per-day clients at New urieans tnis winter, v'ur tnree-liorse wire is getting the money and getting- it in chunks.' Our policy of spending money in every nossible direc tion with an open hand to secure the very best results for our clients is again vin dicated, and we are proud of our ability to make such a glorious showing as we are enabled to do this morning. Three thousand clients, each paying us a weekly fee of S10 for our informa tion, make-; our gross income S30.000 per week. Do you know or did vou ever hear of a ingle individual plunger who had a fund of that magnitude with which to conduct a winning campaign on the turf, or one that was willing to spend that amount? Allowing for our advertising bills, we have a fund of over $4,000 per day to draw from to spend with owners and trainers and to employ the most skilled corps of dockers ever corralled in the history of the turf, and we spend very nearly all of it to accomplish our aims. The stockholders of the Maxim & Gay Co. are willing that the maximum profits of the corporation should be annually 100 per cent on their $50,000 invest ment. (They are not hogs.) A little arithmetic will show you that under these conditions we are still able to spend S3,S00 per day for information. Think it over. Examine the results we get, as shown in the table of winnings and losings presented below, and ask yourself whether our proposition isn't the greatest thing you ever struck since you joined the human race. We were the turf sensation of 1901 at Sheepshead and Saratoga. We were the turf sensation of 1902 at New Orleans, Brighton and Saratoga. We arc already the turf sensation of 1903 at New Orleans. OUR THREE-HORSE-PER-DAY PLAY AT NEW ORLEANS. Here I- n record of hore ulayed daih for our three-hore-per-day clients at New Orleans for the past 22racincdi Kver lo-er N ae. minted for here, at- "ell as een winner, and a showing lb made of the result of a Id dally plar. dl lccd into bets of Jin eieh on our time ilallv selections. ', RESULT OF A $10 FLAT BET: Cifiuorrhoen anil Lrlnnry lli"chnrKei. A Cure in 48 Hour3. Totals .. J4 ; 1 (J i; j;,, 173 yj 33 3.; ktpii) rimv. Name '. JI 1 2 T 4 r. T'l U I l.or-r. . ' Ii ; r? 11 2: ir1-. . i. CK -. '.! :3 "- " -' ' 1-5 1 ""' . .li Jj 4i u.i ZZ 41. LO. 41 :T J Krnari . 41 I'l 4 .1 4J J - . 4-OT'V . 4 4 3.1 1" 4T .', 1; n : Teia . .:i ;i; r. :ci :u zn im 7'.s ; Dr. Oobhart (or Hot Spring. Ark ) has discov ered a Gonorrhoea! TOO LATE FOR CLASSIFICATION. nt.tVr M C? Twolarc." fiom well fiirnUhit rimip wlih rlano. all .-.nrnlnte' reton.iMe I CIKUTIJM .Xie.lltJ llttia larut fmnt louin fuint-liel lomi'lHtp f,r liuu.f kpeplnK. tith and taunfliv, U p-r nwh miim:ti' u- fr nt Old l.aLk ri.tni. t.p rnl inn Mcp1 lurnl'hid with h"t anil tilth. ;' . Antl-Toxire that la Kuaranteed to cur nny I -.M,K"-MAN" Sltnatl. n wanted ij 5-1 casn of Gonorrhoea 01 Gleet at horn- or ' '.''.Xir W"h "hoU"iU J"U,lnK '"" 1,1 ( e rV".T -rine 'iilKt nxjm. nil! fur nl.htn' Willi hot and c-"lil lalh and he-it "1.HK .-t r,i? Niirly furnl-lird hick irlor fi r L'Hnllnirin iZ ninlli .t on hat .-t 4;-furnthPil and unfurnl-hed, vlncl ind lynnitlns ri."ms. talil,. In-inl. Hi.... l pirIatiiis lio-nt iL.,Kln? nn .'Main ejirdlrnt I t:i!.I- I...11.I MDOKKKKI'KIt WA.STIU! l.ooKKcfp- r 4-all at .ts X. I onmuriiU -it UIICI. WtNTl.ti -CSIrl- to wnp and label riedlclne 4 'a 1 1 at N 1 timmeiclal at. I-U Nllllls U NTKI- Uiun.ln.. lij the la at .:7 WT-hingO n ae 'DOK Ml IHll'MIM .V V.'NTi:i Man and wife, ti'rk and houseman In prlale famtlt. ZJZZ Wahincten ae. iUfi clas iuc. Ii :i3. Date. Ilor.n.' IKVs I'm V ed IKi. 17. Scon h i'lald T to 5 WuX JH do 'll.e I.adj 7 to 1 WON" 7 do. 'Ill o 11 to 10 1.0-t Ihur"'. Dec IS t'omr l'or-ter S to ." WON" IS do. John I'ders to 5 WON" U t I'andanoi 1M 10 I .Id l"ri . Pec. 13 Sheet Alice to J wo.V 5 do (.olden Itule 7 to 10 WON' 7 do. Hin to in WON" 9 Sat. Pec. mJ... Hirry WiNon 1 to 3 WON" S do. UMzi Dillon do oweli Mon, Die. 2. .Old Hutch do Sarilla do Dandle Hell Tues- Dec. ZT, rirearline do Ve.-.uIi do hwM N'ell Wed. Dec. 2l...i'iiternm nt Hiram Johnson .. 01 iip 1. 'J'hurs . Dec Zi. Harrv New do ,nde. do De Itifzke I'rl . Dec. M Major M inir do. Itoundlee do S.ullla Sat. Die. 27 ...Federal do Athlaua do Wealth . . ... Jlon.. Dec. 29... Whfskej Kinc do Potheen ., .. do Harrj New J.. J10 10 Date. Horse. Tues.. Dec. CO.. O" Ha cen do. If You Dare .. do. Itankln Wed.. Dec. Sl...JIoronl do. Hard of Avon do. Honolulu Thnr-s.. Jan. L.Scornio 7 to 5 ...Mto 1 3d 10 .. 7 to .", M 10 .. a to r. won' .. Sto 1 WON "0 .. s to i :d io .. i to .-, won" ; ,. S to 1 WON . i: to r. 2d io .. "to T, I.nst io .. 7 to 1 -NON" 70 .. to 5 AVON 12 .. I to 1 Ijit 10 .. tto r. ;. to .. - to 1 Lost 10 .: S to 5 2d io . to l WON IA . :t to s WON" 15 .. S to ", "d 10 . 7 to 10 WON" 7 . 4 to 1 WON 40 .. :t to 2 won" r. . 1 to 1 WON K . 11 to 10 Cd 10 do. do. Fri., Jan. :... do. do. Sat.. Jan. 3... do. do. Mon . Jan. 5.. do. do Mosketo ... witfull ..Insp. Shea l'ake , Tloca ..The I,adv Marcos Honolulu . Judge du Uellc I'eit Ahumada Tues . Jan. 6 John Coulter . ("o. Andes do. Olennclllo Wed.. Jan. 7....1'hilo do I'otente do. II. McDanlcls iiiur-!. jan. ..i-. Kauter , do. do. Tri.. J in. ..., do. do. Sat . Jan. 10.. do. do. Totals ..... l.'Htrenne Moahlnn ..Ahumada WltfuII nine Kidgc ..Phllo St. Tammanv ... l'ride of Surrey Befc Fin. VT. I ... 3 to 1 lyjst 10 ... 3 to 1 WON 30 ... 6 to 1 WON fiO ... 7 to 1 Lost 10 ... 5 to 1 WON 80 ... 7 to 2 WON 33 ... 7 to 5 3d 10 ...10 to 1 WON lflO ... L" to 1 WON 30 ... 3 to Z Ixist 10 ... Z to 1 WON M ... 3 to 1 WON 30 ... 1 to 1 -WON 10 ...15 to 1 WON IV) .. 5 to 1 "WON oO ...IS to 1 Lost jo .. 2 to 1 WON :o ... 2 to 1 WON 3) ...10 to 1 WON 1C0 .. 4 to 3 WON 8 ... S to 1 Lost io ... 3 to u 2d io ... 4 to 5 2d io .. 1 to 1 2d io .. 4 to 3 WON S .. 4 to 3 WON 8 ... 6 to 5 2d 10 ... 4 to 1 2d 10 ... 9 to 5 3d 10 ... S to 1 Ixt 10 ...11 to ii WON 22 ..into 5 WON 2 ...10 to 1 3d 10 J1.1S7 C70 ItOW INC 4-l.u, Mil CO. SI. I.ouU nml Miiiiir7lt Cluli Hr liorl I'roMirrmis sinlo .if tirni. At the meetliiK of the St. LouK Ilonli, (Juh last evenliiK President Heln appointed Hie follow inK in. mhers as ., btandmW Gov- iiiliiK I'oninilttee tor the ensuini; rar-ti,nkt-J ., K,1'-, Albert Wlttman? Joi,rh lil. Lmil Heln. Henrj A. Vos. i;nti rtjin meiu Committee, William HlcKer Loiii .lonchlm. William Manchenhelnur. Hou"e ommltlee; Iaiuis l.attner. William HlcKer, I" Link Minces. Howlins Committee. William mull, committeeman on collections J he chili has placed an onl-. with an '"fCrn tlrm for a new four-oared racing -.....,. . in- i.uieii.tiiiineni I mnmni.w h.u t . .ecided to hold anothir dam-.- at the club- :rlf in" nuuse Janiur 31 The leairue I f the club opened the -econil series of its Totals tournament last TucMlaj with a match be meen the Irciiuols alio the Anchor, the lornier team winnlni; all tle gamc". Members; of the Mound City Itowlnc Club i . T- v. . 1JI l meeting as toi. mo-iev refunded All discharge and sorenesj j diaiprcar In 1 to 3 days. Cnzcs aolicited i ( nrnmlrlrl I.encue IteorKnnlzes. lnat h'v baffled the beat medical rkill ro ..I'.'V"'1'.'?,' w'eJ-'It Iafta- hn. ten p.iin. N'o Strain. No Stricture. Corr-icnit- reircanlzi-d wlih the inilcwinc trains. IfjaB ..-, h,l.r,iiol nu t r- rrfrlilllTrn Itcolrs. Itnllfrs Hand !er. i::.,i.i. Itapld l'ltfi- ince r' nh'lePt'aL DIS. J. C GEI.riAHT CO llUals .ml ituuKti Itlier- Tif MlhtAtni: otniVrs A COS North Texas Hide.. Dallai. Tex. ; Rt. ira. f.n. i... . ...a.i.i... . .ii..i i man. 1" prfstilent, .;imm,ima.i. a-erear; ! I MO'lfnhnff. l-3.u r i i'cliolul.. Iir Wftl. t.alni!ne- .l.inTi.rv 1 . WI'ST IIKI.M: Place 44Tt - Nlcel furnished rr.tpt room also otlir r ntem" furnair hrat. hot t'llli all rorirnl tK-es. eMvll-nt l..ard. ton- I- in in in i-ar nns i:iI tinm nt Iioiy Inriie. and w.ion ; coal or d'rt 1.1 oil I'a-.lon a- j J Mii.i.iNKp. m vm:i:s vntkd rue nm 1 i 'i.s inllllrao m-ik.ra at l:ofnheim' SIS i.o I i tlt January 1; Ilnjils n it -eters tmuar 13 i:ul m .. n-inilTK .linuar 14 Ul-il.ti, s llafU Klrr Januiry lj Illal i R(ut;li ltldi st. i,ni is i.i:cii:. Urottns ::. GrHnllrs 2. Scores on the llranlte altei ve"-e. mu ,1 Name JllrhaH .. Pickup . llian I'.nkof Mcl'arlh Totals . . Name V CUsson Minn I Huso M ftOWNS I 2 1 . z, 15 ii :,; 3 r.i 2. : z 4 Zl 4". 4. .2 i ;. 4; 4-1 -.1 s 1 44 4' 45 1 ". T I W 37 ;-. rt 4. 1-, -S 40 174 34 4-3 41 .vi rr. 4-. 7 it 12- 4-. ;-:, :.! 47 ZZS 47 3-5 LOQO POISON HOIi"MAM) NTHI I'cr limi an! lin ini; rrHm work, ittcrtnct r quired Vj jnde- r.lthrrprlmarjr.MTOiiflirTor irtlary. rrMncing 1IOI Ft;im Sfiuatlnn a hourctrl. no waU i Corner otlornl pft, Vimnlfs. sUfc Throat, i"ir r in nine, no mitil work. In small famtli 1 Arhra. iid s0rr. ut Muuu l'a(tlir in , pm JIT Call till tirinj; month, ill ror t-yrlrimsralliiiimit,rtc.. qnUkly.pos- ; - - - inrwy unci inrrvprt-un n, w iinoui in uw or Mercury or loiinnu iotisii,nyiuc wondrnm iifrnanit uniixMirn. a ftvr wffi. n of which makes .1 cltrtn, l.iIthT r'nir,artroinpVi fiiinn r.Jli ihr lint Trinpa anl ofhr trilmt-nt. Hill frrnruiatimi. and n. bfiili for trial, ttrnt free nf Hmrir lo nil nfffrr. Addra, X'roff. F. f. FOWI.I.R, New London, Conn. lyws: I'. O. huorK. president: 51. Dec lev. icepresIdcnt; nnancldl score taiy. C llenze 1 scordlnjj secretary, J. Kelly; treasurer! "! ur. za ;i4 ii ;o: ;4i ifs 43 ;o-:; , OliAMTKs ! ' M I ; a 4 I Tl Av J 1 M 4! :z) ; c 4: .; 4-. 1--. ' i ;; :.' 41 m 41 41 its 41 3.7. I rv -1 4! 41 :-j ;o s m 42 3-; s i 14 cr :s fa ;s 2i. s: :: I! 41 43 4fi is -1 1 4; 35 114 19 332 330 3 311 1137 43 3-3J ieorRc l.seiinaeher. captuin. K. Jiuccr. lieutenant. J. IkRley: Alex Smith. J. Cal houn and c Ainmans were elected as a board of directors. It was announced that the club had placed an order for a new- thell beside li,. ins a barge which has netr been used a ct. The Memberhln rmnmltt.. .,PtAw that the club has lncieased In membership ' llhl lAr fun in .1... I..- . t- . t -.w .v, l(. ,,i iin; HIDV MA IIIUIIlllS. Memher of the Greeley Printers Cccked llat league were entertained with a theater liaity and hintiuet by Mr. Harb.iUKh of the company last evenine- Those nreent were Messrs. Harbaugh. Stoeker. Kntermann. Uunn. Copplnger, Fischer. Geeks. Vorhauer llurke. Hettlnget. Kuelker. Michel, Jlus-ler' r-chader rath. Till. Connett. Schmidt and' Campbell. Ilasrlliornr &take Annonneed. ChicapJ. I1L. Jan. W -,Tlie Chlrauo Jock-v Club liai anoounced the cundltiom. of twelve tttakes lor th sprinc meeting ami summer meetlne st .lawthorne. entrleii to which close rebrusrj- t ilia list Is headed hy the Hanthome Man. 11 ap. ono mile end a furlonc. for 3-jear-oMs and upward, with a truaranterd cash alue of Jin - to be run on Ma 33. the opnlnx da rf thV : pnne meetlnp. ?.ext In Importance Is the Norlh . rn liandlcap. at a mile and a quarter, with JS -t added to be run at tlie summer meetlni rb. rcmalnlnir ntakew nf nhl.h lhM. . r Z. r-olds, June been added, wltn money ransine Nam. Orellner . RHm .. . Kor.ter s-cnlueter Crotzek . Totals . ItOI'OH ItlDtlltS " M I 3 3 1 1 I Iv. . C 31 is; 4: 4j :7 n :K 4 3.., r n 3i 4; -.- rs si ;o 49 4-5 . 3 34 34 41 43 4) 33S 4 1-3 . 6 43 49 3S T4 41 30 3w 4) S 3") 44 4". 41 30 41 31S 44 3-S ZZi lilt 41 11-33 Nam-. Scnerzintrcr Ttivich Elevens .. iad i eeirlin .. J,l.-,,-l . Totals . ...3'i ITS 313 SI 313 : i.oun:its. . M 1 '-' 3 4 r, T'l. Al. .. .. 49 3T 21 43 41 40 Wl Tfi . 1 X". 4" 4'. SS 41 4.S 337 47 3-3 ..It 30 3B 41 34 33 37 ISO JS . . 9 31 41 4S i7 ct an ! 37 .1.; ... 1 11 4) 33 31 SO 37 191 -3s 1-", re P) R ij At $ ""- sll HsiUas tiU p.p CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH C1.1I-ib1 mA n.l. I2s..Imk BArE. 41w..rfll.ll Indies, ."XPraSflrt or'.l.-S i;lil.s.ll In KCI BBt tl& n..iftlli- 1mi.. m-.i. wlnib'a.rlHwn Take no other. KefoM" !!a"i;eron lnhttlQltnaa and trait. IIhk. B. if your prucctit .r.sMf.ia 'm i Ikr I'orlleulara. E4 Hellrr for I 41e.'tn l.irr, by n foro UbH. in min t...b...i.i. u.i. .. lIDnnliu ChlrheHerl henleoM-o, JI.SMoi. Vausre. I'llll.A.. I "A. .30 lit 1ST 137.233 1S7 IS; 5S5 39 II. 3 I 1'alrc Ileiiiiiiionla ::, InipcrlnlM '2. WiACJIONT.s. Kcme r. M 1 Z 1 4 o T'l Al O-je.b-iili . . 3 r; 7i 79 33 -3 47 317 fl 3-3 Hil.len 3 is i-. -a u oi . ;ra ', -,.-. Hanson 3 31 47 4 74 ".: 73 .37 31 3-3 1'aln ... 4 4" 41 mi 31 42 31 iA, ii D t r ri-chet Z 53 H 39 3 4 313 ;A 3-3 Total- ... 33 iq 3I 374 377 '.fl 333 111". 33 orncE mi:v.s i.iri(Jii:. Cjclem 3, lroisrcH.lscs S. CICI.KItS. . Name. C M. 1 ; 1 4 -, Tt. v. M.ignns-(6) ...- c 31 41 30 32 4S ;; 4'. A. Inline 16).. S IS 31 S3 St 64 51 373 sc 3.; AlWnck 4) . . Ji S 44 48 31 Cg 17 33", ;i Harris (l .... 6 3S t0 a 42 42 41 341 4S 1-3 II I.lns (7)... 8 33 53 '43 13 41 ZZ 3T, 43 Totals (31).. 3r t(3 358 341 33 371 332 1US 49 13-M PROCIRnl-SlVEtf. Xame I". M. 1 ? 3. J . r. t-i .. Bajer (f.) 7 4! 4.1 43 30 38 42 1S6' 39"l-5 S) 7J 47 37 hf S3 3i 57 3-", 3 S K H 36 40 336 43 1-1 ... . 1. tw 1 . 4, w .-68 53 3-5 ... 6 37 36 41 33 33 57 300 40 ..10 Hender 111 . Insby (o Vistrlch Wricht .... Totals 117). ..Zi 13 23J Zlj 211 210 253 1178 47 3-23 Crntral Lratnc Sehednle. " The Central Coeked-lut I.caftue wllpbecin Its second series tilth the follow Ins matrhes: unaay juuiners i-p. ijeuiurj s on Acme altcj s. llindjcaiw (;reiMrh f. Hnlden S. Hanson S. iocior 1 lscn-r 3 Total. 34 IMPKRIAI.s Name r M. I 2 3 I r. T 1 A r.i-tz m -t .v. 41 41 -2 .vi 4i-" G Ilehke .. 7 33 33 31 SO 33 S3 331 44 1-3 M Ile e . I J ;n a n 3.1 44 2C 13 2-3 Hentz ! II ( 41 12 ."8 47 239 SI 4-1 JM lioehkc ...9 3-1 31 so 31 ft Cfi 215 433.3 Tota' . 33 133 251 214 2f. 268 232 1211 48 11-L3 Iland'cap-r:oetz 3 G Ilrehkc 4. JI Ij)ec 4. Uents 2. Ld Iks-hke 2 Total. 17 MAN'II I ItlN'ClmnilInn lt ladle., to rin mnnl. 1 rilrliiff, lot l.nlh inas.i.ii.-e and shamr-v InR l- 1 week nrlee Ji ir wek. v. Ill iad al house I) I Sil Itinullh I wltlM'nitT l'I,i:ittv IVrn 11 ent i.o.tinn h ex- j perl-nre.t crrcerv cleiU. tvilh let of reference. I 1317 Iterul.tii i-OI.nii:ii'.s oertoat tnew) with cspe size 38, JI 1701 Vrr t I 1M)V WANTKII smnrt ho lo work nrounl lunrh acon one ttlthout pirrnt-. pood vvnc.1 and tmaril I3is vH.hlncwn ae I.xsTiTts ANTKo-Seoon 1 liler" Crown i-hre Comiunj 1312 I'arlt a' j sTKII'I'Klt WXNTKI) Knperlencrt stripp'r . Sf7 N lff'ncneii, yjoiph Krcll IWMZCilrit. V.XTi:i Olil. 11 ear. lo ss-sl"-t wlih houceuork. at on e 2IC1 N. .leffr eon nie , upstairs 1 UIMHil'-I liuni're"!. work to brim; home, reference Ad tie Harris. 2320 Wash st ''HKHItV heilrnon suit plush loltPRe. jour price. 272S Morgan ft couch, lied III V ACMNST O'KIJEI'i:. Junior Assoctnllon. The Mohawks and Cauannes each won four ?oi, ?"di a,r, toBether for the lead In the Junior Lockcd-IIat Association. Standing: Clubs. Cabaunes Obi.iplas Mohawks W. I. 4 1 3 2 I 1 Clubs. Choctaw s . OfIce Men Seeurltjs . ..1 4 ..1 4 - a JiII'i.wi-'KK'b .senr.ijiTM-:. Manamr s wnners . euiurj s on Acme allcja. crnt alleio an. riV m , 7-iC 7jU " V, 3 i UiU and Acmcj . JWU'on Rojal allejs. FrWaj-Olympiaa v. security Arm. ..-- ,. . .-- -.., Itos to Clnsli nt CntrlisrrliEhttt nt I.x-eiini ciuit Monilny Mulil. The Ch'cao Inter Ocean sas: "rusllistle fans who iicall the two Iln Iv contests put up by lluddy Hjan and Jack O'Keefe within the past ifar. both of them rtult!ns In draws, wii i)( out n fone Monda.i nlcht, when these Isiys meet at the Hceum Club. It is a p. collar fact that In both of these previous bouts tlie honor" were even, not nvrelj as concern" the draw decisions, hut also as to the method in which each man made a losing contest up to a certain ttace and then went in so fast that defeat was turned lntd a draw." Vejer lii-OK, LeUBne. The threw matches of the second series In the i.ejer Urns Cocked-Mat I"aBUe will lie liowled Iriday en the Itoial allejs as follows: Imperial rowns IMas. li To-cas is. F. I". M.'s and Mikadcs is Pearls NET PROFIT IN 22 RACING DAYS, S9I7.00. RUSH YOUR COMMISSIONS TO NEW ORLEANS. Rush us a commission to New Orleans at once. We have a bunch of loner, priced hordes ready to be put over the plate as soon as a good opening in the wav of a condition race pre&ents itself. Nearly all the races are condition affairs this week, and if you want to be in from the start go to the nearest telegraph office and have your commission transmitted by telegraph. Our informatTon is getting better every day. Last week we put over three at odds of 10 to 1 or better. This week we feel confident we will treble that showing. SDL LICHTENSTEIN IS OUR COMMISSIONER. Since the Maim AL (lav Co. scorn! Its- first r t. i. l"e -iaim a. i.av i o. scornl Its- first ens-itIonaI success, it has been handicapped In obtaining h ht (e.r ltC ""LJ :" ''" ' .' It-s-lection". became pullie propeitv before tho races were mu in Je throuchoo? ' kf'hJ , "n ,,u" M'erli'ncp or eierx' one that once a horse was known to be tipped by Ma"lm ti h : iv to S , UL that hors,. h.c.,,nc a marl, for tho bookmakers in the betting. If the horse we tipped was a natur ll 5 taUhn! Ltn?" ers to w horn the Info, matlon iva just as accessihle as It was to am body else who paid tho price ihilked nn ,,'?,tm''k or less knowing that the play was- sure to come. As" a ies!t. clients Kot the worst of it shalked up to 1. more i-nUilnM tlrn'"" fr"m """ for ,hc .&&s .1 . p""',' bettor", to place tnejr irionev on the horses to the icrv best ndv.intase the srnlces nf m. cjh,, the noted Ilasicrn hookm iker. have ,.. sccu e.I bv the Malm Ai Gay Co Mr Idciitensiem has , ,,,.in..i',,e,n bookmaker and i far-famed a ,i "rlnf: " He charces 5 Mr cent of tlii neekll nr, n? e . . ii?"'" renllt"'tln as i he mak-Minward of 510..) per week x,rr pro It b the tr?n?actiin. The ,nr ""! be iisid solely for the hen, lit of our clients, proits 'of an adw.nt iKe wl "cli can T. l" t nStadi ' W'J.11 odds the IarKei Mr Mclitcnstein'-eomml-sion is You can easily t,o convinced, there Jo re thsMIr I leh onT. hV hl?hrr the endenors to usP thos,. tactics at New Orleans which hae made him faniouson the Fter,, irse'ki ? ,,'in morp tn'1" price nininst thos on which h Iniemis to i..,t fo,. lamous on the Eastern tracks lo sCcure an n . . Itecentlj Mr I.tclitenstiln has. for the prot.ctlon of our client"., been niacin- t' variably he i present in the New- Orleans bettlnc rlmr. and neer forcets hl dutv His tactics are his own. and for ohiioiis reasons cannot he further explained here the money awav from the track, but In- ti llllll li fnirbflf . . v ur elec.lorw. OUR INFORMATION IS EXCLUSIVE. ,-; o"V,'".:.V"nm"n.'r? '"'"T l.."l" .np,Kni' r-.'c. " ?"r ubcrlher.. ,.n a rvmbol of coed f.lth , n.o ... i it l .. -;- " lav-, spjertinns are placed in a sailed enielope. addre-sd to llch sul.-crlber. atiM nut in the mall nt th v- "' i,wcr. the rral Post (Office at 1 p. m. d.'ly We that no horse will he plaied f. r mv el! "t ece t h n,ew 9rIra"'' ('"n lias bee,, ,n ailed to him ill an .nielope hearing the Xew Orltans postm .rk not Inter than " n m nf Wl V," f ,h',t h'-" run After the races arc run -Vow Orleans, clients cat, learn at our New Orleans nPle. then-im 'o? tl JPi d;,v ".'? ,'ac", are ste-in has heen Instructed to dav. New- York clients c-in learn at our New York office nnd m?i of .T.'Mr" Llchte,, celie the news hy tedcKraph. if tliev so rrder-all t. Iecnnns at cost of subscriber In .illrtltm ie ,S' ;nonN ""' r--the hands cf tlie e-litor of the New- Orleans ITI.M before the races the s lectlors the monev wil hi nt1"?0 to I'''Ke in iXthn Uv'Tf V5,r'J'inK ,h namC-"( ,hB ",,r!-eS"1 ,hC Xe" Y"rk IMi:.!!Vm,c,r,.lie,l?ecc.e.,! ST ",c "'.curlty of "persons to whom our fame and financial standlnc are unknown and who i. . - .. New- Orleans. the Millni & Ga. Go rfm to ,ne gtato Xa(1(lll ,, ,Uuk 0 .""('hofollow- TERMS AND CONDITIONS. us at 1 tie tee for our one-horse wire and for our three-horse wire is 110 weekly for each Mr ?nt r i-i,. . , . kly wrinninss. Statements are mJ died ...V" '.V.' ine roitowlnsr are the minimum sums that are accepted for hettliiK placing jour money at the traik are j per cent of the net weikly winnings. Statements are mailed , A?. s cl.'-"-Scs for L-1K.-1.1. iui pronis. Accounts nccepiiii puuiect to witnurawal by jou on teleKranhle notice tn ihVt . "J'"11'- In inK odds, as imhllshed in the New-' York DAILY AMERICA, the reeocnized rac ioc :, h, ri- r .'."'..f11- Official clos- llni-- - " Ki i'.or " . '? I'.'a" n each horse- 30 For u J .'10 daily plav on each horse-tica r or n J iu dally play on cacn horse-j so i-or a J Jo daily nlav on each hiliLKii For a.J 3) daily play on each horse-JU) 1'or a 1C0 flail? play m each horJM) V.U.V; ar." .. '.'".'i' ,,iy".",uIu, ,IU'."ce" s nIor.Vl1" Iep' W must accompany all hettimr am.,. guaranteed. Junior Association. The Mound otj. i-nckpH.iiat 1-aiiuc second re- j rles opens, We,tneiay The schdule follown: ednesday HeTti.T Hpincers s. Ttlaltos on -l.yne alles. and KaKles i Consumers on Royal jKri.laj -Lindclb s. jjiuc Bitibons on Crescent I H,., ""'" "'""-i iu me .uiiiiin . uay o.y-.-3 uanni a,., .-ew Orleans. All accounts received br ii. T w II be Placed by Mr. Sol Uchlensteln r some other aBent of the Maxim & Gav Co and the A i. ie.',lDl & ay Co. ail auL-uuiiuiiKs turret to Its ejients. The-Maxim A. Gav Co. assumes all responsibility for a t.roner A..r,Y -.- wl" m'ko R unlc's e?rtmed.enls' are laut,oncd a, Ecn""": mone throuKh " malls" without rcs'terin". 'kT&k!? aci'tubio 4- l vna V T V