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'Sf'-iSt y ji I ? V r w i i !. K I FRANK CARPENTER FINDS THE QUAINTEST PEASANTS OF EUROPE IN HOLLAND'S BACKWOODS. A Visit to the Island of Marken in the Zuyder Zee Dutch Farms and Farming Small Estates and Low Wages Among the Dairymen Where the Cattle Live With the People How Cows Are Cared For A Look at the Alkmar Cheese Market The Tulip Farms of Haarlem. n n ' ( cs ) BMaaasssssss bbbbbbbbbbbbbbsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbs"'! Lt villlHHPiWHHPHMnnEfBSPHH 1 ssjbsbsbV Kit:--'r)9HHPRHBSlBHI I isWi sssssssssssssssssssssssssr;HVtv HIHI sssaaissstsssssssssflH sssjsjsjsjsjsjsjsjsjsjsjsjsjsjF f i"y.- f,"' 'IHHHH I a-ssBBBBBBBBBBBBssBBSBBssiBSBBBBBBss!1 HAHfl)jv&v3i '";ylBkV4'&lVM:r .vV,sbbbbbbV JJxxiJTijr ..ssJsBBBsieBBBBBBfew BKBIOSfs Jii' $ ? BBBJBSBBSSSSBBBkM-llSBvJsew..' 4 . J SBBBBBBSBBBBBXBBBBpJsk HHHBrA-IBtS WtW" w tssassssssssi x ' vVbhHIbV HbsssSsjsssssjsksbbsssHsssssjssHb KiJBSBSI-jiB'aH nv BLf assrsasssHasV BSSBsKB hbSSSF-sHFv;'''VBBZv jv sjbsbsissbU sBSB AVrl BM jbsbsbsbsbsbsbWssbsbT sjbsbsbissssssssssssisjbsbsbsbsbsbsbsbsbsT sssssssssswssl sssa-i.. ..viiii!iH'tMi x 3 raV ssbsbsbsbsbsbbssBSsW sjbss,sjSbsbsbsIsVsjbsbsbsbsbsbsbsbsbs"7 -Fi '"'"JMBm'' liSr-aByr niasnassssssssssMssa viy ij1 i I Km r BHBPP HBBBBBBr IAHBlvv !('' BTr-vV4JrB3PQSP9PHBHMBHBHBHBVHBBBM t mJHHHHHBb I V9lk II NNHHHHHHHHflHHHHMBHl MJ CllHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBWNl iTL SV wn 8pcuf Ctewtponi'DCo cf The Buntiar Republic. Amsterdam, Feb. IS If you want to see the Dutch as they era you must go to the backwoods of Holland. Tou will And there districts where the people dress the same from generation to generation and where their customs aro un changed by the ages. This Is so on some of the Wands of Zee land, lying In the mouth of the Scheldt and also In North Holland on the edge of the German Ocean. Take for Instance the Island of Marken, In tho Zuyder Zee, not far from this great city of Amsterdam. It seems to be another world. The people look down upbn modem clothing and dress as the Dutch did nrty j ears ago. The men wear bloomers no full at the hips that you could make a dress skirt out of one pilr of trousers. They have roundabouts or shirt waists of black wotl, with big silver buttons running in two rows down to the walii, where the trousers are fastened by buttons aa large a an after-dinner cotfee cup saucer. The trousers stop at the root of the calf and below are woolen stockings and clogs. The women wear gorgeous red and whits caps, red bodices and white skirts, which fall to the knees and below have blue or black stockings and clogs. Their caps come donn almost to the eyes, ending In a fringe of banged tialr. which covers the ears, a curl of hair hanging down each cheek to tho shoulder. I went out to Marlten'one day and spent the day photographing the people and houses. I had no trouble in getting good pictures, for every man, woman and child was ready to pose for a certain number of pennies, and the little ones trotted along at my heels In their clogs begging me to take their pic tures and then asklnc for money. Even the men demanded money when pho tographed, and I think the burgomaster himself would have posed for less than a guilder. I usually paid 4 cents a person, and a little more when I photographed In the houses. The houses' of Marken are low, one and a half-story buildings, with ridge roots paint ed Mack, built along narrow streets In littla villages here and there over the Island. I entered one at the Invitation of the own er, an old Dutchman, who wore a pair of trousers each leg of which was as big as a two-bushel bag. His whole house was not mora than twenty-four feet square, but It was so clean that you could see your face In everything In It FLOORS SCRUBBED LIKS A KITCHDN TABLE. The floors were scrubbed like a kitchen tnble on Saturday night, and the plates on the walls fairly shone. About the room were cupboards, each con taining a bed. with the whitest of pillows And Quilts beautifully embroidered. The kitchen utensils were copper, and two brats candlesticks, which shone llki gold, itocd on ihlf under the plates, . i Jtt Holland' JSAtrrtWoan On my way to Marken I stopped at Brocck, a little farming town In the midst of the meadows, to see a cheese factory. The factory was house, stable and cheese making establishment combined. This Is so throughout the dairy regions of Hollnnd. The liny Is stowed away In the garret, and one-half of tha house Is given up to the cows, which are brought In doors during the winter and kept there. The stable part of the house had accom modation for thirty cows, tvo for each stall, and It was cleaner than the average American kitchen. The cows were out dur ing my visit, but I walked with clean feet from stall to stall, making notes of the ar rangements. The walls of the stalls are' painted black to the height of tho cows and white above that In front 6f each stall there Is a window with lace curtains over It, and at the back a drain six Inches deep, which la flooded dally with water and kept so clean that there Is little perceptible odor. But as for that the Dutch say that cow smells are healthful, and the farmers do not mind them at all. I was Interested In the arrangements to keep the cows clean. Every cow Is well bedded, and It has. In addition, a rope tho size of n. clothes line with a strap loop at Its end to hold up Its tall. One end of the rope Is fastened to the rafters just ocr the cow, so raising the tall that there Is no danger of It being flirted through the milk or into the ee Of the milker. In a room adjoining this was the cheese room with a hundred balls of fresh Edam cheese on the racks. CHEESE OF A RICH YELLOW COLOR. Tha cheese v. as of a rich yellow color and more delicious than any we have In the United Staes. I was shown the cheere presses, and as I examined them I noticed some American oil stoves on the shelves near by, an evidence that the American Invasion has evidently found Its place In this out-of-the-way factory. The old lady who owned the establish ment explained the processes of cheese making, bobbing the gold horns over her eyes to and fro as she did so. I like the Dutch country people! They are 'the quaintest orall the characters of the Netherlands, and they remind you of the pictures of Holland ou see In the gal leries. The people of the towns dress about the same as we do, but In the back districts are girls with lace caps and helmets of gold, stiver and brass, and also corkscrew gold horns sticking out on each side of the eyes. The women working In the fields wear black hats and wide linen skirts, and It Is not uncommon to find a young man with a thick mop of hair cut stratftht off at the necKr a ncniy emDroldered shirt, a rounds trousers of velveteen, which 'look-like enor- bout with enormous silver buttons and moui hags tied to at the knee. . .. . . ' THE REPUBLIC: SUNpY, MSROH 8, 1903. 1 CTj-tiin7Terf The Dutch are- blaln and simple In their ways. They are sxjuer-inoicing, Dut tney can laugh upon occasions, and many of them are hospitable. More than half of tho farmers of Holland own the lahds which they farm, but the holdings are contparathely small.. There are t.ot In tho whole country 200 farms, each containing more than 250 acres, and 80.000 of the farms have each less than fifteen acres. Indeed, a large part of Hol land Is tracts ot heath or of swamp and water, which are good for-nothing. SIX HUNDRHD THOUSAND ACRES IN FORESTS. There are two and one-half. million acres In pasture, and more than 600,000 acres In forests, so that the land actually cultivated does not comprise more than one-third of the country. The people ere more devoted to stock farming and dairying than to tilling the soil. Tho country raises excellent grass, and there are now here something like a million and a half cattle, chiefly Itolstelns. There are a million and a quarter hogs, more than half A million horses and 700,000 sneep. Some of the chief dairy regions ara In the north, and at Alkmar is o. famous Cheese market, to which the people from seventy1 or eighty villages, bring in their cheese for sale. Each cheese 'Is marked with the Initials of its maker. The stock is spread out on waxed clothsi and Is bought by wholesale merchants, who sh'p It to all parts of the world. Holland exported about J3,OW,060 worth of cheese In 1900. the bulk of the product go ing to England, Belgium, Germany and France. Thousands of tons of this are sold at Alk mar, the stuff being brought In In wagons over the road, on barges Up the canals and by the small farmers In dog carts. Tho price of cheese makes good or bad times In the dairy regions, and by the rise or fall of a cent or so a pound the farmer Is happy or miserable. I am surprised to see how well the Dutch care for their cattle. They treat them like children, and are careful that nothing Is done to excite or disturb them. On a cold day. If Inithe fields are blank eted, and when hot the. blankets aro often kept on as a protection from the files. The cows are fed In the fields, and the milking Is done in the pasture, the fanners claiming that the animals should not be worried by being driven- Into the stable. On large farms the milk is collected by wagons, and on tho small ones the milk maids often bring It in themselves, using a yoke which Jits over the shoulders, with a bucket hung to each end. In France I found the cattle tied to stakes to ke.'p them from destroying the crops next the pastures. Here In Holland noth ing is tethered or watched. There are but few fences but' little canals, two or throe feet wide, take th!r places. The gate to a field Is often a drawbridge. which Jslet down when the animals paSs in or-out, but at other times rema!s up. m Other bridges have gates built upon them, and It looks funny to see such gates stand ing here and there alone in tho fields. CANALS TAKE THE PLACE OF FENCES. Tha falmers aro r everywhere thrifty. Nothing goes to waste. The haystacks at roofed with boards or thatched In such a way that the thatch can be lowered as the hay la fed out. All woodwork Is painted, and rot and rust are not to be seen. Indeed, the only things that show rigns of decay here are the windmills, some of which are hundrtds of years old. In some cases these hnv bcn replaced by steam or oil engines, but they still do a great deal of pumping nrd grinding. You sea them everywhere upon tho Dutch land scape; pome aro huge affairs, with arms thirty or more feet long, and great ston or brick towers rising high above the rest of the landscnpe. Some saw lumber and others grind flour for the stock. It takes only two men for a large mill, so that tha expense of running Is slight. I am told that a large, mill costs $1,000 or $2,000, and that the smaller ones aro much more expensive thatuthe steal structures of a similar kind tri'"Aeriea. TheDulch make money out of gardenlrtgi Rnrt especially flower gardening. They ralss vegetables and fruits for England, but tliclr peaches and pears lack flavor, though they are full of juice. They taste to me much like the fruits of Japan, which has about the same climate. There are parts of Holland, however, which are Just right for flowers. Take the region about Haarlem, where more bulbs are raised than at any place In the world. The soil there Is a mixture of sand and loam, Just fitted for the best of tulips, hya cinths and gladioluses. There are syndicates and individuals at Haarlem who do a big business In bulb raising. They have patches of tulips, hya cinths and others bulbs acres In extent HYACINTHS 8UQQE8T OLD-FASHIONED CRAZT QUILT. The hyacinths load the air with their per fume, and the fields are of such colors that In passing through on the railroad at cer tain times of the year, you seem to be trav eling over a craty quilt more gorgeous than any ever put together In reality. There arc In all about 2.000 different kinds of tulips raised here; tOCO varieties of gUd lotuses and 1,700 hyacinths. The bulbs are planted In trenches, with the large plants In the center and the small ones at the side. The varieties ara kept separate, each row being labeled with its own name. The most of the bulbs exported by Hol land are raised near Haarlem, and this means an amount equal to about $3,090,000 annually, much of which comes from the United Slates. It was at Haarlem that the best tulip were raised during the great crux, whin uch bulbs brought their weight in gold. Dutch w!t speculation, auuui die uiiiv mnv inai me the beads and went , wild ovtr -- WniTTKN FOn THE SUNDAY RENJBL1C. Modern life I llkf ft three-ringed clrcu, and he who has the longest neck gets the best of It. We are told that our ancestors Were quiet, leisurely people who drifted through life taking things as they found them. alwas at their pane, never In a hurry. v Perhaps that Is why thlr portraits look down from the walls with such an evident eVi.rpsaion of disapproval. Wpi the'r grand children, no longer drift. It we did. we hould Quickly drift out to sea and d'sap pear. Unl'ke them, we are nervous, active, qulck-wtttcd and supple in the neck. It Is In this last respect .that we differ mest radically from thoe who went before us Scientists find that there Is 65 per cent more rubber In the neck of a succes'ful man now than there was twehty years ago. And there Is need that there should be. If a man cannot see backward as well as for ward, and on all sdes as well, how Is he to make any progress through the whirlpool that we call modern life? If a woman's neck Is not as lengthy as a swan's, how is sl-e ever to keep up with all the things that her Intensely modern ne'ghbors are doing! AH thinking people admit these facts. Ev ery one realizes the crying need of rubber necks. Yet it is only here and there that we see a finely developed specimen. The owner smiles mysteriously, admits that his or her success Is due to the possession of a rubber neck, but refuses to tell how that valuable phvs'ologlcal condition is obtained. Too much cannot be said against such selfishness. What If all great discoveries were kept secret In this msnnerT Where would the human race be now?; What If the man who Invented printing had kept It for his own amusement or the astonishment ot his friends? What if Columbus had gone They speculate still, but most of their en terprises are on an investment basts. Dur ing the tulip craxe. along about when Bos ton was started, one Haarlem tulip bulb brought $1,500. with a team of gray horses and a carriage throwh In, and an Amster dam bulb was sold fortwetve acres of land. Both of these bulbs were of the variety known as the Semper Augustus, of which there were then only two In existence. At the same time other varieties brought enormous sums. Tulip buying was a reg ular business! and men grew rich and poor from the trade. Rome Dutch mortsAS-ed their hmt to buy tulips, and the loss of a peck of bulbs caused a man's rulh. The Dutch tulips now sell for ordinary prices, but they are still handled on busi ness principle), and both cultivation and marketing have been reduced to a science. The bulbs are set out In Beptember and October.. They are carefully cultivated by skilled workmen, many of the farms em ploying hundreds of hands. They aro packed for the market Just so and are shipped to seed and flower dealers all AVer the world. I doubt If the ordlnarv Dutch farmer makes money. Take the tO.Ooo who have less than fifteen acres. They eannot at best produce more thaH a living. Indeed, some bf these are selling their farms and renting others. FARM LABORBR9 HIRHD FOR 20 CENTB A DAY. Lands are high and rents are-calculated at about 3 per cent of the land values. Wages are very low. A good farm hand can be hired ft-;Jrom $0 to 40 cents a day, and a common- price Is $fl0 a year, with a suit or ciotnes ana a pair or Doots tnrown In. Manyof the farm hands) now go off to Belglutn and France at harvest time, so that labor is scarce. There is also an exo dus from the country to the Cities and the factories, where the wages are higher. Even In the cities tha wages paid seem ridiculous in comparison with those of the United States. The Government usually pays as much as any one. Here are some figures recently published as to what men received who worked on State contracts: Common workmen got 5 cents an hour, carpenters 6 cents and ma sons and bricklayers 7 cents. Blacksmiths received 7 Cents an hour and turners, planers, fitters and Iron workers 8 cents. The wsges in the factories are no better, ahd the hours ot work range all the way from nine to thirteen per day. On the farms both men and women work, and tha women, as a rule, do as much as the men. In the factories there ere also women and children. , , Children are allowed in the factories at the age of 11 The little Ones go to their labors at 6 o'clock, starting work on noth ing but a cup of hot coffee or perhaps a piece Ot rye bread, and coming home to breakfast at fc. They to back an hour later, and lay Oft for dinner from 12 to 1, when they return to complete the day. Tha wages paid children are but a few cents a day, and boys start into a trade as low as 20 cents a week. There are fixed rules u to apprentices, some shops refusing to take them because there are ho law by which they can hold them after they have learned enough to be of value, Of late, however, technical schools have been established, and the children will have a better chance to learn trades than In the past FRANK G. CARPENTER, cspjrfltht. lHt, by F. O. carpenter. Electric Billiards. From Paris comes the report of a new amusement known as "electric billiards." It Is played on a table. In the center of which Is placed a plate ot some easily elec trified material. The billiard balls ara of compressed pitch, and the cue la a short rod with a cork tip, prepared chemically. The balls art, of course, subject to the Influence of the electrified plate In the center of the table, and owing to this fact It Is difficult to make caroms. It is said to be purely a game of skill. and When it is mirogucen into sew xoric, which It is said will be In the near fu- ' vw- I H A GREAT BOTAIICAl BISCOf EEY Hi PRACTICAL VALVE OP THE BELOVED RUBBER PLANT AS OUTLINED BY HENRIETTA HUMMER. ' !' ture. It Is ' Paf.nJ"nJooAon Front street. Just west of where ISVKJ " CooMy Bank is, and was .kept for new difficulties by all others who nnd handling the cuo a fat iselnatlng pastime. ,r'rt&& jfcgJ voiBrfE" ' "" back home and never told? All the world would have lost by It. And yet there hava been people who have known the secret of acquiring rubber necks and let that secret go down with them to heir graves. Napoleon must have known. His life proves It. And to a keen observer the apparent shortness of the neck In his portraits shows It to have been of that ex tremely fine quality of gutta percha that snaps back Instantly Into place. The artlst3 chce to represent the great man In his qultt moment. But Napoleon on the battle field, Napolon In the council chamber, must have been a different man. Only think how that neck must have shot suddenly forth when no one expected It, enabled Its owner to rubber quickly all around, see all that was In sight and more tco, and then how it must have snapped back firm and short and strong, ready tor use again at an Instant's notice. Yet he never told. His knowledge died with him. Astonishing as It will seem to future ages the secret Is now about to be given to the world for tho first time. In this, humble and unpretentious essay I shall endeavor to clear up the mystery. So simple Is the explanation that the read er will say to himself: "Why, or course! How odd that I never thought of ltl" Reader, has It never occurred to you that coincident with the Increase of rubber-necks in America has been the astonishing growth In popularity of rubber plants? Were there electric lights In our cities before there were electric light plants? Would we expect to find oysters on our tables without oyster plant In our gardens, or pie without pie plant? Tha newest housekeeper knows bet ter than that. The rubber plant has long been known and revered as a household Idol, as a symbol of How Young SBSSasSMSSMSSsaiSBSBBBBSBkBSSSBBaBSSkBasBSSMBaSSsaSSSaartaSBlasSlBa Money Advice by th:& Oldest Illinois Millionaire Bloomlngton, III., March 7. One of the oldest millionaires In Illinois lives here. His name Is Abraham Brokaw, and he Is S3 years of age. He accounts for his wealth by saying that he always stuck to what he set out to do. His vigorous health he attributes to the fact that he has never tasted liquor or used tobacco In any form. Mr. Brokaw was t personal friend of Abraham" Lincoln and Stephen A. Douglas. In fact, he knew all of the prominent men of Illinois at that time. Peter Cartwrlght, the blunt old Methodist evangelist, who ex-1 pounded the gospel with his fists whenever It becamo necessary, was a close friend of Mr. Brokaw. The Bloomlngton millionaire has lived to see all cf his former associates pass away. KNEW DISTINGUISHED MEN. He was but a young man when the little company of lawyers, Stephen A. Douglas, David Davis, Wells Coltoh, Abraham Lin coln, Jesse B. Thomas and others accom panied Judge Treat on his circuit to hold court They would come from Springfield to Bloomlngton for a week, then mount and again move on to Pontlao for a session of a day. Again turning their horses toward Bloomlngton they passed through en their way to Clinton for another day's court Brokaw always associated with them when they stopped off in Bloomlngton, and many a funny story has he heard Lincoln relate. After a time this band of jfoung men be gan prospering. Brokaw manufactured plows and accumulated a fortune. Judge Treat was, appointed to the United States District Court and David Davis, who subsequently moved here from Pekln, was appointed his successor. Leonard Sweet aft erward located here. Colonel Orme and Ed Baker were prominent lawyers who lived here. John T. Stewart, who prepared him self for law in Lincoln's office, was In the volunteer service during the Black Hawk war, and served Illinois as a member of Congress. Ward H. Lemon became an ora tor and able politician. Ed Baker after ward emigrated to California, where he be came a Senator. When the rebellion was In progress he enlisted with a California regiment, and met his death at Ball's Bluff. Judge Stephen D. Logan was a young man. He had tried and lost two or three cases Ih Kentucky. He had grown so dis couraged that he decided to abandon the profession, but his friends rallied around him and urged him to hold on. He did and in time came to be a bright light. LINCOLN AND DOUGLAS. In speaking ot these acquaintances tho other day Mr. Brokaw said: "Stephen A. Douglas did considerable business here and was active In the courts He was a fine statesman nnd a gifted speak er. I frequently heard him talk, both in the courts and on political occasions. One day, during the Harrison campaign, court adjourned In tne morning in orner id urai a debate between Douglas and Lincoln In the afternoon. "As the abolition question was red hot. public sentiment was very sensitive. In closing his speech, Lincoln, who led off. said that If his opponent tacked the wool upon Harrison's head he would pull it off again In his closing speech. When he took the floor Douglas retorted that he would begin Just where the other gentleman left off, and that he would stick to the wool question. "I was well acquainted with Lincoln. He went to the Legislature the first summer that I was here. When here he stopped at the same hotel where I boarded. That Dy JBines lISO. At mo tcauiiig iiwici. .When h earns bar Lincoln would always IftPiSer "-?, T'?jV-CirfViv1-r'"' T.. the home. It has long been loved almost as a member of the family. It has stood In the minds of many for the very thought of home Itself. It has held as high a place as the sacred fire upon the hearth 'did In the minds of the people of nnclent Greece. Mottoes have been worked In shaded silk by loving fingers bearing the legend, "What Is Home Without a Rubber Plant?" arid hung on the walls of ourdrawing-rooms, and friends coming Into the house have been greeted by the ex clamation, "See how our rubber plant Is growing!" But of the practical value of the beloved plant too little has been known. With a strange, perverse blindness, people have re fused to see that families brought up In a pious reverence for the household rubber trco have Invariably turned out successful men and women. Very little Is yet known, of the exact manner in which rubber Is taken into the systems of those who coma into does contact with a healthy rubbe plant, but that such Is the case, no one who looks Into the matter can for a moment doubt. Let a rubber plant be Introduced In to a family, and tha effect will soon be ob served. The constitution ot erery member of the family will begin to develop a certain elas ticity, ahd their necks to become more elon gated and easily extended. This will give them s better grasp of current events, and the knowledge of details that Insures suc cess. Too much cannot be said in favor of the adoption Into every home of a rubber plant. Parents who wish to do their best for their children should take this matter seriously 'into'ebnslderatlon, and people who feel that they have not been a success In life should remember that it is never too late to buy s rubber tree. Men Can Earn circle around among us young fellows anjd enjoy a good time. He was as commonU any. "In the hotel dining-room was a long din ing table. One day during a term of court; the coterie of lawjers were placed In agjj lppf nmvrA fit ih hpnA nt thA f Ahte. VTjSSt local boarders were at the lower end. cJSs?j-jji: Ing in a little late. Lincoln got seated &'' tha wronr comranv. with the boys ofstiVt ... rri.- -......... tn.l,j 1.1m ,M JL Ia-iTC tunua auo yirfjiniv, ,.icu u,u ,w gu v among hl3 professional brethren. Lincoln asked: 'Is the tea any better at the o.tjtil ehd? but did not move. 'Z." TRIALS FOR DENTISTS. H "Do you see these glasses?" taking a pair off his head. "They belonged to Doctor Hobbs. He and I were for several years members of the family of Lewis Bunn. 'He was a dentist, but as people In that day did not spend much money for dentistry that profession did not afford him satisfactory support So he taught school and did other things. Many of Bloomtngton's people who) are becoming elderly were his pupils. aBs was a leader In society, a fine dresser, and a gentleman of polish. -rr "Then there was old John Hehdrix. tth i first white settler who brought a family ! Infix nrhnt la n,. M.T.n- P.iinlrf Ia i j ....v. ,ib 13 nun -fcll .wumj. OQ ,W a Very able man and a prominent class) leader In the Methodist Church. I still have a distinct recollection of his prayers, which were the most earnest I have ever heard;,! remember the first time I ever saw hlnvin '37, not far from Orendolph Springs, a cams) meeting was being held. The Reverend Mr, St Clare who stopped at Mr. Bunn's a good deal when here, was the Presiding Elderuaa I had never seen a Western camp meeting I went down one hot August day. Bqtb, tents and log cabins were on the grouftd. People went Into trances, fell over on tin ground, and shouted lustily. o "As I was approaching a woman was) shouting so loud that she could be heardifes a mile. I knew v cry well people on the ground I noticed an elderly man laboring on'tas knees in front of one of the cabins. Lock ing around. I saw James Price, whom I hap pened to know. When I asked who the oM man was. he told me that It was John Hcndrix. Price's eyes were filled with tears, too. That fall Hendrlx passed away." i "Well, did you remove the spikes?" ba "Yes; but I never got the $3." T Mr. Brokaw Is one of only a few surrts Ing settlers In McLean County. When talk Ing of old times and faces ho speaks wltm emotion, sometimes with eyes welling with) tears. A "Very few rich men are lucky enoughrta reach a ripe old age," remarked Mr. Bro kaw, after finishing his reminiscences. -J3 think tho reason I have been spared IS that I never broke my neck reaching out after money. Cohstant worrying will kill a raaa almost as quickly as the excessive ties-ox liquor. 1 "My policy in life has been to stick ta what I set out to do. I never rolled around from one thing to another. To boys, who want to accumulate money. I would offer the following suggestions: "Get a plan In your head. - 1 "Stick to that plan. a 3 "Keep in good company. r ' "Indulge no bad hablta " "Avoid the company of those who doIn dulge in bad habits. "Cultivate your own abilities. i "Help yourself. "Rely upon vourself. a' . "Study common sense." tA In his present advanced age the old set tier Is still methodical. He shaves hlm jelf, heats his house with wood. stoves and uses kerosene lamps. He goes to bed -between 7 and 8 every evening and arises, between S and 6 In the moraine . . 22 S -... - V, ffiafiraw-,. u6dMMi s -.ri-1 lMd&?l2&!bi LHSffifM'&S' ,A- j.lrjt. 1 BZZA,' c , ?-.w- :-'Tix- -tritj: Z i-Jf u