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eI? $ Ta'SE-T!-' W ' - -Ztr-.-. o. - -v.- a- - FlvBVT' TPj"1. 'l"H-'iyr r :j T KP " M'lfi -t&3& -. V-Vcfcj Y$ f? ft r 4s j. ri r I i' THE AMERICAN GIRL FACE: gHEjM. TTDAHP SYEZCiiATIfiRKNi WftlTTEN FOK TIIS SUNDAY REPUBLIC. There is a pretty style or girt called the typical American girl. J Is a new "type." and she 1 ao dls ln her ways aa aha la In her looks. Is wonderfully graceful. A goes without dwelling upon It, and s tall and slim. But the trait do not" f stamp her as a type. y There are other characteristics which are noticed about her. And these are that she shall have a wide, smooth forehead, not too high, but perfectly free from lines. She must hare cheeks that are weU'.flned out. even plump, and"shapedso' that they make an outline that, while plump and full, shall nevertheless be an oval Then, besides these, which would seem to he enough for any girl, she must have a rounded chin, with a tip that is Just the sweetest thing in the world. Her neck is full, too, for she Is pretty In decollete, the American girl, but It is her forehead, her chin and her cheeks that come first among her delightful characteristics. The American girl, when you find her' in her perfect stats. Is the prettiest girl In the universe. She looks not fragile, but healthy, and the air of health is not oa the surface alone, hut it Is found In the subsurface, so to speak, ar.4 it will bubble up in her abundant life and inlrltsi It is claimed that every free-born Ameri can girt can make' of herself an American typo. Its characteristics are so simple, so easily acquired, so manageable and pliable, as It were, that any American girl with a fair start, can turn herself into a type without a great deal of trouble. WHAT SHE MUST HAVE. To do this she must make her forehead smooth; she' must make her cheeks .full arid plump; she must make her chin round. After this come the sparkllngeyes, 'the curved brows, the Cupid-bow mouth end the other pretty points of a woman's face. But the first and' main thing is the fore head, for if this be lined or creased, or if It be furrowed in those queer hillocks which sometimes' mar a womanls face; or if -It be potted or freckled, or If; It be filled with open pores or touched wlth"blackhead!r then. Indeed, la a woman's beauty spoiled, Tet the treating' of the forehead" is . the most difficult of all things. Tha"skln. .Js thick upon the forehead, and It Is .tough. 'It Is. also. In the majority'-ofcases. much' abused. A woman will take cars of her, ehhi and her cheeks, and will treat them "scrupu lously, whUs her poor forehead, half hidden under Its hot. padded pompadour, will steam !nd grow yellow and dull, while the. rest ,ef her face Is young. , The habit of lifting the brows when one J is talking U bad; bo also Is the habit of Trownlng. t The latter Is on that many people per form unconsciously. Often a woman will 'have a perpetual scowl without know leg It. A beauty doctor, taking a patient In hand, will require her to sit In front of the mlr-' ror and convene. When the woman sees the frowns" she makes, the grimaces "aba draws, the' wry 'looks she displays, she" will start bock In" affright "Why, r am spoiling my face." she will exclaim. There ara girls, and pretty girts, too, whoa foreheads are pitted with pores and lackhaads. This condition la unspeakably shocking, 0cA It can transform a pretty face Into oo that ts positively revolting. Thar Is no better Index to one's personal fcablta than the state of one's 'forehead, sod when this Is found' to be all specked irKh Mlitim and made horrid with ' sssssssssssssr Wide, Smooth Forehead, Plump Cheeks and Rounded Chin Mark This Attractive Type of-Beauty. tczzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ; .marks of various kinds. It Is almost im possible to believe that the girl or woman Is fastidious In her habits. THE FOREHEAD. The steaming of the forehead is the first step in the cure, and for this there must be a basin of hot water, resting in another basin, with the outer one kept boiling. Tho steaming of the faco does not mean Its parboiling, by any means. But it does mean the thorough heating of the skin until the cuticle Is In Buch a state cs to permit the rubbing out of tho blackheads. If the skin be heated very hot and kept hot for five minutes, and if, at the end of .that time, a thorough lather of soap and water be applied. It will be found that, when tho lather Is washed off. the black heads will come off too. And the forehead will be nearly clean. But It Is massage that does the most and the best for the forehead. Do not at tempt It yourself, but get an operator. Let, her dip her fingers In warm almond oil, and let her pass them gently over your forehead, going from side to side, right along, the lines of the furrows. " Lot 'the masseuse, be. she amateur or pro fessional, pretend that she Is smoothing out a piece of wrinkled tissue paper. Let her put her fingers In the creases and rub them away. A hard stroke Is not necessary, but there should be long, gentle strokes of the kind that will. In time, take out every wrinkle. The masseuse must. In the laneuare nf th slangy girl, "get busy" every day. She lYIIISt Tin motf-lcw. ha- tn.1. an 1a. ... l . uvh -n.s.vw .,,,. .u,k cu, IUUK U II Sin gle wrinkle remains, and she must put Into tho work at least fifteen full minutes every day. Even after the wrinkles are gone, she must act as masseuse occasionally and must worm the olive oil, dip her fingers Into it end massage the forehead of her patient at least twlco a week. . The typical American girl, the slrl of ;Wenzell and of Gibson, of Christy ani of bionaiaus, lias full, round cheeks. They oro not pudgy, by any means, but they are full and plump arid pretty. To get those round cheeks requires, first. tho.servlces of a dentist who vlll ascertain. ir mere are missing teetn, or u bis services aro needed In tho way of building up, crowning, bridging, or performing any of tho other delicate tasks of modern dentlstiy. His work, if there be any, must bo dons on recent lines. MAKING HER CHEEKS RED. If this Is done, then comes the masseuse again, and this time her duty Is not to rub tho checks,- but to spat them. "Spatting" the cheeks Is done with the two middle fingers.. xney are cuppea in not water, and tha cheeks, era gently patted with tho fingers., The tips strlko the cheeks Just In tha mid dle, right at the dimple spot, and the skin It stimulated and reddened. Spatting tha cheeks every day Is a good thing for them. It Is much better for, the skin than rub, blng them with a towel and It serves not only as a massage, but as a frictions! agent.. Cheeks that are religiously spatted every day In the week are always red; they are always cool and soft to tha touch; they very rarely "havo freckles upon them, and they are never pimpled or covered with1 blackheads. So much will spatting do fo the cheeks. The typical American -girl has a pointed chin. For this there Is a new treatment.. ' The chin is. massaged at each. side, and the motion Is upward. v A bunch of absorbent cotton Is dipped tn hot water and the chin is rubbed, genfeTf with It, always from the sides upward, '-ff-' This will "slightly pink the ohm and lt-wfil at the same Urns set as a deterrent 'and M- courager of the double chin. The double chin .cannot loss; remain it tha THE REPUBLIC: SUNDAY. MARCH 8. 1903. bjK RHByaasBSaBasBSBaalBSSSsaBaaaBaaasaBaaaaKiV BKBBSaSSaSBSBSBSSBBBBaBBBSaBBB $?$' imMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMwMmJmMMl BaaaaaaBaKBBBBaaaBHBaBaaVjiaHuf ,it'rS?vt$2vfVij ' t&HlQiBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaKAsaaaan9S&' cs&Svv--aV BsBssBssBH&BHasBlBssssssssssBsssss - !iBaaaaaaaaaaaasssaaasaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaj I ffi BaaaasaBBBBBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV'flSSsBlaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaaaaaBsaaal I BaaaaaaaaaasaaaHBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasr !iLp'VBaaVxsBsssssssssssssssssssssssssssassssssssll SMawiWWBPyjsaajaaar. & ..y v? Ari V .ffi 7. W 3jllfcyaif afcjsj 3j5H5jBsaaaa?sjBsaaaaaaaas 9 FR!.5EJ5VCES r - -xx I I m a ilk " - ' 'vyJS - Vi . - ,. k. .1. -s ysViffiaaau MARIAN MARTINEAU TELLS HOW TO MADE e&SMAfrfcAfTl FAMILIAR BY FAMOUS ARTISTS.; TOOM BECOHIUQ (DOJjau-' flesh at each side of it snd under It be rubbed upward and away from tha neck dally, and If to the massage there be odped a few chin calisthenics, to give the neck and double chin the exercise they need, ao much the better. SHE IS TRUE TO TTPB. The typical American girl keeps herself true to her typo by roiiowmg tnese oirec tlons and she who is faulty in type can cor rect her defects. It would be telling tales out of school to reveal the names of these prominent women who have tried these methods of facial tteatment. Some of the prettiest actresses on. the stage, some of the most, notable society beauties, some of the .most prominent wom en In every walk of life, have taken this treatment with such good results that ono hears them spoken of as growing dally more beautiful; and always does one hear of them as "types" of American beauties. Many a Gibson girl has her forehead dally made wide and smooth with a massage of warm oil; many a Christy girl has her chin made a little more (oval by a compress of warm water at each side of her face; many a Stanalans girl is made more dainty by the gentle spatting of her cheeks right in the dimple spot. Tho brightening of a gliTs eye depends upon sleep, her state of mind and her gen eral health. No bright eye ever went with a sick body, and no eye was ever brilliant that flashed forth from a mind morose .and melancholy. But the American girl is nono of these. She Is bright and pretty and without wrin kles. She keeps herself nice by following the laws of facial hygiene, and she makes her self dolly' prettier and prettier by the use of the simple arts which are taught her by those who, make a business of making a pretty girl 'prettier! And that is the typical American girl. Study her type and you will recognize her as such. Follow her laws and her rules, and you, too. like her, shall be one of the type. . ANSWERS TO CpRRESPONDENTB. Miss Slender Tou can fatten yourself by eating at, night before going to bed. If wakeful you can eat in the middle of the night. Let your food be light and very easily digested. Mrs. Stout Sorry you will not allow me to print your letter; Tou must diet. Take raw eggs, apples, green salads, lemonade, meat only ones a day, and not too, much water to drink. Red Spots Remove tha red spots by local treatment. Tou can use the bleaching. ucam auvisca in a, previous numner Wlla good results. Miss Freckles Have you tried a thorough course of lemon Juice for the freckles? Touch them every night with tha lemon Juice. ' Then wash off with apod soap and water. To avoid soreness, rub a little cold cream ljito the skin after the treatment. Open Pores There Is only ons way to sure open" pores, and that Is to keep them clean until they have had time to nil nat urally. It' Is a long and tedious' operation, hut it 'will win out In the long run. Troubled The open pores you describe must be very annoying. Before using face powder, rub tha skin with cold cream. Then .dust with powder so as to make a very nice coating for the pores. This will make them full and aven, and will take away that appearance of porous ness which Is to terrible In a woman's nosa. ' Mrs. No Kama Tor tha skin tbera mutt ba a supply ofs'nstUral oil or tha skin will break out, It Is .(at twblt e( many women GET THE FEATURES to touch an slight eruption with vmseHna. thinking that oil will supply tha missing moisture to the face. Very often this really does drive away a pimple, but the remedy must he applied ta the very early stages. Thin Hair To make your hair thick tor maseaglng the roots with a very llttlo vase line. " Do not use more than Just enough to moisten the finger tips. A bit the size of half a pea will ba enougn.' for the entire bead. Do not irritate th scalp any mora than you can help. Men's baldness Is caused by frequents shampoos, by rasping the scalp with a hair brush, and by hard and rough use of tha comb. Remember that tha roots of tha hair can be killed. Reader Tho state of dandruff which you describe is not as diseased state of scalp, but merely that of dust. Scatter 'Indian meal In the hair next to tha head. Massage.Jt. brush cut. Shampoo onoa 14 threo weeks. After tha shampoo rub thai roots of the hair with warm sweet ott, Freda Hill Where the eltln la dry and sensitive.' .chafing easily and feeling tender after using soap, thers Is great need for s good skin food or unguent Indicated. Bathe your face dally with warm water,, not using soap unless absolutely Beoaaeary, and then only tha mildest and purest Taw, riety. Dry gently, never rubbing violently. andS then, with the finger tips, rub In some of thai sfcjn food, for wnicn formula has been given several tunes in tms column, rubbing wlta a circular motion and pressing very lightly Take only a little of the skin food a pleoa about as large as a good-sized pea will an4 olnt the entire face If properly applied and" after rubbing In, wipe very gently with ai soft linen cloth. Apply a very' little powder on a wan, down puff, and you will find your skin lea sensitive and much smoother. Hcnriette To correct marked sallownesa of tho complexion you must dst rit .- tentlon to your dally habits, as no outward application will change, this affection unlets: accompanied by an Inward tettlna In orderi Discard heavy meats and eggs of all kind iirviii juui mtu At cniy oeat oy irmttosy and this not mors" than two or three times a r..1r ToVn .. Vs, . . ' . i.vm. wwi jww utwuuasu at wuOtS wheat bread and fruit, after taking a brim ming cup of hot water. Into which the Julca of 1 single lemon has been squeezed. For luncheon cat vegetables (not canned), whole wheat bread, and either lemonade or weak tea with lemon Juice, after tha Russian, fashion. For dinner, take broth o soup, vegetables, whole wheat bread and fruit, eating rather less than you desiraj Add to this Invariably a salad of uncooked" vegetables, either singly or combined, with a simple French dressing of olive oil n4 lomon Juice. " 1 Recognize the fact that a torpid "Brer 1 the cause of sallownesa. and correct this by abstaining from milk, meat and eggs and taking the acid fruit Juices to correct It Take also':a quarter of an hour every, morning for a deep-breathing exercise and a' good two hours' open-air exercise, either walking or something which will keep roil moving actively., , , Mrs. M. Thanks for your kind letter. 19 is surprising that .your superfluous hair waa; . to quickly removed. J j.. Wrinkles Tako of the oil of sweet aW ifh -. monds half a cup. Warm slightly. ' 5a While It Is heating, stir Into It a tarns ots&n' pure mutton tallow tha size of a walnuti warmed until It la' like cream. Now heat together, take eft and beak ta t 5 creamy consistency. This makes a very fix wrinkle cream. -ii."- : -on reouem toe fM J Take oft flvo pounds a month, now, Ms 3i 61 f jt? a f: 'Vfl ---?.& ,..-. . . 1 '' ik:-; "i Ife-a-Sr:-..-