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g"fj i-- r--vt. J. ,,,.. -v-sv-s---.-; ,v 'Bt' 'WV -.VV..'- "SlMC! nr--f-Zfs'ii -- -&$ THE BEPUBLIO: SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1903. TUR -George McMnnus Staked a Bookmaker and Broke His Own Book With One Bet. EA "ITTVTi 3Iiss Mae Day 0ne ofUie At J I IM ( T Best Three-Year-olds in ) J.J.UA11 Jl America Winner of 13 Races. Vj "FIriTO ATT Local Teams Have Settled l" I It I I II A I I I I Down t0 Work Smith J UUXJLli 1 II I Academv Prosiiects Briglir. PROMINENT ST. LOUIS BASEBALL PLAYERS CAUGHT BY A REPUBLIG CAMERA. WHEN "WEE WILLIE" SUDHOFF FIRST DONNED A BASEBALL UNIFORM. St. Louis Browns' Midget Pitcher Weighed Only One Hundred Pounds When He Made His In itial Bow as a Twirier. ?WKWrfl1M ' if' "flKi"i. i, '' '"-HflB,.'1 SllSIP riiw ?!'? Sf-SS-i-l CSSS8S&) Kiri! jrps?t i iff LOCAL Q i .ii ii t liilpil - is . ' ! ' ' , O - if i,i . ,, i, ,i ,, ii . 0 -Iff I i ii n 1 . T ' -fr , ! ,,. ..g. 1 1 , -j , 1 t- t 1 ,i i,, ! i ii- , ii A BUT S jfippt Tv - ' ' A jgk -TsSi A ii t i ' ' i '' i, iii iii i, ! i, ii i ii iii An i, in i i , . iii ii. i .,. .A i 'i ii i ' ' A ' ' ',' t ' 'i i' ! ' A , JESSE BTJRKETT. 4The Browns" .left 'fielder, who has been Ramans the league's -heavy hitter? for the - last ten years. BASEBALL WILL CLOSE MOST 4 V' PROSPEROUS sQttly One league Has Failed During the 1303 Campaign Players Get Their:Shareofvthe. Prosperity Post Season Series of Games to Be Played in Many Cities Large Wads Paid for 5? AfSnnW TanHn TJln'o THiIinof TJoll DlnT-nn Tn Tln. JllUVt .iiOjUC JlCLJXLiJ XIIVUCOL UOll X UIJ UL -J.O X I tllift. LHJCl Sam Crawford of Detroit Is a Model Athlete Giant Players : Troubled With Enlarged Craniums. written -for the Sunday itEPtnsuc. rewn old Father Time pushes his cal endar around for another week, the 1903 aseball season will havo passed into his tory as one of the most glorious and prosperous eras of the national game. The National League, through its presi dent, has but recently stated that the jiarent organization of baseball has not before finished a campaign since tho pres ent eight-club regime in such a prosper ous condition. According to Mr. Pulliam, not a club in his organization lost money, whilo New York. Pittsburg, Chicago and Cincinnati have all made money in sufficient quanti ties to stave off the -wolf for several sea nona. Only one league, the Pacific National, has failed this season, and it Is not a total wreck, as four clubs -will continue to carry" through-their part of the original eight-club schedule. The failure -of the Pacific National was 4ue in a very large measure to tho cum bersome traveling distances, more than to any lack of -patronage. UNDER "KING BAN." . Tie American League under the reign of "King Ban" has flourished. Boston, Philadelphia. Cleveland. Detroit and Chi cago, should quit the season away to the good. -St. Louis and Washington have iOso made money for their stockholders. The only doubtful proposition in the Amer ican League, so far as the "profit and less" end of tho game is concerned, is New York. The "Invaders," with their heavy salary list, will more than likely quit, to the bad. Tho American Association has . made mons money than-last year, while the Western League is on a sound footing, as ajreniU. of its present business. The Throe-Eye League, K. I. T. League, Mis souri Valley. New England, and the ever prosperous Eastern League, have all made more money, as a whole, this season, than .any time during the last ten years. PLAYERS' SHARE OP PROSPERITY. N6r have the stockholders of the clubs been the only beneficiaries of the era of prosperity. The players have come in for their share of the gate receipts. Their snjarles have been higher than at almost any lime in the history of the game. Of course, the players who have no con tracts covering a specified period of time will not bo offered the enticing induce ment this season that was held out for their services last season. But they will at least have the satisfaction of knowing that the proposed reduction in salary will have tho effect of putting the game on a mot? stable financial footing. In .all. the season about to close has bpttf a prosperous one for player and owet alike, and from the present outlook I CURE MEN WMST REKRENCEIS, ffifiWft tiimr tnvaevt, HATHAM-u K. Ktrtu, M. D., 525 Pine SU St. Louis, Mb. VARICOCELE. I cure this disease without operation or ligature. ,and under my treatment the congested condition (within ten Hays) disappears. The parts are re stored to their natural condition, vigor fend strength and circulation re-estab-Ush"d. My marantte to cure U: ".Vot dollar need le paid' until nrtd.r Stricture, Vnnntnral Discharges. Contneion Illood I'otson. J.ons of Manly Vicror, Drain, Iioiin, Plica, Ivtdney, Bladtlpr and Prostatic Tronblr. Itnpture. PrtTate and .Special Disease Cnrcd. Itoant S ti'.ra. ta pro. Sun., a.m. to 5 p.m. !.lS.!hVJ..4W. A IMMii' "KM -r.1 Kn. W'fTWajjr- fnMfmi.. L"lt .! J, tUrandPhKO. St. Louis. Uol J4on csnotcaU, itrilt. aritftBOlM BIG JOHN" ANDERSpN. The Browns' speedy first baseman, who Is tho best guardian of tho Initial sack in the American League. SEASON NEXT WEEK the season of 1904 will be just as nrorper ous. CLUBS SHOULD FINISH IN ORDER. But one more week remains of the pen nant race, and the indications point to the clubs filnishlng in their present or der. In the National League Pittsburg hag the pennant door barred, and there are no windows In the pennant structure. New York, the club now occupying sec ond place, UiPkn to have a very firm grip on -that position. Of course Chicago still has a chance, but if both teams continue playing In their present form New York should land second place. Third position Is assured to Chicago, In case they do not finish second, while Cincinnati, who looked to be the'. Pittsburgs' closest rivals early in the season, will finish fourth. Brook lyn, Boston. Phlladeplhia and St. Louis should finlxh in the order named, but tho Cardinals still have a chanco to climb out of the cellar. In the American League Boston cannot now lose the' flas should they meet with reversal .in every game they play, which is not at all likely. Cleveland has the same cinch on sec ond place that Boston has on first po sition. Third place In the American League, however, still furnishes material for an interesting fight. The "Invaders" and last year's champion Athletics will fight a hot battle .for this place, with the chances about even up. The ."Invaders" aie Just beginning to show their real form, and With their class should make a hair raising finish for third place. The loser of this battle will occupy fourth position. As the race now stands, it looks as though Detroit will cap the second di vision brigade In Johnson's league, but the Browns still have a fighting chance for that place. Chicago, who led the league early in the season, is doomed to end in the lowly seventh position, while Washington has as good a hold on the bottom of the pennant ladder as Boston has on the top. POST-SEASON SERIES POPULA1U Already there Is much talk about the post-season games between the St. Louis National and St. Louis American League teams. Arrangements have been finally completed. The Saturday games are to be played at Sportsman's Park, while the HIGH SCHOOL "-"" ' '" ' '' ' till 1 ' ii 1 " - .. 1 i n. .. .1. .1. 1 Hi, lti iii .ft, . BHIhSbbbbI V-'?''i :4BWsBBfJK7tffiS4SNgfiBnBBBBB ., Wtitii. ..s-.-.-jBbbbVbb' (EIBbbBkbbbbbbbI -. - I 5aTv... AfyfiBBBlBBBHBfe , -f-. faTMBHBBBi' vjj &' 2-U: w? J 'MsSZ-UBBBBmmirii-: &'Sf jHBaflBBBBBBTfll ,, 'W " .' bK'BbBbBBbJ?' . -V0& . $ ,- - 1fa&i&x ' BBBBflBBBBBTBaBBBBBBBTBTP' W WMtPi mfSHBlWWl W KH? : .&&&? -iL'--5tSiBBBHBBBBBlBBHBBBBl S! - 1 !&c:ir?-smB8M&flsiS2MgBUk:-r A . . - JbTJbbhJ- .&k& r'sf.s: j.jst'Ts? mUUBB&BlUBBn , -Vi'BBB9BBBBBBBBfiKBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBr. - . ' ..",- , BBBBBBBBKXt- Ztis jsyvt V.A " .iil . BBflBBBBBHBBBfiKSIflBBBBBBBBBI ' 'i . sA&5:-&:. SDVBnBHHBSBBBBVJIBBBVABflBflBBKBflT. TJ-. JCKBB"S T t3-Jw-' . ".-.i.. tr &?$k '-&' -' JBBBBlBBBBUlBVBaVjBBBVA - ' iK HHHHH1HBp'.' m . , ' -, f-:,".''1- "- " ";"i-.,isJ?. v "". V aBB-BaBaa3BHalB313BJBB. ,. , . rSsKlA 'bb9bBB9bbbbb1V'! -5? ' - ' ;'S:' '-;.' . $. ishrfn' i,'Mi,''i.t mKSBKSBSUKBm'- XKtr! B7 "rBBW-.1?:'' (.-- : T-.- SSJi.'-V --X -i, : -.'?? aaVAaVHsaalBBBBBlBBTalBalBal - 0 in ii 11111111 il li ! 1 iii 1 li ; 111! ii Q ALBERTA HOFFMAN. Uustrallns position Tvhilo making u try at goal. BOBBY WALLACE. Who has played a consistent game all season. Sunday games are scheduled for League Park. Much interest attaches to the series from tho fact that each team has a fol lowing, who think their "pets" cannot be licked by the othor fellow. Tills spirit will arouse the proper amount of enthu siasm to make the games very Interest ing. Another feature of the series will be tho introduction of the "youngsters" who have been secured by both teams. Although the Browns look to be the better team, they do not look a bit more superior to the Cardinals now than they did in the spring. As is well known, they were unable to beat the "Babes" at that time, and they may not be able to do any better this trip. If the Browns get the proper start in the games it will be all off with the Cardi nals, but where a daring finish is neces Bary the Cardinals should win from their more experienced fellow-townsmen. POST-SEASON FEVER. The post-season fever has struck all the towns except New York, and base ball will continue to bo to tho fore this year for at least ten days after the close of the championship season. The scries between the two Boston teams will not be played for the reason that Colllns's men have an urgent engage ment with the Pittsburg aggregation. Of all tho "after-dinner" games this shculd prove" tho most interesting, as the world's championship is not the only issue at stake. In a measure, at least. It will de cide the question of superiority between the two major leagues. The American Ieacue people look on the "Beancaters" as tho flower of their organization, while Pittsburg stands alone in the National League. Should Pittsburg win the club3 of the National League will take It as a triumph of their organization, while vic tory for Boston will be hailed by tha American League teams as a token of -su. periorityof their organization. In Ohio the Cleveland Elues and Cin cinnati "Reds" wtll have it out for the championship of the "mother of politi cians." On form Cleveland should win from Cincinnati, but the latter club has a Chance with any team and may upset tha calculations of the game's prophets. LARGE WADS PAID FOR MINORS. The American and National leagues have agents all over the country sizing up talent for their clubf. Already the National League haa paid out or made agreement to pay out over fcSO.OM-to minor leagues for young players for next season. Some of these players come as high us $2,500. There was a time when the leagues de pended on the tips of old players or friends to get a line on the youngsters, and were often "gold bricke-d." as they termed it, when a player failed. This season, with fa!d agents traveling about, the old eagues havo picked up more "gold bricks" than ever, if reports are true. Tho agents, fearing some one might beat them out of landing a player touted as good, have hur ried to put up money for many a second class ball player. It is safe to say that less' than ono-fourth of the men taken from the minors will make good right off the reel, and vet competition is so great in the major leagues that the clubs must take these chances.- GIRLS ILLUSTRATING PLAY AT 3IISSES HOFFMAN AND HENSEL Of -High's basket-ball team, IllustraUng methods of ploy whilo preparing for a game. HOMER SMOOT. The Cardinals' meteoric young center fielder. He is one of the best youngsters In tho game. Somo days ago there arose an argument among the members of the Cincinnati team as to tho identity of the player still connected with the game who had ac cumulated tho most money in baseball. Various names were suggested, but when that of Frank Dwyer, formerly of the Reds and now business manager of the Detroit team, was sprung, the opposition collapsed, and It was generally conceded that the Geneva man was "it." Dwyer always was noted for not tossing any of his dollars in the direction of the dicky birds. While he never denied himself any thing that would add to his comfort or respectability, he did not toss his coin about promiscuously. He knew of a sav ings bank in Geneva where money was paid on deposits: Later, when he had ac quired a little capital In this way, he found that there was even a 'bigger return in loaning it out himself on real estate. After doing business in this way for some years. In the meantime adding to his work ing capital by drawing a. good salary from the Cincinnati club, he found that there were times when It was necessary to fore close mortgages, and that real estate so acquired usually found a ready market. And so another source of Income was add ed to his growing capital. Then he decid ed to own a few rent-paying houses, ac quired them and became a landlord of prominence who' kept his high-priced ten ants by looking out-for their comforts. As these tenants needed coal, Dwyer decided to reap the profit of the sale himself, so he started In the coal business. And with all this he continued, and still continues, in baseball. It Is estimated that Dwyer is worth nearly $100.000 and It's still all coming in and nothing going out. CRAWFORD A MODEL PLAYER. "If ho keeps his health and does not die or get killed, I' predict that Sam Crawford, formerly of tho Reds, and now with the Detrolts, will establish a new record for a player remaining in fast company," declared Ed Poole, tho Cin cinnati pitcher, during the recent Fcries In Chicago, when Kelley's men and the Detroit aggregation were gueBts at the same hotel for two days. "Crawford is a marvel In many ways, continued Poole. "There is not a man. playing baseball to day who has so few vices' as the big fellow from Nebraska. He docs not drink or smoke: he keeps the best of hours. always getting his full quota of sleep; he does hot eat with his knife, so his chances of cutting his throat are ex tremely remote; the birds know nothing of him, for on no .occasion has he ever been known to throw money to them In fact, he Is a model ball player. No man ager ever has to figure on what Craw ford Is doing at any hour of tho day or night. He can always rest assured that the big fellow is doing nothing that will In the least Impair his value or ability as a player. And all these qualities combined are going to keep Crawford in the game perhaps longer than any player ever con nected with baseball. Why. it would not surprsie me to see him playing In fast company twenty-five years from now, provided he cares to continue in the game that long. Crawford is less than 23 years of age. and with his constitution and the excellent care" he takes of himself all the time he should be a good athlete up to "JIMMY" BURKE. The Pride of Goose Hollow. the time he is SO. Anson lasted to that age; McPhee, Zimmer, McGuire and sev eral others almost reached the half-century mark, and I predict that Crawford, with better habits and Just as good a constitution as any of the men mentioned, will outlast them all." PLAYERS AFFECTED BY CLIMATE. There are somo baseball players who can stand to play in any city in any cir cuit in the country, while others must have certain climates In which to perform before they can show what they really can do. Tom Corcoran, the Reds' captain, was asked the other day how it was. that some players could not make good in cer tain cities, while in others they played like stars. "It is all owing to climatic conditions," said Corcoran. "Take Tom Daly, for in stance. He is playing as fine a game at second as any man In the National Leacue to-day. Yet, when he was with the Chi cago Americans he was not fielding up to his standard, nor was he hitting much. Tho climate of Chicago did not agree with him. and it required a change to bring him around right again. There are a number of players in the business who invariably fall down when they strike St. Louis, for the reason that they cannot stand the heat there. Others find the salt-air damp ness of Brooklyn and Boston disastrous to their abilities, while with others the smoky condition of Pittsburg works a handicap that makes them look like minor leaguers whenever they play there. One hears frequently of a star being praised by men who see games in all the cities of the circuit, and then some other chap wilt step up and declare that he could never see where this particular player came in, as 'he never plays good ball in our town.' There arc many such players in the big leagues who hate to visit certain cities, because they cannot do themselves Jus tice there, because of the climatic condl dltions. and many a good man has been ruined by being compelled to remain In a city where the climate did not agreo with him." SALARIES WILL BE LOWER. The signing of an agreement between the major and minor baseball leagues which is to govern the relations of the organizations is particularly important in mat it means tno end or exoroitant sal aries for players. While the minor leagues apparently gained few concessions from, tho majors, tho agreement means much to them because it assures peace. With protection for their palyers guaranteed, the magnates will begin cutting expenses, and the major league managers, antici pating the change, have for somo time been casting about for young and ambi tious players who cannot command largo wages. There will be many new faces in the line-ups of the big clubs next year, while the minors will catch the' driftwood, and their lists will bristle with the names of players who have been famous, but who have been crowded out ty younger blood and muscle. GIANTS HAVE SWELLED HEADS. Speaking of the Giant players recently, a New York fan said: "I am a great admirer of Bresnahan. and hence have watched him closely. But In Justice I am compelled to say that he has invariably fallen down when his scry- BASKET BALL By a Republic Photographer. MISS HENSEL fXhowing the Jrall in from -the side lines. By a KepubUo Photosrfcer. Tho above picture is a reproduction of a photograph owned by Jim Kcrwin. a local amateur ball player. It was taken eleven years ago, when "Wee Willie" Sudho.f donned his first baseball uniform. At that time Sudhoff was a mere stripling, but he soon showed himself to be a master of tho pitcher's art. Sudhoff then weighed only a few pounds above the hundred-pound mark, and his youthful ap pearance always won him the sympathy of the fans who attended the local amateur sames a decade ago. In a year's time Sud hoff bid adieu to the local amateurs and became a semlprofcsslonal by securing an engagement with tho Waterloo. III., baseball team. The next season found him doing duty on the slab for Paducah. His work there was of such a quality that It attracted the favorable notice of tho St. Louis National League management, and. on recom mendation of Frank Pears, "Wee Willie" was given a trial with the local major league team. Although he had many chances to play with the big Eastern teams, Willy steadfastly refused their of fers and remained loyal to the city of his birth. His performance for the Browns this season stamps him aa one of the leading pitchers. Ices were most needed. He secm3 to have no difficulty whatever in cracking out a stinging triple, double or home run when mere is no one on oase mat a bit or this sort wIU assist In scoring, but if the gamo Is close and tho Giants have men on bases and need runs to win out. Bres nahan almost always raises a little fly to the infield or clso raps down a bounder to the opposing shortstop. I cannot ex plain this, but it is a fact, nevertheless. Sandow Mertes- is another man who docs the same thing. He la a great hitter when hits are not worth much, but when they mean something he is found wanting." There is one great trouble with Bresna han. Mertes. Mathewson and other re puted stars on the New York team they have been given more notoriety than is good for them. Barney Dreyfuss once said: "If I were a ball player I would not want to be a member of the New York team." "Why?" he was asked. "Simply because the people make too great heroes of them at first." he re or Nervous, Sexual -.- ... - 6 O MlfUIIE'tUI IS OUR BEST GUARANTEE. We want to talk or write to every sufferer from Varicocele. Stricture. Rupture. Blood Poison, Ncrvo-Scxual Debility and allied weaknesses or diseases peculiar to men. Perfect confidence in our ability to cure every sufferer from tho above dlsease.1 who comes to us for treatment prompts bs in making this generous offer of pay ment when tho cure Is effected. Investigate before treating elsewhere? wc will ex pbiin how different, better and moro curative our modem methods of treatment ar than the old-time system still employed by unprogresslvo doctors. Wo have cured and made happy thousands of weak, broken-down, discouraged men. Wo can d the same for you if you will but give us the opportunity of demonstrating the su perior curative virtues of our treatment. Have you become a weakling through thn debilitating effects and vicious ravages of these chronic, treacherous afflictions? Don't delay. These maladies never cure themselves, but. on the contrary, are al ways becoming worse, and if neglected will surely fill your future with suffering and unhappincss. We treat all patients' personally; you see no substitutes. W understand thoroughly the diseases which constitute our specialty, and you can de pend upon it, we will treat you honestly and fairly. Just as we would want to b treated if our positions were reversed Don't stand Idly by and see your health and manhood slipping away, when we will guarantee you a safe, permanent cure and lasting restoration under tho above generous and fair terms. Call and be exam ined free. VARICOCELE VICTIMS. Neglected Varicocele undermines tho physical strength, deranges the mental faculties, racks .the nervous system and produces a complete loss of sexual power. Wo guarantee to cure the most aggravat ed case of Varicocele in five days, with out pain, suffering or Inconvenience. Not only do we give you internal constitu tional remedies, but we also emplov a lo cal trentment direct to tho weakened parts: a healthy circulation of blood is quickly re-established, the wasted glands are enlarged and permanent strength and power are given to tho erectilo tissues of the generative orcrariE. Kvrv trace of weakness disappears; the spermatic corils resume their normal nlze: losses and drains of vigor cease; tho weakened sem inal ducts are strengthened; you become stronger and better in every way and will soon possess the sense of well-being which accompanies good health and robust man hood. Don't experiment: this is a deli cate disease. We have cured thousands of the worst cases without a failure or re currence. What you want is the quickest, safest and surest cure obtainable, and this we are prepared to give you. CONTAGIOUS BLOOD POISON. It you have sore throat, mucous patches, pimples, copper-colored spots, sores and ulcers, bone pains, falling hair or any symptoms of tMs disease, in either pri mary, secondary or tertiary stages,, come to us and be forever rid of it. Our treat ment quickly destroys the virus, clears tho skin, purifies tho blood and thorough ly cleanses and eradicates all traces of poison from the system. All danger of transmission or recurrence is removed. Don't rely on patent medicines or intrust your health to Incompetent druggists or physicians. Why take mercury and pot ash for years, when we can guarantee you a permanent cure in from 20 to SO days, without the use of these injurious reme dies? Consult us at once. 1UD1TE us a '"" description of your case if urubte to call. Our Home Treatment Talll 1 is the most successful known to medical xrience. Hours: 0 a. m. ti 8 p. m.; Sundays, 3 a. m. to 1 p. m. Consultation and examination free. Ors. FRMGIS & FRANSIS, "OWMMSF1 ST. LOUIS'S LEADING AND MOST SUCCESSFUL SPECIALISTS. ! fS-f' - 151 . ?" Ltr.' r Tia- V? Hk. -&: T-l. x -3 ?L... V WILLIAM SUDHOFF. As lie appeared in his first baseball uni form. plied. "When a player who has shown winning form" breaks into New York he is lionized at once bv the populace, while great enlarged pictures of him are spread clear across the paces of the newsoaDers. This tends to give him an exaggerated attack of the enlarged cranbim, and he comes sooner or later to depend more on -his quickly-gained reputation than on his playing abilty to carry, hm through. When, a player reaches this stage, it Is not dif ficult to see his finish. But let a New York player show sines of letting up or of deteriorating, and the same hero -wor shipers who a few weeks before lauded , mm to the axles will pounce upon mm and denounce him in the strongest terms." And there is a great deal of truth in what the Pirate chief says. You cart no tice it if you ever take in a game at the Polo Grounds. The men on the team who play consistent, steady ball without mak ing a great show of it are seldom noticed .by the crowds, while the favored few are the cynosures of all eyes, and their every act is favorably commented upon, no mat ter what it may be. and Blood Diseases ASIDSftt" KERVO-SEXUAL DEBILITY. Abuse, excesses and dissipation have wrecked many promising men. Have you transgressed Nature's laws? Is your weakened system crying out for help? You are nervous, irritable and despond ent: you are growing weaker sexually: your manhood is on the decline and will soon be lost unless ynu do Something for yourself. Our long experience has ren ilrred ua thoroughly famillar-'with all tho causes and effects of Norvo-Scxual De bility, and we have lifted up enough fallen, men to mako an army. Our treatment wilt remove all the ill effects of your for mer folly, check every drain on your vi tality. Invigorate the wasted sexual or gans, clear up tho clouded brain, and quickly restore you to what Nature in tendeda healthy and happy man. with physical, mental and sexual powers com plete. Avoid free prescriptions and tm porary stimulants-. Seek a lasting cur. Wo guarantee a permanent restoration in from SO to SO days. STRICTURE SUFFERERS. Our cure for Stricture and Gleet is safe, rainless and petmancnt and free from surgery .in any form. Every obstruction to tho urethra is forever removed, all dis charges soon cease, inflammation and soreness are allayed, tho prostate gland and bladder are healed, and the entire genito-urinary tract Is quickly restored to its normal, healthy condition. Avoid cut- , ting and dilating operations: they leave you In a worse condition than before. Neglected Stricture results In serious bladder and kidney complications. We cure you in from 10 to 20 days. ALLIED DISEASES. We also cure Rupture. - and Ilvdrnccle. Klrlnev. KSnddcr and Prnstntl. Arrprtlons. Eczema Pimples', Psoriasis, and all chronic sKin aisea.-rs. Mg I ' - --sr-- T ni. . ; , - v. &- . ' . lfS' f P .1 ! .1 . 1 1 1 ill 1 A ,4 .rfi- J5 .. &&28&33u w. E Yf &&&&&&&! feisy p i?.'r-:Azl. - . .-J- . .. i. y tS" "ffigt-a