Newspaper Page Text
.LIIIIIIIIIIIIIMLIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIi .-ffi"-SSj?rT5 rSi! Smith Protests Bader and Rickec of Hijrli. r cr THE REPUBLIC: FRIDAY. NOVEMBEB 6, 1903. v' ' I .t - : : Tm-r-rT TimTNn I F0QTBALFS"? fr TUttr-gpSS'-" 3Hfr AIliLgnus '"""""' ' " I iff 1$ & : a- ,!s ft ? iiy (eg LI 1 1 S I iT F te It HP lit m liis? .KF R fe BJST !: II 1 IS: ffl- m- 5 ir IS EH i : " i ' i NSIDE FIGURES Public Lost 2.1,000,000 in Bets at 2Jew York and Saratoga Eace Courses This Season. HEAVIEST PLAY ON RECORD. Total Amount Wagered at Metro politan Trades This Year Is Es timated at $33,000,000 Trice of Stools in Betting Kings Advances. REPUBLIC SPECIAL. New York, Nov. 6. A. prominent mem ber of the Metropolitan Turf Association, whose acquaintance with the Internal working- of the Bookmakers' Association lends an authorltatl o color to his asser tions, declared yesterday that $33,000,000 was wagered upon the New York tracks and the Saratoga race course during the season Just drawing to a close. This es timate lnround numbers represented tho result of a careful and an expert approx imation of the business done by the Indi vidual "meets" in tho jear. At a business meeting of the organiza tion on Monday night at the Twcntj -tl xth street headquarters, the rank and file of the membership reported the roost success ful season of many sears. Since then a recapitulation and a retrospect of tho lonp and exciting months left behind them are belnjr Indulged In by many big bookies. The volume of the betting ring market for tho 23 racing days exceeds the figures or 1902 by over J8.O00.00O. Tho public has again sustained the worst of the game, as nearly every one of the first flight of tho lavers is able to show a handsomo balance on the right side of the ledger. From the standpoint of tho bookmaker the current season has been tho most gratifying of any since tho I5el mont regime came into power upon tho metropolitan, turf. Of tho vest amount of money wagered at Morris Park, Sheepshead Bav. Sara toga, Grave-rend. Jamaica. Brighton Beach and Aqueduct since the day Gun fire won tho Metropolitan Handicap, th-s sleek find opulent gentlemen of the chnlk and rubber have retained about 52j.0W,CW. In other words, that much money was put Into tho ring by the public and lost. Tho books, on tho other hand, gave a ery considerable part of this huge pile to tho several associations for tho prU liege of laying odds and raking in the bettors' money. That the art of making book is ono of tho most remunerative and softest propo sitions In tho country to-day Is shown by tho fact that only- yesterday an offer of X5.000 for a seat In the big line In the Metropolitan betting ring was refused. By next spring SOW -will not purchase the privilege of holding down a liigh Mool In the .New York betting rings. The last Bile of ft membership neat in tho Metro politan Turf Association was at HX. Tnrf Exclionse. Trains leave Union Station via Eads bridge 12:30. 1:26. 2:05, 2:32 returning 4:10, S.16. All trains stop at 'Washington ave nue. LORD BADGE'S IMPROVEMENT. Annednct Judges Act Promptly In Cases of Hones That lions Only When Bet On. New York, Nov. E The stewards of the meeting at Aqueduct to-day, took up tho sheets on Lord Badge, and are in vestigating the sudden improvement in form of tho horse. Lord Badge started yesterday and was badlv beaten. To day he was heavily played, being- backed down from 10 to 1 to -t to L and won by aix lengths. Tho track to-day was deep In mud. Wild Thvme. won the Iloslyn. Handicap by a head from the favorite, Ahumada. Summary: nrrt race. Ulnff. peven furlongs Forward. 1(S CRorrianelll), S to 1. won; Jiorokanta, 109 (Boiesen). 50 to 1. second: Nine Spct. too ttVll Verron). S to 1. third, lime. 1:1) 2-S. Worry. Early Ere., fct Barnaby. Mary Kreet, Toe tiuardsman and Princess H. also ran. Second race, tnlle an'l one furlonjr Lord Badre, US (Callahan). I to 1, wen; Brtfrtini 10S (Puller). I to L second: Sabot. 110 (Ro manelll), 4 to 1, third. Time, 1:57. Circus and Attla also ran. Third race, srlllns. one mile Garnish. 110 (Callahan), 12 to 1, won; Longspur. 102 (Red- I CUKE ME W BEST REFERENCE IS, KATTIAXIEL K. KIXG, M. D, 522 Pine St. St. Louis. Mo. I cure stricture without the knife or an application which acts directly on the parts affected, dissolv ing the stricture completely by my galvanic-electrical and medical treatment. My treatment is painless andlin nowise Interferes with your business duties. Ms gvaranUt to csr u: "Xol a dollar nui o vail uitil run '." Varicocele, Unnatural Dlschnrces. 'Contairloos Blood PoUon. toia of Manly Vla-or, Drains, Losses, Piles, Kidney, Bladder and Prostatic TronMes, Bnptnre and Private IHaeasea Permanently Cured. Hours: 8 a.m. to 8 n in. Sun. 9 a m. to 2 p ra. CONSULTATION FUSE Ml VINfs No- la PINB ST- nar cor. UIV. IMilU, tth and Pine), St. Louli, Jto. If you cannot call, trrttr. DR.SCHREINER, 816 ChetsHt 5t., - SL Louis, Mo. Tfce RELIABLE Specialist Cures prlrate and crttm'c dis eases. Lost Manhood. Net"Tus PcblUtT. Lost Vlror. SeoltaJ tVesknes. NUrht Losses. De hllltatlnc Dreams. Barlr De car. Varicocele, results ot er , rer or excesses. Urinary BIs I cues. Oleet. 8tHctnre. Un ntur Dlsehsrees snd all dis eases vt Kidneys and Bladder, and Blood Poison, all tace. atttlenu treated by mall. Book free. SIJ0.PER WEEK for Treatment. Ton could bur so better for S10 a week. Consultation free. Call or write. Hours: 1 a. oi U I p. m. Sundays. 10 s. m. to 3 u. in. , Dr.BOHANNAN OnstaHCstaiesaaSreeUlDiaee. Dt. B.1 "Tec. tsMCtsUTspMItlTelrcnrrerTDcDctItl!tT.OKsla Wssascst. Loft Maahoed, Vsrieocele or an) srUt rtialt Isf frasi yovthXnlerrortoTexcriei.lii from tvoto teres vstss. lBtejiae4BCaDUyadretUMdlBtUirperror VTertaxtyyekrVKsdhftiiierertailedtnccHnetlic worrt CM. JnurtilrjrtothoMlDD;.EAGl'DMIATrto BOOili Wst .K. IrelslrmknrnbejrpBdtbtlrTMn. Pitct. nrc Dclltrt: ;'rt . wiciji,otiui,rinibotii!tbnCTcMriil ffrij, si:asTitMiila.8ldiilytyP.C.A.B0ga- uKao,iEssioitai3ert.K.iituYMo. seouo ny !Cr.i-cultlTrl0. t'riTit. CticaUl rilEC. Tern). S to X. second; Champlaln, 87 (O'Brien), 12 to B. third Time. 1:13 4-:. Dutiful. Nine Pin and Bob Murphy also ran. Fourth race, Itoivlyn Bandtcap. mile and one-sixteenth wild Thyme. ios (Redfern). 3 to 1, won: Ahumada, 16 (O'Nell). to 10. -ec-ond; Horham Queen. S5 lO'Brien). 7 to 1. third. Time. l:4S 1-6. Gnulna and Colonsay also ran. Fifth race, six furlongs, handicap Beldamo, 121 (O'Nell), 17 to 10. won: Harangue. IS (Bull man), 6 to 5. second: Palette. 105 (Redfern), to i, third. Time. 1:1S . Ikkl and Anceater also ran. Sixth race, mile Erbe. 107 (O'Nell). S to L n-on: Trepan. 107 (Redfern). 9 to S. second; The Captain. 112 (Hicks). S to 1. third. Time. 1:41. Heir Apparent, Arnlnte. FrantsJale. Norlmry. Dlnna, ForKet, Hymettus Sir Shep. Albany Girl. Burning Glass, Lffla Sueppard and Roaraer also ran. TO-DATS ACQUEDUCT ENTRIES. Flrtt race, handicap, six furlongs: Mamie Worth 12SRIer Pirate . Irish Witch .103 lAscentlon .... Palette 90 'Young Henry ..117 ..103 ..liS Second race, selling, mile: " Widow's Mite .... 2 Darlc Planet MJ H. L Coleman m Karanlasa 1J Odawaha 103 Cottage Mall 10S The Guardsman ....103 Hot 1 Star and Garter fS Potente " Dramatist MC Animosity 103 aacanto 10; Alpaca 104 txe King 103 Setauket 103 Arden 105 Mary Worth 1CS Hackeneack 93 Ninesnot 1 Third rare- Tnnlrt.n .vosrwtdc. nix and halt furlongs: Sir Carter 107 Pomoano 110 Raider 107 Slher Foot no Snoma Belle 107 Belle of Port!ind...l07 Sneer St. Gallen .... Oar Uitette My Alice Tlthonle Flag Officer .. ..107 ,.110 ..107 ..307 ..110 ,.113 Fourth race, the Stony Brook, mils and sixteenth, selling: Clovis 110 Ixird Advocate 93 Demurrer 106 Ethics 107 Sheriff Bell 107 Potente 1)3 Namtor 10 Gavlota 3 Highlander 106 nalsv Green 100 Embarrassment 103 Rostand 10 Carbuncle 103 Fifth race. 2.year-old. gelling, five furlongs: High Heels S3 9aeet Tone 104 Second Sight 93 Acnes Brennan 93 Shady Lad 93 Belle of Belle Meade 93 Bronx 101 WlUIegesse $S Neptuneus 151 Bob Murphy 102 Cyuttlca 93 Atwood t Reticent 103 Rubv Ring 110 My Easter 107 M. Theo 104 Blytheness 104 Floriiinl 104 Orlskany 107 iTince or saim Salm 107 Sun Remo 96 Sixth race, handicap, mile: Sweet Alice 113 Lord Advocate 105 Olrdlo 114 lllrrla 112 Sheriff Bell 113 RUer Pirate IK Gold Bell 100 "Weather clear: trnrk Floppy. ,,m. AQUEDUCT SELECTIONS. RETUBIJC SPECIAL. New York. Nov. 5. Selections; First Race Rlter Pirate, Mamie Worth. Toung Henry. Second Race Lee King, Alpaca, Ninespot Third Race Sonoma Belle, Belle of Portland, Raider. Fourth Race Sheriff. Bell. Embarrassment, Daisy Green. Fifth Race Blytheness. Agnes Brennan, Sweet Tone. Sixth Race Girdle. River Pirate. Sweet Alice. JUDGE I1IMES BEATS KESE11VATION Weather Was Cold and Track Heavy at Latonln Rninland m 'Winner. Cincinnati, O., Nov. B A. cold rainy day and a sloppy track xvcro the conditions at Latonia to-day. Tho race, at a mile and a rixteenth, In which Reservation, Judge Iltmes and Veneer were the only starters resulted In a ictory for JudKo Hlmea Reservation was a 9 to in favorite, even money was offered on Judge HImca. and Veneer was 100 to 1 Summaries: Kim race, sis furlong Mls Gollghtly. lit J. Davis), eicn, won: neuron. 114 (Kntgbt). 11 to 2. second; Satchel, iJ (Dlcterle). 2J 10 S. third. Time. 12JU. Princo Light. Mill Aubrey. Euelalre. bao Johnson. Ben Front end M anlnla alao ran. becond racw. six furlong Ralnland. 105 fW. Watson), even, won; Oudon. llo Mlnder), 8 to 1. second: Ben AdUns. lis (Monroe), 9 to 1. third. Time. l:ri Rhyl. BanVell. Plea. Ucorgo James, Chief Deputy and Gold bplnk also ran. Third race, mile and & sixteenth Judge IUmes. 117 'II. Phillips), even, won; Reser vation, 112 (Munroe). it to I0t second: Veneer. VC (Crawford). 100 to L third. Time. 1:51. Only three starters. Fourth raco. six furlongp Orfeo. 110 (IL Phlllira). 11 to E. won: Jack Ratlin. 113 (Land ry). U to 10. second; Ben Howard. 1M (Moun tain). S to L third. Time. 1:17'J. Ilrularc LUtl Boy and llcrlem Lan: also ran. Pifth race. fie and a half furlong" Llda. Ldb l!tr(W. Hooker). 7 to 5. won: Miss Moltlc. 103 (N'ichola). C tto 1. second: Plata. Ill (D. Austin). 7 tn 1. thlnL Time. 1:12. Edna Shannon. Ruth Parish. Idle. Miss Flclschmnnn. Easier AValters and Lovelittess also ran blxth race, one mile Mamselle. 94 (J. Mc Intyre). : to L won: Antchue. 101 (Crawford), IS to 5. second: Sailor's Dream, 1W (D Aus tin). S to 1, third, lime, Itiiji Uas- Trade. Baffled. Dean, John Coulter. Jim Halo and Christine A, also ran. TO-DAVS LATOXIA ENTRIES. First race, six furlongs: lleraldo W Doctor Riley 8J Beaucaira 34 Lmly K Lola. L 94 Mr Queen fr$ Jet Si Germany 96 Joe Vail 89 Loiter 99 Ivulse Collier SO Albert Vale Ii Velasquez 99 Second race, one mile: Busle Born luUrOtercand S: Rhelngold 1)5 Reglna D SS Barney Drejfues ... SChMgwam v.. ...102 Banwsll M3us Quarles 97 Plea Mhrnn HasUngs it Third race. secn furlongs: Coruscate 10J Sar.ctlimo 103 Vostry J03 Neersmll 100 On the Quiet 107 Goo Goo 103 Fourth race, mile, felling: Tancred 104 Free Admission .... 95 Sister Lillian S7 Kaverauch 101 Illuminate 99 Taxman 104 Thane 107 Henxies 94 Silk Cord 1071 Chickadee 101 Fifth race, flie furlongs: Hlndlltnc 103 VaUarambla ....... .110 Rachel Ward 10J Eccentric 103 Idle 103 olla 107 Belle Toons 103 Applauce ..113 Princess Luclelle ...103 Ethel Ecouggs 101 Nettle E ..1W ..103 ..110 ..107 ..110 Fair Allen "Woodlawn Belle Cocoon Magic Flute Sixth lace, six furlong : Moor 99 Red Raven 16 Date bommers 107 Tom Curl 95 The Gold Finder... .137 Dutch Comedian ...102 Rustic Girl Premus Baird Graden One More ... .. 9-1 .. 99 ..lttl ..10.' ..102 Mght Onl . "Weather clear: track heavy. LATONIA SELECTIONS. REPUBLIC SPECIAL. Cincinnati, Nov. 5 Selections: First Race Albert Vale. Velasquez. Lowly. Second Race Wigwam, Gus Quarles, Over hand. Third Race Coruscate. Ruictlislmo. Vestry. Fourth Race Thane, Nererruch. Tancred. Fifth Race Applause, Hlndllene, Woodlawn Belle. Sixth Race Dave Sommcrs, One More, Red Raven, West End Money Order Company Now open, and will receive money to bo placed on oil races at Latonia and Aque duct tracks. Take Suburban cars to Mo rlsche's Grove, 6700 Maple ave. "TIGERS'' HEADY FOR GAME. Columbia Team Will Arrive In St. Louis To-Day Hamilton's Nose Broken. REPUBLIC SPECIAL. Columbia, Mo., JJov. E. The Tigers went Into a fierce scrimmage to-night with more vigor than they have shown In midweek practice. The team realizes that the game 1th Washington University Saturday will not be a walkaway, as the Washington bunch are fast and put up a hard game. While they played a tie game with Rolls, last Saturday, the team is net a weak one, because tho Holla team Is known to 1 axe Improved since Missouri drubbed them M to 0. The rooters are confident of victory, but the coaches and players do not make any statements oa to what the result will be. The work of the 'varsity was good and Coach McLean expressed himself as sat isfied with the showing made by the varsity line and backs. The linemen, London In particular, did good work In rtopplng the rushes of the scrub team. Hamilton, who has been showing up well at end and hair back, had his nose broken in some preliminary practice and was not ablo to got Into the scrimmage, Tho in Jury will not lay him up very Ions, how ever. Bayse, who has been putting up a good gamo at halt back on the scrubs, also got a bump on the head that put him cut for the! time being;. Coons has been rlaylnc center on the scrubs thl9 week, and It is thought by some that McLean Intends to use him In the line part of the time. The team will depart to-morrow morn ing and will spend the night in St, Louis. WILL CHOOSECOLLEGE CHAMPIOXS Winners at Princeton Kext Year to Appear nt World's Fair. New Tork, Nov. 5. The nest annual In tercollegiate gymnastic champolnships will "be held at Princeton on March 2S, ac cording to a decision reached at the an nual meeting of the Intercollegiate Oyro castle Association, held here to-day. The association decided that the Inter collegiate champions In the seven different competitions should be sent to the St. Louis Universal Exposition to represent the East against the West in Intercolle giate gyranastlca. Yale, Harvard, Prince ton, Columbia. Cornell, Pennsylvania, New York University and Rutgers wero represented. ST, LOUIS DEFEATS ' ILLINOIS COLLEGE, University Lads Prove Too Much for Jacksonville Youths and .Win Close Game. SCORE IS SIX TO NOTHING. Contest Exciting From Start to the End and Characterized by Plucky Fight Both Sides. on REPUBLIC BPECTAL, Jacksonville, HI., Nov. E. St, Louis TJnl Terslty defeated Illinois College In the football game) at West Side Park to-day by the score of 6 to 0, but tho score docs rot tell the story of tho game. The visitors outweighed tho home team Fbc pounds to the man. The touchdown tas made near tho close of the first half. Turlnff the second half the ball was en tirely In the visitors' territory, and Illi nois was within eight jards of the visit ors' goal when they lost the ball on downs. The game was characterized by straight football. St, Louis made most of her gains by end runs, while tho Illinois team r.ade their advances through the line. Brennan right half, played the star gamo for the visitors, making their only touch down and repeatedly earning tho ball for gains averaging; fl)e to ten yards Ben nett, tight haK. and Cupples. full back, "V- w"'cu ,uou Krounu-Kainers. lor Illinois, Harmon. Ellers and Owen made most of the gains and Brockhouso and Conovcr made several good tackles. It was a good gamo for the spectators, as each side was compelled to kick re peatedly to save losing the ball on downs. There was considerable wrangling over tho decisions of the officials, and tho play at times was rough. Both teams put up a plucky fight and during the two halves, which were of twenty-flvo minutes each, only one man left the game. No long runs wero made by either side, and the St. Louis touch down was mode by stow, steady gains down the middle of the field. The line-up: St. Louis UrJvcrslly. Poslllui. Illinois College. Caldwell Right end W. Harmon Brennan Right tackle Simpson i-lller Right guard Conoier Lindsay Center Vleria. A, Campbell urt guard Dnckels Jrvln 1-eft taocl Ellers Hcnnerick left end Tontz Pecicman Quarter back Brown Bennett Right half back Owen b. Campbell ltt halt back Brock Cupples Pull back It. Harmon Umpire Vlckery. Rtferee Dillon. Time of game Twentj -five minute halves. rALACE TEMMX LEAGUE. World'a Fairs 2, Enterprises 1. The following scores were made at the Palace alleys: WORLD'S FAIRS Names. It. E 1 2 3 TI. A v. 5J"1!'?: 8 s s us i 4ii Mr Franklin l s ico loo ioo yoolln 2 4 ... 203 1(2 345 1172 1-2 Smith i 3 S 151 14G tt ITS 1-3 Bacon 7 S US 1(3 104 420 140 kem 4 I 1S9 1S3 211 S63 187 2-3 Totals 5 S3 7C t(9 721 2277 15S 7-15 . ENTERPKIbEb. Barnes. B. E. 1 2 2 T"l. Av. Lauman 5 C 153 121 1C5 455 151 2-3 Lfler B 4 161 E 152 502 157 1-3 Glorious 5 5 161 113 154 4TS 353 1-3 Johns 3 7 177 142-151 4S0 1C0 l"Uer 4 S 131 1C2 197 491 164 1-3 Totals .., 22 27 7S8 760 E62 2403 1C0 s-i; ST. LOUIS TOPIS LEAGUE. DleU 3, Merchants A. The following scores were made made at tho Grand alleys: DICES. Name. B. E. 1 2 3 T'l. Ar. G. Dlel 2 2 116 1(3 145 404 124 2-3 Dunmier o 10 176 127 Iw J3 i;i Peters 3 7 152 1SS 12 522 174 Wall 3 3 193 161 a8 560 18S2-3 Carr 3 3 ISO 195 164 5X) 179 2-3 Totals Name, ntzgerald ... HlcLcy 0!Ie , Bnmn Eians , Bchner .12 35 S17 S24 SI7 2173 155 3-15 MERCHANTS. B. E. 1 2 2 TM. Ar. . 2 11 150 116 113 419 139 2-1 It lb( 164 151 4 lb) 2 3 ... 3 ... 1 ... 3 ... V 145 IS! 131 IkT.1 167 2-3 IOS 106 168 150 165 493 161 ... 132 153 2J3 1421-2 Totals 9 50 746 733 103 22S7 152 7-15 nil CG GISTS' LEAGUE. Merrills a, 3W. City Tin. 2. .The folio Ing scores were made at the Royal alleys; J. S. MERRELLS. Names. C. 31. 1 2 3 4 5 T'l Av. Aszman 9 17 W 63 50 39 39 247 49 2-5 ITrnst 7 22 52 3S 57 37 Co 239 47 4-5 , Bernlas 7 34 44 46 63 37 E3 232 46 2-5 Klein S 13 45 CC CI 1 52 27C 55 1-5 Echlldman .. t 22 33 45 53 50 37 221 44 4-5 Totals 27 129 137 215 276 221 235 1213 45 1S-25 31. C. PAINTS. Names. C. 31. 1 2 3 4 5 T'l. Av. Basoom 6 S3 33 43 C6 W 43 237 47 2-5 Nles 7 31 41 3S 40 54 23 205 41 1-5 Brenner 11 18 40 4S 47 43 49 23! 40 3-5 K1W2 9 27 30 53 SS 46 4S 223 44 3-3 Hocken . Totals .... 5 : 37 63 57 40 40 221 44 1-5 ..3S 127 193 249 2(S 233 213 1130 45 5-23 Meyer Bros. 3, UH Lllly 2. The following scores were made at the Acme alleys: 3IETER BROS. Names. C. M. 1 2 3 4 5 T'l. Av. F. DelkesVp. E 20 32 Co C6 C". 47 269 52 Blitz 8 34 42 23 43 40 40 205 41 Ralthel 4 4 46 S3 27 37 55 193 29 3 5 Morter 4 19 64 67 50 41 63 2S7 51 2-5 Ilelblir 7 11 40 43 62 85 CC 301 CO 1-3 1231 50 1-21 T'l. 217 259 234 261 241 Av. 43 2 J 51 4-5 46 4-5 52 4-5 43 1-5 1216 48 1C-2S DRUG GISTS' LEAGUE. Enderies 3, Moffctt-Westa 2. The followlnjr scores were made at the Cres cent alleys: ENDERLF.S. Name. C. M. 1 2 3 4 t T'l. Av. Nav .10 36 41 S3 25 33 20 171 34 1-5 Seitz 5 23 44 24 43 32 59 217 41 2-5 Helnrlch .... 3 43 53 21 23 27 43 12 IS 2-3 Relsse 1 33 42 43 43 33 39 13.1 39 4-5 Ende.'le It 15 43 29 42 DO 43 222 41 2-5 Totals 33 164 223 159 201 174 219 9S1 89 C-33 MOrFETT-WESTS Name r Jr. 1 2 3 4 3 T'l. Av. Delkeslcamn . 7 34 41 40 19 43 40 U3 Si 3-3 beiereon .... a bl zi ; At j-i .tz ib2 3J z-a J R. Miller. 7 41 30 C3 S3 41 31 2 40 XVnhrleln .... 7 21 SS 43 43 U 40 212 47 3-1 Kllppel J a W M 1) SS Zii 44 4-5 TCtals 23 192 ISO 225 200 231 1S5 993 39 17-25 McKendrer to Finy Drown Collese. Th "McKendree Colic? have scheduled a gams with the Brown's Business College team of CentralK for to-morrow at Lebanon. Both of these teams aro composed of seme heavy foothall nlavers and a very Interesting came should result when the meet. T BILLIARDS. Staloy 60, Jiolnnd ar. Staley defeated Noland In the three cushion handicap tournament game at the Grand last night after a very pretty ex hibition of cue work. Noland's playing of late has not been as good as his previous work and he showed bad form nt times when put In a bad position for a shot. The score: Staley fS) 0000200 00000 01000 1010000 00021000201021000 0101010030220100200201400 0000000011010100020002 1. Total, SO. tColand 2 102013030200000000000 000010000010000010001002000 110000011000010000003001000 3000100310. Total. 37. Advocate a Silver Service. REPUBLIC SPECIAL. Washington, Nov. 5. Lieutenant Com mander Veeder of the Navy said to-day that in his opinion a silver tervice I by for the most appropriate gift for a battle ship. Such a testimonial Is of constaht tm in entertaining, as weU as being of great ornament and value to the ship. Totals 2S 129 22! 207 234 2C9 277 RLI LILLYS. Names. C. 31. 1 2 3 4 E Davenport .. 5 31 60 46 40 45 33 Schneider ... 2 29 CO 60 39 S3 47 Grlesbach ... 6 28 53 54 31 46 43 Neu 8 16 73 41 52 45 EO Kohre 9 16 E2is 41 13 52 Totals 30 123 293 219 203 241 227 SMITH PROTESTS ER, High School's Grack Baseball Players Accused of Playing in Professional Gaines. ONLY FOOTBALL SUBSTITUTES Objection Made Chiefly as a Mat ter of Precaution, as One of the Boys Has Left School. Smith Academy has protested Bader and Rlckcr. two of High School's football players, for alleged professionalism. The gist of Smith's charges tvas not made pub lie last night, but It stated upon good authority that Bader and Bicker are charged with playing baseball for a finan cial consideration. Rlckcr was the pitcher and Bader tho shortstop of High's champslonshlp base ball team last summer. Both boys are much above the general school average in basebaU skill. It Is said that after leav ing school the bojs played with semlpro fessional teams around St. Iouls. The protest is made chiefly as a matter of precaution. Both boyi have played lit tle football and Ricker has left school al together. They were substitute full backs, nothing more. RESPKCT FOR ST. LOUIS U. St. Louis University's Ictoty over Illi nois College trill ghe that team quite a boost ,In local respect. Tho Illinois fel lows aro always a hefty loL As tho ama teur line has not been too strictly drawn, the team can always boast a seasoned lot of husky plaers. Some years ago tho Illinois were wont to come to SL Louis and clean up the old Pastime giants, tho Cabannes, Holtmans, Munsons, Forbeses, Sculllns and other cracks In easy style. If the Illinois College has as big boys now as rhe had then the victory of St. Louis University must bo taken as a very creditable one. BUST DAYS AT WASHINGTON. Coach Bojnton and Athletic Director Wayne Smith of Washington hud another busy day with their charges jesterday, and If their team makes a good showing against the 31. S. U. eleven in tho big game to-morrow this pair will deserve the thanks of all tho well-wishers of the W. U. eleven. Guard Lucky Is still Improving in his work .ind should prove a very valuab.o man against tho line-shattering II. S. U. Tho j oungstera of the scrub and Junior teams of Washington who tackle him felt much like the giant bear who In a moment of mental aberration tackled a flying lo comotive. -Hl powerful arms and tremendous leg3 sweep iilm through an opposing line like a mooso through a snowdrift, when he hits a man that man has a very vague Idea of how It feels to bo the center of attraction at an Irish fair. In Saturday's gamehe will very likely be depended upon td a large extent to utop tho "Tigers' " ground gainers, and this ho -should certainly do every time he crashes against one of them. Tolron Is also having busy dais. His kicking la improving and if he gets the proper supportithe chances are he will land at least one goal from tho Held. BISCHOig? WORKS HARD. Blrchoff'ls another player who is work ing hard. lie Is a very conscientious young man and one who seldom believes In shirking. In every scrimmage he is in the midst of thbjilay. His ability to gain ground is well known to local .football goers. Heuman, who started the season 'packing around too much tissue. Is rapidly round ing to the rroper form. He Is yet a trifle heavy, but his flesh 13 solid and handicaps him very little in tho matter of speed. While tho St, Louis University team was the guest of Illinois College at Jack sonville yesterday, the Smith Academy team had practically a free field at Sportsman's. Park for their maneuvers. Thev nalled themselves of the ODDOrtu- nlty by going through a very severo work out. Jimmy Wear, who was the pride of Ynle several years ago, had the boys catching the oval from well-placed kicks. l"arly in the practice tho youngsters showed a tendency to fumble, but Wear had them doing nicely before ho allowed them to leave the field. WRAPB PROMISES WELL. A youngster by the name of Wrnpe. who has as jet failed to make the team, showed up much better than some of the regulars. He catches the ball clean and darts through the line with his shock of red hair hanging down and serving as a dancer signal to ovcrmeok tackles. Big Stannard of Smith, whom It Is ru mored is booked for a berth with one of the big Eastern elevens, also worked well. His tremendous strength gives him an Immense advantage against the light youths who find sreat pleasure In buck ing up ngalnst this Big giant, who is a." living tribute to open-door athletics. This team to-morrow will tackle tho dentist of the Marion-Sims College and on form should easily dispose of them. Tho latter eleven do not appear to have the Rrit and stamina that characterizes the men under Wear ami -sicinunn. AVcar, although he has not been active In any of the local elevens recently. Is one of tho best conditioned men on the field. His faco Is tanned from his devotion to open-door sport, and his shoulders and chest de elopment Is marvelous for a mart" of his Inches. Ho Is as hard as nails, and some of the joangsters who arc teaming for fame on tho gridiron would do well to emulate this strenuous young man. WILL FINE MILLIONAIRE BELL. Joclicy Club Means to-Pnnlsh Turf man for Assaulting; Haiidloapnor. REPUBLIC SPECIAL New York, Nov. 5. The stewards of the Jockey Club will likely Impose a fine of COO upon L. V. Bell, tho millionaire turf man, for his attack upon an official of the Jockey Club. Handlcappcr Vosburgh formally lodged charges against tho former owner of Hermis last night, com plaining of a "gros3 and vulgar assault within the precincts of the Queens Coun ty Jockey Club." Late in tho day the fact that Vosburgh had not a few supporters among the trainers and officials came as a surprise. Awujr u JUUXUJ w 11 mc .JUCKey U1UD stewards have a pretty kettle of fish to fry In settling the trouble between Bell and the official handicapper. Bell has steadfastly declared his Intention of effect ing what he is pleased to term a "reform" by having a Boaid of Handicappers ap pointed instead of leaving the deportment in the "czarlike" control ot one man. However, it is learned from a reliable source that the stewards .will fine Bell S500 for his breach of the rules, as they did Dave Gideon and Jack Joynor when these two -worthies fell foul of one another at Gravesend during the summer of 1902. ilAY OPEN. CAFE IX ST. LOUIS. Jamc-s J. Corlictt Flan to Make HIa Home In World's Fair City. nnruBLic special New York, Nov. 5. Jim Corbett, bonl face. That's the way the ex-champion's card -will read from now on. Jim is going to shake the dust of Gotham from his patent leathers and hie himself to St Louis, there to open a J40.000 cafe. Thls will ,not be Corbett's first experi ence in the cafe business. His place on Broadway a couple of years ago was al ways frequented by the better element of the sporting fraternity. When seen last night Corbett admitted that there Is a plan on foot to open up a grand show place. He said that his brother Tom Is now arranging matters for him, and that he expects to make his permanent quar ters in St Louis after December, BADER i RICK SHAVING WITHOUT AND LATHER nnruBLic special. New York, No- i. Safety razors, other razors and barber shops will shortly be driven out of business maybe. A formula has been discovered that will result, when properly mixed, in a pasto which will take tho hair off tho face Just a3 thoroughly as any razor, according to Doctor W. E. Dreyfus, chief chemist of tho Department of Public Charities and Bellovue Hospital. Hero is tho formula: Barri sulphidl, 23 parts; saponls pulvis, 5 parts; told vencti pulvis, KJ parts; trltlci farlnae, 33 parts; bensaldchydl, quarter solution. The directions for using are very simple. The pasto Is to be spread thinly on the surface from which the hair is to be removed, and is to be left on for a period of two minutes. Then it Is to be washed off, and, according to reports, tho hair will como.wltli it, leaving tho face as smooth as if tho barber had been "twice oicr." No injury will result to the complexion, says Doctor Dreyfus. This formula Is ono of oer SS0 in the doctor's formulary for this year, which ho has Just completed. The formulary is issued every jcar and Is used ai a basl3 for the National Formulary, which Is Issued by the American Pharma ceutical As30cIation. There are several unique formulae In this year's issue, among them a remedy for delirium tremens and a disinfectant for telephone receivers. EO OPENING BALL AT UNION CLUB. First Event of Season Well At tended by South Side Belies and Beaux. The Union Club'p social season was for mally opened last night with a ball. About 400 members and guests were pres ent, all ot whom enjoyed themselves thor oughly. Slnco the closing event of last season many Improvements have been added to the South Side clubhouse, which met with general approval on the part of the wom en attendants last night The club has been refurnished and redecorated through out, which added to the splendor of last night's affair. A Dutch room, one of the most pretentious Innovations, was voted "swell," and the furniture It contained, which is of the art craft style, came In for much admiration from the fair eex. . Union Club's ballroom, always a most Inviting place, and ever tastefully decor ated for social affairs, looked brighter and cheerier than ever last night in its new dress of tinted colors. Plain strips of evergreens constituted the floral adorn ment, which blended well with the light color effects of tho club's repainted In terior. The grand march started shortly after 9 o'clock, and from then until midnight the orchestra, which was hidden behind an embankment of plants on the stage of the ballroom, plavcd selections from the lat est popular operatic airs. At midnight a banquet was spread In tho banquet hall of tho club. Among those present were: Misses Ottile Cramer. Cay Mcllvaln. Idtt Stoffrercn. Nancy Glrard. Birdie Uhiman. Lilly Belle Bryan. Stella Schnurmachtr, Nellie VVjcoff. Josle Lan, Adele Upmeyer. uiroie nerajiz. Aiay Stanley. Mario E Ebbert, Millie tenlnn. Natalie Oelscl. LjdlaVenlnna. Clara Trorllcht, Stella Schneider, Marie Dierkes. Estelle Leidner. Agnes Hart. Jaouellne rerguson. Ltllie Lohmeyer, Adele Herrlck. meua Kaseieur, Ola Endres, Alice Out. May Samesrcuther, Mabel Luhr of Kvansvtlle. Ini; Cora Gehner, Frieda Rassfold. Abbte CamnbelL ciara. iiyer. Louise freeman, Lnuna Coesten, Ella Schaefer. Dorothy Anheuscr, Caroline btock. Mabel Btrauss, Cora Gehner. Messleurs J. J. fcaraesreuther. Doctor Edwin Schiller Doctor J. W. Moore. Walter B. Medart, Doctor Suftene Hauck; K. A. Witter. George A. Venlcca, I. V. Nulsen, William Klemfc. Jr., Jcseph A. Bu. r.nnk Griescdlecic. Kdirar A. Miller, Joseph Grlesedlclc. Doctor W. J. Gund llen Orlesedieck, lach, 11 C. Donk. A. II. BiiFhman. L. J. Clbrecht, George Hirroun, Ben V t athus. J. II. Conradet, Jr., Judtte William Zach- Hobert Herald, ritz. It. Hartman, J. N. Hagen. W. D. Becker, Philip Medart Otto StlfeJ. . C. It. Iteuter. Wm. A. OlralJin. Mes lames .T. w. Moore. Itobrt Herold. W. D HecKer, A. II. Bushman. P. E. Nul-en. Walter n. Medart. Philip Medart. J. N. Hasen. William Zachriti Hen Westhus. Joseph GrJcedIerK, Ben Qriesedleck. Prank Grlesedleck, William A. Cllraldln. Kufene Ilftuck. EMtrard Rae, J. D. Manler. Philip Stock. SUITS AGAINST TRANSIT CO. Leon Clippad Obtains Judgment for f 0,233. Estella Daulley filed suit In the Circuit Court jesterday against the St Louis Transit Company for $10,000 damages for Injuries alleged to have been sustained in a collision between two cars at Eight eenth and Pino streets. She was thrown against the side of the car, she avers. John F. McCarthy sued the Transit Com pany yesterday for Jl.HO damages for In juries alleged to have been sustained August IS In getting off a car at Broadway ond Market street. Leon Clippad obtained Judgment yester day In Judge Kinealy's division of the Circuit Court against tho Transit Com pany for $6,135. Sustains Broken Arm. F. Jacobsmeyer, a farmer, living near Black Jack. St. Louis County. Is at the City Hospital with a broken arm. result ing from a collision of hi3 wagon with a Transit Company street car. He was driv ing north on Broadway yesterday when his wagon was struck by a northbound Broadway car at Xo. 720O and overturned. Jacobsmeyer was thrown out and his left arm broken. Cremo it a cigar of invariable one that sella it for lest does The Largest ll RAZORS; DOES THE WORK?: TWO WORKMEN BURNED IN GAS PLANT EXPLOSION. Slxteen-Inch ripe Parts nt Laclede Works, and One of the Injured 3Ieii Jnnips In Tank of Water. In an explosion at the Laclede Gas Com pany's plant, at Second ond Convent street?, George Anweiler, a gasmaker. of Xo. 1319 Warren street and John Erwin, a foreman, were seriously burned at 12:tl yesterday afternoon. A 16-Inch gas main had parted nt a Joint end a large quantity of gas had escaped when Anweiler camo by carrying a light The gas was ignited and Anweiler, unable to escape, was burned about th h.n,t arms and body. The Intense pain caused by the burns made him almost frantic, and he sprang Into a vat of cold water. The other work men pulled him out, and as eoon as they saw the seriousness of hus burns, rang for an ambulance. Erwin was farther from the leaking pipe, but was burned about the face and neck. Both men were taken to the City Hospital. The force of tho explosion broke the windows on the west side of the building: and the skylights. The damage to the machinery la very light, nothing heinr in. Jured except the pipe which was leaking. 'xna superintendent was unable to ac count for the accident Two sections of the cast-iron pipe had apparently con tracted, leaving; an opening for the gas to escape. WEST IS FURTHER FORTIFIED. 2sTew York Ships $700,000 to St. lioma and Other Points. REPUBLIC SPECIAL New Tork, Nov. 5. Local banks were again caned upon to finance heavy trans fers of currency through the Subtreasury to out-of-town points to-day. The ship ments aggregated J70O.0OO, J2M.00O going to St Loui3, C5O.O0O to New Orleans and COO.OOO to Chicago. Besides these amounts additional sums were shipped by fast ex press company trains, and by registered mall. This makes J2,650,000 transferred through, the Subtreasury since tho last bank state ment was compiled. To-day's St Louis shipment was tho first transaction nego tiated for that center this week. The second $300,000 Installment of the National City Bank's I1.000.0C- gold en gagement left Southampton on the steam er Tuerst Bismarck to-day. TO IMPROVE THE MISSOURI. Omaha Convention Will Ask Con gressional Aid. REPUBLIC SPECIAL Omaha, Neb., Nov. 5. A convention of reiiresentatives from cities along the Mis souri Biver, from Pierre, S. D., to St Louis, was held in Omaha to-day to de vise means to protect lands adjacent to the river from floods. Fifty-thre dele gates attended. A plan of campaign was adopted to se cure an appropriation from Congress to assist In the work and possibly the resur rection of the Missouri River Commission. A report naa made by Captain Chitten den, United States engineer. In charge of the work on the Missouri, In which he cajs the Missouri Is as navigable to-day es it ever was. H. T. Clarke of Omaha wa3 made presi dent of the organization and L. D. W. Van Vleet of St. Joseph vice president for Missouri. Mr. Van Vleet will appoint one committeeman from each county In Mis souri which abuts on the river. Governor Yates at Molls. BEPHPLIC SPECIAL. Moline, 111, Nov. B. Governor Tates was tho guest of honor to-day at a re ception and luncheon at the Manufac turers' Hotel, where he afterwards ad dressed a large audience. The Governor defended his administration and assailed the press of Chicago for Its attacks upon himself. EVERY remo ScClgafj Duplicates anodier Cremo. It never varies in qwlity, vonu or price. foedaeri that Is told In e-rery rawnaad at to with the endeavor to reflect on Cremo Selling Brand of Cigars in nwatMtJJatJM POPE IS PLEASED WITH INVITATION. Promises to Send Exhibit From the Vatican and a Reprcainta- tive to the World's Fair. Rome. Nov. 5. William E. Curtis was received in private audience by the Popsg to-day at the Vatican, and extended to htsu Holiness an invitation to send a distin guished ecclesiastic as the Commissioner I of the Holy See to the St. Louis Universal Exposition, besides an exhibit of the treas ures of the Vatican. The Pope, In reply, said he was greatly pleased with the compliment paid him and added that be would do all possible to comply with the requests contained in th invitation, both regarding the Vatican ex hibit and sending a representative to St Louis. His Holiness said: "X accept the Invitation with gratitude and charge you to express our apprecia tion of the thoughtfulness of including the Holy See among the other nations In vited." ui fenw CAVC Dill I IWCPUII CANNOT BE EXTERMINATED, M Secretary of Agriculture Declares That Fest I Sare to Spread From Texas Over Country. REPUBLIC SPECIAL Dallas, Tex.. Nov. 5. More than fi dele gates and about 2,000 lay visitors wars present at the opening session of the Na tional Boll Weevil and Cotton Convention, to-day. Secretary of Agriculture Wilson deliv ered the principal address of the day. Ha stated that he had come to Texas more than a week ago to look Into the cotton situation. He did not hesitate to call at tention to tho defective methods of Texas farming, as he had observed them, and to declare that under them all the money In the United States Treasury could not ex terminate the boll weevil pest. He ad vocated better cultural methods particu larly deep plowing. The United States Government, Secre tary Wilson said, had spent this year nore than 1100,000 in Texas to help the farmers. He declared that the boll-weevil pest cannot be exterminated. "You are here to-day," he said, 'In the Interest of tho cotton, crop of the United States. As far as my observation and In formation go, we cannot exterminate the boll-weevil pest And you cannot keep it this side of the Sabine and the Mississippi rivers, -either. It Is going across." The Important work wLI be on to-mor-. row. Loss In One County 91,000,000. REPUBLIC SPECIAL Washington, Nov. S. Representative George Burgess of Gonzales, Tex., has ar rived In tho city. He said this evening: "My own county of Gonzales has lost this year, at a reasonable estimate, not less than 0,000.000 by the devastating work of the boll weavIL The loss to the cotton, planters of my entire district may reach $8.000. CC0, a treiSsndous'mTUietary affliction for one locality. "But In spite of this our people are la raod anlrits. far. while their Drlnclosl product has been cut short, they nfadr heavy crops of corn and the yle of rice nas Deen spienoiu, cringing in a revenue that partly compensates tne planters for the destruction ot their cotton." CONCEALS $2,875 IN WAIST. Mrs.' Mary "Murphy, fo Serve Two Years, Eearreated. Mrs. Mary Murphy, who recently was convicted In the Federal Court at sendlnx improper literature through the mails, was placed In the city jail last night When a jail matron searched the prisoner she found $2,875 secreted in' Mrs. Murphy's waist Mrs. Murphy, until recently, conducted a sanitarium for women at Twenty-second and Olive streets. In this' house about two years ago she shot and killed her husband. "William Murphy, In self-defense. About six months ago the Federal Grand Jury returned an indictment finding that she had misused the United States mails. She was convicted, sentenced to two years' Imprisonment and appealed. The Appellate Court affirmed the lower court's finding and she was rearrested yesterday, having been out on bond pending the ap- PIt is understood that the &8T3 found In ir possession yesterday was the proceeds of the sale of property. Xamina; of Keeelver Postponed. Depositions were to have been takes yesterday In the suit to have a receiver appointed for the George Piatt Construc tion Company before Special Commission er W. B. Saunders, but the matter ws postponed. George Piatt president of the company. Is the father of Elroy S. Piatt who attempted to commit suicide in Pltts-bura-. Pa., last Wednesday. One of the stockholders of the Piatt Company, who ' seekrair to have a receiver appointed, avers that George Piatt assumed an in debtedness of his son, Elroy, of several thousand dollars. Father Tobtra Back From Enrese. The Reverend Miles W. Tobyn, pastor of at Marv's and 8l Joseph's Church. hM returned from a three months' tour jt-fe-sKj of Europe. He was accompanieu uj -u"fr : : i ,-j . ., - t niece. Bliss u. smitn. uney nsii ""m land. Ireland and France. T Killed by a Train. REPUBLIC SFEOAL Galesburg. 111., Nov. 5. Charles Miller, a C, B. & Q. brakeman, wa3 run over by an engine to-day. Both his legs were cut off. He died later. thaVM rteafs cents. Any quality at the coat of profit. the World. 1 M M 4 m F C si T"lrfi vss m i t2 t -sa ' m 4 fei- i & rst. .a . T&frt " . '' MMAmmM&-t. sy &4l&l '.iMff?fm X$ti j. fa.5& t- 'MsMmm ;'ife W-', t$RkJ. 3&1. fisy r'-S?Si. SK mim K-&'