-.-.,, -rt ff THE REPUBLIC: SATURDAY, JANUARY 2, 1004. r.l V? ' REAL ESTATE CARDS. ake si i.UI.U m 1904 Kariv in the year we -will larger increase our quarter' awd facilities to at-commedate our largely Increased and rapidly fn-creasin-r, buslues--. We made bis money for our clients Iat jear, and expect to doutle their number bj pries at all tin.es our clo-est personal attention and esperiente to the manasemt-nt of their REAL ESTATE acJ ouer interest; intrusted to us. A Special Feature is Our Rental Department. It Is thoroughly eiuipptl and carefully directed in all its- d ta!ls. We shall be iileased to confer with any one coutemplat-in:- a chance of agency with a view to obtaining the best reSil.tS from tIltfIr I--"--"-""-". --- we are prepared to gi-c them. Holbrook-Blsokwalder Real Estate Trust Co., 107 North Seventh Street. ;IUUJ12 I-UI. ..A... I JETFFRSOV 2U S-S-c-y -K.ii"&it 3--9ra 2r ji tvoe ,r x..:3e. r-asabt , 9 JKFFinliOV 2321 N -.Nice. U s- :urisnl ROOMS FOR aCTT. "fur gent-ciiksnt jrlTate tn.2jF. ar zz9 "KEXN'KTT Tcicir. I CI Vice. fcre'a'sftS. Iarv 3 U cILE. .--'. Iigl-t bsft-rren:. tor '3lS3tl Cr RCU?tf,?irjT. J. mv -. unpr ' tht AS2 !tn -)-.nie-cs LaACI-E- - roosi list i-u-keesms baA. cxj and lato.- t-AfIrr:Tt j- ic- furiisfetii teoo-l-6tjr7 front room rlra-e rmiry. roccetn ccn.vtn- leiices. reisui-." . I-A.-n- 1 - -J'acintlT rjrr. hM double Ij-ar' .:ti- j pavt:c!.. ceccm. or ouie. T3TewCC nir-arm ii-i--i -, HsiK"a1r IrrJcei s.t-. Luf.n v all rv. "!? PlelTl rCHVtCi ; nseUera ccn--tc.- futinu a - ;cea i:rit.ie - c c LAWTOV JiGT Larse rnxi parlor: aisa ctfcer frocrn. , Uith. jiwton. '-"2 Rooms furnisted c-rnpl-te ifflr llxht h jcff--p sr. U wek ard s IAW N fc.ieca.ntir furaisnetl nja; rr?t-Caad ag-'jj"rilayK'y. t dr r weelc LAUTON 31 M--.r fumt-iied trrrt r:; 9nthrc eTgc.re, iT;ce D.t. not pais. ULIVTTN 4il Mcet ia-njted rwn tor to nEtle"! a i conventfttcga: rea?nat e LATPW 3041 Mcelr furnisfced !wa? aal ctter roifT - LI.M)E1-L. B.jsrard, S54V-&conti-tory iront and cne rear n3 til cew and tasKfully iux- ninsed. iXk-'irT. r4 Nicely rs-nUned fTcat rcmi. tt M a wei UOCUsT. il-Ii-a rood and also ctnerro-rna rrntiemtn UOJUaT. SHT N'wJy fumlste-I roos-. eo-l net au MC RgJ LOCUST r Mcely femisbed ruoina xur- re hat fvry rocTerJtcce i LOCITST 2TC2 FamlshM rocs yuw-icegc tar veT reagonab. f Jr tlshi LOCt'bT 1 bit fcerh. m!' N -ei farn fce-I roms, -n p3wi eces paj. fe UOCLST r hmxit roorn sulu.bl'; ior cne, 3 T.rifT'RT rri Vic te-im-lieaid rconu. trt-clas erery ay. erery ctnviurce. f LOCCeT 3062 Ni-My- furaured Trcr- zooma. hot baa, ru-nare neit. raonaoe. IjOCTJST. S3w NI. coiiXorta&ie rims rre!l anea. nu g.nTgiicca ttr Knmfmc Loa'.iT. 23iT-cian. comfartftble fnmjs"ed room, fcrrace heat ct-ner.iencei. Jl TJ a week up LOCUST 2S1S Sxnd-Btcry froit rooms .mod ern conienttnoiS. private family, seaumea enly LOCUST M2 Nt-y furnlted fro-.t r-ta with ht, tra and Lain. Ho one fur listt bouskeeplnr LLCAS. Z5& Wtu-beated f-nt room; wuth m exj-o-ti-e tciem ccnveiucncts, re-ion-Ailt family cf adutts LUCAS. 1137 Nice, larse. froat room, yautt--n xcre, ultbl- fr two btmmers men; direct can ta cirr ani Fair also tie cam. MAXlbi..N, 3fH7 Neatly turnJane rocm. for en or twii r?ntlmen. prlTat f-imflly. MADIsON. 2125 N.c:y fumlsafd front room, f!rt rloor. 'or to gntiemen. oriatr fantir. MAfTTTT. Z7 Mcely f.m!shei. Tarra ! rooms. furalabd cr uarcxnishec; reasonaoie, one-naif b-ock to car line. MTtKf:r m (Kn sl Laialav Neatly fur- rdahed rooms: ntiemen c- light fc-jusek-7ia;. MINNESOTA. HIS To cocnectlnr furnished rooma. &, thre iwrM 312. -mail tiocy. . MXSSISilPPI. UZi Furnlshe-i rooms with. Ixwrd: nwdern cenveriences: ocpoait parlc MISSOURI. 112S lE-Et fct. rooms witi bath. Lo uls ) t'nrTilshed MORGAN. 41T Blrt 15c; rooma. c. 25c. Wc T5c and 31. ' MOHGA;. 5077 Farnlsted room: rarnace heat ad uae eg bathroom, rnvate laraur- 1IORGAV. iJ-iS NtceiT fu.-nistied eecend-sto- ry front raom fjr cne or two gentleman. MORGAN. 2323 Nicely fnrniLed rooms: sen tlemen or housjkeeplPg ras bate, furnace. MORGAN. 2S03 Two conXactiE rooms: niw-ely furnished for house keeping all ton ecaenc.s. M ORG AN". 6114 Choice fcrnlshed mens, win board; prlvatw family running water In rooms. morgan. 1313 Furnished roors for h'wst- ! keener; hall rxcm also larje stable, stalls; BOc a. wk. J" dshed for house.e,tcs. t'lepfcone. gas raajt". nrnace mat owa prov.o na av.iivi) ii .( H weekly NEWSTEAD. 311 N. Front room, neatly lar rdsbed furnace, etc. no ether roomen; n W per eelt. NINTH. 111J prtvate fually S Nicely furrJsheJ room Call after tJO evtniJJS. NORTE ILRKCT. JW Two nicely turclihed rooma tci lljrht hoosekeeplor CFAIA3N. 50T Warm. comfcrtabl. cicely furaJjbed rooms for men, jl per weelc OUVE. keeping. X5iljrEe front room fcr nons- ,OUVB A Liiht bcneltKPJis: two treat rocrns: ras. bath' reaacnahle OLIVE. im-li-Miely furnished rooms far ireniimeB; aw uam am i.q. OLIVE. "335 Second-stcry front: baUi and ras. well baxeC. ether rocmg- OLIVE. rMl FuraishM frcnt rocra fcr two srentlemen. heat, oath and gas. OUVE "334 Nicely fcrnlshed front room; also hall rrcm hot water and gas. OLIVE. rWS Parlor for four gentlemen; nlao room for light hoqgeketptng. t OUVE Sl'Sm-re front roern and alcove for two -r-ntiemerj- gas. bath. etc. OUVE, raj Nlctlv furnUhed frcnt room: h"t. furnace 31JS per week. OLIVE, H Elecantlv furnished second-story fn-pt and one frcnt ptrlgr: gas, bath. OUVE 2334 Nicely furnished rooms; bath: ali convenlencea; genUervn cnly. OLIVE. 2C3 La-re, cheerful, sunny front par lor: also plessant thtrd-floor rems. 3-5) OLrE 3314 Just cvttjfl. a finely furnished t-ous- strlctlv nrsl-ctaas southern rme. OUVE. S5 Nlcclv farnihed thlrl-Cxrr front roirn. all conveni-aces: f it gentlemen. OUVIi I71-El-trantly furnished front par lor, wits piano- heat: furnace: 14 nr w-efe. OUVE 3117 Nicely farnisced aeccnd-Qsor front roo-n: also small rjom all convenience. OUVE 237-1- Furnished, parlors: recond fioor froct and bad,: also rooms for houteacea ln. OU IX 27f4 Nicely furnished second and third fleer fronts, with cr without bcuselteep Iwe. OUVE. 2124 Clean, comfortable room; fur nace heat, hot bath; on sing-re room; private xaralli. OUVlt, 2S3 Lur-ce rocnu second floor, with adjoining bain. gas. excellent furnace h-at. suitable for two gentlemen cr married couple. PAGE, 42v Three eletranOr furnished n-ms for BOuielteeptnc; two lovely rooms for centle xnen. 1'AOH 2613 Rooms, furnUh-d; Ucht tiotrse keepins; rermltted. no ebjectien to chlldrcu; vtry clieap. PAGE. 4S73 (Hotel Albany Very chOKe Tilr r.tshed rooms; single c- en suite: steam heat and -ill modem lmwjvtr-ients: terms very rca sccaMe for the wlptert Cne cafe a conneetlcn. PARlf. ?23 Twa ccrxectin: furnished frcnt looms: bath, Ucht homeaeepl ?tn-r. TABIu, "32JA NenUv rJmUced secend-door front room: private family; modem conven ltnce: jeasc-nable: hath. PLVK. 2SS Nicely frrnlshed rooms; J1J3 and 1T.W Prr wee. wvit c?34 Nlci- rcoros furnlshel or unfar- dshed. very reascnatle. PlaVTl 9300 Nicr ans nleaaect rocms la cltv; rigace heat; hot bath. FINin. SCW Lorse farelshei roennr. JlS up; hot ana coM water; farnace heat. PIKIL 3855 Frcnt ard McSc parir for Tour 3reT.tc.ngn or Ufhr houjre-tecplag tocos. prjrft, SIT Newty rmifhed; three blocks from ITntaa S'atlcn: Ca rerk nzd tia- PIKIU U2 Near, cfcta ro-msr desirable lo tcatloa tcr wlntert arxrq atxemodati-ans. PINK. SSC (Near Grand-Flrst-class accam incdarJoa; -eascp-ible: front room, vacant. PIX1C -WIS Warm rootna. emil er -en salte; all caitTtBXericta; a suitable gr Xaraaeteep-'' REAL. KSTATE CARDS. lenev With Us tHWj( ROOMS TOR REST. , -,1-irin.n..-".""". --ii "ir Ol-N '-J. cr en ii.. to gg3.ie.e3 PX?fE, 34 e3Bat re ars-IMaa--M--aS'aia iheii room. aTart or hGJMjeDuic. rocms and xc!In: rx-Ard all ccnTenlfna; quiet clac- tonelU-e. Itrtrlc I!rM: rti-naec teat; ttlrjtscae: hot reasonable PIXKL 3C3 Newly fumUU'd. nevly parrd. t-r2 ccnvezUcot. reasonable. SEVENTH, IJ S mo pnt!etETL -2-lcell furaifc.d roctn tor .tHr-lliUAN, 3UU Tnree rooms and bath, sec ond ficor . . SHilAIJA i.l-Oii cr ttro csatly rur nised hookeeclnr -oems. us-s cr Uuadry. VT ZXZSTIZ, IC ;, FumlSaisd rcom tor I'rfct vi'u'ivr4ns. 'ertcheap ssI2.rH, SH N Furnished rooms X rer -vrlc- t"t vaier and bit3 : -T -VINCENT SJ14-V-Mcey ittrnisa.! W"h i or trc. best conveniences, private famiir. cn- or tc resocaMe fr Ilrht toucXeepEr: aznit ierernc' TATLOH. lilZ Nicely rurrJibl erccnrt ftcrv fent. con&ie cr tiro ggntl-ar-n. rttoera. TAYUOR. 1,3 X Ilyht fcousetplnc. refsrence -Tres fcrrished rooms for prtiata residence, adults; TATLOR. in. N. Nicely rarn'ated back par-lf- far tbrs; entleiren. to Uxht ticn:-eep-Inc rooma. all convenience, very rteaocaS. TBNTZi. 11M -i Front svax. fcr tbrea yta tleruet. or couple ga. Eat bath. THE dit-y t Inn, 41$ -icty St U:ca Cool rocra. "5c So. SLSO. bath TIIirtD, 10 ani 124 X nieant roorn. sln rle cr Sonseieejin. 513 t-t. cop'te.r 1-r- TirirrT-THIRD. 1TI5 N Lane front rocin. n!cel7 ruraUhvd, cne or two s-stlnien. prl vate faar '7 . VIRGINIA. C33 Furnlihed cr unfurnished room, cne or raor. - vrAHrrUT" IS1 Two uafumlxhyd cocnctlnff fmn? rcicr- aU conveniences, very dc3iraale. -tT-T-mv ri . N.lr!v fcrnhflld Toomr fcot ..(.. w.-a. .( nr panf!amB T"M.nLaiI mia. ('t tvui; y..- . TCAX.TOX. -"XI N Handiorae. warra, CgJ1 room, aia bath, private family; OUve and Del marcarg. . WASHINGTON. 3S76 Nicely furn thd rooma: ' fc?at aid tath. . .HINGTON ltl Nicely furnished rooms; tl.; per wees: up. W.V2HINGTON. 1K7 Two nl:ely furnished r-vC3. bath. eis. cnen.ences WASHINGTON. KM Neatly furnished rooms: ea. b't fl- all conveniences. WASHINGTON UfS Nicely furnished rtH,ras rJtted frr two, reascnable. can WASHINGTON. a-:.je.r furnished frcnt r'om all conveniences- C&3 welt!y. WASHINGTON. 13-B Eleeantly furnlsh-d front psrlcrs. ether roum: hct batng. WASHINGTON 3113 Pleasant front rooms In quit renoe-1 heme: all conveniences WASJIINGTON. KS-EI-iast ,rocm: st-arn heat; eery conTenlnre. Phoca Ltrtdell SfiM. WASHINGTON. Nicely furnished front and ether nice rooms: net water, fumaco beat. eas- , V."ASrfINGTON. sti Larre and newly fur rl'hed front a&l other rooms: everythlns flrst- w smt vri-rTV. 2416 Nlcel-r fu-nlshed room on Erst and second floors: all rcodra ceuvenl ences. . WASHINGTON. 3'1-V-N'lcely furnished thlrd flocr room, for sentl-mea cnly; all conveniences- WASHINGTON. "731 Nicely furnished front parlor, southern expoaur-; an modern con veniences. . WASHINGTON. 3SS S-ltct hctsl: steam heat; handsomely furnished rooms. s.ie cr en suite: reference. ROOJtS TVITH BOARD. --(itSay-saiIaaas-as-,a-I-i-l'naiiii AL.U. rersorj wishlec rooms, with or without tcurd. please apply to St Louis Room Asencr, it N. fourth su.; sertlces free. AUBERT. 1HS N Eleeantly furnished rooms; heat- rath: board if deslr-d: reascaahla. ALBERT, T5SA Elltantl-r furnished rooms wltn all modern Improvements. In private fam ily of two. with best of board if desired. Ap ply at aboig number, at ence. BACON. lTift Nicely furnished front roera fir two irEtlemea; private family; beard op tlocsd. BARTJfER. -343 Two nice, pleasant rco-ns, with best of beard: Page and suburban cars. IIAUGH. SlI (East St. Eiuls) N'eaUy fur nlshed rooms, with board: bath, gas, heat niYinn sir 4-ho!e furnished rooms, with best of hum Melon;; all conveniences; reason able. tirrT.T. 331T Largf-. steara-heared room; board: private facrlr; references exehanjred. BELL. 1IHA Second-slory front: Prty-'e famt y: modem cenvenierces: board If deslret BROADWAY. 512 N. Neatly furnished rooms; wltn nrst-ciasa pcara: cut ratt-a- CARDLNAU 11 N- Two neatly furnlh-d rooms, with or without beard: llctt housegeep ln;: also bedroom. CILANNING 181 N- Xlc-ly furnished front room: with best board: 33 : all convenlencea. CHOUTEAU. 1323 Newly furnished rooms for rentlemen. with crst-class beard and heat; 4 73. CLARENDON. SIS Two front rooms, fur nished, -rlth luod board, fcr penUemen; very r-arcariblc. CLARK, ins Mcely fumlsl-ed rooms, with board. 34 ner we-k. CLEVELAND, 4132A Ele-rant furnished roon for cne. two or three reatletnen: meals if wanted. COOK. 3623 Rooms and board: lady roommate. also youns COOK. 4D4 One room good board; also sea tleman roommate. COOK. 430t Nicely fcrnlshed rooms; excellent beard, g-ntlemen or c"urle- COOK. 3G3 Elegantly furnlsh-d rooms; cellent board; pri.ate family: references. CtJK. 3bC2 Nlc-Iy furnished rooms: tr"d board: g-ntlen-en. coupl- cr ladlea employed. COOK. 4313 Furnished n-oms and good ti tle: forcotjplsjgaandbatijreasonable DAYTON. 2SU (Comer of GtrrlsonJ S-ccnd-story front; furrece heat; p-ivale rimlly;r-ard reasonable DEEMAE. E?n Neatly funiished room two; with board. DELMAR. 2S55 Lifffit, well-heated storv front room, w th .rocd board. DELLR. 42C15 Newiy- furnished, entirely modrn front room, with god board; very rea- socable. DELMAK Houlevard. 2312 (The Delmar- Peo ple comics" to World's Fair at this time will had the finest of eara-heueil rooms, with the very best cf board; hot bath and all modern conveniences: Ave minutes to grounds: Delmar and OUve car to doer. DAYTON. 2-M3 (Cor. Garrl-3a Second -story front; furnace, bath; prtvat-i' family; board; reasonaDl. DELMAR. 2S32 Deslrahle scontl-s;ory front room: also smsle room, with Crst-clai, board; all convenience. EADS 2S2I N'cely rarrilshed larce Xirtt room, second floor, vcith osard: all conveniences; rea-trV-cable. E-.D5. aiir Nicely furnished room, s-cend- floor front: a-so board; best aceomiacdatJcia; fcr rentlemen. EASTON. 4213 Elegantly furnished, warm. llht rooms; all coavenieaces; Tor centlemea; bcs.rd U desired. FAIEMOUNT. 5ttC Larse. suany room.; haadcn house; ercrylhia. -liodern; flrst-ciisa board. cmratE family. FINNEY. 33Q--Rocra fcr two ycurjr men; all modern cccvcnence; flrat-ctasq bcanL FINNEY. 5-3 Recently cpened as the Chvy Chas Club-, on car line direct to the World Fair; handsome detached bouse; vsana rooms; srood beard. GARRISON. UeT 5C Rooms and board; rea tcrabte trms: hot bath. GARRISON, sis X. Comfortable reams; ex cennt board; tn three cr four rentlemen; rea sncab.e. GARRISON, S12 ?C Front rooms: s.oo-1 boardr service; modern convenlearcs; center oi city; convenient to all street cam; room and board ttJA and trpwards; C o'clock: Unnerr reception rjarlcr for Udtcs and smo&int-room for teatle- 1 nOOHS WITH HOARD. N-WWte-aa-Wet-a-ai.---a-a- GARRISON". (713 X. Mc-Ir fur-ashed roms; good beard: very reasonable; clean, ccrnfjrt able place: erry convenience. i GRAND iCeraer LwttU Larre f.ont rem. with a st-class board! ill c-STgiicr-ct- GRAM), 1233 N. Three nicely fu-Tiixhed rooms, good beard, every convenience: 3 weetc. GRAND. 7S33 X. Nicely f-iraisa-d good board: net bath, tamace Scat: rooms. Use Of bam. GRAND. 135 S Nicely furnished cund story room, with excellent t-rd; eiery cau-venl-uce. p HORTOX Plsce. 22 A few choice, newly furcl'ld rooms for prtvate boarders, res. WorWi Fair grounds. first-class table at rea- ioab.e rates JO.Ntii? 1223 Nic-lr xurnltlied recra. vita board, for two gentlemen or couple. 250O west. between uwk ana .-ge. KING'S HIGHWAY. ir3 . X. room?. smsle or en suite, aa good beard Two frcm small room. KING'S HIGHWAY. H N Rc-Tca with rj-o board. fSrnac-. hot bath, gas; ctoee to worm tiF stuujuj LABADIR 40U3 Tio elegant! farm--! rooms.. -lth Sr-t-clajs board: prr- reasonable. LACLEDE 311S Well-healed rooms, with good beard e,erythlng moderate LACLEDE. EU-Nlcalv famished reo-a sSemen. gocd board, hot bath, southern E' rosure . t-i--rtxr .T. Vmrtt rrl.-ir- bath- eas. for j.-w.. .v... -. ..- .. -, ki couple, wltn t-cara ii tw. r-. ihtiiv -?ciiv)tv fi.rrJhed front parlcr and other room?, board If desired, bath. lAV.TON. 3C21 Warm. secood-fL.-o- Xrcnl and ether rooms wm ccara. avti mt...-.- LiNDEt.l Sli-Roome and beard; appclnt- mects crst-oass. xjeii. tm-t ... LI.N-DELI-:r-Larf. besutif illy rurmsh-c scTOd-stcry front rc-om: with beard LOCUST, 3010 FumUhed room, with or w.tn oct heard. LOCUST. Ul Peasant second-Boor room. with board references. Trw-i--rr pt 1S5 Newly furnlsned rooms and fr.t!s- hoard rsnatle LOCUST. HS-Nlclv fam'sne'l rooms on flrst and second ncor". with ec3 board LOCLST. 1C Room- and t-iard. rfliors and day boarders house fceated Mrs Tnomas. LOCUST lOS Nicely furnished rooms, with board- iras. hot bata: modern conyenleaces LOCUST. -h Nicely turnhed room". with cr without board all con enlences . rates reasonable LOCUST. 33) Comfortable t7eU-heate.l rooms, no-ne tabv- families. Etnt:men cr ladles emDieyed. C 7n i nnANA. -rii Ntoelw furnish! room, with or without board: private family, three ears. refcsoranze L.UCA3. fC7 Nice warm front room, southern exposure, first Ia- bi ard LUCAS :K-Llt-ht. nnry front parlor n ly furnished, furnace heat excedent table LUCA K05 Scona-noor frcnt. xor n-cj c- three gentlemen. cid. substantial boarg. L.UCAS JB EleirinUv furnished seco-vi-foor front and ccnnectlns rooms. ttn board, central: tiennan. .f.oTT. rt T am .-?-.! friTT-lst'd tOOfn. southern expcsule. hot-water teat; board If de-slr-d MAPLE. Mil Two eleeantly firnlsnd room. private family: home cemfena. brea.as. 1 Ceslretl. JIISSISSIPPL IJB-Neat'" furnished room. Crt focr. also front rocn. second Boor: eult b far gentlemen or couple: best taP.e b-Jara. MISSOURI. 512 (Eat St. L.uts NIC- rooms: excell-nt beard: transient liarders a specialty. MORGAN. 4X0 Nlcly furnished rooms. first-class board, all cenven'erces. vnRRiN- vOS Larse front room, wltn board, refer-r.ee- eathanged. ladles only MORGAN. 3T3 Nice thlrd-"or front; aisa nice second-nocr room: cooa ooaro; i4a nr.t- MORGAN. MOO-Cholce front and- conn-etlni; joms ftrst-clas- acooramodatlons. with board. NEWSTEAD. T10 N. Very desiraoie ro-3. with beard, private family: warm anS Scms lrje. NEWSTEAD 13) N 'Near Unrteili -Lrc second-story front room. Duard cptKJital: lor certlerren: r-asonabj OLIVE, iS NIe-ly fumls'ied rooms, with cr without board: with board. 31 M and OUVE. CSS D-Usbtrut rooms: southTn x posure; steam heat; with or without board; rentlrnen desired ORHGON. 1S3A Neatly furnlahed room: sc-cnd-Socr front: board If wanted; all best con veniences. PAGE 45UA Larce furnished fruit furnace heat, with board PAGE 56C One n'cely furnished warm room; reel board- all ecnvenlenctf-: reasonable. PAUE Boulevard, 103 Larsre. pleasant nom. telephone, furnace and an conveniences; mea-s if desired. PAGE Bouleiard. U Nicely furnished la'ge e-cond-fi3or room: souttem eiposure; nrs. class board. PAGE 5C8SA Nicely fum'shed -varm rooms; rood hoard: all ccnvenlencca: r-as.-r.ab e. PAGE S-X7 Nicely famished, larze. front room: southern extosure: boo-1 board; all con veniences: reasonable. PINE SXS Nicely furnished room and rood b-vrd for one Kectleman: S wa-fc. FINE r733 Nicely furnished rooms. board. H.M to : all convenl-nce-. PINE 2314 Several nice, comfortable nlshed rooms: with or without board. pivf! s- El-trant econi-lloor front room with first-clasa boa-d: mai-ra cunvnlaje. PINE 2S1 Nlc-jy famished rrc-u room ror two cr four pcrsa-is; ma-viii -. v , - crec. PINE 2323 Nicely furnished tack parlor and other rooms- hot bath: excellent board: reason able. PTNE 3302 Furnished or unf.rolshed. sunny rooms: gentlemen or couple; Cne outlook; ex cellent table board KATMOND. 51S3 Second and third story froct rooms, with best of beard; home cooking. P.USEELU 2M7-E.ej3r.t. Urge. Iteht room. unfurnished: ah-o board; private family; best conveniences: roaymap.e- uwotvo tt - iVm- Tjr!rfei Modern frcnt rcom; board oatichil: private famUy. oDDTvr- m -c Vit-elv furnished. rooms, "with first-claes board: all convenience. ST. VBfCENT. 433 Two nicety farnlsh--l rooms: also board: two cr four gentlemen: tath and gas. TATLOR. 423 (Near OUve) Rooms, with best of Niard: heme cooking: warm and home'ike. TENTH. ESS N. Newly ruru-'shed. warm frcnt room for two gentlemen; tM per month: beard If de!rei. VON VERSEN. E3-I Warm, stear-i-heated. hnn-ellk- room, good table: for two gentlemet. WASHINGTON. 1307 Resolved, To eat at the Golden Rod Eestaarant the year arcend. WASHINGTON. 23U Nice, newly furnished rooms: splendtd table: all conveniences. WASHINGTON. lSlS-Cfenr-ctlns; rooms, suit ed for four gentlemen: with cr without pc-inl. WASHINGTON. 3131 Klrst-clasa steam-beat-ed room", for couples or -rtntlemen; coed h,me beard. WASHINGTON. 34-,-Thlrd-nccr front and other nice rooms; good home board; all conveniences- WASHINGTON. 2203 Furelsted. large second floor front rooms: genUemen or couples: best beard: references. WASHINGTON. 34S Two front moms; new ly furnished: other desirable rooms; furnace beat: choice table. WASHINGTON. 3325 Elegant roomsr unsur passed table: sll modem conveniences: tele- phona .runioca n is-.. WEST BELLE. 4133 Two nicely furnished rooms, with gocd board- WEST BELLE. 2310 Nicely tarnished rooms. with board, furnace heat, with bath. WEST BELL.E 437J Two socood-fleor front rooms- excellent board: gentlemen preferr-d. WEST BELLE. 4224 Two rooms, well fur nished: for gentlemen or coup.e: excellent board. WEST BELLE. 41TS South front room and ether rooms; well heated; cay boarcers accom modated. west EELLE. 425fl Scond-atcry frcnt, well furnished; eaceilent board; also rcommat fir jrentlemaa- WEST BELLE Place. 4024 (West Bell Hotel) ThorouaUr renoated; flrst-class table, rea- orable ratesw WEST HELLS Place. 4l7e--4.75 Desirable rccms; best of beard; modern conveniences; choice location. VEST BELLE. 4310 Nicely fnmUhed rooms; ercellent board; trtntlemen or ladles employed; all conveniences. WEST BELLE. 4J41 Eleeantly fnrclsh'd rooms; sor3thra eiposure; excellent table; ref erences; telephene. i WEST BELLE. Olft-Elessa; rooms: well furniihed: table end service first-class; private family: refereaces. WESTMINSTER. 5106 Suite of handsom-Iy furnished .rooms, with cr without board, refer ences. . WEST PINE Boulevard. 322 Ronms en 9X end and first floors: excellent board; modern. tt1Mi,TER, itj-ijarce. cbeerful room; rood board; tor couple- or three gentlemen; rea sonable. . WINDSOR Place. 2327A One to fcur fur nished rooms, with or without board. nocsns, roohs, etc TfVAJTTED. BY voenjr can. furnished room la prtvaic Jewish family- CM 23. Republic. ONE or two conaectirc fjmlshed front rooms, for Msht ruseiceepla; la vicinity cf Grand ate. TB WQ. Repablic. ROOM by youaic man; stearn beat preferred; private family: near 4XO west. CM . R-pub0o ttttj rp nn frit--r fhxt rrVltTiw. with fcflt. fn" Ilsht housekeeplns; voanc rBarried couple. CL Kx. itepuouc VOULU- KAIB HOOM-REATIAC CO. Win list your oeca. and k-en same cccupd durrar th Wc d Fair. Call or ad-tress 1225 and i227 ChemtC4l trtilllng: K'"-- D tia. REAL ta5TavTE WASTED. a).i-aasa.-.,Mlta.avlW. -eaa.st--.MSsiaaa.asassaia..aa- REAL ESTATE WANTED I wart ta bur undivided brterests or equity ta St. LcnOs city real estate, or will loan money on. same., pro vldinr the titles, mra perfect, cr can ba mad perfect. If a barjaln la offered; vffl pay cash. ULi, tt-rpUBUG. ROOJIMATES WASTED. rtn I . I n n n II - I. M --....- !.. ROOMMATE WANTED Rnommate bv gen tleman, two b-5s. heat- cas: ILj-'. 23l- Lacled-. P.OOlllIATE WAXTED By quiet YOune man. large roomt all conveniences. 2011 Mor gan it,,., .., ,,.,0; Viw.. rrin ti beds: SL3t) each; downtown, respectable. E Franilin. . Hrw-iitiLxrE WANTEI Clirstlan young lady wl-l'share nice home Kith congenial lady, must be neat, 1.34 Mississippi. ROOM.-, A.1U IKUItU -.VAATEIJ. i n riajajnnnrif-in rifrtufXJi"U's" -aa,s-j'a-n'-0a"WJ''fc'1' BO.VRD t r udent- east of Grand ava . state price. i-M 4. Repabde WAATED FPU BL'IM3) I't-RPOhEa. P.C)JHNG-HOUSK fcr cai. ten to t-velve rooms fcetwecn Twenty-seventh. Grand, Liw.on ind ilcrs-in. CM 2. Republic. TO LET FOR nt-5"CSS PURPOSES. ..O-w... .."-i. -..-I ''" nii.i.e. CIG VR tand In Madison Hotel, comer Bread way arM Cr.ettrat. DESK room, with '-r wlth-ut desk, fine fcr nlehed vf3ce 11 Odve st. room 4J. EATON. -"n-U-r sure, Oi29; splenlid tocatina for anv bu.l-iesg . iiLJ-.vc.STH, locauun. 3j N I-:sirao.e sture: good LA4JU-.Dc., V E Cor Garrison Two larse rooms aboi bfark-mlth shoo wattr. ga fa. t , t,... n. ,. fn- Itir'it -r-amifacturtmrt locaUon unsurpassed." ria-'kell .9 S Broadway. i t.-t- ..M. ., fine location, suitable fcr aay pumot. cheap rent. For further partlcu lari. s sCH.tENKER REVETY CO. 1: fa. Jefferson ae. EVRGH manufacturlns pUce. W3-SS Jef ferson av , 3xI13. two floor-, well lighted, el-vator and i-ixiraj and tine large etace: sulUble for eda factor-, wagen cr carriage manufacturing or lauadrr; rent reas,nj.b.e. Fcr -articulars se ' SCHWENKFR RE.VL.Tr CO . 1SC7 S Jefferson ave. I.UCA 7CS-Store: -S3123 feet splendl.ll-i-enacri for manufacturers- agent wfo carrie-i .took Apply Hayne-aumase. l a.cj -" -.-AT-s- - v irhrn.r Iirk"U Tbrtcstory and basemeat. with .-.itir. low rent- American G.ne Co 41D Elm. MORGAN. lv-For 'Utht rrarufictunng pur poses, space 2 xioo -ound ft or " -v - Fr.HER t CO.. 714 Chestr it. OUVB 1907 Upp-r Bir. with puwer. U;ht rd water Zrj'l W tra.Ut MfC Co. PINE E Nice crfce roms, two cr res room suites. KECLEY i CO.. UIJ Chertnat, FLK.MSIIEU HOtSllS AAD FI-1TS FOE HEAT. COMPTON. Z X. Three-room rurnlshel fiat nochlldrev E.ANS. 4470 completely fjrotshed Bat cf three rooms, c al ard gas range pco EVANS. 4iS Extra larB thr-e-nxjm fur nished fiat hot bath, cas range hall, lmmedl at possession, now open. EAuLEDE J423 t-ma.1 furnished fiat, ras, hJt bath reasonable qesiraoie muu" vutt - t.T. ..r- r-.i.ff,M, fu tc,4 Trre... uti.(.uu .j, ... --;, -- , ... room rat catn. in ursi-cxaa hauw. . .. UNDELL Boulevard. r5o Ten rooms and attic hot-water heat oi s fcr insc-ytlon. OLIVE 312 Fumlsht. J -ix-roo: venlnces references recalred. . Bat. all con- THEODTSIA ES73A r.'ewly ru-n ttc-1 fiat. four rocnuf. bath. ga. hot water. al conveni ences 323 a -math. Call after S p. m. THE HAMILTON KOIEL-Just complet-d: eSers th New York plan of li-lag la jt. Louis, at moderate cost. O-me orit aud e It., Han iltoa and Maple aves. Cllve and suburtia train lints, FOR BEST-APARTilEATS. TEATS. E.VSTON. 4c2 Flat cf fir rtms and bath; tile entrance; laree porch, -hades and ecreeas fumlhrd 123 arpiy taster- EUCLID. 1T2 Ttrte nice unXurnlahed rooms, adults reasonable EUCLID Avt. 1?: TbTM fivr rea-.-rLable rt-fergncea. rooms secoad INDIANA, i-C2 Three cr faar rooms Cats, rna; -. . - . j-T , cosltxtts far sals, cheap, on account of leaUsj city MORGAN 32S Fonr-rcm apartment; janl- tcr ser,-., Eas -"--g-,. ja-g. am Che-tnut st. SCOTT 432 Four room- and tath; 373, WYOMING 3 New four and fire room fiats bath; 322 Grand Taer Grove cars. 7-Room Upper Apartment. 233S Lindell boulevard. 7-room upper apart ment, heat. Ui-ht, Janitor se-vice. fixtures, ccal and jaa ranges, screens and shades; In com plete r-rair. reat rea.nat,Ie to private family. Apply 332S Llndell boulevard. FOR IlEXT DWELLINGS. rtu--Lj-Ll'ns-uXfirls--- 1 i -y- DELilAlT. 4331 llodera; tea rooms; freshly decorated throughout; excellent furnace ; gas flxtares include-1 FOR Rent or Iase To respoaaibW party ia elegant nine-room stone-front detached dwll Inr. near Grand and Lawura av-s ; completely rurnlshed or unfurnished; - asesics. at oc-c; refrnc- required. CL 157. Rgpublic MARCUS Ave., ZS&-Three-room brlcl.. IX W1LLIA1I KEANE. lis Chestnut at. ST 1NCENT, 2124 tvea-nicm hous; bath, furnace, fine yard ard table: rent J per mesth. SCHWENXER REALTY CO.. I5GT S. JefTeraoaa ava. FOR UE.VT STADUC3. 4IaIa-(Vi-aJst---aiak1at-ai--4ss-s,IIs-la- BAVYARD. T7C Stable. sW-aaaaal,4a,N-al IMPROVED CITY PHOPERTT FOR S4.I.E. a-siss-esasia.-sat-jBla-aj,asJfatlfkjaiaaat4a ALFRED. 3127A Nw two-tcry thre-r3cm Cats, chap. Pvrf..n.ter. 2X0 Rassell. LEMP and Wyoming Eifjrftnt elsht-rcom modern houge: also bargain la tiro sew fiati. PENNSi LVANIA. WvO-:&-een ens-a-ory houies; best 4 and 5 room hoi.-s ever cffrd; easy uras; sewers, water, cao. J. A. Bcrers. re Lwiton. rw, Kv.T.i fv- .!r-!al One-storr houses- CliCailJ. Jani-CA a. ,1j. ayiyyiia. WYOMING. 134. Three-story doub fiat; II r-oms: atidc. tasement: rentij S: bargain. HERE'S THE OPPORTUNITY That you have fen looWns ftr. We can ofler a piect. of prorrty that r nts ftr 33,30 a year for 312.73: only 32.300 cash required. GREEK-AXDERSOX HEVLTT CO . 713 Che-!taut st. START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT. SICO WiLL BUY A HOME Don't pay high rents when you can purchase a home with small cah payment and monthly payments of about the same amount you ar. now paying rent. They cannot advance your rent if yen have a tome of ,our own. t.aji or write for booklet containing description of prop erty 1 can fell on easy terms. C21AS. F. VOGEL. C21 Ch-rtnut st. FARMS FOR SALE. - .--.--- . ..,. . FARMS for sale and trade. For further par ticulars address Croft & Gordon, box 42. Stotes- aurr. ai. FOR asrlcultural farms, mlnin-r lands, rhite oak, ash, gum and hicko-y timber laad. csJI on cr write E. F. Luiar. 13CS and 131D CheiicaJ. bultdins;, St. Lculs, Mo. WE sell farms get our free list. S. II. MORTON. SCI Liacola Trust b dg. SUBCRDAX FROPERTV FOR SALE. GOOD lots: Webster Park. JU per font: morthly ro.)mcnts: water cnl made street. CM 2S. Republic HEAL ESTATE CARDS. s-l-!ae-a-a--B-ll--X--'aS-'-a I -5 $ 4 $ 2" 'iJ "b 'b 4? ir "WATCH US G&OW." AMHOUNCEMEHT OUR IHHUaURAL DIY THE AEW REAL ESTATE CO., 104 N. Eighth St., Win Commtact Ballots To-Day. Frstti. U.eats aat Bnther Agtat ars cortfIy tavited (. ctli ta honor of the otciMhrn. Respictfully, THOS. S. OESHAHr. PmMset, HEXRYR. WEiSCLS, 1ct Pmldeat. i-i"i"i-'i"i"i"i"i"ir aoXET -WA3TTBD. -. J--tii-i l r-l-V-Miii--ai -lia i--. I- -.-!- ---lf WANTED $ en frame boose, near K3rk- tturfr tirerth SS-OMrr la instl. CL 122. R.e- wotj-dr wcrth .0i pus UC 6 FIRST MORTGAGES FOR SALE. MO. SAE3. U.3O0L GLMEt &. SLfSt. SttOaU tULOG". No char-re. a GREER-AJ.DERSOX; TH Ctwstaat it. . it ... .t FI.1ANCIAE. I.I5-C INSI-RANCF POUCIES ' H ITJ or I-vaned open at S pr ent: libera! vnlues. G. M. Wltbers. 2CS National Bank of Commerca JlOAEi TO LOU. att,a-lt(atsiJatlst-ajfa..a,'a,aa,a-a--aa On Hen I Estate. 81,000,000.00 TO LOAN, X am rreT-ared f oialf Iiums ia suras ranirlner from 3j0 antl upward oi st. luls city r-ale-tal- at 4U. m and 4 pr cent lnt-rst. Th rats of interest :s oerned by the locaUon of tc-e property, the Amount of wan wanted a-ad security ciTired It wtl b- to y:ur inter-st to see me Lefore you place or renw your I an. CH AS. F. VOGCU g Cbgmut st- 5-Per-Oent WlGney To rlan-We have JLtV-O. 12 ). 32. 'O. !ll. rs OV. 3 lX J7.C1.W, JS.nX. Si.vk 31 f. JE-IW. 32".C1. 323.0)0 and SSO.'" to loan at 3 per cent Interest en extra so.1 securit . rit. E uis city roved real estate cnly KEELEY i CO . HE 4r-tnnt t- Oa Prrsonal rropcrty. EOAXS negotiated oi furniture planes or any personal property at per i-t P"f annum. nnS.p.naL Xota-v I-abllc. JOS rt-sraa: st. MONET leaned salaried peop without - curlty D Lanaet, 3) Benolgt bl-e &ti. flc t' n-. MONEY to loan on fum tare, puir -, hopes. nsu. etc. I per cent per j ear s-T- t. ilclse . Co.. ill-13-lS Mermo.l-Jaccar'l W4"w. MOM'EY TO LOA1& (EASY-PAYMENT PLAN' ON FURNITURE PIANOS. HORDES OUR NEW SYSTE3I gives you a CHEAP2R P.ATE of interest. LONGER T(ME and SMALL ER PAYMENTS than any ptlie- CCmpany You can PAT A3 YOU LH. -Ither weekly er monthly. -!d cnlj pay for such Uoju JM hive Hd loan. Goods rvcrala In YOUR PO- "noPAYMENTS require) whtl- SICK OR OUT OF WORK. Ia case of ieath of hncand ALI. IXTERCST PAID REFUNDED and PA- pnoSpubliSty.Dxo INTON2EXTEXi-E.NO DEEVY; pw-rs caa be signed at 1-cts. and you can gt ncney same day you appl; We will PAY ANT LOAN 6R CLAI igjlns: your goods and GIVE YOU MORE lIO),Y- If vea cannot call. WRITE OR TELEPHONE t and we will s-nd acent ro explain our NEW STSTEM. TELEPHONE KIXLOCH R 434. FIDELITY BROKFRAGn - Rccm No. 413 Com-aonwea'th Trait build ng Pri--! l-vav an-i O'ive -t qrtra-'Ce 42? O v st. K) Tina Like Preseat ts Prepare for HGlidsj S:3s:a. READY CASH, If you hold a PERMANENT. SAEV.RIED PO SITION, on your PLAIN NOTE wlthns: MORT G A.GE INiX)It5ER cr KNOW LEDuE Of friends and employers TOITRS FOR THE ASKING We also loan on HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE PIANOS, etc. the goodi REMAINING I-i your UNDIs-URBED POr-aBSSION Written GUAR ANTEE to that effect. You : the fall amount cf loan 'n CASH: m charges deducted, and al low a LIBERAL TEBATE If lean Is paid -f-re do-. LOWEST RATES. Q'-ICiv service, u.-.-F1DENTIAL treatrMat and PKIV ATEotBce especially arranged to afford yoo PRIVACY. ST LOUL INVESTMENT CO. Room 1UJ Mls-ouri Trct baildirsr. KInloch C 1357 Entrance 71)5 Otlv-et. INVESTIGATE THIS WHEN YOU YAHT MONEY. We rule .oans oa furniture WlJ.ri.OUT RE MOVAL. We make no laciuf.es cf your friends or employer. S- irtte you the full amount In CASH, not cr- -ks W e arrange p-y-menta to suit your CONVENIENCE aad ABIL ITY. We do not RECORD loan- w e RECEIPT for every payment made We cay off any OTHER LOAN or a balance on furniture and GIVE MORE MONET. We EXTEND payments la case of SICKXESS. We cancel ALL PA PERS in case of death of husband or wife. We mah- AS LOW rates as -ti- LOWEST TC- rrant UBERAL DISCOUNTS for Urn- money I- rot used. This Is cur bus.ness In a nutshelu SEE US before getting a loan e!-ewhre and be convinced that we are THE PEOPLE. THE HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO . P.OOM 251 FTT.LERTOX HUILDING. SEVENTH AND PINE ST3. Telepbcre frr us to call. Klnfach n U1L We Share the Profits With Our Customers- WE HAVE ADOPTED A XEW PLAX that Is a great S WIXG TO THE PEOPLE wto wa-t -noney on EASY TERMS. Bv shar-rrthe PROFITS with our customers. It ROCSS the ccst ca every loan by ciWcr HUNDREDS ever- month, instead cf a FEW. YOU r---?.T th- BENETTT cf our new METHOD, jj will loan too fro-j 30 to ). oa FLTLNITURE PTAVoa HORSES AND WAGON. WITHOUT RE3IOVAL, or oa your OPEX XOTE: In ca of SICKNES- or DEATH, we will carry your ac count WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE WE win pay any BILL YOU OWE and ADVANCE YOU n-ore MONEY, at our LOW RATKs as every lean h-lps us and SAVES TOU MONEY. WE EMPLOY ALL UNION MEX Call Or tetephoca us. C 2173- OLD REUABCE. MECHANICS' TRUST CO. -17 X Sixth t.. Second Focr. Loans at S Per Gent. WE make LOAX3 oa FURNITURE .PI ANOS. ETC. wlthcut removal: NO PUBwu ITT. See as before getting a LOAJN elsfwheie; will sa-.e you money: CHE4.PEE RATES. LONGER TLME. SJLALLER PAYMENTS JW rav off ary LOAN or balance on vour FUR XITUP.E Pay at your CONVENIENCE. Lib-e-al DISCOUNTS!. Call and be convinced. Write to telephone Kmlech A 32. UNION FINANCE CO . 202 and 303 Oriel bids'.. s e. cor. Sixth and Locust, entrance 215 N. sixth epposlte Barr-s RELIANCE LOAN COMPANY. A new ccccern. New plans.. Original Ueas. FITRNTTURE LOANS. No removal. No reccrd- lns. SAIART LOANS. No !ndors-r. N'o uubllclty. Quick money. Cheap iacney. Gool mony. Lonns for lorg time. Leans f 3r short time. Low rates. Easy payments Receipts flven. UNral discounts: Loans arrareed at home, Telerbon- for us to calL Klaloch A 20.3. ROOMS ni-812 HOLLAND BLDG . 211 N. Seventh st.. betw-- Oltv and Pine. xDUNNSiyx Money to loan la any amount on all kinds of personal property. Bargains la unredeem-d pledges. 912 FRANKLIN AVE. LOANS IN EAST ST. LOUIS. Also In su-TOOudlc- towns. Oa FURXETCRE P1AXOS and SALARIES. Amounts to salt ycur need and TERMS to -ait YOUR ABIL ITY to pay. We do not remove goodst. Extsa-slcn-i In case cf sickness. Liberal discount. Einicch A 15-2. THE HOME TRUST CO. Rocn 204 Metropolitan Baudinr 413-417 Missouri Ave.. East St. Lculs. EAST ST, LOUIS LQ3N GO. Leans money on household pr-d3 atjj all kinds vt personal prrpv-rty. easy monthly payments. Rcom 2t-3 McCasland fculldtnjc. 225 CoUlasvUlo. M0EY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. We furnish you money quickly and ccaH dcntiallr. wttneat se-urity. Natlcnal Credit Co.. moms MI-wq Chemlral h'de. Flthih and OHva. Money Advtsiad Salaried Faopls, Teaastcra.boardiag-house keepers wltnout seca rity.easy paymeats. largest business in W priacl pal cities. Tolmaa. SCI llouser bldg Jfa Otatnut. Money for the Holidays. Salaries boufht at reasoaable discount; wt loan money on furniture: cheapest In town. Eooitj Finance Co.. Itll Missouri Trust bids. SECRET SOCIETIES. AACIE.NT FREE AXD ACCEPTED 3IAS05S. A LODGE OF INSTRCCTIOX FOR THE Thirty-third Masonic District of Misjourl will b- he-i at sharp oclock to-n g-t tn the linic HaiL Grand Aware Masonic Temple. All Master Masons are fraternally invited to attend. VICTOR II. FALKKNHAIXEK. D- D. G. it. WUllam II Cheetcara. Secretary- GEORGE WASHINGTON LODGE NO. . A. F. A. M.. win hold its next smfxl ccmmunlcatloa at 7:21 o'clock Tuesday e-ca.ag, Jaauarv 13L 1304. at Masoa,c Temple. Irani and FL-mey avenues. Work in the M. M. de gree. Members arc requested to atuad. Vis Itintr brethren are always welcome. GEORGE W. JAMES. W. X. Henry Lihon. -secretary. GOOD HOPE LODGE XO. 2U. A- F. & A. JL Stated ccmmanlcaatloa this (Satarday c.nlnz at 7-20 o'cloclc at hill. Xo. KTai South Broadway. Work. Membra, requested to be presant. Visiters cordlallv iavtted. & C BOWERaOX. W. M. Edward S. Baldwin. Secretan-. T liteOL'RI LODGE NO. 1, A. F. t A. M. i Stated comaiunicatlcn on Tharsday. Jaa oary 7. 14. at ?J p. ra.. Maroale Temsie. F. C degree. Members are r-ouested anl vudtirs; bretheren fraternally invited to attend. JOSEKII W KRIEUEK. W. M. John II. Deems, secretary. KXIGHTS OF COLUMBUS. tnjnrijXJLiJij4r'LiLiiriif "---""" DE SMET COUNCIL. NO. 743. KXIGHTa cf Colutabos. meets every nrst aad tiara Inorsday In the west half. Cbatury buiiuiag. Ninth and Olive sta Vts.unc knights are la vlted. C- P. IIONAGHAN. G-aad Knlnt. M J JlcGrane. Secorder. KENItICK COUXCIU NO. KS. KXIGHTS cf CcMmbus. meets every secend and fourth Wednesday at Kcae. HIU HalL No. 5J7 Maple avenue. Vis-Una knight always wel come. JOUX PAUL CHEW Grand Knight. Walter T. Csaaiiicaam. Recorder. mAKC-UETTE COUXCIL. NO. W. Knights cf Coiarabcs. meets every sec ond and fourth Tuesdav in the west hall. Cei tnry bnildinjr. Xlnth and Olive streets. Visit ing; knights: cordially ln-rtled. W. L. MEE. Grand KnJztt. F. P. Leonard. Recorder- , ST. LOUIS COUNCIL. NO. 433. MEETS EV ery en and thlr Tuesday at west Sad Hail, southwest center Finney and Vandeveaiar venoea, Vlsithta: knight tr ecxdlaliy Tltact. FRANCS B. EUNDEB. Grand sr?gh Jcreph F. Laaqr. Recorder. SECRET SOCIETIES. w,... ! .-:' -' "-- -flriFaaa a, W a, -as -. m wm -. - Mii:ifri nl? PVTHIA5. ACilS LODC3. SO. 213 K. .gr-MEETO avenues. Members reanerted ta attend i-su-ar- ly. voters "--- 'Jf "-yjTox. c C. G. W. r-ifrnr, - of R. & &-. H43 St Louis avenue CAaTLE HALL ROBERT E coVVn Lodge. No. EL K. of P. We-t Hall. nturv BaildicK Ninth ard Olive street "a M nitsy January 4. lKH. at S p. m harP J" ataltauon of efficera. VUitors cordia ly la vlted. E .4- CLARIS C-.2. Attest: Hsnry IL Laebbert. K. of E. t- CCLUMBLA LODGE. NO. 2K. K. OF P.. meets every Tuesday evening at 1 o'clock. Century tuUiJis. XUth aad Olive streets, east tall. Tueiay ei earns, ixcembe. 22, buslaes-j Gocd time. All member ra Quested to attend. Vlsitx-rs welcome. w. i dh rER. a c 3. F. r-rre-y. K. of R. & S. DAMOX LODGE NO 2S. K. OF P.. MEETS every edre-iay exeaingatOdd Fellows" HalL Nrt- 3. -ienth Toor Ninth and OIH- -treets. Wcrk in rank of Knight. Member-' 'f iepal-. take notice, 1eltcrs invited, members ex-swited, to atttnd. CHArj L. IIOLTZMAXV. C- C. Attest: 11. R Bermel. K. of . i. S No. 27C Evans avenue. FUTURE GREVT LOD-3E NO. 27J. K. OF P meets eety UedneMay eventag at 3 o'elcc- a: Howards Hall. Thirtieth and Olie street-. On Wednesday evening;. Decemb-r 31 Equ.re rank. -.altors Invited. O A. GRASUR. C C W A Robert." K. of R. A S. mODOC LODGE NO. 2M. L OF P meeta eery lueeday evenins at 8 o'ciock at Anchor Hall, -onthwest corner Jefferson and Park avenues. Tak- Compton Heights. Park or Jefferson aienue cars Members are ex pected and visiters cordially invited to attend. B- BOXMEYER. C C. G W. Thayer. K. of E & S. PACIFIC LODGE. NO. 204. K. OF P. meets every Wednesday evening. Ontary buildlns. Ninth and OUv- streets. January S. annual installati, a of officers, ilembers expected- Visiters Invited and welcome. D. P. ANDRUA C. C. W r G-ay. K. cf R. ti S. PREMIER LODGE NO. 243 K. OF P. ne,Tular meeting every first and third Monday evening In the -north at hall No. 2. Odd Fellows- Bulldhur Next meeting Jlon day. Jaauary 4. tS-,4. InstallaUcn of ofn-er-. Members are requested to be present. Visiter are cordially Invited. BENJ. F. LINDAS. C C J F -A lue. Jr K. of H- a b. RriD CROSS LODGE. K. OF P.. MEETS at Odd Fellows- HaiL Ninth and OUve streets, every Wednesday night- Visitors al ways welcome. Januarv 4. I3.4. First Rank aad Installation. JAMES p BLAKE. C C H W Beldlng h- of R. 4 s. WABASH LODGE. NO 24S. K. OF P will meet Tu-sday. January 5. IS'4 at Castl- Hall, Broadway and Benton. Ilnstalia tlon of etCcers. JNO F. RENFRO. C. C F H. sac.lleben. K of R. & -- Z-Ul-EilA LODGE NO- 13. K. OF P.. meets Monday evening. January 4. I0J4. in regular contention, la hat No, 1. t'nth coor Century bulldms. at I o'clocjs- Insta.la t.on of officers and emcker. Members expected and -.aitors cordJdly Invited to attend. A. W. DA1D&ON. C. C. Attest: O. M. Brooks. E if E. i. S. P. O. Box 1X2. IDEPESDE?IT ORDER ODD FEt LOWS. at-Mi--Mta'-WNV-,at-s-a ANCHOR LODGE NO. 322. E O. O. P meets every Monday eveaias at schuatte s tia-L Xmeteen-i and WtixM streets. Work la the degrees Vlslung brotaera welccpe. R. ONCKBN. N. G.. 14. Dealer. David Petty, secretary. GOLDEN SCEPTER LODGE XO. S57. I. O. O F meeta every Saturday evening- at Ande's HalL corner of Jefferson avenue and Pestalazxl street. Visitors cordially invited and members expected to attend J. W". Dudley. nubie grand. 403 South Broadway: M. M. B. Phelps, vice graad. 1717 South Jerlersoa avenue; J. D. LukenbilL recording secretary; Grant c. Green, financial secretary. No. 132 Louisiana a enue. , T OUND CITY LODGE NO. 2-t, L O. O 1 ' a. F. Regu-ir meeungs second and tiurtn Saturdays of each month at Hall No- 4. Odd Fellows- building, southeast corner Nlnta ana OUve streets, isitlng brethren fraternally tn fltei. PHILIP RILEY. N. G. Charles E- Montgomery, secreiajj. SUMMIT LODGE NO. 277. L O. O. r.. meets every Saturday evening; at West 4,te uilL corner Grand aad Eastoa aveauaa. Visitors Unit. lojxHE-rvS. X. O. Jac- Kjenle. Rec Secy. T. LOL-W LODGE NO. 5. I O OF, -, - Tnets every 7ii.-sj -.. - - - ; Odd FUows- buildina-. Ninth and OiHe: Ha-1 No. 1- Visitors welcome. Member, expect ed. lastaliauoa of Lg 5. iff "La 1 --ve. -MT--.farr Pro Tern. VaAA-ACT al.e----i-i aw-. TEMPLAR LODGE NO. 28. L O. O. F nitla Saturday evening of each week at IiaU No. 2. Odd FeUows- buiMlnc. corner Ninth arid OUveTlt S o'clock. .Work la Initiatory dree- Visitor, ogWfggg slSTa. William H. Davies. Recording secretary. WILDET LODGE NO. 2.,L O. O. T meeta Tuesdiy evenlnr of each week at. tn: No. L Odd Fellows- building-, corner Mnth snd Olive, at 4 o'clock. Ultlnx brothera ta vited ta attend. Second 'j jj. q. A. J. Dalrymple. Beeretary. ROYAL ARCJUSUM. ..e....). GRAND COUNCIL MISSOURL ROTAI. Arcanum. 3-S-3U Holland B-Jildln A eurdlal welcome to visitors, frienca. bretara and members from abroa q fc Jno- C Killtasswcrth. Grand Secretary. 3-H.cclIane-owa. ,n.i i.i'i n .-. iir.,-n-i-i-i 1-1-1--1 - - -i 1 ---. ST. LOUIS COUNCIL. XO. 2S. C. C. T.. meets first aad third Saturday In th, month, ia Hall Xo. L Century buildins;- Vl imrs welcomed. 3. S. MORSE, Secretary. 400 N. Second St. RIVER NEWS. Rise and Fall of the River Fcr 24 hears endins at 7 a. m.: St. Lculs. Friday. Jan. L 1304. Statlca. Danger. Gauge. Clung. Pittssarg ParLersburg; Cincinnati Lc-uisvllla ............. Nashville Chattanooga Flirence Johnson-villa Evan-vllle St. Paul Dubuque Davenport ............ Keokuk ............ Grafton Omaha ................ Kansas City Bocnville Hermann St. Louis Cheter Cairo Memphis Little Rock Vlckiburr Shreveport New Orleani 2-. 2.2 -.l 3t. .a -J 50 0 14.3 -0.7 23 I.I o.e J.O U.5 -1.4 i).U l.T . -.l 1S. 1.1 1 21.0 3.3 -O 3 S3. l. "9-1 14.0 .... Froxen 13.0 .... Froxea 15 1 .... Frc--n 13 II .... Frozen a.a 13 9 21.0 --J -.4 20.0 4A -0 3 24.8 S.3 . 3 0 3.0 ".3 2).0 4 4 -4.3 43 0 31.3 -0.1 33 a i -V.4 3.1 4J1 -0.S 43 0 2J -l. 23.0 -O 4 -. 1S.0 4.0 -0.1 -iie. -t aiu EDWARD H. BOWTE. Local Forecast Official. River Foreeaat. The river at St. Louis will ecnttase to rise slowly. River and Business. Harbor gauges yesterday marked S feet, la dlcatlag a. rise cf .2 of a foot in 2 hours. Xavlration at St. Louis Is guspeT-ded. W'eatter raiay and cold. To-Day Weather. Ccntiaurd cold. River Rlalto Brevities. The directors elect of th- Mississippi and Ohio Rliers Pilots' Society will be ln-Ulled t;. morning; at a meeting in the Harbor rooms. The otflcers of Harbor No. 2J will be Installed Monday. The Lee Line Is threatened with a ult o-.rr the shipment of a hor-e from Xew Madrid to St. Ljuis more than fcur years ago. Captain R- F. Leonard is rebuilding; the breakwater above Xatchex. Miss., which waa washed away durin-f the recent Ccod. Captain Tom Garrison has returned frcm Theb-. HL. where he had teen en one of the railroad transfer steamers. Th Board of Underwriters win attempt to raise th steame- Mattie M-. which recently sank at Natchex. Miss. A heavy sandbar ts being washed ur In front of Mialla. La by the current, blocking rtver traffic at the town. Captain George Keith, who was asaaltet by a street car condactcr two- weeks a-ro. Is still ill at bis aorne. By Telecrapb. REPUBLIC SPECIALS. Padt-eah. Ky Jaa. L The -rauje reads T feet, standlair staticnary. steady rainfall dur te; the day. with mild weather. Ice ta the Ohio softanla-r up and smitrg fast. Naviga tion will open the first of the week. Harry Brown cleared to-night for Caseyviile after taws of ccaL Tenbroeck. with empties .up to Caseyvlll fer coal fcr the Padacah. Ccal Cora pany The Alfred Ilennac from Evansrille arrived tc-dav and will depart ta-morrow for the Lower MlsslsslspL She has tWj bustis of coat with her. MemphU arrived frorn the Tennessee at 4 t. m. and will retam to-morrcrr In the place of the steamer Tennessee. Busi ness dull on the wharf. Memphis. Tenru. Jan. L The river here stands 3.3 feet, a rise of .2 in the last 21 hour-. The James Lee departed at 3 p. m for Friar's Point. The Robert E. Lee departed at J p. in. for Ashpcrt. The Georgia Lee is dae down from Cairo aad returns to-morrow evenm The Boaa. wlo a tow cf ccal. arrtveil In pert this evenm-r. The towbc&t Fred Hartvrasr waa in port Uw rooming. The eaagaoat J. W". Macomb will clear to-morrow for Natchez. Ee ceillpts ty river to-day were 123 bale cotton, baxs seed cotton and 2.S35 2ZJ&3 cstton seed. -IcIcjbcri-. ills-.. Jan. L Th gauge show 3.4, a rlset of .. The CThalmette Is due up. The Senator Cordlll cleared for Natchez. The B-3e of the Bend Is Ar-- The American cltarvd. The ETfc arrived. The Delta, is due In from aletnphta. Raining and wazme-r. Cairo. DL. Jan. L Gangs read IL. sr-owit-sr s, rise of JX durtae the. tart 34 hour. Weather OUR PATTERN DEPARTMENT AJ Patterns 10 Cents AM Patterns Girls- Tucked Dre?. No. 9E1 TWa dressy little rrock r&ide cf rose-colored albatross, -frith fclaci velvet a-itl ccavy ecru irtscrtion for trim-nine It :s moulted on a fltteii bcrly linlnc; that clones irt the c-entcr back. The -wal";. is plain across the shoultera jnd blouses smartly oer thj narrow lace belt. 0!3---JIRL,S TUCKED DRESS. 6, S. 10 and 12 years. In front clusters or three tucks alter nate -with bands of lace, forminc; a square yok-. Tho tucks provide atttliuonal full ness, -which blouses prettilv. A plain black velvet collar completes the neck. Oa-pIece yieeves fit the upper arm closely, but increase In width at the elbow. where they are very wide. The fullnesa is axraxired on velvet curia that are nar row In front and extend to deep points at the back- . . , . ... A shallow joke in the skirt li fitt-cl rmoothly around the waist and closes In visibly at the bock, under two inverted plaits. The skirt portion is tucked to cor respond with the blouse ani attached to the loter edge of tho yoke. It flares stvli'My at the hem. Bands ot lace trim the plain spaces between the clusters of tucks, and narrow bands finish the edg-J of the cuffs and yoke. . . Dresses in this mode may be made ot cne fabric and trimmed with velvet, lace, silk, braid and ribbon. Soft materials like cashmere, veiling; and granite cloth are most appropriate, as heavier fabrics do not tuck welL -, To make the dress for a girl of g years will i-cQuira two and one-half yards 10I material 36 Inches wide, .with thre fourths of a yard for trimming;. The pat tern, Xo. SU1. Is cut in sizes for tills of 6. S. 10 and 12 years. Girls Long- Coat, With Mmtary Capj. No. 914-Russlan sretn c-vi-t J3 .usd for this stylish garment. This shade Is particularly beccminit to children who have pretty pink and white coniflaioja- The coat fits well on tae shoulders and bans-? loosely in box effect to the hem. completely covering the frock worn be neath. The adjustment is made wtth shoulder and under-arm. seams, the coat closing in sinsle-brcastcd style wlta. round gold buttons. sm-gikl:s bong coat with aoiJ- TART CiPE. 4. C t. 10 and U years. . Narrow upper and under portions tn th sleevs are extended at the hand to form narrow wristbanc-s. Th full back iwrtions are rathered and arranged on these wrist baods, over which thej droop wen at the A long miUt-try care Is fitted closely over the shoulders with small darts. It may tw included in the neck seam, wltn the standing- collar, or made to fasten on with invislb.e hooks and eyes. The latter glan is a rood one fcr coats made of eavy cloth, that can be worn for fall 4r winter, and with or without the cape. Garments In this style may be made of broadcloth, heavy xlbellne or double faced cloaking;, and lined throughout with satin, or the coat may be finished without llnlnr .and the cape only faced If pre ferred. . . To make the coat for a girl of 5 years will require two and one-half yards fit material 54 inches wid-o. The pattern. Isp. 9141. is cut In sixes far eirU of 4. . J, 11 and 12 years. The Xepablle-s Order Blavak f Above rattens. Be sure and fill In your correct post office address. Send 10 cents (one silver dime) to Tba Republic Pattern Ipartrnent. Bepno lie bulldlnir- and in-lose this blank. properly OUcd cut with your uame, address and ae for each pattern or dered, t No. 3121. Girl's Dress- Price 19 cent. JLtsJ . J CtatXaat No. Slit- GIrrs Coat. Price 10 cents. A e year. Name ..... Post OfBce.. Street and Na State........ ralcr anI ,warm The Charlotte Boeckier ar rtveil frjra the Lower JUsslsslppI at 1 p. nv. The Beaver arrived rrorc the lower rtver at s p, rr, with a low ot lumber. Grind Tower. III.. Jan. L-Ice thfnnlnx oat 3i this evenlnr- To catue reads s feet and river rising. Weathrctear and wet, Cheste- 11L Jan. t-Cause 4.3- fet. and rising. Weath-r. ralaing. Ice haa about dis appeared. Locis-rttle. Jan. L Elver faHing: la canal 4.3; on fans 4JS. below lacks 11.7. Raining. Bartlngton. Ia Jaa. LTh- river rislas sUghtiy. Weather cloady an.1 cctdT. Warsaw. Ill, Jan. L Gang- reads 4J2 feet, a fail ot .2. ta the last 24 hours. Much colder and snov-lng. ClncinantJ. O, Jan. L River 12.2 f-et: falttr--. Xarlgatioa still suspended. Raining and warm, r. Wbeelln-r. W. Va, Jan. L Elver S feet Inchest falling- Ssrv and. cold. Pittsburg. Pa.. Jan. L River 3-3 feet at Da vis Island cam. Cloudy and cold. BvaasvlIIe. lad, Jan. L River rising: SJ feet. Ccudy aal warmer; rain. LEVEY MCRDAUCH. nne Bluff. Ark, Jan. L Alvba Levey- atA Kiss Ssuie Murdauirb were married itere. taag. .i.k. k Tr..e..rw1 y f. riiMF.n AA4tti.r baV . 9Bt mZsavL. aaS?a&5&3EwBa asr B BBH W e SBH VfSB S sk ssm Only Intimate friends and relative wltxna.i. !? the marrias-e. whicb tonic clacc atLtha tassari J.s H XXierjas ox. lb twusnux iwuria. VS '.2 -tV-lfX. r- tlj 'r T -waJrLjS S- gyk. 5vajfl4s3J! - If-eaB.1 'mkAhssdMimm jR..a-diaitffe .mmmz