Newspaper Page Text
f- I ---W j rl THE REPUBLIC: SATURDAY. JANUARY 2, 1904. V c3 3- 8 J. f u I HcfrSref Bar w mmmi .always bears this signature on the label. It insures perfect satisfac tion, and is a pro- 5) lection aerainst all SS Hit HV." . 'J J. : rA -h TTOrilWtduJtu uj E?i inferior imitations. The Improved requires io tacks. Wood rollers. Tin rollers. JAMES J, BELDEN DIES Hi SYRACUSE egan Life a Poor T5oy anil Died Worth 10,OJ0 (100. PROMOTED REED'S ELECTION. "Was .Snuicli Republican, but Dur ing La,t Years Was an Opponent of the Or izii nidation! lUSTBLIC SrECIAL. Sjracuse, X. T., Jan. I. James Jerome Beldsn. former member of Congress for the Onondaga-Madison District, died early to-day of uraemia poisoning. He had been confined to his bed since last Saturday. Ho 1 1 survived by a widow. Mr. Belden Sjracuse's wealthiest citizen, his holdings being estimated at xnorci than $20.O0O,(XX He was the owner of tho Hotel Manhattan. Kcw York; much real estate In this city and heavy securi ties la biz corporations. Mr. Beldea was born in IKS at Fablus. this county, on a farm. He worked at farxrinz until his education In country schools was completed, when he became a clerk In a vlllago store. lie soon engaged la mercantile pursuits In Syracuse, and "was married In ISjS. Ho then became a contractor of State canal work and did a large busine-3. He built the flrst street railroad In Detroit, built steam railroads In various parts of the country, and executed contracis In the :New York Harbor. He foanded the Robert Gere Hank In this city and was for many jears the leading banker of Syracuse. Mr. Belden was a stanch Itepubllc&n and was elected to Congress In 1SS7 and served until 1SK, when he retired. Urged by his frleiui3. ha ran again in ISM on an Inde pendent ticket and was elected. Ha was a member of Important committees. It was said that he promoted the election of Thomas B. Heed as Speaker of the House in U3. His wai Mayor of Syracuse for two term. In Uie late sixties and seventies lie mas one of the most powerful Repub lican leaders in the State. During his last ars in politics be was an opponent of the Republican organization. 31 M UtnlKD FOR SIXTY TEARS. Ivinnm Cltj- Conplc 11ns Great Grand chil.l at Celebration. I'.CIX'BLJC SPECIAL. Kstnas City, 3Io , Jan. 1. Richard But ler and -aire celebrated their sixtieth wed dlnf anniversary here to-day. They wcro married iu Xew York in 1S41. They have ha I threo childien. eight grandchildren ani one great-grandchild, 'ihree genera tions nere at the celeLration. Mr untier is jc years old. and to prove his good health, walked to the dunntonn newspaper urticef through a snowstorm to ten of tre etent. specialties. Funeral " flowers A34 dl39 o all kinds wreaths, pilVB, crosi, ei" also artlflclal erablnu. Lrcs nit tloem. tden floral Co. n& 04ve t. DEATHS. "" -i- 'TiaJ11'-1xrx, BVTLElt-Oi rrlday. January 1. 1H. at oclxk p m. ndet Batltr. Tlw funeral -will taw placo ftandar January X at ls oVtoclc p in . frnm famllv retidence. Ni. JCT rorta mvi nth strl. to St. I-atriik'a Chnrca. thence to .Silra-y Cemetery Friends are Invited t attend GH.DW ELL-Per!r! d tn th Iroquol. Thea ter dla-tcr at Chlcso. Decml)er a) 1!W. Rob ert I'ortr taldwe'l. son ot lira nw J Tea dal i Caldwell ape. j; Jears Firnrnil frera fairlljr re'Md-cce, No. tfrS Morgan strevt. Sun da) January at 3 p m. Intermect p-late. riaise emit tl)et. DnZlEK-Sudienly. liday, January 1. 1)!. at V i in., at hl realdence. No. iZ-C Ih-Imar at Helen A. Doiier. In hla sn enty-thlrd jeor. lui notice of fuwral tu be glien. KSrKNSClUEXi-Frlday Jjouary L liv4 at . C. m.. at residence Xnrcy Mation Mo.. afti"- a lirgerlng nines'. Mrs. Caroline Ipen scaiej (nee Weberj. Notice of funeral later. FLKSH On Friday. January L 1301, at 1 a. m.. M. M FIWi In hh slitr-nlntu rear Fu S1' Z? tfaturtUy) at 1J0 n ra. from ml. denie of hu daughter. Hi. William F. obar rQ. iJa WartilnBton bouletard, to Cdlefcntalne Oetactcry. Ictermtnt private. ,JJ0,?,.5!f-0a IcRnber M 1MJ. nt S-4" a. m.. in tan Antonio. Tex.. Harrr Hermann, b-lne-1 hustand or Jlarearet HaS man (ree Neumann), and father or Harry H2:?S" Pr- "l"11 5 ct "'""an and Eralhi Ioj)mar.a inre bxertim and brother of Mrs. rajD. idn-ard C Iltrpmarn. lu Hoprainn. Arthur Hopirarn. :eon:e Ucpmarn and OJnda IIOjKaann. after a Htirer'r); !Une. tt the aee of US years 7 rwntha l days Funeral Sundu. Jarnary 1 at l i p. rr. irora rwlJenctf. .No! -J North JerTcrscn aenuc HOSTCOMfatY-Oa Friday. January 1 1M. of lie!. A f Xji;"Vf llETr -?dosMer or Sir. JIa saret Mon'itomcrs Toe funeral wUl take place Sunda January s. at 5 o'clock &5t 'a. faUr n-ldence. No. ISO Xo-th Twrntr-ti'rd etreet, to St. W rjirif JJJ ' Calry. Friend, are tasted t? nOM.Vrr Sadi'.fllr. etlnelay. Djceniber- n jon of Walter and Au;uta Itniaan (nee rrel hujS. a?ed I. yeari an.1 i month Kuieml from reeidence. tear Nam-oM. in, rato!. at SlICEnAN-SIrs. rajTsheehan. born In Um erluk. Ireland, ated o jears. beloved wif? r Jolrn ohehan. mother of Patrick Sh-ehan. -Wrn: hccjian John Mieihan. Jame bheehan JlraT EJla Bt-'Kft inre bhjehan) Mrs. A. Kaiee'r tnee SliitUar-J. lturlal frons Aasumption Church at 9 JJi a. m.. Mondav. JanLary 4. 1SH Chlcajto. 711.. an-5 Tror. N T.. papers please iSiii SCMJVAN FoiMealv. rm Frldav. January J. ll Iatrlcl. eon of Timothy anl Mary bMU vast fne Mahore. decMd), ad U yean, at ?." ais Nxrtli Tuctth. 1e notice of funeral will be Kien. WAGONER UNDERTAKING CO., UZ7 OLIVE ST. Dsi-y or tNight. ?t-J.VJB J&JK 1 i m 11 1 m i IjM SOCIETY DISPENSED NEW YEAR'S HOSPITALITY IN OLD-FASHIONED MANNER. uj l- k -i labial-1 n.. mi'. - ajmr ( A ' krR&4"r' yvrnlHHHYK7 I I immm ANSs. "1M-V JzrS v fl M" CI !3feJOcL - U , "'ipg Jhf i J- &CS. 1WA.(A mmiSSPWMfalttFmjfi 'HELEN droHNON; Society kept "open hojsc" yesterday in the pood old-fashioned way. The New Year's receptions hae not been so Ren eral for ten ears as 3 e,terdav, an al most CTery one of the prominent houses along the boulevards and In tha "places" was thronged with callers, mostly of the masculine sex. during the afterroon. w hlle many of them were mere formal in their entertaining appointments, cards hating been Issued for stated hours and to cer tain sets of youns reople. of both sexes. by lira. Cljmer, assisted by her niece. Hiss on Echraficr. A bevy cZ younq la dies assisted, includlnr tho Misses TayW. Miss Alicia Chambers .Miss Lucille Xied rinshaus. Miss Virginia Thomson. Miss XJly Lambert. Miss Run) on and Miss Hoblitaelle. The house. as trimmed In holiday greens, with some handsome aza leas. Only j oune peopl 1 w ere im Ited. the girls being mainly debutantes. As Mrs. Clymer's hospitality is famous, the refreshments were especially delicious and noeI, and the occasion one of the happiest of the day. From 3 to 6 tho ladles received. Mrs. Charles Bland Smith and Mrs. Frank Roberts were at home at the Smith residence. No. STW IJndell boulevard, cards having been sent out to seerai hun dred of their friends. Miss Mabel Wood. Miss Holmes Thomson and Miss Roberts 6erved. Mr. and Mrs. Festuii Wade and Miss Wade dispensed hospitality to the oung people from 4 to 6 at their Llndell boule vard residence, which was prettily deco rated with many Christmas effects In hol ly, mistletoe and smLax. Miss. Eveln Hunter of Memphis. oo is visiting Miss Tvade, was of the rece.vmg party. Mrs. Wade wore a white lace gown; Miss Wade a frock of nhitii chiffon and Miss Hunter pink mousaelitie. Some of Miss Wade's Intimate girl friends were asked to come without their hats Miss Belt a Dula, her guest; Miss Anne Lee of Pitts burg, Miss Grace Simpson, Miss Loulie fcpencer. Miss Helen Johnson and Miss Grace Moon. The callers were both men and girls and entirely the jounger set. Tho St. Louis Women's Club was open. Informally, to member and any guests whom they cared to invite to view the hodse and to partake of refreshment. Many husbands of members availed them selves of the ODDortunltv and mndp n thorough Inspection of the premises. There were no spc-cuieu Bourn, ana no receiving party. Mr. and Mrs. George Sanders and Miss Mabel Sanders were at home at their West Fine bodlevard residence last night, their Invitations having been Issued only to men. The guests numbered about one hundred and flity. Mrs. fcaiiaors, who wore black gauze oer while satin, and Miss Sanders, who was in white lace, were as sisted by rei cral youns- lidlcs who served the retresnments. Intv were Miss Dillon. Miss Higgins. Miss Dr.ibell. Miss Hazard, Miss Lazarus. Miss Kenarlck, libs Fisher, Miss Helen 113) s and Miss Marguerite Lewis. Mr. and Mrs. WInthrop Gllman Cbappell and Mr. and Mrs. Horace Rumsey were at borne to their friends yesterday aftemooon and evening, sending out no invitations, but receiving lnformallr. The decorations vcre In holl). Mrs. Chappell wore laven der crepe de Chine, and Mrs. Rumsey a white chiffon gown.-. paneled in white vel vet, with some handsome Jewels. The Misses Julia and Mar'an Rumsey. Miss Gertrude Ballard. Miss Beulah O'Hara, Miss Elizabeth Robertson assisted. Miss Rosalind Mahler gave the first leap 3 ear dance of the season last night at Mahler's, inviting abOJt mM) )oung people to spend the first evening of the New Tear in festivity. The girls escorted the men, and inv ilea them to dance during the evening, with the exception of two dine". which were "men'" choice." Several cotil lon figures were danced, the favors being appropriate to leap,) ear, and including wedding rings, bridal veils and the li.c. The ballroom was draped with smllax ropes and a buffet supper was served. Miss Eleanor Glasgow, home from col lege for the ho!ida)s, rave a small lunch eon jesterday afterncon to members of her Mary Institute class. Other receptions of the day were given by Mrs. Elizabeth Dwyer for her daughter. Miss Hazel Dw cr; Mr and Mrs. Jeremiah Murphy. Jr.. No. 1533 Ra)ard avenue; Mis3 Leontlne Kaltenbach. assisted by Miss Falrham and Miss Edith .Hardy: Miss Anna Korshaw and Miss Blanche Pendle ton: Miss Mary McKay, No. 257$ Garfield avenue, assisted by the Misses Dischart, Crowley. Shaw and Carrie Hull; Miss Grace Hogan. No. 3013 Vine Grove avenue, assisted by Miss Feehtrty and Miss Nellie Harrison. Tho blisses Morgan, No. 13 King's highway, assisted by Mi's Lillian Wood. Mts Carrie McNult). Miss Maud Harris and Miss Blanche Caddy; Miss Nelde Baker. No. H15 Gcodfellow avenue: Miss Julia Davis and Miss Ethel Sldpman, No. 343 Cook avenue: the Misses Leahev. No. J727 Cottage avenue; Mrs. Charles Brown and the Misses Brown, No. CZl Lucky street, assisted by Mrs. Edward L. Moch ler and tho Misses Fniscr and Brlen; Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Phillip". No. SH7 Vernon avenue: tho Misses Elle. Byrne. Eleanor and Cornelia. Ludwlg. No. 333 South Jefferson avenU'!. Two engagements that will interest Cabannc society -were made known jes terday at the reception given by tho Misses Morgan. No. 5J13 Cates avenue. The first Is that cr iliss Besvie Ma gulre. daughter of Robert W. Magulre. comptroller for the Missouri. Kansas rmd Texas Railroad, to Di;Ibert TTouis t f T- I IV "-1s30i'.. v " f7iilM3SaHB'i ? - Slva8&SgfflHl coma. W1-I1 : and the second, that of Mlsi rsi)e Hall, daughter of Charles Hall of Russell avenue, general freight agent for the Fri-co Railroad to Will Rothen berry of Little Roei. The two weddings w ill be ev ents of the coming spring. Both voung ladles are members of a girls' clu'o which received callers )ester dav at the residence of the Misses Mor gan. CITY ATTORNEY AND SON OF MARSHAL ARRESTED. Cliarlra . Jackson and Logan Gnlley Charged With Killing of John W. Chnraness. REPUBLIC SPECI L. Carbondale, 111.. Jan. L J. Logan Gul ley, son of City Marshal Gulley, and City Attomcy Charles A. Jackson have been arrested, charged with the killing of John . Chamness In the street of Creal Springs last Saturday. The arrest of Jackson came as a com plete surprlsf. The evidence before tho Coroner's jury tended to show that two of the shots fired into Chamness's body were fired by Jackson and the third one bv Gulley. Both men were admitted to bail. FIGURES SHOW DECREASE IN TRAIN ROBBERIES. Roblrrs Injure but Six Persona, While "So l'Msencers or Train. men Are Killed. Cincinnati. O, Jan. 1. The Gazette, hi Its January issue, gives tho following summary of train and stage robberies committed In the United States durirg 1S03, togetner with the record for the past fourteen years. The total number of trains held up in fourteen years is Sil; total number ot per sons killed, SO; ana the number of per sons Injured t"ot), 1C The number of train held up In 1903 wa 13. as compared with 22 last year. The number of stage robberies in 1903 was S, while that of last years was 7. Tills ) ear's record shows that no pas sengers or trainmen were killed by rob bers, but there were sK wounded. Last )ear one was killed and three wounded. One robber was killed in 1M3, as com pared with three killed last year. BRAINERD. MINN. The Arlington Ho tel was damaged J31.009 by fire. Thre were about thirty guests, and for a t'me great confusion prevailed, but all escaped No woman who uses ''Mother's Friend" need fear the suffering and danger incident to birth; for it robs the ordeal of its horror and insures safety to life of mother and child, and leaves her in a condition more favorable to speedy recovery. The child is also healthy, strong and good natured. Our book "Motherhood," is worth its weisrht in sold to every woman, and will be sent free envelope by addressing application to Rrarffield Regulator Co. Atlanta, 6a. HOTELS. JSJ-rfjtftttf-tf-tfTj-tfu'tr-r-'m- m sssssslssvnsssssi - sslsssssm irrsi :: --SaJVlvSaKK t-stSi 5aHSrarrS Ec sj: ..hjv 4. j:-: di: iila5itlFssErf(ii ? StflVWmr sigtVasTaWs? KsT-, AISOSRSGfUssssssVssS- JyJetgySlisKsEsssI iiK-jsiTr-s. -, if Jk-hi-j' . , - .- r fl U - - KJfe55aa? 1 - lizss pTELZJI .WJiD& ST. LOUIS H0STESSF.3 WHO BT THEIR RECEPTIONS YESTERDAY HELi'EE TO REVIVE THE GOOD OLD-FASHIONED CUSTOM OF NEW TEAR'S CALLS. CONDITION OF WHEAT UNEVEN. Illinois Crop Damaged by Freez ing in Some Sections. REPUBLIC SPECIAL. Springfield. 111., Jan. L The following bulletin on climate and crop conditions In Illinois In December was Issued to-day from the Illinois section of the Weather Bureau: Tho temperature was considerably below ncr mal throughout the month, with severe coll periods from the lth to the 17th. and from the 25th to the ?7tb. Precipitation was seaerajy below the seasonal averace. tut s-as fairly well d!trlbuted after tho flrst decade. In the And many other painful and serious ailments from -which most mothers suffer, can be avoided by the use of , 'MetMfS Fnaal This great remedy is a God-send to women, carrying them through their most critical ordeal with safety and no pain. in plain FRIEND QlsWisst Hotel Belleclaire Broadway and 77th Street, New York. LcrcaMociLT FUrmsutn r.coxs far pennuest and tassient piots, at moderate prices. OBcaxaTiu or Bold Putxxs, p.m. till 1 tv. m. RSET.1CJUXT, Palx Room axs Can, semi of artistic perfection. Cuisine and service really delightful. A SnaiL FEATtntt is ocb. Afte TnxATxs Scrrzu. Biixiabd Paelor roaLsptrs is another pleasant feature. Our Gallery of Beautiful Palatines, valued at toO.CCO, is open evenlnr to visitors. Affability and courtesy (uannteed from every Bxus cHiise employe. ASOLniLT FiUPEOOT- - MILTON ROBLEE, Proprietor. J8ETH, BEftTjSN. - no i them ditnct there was a fair coirerlri.? of encw during- tha latter laif of the menth. Ccin platnt is made ot a, tarclt of Mock vratr in a lew localities. "Hi conUlUon ct wlat Is very uneven. In the. northern district, where ra!sU. it iras oro f'cteJ by ei3x riJiitiK the j-erlods of se-ere cold, and a majority of reports are faroratle. li the central di-ulct thr aa but little pnow, and the plant ai injure! to some estcnt by al ternate freezlrs and tbawin?. A lare p:opt.r tioa cf tne curret pendent, however, llie tha lnjurj to be conrtsed to the topa, and reirt the roots to be uninjjred Over most of the southern district tie growth cf th crop wai re tardd by dr conditions, and the end of tha month finds it s-nerally erv ma)l and In poor condition to withstand severe coli. le work of huMns and crlbblm corn con tlDued thrcujrhout tr"e racnth. and Is now nxac; tlcally finished. In the northern and central districts mch of the cram is er chaffy. A large percentaso Is still soft, and, as it is be- SCHOOLS. sllh.s.issy'.S,ssss's'isss'1ssS'N'is'l'sv.' Kemper Military School for Miflwnrt State LntrenitT and all ciSeer detailed by Secretary of "VYar Enrollmenl thla jear anasually Urte. Can rrcetT lew morecadeUartertteUoUdar. COL.T.l.JOU1iv r'it'o4rm.nrvni . m. ROYAL BLUE TRAINS, Washington, Baltimore. For Particular Passenger and Ticket Office NEW TELEPHONE CONTRACTS Should reach our office not later than Monday, January Fourth, to be listed in next Telephone Directory. & Bell Telephone Go. of Mo., CONTRACT DEPARTMENT, 920 Olive Street. fiff i Main 3525. peley v LIQUOR DRINKING. MORPHINE IU I1K9TIC III! MM. KMUnBIl, TUMS8 Hi OMtm MSTM ssssrsssv V Tl Sl- m sUit BeNSsfessssVAV SmMm s447BWDssssstHsi tsBsWBSVsB esssmskSSSssBEVVS AT ES IIsP j 2803 LOCUST STHECT. ST. LOUIS. TtUfMOMC Usrocu. tH i UPC tstOSSS TKUTWtSTT TO!. glcnlnr to mold la a few cases, the opinion is advanced that eenerallv It Is not In coodl- tlon to keep nell In the southern district the oualltv of the srala 1 rood. Rre has suffered rrom lack of moisture, but Is In fair condition. Past-res hare failed over th. eouthem half of the State, owins ta droachty conditions;' in t1- north they aw still in rood condition. Stock continues healthy ovr most cf th -state. Hob cholera seems to have spread flishtly: and In UvinKston and Woclford coa-tle. jem- cattle are reportad to be djlas as a result of feedia? poor foddsr. Thre are manv complaints ct apples and po- tatoes rottins in storas. leare St. Louis 11:33 P. M. Via Vandalla-Pennsylvanla lines for New j York and other Kostera points. hieping cars, dining cars. TWO MEN BURNED TO DEATH. Former Fire Chief and a Negro Incinerated at Mount Sterling. , Mount Sterling. Ky.. Jan. L J. W. Barnes, former Chief of the Fire Depart- I ment. and Frank DanieK a negro, were killed to-dav In a fire which destroyed the Beaumont Hotel, the Methodist Church j and several stores. Loss. J30.W0. A "DASH" means any thing from one drop to fifty. See the advantage of mix ing cocktails in quantity where every proportion is exact? GOLD LION Cocktails (ready to ice) never vary. COLD LION Cocktails Seren kinds Manhattan. Vermouth, Whiskey, Martini, Tom Gin, Dry Gin asd the American Of good wine merchants. The Cook & Barcnelmer Co. Makera New York J. F. CONRAD GROCER CO. St. LouTs Distributors HOTELS. BATTERY PARK HOTEL. A31IEV1LLK, X. C. Write for booklet. Eee Sundays advertisement. WINTER RESORTS. aalNt,ntwm.ll WVMtAr,MAAMrM ASHEV1LO-H X. C. Tiie Manor, Albemarle Park. An Urdus. ve Inn. Ererythlnir modern and ccnvenlent. Sareral attractive cottases- Private clubhouse ia ths crousds. with bowltnir. pool, billiards, tennis, etc Golf links within SuO yards. The best ct everything. Fur f Information. addrss ALBEMKLB PAKK COMPANT. Asheville. N. C. lVsVWfVWVWsMlrNrWWssrNrM,XArS4e(t1)s rounded U. Heeocclsed vn- FBjaiorT achool leadinz eotlejt. CcsiDlete btiaeM eocrme. atih FINEST FASTEST SAFEST IN THE WORLD Philadelphia and New York. Call at or Address B. & O. 3-W., Olive and Sixth 8t. Jeelcy AUCTIONEERS. MMAAWWAAMMMfe A. . SELKIRK & GO., AUCTION AND STORAGE. fteru!ar smto tt Saturday at warhon and general offic. 1S3S-1-U Cbwitaa av Sales In nsldencea a apcclaltr Phoc Kloioca C 1T. WESTERN SALVAGE WRECKING AGENCY IOCS a3 1KT Vfishinrron an . hmndlcri ct Fire asd ltrln Salvacc. TVatea for racial m- AilCKl. GAJS. JIumct. 1808-10-12 CHOUTEAU AVE. SATURDAY SALE. This day at 10.2) o'clock, at our warchons we will tell a, larse and var'td co'levt.oa of StTrmtlre. carpets. STOVr. Etc. A. A. SELKIRK A CO.. Anctlonerm. AMUSEMENTS. GLYfilPiO. I Mat. To-Pay. 1 Ileary W. Favags OSers Gecrss Ade's lUrical Success. The Sultan of Sulu. SUNDAY NI6HT, JANUARY 3, FARETVEI.I. PERFORir.V?;CU THE SULTAN GF SULU "Theresa a Clierry in It." SEATS OV SLE 01V. NEXT WEEK. ccmnMncinj MOXDAT. JAN. . Viola Allen With Notable ComraiT and Production, la TWELFTH MtillT. ADVANCE SALE OF SE T- NOW OPKN. CENTURY. lMat.To.Dayl Th Faraonj Creator ot Fun. EZRA KENDALL ThoJVinegarBuyr (LIEBLER 4: CO. Jlanasers.) Beginning SUNDAY Seats Now on Salv THE FOUR COHANS 1m Their New Flay. RUNNING FOB OFFICE COLUMBIA. All This Week and Next Sundar. Contlnuoca Vaudeville. 130 to 190 bally. RIccobono'a lfo-e, I Recaro iz Bailey, Mr and Mrs. Gardner Lew Sully. Josephine Isabel. Tom Brown. Amstrons & Wrlttt. sctaefer A. DeCamp. The Klnodrcrae. Craae. 5fi .tnr'' S0 &.?ne- ine iauioine. I l-30-a)c. Orchestra Chairs Res-rred. c. j n m WLt r Matinee TH.ay I I r I i IXI -J LifKo sbat! V-P 1 V T 1 H aL-l ""J" y-KA '"i - , virht Prices 13-0-T3c. jugni rncn. u--mi-.x. , FRED E. VflDlr' CTflTC Cfll IfC mGHT'S I (J ft la OlMlC rULIVO 1 Presented by the Great Orlymal Ca- , Next Sun. Mat. Nat M. t Ills In A Son of Rest : itAVUNS ut tARRiianw. The talk of the towav DON'T M1S3 IT- IMPERIAL ,&'!&& 25c I The Minister's MAT. Daughters. TO-DAY. uxt-torcsiltsts oi i Bni Blj CRAWFORD SEES' T 1 Al! HEX HENDHICKS t . Satasl.1 SlSkOle Olson. NtwVur. Ka.-le Trading Staacs riven free with ererr reouiar matinee ticket S&O Guessins; Conteau Tus . Wed . Thcrs-. Sat, Mats, thla -week. Next tVeek-CONVICra DUOHTER- STANDARD 0 fTbe Home of Four. 1 Two Krone. uaiiT A COPY OF NONE. THE MERRY MAIDENS Next Attraction LONDON BELLES. ZOO 3300 Glivt lt Opa Mammoth WIM BMt CollMtimi ADMISS10NI9 CENTS. CITY OF ST. LOUIS. Proposals for Purchase of Lots on Which io "Erect Engine-Houses. Mayor's OHce. December ISO. Sealed proposals to sell to the City oi St. Louis, under the provisions of Ordi nances Nos. 323) and I1S27. lots on which to erect engine-houses la tho following districts tflll be received at the Mayor's office In the City Hall until 12 o'clock noon of the 6th day of January, 1904: Ordinance No. HI30 directs the purchase of a lot having a frontage of not less than forty feet, on which to erect an engine-house In the district bounded by Morgan street on tho north. 'Walton ave nue on the cast, Washington avenue on the south and Academy avenue on tha west. Ordinance No. 11327 directs the purchase of a lot having a frontage of not liss than forty feet, on which to erect an engine house within the district bounded fay Berthold avenue on the north, Mackllnd! acnue on the east. Manchester avenue on the south and Pierce a enue on the west. s Proposals must he sealed and addressed to the undersigned and indorsed 'Prope sals to sell to the City ot St. Louis a lot on which to erect an ensine-hottse. ROLLA WELLS. Mayor. JAMES T. PLATER. ' Comptroller. W1LXJAM P. HOMES. H, J. DIUlv.NEaTsV President. brcretaiy.. tSTABUSHED IN ISO M1SSOCRI STATE MLTl'Al. FIRE AJO MARINE MSlRs.XCE COMPAXT. Otse. No. TIT Chestnut St.. 8c Lnuls. Maw Tel Bell Jlatn ITJIA. TeL Klnloca A 10JJ. Policies are written en eltbir stock or mutual Blan. Henry C Haariticfc. M. R. Orthirein. Wm. P. Hon- J B. C Locu. D D Wtllreri Jas W rslL Do You Ever ttop to consider the pmtnt etiiciency of the TELEGRAPH SERVICE camamrcd with wbst It was baton the "POSTAL intend the tleUt ITALIAN PAVILION. pUlon on tne sroands et Jh"L'IaISri'2?" chase Exposition OompuiT until noon 'Mar. O.nUaf The Ooaperato TUUrr Bato. it2?xiyiLMlei3IuSSISSvKJUsj Q 1 6 'J .kTftsiIxn CbiEEit-Ioner aeneraL All neces- Cy4 hit Plans ard sr-clfications seill be toawl rranx igrj TvldV... r.nn. X at mtm ZIT rus HSU. I'J AOnlniVtratltn bolM.WorW'.-Psiraraiw'.gjJ The lialUn nrctilfct win he '? t;5lWj from u 11 a. m. for aJir other Icforraj-IjS uon conccniinir toe itw " ."'SoaS-chi" fi;3 Coraraiiocer fieneral of Itafy. . gt..xQUls. Jio.. jjtygni ... , ASTHMA Orrf to STAT CUED?. Cumyf Mi.iiL HwltamMuea, Ik .ih UtUntmKMs. XsatlHr.1f? j -Msjaiancveaaijlu. sg uroasra. So ;lf. ZtZSt?2Z&SSL&X: t-'tih ' ?? i SfJ- . :&?: h. tx&s&kS&SM ?SS- 5i- i-fe; mMt&gs """"'- - mdlS&im St&taSi-a . fi3sfoftKi zs.i'&Fim )&Z8W:J$aq SeSy T" a