Newspaper Page Text
12 THE ST. LOUIS REPUBLIC: WEDNESDAY. KPRIIi 6, 1904. BIRTHS, MARRIAGES AND DEATHS. aoiriiui and .Mjrtle William. 1:131- south J-i.tlith. boy. 0-car mid Lulu Kert. n Ylsln: girl. Kdnard and Mae Ilu:h-Y. ;ii D.ivtoi; boy. Sir. ana Mrs. Dirk Hou-vtnl., 3CS out!i Scc cnij; Rirl Julius anil Au-ruita Drrher. St. Louis; clrl. Mr. Ti Mrs. iiathevv David. IMS Nolth Third: girl raul imJ Margattt SchllDssman. SIS7A Adams; loy. l-a-lis and Elizabeth Ke'clnrdt. :. Cra- U Uuscnia Cox. SOW Hid-; William and Giace Davidson.' 1!9 North ran.1: ri. Grand: bn. John and IVlla Brvrntin. lil Rutger; Rirl. Fieuerlrk and Iteglna Davidson, liar. Dl l!on; boy. W. and Helen McClelland. i:x South Tenth: lm. Georr-a V. and Anna Hepburn. -373A Lee; Sltl. Walter and Olive Ferguson. 812 North Tay lor: r-lrl. Tiarlcs and Catherine Brandt, 2'4l Tho-ms; girl. August and Agnes WoilIrir SOT Marine; boy. Ivuls and Minnie rilker. St. Umls; boy '"nrl an-1 l.cla Mcver. !9M Mevei ; girl "hrl-t!an anl Katherlr.o Hchaefer, 211 Bis marck, bov-. Tiarles E. and sjs!e I ! -!-- Tirh- Kill Trank C an.l nirn n rarrlsli. 24 EJ.lot. boy. John and Macron ilcDanle.s. remit Hca nltal: slrL Charles and r.v.rl llillrr. Female Ilo-pltal: Patnuel and Minnl Tarter. Fa-nile Hospital; girl. Frank and laien lllt-iley. rema'u IIcspiL-.; girl. Clarence and Alice Harris. Female Hospital; girl. Louis and Abble Anderson. Female Hospital: girt. Joseph and Josephine Noe. Female Hospital; bov. Arthur and Mamie Remington. Female Hospital-dot. Richard and nilMbeth Barn--, Female Hos pital: clrl. Frederick and Josephine Schwartz. St. lu' rirl. Gordon and Emma Irobodrn. 1S31 Clinton npy. M.tnniARn i.icosks. GotTB" R. Prenett Jesio Whaley John Oir , Anistasli Codv Charles Penz. Jr Matilda Stsrka Albert J Knlet.t Maagie Dowlin Henry Held Anna Pctzold Julius W. Zellmer. Area A. Fchultz Percy t. Wbh Anna Murphy Geo. Thie. Jr Yo'eria Mahnke JrJD Geonrcns - Matilda S. IUnse Pamuel G nl-lck Cora C. Black Henry O f ICottemann, Mary s. ob"r!iede Wintam E. Hayes rjnry A. Millet Granite City. Ill Granite Citv. Ill 7210 O'Fullon SHS Ann 4VJ ca'irornla .430 S;uth Broadway 3417 OIKe 3117 Olive ...2113 Foulh Seventh ....i? Piuth Tweir.h S-)5 Halton .... tZ Margaretta 7W L'jcaa South Uvrlrc 44 I!Imirck 11:1 MorrKm H19 Sou'ard 1019 Soulard 7avkln. Nob .. .3:ast St. Lou!. 111 4J1S Natural ttri.lce 4113 Lei Hartford. Conn Louisville. Ky Jchn P. Fjurn 11S Viti. T-an..'.e.-..... ixiretta King US South ltumont J. C MoGattlcan Cornelia E, Selti , naniel M. Tilling Motile Inge Gerard li. Allen Ethel Editar Oannce L Thurston Nell Crtter I'aul Blallk Maggie LMlfTey. Kdwin H. Dunlop Emma L. Demuth Howard A. Mitchell Annie 1 Tyree Charles B. Brisgs Susine Foster Itufus I. Taylor Carotin Newman , Truman H Braley Mary T. Mooney William O Buihheit Maj-y I. Werberger Arthur O. Kiltsche Margaret A. Stcber. 74Xi Clara Oak Hill S33 Siuth Eighth 302 Gratiot 25 Westmoreland 3667 Washington 4W1 Dolmar Omaha. Neb ZVi Gravols 910 Cass 31.51 Russell 3H4 RumI1 Dallas. Tox ....Washington. D. c ISIS Market 181". Market IIS;' Raymond iiT. Delmar Chatham. Ill Cnatham. Ill 4147 Connecticut 4)21 Forest Park ISlu Caroline slw) Hartford Wedding; Kings (Solid Gold). Flceat Qualities. U to SX. Mermod A Jaccard'3. Hroadway and LocuaL BURIAL PERMITS. i"i 'i'g'N'''1ilsri'irririaii-r'wrisr,"-ari Olga Plommer, 3 years. 31 Lafayette; dlpa- Mary HocVelmann. 45 years. 1305 Ann; cancer. ThteJma Doroney. n months, -iiU Pennsylva nia 7 pneumonia. John Bascom, 34 jears. lj California; urae mia. Karl Winson. 25 -ears. Missouri Paelfl. lrm. pltal; malaria. Ellxabeui j. Given, 43 years. Children's Hoa rltal: Kastrltls. Katherlne E. Schmidt, u J ears. 2327 Slattery; bronchitis. Frank A. New. 10 days, 2H South Third; ae cidect. Helena Wetzel, 3 yeans 2025 Penrose: can cer; Frederick Dralle. eo jears, 1(42 Madison: hen atltls. Ernst Tacherxh. S years, lilt Benton; heart disease. ssaran Pearl. 55 years, 1023 Nortn Twelfth; heart diseae. H. Pleasant, 43 learn. 41S4 Lexing ton: pneumonia. Walter Williams. 1 month, 312 South Sarah: hernia. Thomas C. Matthews, 10 months, 4210 Flmey; pneumonia. Charles W. Pastors, 2S jears. 3305 Moriran; consumption. John Kiock, 48 jears. ;131 Laclede: heart dis ease. Lena Woodson. 21 years. 2322 Franklin; con sumption. May York, S3 years. Female Hospital; con sumption. Ludwig Smith. CO years-. 731 South Broadway; congestion. Frank s-jdel!, M years. 22 South Broadway; consumption. John CiliXoid, CI years, 304 North Commercial; rupture, Edward A. McCormlck. 42 jears. 71S North Sixth: accident. Jacob Nelacn. 74 years. 4210 Cook: bronchitis. Samuel Kennerly. 76 years, Missouri Baptist ftinlrarium; senility. NEW CORPORATIONS. ST. LOUIS. Lyon BulWlng Company, L. A. Weisniantel. 200 share;. D. Kitzmann, L'enrv A. Mawer. Herr-j urlllng. Gecrge p. Becker. Julius Blank. Jamas E. Wintcrton. JO) shares each, to operate halls for lodge, tocietv- purposes, etc.; capital Block, full paid. S4.0W. Thlelln Realty Company, William R. Mad dern. 140 shares; William A. Brenner and 9. 31. Brewer. ISO shares each, to do a. general real estate business: capital stock, full paid, 340,000. South African Catering Company. Samuel W.- Tanner of Chicago, ill.. 159 shares, com mon stock; F. H. Uttletle'd of St. Lous, Henry A. Blossat of Chicago. 11L. 75 shares eaoh of preferred stock, latter to pay K per -ent dividend, capital stock full paid. (30,000. To do a genoral Catering business 'for Sruth African Boer War Exhibition Company; to feed hot-sen for same, on the grounds of Louisiana lvxpuBlura. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETINGS. A MEETING of the shareholders of The La clede Gas Ltcht Company Is hereby called, to be held at the office of the company. No. 71 LocuH rt-. ln the city of St. LouU, Missouri. on Monday, the 18th day of April. 1904. between the hours of 9 a. m. and 12 m.. to consider and vote upon a proposition to be then and there submitted, to authorize nn Increase of th com mon stock of the company from $. 501.000, the present amount thereof, to $17.500 000. so that lh- total authorized capital of the com nnnv. Including the preferred Mock, shall b tro.C0n.003. Also to authorise the directors nf the company from time to time to Issue ard dispose of said stock upon stirh t-rms and at such tlraen as they shall dr.rrmlne. Also to consider and vote upon a prooo'tlon, to be then and there mihmlttc-d. authorizing: an in crease cf the bonded indebted not of the com pany from $10,000,000. the prcseot amount there of, to 32O.O0o.OW: and to authorize the execution by the proper officers of the comnany of a mortcrure uoon all the property of the com pany, m a form and upon conditions, to be then nni there submitted, whereb- wild proposed bonds cfcall b sccnr-tvl. Also to authorize the dlrt-ctoTS of the company from time to time to Issue nnd dispose of said bonds so authorized. tmon rach terms and at such times as they jhsll determine, subject, however, to the pro- TUIons of said mortKaice. C W. "WETMOREL RRECKENUIDGS: JONES. JOHN T. EEOGS. is. a. cowderV, JTJLira S. WAX.AH. Directors. LOST ATO FOriTD. si-'is1a--iiaaaa-1a1ai CHECK Itcst. between Ninth st. and Na tional Rank of Commerce, on OHre it, cheek for drawn by Elgin Butter Tub Co.. paj-abie to Ozark Cooperace o. Return to room POO rrlsco building and receive reward. ELK HEAD Lo-t. a dlimond elk head. Re turn to I. Rosenthal. 303 N. Main, and receive a reward. iVOUND The nlace to cet a aood Shoe for t TJi Harnf Fhn "n 407 N. th near Locust. " PIN-4-.ct, scarf pin. oar and diamonds, on T-ay L-mD Hall. Sunday evenlns;. Return to 2.'J7 S. Broadway. Reward. John Joachim. PURSEr Ittt. Tue-iay morninir on Enton ave. car; tlack purse, ccntsininc four rjnjrs and $10; f.ndcr o!ccee return to ViyHn Sperrj. 2i5 N. Ninth st.. and receiyc reward. WATCH Lost, near S2 Ielmer: V. H. 8.. name. uoo. on Inide: return co Wanhlncton Urlrersity Club. Twenty-ninth and Locust: re ward. .TVATCH AND PIN Lost a lady's mid watch and oin. with diamond and emerald setting: .LacHde. Grand, Russell aye.; name enrvad In ease. Reward If returned to 4527 Forest Park honlerard , 3" KirLOTMEVr AGBKCICa. fV-rinri.riii ririiiisi"r-anr".iiiiriiiii i-irsa"''i'''iiiriti'xw ALL. those, deslrinjr hflln or s-eklnx situations may mjlrter ulth ttt Fre Emtoyment Bu reau of the State Bureau of L.-ibjr Rfaturtint. f I2fi Chestnut st.: ituatlons and help furnished tree of cbarxe. Telephone, KJaUch A9U. SITO.TIOMS YVA.NTKD FEHALB. CAfilllKR-IIHrkl voumr leiy nnal- tlon a rnshier: two years' experience; tat alar. EL. e. Republic. CHAMBERMAID Experienced chambermaid wl-hes pastilon in hotel: bait of reference. Address or call 15$ a. Cardinal. CI.EAN1NG Colored Kir' ws-ts Ing to U.i. tantv Wilson. 3)09 Ollv. COOK Situation b experienced 000k In boardlng-housg. cull 2UVJ Franklin. "OOK Pastry cook: first-class inference: about Aim is. Ella Ie. 907 N Compton. COOK bituation by expeiieneail colored lady as cook In private family: pleast write me. G. H- 1716', Orotlot. CiX)K, lrri. Situation bv two German a-lnsi as C"Ok and hnuscttlrl; would like to work to gether. IMS Menard. LA MAil-fuuat!on by colored lrl as day rnaia In roomlnii-house. Bit J. Tenty.flrst; MatticUrtfi). IMtlSMSUAKDR Artistic work; up-to-date; nrtas-. In prttate families only. EII IIS. R pubilc I)i:r:.-1IAKEU Situation by first -class dress maker to work at home: eprtuic auita a speclal ly. .Mrt iv.c. i) n Grand. llti:s.--MAKi:it Artlstio dressmaker and lu dl tailor desire to ci out bv day or take work home, makes all Linda of fancy dreses. Komi., hubttsand shirt-waist uits: Diicea rca tcnal la. lint Ore.-n. Sl .' Leonard ai'. IIOrhFX'LUtNINO Situation by Swedish vrcmrvn to dj lioiiMfcleanlntr or as housekeeper: l.a u-te.u-.iM clrl m S Sixteenth. HOl'sSKKEEI'Ill Situitlon a housekeeper; I l:ie two children, must be a gunl home; "W 2 jwr week. Address Mrs. Lane. J30 Onutecn HOrPBKKKrnn WHotr of tl (no Incum-D-an.v) wishes nosttlcn as housekeeper: wld "wer's .home or rarty of icentlemen; willing to lear- l-lp 11:9 Arlington. HOl'Si:wORK-I'oBltlon by jouni: girl for liKht housework In or near South St Iemls. 2U1 California. HOI'-BWORK Situation br middle-aged Grnmn woman t.i do general "housework: pri--ate faroll 193SA Franklin. LAUNDRKSS-Would like to take in rough ary washing regularly. '.017A Papln. LAUNDRESS-Deslres to do bundle washing: ."U..H tut. m-.j irirneq. ivil Alorjran. LlX!!tr34.4 TTInif .lncB .1i.h... ..... ...... home a few- more washings. Call or send Lulu. Sl N. Theresa. UXUNDRBSn A good laundress wants place ."t or 1,v '': references; send postal or call Theresa Werner. 134KA Gratiot SE-MSTRFSS-Waiits sewing; good refer ence. anw M.. Win nalon ave. snAMSTRERS-Pltuatlon as seamstress: do l.',"Jn.i'"'UI,g ln famlles or homes: 1 per day. MI .3. Republic. STENOGItArHER-Tnung lady stenographer d.elre-. po-ition In small office. EH 147. Re run! ie TYPEWRITING-All kinds of typewriting vc-rk wanted hv an expert Remington operator; win call for dictation: perfect work guaranteed: prices reasonable. KInloch telephone. Dsl mar 1 WORK-Situatlon by, colored girl: any kind or work, bv dav. alro laundn' work, for Mon day an3 Turday Statu Pnsev. MJS Mor gan STOVE REPAIRS A O RRAUER. tlt-VI N. THJRD STREKT. HOTEL RAIMG&S CHARTER OAK STOVE & RANGE CO. MA1 AMD CASS AVE. SITUATIOXS WAXTED MA LE. ACCOUNTANT will open. Close, audit, bal ance. Iniestigate. atraighten. systematize, take charge of small sets, reasonable. Edgar Zumpfe. Benolst bldg. : KInloch B SS4. BAKLR Situation by young baker as sec ond hand, up-to-date worker: country pre ferred. EL 14. Republic. BARTENDER-Sltuatlon as bartender; x perlcnced. tirst-class man. EH 47. Republic. liARTEN DER situation by bartender; young man, lives v.lth parents: experience and refer ence TJ St. Republic. BARTENDER-Posltion by young man with experitnee as bartender: strictly sober; has city reference. EH Si. Republic. MARTJINDER-SI t ua tlon k. young man In Ilrst-clas3 saloon: can furnish best of references. EL 10. Republic. BARTHNDER-Pltuatlon by experienced and reliable soung man: best city reference: speaks English and German. EH to. Repntllc. CLERK-Sltuatlon by grocery clerk; wheat sale or retail; has had experleno. Address H0S Laclede. OOLLUCTOR Young man desires position as collector for realty company: sober and In dustrious; will start with small 'salary. EII lo. Republic COLLECTOR Position as collector bv a young man of family: can give first-class 'ref erences; strictly temperate habits; of good edu catlon: also speaks German. EH 37. Republic COOK First-class cook; best of city refer ence; for restaurant or hotel: male. Silky Smith. ISC Olive. COOK situation by first-class male cook and batcher competent to take full charge of kltch en. Address H. Benson. 2113 Eugenia. DRUG CLERK Position by drug- clerk; city experience and reference. FOREMAN-Posltion aa carpenter foreman by a, thoroughly experienced man; either frame or brick; will leave city. Address 1744 Theodo sla ave. GARDENER Experienced, wanta position. Address or call, after 8 p. m.. D. B. Burt, 113U Locust st. GARDENER. ETC. Situation by reliable, ca pable German as all-around gardenei. house man and coachman at private place; no trtflera. EL IX Republic. HOUSECLEANER Situation to do house cleaning. 1215 Ohio. HOUSEMAN. ETC. Position v houseman or gardener bv young man: best of refereoeea J. .. 302S Eads. JOURNALIST Reporter, correspondent and add writer, not afraid of brain fag, wishes position: state remuneration in answer. EH St. Republic LAUNDHYMAN Practical laundry-; of years' experience wants position as n.anager or foreman: best references. 4421 Delmar. MECHANICAL HNGI.VEER-Sltuatlon by machantcol engineer; specialty, gae and oft engines, best references. EH 13. Republic. OFFICE MAN Position as general offleo man by experienced and competent middle-aged gentleman: auditing, figuring, collecting or good agenoy; Al reference. EK CO. Republic PACKER Bright, active young man. as 3. desires position as packer; World's Fair pre ferred: exceptionally strong: careful work; good appearance and address: excellent references. Ell 135. Republic PAINTER and paper hanger withes to do Job work: all work first-claw and ruaranteed. Reman. 07 X. Fifteenth, PAPER HANGER Situation by one who can paper room for 32 and furnish paper. A Smith. K23 Chestnut st. PAPER HANGER-Expcrt paper naajror wiu work reasonable: can furnish sverythlmr re quired. J. P. Sproot. 27T7 Laclede ava. PHARMACIST Competent pharmacist wants relief work for Sundays and evenlnssL SB 13, Rep-qblic. PIANIST "Wants position. Address Central Hotel. Harry C Adams. Sixteenth and Olive. STENOGRAPHER Position by oompetent educated stenoprapher and office assistant; moderate salary. EH 102. Republic. STENOGRAPHER Experienced stenographer, bookkeeper and general office man: 3100 month; opn for engagement. E1U 11. Republic. TAILOR Industrious vounc; man of net appearance, wants to learn ths tailor trade. ka 13. Republic. WAITER Situation br first-claee waiter. 2631 Sheridan ave. colored WORK Pos I tlon by youns; man. 23. In whole sale house: good penman. BL. 2. Republic. WORK Young: man wants steady work: has hsd -experience as machinist's helper. Elf HS, Republic WORK Young- man Tiould like to do work morning and een1ng In ex manga fcr room and N-ard. EIj 7. Republic. WORK situation by middle-aged German: understands cAre-horse, now, bouse, lawn: with references. EH E4. Rtpubl'c. WORK Situation by reliable, trustworthy. n.IddleHurcd man; experienced in house, yard and stable work. EH IPS. Republic WORK-Young man. thorousrhlv experienced In carpets and furniture, desires a position with some good house. EH 141. Republic. WORK Man. German, mlddls-a;ed. married, speaks English, with good education, wants pnv kind of position nt World's Fair. EH 12. Rerubfc. WORK Situation by voung man who speaks 3erman, English. Italian and Arabian Ian gunces: wants any kind of prsitlon through World's Fair season; best of reference. EH SJ. Republic. HELP W ACTED FEMALE. t-t iri-iriri i-.-n"ii-ii-irin.rLrLr Waltreaaea. vAwwwAewwwvssewww ARM WAITRESS First-lass. 706 Pire. DININO-ROOM GIRL At once. 1118 N. Van. deventcr. DININO-ROOM GIRL 23S Franklin. DINING-ROOM GIRL Girl for 'dlntng-roora wort.. 2S42 Oilve. DININO-ROOM GIRL-Experienced, at Bt. Elmo Csfe. 3210 Olive. DINING-ROOM OIRL-Bagy worlc Bemect. 1403 N. Broaday. Hotel WAITRESSES Three wotrtrse. lneton. 1218 Wash- WAITRESS An exserlenosd waltrsts. "acton are. CIcrka - Callactera. -..V-WWi--IMi-WVrfV ACCOUNTANT. 1!1TC. Flrst-clsss lady ao rruntant nnd stsmorrapher: mast b rapid la figures; rive best cf referenoes: anawor adv. TJ Vt. Reepnblle. COUNTlfai GIRI-ltWr lunchroom; wek and room. 12X Market, j SAUiLADY n-rperlenced salaalaaV In drr g-r-ds store: must spiait German. Apply Mn g. Broadway. HELP WAXTED FEMALE. aAsseee llouacsrorlc GIRL First-class slrl: no irashlne. Ironlnjr or outside work: must be uood cook, fits Maple. IIOUSEGIRI. In small family: rood home. MSiCJreer. JJOUSEGlltI-Oirl for 2M( Ora.ols (eneral houaeirork, lIOUSEaiRL-airl for ceneral housnrorlc. N. Newstead. HOUEieolRlOuOtl rirl for general houee Vork. SMI Cook. HOL'6KGIRt-Gennan cirl for craeral house work, am Maple. HOUSBaiRL Good (Irl for general houit nork. JS23 de eland. HOUSEXSIRL-Qirl to do general housework. 2117 S. eighteenth st. HOUSEGIRI White girl for general house work wx N. Leonard. HOUSBUIHL Good girl for general housework- J71S Weet I'ine. HOUSBaiRL-GIrl for amsll family. U7 Page. general housework! HOL'SEGIRL Girl for general house work; good wages. 3071 Russell. HOKHUGtHL. Girl for general housework. 1C7 West I'ine Iwulovard. HOUMFJlIRL-emall girl to help In houae sork -313A Montyomeo. HOUSEGIRL-Girl for general 467 Forest Park boulevard. HOU8Eon!L-A German girl to do house work. 3V8 Chouteau ave. IIOUSEG1RL Girl for general housework; ro waahlng. ttg St. Louis ae IIO'.'SKOIRL Girl for general huusewom email family 1M1 Wyoming. HOUBKGIHIy-At once, a rood girl for gen eral housework. 5278 Delmer. HOUWU1F.L Girl for general housework; small family. 5653 Cetes ave. HOUbKGIRL Good white girl for general housework Call 3007 Morgan. HOUSEG1RL Good lrl to do general house worli 3306 Iowa. G. Eyerman. HOFSBGIRL White girl for general houie irork: no washing. (303 Maple HOUSKGIRI Good colored girl for house work: small family. 3033 Clark. HOL'tJEGIRL Girl for housework ln a fam lly of two onlv. iB5 N. Whlttlsr st. HOUSEGIRL Girl for general housework: family of three. Applv 2fi23 N. Grand HOL'fTCOIIH-GIrl for general housework: small famll: good wages S33 Flora. HOLTSFaiRL-OIrl from 14 to IS to help In general houeework. 1300 S Thirteenth HOl'bEOIRL Girl for general housework; rood wager 3Sft1 West Pine bouleiard HOUSEGIRL For housework and dining room, li St. Clair ave.. East St. I-ouis. HOUSEGIRL-Girl for general housework; no washing or ironing. &3s Shenandoah. HOUSEGIRL First-class girl to do upstairs housework and mending. 2146 Lafayette. HOUSEGIRL A slrl for general housework: private fa-mlly: good wages. 3S63 Pel.nar HOL'SEGIRL A g'rl for general bousework; no outside work: good wages 4-1fi Plmar. HOUSEGIRL Girl for general housework; good wages: light housework. 3CLSA Ann. HOUSEGIRL Girl fcr general housework; small family: no children. 3722 Shenandoah. HOUsnoiRL Girl for genera housework: a e-ood thing for right rirl. 7313 S. Broadway. HOL9E1GIRL-O!rl to do light housework and aratst ln stcre: widow lady. 322 S Foutll St. HOUSEGIRL Girl for general housework: sma'I fnn'i'v good wages. 3331 Washington. HOUSEGIRI-Whlte girl to do cenoral houte work: two In family : 314 monthly 424S Olive. HOUSEWOMAN Colored woman for s-eneral housework: wanes $20 per month oS34 Cates. HOUSEGIRL-GIrl for general housework; small faml'y: good wages. 3gg Cleveland ave. HOUSEGIRL-Competent housework: private family. girl for aeceral 3417 Franklin ave. HOUsnaiRL-GIrl to do light housework: two ln family; no washing. 51K6A Kensington ave. HOI'SEGTRL-ntrl to assist in light house rork: small family: good wages. 313! Sheridan. HOUSF3GIRL Good girl for general house work. 382 Cleveland. HOUSEGIRL Girl for housework: small fem Ily: good salary: bring references. 3211 Lo cust. HOUSEOIRL-Glrl for general housework: eesy place: small family: good wages. 2621 A-ags HOUSEGIRL Gii-: for general hoasawork: smalt family; good wages: no washing. 1 Shaw place. HOUSJJGIRIJS Ten glrla. general housework: U and H week. J2S Missouri ave.. Ekst St. Louts. HOUSEGIRL Girl for general housework: family of two: no waahlng; good wages. 1214 Park. HOUSEOIRle-Nrat gin to assist In general housework In small family: good home. 92S La Balls. HOUSEGIRle-Whlte girl for housework: washing and Ironing: U a week. (043 Fair mount. HOU3EGIRL Girl for general housework: family of two; no washln-r or ironing. 1313A S. Ninth.' HOUSEGIRL Toung girl fir housework; no washing or outside work: other help kept- 1722 Missouri. HOU8EOIRL A good girl to do general housework; no washing; or ironing. C23 Fair mount sve. HOUSEGIRL Girl for general housework; small family: good home. 1(23 Frederick ave.. Enst St. Louis. HOUSEGIRL Gin for general housework; good wages 2?25 Whlttemore place, west aide of Lafayette Park. HOL'SEQIRL-Girl for general housework: no washing or Ironing; small family; good wages. 240 Henrietta. HOUSEGIRL Girl for general housework; no washing or outside work; small family. 4118 Westminster place. HOUSEWOMAN Woman or girl for house work Aprlv Park Hotel. 2034 East Broad way, East St. Louis. HOUSEGIRL-Good girl for general house work: small family: no boardera; refcrenceg required. fillSMortan. HOUSEGIRL Girl for general housework: small family: no washing: good wages. 3346 Forest Park boulevard. HOUSEGIRL Girl to do general housework; two In family. 1711 Simpson place. (South side of Lafayette pai-Sl HOUSEGIRL Girt for general housework: small famllv: nice home; good wages; German preferred. 2841 Thomqjs. HOUSEGIRL. Girl for general housework: no washing:. Ironing or cooking; two In family; good wsges. H23 Walton. HOUSEOIRI, OR WOMAN For general housework: good place; onlr three rooms; good wages. 2003 Sheridan ae. HOUSEGIRL. Girl or woman who speaks German for general housework; small family; no cooking. 2312 Lafayette. HOCSEtHRL- Girt Immediately for house- work; no washing and Ironing. Telephone; jjeimar ssi. -till west jrxne. HOUSEOIRL Girl or middle-aged white woman for general housework In small fam ily: 318 per month. 1027 Whlttier. HOUSEOIRI Girl for general housework: small family; good wages: good home; can go home nights: small flat. 3928 Shenandoah. HOUSEGIRLNeat girl for general house work. In flat; two In family: no children; wages $16. Call or telephone C IS79. 3413 Lucas. HOUSEGIRL- Girl experienced In general housework: family of two; good horn and wages; come prspared to work. 214$ S. Jeffer son. IIOUSDGIRL-Good. strong white girt for general housework: good pay: country girl pre ferred: good home for right person, fiogi cota Brllllante. HOUSBWORK Girl for general housework: no washing, ironing or cooking. 3329 La clede. Kara). NURSE A rood. girl to take care of child 2 years aid. MM Cabanne. NURSE Neat girl as assistant nurse: refer ence required. 3745 Lindell. NURSE Experienced nurse; white; refer ences required. Call Lorreine Hotel, Lindell and Bcvle. room 83. NURSK EBperlenc-d. middle-aged lady, po sition taking care of lady In confinement case; do light housework. EL 9. Republic. Ca-oko. COOK At Cresoent Cafe. 2S0O Locust st. Ap ply early. COOK 320; houseglrl. 318. -J14 Page. COOK. ETC Cock and dishwasher at 421S Finney ave. COOK A good cook. 1003 Chouteau. COOK Steady colored lady for cook In board, lng-house. 3314 Pine. COOK First-class cook. 2?3 Pine. COOK Good cook- no washing or Iron'ng; good wages. 3107 Morgan. COOK . A good cook. 2913 lAwton. COOK First-class cook: also a good waitress for boarding-house. ta4 Llndetl- COOK First-class German cook: good wages; bring reference. 2148 Lafayette. COOK Experienced rook; reference re qulred: applv Immediately. 3040 Lindell. COOK Good girl to cook and da general housework. Apply 5903 Page, corner Hamilton. COOK A good German cook: references re- Sulred. Apply southwest corner Taylor and Lin ell. COOK Good e-lrl for cooking and general housework: no laundry work; good wages. 52SS Maple. COOK Flrst-clas cook: small family; a-ood home and wage to competent person; reference. Apply 4ia West Pine st- COOK Girl to cook and do general house work ln small family: no washing; 320 per month. 3S40 Westminster. HOTEL RANGES CHARTER OAK STOVE & RANGE CO. ' t.U!f AKD CASS ATK. 1 yX1 I AN APRILSHOWER . 1 5 C 0F H-E&U1-T& FOLLOWS THE USE OT J ' loli REPUBLrc Want Ads. thetrz good nS2 wY&p IKALLSEAS0K8 AHD BETTER. Q9 I '!' 2jrogr THAH EVTSR BEFORE. ' J i BELP WAHTED rKMALK. MeeNvNeerfMeMeNAr. Thai Iraass. gWWWWWWiwVMWv e eM.A . BIOTJEnT GIRLS Buachart Jk Bro. ISIS Locust st. IHNDRRY GIRt Eaperlenced book foldera. Shulta Printing Co . 1017 Morgan st. CUMsXft-lTOK Lady; steady work to compe tent person. Apply at 1313 Holland building. COMPOSITORS Ladv compositors for two weeks work Apply Central Liw Journal of fice. 313 on-., room 7. FBEDERP Girls to feed Job prees. Claj ton A Sons. 211 Locust at. A. C FOLDERA ETC. Shirt-waist rollers, press-era- and glrbt to run button-hole machines; good pay, li N Eighth, between Washington and Iucas. (HRUS-In hlnden. G-. D. Laclede and Vandet. enter Barnard & Co.. OPERATORS On ladles muslin underwear learners taken and paid while learning. 71 K. Seventh at. OPERATORS-Olrle to operate light running sewing machines; easy work. Apply Rawlings Sporting Goods Co.. 620 Locust rt. SHIRT WAIST MAKERS We pav the high est prices and the easiest system: steady work alwavs. Ollan Bros.. 717 Lucas. SKIRTMAKERS. ETC. Sklrtroakers: also girls to learn. Faultless Skirt Mfg. Co.. 703 Lucas. SKIKTMAKHRS-Muet be experienced: ateadr work all eac: good wages. ProgTess Mfg. Co.. 717-713 Lucas. HKIRTMAKERS ESperlenced eklrtmakers: steady work: good pay: power machines. Apply at Mever 6c Goeisllng's. 717 N. Eleventh st. SKJRTMAKERE Fifty akiitmakirt; guaran teed best price in city: steady work. Call at ones; you will maka money. Susmaa Bros.. 710 Lucas. TAILORESS To help co-umaker. 20 8. Fourth at., room 20. VE8TMAKES8 Experienced vestmaksri. ft to 112 a week, according to work. 471 Lynch. Laa-aaraaaejau yWWMMMMveweeeMM AMe- LAUNDRESS First-class laundresm. 2C39 Cote Brllllante. . j.' -H come Thursday rooming ready for work. 8732 Olive. LAUNDRESS Good laundress Immediately to take family washing home. 4111 West Pipe. LAUNDRESS First-class white H undress; coma prepared to wash; steady work. 4l Flod. LAUNDRESS Laundress wishes small bun dles of washing to take homo. Mrs. Tooley. 4336 Cozens are. LAUNDRESS First-class laundress to tslre home family washing. Apply In morning. Z943A Mcpherson. LAUNDRESS Laundry girl, white, at Wash ington University dub. Com readv to work. 323 N. Ewlng. MARKER. ETC. Marker and eeeorter; first class wages; also starchers. New Amnrlcan Laundry Co . Twenty-first and Morgan. Drwsaaaakrrs staid se-aaaatrvaasia. ee--le."..Me,--'ei.' m . .ne n DRESSMAKER A first-class dressmaker. 4484 Morgan. DRESSMAKERS Two dressmakers and halj rs.. 13M Bait. DRESSMAKER At once. SS30 Flntn-s. DRESSMAKER Dressmaker wants experi enced help on waists and skirts. B424 Wind sor. DRESSMAKERS. ETC Immediately. by Miss McGrath. formerly of 3521 Lindell boule vard, now of 4111A Olive, two dressmakera and apprentice girls to learn. OIRt Girl to work on custom coata; Cnleh rs and ed( band. Apply 333 Pine, room 19, third floor. OPERATOR On cuetom panta. cmt, B-pc-ond floor. Call 1023 U- SEAMSTRESSES Ladles to make wrmptxri; good pay: rtcadr work. Apply 110 X. High at. StvaoKrav&crm i----M-awawl--'Nls---Btai STE3NOORAPHERS Competent. expriced lady stenocrmptiera; refff.. iS. HO; suppllc. $8. IVIyh Broa.. iQ Century. STENOGRAPHER: nrliht younic lady: wlll lnr to rftart at S3 per week: no objeectlon to baylnn-er. EI 3. Republic. Night School JONES HTSNDERSO-f BUSINESS COL LEGE. GRAND AVBNUB AND WINDSOR PLACE (OPPOSITE HIGH SCHOOL. Thor ough indlrldual instruction ln shorthand, type writing, bookkeeping and all English branches. Positions procured. Dav Three months, 135; one month. 110. Night IS per month. Call or write for Illustrated catalogue. Both phones. Barnes Business College, Board of Education building, 911 Locust street; twenty-third year; eight experienced Instructors splendid equipment; personal Instruction. Call or write for catalogue. OUR Employment Bureau furnish the best and most competent stenogra phers and typewriters without charge to employer or employe. UNDERWOOD TSPBWRITER CO. Tit Pins St. MERCANTILE COILEO.E. 'Bookkeeping. Shorthand, Typewriting, Penn manshlo. etc. Will remove to Dolph hulld'ng Seventh and Locutt sts. May 1. Day school open all year. HAYWARD'S Business and Shorthand College. 219. 320. 331 and 323 Odd Fellows building. Indlrldnal instruction ln Shorthand. Typewriting. Bookkeeping. Arlth metlc and Penmanship. Phone tli day and ntght. Dnughon'tl', Collega Cor. Tenth and Olive. Chain of 12 colleges. In corporated 3300.000 CO. Fourteen bankers on Board of Directors Bookkeeping, shorthand, etc. DAT and NIGHT. Only college In city that ha cermlsslon to tsaeh DRAUOHONS superior and COPYRIGHTED system of Book keeping a system Indorsed by BUSINESS M&Itf from MalnA to California. Draurhon's diploma represents in business circles what i ale or Harvard's repre!nts In literary drelea. Position secured or MONEY REFUNDED. Call or send for catalogue. Both phones. "Hltuiellaraeotaa. tvseweeeeeeiAeiMV.VANV ADDRESSERS Experienced vounrr ladles: mrg.. s: puDiisning. vj Bros.. Century. railroad. 3SS. Leigh CASHIER Young lady aa cashier ln Turk lsh bath. Call at 321 Locust st. CHAMBERMAID At one; colored cham bermald. Hotel de Paris, 2C3H N. IPghth st. CHAMBERMAID A colored girl for cham berwork. Apply at Columbian Hotel, corner Ninth and Chestnut sts. DINING-ROC-M GIRL Girl for nlnlng-rcom In restaurant: can give room. 4g83 Delmar. DISHWA8HKR Woman for dishwashing. 105 N. Sixth. DISHWASHER Woman dishwasher, at Model Restaurant. Wl N. Seventh st. DISHWASHER Woman or man to wash dishes in restaurant; com ready for work. 3100 Olive. GIRLS Over it year old. at (IS N. Second street. GIRL-For boarding-house. Chester. 1025 Old Man- GinLP Two girls to work on custom coats. 15J7A Carr. OIRL-To assist Franklin ave. In dressmaking. 2214H OIRLfJ Apply St. Louis Cigar Box Co.. 111 32 N. Broadwav. GIRL Girl or woman to work In pantry. 1013 N. Broadway. GIRL Small girl to wait on candy nor and lae-creasa parlor. (121 Easton. HKLP WAJITBD-ITEMA1.B. VtfSS-'iwi-w ii wsieev-.".eeesW'S Mlscellaneotii. eveew rfeee .M-e-.i'-ieM GIRLS Ten strong girls. 18 -rears and oxer; IS per week to start. Z23 N. Main. GIHLS To sew on custom pants; a smeal Clrl to sew on buttons. 105 IC. Eighth st. GIRI For hand machine; piece work; earning from to t!2 week. 2719 Chippewa. OIRLS To sew on coats and some to learn. 2Slo tilppewa at., between Oregon and Ne braska. GIRL Good girl or woman to work In lunch stand: experience not necessary; good wages. 1424 Cass. G1RL To work In twkery and take care of three rooms; tl week and board: hours. 7 to 7. 1301 N. Grand. GIRLS Over 18 vears of age to learn ln pack ing, rrledman Bros. Shoe Co.. Paolttii factory. Jeffererm and Madison. GIRLS 13 to It years, for light fsttory work; experience not necessary. Inland Type Foun dry. Twelfth and Locust. GIRLS Bright young girls 13 to 25 years of age to fold linen. American Ldundry Co., Twenty-first and Morgan. GIRLS One hundred girls, to learn artificial flower maklag; paid while learning: steady work. Lubsn A Goodman. 1321 Washington. GIRLS lr telephene work: bright and act ive girls between II and II years old. to operate telephone board: experience not nesarr:per manent positions to competent persons. EElJa Republic. HOUSEMAIL Competent housemaid for up stairs work. 4532 Lindell. LABHLER-Glrl. ties. 114 Market. age about 17. to label bot- LARELER Ladv with experience to label canned goods. CIS Locust. LADIES Steadv home work: S3 to tie week ly: no branches. Room 421. 731 Olive. LADIES Home work, (tamping patterns: ?!?. w.,ri'-'.7 Fa-r nofsltles; 14 to ll weekly. Holland building, roam 403; branch. 111 Olive, room 314. L4JJIFS To learn hatr dressing, manicuring or facial massage: short method, by free- clinic four weekscompIetes: nosltlona watting our graduates. Call or write Molar College, U10 LAD1 to travel and Interview representative weople at their homes: no collecting or deliv ering: hours to 4: experience may be dis pensed with If otherwise competent; guoran- Henderson. --. wj vn tiiaaati, iv 10 S. V. , Chestnut st- LADIES WANTED Everywhere, copying letters at home, spore time, and return them to ua: no mailing or canvassing; good pay; no materials to buy: send reply envelope for par ticular! and wages we pay. Guarantea dora pany. Dept. W 33. Philadelphia. Pa. J!,lPD,5?B"'OE? i'5j' ,0 Mt"t ln lunchroom. 923 N. Fourteenth. OPERATORS On Bon ax embroidery mo Room SOX Mcrmod-Jaocard bide. TOUNG lady to run supellng machine and ...P i" bI"e-T: steady work. Bust-hart Bros.. 1j16 Locust st. HET.P "WA3TTED MALFJ. -'"'' ..-.---l-l - -Lnjij-i.rix Bo-ra. r0ffu000tm0 BOY To wash bottlea ui heln i mm. v BOT Good dot to Itrn baktr tiuda. tsn DOTS-Two boya about II year. Apply 07 Ann are. BOY Oood errand boy. Locust st. Basel-art Bro, M16 Fifteenth1503'"' " ' lt: M to M wk x:o N- BOr To deliver horses to horso show. 341 8. Jelferson. BOY strong boy to work hj grocery. i0 Delmar. Apply 1JOY Boy to assist In houaeworlc Can H14 Bartmer ave. . JJOTGooJ- honest boy to work ln drn-e store 1801 aiauteau. BOY strong boy to learn the baker trade. M1 Mersmec at. BOY 33 Pine, room 33. BOJ Small boy., Loula Buscn. cleaner and dver. 514 Pine St. 5C? fina?-000 "" A'.Mo'-0t- BOY To work around house for room aad board. 3119 Pine st. BOY Apply Rtll N. Tenth at. BOY For general work ln grocery store and saloon. 370A S. Jefferson. BOY Boy from H to it, for men's funuh. Ing store. 414 N. Seventh. BOY Errand bov: references: 31 to week to begin. 41041 Olive. 3E per BOY Strong: between U and SO, to work In factory. Call 58t N- Commercial. BOYS Boys 14 yeans or over. Mengel Box Co.. Folsorr snd Lawrane. avea. BOY Strong boy. 18 years of ags. at once. Wslker Gordon Laboratory. 332 Boston. BOYJMust be 14 year jld; 34 per wk. Columbia Box Co.. Nineteenth and North Mar ket st. BOi Industrious boy to learn the fur busi ness; pay while learning. Halman. tX Frank, lln ave. BOY About 16 or 17 year old. to work in drug tote. Address, with reference. SY 29, Republic BOY-Colored 'boy to assist ln wholesale house: must furnish reference; 38 a week. Ap ply :01 S. Fourth t. BOY Good boy who has on. or two vears' ex perlrnce In the Wcycl business. Call 813 N. Fourteenth or 2101 Arsenal. ELEVATOR BOY Experienced passenger elevator boy: must be 18 years old and have good references. Singer Bros.. Ninth and Jju cas ave. ERRAND ROY One living In the West End preferred. 705 Pino st.. second floor. IIOUSEBOY-Good teau ave. houseboy. 1003 Chou- OFFICE BOY Bright office boy for railroad office: St to 33.W per week to tort: excellent oppo.tuntty for advancement; state age and ref. .renoea In own handwriting. BK 114. Republic Clcrlca ouael Collrcton. v.ini, - - - - v icntv. Asian sTocerv eierre: good onemnc; right man; promotion; 312 week start. Autocrat. 818A Pine. CLE-RKS-Billlng. shipping and miscellaneous clerical positions; 33 to 315. Leigh Broa, 1(86 Century bldg. CLERK. ETC Young man to work In whole sal. grocery house; 314 week. Apply 918 Lo cust, upstairs. CLERKS Shipping, receiving and bill clerks Exposition, wholesale and mfg. concern: steady. Autocrat. 81&A Pine. CLERKS-Grocery clerk. 312 to 314; hotel. 31. board; shipping, receiving and bill clerks. 310 to 315. American Business Bureau. 919 Olive. CLERK Young man for clerk In cigar stand: must have good reference and b. experienced: state age and wher srrrployed lost. EH 134. Republic. CLERKS Assistant bookkeeper. 3C0: time keeper. 3(0: otBce manager. STS: bookkeeper. r:o traveling salesman, 886. expense: collector. American Business Bureau. 919 Ollv. DRt:o CLERK-Junlor; at once. 4MI Evans. DRUO CLERK Graduated drug clerk; must speak. English and German; work at Lead vllle. Col.; good salary. Call 4K. N. Broad way. GROCERY CLERK First-class grocery clerk- io wonc in rue-err son saioun; must nay. ex perience ana citv ixi Co.. 2144 Cos ave. references. John J. Gockel MAN Young man for shipping room. thor. oughly acquainted with elty. by a Broadwar department store: state experlenc and salary, tri 157. Republic STENOGRAPHER Bright ma." tnotrsph(r; must' understand the pipe-fitting plumbers sup ply business. Autocrat. 818A Pine. Waltera. twsessev-ws-essesosseiwwessjvsss WATrER-nxnerlaneed waiter: come ready to work. 2331 Olive. WAITER Experienced white head waiter. Westmoreland Hotel. Taylor and Maryland. HELP WA!TKD MALE. The Tradea j00j004 BAND SAWTER. ETC. Band t-gwyer. hp- er and sticker band. Appjy iw SM. George. street, city. BARBBR Good way. 4: s. BARBER Good barber, at once. 2S0S Eoatnn. LIARBKH Call at once, gan and Kansas. J. C. Creek. Mlchl- BAJIRER S2E S. Fourteenth St. BARBER Good, steady barber; wage guar anteed. 3227 Eaaton. BARBER A good single barber at once; good wages. SI30 N. Broadway. BARBER First-class barber: wages guaran teed: at once. $17 N. Seventh at- ' BARBER Toung barber with about year's experience. TJ 32. Republic IIARBEH Good barber, at ence; Itt guar anteed. Henry Ewe. 4S32 N. Broadway. B.-..IBKR Younff man bsrber. having two years' experience. Call at S17 N. Seventh. IIAIIBBI: Steady work for union barber ev ery Saturday and Sunday. Apply to 1841 N. Broadway. BARBER An apprentice who has had about ulghteen months' experience, to finish learning trade. 'K41 Graolr. BLACKSMITH-Carrlage blacksmith. 1215 N. Broa ri w a y. BLACKSMITH S12 Clark ae. BLACKSMITH A good blacksmith. InTJlre SSf) Gravols aie. IlIVCKSMrfllS. EIC Carriage and wagon hlack-mltlis: also painter. 32.1 N. Sixth. DtJSHELMAN First-class bushIman. Gravols. BUSIIELMAN A gud bushel-nan. -444 Mor gan at. CABINETMAKJC.R8-ExperIen-ed makers. Hollrah-Dleckmann R. A Eighth st. and Park ave. cablnet- r. co.. CARPENTERS Five carpenters. 6 S. enth st. CARPENTERS Three carpenters. Seventh and Barton. Call at CARPENTERS Twenty carpenter fcr rail road work. Jas. Downs. 4 N. Ninth. CARPENTERS First-class carpenters: must be gcd mechanics; top wages; steady worlc. 8I5A Pine second floor. CARRIAGE PAINTER Good corrlajte paint er. HOT Menard. CARRIAGE WOODWORKER-Steady Joseph J. Ixine (Carriage Co.. 4713 Delmar. lob. CAHHIAGnSMITH-Paylng porttlon for goal mechanic. Embree-McLean Carrlags Co.. 1S17 Olive st. CLEANERS Wall-paper and fresco- paint cleaners: experienced, sober, neat workmen: best wages; steady work. Absorene Co. 207 Pine. COMPOSITORS On book work. Printing Company. 1017 Morgan at. Shultz COM TOSITORS Good brief mmposltors. Ap ply Central Law Journal office. S1J Olive. room 17. COOK-Good Olive. short-order man cook. 2112 COOK Good cook for second work: must be up to date: with references. Land's Restau rant. 3225 Olive. COOK rirst-class restaurant or merchants' lunch cook: hours 7 to S: no Sunday work. Mrs. Lloyd. 121C Cass COOK flood colored man as cook, private family: must come well recommended. Apply room 510. fifth floor. Equitably building. tTUTTER First-class cutter: sash, door and blind factory. Apply 1520 Market. ENGINEERS For gasoline engines. Apply with references to General Compressed Air House Cleaning Co.. 3133 Olive st. ENGINEERS All members of Local No. li to attend meeting Wednesday evening. April t, ill o'clock at Fraternal Hall. Eleventh and Franklin pre.; bring your membership book and pay your dues, so the- three tocala can consolidate In one local J. E. FLEMING. President. Jas. Johnson. Financial Secretary. GRINDER Champ Chouteau. Spring Company. 2117 LABORER Toung man with experience on wnod-working planer. 2630 N. nrteentn. MAN To recone office chairs. Call at Mona House. 203 N. Sixth. MAN First-class man for resaw machine and to do heavy ripping. Apply 1530 Market. MATTRKS3-MAKER-A good matti-e-mak-r: hand-filler. Stchle A Son. 14.TS Franklin. MECHANICS First-class mechanics for flooring machine and planing. Apply 1E0, Mar ket, i MACHINE HAND. 'ETC. Tenon machine hand: also bench hands; aash and door fac tory. 1T0O Old Manchester. MEAT-CUTTER Good meat-cutter. Franklin: MEAT CUTTER Apply tier t-t. 7 early.. SIS tVMt- MEMBKRST International Union En;trH-sr.' Locals Nos. "2. 42 and 41. are requested to at tend mass meeting Saturday evening, April 9. at 'Wallhalla Hall: nomination of officers for new local. CONSOLIDATION COMMITTEE. MOLDERS. ETC Brass molders. core-mak-er, brass workers, chandelier makers, polish era, buffers, etc., to stay away from Chicago: strike on. OPERATOR nrsK'us operator on consol idated lasting machine: men's welts Hamilton Brawn Bhoe Co.. factory. Twentr-BTst st. PAINTER-Fmir carriage painters. Long Car Co. 4118 Delmar. Jos J. PAINTERS Carriage painters: all-around men- Modem Wagon and Carriage Co.. IMS Papln. - PAINTERS-tSood ean-lag. painter wanted at once, central Carriage and Wagon Co.. Twenty-first and Eugenia. PAPER HANGER-Flrst-clos paper hanger. Lynn Co.. -604 Potlt ave. PAPER HANOERE-At once. Wall Paper Co.. U Pin, st. Louis Voig-ht PAP"SR HANG KR T. Lorl. and Frescoing Co.. 42D9 Olive. Wall Paper PAPER HANGER Good paper hanger: steady work. Banforth. am Kcsruth. PAPER HANGER First-els, paper hanger. Geo. P. Mueller. 16 Gravols ave. PAPER HANGERS Good paper hanger, at once. Apply Lewis Volght Wall Paper Com panv. 912 Pine. PHOTOGRAPHER Toung man. up In pho tography work: state experience, reference and anlary expected. EH 31 Republic. PUJMBE-R 4343 Olive. PLUMBERS Nonunion: ateady work for good men: plumbers laborer also. Corn Bros.. 4352 Easton. PRKS3ER To work In tailor shop. J. Keller, 3143 Ollv.. RIP8AWYER Experienced rlpsawyer. with experienc. In sash and door factory. Huttlar Saah and Door Co.. 1204 Manchester read. SASHMAKER Must be oompetent to lar nut work: ateady lob. Broadwa- Planing Mills. 3330 N. Broadway. SHOEMAKER Flrst-clas shoemaker on la dies' work. iS5A Olive st. SHOEMAKER Good shoe repairer at one. Matthews. 1019 N. Vandeventer. SHORMAKER Flrst-c'a shoemaker at once. 4405 suburban agaeK. corner jiewsteaa. aunn fitters Of all kinds. .lohanaen Bros. Shoe Co.. factory B. 3?C Laclede. SHOE CUTTERS To see boot and ahoe cut tera manual and reference book. 2730 N. Jeffer son ave. SHOEMAKER Old respectable man: rood home: steady work: on repair. Wilson's. ItlOH N. Sixth st. SIGN PAINTER Call at once. Eighteenth at. nt N. STONE CUTTERS Thrtw aton eutbtm. Ap ply 821 Walnwright buildlnr. or Theresa, ar. and Rutger St.. H. F. Gruetzemacher A Co. STRAW-THATCHEB Tr thatch a house. Ao ply Wednesday morning. 31S3 Pin.. TAILOR 9 N. Fourteenth st. TAILOR At ones. Call at 812 S. Fourth. TAILOR 8teady work. 2729 Franklin ave. TINNER Good tinner and helper at 8U0 N. Broadway. TINNERS 14 S. Main st. TINNER Good tinner. 8725 S. Broadway. TINNERS To put on Iron sheeting at Fra ternal riom. Hotel, one biocK west of end of Chouteau ave. car. I .. . ufc'wuLATEKisKS two tnoroughiy thoroughly ezpcriencea upnoisierers. Apply super- Intendent Scruggs, Vandervoort & Bar - n-pv Orv Goods Co. i n Ste-aoa-rapliera. --i----i- - -ii 1 nr.-ii-iii.irii'ii'.ririi. STENOGRAPHER A vouxur man with exne- rlence ln the stock-yard bualnesa. Apply at 833 Pine st. SENOGRAPHERS Fifteen male stenog raphers for railroad and mercantile vacancies; 336 to 375. Leigh Bros. Laborer. CAHPHCTERS Twenty corrtenter for -rail. rood work. Jas. Down. 4 X. Ninth St. CARPENTERS 100 house and bridge carpen ter., 40c per hour; union coal miners, ill.; R. R. laborer. South. Tim Sullivan, 21 S. Seven tecntli st. LABORERS-Champ Chouteau. iprlng Company. 2317 LABORERS Twenty-flv laborers, and Russell. J. Maloney. Twelfth LABORERS Six nonunion laborers, at once. Cabanne Plumbing Co.. 921 N- King highway. QUARRYMEN-Long job. and Scott ay. aknmks. Montrose TEAMS To haul macadam. Grand and Hick ory. G. Eyerman A Bros. TEAMS to haul macadam' long Job. Apply Montrose and Scott ave. Skralnka Construe tlon Co. LABORERS, ATTEJTTIOPIl Wanted Steam-drill runner. 3I.7J per day; lug uviior--Ti- ior lunxisi wonc. si... per aar; to men for Frisco R. R.r extra cane. 81.80 per uaj. imwu iiafljKvn ua nHain. era. "treat. 31.7i: flunkies R. R. camp: tree pas. JOS. Down. N. Nlntn at. HELP WASTED MALE. Lafenrc-ns.'... i eeeeM TEAMS, ETCi'-Twenty-flve teams, with big beds, and laborrxs. on Twelfth st. and RusaeQ avw.: two months work. J. Moloney. TUN teams, with altpa: K per day. Siberia. building, on thi 11k-. World Fair. KOENIG'9 LABOR ACENCT. C12 WAL NUT ST. lir-.TAUUSHED 1S73. Conducted on strictly business principles, all work guarantecrl as represented. Wanted five hundred laborers and tearaite-a for new railroads in Missouri. Iliino.s. Indi ana. Ohio and Kansas: free pass to all Two hundred laborers for extra gangi rail road company work: money any time; free nana. Farm hands, gardeners, mbkers. man for brl iate place, can p cooks, waiters, blacksmiths. If vou wont work apply to the oldest, most Mllabla and re.ponslbl. labor agency in lu KOENIG'S LABOR ACENCT 612 Walnut st. Ulscellaneoa. i -,-nnim l m.iK AANsVNrVM ALL people looking for work call n . largest and onl .Incorporated) raipfojment , l Ol'l?eSt- L0U'- Ar' B-Sln"-JsmEureau: BARTHNDER-Second-Clasj bartender- s-n 3751 "Sssl ,ftr ' !-? J .V& ethSPnESS.""1"" hthlack: non, KlSfh . aPP!-- Apply Mc.Vamara, K5 N. CHECKERS. BTC r-heeiteri trucke-, a,d freight handlers, for Fa'.- grcundi poslfeoi guaranteed. Appl sis rin-. ' ' P'-'-ons !???& Ea'sfen!'""" 'm:al "'" COACJIM ;z Apply ll"w pt. Argn ave. IJISHWASIIER-Man to wa.h dish's J4TJ . DRIVERS JJ to J70: wsgen helpe-s J2 to 37 CO: positions rnaranteed. Appl giB Pice. DRIVER Young man. 19 or 20 veare cf axe, to drive express wagon on commlselcn. good money. 110 H. Sixth st. DRIVERS WANTED-Experlenced drivers, familiar with the city. Apply at stables of St. Louis Transfer Co.. St. Louis and East St. Louis FACTORY WORKERS-Two handy fsetorr workers; H2 week start: rapid promotion, no experience. Autocrat. !15A Pine. FLOORMAN Good doorman, at once. 2512 Nebraska. FLOORMAN Good fiocrman. 212 Nebraska. FLORIST Also a man to be of general use I f!orit buslre". Apply to W. w. Rertzing. 7380 Old Maneheitir. Maplewood Station. HELPERS, machinists. J2 dav: factory hand. II. K: oilers: f.rman. American Business Bu reau. 319 Olive. HOSTLER Experienced hostter; ! per weejj and board. Cherokee, and Texas. HOUSEMAN Man for house snd jard work. .vppiv laimeoiateir. gjw x.inqeu. HOITSFTiAAN A ervwT men fn, hm.amr1r- Hilling's Hotel. Seventh and Walnut. HOUSEMAN German, who understanda gar- aen wqrs: rererences renuireq. sia la-cust ec HOUSEMAN Good houseman, who know how tn take can cf lawn; references. 1W St. Ange ave. LABORERS-Colored laborers. St. Louie Mal leable Castlrg Co.. 7SO) N. Broadway. JANITOR Mutt come well recommended- Ap ply General Coinoressed Air Housre Cleanitus Co.. 3332 Olive rt. MACHINISTS. ETC Machinists, carpenters, painters, fireman: blacksmitns and helpers! steady work; pcsltlons guaranteed. Arply SIB Pine. MAN Man for cleaning carpets. Sixth st. sos jr. MAN To work around boardlng-hcuse. Morgan. 2t4 MAN To haul ashes. Taylor and Maryland. Webtmoreland Hotel MAN Good man for stable wor: atats oa-a and reference. EH 44. Republic. MAN To assist selling wall paper; must Da well educated. ST 30. Republic. MAN With rubber shoes to pick electrical currents. Z. Gol.brault. sa Pin st. MAN To attend borsf-s and holD In slaugb ler-honae. 4ttA Natural Bridge read. MAN Reliable man to tend hcrse and lawnj wages tin. Apply 214 X. Main, upstairs. MAN Toung man to check In railroad freight house: Ks month.. Apply 91S Locust, ppstalrs. MAN Man to corse ln dally and attend to steps, etc: references. Apply Q West Pine. MAN Bright 3ouna- man; World"! Fair city position: good pay; ateady. Second floor. Sl&A Pine. MAX Young man or a boy: somewhat ex perienced at painting or training. Apply at -MIS 8. Thirteenth at. MAN Toung toon to ass'st traveling -nli-man pack samples: 142 month and expense. Apply Mg Locust, tipgiairs. MAN Toung- man apprentice on leather wO!k:aood. steady man. Apply- at Xoken BAr ber's Supply CO.. 13 Market. MAN Toanc man to maS? himself renersllr "Useful: one of wall-paper experience preferred. irwis vorgnt vvrui s-aper UJrn-ianr. -u nns. MAN One who folrlv understand care, of horse, and veHc4s: must 1 strtctlr sol-r and Industrious: none other need apply. Ill"; Bv Jefferson ave. MAN AND WIFE Woman for general house work: man to do chores about plac-: good wages, and good home. R. . McCallec 30S Olive. MAN To run beating furnace and do gen eral porter work. In wholehalc notion hour.; state experience and wages wanted. XR 74, Republic- MEN For who'esale houses, ttz week: ware house men. 314: -necwer. truckers and freight handlers, SIX 315. American Business Bureau. 919 Olive. MEN Two youns; men. from country pre ferred, to work In wholesale grocery housel 311 week: chanc to advance, -".jiply SIS Locust, upstair. MAN To take car. of hoe. cow and gar den; to be handy with too'.s. Room 2 Westlicbe Post building. Broadway and Market st. J. 3. Freudensteln. Men Several young men: work In shlppmg: and packing department wholesale dry good house: good wages: chance tr advance. Apply 918 Lccurt. untrtalrs. MAN and wife: wife must be a good cook; man must be driver and horseman- Atralv mom 13 fifth floor. lcraltai ble building: must come w-U recommended. MEN "ft ANTED Mia to -. 21arrta "rmlnss ta-np 34 shoes. 407 N. Sixth st. MEN Active young men: Inside- factory worlct learn trades: 312'week: ffuaranteed. Apply 314 Pin. MEN Two handy men for ahlpntng roomt wholesale vinegar company; 312 weak. Apply 8M Pine. MEN Two young men: position of trust wholesale house; must com. rscommexTded. An tocrat. 81SA Pine. MEN Ten young men. to do distributing, at one. Stout.Williamaen Ad7. Co.. Thlrd and! Washington are. MEN Colored fartorr hands, al week: nor. ten, housemen and Janitor. American Bum nes. Bureau. 919 Olive. MEN Thro young men to run on passeng" train: 31$ to 320 week: through daylight runs now onen. Apply 911 Locust, upstairs. MILKER White man to milk cow: will ex change nice, basement room and breakfast for services. Call 44S1 live s". PACKERS Experienced glass and queens ware packer. Missouri Glass Co 908 Clark ave-. PORTER Good co'ored porter for barbeg shop, sit N. Sixth st. PORTER Good man for porter work in sa loon and Help at bar. 4141 N. Grand. STRONG young men for locomotivo flremea on Missouri, Illinois and ether railroads: a0 brnkemen: firemen aversgo 38 monthly, beeoma engineers and average 8125: brak'tuMi averaga 880. becocn. conductor end average 3105: noma position preferred: send stamp for particu lars. Railway Association. Box 37. Station IV Brooklyn. N. T. . TRACKMEJi Fifty trackmen: house furnished. M8 S. Seventh. boarding- TRUCKERS. ETC. Truckers, drivers and wagon help-rs: decorator and helper, and oth er kinds of help for World Fair grounds. Ap ply 913 Locust, upstairs. WANTED Men to learn barber trade; special offer for April, including board and tools; splen did opportunity: few week complete: call write. Moler barbw College. 1110 Pine. WANTED Recruit for the TJ. S. Marin. Corp, able-bodied unmarried men. hetweea 21 and "5, good character: must speak, read and write English: marines serve at sea oa men-of-war ln all part of the world, on lard In our Island possession, and at naval Matlon ln United States. Apply Recruiting Office. Post Offlce bldg.. Eighth aad Olive sts.. St. Lo-rls. WANTED 13 bandy men. World' Fair around, 330. board. Farm hands, milker and gardener, tli. 339. Bus. bell, bllllard'hal! boys: steady -work. ro!orl porters, drivers and waiters, steady. Checker, country hotel buffet. 340. bd.. pass. Four cook" helpers. 823. 335. board and -room. 4 hotel pantrymen, storeroom men; ateaox work. . Two boiler firemen. 350. VO: stedy work. Floormen and hostler. 340, 345; steady. 10 Greeks. 84 Austrian. Tcnn. and Va. 8 nonunion carpenter. 35, 40 cts. hour; ateady. Handy men. factories, roundhouse; steady work., hotel porter. 335. 340. board, room. 25 brldx. carpenters. 10: depot carpenters. Young man. 35 to 30. for conductor; steady. 100 laborer, teamsters. West and 8authw--t. All laborer out of work call on the oldest and largest employment offlce In fit- Louis, National Employment Co., 113-115 N. sixth ft. WATCHMAN Night watchman: must com well recommended. Apply Genoral Compressed Air House Cleaning Co.. 3833 Olive st. YOUNG man about 25 yean of age, to da chore In bake shop. National Hotel. But w. uouis. YOUNG men. everywhere, entry le-tter. borne evenings; no mailing or eamvaaatag. Sand ad dressed envelope for particular aad wages ws pay. Manager Dspt. W 98. Box MIL- PbOadel- IKFeRHATIOK WAJTnCO. tMAMiiiMMMMMiyWAMMWMMIMWHWMl TOITKO aantSekaSi-erfia mmiaimit lJh rum.) whesj tniored by Page aT. car at Oairn an4 Maple ate. kfe:gyfe''--.',-a. -,.i tr:7?' . - 'V j--"tT '-,.-.--- ' J-. ',iifi,.-n2.-tfr,r. . J.-:, S-j-A; i -.- .- f ffyt-j i rFl - -yih -w . -'. a-t-- k--. t'.z Jy."-i