Newspaper Page Text
THE ST. LOUIS REPUBLIC: WEDNESDAY. .A. PR IE G. 190-f. 13 AGE.NT3 AMJ SftLBSVEX. i SsUesmeSL. MIXING stock ealeircen wanted; those adapted mal.e 33-M nsnnthlj; permanent era. rloym.r.t. llrtn; expense, guaranteed. Foe A tM.. Seattle. Wash. -AI-1S:MAN Flrst-ciaes clointsg .ul.nian. Apply Gstelv ClotMnc Co.. 13 N Droadwf SU.ESit.lN Teunr u to ijs1 celling well rrer rau; t. wen educated. &Y 31. Republic SALESMEN KI to Xtii per li for next t-n weeAs new man maie SM bel SitunUy. S Chestnut it.. ?t Louis. SALESMEN WANTBL To -e.1 h,ga-rra runiir stock fcr tb oil reliable nur series. T E. CSrl.a, Frcn- Lawrence, gas. TRAVELING MEN -To emplor .envas-'ers. ejlu-5 Cell eetweei I) anl 4 Burlington balldine- TK.VVEt.IXG HXLSSMEN Mlwcurl and Ar kansas. rl3'lic contracts already partially ar range.! tr corTe-pon-Ieuce. permar-eit portion to nght man. 432 MermoJNlaccard buiuitrg WANTED. An experienced real estate salesman. An swer, giving age, ex perience and salary expected. Address EH 144, Republic. AA0MAi AcentH. wwvwwMtamaaaammmm Wanted-Eerbodr larea.Sm.r ta handle souvenir end Weed's Fair acre, tips to s-e our Una rWore p-aclng ordr. Pt Loui- But taa Cn.. 415 Lucas are., xn-a:act-rrs of special ilei'gQ. Lady Acfuti and Solicitor. "WOMAN Energetic women to tra-rel co sal ary to cM nrit f- iuverlor lice of ol. Oorxt and Sfclrt Crrks. Ana Arbor. Mich. Cantateri. CAXVAS5I2? IHsa-cJsui, dtta men fcr Ewipeper work, read rasney for battlers. Call st 13 s gfalh t. after 3 p. ax. Solicitors. SOLICITOR Kuri-Jiced newspaper tlnc solicitor. 2&i Olive st. FOR SAIXMTSCKIXiXF-OOi. WALL and chow case. suitaLte for drugvldt or cigar etcrs; bargain... 13-UH Olive. 2-1. WO restaurant lune? box; tt to . Bcscin bullJ.tur. dirt cHeap; BOt&KHQU) GOOD. w eaaeaesaatea-w Wuti4- a. ..ii . wx. l.MWW .MJ -VQdOLlTP:i.T h1tfl n!. rutf.l r.-n. n?M. tltr: sd roataL la Boj!ntw. lirx. Twr;if:h. UX kind of rcnurjr bourttr crrt. pi ano, featieyj, co-tntl of ex's 0J dneUlnga. aai small l3ts;furoUare tik !s rxfnct fir icoVJif. KiBioch. t Hit. .IiiKJoh. Jaj Frarldlc uio't. nt. f nd ;nu;, .Whtnn. 1111 3. JeSsr- HKITRB -Jli:t j-our tti!i5. It y"i want to fet flrfcat thr iltp Trorth. Sttnl postal to M. 7ljnaa. lfeA Fnc'itlli. CUBA?: faur-hol 3ulct 1H4 no J.ale-. lital -is raci. j-TEATHER bois rnt.J: ray 15 o HZ eich;. enl ooata T J. Kyio. Wct Ian J eUilaa. nCATHKES; walxht. ptaL wrr h!xbot prjea: host.t OIob Kliow Co.. act nnaejr. 1C ch,t. boo&casa. nardrob. niUte lrua L.J. Cull -lnfcgfty moratng. Z71Z Pine. OAK Mcanl aud rjf. ISUlUcon. 3111 WK pay blcbett caaa prtrea for ncueaM fursitun. places. tc : a'ao buy ntlra content of eata or r$!Sn. call or (cad poitaL ! norl jctlon Co.. lil-U OUv at. ncsiXBss'Fon salg. VWaaaai,taaaaaaai COSCKSSIOSS In Cummin's InILtn Contrvs and Roah K14t" reataunzats ; jjanut. souv ntr. lmccal. fruit standi, etc. CAll at roum 36. TDD Pliw. COKFSCTIONnRT and danr store: tittle llv-Ing-ro-Jnu: cheap rnt; no ajjrnt". itto liiston CONPJTIONiniVv clears, notion-, four Itv-Lix-rowns. J13 rest; JSS. tiy barsan, liurn. toil Ka;cn. CONKKCTIOXEBT: JiOU down. uaUnc ruy. Icjn; JI reat; csroer; fvo rvomr C' J"Ouf lfe a chance to halix. 1701 3. wiventh. t COXtTCCTIOXiUtY; 3L caa; email osJaooi IHrtn-room. Vorld Kalr Dro'rvr9 Co. 3. Cbtnuc r- CX)XKi:CTIOXKRY arl ctsar tore. Ulnr room; rent $13: centrally Kcaud; Joinx koo-1 tuilait: clica? 12 take a ut ccv; no irnta. :i4) Eatiaa. CQXPCCTIONEBY. IfCUol I'JppiIwi: J1W don. balance y: $t2 rnt. two intn-rcoirj. nzt dor lorsa school; bsrjraln. 4f-M Cottar Cl'aylor car). COXraCTIONERY: -netera IccAtlxi; 3 Uv- lc-rocm. inconia JT day. rejontHe rTt; jxwd toni and buiniss; JCW tand:-3 Ola coclc. 9oC Chtnut. CON'mi'TrXONEY; clowntOHit; holeaI district; Jountain-ccit 2.- alon, trie $l.SV, p-art cazh- fortune nr for ox Hercox.fJ yeacy, -m m:siit. may. UUUO 5toM: cod opportunity Sforpan-Ralncer. ft. Cheinut- fur 31. D. KXGUT-ROOU rcomlna- hoiu: !-irintlv fur r.lthM; half biock t Iclrdei dlrrct llo to Union SU.tln nnd raif grounds; two jars' leat; rjat, fM; full of cvtvf rocn-ri; men WU creit barsaliK 15 X. Cardinal. BL'SIXCSS FOR SAI.K. rajaiJ-M-M-w,haj-M,,M"Mafcj n a a 1 ni- UOOMIXG-HOCSK: li rornn, 15.) rent. Jli: tneorre: clo Puat Offic: J3il handl. baratn. Vorld- Fair Brokeraxo Co- M Cl-.itnut. ROOMlNG-HOL'sE: Oltvo nr Collxum. rtnt. le&: d aInai-llJ rooms; SJtf) secures. World's Fk!r Brok.nm CO.. 9W Chfnut. KOOlIINO-nOCSE: eleven, large, lliht roomi. three beds each room, all full: .qui secures; rent I4S. bargain. Morrls-Auaon. r3S3 Olive. nOOUIN'I-lOL'E: direct Hn tu World"-. I10T; e!tt tlnwv equlwpeil rocnT.; $iw; ternu, rent Jih snap. Seo Arnutrong. ion Che.tnut HOOMIxa-HOUSC: SIOD nt: on irorainent atret. ten larse room; rent J33 month; l.a.e. -..e thla suap. Pee Arm'tr'nr. 1314 Cce-trut. UCJMING-UOUSK downtown. OUve at.. rer Convention Hall. c!end!d Uicatirn; leas: 31 ca.h: barzaln to-day. SJ fiM fellny' bnlldlr-j RCIIMING-HOV.E: II room, eielntly fur c'axiect. J'lne. ne-tr Grand; rent JT3. price SV.H. terms; mutt itll llorsan-Reninaer. Cliet- no!. I'.OOMING-HOIiSIl. ) block: West Helle. 11 roxm.. Hru."ts enruets. bra beds, rent JV: leane Ji'jJ candles. JIors.m-K-mr.aer. Si t".trt-mtt HOlMINC-IIOUSi:. muC "U tnls nr'k, leaev. sixteen roomi. rheftw rent: downtown, ll.j'i. casb. or time, no aEfnta. KII HI. Ki-publlc. KOOMIXR-HOUhlS. Ollv. lx looms, car Compton; full cf roomers, cheap rent. loase; nliely furnlsbed. bareilo- WUutirn A. Co. S4J Ollte. KO03IS KOR REM'. Al'UKRT. lin-ric'Ir fuml.h'.l moms; med era. bot nn.1 clM tath: choice) location. AUBEItT. TiA Hue ven- cholc front room: l.rd tlose: Slburban. Dlnnr. Qllvtf cars. AL'HEKT 1'ii'e. CA (Moirthea.t t-ornr Euclid and Suburban IrackXAirse frcnt room; gen tlemen onlj' RIIOlIK FOR IIE.ST. aaaeStkrsa-"as,BasrS-jaM,,"at"'e" (JAUKIKDO. KC3A LarRp. handaomclsr fur-iilsh-i fiont room: southern -xpoiure. hot bath, all conveniences; two blocVa rnrni OUv, tjuburban and Easton: rqjK.nabit sentleniea- 1AKUISOX. 1S . Purn'shed rccru for hoiki?tnc: all n"aiens. IUVAIID. 2XE1-Chcl- front room: IlKht Iw.upke-t)!c,r allovrM. Suburban and l"aggcar. BAYAHD. 7Sf-Nic'l- turalflbed rctsmti. or at rarally,, own home; t,ntlmn only; nr ralr IJELIa, mSC Three elfitintly lumteht-d ro-:ma; inoJrn ccnni-nci. try reasonable 11 K CJ4. 2137- FurnUbed room. bcapJ. Ktn. b?h; fc s-crvt floor front : four: W welc. 8ULI 14-11 t'urn!he-2 front room for pntl mn or lltxt hou.-kfpinK, conenlect to carv. BKIA. X17 1-o .rant roomi; hot azv-X cold bath southern xpo-ure. private family. UESTQS. 95 Nkvlr furnl'h-d rwori far en emtlaman; alsj for llfibt hcukeij-Iiig. re- bl. XJiCRN'VRD. -7J7 Nwly raD-rl front room, fu2iiheil for Ilcht Xi-U3ekegplng or rcwnTir BROADWAY, g,i.tlnyn. ZZi S- Icmlihed room fr For Sale. RKl'SSKUS mn. !-il3. Sxll; dinlnc Uble; oi-r thtoc 5J ISsuiton. yURNrrURB of nla rooms, for cash; ra: ra-njbl- no aants- EX1 SS. Republic. 1TRXITURK or four-nnm flat, complete; 1I! U br Titles - dtred: ftr"t-ctao In vry r-pet.t leavlci: cltj. OiM :M w 4. Kt CS La clM a il St. jrooi aj nfw 47. 23-tl Itstalos- ONE oat tlitiard SlTi Morgan. cot li) sell for Jli X'ARLOR r-L best ra flxtur-s. hIl tree anl illalng'rojn tabl. 3M1V Knaerly IX-IXOIjE rarw. aL htatlnr tove. ttrst cla order, nurt 1J -ap SirOu- THRKfcPIECB maiioaj:w- parlar tt. sld boanl and .llnln table. oaJc: cne lot of JbaiSes. 5it4A Ksjjatitcn av. TWO-KOIJ3 sra rargp. with oien ery chc3p gcofcnn- XCypres C-.. 103 S Ieii2incnt 1VJ4 iron beds, sprtnjr and nattreAs. X0 dreas ci. o wah.tind. 1W wardrobes, ch-aa. .all at enc- XTtir KrankXJn. M15CKllUCS WAST9, .l..rf-....H..l !... BIG lot of featbers n-antftd for .special or de; b'c prto. ur 'iQaotltT; send postal. Jo 3I3s:ng-r. 1C N. Tttelflh St. ABSOUTttT bUtrt ortce paid for tidies' aitl gentleawaV cascnf dotala and olA feat ets. send pcctal. M. Grcrnac Hfi Morgan. F:RBSHcbalr.Fec03dhAr4d.frcod and cbeap; v-i!3. Call or addrsts Ab smith. a Jlar sn. rear, after R p. rn. BARGAIN la street am Tyenlnc drsssea; Mcbest prices paid for caat-ofl cioiUns:: postal. Klntach A ai. Mrs. lUl'.er. OjJ Walnut. CASH reclsters boufbt. sold apd excaana?B3. Janes Duffy. 11 Jf. Ntath: Klnloch A SO. FiiTHEU beds wanted: ray tfS to 145 eaca; send postal. T. J. Ilysvn, West End Station. HIGHEST price1 raid for enly rentletnen's clothioc. shoes and featbers; needed badly; lata of Texas. Send postal, u. Rvseaansez. US Cer 1 BUT household rrosaer. JC1 CXIts St. rids. tool. : phocc D SU- aiiytbtne;. I.AROE lce box: nearly new. Iarjinre at StJ Marvland. KIC3 Mart anil: frock on aick coat; sli abnot 8: &0 daalera. 2SZ EXston. STAMPS: new and wedr coins, cunoa. aato- f;rancjf. Canadian xaocey bouaiit and sold. 9C wl Stamp and 0--ta Co.. lli M.Etersnth a. TWO -Ttl CO laam tw.wk.. Cat BrtUlar-ts. World's Fair Bds and Bedding at KAKWACTURSRS' PRICES. Ten-piece double bed outfit jj.M Nla--ple;e !Sie!f ted OUtSt i.X rjit.piees -woi-en-wtre cct outat 3 o Seven-piece uph-"lstjred outat .. ,. Tfce abe's laolude nrtt-cla.3 wool maUresso. Lanpn&TijiorS. &M. Co., 1S2S WASUI.N'GTOX AVE. KlGHTEnX-ROOM roDmrns-hou. cued lo cation: Lft-tk; all convt-al'sc'. rraion. aloi css. 2710 Iclnle. nilST-CLASS larxhroom and rturaat; World's Fair leas-.. Ills FntaUln uw. 3XOOMINO-MOXJ3K eleven wnu. el-gaatly funiajihed. Cnest location lu city; direct line World's Talr. sll on eaay trrxns. -jii We (Ui: beautiful ccfnr. f:itJ"rn exrc?ur, tn larj rcorpa; rent SCO, Iea. barcaln. J. See Armstrong-. 101 f Caet hat Mt. FIU3T-CLVSS restaurant, vrtth fix furnlifc rooms: reasonable: oct of tb-a bt- locations in 1-aat 8t. LqtiIh. KH 1..". Republic, FIVE and 1 cfnt itore. dolnc nlcn basinet. J3i; racn for keUlnir, barn a nosier atorx; call and mraatlrate. 31 H Easton. iLAT: ) v.erz: awen fiirnuaiv. fvur room.; rent lis. Jl-O cash, W- tarj?alL Se Arnistroar, TOU Chennut- FOR roomi Sal or EK 110. lea 3- Fumlabed Republic. FOR 9ale or Rent Grocerv znd ?aloon. col corner la North St. Ijouts. iast BrMwinir Co FOL'RTEEX-ROOM bous- en Olive t rnt JSj; Incom JI73 ir raonth. iji.d furnltur pri?e 11.33.: axjtf bloclc Cull .i Cj, K3 .V fwisnty-rtrst. GOOD aaloon. account othrr dulre 13CJ S. Broadiray tuslr.e-. in- GROcnRT and bakry. en account of otb-r business AcNy t2l X Beaumont GROCERY and butchjr srvp, tisturea and gtoclc Apply to Oreer.xpoa. VIA X. KroaJway. nDllT'BV a A cnlnrm. (a u,..ti, r. n s n !uitui...ik a. at.i- ruiiruu, i auuiiictj .'Jit, v. townrspldltl business corar; jood xeasona for semng. in il'. i;epcriic GROCERY and aaloon: on- of the b-t-jay In? Fluids, will Invoice atJtit 3J.C) Gat rreiny tu. i? aixtn at GRaciClUE. we have Hem spl-cdld place . -we can cell chas, easy terms: e ua first tor bargftlaa. MgrcftntUg. 412 liesc-Ht bldy. 5PjQC1:rT: OliTt; ft stand, estab fle yu, 1 rer.l ITT.. al- avrraw il:i dur: SSM handlts. . a Morrl-Alston Co. !3S Ollre st. YOU WILL ALWAYS Find it Langin & Taylor S. & M, Co., 18S3 WASHIXGTOS ATE. A larxe ajwortment of Brussels, velvet afcd Axariaster rurs: abo a large Iin of davc porta. dressers. watbstASds. Iron b-ds and everythlna- nece-sary for noaseJwepSe: at t aavlnj; of ner cent lesa taan doaxwira prlcea. Remember the- place. i llf2B TV.HIC 1-O.V AVB. NICKEL PUTINS, A aotd. afisar. braa and npsjar platixttr: rs peUrtttg. OTldlxIna: and Iaqoer1 st rtisocabl W.OOOOIdfitldWaitttl. I WWW WU1 MT cMb tor oM nM wwtct eat, ckMim am mttctlUmtoa Jtw tiT- 3. X. BRrCE Jt CO Jtoom Ml St. Zionls SMr Bldr- Uth and OUvsl BCnXSS) WAJiTED. keeAMMeeMeAeeweeeeeeeeAeeeMeAeiM. TTsy-S. tntarese In rnnaA-iwinif iit i.eintn. twsapaasi by goormmn. EHUT. Republic JOB wood ttxrnlnjr of ail klnda don to order t l east liable prtceta. Call on or address Voo4 tnmer. Tower Gror piaalnc ICB. comar Kea tuckr tie. and Oil HandMstsr road. Paana Zxtmar a. KETZS-atARSHAjJT towa hotels tM a, ct., taltynos leare dawn- nJ T m r.itt tn the vVoriir Jalr and rmrrn, n.75, lacJudlnr J-mlaaloD. T. H. WHITE. EUB Butctr Slats roofer; ra ptdrlcc dona at reaaccabla raley. grand gVl- TBUNKa, suit cases, etc.; all Jrteds Tepalrtcc cheap; work called tor and deUTerea fx. at. Zols Tronk Co. Mtt rranklla. Furniture, Carpets, Iron Bads (SEW JLND SLIGUTLV V3ED. W ba tbe rscda la larga or nivall Quantl tlea. at exceedingly low pnca. Your rpare room or "rtol bona con fc "umtshwi coaiplet' at very ltttl-j -xpiia at tfcla sala. We haT a Iarja awcrtanat of baautlful recta nars. carpets, matthta; and llnolccrn. all rra&e aad t&e Brlcx dimension of rooms. LAeXQAJTSTORAGD OQ . 10U aslorgan. ROOinXG-irOFSIC. W lov-ly rooms: Wen nnd. full L4intr rnora-r. ftj s-cur thU bar rala: best chanca ta city. Wardlo. t7 .9t nut at ROOMIXG-HOUi-iC o:ii, n-ar Grand: b) tooraa. -well fiimish'M: Si) rent. forr-l sal: tZ down, balance coma! a . GUs-uCk, 9J2 Ch5tnut ROOHIXG-JiOUSE. ZHA WaahtnctcD- nve ; r.ln rwnl3. wtl rurnlabl ?t- eah, balance rr.jnthl. best hrm? lr: ilt; oner must Uae. ROOMING IlOl.::; Jii btms 11 room fnr cttur j;j rnt. Washlnattcn av- n4r tvhol saw hot,.; -njp. UrM't Fair Brukerage Co, !Jt CT;str.4L BROADWAY. 1J7 X, Excellent room. tOc to Jl pr day. BROADWAY, CU X -Roma. j-. jCo anl IVrc; tl.Vi per Tvk and up. batha fre-w UHO'DWAV, SO) t-. IMral-n-l rtmm. sc ond floor; complete kitchen; bedroom; all con enlenc!. BROADWAY. 11 i. fr'.nMj furiUaaM roora": half bloclc from ?.3Uthrn Hoti: ti.Ji to $i week ly .polv yi Walker or ITali CAIJFORXIA. JS-Xatly furnlsaed tor cna cr two centlemn CASd. 311 Neatly fuxnisheU n-m; bath and. a. GARR1SOX. l$A X. Iai-7- front pirlor and second-floor front; no WorlJa Fair p rlc r. GEYKR. S713 FUrclsned room; p rival fam Ilv; xas ard tata. GKYEiU Z7J2 XIcIy famished front rceora: southern expesar.. all convenience, cars pass door. G1WSGOW, IfcC-Furalsh-d for tro. rocrn; eultable UL.bGOW Plac-. 303 Xicely farnlsh-l rooais. all coniienlencea; light Eou.ktrpias; ROOMS FOR ftET. sw4saslwwwww'waaaia'www1wwwwMww OI.IVI-X 411IA Taovdy. larva furnished roore. uttalrs; IZ per welc: small room. $2. OLIVE 355V Trro ccnnectlne parlors en first floor: alo on double third-floor room. OLIVE, 3111 Xlly rurnlhM i-ccnd-flaor front rom; bath, gas, heat: r.ras'snab.e.. OLIVB. 3421 A Furnished rooms: tare arntle raen or ladles: ga. hot bath 1I.M to C OI-IVE. 4wl Flrn-Cjor front: s-Mrcnd-flror front: alto imall rccm: evrr convent en-. OIlVE. 3117 XIoly farnli-hed rooms: only IS minutes rid to World's Fair: conTffnlenct-s- OLTVE. Klf Flrrtr furnished rooms for c'asa people: southern hou: direct car laea OUVE. !IS41 Lfcrire. pleasant front room; outbern exposa: bath; dtr-ct cars ta World. Fair. GILVXD. 2 X. Nice slnjlsi room, also other rooms, all conterienc; reasacable. GRAND, 1S3 X. Xec! vat Christian home for . clean rc7ni3 In prl Warli's Fair xlattors. GRAND. 1911 X. Sccrl-stot7 front and ccn cectlnic ruom; rcmplet-s for housekeeping; bath. GliAXD. I4i X. NUelv fumUhil front roorna, bath, sas; private family; all convenl- GRATIOT. I511A Xicely furrlt-'-a front room; cvnveniccce; three bliirlta aoutu T'rioa Htatlon; rfcawcable. GRCSIl. 3334 Nicely fumlahti room?; bath. caa: private, family, gentl tinea only. IinIlVrKAD. S13 Between Rrca-lieraT and .mlnth. IiX) Xorih; clcel fumfabed rooma; oc cr tVT3. IXZZiKlZTCTA. z$a Fumlsb-d ccndturr front room, rcr on cr t"o raen; houj- med etn; cccupfM Ly owrwr; private family; r mlnuteV rld to town. HICKORY. lsSi-Fjnit-fcM roccl for thr cr four gentleta-,: reaJOiablr: conv-nteat. (Z.KSS. 2i:A-XeatIy oi ir'Cn. :drnlflhed hall room fc: t!A- a rate SI Ttire' nicely furnlabM ruocs; sep rr iNimbInd: terrrs reajnahle. CAS"4 Is-1 Xlce-Iv furnished front room fr eentleman ur llttbt touseke-plna; U. cunvei-tences. C 5-H. 3fj9 Nlc-I v r9. bath; Eouthera tinmen furnish! frta: parlT; rpur; for two aa- ROOMING-IIOrSE. Wa."hipcton. fourteen forr.r. T-par tomiton; laae. brat legation in, ?l'y. fortun-- for llitl monry fcs- Wllburn Jt Co.. r3U Olive ROOMIX2-!lol'aR. Elghtrt room. n-ar Grand, tent $ Iron beds; tniHj. moquttt rus. e.ttIt.ieJ two jrttn. slckneJa caa Call 3523 Othu. IS rovra. 7. inina; Atceccy. 4li ROOlflXG TIOl'Si: dwatOKn, rent AJt. inme JI--t ttfr'r., prir ft.rtcne' durlr D'hlr Mercantile Be-noN buHdlrg lHyOXIIXfi-HOl'sK. rwit. WaIilntori r-ar J-"ler5ii -xe-ueat monfy-maklnx- loca tion. T sceud rooro. Wcnd'a Fair Brolv-Tacs "o . S9 Chestnut GROCERY; JC00 cr Invoice buj Jv.yCArs-e , cis) Brfadway store. 1 lr incom?. World'a Fair Erckerase Co.. ?5 Cuetnut GROCERY i-torr. In W-srt Bad: nice llvlr.ff rcocjj; prlca ,l.Qu-J; all cah counter tr-3e. ex cedeat banraln. Wardlow K "tnut GROCERY: well located: dallv bustneri jv5; rent J3f: old . place: pric-s ll.iW. or Invoice. half caj-h. jIoraan-Rerdcp-ir. . Chestnut. GROCERY: West End: old est. Dlace: dall? buslnsa J35: r,ct JW; I rooms; l&: Inrots about S2.s'- Monran-Renlaxer. 3t0 Chestnut GROCERY: ta00; caah store, with tn-o living rcoma; eytbll?hd fn yara; cheap r-nt nctt ell. sacrifice. Morrta-AuJtton Co. 1I Olive. GROCERY, ccnfectlonary. bakery; account ether buainaaa: barzala tu tisit paxtv. -jrith scaail capital; rent 312; living rocrn. ZiZS Has ten ara. GROCERY mat an i ey-table raarkn. caah trad $00 a day; rent P a month: -will tnd atricteKt lnverKeatdon; laavlns city- E3I 101. Republic. QROCnRT: West Eadr epleadld. Mbl.rbl bualneaar owner in TAhoIcfJe: rc-ust t:i; C-KW or lnvolca; stand InTatleatlcn. Mercaatll Arercy, 413 Renola. "bldg. . FURNITURE BUYERS. A bis: map for casb: another let of T5 calc ameers arM. We rava about 3M Iron beds left at ilSS: 1 xraslt ruga. fili. at H.X: urre oak orrn rockers. U.33. c. cur c.eei davenport with hlrh back at IJ.H. FVralsh 1ns: hotels and roomlnr-houses a cuiclaJty- JEvr YO&K STORAGE CO. 20 Wain H. HOTEt leae and rooms- ecod location; xitt j. rtepnoiic liCfmiii ta rerm: near "rraehlnrton and I Krcadway: tric.S2.3': lon leae; ure fortnne tai year: ae rirji. vcru:eTr. ien.ut. HOTEL RANGES CHARTER OAK STOVE &HAN6E GO. HALS ASD CASS AVE. ROOM ROSS ARD MISFIT CARPETS A larxa assortment cf beautiful patterns. In Telrats. Axmlnater, Scoyrca; all rndes of Brus sels and ingrain; mattlrc and linoleum: all sues and trade atmost reascnabte prloes. IXGAN UTORAGg CO.. lOVMOrgan. Sewlnx Machines. s'naaswww'4slssakjeast)P.(1PBatkas(ss(sa s'ssesassawssajfcfcjtjjtj HAKE no xalatake: haTa vcur aavieir nAahip, repaired If cut of order; don't buy a raacJiln before caJUafc or phcte A. Tcaac 32ZL FrankBr.. CPHOIaSTERIXG ana furoltur- xalrlajr of rcldencea: nw-ttrraa. Tic and up: ooucbee SI aid xip. godaricy. 1KZ Qamaon are. WE make reneral Jobblnic a epedaltr: your ritrocajca oUoltU; KinJoch. C 2C4L Fattereca i jo., earpenxari ana ouuaara. imp st. Charleay PIXGER iFG. CO.. 13 S. Brcadway Golden c-aJc Slsxerv. fln-at made. Co diacuat maohlaea: IV ae-indhaad. 3 to 7- ' ..'. VV. D. twl aelCK machine, on ta- pender Co., l9 Ta?icxs ave.. between 9 and l! a, m. ROOMlXG-UOFcE, walklnK distance of Wor.d's Fair 17 rooms. 11 nva.) fjnlb-u, xvod lase. vwc-r lratnc, Jav bAndl:-'. Glaa .Wjc. Wl C.i-stnut. ROOMXXG-lt'OL'aU: Broadway, s rooma; zioi furnlsalnga, Ji rent; Is-: -i montlis r'nt paid, tacomi- S.V month; 34 - hansl. Glai, coefc. 93 thetnut. ROOU(X4l-i(OTC-. tealitirc! WVatmtistvr p'ace 12 loomi;: n5i d--coratU. lerajit(y r.irnltJiei; World'- Fair las, W hanil- . Glaict.i. rt Cbertnat, C.TEH, -5"l 'oricr Blt) Xlct-I. furulaned f rvnt room . oue (-r --n suit . lrgc porcn : southern t-ipopur; all conenl-nce?, c!ce to WVrld'a Fair 'XI AM EBBS. 133 (Corn-r Twelfth! Ton: room fjr gentleman cr llsht houaec-piofft no raise. CHOFTKAF. S.C Xeatlr furnish d room. CHOUTEAU I7C0 Xewly !am!-hed roima; ntar Union rtaton Call or writ Kuhnn. CHOUTEAl . 1217 Xlcel tarnlhsd front room for antlmen. gaa bath: r-jonatle HOLTEAU 313 Xeutly furalaiel front ronm. tarre laivnr ca". tMtta' rt-aonabIe 'ZIGITEAU, 10--Xe-ly furnished font room and oth-r r-"-ma. for li-tht hougrveeplaic. OlIOFTE-Vr. lls Nlclv furnlshM front ritn. alaa others; SLFi pern'g grM tip: bata.' CliOLTEAL' SS-H Xeai bMdinp. llchu. aitr-d ratir; 31. Jw wwk, TSrefeTTM: xtra nit e.abi -h E-atleraen HICKORY. 37i"-conI -floor rcccr; for aca tlemea only; roferac-id required; private fam II r. JEFFERSON". 2013 s. Neatly furnished froat and tack room: bath and traa. JEFFERSON 721 H Larre. nice froat ro-im for four --ntInen, alsj oh-r rooms. OLIVE 122! Eletrantlv famthei front r'vim; also doAle rcooi for fcur Kentl--meit; reascn abt OLIVK. 2SJ I-a rue front parlorr routh-rn xpndTir: alao baclt porlorr all convenience's; reasonable. OLIVE. 2011 Two neatly furnished connNrr- Ir:ar rooin., uitaLIe for fcur gentlemen; tw light bouk'T-plnjr; two beda anil buth.: all coavnlenees. OXE to tea clean, comfortable fun.lfht roomft; btfa. etc; good table board convenient; uthrr: -Tposnre; direct car ta mir-utea t Wcrtre Fair reference. XK S. Rernbllc PAGE. U- Furntshel south frost rcotn. I'.VGE, 3J77 Widow- boms; room: cntj-men preferred. t'o furaishM 1AGE. 4SS Xlclr fumlihed back parlor aal -cor.d-tor room In bom of owner; PAUK. 412, Two pretty nom. alncl or en fculte: In prlvat bem-; Avcrv convenience. PAGE. 4445 Lanre. aeomd-story front room for two arentlemen: private family of adnlta. FGE. 6I3 NIcIy fnrnlihe.1 room; oa- sr two nentlercen; modern; rxUate borne; Fair clef; PAGE Boulevard. 4-740 -Xlcey furnlahe-I rocms. mod-m ccuvemaco; atrictly private family: refererjc--. . JEFFERON. IW2 X. NIc, front room, first fTfT for two gt-ntlemen; gr. bath: rvaj-unabi. JEFFERSON. Mil P. Rooov: WcrU's Fair visitors: reoF-jnabl tnc-; nar I-afayette. Part; rrlatf famllv JEi-'FERifON. 1WS X XIrely fumL-lu-d ?- oad-flo-7r front and. connectlnc rcujin. prliat family; rea-inable KEXXERLT, 4s-I Four nlc rooms, south-ra jl-viur, bath and saa. furnljhei cr unfurnished. KBNXEHI..Y. CS41 Front rccm. nicely far nisned, private family; al-j cnr xr ro-m. rnt r-c-5'jnbl KEXNETT. 15 Rasemnt rccrn; cuod place for launiresa. KOCTH. 443H NH furnaah-d tent rowa for two. half Woc from Taylor car. I-ARADXE. 4315 Newlv ttath. sat; private famllv: 'urnlahed. front room; rent reacnacle. Ij-VBADXE. 44i I'iirnlsatjd room for two gen tleman: private family. Taylor aai Caa cara. CIIOITEAU, IK Neatly famished ro.7m; southern exposure1- prlvat- family, all cca venlerces. i rlc rnodrate, ROOMING-HOUaE, tnnt3ni hou'?. reU fur nlshed: opi-clte Ijafayette Prk; rfns. awn lnct hot and coltl water; all coiniite. at tar gain. EJI 131. IlKpubllc RtXaiING-HOrE. furniture aDi equity in twelve-rocm ntodern rooratni;-hou. full cf roomer. line location; at a account of yicknea. :ve ovmr. il0 Lav.ton. ROOMING-HOUPE: lv roomj; on llorean. near Garrl-rn: nicely furnished: rent 333; price JTotr. ae- AMEHICAX BROKER.VGE r . Z(.1 Century bulldlctr. RJJOMING-llorSE: ) rocnu: on ilorxart. rear Gan-iscn: rent 3-o; lne; a trap: "price $7- AiXERICAX HROKER-VOE CO . 232 Centurr bulldtnz. ROOMING and boardfnr toue; Oliv: tt room: elasrantlv fcrr,!hed: rent J7l: leat; fedla 4.v rvecplo dally; 1I.2(V bandla, ff- this and maki Gffer. Mcraan-Renlnaer. ?05 Chestnut. GROCERY: West End: 'dally buriiienf J": livlnr-rccm: nleolv rarnlahedr rent 133: tf0 taica u f-U: will Inrolw mere than prjci aakrfd. I AioTgan-ieniager. w ua!aiut. ROOMING-HOUSE. 15. rooma: OUve. near Elrafnta: well forclahe!: low rent: th! la rertalaly a, "nan: won't last bnr prlr? only J3-C AMERICAN BRO-tERAGE CO. . 3T Century bulldinir. cood tftll: is fomlshe-l bervala if eold at ence. HOTEL: alktmr dlUance Fair; 17 ioc-tb; 12 n-rlr furnished; cwnr raat leave ck3; zs&t handles: toe propositions eoarce. Glascock. ft.2 Chcctaut. HOTEL: 4fl rootne; nrUaioTx Dipot: c dl rct.Ilne to Flr: vreil-furciaaeii: alvays ailed cheep rent; lea$: 32.0fOpfcirr?a ir R AMERICAN BROKERAGE CO. 302 Centurv baX'dinsr IC.VXNG city; will aacriflc grocery, with ftve llvlnx-nwmar flve-roora brici-cottage; also lot on Adelaide and Floripsaa:. XjODGING-HOCSB; heart downtown district: to r-Mms; d beda; rent J93: lrai: lame 520) month cat; SCO handle. Glascock, NJ Chtst- ROOMIXG-IIOU5E: U r-orar West Plr; b-.uttfar.y furnished; .KiMg.33 ) per month; price SX.OM: trn. AMERICAN BROKERAGE CO . "?3 OrtPirr tralUnis XtOOME7G-HOLE: nevea larK-. nlcty fnr riabed room.-, on Liv.tOfi. ci.-ao, r-st: onlv 173; mat sell, MacDwnald'R-alty CVi.. 1044 X. Vaate-. eater. xz CL.RI-r. 3:2 Nicely furnl-b I front room tuT aent!em-,n or couple vet of Grand. (IRK. 2325A Neatly furniih-d rco-i for tfto rentlemn, nar two car Hns; private family UM.TDX. 1113 N Two nIfaFnt front room- comiiox. isa ? beard, for two aentlf-r -hurnlhd room. 1th n. Ik; privat family COMPTOX 16 N- Furnlshe'l rooni. ianre front roou. crond lto.r, suitable for couple ,r yontImen. COOK, vfilA Xlce. neat rocm, s-uthm ex porure; 32.5o week. COOK. 411Z XlcI front; Urae and ccol: f'jralshtl cecond-atory bath, ga: reavtnabl. ' LAt'LEDll. ri2 Furnts-h-d rocrn : IiEht hcu3-k?-irlnr: bath; $I.C0 end 33 weekly X.CLi;DE. 401 TftO alcelv fUra!hei ccn nct!nc, bath. aa; all modern; heme of widow ItACLsEDJE. 2422 Lanr front and adjclnlai mom; fumKi-vi or houaekeeping; gas. bath; phcn: ttrnw raaaoncbl L.CLXUE. 3422 One room, complete hcce keepln?: sra. bath, phones; dainMe partita accoaiidudLeiX. r-a&anable. I.VCLEDB. 3312 Four nicely fur-Uhfl rwm-; v-h,. day cr munt: ars pa Union gtatloa and dlreet to W-crld'a Fair. PAGE Koiilrraru. 4033 Nlslr fumlalied frrnt parlor southern exposure; coTrvenlec: hot cath; two adalt. PaIM. 2S24 Xicely rumlaaM rcom rn private family, rcr two yej-tlemen: 32. PE2.NSYLVANIA, 3129 NlCXy rurniatM ro-jm for 13: two ftentlemen; home convecl nca; gparate eatracce. PINE. 3d Nicely fumlahed, room: all con-Tueci. PINE. 34.2 Fumlphed basement; Uko part In beard, call at once. PINE. 23X1 Xicely furniah-Mi rocma, modem coavenieiares PINE. 1220 Nlcelv farnI"h-B4 room?, two b4s in room: thi-e cr four p-rgcnj; 31.23 ach. PINE. 34X0 Thoroughly clean rooms ior gen-tl-ran. wth reterence; modem convenience. PINEi 2UT X'wiv furnished room?; thre blocks frcm Union Station; scuthern expoanre. ROOUS an-1 lodglca- Tor World' Fair vlattor. cr will furnish accommodations for any tram bir cf vi:tcra from 1 to 1,0. o -leslrlna; to ar range for rooms cr tda in advance; rery tolaa; new and clean: rates, ingle bed 50c p dav. rooms S2 per day for two person. c ad ditional for extra persons la sam room: areata want 2 la every nebrhbernocd. ibertdan Web tr. 1312 Chouteau RUSSELL. 25-- Nicely famished rooms ta private family: bet bata; near car lire; reasonable-. RUTGER. lI3IA-On or two fsrclshed rccma; medern convenlencee. SARAH. 7X1 X. Two cc-anectJnjr. cr aeparat furnished rooms: gair. hath; cart cogTenlent- LAWTOX. and 8 n 20U Newly furnish-J room; bath LAWTON. 22i Finished, ba-eraeat. laundry room, in LAWTOX. 320-Xely fural'hfrl front room fr two w-atlemen or couple. LA"WTOX, 2245 Nice rcom for one or two xeatlemen; oittrn exposure. COOK. -kC3 Neatlr furnished second-jitory room. r.ith bo-srl convetjlent: prtvatr famll. COOK. 4.ty Handcm-ly fuxnlehM e-oond-etory front1 rccm; ?-outhern xpsar-; j,nvute family, r-asonable: g-entlttcen. I..WTOX. 2731 Large front parlor; also room for two K-mtlemen: southern exposure. LAWTON. 2r14 Thre ve r- nic--. furalahed. rooms for g-atlucen: all ccnenien.efl. COTTAGR ?A OjtIIv rurnlflfd front rcm; priate f-itnlly; two ffentlrrcen'or couple: rno-J-erate r-ct. OOTTAOn. SMX Twfl concectlna rooms, com- fletely furr.ishe-I. fir light houa':ceep4ng: water n boun; in, cf large -ard. pn-aie famllr- DELMAR. nrlcea. Tel 4U Itav- five rooms; ten Delmar 2323- calL get EXMAR. 41$: Furnished, rrj-ua, acorn-no i jne aai-ie or a RfeOHING-HOUFE' Vajthlsctcn ave.: 1 roAia. basemf nV ard two aitlo rooras; ce-uld t-ut 4 cjts. bot.fv'-nll'Kli r?r;t 375: rerent ZZ: elegantly furn1sh:M; rrlce 3I.S: terms;" some tnlng-xiT-u Motg-n-Rspfargr. j- Chystanu SALOCX; AX comer. Iff -ve Gaf "Brlne ro ali Xfc Sixth st. 2 SAlJtXXr old. .stand . nod,lwsin'.j; every thing flrst-cXaj.For particulars. XM1 N. Jef-feraja. .JjOON;-JJwruGwn-; selllr- thrift lianrls of hr? dally;r lorn rn;: 3?0.; see thl culck. f-e ArmsTronar. l-Jll Chestnut. LUNCH-. and ice cream parlor; other Dusicess. Aaars j. Kvan. 4171 iasxon ave. LUNCH ROOM; rood buslceas: two- Ilvnr rooms; muit sU; slckasj; flae Iscatlctu EJ 35. RiHrubKC , PARTXKKS WATTED. we...eve..eN.i..e.e. ."j-uvj 1 WAjfT partner who can mvnzt help and art aa eaahler In a restaurant now clear n 5 csonthly: bcMners -will stand tn strict est Investlratlcn; m-Tst invest ILaOO; money secured: will clesr over JIS.W durtni; TVorlira lAlr: a chare seldom offered to mrji or vora an: X am a first -claa chef and -srirt taSe. chats, f iotcn-n dorlrur Fair: best of references clven and required; Hasps xrrerrd. Eli K. Bt public. ARTNCR In cood-psjin barbsr shoa: ttro. rhJIrr. ai S3. HerabUc PARTNER In lunchroom: nrest location rn dry: I-Ase. 3H raying trade; I K. fValfts. PARTNER: sometblEir runr: a money-rcafcer: Km,.I"-"!..Sj"'); na f: auldc returns. EH 331. nepnbllo PARTNER With small capital: JTi montn PerlPb'un3l,: Mt - A GOOD String. FOB SALE illSCELLAITBairs. N..-.! barber . i.m.e..MM chair: ll Norti .A rIJ,l:'FCJ?,T "'1 oak Trier roUer-ton dsk. 1. 3lf Easton. orlzlsai coat A GERM-PROOF ons crter. ac: r.& r.res-e-r filter only M.W: stcne and i Mirs for all Vlffl4a - 9 St.A flub, rtm .e. .. w. mm ..a, . mtiii. fo f .iter u w ayme. MACHINERY FOR SALE. e..ii.ii.e..irf BZLLjQvVB. Via. turJ 1S.TV. d-in ,-.M .. onca. 3H arorgan. DTNAilOS and motors, all steles and volt aM. for sale or rent; we bny electrical raa carnerr. Roaslter-MacGoTem Elecrlcal Co.. eei. e.i jtaja. s,j xniran irnst bangta. ONB-KORSR KO-vctt Ktster motor: must b. sold. i 8. Fourth. ONE power spd latbe and one scan power back saw; cheap. Kaom M Benols: bldx. Ninth and Flu sc Gasoline and Steam Engines BcCrs. steam pumps, steam, aaa and water supplies, sawmill machinery, stitlnr, teas. eta. FAIRBANKS. MOKSE A COTSt. Lou!. R1STIHBS -Jht ry -. bmsbw m patt Iron, aoft-scd tni tn Taattartl. Mamnlnr ttli'ln. tc Anything' manufictnred to orutr in line of Hardware specialtl-aa No order too large. Uaeauaied facilities. Let as figure with you. COLEMAN HARDWARE CO.. Ill Chealai hid.. St. Loca. LUNCH ROOM: in d'atrict; t-ta fsrty-Uve; oheao if sold at once; rtu agexta ned answer. Eft 139. Republic MEAT oad -vegetable market; cheap. Jl N. Twe nty-cond 1 MILLINERY atore doing thritlng busla. nil location; rauat sell; leading city. EJ 35, Heablio. MUST soil icr Hrst-claH grocery store, ivlta jaJo-n prlviltfses; rocms; bath; rent 34J; bar- a-.i qutCit sau". iu i.. I'.epuonc. NEWS tleoot: leavlnx the dtr. Seventh st. SIO1 XtXTROOM roomlcg-houie. Call at 2fl3 B. Broadway. XIX3-ROOM hoo?: rent 133; prlca 17i: can arraae tim payment; good cbanc. Cull A Co.. 2X3 X. Twentr-fXrst t. NOTION and tobacco store, twollvlns-nxiras; rnt SX2.0; prtc 5173 If acid at ence; no agents. 4&ts Eaatcn. NOTION store: good stock; nice fixtures; soda fountain: 2 liylna'-rocrna:. furnlwhed: cheap rent; mut sell; maxe offr. 3110 Eaton. S-VLiOOXS. .trai irood plac-s: your pric and tena: nun b sold tht weet; eee us to day. -Mercantile Agency. 4 1; Ber.mst bdg. . T .""WW. eT-Ti vck. ffmrtiMttTi. I ". rnnnth Income: big merchants' lunch trade; gwd -alue; J-Mjo. World's Fair BreJwrasr Co.. 9-M Chestnut. DELMAR-. 4Me Stam-heate-l conat-ctlng roo2st. mnuta' rid to World Fair.. DELMAR Boulevard. 4214 Elegant routes; pri vate family: refert-nces. , Phon Ltndell lit)M DELMAR. 541A Nloelj- famlshe.1 rooms, np Halre; alklrg- dlstanci ti Fair; Ollva Utlmar cars DKLM-tR, 442 Nicely furnishe-l lucau. pri vate family; cars handy; gentlemen only; r;a sCnable. " - D2LMAR. 4.WA FurnlhM aro-iltiry frort ;-nrIvr; al other roams; ga. bath. tc?en DELMAR Bi-u.evard. 32SjTwo Bplr.dU froat rocm for tcentlemen. private family, near Fair ground. DEI-MAR, 45A Two han'Licmely fcraUbe-I front rooms; private; all cosvn?nce; con venient tn all carr. DIVISION, 1SW Neath fnrnJshed front room SALOON: very clns Union i4tatlcn: good I asm; owner has World's Fair concession; must sell; racaabl -rlc. GXasco"lc. 9W Chestnut. TEN-ROOM house: lease; rent 323: win sell furniture at cost: good coadltn. cull i Co, 1U N Twenty-first, Phone c 1753. Tlin beat salr-on cr South Broadway: g"l IfKnesi. must -ell; 111 health. CS34 S. Broad-wj'. IH-KOOM HOtE. Kgnnt, first-class bonriilcg-houe: excellent localioa; a rare bargain; good reaaoa fcr e"X-nig.-n ageats. EH 34; Republic. HAHDiHG & SRITTAIN. IIOUSK: 15 rooms; levu:; rentrallv located: comr bulldlnir: eee this for V.'orul's Filr prcp osltion. Jlardlns; Brlttaln. Sll Chestnut. TEN room': West End: rent KS; price WO. irardins- Ji Brlttain. U Cheetcut. FrnUfI"HED hou.e: 11 rocm: Ollv-e: r-nt $73: lease- c.ap: nicely ramlshed. Hardlxs? Jk Brlttain. Sll Oeetnut. POOUROOiT: very buty street: cheap- re-.t: Vik- mon-r-malter: owner ctnnot attend: S10: terms: don't wait- Mercantile AJtency, Hi Eencut bulldlcx. PRfNT shco: four presses, eighty fonts type, paper cutter: irood trade; leaving city; hlchest cash offer takes It. EH UP. Republic COSIPLJUIR atectrlal arA nichuLwl em-... Irternatlorul Corressondn-e School. EK 3. Rel pnbtlc .vsemcmx SHOE RliPAIRINO CO. repair, your shoe, while you wait: msVs s-wl ! a-:J heels. 7i-: opeg fTeninjc.. sa; Market st. AQUARirjM. larre tox also no oak hat rack, cheap. rs 1). Broadway. ALL kinds or IVelabach Ufhts and supplies, pod mantles ll)e -each. 3 for Sc: af Condon Bros., ism Market t . 8. L.wl. BAR Caturea. clxir case, liquor ca. and sereen; e-nra fine: mustb sold. iPl 3. Fourth EARGAIN8 Sprlnr suits; sample hats and sho-a at S"c on the II: special price for co-jn-try merchants, s. Gordon. S5 Morean st. BUT nor best rumw coal at tic per busfteL dellyered. TH. t 1U4. Mala 3S18A. John.a ial Ct. BUT your uaits. class, etc, from fireat wntirn Paint and Color Co.. Sll Man chester. :kj r:ssron. wu Park ave..: phones. CpLRSE: cocslstine of drawirnr. siitcldna: and p-rspactiT,. m International Corretponj enc School: will ll rery cheap; a fine chiinc for an artist wishicr to study-at home. For partlcolara address EH Itl, Republic. EASTMAN pocket folding kodak; bargain If old at one. Iin PIN- ELEGANT Brunswick pool and billiard ta$lea selL rent: reasonable. J. u Fowler. 12 Cksa. FINE, nearly new roller-top ds; all sites; i:r6 enly a samples. Lancan storaee Co., Mil Morxan. . FOUR rood as new tables lor purooea. X3C2 leaded.. OFFICER'S ifas-froat butt.r box. Jit. Norta eest corper pendletcti and J:1rner GROCERT st$ra; one horse and dallrtry eagon; banrgln. 3QJA 8. Broadway. HIGH-GRADE. -!reeV roll-tot eTnes dost: rod as sew; cost JO; price ta. S3T .rKlmar ave. " I WANT a few more private pupils; Gimit r Enchab branchea: shortrijtnd nr Fred'k. W. Hald. 1111 Aabert ave. 1IME. V. D. CLAIRE gives health culture and also teaches French language every day except ing Mondaya and Thursdays; terms reasonable 473i MafAtt. , TAKE a course in St. Irul. Watchmjilng School. 1115 Eaatcn ve an! become a nrat cla jeweler. Seed for circular. RUBBER STAMPS. SK ALU. -STENCILS. eeeee'-- n I O n.rLI LUr. . V .1 . ADAMS. th stamp- man. 314 N. Sixth St. Loula. Xo.: rubber starar. seals, stencils, itf gocd. chesp. quick. Wrl for new list. EXCELSIOR Stencil Works, ft; oilre. for steel stamps, stencils, burning brand., rjbber type, steals, brass and aluminum checks. RUBBER stamps, rubber type, s'ecs mark erjsv braas and alumtnunt cbecas at lowi at price. -..'K. ..tujp .m. Drw o.. VIS lOCUSt. RESTAURANT: chean: lis. Repubilo. good reasons. K1C RESTAURANT: f.rst-clas locaecn; trade. H. L. Fish. 521 Market st. good RESTAURANT: call at bargain; must iIl: other business. 2SiS Franklin. RESTAURANT; eablished for years: bis nlaht trade: ch.ap for cajh. IS1H Pine, st. RESTAURANT lunch counter; good business and location: other buitness. 2 8. Seventh st. RESTAURANTS We have four restaurants for ; six for tW. Cull & Co., Ill N. Twen-ty-Brst. Phone C 1789. HK3TAURANT: splendid location: sood trade; rent only IIS: lease: greatest bargain In the rltv: see this to-day. 30 Odd Fellows' building;. RESTAURANT: splendid l-xsitlon: good lesAn; rent J25: owner mu.t ltaee city; p'tj handles: many others; all prices. UUscock. K Chestnut. HOUSE; 10 rooms: Lucas; rent HO: lease; price Jfl. Hardlnr A Brlttain. Ml Ciattnut. RESTAURANT: downtown: Market: seats 75 people; eeedlnz- 3.nW dallv; meney-maker dar ing th Fair. Harding i. Brlttain. Sll Chestnut. SEE our list cf fiats: we have ttim with from A t. rooms ard at rery low prices. Harding tc Brlttain. 3U Chestnut. DODIER. St Newly furnished room; bath; gas; private family: for two. $3-.: Teek- LEA Place. .121 Nicely furnished rooms: Lee ave. cars: prices r-sasonable. LAWTON. 2J24 Nice large second-fic-r room. suitable for several gentlemen: conveniences. I.AWTON. -319 Two large furnished rooms for rousekeeplng: 15 week: all convenienc- SECOND-STORT frcnt and back rooms: southern evpeure; beautifully furnished; Washington boulevard. EH 4S. Republic. SHERIDAN, men. 7553 Fcmlahed room fcr gentle- SUERIDAN. laoiA One small room, fttrnlihe-i for housekeeping cr gentlemen: reason-iblc. SIDNET. lflF Neatly furnished frtsjt room: ll conveniences; for two: take Cherokee car. SIXTEENTH. S04 N. NeaUy furnished rootn for one or mere gentlemen: second floor. SIXTIL 112 6. Elegant, all sew furniture: rcoiti JlwO t 15. SIXTH. 153 N Two cormectlng rjom. gentlemen: II each: also other rooms. SIXTH. SIT N. Rooms. S)c. lie: ILS per week: beda 15c: hot water and baths rree. LAWTON. ail Nlcelv furnljhed room on sec ond flcor: southern exoomire: all convenwncej. LAWTON. 1 Elegantly rurnlshea rooma: etrtictir first-lass: converueaces: gentlemen. T.AWTON. 3!-N!-ely furnlehl front parlor ror t"vo or three; all conveniences; nrst njor. I-EE. 415; Nicely furnl.vheu room: prtvate family:, one or two gentlemen: rtmt reasonable- T LEFFINGWELL. S S. roorr. farIlght housekeeping - Tu o- connecting bath: no children LEONARD. 90S N. Nlcelv furnished front and other rooms: all conveniences: low terms. LOCUbT. ItJJ-KIeBantly fnrrjlsh-d rotm: all coavenlences. I.OCt"ST KU-Neatly famished frcnt parl.jr: also ether r.Ice revjm IJCUST. lif NIrelv furnished rtom: conveniences: tranicnt. LOCUST, mi Nice back parlor, nicely far-nl.r-ed- all modem ccrrvenlences. LOCUST. 3T4 Fine. UTje rooms: can accom modate four gctiemes in one room. LOCUST. ai Furnished front room. Goer: furnished back roan, second floor. LOCUST. ri Light, pleasant rooms, flrst class placer large lawn: every convenience. DOUBLE room; Ii;i; will give rent of for a Uttle work. Madia-. Hit Olive st. EASTON. steam hat: 4641A Two nlceu iurnlshed rooms; bath. BASTON, KST Furnished room, medern. for gentlemen cr ladles. EaSTON. 301& One back rovtn. furr-lshed, f.jr bou.eheplag; water la t'Jcm HASTON. .S5 Nice furnished rooma fer.llgh: housskeeplcj:: terms reasonable. KASTON, iZG-Two nice rooms and hall room; modern; by day or week: reasonable. EASTON. S017 Ileautlfiilr furnished rcjm: also liouekeep!nr rooms: bath. E.V3T0N. 134 Extra !arg- room, neatly fur ciehei suitable for two or three youmr rrert. EASTON. 335? (Rear Nice room; handy tJ Falrr board hardy: private home: Eastun cars. EASTON, tea Two nkelv fjmiehed ronpect Ing roc'TOS. for gentlemen or light housekeeping. EASfON. IIOO Nicely furnished front room en secuud and third floor; all conveniences: reasonable. KASTON. 5711A Gvrman borne; two hand somely furnished parlors and conanectlng room. 13 per week. EIGHTEENTH. IIS Two connecting front rccras; also homskeeping rcoms. HOUSE: IJ rooms; WxMittgtor): rent J; price VM: mut be sold quick. Harding & B,-lt-tain. 911 Chestnut. : a RESTAURANT: Washington ave.; dewntown; valuable World's Fair lease: Ur trade; K5J; extra gvod yalue. World'a Fair Brokerage Co.. - Chertnat- BUSINESS FOR SALE. REMTATJRANT Well located: downtown: ,! dally bushus, SM- rent SO: Tirl-e XSA: excel- rer. ?J3 Cbestrnru a i urlNlSHED-ROOll Sous-: sways full of roomers; u roomr; a miney-mskar. Its Olive et. ACCOUNT other business; sacrUc my bakery, confectionary, lunchroom: fine com,,, on Grand: excelled bualness; cheap rent lease. EH 134. Repoblic. RiUUSCR SHOP: two caalrs; i rsnt- w-lce IS). EH S3. Repaallc ' " M BARBER SHOP; three byraulto rnatrs and comblnatton; West End. SH HX. RepiJbljo S-RGAIN: grocery and meat aajut- clean site: new flxfiret: establUhed trile: sales US oeily: rent ty: mast ssll Call mqIIk. MAGIC lantern, with rainy- s'Jdea; dc-gb!e oil llghtr Oeap. ci B. Fourth . NKW and secondhand tllilard and root tablet, eloth snd halls A E Schmidt. 331 Market. EARGAIN; mUlinan-r ejn.hlf .t.. ...... 7farego.l trade: bear a!I-'ln-ntgIfc: IIv-Ing-rooms: rent ilfi must .ell tttii .en,n. I.X-,... V'l l. V.n.lVT.--. -. al-ciejs. Eg IIS. Rpubhe- BIO Mrgam cheap; grocerv trade: C3 dally: ether bsatnesa; pablip. store: caw EK 14. Bt- OAK Ice bor. for grocerv; dart sliding doom good condition: very cheap. 3143 Shenandoah. POKER table, soUd oak: al?o genunlne oil palnUrae. JtxIX. EH 140. Republic VOCL tables, bar. nzlBras. new and mcouj-t-ans: aft klnda sarplex. A. T. Moore. IIB 'Cass. 3TERBOPTXOON: new. complete: best maiej two-rtftha eff foe case. Adores BtereopCcoo. 341 Anhe-t , STORE frxturea. awning, 'i otensiis. 36C3 yrTireatutS. acale aod Mrv. TENTS and tarpaulins for gale or rest. Lonls Belting 8opply Co.. era 8-Jburth- St. TWO eiagaot large, mirrors: goad for hotel r saloon. 331 OUve. TWO fine walnut bedsttada. S store gaa nxturea; one fsar-rub better churn machoe. head or pewer. xg Ptom. -.- , AKSty tkjtts run ,utft. . 1.3)e TaS ajmi tears- wirr m.3u arlal "rjricea on birga lata. St. Lcaia Belting and Supply. to w. i. r oarur at. HOTEL CHARTER OAK STAVE &RAK6EC0. XtATX JUID 6A9S"ATX. ' . ; BteACKSMITH aiuj repeJrlng ehop; doing Crst olasa bualnesa. Icqnlre 2iai S. Cighteecth. BOARDING-HOUSB; 10'rooms; Hi rent- tn oome 30 month now: clearblg tncnr durlnr Fair; IPO hanalta. Glaacolt. Ma Chsstairt. BOWtDrNG-HOrSE: alaoys ian:ifceaprn-rconey-make.-: wiu m1 ebts- ar-rSrpVlc. -- - .. l CAlUf ami iae fflr thrfrtnY-nnMs,. ...... . llvtog-rooms; now 130. 431T Etuton. CATERINO brj'.nr fine. r-n!rnt .Mk fare; tcO yearly business: ore c oldest in CIOAR stand: .do-wntown; gals. J7 atonth: reasooable rent; -barjam for H: enon clear oaat. Wcrtr. Fair Broksnare Co.. x diestnut- hotel In con- dGAK. eonfeetiimarr a t nection. on South Broadwayr owner gclng to tfernuurr; a enap; xpterrata basreefli. em n. aenanllc- ;. T CTOARS.. tobicco lai V.-..V..- nlshed rMnnr-rat;it5: wiser-art toiS-itm- t&t&P'IS- ?tlleAj;e3-i-. Tli Benslat bulMtfls -z . c " c: ter . RESTAURANT: downtown: Income ri5 dally: .iwner baa two piacea; price S391; chafoe seldom offered;' see agents. Mercantile Agency. 413 Benolet btilldlng- KOOJHNOHOCaE: 11 rooms; full; paylnn good. 1WI Pine at. tU rent; all ROOUIXU-HOUSZ: 13 rooms: comer; all full; great bargain: KM. 3M1 Lawtcn R0OMING-KOl!fE: nicely furnished t-room rcomirg-hocse. Call 1321 Chouteau. ROOMING-HOUSE'; ten come liai: price- Vet. Rn rooms 33. Renubl uc- t: ia- ROOMING-HOUgn: In good cccditlon: tea rooms: wen famished: cheap. 30C4 Lawton. ROOMINO-HOUtTEr well-furnished rooms; roil payicg. people: cueap soe m;v. ROOMrNtt-HOPaE- Jl rooms; complete; full paying rooxurs; eau intri d. ra. 7 3. Fourlh- ROOaaNO-rTOUSE: 1 well-famished rorras; splendid IscatlJn: JWOO cash: 3M vest. EO 3. Republic ROOMINO-KOU3E: well rarrnsheid: on" ao oouet of sickntsw: we:l-po.ylcg; cSuap. Call (IS Channlng. ROOMINO-HOUSE: tSSO! 10 rocma: gcoa far ntture; epleadll location; owner.-leaving cur. 1457 Chwtrean. WHOLESALE I UMBRELLA BUSINESS I To- make a quick sale the J g advertiser will sacrifice this i bnsines., wlucli ha been es- S tablished several years. The i beat of reasons fop wishing g to sell, ami can prove to any intending buyer that same 1a J a money-maker. Investigate $ this proposition and make an 5 offer at-once.- Ternis to suit. ! EJ 144, Republic- J EIGHTEKNTII. IX2S Nicely ftirnISM room for ntlemen or couple; gaa an J bttn. ELBVIiNTir. 51 N. Eat St. Iu!V-Xeatly fnrnifiiM rcom: modern coaTentencea; board ppnonai; pniate ramiiy. I7CCLXD, II5 Ftirnlahea rcom In orlvate famllr for gentlemen; tirable locatlon. LOCCST. 2SX5-Two ccaa-ctlag rooms, neatly furnl9h1; it or ltht gentle men; bath, gas; riti-onaMe. LOCX.ST. 2307 Xicely fumlahed second-Cocx front aa1 suite of back rooms; motlern con- enlencej. IXUIiLXA. 2354 Compton Heights) Largs Eecond-atory, nicely furnished rocrn; for two; eastern and Muthern expoure9; Grand ave.. OxartQn UIjcit3 and rottrth at. cars. SPRING. 1700 X. Three fuxn!shei rooms for-fcouset-eeplntr: gas, bath and laundry. SPRING. 2iM N. Nicely famished frcnt room; ga; bath; also ball room; Spring and Grand cars. ST. LOUIS. 2313 Two tmfamlhel water Included: rent reasonable. ST. LOUTS. 47ir Newly ftircfched frt-nt rorar rult to gentlemen: bath, gas; rent rtascnab.e. ST. LOTJI3. 1233 Newry furniahM rooro; mo!ern ccnyenlences; very reasonable; threw car lines. STODDARD. 2731 Tiro large, nicely fnr nl5hed front rcoms for centlemea; prtrate fam ily; reasonable. TATLOR. ir4 N. Nicely furnished first-floor frcnt rocrn: alo single rcom: cars cnnvnJar, TATLOR. 12X3 N. First aa-X secimd Miner rooms; also tMrd-stcry room; ccnTsaieitt t cars. TATLOR. 212 Two connecting roexe. fair nlehed for light housekeeping: gas. bath; no children. TEXTH. 111S S. Seccnd-Cocr front for two gentlemen: gaa and hot bath: private. TENTH. 2XX5 N. Nicely furnished room; pri vate family: U conveniences; second floor, three car lines. THE INN. .4X3 Lucas Cool Csliy; weitiy. 1L20. L: rooms, Zta. So THISRJSSA. 621 X. Nlcelr ftnxlshed raxlorr for gegtlemea or cocpX. THERESA. W9 N. Second-floor front room; -well furnished; all conveniences. THERE23A. 523 X. Nicely furnished scend flocr room: all modern convenience. LUCAS. 7330 Nlcelv I JTClfhed rooms; Jl coo enifacea: trices $2.13 and d. IaUCP. 21X3 Three large basement rccma for Ifrlagpurpo. fcr two families. LUCAS. 22C3 Nicely furnished room on sec ond Coor: all conveniences ; private family. LUCAP. 2223 Nicely furnlsa-d second-floor room; all modem conrealnoeg; tor gentlemen. LUCAS. S0XS Nicely furalshej rccms: ex cellent tard: suitable for two cr fcur gentle men; permanent people; reasonable terms; phone; conwnlencea. LUCAS. AC The La Tona Inn: delightful. clean, new rooms; drst-cla. phone Ktnlocb C 1217; rates: permanent or Uorldi Fair; Fair and Dtilmarcar3 pays house. ilARKirr. 11( (Kttst St. laOUls) NeUT w nlshed room; private family; far couple; reasonable McPHERSON. 4137 Large- room: southern ex posure; fcr fcur gentlemen; fUb each; other rcoms. McPUEKSfON. 1 Newly furnished rocms; reflned home; ten, minutes walk, to FsJr grounds. EUCLID, 1X4DA Suite of two beautiful scuth-era-exposed rooms for two or four gentlemen. EUGENIA. 2J1J Nicely furnished rooms; bath arrd all conveniences. EUGENIA. 2X23 Xicely tarnished front room for gentlemen or man and wife. EVANS. iJ0 Oae nlcelj- furnished room, with bath, gns: sll convenience ETV'AXS. 230fT Xicely furm.shd front room. for two reaUemen; hot bath; southern ex EVAXS, ,UiA Front room; bay window; eouthera exposure; brass beds: hot and cold baths: tot three or four gentlemen. EW1NO. able. XX N. Jront hall room; reason- FAIR. 42 Oce tare frcnt room, fumlxhed. for two persons. TAIRirOUNT. 3129 Nicely furnished room; soctharn axposarei for oae or two gentle men. FAlRMOTJNT. E1CS Two faraxshsd or imf ur nlshed rooma; rlae localrtrt Suanrbmn. Dtiiair. Ollre cars. FAIRIIOUXT. a079 Newly fumlshe-I scuth-ern-expeeed rooms: Hingis cr en suite; tran sient or permaoent, MISSOURI. 313 (Est St. Lcols) Neatly fur nished rooms; heart of city. Mrs. Leonard. THIRD. 19 and I2$f N. Efegant. vona, fur- THIRTEENTH. Hit a Two aeuy furnlshe.1 ronms. THIRTEENTH. 1M 3. Large room for four gentlemen, and single room. THOMAS. 2S41 Nlrely famished frmt room:: southern exposure; for gentJemen; all reasonable. TWELFTH. 2a N. Nice front TCOm for sleepjcg cr light housekeeping. TWO front rcoras; desirable location. Apply ta 443 X. Fourteenth. TWO elegant rooms la "World's Fair visitors, by particulars address ti. ave.. 9t. Ijotils. Mo. private family for day- or wt For Broclcman. 4061 Cook TWO second-story frcnt. furnished rooms to rent to gentlemen: West Pine; near NewsSead:. lliht, neat: bath; private family; reference required. EH 143. Republic VANDEVENTER, ill N. Four nJ:ly fur nished connecting zooms; single or en suite; gas. bath. VEKNON. 5701 Choice Cabanee dlstrict. tmfurntah.1 recm; VERNON. nn suite of two beautiful reems; modern: take Page cars to 4&M west. MISSOURI. 3515-Nlcely furrJshed front room for two gentlemen; cars convenient; private famllv. MORGAN. 4144 Rooms. MORGAN. J411 Nicely furnished room: conveniences. XORQAX. 51 Two newly furnished rooma; near Fair grounds- MORGAN. :sr Large second-Boor front room: private family SIORCAN, 46C One large light room. MORGAN. 41T Nlcelv furelxhed rooms. 2c. 25c. Ve- and II ner dsy. MORGAN. 3-NlceIy furrlshed front room. second fleer, for hou..ekeepmg. ilORGAN. SllJ-Seconi-aoor front southern exposure: otner nice rooms. MORGAN. S3 Neatly furnished rooms for eentlemei: first-class accomnioilations. MORGAN, ail Two neatly furnished rooms. Ingle or en swlts: near World'a Fair grounds. FCB.MBUKO BOUSES "AXD FOR SALE. -- " - i"ir ririiiirnriim.n. FLATS i.iic-r- s-itrter inmisne or uafurnlshedr a nr.e subcrban home; leavlrx city. EH . Re-p.3iid n.pirAT. ? ?r """? bath, furnace, laundry; West Ead: between Piire aim Suburban- ele gantlr rurnused fur housekeeping: owner leav ing city; cheap for qolct sale, ujo Bayard. i'TjRrvrruRE of four-room fiat- HI- reiit gs center of rity. inquire Bir B. Cardinal. LEAVINO etty wUl sell contanta of my handsomely tenisaed SaT: eretT tUlag new; bay. lease: lovely neighborhood: fla''t.SLt?- "?.? after t p. m. 44ISA"Oreer. FINNUT. MCtFurnlsbed front rcom: all con-Teniences. FINN3V. SU-Neatlr famlahed front room for gentleman: all medem: prtata family. TINNET. 4S Seond-stcry front room: dl rect line to World's Fair: private family. FINNEY. CU Large frcnt. with alccre; nearly furnished: suitable tor two cr four. FOLfcOlf. SB-Flrt-c:sjr rocms: cKcji; Tis itois prefsrrsdprivate family; perr3aneat;"iiat teth. rOUNTAIN. m Two pleasant rooma permanent necpl: references. , . for IXJUKTEENTM. lit N. Eat ST. Louis) Lmrte furnished frcnt rcom fcr two or- four (enfrsmen; as of piano: all conveniences; reasonable FOURTH. 1UA - rooms. -Large and small furnished FRANCI3, leM (Near Orand and Eagtonv f icit tunitmc" iiwat; t.o gTOtiemen. ilOr.GAN, 33!9 Large, second-story front room: also parlor; southern exposure; reasonable. MORGN, KIT Newly furnished front par lor: bath; convenient o cars; gentlemen or couples. VERNON. 441 Suite of beautiful rooms: re Onable; look at them: Page care; 4 west. VERNON. 1(55 Light, clean room: gaa. bot bath: IM month: no advance: rage and Subur ban car. VERNON. tXt Suites or single rottrnr; Bear World's Fair; telephone; private, cemfertabM home; references. VERNON. 4717 Newrr famished roornSk for parties willing to pay liberal price fcr first class accommodations. VERNON. 54TK Two nicely furnished cotmec ing rooms: southern exprsure; Cabnne dis trict: convenient to World'a Fair. VIRCrNIA, TK7 Neatly farnlshM room: re fined gentlemen cnlyr fsmtry of two; cars convenient. WALNIT. raasonable. :$W Nicely furni5r.e4 rooms; bath; Wash. l-Rooms for gentlemen or light housekeeping. WASH. C42 First and second floor fronts; tath; toilet. In house. WASHINGTON. MS Newly funuaaixl rocmi by day or weelr. WASHINGTON. IS30 Two neat alngle roomst all convenlencee. MOEOAN. 5513 One Urge, nicely furnished front room for four young men; one large. mceiy 1-jraifo.j mr ii ymmg CO. NATURAL BRIDOE Road. EOS Four rooms on first floor. XCWLT furnished room: at restaurant. 1013 OUve sc cheap rent. Call NEWSTEAD. 13) N. Desaable rooms; tran sient and World'a Fair people accommodated; near Fair. NINETEENTH. 130 N, Nicely furnlehed fronl parlor room: bath, gas, furnace); beat conveniences-, reasonable. ninth, rr.i x. Rooms furnished nicely. NTNTH. HJ N, tCorrer Pine: Near Post Of floe. Theaters). Pleasant rooma: CM -week up. ROOSirNG-HOUSB; wea -furnSghacI: mil cf roomen: price ,SW. -tirrms; If, desired, sot N Elchteentn st. ROOMSNa-HOUSEv na Ptne si; t rooma: ISO): rent I4J: .good locality for transient trade. S3 X. Tcwnty-nrst St. ROOUINO-HOCSE. ta down: balance monthly: nine rooms: 143 rent: clean and m nrst-claia ahape. Call an atorgan. TEN-ROOM house: ar" lease- triL month Lrent; West Sad; handsomely furnUVd wiiu lupatairtiai. high-clan farnitarer all comptete reedy for immediate occupancy; piano, electric sari? flSptSaaT - ;. ROOiONG-HOUSE. fourteen rooms: lease; MO: ejsn west, main ear line: If you want bar gam here-It la- Mlltntm. 3343 OUve. ROOMING-HOUSE; Lawton ave.:. ten large. umptcotmry. Lfnrnlsoel-dosis- rent 33a; ns.r-.oieg. a?., arfflwroiis. lais t.-nestnot. 109 raXlMlNO-HO-8E::5Kroorngnod. location: airect line to gttlon-nl Fair -gionnds:. rent 8S: bargain for caeb.jin.N. Cragptna. 'CI9AK atcre, confectlonetT aa lannarv branch: West. End; dally !- tm tn CQ--krar rent; teaae: abargaln: jrricen.o!; terms. . " ',-UDnuCANrBROfcERA'GBcn.. ' SOS.Centarr'&lldrnfi ROOMING-HOUSE CM west; It rooms: rent S3: ereH fumlshed: aee, m, for price and. terms. Mercantile Agency. 413 Benctst bnlMlruc ' ROOMING-HOUSES, ill harrals. -anil wttri 1 landlords. See os. nRnm."iSSBT!ly." -j r-HOUSRSt. Ymaertln.-hflinM Vmt.T.- all bargains and wtth.Wcrkrg Pair leases f rom SIX rooirs of new fgrnltnrs. ready for fm- , ..." w..,... m ..; uesiraoie nelgh borhood. EJ U. Repablie:.' - " THREK-rtOOM Sat: all .new rumlture; cacao renc 4?l Laoleae. " THREE-ROOM furnished flat: rant 312.39 price 313). Murray, 71S N. Jefferson. -i'-8"' BUSrXESS , CHAXCES. -yirn r, , siucji. ot orugr. patent medlcusa. mnarUa, nxrores: cheap; most eell In -thirty days. 1KB Mbwonrl ave East St. Louis-. " mtvr Of said tali weea). small store and liTlrut-roorn: rent JJ: two yean' .Jtase. W1I n,'s, low, x. sttth: ood norm. STOCKS A3TD BONDS. . ". - - - TWO torrtlce or Colonial detail tm'm tar sale thirty toonOi old. EH .- BeoobUn. "' FRANKLIN. ISIS Nicely fnrnjahed room: hot ..UI. ..Ml, ..JWM.m. .PMfc. FRANKLIN, m Famished room, -for light housekeeping or two gentlemen.' rRANKUN, gentlemen cr rou XC3-rN!celr furribthed room for oupie: by day or -weel FRANKLlX. 3313 Newly and elegantly .fur clshed room tn a private family; gentlemen. FRANKLIN. H3 Nicety furnished nouaekeep-tng- rooms; strangers accommodated; bath- rea FRANKLIN. 3803 Upstairs: large newly fnr. nished front room; no light housekeeping; in private family. , FRONT parlor; southern exposure- ail con veniences; married couple or two gentlemen: no children: 335. EH H. Republic -"". FURNISHED room: all convenience; private family. Call 1304 Newstead. - " FURNISHED rooms; board optional; hot bath, gas, steam heat; 4000 vest. EH C& Ra-publlc naMRfje 92a Xeatlr rornfalierf km,. (.- m esicerare; hot. bathe. m; prtrata famlrry. NORTH MARKET. 3K-rwo rooma. for light housekeeping. furnished ODELL. S3C Nlcely fumlshed front room. O'FALIiON. 1SK) A Neatly fnrnlihea room: rtasonable price, WASHINGTON. 335Fror.t ball rocn. sercrU floor;' ether nice rooms. W-ASinNGTON. 3314-NewIy furnished roorosT bath, gas: phone c 1333. WASUINGTON. 3S3T NlceJy furnlited front parlor: also single room. WASHINGTON. 34I-Nlcelr furnished second-floor front; also other rooms. ,. WASHINGTON. 335 Elegantly fumlshed rwra. tor rennqmen or nousegeeplng: WArtHINGTON. Srrfi Nw. en.u w.. all modern convenlencee: private fsjclly WASHINGTON. 3MI Nice, hot-water-heatrd room. newly fumlshed: every or.venience. WASHINGTON. 30-Large. airy room, gtut able for three; Brst-class: permanent people. WASHINGTON. SOS-Few nice young men can make permanent arrangements for rooms. WASHINGTON, 373J-Fnmished roeras. o!t nle for one or two gentlemen; all conveniences. WASHINGTON Boulevard, room for one cr two persons; sure. 3173 Furnished -southern expo OLD MANCHESTER. U3-Nicelr furnlsheC room: bot bath; gentlemen; permanent; reason able rate. OLTVH. 3340 Nicely, furnished rooms for gentlemen. OLIVE. 3310 Newly furnished and rear. rooms; froat OLIVE. 373 Neatly furnished front first floor. ' OUVE, 3313 Nicely furnished room: all convenience.. OLIVK. 4011 Nicely famished roosn; scJtabi for two: reasonable. OLIVE. 2333 Nicely furnished room; southern exposure: all-ceirrenlenoea. OLIVH 3734 Nlcelv first floorf all eonvenlenceai. fnrrushed - back parlor. GARRISON.- 3-N. Room en eeasiA. floor: OUVE. 343 Nicely furnished front parlor; grst floor: southern exposure. . OLTVE. 373s Newly furnUbed frcnt and back .-jm... y .... w. My BIW1U. , WASHINGTON. 3Q3-Nlcely furnfcrhrd aleep-lnr-rooms; also nouaekeeplhg rooms; alt coa-venienceg. WASHINGTON. 3113 Choice se.wod-nocr' room: southern exposure; refined, ooltt house; visitors accommodated. WEST BELT 3Ks-Large nicely furnish ea rooma: flrstKUass table: reasonable. - WEST BBT.TJ 331S-NIceIy furnlsned room; a single and a double room on seeoncl floor. WEST BETAB. Place. 443SA-Front andTssct parlor; coonl. or gentlemen; three ear Imeau- FOR ADDITIONAL WANT ADS BE NEXT PA4M. onron tlnd Soor:1ssiJipt;lttb4liQ OLTVE. 233$ Nicely tsrnlstMd snowed. , front- and ether iTOCkrnsr; gM jcnd bsj v m fig;ws .v--rTi?iiyi wsaisga'as vl -ss,i'Ps-wai-S". . j-tasjiffivjjA jafffi-ffftjgf-: t '-sfca in. .Vc.-g 'M&i5.??a2:h$i-. 'i&s-M$n&sh-si0.:i iiz:M&i$'S- i?Ss4&Si: