Newspaper Page Text
r FTVS.if3S: THE ST. LOUIS REPUBLIC: WEDNESDAY. AP1UL' G. 1904. 14 ;.-' Illl'KOvEU CITV PROPERTY FOIt ! ISU'ROVKD CITV PllflFERTr FOR SALE. sIK. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A HOME? 4209 WEST BELLE PLACE. -U 5.5n-Oii c.i-v monllil) pa merits li one ot the (-hoarcst hoipcs in the citj W looms dctacu'jii lot 31U" 3118 LOCUST STREET. Six looms ami icocntion ImII mall cash payments", bnl.incc monthly nn! S3.CT). $S,OGO WILL BUY A fine Iiohsp on I-VI.Eni: .minif-? rooms, well Incited If tn'i want to liuy .i lioni or a Jot see NICHOLLS-RITTER, ISiiih Iiiom' ItOIMIh FOIt Iti:T. .a' w.rr i:':i.t.!: i-jii VI.K fiim'tli-! front a.. si3o room: IVit will injke contract through Wfl' KlvM.12, ( Nlcelv furnttJiod room for lille or gntlmfn r-nploietl. telejihcn. A EST UXD 1'lace, 002 Nicely furnlhlied par Mr: tirst nxr EfcT PINK iiou'e.nrO. n7T-Nfntly fur nialil roms, with good tablo board, for eentle men. UESTMlXfrTIZK Mac 410e EWontly fur mshd apu.rtn.fni. -ina. t fn ub. "". WILL- diild unfurnished flit ar IJoj I and Uo with nMon or b-Kheior c- jUjIti TJ 2i. Upubltc WINDM)!., aEI Mr lonma bath, cas and undr. . HOOMS W1T1I BOAIUL UsLtL persons -nicinp rocias, u vi " beard, apply to Central Rojm Agency. It N. I VUeTIl IVUIM o srvmu. nw ser- (ii v-.j xt--Li at fnvt.1 tnillt. 15.1 ful V 1 aMIUII .iiamvt r... --. ... -. up: fresh. tirsi-Uae cooking iU0. W11 Mcelv furnished room. i!h or TinOUl OOXni, pninn: rnumn-T , . "- nruiAmvAY. 1405 s Clean bed and board. v. also Urne room, cota. wc - HANXINO. lil N Prort roan, t suite or eirgle: best board. S3. M; phon C Isgt TOMPTON HEIGHTS: all comenience: Jl io a .ek lor gentlenun. board If desired 5TC 3. Uppubllc. COOK. 3S1 NIcI. furnished front room, cond board COOK. 331 Tn o front rooms, one single room with board: ue of piano. COOK. 42T2 Wei.furn!k.hrd connectimr rootna; choice board: small family: rr&fonabl COOK. 36t5 Hnf rocm for gentln.m i our Icactl furnlfbed home; eoo-l boanl; private. COOK. S7T jTiall room, with board, all con Afni"nces; bonieliKe. it-sonsbIe. jrenUoiuen pr ffrred I)YToN. mi Fmiit roiiu southern cr jomf: with or TviUout iwrd. reasonable; also small rcom. 1-Ci:n. :-ic front room: private borce; two Udie. 31 : lacli; breakfat if deglreg. TeEmau Bou'eard. 3S5P lront room, on in st and third floors. nUU board PMLiMVIl. C: Nleelv funiihM room; eood buard: near cur line, all convenience Xi.L5IAK. T3i Chc:2 rcw-ins, soh cafe tn irrneftip; racais at all toura. cloe to Fair DBLMAR. 4a Foath. front an 1 otner nwni. nith .board, for gentlemen or coupt-, reason ahlf. DKI.MAK. rs is Second -btorv front room, uith hrard: on or to ccntlemtn. references, no her IvardT" PEL.MAU Boulevard. S1SI-3 Klegant eulta cf room: Al tble; h1 modern convenience, near TVor.d a Pair trrouncN. b'ch-clnRf. home and priceii rlsnt- not bath?. Kinloch phonc BFGENIA. Nicelv furnlhed rooms, in -rod nlghborhoM: yet nice table FVinMOl'NT. .V) Front Muth room with or Mticut ',",r'l it t"vo. T-aiKin aitanc 01 TAtRJIOrNT. 5041 Ffront. outh rom. -with. v without board, for two, walklnff distance to Fair. nxxM. 3 Mcflv furnlhed rooms; ruilcfaiit if desired, all convenience. FINNEY. 35C Second -torv front room; iren t'erqani ecutfcern exposure, board optional; ref erence. FOREST PARK. 5934 Connectlnjr front roomw with beard bv the ttek: block" aouth of larJede. FOREFT PRK Boulevard. COS 4Oon nee ting front rooms with, board, $$ per week; block vouth (f Lacleile. FOREST PARK Boulevard. 401 Neatly fnr rtihed rooms, with board,, for gentlemen; all modern: private family. FOURTH. 203 P. 'East St. I-ouls) Boaraine. S VL per week; meals nil hoqrg. FRANKMN. S433A Pleasant room wita board, or lady employed; U per week; private family. FTJRNI8IIED bailment; take part payment In board. Call 3413 Plne.f OARRI50N. 10O? X. Room and hoard. $4 SO weex; au convenience; cooa locauaa. uui Uit. ariii kkfii aiu Mui4 im ivui . iiciuvu. uiak-Mani inwu, rvuiuoi it ciyuuix. aoothern exposure: flrst-clasa board. GRAND, 339 N. Neatly famished rocms, flrst-daas board; all conveniences: reaaonable. GRAND. 1307 N. Iarge aeoond-fioor front and other rooms; southern exposure; home cooking. HENRIETTA. 2932 Elegantly famished room: southern exposure: borne cooklzuj; prtr&ts famjlr: cary handy. HENRIETTA.- itflA-Two nicely furnished emiectlnr rooms; four gentlemen; private fam lly; board; cara convenient. ILLINOIS. 3425 Furnished rooms, with or without board: for two ladles or gentlemen. INDIANA. SjCft-Nlcclr foralshed room for one or two gentlemen: with or without board. KINO'S HIGHWAY, 1244 N. Very desirable rooxre: modern; board In same block; Page cars: near Fair. KENNERLT. 48S4 (Cbr. Marcus)-N!ee hall and front rcora; modern; everything nw; reasonable. KENNEKLT, S Neatly furnlshM room for two gentlemen: with board: 5 per week; all conveniences. JCINa8 TUQHWAT. 1128 N.-Roomp; table boarders taken; best of home cooking and serv iot: rcatotabla, 'LA BAD IE. 40M Two elegant connecting rooms, with first-class board; reasonable. LACLEDE. 3119 Rooms with board: bath. gas, nice lawn. LACLEDEt E4&3 Nicely fumiabed rooms. with good table board LACLEDE, 3745A Neatly famished rooms. wiwwra; a-" njoaern; privaie lamin- LACLBDE. 3613 Nlcelv furnished third-floor front room, with board: gentlemen or ladies. -JjACX-EDE. 3&14 Nicely fornlBhed back par lor, with board; reasonable: for two gentlemen- .LACLKDE. 37 Nicely furnlnhed rooms, with or without board; all modern; private family. LAWTON. 2323 Flrct-class board and room; hot bath, gas, heat; own home. XAWTON. 2917 Newly furnished rooms, with arsi-ciasB poarq; an convenience. LAWTON, 2917 Newlv furnished parlor with flrst-cJaes board: all conveniences IAWTON. 3448 Newly furnished front and ehr rooms, with or without board. LAWTON, 2740 Newls furnlehed. up-to-date roorna for gentlemen; board If desired rXfAWTON. S42 Nicely fnrnlsbed connecting front rooms In private family; board optional laAWTON, S426 Nicely furnished, large front room; also front parlor; with board; re. a son - LOCUST Bu. 16 rewij turnisaeu moms and Orst-Use board reasonable. LOCUST. 104 Room and board, by day, week: tr month: day board a upecialtv. m IXXJVST, 1I3& Nicely furnished rooms with Vcard; to 5 oar week. LOCUST. Jfl02 Furnished rooms, -with or wlthoot board: flrst and second storv. front. t LOCUST. 2939 Nice, comfortable rooms; best board: moderate rates; for gentlemen; c 73S. LOCUST. 0G-22O Nicely furnished rooms. sA'Hh or without board: visitors accommodated. LOCUST, 1424 Room and board; vitltom and Cay boarders accommedated Mr. AI. A Thomas. JA7CAS. 2IU Comfortable rooms; good honie rooking: pleasant surroundings. LUCAS. W7 Lovely front room, with first- ciass ooara ana en conveniences LTTCAR 51 Nice ftouthernexnosed room. with of wlthopt board; all conveniences. LUCAS. 30T0 Fornlebed front rooms: gentle men or oouples; hotel service; excellent table. 34c.lILXiAN. 4359A Pleasant room, with or without breakfast; private family; gentlemen only. MISSOURI. 17J1 fEast BL Lou c) L&rge front room for two gentlemen 1 with board. MORGAN, 4223 Large second and third story front room: excellent poard. MORGAN, 3200 Desirable single room; Cnt clasH board: also room for two. MORGAN. 3130 Second-floor front room, with alcove: other rooms; best board. MORGAN. 3130 Can accommodate a few mora day boarders; choice tablet srood service. MORGAN. 4000 Ntocly furnished rooms; ex callent board; tel. Del. 3575; Jewish famllr;. MORGAN, 34a Nicely furnished front-room.; econd floor: also other rooms; good .board. MORGAN, 26 Ulce. comfortabU rooms; flrst-clasr board; convenient location; D 2042. aCORGAN. 3045 Three- nice rooms; southern exposure: .with or wlthoot Jboard: modern con veniences; visitors entertained; phone 1168D; bath. MORGANi -4183 The 'Jordafl; pleasant front room, with board: southern exposure; modern aa flrst-clasn conveniences;. also table.board; flephoae. . . i. . - i-nRrnmr. ruma. .sun Kth-r fne. nlsfeeaA-FMntt. with bnafsl kr MmArmA imim sasjiipil races. 71S CHESTNUT ST. 1KOUMS WITH IIOAItD. NINT3J. 5.'4 S.-Tno furnlhM roomi for four sentient n. with board, in private famllr: all c)acnlenc OZ-IVW. :'-Aen-fiiriushed rooms; br-akfast if tleslrM OIlVE. 418 South room: near Fair; beme cooking. thrc or four gentlmen. $5 weelu OIUXIOX 1712 Lar. furnished rooms; cou ple or sentlomejr board; flrt-cla erlco. I'AOEi SlI-Flrvt-flasa board nnd room for coup'e; 540 rnr month. PAOK. :SS Two room, Inal or en mite, for rentlepmn broakfaFt oi'tlonal. PAUK 43r.A Thrco neatly furninhed rooms; gH3. bath. tle-phnne' with or without menis PAOC. 4J4A Ntte Xruut roor. private hnm; modern: to Ktlemtn: ffood board. S2U eatl:. P3K Itoulea-d as! C mTortabl- wuth rotm for two ,eillitmn or couplo; twanl oik tlonul PAOE. 4477 Two connecting second- story front mom", wiuthern exposiue; oil conven ience; home cooklnc PAIIK. S0i'. (The Richmond. Opposite Ia ftvette Park) Nicely furnished front rom, with board. VTZ&TAlJiXKZl. SZte Iaitk rootna; first-cla, lo.ird. milk; lonely roundn, oputltt: Tower Srove Park, reference.. I'lNTl rrt Room ana flrst-clasa board; J5 per weHc PINE. Z126 Nlcelj furrilwhe.1 front wont for two. -nith tlit-clHss bard PINK. 34T7 Elegant itom. with frst-claa heme tooklny: private family: modern. PINE. S414 Clean, nat rooms; excellnt hoard: atifactor terme to perrcanent people. PINE. 24v Nly xu ml shed room; Urea ckvtt ballu araj; tali convenient; loard op tional H,VYMONt. SIM - Two Uauttful aotttlicrxi rtromv lll rent ti cirolea or srntlemen du" ing entire period of Fair. iUh bet ot board, flwj pr month per couple, Suburban cars, half blck flfteen minutes to IVSr. MIKXANDOMf 3141 lEGort wlttiojt rnard, f.n location, vers convenient for car service. tiMALL family. Ur.deii bouierani. near Surai?. will take a cnuple without children to l-ourl: -eccnd-M.or front room, reference required HH . Itt-oubllc. SPJ6INO. ! N. (Between 1-acWle and P ne Neatly furnUheJ room", with or without board. ST CKAKLC3. i!)l Few dav rflardars want ed; J3G0 perweek: home oook.l"K: Hrt floor. ST. VINCENT. CCU Ele pant front oico room. Fcuthem exposure: excellent table; men onlv TAYI-OR. 43 NearOHv) Bwt of rooms aJid liOarci; reasonable prices. invetiRate. TTIB CAUR. 3622 West Pine IVxms with hoard TWO furnished room In private family, for World's Fair period: with or without break faat; ten minutes' walk from, main entrance; reference required, call mi Hamilton are. 1." X II. tTrA RU 'Kit Twtm nw ttm.n l.fHaa j piano, cheap. private family; board or witli- ouu VERNON, 5403 Fln roms; houthern expo sure, excellent board: convenient to Fair (rounop VICTOR. 2014 Rooms; partv of fmir. converi ent oar service: twenty minutes' ride dowrtown. WALTON. 7S1 47 West) Unlr rooms; g,od Iicallry: board optional; Suburban. Delmar. Olive cars WALTON. lS3ArNlcly furnished second try front rooii. with board; all conveni ences; to car lines; private family; reasona ble; 47W west. AVASH1NGTON, 2S37 Nicely furnished room and excellent board: gsav bath and heat. WASHINGTON. 3019 Front room; flrst floor; for visitors to Fair; choice board; phone. WASHINGTON. 2S29 Room and board; good service: telephone; only high-class people. WASHINGTON, 3S26 Nlctly furnished rooms; good board; gentlemen or couple: reasonable. WASHINGTON, S406 Well-furnished 'front room for three; other rooms; good day board. WASHINGTON. 3l01-FIrst-cIaj. rooms and board; nteam heat; modern; gentlemen or cou ples. WASHINGTON, SC30 Elegant rooms and board; everything modern and of the best; phone, WASHINGTON, 331 WcH-furn.tahed rooms; first-class board; every convenience; centrally located. WASHINGTON, 320&-Large front rooms; good board; reasonable to permanent parties; all con veniences. WASHINGTON. 3033 Large, pleasant rooms; good board If desired; also housekeeping rooms; every convenience. WASHINGTON. 3141 Lovely furnished rooms: everything modem; board If desired; visitors aocommodated. WEST BELLE, 4161 Large room, for gentle men; good board: mod-rn house. WEST BELLE. 42C EHerant rooms, with gooq board; gentlemen; per week. WEST BELLE, 4300 Nicely furnished front and fide rooms; good home cooking WEST BELLE place. 40C4A few table board ere; superior table: reasonable terms. WEST BELLE. 447t47BDelrable rooms: modern conveniences; good board; first-class service; reasonable. WESTMINSTER Place. 40e&-Beauti fully fur nished room, with board; references. WESTMINSTER. 4114 Nicely furnished sec ond-story front and other rooms: good board; superior service. WESTMINSTER Place fNear 41W)-Pr!vate family has elegantly furnished room; board op tional. EH l. Republic. WHITTIEB, 1118 Rooms, nicely furnished, with beard. HOUSES. BOOMS. ETC W ACTED. SeeieejeeeewvwwMWwMWvwwM-i FAMILY of three wants a nice four or five room fiat: West End preferred; can give best of reference; will also be permanent if satis fled; state price, location and when possession can be hsd. EH 42. Republic. FOUR to seven rooms; unfurnished flat; adults: West End. Address C. 2746 Morgan. FURNISHED room, with all privileges; stato price, TJ 37. Republic SMALL unfurnished flat must be reasona ble; permanent. EH 136, Republic. TO rent or buy new bouse, convenient to World's Fair, on street car lines; 7, rooms; must be good locality: must be cheap. B, 7J01 La.. Little, Rnck. Arte TO rent by a refined adult couple, a nicelv furnlshed. modern housn or flat of six or seven roornfl: answers must Include price and loca non; references exchanged. EH 89. Republic TWO or three unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping for mother and daughter. EH &S. Republic TWO connecting rooms for light housekeep ing; private family preferred, k. C T.. 316 WANTED Room or suite with bath: medern and central ; price and all particulars: refer enoa If required. Don, 10R, the Planters. SUIURB8N PROPERTY. Nice home, not less than tlx jrooma. In enb nrbs: near cars; large yard and trees: for six months. SY 31. Republic. ROOMS AND BOARD WAHTKD. BOARD for summer in suburbs; convenient to cars; for five aduHi; three rooms required. EH 106. Republic BOARD; lodging: gentleman desires perma nent home in good private famil: reference furnished. I Kcchman. 721 Olive st. ROOM with llaht breakfast; private famjlr. bv gentleman during Exposition ; must be wilhin 20 minutes walk: references given and required. EH 153, ReguWl-. "WANTED Room and board for man and wife: nrliate; state terms. Elt M. Republic. TOUNO man. attending school, would Ilk. t exchange services for board. KI. 8. Itepubllc The St..Louis Produce Coipi.y, 406 KRASKLIJ- AVE. Retails at wholesale prices and dellvem fruits, 'vegetables, poultry, eggs, butter: two deliveries dally. Stain 27B. HOTELS. " m safc , ,Jy. -MritruJ'l-'' PACK rs (The Albany. Kinloch 897 DeLK New building: new furnishings; steam heatt baths: first-class service reaaonable rate.: caf.. S'"" CENTRAL HOTEL eires special rates to World's Falr.vtattori'by tha week. JefCerson and Pla. , :H0JEL RADIUM. . 7swly farstxhd: modem conenIence: 'pop nlir prloes. 7W-WM. Fbarth st THE NORFOLK HOTEL Olive. 2S5; beautiful roams: southern axnoa- ure: modern conveniences: genUamen praferred: board optional. MONTICELLO HOTEL, Cornor King's highway and 'West Pin. boals Tara.'1 faclnsr tboeantlful Ftarest pv. m.. est permansnt hotel to Fair grounds. SoroDUO.' tlM and .upward: 200. lam. Innrlntal. m ntshtd roonaa: allmodtm liapivTsensntav tav cud.. ave. .ears dlraet to hotel-from dswt iUHMnAii:s'CD. ;KNTI.i;man ruoinmate, by son of th fam ilv. all cement roe-. rjionab)e 2J0S lickunn 1 HJIIK or four ilc gentlemen jooininates for ltist-tlor loom. 1122 chotitetm 1UO nit Jen.n -entlcmen ioomiiiaitn fur iirt.1ivr mit :omi liI ("Kiutni tOt'NG Iddj emp'oMii in whulesalf liaue wimai-ocmriite wiiti itoani 11. i'M-ui, OL'NO Ialv ilfftre oontconlal roommate; front ixhjit; cscellnt table. Jj 41U0 "t r!Ue p'ace. K12AI. ITTC WAVIKIK I Uv 1 i JjiHl ilonn on I (leiaciie! ;in.ia. four to ilx roonm itntial .st prefrrrd. bar Kiln unl mfii propoKitt u for uernutnent in etment only couiMred VAl IT'. RepublU TIIKI? or four riMun liouie cr f!at. will pay equity fc,H 14., Urpublie FLHMS1UCU H01S:S AXU FLATS Otl IlKMT. iiSSii'i,'i,iiii r.u.ioT. Hat l(Mi Neatly furnUhed four-roiim 13 VANS. 3976-t Nicely furulhod flat: ibree loom, tath. modern conreniencea, southern etOAuro. J7 nil per t--k rWKT BN'-ltDOM mansion; large, airy r&oins. lath. screens, etc.; tine la a: "hade trers, southern expamm. ! nrixliborhood; west or Grand ave.; will leae for six roontns or longor. " R V Lfc-ONOItl. 1219-21 Olive. FURNISHED hout-. eltht nxms, loo feet; Cabonne district; 300 per month 1311 111. Re publlc. KOSSUTH. TUl ISegantly furnished 3-room flat; houekterlng: J15 Tvceft; northwest Grand. LARGEHT 1-IST FUKNXbHRD HElDBNCi-S and apartments (n city for Ifh period: est. 165 flRADLKT A QUlN'ETTE. 715 Chestnut st LAWTXN. 3n-Kurnlshed flat, two rooms and hiri hall, for housekeeping: gs stove. RIDGE. 2()T7 Slx-ronn furnished house and attic; im.iim; li" p?r inonin TIHIKE-ROUM furnished flat. J Ivans Vand enter; rent J12. Ilrnt floor. TJ 124. public. and P.e- V.ELT-lritNISHEI, detaihed liouse West End: fi: rooms laundry and bath laige -aid; onenleitt to three iar lines, will rent to re sporetb'e tenants durine; mv abienc from city; 5 per menth. TJ JX. Republic fikmsiiitd hoitm:s au ri.vrs) V MODERN furnished flat of Ave or six rooms, for oLttg couple West End, EH 120. Rt public HOINK a to rooms; furnished; during 1U- N C M.. 13 N Kghteenth at MUST hav more rcoinlnn-houroH to sell cotomer waitlrff, 1.0 cargee nnlejs sale is made MacInaM 1044 Van u e venter. TO rert ror rrontli of Np:.imtr. rftlasm furntihed pAt if fo'ir or me rooms, in Kooa itelgfborLooJ. neir World's Fair, references. AcMrtss. with rull particulars, F. J". N.. Ia:k 1'ajx Ui. Cincinnati O. IO LK'I FOli lL.4:lwS PURPOSES. DESK ro"m. both telep'iiones. 4fc Centurj building. DESK ruian, both phones, 1A. 710 Missouri xrust ouiiiing. TM'i-l . . .l .L.A.. ...(.. -,.A. tlih1 ft-T 1, f jiniu 31 a fast Kt 1 J.iia 1 .i nim in tflaunfn1. light offlce, sp.en did lotatim pply 31" Ft1-i bulldlrg DEMC room: nicely furnished office: both phone Apnlv 70S Missouri Trust bu.Idlng. TJEHK room, bmutiful. front efftte; splendid location: telephone. Applj 31$ Frisco building. DESK loom, nlct-ly furnished offlee; us of both nhones, and roller dtsk. 11 Burlington miiMtng TTT tT. 1 Nrr""X 1A V r.- .-.m Dn nnfa for rcanvfof.turer's agent; both telephones; de- FRANKLIN. 113 Part of Urge store; tvy desirable downtown location; reasonable. MoKUA.s. .4ii-or hen' menutaciuring pur poses; space 27100; around Roar. FI9HER & CO.. TI4 Chestnut st. OIJVE. 4344A Part of store, with window; good location for ladles buslnpsa; reonab. STOREROOM for rent and fixtures for sale. Call at S23 Franklin. STOREROOM: steam heat Apply P. L. Gain. SSO Bauah ave.. Eat St. Louis TWENTIETH. 5.T.S N. 313. One. large store ard rooms, sultablo for any business.. WAITED FOR BUSINESS PURPOSES. ---f- ! i---ir--t-r-Bw''irwMir'wfrtji SIKGI.B roan null atable with liTlng-rocm In West Knd. mjttable for urboUtfrcr una fur nltcru r.palrinr fchop. It3 .. Crrlnon. FOR BEXT-APIRT.ME.ITS. TLATS- FOUT.-nOOM flat: bath, ntnble: lane j-ard. TJ 31. Tti-puiillc. HAMILTON-. 3. E. Cor. North Market-Flve-rormi flat: KS2) PIIAIRIE. S1U X. ai-room not; new brick i-vwh; .it niuuimi uni'ro ineni. ST. vikcbntv was Fear to-mob. .all con enltrrf Comptcn HelirU, FrX Jrttron. ana Fourth rt. cart; projxijHj- cw b bovgbt at Imrgatn: cond floor leased at J4G0 per J ear. UNKCKNISIIliD four rJom. smd floor: bath, ana; west of Grand; Kt. EH IM. Re puu.ic. FOR RET DWELLINGS. AT rnce. six rooma. bath, witli large lard and stable TJ 33. Republic. BATARD. 7G7 Medern two-and-a-half-tory brick reldeic: eight rooms nnd attic: recep tion hall, Isith. ga, electric lights; noar World's Fair site. DICKSON. 25i4 Deuched; 3 rooms, balh and laundrv; newlv papered; Immediate possession; house open. FLORISSANT. 4024 New e en-room bouse; bath and furnace; 5C Relnhaxdt. 23 SL Fif teenth. FOR REST FOR COLORED. aSeaeMaeAeMi,MMMMffN0 DELMAR. f051 Nice vacant room for rent or In exchange for small washing. WASH. 133ft Front room for colored man; reasonable rat1?. FOR REXT STABLES. MMaSe'Vai"ii,aaei,iaSVrfe GP.AVOtS Si)14 Brick "table; room for T ?iora: good conaltlon: cheap iTTaBl.E for two or thre. homea: place, for vehicle. 10 Olive. FOR LEASE. ' rVMiySi,atAakaaA,e4,iAeajAaAeVV FOR Lase Brick house, furclehed, for seven to ten months, thirteen rooms, reception hall, two bathrooms and large stable; shade and fruit trees; yard KKx20R feet; ten minutes walk from Fair grounds; for private nee only. Apply -104 Wainwrlght building. IMPROVED CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. wweMWMww.wwweise.AwwewM ARSENAI 4230 Set en-room hours, price C80o: face, park. Apply on premlree. COMPTON HEIGHTS FLATS-Compton. WOJ P. rour and M room?, for two families; new and modern; up to date; atreet and bricked al ley: price $5,300: onlr 51.000 eaeh, balance oaay terma For admlaalon call 2S46 Victor at. FINE eieen-room house; lfira-o reception hall, hath and fine furnare; well built; lot 3Cx 123: rltuated In Compton Hebjlita; will cons'der & W-foot lt aa ttart paj ment. 8 ma at once. FCHWENltER HEA1.TT COMPAN'y. 1607 S. Jefferson nte. IIVSL'OI tutu IUi. llll-V IUVUIP. K IHIUi'. cood. bis barn: centrallr located; ran b. bought tTOTTOW n. Id .. ... r.-L.iu-. encap. i.aii mi .iiaiaen lane. LARGE manufacturlns bullllnr n ground fronting W4X12D; cheap. Oil at one 70 Pennsylvania ava. A. 1 Oree MINKP.VA, SOBS-Modern 7-room brick: all enmplele: lariw aide and hack ran!. MINQRVA. am Pretty five-room residence: JJT select locality; aaphalt payenirnt; equity .UiO. call. f MODERN, detached Cat. west End. J-.IW cash, ZB mortsk i per cent. Sheppard, ai Oxark tmfldlnr. NICEI.T fumlshed B-room flat: great aacrl flce: mnat sell. 21HA Morgan. NICEI.Y fumlshed J-room flat; great sacrl flci; must sell this week. 1R2E Olive. MINE-ROOM modem house; reception hall. .i.-u iiuvy.urai, luumi-, urn ana coia water. cment-d cellar, large front lawn: lot aoxt'B; aod renter: futur. buatniwa prop erty; owner nonresident; a bargain, at 11,500: no agents. EH 12. neoublic. T.ORTII VAIircET 4MZ V:iAv.n.rnr.m tr.n..n br'cl. house; two balhs: granite cellar. MH39. PRAIRIE. 3114 N. Eli-room fat. new bnck house; all modern Improvements RIIX""3. SC34 Xfr elrht-rnom. mnrteen !..- roof, prersed-brlk house; ererj room gas light fin, location: -4.W0 takea It now. " IROIJIA. IK Brick cottage of four rooms, bath, c w.. gas, sewer; all conveniences; a bar galrc 14-IIOOM houso; steam heat; cabinet man " .r.,ck stble; partly furnished cost $16, 000; will aactlflce for M.000. l&H 6t, Repablic. NEW 8-R00M HOUSES In Compton lUlgbU; Z114-11-1S Nebraska: mod ern and well built: If you d.vlro t.i buy good """ m mtira iiuwict, aurleit UTU $7,500.00 WILL BUY 12-room modern home, near main entrance to World's Fair. Lot 40xM3; 13-Inch brick walls; BQt water beat: hardwood finish: every conve nience: china closets, cedar closets, etc., built in house. Combination gaa and electric fixtures, electric fan. gas grates and log. gas and coal range, large refrigerator, fitter, shtdes. screens and double window, go with the bouse. Fur niture complete may be had for 10c on the 3?1Ur- S b2 could not be built for less than JX.50O.OT.. Lou adjoining ewe soiling for .1W.W et. .vvl. uuu i waste law trying to reat or dickering with owners who ask high plroes. Make appointment to inspect this prop- any. -.. Rs.tatepueiic. DON'T PAY INCREASED RNT! i ! ' Own your home. We will loan you money to buy It at 5 per cent Inter-' , ' i est. Bend for circular. i i ; etTIUNS' BUIIOINB & 10AM AU0GIATHM, iL-l.-. . jff.?1" : ji .IIUMCAL. A FINE rmtnrr will sll cheap if s ll at fiicp. 4mi( c-t itell. AlSJOI,UTi:L"i ihfPpM vUcf ill cltv fyr ull kiniis nf muKnl iuftiitnttius. slit, banu .ind orcheHtia inuilc. Iliinleth't ) 4. lirocd way HMINSEN plnum hih 11 a ! In Mi Iuls, call ati.i t--hilin at fjtiury anI "altsrooiu. T. JHhnii Plao Mfg. -. 1Z2Z OIv ULII & (IKUT.S'S plan!1. n irlv 4 MKKt In urc. tl eiM Ik ne.T a comp'tint when vm buy u iJuli a. Jert plvm KLEEKAMI IIIEO's PIANO CO . rW7 Park a ('IIOKU.s during the World's l"iilr: inun peak lernan Call from .". to ?, 1017 Six temth .st. COMIX'S The Ireat Goldeii wwn JVnrt Bind at N'Tth St Iouis Tiiritr II ill. April 17 Hoe .S,mu1a,s ud. EMEKhON uptlglit piano; will s-ll at a bly riiiount. KLKEK MP 11KOS PIANO ( O . S37 IMrk ave. FINE iuuh'-i;!.iM ijprUht pnie(, ueiilv new, li pifei i-.ndltl,n, must b --.M imrifiliately, tl'ii la a nri l.trKuni; will ffiv. thu- t resnn nMe pari; Iif:au .-torJK' 0'inpan, 11 Morsan "HEAR th. Stitil of a Kiakauer -Iie. to hai It i to buv it o 01. l bv lnn'H. Imn ker IM mo ! , romteenth mnl North Market. JOSEiUt Pl.XCT A hON. HI S Ba.rtu.iiu. Cornets. JC. troi.iblnce. JI: ilario cts, 46, nJtos. J7. Bouncy barytone. Hi. tuba. 510. MONTGOMERY'S Comet Atudio. 4L0 N Jef feiM.n: n en eveniiiK: pupils vvanled; alj mu slclann for Montfiointnj Anierkan Bard ie hcarals Mrndtr and Tl ursIay eenlngr. MONTGOMERY'S AmtHcaii Hand rehearsals Monday nnd Tliursdav venlnKS. musicians wanted, splendid charm for goud amateur to become rrofesilonals. 410 N Jefferson. MUSIC bwons given bv J hull Itu-eow. teach er of muhlc from German 231Q H Jtmalwa Ml'FIl teicher; v tars' esierieitc; flr-cla-ss union musia furnished. II Wallm-c-. 1303 Choutuiu nve. PIPE oraaii In melotleon size, for chtpel parlor, cheap G11 K. Fourth st. SQrJ': plr firra EH n. cash or time. oliuliert A. aioiir. &rz iTanKiinavt H1U llii- iiai. plino: tl.iw nMulv Ul'st n;Ie: foi SK. T. liahnwn l'fano Mf? t-V. KJ2 OlUr U. VICTOK iir.d Edl-on ttlKlrj: tnaililne- and atrt ruTnln: II er we1: Biuft's -Mu c tftnn;. Ztt lratol3 ae : opfn Sjndag V'1 nupitlr outtd town- with nr anl fi-c-onlhaiio: lnMrunintit Vrl for italoifuc anl barsalnn Jaeph Plac.1t t. Son. Ill S. liroad mai. W1I.U tell upright Gabler piano for Jit"., had little ui.e. SM.: fc Jefterwn YOUNO ladles to 3"ln nmateur cnhfa Art- drea- T I WOijtlrurr. & iiorcan rura rtuui w. .. .n.. u.1 t !.' .tr. 1 tilr ilellterwl. 14U X. Slxtfgntli t. $175-EMERS0N-$175. If sva want a bargain. thi is the chance of a lifetime. W will fumNh the hlton- an 1 ct of the piano If necesary: I0 and $5 monlh- ! will buy it. r. nciim a mn. Seententh ani lootif.t els TELLING FACTS. Our increased patronasje of the Hst few months indicate, to us that the Pt Tuit tub lie i beginning to appreciate our olt-iejiated aaiertions tvgardlng the saing of menev ! purchasmr i-lanos from us vi prove conclu sively to eerone tAklng tl. trojule to vllt our warerooms the truth of thes- asertlcna Iow expense and email proht has alwavs been our motto: 34 years In l.u1iws in St. Iaouis. I'. BBTTTR JL PON. Sevcntefiiitli and lo-"TiJt sim. BARGAIN EXTRAORDINARY. $10 deposit and 1ft month I v will buv tills piano a full 7-fs tave Htlnway i Fon p'aao cai not be duplicated in the cttv. The pric la JS. F. BEVER At hON. Sevonleenth and Irust fcts. CITY REAL ESTATE? FH AI.B. AaaaaMAeaav.WWkaie.,,te.a LOT 39HX113. corner Caroline and "alifomIa: sultab." for busineas or residence. Apply '2&Z Pa pin. SIX acre,; Morgan Ford and Kansas street; west of Carndelt Park: aIo nice shade tree-i therev i S. Pourth t. FARMS FOR SAXE, WM'lewsvi'wNeaev'iMi1ii'.iMeae WE sell farms: get free list. S. VL Morton. 303 Lincoln Trust building. 6.0) acres cf land in Limerfone County. Texas: to be scld In body. EA 21. Republic. SUBURBAN PROPERTY FOR SALE. aWSeMS'eie'aSiaa,.aaaaia NINE-ROOM house; all elegantly furnished: hath, furnace, gam and electric light; lot liiux IM; terms reasonaWe. The Trust Company of Bt. Louis Gount. Clavton, Mo. PIANOS & At low?s rater. Npwt Piano In ilahoganr. JWalnut. Oik aml" Maple Cuses. Pianos sold on payments or "fir cash. Tuned. repaired or moved. THE ESTEY CO. 1116 OLIVE STREET PIU.YTl.NG. leeeeeeeeee.weeewwewvweeeiw AAA1 l.ono card.. Tic: blllhanda noteheads, envelopes. J1.H McQlll Ik Ca. la N. Eleventh. CRESCENT PRINTING CO. POTT N. 1'ourth 8t. Fine work: fair pricea; send for samples. EIERMANN BROS , Printers. 21 Pine, so licit your buslnesa and guarantee satisfaction: fin, commercial ftorlt a specialty. Kin. H30A. EURBKs. Printing Co. 1 N. Third U Low rates on your printing this week. EXCHA.MiE AM? TIARTER. asfsl VTWlss,i Jia'llJa,iasr,sr.',flsri--riJNtrsrJtut rOR sole or (xchnDir,i?, a full FrMUrhip In Rnsrllnh brBuiiehfs; clo In ornainental dratvin; ncholorahlp In tho Cbrrpondnc frrhool of Sentnlon, Pa.; cost US catl.: whAt will sou ITleT EH 11. Republic. l0-acre farm for subjrb&n proi-ertr. "'fl Pine rt. PKRSOXAX, 00Ull't A nFirntTriVn docit rhadorv-inc !ne!Llcatlntr. P. O. Box f-C Merchant Station A DETECTIVE- phAdowlrc. tmesilKaUns. Aridrns P. O Fox fS. Merchant.' a tat Ion. DR. CAZEAUX. 3903 Washington, treats lr rt'gulirltles ard all female trmiol: 25 y?ar st. EROO TAN.SO It jruranteed to relive fup' prg8lon: t3 box. Dr. Cte aux. 212 Washington. LADIES doctor receive durlcs confinement; ladles in trouble, call. 21?1 Olive st. LtAIIKSCcr.flnements taken; adoption if de sired. Oalt Mrs. M. Dls-hl. 100b N. JeflferFOn. LADIES, my regulator never falls; complete treatment free. Mrs E. Starr. 2?I3 Franklin. LADIES IU not recret calllns on Mre. Holland; lowest prices: confinements takn. 34)3 N. Kle enth. LADIES, In all obrtlnat. abnormaJ. lonp tandln?. monthlr lurrrewonv and catiM in pathotojry. Dr. SouthinKtnn Concentrated Kr-K0-K0I0 Compound I'litm poltNe, palnlrrs relief within 3 to 5 d-. Mall, $lSn, double Ktrenrtli. $2. Circulars frr Dr. Southlngton R. Qp Dept. RR, Kanaaa City. Mo. MIDWIFE Receives during cor.; ladles Jn trouble, call; Infants adopted. ;8.3 Lafavette. MRS. lillinaES Office hour R to 1; no medlrlriB 3.W5 Lqclede; Kinloch C Ififrt MRS. A. SCHROEDER receives confinements; ladles, call. 7 Franklin ave. Kin. C 1S19 MRS. DR. SMITH. KM1 Easton: absohue se clusion before and during confinement: terms reasonable. Beaumont 64 JA: Kinloch 143SD. DOCTOR DENNIS fS'HSSSSt J.'.: dan; conducts the only reEpectable pnIUriu-n for oonflnrrnerit In this city; perfect seclusion and home comforts; trained nuree; lowest term' adoption if desired: irregularities positively re rroved at Ilttl cost; guaranteed remlts; ladlfs. Jhave 1?0 jenrs erperlence and have made our Us mv life study; when needing a friend come or write to me. nnftTflaV tinS AH receive beforo and dur UUwIUn IIUBiin tnir confinement: Infants adopted if desired; trained nurses: and surgical diseases of women a specialty: Irregu larities treated by new painless method; term reasonable; consultation free; call or write; confidential. 221& Olive M.. -St. Louis. Mo. DR. ANNIE NEWLAND. Fri,at llcenso-d home for Iidlei before and during confinement: cMcst and mest rellabl Institution In the 3tate: e-tabllpli-l or forty yesirs; home comforts; mothrly are; Infant edoptfld; Irregularities suresfully trtatel; satlirf act lost guarant'ed; ladles In trouble, r'ilt or write. "SUA Olive st. MESDAMES WARRANCE AND MADGE GRAYME Private home; perfect seclusion; adoption If desired, free; lrrerulxrit.s treated without pain; lowest terns; ladles, call or nrltc. 210 OIHe. MEDIUMS CLAIRVOYANTS. NsMssSsSNsssSsssSssaa,sssSs,s aajsAslsasj MME. IDA WOLF, the gifted tlfe-roader and fortune teller from the West, removed to 1014 N. Thirteenth: readings Sc and too. DKItMATOLOCY. Ss,slMsss"aS.l-i & Freckles, Moth, Liver Spots, Diotcae., ana all oiscoiorauon. or the akin speedily, permanently and safely removed. Call or writ personally to JOHN E. WOODBURY . I.. 306 Mennod-Joccard, St. IxioU. DKHTISTRT. -- -------- ----.------ -,-,-, -.-,-, nnn TEETH Sat tbe Natural Teeth by filling or crowning. Restore the missing ones bjr Bridges or Pistes. DR. E. C CHAS& S. A Cer. 81ztb aod'-Locast Streets. 8t.Lole. J MOM3V WAM'CU. fvwywsv fiOk lc( Mitre lo,: sa ii:-io. -'"" 00 lal ffllgS, J2.M. J3.Mi). $3,100. M.('rt. V,M $;.:". 57,.VX. M-8TOA Xo ch.irse. (;Hi:lOH-AMUHSOV .(.. 7I Clicnlna. MU.IO '111 I.OA.1. On Itcnl Rulair. 44 ftt lO loan $r.1Kt on Impmted rial eetatet bee1 hCHWHNKEil Ri:Al.rV rOMPANl, IW7 . Jeff era wi ave. W. I. Nelson Iuih mJticv to lnun. amiaint to W. P Nels,tii rulr. on tet Iyiuis rcultj. W P NI$on Remov-d to 021 Chestnut t. Oa Prrvonnl lrierfy IjONS mgotlateil -un furnUur?. pUnos or any petion il pnsty nt S m r cent per it; (itnfiilrrtiil. Nutarv Public. W. Chestnut t MONEV loaned Ka'sjir-d ixi 1- without v cutitj. 1. I-inAt. 39 llMiolst bllg. 9th & Pine MONEV to loan bv private ptrly attpere-nt f r iiruuni on j Luuw furrltiire cr irtdorfc tnents f.K Hi. KtyuUl h . MONEY to loain on fiiritlttua, ptanoi. Iitri", wkoh. etc. t ir ttnt ir uar. J'ri'-e. Mvl-er i Co, (.14-11-ie M.riimd'Juc ard I UI. PHlVATi; i-arty luaiu mrer; fi lyr cent per aettr: cuniM-ntfl C lgh. iJZ Cimical bldy. EPOKaNE A. TRIt-LEIt. Room 21. 313 N. Seventh st . De Menll bnlldlng. Fire Influrance Agency. LOANR ON FURNITUBE-t-OW RATES. INVESTIGATE THIS WHEN YOU WANT MONEY. We make loans on furnlturi- WITHOUT RE MOVAL. We make ro inquiries of your friend or employr. W Kit. ou tli full amount In CASH, not check, W- arransn pajinfnts to wit wur DN'VKN'IlSri'I ana MIII.ITT. V ao not RECOHD loant. W HIZCIlirT for eerv payimnt marlr. We tor off snv OTITTTR LOAN or a halancn on furniture and OlVK JIOIIE MONI:t Wr EXTKXD payrnent. In cae tit SICKNKSd. We make AS M)W ratu a thi- IiOWEST. We irrant MTIRRAr. Dlf! OIl'NT.S for llirw morev Ik not uel. This H our bli'lneai in n nutxhell. SRTJ ITS before get tine a loan etvberr and bn conrlnced that are alii PKOl't.C THE HOrsntlOLT) t.O"iN CO. r.oov ii Fi;j.L.KrtTo:; nun mxo. SEt'KNTII AN'I PINE STS. Telephone for u to call. Klnlnrh Fl 1911. MONEY TO LOAN ca" wk nni.1 you to Iim.P 10l.RiRI.Ft Aro vcu bnrdene.l with numerous small dbM that annov and luira&s jouV Or do ou ow bnv nf the llKIH-PIilUslD 1X)AN COM PXNIKS? If o let u nay jour many MIL1" and ADVANCE YOU JIOI1F, MONEV. II wart--0. nd jou nn JUKI! ONU PAV.M1S.T PV AM. Here you can oljlaln KA.ST PAYMENTS. UINf! T:MK AND LOWEST RTE3 on rur Mtvre. Pianos, llmwf nrd Waaons WITHOUT REMOVAL. ALL TRANSACTIONS fONFI DKNTIAU tfi KXTIIND PAYMENTfi IN f.VSK OP SICKNCSS OR OUT OF EMPLOY MENT. Our plan v.111 ave jon money an1 annovance See others then ere us. Call, write or til-one Bell Main E'SM. Kinloch C IM. Nnw TOltK F1NANCB CO . 2l. 20$ and CCS OAl Ki I'nws- Ilulldlng. NINTn AND OLIVE ST? MONEY TO LOAN ON rURNITURE. PIANOS. HORSES. DO NOT KAIL lO CALL and ret cur rate, before erttinr loan elsewhere: our .-Kt'm gtvs LONG TIME ird SMALL PATMKNT9. with REBTE when paid before ,iue. so sou only pas f r such t'm. as vou have had Ioan. W. give PASS BOOK. wber. all paymrnts ar- en tered We do not require paments while 8IC1C OR OCT OF WORK: NO FtlBLlCITT: NO IN CONVHNIENCn: NO INQUIRY : capers can be siKnei at houe and sou can get money sane day vou arjplj. We matte a specialty of paylm: off any loan or cUVn against good, and e'v lrg irore mnacs. If you cannot call. WRITE OR TELEPHONE us and we will nd arent to einlaln our BVSTUM TELEPHONE KIN LOCII B 4U or RELL MAIN tSt- riflELITY HROKKR.OR CO . Room No. 410 Cornnv nwralth Trust building. Rroadway and olive st. Entrance iZl Olive st- MONEY. Tla make loan., on Furniture, Pianos. Horses, wagons, without removal. Wn accept th SMALLEST PAYMENTS and make th. EASItsr TERMS cf any rorepnny In tb elty. ri 2& weekly pas's a J76 of lean. JI 10 weekls pas a a J4) On loan, f Cc w pas s a fI5.: loan. 0c weekly pays a Jlf. 00 loan. Paymenta can bo made monthly inpenportlon to abotc rat If desired EXTENSIONS GRANTED In caa, of SICKNESS or out of EMPLOTMENT. An interview will convince you that w. can save you money en Loans. Klnlocb' C Ii7 N AMERICAN LOAN ASSOCIATION, 658 Century Eldg. OUv. and Ninth Sts. Loans ai 5 Per Gent WE xnaks LOANS ON FURNITURE. Pi AKOS. ETC.. without removal; NO PUBLIC ITT. See us befoie gettltng a LOAN eles whira; "HI ( tcu money: CHEAPER RATES. LONOElt TIME, SMALLER PAT MENTff Ws nay off any LOAN or balsnoe oa your PL'RNITdRB. Pay at jour CONVENI ENCE. Liberal DISCOUNTS Call and be con vinced. Write or telephone Klnlocb K 6S2. UNION FINANCE CO . Xt and ""3 Oriel bldg. S. e. cor Sixth and Locust. Entrance 3 Blsth. opposite Bart's. WE ADVANCE MONEY TO SALAltlKl) PLufLIi NO MoHTUAGE. .NO I.NDOKSKR without emplaer's knowl edge. AL6O ON FURNITURIi PUNOS. ETC. Our plan Is tb, cheapest, best and most pri vate In the city. Call. vrlte or telephone Kin loch c UC7. ST. LOUIS INVESTMENT CO . Room Ills Missouri Trust building. Entrince Ty." Oli'e at. KOHEY for SALARIES At Reasonable Rates. 110 TO Hi. S 7.. pavmet plan, and business is strictly confidential. The eaiary Discount Co.. EOS Mer mod 4 .Tacctrd building Vtl N. Broadway. LOANS ON FURNITURE. Ratna an:! term unbear.I of. Iaxk: $1.50 weekly raj- a J7 Wn. $1.20 weeWIr pas a Jto lean. $1 weekly paya a VH lean. TV weekly pas a W0 loan. Pa ments may be made weekly. MrmimoTitniy or annuallly. It ! to your intret to coneult u. AIltus!n3 prhTit- and Bbor bourd See us. CHEMICAL FINANCE CO. Fjl Chemical bldg. Eighth and Olive .. Lowest Rate Loans. WE will PAY off any DtOlT ycu OWE and Al ANi B vou Ml.'RE MONET on your FUR NITURE. PIANOS. 101-es snd wagons: goods left In jour POSSESSION- WEBICLY cr MONTHLY pavments; LOV EST RATES: dls mnnt len if PAID before due. Gill or write K3 N. Tenth st-. room tit Ozark building. THE ANDERSON FINANCE CO. LOANS IN EAST ST. LOUIS. Also In surrounding On FURNITURE. PIANOS and SALARIES. Amounts to suit jour need and ICIOIs to suit YOUR ABIL ITY to pay. We do not temove goods. Exten sions in case of sickness. Liberal discounts Kinloch Ot. Clair 45. THE HOME TRUST CO.. Room 104 Metropolitan Building. 413-417 Missouri Ave.. East St. Louis. EAST ST. LOUIS LOAN GO. Loans money on household goods and all kinds of personal property; easy monthly payments. Room 35 McCaslsnd bllg.. 5 Colllnsvlllo ave. Phones: Bell Cist ISiiM: Kinloch St. Clair 4.V1. CHEAP MONEY. Money loaned viitrout .ecurlty or lndorer: i-trlclly-confidential: lew rates and c.iv pa mnt r.23 Mprmod-Jaccard bulldinc. notice Turn to vour left on leaving elevator. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. We furnish ou money quickly and connucn tlally. without security. National Credit Co., rooms 901-tfl Chemical bldg . eighth and Olive. Monty Advanced Salaried Psopls. Teajaster5.boardlng-house keeper without eecu rity.ea y pavmenta, largest business In 0 princi pal cities. Tolman. 5'tl Houser bldg..SQ9 Chestnut. Money! Money!! Money!!! Halarlea bought at ronsonable discount: we Ion mone on furniture; cheapest In town. Equity rinance 0. lWt Missouri Tmef bldg STOKAGfZ AND MOVING. AUSOLUTE care given moilng. packing. Htorage, furniture, piano. lTureka htompe Co . J.von. 3011 Chouteuu. Victor 247: Orand CM. AMERICAN StMage and Moving Co . 31S Ollvo Packing thlpplng: all stnraKC In ep aratc imthk Holll phonett W. H. Iinctlale. BONDED warehouse: furniture. plno. valu ables apv variety, stored cheap; Insurancn s tlmales given. L-ons. irs Olive. Jtln. 1D BONDED warehouse; Henrv i-. W. Wleh Storage and Moving Co.. 1S13-16 Franklin ave. money advanced when desired. Kinloch C 363. I'lirAl'ESrr and mot convenlfnt storsge house in cltj : yri ate robins for line lwu.ehold tmj; rslablivhrd 137. I I. I-irgan & O . Mot to 1015 Morgaii. F. II. PORTMANN Storage srd Mm lmr Co Separate irx.lns: low prlces'on reltable moving and storage, imt Cass ave.: phone D 1147. LOUISIANA "i., storage, moving, packing: bonded S23 000: two warehouses Both phones. NEW YORK Storage Co.. Tv,enty-cond and Wash: move. pack, ship or store furniture In separate rooms; estimates given: work guamt. SOUTH Side Storage and Moving Co.. ls)l-l-i Eldnev su Bell bldn-y Sa: Klnlocb A'lrtor SI7. SELKIRK'S STORAGE House for furniture, etc.: new and clean; low est Insurance, cartful moving, packing and shipping- 1SOS-10-12 Choytcaa. License by the State and guaranteed by Mlsslsripp. alley Trut fo for USCrY t CTfltARP ABSOIUTfiIT rTREPTEOOF. new el WnslUIi warehouse. Orand antt Laclede, for safekeeping of furniture, pianos, trunks, valuables, boxes, etc.: strictly first-class-moving packing, shipping, etc. Our fire Insurance the lowest. Money advanced, ship goods our care. n&tlmatcs free. Get our rates. Both phones. lils-fc 21 Olive. R. U. lonor! Auction & Storage Co. WALL PAPER. A. MILLER. Wall Paper Store. 13B Franklin L will paper your room forS3.3rti complete; paper ana work, a guaranvecq. .rio. ti uw. TettVfT.rr-tr nrrrVu nan- mr,.- . -4.h. wni guaranteed: painting reasonable. "4060 Gaston. FINE wall-twpfr only 5c per roll. Call Fran cis A Ov. UlS Chouteau ave. WALL paper at 3c per roll; matched ceilings and border; all one price;- xio fake; please call and see me- '12OT Franklin. ' CITY HBAI, ESTATE FOR S.VLB- A CUT WORTH TALKING ABOUT! A BONAFIDE CUT OF 25 from reeular prices on HIGH-GRADE Residence Property such as WEST CHOUTEAU PLACE Is an Opportunity Seldom If Ever Before Offered in the ' " Annals of St. Louis Real Estate. BUT THAT'S JUST WHAT WE ARE GOING TO 00 the Special Sale Saturday Next, APRSL 9th, STARTING AT 2 P. M., RAIN OR SHINE. 'I'll ie. beautiful. full- Improved prop.rtT. Iron Hub; St. Loala Are mf. Miiultt Avenae, I.oliailic A i" "l Kennerly Avenne. rve.t of tiimh neirr hn nor ever tI11 aa;uln be offrreil at tbe pries it nil lie bouKht t tbl. aalr. TERK.S $25 OOWN AHD S10 A MONTH OH EACH 10T 0RIY 5". IHTtRUT. MiSSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST CO., Agent, I-OLI1TH A.YD 1MNE STREETS. A;iih- .it nr.':o for plats anil full particulars to main or -uMiviit1o:i ollic. n tin- ktouiicIs. opiu all day anl vrv day. 1'I.I.L 1I1I.ITARV II4-ND AMI FINK Lt'CH FREE DAY OF 5aIJE. HOnSES AMI VEHICLES. jsru-uui LrLi-triii- -" - . ... m ., Wafted. UXf'IIANOK irirterlns. rpoutlng. any tinners' ror:. for nmull horse. Jonn Harris. AfA WANTED Toi f-'ddirrg n-icon In gooil con oltion. iih t be chcp: also hurj and hrne3. 4111 Kaloii WANTEU To buy ten tocM llvrj- horse. H Iafavt" "tabl- i-p I'd: th.rt.uih!y reno-vJlt-d: vehicles all WK ard th latest. I'bone Victor. I5 3i;cm l ick. U UTI.Ii-one iaifiu iour-non. i-m .it irltr: am.n furnlPhwt. tmi, to haul ieuca dnm: room furni-lnsl i: required all at Htlf-1 Quarry. Marcuj and Natural Ilrlds" a t!I.'i mbb-'-tlred cut-un der surrey; good as nw. Tit . Republic A FINK. Hll!l hone, a Uapplo gray, i j'e'iri old; alw a trap; lute pattern make; a bargain; n.ul su ticui. isjj uii et. ALWAYS on hand: ..raft, driving, general-purpo-xi hcrses. new wagrns. buggies and har ness ycu trv horjes before huimg: cash or on . , 1..- l.w tf. ... ..j.-. ... . - - rtA7t3AlN Tnu & vears old: double set i-f hainesa. 31 Iiynch BARUMN: storm buggy. Srst-claaa order. !) font llli new. HHVt X. Ninth st. BAHRAIN: nice 5-year-oI.l: city-broke; one .torm buggy norse. 115 N. Twenty-nrtt. O.lIaA. 4.N J.UI'UtTl Illt-IA SLbUVJ ligvii, , - $; sell tor 5-23r pfrftct cnnd'llca. X1H M Itpubl!c vsatra..... ta.t-kH bA.b -Atsn. M4 as Jl s'l.NfJS HAKGAIN Neu storm busgles. park waarjna. surreis, stake and delivery wagons: first-clas viuik. J. AI. feczer. 13 N. Iturteenth. . IIARUAIN Bulne wagons; all KlnJs; two milk: one two-hoi-se, top-platform express; aleo serftJl buggte". Uhlenhaut Bros.. 133 Jler chaht. BAKU UN sale on FWdav. April I: will cloee out a jiunur of sample buggies, aurre8, run1 about, at cost price. Kingman A Co , Main and Warhlncton. BAY plug horse. JS: cne-horee furniture or ex;ress wagon and liarness. t!3. 2624 LACl-de BEAUTIFUL te-o-zi ate-3. rubber-tlied trap: almost new; sell at bargain. 1309 Tvasnington. BIG team horses; 115): sell separate; dslrrery tiri.A 1(C n a sill r.r ruiit-r- vi 11IJUI1T.-W oat -. .vi":i,--i.uiu. In-t. AM ifexhl. CM X' VH.tun'ri ku worc team: aiio saouic aor; ,rii n gardlew of price: glckney 1111 . JelTeraon uiu lorm ana wvrs mre. az rvw !-. mare IS5 two driving; cr dell. err hores. JT5 and tt3 3C Pine st. BUGGIES, surreys, spring wngons, runa bouts, stanhepes. at mMerate price. A few bargains tn sample goods. KINGMAN & CO.. Maiu and Washington. DELIVERY horse: city-broke: grocery wagon; sell separate. Grocery. 16J2 Franklin. DRAFT -ore, small h-rse nnd nt-hrse al wagon: creai. , Saturn t.nige roao. nnafivT -4. ,nw anrf vsn Mimtrnn... li in wagons, harness: cash cr payments: eserytbing guaranteed as represented U72 Clayton t ELUUNT team mules: bargain. WIS S. Jefereon " FAIl LY borae and sunav. ; also fine runabout; must sail; leaving cltj. 13U N. Kings Hlgh- sm. riNH l."t of driving Lorrea. Sasford. Til N. Trere?. Phon- ri21i. FINE bay hore, 5 vear. 1 hands, sound and sntl. 1125 ZZA Easton- FINE bit driving or delivery horse; small sorrel bontc: wiltalle for runabout. 3101 Law ttn. FINE mtcbel pair of Shetland ponies, out' of Imported toclt. 34 Inches high. and " rears old. ion Washington. I'OR flrst-cla-s hnrie clipping call at SOi N. Eleventh l. FURNITI'RH. t0l and open delivery wagons, nan and secondhand. Y'uung A Co w I4 N. Broadway. GOOD hore. barren and bugicy. 1419 N. Sixth t. GOOD young mare; H tundj; for any pur-iv)--fr very cheap. ITU Morgan. GOOD, sound gentle horse, -xanon and har ness: wll sgparat: cheap. 3513 Easton. GOOD matched bar team: weighs 5.000 pounds; alao coc-J. fat bay, work or delivery nore; right out nf wnric 1C4 S. Jefferson. HAltNKSy ti fets of single haxne. 100 pulrir cf bridles and ItX- eondhand leather hal trrs: cha;. l A. Stevens. KA High st. HAKNES;-1 iXif) tets of all kinds from $S.S) ui; ib lot riding saddle: aJso ccondhac-d liarneF. A Tuckctt. 1S2I K. Broadway. HE.WT atake v.agon: ood as new; conren lne,: tO.QtTQ pounds; bqnoln. S07 Cla-vtonave. HORSE and park runabout: safe, kind; cheap. 47111 Vernfn. HORSK and wagon ror light hauling and ex press. Phone. Llmlell 1S73M. i!8 N. Grand- IIORSK: 8 arn old this spring: has the stvle and carriage you admire, tall comer Mot hnll and Anna ave. Mapl.wooq. HORSES, etc.. en paymenu: large number cool work, driving and express horses, wegons. buggies, harness, etc.: cash or easy payments; everything as represented. Standard Credit Co.. 1W, a. Twelfth: tel. Kin. A ao. SIACADAM wagon, one mule and double set of harness: reasonable. HH 1C Republic. MARE and one horse- sell one cheap buggy and harness; no u.e. 329 Olive. MEDIUM-SIZE work cr delivery mare, ssos S. lventh. MUD wagon: 50-foot bed: cheap. S4 Mis souri ave. NICE driving mare: fast; come and see her go. l'O Oregon. NICE nev, rubher-tlred runabout: fine nw hirats: mare. 24 Ruell. ONB-HORSC grocery wagon; gnod condlticn; will sell cbevp. 3143 Shenandoah. OIC-2 fancy park wagon: ne. drop end gate; flne for oI.iitor: hearj (rnxery wagon; cheap; mu-t -ell. ! t)ld Manchetr. fiPKK platform spring wagon: suitable for eTpre5lng: $25. 1210 Chouteau. PAIR big mulei; two good farm mares; hearr work horse $20; one-hore ash wagon; selling out.. 1621 Franklin, rear. PLATVOItM or log wagon; capacity I cr 10 tcn El. 4. Itepubllc. TRAM of horses, cheap; leaving city. 810, S Seventh. UAPNPQ ftrcTAiL. nAnlVCOO Waahtnrton A-e. and Slat. J. n. SICKLES SADDLKRT CO. STUDEBAKER VEHICLES. W ara the pop(e for reliable rood' at rella l.le prices. OROLOCK VRHICIaS iX . 91i X. Broadway. ELECTRIC LI6HTS FOR VEHICLES. Guaranteed to improve the appearance ef ail venlWe-j and give service at all tiroes- Gst our dialogue and best prices at once. MOUND CITY n.TTKUT COMPAKT. 3 Xjrth Taentleth st. Both Phone. WRIBHT.'S SPRING DESI6NS IN CAR. RIAGES. IMMENSE VARIETY FOR SELEC TION. WASHIHSTON AVE., COR. I9TH. MOYER'S FINE VEHICLES Stanhopes, Lnnopes, spiders, runabouts, sui 'ale tn St. Louis exclusively by T. F. REYNOLDS. 1 surreyst eta. for SOD Pine. Manufacturers of Wagonettes Tatlyhos. Hctel and Depot Coaches. Trans fer and all kinds of Busi ness Wagons. McCABE-niERMAH 1VAGOX CO- law Worth Broadway. HORSE-CLIPPUa MACHINES S5.00 to $35.00. HANDCUPPiRS, 80s ts S4.50. Clippers sharpened, ao1 repaired. . rlmX&)WYVCvTc( I t f J I 1 1 1 1 I CITY REAL ESTATE FOR SAUL 'M HORSES AD VEHICLES. . - - ...- - -,- a . For Sale. ----- -,-,- r.n-.-.-iinry.niji, RUBBER-TIRED stotm buggies, up-to-date-high dash, high panol hack: cheap; mirst Mvi ' room; one 1'ght stake wagon. 23fa 3 Third STORM buggies, grocery. bakr. butcher . laundry, milk, peddler, carpenter, painter, ad- ' vertl-lrur light truck; spring, stake wagons. . John Toblr.ka. His X. Seventh. . , : TEAM of farm rnare: grocery wsgon; horse and harneiw. zG Madison. TEJI gotI bay work horses: aork stegis or doul.l.: H .enarate 13 S Beaumont. TE.MI found hirses. 2.400 pounds, work - double or slngl: big d-llvery horse. 130s S. -Thirteenth. TK.ji big draft horses. 2.W0 pounds, tre. v pjllers: dcubl. luraw: coal wagon: team white carriage hors. V23: two gentle ponies- . three rreao farm mareit. 2Tta Morgan. -" THREE big work horses, two light for llTery tVorld's Filr Stables. Ccrtptcn and Park- TO keep your horse In healthy condition and " Insure against contracting disease, order Monarch stock food, ail a Broadway. 1; ' puunda. !.: 3S pounds. r: wo pounds, ja. '" TWO head of od work mules; alio 3 goo -vorlt hones. "WJ4 Olive. ''-.- TWO big hones; mars In foal: buggy or de-' -leri' bcrs. 3o Easton. TWO horse. ; '.ho"i:. 'E?1 be'ri" or d!lvery hone, mare. TWO hcrses; single and double harness; goo .....j M..j . .u. ii oiuQie. lVt'fk wnA nl- . - ' ? , - w . " .w.n. j n.ii wi3t. mare In fMl: bargain. KM Franklin. TWO deltvarr o- driving mares: 15 Sanasf I.ryi rounds: two mcrlng waronl. tter Easten. WORK mare; work, single or double; IS top buggy: H; bargain. IBM Wah. rear TOUR choice of several horses, mares arri ponl: sell for debt. Hill X. Jeffrson. It-foot wagon. Just th thing for lunch wagon; very cheap. 2X2 Laclede ave. - 1 CS will buy nanel-paek. leath.r-trlmmrd ran about: flrt-cUas cotalttlon. jaff Lynch. 0VV ,-,-, nni- riii-Hirm u.n TOUR seVctlott of th, largest stock of stlg St ly used and secondhand typewriters In th country: standard makes guaranteed for one J ear; sold and rested everywher,; seed for arrain and rental rate card. The Typewriter kmakimik. m.9 .1. ragnui si BT.. items, aa instead ef suo for No. Remington an Oliver typewrltera: new Demrnore. JiO: Smiths. 00 : other,, lit: rentals, a months, ti. St. Louis lypewntsT Excaange. 00 Olive at. ei.M.e.e.iMiM.irriirin il. m. COLtlMBIA' Ftema smil ni.ii Yilevote. Ctx- lumblsr motorcycles: recalring and - renting. B-ll 1114a. Morgan as Hauling, rest Out. DAXCIPiS. jfc J " "issrorvv-iruvjTjij ATTEND Prof. D Hoo-ra t?lct Receptlcn every Thursdav erentcs. Academy 2?M4 OIIt Kinloch. HC fMlmar. DO you dance Do tou ivlafh to learn? la either ca call and talk It oTer. DnclnT every evening, ai BurLa'a. from 7:2J to iOji. .No reaaon wny rou ftbould not enjoy ycuraeir, as you maj dance ec-ry rUnce If yon wirti to. If you wlrt to learn, there are several ir NtnictcrK ready ant) wlliing to teach yas. Try one -evening' with u. and If w pi-a oa, yau can ajrance for commutation ticket at reduced rates. Private lesions any after noon from 1 to 5 o"clock. Kurfce-. north eet corner Tenth and Olive. i. R. Open all aoni mr. FIRST grand concert-and select dance, given by- the Young Men's Sodalltv of th. Holy Family Parish, at th. Concordia Turner Hall. Thirteenth and Arsenal. Tuesday everjng. April li 14- fc unn.Lr iian vwv-.vccr uancioa: iKlni. rn fessor Franker Academy. 1441 Chouteau ave. this (Wednesday! evening: all are Invited: twetTQ prixea gTren. CAHFET tTLSJsmiia. -----'-' ' -i--i-i--rr,inn nnnn ruximf' ' A CMS steam carpet cleaning ie yard- 4 Bma; phone Delmar IWS. CHICAGO Steam Carpet Cleaning Co.: w. 3. McCourtney. manager: carpets renovated; look like new; Lin. 330: Kin. Del. MIL 3ta Finney EMPIRE Steam Carpet Cleaning Co.. W. Waterman. Mgr. Carpets renovated. Icok like new- as Lucas. TeL Beaumont ); Kin. C.MI. BOOKS-PAPERS. S.eweeenee.MeeeeeeMWWes HOOKS, macaxlnee. etc. bought in anv quan tity. Adrt-ese Book Buyer. F. O. Rox 5$. I WANT tn bur law. medical a:4 other aw books. Dan IJnahan. bookseller, m Market. 'DRESSMAKMC. .e MMMM.MMMeisiew HAVE your dresses and shirt ..alst, em- broMered or stamped by Mrs. Murnaghan. SM Olive, room a: good work: reasonable prlees- GOLD. SILVER. NICKEL PLATIXG. eseweessw.eiwe.wwwiewiee , COLD, silver and nickel plating In all lt pranches: repairing old silverware a spe.-ia'tj Gustav M. Krause. I7 Pine rt. second flocr; DOGS. CATS. PETSFOR SALE. """- - Jii,s-Lrtj-ui.iT-i'Lrij' u'aVr' i ' FlNn Knglih mastiff dog. 11 months old. ttll 1S1 Chouteau FOX terrier,, stud dogs, brood bitches and puppies; all pedigreed, ovford Kennels, 119 J Nlntll SL. Kert in. Louis. Til. QEMjINB white tov French poodle pnpsles. tin and is: mocking blr.1. tn song. Imported canaries. jCcw Orleans Rlrd Store. 1613 Frank lin. JUST Imported, lot mnnker.. parrots, cana ries; also fine goldfish, ferrets. olgeins. dogs. pets, etc: cheap. tVehrmann. 417 Walnut St. USE Chaniberlaln'e chick feed and brooder. Blank. & Hawk. Supply Co.. 204 Market at. SECRET SOCIETIES. sjTls1VsiVVr'V'isJssf,iiii"sfr' ,"srVVvssfAXiriJw KMGHTS OF HOXOR. j0j eess...Mw BErfTON LODOC. NO. IKJ.K. OF K. meele first and third Wednesdsy, at PruMs Hall. Ninth and Market streets. il Knights of Honor Invited to attend our -stings. C. RISCHBIETER Dictator. 1530 South Third slreet. It. H. Krausei Reporter, sn; South Ninth street. eENTENNIAL LODGE. NO. 417. KNIGHTS of Hooor. meets every first and third Wednesday of each month at Kahlman a Hall, southeast corner Twenty-eecond and Madlvn streets. All Knights of Honor cordially Invlt'd. M. H. riNNEOAN. Dictator. No. 1402 North Twenty-second street. M. Thavonot. Reporter. No. 1610 Helen street. mlSSOURI LODOK. IV'O. 227. K. OF H Regular meetings on first and trird Wednesdays at Fraternal building. No. 11SI Franklin avenue. Hall No. 1. Aa Knights cf Honor invited. FERD OASB. Dictator. 27M Madison str John Frame. Jr- Reporter. No. C Linton avenue- OAK LODOE. NO. 100. K. OF H.. MEETS tytrr first and third Wednesday st Phoenix Hall. Jefferson and Cass avenues. All Knights of Honor Invited. J. IL CRAIG. Dictator. vo- U South Fourteenth etrcst. Edward T. Cooke. Reporter. No. 1431 Chest nut street. IKDEPEjnjEXT ORDER ODD FEL- LOWS. e.eii.MM.. . - - . A NCHOR LODGE. NO. S2J. I. O. O. T.. .vm, aweia every juuuuay evening at schuette -? I UNDERWOOD lli'lHIUlBI CO.. I 710 Fine st. reaU good machines at from Stall per month. If machine is purchased two months' reat will be allowed. BICTCXJCS. HalL Nineteenth and Wright streets. Wcrk la VJ the degrees. Visiting brothers welcome. is LEO LANOENBACHBR. N. G.. ' David Petty, Secretary. vS - 1M CFalloo street - ST. LOU18 LODOK. NO. i. t a O. F.. T meet, erery lUturday evenlna; in sail Ns. -1. Odd Fellows' building, southeast corntr Ninth and Olive streets.. Work tn tbe InlUe toty degree. Visitor welcome. Members ex pected to attend. P.. L. QKRL1N. N. O. Wallace tlct-argo. Secretary. WILDEr .LODGE, NO. 2. T. a O. T-. tneeta Tuesday- enresUnsT e each -wtHc at bail No. 1. Odd Feiiowar Building, comer Ulata and Olive, at .'ciock. VkdtlBg brailwrs la Vlted to.atlend. J.vCJ. SKANER, NV G. F. W. Riegsl. Secretary.. .' . sS A, ci3: 5a?wAe& &.f hi. F."!t?; i&" s?s jS?4 '&. 'HH: . J--;'jf ,4,, 4;' '-iw iVsJjtf? i i4few-V-9iSI r iff fc2. ,- .iJ..V 'tt'- --..- -i-