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Image provided by: State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO
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Fi- THE ST. LOUIS HEPTJ-RT.Tr: WEDNESDAY. 'APRIL G. JHU4. 3 .- ALWAYS IN THE LEAD Established 1866 Established 1866 OLLMAN BROS. PIANO COMPANY 800 ' PIANOS To Select From. 6 Floors 19 jt I : 1 1' I -it I ;i I 1 A A is f - i Z V t v r. 3 '. it 1 r- u . St l it i n, et .' e. Is U S 3 W ? "' 3- j . a 1 4 $ I OLDEST J' Southwestern Representatives of the WORLD RENOWNED If Your Eyes Stuart, pain and distress yon, consult our Drs. Bond and Montgomery. They will test your eyes free. If glasses are needed our celebrated crystalline lenses will prove satisfactory. In solid fold frames.. $5.00 and up. In Steel frames 51.00 and up. If Inconrenltnt to call irrite for frit hovit tut card ME&MOD fc JACCARDS, Brssdway and Locust. MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS IN ADJACENT TOWNS. Citizens and ProgrreM Alllencc Can didates $nccesafal In All Con teats at KlrLiTooil. In the election at Kirlmood jcterday the candidates Indorsed by the Citizen"' and Progressive Alliances were succS"ful lit the contest for every office C G. Bicker was elected Mayor. He re ceived 616 votes' and had no opposition. It. Pagenstecher received a majority of 173 in his race for Collector. P. A. Socrest was elected Marshall b SOS majority and II. s Jacobl had no op position In his race for Police Judge. The following Aldermen were, elected: First AVnrd. T. B Kojd and B. F. Cros by: Second Ward, Alexander Kessler; Third Ward. "William Daly, and Fourth Ward. George I Edwards. Elections, in othir tonni resulted as fol lows: .rEUGCSON. " Collector J. 3t. Christian. Ald'-rmcn Kirc Ward, Ixniii p'nouch .lid IK3rande Atwood: Second Wan, K J. Rocor: Third Ward, Eiiscne Miller; Koiirth Ward. Tliomas Gray. Scl'ool Board IYed Werdcr and Christ I-x. riJi:issA?rr. l"ir Maor Leon DeLisle, 7S; Doctor X. M. Jensen. J3. Councllmen rirft Ward. Herman Gelg Xamp. 213: E. Barber. ?J: Second Ward. Mdney R. Garrett: Third Ward, rctej Uardeiu; School Director. Henry Nick. J1; George Woose. 1W WEBSTER GROVES. Kdward S Hart was elected Mai or of Webster Groie-?. 3'. Will Barion Police Judge, and Iialah Forbes and J. Miller tnhuol Directors. The follow In c Aldermen nere elected: l'lnit Ward. John J. Murph : Second, fClLirlci Waterhoue; Third. Frank Wad- opek. rna rourtn, A. Lielana. iTI-JEWISH DISTURBANCES. r . bsult iu Injury io Christiaus aud Destruction of Stores. It. Petersburg'. April S Rumora ha enm nere. wricu, nowever, are uncon ned. to the effect that a smU ant!- ewlah disturbance has taken place at J. In -which, about 100 Jews were at- Vk fm flaht resulted an m-nMln. n Ihe-reports. soms Jewish, jjhtchera drew RiiWr- knivei and wounded Trm-r rhrittsn. FnrrerlJewish storss were destroveit. but r 7vtMt.mni fla falslfties. nf AND LARGEST EXCLUSIVE PIANO HOUSE IN THE WEST. At our store you have an opportunity of expressing individual judgment in the selection of a Piano not afforded elsewhere. Our unsurpassed facilities and very large business mean the ability to deal most liberally with you. 1120-22 OLIVE STREET. CATALOGUES MAILED ON APPLICATION. T CONSI THE VICE-PRESIDENCY Folk Pays That He Appreciates the Compliment, but That la All. MISSOURI WANTS C0CKRELL Formal Statement Following Sng gtstion Made by Members of the National Com mittee. REPUDMC SrECIAI Kansas City. Mo, April I Joseph W. Folk, Circuit Attorney of St. LouN, and candidate for the Democratic nomination for Governor of Missouri, was In Kansas City to-night, having stopped oer while on his way to the South to make a speech. While in Kansas City la-t night, Mr. Folk made the following statement in re lation to the suggestion that he b con-fider-a as a Vice Presidential possibility: "While I appreciate the compliment 'ome of tie National Committeemen co. Xilu u;n me in suggesting my name for tho Democratic ce presidmtlal nomina tion, I would not entertain the Idea for on moment Missouri has a candidate for the pix-sldcncv, in Trancis M. Cock rell, the grand old ln.m of the Missouri Dmocracj, and 1 would not permit my namo to be ued in .tny way to embarrass ills chancer. This would bo a Kufflcient reason for me to decline ahfiolutelv to be considered in that connection. "Furthermore. I regard the nork to be done an Gotemor of Missouri as of more importance to anj thing I could accomplish in am other position. I had rather be Goernor of Mlr'ouri just now than Vice Pre-idc-il. As t;oernor I can finish the work I hie commenced; in an othr po sition I would ha- to leae It undone. The Democrats of many counties of Mis souri ha Irstmetea for me for Goxcrnor and If it is the will of mj pjrt I shall continue in the Goernor office the work I ha i Inaugurated as Circuit Attorney of fat. Inl. Under no circumstance would I accept any other romlnation than tho Gorrnorshlp of Missouri." IIO.ORS ntllT KE IS JOPLHV. Democrat Elected All TlcXct bnt .Mfljnr ami I'onr I'onncllmen. Tcplln. Mo . April ; Tj-day's election t eulted in dHlded honors th Repubiicani elect lnr Itobert A. Moore ilayor and fou- dty Ccuncilraon. and th Democrats three Couacil nwn and th balance cf the city offtcsra exc pt the Major. Tlte Clt Concctl Is noir evrnly divided The Councllmen elected to-day art: First Ward, Robert . Moor (Dm , Pecond Ward. J. St. JUmr mep)t HtthnVjinltJamea Hancock (Dern.), Sixth ard, Joepri II, Mej em (Derc): Seventh. Ward. William Cor (R-p;. - - i r nEPtBiacvss iviv iv Carthage. Drlxilingr Rain Fell All Daj; ana the Vote ' Ueht. REPrELIC SPECIAL Carthage, Mo . Arrll . The entire Republic an ticket was elected in Carthage to-da. On account of a drizzling rain which listed almoet tbe entice day the ote can wa llfht J F. Morr'san was elected Mayor, D M. Stafford Marshal and A. B U))d Police Jndge The following Councllnien "T-tre ejected: Firct T.. r n Jlii-nrm1 rfcri,Ti SVl--rf 't Howenftteln: Third Wajd. A, M. Vallinsiord: Foutto. Waid. vr. C, Kellogg: Fitth Want- Doc tor C 21, Ketchem. Cltr Election In Shernzaa. Tex. p.tnruc special -' "' ' SherzaaaTax.) April 6. Henry Dtspaia -waa STEINWA Y & SONS Grand and Upright PXANOS And the following standard makes GABLERFISCHER-LINDEMAN-- STERLING & HUNTINGTON. PIANOLA We are happiest when our house is full of visitors. If you want to please us come in and examine our magnificent stock .of- Pianos. We extend a hearty invitation to one and all. elected Chief of Vi lie. Hf nry Pimmerman City Stcmarj and lUdlej- lan city Attorne;. TEXiRKUt MAYORS EI.ECTEai. A. C. Mtewart Chosen on Texas Stdv.' and Thomas Bresrar In Arkaniai. REPUBLIC SPECLVl, TexarkariB. Ark . April 5 Ttie munici pal election on the Texas side of town to-day resulted In the election of the en tire citizen's ticket, headed by Mavor A. C. Stuart, defeating the straight Demo cratic ticket, beaded by W. A. Whatley, by a majortti of lit totes , On the Arkansas side of town. (Thomas A. Brewer, for Mavor and the entire Democratic ticket was elected without op position. Detaoerata Carry Fort Worth. REPUBLIC SPECIALu Fort Worth. Tex.. April ; Democrat i orer wbalmlns! defeated Hopublican and Socialist, candidates in th city election to-dav. San Ansfelo Clly Election. I-EFURDIC rpECJAU San Angelo. Ttx.. April 3 C. II. Powell was elected Major wltoout oppc-lUor. Ward Elected Mayor of Georgetown. nEPUBIJC 8PECIAU Georgetown. Tex.. April 5 R. E Ward was re-elected Mayor oi'-Oeorcetown: W. R. Mctl roy ard C C. Hamilton Aldermen VOTERS WESJT TO POLLS IX BOATS. Flooded Hirer Did ot Prevent Heavy Vote at Vlarennes, Ind. REPUBLIC SPECIAL. Vlncennes, Ind . April E. Boats were used by the voters of Allison Township. Illinois, opposite Vlncennes, to-day to reach the polls. Boats were tied for a hundred yards along the Wabash River bank at the end of tho wagon bridge, where the Town Hall is located, and the heaviest iote"in the histor of the town ship wan cast. The Democrats elected a Collector and Town Clerk, while the Republicans elect ed an Assessor and a Highway CommU slonc. Mixes Ticket at Vlrden, III. REPUBLIC SPECIAL. Vlrden, III , April 5 Following la the reault of to-days township elsctloa: 9-jpernso TVal ter Klrfcpaxrlck (Dam ). !96, John Geider (Rep yt Town Clew Clanar Port (Rep l. J14 f. R Roberts (Dem ), 1st Aaaeasor W. a Mor rison (Rep). SJ; W. R. 'Warren (Dem), ZU. (jlleetor--Jerorne Blabop (Rep . S6t: Bud Bqulrea (Dem ).' S! Highway Commlsaioner William .Tonra (Rep ), tst; Pblllp Wheller (Dem.). 232. Republican Victory at Macomb. nnPUBLIC SPECIAL Macntcb. Ill . April S Th Republicans elected rrtr city ef fleer nave th Alderman in tbe Fourth Ward REPUBLIC SPECIAL. Mixed Ticket at Staunton. Staunton. III. April S Th followlrg town silp ticker was elected her lo-f.ay: Torrn nrk. C. F. Krus (Dem.), Aeso-, fj . Rohetta (Rep); Collector, a F. Mnlt (rj-m.): Hlrtwjj Co-unlealoner, Chirlea TCaldirell (Dem.): Constable, uirk Defries (Rep.); acbwl TruMeo.. John Johnrcn Rep.f Democrats Control Areola. REPUBUC SPECUL.' Areola, I1L. April c Tha RapnbHcana eleced two towntfilp ucer and the Democrata threa here to-da. A small ote was polled Democrats Carry Odin. REPUBUC SPECIAL. Odin. Ill , April 5 The township election' ga the Democrats a majority xangisr from 25 to with the exception of Assessor, the Re publican nominee beingelected b 2 majority. HORSEMAN SHOT TO DEATH. Two Men Accused of Crime Are Arrested at De Soto. D Soto, Mo , April 5 J. S. Rctor. in charge of a carload of horses bound for St. Louis from Hot Springs, Ark., was shot and killed to-day near Mill Springs. Two men, named TantiUe and McMillan, were taken from the train and placed under arrest hers on, suspicion of being Implicated in Rector's death. Tbey de clare Rector killed himself by accident. Don't Laolc Old ' Before your time. Bring back, the fresh ness of iouth to Your complexion. tire Boro Pepsin will'do It. Cleans the enUrs system. ' All DruggtsU,. O cts. per cotU. -i lso Exclusive Distributers of the y47tf Kindred Instruments SPECIAL ATTENTION TO OUT - OF T FOR VICE PRESIDENT Head of Tennessee Says South. Should Have Place on Dem ocratic Ticket. SUBCOMMIHEE ADJOURNS. After Brief Informal Session, Members Visit Exposition Grounds aa Guests of President Francis. After a brief informal discussion of con vention plans the subcommittee of the Xatlocal Democratic Committee ad journed yesterday to meet at the South ern Hotel April 3. No actual business was transacted. ' Senator James K. Jones departed for Arkansas eerlj- in the morning. Mr. John son of Kansas and Mr. Guffey of Penn silvania also leturned to their respective homes on early trains. Th subcommit tee which will convene April IX consists of D. J. Campau of Michigan, chairman; J. G. Johnson of Kansas. Norman E Mock of New Tork and C. A. Walsh of Iowa. At meeting the committee will consider the distribution of seats and the letting of contracts for badges, tele phones and tickets. Several of the committee-men iitedthe World's Fair grounds as the guests of President D. It. Francis. After a trip over the grounds the party returned to the Administration building and dined with President Francis. Among those present at Ihe dinner were J. M. Head, D. J. Campau. Norman K Mack and Governor Oborne of Wy oming members of the committee: Colo nel John I. Martin and Judge G. P. Che ney of Jerscj ville. III. When asked for an expression regard ing the choice of Vice President on the national ticket, Mr. Head of Tennessae said: "I am for a, Southern man for second placo on the ticket. Y hll I do not care to name any one man for the place, I know of seieral available mtn in the South. "The South should he represented on the ticket. While we unite in favoring Judge Parker of New York, for Presi dent, we want a man from our own sec tion on the ticket with him. It is no more than jut that the South shoull recehe some consideration when the ticket is selected." Mr. Walsh departed last night for the West, where he goes in tbe Interest of Mr. Hearst. Mr. Mack. Mr. Head and Governor Osborne alo departed for their homes. ORDER THE PETITIONS RETCRXED. Hnnard Connty Committee Refuses to Order School District Primaries. REPUBLIC SPECIAL , Fayette. Mo, Anril S. The Howard County Democratic Committee, at a liely session to-day, refused to order the names of candidates for State offices printed on the ballots to be used at the township primaries to be heOd In Howard County, May 3. Instead it was ordered that the various candidates for Governor should have the nrmos of their delegates to a county convention printed on the ballots and the delegates, elected srtiould Instruct for Governor If they so desire. The friends of Joseph W. Folk attempt- FAVORS HEIR Wonderful "METROSTYLE" "PIANOLA PIANO" AEOLIAN ORCHESTRELLE The &tggesl Clothing Dep't in tlie Sonth tcest tircaifs j our visit Wcliaulr the celebrated Rogers, reel c- Co. Xeiv York Cloth ing. ed to secure a ruling for school district primaries, with the names of all the can didates for Stato offlces on tho ticket, but this proposition also was -oted down. The lomirltte.- llnally decided, after some ararumenu to return to John Far rinston tho petitions tlgned by 1.E32 voters of the county asking foi sinoot t'istrlct primarie TouiirhlD mi'? meetings were ordered held April S to .elcv.t delegates to a countv convention to be held in Fa;ette, May L', to elect delegate:, to the Ninth Ju dicial Convention ac Moberls- on M i 3. Township mass meetings were also ortlen-d May 2S to elect delegates to the ADpellate Convention to be held at Pertie Spring", July IK, and to tho State Judicial Conven tion nt St. Joseph June 3 and the Dele gate Convention at Joplin, June 2?. "HEETISJG CAIXED FOR FRIDAY. Boone Connty Commttlee to Recon sider Action on Mate'Prlmary. REPUBLIC SPECIAL. Columbia, Mo., April 6 At the scho'ol district elections In Boone County to-day. petitions were clrc jlatcd asking the Boone County Democratic Centtal'Commiftee to call a primary election for April 1. to vote on candidates for Governor. Although the petitions have not yet been returned to Columbia, rosorta-xtessvaa to SxflPSKaP saaaaaaaaaaaaa. "E .VsHlHSfllHA &U3SaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaUaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaK ' llTflaiBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasflsassattsaaaaKfl 'VHHlli mm iTi Pi fSm&xi ' us I l ! s- U I i'J - TOWN INQUIRIES. XVWE THAT MEA.S Washlogton Avemue snd Sixth Street. 22,000 Sq. Ft. of Floor Space Devoted to Our New Clothing Dep't Where the pick of the looms predominate in "The May Clothes-Craft"-rThe Springtime odor is in every shade and pattern of our Enhance your chances of success by first enhancing your appearance these individual styles will help you and surely these prices will help you from the economy standpoint. Men's SMis&ToBCoat Offer No. 1. Wt are extremely anxious that 7011 see this, beautiful, liffitt. roomy and airy clothing floor. This offer embraces the' newest shades in tho rough finished heviots the fabrics are pure r,ool and will Ftand hard fcervice that much-sought Scotch and Irish cheTiot ef fects are here in the Tcry short or medium lengths 51 nnd $t." is the regular selling nnce they're worth that but thi is art introductory price $10.00 THt STOHE CL09KB SATUDAY EVENING9 AT O'CLOCK. telephone from all parts of the county in dicate that it was signed by nearly every one voting at the school election" The petition will be presented to the commit tte Fiidny. as a meeting at the committee has been called for that date. The meet ing called to-day at the request of a niajoritv of the committeemen At a number of the district elections to day a v ote w as taken on the gubernatorial candidates, and in all of them, from re ports received to-night. Folk received sis: of every seven vote-, cat- Mr. Folk has1 written that he will make speeches in evcrv township in the county before the Trimarv election is held. Citizens Convention at .VashTllle. P.CPCBUC SPEC! U. Nashville. HL, April 5 At a citizens' CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. na KM Yra Han Alwajs Boiglt Bears tho Signature of &&&&&: Filled with Grand Square and Upright -A. PI A NOS Of the Highest and Most Standard Makes Pianos Sold on Easy Monthly Payments, With Small Cash Payment on Delivery of Goods. 7 Pianos for RENT. Largest Stock of Rent Pianos in the City. All Styles of Cases Standard Makes. Money Paid as Remt Credited on Purchase. MUCH FOR ST.LOC1S." dt Offer No. 2. Here t, a special that will raaKe it of interest to you to visit this the biggest Clothing Dep t in tie West. Thi gar ment comes in the hard whip cord patterns, grays and tan silk lined also in the rongli linfched cheviots thy have that exclusive broad - fitting shoulder that gracefully draped back the popular close-tltting collar the moke, the hang, the general ensem ble stamps it at once as a 520 to $22 Topcoat but this is introductory week $15.00 convention held in the Courthouse in this city last night H. J. Westerman. William C. F. Reed, Fred E. King ard Charls Stroh were nominated as candidates for Aldermen. Tho election is set Tor- next Tuesday, and. as there will be no opposi tion to the foregoing ticket. Its election is assured. TO TREAT YOUR EYES IT They Nee Trasusrat To Property TO. Tots With Gauss IF YOU NEED GLASSES Is Xzclnslrslr My Business. BOUtlTATtMi tm EUmUTHW FREE. Ma5 to order Glsssas froas.....i..s.s asaf EoUd sold aprtag JET Okaasss from. -JUS a sis 8. Hiriti,II.D.0Si-ll2 Fmkiii to . EaaaaaaaaaBaaaaVaamr )snHGS B VI rl J A-4j5wt- Agag5t?5 sX-Siiri, S,stn.!;UjrI1fe agfejjli rfttzv ti --y. i Z5.SS1 r? 'rstz -z. -- -