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v : THE ST. LOUIS 'REPUBLIC: WEDNESDAY. 'APRIL 6, 1004. 3 i i y t. &'- ill hi ii Hi I II If I! To Prove What Swamp-Root, the Great Kidnay Remedy, Will D for YOU, Every Reader of "The Daily Re public" Way Have a Sample Bottle Sent Free by Mail. Weak and unhealthy kidneys ars responsible for more sickness and 'Suffering tha'n any other disease. Therefore when,.through neglect or other causes, kidney trouble is permitted to continue, fatal rssults are sura to follow. Your other organs may need attention but your kidneys most, because they do most and need attention lirst. If you an sick or "feel badly." begin taking Dr. Kil mer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy, bscausc as soon as your kidneys begin to get better'they will help all the other organs to health. A trial will convince anyone. Ths mild and immediate effect of Evvamp-Koot. tl e great kidney and blad der remedy, is toon realized. It stands the highest for Its worderful cures of the most distressing ciecs. Swamp-Root will t jour whole system right, an J tne best proof of this Is a trlai. S3 rvttftr SH IfftrO'e. U8j DBAR SIR. Jan. lira. 1HH. Krer n-e I va. In the r:nj. 1 hid more or less kidnev trouble and v,lti)in tlm past vear it became ao erie and complicated l-at I unrd evertfiii and was reu li jlirmwl ri strength and poer was fast leaving me I aiv an advcrti,euint of Sua nip-Root ami mute afekilg fcr pjuce I 1 euli tne use of "tbe mealclraj and noted a dts-lded lmprov mi.l after ukls;r fcwamp-Rcul enly a tlnrt I'me . I continued Its ne ar. 1 am thanful to a that I am entliely cured ami stroi 7. In o'der to be wn ure jbout till. I bad a Oortor ex amlic aoti of tnv water tc-da' and he pro neorced It all rUbt ard In plendd condition. X knotv that -our S vrp-Kiiot Ib purel e. ptabl and i'Vs not cortaia an rainifut dii.n ThinWir icu for my conplete recOA e.v and recoramecdin bnamp-Hcot t all Jfferera. 1 am. Very truly oura. I. C RICHARDSON. Tou may have a sample bottlo of this famous kidiiev remedv, S'amp-Root, nt free bv mall. po3lpaid. b which ou may test its virtues for .such disorders as Mdrev. bladder and uric acid diseases. SPfiCIAli XOril-So successful is Swamp-Hoot in promptlv- curing even the most distressing cases of kidney, llvu -or blidder troubles that to prove its wonderful merits jou may have n sample tattle and .1 book of valuable Information, l-otl sent absolutely free by mail. The book contains many of the thousands upon thousands of testimonial letters recrited from men ard women -tnv.l "he value .Jid succesu of Svamp-Root are m well known that our readers an- advised to t-end "01 u sample bot tle, in sending jour address to Dr. Kllmei A. Co, F.lugh n.iton, X 1'.. be sure to mv ou read this generous offer In Tht St. Louis Dully Republic. The gemiirenets of this offer is guaranteed. FAIR CITY CLUB SECURES DECREE OF INCORPORATION. Jnilse Illevln Stnte Tlint Ubjeoiun to .Orsitnfaation Itn At Item .Ifnde omeliilly. Circuit Judge Blevlns jestenlay granted a pro forma decrte of incoiporalloa to the Fair City Club. Judge Blevhis said that no objection cas inad to him to the formation of the club and that he had no offlcial Inform i tiun that objection existed. The purposes of the club, us stated in the application, came so clearly within fhe law under which the Incorporation van asked, he said, that thete tvas no need of gkinx the matter to a rtfeice for investigation. After t llting the requisite length of time after the application- was made. Judge Blevins, therefore, made the order granting the decree. l"rancls D Illrschberg Ls president of the club; Thomas II. MrKittrickj lc president: R. Diae-Alberilnl. secretary, and A. L. Shaplelgh, treasu-r-. Daniel ij. Nugent. John F. Lo and II. N. Davi. with the president and Ico president, con- S3SSMS4S2 Do Your Feet Protest? It la tmreaconabia to jam the feet nto misshapen fool-gaer for tie take jf style., -when, with Cnnsett Shoes, on can attain "eooa-rortn' ana com fort at the same Um. Try them. 1 TOUB itMlv ttat faee On, -wrti; sf, IwtifeSymtciMdoa LEWISA.CROSSETT.Inc. t 5DRTR ABIXOTOX. MASS poor digestion, being obliged to pass jour water fiequcntly mslit and day, smarting 01 iirltalion la passing. brlcL.-di-st or sediment in the urine, headache, backache, lame bad:, dizziness. sleep lessness, nervousness, heart disturbance duo to bad kidnev trouble, erup tions from bo.l blood, neuralcin. rheu matism, diabetes, bloating. Irritability, v.oni-oUt feell-ig, lack of ambition, loss or sallow completion, or Bright s ill ppa.(v If jour water, when allowed to remain li'.diuturbed in a class or bottle fur twentj-four liourx. rcrms a sediment or settling or has a cloudy appearance It 11 evidenco that J our kldnes and bladder ncd Immediate attention. Sunmp-rtoot U the great dicoyerv of Dr. Kilmer, the eminent Kidney ard bladder specialist. Hospitals uie it with wonderful succes in both slight and severe c-i-es. Doctors recommend it to their patients and use it in their own families because the recognize in Swamp-Root the greatest and moat suc cessful reniedv. Swamp-Root Is pleasant to t.ske and Is for sale at drug stores the world over in bottle of two sizes and tv.n prices nit cents and one dol'ar. Itomemner the name, Sttiimp-Itoot. Dr. Kilmer Swamp-Root, and the address, Bing hamton. N. T. on every bottle. J stitute a Hoard of Governors hiving con trol of the N'o action was taken at estetdaj's nvcting of the Exposition executive Com mittee on the application for the nest restaurant pai)ion of the faM-adet for the Le of tl:- club The mil ter Tvaf. informally disqured at the meet ing Secretary Stevens stated, but action was deferred. It vves stated je.teidav by others that the organizers 01 the club might decide to houEf the club In a bulldlug ouuldA ths grounds, but Tranols D. liirschberj,', the prcslileitt of the club, stated last Jilisht that he Knew Jiothlnx' of this proposition. Moin.xmi:ivx imtMnii:its .t r.uii. Xinxhiilene Jevrelcrs ta end TJieir Vnreii 1111 CVj Ion I'nnft Veunmlas. Oriental life and color arc- to be litro dueed Into the plctaresqiie. sunoutidlnjs of the Cojlon court, in addition to tho na tive Singhalese tea bos on dut theie during the ralr. Assistant CommUsioncr Peter ile Abrevv stated c:erday that twr Mohammedan "lambhs" or native jewel er 1 of Cejlon. would vird thtl." cuilous wares on the verandas of the ourt dur im; tho nxposltion. in the hotels of Cejlon the- tumble"," sitting crosv-legaed t.n the vcrnd is of tho hctcls( rell their jjwels a-id ecqiiiite native carvimrs. They are the Iriivelins salesmen of the Hnxul. 1111.1 becmse. of the feat nf the day In the island they ale ullowed to have their taniolc romni on the wide vi'l.-Kicis of the hotels The two Mnhamn-edjii jewelers are ex pected to arrive next week with their treasures, which Include some nf the choicest objects of the two leading firms of Colombo. The tollectlon will contain rubles, sapphires, cafti-eve". peirls and diamond?. One of tho mot valuable article to be exhibited Is a large earven ivo-'v ele phant, caparisoned with gold and Mtiddtd with piecloiu gems, the whole sold to be u most exquisite p'eee of work. Some of the pieces are vaid to be carvej fiom a design at old as JUi vear before ChrlM, when covlon was famous as a center of Uastein art and sctenCH. Ka) !it' i:iivo n llaxWaj. liostcu. April o Abdel Hamld Bey A barn, tspre-ientlng the K;;jpllan Gov em inent, as the custodian of the Egyptian exhibit at the St. Loul I'niversltl po-l-tiuti, ariived he:e to-dav on the steamer Uomanle. which left AUditerranean jiorts fifteen davs ago. Tlic tfonunlc also brought ITi pocknges. which 1 .institute ivpt's exhibit Among other passengers was Hassan All. an Egjptlan glunt.- en York o "tjtend lf7fI.Kl linrf. Albiiv, X. Y.. Apul J Bills pished In th A"-eniblv ;o-dnj; ificludeii one appro priating tT."M for the- repre-vMnttnn of -Ve- Turk. Slate t the St. Louis t'nlv.rsa ITtposItion. In addition to that already ap pioprlated. MtIHGAA SIT.tKS FOIt TWO HOIKS. n General Arralsnmeut at the Sen- I'nnuiun Canal Coniii:ui. Washington, April i The Senate lo - day4 - listened to a. two hourfc' speedt by Mr. Morgan on the Panama Canul question, and then again took up the I'osl-Ofllce ap propriation bill, but adjourned without completfnjr its consideration. Some Important amendments aaida from those suggested by the committee were agreed to. among them, one increasing from two to four ounce-s l the siae pf franked letlPrs. and arother addins twenty-five members to. the force of jural de livery ugents Mr. Morgan's spseh was In sneclal ad vocacy or his resolution requesting Infor mation from the Attorney General con cerning concessions to the original Pan ama Canal Company, end tvss In the main tin arraignment of the new Panama Com pany. Democrat! Win In Shelbyrllle. SaelhyiHlew 311.. April E. Democrats alectod their entire tuwnahlp ticket. The Coaaty Board will atand 13 to J DeniDcratlcr WILL PROTECT ISTHMUS ROAD. United States Cubinet Decules to Deal Summarily "With Labor Tumbles in Pauaum. Washington, April S 'the labor trou bles on the Isthmus of l'anama. growing out of the strike of the. eraployeK of the Faiuma Railroad Company hate taken a serious turn, and the facts have been reported to the State Department by the United States Charge at Panama. The matter wus deemed of sufficient im portance to warrant consideration at length at the Cabinet meeting to-day, and the unanimous opinion uns that every thing should be done to avoid an entan glement of the United States Government In any labor controversy. But It also wns determined that the Government would not withhold In any degree ths protection to the- Panama. Railroad which it has assumed by treaty, and It was decided that the railroad property, rolling j-tnek. track and tetmlnals should be protected by forces from the United States war ships at the Isthmus If that became nec essarj . Thtiti will be, however, no compulsion exercised against the strikers to compel them to return to work. If the railroad management can secure a sufficient force cf men to operate the road, they will be upheld In such an attempt. Tills will be done with the fall consent of the Panama. Government, though unoer broad treaty provisions this is not absolutely neces sary. Secrstarv Moody waa charged with the duty of carrying out this decision, and with in-tructlng Admirals Glas and Sies bee as to the course they shall pursue. Tnere Is ample naxal force on the Isth mus for any emergenc. ALTMAN'S ESTATE WORTH $500,000. Owned Large Inteiests in Yuca tan and Central Amerira, but Could Xot Eealize Upon Them. Attorney Louis ilayer called at the Pro bate Clork's office eaterday and stated that the estate of John B. Altraan, who, with his wife, committed suicide a few weeks ago because of financial trouble, amounts to more than J-SOOOiKi. JIaer is named executor in Altman's will, which was filed for probate eoma davs ago. The will was not probated, how ever, as Jajer wanted to investigate las to the assets before lncurilng the expense, The Instrument was placed on tile to await ordera from Mayer. It Is stated that Altman owned large In terests in Yucatan, Central America, but they were in such a condition that he could not realize npon them. After chloi oforming their dog and other domestic animals. Altman and his wife killed themselves by asphyxiation In their residence. Xo. 421S Shaw avenue. The property Is willed equally to a rela tive of Mrs. Altman and a legatee In Eu rope, whose Identity Ik net disclosed In the will. . CLKA SH EEP IX SRRIAUFIKLD. Democrat Kleet Mayor nail Oilier OtficorN, and Majority In Conncll. RKPITFMC SPEC! K U Springfield, Mo.. April 5 The Democrats made a clean sweep in the city election here to-day. eleotins their entile ticket, and Ave out of eight Councllmen. B. E." Mejer defeated Vr. T. Bigbee for Mavor by a majority of 336. The balance of the ticket follows- J. R. McNutt, Marsnal; t. W. Aton. Collector: J. T. mirk's Police Julge: A. H. Tatlow. City Attorney; Tom Watkms. City Treasure: T. J. Johnson, Attssor. I.rliaiiou fines Heitubllean. R!:rnuMc iPaui.,aiicn ;io . vpril 5 Tlie Rnpubliran ticket win tttcle.t. ifcllh the eiception of Alderman in tie Mrs urt Fcurth ward, bv tha rollnwlng iniij.iiltlie. I. J. liemucli. Major, Itz C if IMVrfiit iol!ectnr. 33: John Cum, llsrsbal, H: J VT. Pond. I'o'.lce .rutin. Tt. J J Pletvart vias ejected AUertnan In the Klrit "Wiiril b t majority anil Jcbn A. Ilugnes in the .Fourth by 1. I.lnueun City Klectlom. IIBPL'BUU SPIX1AL. 1 Jnneos. Mo . April S lancaus elected the follcnlns cit ofnceia: Major, T. J Conner; Alilrrmra itwo warda), t". E Itaught nj r. r..lfi.H: Collector. Ci K. Snlnney: MaMhat. William Tripper, Jrs, Chndlilalaa were ejected on a city-Improvement platform. Klabvrrr Elected Mayor. IIKPITBMC SPDCIA1. ElSlierry. Mo. April 5 At the city election tha following ofl cers wre eleetcitl: flavor, it P i.ll.erry: Marahal. J. M. Watts. Collect or, T. a. Klua; A14enea Mrit Ward, JU. S. Crank: Second Ward W. vr. Watti p. I nn and Doctor S. 11. Ballej- were elected skhool Dlrtctorc. Denncrnla SfnLe Ciena itnetp, r.CPCIJI.IC! SPICClAt- Inks. Ill . April I Tb Democrata mail a c1hii veep here tolfiy. electlnt the entire ticket bj a. xuajgrity nil nlog from U to 7) This Is a rtrona; Republican township Thn Ij the tle'tet: Ton Clerk. Charles Pairf?; AssviHor. Paul William: Collector 11. II. Prnrteii: IIIehTiay crmmliisionr. J. H. ffir ant 'ontable. fain MoDre; School Trutte Uall'nr Clansett. STOMACH ON FIRE ONLY A SKELETON CROUCHING BY A STOVE. llrs. Duliert Hns an Kstraiorillnary Ilxverlence jtnil Lnderjcuew a Marveloua Chnuire. Mrs U. Doherty of Xo. Ill Coates street. Moberlj", Mo., is iiwlaj- a p.cture of robust health, and jet five jeats ago. she bsrely escaped death fiuri vi"ogrIve tmuela tlon. To a, r;mrter she told the follow ing storj : 'In liW I liexan to have distressing at tacks of lcdgretUvi that continued for tvo jears. My stomach was comttcntlv ore and butned as If It was on nre. It becamo llnully so delicate that It would noL.i'ctaln even plain water. My Inabllit to lake tpod ivdueed my weight to rtinet veii;ht pounds, and fainlne.v and dizziness ,kcpt me In hejl mosfdf'the time. I'wax really Marvlng- to death: and besides I h extnmelj. nervous. The doctor was peiplexcd. He gave m tonlch nhlch did iue no good, n)id pi escribed exercise "n filch I was too weak to attempt. "One day when 1 was so faint and Chilled that I could do nothing but crouch down on the tloor b the flic, my father urougin mu a uo"C or Dr. Williams' FinK I'lils for Pale People. 1 found on trial that thev v.oitld stav on mv un like ever thing- else. I res'llj felt better "fiei three does a'nd I kept on using miei mree uoe anit I Kept on using theni I'ood besan to laate well and to stay ilovvn. The pain and the burning: In the vlt or my stomach le.ssenert and at last went avvaj altogether. My weight began to Increajo until It reached 1(3 pounds and my neighbors, who were con vinced that I was wasting to death be fore, were tcstonlshed at the change. I resumed my housework and have hardly hod occasion to call a doctor alnce. I have recommended Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to sswral friends, and I say to the paid, thin ones particularly. If you want to get strong and welt take Dr. Williams' Pink PUIa for Pale People." Thene pills cu'e stomach trouble by their tonia action, building; tip the digestive organs and enabling them to do the work that nature Intended them to do Thev are .sold by all dealers, or will be sent postpaid on receipt of price, fifty cents a !??- or alx boxeg for two dollars and half, by addressing; Dr. Wllllama MeAU clni Company. Schenectady. N. T. A die book Blvfojr usefun information wlU De sent tree on requart. MAY RUN FOR GOVERNOR OF ILLINOIS. -Slltj Lm Ilea.", Plctcsiapher. Balnn. III. THOMAS S MARS.HAI.L. Of Salem. Ill, who n b"Ins: urged to becioic a r.uidnlnte for the Democratic nomina tion for Goveinoi of tho Stale. Mr Jlarslnll is -veil known In the party's coun cils and Is verj popular v.lth the piorle He was Major of Salem four -veirs ago and Is at present the membei of tio Stctu Board of Agriculture for the Twentv third Congressional Distmt He owns the toil mines at Sandoval. Klnmurdv end 8alm, and emplo;.. hundieds of mm He has been cashier of the Salem Xatlonal Bank since his tv enl-sccond jcar. is a large land owner and is wealthy Mr. Marshall Is also a cousin cf WHIInm J. Bryan, whom he wrv much resein blen In personal appearance. He Is 40 jcars of ae and is try active. BULLETS POISON KIELY AND BL0NG. Wounds Inflicted in Fight With Silence Necessitate Opera tions to Save Their Lives. Blood ncisonlns has developed from the wounds sustained by John ICcly and An drew r. Blong, Jr., In the light In which Willis Silence was killed about ono month ago, and two operations have besen neces sary to save their lives. Klelv is at the hone of his fathcre. Chief of Police Mathew ICiely. and B'ong at No. 42V, Evan avenue. Klely's phjsiclan does not consider his ratlent out of danger and found It necessary jesterday to perforin another operation. Blong, it Is said. Is improving. Kl'ly and Silence enyaged In a pistol llgnt In Thomas Hernings's salfsjn March 12." It developed that ICiely shot Silence In One bullet, alleged to hae been fired by Silence. Btmek the Index linger of Kielj's left hand. Another glanced and struck Blong In the abdomen. Slang's wound as consldereil slight and he continued at work until a few joys ago, when blood poisoning set in -and it was feared Tier" would not recover." " Iilelj'a flngatjhad been shattered. bJt tils physician t-fearod no ill results until recently, when tha entire arm began swelling. and Is noW twice its normal ante. The arm wa3 opened at the elbow i esterday. and a report to Chief Klelv-, re ceived in the afternoon, (slid the operation had been satlsfictory- MARITAL TROUBLES IN COURT. Four Divorce Suits Filed and and Thr.'e Deciees'G ranted. Grace R. Seabett sued William C. Sea bett for divorce in the Circuit Court jes-terdaj-. charging desertion and failure to support. Thc were married May 10, JS.1T. at Marshall, Mu , and separated October T. 1W0. She asks for the custody of their child. IJzsle It. Dougherty avers that Iier hus band. George, failed to support her. They were married in June, 1S58. and separated last August. Marv A. llunlnv alleges that her hus band. William, deserted her In Januarv. 1SS1. Thev were married in January, y at Terre Haute. Ind. Jesle W. Coursou charges her husband, M Courson. with deserting her. Judge. Rvan jesterday granted 11 divorce to W. A. Cable fiom Anna Ma Cable; to Chailes It Davis from Marv Davis, and to Madison M. Ogden from Georgia Ogden. GOES TO KASS CITV. sjlatea Senator stone Dc;mrlel In Oliedleuce to Sulipoeiin. Senator W. J. Stone departed for Kan sas City lat night. It was minted by per sons In close touch with Senator Stone that he had gone to Kansas City on ac count oT the aubpoera which had been herved on him to tetlfy In his StOWO dam age suit against George 1... Chritman. This nult is in lonntetlou with the case known as the Kansas City Tunes deal. Tnelfth CouKrmNlonul Prjmnr). As there were no contents in any of the wards of the Tv.elfth Dis trict jestrda, the pnniarifN In sslect delegates and il:ernate to the Xntloiiil Itepubllcau Ccn,eiitIon vvete necessarily a very quiet affair. A vote of less than 209 was cat In the entire nine wards of the dUttict. The delegates ore: Gtorge C. K. Wagoner ind A. 1. Shaplelgh. and VT. II laidwlg uiid C. T. Cuse are the al ternates. Clay City II r publican. RKPUBMC SPIXI M,. Clay tit. Ill . April 3.-M the township elec tion hoM 1 ere to-ila' the ltepublkans elected tiie.r entire tkkt hy majmlile ran;hic Intn 2i to 1M The auccerstul tantlljaie ate: 1. '. VlrknlsU. Tijv.ii tneik: C I) E- n-. Ae hor; Jo-eph ilali(3v. Ci.lector; TherIore nlth. H'kIituiv Conmi'F.jiie-. anil Valtr Urln Ocl . Juetka ct the leatn People's "l Iflet VietorloilN. REPL'BUC SPIiClAT. Medera. Ill . April k K I true vote nn oollei In the Otitarnnl.l and Medora puci-v." to-JiK, resulting in a vlct&rj rcr the PecpW ticket, a fol'oivt. Puiiervleur, Klm-r JZ. llaj r Tovvn ;!rk. ltotert 1, Hoiion:' t'olectur.. Tlioniis fiv.mii, Jr.. lt!!iivtiv tYiinmlwioner. t V. llfcjllii; HtpubKan ticket. .Vftosji, Ullllalli baiAlell, Jr.; cftoui Tru-tee, t'. A Move Kepnblliana i'urrj Poplor llluir. IlCPrill.tC bPECMJ- Poplar MIutT. Mo . Aotll i The I'.tpubllcana tO'iiaj eletteil evuij AUernian in the tltj tuk et. Ythlci Is compii-eil ut t)m loUovvthg: Challcs Iuinlej. Kirt Brd- tv. A Holce-Jb, send Ward. AlfivJ Greer. Tiilnl Ward; Charles l'en llj, lounh Ward, 'flir twh.H4 Iitin lum rlecv-d are: II ! Uatoit and V. 11. AIeruith. Democrats Itetnlu Coulrol. RCPCBLIC 31'FX'I.M ItUPCBLIC SPECI W Paris. Ill , A pi II - The towmblp tlwtlona in Kdgar County tO'ilay weie aa a rule marwd by little Intexest, a Usht vote being pulled The IMmociatle townthlpa all returned their Superv laora. and the County Board remains aa htretcfore. 11 to 6 Democratic. 111 Paris Town ship the Republican ticket r.aa elected with out opposition. , Ntarji-eon, 3lo.. City Klection. .REPUBLIC SPECI M Sturgeon. Jfo. Ap-ll 3. W. IV. Hall ins elected Marahal and Collector. J. II IJghtner and O. It. Slimmer Aldermen J. VV. Hulett and Ihsnuui Scarter School Directors. Queen's Daaarhtera Meeting. Tha Queen's Daughters will hold their April meeting to-morrow afternoon at 3 o'clock at tha Queen'a. Dauichters' Home on Sixteenth newCheatnut street. - DETERMINED GIRL NOV MRS. MEAK. $ Despite Parental Objection Hiss Ella Emkius Weds Cavaliy nian Stationed at Jeffer son Barracks. It was learned at Clajton yesteidav that a marnaee license was Ssj-d to IwLs C. Mea'c, a cavalrjmnn, and Ella Emklns of Xo. IXsT South Jefferson avenue, on March 31. The fact that the license had been is sued was.suppreseil and tho friends of the brldu and bridegroom were not notified of the wedding. Mr. Meak is chief clerk In the office of the Adjutant at Jerferon Barracks, and Miss Emklns was stenographer, for the Shryrock-Johnson Manufacturing Corn pan J-. The marri ige was opposed by 3IIss Em klns's father, who objected to the match because of Uie thsparltj- in the ngos of the contractlnjr parties, his daughter being 19 years old and her smltor iZ jcara old. Despite the parental objection, the couple were nnrned. and Mr. Emklns -aid jes terday thit he hid rot seen his daughter flnce tho wedding and did not know where ae lived. v ' A telephone, -message fran Jeirerson- Barracks last night said that Meak was hi St. Louis. GIRL BRUTALLY BEATEN BY STRIKERS AT CHICAGO. Another Ilfot f.lrl Take Part Vigorous Asannll on Nnnanlna (nnmakera. Clucago, April Z Jlertlm Van Ge'der, 32 old, one of a number of girls em ploed r,s pi ess feeders by a local print ing establishment in place of striking members of rranklln Union, is the victim of alleged "slugging" tactics emplojed by the strikers While on her wiy home. Miss Van Gelder was attacked and brutal ly beaten bv men who. 'ie declared, are striking pits feeders or their sympathiz ers'. When carried to her home It was found that her no- had lieen broken and her face pammeled Hs if struck with brass knuckles, while her body was bruised in -everal placi hcre she had been kicked. One hand was frightfully lacerated, hav ing appaientlv been ground under the heel of an assailant. In a riot at the plant of the Diesel branch of the Americun Can (mpany to-dav-, growing out of an effort to reopen the factory and retain thirty Greek strike breakers, two men were shot. The union canmakers, who demanded the discharge of the Greeks, were gath eied about the factory when the nonunion men. under police escort, approached. Bricks began to fly ana several idiots were tl'ed. In the attacking party vvete several gins The strikers v. ere di-pered by the police. Cltv M!tee Chaiitrrs. The offite in the City Hall of Kdvvard Quinn, Supervisor of Plumbing, was chanted vtsterday from Xo S10 fo Xo. !1". tile former headqjarlers of the Ju venile Court. The move was made to give the Dulldlng Commissioner and his a'fiMants. who occupy room Xo. 3tS more roon. MATISM Cured Through the. Feet Don't Take Mediclno.External Rem edy Brings Quick Relief. Sent mEE ON APPROVAL. TRY IT. We Viant ever one who has rheumatism to send us- his or ber name We will send by , return mail n pair of Magic Toot Di-afts, the vvonilcnuLeSlerml t ure whieh has brought moie 'omfoit Into the United States than any Interbal,-. lemedv j-ver made. If the EieteUetf send us ne Dollhr. If not, Oon'.t send us a cent Maqlo Foot Drifts are v,orn on the FOles of tho feet ivud care by absorbing the po'sunous acid In the blood through the latire nores. Thev cute rheumatism In ev ery part of tli bixlv. it must be evident to Ou that w couldn't afford to send tho drafts on approval if ttev did ni.t cure, ern after r thins: ha failed. iiirce'I ud thir Dratta I walk wlthoat crutche. Thev do lust whit nu claim. ArNll: LEU Gl:nx. URiiata. Ark. tarn raucli pleasctl with yunrch&p ana stmple rene'i. 1 have round It to ! jma as you pronn'ed- H. niRKMAJT. IMnobe. Itlnn. I never found anvthlnir at would helo nie b-rore ri--K you' Drafts JOHN WlllTK. Grafton. Mich. I have auffered with rbeumalLim for the past ten veara. but Slsglc Foot Drafts haTe entirely Cjreil me I have felt no pa'n tlnce ttalnc them. MKS. 1IAIIV ST. ANGB. Wooonoiket. It. I. We hae thousands of Ioik letters ot cratitude from men and women cured oT iheumallem b- Maelc FN)ot Drafts. Will vou let them cur you? Write to-day to the MAGlt; FOOT DKAFT CO, 18 Oliver Bid)?.. Jackson, Mich., for a trialpalr ot drafta FREB ON APPROVAL We aend also a, valuable , booklet on rheumatism. FREE. iK '?-WaBBiaal ' ' J alaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHlaa A Magalftoat Oiaylay ot , New Carpets, Rugs and Mattings. The question of floor coverings in of prime importance at this Bcamm in ever.v household. t For those who wnnt tlie beat grades and the newcat aS most beautiful designs, Barr's is tfie ONE place worthy of consideration. Our Buperb and unrivaled display of Carpets, Bugs and 3Iattiugs contains every sttle good. You are invited to inspect onr stock, whether' you wish to buy or not, (Third Floor.) M isfotmta REED LOSES HALF . OF HIS AUDIENCE Callaway Citizens Leave Court room to Hear Doctor T viiell Sjieak in Stieet at Fulton. mipiiBMc sruci .u Pulton, Mo . April i The Reverend Frrnk G. Tvriell. pastor of the Mount Cabanne Christian Church of St. Louis, artl Major James A. Reed spoke In Pul ton to-day. Mi. Trrell dwelt on the 8t. IxiuIh primaries and State Issues, while Mr. Heed mjoke In the Interest of his candidacy for Governor. Mr. Tyrrell poke In the open air from the Courthouse steps to un audience of 1, ZfQ peisons, and Mr. Reed's address was delivered in the courtroom where Edward Butler of St. Louis was tried a. few months ago. Mr. Reed began at I o'clock, as an nounced, and Mr. Trell began at 2 o'clock. Rved waa about half through with his speecli when Mr. Tyrell began, ard one or two of the audience, arislnr to leave, the Kansas Cltv- Mayor said: "If anv moro of joa want to go out to heai that Republican speak, I'll wait on you." This speech cost Mr. Reed a full half of hU audience, and then he bitterly de nounced the action of the audlsnce as insulting." Doctor Tjrell opened his address by reading a letter concerning'' the Kansas City primaries of March W. written by ITobate Judge Guluotte, who was as saulted sx the polls. The letter was read m answer to Mr. Reed's assertion that the stories concerning the primaries were monstrous absurdities. To-day wius the day of the monthly slocl: sale, and alo the dav of the annual horse show, and with the political feature to draw-a crowd, a full S,0W Callaway farmers were here. The day was devoted to the discussion of politic. The Folk men are jublllant over the out come of the dav and now claim the coun ty cv a laige majority, while the follow ers of Mr. Reed, who seems to be the man that will opiiose Kolk In this count, are making no claims. Rural F"re Delivery. REPUUMC SPECtAU Wahlnirtciv. April S. Rural fren aurlry service has been Mtabllahrur to comment May . aa fallnvr: - HLiiQUrl-Ctarl. Randolph Count: revue I; length ot !1 miles; popnlatlon inl, a Ilxcelaior Sprinxa. Clay Coantj ; route 4: length ot route, lm mlltaf population eervrd, l-ebonon. TAcUd Countr: ronu it lenzth ot route, i, miles: population aerved. 1 Orrick. itay Oiunty; n,u:e 4: leuath of route. 24U miles; population serv-vd. 424 Laltue Marlon Countv - route 3: legth of route. a" mtles; population served, iI3 Morion. Marion County; route t- lenrth af luuie, iA iniien; popaia.ijon aerveo. SPK Stooa creek. . "lu 'uscarawaa Count r rouie I: length of route, a mues; population aervea, Wd Jllinol-j Central' ilarlon Cuntv: route c, length of routfr, 2iki mlli; populattoa srrwa, i ICar.sAs Burton. Hrvy County; rout Zt )Kisth of route, rS1- iIle: population srr-a. Eltlorailo. Butler Courtv; route 3; Irnjth of rojtf. 25 milf: population Krvet3. 4,w EmporU. Lon County; i-ottte 9- length of route. 15 m !.: population Btrved. tfiO HaenTlUe. lottairattomie Count.; route 2; length ot route. Jftij. milts; pupulat.on seneil, UortoT Ilrawn County; routa S: lenxth of route. 17 idUp, population dried, aw. Mat-Tin. Phillips County; route l; Imgth of roJte, ZSS miles, population tened. 4'H. Tatlco, Vbaunsm County; route 2; length of route, 23 miles; population rved, 473. OklalvomA Canhion. Ktngfliher County; route 3; length of route. 11$ miles; population aerved. 3 Waterloo Logan County; route 1; length of route, 1. milea. population sened. rSO TtfXOa i;iiatneld. Nararro County- lftngth of route. 23S mt!s population served, lv Maypearl. KUla Countv; rout l; length oC route. 15Tk mllot; population served. 2x Hural carriers have been appointed at fol lows; Illlnola Mlerton. Robert H. Beatty, carrier; Ilarn Parrlih. aubstltute Colilaou. 11. L. Atbcroft. carrier; Gordlo H. AEhcrart. aubatltute. lanllle. CJeorge A. Murpby. carrier; Ijb Hoy Jonn, substitute liruiount. Edwird ChenTOUt, carriers Robert White, substitute Maithtne, AMllIan. V. Deilil. carrier; Mil ton 1. aOe.thl atiUttltule. . WeatTlIIe, Ephralm l Smith, carrier; Kddle A ttlx. FUb3tltUtr. Texai Sherman. Clark Beam, carrier; H. O. Bam, substitute. TUSSEL IN DOCTOR'S OFFICE. Votorinarv's AKistant Is Now in City Hospital. As the result of a quarrel between Doc tor W. V. llede. a eterlnary surgeon, residing at Xo. 1211 South roadway, and George T Miller, his aivM;tant. Miller Is at the. Citv Ho-pltal siirferinir from a pain ful cut on the wrist, resulting, it is said, from belrg- pushed against a window and contusions about the head and face. Miller Is held a -prisoner at the lioapital on the, charge of disturbing the peace. Doctor lleyde was not arretted. CROSSED WIRESCAUSE FIRE. W. E. Ilennauirs Resilience Burned, Loss Being $11,000. Fire which was caused by electric wires Lecoming crossed almost totally deartoved the residence of W. B. Hermann at Xo. 5277 Washington boulevard, shortly after noon esterday. The house, .which was owned and occupied by Mr. Hermann, was a three-story brick. The damage to the building and contents is estimated at Ml.eirt. Almost every 'piece of. furniture In the hocso was destrOed. Many other article which were highly valu bj- the Hermann f.tmllv were alfo consumed. The damage to tha furnishings alono was about JCOOO. The police did not lettrn the names of the elcctriclAH'who treie working -. the liou'j'e at the. time the fire started. Funeral of Mm. Raymond. Tlie funeral of Mrs. Theresa Ravmon . life-long resident of St. 1,011b. took place jesterday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Andrew Stevenson. Xo. C313 Cleve land avenue. Mrs. I'.amond, who was 73 vears oUI, attended church on Hauler Sunday, and while returning was taken 111. She died a few minutes after reach ing her home. Wise's Bodr Fonnd In River. RIIPL'BUC SPECIAL. Taylorvllle. 111., April E. Charles Wise, a farmer, who has been missing since Saturday morning, was found this after noon by the searching party lodged against some, drift wood In the Sangamon River. He was the owner of the buggy and horse found there jesterday. Colorado 31 In era AaJc Aid. W. M. McMIHen. a Colorado miner Is In St. Louis soliciting funds to aid the striking-miner of his State. He had se cured VSa up to yesterday evening; by the moving tales he told of the bardsblos suf fered By his atrlkui: bmbren. and quality that is new oi,. am DO YOU WANT You can buy your Furniture, Carpets. Stove.", etc., without cash at cash prices. We will loan 0u the money to buy it with. OIK loav cosn' IOC SiOTHI.M.'. You can buy from any reliable cash firm In St. Louis. We pay jour bills and cu can pay L'S as you can spare it. DONT LOSE YOUR SfOJTEY and pay more for goods than they are worth, when sou can buy for CASH and pay OTHlXQ FOB the use of OL'R MOSEY. We can refer you to 1,000 bujers who will recommend our plan as the "only -way" to save St) to 75 per cent on jour purchate. IRemember, you buy goods at casta prices and pay nothing for the use of the money we loan jot Modern Cradit InstallmiHt 6o., Ras 1-2-3. 6rtFl.irEiiii Hi Bll".., S. W. Cor. 6ti ai. - Lki'sI. (Opp.Barr's.) "JULIUS CAESAR" AS GIVEN BY JAMES AND WARDE. Tl'e James-Wardo presentation of "Julius Caesar" proved an Interesting occasion at the Century last night. Interesting, be cause the Marc Antony of Frederick Warde was startling in apparent routh fulress; because Iuia James revived tnu ditions of "tlv good old da" In his lr.- teriretaton of Brutus, and because al-mp-t ev C' niembeco the. company, waj well cn.t. Taen.- toy. the play was imtch thJ,Caesar"-of school-day memorvVeiy few of the speeches were shortened. Loubv James has not changed In his conception of-Brutus. The measured dic tion and the familiar gestures were again upparent. His part In the stabbing of Caesar in the Senate Chamber seemed un necessarily heavy and theatric, but his artinclality was at all times free from rant. Every expression, etery gesture had a signlflcance. His most natural -momenta In the whole performance wero those with Portia, In which lie sought to calm hr -fears" aa to the Import of the conspirators' itslt to his garden. "Frederick Warde seemed almost boyish in hla oortrnval of Antonv. Warde has lost non or hly force. He was h Pic turesque fUure and a. comely man. His A0ic was clear, and seemingly- mere mu sical than In many of his Impemonatlonn. In the fatrous oration he evolved a subtle " magnetism that enthused. In response to the applause h gave a naat speech. In which, he said that such apnreclaUon Was compensation enough, even for the actor who persisted in playing the classic Alma Kruger gave u a Portia full or charm and delicacy. The old Roman ccs tume was becoming to her lissome figure. She was never half so fair as Marrlani Calvrert. her former auccess, in "The Heart of Maryland." Norman Hackett. as Caislus, limned the shadows depresslngly deep. Ths Cuesar of Thomas CofHn Cooke wn t all times sitlsfactory. Wndsworth Harris played Casca. liigle Sumnar was Cal Phurnla. Aphle James appeared as LaicIus. "Alexander the Great" will, to the bill to-r.lght., ".Macbeth," Is to be gtren at the matinee to-day and again Saturday night. "Othello" will be presented Thursday evening. oniInattoas Sent to Senate. Waahlnglon. April 5 Tie Frealdent to day sent to tha tnate tbe following notntnatlons. Ctonsnl George E. AnBeraon. nilnoli. at Hang. Cliow. China. Member ot the Misatolpcl River CWnoiIaalon Homer I Hitter. Ohio. Hi-ond IJeutenant In the Marine Corn Ra irolil B. ttrvan Mlaaoiiri: John Nemnn. Jr. Georgia; BmU p. Moae. itoiith Carolina: Wli Ham I Burchnld IVnnaylvanla: John It. Thompson. North Carolina; Harold F" Wlra man. I'enns lv anla The American Girl. WHAT MAKES HER MKLAft. Tbe American srlrl is admlrad and liked at home and abroad becatase ate is tbe happiest, utually the healthiest and friend liest or girls. She is find of Hfe and is alive to evenrthunr beautiful and nod in . existence. Mrs. Langtry has said that the ' American woman has little to lean from her Enfllih sisters. Dr. Pierce, the specialist in women's div eases, of Buffalo, N. V., advises simple ei erclses for women, preferably in the 03b " door air. But many women are connned to tbe boat c and their household duties or their business conlaes them to poorly ven- If a woman soimrs fiom a headache a ??' eMo of irritability 'cr and uncontrollable nerrcrasnes somethinr ?tbe wrons; with the hea.1 or the res! trouble very often centers in the JKJSl7 ?? ?? P& . of cases the teat of the dlflcalty it here and a woman shoald taka ratios treatment for jts core. The pcsX cUsordiJmlSmma! tion of the delicate special ofi7of toe Bii'BP "y.ww third of cenrnrr of remarkable and nnlform cns,T VecoS nSeses Potlair to women ew 5?u,e,d-JhePrirt d makers ofDr. Warr'JTSsiSPiP'K lapsia, or VtiW caTWtsAw8S 'z - Wc' T r 5 i- 1 5J 2 '?J Vt, f " "&i . ??& ST&&Vr&&- s&sc ff -rOyiw 'Mjg-CK .. g.Vc., VaatSi. ivTAii'"Yti.u " 1 ay-r meV&?-?AJ& !" SZT.' "ri. iS5"-CIl? ui A l!Jii.sMr. ilir'ssr-i'.-.-' ". St- bs.-?.. -'.- y e-'.ie-j J lj. "": tJ-" Se3 nxi!iu Jvaaggnrj- t ,- w r-i. ;t.'jt y.3; ' - - -v 1 - r ,e - s,, . j -, asMta HI aniiiJlHHllM Ullf PUMM jggommmmmmmsmem &Zd -TiSJ J v. -v u . tT--!; m