Newspaper Page Text
190. PUGILISM ' Kid McCoy Made a TuncluDg BASEBALL Browns Won From the KACING -Huriland Won the Peal are Race at Montgomery Park. e Cardinals Yesterday bv a Score of 3 to 2. Bag of Placke in Their Bout at Philadelphia. s EHE ST. -LOUIS REPUBLIC: WED'NESTfWSL'1 KPRIU 6, t i i H J j f I 11 : I- '? HAVILAND WS MILE HANDICAP Corrifran'. Horse Boat the Favor ite, Luralighter, for Hie Coun try Club Purse. FARMERS' FOE LANDS HURDLE. Schorr Decides to Ship Sixteen Horses to St. Louis Mortday BeeniiRe of Unsettled Con dition at Chicago. REPUBLIC SPECIAL. Memphis. Tenn . April S Tho Country Club Handicap, on over-night event at a mile, was the feature of some good racing at Montgomery Park this, afternoon. Only tour of the lot named came to the post and as these were all speedy performers with licht -weights up ihe race was the medium of some lively speculation, I.ura llghtfr rulrnjr favorite at 3 to 2 and Hol land second In demand at 2 to L. Followers of mud form flsured Foxj Kane the pood thing- of the race and backed him liberally, but the son of Onon daga Is' a sprinter, and after showing tho way for six furlonqs ho collapsed, finish ing; last. Kim rode a clever raco on Haviland. wajtmc; lththe Corrifjan horse nd bringing him away at the end. wm . Jilng handilv at the profltablo odds of ' to J. Lurallghter was second and Banter third.- - The steeplechase furnished a reversal 'over the clean jumping and sued ridlns that had characterized the two previous fforts of the timber topper at the spring t mectlnK. Fanners' Toe, belonging to G. .A. Saportas. led from start to finish and won eastlj. Theory beating Bright Girl easily for the place. ,t Jockey Milton Henry, who wa suspend- " exl at Chicago last-year and subsoqutaitlv went to France, will arrive here from -Irfiuiuville lo-nlght. John W. Schorr that in view of the unsettled outlook at Chicago, ho would ship sixteen of his horses to St. Xouis on Monday. Kansas Price to-day sold Somenos, that he recently claimed, to L A. Lowe for J1J0O. He will be shipped to St. Louis. First race, eeven and one half furlongs St Merry Legs, f3 (Jenkins). 14 to 1, won: Troas achs. (6 (Crlmmlns). ir to 1. MconI: Lampoon. t7 (Kunz). 5 to 1. third Time. l.1. Arnold "X. llobsoa's Choice. O.ertiand. Uarkdnuux, El. Wcod. Taxman Mamselle. Belmuda anu Tenneiaeeari also ran Second race, alx furlongs Maior Pclliam. 17 IFuller). 9 to 3. won. Forrhanl 112 iSieeiian. a to 1. recond. Floral Kin. 117 rt"bblni. 7 to i third Time 1-15 H'J' under. Clov rton and MarA' ;veal also ran Third race four eed one-half furlonss Chai lles Aunt. 110 (W. Fisher). S to o. won- Matte. 105 (Heller) i to :. eecond: Little Mirthful. It tFullen. to 1 thlrt Time. M. waiter .Arnold Nlckolu. dint Klle. ClKurlighler and Swedish Lad alao ran. Fourth i ace. the. Country Club Handicap. raile Hartland. in (Kunz). to ;. won: I ui Ighter. W citllle). 8 to :. second. Itamer 102 JiAubuchon). ij to 1. third. Time. l:i:s Fon ,TCane alro tan Fifth race, steeplechase, about ore mile and a quarter Farmers' Foe. 137 (If vl!s.n. 0 to 3, won: Theory. It (Peters) 3 to 1. second. Bright Girl, lis (Pierce), S to 1. third. Time, t 5 57. Camembert. Poorlands end GoM llnk , also ran Snowdrift threw ilder Ealzac ran t pt of the course and did not finish. Sixth race, nlle and one lxtet nth Welcome Urbt. 300 Crlmmtn. 10 u 1. won: Sarins, ss lAubucho-i). 6 to 1 second LodtKar 1): iBeaJ chainp). s to 1, third Time, 1 ii Marco. Xord Touchwood Kasr Trade. 11enr of Fran atamar. Prummcnd and Free Admission also TO-DAVS MEMPHIS E.NTRIKS. First race one mil: 't. Merry LcgB . . . Si Milkfrk si aiergttlo LfTi Touvhwool .. W Kama W Vtlieola 1''-' epenc-rlaa M Nimble Nar ri Xinepln w Budnelsrr . . . .1)1 Car Minister tVelcomn LIkM ml Second rare. on&-lialf mile: Chancey 1 Media Jane lu Lou M 1W Plnl.le 1W Gren (Sown Vl Kitty llelle Uu Useful I.jd 1'jS Urooks IS) HukI 1'JC riwedloh lnd . . lit) Itatca lun tlianaonetie llu Third rac-. one mile, gentlemen rldt-ry: Bcmanto Mt I icicle ,: jMlrnculouii 1 .1V. hltiroro 1J Class Jjradtr IStjJuatlni IS; Glendon ltllM3rc04 IB Lodinar liBl Fburtli race, six fuilonpi". pedman si Duelist Ill Vestlna Ilello ICO d-orrlo Ill Earlv- Boj W Httrell .Ill Jtfartlnmas 108 Mc(i-e . .ill, "ortta ill Kfderal lib fitful .' Ill Commander . . . .lib Fifth race, four and one-half furlongs: Oialr Warden i 'Xium'ah ljo eteavorthy . . . .ljrt . t Janet l' 3CckKtein yn Iady Fashion 111 Ldy.Monup .r.....i'rt - IJfiy MoncuFe 10.7 Her.rj r. Lady Cnrlln tames VVarreu John BarLe Iflne'i Trorihy Oceapter ,. Panamanian . . 1OT 10". M5 .. 10u ..U7 ...1J ...llu DOCTOR COOK CURES DISEASES Prostatic Troubles permanently cirect. ni matter how Tons standing the disease. 1 la from t to 20 days. - Stricture cured in 13 days, with out cutting, pain, drugs or detention from busi ness. ' Wasting Weakness Tim of cure, lu to 60 days, by my original. very simple remedy (used exclusively by "CUREISErTECTff lUE) Consultation d invited, a.nd nothing that aclei jou a speedy, 1 WRITE me "-' .. rmanent cure. you. and receivi DR. COOK I nil '" -""f v-MLsbk- SPORTING WORLD HANDICAP. -,!, J??-talI,I,!h.,L.1SSi. Single copies 50c Suite 62, S3 and D7 Washington gt . Chicago J1I eeklv-S2.00. WE MARK TOB WIN' AU, WE ASfcT IS TO CIVP IN a p vrri .TRrAT.. SO THAT YOU CAN BE CONVINCED THAT WE ItDALI Y Vsf"'tv 'SIDE INFORMATION". Two Guaranteed Specials Dally. HAL.l-i GET I.N- Watch our ad In lhl paper Wednedavs and Saturd-tvs. On Saturdav Anril 9 -don'l forget this date-we have one or the best things ever put ovelrT Odrls Vui be 20-1 OR BETTER. This horse has had a special orep for weeks for this race, and "onlv those in the know" will be In on this Grand Killing;. "' UI0"e Send in jour subscription at onte. Don't let this opportunity Ket a war If von are a, loser-here is a chance- for yot to reeoup-your past losses " j. ii you And by itlylne-us n fair trial we will convince vou that elRht out of ten of the win. ay will refer -vou to jnvol Our subscribers as to the honesty 0? our -trt vertl-ements, and will forfeit turn if thev do not verify our statement All business must be transacted through our Chicago office, as we have no ont side airents jell nS our wlectlons. To out-of-town subscribers we give th?e? dSvs: trial free. Inclose SLO to assure i rnn nraie. u "iree aajs -- . . -j- l-lxth race, on mil- itt!e i) i limine- iu7 Ous Heldorn l Arak- " loulsMlle 101 i.uvemor IWJ ... l' Kmir.ii A. M H3 Iyo klne .... 11 nnui (iirl 1M Mli"-tle . .- - HI ( nnor . . 10u .Mi:MI'IU-i MIl.fcCriUNi itnprin.ic spfci vr aiempil. April a selection: llMt Kac- Weliome I.'Klit. fori Toucli- uou.1. s: Merry 1'i. rVcond ltn l.rertl (111, I't-rful 1jJ, Pinlle Third Race Icicle. Marcos. Gltmlun KourO IUtti-,'.jrplti. Murtlnnia-. ilcGc Fifth Itute-Ijidj .Jlonlll!l. llunoull. Kirs i Tnjpln-. biitn Jlace-I)ulllle. Calthnefi. rtrKInj. HEHI.TI AT ACOT I'AIIK. Celelimllon Ilrrukii TraeU lloioril for Six und Ouc'-llnlf l'iirliic. I AngtJes, Cal. Apiil J M.izeJu w i- the only favorite tlut flrjiihiil lirnt at Ascot to-iU. There was. no npiclal fea Ure to the progrjtimie. ceptin the bruaklni: of the track record in the last race at sii. and one-lulf furlongs Ctlehra tion going tho distance In lil'j. Vealher clear; track fast. Summaries: Flret race, six furlongs Headwater. 37 (Feltcher). to I. wun; lletrora. joi Welcht). 10 to 1, xscond- Little fiecret, 1(1. (W Hunan), 4 to 1. third Time. 1 15 Krr- lKB. Cipablp. Insolence. Eminence H. Tloli t . Isai Mixlip. !ru) Morn. Ooodwin. Pirato. J'Ck Kiche liu, Jr. and Flamero sJio ian Second race, four and one-half furlongs, sell iOK Jerome, 107 (J.,), 11 to 5. won Azillna 1j0 (L. Jackson), 7 to s. second: PesK1 Mine, JOI (Prior), u to 3, third. Time. Broun studj, st. Olulo and Da Graminont also ran Th'rd race, on mile, selllnc Eire. 19 (La.v- rence). to 1. von. All Alx.ut. !! (t Jacki-oiiJ. 10 to 1. second. Lunar. D7 (Lowe). 8 to 1. tliild Time. Htm Casator. oilio'o. limwelatn Tne Ovenanter and El Orients also ran. Fourth race, me furlongs Marado 3P0 (W. Dugan). C to 5. won. Pat HuUrer. 309 (J. I.cwls). 6 tu 3, cond; 11.-st lla-i. 1I2 (Prior), I to 1, third. Time. 1.J13-5 Axnes Mack, beptre. Ktnloch. Vlctorlt b and Kelan also run. . Fifth race. mile. sclllnc-J V. Ktrb. M (W. Dujin). 8 to 1. won: Dolly VVelthoft. 107 (Law rence). 4 to 1. second. Merwan. liti ((.owe) 35 to 1, third. Time. 1 K. Olenrlcs. Silverflll. tanner Jim. Platonius and invlctus alao ran tilth race, elx and one-half furlom.s, sellinK Celebration. Iu2 (Felcht) 4 to 1. woi; Thlsbe. 303 (J. Lewis). Z to 1. aetond, Hn.ebud 30 (J. looker). 10 to I. third Time. 1 Mi, JIacAna. Katherln- Ennis. Ited Dum-'el and General Cronje also ran TO-DVT3 AMX)T I'AllK EXTRlEa. rirbt race selllr.K. ono mile. eko fJ Elm 101 Pictura 10J Dark becret l'J7 lioliiic 302 Henry Cla Re ...U7 Blue K1Jr .. . .lit Lunar 107 -So lTlenu .... Its Hassanlo 1V7 Little beiret . . 101 feecond race. Slauaci course: tia D Mix llott . . hvermorv ... Moonstrne uric c Fowler Jaialaka . Laura 1. M I'rhuno slSitlnrilb V Nona U Ill .... 301 103 ... lvs .. Ill . Ill . HI 4 . Profitable 'J Chemist Jim Octc- 11 The iVjxenanter Kscalantt; Ml 103 Third race, six furlong-, iillins: hufrnla U. . . y- F-tad- UO HuaiaU W Mlu.- Mlraclo 117 Durbar . . " Huldaiiu 101 V. ager . .. . . S7 Nunvn 108 ltcii-bud M flolll VViltlloff ... 108 Fourth racr, handicap one mile. l'orcai-ta . ... ti (lollen Mineral .. I'M - 11 csuii.lx;!! . "I Straggler 105 M r Tarpey 53 Callant 10". Elwood i Glenn!" lVi llfth race, one and oie-quarter mile, selling: Homage !tvi"'om- M-t Merwan HI Platonius 107 Jlngler 101 j The Ledaeu 1W John McOurk IJ4 iLabor US rlxth race, six furlongs. V.V lnnifreda. ... Vtlanticn rolJmbla Girl Carrltal . si . IJ3 ...1B . 102 Golden Boy . Harrington .. Pat Bulger .. ,...iu; .. 1"5 Columbia Girl ar.d 'arnlnil. Johnson cntr. COT 8EL.ECTIO.Vb. ItEPUHLIC PPECI L. Iw Ancel-s. April 5 belectlors: First Hate Lunar, Henri Cla Itje, Biiia lttjge Second Jlace Jim Gore II. Moonstone, The Coenanter Third Itaee Eugenie n. Wager. Durbar Uace Glennevi. Gallant, Golden Mineral FIfti Ilac John ilcGurk. Itr. Jlngler xtn Pace Jchrson s Beet. Pal EJlgcr. Itar- rlrgton. LONG SHOTS AT O llvIM). Mntt lloumn Wm the Only Fniorlte to Mike Gouil. San Francisco, Cal. April 5 Long priced horse were to the fore at Oak land lo-day, .Matt Hogan being the only favorite to land. The handlcan over the futurity course wls the feature of tho curd, and it proved a lively bettins affair. Hagerdon. got away fivins and. racing with AtwooI all the way, beat htm easily ly over a length. J" ar the results at Oakland tc-da : Track fa"t: weather clear. Flt race three-fourths of a mile, selling Om Viva. 10 (llunner). 3 tu 1, won; Aunt Pollv. 101 (Kiap)). 2i. to 1, kecend: l'ilg-1, i. lU Hutlr 5 tj 1. third lime, 1 15. Kllt ICrll. Hliellmourt, oung Peppr and Anlrjd aUo tan econ.l lace one-half mile, maidens. 2 ear rld. purm. l'lerelia. 10. (Ivnapp). IJ to 1. won. tlrj. Us (Iluuck). 13 to 1. HtLond: Ben Lrlc. 1W (Butlerl. b to 1. third Time, ih Palm dale. Holica-i AbtKi. Amni) Edna h-Tullivan. Jocular. May 15 . Anita, Knight and ban Jose ltlo ran Thl id race, thirteen sixteenths of a. mil Matt Hogan 10S (Itiixtnu) 11 to In won. 'oeo-lto. l't illotlrouk). S to 1. econl. Holler, joS tj. T Sneeiiam. 1) to 1. third. Time, li-p, David H, TUiI 8In, Juo John. Quiz 11 and Captivate alo ran I-uurlh rare, ore mile and setentj vard. 11 Ins fetrolla S5 lltonnerl. 11 to 1. won IsiU. -Moore. 101 (Phillip. 6 to 1. second, col nel Van , (Vanderhout) 2 to 1, third rim-, I (C, Eipedlent Carilee. J"at Mcnls"v. Chlckadte, Et Pilar and Montana P.eres ao lan Fifth re.-. I'"utiiril course, lianlICT Hi gerdon, 110 (Powell). 5 to 1. won Atwco.1. ij iJonesj , tj 1 Mcond. Albula. 10) (Itonner). II to 1. third Time. 1.10i4 Mono. Double Six. Obmpian. M Vlnilfrela and Don Duim ulo ian Sixth ra-e. one mile and flftj miles, rellln: Illllouon 101 (Duxt'in), 4 to 1, won: Lacs Craw fmd. 13 (lionner), 5 to 1, second. Halnaiilt. iro iCivsthwatte). 3 to 1, third Tlroe, 1 i(i4. OF MEN Private Diseases cured In 3 to 10 dajs. without the use of poi sonous drugs. Nervous Debility cures quick and radi cal In 2) to 60 days, by my own famous method. Varicocele Cures without uttirg In from 3 to 10 days. Blood Poison Every vestige of pol kti rernov cd from t s tem without aid of mercury or potash. In consulting me ou may be sure that (ciicci lias oevii iofc M,wii iu aiiora dence. explaining jolt troubles as they appesr to man my aanest ana cania opinion 01 your case. "10 OI',VE BTIUtBT. ST. LOUIS, MO. Hours; a. m. to 1 p. m. Sundsrt. to I only. .-.Jv ....v. JESSE. W. IRWIN, Mgr. J Hnen Ei.i G . E-l eri-l. HeJ Cro-s Njrso Ulll LI in illi ian . , ...., ,,,-j . WUVlS OAKUXU ENTIlim Flrft la rilllirltv coille. .elllnt. l"l Ill It! lli lit. econ.1 rate nlie-slvti nth of a mile. iur-c. balalle. InatcUrr llall'ln MrGrtgor 1 3 ..' uiiit! mi ilrNear Ouevn i ay f' Homeric Mimllo " l berries lir. U.l.r 97 lalucite . Illlel fbolt . . . 101 Von '.ol'ern Mimliinl . . .1"' Adi or liupttt-ir Mmroe lot t)ui Prldi Tunl race. Iutnrlty ttiunn slllnx -tin .ti Mlts Ma. Howdleli "J4 I mil Ited lllrd . - 'rJ l.i-sltli . M ClBUslus - '!b llnllr .. I" tsvpltDn PrlC""i HI Plon.Ura ...111 Choilles bChAelt- Hipper IH ler . J K.iMin.i tit Urenmi iss IVmrth jiie and une-rltrhth mil, hulidl- ip (latewa ft-Vrino Glllfler . yjii'arit . 97jur Pestle t'w I Hijritluii . 1W 1C1 lit llfth met, three.qtiartcrs of a mile- (leiigalet Honlttm Oiean 15rum .. Llmcrlci. Town Mansard beotninsn . .. feto Gnittot .. GiMeu Igllt F!ii"h of (lull Villon Tail .. . v " - . . IP III) . ll . Ill Sixth raie. ono mile, eelltny: Ora lu Ht nice .... 31ronenlale . . loJ.Axnilnstir u 10. 'constellaior I01 .. . Ill loo OVKLM) bULIXTTlONS. I FPL'ni.IC SPECIAL bun ITim. lid. April S. F'lcctlms: Find Hate Our Prldt. Inictor Munroe, rlecond Usee Georjo P, McNear. LMusrdo. Jnsp-ctor llnlpln Tnlrd Itace-salto. Ited Kird. Ur. ptlin Prin cess . , j..iirth r.oce-Our LeJ-e. Grafter. Carat Fifth lUce lellovy Tall, Ocean Dream. Flu-'l of Cold. , ... bixth Jtace Bronerdalo, Axmlnster, Ora Viva- COMvI.ING TOOK TIIC FOL'RTH. Bent CHy HniiU und nl in Feature lit IlennlniC". Washington. April 5 Tho card was only orilluar.v at J5ennlngs to-dn. Only or.o fa vorite, St Jjvnal, won. Ilia remaining events, going to stcond chokes and an outsider. Mrs. Frank Foster won her first race of tho &caon. City Hank, entered for some of the big handicap events in the 111?!, showed much improvement over his ptevtous tunning hero this te.ison. James I'.. In tho sixth race, at odds of 20 to 1, a place, llnlshid second ummarle-: rirt lace, six anl ou--half f urlongt. Mi . Frank roler. lc (Wondirb). 5 to 1, won, .(.uiucud. 117 (Oreui.ier). to 1), stond. Calgar, 111 IMcitiO. 7 tu 1, third Tim-, 1 Z3 :- btroll.r and Lord Adxocalo alo ran. lSou Mot left at pot. fecund rav-. four snJ one-half furlongs Moa Amour, lei (Miawj, :. to 1, wi.n 1-adi Ficn cei. ie5 (ItcKiftni), - to 1, second Moji;e t-tret.p. 3o. tWiiile). to 3. third Time. .7. Ircfiist 1: L Johnstcn UUt Apdrew. (Ud'fstcae, Onlv One. 1111a. VVih Manilu March and feandulvood ali-o ran rhiid race, nix and one-half fur'engt. Thor nescnift. Ill (McCue)- to . woti. M- I'.ck wlck. liii (lulling). 13 to 1. sfconl. Pavne. IX (E Walsh), 5 to 1. third Time. 1 .'S 1-' Wreath ot Ivy. Meirteislnger. ruitt and Dupont also ran l'ourth race six furlong Cor.kllng. 314 (E. Malth). 7 to 5. won. t Itv lnnlt 117 (Thomp son). 7 to I. second, bail p tltedftrn). 9 10 10 third Timn. 1 lb 1-5 Bed Comjn also ran Fifth raen seven furlouge St Juvnai. 3U (ltedfern). 1 to 2. won John F Aliesrn li 1 (HnUrrson), 10 to 1. cond Cay. is (II. P.ill lips), 7 to 1. Itllrd Time. 1 31 1 5. Uhilh alia ran blxth rcca. milo nnd forty jards, sdllng Ijitheron S5 (llenneis). 7 to 1. win. James F.. l'j i rhompson), j to 1. t-ecoiid. pmnpano, v (tJ L Was!). S to r. mini Time, 115. ITUilt. Earlj Eve. Arrali 1)01' an, TlSe-lt, Les McCarthv and 'trimtj Bell also ran. TO-DAVh HI XKINUb ENTHIEb First race, five a-d out halt furlongs, 3-year-cMji anl up. Ti phonic llitrla . 1'ii.tlsn ... .. llliMaru . . llCAiuc!.ii HSlThe Howerv .111 ..m . 11 becond race, .ar-olls. foa- ainl one half furlonge. Ihlavnl .. . .1"? .Allen Avon , Melri'fe i"lalclel!a . I.-ll!ti Ut I . tm 30! Third tjvc seven ful lunge 4 j ear olds and ip lling Coll Hell l.i t.nteiu. '. 1) Pr tortus 105 lugal ltej Si Ilella of Milfonl . . lot nnl (Iracs M Hart i:ve 1"3 Torchlight s Paul Clifford ...lm F.iarth race. nbott tr o mile-., steeplechat. eelllng: Horry IM Gum Ilont-v ivii fil'mi 1'axton J- I4r!t3a Ivl ..161 1(9 Munntnn j'M.- jtprtnt nuke of .153 1 Fifth race, four and ore half furlongs, selling, :- ea r-olds: Little Woods . All hcarlet Iirt U ni tergus .... Alcal .. ., li)J . tfi -rroi Illght Aurtlnn Flxth lace, one mile- cm Hank .. . . in !"3-t Kelston ..IU Itelle of th- Hlns . "' (jueen i:ilzs,b'Ui .107 I.illlion 3 Cnnuem . f3 VV H J'asls- .. Mehlcen F-c lectin General Jteiart . Unl l.lcl't . ... Mountain Il-eee HENNIMIS ULKiniUN. bPkcia u VVafhlnglon Viiril r Relectluns: rirt Hflce Pel r laiil Aiachuc. lllrla. S.innd Har-t Vllen Awn. Melroi.-, Drlaval Ihlld llace Paul ClIIToril. Tllgal Uey. doll Hell Fourth Bare Uuin Hone, Honey uoj. Heir Ar en lent Fifth Hire First Hint. All -ear!et Fergus s-lxth P-vtu-Ited Ligli', Mohican, lloaiitaiu lirte2e. WESTERN JOCKEY CLUB DOES NOT FEAR WORTH. Member vay ItaeliiK W ill Be Con ducted In ClifcnKO llils icnr the S.une its iMiinl. Chicago, April 3 "The American Derby will surely be rim. The quarrel over dates does not affect us." ' This statement vias made to-day by Lawrence A. Young, -president of thf Waah'ligtcn Park Jockev Club. The senti ment anions the Westcrni Jockey Clul) leaders aNo wat, that the profpects of a lutf w.u (.(imiiii? ftom the Worth Jockev Cluli tourcs were slight, and not to be feared It was believed by them, and admitted, that the combination of tho Western Jovkey Club and the Pacific Coatt Jockey Club formed an obstacle which cut rhort all possible combinations to combat the local organization. Worth's course was said to-dav to he still unoecided, lut utlieiuls ot the track declared positively that Worth will not open on the dates assigned. Spooking of tho racing- situation about Chicago. Secretary Harve T. Woodruff of the Western Jockey Club, said: "I do not think local turf officials an ticipate any pronounced interference from dissatlsfierl truck" The schedule for all tracks mound Chlcaso. Including Worth, is exactlv- the saire as last swr. Celug leap jtar. all dates arc moved forward two days. "What St. Louis might do Is entirely a matter of conjecture." o'limvh sr.viiyvx'B affirmed. Clileiuniitl Tnrf Commissioner Inder ("nnv letlon at Fraud. Cincinnati, April 6 The United States Circuit Court of Appeals to-day affirmed the decision of District Judge Thompson in sentencing W. W. O'Hara. a year ago, to thirteen months' imprisonment and a fine on the charye ot using the mails for fraudulent purposes O'Hata former! v did an extensive busi ness here as n turf commissioner. He has been In the West, pending Ms appeal, "and was given thirty days In which to appear. Tliis sentence is for one letter only, and the postal authoiltles havo manv other letteis like It under which additional prosecutions might be made. Pound Hall 'All Over the Lot. an UDIJC 91 ECIAL. Faducah. Ks . April 3.-Ttie frst game of a series cf two between the'loeal Kr. L T. lasuc team and the Cincinnati Colts, was plajcd at Leau Park this nfteraocn. and. the way the Colts landed on the tome pitchers was a inrl t1tssr i-n rri1. mon. nrd the vlsitori weVe.eTlailrlSedby - " .- -j uiv uy inninKS - mujiuinii ..... 1 4 0 5 0--M JggS?SS&5S -.-VJ j-aaucan 40002U0O I BROWNS DEFEAT CARDINALS IN THIRD GAME OF SERIES. McAleer's Mi-n Win ly Score of . to 2 CoibfiU Ucceivcs Ovation From Fans sWlien He Appears on the Rubber. In the third tilt of the ante-season seiles between the Jlrowns and Cardinals the American leaguo team won by tho narrowr margin of one run. The final score was 3 to 2 In favor of the Browns The cime was the prettiest contest of the time. Throughout the game both teams kspt working hard for victory, and the Intense rivalry added to the interest. Yesterday's r'jme terved to introduce "Smiling Joe" Orbett, tho Cardinals" star Loxman, to the local fans. Although Corbett maiio an error in the seventh iniiliig that practically lost him his own game, iiu displayed all his old time elfectlvencsvi. Corbett pltchid a masterly game. Handi capped ati he wan by having to adapt him self to unfamiliar rules. Corbett pitched a, sensational game. He had burning cleed, wides curves and fair control. In the Coast League the .tiltcher is net held to strict account for balking. Sheri il in. however, made Corbett live up to a strict Interpretation of the rules, and this lessened his effectiveness. At .ill stages of the game, however, Cor bett --howeJ his pitching ability. Five hits were .ill the Brov lis could get Off Ms de liver). He also fanned seven ot McAleer's men and watched the bases nicely. At the bat he cracked out a nice single in the seventh period that sent a runner across the plate and gave the Cardinals a temporary advtuitige. When Corl.ett took his position In the box lu the first he received a rousing re ception from the fans. They gave him the glad hand -is he tossed the first ball over and were with hlPi nil through the game. In the first inning he fanned Heidrick and was cheered to the echo. He fanned one halter in e-ach of the following six Innings. The Drowns' victory in a large measure was due to their alertness. They took ad vantage of nil the tine point? of the game and made every effort counL IJROWN8 IJBTTKR GENERALS Thirteen hits for the Cardinals netted them but tv.o runs, while the Browns htretshed their live hits und the Car dinals' mlsplfljs into three, runs and vlc liu y. Harkett's timely smglc in the seventh sent the tving run over the pan for the Browns. Waiting for one to his liking Burkett met the bail nicely and sent it skimming past Hockley, while Pugden registered. A moment later Corbett fum b'ed Htldtick's gtiiunder, allowing1 Wright to score. Wright was touched for thirteen hits, but he tnunaged to keep them well scat tered . He ulso did well in tight places, and v. is helpl along by the failure ot the Cardinal to plav keen, crisp ball. Iu the tifth inning Barclay made a serious mis take in attempting to reach home, while Biers was being run down between first and second. Had George stuck to the third tntioti lie would have scored a mo ment later, an Corbett lifted up a nice tly to Hnrkett. on which Barclay" could havo ea-sllycr(wsed the -plate. r In the Held the Browns and Cardinals both showed up well. Two errors were iharqed against the Browns, but the one charged against the Cardinals was the more ccsti, as it resultod in a run for ths Browns niJItlCETT'S PRETTY CATCH. Biirkctt's catch of Corbett's foul In tlm fifth Inning was the best fielding play ot the day. Jess had to go almost to the fence to gather it In. In the fourth inning Brain collided with Harry Howell, with the result that 1 e had to quit the came three innings later mi account of tlm Jar. Had Bruin gone into the bag right he would have avoided this collision. Dave went in standing straight up, as though h- Intended to embrace tho handsome Harry. FIRST INNING. For the Cardinals, raitell opened the game with a tap to Demont. on which he was ,xn easy out to Jones, Shannon Ingied, took eurd on Demont's high throw, but was out trjlng to stretch the play for an extra, base, rjmoot went out. Wright to Jones. No runs For the Browns: Burkett walked and took second on a balk. Heidrick fanned. Demont was hit by i pitched bill. De mont and Burkett worked a double steal, but Burkett was out trvlug to make the plate on Bj era's bad throw. Jones, the first man to touch one of Corbett's bend ders, went out to Barclay. No runs. SECOND INNING. For the Cardinals: Beckley went out, Wright to Jones Brain singled, but was forced on Burke's tap to Derrtont. Burke was out stealing. No runs. For the Browns: Huelsman wus out. Brain to Beckley. Howell fanned. Pad den walked, stole second and took thhd on Bverss bad thiow. Sugden then pist- eJ the sphere for two liases. I'adden svonrp;. vvngni waiKeo 8ugden was hit eHrtut s9jtsuMe Ao - ojuiAaJtAJUt -ttCC by-&nJHL &"? ' ,i. i-fl I 'fSP t" ,. r ' Zi&. flm-AlMl ' irf"-iix ?n-- . t(i. 'r--' 'f'rV-5 :v ;v K & JV? r. Bytk.I i?m iV": . t-r. -th K -A - ' SMILING JOE COnBETT. Who pitched a clever game against the Browns estcrday. liv Burkett's grounder, retirim the side. One run. THIRD INNING. For the Cardinals: Birclay popped to Heidrick. Bjers singled. Corbett was .afe on Domain's errci. Farrell singled, inline the hi-i.s. Wright then fanned Shannon. Smoot v.i .in easv out to Jones. No run-. For ti" Rrown-: Heidrick went out to rttiunnmi. Demont funned, Jones was out, Fairell to Btcklev. No runs. FOFRTH INNING. For the Cardlr.uls: Beckley popped to Demont- Brain Mngled. but wai out Irv ing to make thhd en Wright's throw heading off BLrke at first. No runs. For the Browns: Huelsmann fanned. Howell went out. Bruin to Beikley. Pud- deu was hit Iy :t pitched ball. Sugden died, Farrell to Eeckley. No runs. FIFTH INNING. Barclay smaled. Ber. singled, but over ran the bag. On the return to catch B ers. Barclay attempted to score and wns ciuight at the plate. Barclay appeared to have mtdn the play, but Sheridin allied him out and w is hlsvtl for his decision Corbett Hew out to Burkett. Farrell flew to Heidiiclr. No runs For the Browns: Wright fanned. Bar- 7WW10 Kuuue CAI04 a. LsdUtiZL ureudtal kett wns out.- Farrell to Beckley. Heidrick flew to Barclay. No runs. , SIXTH INNLVG. For the Cardinals: Shannon was out. Wright to Beckley. Smoot doubled and was caught trying to make third on Beckley 's tip to Wright. Beckley wa caught stealing. No runs. For the Browns; Demont fanned. Jonos was out, Farrell to Beckley. Huelsmanii Hew to Shannon. No runs. SUVENTH INNING. Fori the Cardinals: Bruin iltw to Jones. Burke singled. Barclay followed suit. Bj era's rap over second is--ored Burke. Cor bett singled, scoring Bard iv. Farrell flow to Heidrick- Ber.s was out at third on Shannon's forced hit. Two runs For the Browns: Howell fanned. I'ad den tripled, but was out in a run-up on Sugden'a tap to Brain. Wright wnlked. Burkett singled, scoring eVugden. IleJ'a rick hit through Coruett, Burkett going to third on the plav and Wright scoring. Corljett made a wild pitch, but Bers re covered the ball In time to retire Burkett at the plate. Two runs. EIGHTH INNING. For the Cardinals: Smoot was safe on Howell's error. Beckley went out to Shan non. Shay batted for Brain, and went out to Heidrick. Burke fouled to Sugden. For the Browns: Demont was oJt. Cor bett tc Beckley. Jones doubled. Huels mann was out. Burke to Beckley. Howell was out, Farrell to Becklej. NINTH INNING. For the Cardinals: Barclay fanned. Bers made his tourth successive single. Graely, batting for Corbett, was out to Iluelsmann. I"arrell went out. Padden to Jones. The scor: BROWNS. Name. All. R. IB- O A. E. IJurkeit. left Meld 2 0-11 HUdrlcU center flelj ... 1 0 0 0 Demont. shortstop 3 0 I 1 Jones first base i ) 1 S t Huelsman. right Held.... 4 i 0 2 0 Unwell, thlru hae i 3 J I'adiUn. second hase 11112 hugden. catchur z 1 I 4 VArUnt. pitcher 1 1 0 t Totals 27 3 5 !i IS Sosden out hit bj Lattrd ball. CARDINALS. Xan-o. AD. I ID. O. 1 o i : i o A. Farrell. second base.. shannon, rbcht field, famoot, center rieij... Llccklvy. Cm base... Hraln. shortstop Hurke, third base.... Larclaj. left nld... Hjers, eati her Orbett. pitcher i-hav. shortstop eirady ... I ... 4 ... I ... 3 ... 4 ... 4 ... 4 .... 3 ... 1 ... 1 Totals . Browns ... Cardinals .TS7 .... 0 .... ) 2 13 10') 3 II J 0 0 2 0-3 4 ) 2 "J I earned rur. Cird'nals I. Tm-b" bit" iuxdin 1. Siinoot 1. Jore" 1 Three-ban- hits PadJeu I. IXmb'o ejs Wright. Jcn"s and Howell. 1. Hit by pitcher 11 CTOrbett 2 Rv s on balls-Off corbett 4 strll. oLt-hv Wrteht 2. b i-irlytt 7 Left en tae Iirox 7. Cardinal. 7 stolen ba- Burkett 1. Demont 1. PadJe-i L Time Jn hour and tlfty minutes. Lmplres-Sherldan. O'Da). BIIOWAS SOW LEtD I SERIES. AMtli Four More Game to Piny. Car dinals Still Ilnfe Chnuce to Win. As was to he expected from a compari son of the Browns and Cardinal on pa per, tho ante-season series is proving a very interesting one. Of the three games already rlajed the Browns have captured two, as agal-ist the Cardinals' one, but as there are four more games to be plaved the Cardinals still have a good chance to win the city championship. Tho series Is rapidly developing the rel ative strength of the two teams, and up to the present time the Cardinals have shown that thej are a better batting team than the Brow ni. Nichols's team, however, lack the finish ten chiracterlzes the Browns tn the Hold and on the bases. Charley will have to develop team work If ha intends to make the Cardinals a factor in the pennant raco in the Na tional this ear. He has the material. The local Nationals can clout the ball. Their hits are not of the fungo variety. Shan non. Smoot. Barclay. Burke, Brain and Beckley bhould nil hit well around the .300 mark. Farrell is now batting in great form, and It ho can maintain the pace he will easily bat over .30. The Cardinals' bat tery men are also good hlttets. Corbett and Nichols can he relied on to hit in a pinch, while Biers and Urady appear to be very nandy with the club. The Cardinals should score more runs for the number of times they get on the bases. They take too many foolish chances, however. With proper coaching. Nichols's team should overceme the poor ork they do on the bases, for nearly ev ery cardlnal-hosed warrior is sneedv. With their speed the Cardinals should be one of tne Desr. nase-running teams in the Na tional League. Their runners, however, are poorly coached, and allowed to run amuck after they reach first. Bruin, Bar clay. Shannon. Shav and Burke are all sprinters, but they fall to get the results that slower men. like Padden. get after thev reach HrsL That the Cardinals have first-class ma terial s bevond gainsaying, but as set thej have not shown the proper team work. This weakness, however, is not a serious one, and Nichols will surelv rem edy It before the National League pennant race ! two months) old. On the bases the Cardinals fall to take advantage of oppor tunities They are good hitters, have a wondenul pltchlnc department, fair tteld urs. and If the luck breaks in their favor the should Unish well up in their league's race when the curtain falls In October. McAleer's statement that he has the best infield iu the American League seems to bo v erilled by the performance of his pets Jones on first l an Improvement over Anderson. He can hit better, field as well, and has more courage than Anderson, I'adden is as good as ever, and that means that second base will be well looked after for the Browns. Dick is also a good "Inside player" and can al trass he relied upon to do the right thing at the right time. Wallace and Demont or Hilt will rnmnlef-a the Tlrnwns Infield anil when thev-get going properly base lilts for ' -V Hartt-- Jt lespite - le Browi1) also Iqf opponent!' will be a luxury despite W1K DllCiUU UfTrH""""! ' "'- Trf ii.i i.tttft-ild the Hronns i htron?! "Burkttt K ihc same uondtQ player ue "as m-i-n mi iuu last dozen .in he wes an gets gn- I vtam ni iricK i ijener in t.-T ..fs'1-sm. n ml when Huelsman ccts z i:ig right he will he toer ot strergth at the hat anil In Hie li lei- h. s Tho DitchinK :rp irim nt 01 uic urun, However, is wai.. i'c u...a.o a.. . s rrl.n f .fllnnl ari vini. ion iirrie irnuii: in KceiiiK .iicj i,n inf.. .iniiiiir. eoiumiis. Thirteen hits off Sudhoff, seventeen off bievers. and thirte-n off Wright is the Cardinals hat ting performance against me Muirav Deit ritct er At mat Hi- Browns' p'tchers arc not in condition. Tiifv- deenl ten much on their lielders for proteetl.m. The box will bo the-' weak point throughout the romln? pernint race. Their pitchers, o.irrin; hudliou" and Slovers, lack clau. ivity. Wright. Howell and ilorgan are but ordlna'V prform'rz. nnd unless Glade develjrs into a good mun th Browns vill liave to go through the lH pennant race with but two good pitchers. If either one should get hurt the Browns' Lhanei-, for finishing in the first division will have disappeared. With good team work, the Cardinal? will finish In the first division in the Na tional League. Unless the Browns secure another first class pitcher, or Glade dev elopes Into on-, their chanees for finishing well up in the race are very slim. After $esterdas's game a group et fans repaired to Corbett's place. No. 421 Locust stret. where Tom Corbett counted over UW to M. J. O'Donnell as a result ot a wager on sesterday's game. Corbett took his loss good-natur-dly, and said he was well pleased with the ehowlng Jo made against the Browns. "i trot -l run for niv monej'. and am net kicking over Its loss. At that Joe shou'd, have won his game. He pltchd In good )wm ind snowed class throughout the game." The fourth came of th ante-seaion senrs will be plajed at L-;ue Pa-"f 'h's affrnoon. weathr permitting. Nichols and Grad- Drobably will work lor the Car dinal", wnlle Pelty and O Connor or Ka hoe will he in the points for the Browns. The Une-ui) of the teams will be the same an veterday. with the exceptions of the batteries. Footlmll Players AMI! Dance. Th A-Watl!-! FootMl! Lase of St. Louis will clv Its "econd annual bill f-aturdar nlt at Northwest Turner ar.d Llederkranz Ifall, tandeventer and Easton avenues. WE DURE MEN PAY WHEN CURED IS DUD 3ESI 6I1MUHTEE. DBS. FRANCIS ft FRANCIS, St. lull' limit SpteiH&tt WE CUBE WHERE OTHERS FAIL tmk nt mftrtlfr in trefttlnr Cbresfe. Nrvou. BioA and SpccUt DIkuu ftra ua many advanufe cr family BdjtI clara Perfect confidence !a oar aWUtr iroden cuntive methods of tminarn. prompts u In nrntwi thi gensToat wwr. 9 nave curea inoustnas os wu, vm down, dlfcocrared men. and can do fcokp do tho tame for tOu. Don't atand Idly tor nd oat Tmir health menaced ana vour manftooa Upplnr aar wben we will guarantee yea a lajtlnr cure and restoration. VARiroci-XK. Under our- treatment th! IrsMIou dtenae ranldlr disappears. I'aln c-aes almost Instantly Tho pool ot rtaKnnnt blood are drnn from Ue di lated eln.nd aU sorrr.ess and awelllBC anl-klr ?ubtld5. Kverv 'ndlcatlcn of Taff coceje mod tanUVn. and in lts.atead tomm the tiiide. tli power and., the vlauruTes C perfect -health and restored mnnbocd, TRICTKHE. Oar cure dieo3ve tho Stricture completely and removes every b etmctlnn from the urlncry paesave, allays alt Inflammation, stcp evry discharge. I dare the tn-wtate gland, cleanses and nal3 the bldtler and kidney Invlgorat th weat-nej irpuns and restrre heIti rfl m,p.1nea to ev-rr part of the Tjofly effvted bv the dlsajr AHRVOI S I) EH II ITT. Ov nare ftr weak men remove all the Ul effects cf fer me foilv an fl dissipation, stops eveyy lass and drain of vUor. mskea the nerrew strep ( and Meadv. enriches the blood InvbJtwates the wasted nelvlc oriran. and. mORt 1m portant of all rfores the waited powers cf manhood Avnld tnporarr etlmailanta Sefc a lastlnr cu-r TCe sjtmnte a per manert r-toratInn In from TO to daya. CONTAGIOVS BLOOD P01OX. Tfjron havesore throat mueous patehee plrpclf. capper-eel oeeI spcts. sores and ulcerm,- bone pains, falling ha!r or any symptonv of thl dlseee in either primary, eeoondtrr or tertlarv starve, come to us and n for-r rd cf it. Our treatrrent clean-, and erad icates -rerv taint of pcon and even- tm puTltv from thr b'ood and svst-m. AIi3an ar of iT-enrmlMlcn or recnrrnc 1 " moved XVhv take raereT.ry and ooturti trT years. whn we ran raarsntee vou a per manent cure tn So lavs wltb-mt tho use of these Injurious remedies? Consult us at Opr-p W- elsr cure to stay cred Hydrrcsl. Itupture ril. Kidney. Bladder and Proe ttlr -Vfrctlcs. Brtema. FsorlaaU and alt m.--. jrfctn P!ase , WRITP ,f unable to calL ftivtoc; a fall null l detcrlptlMi of vour case In your own words. Our Home Treatment Is tta neat successful known to medical scfecos. All correspondence s confidential. Hnur 9 a. m to p rn. Sunday?. a. n. to 1 p m. Consultation and examination free. Drs. Francis & Francis, 800 Olive St., St. Luis, Mi. Dr.BOHANNAN Cam all Camlaaad Special Dmm. Dt. B.'i "Taj ble Cnrmtrts MilUTelyraTeXerroiieIeMllrr.Oiiaai Weakaeti. Lost Kiabeod. axieacele or any et ila nealt lac f rom yeutMol trrora ar froB t t eeera weekt. InnMattitcoiiataatlyadeertliedla taUpamfot Terronryrar.adlueBenrra!edl.ttriaitBwent Cm. Imp.rt.VlKcrlothow MIDDLE AOEDMS-wi feel a veakne.broDd their yean. Price, rite Dollarfl. trUl paekan.Oo Dollar, vtllllMVtkat tie Remedy will dol'.t!utr.dTrrlid. SoldnlybyDK.C.A.BaKAll- !.v. X. tSt Mertaa street. St-LinU, M- Seat It aiy tddmcrweunlynaled. fthaU Circalar FBSX. DR. SCHREINER. 816 Cbestout St., St. LobU, Mo. The RELIABLE: Speclmliet Curea v-'lTate and cnronlc dl eaaea. Lost Manhood, Nervous rjehillir. Lot Vigor. Seminal weakness. Nlgbt lasaen, D. .bllltatinx Drtums. e-ariy J. car. ar!coceii result of er rors or excesse. Urinary Dla earejs. Oleet. stricture. Un natural DiTChn-jres and all duu. eares or KKinrvs arut madder ana nioou -oicn. an etais. i eoaltlvelt riired. nntt.tmm ' naiients ireaii oy raaiu Book free. - $1.00 PER WEiK FOR TREATslEIT Tou can buy ro better for tie a. week. Consultation free. Call or write. Hours- a -m-tcil m. Sundars. 10 a. S! to PStJ.' fc lamucsPiucSfWUttSUa M a BMHifill CMflcxlatv roMteasoaaadTrjttar.Ab. -aoluulr and-Penaawtlr TOwys oiackbead. Fnc tle, Puasle, Bldnaas. Sua vets, ni lam. Ihwtwttk peraa-BorsIa Soap n lrt ikln Is fannd. "--3rta Smih Mat. r ssvvU. Hi asm. BsraratlBlaM. Aa-asi i i i .a. rntMiiM ASIS! 7VlJAu,r 9mm vMi- jmatjmtrm w J2ememrfe &mmM& BSW N-isSS.'- I'M glim. Mm JlottlellEE toAasnts, : '& A e-yf-"; ;rTf e jar-rjins.