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.. SI-. riL si4sndffj32JEv .UtHWMu'u-Mkl .i-W.a.'-W.AA-. . THE ST. BOUIS REPUBLIC: WEDNESDAY. APRIL 6, 1904. II t 'i: - hi ? r-1 1 1 u tl tl fere- re- . Kl THE ST. LOUIS REPUBLIC. PUBUSlIERS: GEORGE KNAPP CO. Charles V. Kuapp. President and General Mauaser. Gears-'! Allen. Vice President. W. H. Catr. Secretary. OSicc. Corner Seventh and Olive Streets. ' (UEPUBLIC BUILDING) TBKJ1S OF SUBSCRIPTION: DAILY AND SUNDAY SEVEN ISSUES A WEEK. By Mail-In Advance Postage Prepaid. One year 15 00 Six mouths 300 Three month 1-K Any three day?, except Sunda one. ear 3-W Sunday, with Masaxln 2 00 Special Mali Edition. Sunday 13 Sunday Magazine 1,2 DT CARRIHR-ST. LOUIS AND SUBURBS. Ter week, dally only Scents Per week, dally nnd Sunday cents TWICE-A-WEEK ISSUE. Published Monday and Thursday one year. M.00 Remit by bank draft, express money order or regis tered letter. Address: THE REPKBUC. St. LouK Mo. tReJected communications cannot be returned under any circumstances Etatered in the Post Office at St. Louis. Mo . as second class matter. - DOMESTIC POSTAGE. PER COPT. Eight, tea and twelve pases I nt Sixteen, eighteen and twenty pages ' t cents for one or 3 cents Tor two copies Twenty-two or twenty-eight pages - cents Thirty pages 3 cents TELEPHONE- AMBERS. Bell Klnloch. Counting-Room Main 301S A 67 Editorial Receptlon-Koom Main S8M A 474 "WEDNESDAY, APRIL b 19M. Vol. 96. .No. Circ-ulevfaioai Pia-ring Maxell. W. B. Carr, Business Manager of The St. Louis Re public, being duly sworn, says that the actual number of full and complete copies of the Dally and S.indny Republic printed during the month of March, 1M. all in regular editions, was as pr schedule below : Date. Copies. ! IvTiwv 3 10O34JO S 100,780 4 108JMV 5- ..... IOT.1TO S Oaaday) H9,43 7...... 1O5.420 R 104.SSO t 1WI 10 104.330 11 I05.3IRI Dale. ConUc. 1 1045-SO 17 103.130 IN tortMi ltt 10tt-.7t 20 (Sunday).. 12 13 (Snaeley). ii - I lie . . 10500 . . 120JST0 . . 100.45U . .105,8411 2:1. 21. ' (Sunday). 2S. 29. SO. :ti. .10-t.oao .io:t,7a . ia,"!Hi . 100,300 .119,300 .103,810 .103.9011 . ios:ho . 103.900 Total for the month 3,313,001 Less all coplei spoiled, m printing, left over or flled 7.S.3SS Net number distributed 3.23B.07.'t Average da'lv distribution 104,357 And said "W. B. Carr further says that the number of copies returned and reported unsold during the month of March was 8.54 per cent. W. B. CARR. Swo'ji to and subscribed before me this Cl&t day of March. J. F. PARISH. Notary Public. City of St. Louis. Mo My term expires April :. 19CS. lAORLD'S- -, -1904-. -F-Aire THE VOTING MACHINE. - The vote-registering machine has not achieved Ihp" immediate and general popularity that was ex ' -peptecl. Three and four years ago it was more dis enfised than it is now. In most te:ts the mat hine given satisfaction. The Intricate initnirnent. with which the voting :s done by making an recoid. and the more simple instrument, with which the balloting is done with li.ills. are kuowu to posse-'! merit when'piop erly operated. However, the expeilments lue not been universally favorable, for in beveral cities nvi chines were the caue either of contest or eon trorerMo. Possibly ihe failure to give entire satis- faction lias had the result of lessening the popular interest. The voting machine has been tcstpd with suc cess in several Northern and Eastern cities Ar - rangements have been made for trying them in a few cities in the Middle and Western Stales. A ball machine was installed in a precinct In Spring Held. 11L, for ue in the municipal election. An cx -beriment so near to St. Louis will excite attention. Mncb may be said for a serviceable vote-registering machine. When its mechanism is perfect, when its construction conforms to the law govern ing elections and when the voters undei stand how to operate it a good machine offers, in some wajs. 'an improvement over the present method. It per ,. mits secret voting, it registers the ballots and It counts the votes cast. If it is kept under fiurveil .; lance, without interfering with the voter as he ex ercises his privilege, there is probability that the .tampering with ballots would be wholly prevented. There never was invented a system which would prevent criminal and foolish deed. The modern burglar is a genius and a mechanic; he opens the modern sa'e with comparative cafe. The wanl benchraan is experienced in nl! of the tricks of his business, and he is so t lever that he probably would, in rime, be able "to beat the voting machine." But. taking into account the cleverness of the evil-doer and the disadvantages and defctts of the instrument, the, vote-registering machine is worth testing everywhere. It should not be rejee ted until it ! generally tried; and the experiments should not be limited to a certain type of machine. Perhaps one or more of the machines will guarantee reliable election returns In the large cities. THE PRESENT AND THE FAIR. As regards the World's Fair St. I.ouis has torn the List sheet-off ihe calendar and the big how be gins '"this month." To realize the immediatencss of Sethis month" brings keen pleasure: keen antlclpa- u....- ji. i j, . . . . . uuus. iuf uir iiuiiieuiaienees is nor literal: a little nervousness and antietj altogether heartening In ilieir way. incident to the suspense. " The immediatencss of "this week" will soon en hance these sensations, and the immediatencss of Vto-day" will soou thereafter bring tlicra to n' climax and Tiring us to the greatest day In the history of he city. To be living in genuine, important, sure-to-be-perpetuated history is something which the individual ought to appreciate. To realize that we are a part of the great epoch, the supreme evenr, should be a mutter of immense self-gratulatlon. Of course, to be living at all is sufficient cnuse for thankfulness. To be living now is so much better than to have bocu living during the Chicago Exposition or the " Philadelphia Centennial without disparagement to either of these events. Iris even better to be liv Ing now than to have lived during the ancient and classic celebrations and feasts and fairs. A good many of those who attended the famous functions of past history are dead nnd buried, sad to say. AVo should be glad that we were reserved for tho'rair, - St. Louis is now fast approaching the great divi sion of its history. "Before the Fair" and "Sine the Fair" will be the distinguishing phrases applied all events. The Fair marks a profound metainor- 118,940 104.0SU l03.(tau The general manager must be a man of experience and ability, as he dtiects the affairs of-the corpora tion. And many matters command his attention that if lie desltes to gain rroults. .is .i manager of a lmine- institution would. Ins time and eneigics are constantly employed. Judge Komluuer U orreit in declaring, that the voter in diffeient cities are settling upon the opin ion that the corporation is a business In stitution. r It is nu impediment to piogrens that all voter have not become fully enlightened in regard to their own and the public wclfaie. There is no re.ison, as Judge Rom batter intimates, for the people of St. I.ouis to charge themselves with hating ro.ide a mistake in changing fiom a spoils sjstcni to the business theory. The present iidmiuistration would be a credit to any city. The affairs of St. I.ouis are managed by business men uuder the ditoction of a conservative, experienced. able and lelMble- Mayoi, and the standard of gov ernment is not only better than it etcr has been in St. Louis, but it Is ar least equal to the best that prevails in Ameiican cities. The work of the AVelis administration is an exemplification of the advan tages of a business policy pilosis. It openn up for St. Louis a Ista of neis surpassing perhaps the grcitiu'sa of any other American city. The Fair may mark the genesis of the influent u and motive lo re.ilire the piedictbins of a ccntuiy ago when scholars and lii-toilaiis peeped foiward and siwiu St. Louis the continental capital. We should endeavor not only to enjoy the ptoont and the Fair with a full of thc-e con- sideiat'ons. but to ail our reLuhes and fnetids from distant places come mill enjoy them with us. - BUSINESS iOVEKNMENT. Sas former .futile Rombauer. m a communica tion lo The Republic: "Dining tccent jeais the oters of huge lnumtipalilio in this State and hate become imp.chsctl with the view that a city, after all, is but a public business corporation, and .should be managed by those who aie most com petent to do so, and that hence its executive of llcers should be selected with that sole view." The municipal corporation is a business institu tion, and w beret er and whenever it is managed by the consenaihe methods of business theie Is piae tiial good goteinment. iny deviation from this Mew is to all interests, as manj a com niunity hi-, ascertained through expetlcnce. Intcstigating the organization of the municipal corporation, it is impossible to reach any other con clusion. 'J here is the Major, who is in effect the president and general manager of the comiuny. There is the Vice Mayor, his assistant who officiates as piesullug otbeer of the City Council. Theie aie the two branches of the legislature, which, as the Municipal Assembly, is the Board of Directors of the company. The varions divisions or departments are parallel with the systems of large private enter prises. We have the Health Department, the As sessment and Collection departments, the Fire De partment, the License Department, the Law Depart ment, the Treasurer, the Coinptioller, the Register, the Depamnent of Buildings and the Department of Public Lighting. The Board of Public Improve ments includes those departments which attend to public work, such as. besides the PiCfident's De partment, the Park. Harbor and Wharf, Sewer, Wa ter and Stieet departments. In addition are other departments, eacn perfoimiug a special mission. Hotv ouId a (ompiehensite institution having such muui'ious and important duties be managed successfully except as a business establishment V . Though the greater variety of products, epe- x y of manufactures, in the United States may Q. Of C, BALL WILL BE FIRST LARGE POST-LENTEN AFFAIR. him. dill, explain the different e. it seems likely that the Amer ican method of pushing business plajs a pait of con sequent e. The teport of the Depaitment of Commerce and Iibor shows that for the six mouths ending Decem ber 31. 1!101. our sales in Canada amounted to ap proximately sr0,)00.000; for the same period in 3002, JJ.AOOO 0)0. and for the same jieiiod in 1003, ?fi9,KK. 000. The Canadian sales in the like period of 1901 amounted to ?:l8,t)Sl,000; 1002, $.'18,118,000, and in lfM3, $:5S,C33,COO. This Miows tlut the Canadian trade has remained practically at a standstill In the United States, while our trade in Canada has shown a marked increase. One leasou for our increase in Canada is due to the extension of Canada; that is, to the opening of cast tracts of the touutry to settlement and the influx of settlers, particularly in the northwest section. In the Inst few years the Canadian railroads and emi gration agencies hate been doing much to promote emigration, and. while the majority of this emigia- tion has been from the United States, we hate gained in business more than we hate lost in popula tion, ns the inflow of foieigners Into this country more than balances the outflow; and. while theie is a complaint of foreigners settling In the cities, then are, nevertheless, a, vast number golug into the asrl cultuial sections of the extreme West and North west , Senator Cockrell is the candidate of the Mit-ioiin Democracy for the Presidency. He lias all the qualifications experience, character and demon strated ability. Missouri Democrats are not con ducting a light in hm behalf against any other can didate. If Judge Parker or aDy other party leadci of the right caliber is chosen by the National Con tention, Senator Cockrell and his fuends will heartily support the ticker. If the convention so. lects the Senator the party will have a candidate without antagonisms aud with all the elements of strength. That's the situation. -. The Reverend Doeior Hillis of Brooklyn says that "servants can nqver be sufficiently paid." If housewives talk straight some servants are doing tolerably well. Senator Burton is said to have alwats longed to be ' one of the best-known men in the country." H'.s ambition has been realized and now he isn't satis fied. Weather sharps admit that the past winter was the coldest for many jears. This will never squelch the "coldest weather was forty tears ago" man. The English are rejoicing over the advent In Lon don of an American quick-lunch car. They don't know what these cars really are. .-. - ASTO UNDING DISCOVERY. Attorney Todd isn't content with merely fighting Chicago's pan of the Drainage Canal case, but in sists ilium deciding the case himself; whereas St. Louis insists that the Supieme Court of the United States perform its own duties. Attorney Todd pro ceeds io gloat otcr the decision Just as if it had al ready' been rendered in Chicago's favor. "Why." sajs Attome.t Todd, "theie is nothing else to it! There is no doubt about it! The ease will be de cided in our favor!" Of course this Chicago spirit is very commend able in Attorney Todd. It is the tcry spirit of the immortal Cns Fisgey. the Chicago traveling sales man who now and then visits Bird Center. A zeal ous attorney is the only sou worth having, but we save the light to observe that zealots are not al ways gootl judges. It would seem to be the better part of wisdom not to count decisions until the testi mony has been read, at least. Waiving the point, how ever, and coming to the main question. Attorney Todd and his expert professors have made an astounding scientific discovery. We re gtet that, as yet, Mr. J. N. Foote, the Missouri scien tist, formerly of Kuobnostcr, now of Protein. Taney County, has not had time to pass upon it. Attorney Todd Jias found out that the Chicago Drainage Canal "not only does no harm to the sani tary conditions at St. Louis but Improves its water supply." - Says Attorney Todd: Profetaors making experiment" for Illi nois hate made the important discovery that thf- nat- of the drainage canal con tains n ctural elements which cause sud den death to malarial organisms instead i of enabllnp; the deidly irerm to sustain life. The rentilt of the li.scory will so down I bacteriological hl-story as one of the most Important events that has hap pened in manv ears. Surely this is inteiesting. If Attomev Todd is correctly quoted it will not only "go down iu bac teriological history as one of the most important eteuts that has happened in many jears," but will be set down as one of the most important events "that has happened" in English grammar in many centuries, in Tact, all the important bacteriological events that lias ever happened is thrown completely Into the shade, aud as for grammar, it are just nat urally revolutionized. ' On the other hand, if Attorney Todd is simply the victim of a telegraphic or typographic mistake, we still hate something rather astounding in the way of a scientific discovery. It appears to be a new variation of the "similia similibns curantnr" principle. Chicago's typhoid genua and other germs equally deadly come sailing down the river and kill our germs of corresponding kinds. Attorney Todd aud his confreres and ex pert professors argue that, therefore, the canal is beneficial to us. This would be an excellent argu ment save for one thing: it doesn't dispose of the vicious and malignant and fratricidal germs which descend upon our poor. weak, local contingent Hav ing killed off our germs, the big, overmastering, brutal Chicago germs, we fear, proceed to kill us. In reply to Chicago's and Attorney Todd's very excellent lesson we may be permitted to say, Thank you, we'd rather bear the ills we have than be de toured by the ills which come down by way of the cnual and the Illinois River. . TRADE WITH CANADA. While the Cauadlan.exports to the United States remain practically unchanged, Our exports to Can ada show a steady Increase. To some extent the figures suggest that the Yankee dors not lessen his exertions in hustling for trade, while the Canadian Is content with 'has and what comes to It will soon be the tittle of year when the city man swears that iu another twelve months he'll be living on a farm. -s Theie an' .TO.OOO.OW microbes in a dish of i--e cream. They don't cost tnucb by ihe dozen. . RECENT COMMENT. Common Sense la Fashion. April Houxekeerer. w Ever since Mother Eve caused the question of "Wheiewithal shall no be clothedT" to become one of paramount Importance to the human race, the evolution of dress has been in progress and one and all have e bowed the neck to farhlon It has long teen a maii cullne habit to point to this slavish allegiaice to stjle and its changes as a distinctively feminine character! , tic. and especially to rcmoik upon the fact that fahion and hjglene rarelj go hand In hand. A nenspaper hu morlBt ajsks: "Are the fashionable aleates this season to be too tight or too looe?" And between fashion and comfort there seems to jam an impassable gulf. As long as man retains his present ridiculous and In artistic costume, he is hardly in a position to crttlclso feminine attire. It would be difficult to lmaslne anj" thlng less esthetic than the "stovepipe" silk hat or the bagg trousers of the present day and generation. There hate been no striking changes or improvement!! in man's attire during the last fifty tears, but In thht period reform for women has made distinct ad vances. The most noticeable of these, probable, has been the almost general adoption or the short skirt for street wear, and physicians say that the gain In fam inine health Is already apparent. For this reform our business womn are responsible In large measure, al though the use of the short skirt in golf and other athletics has not ben -without Its wholesome influence. Shoe dealers tU us that It Is only within the last few tears that thlck-roled shoes for women hate become popular, and that their sale now, during the winter and spring months. Is terv larfre. Another evidence of common sene. The extremely tight lacing of onr grand mothers and the "wasp waist" have fallen into dis favor among sensible women Other reforms In the mat ter of dress night be noted, but It 1 tery evident that fashion and comfort are no longer Incompatible In fem inine attire. T )il,' "?-i3RifcL"-'.StiML'r-t.? S I V iMJ? . MISS JAXnT LEE. Photograph by Studio Grand. Realism on the Sfac;. Bookloters" Magazine. Augustln Dal, the most forceful and Intelligent the atrical manager of his generation, nnd I dare say of ony time, ir historical accounts can be used in preseit daj judgment, was a man of positive literary attaln- Iment, keenly perceptite in art, and a thorough student oi dramatic qualities. He was. moreover, an able busi ness man and a. competent administrator. Perhaps his greatest weakness was In not always being able to adapt himself to pecuniary conditions. He was a genius and an artist he mads artlsts-and It was not to be expected that he could keep his money-drawer with the same Ironlike politeness and merciless grasp as the corporate "business man." Sometimes he "grabbed at the spigot and let go the bunghole." as he said to me one day when mourning over the lack of appreciation of the really true and beautiful. "Most of the people are quite as well satisfied with veneer," sail Mr. Daly. "Then." I returned, "why the expense of going any deeper If oa are the only one who can see It?" This was all apropos of the production of the "Two Escutcheons," in which a read parquetry flooring that cost seteral hundred dollars was us"d in the drawing-room scene It did not-produce -the effect lhat Mr. Daly wished. But the polish of It tct off the women's gowra as well as the furniture; and. although it was very difficult for Miss Itehan to glide about on it with all the ease she would wish, and although George Clarke came near executing a double somersault on several occasions, jet the parquetry flooring served a tery good purpose. It was an evidence of Mr. Daly's conscientious care for detail nnd thoroughness. When Mr. Daly bought an thing for stage decoration it was generally the real thing. Cnnld Afford the Place. Cleveland Plain-Dealer. Judge Alton B Parker of Xew Tork was offered the post of Hrst Assistant Postmaster General by President Cleveland. The salary was X5.00O. but Mr. Parker, who was then Surrogate or Ulster County, declined to ac cept. His salary was .0t, and as he was building up a good practice he said he could not afford to accept. Postmaster General Vilas commented: "I gave up a practice worth $30,000 a year to accept an $8,009 Cabinet position." To which Parker replied: "Yes, and If I had been making KO.OW annually for ten years I should not mind doing the In Fashionable Society. Life. The Host: "Why, certainly! I'd Introduce jou to her like a shot, but I can't remember her name." The Guest: "Her name is Miss Smythe." "Come along then er by the way what's yours?" Just $-o. Pittsburg Post. Thirty million pint bottles of beer." observed the man who is fond of statistics, 'if placed end to end would reach about -5.680 miles." "And some men," added McRoblnson. "would walk to the end of Uio Line any Sunday for couple of bottles." Who is to marry Capta'n Edward The D. O C. ball on Krldav- night is the first large function of the post-Lenten s.i soo, and from every indication hids fair to ecilpeo anv entertainment given bj this organization in prevloui tears. David R. I""rancK has been n-Jde hon orarj chairman of the ball and Mat or Holla Well?, honorary chairman of the Re ception Committee. Walter Steven N honorarv chairman of the Tloor Commit tee and Cor In H. Spencer honorary chairman of the Gentlemen's Keceptlon Committee, with i'ranus D. Hirtchbeis as vice chairman. William H. Tr-oro-'on and Iticardo Diax-Aibertim will oiflciite as chairman and vice chairman, respec tively, of the Floor Committee. The ladies of honor are Mrs David R Francis. Mrs P.olla Wells and Mrs. Daniel Manning, who Is expected lo reach S.. Loul in time for the ball. ..The new Hotel JefTerson Is astir and the furnishings are being rushed to that all will be In readiness for this openings f Jnc tion. The first floor dining-room will be used foi dancing purposes, and, with its new and colorful hangings of soft, gr-iv-bluo. combined with. Pompeilan rU. its touches of giit.lts myriads of sc-once lights as well as thoe empaneled in the ccillnKS. will he a gay ballroom Indeed. The mag nificent foier of Italian marble, together with tb mo reception-rooms on the first floor, will be utilized for promenading while the cafe, also on the flret floor, will be the supper-room. Mrs. Belle Hall Small and Mrs. Nuck cls, hostees of the Misxojrl building, have expressed their intention of being present as members of the Ladies' Re ception Committee A Tall representation of tho military, in ail their gay trappings, is etx-e'ed ..n eral Bates and staff and Colonel Ander son and staff have accepted bail invita tions The committee in charge of badges has made a might departure irom tne usu-ti stile of badge. The men will wear the Louisiana. Purchase colors, whllt the In dies will hate white badges with gold lettering One interesting feature of the music is a new Poepping fao-step. comiKjspd en pclally for the occasion, entitled the "D. O. C." Mrs. B. F. Git ens of Cabanni; has ar ranged to chapcione a large partv of young women. Under her charge will be: JIlXEFS Carpenter, U. S. A., on Saturday. and Joseph Simesreuthpr was quietly sol emnized jesterciav afternoon at the resi dence of the bride's mother in Nonh St 1oji;. Owing to recent bereavement In the Loidntr fumllv no guests -were invit ed, c-xceyt the immedWte relatives. Mr. and .Mr-. SametK uthr will go to huuekeeplne; on Hit ir return from a nhort Southein tii;i. COTTER-THrit.TOX WEDDING. Miss Nellie Cotter of Omaha, a. niece of Mrs. Richard C. Cuning. No. 426T Delmar boulevard, and Clarence Thurston, son of Sc-n itor Thurston, vvero quietly married Jestudat moininir at the Cushin resi dence. 11ns wedding was to have been Julia Rejnolds. JulU L.akr. l.urlll ampt?ell, Fanlta Duru-fln. Belva DuU. Madse Mattfox. Catherine Walker, Settle Hale Maui Ixu Madaox. Oorgle V-OllnB Nellie Crouch. S.flla w aili Mawelle Price. Grace Moon, Rena Duia. Adele Armgtronc, IIlen Johnson. Ituth rpnschieri. I.IIzabth Hull Louise recnian. EUCHRE PARTY. A euchre party was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Hammerstein, No. 22K Missouri avenue Easter Sunday. Prizes were won by Miss Lulu Mle'ke, Mrs. George Rothemel and Miss lou Beadtle, Chi 1st Rothemel. Peter Luther and Con D'lhl. Refreshments were served. Those present were Mek't-urs and Meiiams George Rothemel. Frans Mlerk. MeIeurs Peter -JiUtr-rr, Kdwin Dache. MIsfs Julia Incnherser, Martha Haaclc. Lou Beadti. Cirlst RotlK-m-1. Julius Hammertein. Con Ulehl William Mlerk. Lulu MJptke. Laura nurggraf. SAMESREUTHER T.E1DNER. The marriage of Mi Estell"- Leldncr i double affair, as Miss Lncile Cushinr and Matthew Rex Smith had set the same day and hour for their nuptials. But when Mr. Smith was en route from Texas to St. Luuis several days ago he w.u s-eizeU with an attack of measles and is now 111 at TVxarkana, tho wedding hav itur to be postponed. The Thurston-Cotter marriage took place as arranged, how vr, in the prcsf-nce of onlv relatives. Miss HIancn t-hing was maid of honor and Richard dishing, Jr.. the- best man. After the n-nmony the redding party and guests drove to the Planters, where an elabornto breakfxst was served. Mr. and Mrs. Thurston will mike their home in St. Louis for the coming sum mer. The bridal couple r-ave been sweethearts from Infancy, and their courtship and mar riage liave been surrounded by romance from the beginning, almost. They attended the acme school when children, and the intimacv begun there has continued ever since. From the'gram mar sc hooli the two passed to the citv High School, but their friendship endured. When Thurston, Sr.. was elected Sen ator, Clarence went to Washington for a time and afterwards spent several years abroad, but eventual! returned to this countrv and. coming to St. Louis, entered a business houte. EUCHRE CLUB MJ2ETS. The Crescent Euchre Club a enter tained on Monday evening at Mrs. Clark's and Mrs. Hanly's. No 1817 B.ddl street. Thos present were: Messrs. and Mmes. Oscar Hulbuck. Fred Loewe. Frank F. Lowrj. J. LuMnbHl and Edward Stock; Mmc-j. Clark and Hanly: Misses Fran ces Lowrr and Bessie Luklnbtll. Mrs. Eddie Faust will give a lare kaffeo Match on Saturday afternoon In honor of Miss Alico Luedeking, who ths bride of Trescott Chaplin on April 1C. Mrs. William Dlttmann, who has been, ill ctcr since her return from Europe ten months ago. Is now convalescent and able to take a short drive dally. '. Miss Frances Cockrell is back from Jer seyville, where she has been visiting friends. Miss Stella Brinton of Jersey tille has returned with Miss Cockrell to spend a few dajs in town. Mrs. John Humphreys Crawford of New Tork is the gtiet of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George S. Beers. Mrs. P. .T. Toomey and her Mster, Mi3s Vogt of Iona City, are spending several weeks at Hot Springs. Ark. Mrs. Toomey !s recovering from an Illness of six months' duration. Mrs. P. C. Wright and Miss M. Willets of Seagirt. N. J , are guests at Hotel Becis. Mr. and Mrs. M. B. O'Reilly have re- POEMS WORTH KNOWING. YOUTH AND AGE. BV COLERIDGE. i . i 7 m ERSE, a breeze 'mid blossoms strayms. tAhcre Hore clung feeding, liki a bee Both were m'ne! Life went a-majing With Nature. Hope, and Pocsj, When I was joungl When I was jounc? ah woeful when: Ahi for the change 'twixt now and thent This btrathmg House not built with hands. This body lint does mo grievous wrong. O'er aery cliffs and glittering sands, How lightly then It flashed along; LlkV those trim slcilfs-. unknown of ore. On winding lakes and rivers wide. That ask no aid of sail or oar, That fear no spite of wind or tide! -Naught cared this body for -wind or weather When Youth and I lived In t together. Flowers are lotely; lote is flowerllke: Friendship is a sheltering tree; O! the jojs. that came down showerllke; Of Friendship, Love, and Liberty, Ere I was old! Ere 1 wan old? Ah, woeful erq! Which tells me Youth 'a no longer here. 0 Youth! for tears so many and sweet, 'Tls known tl at thou and I were one, I'll think it but a Tond conceit ! It cannot be that thou art gone! I Tlie vespcr-brll hath not yet tolId; And thou wert oe a masker bold! What strange disguise hast now put on. To maki believe that thou art gone? 1 see these locks In silver slips. This drooping gait, this altered size; But springtide- blpsoms on thy lips. And trars- take itinshlnc from thine eyes! Life Is but thought: o think I will That Youth and I are housemates sUU. turned home after an axtea4e4 tour through California, stopping; at Lo An geles. Ocean Park. San Diego, Cbronadb Bach. Santa BarbJra. San Francisco and other place-i on the coast- MLss Kathnne Combe, who has been spending the winter in the SouOi. re turned last week and will go In a short time to visit relatives In WashlQgtxin. D. C. Mr. and Mrs. K. H. Goodman of Lou isiana, Mo., luite rettirr.f-el to St. Louis and axe stopping' at Hotel Beers. Mrs. AIctandT Stewart of No 2741 El lendale avenue departed ome time ago to visit h-;r daughter. Mrs. J. J. Moser of Barbel ton, O, who will accompany Mrs. Stewart home. Mrs. Moger has made her home In Ohio since her marriage three 1 ears ago. - VISITORS AT ST. LOUIS HOTELS C F Carsoa el Galveston. Ter.. is a ratit at the Laclea. v. M. reona-ii of Brownwood. Tex, ar-rlte-1 at th- Lin lll. vterday. Mrs. W. K. PultcrfleM cf St Jcseph. Ms.. Is en tbe jn.t I t at in Soalhern. . G. Blonaqu'u: nZ San Fraoclsco Is regs tred at th ht. Mchola. c It. WriKht or Dallas, Ter.. Is at tie .eir Sc James It Uulmaa. Jr . a. who'eealo mereaana of Trrr Huute, Ind . Is at the, Flanter. James C Darin of St. Joaeph. Mo.. la rejlstered at the Planters. tv". D. ilathsas cf El Pai. Tex., arxirat at tho rw St. James, jeatenlay. Y B. Cowlea of Cleveland. O. Is a not at tlia IJndell. R 1. Harvl of Grand JUpIds. Itlct. Is at the St. Nicholas. M. and Mrs T. A. Xernedr of Bradfond. I'a.. are on ihe f uast list at ths Plutcm William C Roan ell of Kansas City, was at the Laclede yeaterdaj. 3 W. Gaines of Fort Worth. Tex., la the iruat list at tha Southern. P.. A. Banr o Birds Point Mo 1 at tha Madlsco. Mr. and Mrs T. If Braley of Chatham. lit. ar sus;s at ibe Iaclede. J. B. Xeely of Utile Rock. Is at th Southern. F. J. Greea erf tvt Plains. Mo . was among the arrivals at tne LlcdelL yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. T- H. Star ef Austin. HL, are at the Flantera. At Chicago Hotels- ' REPUBLIC SPECIAL. ' Chicago, April 5. St. Louis personal reg istered at Chicago hotels: Auditorium V E. Drake, B. X. 3artnar. F. C lumber. H. a. Miller. WT. S. McCaU. X. C l',fcyn. F. P Smith. C J. Touna-. - W7lndor-Cllftoo-J. W. Berrymaa. 3. A. Shaw. BrlsTS-E. I Brigs. K. K. Gray. . 8. Sherman House T. C Clark. E. F. Duncan, Mofrtson-F. G. Att-rfaorr. I. A. BoeU. Vf. Palmer" Home I. T. Carpenter. T. X. Gil more. J. 8. Menlman. J . Murphy. T. M. Murrell. T. B. Pitne. I F. 5"- .... . Breroort-J. W. Bowman. P. 8. BeBsan. A. S Ellerbrook. J. C Thompson. Great Northern-F. E. Orasbr. T. J. Brra. R. 3 Bradv. J A. Crr. O. R. mn. ! Dreyer. S J. Mil S. C Majors. B. C Rwtt. H. B Gordon. H. L Suencer. R. 3. Wooa- " Saratoga-!!. D. Betl. POtte. Vlctcri C. A. p-lsher. C. p. Ro. L. H. Greer, C. S- Mnrphy, J. F- Sperry. A. B. MKK5rho-J. L. CahtlU VT. H. Inrls- Mlsaoarlauas 1st lew Tarlc REPUBLIC 9PBCTAL. New York. April 5. Amonr the arrlTals at the hotels here to-dar were the follow ing from the- West: St. Louis-J. T. Lewia. D. U WaafJS: noffmaa: G. A. Dice. A. L. grIiFlfth. Tenue- J. P Ijavls. C H. yanntleroy. St. lnl" Mrs V W. iBeooaltTX n. MaiahaU. Bartholdl: N. F. Nledetlanaex. ManbatUn: J M Davis. Westminster: E. a Emerson and Mrs Emerson, Park Avenue-. W. H. Matthewj. Hotel Tork: Mls Jfafnu. Albemarle: T. J. 'iian'iaatV-BWor - 3 TtreaoTt.xW K O Hanelson. P 3. O Domell. Imrral: Mi a C. Taylor. Mrs. M. a Barstow. Jien- 1 S? Joseph P. T. Slade. Marlborourh. STOP TEARING UP STREETS. .Commissioner Varrelmann Will Issue Xo Peiinits After April 15. Street CcMimilsslonec'Varrelman yester- dar decided that no excavatlnB wOl b done in the central town dltrlct from April 15 until ths end of the World's Fair period. Permit will be granted after that time only for emergency work, such as gas and water leak which win have to be repaired in daylight, between the honra of 8 a. m. and 7 v. m. .Streets tntist be re stored to their original condition upon the same dav that such permits are granted. The district comprised In the order lie between Franklin and Chouteau avenues on the north and soath and the levee and. city limits on the east and west. NEW BATTLESHIP LAUNCHED. Virginia Christened by Daughter of Governor Montague. Xewport News, April 5 With hinds playing "The Star Spangled Banner" and "Dixie" and SO.Q0O people cheering; fjnd speed, the battleship Virginia wa" launched this afternoon at the yards of the Newport News Shipbuilding- Company. Miss Matilda Gay Montage, daughter of Governor Montague, was sponsor for the new battleship. Mr a. Xnclcals Accepts IaTltatloa. REPUBUC SPECIAU Jefferson City, Mo , April 5. Mrs. Emma D. Nuckols, associate hostess of the Mi sourl buildine at the World's Fair, has accepted an irritation to act as a mem ber of the Reception Committee at the Confrdente ball to be held In the Jeffer son Hotel in St Louis Thursday evening, April 7. Petition la Baakraplor- H. W. Johns-Manv-llle Company an the Madison Coal Company yesterday filed a petition In the United State Dis trict Court asking; that the Farmlnirlon Electric Company of St Francois Coun ty. Misourl. bo declared hanfcrupt. The claims of the petltlonlnr creditors amount to $378.33. f e TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO TO-DAY IN ST. LOUIS. From The Republic April 7. BT9. At the annual meatlnr of the Real Estate Exchange the follow ing officers were elected: Theo phile Pnpln, president; Charles Green, vice president; Ien I. Rnll, secretary and treasurer. Directors 4- Charles Green. F. W. Xeferateln. 4 R. F. Barry. JL A. WoUT. C. Bent Carr. Leslie A- Moffett, J. K. Car- penter, F. I HaydeU, John Greth- cr, John Masulra, s. D. Porter. F. S. Rowse, James S. Farrar. Lv EC. Conn. P. S. Lanham and August Ahrens. Kt- Cronan's new church, at Man chester nnd Chouteau avenues, was dedicated. Bishop Ryan offi ciated, being: assisted hy Fathers McCaffrey and WHlenbrinck. The Reverend T. A. Butler was pastor. The building was erected under the direction of D. De Pombrcy and John Mitchell. Judge T. T. Gantt was assaulted by highwaymen on Locust street In front, of the Mary Institute. With his rase the Jurist beat off t the rooBers. St. John's Methodist Church, at Ewlng avenue nnd Locust street, wns reopened. Bishop McTyeire of Nashville delivered a sermon. Baseball teams from the George T. Jones and 3taynard & Tedfbrd printing companies arranged a match game. Miss JMaeche Boyd, reader, gave an entertainment at St. George's Hall. Thoso who assisted her were Professor David Smalt, w. 'Navo, Master Willie Navo and Mlsa Julia CltrMin. ' - - The residence or George H, Het mers was robbed by buraianc. -th "also- visited Hie home of James "nttchfe. on- Papln street James Gilbert; a champion ears t man. died at v) Barnum Hotel i. - 4' ! i i -? $ m IS) k'i-pA, -.'rs'-t?&rir&&- fHi-VV3s'-r-1'''--, rs &'&$&T-fr'i jti&zZ'&ziz--;' ,. -, -.Vi ilV-V - SJf - v-y ' -h;J&&-u , .. 'uTi-"JIj