Newspaper Page Text
THE ST. LOUIS EErUBLIC: WEDNESDAY. APKIL' G, 1904. 9 Attention! Boarding-house Keepers Rooming-house Keepers Hotel Keepers, Gel our prices before buying any Sheets, Pillow Cases, Blankets, Comforts, Spreads, Pillows, Furniture, Carpets, Curtains, Chinaware, Cutlery, Utensils, Towels, Toweling, Table Linens, Etc., Etc. Quality far Quality, Oar prices are the lowest. We Mare the biggest stock in tbe city of St. Louis and can till the largest orders without delay. I CAPITAL BANK LIABILITIES. Oklahoma Institution Apparently In Good Condition in January. Washington. April 6. The followlngr is a statement of the resources and liabilities of the Capital National Bans of Guthrie. Ok., ictich suspended yesterday, at the date of its last report of condition. Janu ary .SL 1304: Resources Loans and discounts. JSS. S05: overdrafts, 37,776; United States bonds. 3231.450; stock securities. JS4.0U; furniture and fixtures, C; due from banks and ttankers, H10,J3; cash and cash, items, 5W. OZ; totals. Jl.C7.0uO. Liabilities Capital, 000.00); surplus and undivided profits, P0.S33; circulation. $100. 000; due to bonks and bankers, J3.H7; de posits, 4Kir.7W: total, tl.iZ7.CC0. AKRON SAVINGS BANK FAILS. Unable to Meet Bule Bequiring Its Clearings in Cash. Akron. O., April 5. The floors of the Akron Savincs Back were closed' to-day and the Conuooo Fleas Court appointed G. W. Selber and William Bachtel re ceivers of the institution. The action was precipitated as a result of tne Akron Clearing-house Association compelling? the bank to make all Its clear Inn in cash. William Buohtet is president of the bask. It has a capital stock of J3W.W0. Aa official statement of the bank's con .dltlon. published yesterday, showed Its re sources to be Jl.lil.310. with liabilities the same. To get the best ale. Just specify- EVANS the ale -with US years back of It. C0LT0N FORFEITS HIS BOND. Goebel Murder Trial Continued Until Xext Term. Frankfort, Kv- April 5 The caees of W. S. Taylor. John Powers and Charles Kinley, charced with complicity In tho murder of William Goebel, were called ;n the lYanklin Circuit Court to-day and jiEsed to the term. . R. Calton. also charged with cvm-j-'icitj, failed to appear, and his bond X. j. u"ciur-a forfeited. Judgment, in the . .ut.r was suspended until to-ir.nrrow. ol'ii his attorneys are expected to make ....s.vcr DEATHS. UIKLR-On Tuosdaj. April i, 104. Isjac -..ut.ii ttatcir. belcrfca nc.unc ot Fraacea Wil. - - mi. w in. Ognty-.irt:i leaf of his ajce: . u.n.t ijjm hn lite rt-sljenco. No Jr.S Vitbt ... at 2 p. ni . 1 hurpdsty, April 7. lt.u. i.-i?iit pilvate. UENTZINGER-IIntenvl into reel, on Tuej C. AMU 5. 1S04. at 3:-TT a. in. arier a lisver- .K il n-. na H-mainer. aeu 51 3tara an. . niomns. dearly belov! mother of .Mi". Henry whmir. -Mia Ktnest L'plquo. Mrt. i J. Asae, ltobert il ttemz.nger and Lena. i;eni2iner. Kun-ral from Iamuy rcl irnc. No. i University stiret, lhursday, Ai-rli .. jt 2.3-j n m. BULFIN On Tuesday. April 5. 1931, at 9 o'clock a. m.. Slri Jetsie Ouicn (n Burnnde). loo ef ihe late tvuiiam P. Boinn an i moth er of Mary and John K. Iluliln ajid 2Ir W. C Creute. Mineral Thcrsaay at $.a a. in. from No IS.TS" ras.. avenue to St. Tcr-aa's Church. I hence to Canary Ceawterj. IMenda Invited. HOrSlANN-Blleredlnto reel in th. faith cr hia lrt Jejua. on Monday. April 4. ISM at ..4 p. ro . Herman Ilopmann. 6r.. bekived hutbsnd or Anialta liopmarm (nee KTerlaa) and deer fatter of Mrs. W. O. Schutz. charlea Herman. Edward. Ziul. Arthur. Georae and Ollnda. Hopirann. and our dear grandfathe at th ajre of 72 Tears. 4 months and U days Funeral from family raaldence. Jfn. M North Jeiferaon arenas. Thursday. April T. at 2 p. m , therce to Zlon Evangelical Lutheran Church Tflenty-flrat and Benton- Strvker, O.. papers pleas copy. KEVKEltr.T On Tiipav mmtilitr lnnl 1S04. at tha Baptist Sanitarium, Doctor Pamuel iwcwucuj. aei 40 jTar. iniermrat will lako place at hi home. Hannibal. Mo. Due an nouncement will b made. Staunton. Va., pa lersbplaasa copy. PORBBCJv On Monday. April 4. 1904. at 7:9) ft m. Mathilda Porbeck (nee SOockl. widow -nt he late Arnold Porheck and our mother. srandmoUiar and finer, aged SI year Funeral on Trmraday. Arril 7, at in, m . from tha family residence, in; South Eleventh rtrtet. 8APPINOT0X Mary Et Fappiogton dld April a. 191, At ber residence in Anon. St. IsKrit Crmnty. She la survived bv her Musoand, a sen, Eugene, and daughter. Mr. OenerIve Bas.-h. yoceral in tek place Thursdav. April 7. at 2 p. m.. at Scpplngtsn. Mo SCHMIDT On Monday. April 4. 1W1. at 0:2S p. m.. after a lingering lllneaa. Catherine E. fchmlot beloved mother of Katie Kuns (nee Fcfamldt) and grondmothtr of Kalph and Al fred Ktuus. at, the age of &9 jTart. J-uneral will tajca place from realdene of her aon-ln-law. J. TV. Kunz, No. 1527 Slattery at reel, nn Wednesday. April I. at t p. m. TIERNETT On Tue-day. April 5. 1904 at ; a m- at Mount St. rtoe Hoepital. John M. Tler rtey. native of Templederry County. Tlpperary. Inland, at the ago of 41 years Funeral will take placa from the residence of John Hgan, Xe. 1421 North Newatead avenue, at 2 p. m , Wednesday. April (. to St- Matthews Church, tbenea to Calvary Cemetery. Friends Invited to aUeoS. , VOS9-Bntered into rest on Monday. April 4. 19M. at 9 o m.. after a lingering illne. enrjatin"; oa. aged 7S ara. beloved mother of Joseph Joering. Mary Voas and Annie Joer g (nee Deltermann). Funeral will take claoe Thnraday u g rn.. from family residence. SP- ? . HHot avenue, to Ht- Auguntlne's Church, thance to Calvary Cemetery. Friends Invited to attend. WAXT On Monda tn.. after a ahnr I lay. Aprfl X 1904. at SZi o, illneaa. Ijrn Walt, beloved Mn m . ti. a., a sn .- vi--i. , . "i?.a .A MB,m,e Walt (nee Moran).. Funeral SftLamSLE1" '- ld-nce. No. S217 South TWO re. on vVednefday. Anril s. at 2 r. tn. Interment at Iew Picket Cemeterv. CO lembui and Clnclrcatl. c- papei please copy. WAGONER UNDERTAKING CO, 1U7 OLIVB ST. ?y or .JNight. SOLDIERS EAT M GS Doctor William Morrison Gives Personal Observations of Cru elties in Congo Free State. MUTILATE PRISONERS' BODIES. Presbvieriaii Minister Declares That One of Their Missionniics Counted SL Hands Which Had Been Cut Oil. Iulvllle. Ky.. April 5. Doctor William M Morrison, a Southern Presbyterian minister to the Congo Frre State. In speaking to the Presbyterian Ministers' As sociation here, gave an impressive recUnl of the alleged barbarities practiced on th natives of the Congo State by those hold ing the power, and of the obstacles thrown In the way of their correction by tho au thorities. "1 lived with the people for seven years. I know what 1 am talking about." said Doctor Morrison. "Leopold has there a native cannibal army of 2H.CW men. of ficered by v hlto Belgians' and armed with repeating rides. These men, representing tho worst ar.d mot savagi- tjpe of the natives, were riist caught, then carried far away from their homes and forced Into this military service. There In turn, this cannibal soldiery is used to compel the natives to bring la enormous tribute of ivory and India lubber. It Is north no ting that the King of Belgium is tu-djj reputed to be the large-t dealer In lvoty and lubber in the world. EAT HUMAN BEINGS. "As a result of this forced labor and military service, great and unspeakable cruelties are practiced on the native peo ple. I have seen a number of times at least. U).W fleeing into the forests to es cape from the cannibal .soldiers of King Leopold. I have seen these soldiers scorn ing through the forests, and. after catch ing a number of men whom the Govern ment wanted as laborer", solir avav with tho captives tied together bv ropes iiojml their necks. RniJs upon illac.e"i are be ing constantly made. Some of the people rc miieu ana eaten, otner. are cmrjed away into captivity and sold, others aie forced into labor and military service. I can buy all the slaves ou want at Luebo at from S10 to J13 apiece. "When these, ralda are made, the mwt awful cruelties are practiced. Innocent women and children are killed or cap tured, hands are cut off to be taken back to the white Belgian officers to show that tiie work has been well done and great sections are beinn depopulated. HANDS CUT OFF. une-or these raids was made near one of our mission stations. One of our missionaries went to the scene and count ed eighty-one hands cut off and drvms oyer a fire, to be taken baik to the Bel gian officer. Forty-IHe dead bodies were counted lying near b. "The Belgian Government makes the usual stereotyped denial of all tliece charge. I have Ken personally the Gov -ernor of the Congo State. Ho won't do anything. I have been In the palace of tiie King of Belgium, and have seen the most prominent officials of the Conso Government. They won't do anything. The English Government in greatly Interest ed In the situation. At the request of Lord Lansdowne. I preferred a statement of such outrages as had come under ray own observation. "Consul Roger Casement, who. as Eng lish and acting American representative In the Songo State, has just made :i tour of Investigation, and his report In the hands of our Government at Washing ton presented a most deplorable situa tion, of affairs. "As a Government, we do one some thing to the aMW.OOO black people In the Congo State. What are we going to do?" HELD IN JAIL ON CHARGE OF LURJNG BOY FROM HOME. J. IT. Ryaik Admlta Madklns; Promlaea to Arthur Miller or Waterloo, III., and Hesc for Leniency. BEPUBLIC SPECIAL Waterloo, BL, April 5. J. IV. Kyan was to-day sent to jail In default of $ bail after his preliminary hearing on the charge of inducing Arthur Miller, aged 11 years, to leave home without tho consent of hi parents. The Miller boy was the principal wit ness. He said that Ryan paid him to car ry a grip to several places In the town while Ryan sharpened knives and lawn mowers. When Ryan got ready to leave town, the boy asserted, he tool; the Young ster by the arm and, with threats and persuasion, induced him to go along. A promise to take the boy to the World' Fair and buy him a new suit finally won hlH consent to th arrangement. Bvan did not deny these and other prom ises, but asserted that the boy nent ot hit own suggestion. Baying that bis home sur roundings were not agreeable. Ryan bgged the Judge to release him, promis ing to abstain from drlnK. WORKING JO UNITE TWO METHODIST CHURCHES natltlmore Cnference Will Prcaeut Ileaolnttone to- tbe Proteatnnt Conference. Baltimore. April 5. Resolutions have been formulated by the Baltimore Con ference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, now in annual meeting here, recommending the appointment of a coin mission to meet a like commission of the Methodist Protestant Conference, wldch will meet here to-morrow, looking to the unification of the two Methodist churches of the country. It la thought that both propositions will bo accepted by the Bal timore conferences. They will bo sent up to the General conferences of the two churches. Endeavor Entertainment. The Intermediate Christian Kndavor Society of the Fourth Christian Church will give an entertainment at the church to-morrow evening. The pro gramme has been arranged by the mem bers of the society. Spring Medicine There is no other season when pood medicine is so much needed as in the Spring. Tho Wood is impure, weak and Impoverished a condition indicated by pimples and other eruptions on the face and body, by deficient vitality, loes of appetite, lack of strength and want of "animation. Hood's Sarsaparilla and Pills Make the blood pure, vigorous and rich, create appetite, give vitality. strength and animntlon, and cure all eruptions. Have the whole family begin to take them to-day. Ueea'a Sarsaparilla promises- te cause aavd keeps the nroMUc. -.. . SEVERAL STATES MAY SUPPORT COCKRELL Missouri Delegation in Congress Is Working Hard for HLs domination. DEADLOCK IS PROBABLE. In This Kvent, It Is relieved, Jseuiiior's Chances Would lie Second to Those of Xo Other Democrat. The Republic Bureau. Hth St una I'ennsjUnnia Ave. Washington. April 3. "We propose to vote for Cockrell on the first ballot and 1 ecp on voting for him until tho last bal lot." declared Reprcsent-itive Lloyd of Missouri, in conversation with several Democrats, who were ground on the floor befote the House met this morning. Jlr. I.loyd subsequently said that ha believes- that he e.p!esi-e3 the sentiment of .Missouri, with reference to a presidential nomination. Expressions of a like nature are uttered by the Mis'ouiians in Washington, when ever the .subject of a nomination comes up for di--ctisuin They eect that tills feelimr will chnraeteriie tha delegates who nay be sent to the convention and they rrejn that their Inllbence will be usvd to thi3 end. U. 1 Ovven. a leading Democrat of Indian Tenitoiy, who H in Washington, declares that the delegates from the Ter ritory will cast its vote for the Senior Missouri Senator. Oklahoma. It is under stood, has leaning toward Hearst, but a chance of getting that vme exists. Sena tor Cockrell alio has friend In Arkansas and the expectation is that that State v. HI Join its strength with -Mi-soun's thirty-six. The weathervane of politics now seems to point toward l'aiker ofXew York. The Biciter forces which shape presidential nominatior In the Democratic party, tho.-e fui.e.s which dominate the attitude of the Snath ami of Xew Yoik, bid fair to unite upon the Xew York Judge. Senator Gorman, it Is annojuced. with all the Oetlnitentss which falls the least bit short of absolute certainty. ha3 le tlnd from the race, and has consented to the choice of Parker, if the latter ob tJlns tho united indorsement of New Yoik's delegation. But the -Mis-ourlans do not regard the question ns absolutely "aicd. Tanimanv Hall seems to have relaxed iomcwhr.t in its negative attitude toward David B. Hill's choice, but tha pipe of peace and unitv has not been smoked officially ami opt nly. Neither is the strength of Hearst as vet a quantity which can be calculated upon with safety. Undr such circumstances-. Jtissounans think that a deadlock may very readily occur In the coming con vention, a solution of vhlch enn be found in the selection of Senator Cockrell. THE WEATHER! Ollicial Foiucast Announced for To-Day and To-.Morrow. Washington, April 5. Forecat: For IlllnoN-Parlly cloudy Wednes; ahovr- T,rs.'n. eJf l lPa !0I"U portions. Thursday fulr. l'fht to fren southwest to northwest inda. ' 4'.' I,,"0.urliI'a'r m "15,t- 'Jeartng In eait portion Wedn-sdHt. Thunlay riir ?,!Al-,"rs'v7K,lr,n 1tMt- el'arlnf in east portion Wnln-fday. anir. ThursdaV fair .,? 'ansiV:r-'1r w'lnfd-'y: warmer 'in oJtheast r,rtldn. Thuisdav fair r. Tor Oklahnna ahd In-lUn Territory Fair and waimer Wednesday Thursday fair. aJL?" Et"V,m T'-is-l-artly'cloiily Wedne ?? I'1ruba,fcls' how,e ' the northeai coat. r -;-"."!" .,: -'-,',u i ui i?sivi-n irxaa ir'air Thurstlav- Wdnci3ay arul 1-or .Nebraska Jir ttar. Ve3neIav and Thurs- ..For , ToTva-Gencrallj- uir 11.urrc.ay. TrVWiitrsday and Loral Report. St. Ijuis, Tu3day. Aorll 5, I4. Barometer. Inrhe .. TeTieratun rteKrets relative humldltv . Direction of wlni Velocity of wind .... Precipitation. Indira i a. m. ...".3J24 4i Tp m. 30.(J 41 h St: CO nr Weather at r, li n ... .im..r... . .. .- rain ilaji-nuni temperature. : 'mlninuin l-'5! of nier at 7 a. m . 3.1 feet II iBWallD II. BOWIE. Li-al Forecaster. Coverimirnt Iteeort. :VSiSSfe..r iVLu':V.'5l. Weather Bureau rvrue'Kitrti ro.pnp.T nn ni.,1. . -. ... Um. Apr.l 5. JIM. nt c-ja n.'m WMt.' and D. 1TI. fntV-nfll. hlAr-l-a. !-. :i.? K-it Slti5SlSe al th Bamc " of tlm ..- .. .: " a-aa-.a.a.a.i UliaC. JI Statioiu. Ahtlpn ArrarWo AtUnta . . ... Ulsinarek , Hura.rr iniarlotf fhaltononsn. ... nncinnati npeland O.t'Ripo Oo.nmlJiM '"alro Ci.trao- riejenriA- Concordia Du luth Dubf.ce , nire-noot D? Moines .... I"nrrr WrJee City .... Kl Pr Port Smith Osl.Un ., Grand Han... JranJ juraCtion Hjron .. IUr lllnft D!rTp.Mv Rain vycather. ... N" . .?B ...".v .. sw ... s a iear -. Oar . ap .... Clirir .... Hear Cloud r .... ciojdjr Clear .- Cloudr .. JIHr M Rain .... fIuudr . . Cloudy Clear Clou 3 r Cloudy Cloud v Cloudy ... Clear .. PLcloudv ... Clear .ftS noudy Rain ... Cloudy ... Pt. cloudy ... Clear ... Cloudy ... Cloudy ... Cloudy ... Clear .01 Cloudv ,Z Cloud r ... Cloudy ... Pt elnufly ... CJoudr .licioudy ,0S Rain . . Cloudy ...- (Har . . Clear Cloudy .... Cloudy 41 4t i t 55 f-l 6') 2 SR ... z.& il bW ?; 15 41 EW- ." N 13 34 ST 52 R 14 -, s: R ES iW 4 70 E NV SB 74 7S B2 It. nv NV N SB ...... HH Indlanapolh ... Jckftnvitlr ... Kar-iJ Otv ... filtllp Itnck .... Iy.-lltf Jiln ..... Taxindtr -Wontyonw-ry v,. Memphl Marrjuette JTmJna , Xevv York .... Norfolk Nv frieans ... North riatl ... OmahA Oktahoma Philadelphia ... Pi!t.n Pltt-burir ParkertburR ... Pueblo QAinrll IMpM City fil. Pnul 5hrpciort , sprlPsfleM. Ill . 5t Ial SprinnflId. Mo 5UU I-akfl ...,., Pint F S-n Antonio ... Vlrksbunr ....t. Valentin .SW NK Q S SW iW M ., k rs SR &0 ui s & -SW R B0 V M Pn m m SR t? T S SI H ...W S2 fS N U CS ....Nn $t w. XV M t.k ctar Clear Clear CJe.w ....NK 60 M .52 niM. w u to;... ci,sr -S 5S e ..- Clear RH a- 6J .. Clear ...N-VV r,4 T.a Cloudy ...SW M 3.... Cltar W tsS2 .... Cloudy Si: fiffi SB IA ss .oi nain SB 5 .'iSJUIn i 4S -IS .ss Cloudy ...XT Si ret .... rt cloudy ....SW M m .... clear ...NV 74 7S .... tar .' 4 M .IS Ualn ...N1V m CJ .... near ...... E UK... Clrnr WAfhmeTton .. Indlcntes precipitation Innppreclabla. EDWARD H. TIOWIE. - Local Forecaster. ALLEGED MASHER ARRESTED. - Stated That George Ross's At tentions Were Obnoxious. Thirteen dollars and a' night In the hold over was the price paid by George Ross, who nays he lives at Harrlsburjr. Ky.. for the amusement he had at Union Station Monday nifiht. Tha policemen who arrested Ross wild the doi'endant had jnadc hime!f obnoxious to several ladles at the rtation hy his at tentions to them. Ross replied that he was fond of chil dren, and had purchased "aTidy and toys for them and was amuinjr hlmelf In that manner when arrested. Judge Tracy accepted the DOlIceman'it version -and made the fine $19 and costs, which amounted to sBssssBMaWsssssssssss.ssasssssssssasaBsssssssssss Artistic Silverware an Elegant Cut Glass FOR APRIL WEDDINGS 1 A, KURTZEBORN ft SO IMS JEWELERS - 3lO IN. SIXTH GUARD FRUSTRATES PRISONERS' PLOT, Buck Williams of Missouri Peni tentiary Prevents a Whole sale Delivery. BEATS THEM INTO CELLS. Uefuses to Throw Up Hands "lleu CoreiPd by Pistol and Is Shot at Convicts Get Arms and Dvnamite Outside. RCPUBI.IC SPECIAU JefTer-son City. Mo., April 5. The brav-ei-v of Buck Williams, a guard in the Mis souri Penitentiary, prevented an outbreak there to-day of three desperate convicts who planned to ov ercome the guards and liberate the othr convicts, and. vhy tho use of dvnamite, blow their way to lib erty through the stone walls of the stockade. Convicts James Thornton. Peter pails ai.d James McDonald, who were sent up Irom Platte County for safe-blowing, foimed the plot to escape. The first intimation the guards had of ah outbreak was when one of the con victs leveled a pistol at Guard Williams and ordered him to throw- up his hands. Williams refused and was shot at. lle unaimed, but, taking a poker, drove the men within their cells where, with as sistance, they were disarmed. Within the cell was- found about twenty pounds of djnenilte. a bottle of nitro glycerin, revolvers and cartridges and a bunch of skeleton k"ys It is a my.stery as to how the men obtained the djnamite and revolvers, and no amount of iiw eating could make them tell. It is presumed that one ot the men. who was shipping clerk" In the shoe factory, had the dynamite sent hi to the shoe shop, and then took caie of It when it arrived. It the evident intention of the men to use. the dvnamite in wrecking the wall of the tickude and thon escape through the breach. AVERAGE OUTLOOK FOR MISSOURI CROPS. Damage to Wheat and Fruit Re ported In Some Sections oll in 1'alr Condition for Planting-. r.EPUUIJC S1GIAZ. ColumfcU, 3Io., April 5. The monthly crop review of the State Board of Acri culture of Missouri was made public to day by Secretary G. B. E.lis. It says a ery complete roport on ciop conditions lias been received In tho Columbia office from 107 of the 114 counties in th State, which show about an average outlook at the opening of th crop season. Jt taj: A few localities report dnixge to wheat and, fruit from tho recent hay rains and hall Hif.rins, jpecJa!l the extreme soutbtautarn yor t!on or tbe 3ate, The rool Tveather ha re tarded firm nurk tusinvuhat. but In most pc- ttons A"J potatoes and gardens have been planted. The grMino, being net. will b x-c-ellent condition vlth a rw -ward das ? ftartlnc U.e pasture. Tt.4 winter having been comparatively dr. nlth haipl frAesinjf. the noli is I good methaniCJit condition tor plant ire exwpt T.hcrb It U too t tivm tha rvcent taliu. WHEAT. x On Rcoouiit of the prevalence of the Hessian fly In th previous crop and because of Uroucht at cdtns Uree latt tail, the bulk, or the what crop nas wwn later tban usual, nud. a a con suenre. had very itttlo growth for t. inter protection. Correpotidehts from mot every county report mom or less damage from the Tall Crouth and from tvlnter frcozmf. Favor able weather Horn now on may mal.e consider able Improvement. The Hessian fly Is report ed to bs in the wheat by a number of rore-i'poT.d'-nts. and thre Is Fome apprehension of tuturtt dumat. frum this r&use. It In too early to dKfrmfn tbe Outrage, from this source. In netrlj all cotes the fl is reported In the larwt whrU-rrodLClns counties 'ihe icrtsKe sei-d last fall was sltghtly b lcr the acreaB of the pnvinu crop, nna the pie'it condition lor th h-l State Is SI. which la only thre- iolni bIow tha fle-far avirai;e. dui ii itn pnnu uwor man ia condition ore jear ago. Tiie condition br a-c- Mien "pnta lowor tban the ticna ia; i-ionrcasi, sj; nonnweat. n; central. St; soulhwet. 76. ard southenat, 14. OATS. It la .Klmataii that Jl per cant of th oat crop tvaa aonn April 1. which la about normal. On the tarn dale laat year only IS per cent ot the crop wai aon. well on th air .late in 102 per cent waa aown. In the north-m part of the Stat the farmcra hae not beeian In norce lo-.-allilea. rner. Iierna onlv 4 per cent of tho whole cron aow-n In the north weat .ectlcn. while In the aouthern part of tha Stale all tha crop has- teea sown In many localities, M per cent ot th vrhola crop balnx own In the southwest action. Tho prevent condition nfimeadowa ij rood, except the fail a'edlna;. which haa been nulla aeicrely injured by winter klllinc Th.ra U it sreat ari-ilon In the reports op the condition of jach Our raports In-dicate-. that there will te ery faw pnachea north ot th. Mlaaouri Hlaer. except In the moit faored locjlltiea. In a few orcharda on the Missouri Hiver bluffa condltlcns are, now favor able for a fair crop. In the southern part ct the State the trod are In much b-ttr condi tion and present pro-4ict are for sa per cent or more cf a full crop for that section. TBXAS COXUITIOJf FAVORADI.R. Cotton riant In a; Proarreaaea Mcely Long Oronatfat Ia Broken. IUCPUIUJU SPECIAL. Galveston. Tex., April S. The Texas section of the United States Weather Bu reau made its weekly climatic and crop report to-day for the week ending- April 4: The cllntatlo condttlona on the whole were fa vorable The fiot on the mornlc; cf March, -x cxieca-a uown 10 nar ine coant Mf-iinn. hot did but little damac. The drought, which had contlLued tor eeTrrai mourns over tne aoutn western portion of th- State, waa broken by one three- inches of nreciDixauon. The over the western and northwestern portions waa much llehtcr but generally aufllclent to ha very beneficial. The damaa from hailstorms oer th. nortbeoatern countlea was silfbt Cotton ptantlna- procreEeed nicely during- tbe week, except In the aouth western portion, where tha work waa delayed on account of tn. very dry condition of tha ground. The rainfall of the latter part of the-week baa placed tha. grouno in gooa conaiuon lor planting in all portions of the cotton' belt. andT tha work will now progress very fast. The early planted con tinues to coma up nicely. In the northern and middle portions aome of the cotton that waa tip was) killed by tn. frost of tire drat of th. week, and will have to ba replanted. The rainfall of the week -will eauae com to germinate In the aosthweatern and western por tlona of the State. Good atanda had already been aecured In other sectlona. in the northern and middle portions the plants were nipped by the frost of tbe first of the week. This retarded growth, but did not serious damage to the crop. The fields are generally receiving their first cultivation. In the eastern bait of the State wheat, bar ley., rjp and oats continue In very good condi tion. West ot the ninety-eighth meridian mall grain was badly damaged oy the long drought, and while a marked Improvement will follaw- the recent rainfall, tbe yield will be much below the average. lavll oats are begin ning to head In the southern counties. ihm lr- has been sown, but conditions hare been too dr- to be favorable. In Brasorla and Jefferson counties the. crop- haa sot. -come up well and In tbe latter county soma reaowing will -probably bar necessary The early aown Ia samcttd la nna condition In Whartoaj CSanu. (Ml LataUaIaaaffXxVVsrVWVsaaaW "You Who Are Warm Think Others So." Let's, project ourselves forward into the middle of this Summer. ; ii Julv' drtv and :i lotord-lircaker for beat. You ate cookine your It's dinner on. u coal stove. Xfedltss to say you are WARM! Quite natur ally you suppose everybody eUe warm likewise. There's your mistake. There are thouands of women right here in St. Louis this very day and hour cooking their dinners, who are jnsr. as, daintily cool at need be. You wonder how that's possible. It's the easiest thins in the world. THKY COOK WITH GAS. That's the whole wcret. This is fust to remind you that the hot days are coming on. Is your Gas Range Ready? THE LACLEDE GAS LIGHT CO., 716 LOCUST ST. SUFFERED OVER SIX YEARS WITH INDIGESTION MR. K. A. THOMAS. Manaper Sale D-pt. Chas. M. Bradford & Co., St. IjouIs. writes. "I can fp?ak in the hlnhet term of EuppU Tablet. After Mt year' Muffer liitr nnfl experirr.entiuK with so-tailed d5 pepsla cures without be-irg: curfd. I tried :iifn.ii'A Tnblpls. auiI miiflt trtlthfllllv ft.iv that two bottle effected a. complete c:re. 1 can now eat what I like arid eajov a hearty meal. You can use tills letter ia any way joii see lit. so other sufferers will be equally benefited. To'ira ery truly. E. AKIJXGTON TIIOJIA3. We challenge the world to produce the equal of Eupepsia Tab let for the cure of all ttomach troubles arising from imperfect digestion. We don't care how manj- doctors have treated jou, nor how many other remedies you have tried, nor how obstinate the case may be, nor of how long standing, Eupepsia Tablets are guar anteed. Refuae Cheap Subatllalea. Toir Money Refunded Ir They Fall. At all cood droeciata or direct for SCc a. box. Trial and trcatiaa on atoraarn treubla acat frre. THE EUPEPSIA CHEMICAL CO., 409 Walnut Street, St. Louis, Mo. KBTM(aoz eeley TorLIQUOR DRINKING. MORPHINE M Hanatta Dnaj WHaa, llnriilMala. DR. a. E.BLAINB. 'VUP 2001-3-5 tocurr St.. St. aeat TaaaTMCMT reaj STUBBS OF KANSAS GETS RECOGNITION. President Sanctions Leadership of Man Who Ousted Kansas Sfatehouse Ring. MEETING FULL OF INTEREST. Contractor Wanted to Know WTho Called Attention toChnrgcs Against Senator Burton und He Found Out. Tha Republic Bureau. I4th ?t. and I'enn.Tlvanla Ava. Washington. April 3. W. R. Stubbs of Kansas, railroad contractor, business man, promoter, who "cleaned out the gang" In his State and practically has nominated Edward Hoch for Governor, appeared In Washington, the focal point or all Amer ican politics, to-day, and was assured by President Roosevelt that the sanction of the White House Is with the Stubbs-Hoch revolutionists. Stubha of Kan.'as. rotund of face, though stockily built, looks the railroad con tractor rather than a boss political manip ulator. From all descriptions, hLs Inter view with vthe President fits in with hl character for brusqoeness and curt, busi nesslike methods of dealing with the mat ter In hand. Stubbs of Kansas was escorted to the White House by Senator Long, also of Kansas, and by M. A. Low, a Rock Island attorney. Stubbs was greeted with all the energet ic Htrenuosity which is the personal equa tion with Roosevelt of New York, ot the Montanas. of the Rough Riders, etc STUBBB'S QUESTION'. The preliminary greeting ended, Stubbs of Kansas produced a number of clip pings from Kansas newspapers, which de clared that the Burton Indictment -was the result of a conspiracy hatched by Jlr. Brlatow, Fourth Assistant Postmaster General, also of Kansas. Stubbs of Kan sas wanted to know whether. Indeed. It was Bristow who first called the attention of tbe President to the charges against Burton and whether there is any truth In the assertions involving Bristow. Tha President. It Is understood, entered a disclaimer In terms quite- aa emphatic as those used by etufabs ot Kansas In presenting the proposition. It Is reported that Mr. Roosevelt asserted that, to the best or his recollection, William Allen White of Btnporfa first called big attention to the matter. It is declared, too, that the President has written to Mr. white asking whether he was the man. This much of the Interview concluded, Stubbs of Kansas appeared to be highly pleased. It is told also that then the President wanted to know In soma detail Just how Kansas had been captured by railroad-contractor methods, bow the Bailey gang- and the Sutehouse machine had been rented and gent pellmell into the tall (rrass of retirement. When the story was told. It la understood that the President gave his Indorsement to the Hoch revolt and commissioned Stubba 10 return home and wage the campaign in th hottest lashlon ixslbl. ISey Taawce . Ciaarerai aaaiillni Fhyaloian mm Manmaer Loun. Ill fatu, IiutH tobacco an. MKURaaTNtMi. . "It's Just as Easy," Chirps Sammy Shoesttlnf s, "to wear out the ordinary shoe lining as It'a to outwear 'Wear Proof shoe lining (the lining that's advertised in the street canl Used in La France- O Shoes for Women. This costs makers a whole lot In money costs 'em nothing in customers. Only an other superior 'little thrng about La France Shoesbut women's shoes are so little anyway that a little thing Is quite a big one. Sold only by BAKER. BAYLES SHOE CO, Sixth and Ave. Additional Vestrymen. Four members of Christ Church Cathe dral were re-elected -Monday night: They are: C. B. Freeborn, M. a. Snow. J. B. Gaz ziui and John N. Boflnger. Br. Peter's Church George D. Barnard. Charles R. Blake. James Jut. Bull. W. R. Donaldson. James L. Ford. Walker Hill. I. N. jud son. Isaac M. Mason, Charles J. Miller, 3. M. Phelan, John K. Tennent. T. R. Rice and J. E. Williams. Jr. Grace Church I. H. Wilson, senior warden; A. J. Kir by. Junior warden: H. P. Wyatt. secretary; J Moulton. treasurer: W. H. Woodward. George Knappv H. Fettes. F. J. O. Wilson. C. Sparks, L A. McNelliey and Adolph Bicger. Lata Biver Jfewa. VIcfcshirg, alia. April S. The gang shows J5 1 feet, a rise of ,T. The Arcrican arrived. The CordlU ta due. Th Bella of the Bends la gun. Tne Fntcnara cuarea. me neynona cleared. Weather cloudy and cooler. OUTING NXV m J SBBBBBBB. .asssssssaassaaP ImPONYEXPRESsI "From St. Joe to Sarasneato I 1b Eleven Hoars" I "APRIL, I aMItee fcy Casatar Waitasy Tha OsuaVsar Magaslaa af Haaaaa latersst. THOS. A. BDISOnt Alrsklaas auia Diets. UNTRAVBLEO H RUSSIA! AUCTIONEERS. aMaas(aatatassalsaaa(1a A. . SELKIRK S Cttw AUCTION AND STORAGE. Wan,. ..! rtfpr Kalnrtfa. m and general office, 1M8-10-U dantaasi yawi 6ala la residences a specialty. Psoas KlnlnsS) C 167. WE8TERN SALVAGE WRECKING AGENCY 1(V5 and 1GQT WftiMnftoa Tnn Tn6Uni Tin and Hariri S1tx. wiua nr mkmnmm notices. SAMCEL GAX9, M AMUSEMENTS. itVssaaaajstjsaSaaaasaw OLYMPIC!J.:r-5S. KLAW & EnLANfJER PRKSUNT THE ROGERS BR08. IN LONDON. NEXT MONDAY SEATS THURHDAT. .J Cliarl.5 Tollman will preslt J.i MAUDE ADVMS In SIra. Franca H.Klgacn Burnett's T'r 'The Pretty Mater or Jose." Prices for Maude Adams txiwer noor. 1 5 ai-1 JiOO. Balcony 75c and tl 0". Gallery. 3c. CENTURY-Wed. Mat. 25c ts $1 Regular Prtc'. Kc to itZh. LOUIS JAMES and FRED'K WANE At Mat to-day. also Sat. night Mac-bath. To Want (Wed.) und 1T1. nUhta and Sat. mat. Alexander the Great. Thrs. night. Othello. Xlt Sundav. Seats Thursday THE BOSTONIANS. Sunday. Wednesday. Friday and Saturday matlne. TIIE SEREXADE Mondav. Tuesday and Thursday nights and "Wedirtay matinee. KOIIIV HOOD. BASEBALL TO-DAY XATIONAL L53.VGL'E PARK. Cardinals Browns FOVRTII GUIE ANTE-SEASON SERIES c:ME CALLED AT 3:15 O'CLOCK. Umpires Sheridan and O'Day. Box seats may b. reserved by teleohOBe-e r ;s:5. . PARSIFAL . 10 Soloists 60 Musician!!. Walter Damrosch Xew York Symphony Orchestra- ODEON SU5DAT AKTEROOX, APRIT. lO. I Pstrelfaa Librettos at BoIImaat's. I Tlcketa IB. SLW. Jl. now selling at I Bollman'r. Arnold Shanklln. Local Mgr. EVERETT PIA0 fSED. HAVLIN'S IB TateaSasriraMr yu Mm fas Best Assrs far taMs Montr. ?S-,ent Matlne-p Tuadar. Thursday. Sattmiajw Hinmsss, 1S.Zi.eHi Maryland- Hun. Mat. Next -Tha Heart o! G fw M IN O Mat- To-Day. Sat, Night Prices, He. Kc. c. Tie, tl.. ill. m a ' Princft WILSON EXr of Tetters IIKAR WILSON'S NEW SONOS. N-it San. Mat. and Night (onI J I1ETXO BILL. Week beginning Monday. "April IL (SEAT SALE THUH9DATI .lilt. JAMES K. T3: -A. o :k: e t t Ta hN New Romantic Fantasy. THE CROWN PRINCE. Prices SOc Be. 13.00 and 1160. COLUMBIA. Continuous VandevlDe. 10 to M-JS Daily. AU This Week and Next Sui-day. . Ilnllen ana Fuller. fleorge Wlletj ,' Tbe Three Navaaos. Mathews and Harris. Ixs Salvagais Mr. and Mrs Silver. The Three Poiriera. Merrltt and Hosella. Tbe Cbltons. -rus. A Made Hughes Bert Gon" Th Klnodmri lOc 8O0 SOo AH Orchestra, chairs ltsserved. 5c. ClliWFOrHl THFITFU. MftiHiiBff The IDIIIu ysrsessa! I The Only I Bill1 i6l 3011119 I Orlslaal GEORGIA MINSTRELS Superb Band and Orchestra! . Next "Tna Golden Paf and "Eait Lynna. BafDITDIAI ..To-yiCHT, IVIaK sbs IX ssa assise, ssc.sor 25c Mat. TO-DAY. Mr. V.'alter Edwards as SHERLOCK HOLMES, . In -Trie Sign ot the Four." Next "Young Tobe Hoslavl STANDARD. THE HUE OF FOLLY. TWO FBOlttt lalla, The Show That Mad Bnrlesqu. Paonons, TRANS-ATLANTIC BURLESQUERS. Next Attraction BON-TONS. ZOO 3300 Olivt lw Opw ameHi Wild Baatt lelteaBa admission t aim. . HOTELS. mjmoiAMO mMAMOHtSTtm) mwm hqicl. mwm tmmiAam. 'THE MOST COhmnX HOTXL Irf ElmOrT fee Basiaaas, rsaatiag. Usjaia, Daaelai." at, '. Coaalata Sanies af Kssraas Ttslas la Leases. ScetUad. Vc TUksta ass all lafsrmatiea ia Masara. Oak's Offica, aatt dt Is Ika Halal PsW ITIm. sad Haaastias Cart, alas ef fas) MMIaU Ce-.'a Kisak is'lka StarJea Aspraatk. Bialaf Cars sr Latest Basin, sssj lis CxasDaat Csiaiss far wkks Is saUslaaat la astaa. Tke away laastlaa ef ArmagesMst. Arckilactsra. aaal Pacsesttsa sc wall srortk a visit, sag all Ikes. lattrcataal srs walcsais ts viaw as alack sf Iks Hate! aa ia eeausttat wilk Iks csavfort asd arisacy sf its taests. asd tks Haas Walters are iaatractai to giss sack facilities as ars sesslkla Is estate, amy sr STsslag. ia lis HsUL Mr. W. TOWU. Masaisi. MUDLAVIA This great retort open the year round. Cbtnbms) rest, health and pleasure for your vacation. Onljl a faw bnnrr rla from St. tools, near Attica. lnd..on Wabaab Railroad. Natura'a greatest cursj for Rheumatism. Gout, mdnev. Sklfi. madder Stomach and nervous diseases. Tar beautifully Illustrate magailae and all Information, addraas) H L stramer. Gen, afansaer XrSmar. ' '. 1POT. an. aOo YouEver stop to consider tbe present efficiency of the TELEOkAPH SERVICE compared with what it 9 waa aeioreue "rvsuu." .. entered ta field? W WILLIAM F. UOMEts H. J. UIBK.N3TaV President. Secnrtary. ESTABLT8HTO IK l4t. MISSOURI STATE MUTUAL FIRE Altai MAREfE IJISURANCE COMaAHT. Ofnca. No. 711 Cheatout at.. St. Louis, ate. TaLSeU Mala 1TI1A.. Tal. Xlaloah A IMa. Policies are written on alther suck or muxual plaa. Henry C BaarstlclU' 3. B. C Lucas. . M. R. Orthwem. D. D. Wslker, , Wro. r. Bcmea. jas. W. Ben. S. C Resrsav. Money and Pleasure In painting. ..An artist's water-color box, whtta enamel, palette and 15 half pans ot finest ink ported molit colors. tobe-of.CbInse-whrte soar -repls and three smbla brushes, compjete dtrsaaa- t tlonc. II. w pay postage. J jKOKwoop ajar sTVpplt qor st. Lcms. 1 1 -.Jiy.1. A. -- .: mtgsss&jkzz-i-vsxr && iJ-h-.TAi-d-i- f-t?5ag-;;-S-.-vyf. ..y y-..afesJS $X?v-.zZrt&-'- ba-.t-s: .SVn .- S! K:--JaAflPX ... -4,i:r&m&Z&UjZ