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THE ST. LOUIS REPUBLIC: MONDAY. ftPRIL IT. 1903," ti SECRET SOCIETIES. AWWNW MMMMMMWMIMMSMMMMS TRIBE OF DEN HUB. TRIBE OF BEN IlUR, HARMONT COURT. No. 101. meets every Monday at north west corner -Twenty-tweond atrvet and Franklin avenue, ii embers expected and visitors invited to be prT.t. J. K. B12ATTY, Chief. C. W. Tacke, Scribe. No. " 16os Arlington avenue. KNIGHTS AMI LADIES OF SECURITY. SECURITY OOUNCIU NO. 6S4. KNIGHTS and Ladles of security, meets exery Monday at 8 p. m. Open mwtlnp sH;ond Mon day in each month. Phoenix Hall, Jeff en on nd Cass avenues. visiting knlgbls and ladlej assured a cordial reception. Ev 3. TARLING. President. Mrs. Gurne Hart. Financial Secretary. isjA Laflln ttreet. ROYAL AKCAMLM. "" . ?.TtAN'T l-OUNCIL MISSOURI. ROYAL Holland RulMlni- A Arcanum. 209-311 cordial welcome to visitors, friends, brethren and from abroad. C A. BARBOUR. G. R. Jno. C Kllllngsworth. Grand Secretary. FINANCIAL $3,000,000 TEMPORARY CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. February 20, 1?M. Br direction of tha Secretary of war. and on behalf of the Government of the Philippine Is-" lands, the Burvau of Insular Affair of Uie War IVpartment Invites bids fcr J5.0W.IXX of the teroporar certificates of indebtedness of the Government of the ilUHpplne Islands. Thee certificates are Uaued under authority conferred by section 6 "f tha act of ConRress. entitled "An act to eiitaMtsh a standard of value and tn provide for a coinage sj-steni In tho I'hilip. pine Inlands," and under the prmKn thereof authoriiloa: the aale of temporary certificates of indebtedness to the extent of a Mini not excd lng JS.Pwl.WO at any one time, to be used as a continuing credit tor the purchase of sllter bul lion for Philippine coinage. The first S3.O-i0.009 Istuo of Philippine tem porary certificates oX Indebtedness to provide finds for the purchase of bullion roatur- May I, I90i. on which date they will be retired, and this announced Issue will continue tho credit a born authorized. The will be Untied In coupon form In the denomination of 9LOOO. Thry will bo dnted May 1. 10O4, bearing- Interest nt tbe rate of 4 per cent per annum, pujable quar terly, and will be redeeninble in one year after date of issue In Kold eoln of th United State at tbe office of tbe Guaranty" Trnat Com puny of Xew York, in tt York City. The Secretary of tbe Treaavory au thorises the statement Hint these certificates of indebtedness will be ( onee accepted at par by the Treaanry Department as security for deposit of the public money of the United States In national banks In substitution for Stnte, uitmlelpul or Philippine bonds and certificates of Indebtedness now held to secure 'such deposits! and In snluititution for United States bonds now held as security for deposits, on condition that the Government bonds thu re leased be used as security for addi tional circulation whenever In the Judgment of the Secretary of the Treeurury it Is desirable to stimulate stti Increase In national bank circu lation Subscriptions will be payable upon notification ef acceptance by this office at the office of the OUARANTT TRUST COM PA N'T of New Ycrk, as 'depository for insular funde. in checks or bank drafts made payable In laid city, and de livery of certificates will b made by said Trust Company. Tbe Secretary of War resorvea the right to reject any or. all bids. Each btff must be -accompanied by certified check of I Der cent of the face value of th certificates bid for a a guarantee. ?uch check t be returned after the nniktnr of the award. Responsible subscribers offerinjc tbe highest and most advantageous premium will be those accented up to the amount of S3.000.0O0 as ot tered. t So special blanks are required on which to Mhrait bids.' but the envelopes containing them sbould be'clearly marked. I1IDS FOR S1TR SCRIPTTOAS FOR PHILIPIMXK TEM PER n,Y CKRT'FICATES OF IYHRflT rDXESS and addmwd to "THE HUTlKAt; OF ?N5L'.,A.t AFFAIRS. WAR DE PABTMB5T, WASHINGTON. D. C. The openlne of th bids will besrln at 2:30 p. m. on April IS, 1804, -and none will be ac cepted after that t!m. . CI-ATU5NCB R. EDWARDS. Colonel. U. S. Army, Chief of'Bureau. THE AMER. ICAN EX- CHANGE BANK offers all the facul ties of a well e Quipped' banh. 3 per cent, interest paid on time Deposits. wfi 207 N. Broadway GRAIN VALUES DECLINE ON LATE LIQUIDATION. OUTSIDERS ABE NOT A2TX--IOUS TO BUY. Early News Is Bullish', but Lack of Speculative Support De presses the Market Grain-values were on the downturn at the close of Saturday's short session. Pro fessional operators were willing enough to Inaugurate a bull campaign. If some one' else would supply tho sinews of war, but outsiders scented manipulation. The open ing was fairly strong; on higher cables and reports that seeding- In the nortltwest was being delayed by unfavorable' weath er. In the last hour there was brisk. liqui dation by disappointed longs. Corn, though somewhat stronger than wheat, was on the downturn, despite light reoeipta and unfavorable weather. .Many traders believe, that conditions are shaping themselves, for a slump in wheat and a. bull movement in corn. Curb Grain Markets. St.' Louis Jalr wheat S2Uc: puts calls XH4082VC to S2KC Sl'ic. and IHlwaukee July wfceat told) Puts STc, and calls StttOc- Joiy wheat (new) Puta ne SSTtft and calls llc. July torn Puts MHc. ana csila Slc. May corn Puts 52ic. and calls MJtc asked. Minneapolis May wheat S5Hc bid: puts 84c Wd. and calls 96c Wd. July wheat S44a344c asked; cuts MHc. and calls ,a asked. Stacks of Grain in Stare. Last Tear. 1,712.825 177.0SS 59,917 42.62 Z.IS2 04.401) 19.6S 43,'JM 18. OK 2.3S1 21,620 21,620 Saturday. Friday ...i.m.m 2.970.416 ii.9C9 St9,32( Wiut Corn .., gats , Barlfy , No. 1 rsd wheat ... No. 2 bard wheat No. 2 mixed corn.. No: t white com '.. Ho. 1 yellow com., ... 1W.2IS . s,:i ... 2.131 ..A3M.SM ... 396.735 ... 2U5.SU ... 2U.815 ... 4S.8K ... U.733 2.ET7 103.142 5,369 zs.ia 2.133.219 220.213 203. 52 224.005 40.S25 2.627 2,627 m x truxoa oats KO. 1. ixy. Casta Grain, Floor, Etc. WHEAT-By sample; No. 1 red sold'at JLOWi oaLms and tl.07 destination, but Westeniat L: No. red at ti.0ijji.03 dL-; local and "uX.., 96c- .No ra, hard winter heard Sfi. ?at tta?8 weo:c: M 3 at 5eSc: .CORN By sample: Xc. 2 at 49c local and destination: No. at 48HC49c destination and a; local: No. 2 yellow at 4Jc local: No, 3 . 4n destination: No. 2 white at 49 Se. and old7sio local, tiueawe destination; Not-wa'te attfc locaU No. 4 white at 444v . OATS By samole: Ko: "2 at 4S043Hc: No 2 f. lllHrr- No. -4 nominally 37S9b: No; 1 white at e46Hr; No. 3 white at 43c for poor to 4444he for fair, and choice worth 5i4c:. No. 4jrhTt. .atSJc for. barty-mlxed to 4Jc for FINANCIAL Condtnsod Official Itiftmtnt MISSISSIPPI VALLEY Undsr call ot Socrotory of Slit, at RESOURCES. faD' J .SOJ,853.6S Bonds and Stocks . S.5W.660.C8 Heal Estate 511,017.74 Overdrafts v 69,5.39 Safety Deposit Vaults Cash and Exchange 4,rs.OS.(55 All Other Itesources 11.113.31 JULIUS S. WALSH, President. IirtECKINHIIHu: JOKES. Vice President. RTK Nominal at 6S0 for No. 2 and ca&Jc for No. 3. FLAXSSED Nominally H.W. FU)UR Red 11 inter: Palent 14.83:: etralght JI.TiJtM.): extra fancy $4.5j1.65; clear at 53.IO Ci4.10 (foregolnc in wood); low to nifdtum grades nt J2.T5ifS.JS In lute, Hard Hour in Jut jks.: Patent .i0fM.r., atralsht $3.6itflvf.: clar tZATiilZAO'. extreme low prades at $2.C5 (HC.7S: pprinc patent U-WSl.GZ bulk; foregoing prtc tor Mm in woM fiom rtrt hands, trk. or depot, thi? aide. OrdrM higher. RYE rLom Pure. Jobbing wav, at J3.W in Jute sks. and J4.I0 In wood; mixed and inferior less. CORNMEAU KTC. F. o. b.: City meal at 52. JO; STlts, hominy and p-arl meal 12. ft). I1KAN J3asl Iwt Ht. Xui?: Hran in 100s salable at TCc for hard and TSc for eoft winter: mtxd feed nt 7?c for hard and 23S3c for soft winter; mids at 85SJc. Cholco country eoft winter bran in 10y. del. E. trk.. fold at Sic. At mill bran Jobs at S5c and ships at SI. HAY Market basis E. trie.: Timothy Choice S13.20&14; No. 1 511. 5013; No. 2 SWail; No. 3 JTii?. Cio-er J10.Wll for light nnd jn9 V for heavy mixed. Fralrifv No. 1 or chnicn S3.5010; No JJi'(?S.M; No. 3 or low $9K. STRAW On trk.: Wheat and oats J586.S0; I.EAU SI 4USf4 H- SlEUTER-S4.35. Produce. Butter Creamery Extra 2Zta flrrt 22'ff2Cc; tecondft 20c. L.tdl-packed Extra ISc. flrrt J5c. Ualry-packed hancy I9ri,'c; poor to fair l..c. ;ountry mil tTho'.ce 13c; packed and ordlnarj" ll'c; gtaae stock 4f?Gc. lffgs Receipts 2,93 pkge. local and 5.T38 pkgs. through; shipped .,400 pkga.; market lie case count, cae- returned; l&c cases In cluded. Goose egg. 30c. Duck ergs ISc per dox. CI ecse Northern on orders: Twins at He: sbncles ilic. datsJes HHc; Young Americas ll-c; long horns HVjo: New York twins HHc: limburper HS?12c: poor T&c: Swiss 15c for choice. No. 2 at ICfffto; brick UlJic. ProTlslons. Tork. f. o. b. New standard mess in Jobblns way closed nominally at J12.9. IjQrd dole steam on E. side closed nomi nally at fi-ST'.ic; kettle-rcnderad TffSc Grttn Hams. Etc. Car lots held f. o. b. E fide thus: Hams 10-av. at 9j4c: It at SHc; 14s and 16s at 34.c. lSi at 94c; 3 at c. Skinned ham. Us and ISfiSOs and 2221s at Hc: Oall foinlis ac to 6S5; New York shoulders OC5T 12-av.) at 6c. From the block, del.: Hams at 9e for run of bouse; bellies at 70 to SUc as in average; California! at MTSUc; New York shoulders1 at fl'ic. Bale I car 14-av. hams on p. t. D. S. Meats To arrive: Ioae cured c'rlbs cloyd nominally; 40i4o-av. at 6.75c and C0-av at 6.70c c. a. f.; locally car loose Si40-av. extra c'rlbs soM on p. t. Boxed lots In a Job bing way ranged: extra shorts at 6ic: crlbs P7iic: short car 7e; bellies 7Mie7c: plates Uc; fat backs at 5Tc: standard backs at 7c; orders charged higher. Uacon Boxed S. C. meats In a jobbing way ranged; Breakfast bacon at from 9Vac for heavv to 13c for choice licht hams at 104 to lie; caiirimias ai iuycz n. 1. snouiaers at "Kc Plain smoked boxod lota In a lobbing way ranged: Extra shorts at 7Hc: c'rlbs at 7ic; short dear at 7tC; bellies at 7T4 to $c; plates at CUc; fat backs at 6?c; standard backs at 7ic Locally. 1 car loose, 45S-av.. c'rlbs, l car do.. SC-ajic arke.!; extras and car do. 2 23-av. belliear old on p. t. Dealers charged higher on orders. Oleo-Stearlne Nominal at JUifflic. Tallow Market quiet. Receipts not so desir able. Country No. 1 at 4 fie for average to 5c for prime winter: No. 2 at 4c; packers prime o'ic. Country Iard Quote prime at 5tfcI?IJo. Grease Quote small irregular lots country: brown Sc; yellow 3V23H;o: white 4lfc to 4c latter for choice. Quote packers' stock nom inallyBrown Sio; yellow -TiSlic; white 5 IWf On orders: IJbld. Plate S7.M; roll and Pulton Market S0.50; mesa S9- Dried, per lb. Pets lO'-sc; lnsides 14c; knuckl ISc: outside 9c Tongues J2J4 to l4Hc per lb. IJve Pouftrv Turkeys Average receipts 12c. Chicken Kens lie: jouna; chickens 14glic; old roosters Jo. Ducks 12Hc Ge 9&tc Ca jons (SfflO lbs.), 17c; capons, litht. 12S15c: guinea chickens, per doz.. S3. Live pigeons and tquabb, pt-r dcr., 5c. Dressed Iced Poultry Turkejs; Choice of light medium at 14c; choice Jieavy at ISc. Fruits and Vegetables. The Republic quotations are for lots in first hzr.ds. unless otherwise specified. Email lots on order, ar. charged higher. STRAWBERRIES Louisiana 24-pInt cases sold at Jl.aiei.S) mainly, up to 21.&): soma damaged as low as Jl; the 6-gaL cases main-, lr at S3.2J:.S0, one lot of IS cases trolns: at 12.41: extra fancy lots a little hlsher. and damaged at 13: Mlealselppl 2-sal cases, mostly sandy and poor, at S.ia31.3 with choice at 3I.&O421.60: Alabama stock also rreen and In ferior, coins at 222.2i ner saC cass; a few lots of Texas In. and ranged from 114J2 per 6-sal. case. APPL.ES Quot por bbl.: Eastern baldwln Jl.SS C1.50 for poor to :fi2.15 for No. 2. and 2.25 2.75 for fancy: Western Bsn Davis, wineeaps, willowtwur.' Roman Beauty, etc., t2.23JI2.60; genetlnr Jl.7Sat.25. ORASQES-Florlda brlthts or rnssets S4IJ4.M per box del. from store; at auction California ravels from tl.S03 per box. and sUndards Jl.10fi2.J5. accordlnr to quality and conaltl'm; blood oranges 1140; en trk. navels sold from J2a 2.10 for choice. . PINQAPPUE3-Cuban, per craU, or bbl. lots at 1.60e2 per doz. GRAPE FRUIT Florida at I7.UXJS per box; California at auction 2.JSJ2.73. L.EMOXS Messina from stor. at tlBoai: at aucUon. CStllfornla ll.70O2.C5 per box. accord inir to condition. LIMES-Per 100. tl.5082. BANAVAR OitAtaHI. .. 1v in v.v . orders. "' - - "" ?l2?4N'DT9dPer--.1'000 a <- : JobWnsr way 13.-0 rer 100. rS?&''i3g?ZPa irfct in- CKt ' Wisconsin rural JI.C8&1.12 and iiichlian Jl.lOS'l.lSJ. with L0391.03: Colorado rural. SLlt. Nil W POTATOE25-New rtrleans bu. bxs; or Mj, Florida hampers J2B2.25. ?4I9:!S-cholce "und red Klobe'skd. at ttW tpl. o del. CABBAGE New stock firm and tn demand: Florida crates at J1.H3 66 CUCUMBERR-Eastern hothouse fancy large JI.75S2: New Orleans COcSJl per dox. and 149 4.50 per crate cf 4HB5 dox. TOMATOES Florida a at 11.10f21 40 tnr rtinlM to $2g2.2S for fancy; Cuban 6s at McStl for No. 2 to 11.50S2 for fancy. BEET8 Home-rrown 7JSS50 ner bu.. loose; Iew Orleans 403t0c dox.: Texas tEc for small bunches to 40c for large. L.ETTUCE-Home-jTown 5075c per bu.; New Orleans head lettuce 15.S0B6 for suirar btls for pound, and poor at J4.S0WS: Louisiana bu. box 75p0c for choice. CARROTS Home-arown tl1.2 per bu. box; New Orleans at 40c per doi.: Texas at 30340c pr doz. TURNIPS Hom.-rrown. per bu.: Globe at 70 685c: flat S5S40c: New Orleans Ig33c per dox. bunches. PARSNIPS-Home-arown at BJSKOc per bunch and 12572.2S per bbL CELERT California. rr crate: Golden heart JJ.5033.69. New Orleans 20030c per doz.; Florida J1.5Q per crate. STRING BE NS Florida nmnd rreen. cholo. at 2.75X per bu.: fiat wax at tL7$92. SQUASH New Cuban or Florida 1101.50 per lU-bo, crate. SWBTET POTATOES Bermuda 535c: Queen 6a70c: yellow Nansemond 7Sg80c and red Nan semond 85eo0c SPINACH New Orleans S!J4oc per dci. bunches: home-arown 60ff70c per du. box. SAUERKRAUT Wisconsin, per 40-gal. cask. HORSERADISH Choice 17.50 per bbL on or ders. GREEN PEAS Mississippi ch. 12.60 per bu. LEEKS New Orleans 25c per dos. bunches. khubakjb Illinois, ou. dox. at jl. RUTABAGAS-In bulk'30e bu. del. PARSLEY New Orleans 65c per doi. RADISHES Alabama and Mississippi from 2530c for small to 40c for large bunches and bu. boxes from S065c. according to condition: Texas at 15920c per dox; New Orleans, ch.. 25. 40c per dor. SHALLOTS New Orleans MlKBc per dox. bunches. ENDIVES Nw Orleans 12B2.E0 per bbL KSCAROL Slow Ht 11.50 per bbl. MUSTARD GREENS Louisiana and New Orleans 25r25e p.r dox. KOHLRABI New Orleans 40c per dot. for lar and 20c for small bunches. nsppERS mow; nonaa 6s ii.5ogi.73 for cnjicH. GUMBO Cholo. Cuban 12 ner 6-basket crate. EGGPI.ANT Florida at 11.50 per crats for small to 12.50 for lars. KALE Home-srrown 40floc per bu. looss. Wool. Mo. and III. Med. cumb. & M4. (fleeces) .20 Med. Ooose) .18 Burrr 16 Hard bum- ..11 cloth, mxd. .21HB: uiotmng ;7ii ijott oc orata .is Burry & clear.1714 North, and TOeri Kngni mad. ..l Dark m.4. ... Light fins ....14 Heavy buck ..14 curry ....... ,,t Hard burry ..13 Light fine 16 Heavy fine ..14 umb IS TUDwasnea Burry '""""IS 8il Angora Goat Hair Long 24 625 Short 22 523 Low and burry less. Tex.. I. T. Ok. lied.. 12 mo. .18 620 Med.. 6S8 mo.1T 61814 Ccaise & IOW..14 615 Ught fine ....14 C164 Heavy ssndy .10 61 Ark. & Southern Hides. Quote dry flint: Texas butcher (lit lbs. and over) at i6ic: fallen at 15tc: all Texas light (under IE lbs.) at ltve: native and Arkansas at ISHo (latter on selection). 16e for No. 1 and 14c for No. 2. Glue at c Dry-salted at lie. Green salted Round at 7c: good Missouri and Illi nois at THc; green-salted on selection at 814a for No. 1 and THc for No. 2: bulla or dead green lc less. Glue 4c. Horse hides Green tto. 1 'at 12.75: No. 2 at 11.75: colts, ponies and blues at 11: all dry at 75c. Fnrs. Raccoon lis1 to 55c: mink Ste to SLID: opossum 25c to 25c: skunk He to 45c: mnskrst 100 to 12c; gray fox 35c to 50c: red fox ft to 11.50: otter 11.50 tojJlO: wolf prairie too to 70c: timber 8)0 to tl.50: beaver. tl to 16: wild cat 10c to too: house cat 10c: badger Sc tn 25c: bear tl to 112. Prim, winter goods would bring -more. Miscellaneous Markets. GRASS SEEDS Quote current receipts of country, lots, ner 100 lbs.: Timothy atJ2J) to 12.75: redtopat 81 to a.W.-Hungarlan afL23 ot Ihtflmnolal Condition of th TRUST COMPANY, ST. LOUIS, tht clou at batlntw Maroh 28, 1904. INABILITIES. gapltal urplus Undivided Profits Deposits ,... All Other Liabilities., ..JS.00O.O00.0O .. 3,f0O.000.vO .. 1.821.75S.S9 .. 14,7S3.7S&G4 .. 177,879.80 $23 296 421.83 JOHN D. DAVIS, Vice President) JAMES E. BROCK. Secretary. to tl.50; mlllot chars-.d hlrhfr. at 90 to SI. 25. Ordeis arc WHITE! IIEANS On E. trk.. in car lots: Choice haud-plekeil pea offered at Jl.95Sl.3i; rir bu.. machln--plcki-.l at tl.tltfl.t7 and prime at 1.7iMfl.75. Frcm store: White beans at $1.9' to 12.05 for choice hantl-ptckctl pea; po3rer grades less: Lima at 4si4'lc per lb.: lentils at 4Wc; California pink nt J',c: blarkeyo at Jl.0o.iL70: split peas at 12 an.l Scotch at 11.25 per bu. STOCK PE.VS-Whlpponvill selllnR at 11.30 to 11.25 per lu. Other kinds nominal. PORGHUM-CANi: KEED-Latfst sales at SIC per 100 lhs for poor to 11 for Drime. ONIOX SETS latest sale at 11.30 per bu. SUNFLOWER SEED Quote S2.50 per 100 lbs. CASTOR REANf ?t.40 per bu. for prime In car lots on trk. : J1.25 for smsll quantities. DRIED FRUITS Apples Sun-dried quarters at SNH4c: ernrorsted at 4c to 5e: cores and neellnrs at lllHc: chops at 1 to l'ic Peaches at 3U to 3c. FKATIimS-Vrim nhtte lK-e per., in mal! sks. 58c and in large sks. 56c: prime irrav do. 41c In small and 40c in laraa sks.: old white 40 5144c: X !0Mc: XX S24t:6c: XXX 14016c: XX XX 5c: tare 10 per cent on email .ks. and 3c on iarxe. Duck White Kc; dark 30c. Tur ke Tail ?ie: wine 9c: pointers 5c: wlnfr and tall and pointers Sc: blT drv) 5e. ROOTP-Per lb.: Glnsenx at S4M to 13: stem my, weedy, etc.. less: Indr slipper sc: senrca 65c: pink ISc; KOldcn seal 5c: black me: May apple 5c; snake 35c; white snake worth 2lJc: angelica 5(iGc: wahoo bark cf root 8c: bark of tree 2Hc: Mood 6c: blue flair 3c: sassafras bark of root It: wild Ringer 7c. SIIKEP TELTS Full-otl relts ScASl; sheannx 10 to 25c: lambs at SO to 50c: dry. fallen, etc.- lORllc per lb. KEESWAX Unchanged at 2Se per lb. for prime UNSEED OIL Quotable at 40c per sal. for raw and 4!c for boiled: lc per gaL less on car lots. f POP. CORN loa lbs., on cob. white Rice 11 ei.10: Billed at 75c. SCRAP IRON AND METAL-Per 100 lbs.: Wrought Iron J43; heavy cant J4-1; malleable rteel and breakable 40c: stove 35c: light brass 15; heavy bras? 39; copper JO; line 12: lead J3.60: pewter. S12.. ,, , SALT E. side medium at ft; granulated 93c per bbl,- 5c more per bbl. this side. EMPTT DAitltKUS Coal oil. turpentine and gasoline.- J1.05: vinegar 70c; black oil 50c: lln eeHl, light and varnish 80o: machine EOc: su gar 15c: whlskv 80c: do. half bbls. 60c: wine 11; sauerkraut 30240c: fickle 40S50C- flour 15c: molasses 30c: lard tea 45c; SBc olt for each brclten heed: 2Hc each hoop missing. RAGa ETC. Per 100 lbs.: Country rags at TSc. Old rope Ni. 1 manlla st J1.23; No. 2 at 50c. Rubber at 15B6.59. FEANUTS Farmers stock, per lb.: Red lj jic; wnue at -sinrc. CHESTNUTS Italian at at 12c. Sc per lb:; Virginia PECANS Western at 6'.4e: Texas at 5"i;c, MAPLE SUGAR Quote at Sc to 10c per lb. IIONEV Comb at 10c to 12c; choice Colorado at 14c: strained and extracted at 4ff4Hc In bbls. and 5c In cans. COOPERAGE Quote on orders for prompt delivery: Lard tcs, Jl.60 for wood-bound. Jl.??1; for 6-hoop Iron-tound and 11.4712 for s-hoop do.: oakrpork bbls. 11.50 for wood and 11.20 for iron hound: ash pork bbls. 11.30 for wood-bound; oleo tcs. 11.30 for t-hoop: lxraut. bbls. 11; do. half bbls. 70c: do kegs 60c: do. caks it.45; isca-wont ouis. s-noop liovr .c; b-noof ao. slaclc-stork bbls. 8-hoop flour 42c; 6-hoop do. hoop do. 43c: ralllrun apple 35c: No. 2 do. 13c; meal Sle; 6-hcop lime '. zsc, i-noi l-hoon do. 2Co. LIVE-STOCK MARKET. Native Supply Liberal Beef Cattle Easy Sheep Were Dull. NATTVB CATTLB-The receipts In the native division were libsral Tor the last day of the week. There were close to 850 head receUed, but as 27 loads were through exports and seme direct, thre were only -9 loads that were for tale. Tbe demand was very light and the mar ket ruled on a very weak basis, and even with so few on offer could hardly be quoted steady, with sales looking about 10c lower than the pre vailing basis Friday. Following Is a list of quotation, based upon sales during the week: SHIPPING AND EXPORT STEERS. Best, native beef steers, strictly fan cy. L30orL,70t) lbs. js.5oan.7 Choice export steers, 1.300&l,t4D lbs.. &.lQtfS.C0 Good shipping and export steers, 1,800 ifSl.SOO the. A.TSffKlft ralr to medium shipping steers, 1,800 H.0U IDS 4.36pt.6 DRESSED BEEF AND BUTCHER STEERS. Steers, l.JOOSn.290 lbs., rough to best 4.0005.50 Steers, l.ooofcrl.iw "..-. Steers, lees than 1,000 lbs. 4.00S-5.23 Ton aootatlons on lisht-welrht cattle anohr ! to fane- grades COWS AND HEIFERSt Fancy corn-fed heifers, 700&775 lbs.... Fancy conf-fed heifers. too1.100 lbs. Good to choice heifers Medlom to good heifers ............. Fair to medium heifers ........ . (.EOfM.TS . 4.0034.23 . 4.004.50 . 2.5OM4.00 2.25&2.M .... 3.7554.00 .... 3.3383.60 f.SOOT.ii 2.60R2.85 .... 2.1(103.50 . 1.00U2.00 ... 2.5032.75 .... 3.25rf3.5o Best oorn-fed heavy cows Good fat cows Medium fat cows. Cutters Fair to good eanners Common snd shelly cows BULL8. Choice corn-fed bulls VH.. Good fat bulls Heavy-weight, half-fat bulls Sausage hulls Good .qualified dehorned bulls for-feed lng VHALS AND HERETICS. .... ..Wlir;j.l5 . 2.7503.15 Choice veals. 110lt0 lbs. 6-WtK.O) Heavy fat veals. 200 lbs. and under.... 3.504.So Good heretics t.soai.75 Thm heretics :.25u3.o Heavy killing calves l.oogi.ou STOCKER6 AND FEEDERS. Choice feeder., 1.00091.150 lbs. . 4.00' aieaiuxn to geoa iceaers, fluoi,wu ids. 3.65 Fair to medium feeders. 7004rtt.i lh . n: Chotrs-ouallUed atockers. 60j27S0 lhs. s'TT.f ,j.air-quauuea steers. owil&' Ins. Choice to fancy stcck. heifers Medium to good stock heifers.... Common stock hetfers Choice quality steer calves Choice aualltv heifer calves Dehorned and unbranded stockers and feeders always sell a frsctton fetter than others. MILCH CWW8. Fancy quality large young cows with good calves 45.005n.OO Good milkers 35.00S43 on Medium milkers 5 (mhv oo Common milkers ,13.00tfM0 Strictly fancy-milkers sell above ISO. BEEF STEERS. BEEF AND BUTCHER STEERS. No. Ay. Pr. No. At. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 63... 1095. .41. a -...J'.r4U.. .14.00 i BUTCHER CATTLE. 410.. .11.50 HEIFERS. 17... 3S... 3.15 cowa 2t. IS.- 4.25 .iato... 8.50 1 . 930... 3.00 STOCKERS .AND FEEDERS. HEIFERS. 35... 4RT... 3.40 2... 595... 3.00 SOUTHERN CATTLE As nothing was re ceived In the Southern alleys as a basis on which to quote the market, the condition of tho trade Friday furnished the actual close for the week. Ths supply has been but little different from the last two weeks, and. with supplies at th. principal markets showing a decrease a better tone has applied to the trade The good steers selling st J1.20 sad above' have shown an advance of logiijc. while the fea- jure 01 ui. wo bu Dea in. strength 0f the light-weight steers of common to medium flesh tnese selling readily at' 20625c higher than the current prices one week ujo. Th wanner weather and ths. scarcity of l.ght-welght steers have been responalble for tlila. The bull market has had a very gocd tone on good to chotce bulls which sold at J3.1063.4O but the common to fair bulls are a shade lower. The supply of. this class has been liberal. ie. .lilting In rfeellne SmrMt. .. 1- w ... ............ w..j cuvueii runs. have been available of late to quote a market, ! t.tvuu .ut: huc. lis,.- UIUKCLVI H IUU Steady lasls. The same applies to calves, of whlcn ll" im uwU ry iiKni, ana or a com mon class that were neither veal nor tcef consequently trading has been Iow and very unsatisfactory, and. owing to the lightness of the supply. Irs a question if they are seil lnrsteady. . The following quotations represent the con dition of the market on various class's of quarantine cattle, based on sales during the Strictly choice steers Choice fed steers Good fed steers Good fed steers Medium steers Common to fair steers Good to. choice heifers , Fair to good heifers Good to choice cows Ur to good cows ,.. alr eanners Cornmon eanners Fair to good bulls Common bulls Good to oholce veal calves. Good to eholc. heavy ca 94.35 3.65 34.25 3.35?l!.65 3.00S3.25 3.15O3.40 2.75'd3.10 1.711 4.25 a KH.A4 t 84.73ff.S5 4.rv5 4.75 3.85S 4.2) .".I"""r3!85t?4; 3.f)a3.85 3.40 3.6T. 2.8.T J.40 3.0rf 8.50 2.65 S.00 2.10S J.40 1.75-a 2.1x1 3.0O 3.40 2.60 2.85 per cwt.. 4.0r)r3 5.00 Ives, per 12.00314.00 Fair to good b.avy'caiVe"(;.''p;'rheai.'.' s.'oMlli common caives, per head 8.M down HOG&-A very smsll supply of hoirs arrived there being sround LOOO head onal" which In reality Is not sufflclcent at any time to give thS market a thorough test. However, so far-as the market was slle to gft trading wss active and prices showed a slight Improvement over Fri day. The offerings were soon cleaned up and th olcee wss firm. All good fat hogs were In rood demand, and buyers needed fully three JJmS.ffi?.numb on aIe. ,0 nl their orders. Good lights and nigs are also In strong demand, brut there Is no Inquiry for common snd trashy Good butcher and heavy hogs .sold at 15.133 f-afklr to good medium weights and packers 15.loes.22H. lights above 150 lbs. average 14.90 5.20. lights under ISO lbs. avsrage j,.2sa5!lo; pl?.SdeSj0oJbit H850- nd roughs snd culls st tiee. The bulk of the hogs weighing ISO lbs. or more sold at 85.103420. against J5.10S5.20 Friday. SHEEP The usual Saturday quietness pre vailed tn the sheep department, the entire re ceipts being shipped In by local slaughterers, so ttst there was nothing on sale. The week closes en a little better basts than a week ago, as there seems to be a better feeling. and the de mand Is larger, especially for good stock, sheep and lambe both are wanted far In excess of the supply. So far this week sales lncieuded spring Iamb at l&ftp. mutton lambs at 15GJ5.75. the hulk of them at 15.2505.50: native and Southwest mut ton sheep at J4 2585.50. tho hulk at I4.50115: stockera sold at 2S3. cull lambs at J284JO and bucks at J204.25. principally at 13 5n'a.4. Sales also Included clipped Western yearlings at 13 O6.10 HORSES There nothing new In the horse situation Saturday. As usual on the last day of the ueek. offerings were srnrce and lit tle business of any kind wss transacted. Trad ers spent the day In pri'parlns for the busltie-. of any kind in preparing for the butlnes of the ensuing week. The closing was firm. In line with the Improved feeling noted In the market during the week. Prices hae been about loflfio higher than the previous week, and practically regained all of the decline reported during the two weeks preceding. Horse quotations: Heavy draft, rfinnpm to good Jl00f?16o Heavv drnft. choice to extra lfcfiW Chunks, fair to good 80ir. Chunks, choice to extra. 12'vfrl.V) Farm chunks tofilir. Southern horses, plain to good 4"fr SO Southern burkes, choice to extra '35U3t Houthem lrlcis 123lfi0 Harriers horst-s 15Uii4'JO MULES The muio market was quiet. There were practically no offerings on the commission market an.l. consequently, no lncentie for uc tlity. if the. demand were no li;oe,!. while on tho other hand hardly any buyers from outside mtukets were on hand and the" deal ers itceive.1 verv few Inquiries. The market betn favorable this week and sellers hae had a herd time disposing of consignments. Tit? tone of the trade lies been weak, and In most cases commission men have been forced to accept easier prices In ordtr to make sales. ino troiemeni also was very dun MULE QUOTATIONS. 14 hands, extreme lange ..1 M.OOS ?5.V) ii nanus, nunc or. sales ... 113 hands, extreme range . 14i hands, bulk of sales . 15 hands, extreme range . 13 hands, bulk of sales ... 15 lianuf. extreme range 15-. hands, bulk of sales .. 16 hsnds, extreme range 14V hands, hulk of sales .. To.vm 5.W ..")al20.Ki .. 75.0'Vi luO.OO .. S5.00'S 130.1)0 .. 9).oaiio.-o ...H'l.O'VSuO.lAl ...113.00 111.1)0 ...13J.0il-aiM.ir0 ...133.001(1155.00 II y Teleurnph. Kansas Cltj. Mo.. April 3. Cattle Receipts 200; market unehanged; export and dretscd-lieef steers J4.Oj85.23: fair to good !; West ern fed steers 12.6004.6.); stockers and feeders Jlft4.o5: Southern steers 13.814.25: Southern cows 12.5.iii3.25: native cons J1S4; native heif ers J3.30fr.3: hulls J2.OS3.S5: calves J3W6.23. Hogk Receipts 1.30: market steady: top 15.10; bulk of sales $l.9nn5.Co; heavv jrrS.lO; pack ers ll.tJ35f.-..il6: pigs and lights 14. 2S'S5. Shcci tia lambs 13.255.75; Western lambs 13.; rvrtr nu n.jne: marKeL nominaiiv sieao na- 2..f 5.90; fed ewes Jl.50fru; yearllnca ll.!KV;i.25: stockers and feeders 139-1.60. Receipts for the wnek: Cattle 28. WO; hogs 39.500; sheep 16.S0O. South St. Joseph, Mo., April 9. Cattle Re ceipts 123; steady; natives 13&5.35; cows and helfors ll.50tf4.25; stockers and feeders J2.50 Q4. Hogs Receipts 1.313: market steady to 2i: higher; light mixed J4.83iy5: medium and heavy Jljif.U. Sheep Heceipta none; demand strong. Cnicago, April 9. Cattle Receipts 500: mar ket nominal: good to prime steers J5.25ri?5.75: poor to medium J3.75S5; stockers and feeders J2.75tW.23; cows ISiifl.ZS: heifers J2.25ir.:5; ean ners J3'd2.W: bulls J2.25&4.10: caKes J2 3025.2i: Texas fed steers JI5T4.60. Hogs Receipts to-day 6.000. Monday 2s.t0. left over 6.204: market steady; mlxnl and butchers J4.90S5.22ii.: gixid to choice heavy t;.MrS.30: rough heavy J4.:(if5.10: light. 14.7385.10; bulkof rales Jl.93tl3.10. Sheep Receipts 2.000; market. -syadv: lambs steady: good to choice wethers J4.75&5 65; fair tocholce mixed J3.60f24..W: Western shetp J4.35S5.15: na tive lambs J4.5oQfi.50; Western Iambs 13.5)n6.23. New Tork. April . Beeves Receipts 39 head; no trading in' live cattle:-, nominally steady: dressed beef j'ow at 6',irS'ic; shipments. SS0 cattle, 50 sheep and 4.8u0 quarters of beef. Calvea Receipts 91 head, nnd all consigned di rect; no trading; nominally weak: dressed calve slow; city drersed veals 7310c per lb.: country dressed lower ot 7tg7Hc. Sheep and lambs Re ceipts 1.790; market- steady for both sheep and lambs; ltj car unsold; wooled sheep nominal: prime clipped do. J4.65: unshorn lambs J5.i5 6.60; no choice offered; clipped lambs J5.50. Hot Receipts 4 (CO; ncne for sale on live weight; feeling steady. 5IAKKET6 BY TELEGRAPH. New Tork. April 9. Flour Receipts 17,384: exports 6.7C: dull: winter patents 13.2051-5.50; winter straights 11.9365.15: Minnesota patents J5.S0Sfo.45; winter extras ,13.3561; Minnesota bakers" 14.1034.33; winter' low grades J3.15 4.30. Rye flour dull: fair to good J4.30S4.SO; cholce to fancy J4.6n64.S0. Commeal steady; jellow Western Jl.0861.10: eitv J1.101.12: klln drled J3.10S3.13. Rye weak: No. 2 Western 81c, to arrive prompt. Barlev dull; feeding 4Sc c. 1. f. New- York: malting 53i63c c. I. f. Buffalo. Wheat Receipts 75.0rrUr spot steady: No. 2 red 11.06 nominal elevator and. ll.07ftl.10 nominal f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 Northern Duluth ll.047s nominal f. o. b. afloat: No. 1 hard Manitoba nominal f. o. b. afloat. The wheat opening was steady on cables and further crop and weather comnlalnts from thA Wet r.... prices weakened, however, .as-outside trade was dull and the crowd feared a bullish Govern ment report. The clos. Was U6-Sc net lower. May r6eJ7c. closed SCTic: July 92 7-166910. closed 92!ic: Sopt. 84iii3'c closed 84Sc: Dec. $54S85'ic. closed Sitic. Corn Receipts 73.100; spot steady: No. '2'rfc nominal elevator and 54c f. o. b. afloat: No, 2 yellow 57c- No. 2 white 5c. Options opened' dull and later de clined with the Went, closing HtfUc net lower: May 56H3S7C. closed 46iC:.July closed ttKc. Oats Receipts 115.500; exports 1L605: spot dull: No. 2 4Wvc; standard whtt-47Hc: No. 2 whit. 48c: No. 5 white 46c Options dull and nomi nal. Hay quiet; shipping 7H870c: good to choice 95687Vic. Hops quiet: State,' common to choice. 190U. 27S30C: 1S02. 23C27c: old. 9614c; Pacific Coast. 190S. 24631c: 102. 23627o: olds, 9614c. Hides steady; Galveston, 20 to 25 lbs.. Isc: California, 21 to 25 lbs., 19c; Texas, dry, 24 to SO lbs., I4c. Beef dull: family jlo.Soail.EO; mess J9.o0ffio: beef hams 120.504113: packet 89 50 rfflO.50; city extra India mess J156I7; cut meats crulet. Pickled bellies ?hcr. nrVti. .hm.M, ic; pickled bams i6loc. 'Lard weak: West em steamed J7.10: renned easy; Continent J7.16 South American J7.75. I"ork dull: family J15; short clear J14.75616: mess J14.B0ei5.25. Tallow- weak: city 4.c: countrj- itjfsc. Cotton seed oil weak; 'prime crude nominal; do yel-loa- 3tHc- Rice quiet; domestic fair to extra 8W34Sc; Japan nominal. Molasses firm: New Orleans, open kettle, good to choice. 31637c Kansas City, April 9. Wheat May J3?ic: July !5y..sP,i 1"4C: vaah No. 2 hard 9?)c: No. !,""?; N red J1.02; No. .1 9Sc8Jl.0I. Corn May 46Cc: July 455,0: cash Na 2 mixed ffi!4Sf iJjSjshc, Oats-No. 2 white 41Hff42c: No. 2 mixed 41tC Hay steady: oholce timothy 19.EAM 10; choice pralriei7.f7.7S. Rye-No. 2 63c!. Receipts Wheat 2T.70); com 14.000: oats 6.000. Shipments Wheat tt am- r, it mn. .. .XX; Chicago. April 9. Cash: Flour dull and easy: winter patents 14.80(3-5; straight 4.60 to J4.7O; K?L .SSi'SP-Ji-lWJ!' .tra'sh" l4ff4,J); bakers UOK.Ui. wheat No. J nrinr 90895c: No. 2 reo sieviLuiH. Oorn-No. 2 534536! N i yellow- rvuifi'.ju,- riv ttiZ.-i. S.hlt. ?!i '.Rr-:Wi:-2; 8c. Barley-Good feeding Bpsfc; fair to choice malting 44fi43c. SS.e3.r.Srl51Jl?10th';,2-8: .clover IconTract grade) 811. ProvisionsMess pork.per bbL,812:50 12.62W: lard.- per lOd 'lb- 8s.52u.a6.K5- short H& f d.'-!Ui1K',v7S?7,: hort clear sides Jl!2; ,'8-1- Whisky, hasis of hlghwlnes. Peoria, JlL.lprll . Corn-steady; No. 3 4c: No. 4 46c Whlskj- on- thevbasls of 81-2S for finished xociLs . JdW001- Prlt Wheat-Spot stesdy; No. 1 California 7s Id: futures steady; Mav.6s 6ld July 6s 7d. Corn Spot steady: American mixed 5ew 4,.,d: American mixed old 4s 7Hd; futures dull: May 4s 44d: July nominal. . Pn,S,l'.-. Minn.. April 9. Wheat In store: No. 1 hard 9ic. No. 1 Northern 94c. No. 2 North ern 91Hc;to arrive, No. 1 hard 95ic, No. 1 Northern 94t,c. No. 2 Northern Slsic; May 94c: July 4c: Sept. S3Hc. Oats-On trk. and to ar- Mltwaukee. Wis., April 9. Wheat 'lc lower: No. 1 Northern 9!cSJl: No. 2 Northern 95S'$c: old July ST'sc bid. Hye Arm: No. 1 TJitc. Bar ley dull: No. 2 62063e: sample S6S59c. ' Corn lc lower; No. f 4Sff49c; July 51151'ic bid. Mlnnespolls. Minn.. April . Wheat May 5V;e95c: July 94SS94c: Sept. KKc; on trk.. No. 1 hard 97t4SJ97c: No. 1 Northern 9rVV4i tCTie; No. 2 Northern 9SS94-,c Flour Hrst patents tS.05?5.13: second patents 84.9583.05: first clears 83.60; second clears J2.45Sr2.S5. Toledo, O.. April 9 Clover seed-Cash 16 62H; April J.E2V4: Oct. 80.52'i. .Prime alsike J6.0'. ITlme timothy 11.40. , By Teleurnph. New Tofk April a. Cotton futures closed quiet; April I4.5Sc: May 14.71c; June ll.S7c; Julv ll.S7c: Au; 14.42c: Sept. 12.79c: Oct 12.0Sc. Spot cloed quiet: middling uplands 15c: middling Gulf lllSc:- sales 5S0 bale. The market opened easy- at, a decline of 4 points to an advance of 3 iolnts and ruled generally easy during the earlv trading, under scattering ltnutriatlnt. en.i some selling for short account following lower cables than expected and a disappointing visi ble supply docreare. The weather accounts, while not entirely favcrable. were not so bullish as anticipated, ard while at first the new-crop months came In for some cotton commbi.jIon houee support, they eased off later at the old crop positions. Trading was exceedingly quiet, prices., after declining 5 fo 7 points, showing little tfndency either way. New Orleans, April 9. cotton Futures quiet: April 14.56c bid: Jtav 1 4. 98S 11.99c; Jun- 15.S)!r 15.22c; Julv I3.45S15.46c; Aug. 14. 491914. SOe: Sept. 12.7ltfl2.72c: Oct. U.93Stl.96c: Nov. 11.S7 ITll.Me: Dec. 11.77c hid. Spot cotton quiet and steady: sales 2.200: ordinary 12Hc: good ordinary 13 15-16c: low middling 14 9-16c: middling 14 15-lCc: good middling 15tic: middling fair lHc: receipts 1.764: rtock 25S.661. Liverpool. April 9. Cotton Spot Small hul ness done; prices 6 points higher: American middling fair 8.60d; good middling S.44d: mid dling 8.3d: low middling s.24d: good ordinary 8.14d: ordinary 7.94d. The sales of the day were 4,0t bales, of which 300 wereWor speculation and export, and Included 3 500 American. R celpts 13.0C4) bales. Including 14.6C0 American. Futures opened steady and closed quiet. Amer ican middling, g. o. c: April 8.02d:- Aprll-Msy 7.99d; May-June 7.96d:" June-Julv 7.93d: .To!y Aug. 7.89.1: Aug. 7.604; Sept.-Oct. 6.S4.1: Oct. Nov. 6.50d: Nov.-Dec. 6.41d: Dec-Jan. 6.29d: Jan.-Feb. 6.8?d. ' Coffee. Nesr1 York. April 9. coffee Spot Rio firm; No. 7 involco 6sc; mild steady: Cordova lojr 12c. Futures opened steady at an advance of 5r2?10 points, with quite an active demand for both accounts, fol'owed 'by better cables than expected, continued light receipts and bullish estimated as tn the roming Santos crop. The advance attracted realizing, however, and there was considerable pressure from recognized bear Interests, with the result that most of the gain was lest. The market closed eteady at unchanged prices to an ndvance of 5 points. Sales were reported of 95.000' bags. Including May at 5.80B5.SSe, July at 6.10c. -.Aug. at 6'20c Sept. st 6.33-56.45C. Oct. at 6.40rfW.65c. Dec at 6.6)6.70c, and March at 6.83U6.0c. Sugar. New York. .April 9. Sugar Raw quiet; fair refining 2 5-I2c: centrifugal.' 96 test, 3Hc: molas ses sugar 2 29-33c; refined quiet; No. 6 4,20c No. 7 4.75c: No. 8 4.20c: No. 10 4.10c- No li .05c; No. 12 4c: No. 13 3.96c; No. 14 3.95c. con fectioners' A 4.55c: mold A 5.65c; cut loaf 5 40c crushed 5.40c: powdered 4.80c; granulated 4.70c cubes 4,95c. -v New Orleans. April . Sugar steady: open kettle 2M63 2-I6c; do. centrifugals 2Sc; centri fugal wane iitT4ic: yeiiows xf-f4c: secomls. srD---c. aoisiierj nominal; open Kettle 3tJr25c: centrifugal lOOlSc, Sirup nominal at 20r825c Bnltcr and Cheese. New York, April 9. Butter quiet; creamery I 15623c: State dairy 15620c chees- steady; Stnte full-cream fancy, small and large, col ored and white. Sept. 12c: do. late-made 10ic. Chicago, April 9. Butter steady: creameries 14ii-e; dairies 12t4rft-ic Cheese caev: daisies !4l0c; twins 9c; Toung Americas 10610V:c. '.i''-.enn!a. April 9. Riitter steadv: fair ex tra Western creamery 33HC: extra near-by prints 26c. Cheese steady but quiet; full creams choice to fancy 10ieilc: New Tork full cream, fair to good lOQlOfec Dried Frnlts. New Tork. April 9. The morket for evaporat ed apples Is quiet, hut offerings are not press ing and prices are st-aillly held: the common are quoted nt SiiSc. prime at 5"4ftS-V. choice at 6'iiNKc and fancy at 787'ic Prunes are not moving freely, hut prices are eteady. ranging fiom 3c to fei;c, according to grade. Apricots remain quiet hut firm; choice are quoted at 9H tlOc. extra choice at IOVi610'AC and fancy at 11 13c. Peaches also are firm, though demand Is light, with choice holding at 7,67'ac. extra choice at VIVtC and fancy at 9',3'31;e. Ebbs. Chicago. April . Bxgs firm: at mark, cases Included, lG'ic per doz. Kansas city. April 9. Egg" steady; Missouri and Kansas stock, cases returned. 14c- No. 2 whltewood cases Included 15c. Philadelphia. Arrll 9. Eggs steady, fair' de mand; freth near-bv and fresh Southwestern 17'c at mark; fresh Western HV-'ilSc: fresh Southern 17c. Dry Goods. New Tork. April 5. Tile weekly dry goods trade has closed quietly. The market to-day showed little life, and business was confined within narrow limits. On prices for future de liveries Interest has lagged. The export Inquiry dots not continue on general lines, though sell ers are sanguine of its continuance. The ma jority are not trying to force business and ac cordingly are able to maintain prices. Wool. London. April 9. The arlrvals of wool for the third series of auction sales amount to 105.3'53 bales. Including 91.000 forwarded direct to spin ners. The imports of wool this week were: New South Wales 15.325 bales, Queensland 917, Victoria 12.713. South Australia 887. West Aus tralia 417. New Zealand 35.645. Cape of Good Hope nnd Natal 327. Punta Arenas 2,901. else where 617. The Metal Markets. New York. April D. All metal markets were steady to-day, without new feature. The vol ume of business transacted was small and chleflv for nearaby wants. Copper ruled quiet: nke 12.25612.50c: electrolytic 11.12Cfl3.25c: casting 12.S75813.125c, Tin Spot at :S3:S.50c. Lead- Spot 1.604.65c Spelter 5.2565.30c Iron quiet and nominally unchanged. Imports nnd Exports. New York. April 9. The total imports of dry goods and general merchandise at the port of New York for the week ending to-day were valued at 111. 112.379. Exports of specie from Sfw York for the week were 8746.905 silver and J3.2t-6.107 gold. Imports of specie Into New York during the week were 323.219 gold and 820,131 silver. Petroleum. New York, April 9. Petroleum easy; refined New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore 1S.25: do. In bulk J5.45. Oil city. Pa. April S. Credit balances 81.65: certificates no bid. Shipments 82,625; average 53.397. Runs 89.330; average 79.72$. Shipments Lima 56.950: average 62.783. Runs Lima 65,244; average 48.561. Turpentine and Rosla. New Tork. April 9. Rosin firm: strained com mon to good"t2.S5. Turpentine quiet. 56H657C. Stvannah. Ga.. April 9. Turpsntine firm, 534c Rostn firm; A. B. C and D 82.40; E 82.45; F 12.50: G 12.55-. II J2.60; I 12.85; K 83.20; M 13.25; N J3.5": W. O. 83 63: W. W. 83.8063.90. Flaxseed Quotation.. REPUBLIC SPECIAL. Chicago; 111.. April 9. Flaxseed wss un changed. No. 1 Northwestern was 31.16 bid and So. 1 11.09 bid. Anrll was 11.09 nominal and May was 81.11 bid. Receipts here were 2 cars, iu cars at .Minneapolis ana -.") at uututn. RIVER NEWS. REPUBLIC SPECIALS. Cairo, 111., April lO.-Gauge reads 46.3 feet, showing a fall of .7 during the last 24 hours. Weather cloudy and cool. The Raymond Hor ner passed from the Lower Mississippi to the Upper Ohio last night. The City of Memphla arrived from ths Tennessee River st "3 a. m. and departed for St. Louis at 4 a, m. Th. Beaver departed for the Lower Mississippi at 8 a. m. The Hernann Paepcke departed down the river at 3 p. m. The Slacker Lea arrived from St. Louis st 10 a. m. and departed for Memphis at 11 a. m. The Spragus arrived from the Lower Mississippi at 8- p. m. and passed up the Ohio. Memphis, Twin.. April 10. The' river her. stands 39 feet, a rise of -.4 in the last 24 hours, and Is now over the danger line. All ths local packets due to-day arrived on time. The Government steamer Titan was In port this morning. The Lucille Nowland arrived this morning from the Arkansas River and returns Tuesday. Receipts by river to-day were 137 bales cotton and 16 sacks of cotton seed. Cape Girardeau, Mo., April 10. Weather clear and warmer. River falling. Gauge reads 24.7 feet. Tho stacker Lee down at 4:30 a. m. The Chester passed up at 9 o'clock last night. The Cape Girardeau down at ft o'clock last nlgbt. returning to St. Louis' at 7 a. m. Tbe City of Memphis down at midnight. Grand Tower. I1L. April 19. Stacker Lee down at 3:30 a. rn. Chester up at 5:50 a. m. Cape Girardeau up at 1:30 p. m. The gauge reads 21.9 feet, and rising. Weather clear. Chester, 111., April 10. Gauge 19.2 feet, and rising, weather cloudy and coo", j. m. Rlcht man and barge down at 8 o'clock last night and departed for ths lower river at 11 a. m. Chester up at 3 p. rn. Cape Girardeau Is due up. Faducah, Ky April 10. Gauge reads 46 feet, and falling. Weather fair, cold and windy. Dick Fowler to Smith Landing with good ex cursion. Snrarue and WiOmhIi nn at 3 n. m. with tows. Buitorff and Joe Fowler due here to-night. Wheeling. VT. Vs.. April lO.-Rlver 11 feet 4 inches: rising. Cloudy and cool. Up: Bran Hur, Kanawha and Keystone State. Pittsburg. Down: Lorena, Zaneavllle: Virginia, Cincin nati. Down with coal: Pacific No. 3. John M.u.n Da.....b ....... riu..l.. . .. .MM,sF,,nir'i au.iii, 7jagr. up: Harvester and Ranger. Burlington, la.. April 10. River Is T feet Inches above low-water mark, a fall of 1W inch sine, last report. Weather clear and warm. The Elols. In and out. Pittsburg. Pa.. April W. River 8.5 feet; rising. Cool and rainy. Evansvllle, Ind., April 10. River falling slowly; gauge reads 35.8. Cloudy and cooler. Cincinnati, O.. April 10. River 20.7 feet: falling. Raining and cold. Vlckaburx. Miss.. April 10,-Oaur. show. 11. t feet, a rise of .4. The Belle of the Bends sr rived. Ths Cordlll Is due" up. Weather clear. THE WEATHER. Official Forecast Announced for To-Day and To-Morrow. Washington, April 10. Ftorecaat for Mon day and Tuesday: Missouri and Iowa Generally fair Monday and Tuesday; warmer Monday. Illinois and Indiana Partly cloudy Monday and Tuesday; warmer Monday; variable winds Arkansas, Oklahoma and Indian Territory Generally fair Monday and Tuesday Eastern Texas Generally fair Monday' and Tuesday; fresh south winds on the coast. Western Texas Fair Monday nnd Tuesday. Nebraska Fair Monday; wanner in east nor tlon. Tuesday, fair. Kansas Partly cloudy Monday. Tutsday, fair. Local Report. St. Louis. Siday, April 19, Mot. ... 7a. m. 7p. m. Barometer, inches 29.11 29.78 Temperature, degrees 35 63 Humidity, per cent $6 72 Wind direction W w Wind velocity 14 3- Weather at 6:59 a. m., clear: at 6:59 p. m., clear. Maximum temperature, 55 degrees; min imum, 34. stage ot mer at 7 a. m.. 22.3 feet. EDWARD H. BOWIE. Local Forecast Official. Government Report. Department of Agriculture. Weather Bureau. Meteorological observations received at st Louis. Aprir 10. 1904, at 6:59 p. rn. local tune and 8 p. m. seventy-lifth meridian time. Observa tions made at tbe same moment of time at all tatlons. Stations. Dir.Tr.Mx.Rain.Weather. S 78 82 PfKlmr. Abilene .... Arnarlllo ... Atlanta .... Buffalo Charlotte .. Chattanooga Cincinnati .. Cev eland .. Chicago .... Columbus .. Cairo ...... Calgary Cheyenne ... Duluth Dubuque .... Davenport .. Dcs Moines till- .. - . . Ft cloudy .W ... Cloudy (ttCloudjr - dourly Clear .02 Rain .02 Cloudy 01 Ft cloudv sw w SW SW SW SE SW M NE NW SW NW NW NW NW NW NW H 38 51 50 61 34 4'i .01 Cloudy ... v.iear .. Clear .. Cloudy ... Cloudy .. Cloudy .. Cloudy .. Cloudy .. Cloudv 4-1 50 52 54 KS 72 76 82 76 SO Denver Dodge City .... .. Cloudy ... Clear .. Clear .. Clear Cloudy .. Clear .. Clear ., Pt cloudy 10 trioudy .. Clear .. Cloudv e.l i-aso Fort Smith Galveston Grand Haven . Grand Junction Hurhn Havre Indianapolis ... Jacksonville ... "Kansas City ... Utile Roclc ... Louisville ...,, lender Montgomery ... Memphis Marquette Modena -. New York Norfolk New Orleans .. Nashville Korth Platte ... ..NW 2 76 ...SW ....W N S N S-W SW NW , w SW 1 .... v,rar 44 .01 Cloudy i.ra r SW 58 S 62 NW 32 E 72 SW 50 N M 70 . 60 . 62 . 22 74 ! 54 . (i . ... Pt cloudy ... Clear ... Cloudy ... Cloudy ... Clear ... Cloudy v-iouuy Clear 5W 64 70 .... W NW .... SW NW W S W SW 4 r.2 70 78 56 58 M 82 50 54 Clear .... Clear ... Cloudy ..-. Clear ... Cloudy ... Clear Rain .01 Cloudy ... Pt cloudy ... Clear ... Clear ... Cloudy ... Clear ... Pt cloudy ... Clear ... Clear ... Clear ... Clear ... Clear ... Clear ...'Ft cloudy Cloudy . Pt cloudy Omaha Oklahoma .. Philadelphia ... Paler-tine Pittsburg Parkersburg ... Pueblo Q'Appelle Rapid City St. Paul Shreveport ..... Springfield. III. St. Louis Springfield. Mo. Salt Lake ...... Santa Fe San Antonio .... Vlcksburg Valentine ....... Washington .... Wichita 6 .NW ..NW 34 .NW NW SW w ,w ,,..NW N- 9 8-4 ...NW 68 W 48 SE 72 Precipitation lnannreclable. EDWARD .. BOWIR. . . . , . Local Forecast Official. OUR PATTERN DEPARTMENT 10 Cents All Patterns-10 Cents. Girls" Dress. No. 320!. Biscuit anil pale blue spotted ch-tllis I3 u.-"eii for this- at tractive llttlo lre:-.s. with whito lace and blue velvet rlWion for triminlnc. The foundation Is a fitter ImhIv lining that closes in the ci-nter back. It is fuci-'l with lace to a square yoke- di-pth hack anil front, the l.ico cxttiirlliij-; to the licit In front forming .1 nanow vest. 9266-GIRLS' DRESSY 6.8, 10 and 12 years. Pull fronts nnd backs are ffatheml at the upper and lower edges and arranKcd to outline the yok. Mousing stylishly all around. A plain lace collar completes the neck. Ruffles of the challls are ar ranged around the yoke and over the shoulders. They are fastened under lace beadins that is run through with narrow blue velvet ribbon. One-piece bishop sleeves fit the arm closely from shoulder to elbow and are quite wide at the lower edze. where the fullness Is arranged on lace wristbands. The skirt is gathered at the top and at tached to the body portion, clos-intr at the back. It flares smartly at the lower edge, whero a flounce of challfs provides an attractive finish. It is surmounted by beading. The ruffles are embroidered in forget-me-nots. The joining of waist and skirt Is concealed by narrow lace cov ered with beading, the ribbon tying In a bow at the back. Dresses In this style are made of cash mere, embroidered voile, albatross, silk Sngham. zephyr or cotton cheviot, with ce. embroidery or heavy white linen for trimming. To make the dress for a. girl of S years will require three yards of materia thirty-six Inches wide and one-half yard of lace. The pattern. No. 92B6. is cut In sizes for girls of 6, S. 10 and 12 years. Child's Apron, No. 92G1. For school wear and afternoons at home, dainty little white aprons are useful as well as becoming-. Frequently a frock that is slight ly wom'.will do service for several months If partially covered by a protective apron. 9261 CHTLLVS APRON. 4. . a sad 10 year:. The Illustration shows an attractive little garment made of sheer -white lawn with Valenciennes lace for trimming. The full skirt portion Is gathered at the upper edge and attached to the lower part ot a shallow square yoke that Is cut out round at the neck. The skirt falls in long folds to the hem. The neck Is finished with a fancy ber tha of unique shaping. It extends over the sleeves, giving a stylish breadth to the figure. The edges of the collar aro finished with a narrow frill ot iace sur mounted by a band of Insertion., H . Aprons In this style are made of dim Itv. fine cambric. Swis. linen or fancy gingham, with embroidery or ribbon for trimming, ifeaamg on me cage ot uie collar may be run through with narrow wash ribbon and rosettes of the same placed in the comers of the collar. Bands of lace or embroidery applied at the top of the hem give a more elaborate finish. To make the apron for a child of 6 years will require two and three-quarter yards of material thirty-six inches wide. Tbe pattern. N'o. 9261. is cut In sizes for children of 4. 6, 8 and 10 years. Th Republic's Order Blank for Above Patterns. Be ire and fill In. your correct post office address. Send 10 cents (one silver dime) to Ths Republic Pattern Department. Republic building, and Inclose this blank, proper ly filled out with your name, address and age for each pattern ordered. If both patterns are wanted, send 20 cents. So. 9K6. Girls Dress. Price 10 cents. Age years. Xo. 9261. Child's Apron. Trice 10 cent. Age years. rame ................................ Post Office - Street and No State.. Forty dollars .given away. Look out for the Bargain Advertise ment of Simmons Hardware Co. in The Republic next Wednesday morning. STEAMBOATS. ''''' --- - - ---, rlininrijqi,xruTJU LOWER MISSISSIPPI. " "" "" " "" "irvOirLru-uXTLi-i.L'iru-uui New Orlaus and St. Louis Packet Line. STEAMER. CHALMETTB For New Orleans, Greenville. Vlcks burt. , Nstchez. Baton Rouge and sll lntermedbif Iandlnv. Ttvine freight and passsngere. Leaves Wednesday, April 70. 8 P. m. JOa ABRAMS.. General Agent. Telephon. Main OM. M N. Q-mmsrclsl sc . gygBrSig; Iw' CJ it) 'hX " rr"f r" Jv. VMlW "The Bargain Hunters Forty Kivcn awny. Ijok. our for the Bargain Advortlse mpnt of The .St. Ix)tiis House Furnishing Co. in The- Ri-iiublic next 'Wetlncsiliiy uiorniug. St. Louis Railroad Time-Table ST. LOUIS TIME. Arrivitla and Departure., of Trains at Union Stntlon. Daily, t Daily except .Sunday. JSuniar only. Dally except Saturday and Sundav. TtSitar aay only. Saturday and Sundav only. HLKLl.MlTO. HOITE L'.MOX STA- . TIO.N. Train. Depart. Arrive. l-or Hannibal Burlington .. 2:55 em 6:50 nm VJcal to Hannibal "7:41 nm 8:pm hor yuincy and Uurllngton. t7:tl ua HJO pm St. Paul via East side Line. "7:56 am 5:04 nm M. Josopa..Se."itte, Northwest "9:n am T:l am nt. Paul Minneapolis 2:15 tm 2:15 pm M. Jos-ph. Den.. Pac. Coast. e2:15 pm 6ao nm Kansas city. St. Joseph, Omaha, Denver, Pac. Coast. 9:00 rm 7:1 ass or Illinois via East Side ... S:10pm 6:a'am Burlington. St. Paul, Minn... "7:40 pm "6:63 am Local from Hannibal llOsrs II. fc O. S-W. R. A. Cincinnati and New York Ex. "2.-05 am New York Fast Mail r9:0 pm Cincinnati Accommodation 28:18 am Roval nine Limited "9:30 am incennes Accommodation.... 15:40 pm Flora Accommodation 8:08 am West linden and French Lick 19:33 am lCSpm 7:28 am 16:52 nm 525 pm tt :23 am 7:50 pm 5:23 pm CHICAGO A.D Al.TO.V Chlcneo Train.. - ' The Alton Limited 9:04 sm ?:2S pm I'rlalrle State Express tl2:02t-m :12pm Palace Express 9:00pm "7:1 m .Midnight Special ll:40pm "8:10am Kansas City Trains. Mi.sourl state Express 8:12 am "1:00 nm Kansas City Limited 10a pm 7:M aa Local Trains), pnngfie!d Accommodation .. 8:12am Jacksonville Accommodation, ts :12 am :oopm Peoria Limited t9?)4am 7aS pm J-iekscnvllla Express t4:2S pm tl:4ftam .Sprlngflel.i Capital City Flyer. t5:15 pm 10:1 am Springfield Capital City Flyer 7:15 pm -IHSSOL'IU PACIFIC RAILWAY. Fast Mail 3:00am10 pm Local hxpress 735 am "50 pm pay Express K. C. & Den... 9:00am "6:01 pa VA asnl.igton Accommodation.. tS:2S pm 17:55 am t-t. Joseph and Kansas Ltd. .. S:lom 7:80 ass Kansas & Colorado Ex- 10:10 pm 7:10am Creve Coeur Lake trains leave Union Station at 'b:x a. ra.. "3:15 a. m.. 11:30 p. m. and 14:81 p. m. Oak Illil trains leave Union Station at rt:se a. m.. U0;10 a. m.. t5:00 p. m. and-16:20 p.- m. Kirkwoo.1 trains leave Union Station st t7:6 a. m., "7:33 a. m.. 17:50 a. m., 111:29 s. m., ttrtt p. m., t4:l p. m.. 28:40 a. m.. tt-flOp. m..' & 11. in. and til SO p. m. IRO JIOfNTAIJI ROITE. St.L.. Ft.W. & San Anto. Ex. "2:21 pru 1131 ass Texas anJ California Ex SJOsm :allfomla and Mexico Exp.. S:20nm Hot Springs Special etOpm TJBsni Texas antl Mexico Express.. 8:40 pm Tcxjs Express : 7Utaia Fan Mail .. 3:05 am Local Ex. Texarfc. to St. L. rntBpo Memphis Express eflOOpm 740 anx Belmont Passenger :0O sm ejnspm ILLINOIS DIVISION. Arkanras and Texas Express 9:45 pm 7:13an St Ixmls and tliester Ac 4:19nm loatam Arkansa and Texas Mail tat am ! Dm, FOURTH STREET AND CHOUTEAU AVI? NUE STATION. De Soto and Bismarck Ac... KM -sm tSOaat BIG FOCR. LAKE SHORE. NEW YORK CENTRAL AND HUDSON RIVER. BOSTON AND ALBANY AND CHESAP1JAKE AND OHIO RAHe- Indianapolis Express 7aam t530pa N. T.. Bos. snd-dn. Ltd... t.W am 9:4S pm Knickerbocker Special 12:00 noon s;45pta Mattoon and Alton Ace t4:20pm :4taia llattoon and Alton Ace 16:30 pm Boston. N. Y. and Fhlla. .... 11:30 pm -.num Cincinnati Express 8:25 pm 7JOam Fast Express ...... 12 JO am Alton leaves '10:30 a. m.. ttldo p. m.. t: p. m. Arrives g:f a. re. 1:45 p. m. ' 3t.. K. dfc T. RfeIUIS KATV." Columbia. Se.lalla and S. W. 9:15 am "The Katv Fiver' S:22um 6-3) pm 747 SB Mo.. Kas. and Southwest 11:45 pm 7rtll TOLEDO. ST. LOUS AND WKSTKK3. (Clover Leaf Roate.l "The Commercial Traveler". '730 pm 7:4Dan "Eastern Express" 7a am SSpia Charleston Accommodation... S:0Onm 10taei C P. A S. L.. ' Alton. Springfield, Pecria and Grafton Express 8:11am IJO-rn-. Alton. Chautauqua snd 4 Springfield Mall ....: 'Stll pm 10:55 am 3IORILK AXD OHIO. New Orleans. Mobile, etc.... 8:00am "T-Otl Murphisboro Accommodation. t5:10 ma tll:lt l ST. LOL'IS-PEORIA LIME. (See a. P. St- L.1 ST. LOUIS SO I'TBWESTERK RAlIs way; ('COTTON BELT ROUTE.") Arkansas and Texas Mail.... 8:56 sm t-5tras Arkansas and Texas Express t:4Spm 7:1s am ST. LOUIS AMI) IIAIBAI. RAILWAY V!n Wabash.) - . . c Mall and Express 17:40 am Sit :H am ilall and Express tSrOSpm tt:lgpa ST. LOUS. K. C. COLORADO R. FROM UNION STATION. - Versailles Mali and Express.. 861 sm tC:29pnt FROM FOROYTHE JUNCTION. ' - Union Accommodation U,5:Spm 8:55 an. I... II. Jt ST. L. RY. (Henderson R-tnt.V. Fast Mall 8:20 sm 7:ltpa Kastem Express t:4S pm 73n aas ILLINOIS CE5TRAX. . Northern Lln.s. North Illinois T3xpress 7 :52 am 8:40bsb Chicago Daylight Special 11:48 am 7:3pn ftprlngfleld Accommodation... t4:4Srm 10:40 agn Chicago Diamond Special 9:10 rm T-Msss Pprlnsfield Accommodation... t7tpm !, Southern Line.. v Fast Mall 7:20.jn l:10m New Orleans Special 1:15 era M.-Otpatrj Accommodation 4:80 rm ll2-laa New Orleans Limited -tuPpm 73p FRISCO SYSTKsl. m Valley Park Accommodation. t6'50am 11010.9 Valley Parlr Accommodation. ........ T789a3. Pacific Accommodation 8:25 am tl-pns Texas and Kansas Man -sajsm i:.j Valiev Park AccommodatlontlO:JO am .....- Pacific Accommodatoln 81:10 pm tKSt. Valley Park Accommodation. tfJ2pm 12:40 pm Meteor .I.wpia "lltan Valley Park Accommodation. f850pm -14:40 am- "Parlflc Accommodation 15:15 pm tt-Man Valley Park Accommodation. t5s5 pm tlxO pns ValleV rark Accommodation. f:24 pm t5:Srt-n1 Pacific Accommodation 27:10 pat Valley Park Accommodation. t720p-n t7:ta ant. Texas and Kanas Limited.. S-Jgp-n 5-"2 Wetern Express .........10:00 pm JJ-JJOffl Vallsy Park Accommodation " T13E2 Valiev Park Accommodatlon.tla8pm tT:4Pp I.OFISVILLE AXD IfASHVIIXEi Florida Limited iv?? 1 Fast Mall 8:o am 8:45 pm T:lf 7 JO Southern Express SOl'TIIERX RAILWAY. .t ST. LOUIS-LOUISVILLE TJNBR Princeton. Atlanta, etc 2.5S? 2S?3 Mount Vernon J5:JJE 2SI2 v-Tlnceton ant Florida 10:10 nm T82 srs) VASDALIA LIJIB. - ' PENNSYLVANIA LINES WEST OT 1TTT Bt7RC.pnNNSYLVANlA RAJLROA)5.- FSst Mall... U-SiZ HiSl" Wevsfnne Exnress t:44am 7-aOxsn Tvrnl Exnress "Tlam OrtO New York Limited......... Vnndalla Accommodation. Eastern Express New York Express ....12:24 ptn l:ttpat) .... -V-Sopm )-40aB ... 8:18pm r:Maa ...11:85 pm s:48pai ST. LOUIS .YIERCHAJTrS' RRIItGat TERMINAL RAILWAY SrBUHBAS TRAIS SERVICE. Eastbcund Leave Flghth snd Gratiot "treats dallv 9:10 a. m.: 1:50. 5:15. 8:30 p. m- Kxesnt Sundav 4:19. 6:16. 7:37. 10-J0 a. m.: 12 -.. 755 p m. Saturday and Sunday only H:t7 a.' aUDCny omi e.e.. ... . tii-j-- y. ru. ve VVS'ningxon. evenuw osirr ;i a. itt. 1-55 5:20. 6-25 p. m. Except Sunday 4:28, -,, .ft.-il a. m.- 1":12. 3;45. flrMn m flat- :H. Saturday and' Sunday onlv lt:25 p. m. Sunday only- Westbound Lesve Granite Citv dslly 1:12. s.ftrv 5-5R. 7:12 n m Except flundsy 5:1. :94j 7-oi 8:24. 9:55. 11:10 a. m.: 4:40. 9:17 tv m. Saw nrday only 4:45 p m. Hundav only :6-.. :, 1000 t. m. Saturday and sundav nnlr li:tt p, m" Except Saturday snd inday 5:f0 p. is. ' Leave Mad'on da!lv-l:i t:K. 7:17 ni m Except Sunday 5:19. 6:09. 708. 829, 190(1. 11:14 a. m.: 4:46. 921 p. m. Saturday only 4:5 p m. Sundav only .m). 8:05. 10:05 a. m. SM iir.lav snd Sundav.onlv 11:88 p. m. WABASH. Eastern Lines. " Ccntinentsl TJmlted 9-Mstn 7:18pis Toledo. N. Y.. Boston Kxp... .820pm 728anK Toledo. N. Y.. Boston Mali., ts m t:m ata Mldn'vht Limited ll:32i)m 2:00 pm Toledo Local Express ":45am 9:Mpia, Jacksonville Local Express... 16:45 sm t:15 pa Ctilcagro Una. Banner Express Chicago .... SS.m pnl Banner Limited Chicago .... -OSpm 7:23 ant Midnight Limited Chicago. ..ll32pm 8:04ata IvsDins Twiiy Kansas Oty Exin-ess.. 2:2m Kansas City Fast Mall 2:20 pm Kansas aty Limited.... Northwestern Line. Council Bluffs-Omaha Exp.... -oo sm stt-tr, Fsul Fss 2:10nrc (-Mpiaf 15) aw 6:50 snfb 1:50 an "3-nopn Cannon Ball-Omaha... 2:22 l"r I:I5 Ottumwa-Des Molnee Exp.... 8:00 am :W Ottumwa. Des Moines and 53 Minneapolis Limited, .i.-. 7:30 pm naSaJiJ l.nesl Train.. t ir.l-vffteely mnA tCss Cttv 7:40 am R'M Moberlv Lrcal :M pm UMm. East-Decatur Local 4:0nn 116oi East Jacksonville Local .;... 14:40 pm iuo Suburban Trains. .. Deoart From Union ststlon: St. Charl ttl:35 n. m.: Klnloch rsrg. t:20 p. o:: -nn 4-1: M ." Slit V. 420 B. lit.- ntir Qt.eet stiitfon St. Charles. 11S0 r3:40 o. m.: Rridgeton. t41S p. m.. HM a.. Ferguson. !ja, m.. 1620 p. m., KM p. -l5 i . wi. Arrive At union muioo; e. ioarirvtrv Tr7 . r- . . . ..- rt.-A . M. m . . . n m.: Ferguson. "4-ot p. m.. t:40 aatlt a. m.. xio:2u a. nx ai uhts bdi ocanou-- cnsr'ti'l:45ip..m. xi-bs.s., m.: ainiocs, a:- m.t Srldgston. "Jjlis, .. . a.) guioo. io:JO a-.m.. Xiao p. a.. tt- 9. ttV. Is3 BLlJ --el - V-T -ft! m&m '4.. n-a-s-ga; -j.i--..'.i -:."!'.'H&srj: .":' -S-gj--j-i5. w;ciw