Newspaper Page Text
f T?? "V ' -CV""1 VA. T - s-;t" '"";- THE ST. LOUIS REPUBLIC; MONDAY. rAPRIL 11. 1904. LSt-VK5 ROOMS FOB RENT. AlXANT place. rj2-Ttre- nicely furnished gsjpm a: rent separate or together. AUBERT. 75lA-One very choice ftont room: voaro c.os-e: auouroan, .-. .-.. - a v-ntr -.-. ni -,-.., fimihi1 nVYfriSl :Od- era: hot bath: choice location: Jewish family. AUBERT. "a-One nom, for couple cr gen tlemen; bcrd few docni away; Olle Delmar cars. - AUBERT Plat. A (Southeast Ccrnrr."n and Suburban Tracks) Large room. gentlemen only. -1 ivw --!-.. v fnhtiljhpH rotims. "With DOT- cela'ln bath":' southern and eastern eiwsure: in good locality: convenient tt Cass and Grand cars. . RARTMEH. 620-Funitshed rooms: alw ono rail room; very rcascpiic. t .. BAYARD, llli-Choice front room: llshi rusekeering ailow-d: Suburban and Page ears -erf- vimlv en.'iw4 mom? lrl- vate family; own hems, gentlemen only; near Talr. ' BELL. 3922 Three elegantly furnished ronrrs, modern conveniences; terms reasonable. BEUj 4541 Nicely furnished front room for lijelit housekeeping; gentlemen; convenient to ears. BROADWAY. 107 N. Excellent rooms, 50e to tl per lay. . BROXDWAT. 415 X. Rooms. 200. Coc and 56c. 11,25 per week and op: hftths free. BROADWAY. 2411 S. Room" for l-nuekecp-Ing: hot and cold water: all conveniences BROADWAY. IBS N. Newly furnlhM rom. all conveniences: terms reasonable. iv raise. BROADWAY. 24C1 N. To rifely-furnished rooms In nloe business locality, terms reason able. BROADWAY, 14 M -Finely furnlsh.d half block twm southern note): ji 00 to ! tteek lr. Apply Mr?. Walker or itall. CABANNK. 5075 Beautiful twin", clccl) fur nished: slrgle or en suite, modem, j-rraanrm and transients taken; Suburban and Page cars, near Fair. CARR. 317 Kurnlsbed room for lo gentle men in private Tamiir CAS3. 2513-Neatly furnished rooms, gas an.l bath. CASS. 300i Fumlhed or unfurnished rooma for ltrht houKepInz; reference. Great Sale of HOUSEHOLD GOODS Sow In Progress. Everything tor the home can be bought at a great saving in price. mas KDD1II caiTim UBKTS FtRHTuHE CKIIAWUE MIC-J-B31C UTBSIU ETC. CnllmlUd Varlttlea Tremecdous Quantities CATEB. 301 (Cbraer Belt) Beao-lfnl roi5m: nlosly rumlshed; southern exposure: .anre porch: near Fair. CaiAMBERS. 1313. cr SCJ N. TsTclfth-Proot rooms far llabt hoasekeplnit: tblrd 3o-: X.&- diERUKEE. 1'5 Nicely furct"hed ro-m for tiro gpstlemen: all conveniences; reajcnable. CHIPPEWA. ISNlcrfy fu-nlitod fror-t room for cue or two Bntleraen: private Urn ly: rea acaable. . CHOUTEAU. 173 Surly furnished rnoms; gear Union station. Call r write Knhna. CHOUTEAU. 137 Nicely furaliaM front TQO.S1 for KTOUemen; gas, batbi rtnonable. CHOUTEAU. CW Tbre cicly fcrnsbed rooms; a coopla or small famUy: modem; ressonanje. .-jiHir. ssda td connectine front ro-Tas; fumlsbed. CULRK. JS3A Two connecting front ropes. CLAHK. :T0 lioveij. briRat room, la ipiet. rrtvate faolly. fcr two gentlemen- CUUtK. JC2A-Nicely famlsbed frcm rocm for srentlsaen or conrle: weat of Grand. COilPTON. 11 X. Two connsctlas front rooms; tamlEbcd scd arracsrod for light "hcose keeplrjc: -rery larga aa1 llhi: lame closets; tso chlldrra. , . COOK. 3S Neatly famished rooms; all con Tesleoces: southern xpcwure. COTTAGE. JWSCoxlly fnrnlsted front rocm: private family: two jteatlemen cr cocpie: mod erate rent. . COUNTRY pise: wltblo twenty-firs min utes of Ffclr: beaurlful grounds: lars roorrs: itrollejr pasaea the .door: acir'inmr'dauacs or reonad popla at moderate rates. Gabfs. Clay and Monroe ll Klrkwood. ilo. t .DHLSfJUi. 4JS0 Beautiful eecsad and third SXOry rooms; ail Bmrnatr.c. TTTTr-1 T f r.jJri.iJ.s w.w. -a..v WU STClie: nm-y mna ami-unmuwia rTn1Mt.g, ifa Two .nicndld roomK for srectiemge: envata lacuiy. nwr-rw. nrt.Mig, nsfr-One very des rable room: pri vate family: Ollva. Delmar oars: near Fair. OEXMAH, 4t4 Steam-boeted connecting rooms: fltteai minutes' ride to World's Fair. -in.Miti 531 Choice rooms: Caa locauon: Dalmar Ollva cars; fifteen minutes" -walk to Fair. DEUIAR. 4CS riv rooms: beat. bath, hot and cold water: telephone, Delmar ITS; breat fnjrt. . pp-TATSTt 4n Second aod third story front rooms; sooth era exposure: gas; bath: prlvato e-riiiy DELMAR. 4MI Nicely furclshad rooms: pri vate family; cars handy; gentlemen only; rcsv- onania. tct .f . v Dmi1ihI t91 1 V?a in. wvin. enr gentlemen- private famlay: refarencea. Phose IJnde.ll IStiM. DEULIAR. JSil Nicely furnlahed rocm tn prl vata fajnlly: permanent until after the Fair; H5 per naoirlh, . DEXiUAR. 51S1 Vers- de-iiratle rooms: gentla raen pnfmnl; permanent or transient; Del mar oars: near Fair. DELMAR Boulevard. -"MI Elegantly fur nished rooaaa; alngle or en suite; In private home: reference required. DIVISION. 1527 Nicely furnished Trent room: convenient to cars; JT3 north, en Eighteenth DODIER, XlfPb Nicely furnished rocm for ccnpla or two gentlemen: t2.M wtk. BA3TON. S03S Nice fumlhd rooms for light housekeeping: terms rensonable. EA8TON. SMJ Two nice rooms and hall room: modern: by day or irrti reasonable. EASTON. SSe N'cely furnished front room: also middle room: accommodate four gentlemen. SASTON. 11 Furalshwl first and second floor front rooms; c.ry etweniences; reasona ble. RA8TON. C5JA Nlcsly femished room: prl vate family: for couple or gentlemen: all con Tenlences. . SASTON. 171SA German home; two rand aomely furnished parlors and connnecng room. M per week. EASTON. 6901 Housekeeping, furnished warm bastinent rooms: four !ccis. tl each: tin furnished, n month. EIGHTEENTH. 11IJ N. To nicely furnished front rooms for gentlemen or couple. EIGHTEENTH, 1I N- Nicely furnished rooms; baui and gaa: modern conveniences. EIGHTEENTH. 71J N. Nicely furnished front and connecting rooms; also small rooms; 11-ffl weefc up. ; ELEOANTL.Y fnrntibed rooms, first and sec ond floors. Call 31M Pine. ELEVENTH. ZB 3. Furnished or unfur nlahed front room. EUJVBNTH. 514 N. (East St. Louis) Neatly furnished rooms; modem conveniences; board optional: private family. ETZEU 617S Choice rooms, permanent peo ple taken through Fair period at reasonable rates. EUCLID. 1150 Furnished room In private famlV for gentlemen: desirable location. EUCLID, 1H0A Suite of two beautiful south-srn-exposed rooms fcr two or four gentlemen. EUCLID, 439 . (Corner. JlcPherson)--Elegant rooms: private family: modem; fifteen minutes' walk to Fair. EUCLID. HIS One choice front room; gen tlemen only: perrnanont or transient' near rair: -r-age csn. s-TTrT.m xax fCfamer Uarvland) Elezantlv furnished rooms: private family; permanent or transient: near Fair. - EVANS 4115 Furnished rooms! gas, bath; convenient to Easton and Suburban cars; terms reasonable. EVANS. 44SJ Front parjor: southern exposure; all conveniences: married couple or two gentle men; no children: xra. EVAJfB xBW Large front room: southern r roeure: ras: bath: C3: tor i or 4; owner's home: no raise: also other room. vi.n,Ttkq n X-lalv fnmlahjul rtyfim ' onthem exposure.'' for one or two gentlemen. FAIRJJOUNT. ties Two furnished or unfur rjxhed rooms; Sne locality: Suburban. Delmar. Olive cars. FIFTEENTH. 103 8 Nleelv furnished rooms for gentlemen: first class: good rates. FIFTEENTH, 1122 N- ITurnlshed -rooms In private family: gas &nd bath; quiet neighbor hood. - FAISMOUNT. 607-Newly furnished southern-exposed rooms: tingle or en suite: tras alent or permanent- FINNEY. MSS Splendid seeond-OooT for--olshed rooms, en suite or single; gentlemen or coaplea; reasonable: at once. FINNET. 404JA Neatly furnished room: gonthern exposure: convenient to all cars; cult able for' two or three gentlemen. FOREST PARK Boulevard, tRoom. with. It ccn-renlences; three car lines. . FOUNTAIN. 4)04 Two pleasant rooms for permaneBt people: referercea. FOURTH. 1UA a. Large and small furnished rooms. -. , , FRANKLIN, tn Furalsbed. room for llt housekeeping. ' FRANKLIN. 143 Two nicely furnlsheb rooms; a and 7 per week: Klnloch SSC. GARFIELD.. 42Z7A Coztlv; rurniehea, front room: one or two gentlemen; all c-onvenlences: ,-rssusflnabla rent. OARFD2LD. itttMA Handsooely . fornlahed parlor room; private horns-, bet TbaUi: two geotlssseo: txeaob. aS&rf'-.-jrVn i-WtiV-y rV- h. 55(E ft i "Jt fff$LWffiffi HOOMB FOB RE5T. GAIUtlSOX. 53 N.Steam-heated rooms; gas and electric lights; telephone, bath; irood er- uti nanririHB ttA-TJUdJlKJUaieU. OItHfTrTlW- 11"Q ririn turn-it nr..rnl.ln .a, i-ascnabe GRAND. lCi N. Nicely furnished front hall rocm. GRCER. 394-NtceIy furnlsHed rocma; bath, ghi: prliate family; gentlemen only. GRAND. 1S20 Nicely furnished front room; first floor; gentlemen only: reaj-ooable. HOWARD. 201tH Tito bright room: tath. heat. gas. southern exposure; convenient: prl ate entrance. ILLINOIS. 3it Nicely furnished room for two gentlemen or couple; prHate family; cars convenient. IOWA. 3122 Nicely furnished room for gentle men. Cnllfornia ana CV-erokee cars com enlent. J EFPFItSON. 231 S Front room, second floor: al-o other mora. all conveniences. KENNKULY. 40Cr-One r.fc. !trp room for tiro gertlemen, modern; esch; prlvste r. m. K13NNKRLY. 30U Front rocm. nicely fur-nis-fcea. pri-ate family; also cne rear room; rent reaonab!e KKNNERLT. 41J7Houeeepinc: six lftillfs pmpioej; ji r earn; two iurniceu rooma, larg attic . KING'S HIGHWAY. HI Very bert of large, airy. 3utfcern-eiposd rooms; Olive st. car; near Fair. KOSSUTH. 43ft Xenlv- futnlsb-d front rocm for two, half block fro.n Taylor car. l- SALLE, HH Kirst-c.a furnished front room, with cr without llcht housekeeping. LADADIE. 4439 Furnished room for two en tlemen: Drtate family: Taj lor and Cass cars. INCLUDE. !M)-FUmhhH room; fynUy; gentlemen only; J month. LACLEDE. 345 Nice room; first floor; fur-clt-hel coniplett? for llsht housekeeping. IACI-EDE. 2F4 Larce, alo- room, above yhop. Fultnbi" for oung men: 1 each I-ACLEDE ST-6 Neatly furnlsh'd front rocm. direct to World Fair: prlate family. IVt?IJ:DEL 401S Neatlv furnished front rcom .for gentsemen or couple: private fanrly. LCLEDE. :5:i (Five Blocks From Union Station! Neatlv fumishod rooms: gentlemen. LAWTON. 330S Loely. clean, second-floor front and connecting rooms; southern exposure. LACLEDE. "32J Nicely furnished rooms: all ccnenlecces: eveothlag new: rent reasonable. -t. LACLEDE. 3ES- Iarc. esn.I-iloor front 'room: three south windows; strictly private 'family. LACLEDE, 44"X Elegant furnished rooms: private family: all conveniences; near rcrest Park. LAWTON. 54W-s:de door only: two nice front rooms: newly furnished: all conveniences. LEE. 41iC Nicely furnished room: private famtlv: one or two gentlemen: rent reasonable. LEONARD. 717 N'cely furnished front room: first floor: reasonable. LEONARD. MB N. Two beautifully furnished largo newly de-ornted front rooms: $3.10 week eoch. LOCUST. 1420 Nicely fural-.hd roomy. LOCUST. 1307 Choice front second-floor and other rooms; modem conveniences. LOCUST. 7740 Fine. Urge rooms: can accom modate four gentlemen In one room. IjOCUST. irrox Neatly furnished rooms for lUSit Itouekeeptng: a-'so small room. LOCUST, JU (Next Door to St- Nicholas) One room for gentlemen: O.50 per week. LOCUST, 7339 Nice front rooms southern exposure; also oth-r nice rooms; an conven iences. - LUCAS, ms Nicely furnisted front rocm for visitors to Fair. LUCAS. J115 Thrr-o targe basement rooms for livln? rmrr--r-.. frr two families. LUCAS, 3701 Nicely rtirnlshed rooms: gas. bath: all conveniences: light bovtsekeeptng priv ileges. HAFFTTT. 4517 First-floor front- gentlemen or couple: modem: private family; Taylor, Cass rars. liAFFITT. 47-3-Hardsomeiy furnished parlor rc-om: hot bath: private home; two gentlemen; n.75 each. ilArKlTT. 47 Gentlemen; parlor: southern exposure: private home; modern; reasonable; cars to Fair handy. MANCHESTER. JS7i Neatly furnished front roc--- for s-ent'emen: private family. MArLE. SOU Best of modern ronms; private family; Page care: close to Fair. UATLE, 60-S Bt of rooms: permanent or transients: reasonable: ten minutes' walk to Fair. ilAPLE, M4X Furnished rooms: short walk to Fair; near Hamilton Hotelr Suburban, Olive cars. MARINE. J811 NIcelv furnished room for one cr two gentlemen: all conveniences: reasonable. SicPHERSON. 4U7 Large rooen: southern ex-po-cr-: for four gentlemen; SLSO each: other rocms- McHHEIt-nN. 4041-Two large rooa-s for gen tlemen: family ef three: near cars: separate beds: hot bath: one prioe during Fair. MORGAN. J41S Nicely ramlsBed rcom: all conveniences. XOP-GAN. One large. lirht room. MOROAN. 417 Nicely furnished rooms, 2EQ, Sc. Soc and n t-er day. MORGAN. SS0 Newly fumlxh-d rooms; reas onable: all conveniences. MORGAN. S3A-Two furnizhed rooms, with kitchen, fcr housekeeping. MORGAN, f$ll Two coanecting seoond-storr front rooms, furnished for hoasekeeping. MORGAN. S1U Delightfal front room, nieely furnished; all conveniences: southern exposure. areat SaU of HOUSEHOLD GOODS Now in Progress. Everything for the home can be bought at a great saving la price. UIEIS lEtOIRS CBBT1IU C.BPETS ETC. FWllTttE muwuE IIIC-rIC uruwLs ETC. Unlimited Varieties Tremendous Quandttss MORGAN. 27X Fumifilied front room, two or three Kentlerren, or housekeeping; very rea sonable. MORUAN. 253 First floor, two connecting front rooms, for four; gas and bath: private family: no raise. NEWSTEAD. IK N. Desirable rooms: tran-rU-nt and World's Fair people accommodated; near Fair. NICELY fumlrhed bedroom and parlor: will rent both or slngiv. Inquire 517IA Falrmount ae.: within ten minutes' walk of Fair grounda. NORTH MARKET -247 Neatly furnished rocm Irqulre 2143 North Market. O'FALLON. 357 Neatly furnished rooms, for m.n only: 11 7-er week. OLIVE. 2736 Clean, well-furnished rooms-: SOc and II. OLIVE STREET Road. CM Two roome. OLIVE. SCM-Neatly furnished front room; gas. bath: reasonable. OUVU 22J Front room: second story. OLIVE. 4051 Elegantly furnished front rooms; first and sc-oond floor: also smaller rooms. OLIVE. 3S11A Front parlor; private family; direct line to World's lair. OLIVE, ail-Thirteen nicely famished, second-floor front: reasonable terms. OLIVE. 1013 Newly furnished rooms, cheap, by day or week. Inquire lunchroom. OLIVE. 4111A Lovely, large furnished rooms: upstairs: 13 per week: small room, tt. OLIVE. 1323 NIcelv furnished rooms; near Union Station: car at door to World's Fair. OLIVE. 1-124 Nest front rooms: gas. bath; also rooms fcr three gentlemen: private family. OMVE, 122& Two bedrooms, kitchen and din-lng-room. attscbed; suitable for two couples. OLIVE. 3724 F.rst-class furnished rocm In first-class location: reasonable rate; transient. southern exposure; bath; direct car to World's Fair. OLIVE. S71IA Rooms on main line for World's Fair people, with all conveniences: rea sasable. ONE cr two finely furnished rooms, without board; near Union and Maple aves.- ten min utes' ride to World's Fair grounds. EP 43, Re public. PAGE. 357 Widows home: two furnished mo-i-sr gentlemen preferred.. TAGE. 42t-Nlcey rumlshM hick tailor and second-Btory rooms; In )y--ne f -j-vner. PAGE Br-ilevsrd. JSU EJ?gantly furnished front room: southern experore; two beds; fil iate fimlly. ' PAGE. 4S73-The Albany. Klnloch 3J7 Del.) New building: new furnishings: steam heat: paths: first-class service- reasonable rates: cafe. PAGE.Boulevard. 41tIA Elegant suite of two or three connecting rooms; strictly first-class: all conveniences: will rent one. two or three rooms for World's Fair period and will fur nish to order: private family. PENNSYLVANIA. 3125 Nicely furnished rooms, for two gentlemen, 13: home conven iences; separate entrance. PINE. 3422 Elegant second-story front room: hot bath, gas; gentlemen only. PES'Et 3410 First-class furnished rooms for World's Fair visitors; telephone Kin. D 1123. PINE. 2701 Nicely furnished front parlor, first floor; also single room: all conveniences. PINE. S22 Neatly furnished front rooms, by day or week: good accommodations; reason able. Pl-cr. 2M6 dean, bright rooms tn iiiia. i--i: bath; conveniences: visitors accommo-date-.:- reasonable. PLEASANT' room for one: North Side pr-ferred:- reasonable: atate price. EL 117, Ke- pumic - ROOMS for light ho-isekeeplng; w-atl sjo toatfa; tt: no raise, 0 Tt, Eiajonue. ly-cW!jyfe-r W T-O? iT-4 ROOMS FOR HEirr. sss-sss''-s-'sl,-ss-ssl-J ROOMS and lodslns; tor WorM'a Fair victors. cr will furnUh accomxaodatlons for any nom ber of visiters from 1 to 1.0) desiring to ar range, for rooxn-i or beda in -.advance; evrery thlnff n and clean; rntea, single bJs 0c pe? day. room S2 per Cay for two persons, Wc ad ditional ftr extra, prrsona In sam roum; affents anteJ In every neighborhood. Sheridan Web stfr. 1&12 Chouteau SH10NANDOAH. aia Nicely furnL-hed rcom; southern exposure; Jaik or Compton Heights .-ii &iki a. , .3ui-.(jnt room, iurnisnea icr lic.URflceenin'r: bath rv-nMnnhio MIERIDAN. 353 Nicely furaIIW room; jirl ate family, two centlin-tn: no adance durlnc "nlr. Fair. SIXTH. H2 3 Elecant, all new furniture; rooms 3U-0 to SZ. fclXTH. 817 N. Rooms 20c. 25c. SI 3 per eek; beds li-c: hot water and bath fre. SIXTH. I-"-) N. Nicely furnithMl room. In pilvnte family: two ur fire Kentlemen. SIXTH. 1455 N. Nratfr furnished locms. fur gentlemen: rea?tnable rates, all con enlencee. fcPKINO. liW N. Three furnished rooma for houyk-fteplng: gas, bath and laundry. SPRING. N. Neatly furnisStd rooms, for rentleroen or couple; direct lln to WorM'a Fair. SPRUCE. 5'.r Neath furnished ruoms; rea cncb: rate. ST. IOUIS. 1215 Newly furnished rooms for light housekeeping; sa.50 up. ST. LOUIS. 4713 Newly furnished front room; suit two gentlemen: bath, gas: rent reaa-i&ab.e. S-T. LOUIS. 371C On? lile-h furnished room; convenient four car lines, two ladles or man an.l wife preferred SUnURLiAN. M41 (In Rear) Four rooms. furnished -nr unfurnished. TAYLOR. ISM N. Nicely furnished first-floor front room; alaa single room; cars conven ient. THE Avenue Inn (1634 Franklin) Rooms. 20c rer day; Jl.25 per week. THIRD. 1-V17 S .Front furnished room. THE INN. 4:5 Lucaa Cool roome. V)c Sic dally: weekly, lilt'. SIM: baths. THIRD. Id and W -N. Bgaot, warm, fur nlshed rooms; 11.50 nip. . THOMAS. 2711 Furnished front room; priva family; even comenience; convenient to Jef ferson and Spring cars. VON VERi-EN. 54 Beautiful rooms; tn minutes' wallc to Fair; OIIv cars; permanent cr transients. WALNUT. 2310 Elegant front parlor; alsi other rooms. WASH, 2301 Ore room for two gentleman, Jl.W eachr largo roxn. two btda. J2.M each, for two gentlemen "WASHINGTON. U1S Nicely furnished front parlor, eruitable for two or more, gentlemen. AVASHINCTON, X2S One fcry la?Z front, room; wlf rent penranently to partlea of three WASHINGTON. 302-Few nice young men can make permanent arrangements ftjr room.. WASHINGTON. 2KJ0-Nicely furnished sleeping-rooms; aleo housekeeping rooms; all con renlencea. WASHINGTON. J907 Large, comfortable front room, for party of four gentlemen; al conveniences. WASHINGTON. SU9 Choice, second-Koor rcoms; refined home; visiters accommodated ; r-invenlencea. WELLS. CSS Two nicely furnished rooms for housekeeping: reasonable: three o-iX lines. WELLS. e4 Nicely furnished room: reason able; prtvata family; Olive. Eastoo and Sub urban can. WEST BELULB. 4-Newly furnished front rooms and nther. from C to U cer wflr, WEST BELLE Place, 4C9A Front and b-ick parlors; couple or gentlemen; three car line WEST RELLE. 4J-Nirely furnished front and side room: will make contract through Fair. WsBBT BELLE. CDS-Nlcely fnrnlshed rooms, for ladles or freatlemeri employed; telephone. T3 Delmar. - '- WEST BELLE. K-Ttfo n'cely furnished 9ecocd-story rooma; all conveniences; reason able; private family. WE8TVINSTER Place. C0-Elegantly fur nish fd arartmenta; single or en suite: bath. VSRNON, STOi Choice uafurnlahed rocm; Cabanae district. VERNON. T0l Bulla of beantlful rooms; use piano; modern; Page car to 46CO west. VERNON, M0& Two second-story, connecting. sou-si-n-eipoaed rooma; fcr fonr gentlemen. VERNON. W5C IJght. clean gaa. hot bath; 20 month; no advance; Pago and Subur ban cars, VKRNON. -I71T Newly rttrnlahed rooms for rirtlefl wllUcg- to pay liberal prices for ftr clagj Hccoinmodatloiii. VIRaiNTA. eUJ-NIceJjitfnm'Bhed front room for two; separate ar trance; home conveniences. VIRGINIA. 7337 Neatly furnished room; re fined gentlemen only; family of two; cars con venient. VIRGINIA n07 Nicely foro-ral room for two gentlemen; home conveniences: ierj rea sonable. , WALTON, tZIZ Newly decorated roome; bath; gentlemen preferred: 13 week: each per son; Page cars. WASHINGTON. M. Nicely famished s.ngle and double rooms. WA3HINGTON. I72fr-Neatly furnished, clean rooms, by thw dar or week. WASHINGTON. 2fl-NlceIy fnrnlshed rooms; all modern comrenI-ncs ; phone C 2329. WASHINGTON. 27J5 Room on second floor front, ntwly furnlahed: prfvati family. WASHINGTON Boulevard, 350 See our ele gantly finished room: all conveniences; good service; prioos permanent, WEHT BELLE Place. 4122-Elegantly fur nished rocm; gentlemen preferred: every coa venlecce. ROOMS WITH BOARD. ajsatl4s4r-4si4t',-4 ACCOMAC tS-i fCumptcn JI eight D-Rooms to refined trontlemec or couples; board: references. ALL persons wishing rooms, with or without board, apply to Central Room Agency, 14 X. Fturth. room J. second floor. BAYARD, 748 Choice rooms; modern: board eloee: Suburban. Delmar. Olive cars; near Fair. BLOW. Kit Nicely furnished room, wltii or without boara: separate entrance: cheap. BROADWAT. 1S21 8. Nicely fumWhed TQoms. tt up; meals If desired. BROADWAY. 1VA S. Clean beds and board. $3.t0: also large room: cots. 25c . BROADWAY. 932 N. Nicely furnished front rooms, with rood board: 14 week. BROADWAY. 1SO0 N. Nice rooms, fnrnlshed. tt.2 week up; bath, gas, heat: also board. BROADWAY. 1K0 N. Regular meal 35c; at all hours: best of everything served: calL OABANNE3, iiQSS Nicely furnished rooms, with beard; for transients: walking distance Fair. CATES. & Beautiful cabanne residence; iast overlooking the World's Fair rooms from 1 to S3 per dav board optional. We are book lag onr nous ror the entire i-air perioc ,"jvr, iJ ucstrciut crf-iiu -quiet, livuii. good laoard. In elegaothr furnlsbed private heme. .",-- COOK. 4HB Newly furnished room: Ihr-e wln dews; southern "xposfure: modern conveniences; poara optional; iz. UJliAUu 'tsva i"-c rove:; turivn.e neiov, ...Aav- e kl iVkAeis.rf tTl . Af-Hams1' aav TT It- siasa nRi.MAR. 3SSS Nlclv furnished rooma. with board. DELMAR. 57JS Choice rooms, with cafe In conneetl on : meals at all .hours: c.o"r.jft Fa'r. DELMAR, 39S2 Handeomejv Jrnlshed rocms, good board; near car lines; all accommodations. DELMAR WC7 Large parlor room; one or two gentlemen; private faintly; modern; break- ra given L3ulla., -l wou-iamisnea rooms; pouui rtrn exposure; couple or gentlemen; excellent board: private fkmlly. VktiTnK 2SR Room, with board: two gen tlemen or couple: gas and bath: reasonable. tTIY.ET.. 155 Choice rooms with best of board: reasonable: walking distance Fair. KTZEU C132 Cbolce rooms, with breakfast: Suburban cars half block; watUlng - distance Fair. Great Sale of HOUSEHOLD GOODS Now la Progress. Everything for the home can be bought at great saving In price. uiek mm rewiTDK coinns. EsaBl ,W-M'C nt na Unlimited Varieties Tremendous Quantities FAIKilOUNT. B234 Newly, furnished rooms, within sight cf World's Fair grounds; good board. FINXEY. ZM& NIcelv furnished rocms: good board; all ccnvenlences; G to K. FINNEY. 3750 Nicely furnished rooms: excel lent hcArd: table hoatders accommodated. rOREST PARK .Boulerard. S358 A gentle man to board In private family; all conien tences. GRAND; 1WS N Room and board; hot bath: every ccnvenlsnce; ti and 16. GRAND. 2323 N. Neatly furnished rooms, first-claas board: all conveniences: reasonable. KENNERLY. ISOSNeatly fnrnlshed room for two gentlemen: with board; 15 per week; all conveniences. KINO'S HIGHWAY. 1144 N. Very desirable rooxs: modern: board in same block; Page cars; r.esr Fair. KING'S HIGHWAY, 1211 N- Rcoms: tabie boarders taVen: best of. home cooking and serv--le: tVaioi able. LAC-I.EDB. J75T Neatly furnished room, with board. In private family. - LACLEDE. 374CA Neatly furnished rooms, with board:-all modern: private family-- LACLEDE. 3727 Nicely furnished rooms, with or without board; all modern; private family. lS-2..i 'tzZfZ- ROOMS WITH BOARD. LACLEDE, 3512 Two nicely furnlahed front rora-, with board; sentlemen or ladles era pIc-Tid. IftWTCN. 2917 Newly furnlihed rooms, with first-clas beard: all cony Blench. I-AWTON. 22 Ktrst-dacs board and rooms; hot bath. acas. hat; own heme. LAWTON. 217 Nicvlv furnished parlor, with fln-t-cla--. lKrd: all convenience -n LOCUST. 1UH Rooms and board; dav board a specialty. LOCUST At.. ISIO Newly furi,n-a ima nd flrstlaks b-riart reisonable. LOCUST. 2330 Nice, comfortabi- room: best board: moderate rales for gertlemn. C 72S. LOCUST, 22C6-220S-NIceI- furnished rocms. with or without 1-card: visitors accommodate!. IaOCUtn. 1414 Roitm anu txiarO: Msiium ana day ! rilers accommodated. Mrs. M. A. Thma. LOUISIANA, 2711 Nicely fumlsHed room; board, convenient to cars; prltate family; rea sonable LUCAS, 3137 Lovely front room, with flrst clasj board and all conveniences. LUCAS. 2-S30 T-ao nlcly furnixhed front rooms, with irood bard: nil conveniences. LUCAS. 3C3 Larue second-floor front room; suitable for four gentlemen: first-class table. ilANrni.-TTER. SS Neatlv furnlhed room fcr gentlemen only, with or without beard. MAPLE. 5741 (Adjoining School) Nlcelj fur rlshed p'xirr. with or within t boa rd MAPLE. S7I1 Nlrely fumishod rooms: board optional, for transients, ten minutes walk to Fair 3IcJULJAN. 4533A Plai?ant ro-m. vlth or without brfHkfaat, prlvat-i family; gentlemen only. MORGAN, 5175 Choice sscond-story with board, for couple. front. NATURAL BRIDGE Road. 3S77 Neatly fur nished rooms; board If destred; modern conven iences. OMVE. 4-l-3cuth rcom: near Fair: hems cooklnz: three cr four pentUmen: ti week. OLIVB. 42 Beautiful rc-mw: southern ex rHVure: mo-! em convn4"iice: board ontlonal. OLI"E. XI5 (Clarkvli:- Terrace-R-mod-I--a: everything new; convenient World's Fair; table service eicellent. OREGON. 1712 Large, furnished moms: cc ple or gentlemen: hoard; flrst-clac. service. PAGE, 4S52A Three neatly furnished rooms; gas, bath: telephone: with or without mats. PAGE, 4-4A Nice front roGm; private, home; modern: two irentleen: irooii toard J2i each. PAGE Boulevard 3SW Comfortable south room for fso gentlemen cr couple; bord op tional. PAGE. 4477 Nicely furnished, extra large, second -st on room, nouthern exposure; cwd bo. PINE. 313 Rocm and first-class board; S3 per week. PINE, 24!4-Uan.. neat i-norna; excellent ho-ird; t-atlfactor- terms to permanent people. PINE. 34C3 Newly furnished room: large closet; bath, gas; can convenient; board op tloaaL RAYMOND. Sl -Two beautiful ..itrn "rc-om: will rent to couples or gentlemen dur axis, .itiiuu 411. a 0.41, wii'i i.'tr-'i "J I U03Ii. JI. per month per couple: Suburban care, half block fifteen minutes to Fair. SCOTT. 26C3 Furnlyied ro-m. with or wlthcut board. SPRING. 20 N. (Between Laclede and P!ne) Neatly furnished rooms, with or without board. SPRING. 251? N. Neatly fuml-hed connect lnr and rtncle rooms; gentlemen cr couple; urii ppiionai. ST. VINCENT, a.112 .lif.i-e rnrtm t1. Iccatlcn; eccellent table: mm orly. bUBURBAN. 618S Chowe rooms, with break fast. for transients: walking distance Fair. T.VYLOR. 423 (Near Uv Best o roens anJ beard: r-asonnble trices; tnv-etlgate. TWENTIETH. 4"2 N. Furnished rooms ; with or without board: Be-Uefontalne car. AIL Place, 1531 Nice room for two ladles; piano; clvap; prlvat9 family; board or with out. VERNON. $3 L'ett of ro-ims and board: ormanei.t and transients; choice locality; near VERNON. S-.22 Irge southrn-expo"ed room, with alcove, for two or nvire pei-on: with board. VKrrOR. 2.-14 NIcelv fuml-he-I rooma and Ivar1 Jl.fO to S week handy car service. Great Sale of HOUSEHOLD GOODS Now In Progress. Everything tor the home can be bought at a great saving In price. LIKEKS SEooras CUITIIU URKTS FBBHITBSE CllMKatc MIC-MMC ITO3U.S ETC, nt Unlimited Varieties Tremendous Quantities WALTON. 7C2 fOtO TV'it)-Choice rooms; good locality: board optional; Suburban. Delmar. OU cars. WASH, MlC-Rooms, with board. or without WASHINGTON. 3W Nep-Iy furnlihed front and Fide rooms: crcice teble. WASHINGTON, 3223 Nicely furnished- second-floor, slne't room; good board: gaa. bath. WASHINGTON. 4903 Elegantly furnished rooms: prhate fami y; near good boaid; close o Fair. WASHINGTON. JUl Flrst-claas rooms and board; itum heat; modern; gentle ten or coupler. WASHINGTON SS1&-Well-rurnlshed rooms. first-class board; tvety convenience; centrally located. ni4UlV.N, V tj&44- IWUiUi, HlVll Bat conveniences; best board; permanent people, vtrtit l sr-an rits. fACHl.4Ws a."- a - l pvvviiu- rooms, single cr double, with board: clas-, In every particular; reasonable; only clam people. Ttf k aJTtaF.-r'l-r4" rTCl . . -f..e.x HAASm.. story WASHINGTON, 2S23 Two second-story room, slnsle and double, with board; first class in every particularrre-sonable; only high class people. WEFT BELLE, 420rj-EIegant rooms, good beard: ggntlemen: tl per wek. WEST' BELLE. 43. Mcely furnished and side roo-: seed heme cooklrg WEST DELLE Place, 4101-Flcasant rooms; excellent tab'e; homo cooking: S3 per week. WESTMINSTER. ." Elegantly furnlshrd front room, with sup-rlor board; also table board; references required WEST PINE Boulevard. 3622 iThe Cam Rocms and board WERT PINE BDdlotard, 2523 (The Carn liivuns and L-oarc. HOTELS. ; MONTICELLO HOTEL, Corner Klr.g's highway an-1 West Pine boule vard, facing the beautiful Forest Park. Near est permanent hotel tn Fair grounds. European. Sts5 and upward; 203 large, luxuriously fur nished Tooms; all modtra Improvements. La clede avs c?jb direct to bote! from depot. Cuisine unFurrnpfed HOTEL BARNUM Southeast corner Sixth and Washington avs.; rooms at reasonable rntes HOTEL RADIUM. Newly furnished : modern conveniences; pep ular prices 700-702 X. Fourth st. HOTEL GARNI World's Fair rates to permanent home people; Jefferson ave. and Olive st. HOUSES, ROOMS. ETC WANTED. -- - . '--i.rvTitrxnj FIVE-ROOM house with stable or shed; good location; reasonable: good tenant. 4219 College. imviSTI'Rr, rmm West fnrl vnuntr --n-Jt,. permanent; not over S3. 50. SY 102. Republic. PLEASANT room, for one; Ncrth Slfle pre ferreil: r'asocable: state price. EL 127. Re public: TO buy. 12 to 14 room rooming-bouse; cen tral location. CL 147. Republic TO rent three to Ave room flar or small house; not over $25 ier month. Address Wm. Tavlor. 1723 Market st. TWO room, by small family, with prl liege of light hous-k-seplng: furnished or unfurnished; best, inferences. A. Bayard. 1144 Grand ave. TWO or three furnished rooma fcr lUht Iicu-ekcplng by man. wife and two boys fage- 4 and 6 years); elte full nartlcu'ers; location; ernveniences and price. EP 10 Republic. ROOMS AND BOARD WASTED. " -" - fc - 'ii--fijiHilj BOARD: two oung gentlemen would like to obtain board with a private family, -est of Vandeventer. north of Laclede and south of Delmar preferred: best references taro.'fced; regular boarding-hcive- will plrase not anrster this ad. SD 42. Republic. ROOM and boird by refined lady in private family; reference-s giin- SD 43. Republic. 8INOLB roptti and beard by young man In West End: St): permanent. The St. Louis Produce Company, 408 FRAXKLIX AVE. Retails at wholesale prices and delivers fruits, vegetables, poultry, eggs, butter; two deliveries cal.j. Main 277J. ROOMMATES WASTED. KOOMlfATE by jcung Easterner; flrst-daes room: cbeap: young man from East preferred. EYV 19, Republic FlinMSHED noCSES - AXD FLATS WASTED. CUSTOMERS -waltlnc to rent furnlahed and unfurnished houses; no charge unless bouse is rented: send fill description. MacDonald. 1044 N. Vandeventer. WILL rent vacant furnished or buy furnish ings cf desirable six or eight roots Sat. TK K, Republic ' v-.iJ;JZ&$-t '. - .JV.7V."Wsr wwWW3 FtU.niSHKD HOrKS AKD BXATSOH RKST. MMNMlS,s's4i EVANS. aC8A Nicely furnlsbe.1 flat; three rooms; bath; medern conveniences; no children; JS a week. GREER. 4719 Newly furnished, detached house; six rooms and bath: J7Q. LARGEST LIST FCltNIiaHFlD RESIDBNCI-a a no apartments tn city for Fair period: est. 1SSS. BRADLEY A QUINF.TTE. 7lS Chestnut St. OLIVE. 4013.V Elegantly furnished sla-roctn flat: lease to reasonable parties; references te quired. THREE-ROOM flat, third story, furnished: chtap Cu.". lluillngtcn building. &b Olle. WEST BELLE Place, 4217 P-.o cr three room furnl"r"-d flat; bath, light, heat; com plete; kitchen, all lrcluiled; Immediate poss cion. TO LET FOR PLJr-fcSI PURPOSES. CIIESTNITT. lC3-Four-storv brick buIMing: M. KOLLAS A. DltlNKOP. 113 Chestnut st. ELEVENTH. 211 N. Desk nj,m and space for raantraLturcrs agent: both telephones: de sirs I'le Iwstlcn. MORGAN. l-i fcr light ntanulactunutt pur poses: space 27x11"). ground floor. FIsniER t CO.. 14 Chestnut St. KIXT1I and Ollt e Nicely furrlsh-d doub of flc: rent ciiap: 11 month. Et 15. It-public- STORCROO.M: steam heat. Apply P. L. Gnln. MO Rauxh aia.. East St. Ixiuls FIRST-CLASS SALOON On tl e bst retail thorouehfare In the city. For ritttlcularn anplv Natfr.nal Brc-iery Co, Klght.entit and Gratiot tt. FOR KET nWKLLI.NGS. er'&i HO USB; flv- room-, itable or shMs; gyv1 Io cation; reaeonable: good tenant. 45") College. TWO residence-?, en McPherson ave. and In Horton p-ace. NR.T-IOLS, 01 Chestnut. FOR REXT AP-eRTMCXTS. 2LAT3 EWING. 44 N Foi-r room; bath; st-am het; flxtur-.. tcrens: janitor: J3R. MORGAN. ZW Six rooms, bath, steam hfat; fixture4?: scre-ns; lanltor: JU. REAL BSTATU AT AUCTIOX. Have You Ever Attended r4 Real Estate Auction? That is where you can buy real estate far be low its actual value. At tend the auction sale of a Transit Company prop erties week beginning April ISth. Send for catalogue. Marcantila Trust Co., AGENT, Eighth and Locust. nil'ROVED CITV PROPERTY FOR SALE. A VERT nice selection of building lots In southwestern part of city: convenient to cars: city Ttater. etc.: would Ilk, to exchange for some nice dwelling cf five rcoms and bath. Answer EL 110. Republic. ALLEN. 2707 Will sacrifice for quick cash sale; 7 rooms, bath ami 2 halls. Phcne owner. Kin., n 171S Ix'ODERN J-mom house at 15) per month and ILOW down: suitable for entertaining World's Fair visitors. EO 61. Republic EASTON. 422S-NI-i-rocm house; 50-foot Io: stable, sheds: bargain: easy term-. RENT. 1250; price. J3.&00: buys six-room 1--ear-Wd fat: lot :2x11m: en Geyer ave. Chas. Staehlln. t0 S. Fourteenth. RENT, t40: price, 12.X1; buys six-room 3-year-old flat- bath: lot 3xl3S: on Henrietta St. Cbas. !?aehlin. SO ri. Fourteenth. RENT. UK: rrloe. II.81O: burs six-room t-yenr-oid flat: bath; lot Sxlio; on Henri etta near Grand. Cbas. Etaehlln, 9C a. Four teenth. RENT J4. price ll.rtW. buys nine-room brick for two families: bath: on Dolman st.; eight Mocks from Unln Station: lot 39x127. Chas. Ktaehlln. 900 s. Fourteenth. $7,500.00 WILL BUY l!roctn modem home, near main entrance to World's Fair. Lot 40x1": 12-inch brick walla; hot water heat: hardwood finish; every conve nience; chma closets, cedar closets, etc, built In house. Combination gas and electric fixtures, electric fan, gas grates and log. gas and coal range. large refrigerator, filter, shades, scrsens and double windows go with the house. Fur niture complete may be had for SOc on the dollar. This house could not be built for less than S8.SCO.01. Lots adjoining are selling for S10OW per foot. Don't waste time trying tn rent or dickering with owners who ask high plrces, 3-1 ai e appointment to Inspect this prop erty. H 1. RepuU'.c. 1829 OREGON AVE. For Sale Almost nrw t-story brick bouse of 9 rooms, reception hall. bath. ga. hot and oo'd water, fine furnace, cram told cellar, slate roof, hardwood floors, etc; lot 25 feet to an alley; terms. $509 cash and $30 per month. For fur ther particulars sea KEELEY R. E. CO.. 1115 Chestnut at. CHAMBERLAIN PARK. For Sale Two-itory granlte-frcnt house, built bv ownr for his own home; very fine; lot ZOx 155 feet; modm in every respect; part-culars will not be given over phone; price SH.Ooo. Fcr card of adn.isioa see KEELET R. E. CO. 1113 Chestnut st. LAST HOUSE. For Sale House and lot. 422S Russell ave.. on fct east cf Tcwer Grov-. ave.. brand-new S story brick front house of & room, reception nan. oain. rot ana caia wHirr. iiiea osinroom. , enamel tub. line mantels, hardwood finish, gran itoid cellar: lot 25x124 feet to alley; terms . cash dewn and I) per month. For price see KEELEY R. E. CO.. 1112 Chestnut st. NEW HOUSE IN WEST END. For Sale House No. 5-321 Vernon ave.; brand new two-story brick house cf nine rooms; re ception hall. bath. gas. hot and cold water; tiled bathroom; granitoid collar and s ate roof; hardwood floors and combination gas and elec tric fixtures lot 2IX1S2 feet: terms. Sl.&Ot) cash down and $40 per month. House- open for In spection from 10 to 5 p, m. every day; far price and further particulars see KEELEY R. E. CO., 1113 Chestnut sL CITY REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. ij-Tj-ij-xrrijf.i-ir'''''''s'ii ''- - " " "- - AT a bargain: very desirable buildlrg lots: near cars; minutes walk to World's Fair: city water, etc.: 10Ox2W feet on Dalton ave. and 100x200 feet on Wood st. 5S32 Magnolia ave. FARMS FOR SALE. U-Li-. i. i n-i -' ---.-...---. tVE sell farms: get free list. S. II. Morton. 300 Lincoln Trust building. BTOKAGE AXD JIOVI5G. AMERICAN Storage and Moving Co., 2215 Olive racking, shipping: all storaxe In sep arate rooms. Both phones. W. IL Langdale. 30NDED warehouse: Henry C. W. TVIehe Storage and JIotns Co.. 1112-K Franklin ave., money advanced when desired. Klnloch C W3. F. 11. PORTJIANN Storage and Moving Co Separate rooms: law prices on reliable moving and storage, ail Cass ae.; phone D 124. NEW YORK Storage Co.. Twenty-second and Wash: not., pack, ship or store furniture In separate rooms: estimates given; work guarnt. SOUTH Side Storage and Moving Co.. U01-5-J 6'dnev st. ull ijiiln 225: Klnloch Victor 417. CTflltGE AEfcOLUTELT FIREPROOF, new I UnJItltT. warehouse. Grand snd Laclede, for safekeeping of furniture, piancs. trunks, aluables, boxes, etc.: strictly first-class moving AaeWing. shipping, etc. Our fire Insurance the lowest. Money advanced. Ship goods our care. Estimates free. Get our rate". Both phones. 121S 21 Olive. R. U. Leonorl Auction Si Storage Co. PKIVTING. ii "- r)Trirju-ij-frsjJ AAAt 1.0 cards. 7; billheads, noteheadf, envelopes. n.3- McGill tt Co.. 121 Jf. Eieventh (-MKSl'ENT PRINTING CX J N. Vnirtn gt. Fir., work: fair price: send for samples. EIERMANN BROS.. Printers. 222 pine, ro Ilcit our bueiness and guarartee sstlsfactlcn; flne ccmmercial -rork a specialty Kin. 14.VIA. EUREKA Printing Co.. 224 N. Third st Low rates on your printing this wees:. EDICATIOSAL. I WANT a few more private dudIIs- ntrmin or English branche: shorthand or bookkeep ing. Fred'k W. Raid. HI4 Aobert ave. PARISIAN cuttlnj school, ror ladles and gen tlemen's garment. 444 Morgan. LANGUAGES. TUB BERLITZ SCHOOL OF LANGUAGK3. Odeon. Grand and Finney Aves. City Brsnch -stj Century Bulldlsg. xra c-lasses KOW- msvtvrt nauTO isscners ozux. ctuu - ' -vCiS&.-y . VfexV'irtr.ii.j - J - - - r . .. i " '. . .- - v ...!-' . ; .. -,V"ll' -"". - ll.'VJ.. J."".'rV; ." : . ' - . MOJCEY WASTED. BUSINESS house of gotw standing and re liable will accept small sums of J2 and up ward, pacing 1 per cnt a month for same; principal returnM on demand. For further particular! address EO 154. Republic. MONEY TO LOAN. On Real Estate. M. C. O'REILLY R. I. CO., Z 'Chestnut. make loans on city realty: any amount: lowest ratM and no delay. Building loans made. On Persona Pruterty. MMMSMMV i0s00tm IF YOU ARK IN NEED OF FINANCIAL HELP, SEE US. Ea.s -payment loans on furni ture, pianos, etc.. at & per cent (without re moval). Royal Finance Ci . Suite 22S Fnco bldg.. r. w. cor. Ninth and OI-o R- Phcne Kin. C 1750. LOANS negotiated on furniture, pianos or any personal propw-ty at S p-t c-iit perai.num' conftdentlaL Notary Public. K Chestnut fct MONEY luaned safanea i-?oj V without curity. D. Laniet. 9A I'enolst bldg . 8th & Pin- MONEY to loan on furniture, pianos. hori. wagons, etc.. S per cent per ear. Irice, Melsr Co.. 14-13-10 Mermoi-Jaccard bldg. INVESTIGATE THIS WHEN YOU WANT MONEY. TVe make loans on fjrnlture WITHOUT RU llOVAL. W't mafce r.o Inquiries of jour friend. or erripioyer. IVc gie jou the full amount In CASH, not checks. W arrange payments to suit your CONVENIENCE and AllILITV. We do not RECORD loans. We RECEIPT for everv pavment msde. pay off any OTHER LOAN or a bslan.e on funilture and GIVE MORE MONET. We EXTEND payments In case of SICKNESS. Tto make AB LOW ratJS as th- LOWEST. We grant LHIERAL DIS COUNTS for tint, money is not uswl. This u our business In a nutshell. SEE US before get ling a loan else-there ani he convinced that we are THE PEOPLE. Telephone for u to call. THE HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO.. Kin. 1311. Room n. FRLLERTOV BLDG . Hell Main 414). HEA'ENTII AND PINE STS LOANS IN EAST ST. LOUIS. Also In surrounding lonns. On FURNITURE. PIANOS and SALARIES. Amounts to suit your need and TERMS to suit YOUR ABIL ITY to pay. We do not remove goods. Exten sions in case of sickness. Liberal dieeounts. Klnloch St. Clslr 416. THE HOME TRUST CO.. Room Zin Metropolltsn Building. 41S-417 Missouri Ave.. Esst St Louis LOANS ON FURNITURE. Rates and terms unheard of Look; SUV weekly pas a J7S lean. 11.20 weekly pays a S--5.0O loan. .ry weekly pays a R 00 Iran. 7: we-kly psjs a U0M lean. Payments roav be made weekly. smlTrontbly or monthly. It t to 3-our interest to conu!t us. All buslns urlvate and abce boartl Fee us. L'HEMICAL FINANCE, CO . iol Ch-lca sxillding. Eighth and Olive s:j. WE ADVANCE HONEY TO KALAitlEb PtOl'LE. NO MOHTtlAGE. NO 1NDORSER without emploers knowl edge. ALSO ON FURNITURE. PIANOS. ETC Our plan is the cheapest, best and most pri vate In toe city. Call, write or telephone Kln loch C 1047. ST. LOUIS INVESTMENT CO . Room Ills Missouri Trust building. Entrsnce 705 Olive St. DUNNjn Money to loan in any amount on all kinds of personal property. Bargains In unredeemed pledges. 912 FRANKLIN AVE. MOMEY for SALARIES At Reasonable Rates. 110 TO KD. T Z. payment plan, antfi business Is strictly confidential. The Salary Disccunt Co.. MS Mer- mo.1 Jaccard building. 4v7 N. Broadway. B-Per-Cent Money. To Loan We have I1.C.K). 12,000. U.OVl. J4 0t, K.000. 15.000. 7.0. IS.C. JS.0O0. liftOO. II. C00. J20.00". J25.0CO and .'X) to loan at 5 per cent Interest on extra good security; St. Louis city Improved real estate only. KEELEY R. E. CO.. 1112 Chestnut st. CHEAP MONEY. Money loaned salaried people without securi ty cr lndorer: strictly confidential: low rates and easy payments. 52T. Mermod-Jaccard building. Notice Tum to rcur left en leav ing .levator. MONET FOR SAURIES PEOPLE. We furnish you money quickly aud confiden tially, without security. National Credit Co.. rooma -wi-902 Chemical bldg.. Eighth and Olive. H tin.-; Iriv-e-aeari Salarlad Paanla. a-nwas-a-a - r- w TesUoxters. boarding -ho -e keepers without secu rlty.easy payments; largest, business In Stf princi pal cities. Tolman. SQ Kouscr bldc.JVrt Chestnut. Money! Money!! Money!!! Salaries bought .it reasonable discount; we loan money on furniture: cheapest In town Equity Finance Co.. 1401 "Mlsscuri Trust bldg. PERSO-XAL. A DETECTIVE (private) does shadowing and Investigating; ref. P. O. Box 770. St, Louis. DR. CAZEAUX. 2302 Washington, treats Ir reguutrltle, and all female trouble: 2S years est. 3tOO TANSO Is guaranteed ! relieve sup pression: 22 box. Dr. caseaug. 23"! Washington. GOLDEN SEAL Female Regulator relieves Ir regularities in three hours: M rr box. 2J1 Washington. HAIRS, enlarged vessels, wrinkle removed without pain Instantaneously. Doctor. 2722 Olive. LADIES doctor receives during confinement: ladles in trouble. calL a3 Olive t- LADIES CcnUnementa taken: adoption If de slred. Call Mrs. M. Dlehl. IV N. Jefferson. LADIES, my regulator never falls: complete treatment free. Mrs. E. Starr. 2323 Franklin. LADIES. In all obstinate, abnormal, long standing, "monthly suprres-stons" and cause In pathology. Dr. Southlngton's Concentrated Er-go-KoIo Compound bnngs poaltfve, painless relief within 1 to 5 days. Mall. -0: double strength. J2. Circulars free. Dr. Scuthlngtoa R. Co Pert, RR. Kansas City. Mo. MIDWIFE Receives during con.: ladles la trouble, call: Infants adopted. 24 Lafayette. MRS. BRIDGES Office hours ! td 1: no medicine. S50J Lac'cda: Klnloch C 1M4. MRS. A. SCHROEDER receives confinements: Isd'es. calL 2n rrangiin ave. ivin. v- nv. sr. - w . n- .- 4n taiitiu ifll-l-t-l sr rVirirt1 rnUAlI. liWUif avi, lauiLi . -- - meet; especially adapted to those wishing to avoid exposure; trained nurses: best of care: perfect seclusion: all troubles snd Irregulari ties skillfully treated: ladies, when In trouble. .-.- nw ari.i4. phT-!rn- a N. Twentv-third. near Olive. TAPEWORM expelled; also stomach, bowel, liver, kidney and bladder troubles cured. 107A N. Ninth st. 00CT0R DENNIS .SlUSS.? dlac; conducts the only respectable sanltariura fcr confinement In this city; perfect seclusion and home comforts; trained nurse: lowest term: adoption if desired: Irreau'arltles po-dUvdy re rrced at little cost: gusrsnteed resuRs; ladles. I have v years' experlencs and when needing a friend come or write to me. nnfTn linfiAII receives before and dur UUblUR Hull AH me confinement: lnfanu adopted If desired; trained nuraeS: medical and surgical diseases of women m. specialty: Irregu larities treated by new painless method; terms reasonable; consultation free; call or writs: conftdentlaL 2215 Olive St.. fit. Louis. Mo. DR. ANNIE NEWLAND. Private licensed boms for ladles before and during confinement r oldest and mest reliable Institution tn the tate: established forty years; home comforts; motherlj cars; Infants adopted: irregularities successfully treat!; satisfaction guaranteed: ladies in trouble. eaLj cr write. 2231A Olive st. DERMATOLOGY. VWWMNAAAAAAA4Ms Pimples, Blackheads, Large pore erupxionstsuaauaisorQrs.urw ing the skin and scalp permanently cured. AlllafarmaUocand oouarftM .TOHX H. WOODBURY D.I., 304 aiermcKl -Jaccard, St, Iniuis. DANCIG. ATTEND final prlie twn-tp party. Prof. Frankel's Academy. 1441 Chouteau. Wednesday evening. April 13. ATTEND Prof. De Honej's select reception every Thursday evening; academy, 3341 Olive. Klnloch. 2147 Delmar. JOIN Prof, and Mrs. Frankers dancirg classes Montlr Menmg. April tl: reduced rates- les-. ns Monday and Fr!d3y evenings. Academy, 1141 Chouteau. Rl'flnF.R STAJ1PS. SEALS. STENCILS. ji. 'I 'mrni'iri 'in ' i in i f. iriw ADAMS, the (tamo man. 214 N. Sixth St.. Si. Louis. Mo.: rubber starocs, seaK stencils, sic,: eoed. cheap, oulck. Write for new list, EXCELSIOR Stercll Works. 112 Ollre, for steel stamps, stencils, burning brands, rubber type, steals, oras. ana aiumsnuzn enffse, Rtrtn!-:T stsmca rubber tvne. slena mark. era. brass and aluminum checks at lowrst price Kasper Stamp and Seal Co.. 91s Locust. rARPKT n.EAWUtC tiuijifiiii-i- ,--l..,-,.,-l- -,-,, - - -y-ifWM CHICAGO Steam -Carpet Cleaning Co.: W, J. McCourtney. manager: carpet, renovated: look like new: Un. lOT: Kl-i. Del. 2411. 2Z Finney. EMPIRE iteam Carpet Cleaning Co.. W. Waterman. Mgr. Carpets renovate-1 Icok like hew. 212: Lucas. Tel. Beaumont 22; Kin. C t. WALL PAPER. A. MILLER. Wall Faoer.Stcre. 1203 Franklin I will parer your room for 13.(0 complete; 1-aper and work, an guaranteed. Kin. C 1740. CHRLTfll BROS, paper rooms tl each: work guaranteed: pnlntlng reascnabie. vm Easton. ROOKS PAPERS. .nip "ii--i'- - -ii,'."irini i.WirM".vi.iM.Hj mj EOOKS, magaxlnes. etc. bought Mr any cjuac llty. Ad-.-a rVv-k Buyer. P. O Hog St,. I WANT to buy law, medical a 3d ether too books. Dan Llnahsn. bookseller. 511 Market- GOLD. SILVER, XICKKL PVKTIXQ. inn rir ' ,-- ---- r , i-M-ii-injxj- GOLD, ellver and nickel plating la all Its branches: repairing old silverware a specialty.; Gu-star M. luause, Ol Pine St.. sssxmd floor. i V .i J - !. -..-!, v.i-1''fc'?vxx-vir. -S?ir Mr'9 XC9ICAL. ARSOLUTELY cheapest place In city for all kinds of musical instruments: shet. band ana orchestra music. Hnnleth's. 3 S. Broadway. KVERYTHINO we sell we positively guar antee, either new cr used: our 34 years hers in St. Louis should prove that. F. BEYER Ic SON. Seventeenth and Loeust. BAHNSEN pianos are made ic St. Louis; call and examine at factory and salesroom. T. Bahnsen Piano Mfg. Co.. I Olive st. BEAUTIFUL used Chlckerlng. I: we taka these pianos in trade: 110 down. 1 monthly F. Beer A Port. Seventeenth snd Locust. COMING The Great Golden Crown Concert Band at North St. Lcuis Turner Hall. April 17. fr'ce Sunday's ad. DAVENJ'ORT & TREACY. the best for the rr.or.e ; a piano fcr the home and studio: hand led bv us. F. Beyer & Sen. Seventeenth and Lccust, FINE ebony Bahnsen upright piano; perfect condition; iz; big bargain. T. Bahnsen Piano Mfg. Co.. U22 Ollre. "HrlAR the Soul cf a Krakauer slrg": to hear It Is t. buv It, Sold only bv Dnn'l G. iMin ker Piano C .. Fourteenth an.1 North Market. PACivAKl1 pianos: another one of cur lead era: beautiful to !vk nt; tore In comparison with anv: cst a little mem bjt worth the money F L'eer oc Son. Seventeenth and Lo cust. HJUARt: piano" at atmtl vfir own prices; HO and ut'. Kleekamp Bros . 2207 Park- WE are authorlifd .ellrs or the world rer.ov.ced Haritcn Bros piano, ind we are selling Ktstf don't buy until jou see one of them F. JiBYER SON. Seventeenth and Locust. WILL sll slightly usd upright piano at c sacrirlce if taken this week; tuil-alze mahogany case. 3202 S. Jefferson ave. 34 years In huslncss; can ou not trust your self In our hands? We trest everylwdy right, F. BEYER Si RON. Sventnth aid Locust, 21 duTrrt mak to select from: no ether dealers can show such representation. F. BEYER A SON. Seventeenth and Lccust. W0 Fischer: 71-3 octave; great bargain: lust the thing for studio or professional: 110 down and 15 monthly. F. BEYER & SON. Seventeenth and Locust. !!) bu.s a fine piano: cost !2&j; stool, cover, delivered- 1414 N. Sixteenth Yft Kill buy nice-tone square plan); one block: esst of Broadway. 3734 Illinois ave. lieu r,u" fine upright piano, stool and scarf, P"hubrt Movter. J6-.-J Franklin ave. K0 will buv good square piano, with stcol sr.d cover: call any wek day. 5145 Spalding. !18 piano Just returned: a beautiful mahosE-any-caM upright full :tav: cost new $21.: It's your at tl dovin and 17 monthlr. F. BF.YKR & HON. ?". enteentn and Locus. 5120 Chlckerlng uptlgM. bst bargln In St, Ixul: rae a'on- wortn thl" pne: will Include sttA-.I ani "carf and sell en easy terms. F. BEYER HON. S-vntenth and Locust tt A SHARP BARGAIN Will follow out of these rolumns. and take no tice of our many bargains. These pianos are all traded In. with th exception of the returned instruments one on rental, the otoer allantly cencert-used. We give actual bargains, aad ttntands will testify to th fact. Our pay ment system 1, the esst In St. Louis. Q . call. Seventeenth and Locust, SECRET SOCIETIES. K.1IUBTS OF PYTHIAS. A CME LODGE. NO. 113. K. OP P. if every Thursday evening at 1 o'clock. West uata Hall, north -v.t corner Orand and sTastnn avenues. Members requested to attettd fsmlsu ly. Visitors cordially Invited. IsUTTHEW vonit, a a a. W. Clifton. . of R, A R. Ita SL Lssls avenue. COLUMBIA LODGE, NO. US. K. OF P.. meets every Tuesday evening at I o'clock. i.ntury building. Ninth and Otive streets, east hall. Tuesday April 12. work la raiu cf Esquire. All visiting brothers welcome. ALEXANDER .NICHOLSON. C. C J. F. Dempsey. K. of R- A S. SAMON LODGE. NO. 2S. K. OF P.. MEETS et.ry Wednesday evening at Cod Jrsllowsr I. No i. sevsnth Door. .Slnth and OUT. streets. Business meeting Wednesday. AprU 15. Members expected. Visito-s Invited. F. 3. STUUM. C. C. Attest: IL R. Bermel. B- ot R. t 8, sTtl Evans avenue. FUTURE GREAT LODGE. NO. 171. JC OP P.. Howard s Hall. Thirtieth sad OUT. vt'ednesday. April 13. work in the ranlc cf Esquire, vislurs welcome. R. P. FRITSCHLQ C C W. A. Roberts. K. of R S. MOPOC LOLUE. NO. -0. K. OF P.. HOSTS every Tuesday evening at t o'olocsc at Anchor Hall, soutawest coiner JeBersoa ana Park avenues. Take Compton Helgtts. Pmrkor JefXerson avenue cars. Members su?e expected nd visitors ciirdlaiiy Invited to atttmd. dorae thlng doing Tuesday evening. April 12. stvary thing free. A. H. NOKRIfsH. C. C L. B. Cass. K. cf R. a. PACIFIC LODGE. NO.; St. E. OP P.. meets every v ednesday evening, ceatnry building. Ninth and Dine streets Aptll 1, ampilSed rank ot Page. Cigars. Visitors in vited. E. N. RORINSON, Ci C. W- A. Gray. If- of H, A S. PREMIER LODGE. NO. ' 24!. K. OP P meets regularly every Mrmoay areAUs la Mall No. 3. seventh tloor Odd Fellows boihliag. Next meeting, Monday. April 11. 104. Wore In the rank of Page. Vtsltora are cordially in vited. Members are requested to attend. JOSEPH O. MOIlt. C. C J. F. Wltte. Jr.. K, of R. A 3.. U-04A North Twenty-flfth street- RKD CROSS LODGEL K. OF P.. WKslTS AT 7:30 o'clock at Odd Fellows Hall. Mat ,r i&u Olive streets, every Wednesday night. Vis itors always welcome. April 13. ism. rank of Esquire. J. fi. IIIGDON. C. C. ' H. W. Beldlng. K. of R. 8. ROBERT E. COWAN LOUGE. NO. 1H. K. of P meets every Monday evening; at S o ciock. West Hall. Century building, "Ninth and Olive streets. Monday. April It. work tn rank of Esquire. Members are requested to at tend. Visitors always welcome. OSCAR as. STOLL. C C Attest: Henry H. Luebbert, K. of R. 8. WABASH LODOE. NO. 241. K. OF P.. meets every Tuesday evening at Cast. Hail, southwest corner Broadway azd Benton. April IX work In the rank of pace. Visitor, welcome. o. L. QSBCxlN. C. C. M. C. Shulte. K. cf R. A . f ULEMA LODGE. NO. 3J1. K. OP P meets Monday evening. April 11. 104. in hsll No. i. tenth floor Century bullllsc at t o'clock. Work la rank of Esquire. Members ex pected ard visitors cordially invited to attend. FRANK J. VOLLMBR. C C. Attest: O. M. Brook,. of R. AS. P. O. Box 1C2. ISDEPEjrDE.TT ORDER ODD FEL LOWS. -" - - 1 ri'iri 'i rum' ",rv.-. irtmij... A NCHOR LODOE. NO. 323. I. O. O. A, meets every Monday evening at Sciiueue'a Hail. Nineteenth and Wright streets. Work la the degrees. Visiting brothers welcosae. LEO LANGENBACIIES. N. O.. DavM Petty, secreiarj. 1S28 OTallon street. ST. LOUIS LODGE. NO. 5. I. O. O. P.. meets every Saturday evening: at o clock in Odd Fellows building. Ninth and Olive streets, hail No. 1. Visitors welcome. Members expected. Work In first degree next meeting. R. L. OUHLI.N. N. G. Wsllace McCargo. Secretary. tlflLDEY LODGE. NO. X. L a O. P.. W, meets Tuesday evening of eaea wssk at baiiTCo. u Odd r euows' Duiidlng. umer Nlata and Olive, at S o'ciock. visiting broUrara In vited to sttand. J. a SHANER. N. O. T, W, Riegei. Secretary, AXCIET FREE AMD ACCEPTED HASOXS. ' l.l."....."MI '."'.".M".'.."..". BENTON LODGE, NO. 253. A. F. A A. M. Regular oommunieatloc this Oaonday) tvenuur at 1:30 o'clock. Work. Mssbir Masons cordially invited. T. J. PIERCED W. M. C C. Walton. Secretary. COSMOS LODGE, NO. 2S2. A. P. ft A. M- Regular communication this (Momiav) evening at Grand and Finney avenues, at 5:31 o'cloct. M. M. degree, visitors always wel come. WM. H. PECK. W. M. Eden Reed. Secretary- GEORG-S WASHINGTON LODGE. NO . A. F. A A. M.. will held a stated communi cation at Masonic Temple. Grand and Finney avenues, at 8 p. m. shorn Tuesday. April i Work In Fellow craft degree. Visitors are as sured a cordial welcome. - .. . oeo. w. james: W. sc. Wn. L. Reyco'ds. Jr.. Secretary. I8SOURI LODGE. NO. I. A. F. A A. M.- fl " a Called communication on Wednesday. April 11. at 7-20 p. m.. Conntluan Hall. Grand Avenue Masonic Temple. E. A. degree. Mem brs are requested and visiting brethren fra ternally Invited to attend. , ,. 'c J- w' KRUEOER. W. M. JCin H- Deems. Secretary. K5IGBTS OP COLCIfBIJI. ' "" i--- --,--l--inj---is-vij-rijaij'iri Iff ENRICK COU.NC1U Na ft KNlGHTd rV of Columbus, meeu ever, second sod fourth Wednesday at Rose BUI Hall. No- MT Maple avenue, visiting knights always wej cocne. JOHN PAUL CHEW. Grand Ktugkt. Walter T. Cunningham, Recorder. mARQUETTE COUNCIL. NO. M, Knights of Columbus, meeu every sss ond fourth Tuesday in the west nail. Cen tury building. Ninth and Olive stntr-s. Visit ing knights cordially invited. FRANK O. CUNNINGHAM. Grand Knight. F. P. Leonard. Recorder. &T. LOUIS COUNCIL. NO. 4U, MfifcTra . every nxst and third Tuesday at West End Hall, sovtbwest comer Finney and Vanas veater avenues. Visiting knights are cordially Invited. EDWARD DEVOT. Orand Knight. '- j.evpa r . aaiy. stecDraer. ROVAL ARCH MASOXS.' ELLEFONTAINB ROYAI ARCK CHAP-,' ter. No- 3 Stated convocation th's Mon I evening at 7:J) o'clwk. Work Past and Most Excelent Master degrees. Visitors fr. -ternally Invited. OTTO M. WINKLER. E. V. ' Aug: Gundlacn. gecretary. mISSOURI CHAPTER. NO. t R. A.. Stated convocation this (Monday) .rar ing at o'clock. Past and M. E- M. degreea Visitors cordlslllr Invited.' ,, .--T. WM. b. GILLESPIE, HIsA'rMMt. carKcklevfiscrrutn ,?; - . - t' - - i; 'k'32 Jfc, .3t '