Newspaper Page Text
K'-r!3w 12 THE ST. LOTIS REPUBLIC: WEDNESDAY. APRIL 27. 1904. M 1 f BEST $15 SUITS Suits at Fifteen Dollars may be had anywhere, but it is a reasonable assumption that the requirements of our patrons demand greater perfection of workmanship and style dependency than expected at other stores. We give the Fame care in the construction of our Fifteen Dollar suits as used in our highest priced garments, and the qualities are the most costly that can be employed. All-wool Scotch Cheviots, Worsteds and Cassimercs, in the newest weaves and colorings both single and dou ble breasted 15. NEW FEDERAL POSITIONS. Subtreasurer Thomas J. Akins to Have Additional Force. Thomas J. Akins, TJiiIted States Sub tfeosuxer. who has Just returned from Washington, D. C. announces that he has been able to secure a long-needed In crease In the working staff of the office. The Treasury Department has agreed to provide him with an assistant Bortlns teller at a salary of a.300 a ear, an assistant-bookkeeper at S1.2W. a clerk at Jtaoo and a laborer at JKw. It Is expect ed that two additional coin counters will also be provided for the World's Fair period at J800 each. These offices will be supplied by pi intlnna inionsr the cresent force, whe ro- ose places will be -supplied from the clvil- Griffin Excursion Jefferson Cltr 91-SO. Sundav, May 1. Missouri Pacific Kailway trains leaves Union Station 8:3) a. m. Central Illinois Physicians Meet. KE&vmiac SPBCIAI Pana, IU., April 2S. The thirtieth an nual convention of the District Medical Society of Central Illinois convened In this city to-day. with physicians present from au over the State. Doctor T. I Most any kind Of Paint will please Some of the people Some of the tints, But The Horse Shoe Brmd The strlctlv Pun kind k made to please All of the people Allot tne time. It's all Paint And no worry. The other kind Has the worry In It. Don't Forjtt TbMtt MllIND CITY PAINT & COLOR CO., 6RE66 VARNISH CO. , Makers of Reliable Products, ST. LOOS, V. S. A. NORRIS B. GREQO. PresMent. E. H. DTER. becretary. WV. H. GRGS. JR.. Vies Preildent. 'PILES,! Flstnla, Fls itire, Itchlaf, I Bleeding. Rec UI Ulcer. Etc.. curea -witaout surcicai operation. Qu-cs guaranteed. All protruding; stopped In one or rwo treatments. xw not continue to nuner wnen vfm ran h cured vlthout an on- .esatlon. Consultation -free. Call nr -.write, inciosinr zc ittmp. lor z 'pace Booklet on Rectal Diseases. DR. n. RET SHIITH, 600 Olive St, St. loult,Mo. "?;-READ THE FOLLOWINCJ TBSTinONIAL: SOrM. Key Smith. Cltr: : iDear Sir I im pleasad to etate tbat after fcelse treated by you for the piles tbat I am j Vared. I did net have any protnuion after the ijtrt treatment, and did not lo any time from 'my buslaes while belnr treated, None but tboee wbo bar been troubled thus can reallie what xreat relief this na been to me, for there bad never been a day for the last twenty year that the pllei had not protruded at every ac tion of my bowels. Tours truly, i HOWARD BAKER. No. 3331 Blair are.. ' J (March i. ISM ) St. Lculs. Mo. .Hundreda cf other testimonials similar to the above can be thown at Dr. Sn-.lth'i fflce. Da not continue to suffer, but consult Dr. M. Ney Smith and be cured permanently without a surgical operation. DR. M. NET SMITH. Specialist, Rooms 7 and 8. WO OUve". St. Louli, Mo. Established and permanently located in St. Louis since USS. UPTUR IT; OuUMrmai fm.mmM, vPummatBtly trWStl , W. A. LEWIN, M. D., 604 Washington Ave. NOTARY PUBLIC. JOSEPH F. FARISH, ST. LOUS REPL'DLIC BUILDING. Tell. Bell Main 3S03. Klnloch A OT3. CINCINNATI VIA B. & O. S-W. Free RecUalnar Ckair Cars to LOUISVILLE. SLEEPERS AND DINING CARS. TICKS t OFFICES: ' Olive It 6th and Union Station jt'jrg?r:JSrftSs'''i'A '.-& W The Republic Bldg., On Olive St- at Seventh. Money of Vandalla made the principal ad dress, on "Gastric Ulcers." The reports of the various officers were made and sev eral new members wero admitted. In honor of the anniversary of the or ganization a banquet was held at Uie St. Jame3 Hotel to-night, after which the or der of business was resumed and the fol lowing officers wero elected: President, Doctor T. Ewing Cherry of Cowden; first vice president. Charles Jjockart of Witt; second vice president, J. Nathan Trusher of Beecher; treasurer, J. N. Xelm3 of Taylorvllle; secretary. It. C. Danford of Pana. Doctor George JC. Knlder of Springfield made an address on "American Surgery." The meeting was then adjourned to meet In Pana the first Tuesday in October. These S2.CO Cmbrell 500 of them, regular $3.00 and SS.3) values, constitute one of the best offerings ever published. To-day at $1. TOUR JUUtLRT cleaned and repaired at moderate prices. OUR 'WATCHES are thoroughly de pendable, only tho best, at prices ranging from J5.M to JS75.W. 1IERMOD & JACCAJiryS. Broadway and Locust. Sent fret larg UluttraUd Citato?. Plartabnrsr District Conference. REPOBUC SFECIAI Liberty, Mo.. April a. The district con ference of the Plattsburg District, SI. E. Church. South, convened here this after noon. The Reverend C. B. Duncan is tor and conference host. The opening ser mon was preached by tha Reverend C. F. Wimberly of Excelsior Springs. Other ministers who were present and partici pated in the session are: M, L. Gray of Richmond, Presiding Elderr A. C. Brown ing. Pla'ttsburg; G. JL Gibson, Richmond: J. U. Repass, president of the Richmond Institute; H. I. Cobb, Osborn; J. M. Bone, Kearney: E. C. Swan, Edgerton; E. E. Bostwlck. Lawson; C. K. Shilling. Kings ton; F. J. Maple, Platte City; Powell M. Cain. Polo; J. D. Hunt, Cowgill; J. ". Budd. Millvllle; H. L. Davis. Hardin: J. W. Slade, Rayville; Alfred Snowden, Mis souri City; V. L. Mj-ers, Parkville, and G. B. Smith, Smlthvll!e. Mrs. C. C. Car ter of Excelsior Springs will represent the) women's house-to-house mission work. The session will continue two days. Saea World's Fair Contractors. George W. Orr. a carpenter, formerly employed on the Fisheries building at the World's Fair, has brought suit In tha United States Circuit Court ocainst W. O. and C. G. Burton, contractors for the building, asking $15,000 damages for in juries alleged to have been sustained while working In the building last Julv. MR. JUSTICE FINNEMORE Judge of the Natal Supreme Court, Sends the Following Remarkable Testimonial TO CUTIGURA The World Is Cnticira's Field, Used Wherever Civilization Has Penetrated. "I desire to give my Tolnntary testi mony to the beneficial effects of jour Cutictrr Remedies. "" I hare suffered for some time from an excess of nrlo tcid In the blood; and since the middle of last year, from serere attack of Eczema, chiefly on the scalp, face, ears and neck and on one limb. I was for several months under professional treatments, bnt the remedies prescribed were of no avail, and I tras gradually becoming Trorse, tny face was dread fully disfigured and I lost nearly all my hair. At last, my wife prevailed upon me to try the Cntlcora Remedies and I gave them a thorough trial with the 'most satisfactory results. The disease soon began to disappear and my hair commenced to grow again. A fresh growth of hair is covering my head, and my limb (although not yet quite cured) is gradually Improving. My wife) thinks so highly of yonr remedies that she has been purchasing them In order to make presents to other persons'snf fering from similar complaints, and, as President of the Bible Women's Society, has told the Bible women to report u any case should come under their notice when a poor person Is so afflicted, so that your remedies may be resorted to." V ROBERT ISAAC FINNEMORE, j (juoge or me natai supreme uourt) I Plcteraurltzbnrg, Natal, Oct. 29, 1301. . SeM Iferaaf&ast ths world. CnSe&n Rasolrat. sta. f QafiMeTCbsratcMCtsM hk, K.psrtal of OX. V Otltmt,lsi-. ap.Si. DenMitIn4aa,sTCiatsr. ksw e.iPitb.stlnaaaks Falsi Putna. tsr Colss Sst A- Fetter Df-or Chest. Csrp. Bote Frape m SslfcfAUastls8slssl Stslsw IHAf'Sril j.3S -?,-vj.i'4'2:;--3'i4r: jm HARPER TAB00ES ALL CARD GAMES. Gambling Fever Among Univer sity of Chicago Students Threatened to Disrupt School. RBPCBLIC PFECLVL. Chicago. 111.. April .-Discovery of gambling amonsr the students of the Uni versity of Chicago, within the very wails j of the irEtttutlon founded ami supported J by John D. Rockefeller, has resulted In ! an upheaval anions tho students, an in quiry by President Harper and a ban upon all card games. Pedro, pitch, casino and soven-up are hereafter barred, as welt as poker, bridge and other ao-epted gambling games So widespread had the evil b .-o-ne J among the students Icfre discovery led I to the druttic order that It is said linan i cial embarrassment and even actual dis I tress on the part of several students re i suited. Remittances from home, often sent to the students at great sacrifice by I ra rents and relatives in country towns J were swallowed up in the fever of caralntr and Claris were neglected and study hours aoanaonea rjy tno3e Diitcn uy tne gam bling spirit. UNIVERSITY PRESIDENTS CONVENE IN COLUMBIA. 1 j Educators 1'rom Kilit Otitic 31cct to Confer on the lntiturtitnt j Topics of the Day. REPURLIC SrECIAI I Columbia, Mo., April ZC Tho university j presidents of the northern half of the i Mississippi Valley met here to-day to hold a conference on educational subjects The i conference will extend over tv.o daya and t It will consider such topics as may be chot-en from the Hat sent in by tho presi dents. Tho meetings wero held In President K. H. Jesse's private oiHce, and were rather I Informal. The first meeting of the con ference was held this afternoon. It was I followed in the evening at 7:3) o'clock Ty I an assembly of the faculty and students of Missouri University, In the auditorium ! and several of theyprcsidents made short I dent and Mrs. Jess a reception to the presidents and their wives, and to the professors, assistant professors and in structors of the university and their wiv es. The following presidents are In attend ance: James B. Angell. University cf Michigan: Cyrus Northropi University of Minnesota; George Ii MacLcan, Univer sity of Iowa: Wlnthrop II fctoce. Purdue University: Charles It. Van Ilise. Univer-sitv- of Vireons!n, Veb--ter Merrtfleld. University of North Dakota; Garwtt Dropptrs. University of bouth Dakota, Franl: Strong, University of Kansas; Richard H. Jesse, University of Missouri. CHIEF IS NOW THE FORCE. Two Webster rolicemen Dis missed for Economy's Sake. Policemen McCarron and Laccy of Web ster Groves wero dismissed from service at the regular meeting of the Board of Al dermen of that town llonday night. The dismissal was for tho sake of economy, and for that reason alone. It 13 said, as both men were considered efficient. There were but three policemen on the Webster Groves force, which now consists of Edward B. Nace. Ho was appointed Chief of Police and still retains that title. but at present Is Chief of himself only and has no subordinate to give orders to. It is possible, however, that a night watch man may later be appointed if the finances of the town vranant it. The board has also dispensed with the office of Street Superintendent, leaving tho Street Commissioner tho only official In that department. Tho savins amounts 'to 2uO a month. SK?fc EEACO.VnSSES ARC GRADUATED. Seren Yonnjr l-ndles Receive Diplo mas) at Staple Avenue 31. K. Church. At the second annual commencement ex ercises of the Epworth Evangelistic In stitute in the Maple Avenue II. XX Church last evening, seven young ladles received their graduation diplomas. The exercises were presided over by George Warren Brown and tho certlli catcs wero given by the Reverend Doctor F. W. twee. Those who recMved diplomas for tho full course were: JIlsscs H. R. Bell, Coshoc ton. O.: C. C. Tields. Mangold, O.: V. R. Fry. Altoona. Pa.: S. Powell, Cincinnati. O. Deaconess certificates wero awarded to Ms Elizabeth Wommer of Marietta, O., and Miss Amanda Strickland of St. Louis, while Miss Adella M. Ashbaugh received a Bible course certificate. DEPART TOR LOS AACCLES. Delegates to M. E. Church General Conference Number lOO. About 1C0 delegates to the General Con ference of the Methodist "Episcopal Church, which meets at Los Angeles May 2, departed from St. LouU over the Mis souri Pacific Railway for Kansas City last night. From there they will take the Sante Fe for tlvir destination. Representatives of the St. Louis district are tho Reverend N. Luccock. Frank P. Hays and Charles Nledringhaus. 1V1I1 Trll Story of Captivity. Mme. Tsllka, who two years ago was taken captive with Miss Stone by the brigands in the Balkan3, will speak con cerning her captivity and release this evening at the Compton Hill Congrega tional Church. During her captivity a lit tle daughter was born to Mme. Tsllka, which she will bring with her to St. Louis. Lecture on Pope Leo'XIII. John Louis Corlcy will give a lecture on Pope Leo XHI to-night at Sodality Hall, Coleman and North Market streets. A music programme will bo rendered In connection with the lecture, the proceeds of which will be lor the benefit of St. Teresa's Young Men's Sodality. THE WEATHER. Official Forecast Announced for To-Day and To-Morrow. Washington. April rs. Forecast for Wednesday and Thursday: Illinois Pair 'Wednesday and Thursday; warmer Thursday: freth north winds, Decern ing llcht and variable. Missouri and Iowa Pair Wdacsdzy an I Thursday: .arner Thcrdav. Eastern Texan Tfclr Wedccjay; -varcir In north portion. Thursday, lacreaslnc cloudi ness: fresh north wines, tsccmics southeast erly. Arkaafas. Indian Territory and Oklahoma Fair and warmsr WVtlnes-Jay. Thursday fair. Western Texas Fair WedDesdaj-; warmer In north portion. Thursday, increasing cloudi ness. Nebraska and Kansas Fair and warmer Wcdnrsday; showers Wednesday night or Thursday. Iluniness Stationery In correct form and finest engraving. "We are prepared for the most exacting detail. We Follcit your next order. MERMOD & JACCARD'S, Broadway and Locust. StctloMiy ItmfUt and friers mailed Jrtt. Drowned Trylnsr to Ford Creek. REPUBUC SPECIAL Marshall. I1L, April 26. George Brum mett, 27 years old, was dronned last even ing while attempting to cross the ford of a creek after a heavy rainfall. His body was recovered after being in the water eighteen hours. On Trial Cliurced With Murder. rtnPUBUC SPECIAL. Olney. III.. April X. Cyrus Beekman is on trial before Judge Crelghton In the Circuit Court here charged with the mur der of Frank Price? during the street fair In this city last Angust. l jJi.Ci-tVr. p';fe.-ti;--.'yt;y--jfe SmS'SmrolCT BROADWAY AMD LUCAS AVE. I urn 8 Die m ouFFeR jIKw,. A?c With Lung Rectal or Blood Disease. lit IMAWNRA - kd ? 'iy& ' v yvzy Ql V K5 i .v ., ..& T . ' 1 rm Wi , '& . Ji' ! xmm igjmtmzz wt ,ZJ SZSSrS SET WELL WHILE Y00 SLEEP . ! ViVnc way The Medicating Air Chamber. What tha Doctor Wants-What tha Patiant Heads ! ! Those livinc outside of St. Iiouis can have the same careful treatment bv; mail. Write for our literature, sent free anywhere. Physicians and Those Suffering Invited to Call. REYNOLDS SANITARIUM C0.9 i Offices, 1230 Clivs rn'iwm RAMSEY ORDERS SHOP CLOSED. President of Wabash Said to Have Adopted Sweeping Meas ures as Result of bar men's Strike. The Wabash Railroad shops at Decatur wtro yesterday ordered closed by Presi dent Ramsey. The ordor Is supposed to bo on account of tho etriko ordered by tho carmen's brotherhood. Half tho force obeyed the strike order. Too regular force numbered iOO men. "WILL FIGHT TO FIXISU." Ctraen'i Ofllclal States That 1,00'J Employes Will Go Oat. Kansas City, April 26. V?. It Detwiler, general secretary and treasurer of the Brotherhood of Railway Carmen of Amer ica, asserted to-day that 1,000 union car men on tho Wabash Railway have gone out at different points along the line. In response to tha order to strike Issued yesterday. All tha union carmen here and at Moberly, Mo., went out to-day. Mr. Detwiler said to-day: "We are op posed to strikes except as a last resort. Now that the strike has been ordered we will fight it to a .finish." A 10 per cent increase in wages and recognlton of the union are demanded. M. A O. FAIIl SCUEDIXE. Uslni; lleavy Bulls and Ballanlintr Truck. REPUBLIC SPECIAL. Mobile, Ala. April 28. The Mobile and Ohio will change its schedule May 13, giving faster time between this city and St. Louis on one train a day each way. Thl3 will be obtained by putting on an extra train dally each way between Oko lona. Miss., and St. Louis, which will do all the local work in North Mississippi, Tennessee and Southern Illinois. The train leaving here at 8:33 p. m. will arrive in St. Louis at 5 o'clock the following after noon Instead of as at present, and there will bo a corresponding reduction in the time of tha night trains from St. Louis to Mobile. The new through service will make con necUons at Meridian with Xew Orleans and at Artesla with Montgomery. An addi tional train a day on the latter division will give passengers from Southeastern States the benefit of the new servlco. The track of the Mobile and Ohio la now In flrst-class condlton, the company having replaced all its light rails with ninety pound steel, and It is at present ballasting tha entire line with eight Inches of gravel. To Elect Terminal Directors. At the meeting of the stockholders of the Terminal AssociaUoa to-day directors will be elected, and within a few days the directors will meet to elect offi cers. It is not expected that many changes will be made in the Board of Directors or olilclals, though new members may be added. Tha annual report, usually fud mitted at these meetings, v 111 not bo sub mitted until a meeting next Augu. It having been decided tha the Terminal should have its jear end July 31 Instead of December 31 as formerly. The next annual report, therefore, will be a state ment of operation for eighteen months. Ilearlnc Transferred. Xew Tork. April 20. The petition of E. II. Harriman and W. S. Pierce against the proposed method of dlstribtulon of the railroad stocks held by the Northern Se curities Company wn to have been heard by United States Judge Kirkpatrlck at Trenton, but. owing to Judgo Kirkpat rick's illness, tho hearing was transferred to this city. It was said to-day that the case probably would not be taken up be fore Thursday. President Loree Confers. Lv F. Loree. president of the Rock Island Company, arrived In St. Louis yesterday nnd will remain hero this week. Mr. Jjoree conferred with officials of the Frisco yes terday and to-cay will attend the Joint conference of the Rock Island and Frisco officials, at which B. Lv Winchell, B. F. Yoakum and other officials will attend. Joint Passenger Meetlnsr. A meeting of the Southeastern Passen ger Asosclation ;wHl be held to-day at the Hotel Jefferson, for the discussion of rates and matters pertaining to the Fair traffic. Members of the St. Louis asso ciation will confer wtlh the Southeastern representatives. rtody of Nesrrens Found In River. H. O'Brien, employed at the Excliange Elevator, found a negro female's body In the river yesterday. It was removed tol DomhofTs moreue. where an lnouest was held yesterday afternoon. A' verdict of death due to unknown cases was returnad. ESESJ Cancer, Skin Dr. H. J. Reynold!, tho suc cessful telrntist. has be n pre vailed upon to s.ll 1.1- Re-ndics nnd Discoveries to the Rfynold3 Sanitarium Co.. Dr. Reynold", however, remaining with the Company. TELEGRAPHI3 TESTIMOMIAtS FROM 3,203 CURES PATItHTS. Two h rIre2 tflezrara: ni to fimer l -it. nt3 all answered simi lar to the following: cut ii J. ciinxcr. "- fDrr.ntrc!!. r. Na'hvllle Di-i Jjr II J Ueno)ds cure vcu of cancer? Opinion of hi3 ability. Yes perfectly reliable. II. J CHE-VET. Tes v-ould trust 11m as soon as air l!vl3? man REV. J. U COOrER. D I Marion. Mis. Good cured rav vvife and nacT others fctre. I'. I." BAn.nV. Winston, N C Was curJ of cancer by Dr. Key colds six )ear3 aRO. 3. - jnjnnvs. So. Pittsburg. Tenn. Have personal knowledea of nary cures of cancer and tkth di fpass by Dr Iteynolds rtar 1 hlm most succ-"ful specialint in hi? Ilr.?. BUrORD OOODWIN". Ct Kahl!I Xctvs. Xo on? has so cood reputation. J. 31. LISI.R. ! O.. CoiumbU3, O. For Consumption. Pneumonia. Bronchitis. Catarrh, Asthma and Hay Fever. Breathing the vapor of the germicidal fluid gives Immedi ate relief and a sure cure. Indorsed by the following eminent professional gentlemen and others: W. 1 Dick. 1L D.. Columbus. O. J. II. Monlcser. '51. D.. CoIamfcus.O. B- r.utlege, M. D.. EJenton. O. Win. M. Carp. M. D.. Philadelphia. W. E. ifcaiurray. SI. D.. Marion. O. Sf. Hours: 9 n. m. to S p. m., every day. "'TIS RATED HIGH," Ejaculates Sammy Shoestrings, "Atnonz men who know leather is Corona Colt. They kaowthat the finest coltskins tkat com: down to the Xijni Fair in Russia go into Corona Colt. Its secret tanning renders it soft as abibj's cheek yet as full of wear ai an eje is full of chicken. This bet of leather is combined with the best of shoe making and the result is La France 53 Shoes and 92.50 Ox fords for woMen. Sold only by Bake r-B a y 1 e a Shoe Co., 6th near Washing ton." L0UBET REVIEWS SOLDiERS. Visits the Roman Forum and Re ceives Ambassadors. Rome. April 23. President Loubet to day drove to the Piaia d'Arml with Queen Helena, and reviewed 20.000 troopa XL Loubet and the Queen were accom panied by King Victor Emmanuel and the royal Princes, and followed by ocveral hundred staff officers, and the foreign military attaches. 31. Loubet and the King later visited tho Roman forum, where they were re ceived by Professor Benl. who. In their presence, unearthed three prehistoric, tombs. 31. Loubet then visited the Coliseum, the Baths of Caracalla. and the unfinished monument of Victor Kmmanuel II. This evening the French President received in Srlvate audience each of the Ambassi on He was most cordial to Ambassador 31eyer. HAND FOUND ON BRAKE BEAM. White Man's Severed Member Left on Wabash Car. The right hand of a white man was found yesterday afternoon on the brake beam of Wabash car Noi S20S4. The hand had been severed at the wrist. The car arrived in St. Louis. April 11, from Carlow. 3Io., and has been In St. Louis rJnco. It -was taken to the Wabash trades, near Compton avenue, yesterday, when the hand was discovered by Fire man Iroe Isle of No. 13)1 Adams street. The Grolock Vehicle Co., B15 North Broadway, show the very latest styles in Surreys. Stanhop-is. Traps, etc Howard School Additions. Superintendent Soldan ha3 caused the erection of two portable buildings at the Howard School, Twenty-third and Benton streets, to relieve the congestion which has prevailed there for some time. The new buildings will bo ready to-morrow, when the children will be able to put in full hours. Instead of half-days. a3 at present. Blrthmonth nines, :.1.00. Solid Gold and carved with "Lily" the correct flower for April. Initial or mon ogram engraved free. JIERJIOD & JACCARD'S, Broadway and Locust. Catalog and ring tori frit Writt for It. The Mississippi Flood. Now is the time to see the great Father of Waters in its grandeur and majesty not as a raging torrent, but an awful, silent implacable force. The steamers Corwin H. Spencer and City of Providence will leave Olive street and Locust street docks dally at 11:00 a. m.. 1, 2 and 3 p. m. These trips will be full of life and Interest. Twenty miles; two hours; 25 cents; Traction Company Dissolved. At the annual meeting of the Venice.' Madison and Granite City Railway Com pany, by unanimous vote the corporation was dissolved and the charter surrendered, The company sold out to the Granite City and St. Louis Railway Company, in which Governor D. R-. Francis, Fred E. Allen and E. J. Spencer are" the principal stock holders. A certified report of the action of the meeting wa3 filed for record at Edwardsville jresterdaw. ,W rl. ran a ik .v m. m. m. c i ww m wkw w vVi mm Misses' Donzola Lace Shoe, patent leather tip, low heel, weiffnt soie sizes is iu 2, widths D and E A shoa actual value SI. 50 for Sizes in above shoe, S4 to 11, spring heel. Misses' Fine Donjola Shoe lace, patent leather tip school heel, medium-weight sole, extended i AE edge sizes 11 4 to 2, B to E wlifcV Sizes SA to 11, Dto E, spring heel BOYS' IHD YOUTHS' OXFORDS. . UD1ES' OXFORDS. same medium sizes 11 to 2 and 2a to s and worth it edge, to 8, quicK MEAL CAS RANGES. fesL JaBW apL A -Mv 18JL 3jjM out of order. It also has a Cold Handle Bar, which prevents you from burning your fingers while handling the oven door. Quick Meal Gas Ranges are Quality, and are the only Gas Ranges made in St. Louis that are indorsed by the Gas Company. We are selling them at very low prices. RINGEN STOVE CO., SIXTH, NEAR LOCUST. Headquarters for the largest variety of Cookies Utensils In the Worlt BARRY CASE IS REVERSED. Appellate Court Says Woman Cannot Recover Damages. The St. Louis Court of Appeals yester day rev ersed a judgment for 1250 obtained by Kate Barry against Calvary Cemetery Association for an injury sustained July 13, 1502. While visIUng the grave of her brother she stepped Into a hole and sprained her ankle. Presiding Judge Bland, who wrote the opinion, said that sho was not entitled to recover, because the accident occurred after she left the roadway. The lots, he said, were private property, although In charge of tho cemetery association, nnd she had no right on them. No negligence was shown on the part of the cemetery employes, he said. Associate Judges Goode and Reyburn concurred in the opinion. Other decisions wero: By JudEi" Bland: UeoTEe W. Hlnkla, resp., vs. Pearl R. Rlnkls, B-vp.: cicy: axnrmea. Louisa Kerstlne. resp., vs. Robert TVhlU, app.: city: sfnrmed. Susls van Cleve. resp.. vs. St. L.. M. S. E. Ry. Ca. spp.: Pemiscot County l reversed. J. J. Taylor, resp., vs. Western union Tele graph Company, app.; Honttomery County; re verse.!. V alter C. Collete, spp., vs. A. Reborl et a., resp.; Gwm county; reversed and remanded wlta directions. J. M. O'Urady, spp.. vs. StotU City Bask, resp.; lawreccs County; reversed and re manded. KeneSck-Hammonil Co . resp., vs. Norwich Union Fire Insurance Company, app.; Law rence County: reversed. August A. Brock, resp.. vs. St. Louis Transit Company, app.: bt. Louis County; affirmed. Frank L. Thompson, resp., vs. tVUllazn Uuccholz. app.; Hannibal C. of C P.; af llrmed. J. V. Mears. later., resp. vs. W. A. Gate et al.: Pemiscot County; afflrnvd. James Hendriz. resp.. vs. Wabash Railroad Companv. app.; Audrain County: alarmed. S. M. Rice, resp., vs. Wabash Railroad Com pany, app : Audrain County: afarmed. Daniel Erannock. resp.. vs, .St. U. M. & B. B. Ity. Co.. app.; New Madrid County; af firmed. Ii F. Creelman t. Co.. app., vs. Edward De Lisle. rep.: Cape Girardeau County; re versed and remanded. Franz Restetzky. resp . vs. Delmar Avenne end Clayton Kailway Company, app.; city; af firmed. Uy Judro Goode: 12. R. Darllnsrtcn L. Co.. resp.: vs. Betsey Harris, app.: St. Louis County: affirmed. Supreme Council, Ladles of Honor. rep vs. Matilda Palmer et aL. deft.. Ella J. Palmer, etc.. app.: city: affirmed with directions. Edgar 3. lilankenmelater. app., vs. Julia Blankenmeister, resp.; city; affirmed. Kll2a Fuller, app . vs. Atchison. Tbpeka and Santa Fe Railway Company, resp.; Clark Coun ty: affirmed. J. A. Botts. rpt . vs. Wabash Railroad Com pany, app.; Audrala County; reversed and re manded. J. L. Fence, resp . vs. Iter. Town Mutual In surance Company; Howell County; affirmed. f. Gulnnev. re-p.. vs. City of Willow SJprinjs. app.; Howell County: affirmed. George W. S. resp.. vs. A. M. Malonee et aL. app.: Montgomery County: affirmed. Supreme Council. Royal Arcanum, pltf.. vs. Vlvla Clyde Bevls. Inter., app.. Garrard Strode, a dmr.. Inter, resp.; city; reversed and remanded nith directions. L. E. White, ap.. v. E. 8. Wilson, resp.; Barry County: reversed and remanded. John McCloskey. resp.. vs. Pulitzer Publish ing Company, app.; city; reversed and re manded. Michael Doner, app.. vs. Fred Iothr. Jr., et al.. resp : city: reversed and remanded. Hy Judee rteybum: Kelley-Ooodfellow Shoe Company, resp., vs. CASTORIA FsrbtaisialCU Tbi Kiid Yom HiTi Alwajs Bought k--,ti -Vh-.c i- r".fe"v5f,sijJ,,jiS - p - - ".! Bargain of 1904 a j:j i medium- YV1NNER 98c 89 Sl.00 ny Jk Boys' and Youths' Dongola Oxfords, tip of - weight slight extension ssle SI.50 Ladies' Kid Blucher-cut Oxford patent leath er tip, turned sole, Cuban heel, 1 C f 2to8, AAtoE. VlaWll Ladies' Dongola Blucher-cut Oxford, Patent Leather tip, welt sole, close Cuban heel, 2J4 AAtoE $2.00 Ladies Patent Colt Blucher-cut Oxford, dull quarter, Goodrear r, tjooayear $2.50 welt, slight extension sole, neat Cuban heel, 2tf to8, AAtoE An Inveslig alion Shows Why "Quick Meal" i Gas Ranges Are Better Than Any Otter Make "Quick Meal" Barriers are shaped so as not to gather dirt that drops down while cookiner. They cannot clog: up like the old style burner with little jet holes. Quick Meal Oven Door is balanced with a weight and has no sprinff or catches to ?et first in number sold, first in Dir. el Aaiertcsa Stove Co. 'MaStH always bears this signature on tke label. It insures perfect satisfac tion, and is a pro tection againstall the troubles and warries caused by a aa l aM ftittoiNB """"' iumauuiu. vi The Improved requires no tacks. Wood rollers. Tin toilers. I SI. IEST LINE TO CINCINNATI SLEEPERS PARLOR GARS. K. C. Bassell, Inter, app.; Texas' County Uettfe Eroylfs et aL. resp.. ya. Peter AksssssV, app.; Greene County; levelled and remandsT Arkanans Women's Claris Gatkrta! REPUBLIC SPECIAL. Helena. Ark., April 28. The seventh an nual meeting of tha Arkansas FederaOosj of Women's Clubs, that convenes at the) State House In Little Rock at 10 o'clock to-morrow, will be attended by the fol lowing representative members from thlfl city: Mrs. J.B.- Pillow, Mrs. VT. D, Reeves, Mrs. Max Lnyne, Miss Jennie Pll low. Mrs. Edwin Glvins. Mrs, A. N. Taa ner. Mrs. G. H. Fflberg. Mrs. a I& ngnier ana Mrs. o. F. Moore. .. tS f'':"v oi me xeaerauon. Jtrsv v M. Heale or this city, will not be present on account of the recent death of he husband, Mr. W. M. Neale. The first Tic president, Mrs. John R. Dale of Texar kana, is expected to preside. Bears tha SignatBT of h: - 'X &V0& 4 H is fe. M 1) I 151 II -j l - ----... ." .,- .. - '3!t5a54? Sfeas.i ,.-i?-z