Newspaper Page Text
v-a " J THE ST. LOUIS REPUBLIC: WEDNESDAY, 'APKIL' 27. 1904. te re. lv te- F ROOMS FOR RENT. TEJrrH. 1109 S. One newly furnished room; second-fioor front; bath. THE INN. US Ijjcas Cool rooms. ZOo. tSo dally: weeilv. 11.20. M.E0: baths. THBODOHIA. Kit (One Block North ot Baa- ton) Furnished rooms. TiIEIttA. SOT N. rgo eecond-storr front room; ga. hot bath: for gentlemen only. nilllTUUNTH. 2S51 B. Newly furnished nxm; bath: for one or two: $ per month; prhate family. Tn PAIR VISITORS Wanting room. I am prepared to furnish rooms at SOo lo l and JLW: toib very fine place. CUll (.S3 Century building, z. T. North- cutt. TOWEIl GROVE, SOltA. (Hotwecn ItussU and Castieman) Two large connecting front room", and on. hall room? furnished; good neighborhood; southern exposure; rent re&son ahle. TUTFIH. 2333 R Unfurnished room. TV, EI.FTH. 3C12 S. A few eatra large rooms in private ranwr TWEXTV-FinST, 11I3S4. N. On axtra-large loom, newly furnished; two or more gentlemen; no nouseaerping. -rivr lr rfernhle. unfurnished rooroai cen tral location; very reasonable. 214 N. Third St., room a. VAN-nEVEXTEat. SOLa. X. Newly furnished rooms, for gentlemen. VERNON. 6701 I-Arge unfurnished room; net and cold bath. VERNON. 551 Very desirable modem rocros: mlnut&s' wait to Fair; Suburban cars one-half blmk. VERNON. Btt World'a Fair aooomruoda tlans : furnished rooma near around: two rates serosa street: prtrat family: phona and bath tree. VERNON. U30 Cabaana Apartmanta; asaolal rate month SJT 3 week: two persona; clean rooms: comfortable beda; not bath free; aauc lna; dutanca Fair; bank references: write early. VIRGINIA. Btt-irurnlahrd rooms; electric light and bath: ahada treee and lawn. VON VERSEN, EKI Lsrre. airy rooms t mod ern: ht Mocks Fair: call Monday. Tueuiiy. Thursday, rrlday. VON VERSEN, MSI Rooma or World Tilt Tltors; prlrats horns; modern; four bloc i Undall entrance. v -CQV K Trr.mtlon.1 aeOOmmO- dation dltn advani ;ona and jooaiion tor umx twhvi., wb.... nnr. vrthln n.w: rooms reseo'ed In vanoe. Kin. Delmar gw. rTALNUT. El Nicely furnished rooms In Get nelrtborhood: reasonable terms. WAWON. 1001 Suite of tao beautiful rooms; us. piano: couple or gentlemen; suburban cam. WALTTON. 1MB Very desirable rooms: prt vaie family; perman.nt or transient: -er roa soaabls; Fata can. WASHINGTON. IMS Newly f ahed rooms by day or wee WASHIXaTON. SS7 Nloolr furnished rooms; light and ftlrr; all conyejuencea. WASHINGTON. M Nicely furnished rooro for vlaltora: frnrt-clasa acccmrrax Uona. wiaraxnTON'. 12 Nicely furnished . floor room; so nice parlor room: hot WASHINGTON. J5J-I3eg-nt rooms to re flnx). fitrt-cls-1 peopla. Phone !ndell WM. WABH1NOTON. 3S1 Nicely furnished rooms: aouthsrn. arooaora: all Tloaeiu wntuwuiwrjv. WASHTKOTON. aUT Nicely furnJahed tporaa; laaorabl rataa to parti Tbdtlng the raj r. WABHTN-TON. JOSS-Jncaly fcrnlshed tooma x Btom to World'a rmir: e ry oonvenicnce. 'saCTBr- 0t Nloeiy funlahad rooms gntata; cara lreot te Fair a WASHtKa jb4-J1ooi frp tront parlor. Mff-Kloahr' gentlemen furnished efc or couplet also floor front, for ganl nA. wiBfllvnTOTf. atoo Flandaoraelr rornlshed aptrtmentj tor World'a Fair Tlsltora; direct lm a to Fair. T?J3HINOTON. -114 Nicely furxdstted rootoa; ail modern convonlencaa: phone serrlce; 1bo rear room: -lousekeeplng. VAim-:GTO-r, SlOJ-BeaatlfuIlr rooms; modern; wuthem exposure bath; for World's Talr visitors. furnished poroelaln WA-THINGTQN, 3Kt Well furnlahed. clean rooms for visitors; best conveniences; cr to and from Fair stop opposlto door, and lint from Union Station; 50 canta to SI. WEST BELLE Place. 4066 Two hsndsomsly furnished rooms: fl & head. WlST BELLE. 4043 Newly furnished rooms; ens rocm for four gentlemen: hot bath. ffsA. WEST BELLE. 3W- EIerantly furnished rooms by dar or week; all modern conven iences. WEST B ELLE Place, 4324 WeU-furnlshed room. sultaoU for two; good neighborhood; rea sonable. WEST BELLEX 4341 Nicely furnished front room: southern exposure; all conveniences; phone. WEST BELLE. 4MS Elegantly furnished rooms; suitable for thres or four BnUenen; bath. gas. WEST BELLE. 4i68 Room, southern exposed; excellent large, third-floor room, for three tn tlemen; reasonable to permanent people; tele phone WEST BISLLE Place. 1S Several econd floor furnished front rooms: bath, teltpaao: Irnrnedlate posre-wion: call day or ejrettfn;, Jl l?er week each and up. WEST PINE Boulevard. S.61 Flnt-claM board and rooms; In fine residence district j fine romnT location: terms reson&ble. rl!TTZER, S-T Nicely furnished rooms; bath; all convonlflnces; rftnUeman preferred. WHITTIER, 2414 N. Nicely furnished parlor, for two genUemen employed; permanent r mj; referencea. WINDSOR. SX Two desirable second-floor front rooms; private house; every comfort. FOR IVOULD'S FAIR VISITORS. Delmar. 4S47A Furnished second-story front parlor; other rooms; gaa, bath, screens; fn Oejnen only. No. 4610 Olive 8t. Rocma: Tumty furntbed; Npt rate, or tn altejt wdtU'is plr perloO. JEFFERSON ROOMING AGENCY. , furaiihea nl urXarnCed nTDttUTB IDF iui; n , iW -OIlUT i X-Hlg. FURNTTURE AND CARPETS CHEAP FOR CASH. ir-tfr s:si l2r522 beda. JLSB; sprtngm, Hi ra, (So a pair) bedroom kW waanstxrjoa, mjni tlon'wla' todTpadst 6.W. Th. on, Franklin era. ana jugBtn gx. ROOUS WITH BOARD. MMWw.wwwwewwwwew.iM ALL peraoos wishing board, apply Central Room Agency. 14 N. Fourth at., room ft. ALL person, wishing rooms, with or with out board, apply to Central Room Agency, 14 Oi. JlTnirui. room a. aecona uoor. AUBERT, 1142 Fnrn'shed rooms, with board; walking dlatano, of Fair; Pag, cars. AUBERT, 1111 On. second-atoty front room; poarn optional: genvicmen or cpupie. AUBERT. S04-pss pleasant furnished back room, with board, for gentlemen; references; reasonable. BARTMER. COT Two front soothern-isiiossd rooms; breakfast If desired; close to Fair. BELL, J1E7 Booms and board; private fam Hy: gentlemen only. BELT. 1W4A Party of six gentlemen; perms, neat: rellabl.: wl low's home; good board. BLAJNB. 4397 Two lovely front rooms; em expofluret privaxa i&raiiy; witn board. thont BOARD and rooms for two couple; 20 minutes from the Fair grounds: fresh eggs, fruit and rood cooking; Is xer week eaca person: no children. Fredericks. HOT Robins are. Basel gill. Ma; take Olive or Suburban oar to Mld nd car on Page are.: get oft at Le Roy; waut one oioca nozxn. BROADWAY. 1405 R Large front rtxnn; bads Itc. with or without board; meals 35c. BROADWAY. 2712 N. Neatly furnlshtd without board: bath; respeer- rooms, with B. Wltn people. ante CABANNE. g04S Choice rooms firs blocks to Fair: Japanese accommodated; breakfast It de sired. CALIFORNIA, 4115 Nice, flrst-olaas room, with beard; first floor; bath; rasi for couple or two gentlemen; Jl par day each; cs other room ers: good car conneotlon. CASH. 1J30-Newly board: private German furnished motna" and family; 4J week; for gentlemen. CATEa. K (The AmsterdarrJ1 Especlsiiy . tan min TaTrorest prepared for World' uria s umir guasts utea walk to Fair; now Doaarng. H3. CHOUTRAtJ. 1 Nicely furnished, with board, for gentlemen; reasonable. CLARK. t4-Furnlrtied rooms, with or with out ooara. COMPTON, 46rt-Ona nicely fnmlshed as and bath; with or without board: i gas gentle- men. COOK. 4C15 Nicely furnished rooms: good home cooking: convenient to World's Fair cars. COOK. 40(8 Nloely furnished south room; hot water, bath, gas; good board; two gentle man or ladles working: reasonable. Pbone Lln dett SS3A. COUPLE- or two gentlemen can secure front room, wlut board, in private famllT-; refined neighborhood; Russell ave.. Block ssn; Jis month; talephonev COTE BRILLIANTS. ;c-Large furnished parlor: facr gentlemen visiting Fair: 13 each. SELMAR. 4421 South front and other rooms; h or without board; English family. DELMAR, CT35 Choloe rooms, with cats In connection: meals at all hours; close to Fair. DELMAR, 410 Elegantly furnished rooms; best board ter two; permanent; reasonable. DELMAR,-'413-World'a -Fslr visitors can fatd superior" accommodations by day or week. with breakfast. sxSgTfi i"wur,S Why buy psfonarmnd boo xTrutf taaraaor, Franklm aTSL and Balitn seL aMyToir prleaaT IroS mattracas,. ILfl; pule nlu. W: dftisen, I Aim. "&.1S? fod& . tl.CO: oaenbina- HOOJH WITH BOAItD. rAIRMOUXT. S234 EJcgnntlv furnished rooms and board In sight of World-. Fair grounds. FAlltAiuuNV. 5U11 Itooms In owner's beautl fnl. modem. West liid home: hot nnd cold wa ter In rooms: breakfast If desired: near Fair. FINNIJV. 3U Nl.-ely furnished rooms: good board; nil conveniences: iu to $6. FIHhT-Cl-A:; room and board: largti dlnlng room and Mtchtn. board AlMtors: thirty roomi: call Immedlitrli Tl' 25. JtepuMIc lXJItCST l'ARK, SSJl-ConneclIrg second-Jlrt.r front room; beard optional, bliick pouth of 1-aclcdc (AIlltlMIX. 1341 K. rurnl'bn'l p irlor. with or without Iocd!: to1- ono or two g'-nttemen. I1IU.M), SCS N. Nrat rooms; Christian hnrr.; ran conirnlent; boird optional; Fair vj.-itors. CKANI) i.Neir Tower Grove lMrlcl Tinea targe, beautiful room-: for scr.llemen only; :ltit clnss bvril: two In rcom. S.B: three In room. 125 cucjl. I'U CI. Republic. GI!ANl, 2i"i N. Tvo fine, lonre. newly fur nl.h3d co:rIng rcwms: for a club of pentlc rren; Wcrld' lUr tenors tmnfer to any part of tho city. S conls fare. cn Irfto rreal; rooma larce enotgh for slv double b"d each: rafe. ulghly re-pctab!e place: reasonrblo ;rice. HARTIMltp. 3C0 Nlcfly furnished morrs. nrar Tower Grovo Park, brcakrast If desired; com anient to three car line: prttato family. KKNNniil.V. t Xatry furnished room; rood botrd: thrr. gentlemen; boani, intlor cir KEXNCTT PIWVCE. 1SJJ Nicely furnished rooms and board; conveniences; east of Lafay ette l'a TIC KING'S HIGHWAY. 727 rooms, with lcard: Ollr. oars: boarders taken N. r-rrnlshed near Vnn day KINO'S mail WAY. li N. Beautiful southern-rxposed rooms, slnfiU or en stilts; poara: 'phone, rorest ism. LACLEDE. :6M Ronras and flr3t-ass osrdi t7 per week. IACGDn. isis-Kleal- furnished rooma, with good poanl. iras. hot bath. ACLiBDB, SJ7 Two larite. finely furnished rorms. wltli or without board. JUACI.trDK, M19 Nice, board; gaa and bath; r lawn light rooma: ry reaanable; good nloe I,KAVTT. l Nicely fumlihed room, with bo?.rd; every conenlence; cars pass door. AFATETTH. W32 First-Boor front room for two fronts; two meals day; reasonable; con tcntrncet IAAVTON. -PIT Foard nd room by the weeX, JT.; mc-dern: scod e-lcn LwYWTOX, 7ii) niepant, up-to-date rooms; nrit-cla- accommodatlopi: boanl If dealrd LAWTON', tin UleKantly furufcihed rooma and break fagt. Jl day. Telephon1 Kin. D77L IA".TON. 7?S Itren aerond-noor front -.haul r-m. for four E-ntlcnen; Trlth or without Ward. I. VWTON". 34-S Elernt cortd -floor front and ccnrfctln(; room-; fouthfm and northern eIosure; other rooms; small prlvata family; board optional LOCUST M.. Iiy Nrly xurruaea rnoaia and fuit-lagr hoard: reewona ible. IOCUST. 930-.le comfortable rOMris: belt l--rtl: moderate rates to gontlemn. C 7-S. I-OCTrST, 14-4 Room and board; Talr vMtnrs and day boajders cconraoitedt Mra. M. Thomaa. LUCAS. 31 U Comfortably rooms; ood hora coordnir: splendid mirrcundlmta. LUCAS. 84TT Lovely front room, with r class board and all conrentenee. LUCAS. 15 Inre roomB, well Aim Wind, with home bcrd rates to grritiamaa If pr manent. LUCAa 8018 Nice, llfht. plecaant roornt: well rurnlshed, with ffood boa; reuonabl; pricr; pnoo-. LUCAS. 3-tUstul, clean pSace; swlcct room and board; strictly modern, home Mice; World's Fair visitor and permanent: free phone; Ktcloch C 1217. At dspet, eighteenth st. car to Wsdlarton ase , transrer mi Pace or LHlmar cars: tlop at our door; direct route to World's l?lr. IIANCUESTHR. M31 Room and b-:rd. W week. MAPL.I1 5711 Nicely furelshad rocas; board optional: transients: ten' valk to Fair. MAPIiS. BOO Cholcs aouthern-axposd front rocrrs. with braakzast; permanent, or trana lcnt&. McMILLAN. esA BoauUtullr furnlsned rooms, with flrstIaaa board; la prlvata farally. 1UNBRVA. 6069 Seconl-stoty front room, with, board, for two gentlemen, 969. or ccupl $Tt: prlrat, family. MONTGOM-KRY, 3S6 yurcUhed front. pac room, wun uraa raai. MOROAN. 15 Flrst-clus room and board at $5.&) per weelc: nice, lara;, room,. MORGAN. 4015 Furnished roo-ns and board; from $46 to t75 for two: all conveniences. MORGAN. a&48 Plrat-olas. rooma and also visitors cared for. Phona KInlcch D III MORGAN. JOS Nlcolr furnlanad rooms: class board; Tlsltora to fail cared for. Kin. V 3IZ. MORGAN, fcont. with lenies. 31SO Nicely furnished Mnood-floor alcove; best board; all conven- NATURAL, BPUDOE Road. I60 Ntatly fnr nlahed rooms; board If desired: modern con -renloncea. NIC33I.Y furnished rooms. S1.E0 par oonpla; breakfast If dtslred; a minutes from World'a Fnlr- prltato family; elecant location. 15T 1. Republic. OLrv'E, SIS Eepant room- near Fair; three or four; home cooldns;; JT week. for OLIVE, 8748 Nicely furnished rooms; dlraot Una to World-, Fair; breakfast If desired. OLIVK. 4265 Beautiful rooms: southern expo sure: on three car lines; modern conTonleoeas; board optional. OREGON, nitRooms and board: prtvata family; convenient to World's F&lri ynxr -fionable. I'AOEi szre Finest French table board town, by week or month; room optional. in PAOH, 4S4SA World's Fair visitors; nrst-claa. acoommodatlons; good board; reasonable; Fair olose, PAQD, 447T Nloely furnished, extra lafgiT second-story room; southern Szposurst Cod board. PAOEv S04T Large front room! southern as poeure; eivery convenlenoe! Drealtfast if desired; PAGE, cm-Near Fair; fir, oars in all di rections; large and small splendid roonxs, with knest xamuy taDie; reasonaoie; rsiennoes sx- PARK. IB3 Well-furnished room And beard) southern exposure; all oonTcnlerae. KSION FRANCO-BULGE d, Dremlrr Malson da famltte. ores Eznoaltlon M I lime, de oars. E279 Pas boulevard : ctuarD.r select. ZZI 3S32 Onnoaita Tixwtr OrOiv and Grand Ave.) Large, beautiful, oool imi: well furnished: flrst-clasa hoard frasn oowa milk; 2 line of cars. I'JNia. fast Furnished rooms, wlttv or W.thout board: visitors aocommodated. PrNB. 2107 Nicely furnished - rooms for World's Fair vfcttorn; telephone, gas, hot bath; good board: terms reasonable. FINE, 3124 Large, nicely furnished second floor front and other rooms; single or en sulti: first-class board: modern conveniences. RUSSELL. 2&at Larae. light, alnr rooma. wlUx the best of tablo board; modem 19M house: lawn and parlor: no vvona', M-air prices; convenient to cars. SCHOOL. 31SS Nicely furnished room: snlt alile for four; board It desired; reatocabfa. SHENANDOAH. 4154 Newly furnished sitting-room and connecting bedroom, with, hot bath, right to use dining-room and kitchen, to desirable couple. BMAT.T. ramlly of adults will accommodate four parties, ladles or gentlemen, employed; room and board-225 each: two In a room; lo cation south of Paqe: convenient to Ollr, and aibnrban cars. Tl ; Republic. SPRING, 20C3. N. Nicely furnished room with bath, gas; good board; private family. ST. LOUIS. 473 One nicely furnished front room and board, for couple; $ eachi take tass ave. car going west. ST. VINCENT. 2121 Rooms with breakfast; World's Fair visitors; day or week; car lines. STEWART Place. 140J Nicely furnished room, second floor, for two refined gentlemen; in pri vate family: board It deBlred. SUBURBAN. &JU Three nloely furnished rooms, with breakfast; modem; private family near Fair. TAYLOR, 423 (Near Olive) Best ot room, with board, for World's Fair Tlsltora. Tlia ELMS. Klrkwond, JSriiosltlon: send for cards. Mo. Accessible to THOMAS. 2301 Comfortably furnished room, with board; modern conveniences; very reason able; home cooking. TWELFTH. 2343 S. Woultt ilka to bar, fir, or six gentlemen to room and board. VERNON. 4701 One choice furnished roomi modern: private family: Page cars to 4M0 west. VERNON, 1324 Beautiful rooms; home; with board: fifteen minutes1 Fair: day boarders taken. modern walk to VISTA. 2853A Beautiful furnished rooms; IHItlira. Ufc WHilUj WXlJf tUl LMWi (1BCU Oppiy, VICTOR. 014 Furnished mra. for thre at aj.60, with two meals per day. VON YERSBN. tWT-Elejtar.Uy furnished rooms: southern exposure, with breakfast and dinner: modern private ramlly; five blocks to Fair entrance. WALNUT, 3154 Newly furnished with board: near union union Station. WALTON. 1009 (4700 West) Rooms In private family:- ge-ntiemen only: board optional, s WALTON 15 (1701 West) Bost of rooms. With board: Suburban cars: permanent people. WANTBD-To board a girl baby, z to f rears eld: will give best of care: pries rea ionable. 4211 Warne ave. WAaHEXGTON. 3101 First-class rooms and board; modern: ior couples or gentlemen. WASHINGTON, SOW Large second-floor front for Visitors: first-class board; hot bath phone. 'A-"n"lxvr't wwi-,ivw iuiisnco rooms, with or without board: for visitors to World's Fair. tpiciniivw ..'vr XT...A.. .. - . WASHTNQTON. 1383 Beautifully fumtshad rooms, with or without board; lenccs; reasonable. ui conven- VA3HINaT0N. 2B Two second-story roomsv single and double, with board: first-class la fKT gnicuiar; rvasonaDie; people. cnty hlfh-dati WEST BE1XB. - 0ttm H.isWv ww flsf uoo.iis with nn.vnD: Ar LST UUai:. 43GT Nicely furnMicd room; nil concnk'iicei; first-clasw beard. WI3ST RKL.X-U 4M3 KIccant roona. eooiI board; gentlemen; fu tm cK. WI25T I.KIjLL ijnfv Kurnlrtra rema; noo.i board; tatli or Katlcmen cmjloril leicpnona viv irpimar. roonn to World" Talr ju,' -who will ray H.icrnllv for good heme: with rtxh! JK'anl. i:.ST riN'13 iu'.oird. SIS nrrt-clfisa ropms and day !oard for World's Fair -visitors. WEST PIXC UoUevard. 3iRS Kirely fJr nIhliNj rooms, with board; tmnslenta uccoinmo dated wi-ksrii i xtrn :r. WorMS lMfr Kueit? ceJUiit bojrd 4214 Oin oxomrartdM with pleasint roora3; ex V tjnUNSli;it. 3;'0 Illeffintly front rooms, with riijrfricr taiil ; tio.ird; refcrRcta reiulrcd furnished ilso table WIUTTIK.U HIS I'siae nr. an I ;3lmar cam: nicely furnished i-ooina and brard, modern con ienuiiie) Kln'och I'hfnu. Deltnar Siii7I. Attention, ttorlri'w l'alr VlrUnrH! EploaJIdly furnlthcd roomr, with nrst-claF hoanl, prtato fureUy. u.t nasnT.aldc irtes. 2315 X. FrrlPiT. . ST. GSCKGIS HOTEL- 3713 OUe st ; roon.s J"i a weeU nn: up: stoam beat: hot v ater: fre batli.. illnlnK-rooro THE ALfJ..Wr. 4S73 r.ico ji.. on direct car line to World's Talr: in .allan distinct. vt bulMinir, new funiWilnc, itrt-cla-a prrIt. LiOia. c:fi In connection l'hont Klnlch 17 Delmar ROOMS FOR VISITORS. woru-D's rAin sRiin: cmjb. An crpanlzrtlon cf resectable priva. fami ne offerlnt: Jlrst-tlasa accommodations at rea ftw.ahlo rric. Our roonu an located In d3 tachetl rrUato houson, whero ou will b ac corded the best of service, with no ri-lc of ae cident. such ai fire, crondlnic. tc All location! fnplly acrevllilo to ldr irrounds end to all butlne-s and amurmdnt centerr of th city. N"o charse for re-xrv.r itpts. Hnrrpj ywim now. tc (tiu-tfculait tall or addrcBfl S504 Ii cledo ae Ihon Kin D TW. nOTCLS. sArreVsrVlAeVSiVli lTOTIU Colorado fnvrapran), 1431 Chstmit bouleifird. and Hotel M'rrourl, 1411 Che.tnut boulenrd; moc'oin, furnlshel rcom", Qo up; reasonable wo?klv rntP iioti:l CASTLiiVwoon. i:tnopi:AN. 51S1-r Delmar loul.xard Seicn Mocks to Acrlda Talr: SI day p. frro biths; phono. WiONTtCELLO KOTEL, Comer Kli.'s hji:Ii..- and West Flno boule vard, facing the W tuttful rorest Park. Near est peimanent hotrl tu 1'alr trrounda. European, 200 larRc. luxurlousli furnished rtoms; all mod ern lmDro.ementv Laclele ave. cars direct to hotel from depot. Cuisine msirpa-e. Cor respondence rtollclied. THE ALBANY, 4ST3 race on direct car line to World's sroi "Iff; unds; rlthln nalklt-c; dtlance; ne bulli ng; new furnishing; flrst-cHsa service; cafe In connection. I'M one 6 ueimar LEFFINGWELL H0TEU 2723 Pine, oorner Ifftnwnll i;ndr new man njtomnt: handsomely furnWicd out rid poms; ntrlctly modern convenlenco'. hon D Mi. THE WORLD'S FAiil iUTEL. 1W N. Broadway, between Pine ani Chestnut: elinjtt rooms; modern conTenlencs; European, HOTEL RADIUM. Newly furnish!; n.olern c?nrer.lfnces; uUr pnees. 7tO-7Qg N. Fourth tt. HOTEL BAR1MU5V1, doutheaet corner Sixth and TTasnlncton ave.; room at reasonable rates. " STALE Y'S BUSY BEE Restaurant Is tho plaos for (,-oM eeffae. IJJ-t Mug; open all nls'it. HOUSIW, ROOMS ETC WAJITED. "-ia'i.ass'WsSini i"i. .,. AJL-sjzta rtom. ror hem housei.oopinn;; referencea TP 4, Republic. IN outskirts cf city, close to car line, two or three furnished rooms for houBeliplnT. man, wife ana 6-year-old boy. Addre-s E. li. M-. IKS Olive. REar'AUUNO roofs our apeclsity: prompt at tention. Excelsior Hoooxur Co , Grand and Has ton area Both phones. TO rent a flat or elx-roora house, between E&ston and Chouteau. Jefferson and Grand; no World's Fair speculators ned answer Ad dress Mrs. H. S. Brldccs. K6 N. Ieonard ave. TWO furnished rooms for housekeeping for couple, between Market. Park. Seventeenth and Ewlne. FC 110, Republic. WANTI7T To rent etable, adjacent to Klns9 htghwav and Washington: large enough to ac commodate four horses and arreral traps. FT 92. Republic. WANTED To list ttwr room,; asa adrertla- Ing In every county in tha Uhlt States. and can rarnlsh thousands of people. For terms call 63. Century building V.. T. Ncrthcutt. WII rent a flat of four or Ave rooms: rent 124 to HO; according to location. Fl) 105. Re pnbllc TOU want to rant your rooms daring Fair so they will net you (arrest profit,; list them with National Location Bureau, N. Nine teenth st. Phon, Klnloch 0 K8. ROOMS AfTD BOARD WASTED. IMMMeeMvsee,eeAeAAMWVtMWwM BT Tounff ladv emDloved room, and board: stato price. FD private family; South SlJe: 1ZB, p-UOHC COUPLE with daughter want one room with reasonable board in miburcsj until pormber 1. itddresn Immediately. 4'W Delmar boulevanl. MCELT furnished room, with or without riitlon. Ad- brrd. fas Isdv state rrlc and locn dress R., TyTtoomb's Fhsrmaoy. Garrison and waaninsTon. ROOM and board. South Fado youn? man. KrmanenUy employed; stato price. FD 137. ipnbllo. ROOMB and board for family of three in r fined horns n rFalr references oxchanged. Address W. A. Kalssy, general delivery. St. Louis. ROOM: tat board la private family by two young men, emploj'ed in th oitr: must be reasornblo; stats terms and particulars. FD famltr ol three iSa ether have bath and . escrlbn houee. grounds and Republic. Tie St. Louis Prodace Compmy, 408 FRANKLIN AVE. Retails at whclesmls prices and dellvors fruits, vegstablea. poultry, eggs, butter: two deliveries dally. Main 2771: Klnloch D tu. ROOMMATES WASTED. s4vMWWWVMyWVVVVrVrVVrVrVrASsrVrVVI CZ3.TIMAN roommale; every convenience; low tern. ISM Qlamoxt ave. ROOMMATE by younr 1 ly; plcapaut room: best board: all comenlcncej. SiSO Motran. TOUNT3 latly, emplove., Htasant room; cood board wlFhri rooramate; reierencoj. 4k FMF. YOUNO tnan to nhare nlcy furnished wcond ftorv rooin: all Conveniences; good bxiru. K07 Dlcksoci. nBAX. ESTATE WASTED. vjVA.nvri ii-irirw"riiir i-i-ir n-n-ir i i - i '11-11-,1-,11'iir,. REPAIRING roofs our specialty; prompt at tention. Excelsior jtooung v.y., urana anu ras ton ares. Both WANTED About 6.O0O square feet on ground floor, to be used as a warehouse. The Roebllng Construction Co.. 607 Missouri Trust building. country noAnn 0''r.iiiA WITHIN twentv-flie miles cf cltv: board for t.o In good fishlnff district, fcr iftimmtTi give fall p in 1 collars. TP 4, Itrpubllc. WASTED rOU DtSIAKSS PURPOSB3. SMALL storo. or window privilege, suitable for noda water business: be very good neighborhood. FC 102. Republic TO LET FOR ItC.T'KSS fCRPOSES. le.,iw .-i,w..ii.,w i.ii.M.rfM BROADWAY. 7101 Larro storeroom on South Broadway suitable for any business. DESK room: M0 per week. EOS Uurllngtcn building. M0 Olive. DESK room or front offJce; Eighth street side. Ills Chemical buIldlnT. DESK room: beautiful front office; telephone. Apply nt 315 Frlf-co building. DESK room, with or without deslc. In nne furnished office. 421 CSiemlcul building. DE3JC room; separate; private efflec; tele phone service. 215 Wainwrlght building. DESK room: nicely rurnlshed office: use both phones and roller desk, cu Burlington building. EASTON. 43ITJ Store nnd two living-rooms, cheap ront; One location for confectionery bus!-ress- MORUAN, 1420 For light rosnafactBrtng par poses; space 27x10s: ground Coot. FI8HER ft CO . Tit Chestnut st. NINETEENTH. tX N. Large basement room: sultabu tor first-class barber shop. C. Echuette Realty Co.. 2712 N. Fourteenth it. OLD MANCHESTER Road. 1200 (Corner Tnl. mage Ave ) Saloon; good location. C. Schuette Realty Co.. 3712 : A'- our Fourteenth st. PART of large store for rent; 215 s month. Call 3C31 Easton. TinKTEKNTH. 927 N. Store and atrea rooms; good location for restaurant or boarding house. 2234 MARKET ST. New store: corner alloy; suit saloon. GRIFFIN REAL ESTATE CO, 11 U Chestnut. FOR RENT STAI1LES. MasaISK,,ssa,M,stwaMsseitlvsiS "WEST PINS. 2761 Ktabl wltli thr tti. and room for vehicle; water, etc. FARMS FOR SAI. Wasksksssssas4aasaassMitsss iii"i fsrtfirtiVVwyia a PROFITABLH farm and ranch lands In Km. aas. Nebraska. Colorado and Wyoming: low BrA7:..w .J"" time: scontlflc agriculture: mud climate; mass tree. Land Dcpt.. Union Paclflo Jt. R.. Omaha. Iteb. Mention thls-rianer. WE sell tarros: get frea list. B. H. atorton. MO -ms irost inv 1S7. itepuDUC. 6LTV1CKIOR board ra suburbs! must loeatiqij, FP 67 FtllMSIICD noi!Si:9 AKD FLATS FOR '''VtfW'"VXwON.i'-'lWW .dfAxwauaaitk v ejesEni n-roor. laiiusiifa nousc on iin dell liouU'.tTd; to rent during World's Fair. Apply at Wi Washington ae. BUVUTirur ltKroom modern dwelllnr. In aehlncton bowleg art! ; handsomely furnished ; J3("0 i-er month; or will rent unfumlahM for JlO jer month. JOHN It. LAX EG AN. J9 HpJdon ne. Ui:blKAi:L.n alx-mom furnished Hat; 5000 West; rcason:ihl to responsible iwuty; none nthera netdv nvplr. Tl P. Hepubllc, I.l.iyiAXlI.'i furnished summer rcsldenco; Ihrcu hour iM from tit, IouU. Mo.; nine roims: larue mounds: tncrj thins flret-claia; rcfenncet. TI tl, llepubllc. 1'IXXCV. 4-Four rtvm and bath; will rent pirt PTrrant-nt, Call after 4 p. m. riVK-ItOOAI furnished flat In excellent loca tion, ronwnttnt to Btreet cars; will he rented to a fimlly of adults: Hat lias porcelain bath tub, -a ranee ard furnact; reftrences and lnd ifv-ulred. tern. J per month. JXJ , IKpuhllc. rUHXlslli;i sK-rooin cottaf-; nic and c'nn; Iotro i-t . clo.e to car; Z1) mlnut- to Talr lmjulre drur aiorv. Old Orchaid (ll.M urn: N. yixo neuly funilih-i rooms: r.unrutbit JaAitGi-yr ifn.viSHiu ui:siutwf s and nprtr.ienl-i fn -Ity for re.ii brrlol; et. IPK. IliiAUiUUY A.- UUINITTTC. 71ft Ch-ltct t. -AWTO.V. set-.' tn-room fiatm ini .uurunauttK: not ram. ri;, 3J-3- Three or t. room completely fur tar n'sbrl cotnrG fcr hcu4.M i.'iik; Roa per.;.' n-N-ItOOJ? fLinlsiied h vf, v P. doubl. pailni-i, 10 per month, or will seil chenp. I'D 110. Republic, Ti;:;-i;OOM funilihed hom. In Weat End, or.nenIent to Fair ci-ounds; electric light, tele phone. ga end furnnce; coal and gas ranges; only rct'n.U.l-- cr.rtle FI 34. Republic. WILL Ies for World's Fair period to re- ii'u.-iiiic ji.iriy iffiuf-nmm Eumiflno. nousfl; uii uuin, rent ;. r.JLG Catcs ae., Cabunne. FL'HN SHED WEST EJIH RiSIGEME. To lea.f, until November I, 1904, 13 rooms, 2 bths, rece.itSon hall, bililird-roon.. with table; with all lwu?choll efltxts. chlntware. kitchen utensils -tc. ns ued by owner. Fcr trn,s and cniri of adinlsi.on apply to Claude B. ItlCii etU. iM Kccurltv bulldlrg. FPU mXT DVEL1.I!VGS. Ci)OI. S'M" i:ieht-room private residence; well furn!?hedr all conitnlences. NT-;u.sTlAD. 17v N Pn en-room brick cot- uKe, ; rer incnui, JOflN" It. 1.VIC!N 4 TA9 Easton ae. niii. KET'AIRING roofs our fpeciilty; pnmpt at tention hvct-Jor Kjonng Co . Grand nna Eas ton Both phenea. TEilPLI Place, 12-11 Nine room1, reception Tlft flxtlllfW m 1 uirn nnnrlv hell, lmtli, decorated; lnml!ate posciI-jn; 573 por month. kei:lev real fstatI, ctx, 1113 Chestnut st. IIOIUIIK OR ROOMI.N'O HOUSE, VK-I-l!It.lSIlEIl. WORLD'S FAIR SEASON. rtn thrcc-stcry brick buIMlng. opposite Ren ton llirk. containing: 11 room. Includlns bth; situated In eood nelBl.borlioO'J: convenient to threo car line.; transfer to nuy iilnt In the cltj , newly palnti-d mi J decorated: southern ex pour,. will Ie.u-,' for tfrm of seven nunths or longer. I'or price nnd particulars apply to J. G. SCHtTLRR 4 CO . 3M qranlte bulldlnr. FOR Iin.T APRTMKSTS. VLATS. fAT.U.rA. (SIS Wellston) Five rooms and hall: Roconii floor nu.IOT, 1W7 Flat of three unfumlshod lorniK. Imiulre IV3 Ullot. LACU:Di:. Cat fnmafie; bath; pa llitures: evreens. etc MORGAN. n:-Lower flat; five room, and bath; newly decoratml. RL'FAIKINO roofs cur specialty: prompt at teitlcn liceilor Rooflns; Co., Orandand bis ton Hoth phones. MDNCY. ;cX-Second-stoiv flat x! sTi t nim ana onin. lis. Inquire at Xollas A Drinltop, IISS 3iotnut. UNrrRNISHBD lint. Including- bath anil cynietilenccs; near Jefferson and Oltra. TT 15, ltipablic ijii'iio-nn CITY PROI'EllTTr S1XH- FUR HAPOV. TW-RIrnt aln.T. ffnf. ftai. . first floor: flvo rooms, second floor: batha: loC sua. price ?.noo. Adam Weber, 2711 Frank lin ave. BU1U, 1111 Elegant nine-room house in Wit lnd: twenty minutes' walk to World's Fair. CALIFORNIA, 1803 Seven-room modern brick; alsj hullcllng in rear; rent JSOO: price 23,500. FT) 13. rtcpubllc. COIJLMAN, 2121 Nlco single Hat; three lari large 23. 7. iu"in ,i eacn noor; lot jXiaj; prl Adam Weber. 2711 KranKIIn. COTO BRILL1ANTE. 3717-lS-SIX-room dwell Inr. bath and three-room cottage; lot 60x130! price ti,.Su0. Ailaw Weber. 2711 Franklin avfc EASTON. 2906-cs-io-Slx-room brick dweiUngsi bats: lots C0xl45: rent J1.0M) voarly; prloa 27Tu)u Adam Weber. 2711 Franklin ave. ELEGANT, fourteen-room corner rastdanct rented at Slffl Der month; price 27.000. Owner. IC1 N Cliannlng. 1XR Hale or Lense-Butldlng. 2701 Dayton st.1 large storn first flo,-; seven rooms second floor, Adam Weber, illl Franklin ave. FOURTEENTH. 3316 N. One-Story frams, with one-story brick in rear. C Bchuetta Real ty Co . 27C N. Fourteenth st. FRAME house: paving good rent; city water and cistern; best conveniences. 90s Neosho. 1.ABAD1E. 42iS Six-room fram, house: la garden: with over 100 grape vines! water, i and sewerago; lot 5JxlC5: tarrss. LEE. 36K Nlco simile flat or three and four rooma: lot 23xL; price 23,500. Adam Websn 2711 rranUUn LOUISIANA. 3KB New six-room house. wlt bath: big lot: btrgaln; 32.MO NORTH 3IARRCT. 4605 E:evn-room modern flat: every- room ga light; two hathsi laundry. OREGON. X73 New flat, with six rooms and hall; even thing convenient: good rent, PAI'IN. 2753 Tvo-story brick; six rooms; with frame cottage In rear. REPAIRING roofs our specielty: prompt ai tentlon. Eicelilor Roofing Co., 3rand and Eas ton Hotll phenes. SIX line, substantially built flats; location vers' convenient ; would take wWl-rraprovei farm In inrt. Call 4371 Easton. TWENTY-FIRST. 4404 N.-Two-stonr brick In flats of Ave rooms, bath, oaon; convsnlentiea. WAaill.MJTON. .814 Fourteen-room dwell ing: lot :3xlK: rent 173 month. Adam Web. a, 2711 Tranklln ave. WFST REIE. 4353 Six-room houso. Special Bnriiala. For sale or trade, six-room brick; flrst-ciasa order: large yard: for larger house and lot. m qulro 17t7 N. Pendleton ave. DON'T PAY INCREASED !rNT! Own your home. Wo will loon you money to buy It at 5 per cent Inter est. Send for clrvular. G1TIIEHS' BVIlulHO A LOAN AttOCIATIOH, 1129 Pine Bt. 2844 Pennsylvania Ave. Price reduced to n.750; two-story brick; two family flat cf 8 rooms: water, gas; savver: lot :;12: good renting property; get a bargain here. Fee us HENRT HIEMENZ REALTY CO., Agent. 611 Chestnut at. CHOICE 1'IECB OF PROraaXTT CONSISTING 6 1-2 ACRES, tVIth G-room brick house, having a frontage of 350 feet on King's highway and Euclid ave.; situated within a few hundred fet of Belt R. R. and nbout 3 Mocks north of Natural Bridge road, and with the development of thl locality will becom dpfdrahta property for either resi dence or factory purpos-: fine for aubdUlsIon; can be bought nt a tarsiln. OR?yN D. SCOTT ii CO., 817 Chestnut Ht- LOOKING FOR A HOME? LOOK AT 4209 West Belle Place. The cheapest housa In the dry for th, money; easy monthly payments. 3901 Kennerly Ave. Six-room brlok; lot a0lt oorner hoHi ety terms. 5880 Von Veraon Ave. Lovely 11-room hoise and Bo-foot lot) bnllt for tha owner's own use; take a look at it. 1024 Leonard Ave. Eight rooms; 3i.E0O. 919-921 N. King's Highway. Three stores and Bala: rents for C.M per year; a very deairabls corner. 4041 Morgan St. Seven looms; lot 80x133; K.C0O. Me" our list in this morning's Qloba. Call and ste us. wo nav, tna oesr list ox property in th. city for sale. NICHOLLS-RITTER, 713 Chestnut St. CITY HEAL ESTATE FOB SALE. saissssistasissistssst,ssi BARGAIN To settlo estate will sacrlnc. va cant lots. 336x33. on Phaw and Old Manches ter road: make offer. Sits Le. ave. BEST lot on Magnolia ave.: 50xX2 feeti 3. Owner 610 Burlington building. ON Nebraska, lot ,15 or COxlZS; street, side walk, sewer, gaa. Inquire iUP Oregon. OPPOSITE Tower Grov. Park: lot 80xM0: ele gant location; must sell cheap. ltM North JTar- REPAIRING roofs out speoSsjItf': promat at tention. Excelsior Roofing Co.. Grand and Eas ton. Both phones. HORSKS AMI VEHICLES. Wanted. ...rf.rfJ.. ...WW....) TI7N pood ery horses; I huve- reopened andJ renMieiea -ny oia ?tar.u at iiayeue avr, M. VJlch. Phonn Victor 1383. WANTED-Chenn. rentl. not afraid of automobiles. Chester. Mo clty-liroke driver; Dr. Nichols. Min- Far Sale. - sl A 1.ARGI. number of good vroric. drivtnc nnd fJliTs-i liorst-w, ua;ont, tiuegles, harne, etc.; f . r taih or va time i'a)intnta; ecTjthlnp a tcireentcd; IC ou don't Itko what o hie Hnd what vo want and we will set it for you; b-e us hefore bujlne. Standard Crndlt Ct) , 1QJ5 Twelfth. ALWAYS en hand, draft, drMnff, cenoral purpOEe horrs. new waKOnt?. hugglca and har ness; ou try hore befor buying: ca-h or en pamenti D. I Hour. 1JIS N, .roadway AT u wurliice. If lalven at un-.e, rubber-tired runabout; conl a nv. 3313 lyiclede. AT i Uirgnln Good work horse; srund; good frl-er and harne-jr, &. lt.l ri. Jeffert-on. ATTJ;.HON Drummer' fiUtflt, joung tnar, storm buggy and harness; mtm fell. A'JX laOtus DARGAIN: Eod work hor-e. J; must sll: nt-i monti to rnoc with. 254 i Marilyn. RARGAINS: lot cne-horb- co.U or a-h ws.g or.; a!s f'.v rumltcuts; chip y3 Teas. UAl.GAIN. goo-1 horre fir delivery; IV,'Z handrt: nw $lnxl barnf. 17C1 Morgan st. RARGAIN tui n.igon? cn. -Ten gfod work horses nnd marcs; Garrison Coal Ox, 1002 N. a.irrl- UAUGAINS Rusir.rsi vtans; all kinds, to mill:, one tt-horse, tcp-pIttform eipres; also several bugKles. Uhlenhaut Ihoa , 13 Merchant. BARGAIN Rubber-tire station waHOti; aa Ttw. 3420 lalndfll. good BARGAIN New ptorm hugjclei pa wag- on a, surreyt, stake and dclHery waKOna; firs' : nrs- clas wor. J it S!zcr, 1C5 N. Fouiteenth. RAV ilrlvlns: horH, J3t- ro.ui hcr?e, JM rni'il store. 1221 N. Jefferson e. HIG hor?-. ml table fir teaming or buggy. $11 X. Nineteenth. WG work team. J75; larg Ihi-n- horse; ash wagon, 55, Finiu.lln. renr. hotse; also de- aulllng out. 1G21 CIlCaM' IIorHw, park wjErm and harness; also goml mart. 2M- Madison. CUT-UNDUR nurn-y. S5, phaeton. $45; runabout, J20. top wagon, $40; 2752 Caroline. CGT-UN1EH surrey; almos n'w; newly painted; cluap If sold at once. 1112 Dlclcon. crT-UNORR Mrrey; I thou t rubber tires J. Cass ate. etty-ii'Ie with " D. Manley Co.. TO) Dorfil.B iit harn''. dirt wason, mare, city brnl.c Ii2s AVasli. rtar DR.FT. drlvlnic and rencral puawse horses. waKCn-, harners: cash or pajments: evervthlns guaranteed as represented. 4-t2 Clayton are. HLIXIANT sldo cheap. Holland's Crannlnc hvo. Faddle. IJvery complete outfit. Co . lycust and i:XTRA nice Btllsh saddle and harness pony; cheap. Mis Ruhee. 1713 Morgan. F1N11 lot or driving nort.s. Tt'iea. I'hone J0C2I. ianford. 711 N. FINIS rubbtr.tlrnl drlvina ason. Amend & Murphy. 140S N. Broadway. FINE bucBj horse. 5 jears old: will not shy: cheap. 4373 Connecticut r.L FIN12 rt-Uier-tlroil runabout, almost new. l barrnln. 2352 Manchester. FINE trap; roomy; rubber-tire: good condition. 6572 von Veraon. prlo. i5; TIN1- pneumatic bike rubber-tired runabout; will sell cheap: need monoy. 416S Coto Brll llante. riVD sood horses; can bo bouffht at a bargain If cold at once. 2011 Wanh. rear. FIVE reliable how., 320 to M: working ev ery day. Stoddard Feed Co.. ZSi9 Lucas. riVE-YEAR-OLD dilvlnghorso: suitable for atonr. buggy or delivers'. 1628 Wash, rear. FIVE Iirgo draft horses, five large dralt mare two stake wagons, one bulk wagon, fur nltuie iiir. four sets cf double hnme-- and two tots f rlngle harness Smith & Sons' Transfer. 414 Wash FURNITURE, top and open delivery vv as one : new and secondhand. Young & Co.. 14C3 N. Broadway. GENTLE buggv mare, two horses. 235 each; good runabout. 2015 Easton ave. GOOD horse: weleh. 1.410; also farm wagon. Mrs Collins. 1712 Morgan e. GOOD team. 2100; also delivery horse; cheap; selling out. Paloon. 3047 Olive. GOOD bay pony: cheap: double: will trad- for wagon. work single 444t Samoa. GOOD mare, storm buggy: 7 years. for light delivery r oulte spirited. FD 112. Republic. GROCERY wagon: cheap. J10 ft. Slxtli St. HARNESS: finest assortment all kinds, from 28 50 ud: large stock Job raddlery: al30 second hand horne-s. A. Tuckett. 1E32 N. Broadway. HIGII-ACTINO bav runaliout mare; sound and fast. Win. F. Mulhall & Co . M5S Lafay ette ave. HORSE): gontie, fast; light surrey and top delivery wagon. 1817 B. Second st. HORSE, runabout, harness- sound delivery horse; nlc. pony: must sell. Store. 23a Ollvo. I-nOE closed 2S-foot wagon: suitable lunch stand or shooting gallery. 2833 Laclede. NEW cut-under, rubber-tired surrey; cost 3235; sell S1S5. FD 89. Republic. NEW runabout and harness; cost C00; take 270. Mrs Barns 4313 Easton NICE. fat. gentle mare: cut-under surrey; dirt sell seDarate. 1711 Mash, NICE bay horse; pounds; fine driver; er-t!red runabout a years. t hands. irfeetly sound: new rub I harness. 2TS Rnsrell. ONE good horsa. Wyoming st- J. it Klelnschmldt, 2927 ONlHORSH furniture car. 2010 3Iarei. rvril new one-hore nlatfornv fumltur. wag- on: two new top stanhopes: four new top park w.pnrm tnreo new iop exprw. vmuu3. Dlschert Civ vv. Co.. 1S30-32 Morgan. PARK wagons, almost new; handmade: oheap. Mettsr. Z7M Chippewa St. PONT. 118: horse. 224: big mare, cheap: specu lator's bargain. Grocery store, 1130 N. Jefrer- RUBBER-TTRED runabout I new. O. Boeken, Twentieth and BIsselL RUBBER-TIRED runabout: a bargain. Bos- kers-Iaaacs. 802 N. Iefnngwii. hUBBER-TlRED storm bugrr and harnesi 2110 takes It. 27W Armand st. RUBBER-TIftBD driving wagon, tor Buderwledtn & Dunkman. 1S0O Bt. Louts. sale. rlUBBER-TTRTaD cut-under surrey. J1: stool-tlrtd storm buggy, fS5. QrooeTy store. KXiS't Olive. BECONDHAND stock; two-horse platform top wagon, equipped with Wlttlch's patent end gates: traps, storm burgles, surreys. 1223 N. eventh. UlDUCtC P.ETA1X. DEPT. InnillBOO Washirgton Ave. and 21st. J. B. SICKLES SADD-KH lY CO. Storm Buereriej., stanhopes. runaboutA JOIIX D. MANLBY CO., TOO Caaa Ave. ELECTRIC LIGHTS FOR VEHICLES. Guaranteed to Improve the appearance of all vehicles and give service at all times. Get our catalogue and best prices at once. MOUND CITY BATTERY COMPANT, 118 North Twentieth st, Both Phones. 8TUDEBAKER VEHICLES. We are the people for rellabl, goods at re liable prices. Grolock Vehicle Co., 913 N. Broadway. Rubber-Tired Driving Wagons $60. One vest's guarantee. These are bargains DEECa & MANLEY. 3C0-aa S. Eighth. Between Walnut and Clara. Complete Line Delivery Wagons. you want. & 100-203 H. I-lghth. Between Walnut and Clark. MOVER'S FINE VEHICLES. Stanhopes, spiders,, runabouts, surreys eta for sale In St. Louis exclusively by T. F. REYNOLDS-. SM9 Pine. Genuine Columbus Storm Buggies. Special drive on ten line Columbus storm bug gies. To msks room for Incoming stock, wo will close out these Jobs at greatly reduced prices. Be sure and see these. DEEDS & MANLBT, t30-a 8. Eighth. Between Walnut and Clark- WRIGHT'S SPRING DESIGNS IN CARRIAGES. Immanse Variety far Stlieilan. Washington Ate., cor. 19th. M a n ufacturera of Waconettc Tallyhos. Hotel and Depot Coacbea, Trans)-, fer and all kinds et Busi ness Wagons. HcOABE-BIERMAK WAGOX CO, UU-21 North Broadway. PONY VEHICLES AND HARNESS. Fine line pony vehicles and harness; win guarantee to fit any pony. DEEDS & MANLBT. 0-;02 B. Eighth. Between Walnut and Clark. PUTTEE LEGGINS, $3.50, $4, S4.SO, $5, $6.50. RIDING SADDLE8, $3.25, $4.50, $7.50, SIO.OO and up to $50.00. RIDING BRIDLES, $1.00 to $14.00. -Il-ILJIII FOR 0iiS FOR Downtown Business Property, McNAIR, HARRI8 EIGHTH HOUSES AND VKIIICl.ES. For Sale. flIX horses; any rlz pony, $15 up; grocery, ex prow wagon. 1SH Morgjn. TJ;aM work horses. 2X lbs.; delhery Iionw; whlto jHjny; rubber-tired n.nabout. .1)1 La chile. TWO large mare. plus. 122.2). dell-very horr-, JS3. g,ntl pony, ".eral wagon. v I'fg' Ist-TV'UN fja-s-nr wagonMtPi. horse3 hnrr.tas, license. Call l3 N. Gr.ind. i-LVi;.V-KAIt-GLI brown horr?... 15 hand. Aak for Mra. nailer's Iir rr Wash, rear. hMALI. tlrlvlng mare; atu gtd work hors; cheiip. Hik..ii'' IWprefs "a , X S Reaumont. STORM bu-r dcr. b-'ir-rn'ri :. it,Mr the, nfit to rny -r-i- rasn fI-laii I. 6217 Raymond. hTVLlyit 5-jeir-oM bay work or delivery hors. fast trruUr. gocN uullcr, $123; als? small blue!, mule, y$. j:i rin- TIIAr ho ea macaiFii vagOT. Ii-rns-i an 1 Jc'l. must 6 '11. nel ihdmy i& Cote Bril liant.. T1JLVM I irg .4jrl. horses, gooi pullrs; work elnglo or double; J!M, tll p-;arue: t-ony. $35 3107 Pine, TKAM farm mares; nlc mitched ttam im grocery tt delivery ".agon; work mule. IZZ; ned room; muit sell. I'M b. Jefferrn. )IIti:K head TiTSfs aid mule; soluble for all purpoge-; lavtn city. 2I1J; Dickson. niRKK runs t outs. ont-tanhoi, two prtng wagers, ehghtly damaged, chp. John D. Mar. ley O., 7( Cas uc. TWi-NTY-FIVEJ sets of alngl- harness JO pairs of bridle and V0 ecrn'lhand leather hal ters: cheap. F. A. Stevens. IC4 High nt. JO buys a coo-1 liorh': owner haa no us. for Mm. 7J3 S. Fourth. YOUNO city-broke hor.: perftctly rentlo. Jc'.n I. Manlei (,-o.. ', Cat! ate. $53 buys one bay horv, suitable for ftona, bugg- nr delivery iraKcn. 31 S. Seienth. IM buys good, small dtllvnry hors-: JC5 large noru. for farmer jtr heavy hauling. 3303 S. S-v enth Jo buy-i line, new. stil-tlre nnabout; 313 buis dump cart ard harness. J4 tujs fine, light ladles phaeton. 2IC5 s. Broadway. DORS, CATS, PUTS-FOR SALIC BRINDLE bulL nil utortt $5. 1432 Franklin. thlnl floor. FINE mastiff pup. jeor old; we'ths Ki lba; l. 104 S. Je-Terson ave. FINE moitllt dec. watcher: 15: must eMI. 31 months oil: 1410 S. Eleventh. good USE Charubprlaln's chick feed and brooder. Blanv-e Ac Ilawke supply Co.. ZQA Market St. --- - - -iri'ri- --- rirnLri " ilri n.n ri l HNB iwrtipm row. with calf need money. VIM Cote Rrllllante. must soil; FREFII milk ccw for sale. 345. .er Grovo Park, CV!3 I'taloiil. Opposlt, Tow- JERSEY cow for sale; nine quarts richest milk. S470 Plymouth. AI.TOJIOBIXES. AUTOMOBILE: eIctrlo mschlne- condition. Call 1M1 LocuHt. nOLSHIIOLD GOODS. W-sits. ALL kind, of furnitaro bought: carpets, pi snoH. feathers, conteru of flats and dwellings, Wolf, rjs s. Broadway: phone C 4(3. ALL kinds o household goods wantd- large and unall lots; fumlturo takc-n in exchange for moving. Kin. D 1413. Rrasch. 3133 Franklin. BEFORE moving, sell furniture and feathers don't want: send postal. Ashton. mi a. Jeffer son. BEFORE selling your feathers, tf you want to ,ri. Hiirti inei urv woriO. SSUU DCSUIl to M. Di bpeelman. 333I.A Franklin. FEATHER beds wanted: pay lis to lis each; lend postal. T. J. Rvan. West End StaUon. FEVTHERS; very highest prices; 'honest weight: ipstal. Globe Pillow Co . SS38 FInnev. HIGHEST price paid for household Tel. D it). S04 N. Fourteenth. goods. TV 1. pay highen cam prices for household furniture, pianos, etc.; also buy entire contests of fiats or residences: ca'l or send postal. Io norl Auction Co.. 1219-31 OHv, st- For Sale. -' ' -- .---- , i-ii-rii-w-ii-iirnr'.'ruvijv.ii.j AT a bargRln. one new leather couch, two bedsteads, springs, mattrcsss. Phone Delmar 2178. FC 113. Republic. BEDROOM and parlor furniture and fur nlahlngs: In good condition. FC 109. Republic CHILD'S Iron folding bed; also go-cart: iva sonablo. 45i7 Garfield. COUCH and kitchen stove; Taylor. cheap. 24t7 N- F1JV pieces gocl secondhand carpets, 2Dc per yard. 101 N. Cnannlng ave. FOUR-HOLE Jewel gasoline range; good as new: cheap. 317 3 Twenty-third. FOUR-HOLE Bridge & Bench rang: drnhur table and chairs; cheap. S311 Bads avn. FURNITURE for two housekeeping rooms; new In December. 307 N. Ccmpton. FURNITURE of 7-room house: cheap; leav lng city; housa for rent; reasonable. ros Cot tage avo. HOME Comrort range, heating store, good Iron bed: cheap. 4433 Cote Brilliant, ave. MAHOGANY parlor set, cheap. 4615 Mo Phorson ave. NICE furniture; cheap. 2S45 Morgan. OAK sideboard and parlor set; together separate. 2S50 I'aga. OAK chiffonier, oak bodstead and washstandT largo refrigerator and flne lotmg; no dealers. 10W Walton are. ONE three-piece bedroom set! mattress; springs; couch, two rockers and other chairs. 4H7 N. Fourteenth. SIX-HOLE? Majftstto ccal rnn;o; rrco-l is new. $3: 4-hoIe new cook stove, $5; Klnyr MWlnK mchlnt -ulth attachment; perjrct or der, IS: tnst sell nt once; hare no tip for aarae. Oakland Hotel. 601 Clayton roaj. TWO lnntw hotel rangrrs; cheapen price. 11 X. Twelfth st. 2.500 Iron beds; l.fC0 cot; 2,500 mattrees, srrlnys: hotels furnished complete. J. (tuthral, jobber. Imperial building. R. 400. Kin. D 7S0. FOLDING CHAIRS For crowdod apartment Jtut the thlny. LAH6AH & TAYLOR'S WAREHOUSE, 1SS1 Washington ate. HOTEL RANGES CHARTER OAK STOVE&RANGEGO. MAIS AaTD CASS AITS. For Furniture Buyers. 700 Iron bedl, $1.!J; IM oak dressers, f6.M; 150 wnshstnnds. J1.43; 50 dozen chairs. each: 100 pair feather plllous. $jc pair. Wo will have for the next tfn days a special sale en articles sultsble for hotel purposes and solicit largo or small orders. Furnishing houses a specialty. NEW YORK STORAOE CO.. 09 Wash St. DAVENPORTS. All styles, from S3.G0 up. LAN6AN & TAYLOR'S WAREHOUSE, 185! Washington ave. NOTICE TO SECONDHAND DEALESR Here Is your chanco for World's Fair pur poses. v, hae. damaged by water, a quantity of Bprlngs and cots of all kinds, and will sell in anj- ouuntlty at a great sacrifice; must be moved at once. Call at Florida st. St. Louis ned and Mfg. Co. SPECIAL SALE Sample Iron Beds. Metal washstands. suitable for hotel pur poses. LAN6AN& TAYLOR'S S. AND M. CO., , 1S33 Washington ave. FURNITURE AND CARPETS CHEAP FOR CASH. Why buy secondhand goods when new fuml turo and carpets can Be bad at Tho Union House Furnishing company, southeast corner Franklin ave. and Ulghth st., at these remark ably low prices? Iron beds, tl.85; springs, tl: mattresses. 11.65: nlllows. ss a n.lrr m.V i.. io.t; are!5er. io.w: wasnstands. X3.C0: chairs. 60c; ingrain rugx sxll fer, .si: Brus sels rugs, 8x1. feet, J10.60: Iron bed-daven-corts, U.'i: iron bed-coucbes, J3.7I- folding cots. c; cotton pads for cots. J1.50; combina tion cots and cads. The Union. Franklin ave. and dghth str .,.- . .. j - '-- . . .---... WORLD'S FAIR BEDDING AT MAXUFACTOnElVS PRICE. 10-plece, full-slio bed outfit 1373 S-plec single bed outfit (Un 7-piece wire cot outnt... jj? iwm, ... u.,v uiii-i.-um, new wool mattresses. J-plece, flrst-ciasH upholstered cot. ..1 S.H ... 191 ... .100 ... 3-S0 ... J.W ... 38 ... XI ... ..'. 5 ... 35 ... 49 ... LOO Z.C00 upholstered cot3 I.CO0 full-size, new wool mattresses..., 2.0G0 single bed new V.00I mattresses.. 2.O0O cot-size nsw wool mattresses tOCO full-size bleached sheets 2,000 single bed bleached sheets 2.0UO cot-size bleached sheets :,uoo pillow slips 2,000 new wooUplllows z.uuo 1,. reamer pillows.. .000 zeDhvr tacked comforts 2.000 natrs summer blankets , rco 4X hair mattresses (guaranteed) WOO SCO 45f white felt mattresses (Euaranteed).. 7.00 200 45 special felt xnattrosses (nuaranteed). 6.00 urorru niyt iw iimi xea io iwenty days IMPROVED CITY rROPEIlTT SE URIAH ft TAYLOR S ft M. CO. ua WAsawosx vy . TAYLOU IMPKOVED CITY PROPERTY FOB SALE- i i-i-- - - -------i M--nrijij-u'tst SALE. $31,000, paying 6 per cent net & JONES REALTY CO., .t.M) LOCUST. .MO.XUY WA.TEI. 695 FIRST HGRTGI8ES & ggf g: ;uo; t2.f" Ji.ocj. J3.0M. ji.ox). j8,sy). ? W10. Sl'j.MO; no chargts. niimUl-AXDKIteO.V CX . 713 Ct-stnut st. ilOEV TO WAX. On Ileal estate. " " i iinr)iLlwal MONCT to loin nn real estate at r-asonabla-lte. Izulucmcntv on Inrci- aiT unts. als. liuilda :c It-ans; raonthlj: parn.nts:.' am m-xaid. JOHN MACUIItB REAU ESTATE VO . MT .N Kcfalh st. l5,00Saf4l To lend on good St. Louis City Business Real Estate. RUTLEDGE & K!LPiiTR!CK REALTY CQMPASY, 717 Choatnut St. i-aa35St Oa i't-rnunul l'ruiert. -""--" -.- .-- . ii,m, k.mjkm LOANS nfKOtSated en fu-nlture. pianos or any personal prof erty at 8 p-r cnt pr anntna' conilJi-ntlal. Notary Public. KC rheSt st MONEY loaned salanea roo; , wltrout to curlty. 1). Lanz't. SCO fienoist bl Is . Jth & Pin, 3IONL1 loanei by private party at 5 cnt per annum on planor, furnlinre or dor-ment. FC ti. Republic a MONL1 to loan on furniture, pianos, horsesj wa?ons, etc , s pr cnt p-r yea- l'rlce, Melser &. Co.. SH-la-lS Mermod-Jaccard bide I'itlVATE rxirty loan nor.r tt 9 r-T 13 Chen Pr far; confidentlaL C lylrh. Oblldlrg. EUGENE A. TRIP LSI;. Rocm 24. H3 is. seventh st.. Dt itenll balldins. . .,-,. f're Inruranee Ageacy. LOANS ON FTRNITURE-I)v- R.tTH3. INVESTIGATE THIS WHEN YOU WANT MONEY. -.l?.1 loan-s on furniture WITHOUT Rb JioAIfc Itp irnLo no inquiries of your Mends ST. 57I:"oy V- JVei ei"lr the full anoant la v.Abll. not crrckH. v,e arranse payments to suit your CONVF.NP3NC3 and ABILITY. Wa do not RECORD loam. We RECEIPT for verv payment made. We pay oft" any OTHER LOAN or a balance on furniture and GIVII MORE MONET. We EXTEND parents tB l"". ?!S,K-vr.ssWe ma'M AS tow rataa t,.5.VL9CV5T- We ". WBERAL DIS COUNTS for time money is not used. This Is our business in n nutshell. SEE US before get. ting a loan el.ewhere ind fc. convinced that wu aro THE PEOPLE. Telephone for us to call. . THE HOUSEHOLD LON CO . Kin. MIL Room 301. TULLERTON BLDO, Bell llnln 4111. SEVENTH AND PINE BTS. MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE. TIANOti. HORSES. v DO NOT FAIL TO CALL and get our rats before gcttlnx lean elsewhere: our svstem glrei LONG TIJIE and pilALL PATMENT9. wllS REBATE when paid before due. so you onJi pay for such time as vou have had lean. "Wei rive PASS BOOK, where all payments ar- en tered We do not require payments while SICK OR OUT OF WORK: NO PUBLICITY: NO rjf CO.WENIENCE: NO INQUIRY: oasers canto signed at house and you can get money samsj day vou acn'y. We make a specialty cf Darlajt off arr loan or claim against good and riv Irg morB money. If you cannot cau. WRITil OR TELEPHONE us and w will send ageal to .-Tplaln our SiPTEJl. TELEPHONE KD1 LOCH B 431 or DELL MAIN 2S33. FIDRLITY BROKERAGE CO.. Rocm No. 410 Co-nmonweIth Trust buIldlnflL Broadway an! Olive st. Entrance 431 Olrr. Se, MONEY TO LOAN CA 1VC HELP YOC TO lirLf VOLKS1X.FT Are ycu burdened with numerous small db9J that .nov ana Harass your ur Co you ow any of tho HIGH-PRICED LOAN COH PANIRS; If so. let us jay your many bUia ed. and ycu can MAKE ONB PAYMENT ALL. Hero vou run nhfaln KAfiv TvTr" LONG TIME AND LOWEST RATES on ru 2.!J.Hr."'.Pin03. Horses nnd Wagons WITHODTI REMOVAL. ALL TRANSACTIONS CONC DE.NTIAL. WB EXTEND PAYMENTS D fii.sor SICKNESS OR OCT OF EMPLOY MENT. Our plan will save ycu money an annoyance See others then sew ua. 2aljr write or phone Bell Main SSM. Klnloch O UL NEW YORK FINANCE CO.. "" 297. M? and 203 Oild Tellows- nutKUas. NINTH AND OLIVE ST ;. MONEY. ?" make loans en Furniture, Pianos, Horsea, cff?n.,wltl!0,!t removaL V accept th, ISA,Vi?I PAYMENTS and make Ua EASIEtrr TERMS cf any company in th, city. tl 25 weekly pays a 275.00 loan. Jl " weekly pav s a $ ii CO loan. itz weekly pavs a F33 no an. 41c weekly pays a J13.00 loan, rayments can be made monthlv In proportKsj 5?r. ."SSC. I?tt U desired. EXTENSIONS SORTED In case of SICKNESS or out oi uIFLOUGNT. An laterlew will couvlnoa you that we can save you money oa Loans. Kinlocb c 1274. ess Century Bldg. 'ollvo and Ninth Bta. Leans at 5 Par Gait .M ma LOANS ON FUJiNrTURE, K. $. ETC. witnout removal; NO PUBlicC ii. ee,.y, l-cfore gtttltcg a LOAN als. S.tEv. wl" tax9 J"5" money; CHOAPEH f,-T; LONGER TIME. SMALLER l5fiff Hf?N15,-.T.V Wy off any LOAN or bsJanos- oa !SSJ 'tiRMTUltra Pay at your CONVKtNtS ENCB. Liberal DISCOUNTS. Call and b, eai. vlnced. Write or telephone Klnloch A Ot. UNION FINANCE CO . 302 and 202 Oriel blo, : J:; r- Slxtl1 and Locust. Entrano, BtlR Sixth, opposite Bnrrs. M HDVAKOS HONEY TO SALAitlKI) l'lvul'LE. NO itOliTCAQg NO INIiorujiiR without ernployefs kliowl edge. ALSO ON FURNITCRa PIANOS. 3 Our plan la the cheapest, best and rooaft M tate in the city. Call. writ, or telephone tfi- loch C 1SG7. ST. LOUIS ns-VESTMENT CO 'f Room 1118 Missouri Trust bulldtsTg. i1 tfe LOANS ON FURNITUR Rates and terms unheard of. Look: ti.jn weekly iaya a tl' 'j0 loan. $1,29 weeklr pays & $50.00 loan. Jl.M weekly pays a JJO.vO loan, TTV Vr7Sl-li riw i Art Inan 1 ' Paj-mrnrs may be made weeklr, tnImontili or tnonthlr. It Is to your Interest to consult "4 All bu3tne?s zrlTatt and abov board Se ot! ". I'lUllJ S-OJU tX S1J.W JVttl I. 501 Chomlcal bids:.. CiRrhth and Ollvo sta nDunin 3Ionev to loan In anv amount on all kinds .4 personal property. Bargains In unredeemed pl-dges. 912 Ff.Af.KLlE. AVE. ilEY far JURIES At Reasonable Rates. S10 TO M. E. Z. pavment plan, and buslncM Is strtotW conndentlai. The salary Discount Co.. 00 MsiS uivti ae jaccara puiiuing. m r. uroaawny. LOANS IH EAST ST. LOUIS. Also m surroundlnff towns. Ou ITJlt-SlTUIUt PIANOS and A-K1E5. Amounts to na vn..s m.A ..-..1 '1 Lltlu .a ..(. Wrtltn Vni. - JWUa IHTV-UI tiW A VAi.A Wf BUIV X J J I. JLssT ft. , Slons In cast? of sickness. IJbei-la.i'rirxii Klnloch St. Clair 405. THE HOMK TKU: Room S MetrODOlltan liulldlnr. 15-417 Missouri Are.. East St. Lou; Lowest Rate Loans. Wt will 1'AY. off any UtOiT jou O'.VK and AKVANCU JOU UuRi; MONEY; on your FUflZ NITUUC PIANOS, norres and wacons; gooda left in your POSSESSION: WEUKLY o MONTHLY payments: LOWEST RATES; Ba count given If PAID before due. Cnll or writ W3 N. Tenth St.. room 211 Ozark building. THM ANHCRSON FINANCE CO. A GOOD THING. We can sell you a team, wagon, harness eti on m&U monthly payments, no that It V rar for Itself ulthln a few months. All Ua of horses and vehicles for all purposes lor" cu or en payments. Standard Credit Co.. IfiOG ; Twelfth rt. MONEY LOANED . On rurnltura i Piano: tD6r cent Tear: wee ii or monthly payments: no remoxal no publlcl' ciish at once. ltoal Finance Co.. 32s FrlsKtl Iildg.. s. w. cor. sth & OIU e. Phone Kin. C 1SCi I EAST ST. LOUIS LOAN CO. I loana money on housenoid jeooos and all Klndfl . of personal property; easy monthly paymenuw r itoom ncuisianu dkc, ss couinsvlllo aTtL ?jf -Phones: I1I I-ist 1332M: Klnloch St. Clair 4 t tS M0W7 FOB SALARIED PESKff, We furaUh yoa money quickly and coodetH tlally, without sc-cunty. National Credit Ox,, rooms 901-002 Chemical bid p.. I-lcrhth and OIIt Monay Advanced Salaried Pesplt, Trtastcr3,boarUnK-ho- eepers -without aecu nty.easy pay menu; largest ousiness in awpm va.k emu-., ioixnan. vui xiouscx niajf..- ..nesi Money! Money!! Money!!! Salaries boasbt at reasonable discount; w loan money on furnlturr; cneapet In tomk Kqulty Finance Co . UOl Missouri Trust bldg-.. Sewing Machine, BAP.CSAINS In new. bargains tn marred, taro ' mlnsl fn rwinrlViavft misKlna.. tAnaef nrtoa ' best Broadway. fiVKt nnHtv Th -RlnersW Vtfr- fn 1 .? '-?L A- 1 . ." w ...,- -. ., HVS) B T&j.t ?.. SUBURBAN FROPERTT FOR SAt, ja-PtH UUBUltBAN horns for sal or 1 nouss: aeugntnurjr located on il I (? W?l - :t .-t&Kl -3C jft-; i5J-jvS.J ts':-'.-?sfi-:i masmm,-mtauomat lTSl rjJSSWifrKsl irtWlSF? 'SSsSaia -." . gi 2