Vtw S-SrWT,v iJ,tfV-
--" r'i,' - '
fit JKSJ
r W C e
Fred end Lena Ho-meyer. C3&4 El&ston: boy.
Henry and Rtlla Heltland, 2S22 Mot-pin: girl.
William M. and Margaret Hughes, 45t5 Eans;
Charles and Maud KurtMbom. 15204 Benton;
John and Mary Kenrrestr-o. 2619 North Broad
way: boy.
Louis and Li-ads Lechtennan, SMS North
Broadway: girl.
August and Alice Leopold. 4-5-43 North Broad
ray: boy.
Charles and Louisa Maney. 5503 South Jef
ferron; boy.
Herman and Sophie Mtr, 4S01 fVmth Ninth;
Olro and Gertrude Molle, SOS North Ninth:
Edward and Thereia Meier, 921 Wyoming:
Marlon and Eliza McNeil. Bit North Grand;
J. P. and Lena Nelson. 1116 Kentucky; bny.
August And Flooda. Pape. 1425 North Nine
teenth: bov.
David and Florence Tractor. 4W0 North Twenty-linn:
August and Anna rcrkins 2229 Alams; hoi.
Ferdinand and Minnie. Plcl. 912 St. Louis;
Albert and Ella Shenlck. SS"0 Nonh Tour-te-nth;
iJiniel and TL Pcanlan. S73I Hickory; boy.
Julian and Iwlla Scott. 2723 lYnnklln: girl.
.-tdolph and Anna Wachter. Z2M North Mar
ktt; Im-,-.
" Pranl: and Lizzie Zobnow. IIJ2 South Cornp
teu; loy.
t'nnrad and nlraty-th Bachmann. 22T9 Ran
dolph: girl.
Fred and Lsura Brelluvn. St. Louis: girl
Arthur and HUo Bfcher. 2121 t'lirttm. Kirl
Herman and Minnie Rrun-en, ..".l Ohio, girl.
VII and MallFw. Hake-. VZ Pine; hov
Herman and lime Parte, pro Nratli Broadway;
Owen and L-e Alley. 4456 Wert IVlle;
Mr. and Mrs Joseph Ackfeld, 41". Manche---1C
J. 'and A. T. Eckerl. K1IA Fouth Twelfth;
Burt and Sadie Elder. roll North New-Ken 1;
"hirles and Mi Fiwm 724 Garrlon: b-vv.
Oarr and Ellrali-'lh IXOle. 3140 North Twrn
1 -third r Blrl.
Louis and Mn-tha Petler. 711 poulard girl.
John ard Marv D-er. 4033 North Market:
William and Bridget CVtllo. St Louts; b"r.
Jeremiah and Annie Crn--en. 2654 Adams;
Joseph and Rettv- Oipperata. St IauIs; girl.
John and Cody Fhllf. 18." Hndlnmi-nt: boy
John 1". nnd Mary A. Head. 3311 Kossuth;
II. and Ida Grler-wn. 1634 North Broadway:
bov and girl.
F. and Llllle Holtzwart. 1205 Chouteau: boy.
"Richard P. McCarthy...
Jora Connary
Charles I.lelv .........
Frank Pufe
Elizabeth Kli ,
Harry C. TVIttlch. Jr...
Dorothy Ro-e
P. TV. Keltel
Eelma E. Ilabcrtxck ...
William SHvace
Mrs. Ann Farrott
Xiouls Pab-it
Minnie Oeltlng
Peter Wilson
Estella c. Juda
"Richard Henneety
Mildred Awbrey ,
Prank J. Callahan
Mamie A. Itlldbolt
"Thoma-i B McCrady ....
1-uln GerthrlKht
Charlea tvolf
Alberta Goodwin
harleii Stark
Clara Beste
Thomas MuHIhllt
Alice Power
George Michaell
Theresa M. Moran ...V...
Patrick" O'Connolly
Helen Gunn
Juan Q.Tbar-rueni-oytea
Otllla. Nuncio
....213 Thomns
4112 Tase
13 O'Kallon
, 1434 Biddle
4SM Bulner
363 Gano
3706 Vlrslrn.
..??& Chouteau
........3337 Montfcomery
333S MontEomery
FpHnj-fleld. Mo
Battle Creek. Mich
.1(3 North ElsMeenth
.1033 North Nineteenth
rollinsMl'e. Ill
Colllnsvllle. Ill
..1331 North Eighteenth
1.914 rranklin
1434 North Twelfth
.171S North Ijetllnirwell
Cement. Ok
Lynchburg, Va
1S33 Blddl-
3017 DIUsion
.Ill IJttl
1431 Deer
300S Manchester
SMS Manchester
54S Fouth Garrl-nn
...7307 South Broadway
3S47H North Grand
- 3130 De SVjto
4434 Forest Park
4434 Forest rark
John P McMahon
Flora Golen
Aucust C. Callonl
Mary Rlrall
Amedel lUaall ....
Ida De Bord
3721 Cote Brilliant?
...1416 North IWnngweli
Z'.n Market
333 Market
C700 Pace
....(134 Bertha
Fred E Kracht ...
Emille Lindner
...3509 Natural Tirldga
. 3C33 Hebert
Pred G Patterson Osceola. Ark
Lizzie Smith ..1513 South Second
Arthur I. Morgena 417S Laclede
s. uru'ia kos
..............uiui lyirr
,...3.100 Howard
ZOO Howard
....4333 North Market
.3d Pasin
J. H. Schmidt
"Robert T. Story
Grace A. "iVllliam ....
Louis O. Pislier
Carrla A. Mehrl
wmiain A. Hauser ..
Alvlna Gchaales ......
Santnel B. Ste-nmer ...
Ethel G. Beeman ....i.
Hy. T. Durabeclc
Cbarlotta M. Frana ..
OttoA. Bronon
Mr. Mattie Runyon ..
llenrr Jansen
Ethna Downing
Guy "CTInkle
OU-.6 M. Turner
George S. Murray....
Emma, Price.. ....
Albert Jennlng
Ella Janny
San Bcllrn...-.
Alvlna Guth
T. O. Bchlueter.
Clara Thorn
fleorge Tobtn. .........
Pauline Baumazai
CThrlst Knebelkamp
Amelia Klene..,
' "tValter Sctoetker
Stella, Entry
James McCue...
Mattie B. II alley. ,
......IKf) California
3331 Gravols
ISM Linton
.1918 Montgomery
1844 Cook
1302 St. Anges
3150 Khenandoah
2106 Cherokee
Vardalla, Til
Joplln. Mo
373S Hebert
.Tipton, Mo
6242 Famous
, G210 Famous
Buena. Va
-..VlcksburB, Miss
.". Ml Elm
Ste. Geneiee, Mo
....342 Etouth Thirteenth
2S42 Vlctcr
3744 Arsenal
31S Mlchian
3337 St. Ltnlls
33U3 DodlT
-. Belleville. Ill
, Nashville. Ill
, 231J Biddle
2C15 Montgomery
U13A Hedlamont
6340 Map'.'
..350 South Eighteenth
373S Randoijih
t.3747 Clorlc
Adolpb B. BauDch.....
Laura Kemer
John A. HelllkerA....
"iVesala C Courvlon...
Jacob "CTrohlecblaesrer.
, "na 'NValter
Trancls B. Beard
Margaret C. Kirk
Jerry Dowd
Julia Dales'.
Isaac: J. Kaiser.
Ida Hoock
Bennle Rosenstlne.....
i:ihel Moirlr.
Henry Bohlcm
5346 Biilee
...590S CollinsvUle
2421 North Jefferson
...Chicago. Ill
3057 Dickson
.'loo Michigan
1413 North Seventh
102S Hlght
.E13A North Vandeventrr
3101 WjOmlrc
, ......413 Phenandoai
4213 Shenandoah
Anna jtovianu
Otto C. E-ktrt
Ida ftauschenbach
Henry V. Hsgclman....
Martl.a C Feltcr
Georg-j J. Diepenhrock..
Florence L. Fltzpatrlck
"tVHIla-n H. Sarrls
Jennl3 Hoft
Jacob Schroeder..........
Corinrey Kweeney.
Robert A. Reals
Julia McGnth
August G. Meier
Katherlna Salwaenter...
John H. U WalteT
Louise M. Zimmerman..
Richard M. Fleming....
Nora ToMn
SO Bremen
4426 North Broadway
Clo Garfield
4472 Ea?vri
2203 fJuth Tenth
i... Dallas, Tex
...909 South Eleventh
...09 South Elevt-l'th
3969 Lincoln
, 333) Bell
3913 Chouteau
3002 Park
..2309 South Jefferson
.....f403 South Bprin-
..1014 South Eleventh
1901 Locust
Chicago. Ill
3726 Iowa
P. J. Haines
Julia T. liergst.
John J. BsonessT iLttUa Rock. Ark
Margrstt ft. Charlton. 37S7 Pennsylvania
glehard 8, Meloan..." .Landsdowne, 111
el'a E. Carl Landsdorme, 111
I. J.'Lowary ."CVnilamsrllla, III
Emclda J. Biles.... 312 St. George
Adolpb Cook ... 2340 Lawton
Eatom M. Jenkins... 3940 La-wton
Adolph H. Buottner 407A South Garrison
Emma M. Pal-erty Greenwood, Mo
Herman Rohwedder. East St. Louis, 111
Ida L-trius East St. Louis. Ill
WedsMnsr Rlnsrsi (Soil GM).
Plnot QnaUties. $3 to J20. Mermod
Jtcc&rd'a. Broadway ana Locuat.
William Morrlssey, 65, City Hospital: con
sumption. Andrew Slmsv X. 133? Park; tuberculosis.
Patrick Murphy. 34. 107 Market: pneumonia.
Georgs Lee, 49. 230 South Fourth: debility.
Jess H. Phlllals. 23, 3001 Easton: pneumonia.
William Schmidt. 73. 1429 North Twenty
fourth: pneumonia.
John Coarmtn. 64. 3230 Bell: nephritis.
Edward Casey. 17, 2702 North Spring: en
teritis. '
Charles Klllea. 35. 19ClsMorgan; phthisis.
J. Maschada. U. 3334 Rutger; consumption.
Anna Xalert, 40. USIA. Pennsylranla: sui
cide. James Mathews. 39, 1413 Sarsfleld place; pneu
monia. Martha Moraghan. IS, 2825 Caroline: consump
tion. Rudolph Kohs. 19, St. Mary's Infirmary ; pneu
.monia. Henry Bridgewater, El. ZS44 St. Louis; con
sumption. Beasts L. Sallsr. 11 months. 2602 I'apin; bronchitis-Goodwin
Grower, 31. 3916 Olite: consumption.
LSaais O'Brien.. tJ, Poorhoute: debility. -
Julia McNamara, 60. Poorhoute; tiebittty.
EmU J. Fabian. 71, Poorhouse: asthma.
Margaret Headen, 27. 4315 Cote Brliliante;
Cathsrira Davltt. 62. 1(06 North Twenty-second:
heart disease.
Lydla Bvoboda. 26. 2S37 Missouri: peritonitis.
Mary E. Bender. 76. 1618 Olive; pneumonia.
Hamilton. Daughaday. 63. 44V2 west Pine;
. heart disease.
Rosaona Mahaney, 45, 1216 North Market:
consumption, r
Cathnias Oapoka, 28. Female Hospital; peri
tonitis. Hut Lindsay, 34. 1006 Oboar: surgical opera
Mary Carieo, 63. tls D Soto; uraemia.
D. W. Surknead, 44, St. Louis County; pare;
st. '
.-.. .':-
FOUND The Dlace to ki rood Shoo for
R.S0. Harm Shoe Co . 40? N. th. near Locust.
GLOViv IaOst, black Pcrrln's tlOTe. FrlJay
noon. Please return to 701 Missouri lacliio
building. Rcwanl .
U-MllRELIa-A Lct. on Mars land caf. icentle
rnan'i i-llk umbrella; lcrj handle; Inscribed A.
1H. Return to .Lorraine Hotel for reward.
WATCH-Lct. exy pmall dirk blue rn
nmtlcd chatelaine watch, vet nlth illamonds;
buttcrfiv Din. Kinder return to 44o3 Washins
tnn and receive reward.
J-5 reward nnd no question1- asked, lor re
turn of heart-fhaped diamond tirooch, carol
rl-ain axul w-ttch. Return to Hotel Ljor-itnc,
Isindejl and IM1.
IM the Ornhans fi.irrt nt MiiTiteoraprv Oaun-
tr. rennlranla Estato of Law rt nee Troy, I
cea.ied Sur Partition To James Troy: ou
are herebv n-u!(ei! that, lajlnic afide all busi-nw--i
nnd excuse-, whatsoever, jou le anil aMear
in our proper rersnn biforo the Hon WillUm 1
X11. Prciildent Judge of our raid Orjr'nns
Court, to be held at the Courthouse, at Nir
ristown. in and for the county of MontRomerv,
on TueFdy. tho twentv-fourth day of Ma. A.
1. 11, at 10 o'clock a. in , then and there to
ncr-pt or reru- tin real rtate of said de
cedent at the tppra!ed vnluatlon put m-m it
bv the inque!, clulv returned, cr offer in
writing nioie for the Mine, and In cafe all tho
heirs nnd lel representative- and persmn In
terested in the ennte of niid decedent WKlixt
or rffu-e to accept the win', then o t-how
caus, if nnv jon hive, wh) tha name Fhould
not Ih sold according to law Uy the. Court.
II T Vox. Attorney.
frherlffa OfHce. Norrwtown. Pa.. April 23. J3Q1.
IX th Onhars" furt of MontKomrry Coun
tj. IVnnsvlvarlst Kftnte of Mary Tnn. pc-(ase.l-'si'r
Partition To Janier Trov : mi ait
hereby notifln that. lavlnc iildn JI Iiushh-"'
and cues vvl.atver. ju be and .ippene In
jour prcpr jtrFon brfo'o tho Hon WlTom I"
H-lIj. Preiiient .Iitdce of our Paid Orpb.irs
0urt. to b hHd at the Cnur.hou at I
ritown. In and for th Count v of Montgomery.
n Tiisliy ih tn cut v -fourth ! of May. A
I-. lt. at 1ft o'clock a rr . then nnd lhre to
accept or refuse the real esl.ile of paid il'1
rodent at the appriirM viliution put ujmii it
br the Inquest, duls i turned or offer in writ
Ins: nn?r for the pani. and 1m o all the
lieim and lepal repreyertpllve nd prna In
terested In the estite of t-ald deeednt nep'ect
or rfu to accept the same then, to sinw
oauo. If Anj you have, why the iime fl-ould
not le sold accord I tie t" lavr. )t- the Court.
JOHN LMI7.ni.nisK. Sheriff.
H. T. Pox. Atbiinev for Attorney.
Sheriffs Office. Norrlstown. P-. April W. ISM.
Tlin refcular Annual :nn-tlne of h- stock
holders of th Southern R",vl I'state anil Pl
rcrc'nl Comranv will be held- ot their ofnie.
No rno x. Fourth St.. St. 1,miK Mo, on Mon
day, May J. 104, for th" elation of directors
for th ensul'.t j,car and th transaction of
any other buclnea thit may ooaie before the
neetlny. Tolls open from & a m. to 1 p. xn.
IeOClS A. CHLLA. President.
CTarle-i J. Cella. teeretarj.
$U Louis. Mo. April ZZ. 1904.
Springfield. HI , April 27. Centlflcates for In
corporation wete istued by Secret ar) of tj.te
Uo- to-day as follows;
Tbe A. C Robb I-umber Company, Couic
ville; capital, Jlo,vj; dealing in lumber and
builojng materials. IncorporaiorB Alexander C.
Robb, lienjaniln T. Ixi(,lass and John Rruso.
The Uvajisnllle Telephone Company, .diw
vllle; capital, J2.50J: telephone busineo Incor
porators A llliam Avolff, John V. Tummei and
William R. Mathews.
Th United CJaa and Electric Company, Litch
field; capital, Jlw,tof; to operate electric p.ant.
Incorporators Ia.v id David AVlUlam F. J-i-Force
and Jacob J. lrej.
dy of experience; with good citv reference. Call
after 6pm or address Bookkeeper. 3244 Olive.
BOOK KliEPER Capable bookkaeper antl
t-tenographr would assist or take charge f
booth at Fair would accept any good situa
tion; good experience and references. FD 113.
BOY situation, by colored boy;
work. CIS N. Beaumont.
any kind of
CHAMBERMAID Situation by neat colored
girl as chambermaid or housegirl. IS03 Lucaa
COOK ituatlon by first-class woman cock.
Call or write Anna Schanklln a;l0 Carr .
COOK Situation by experienced German wom
an an cook or general work; no objection to
suburbs. 3117 Easton.
COOK Situation by experienced cook .-entiled
white woman, with girl 9 ears old; best ref
erences; cooking1 only. 7L Morgan.
COOK. AND HOUSEGIRI Mother and daugh
ter wish situations tcgether; mother experi
enced cook, daughter to co rouse or dining
room work or nurse; reference. Apply Wom
an's Training School, 1 to 3 p. m. Tnursdai.
DEMONSTRATOR Situation by refined j-cnuig
lady as demonstrator or saleslady at "World s
Flr. L. C. 1415 Burd ave.
DRESSMAKER Dressmaker desires work at
home; prefers plain clothes or children's dresfcs.
3 AA'arren st
GIRL Strong oung girl, 17 5 ears of age.
would like icwItion at the World's Pair, in
lunch or souvenir stand. Call or write, 3015
HOUSEKEEPER Middle-aged ladv ' wishes
situation as working housekeeper for lece crn
tleman or party; willing to leave city. Mar
guerite Herman. 2134 Morgan.
HOUSEKEEPER Home with man and wifo
who would appreciate good woman as general
hourckeeper. UP 21. Republic.
HOUSEMAID Situation by first-class house
maid ; best reference. 42S Olhe.
HOUSEMAID Situation by first-class house
maid; can furnish Chicago and .St. Louis refer
ences. Call or write, 2&jl Morgan.
HOUStTtt ORK Situation as housegirl In a
small famll; no laundry or children. itCfA
HOUSHWORK Bv Hungarian lady; speaks
very little English; good home more than
salary. Address Anna Goal. 4114 Oregon.
IIOUSEAAOMAN Situation by competent
middle-aged woman for general houseworKjalso
by experienced girl for houi and dining-room
wcrk. 1&34 Flnn-. Phcne Undell C7CM.
KITCHEN AA'O MAX Situation by experienced
German woman to do kitchen worc at AYorld'x
Fair gjjmds. 3117 Eastern.
LAUNDRESS A ashing to tafca home by
good laundress. Address- 26H3 Morgan.
LAUNDRIES AVants small family bashings
to take home. C& Papln St., f r-t floor.
LAUNDRESS Situation by r.Mt-clas colored
laundrefs-. three davs In week. SC2.Lawtcn.
LAUNDRESS Situation to take washing
home on Monday or Tuesday. 2WI. Carr st.
LAUNDRESS Situation by reliable "wnitei
woman as laundress, Avednescav and Tnurs
dav; best references. asSOA Howard.
LAUNDRESS Situation by lint-class laun
dress, first three da in week-. Ifil7 Lucas.
LAUNDREKS situation bv colored laundress;
Tuesdajs. Wedwsdays and Thursdays. Oill or
write. it jiorern.
SOUTHERN EfnxiIOTiwnt I Co , Tel. Kin.
63. 1007 Chestnut GuarantV all petitions cr
money refunded immedlattlji many good cler
ical, salesman and po tlons opon.
MAID Middle-aged lady, kind, respectable.
wants situation as lady's maid, companion to
invalid. Address "T.," care Sisters cf Merry
Twentv-recGrd and Morgan sts.
NURbB-Sltiiation by reliable woman to take
care of Infant; beet of clt rsferences. 3SC0
N. Grand.
SALESLADY Salesladv would like position
on Fair grounds; decorated china preferred;
good references. W.. 6142 Plymouth .u
SEAMSTRESS For AA'ednesday and Thurs
day. 1025 X. Twelfth st. Miss tilde Harris.
SITUATION by young lady at a booth in
Fair grounds: Al roferenopfa. TP 134. Itepunlic.
STENOGRAPHER Experienced stenographer
and general ofllce assistant desires position.
FD 103. Itepubllc
STENOGRAPHER Strictly first-class younr
lady stenographer of several ears' experlenco
desires position with reliable firm: moderate
salary: rclet-ences. PC 114. Republic
WASH ERWOMAJf Washing or houseclcan
lng by the day done by experienced and re
sponsible woman: best references. Mrs. Rob
tits. 1722 N. Hlch st.
WORK Situation by two ladles to take
charge of rooms at Valr ground!. 3419 Pine.
WORK Young lady. 22. wlhes situation at
Talr: booth or cashlershlp. clerkship; best of
references. FD 114. Itepubllc.
WORK Situation by young woman; any kind
of work at Fair grounds' speak a-d write Ens-
llsh and German.
ji. ai. r . vtu ivenneriy.
Txu-Lfiri - r,- ------- . - -...
BAKER Situation bv third-hand baker. Ad
dress Q. J. Nelson. 34E S. Jefferson.
ISAKCE-Situation by flrst-class baker snd.
M3LI) t.tJUJk, W.W. Hl VI. .......v. .tw.L, j,.
lerred. P. E.. 112 Lucas ave.
HAKTENDER-Posltlon as bartender; thre
jean.' experience; best references. C 101.
BOOKKEEPER An experienced -bookkeeper
desires soma kind or clerical work: permanent
or temporary. Lock Box 12. Troy. III.
EOY Situation by boy to do light office
wcrk; sre 15 years: can furnish est of refer
ence?. 2015 N. Thirteenth st. '
CHAUFFEUR Yountr man of 25 years wishes
position as chauffeur; Al references. Hanson,
2917 Olive.
CHEF A stranger In St. Louis, with
good hotel reference: good wages expected. VD,
145. Republic. "
CJJ5RK Situation by young man as clerk In
hotel: day or night; experience and best xf
refciences. I'D. 141. Republic
COLLECTOR A well-experienced collector
Mfhes situation with good business-house; best
references. i'D 102. Republic
COOK Situation by experienced colored cook:
best reference. 2fi03 Lucas.
COOK Flrst-class cook, at liberty; ipttfers
fifht -nuk. "-"--"- 2)17 OUT.
- -: TniA jk.ki -sc.rw.-arr-iST-
i rf'irt. f- -.. .. j . - --e
sy-M--AJav. sTa-T i. .-sirs; '-a-rr-! fc -
DRUG CLERK Situation bv dniff clerk; lx
eas experience; register"! In Oklahoma and
Tesas; 27 ears old b"H IS. Republic.
h'MJlNECIl-Mtuatlon as engineer; hrst-clasa
tnutlon &nd street-roller crglnver; Ritlifactory
inference; furnished. Tl 11?. RepubMc.
PiKKMAX situation by a ilrat-class boiler
lu oman r nlgbt vatchman. Pl lis. Rrpublic.
1tUTl:it Japar-e?, jotmg man, wlhea j
s'tion as butler, valet (lonff experience in New
York), in private family, wlin excellent p"
evnal refer nces. 1. t). IWx 632.
ORPKNTJ;R-fcltuation by
w illtng to w ork reasonable ,
work. I C la. Republic.
a ounj man;
inside, steady
COA HMAN hltuatiou b thoroujchly compe
tent, experienced coachman, best of references.
IV 101. Republic.
DRAFTSMAN Architectural, for design ard
details, structural and ornamental wo'k;
water tolor and perpectlvei, wants position,
VC 111, Republic.
IHiKL MAN 1 am an experienced hotel
nun; can fill iorition In any department; fur
i.lsh left lefi-iMicc. I'D 101. Republic.
IIOUhEMAX INtsitlsin by A No l houseman
(Ocrmani for hotel. b S timid. Slit Hickory Bt.
MOL'HCMAN MtLatlon by eironc white man
as houemait. butler, putter etc. Call or write
WT AVet minster.
L'OUIMAN Mttmtion hy a houo and dln
lnp.roim mm; prU ite. Addrew N. Halmer,
131 Iifaj.tt4' ,ivo.
MAN Youn? in in to loarn tteanjflttlng;
1 I'D in. Repiibi
wife, rrfeicnt s
JII Sltu.it.n by man and
and cxperkr.e. I'D 141. Uepub-
MAN AND Wil'i; luiilon bv min and vlfe
from out r.f tewn. with i rlv ite fimiilj or to take
liaise of innmlng-' i.e. I'D l"s Kpjbllc.
:.i:VT t llJ lR oiinir nun wlhs iltu.i
tlon m ni.it rnttrr m any kind of -u.rk; first
class irfcrtiue: hnn-t sober, etc Adlrcs V.
J. heridein. 703 N. Mftenth s: citv
PAINTRR rirt-clas painter wouM like to
figun on work. Me line, hoiiho Just ilnlIiel,
htv hIp. rojfcPruMp I'll l4. Republic.
PAPi;iE 11 N;iR Paper I inpr nnd devora-to-
waits work, ord.rs pnifriv nftended t.
f'nil ponUI card to Jlr I'm U !'? N High tt.
l"ORTT3I ::! t it. tlen by oung colored man at
rrur or diir, r.isonablo wages, call or
write. Wli Lucas five.
I'lNlTlON, v Ith chance of advnncfmnt, by
3 nun j innii from count rv; 4 years in store;
reference KD g3. Itepubllc.
PRi;yMAN Job piexnian want position;
un.on. Jl 5J. Repub 1 1 c
working h-urs
to frtudy itrchltccture
VD hO Republic
VALET wishes a M tuition In li tel or club;
has had experience in New crk hotel; can
give best ot reierem'. FI) S, Republic.
SI CUATIoX Yeunjr Hollander, speak" sovor
fll ianguages. wants situation at the World's
Fair; ha iirst-ckuw city references and does
not drink Y. h. H . C25 N. Sarah st.
AVATCH MAX Position as watchman by very
lelitbl min. Address r3J3 Reber place.
AVATCHMAN Situation as watchman; best
of reference furnished rrgardlng reliability and
horesty. Tl 2". Republic
AA'ORK Man wants work; understands care
of hordes, cow, lawn and flowers: references.
FD SG. Republic
A ORK Position b a oung man from out of
town to work nnihts at lunch-counter work or a
jfb at most anj thing; willing to work. I'D 134.
AAOllK A position by young man from out
of town. In private family, have experience
with horses; willing to work and sober. PD
104. Republic
AA'ORK AVer Id's Talr position, by brainy, cul
tured oung man of splendid business ability;
lnido or outtlde. M. H., 837 N. Eleventh St.,
Philadelphia. ,
AA'ORK Young Hdy from Iowa, well educat
ed, line penman, dclres position with exhibitor
at A otitis Fair; city reference. Address Miss
H. Brlnsman, M19A Morgan.
In termin.il railroad construction. FE 23, Re
public. W OHK-Situaticn
3 0unr man to attend
horco or cow,
22. Republic.
3 ard and work around place.
WORK Gentleman, cultured, refinement an
Issue: an orator; managerial experience; tluent
talkod; flow try Illustrator; capable of holding
crowds with results, wants position. World's
Fair. FD 113. Republic.
lOUNG mechanical engineer. 24, has excellent
record as skilled general mechanic, as drafts
man, has principal experience on machine tools,
steam nnd gaH engines, etc.. desires a position
of designing or similar advancing engagement.
FC 27. Republic.
Ufc.L.1 UA.VriSlI KJ.MAl.tl..
taurant. 910 N. flxth -t.
Klrls. A. Ainann. 5)12 Locust Pt.
DINING-ROOM GIRLS. Two dlnins-rooni
frlrls. New .Gem JtectauraiitrtMux OHve.
WAlTRCSS-DlnlnK-room waRrefi.
WAITRESS At one; restaurant. 204 N. Nlnta
2WJ Olive.
WAITRESSES I?xperienced
N. e.enth.
waitresses. 417
near Laclede.
wases. 9 N. Corapton,
WAITRESSES All-day and dinner waitress-.
G N. Twelfth ft.
WAITRESS-In restaurant;
room, 41U Delmar ave.
will furnish
WAITRESM Experienced waitresses. Bur
Hntrton Howl. 1C54 Market.
Glrl waitresses.
4S3I Delmar.
V.'-UTR ESSES Th re- experienced waitresses;
good vrpRes. t-22 N. Tailor.
Experimcesl mllrcf. rJ3.'i Olive.
WAITRESSES!; fxpcrlenced waitresses Ap-pH-
an a. m , Tlmrla3. at 311 Missouri Trust
WAITRESSES Glrlx to wait on tables; no
experience necessary; lunch and steady. 716
OHe. upstairs.
Tfc Traaei.
OVKRALLMAKKRS-On pouer machines.
Arhetter A Richmr. 801 N. Seventh t.
I'JtUo FJ.I.DERf Girl; iiermanent posi
tion. -AUer-fr.enVr Chemical Co . ITW Morpan
est rtice3 and the i:js:st BjBtem; ateady r.-orte
always. OlSen Rrcs . 717 Luca.
SKHtTMAKEUS Experienced: best pay In
city. AUcdcnald Mfff. Co.. 1124 Locust, m-cond
SKIRTMAKERH-MuFt be experienced- steady
wcrlc all year; good washes. Progress Mf. Co,
717-71D Lucas.
72i N. hprinff.
TAXLOUns Flrst-cIaRs talloress on custom
coats coed u&ces; stead v wcrk. 413HA Nat
ural Ericpr ioeiI.
Sttadi vctU. SIJ N. rourtecnth.
WAIbTMAKKRS Experienced -Aaitmnker;
t xrty; steady work. Iaars , Ruhensteln,
lli Aa-hlrj:un.
WAlbT riNISHKRH. 1JTC Waist finishers
and Uclrers on vaits and tkirts; apiircntice
and errand clrl. S3C2 rine.
"XHK riist-clas cook; white or colored. 3S17
Dlm ir.
COON Must be exrerlenced; no washing. 3K2
COOK Good cook; reference.
3241 Morgan
COOK Experienced cook; small family.
COOK Good cook; small family;
Apply 2831 Lafaietto.
wages S23.
CXK)K Flrst-class cook:
3 Vande. enter place.
reference required.
COOK rirst-class colored cook. Apply 4375
Washington boulevard.
Womnn cook.
2514 Ollv e.
w antt-tl.
-Woman cook In restaurant: room If
495 lelmar ave
COOK Lipcrlcnccd cook; wages J20 or K
3419 Hawthorne boulevard.
COOK Girl to cook nnd do downstairs work.
39J4 Washington: references.
COOK GtiOd cock Immediately,
sens Hospital. 3400 School st.
Martha Par-
COOK Woman to assist in cooking and
kitchen work. Gill. 2SG0 Olive.
COOK A good German girl cook; wages $50
month. Call sri N. E.ghth st.
COOK, ETC. Vegetable cook and two kitchen
girls. Christian Endeavor Hotel.
COOK Flrct-clas cook; white; reference re
quired cocxl wages. 2-".22 Washington.
COOK Good colored woman In the kitchen;
one who understands cooking. 8204 Olive.
COOK Woman or girl to do'cooklng and as
sist little with housework; no objection to -col-ored
iierMili. 2345 Park.
4174 Morpon.
NURbn Experience settled nurse for child;
bring references. 1150 Belt.
NURSCTo take care of two children, 1 year
old and 6 years old. 4604 Qlie.
NURSE To take care ot i-year-old child and
assist upstairs maid; good -wages. 4451 Llndell.
NURSE An old lady to mind two children
and help a little In houscrtork. Mayer, 1522
Wash st,
NURSE White irfrl with some experience, to
-wait on table and nurse child of S months.
222 Delmar .
NURSE Competent white nurse. atr once:
none without pity reference need apply 4471
NURSE-Nf-at colored mire. 18 to 25 years
old card of CO-month-oId child In afternoon, -and
to work as second housegirl In morning. 41S2
Morgan au
s..Y-i-vaJSv-'?ft-':rS'yw s-o-iK.-in!Tv.-sa---.K&N.-r.- .;..,. i '.-tkivAarist-ss-C-ws-SE
'".i.'.tt.c !Kr-f.Yii?-'.'.i - -... ...,v T... -'r.. it. .;m. v. tp.'j-,i.. .'.. , -- .. .. -. ..--...ti .. . v. - . ... ...... .. - - ..-. -r-... j...-k
-i--aij.fJiaw.-'- ...,n-,-., B-tf--glF;-Mi!jtiTf.yr-''--iMtf
s "JsOi-sfV'VsssrsiifiistsLX1XJJJJilrj
IIOI."Sn(!IRt Competent liouwsirl. at once.
mn Pine.
HOL'SEGIItl. In family of three.
New stead.
GUI Kaston.
for general nouseworK.
HOCsi;GIIlI. Girl for general housenorK.
!U2 Pine st.
for Rfneral housework.
ST) Delmnr.
4174 Morgan.
for ceneral housework.
IiOl'SLGlItl. Girl fcr general hoj'ework.
21Z1 Ixcnst st.
Virf,lnti ac.
-Girl for llsht liouseuork. 7313
IIOI7Si:ciRU-Glrl to do central h0u-.nork
2131 1'ninklln
IIOUPW.IHl. Girl for Kcneral liousenorlc.
Wl I-ifnlle.
, Ilti;SI.GIi:i-RrrrreBces required,
dell boulanl.
HOUtrniltL. Girl
'2 H Gland
for general hoinewrrk.
ili)llhi.i;ii:i. -And
J Heil
Girl for general houiework.
211", ,reinl st.
-Girl for general liouesork at
MOUMIUO.MAN Woman for hounork.
.it ill ty.ciut M.
wcrk. 4113
lUU'rnan girl for seneral houie
l Im ir.
IfOI!rroiIII-Glrl for general r-ouietoik
."cfJ Alt r.itrin .tw
IIOI'srGiniy Three In ramlly: refertneo re
runrert 21.: J)olmir
IKiUMJillRIGIrl for general hius.norl. at
V-1 "t-hlnpt'oi ne
Arrlv 1MI Kroi.Ulln.
for genMl lcu5ewtk.
llorsiIGHtl, Girl to do general housework
4131 Itlmir louletard.
HOrMMIItfj Uirl to do general housework.
lX"i N. King' hlghn.iv.
llOUhKGIHlJJ-Two linus'tlrls In lioiurtlng
houe. ix N. BlOfUlway.
HOi:SFGlRl-Glrl to do general hou'.'work;
got d micH ro3 Clierokee.
HOL'SI-GIRI. Girl for general hojework In
small family. 5SCS Drlraar.
llOi;si:GlRI. Good, rrllalle girl for gen
eral houtewnik. r-"tW Miple.
lKHTMlGlKI.- Girl for general Iiour-nnrk.
A.pH at 171 W'.uerlv plui1.
HOL'SMJIRl-GIrl for general housework;
nii! at onto T-iTZ Iclinar.
HOUrtIX;iltI-Girl nf n or 15 to asslrt
light houseworK. 3677 Cook.
HOUSEGini-Vhltc girl for general houe
work. Apply :aog staple ue.
HOUSlX5IRl-Sle.idv. reliable girl to do gen
eral hou-work. 2TJ3 OHo St.
HOljMXJlHtr Girl for gereral housework
small famlh. 4417 Grc.r me.
HOUSCGIRI-Girl to do general housework;
rood w tgi. 1321 N. Garrton.
HOUSi:GIRI-Girl for general housework;
two In family. 1310 K. High.
HOUPtGlltL Girl tb do geteral housework.
15 Wlndemer placts (Cahanne).
HOL'SITUIHI G-Irl for general housework:
small fnmlly. 3S'C S. JefTerson, ,
IlOUfeBGIllLr-Gtrl'to do general houework
inniuv oi two. aii &ucrnacan.
. HOl'SBW OMAN Woman to work In room-Inc-huuse.
Call at 1317 Olive st.
HOU.i:aiUI-airl -for general hou-ework;
snail fimllj. IS40 ''m Veren
liOUbrXSIKIa Girl for housework; Grnian
or Swede: good wages. 352 Bell.
HOUSBGIltl-A good girl for general house
work: good wages, isis Carr s-t.
HOUSEGIRL Girl for Rereral houseworft
Call Thursday. 1529 Temple place.
HOL'EGIRL Girl for Reneral housework;
small family: good naKes. itZ') Relt.
HOUSEGIRL GJrl to.asj.ift wltli housework;
email family. 2751. Shenandoah ae.
HOUSEGIRL Olrl to assist In centra! house-,
work in small family. 3li lawton.
HOUSEGIRL Goo.1 filrl to do housework and
asl-t In dining-room. 4270 Delmar.
HOUSEGIRL Girl to do peneral housework;
Fm-ill family. 4447 wcrt, Relle place.
HOUSEGIRL Girl for general housework;
bring references 312 Sheridan ae.
HOUSEU OMAN An cldtrh lady fcr house
work and care for o.d folks. 3311 Ulnney.
HOUteCGIRL 'JOOD girl to do general house
Tiork.: good wages. 4167 Mcpherson ae.
HOUhEGIRI-Girl to do central housework;
coma ready for iork. 3H2 Washington.
HOUSEGIRL Girl for hou-ework: must be
competent: 3) per month. 5oa Morgan.
HOUSEGIRL Girl for general housework;
tno In family; small flat. 4foo I 'age ae.
HOUSEGIRL Young girl for general houne
work In flat: no washing. SG35A Rui-sell.
HOUSEGIRLS Two -Irla for general houae
orlc. Call at Heib Rros,. 217 S. Second.
HOUSEGIRL Aclrl to do llEht housework;
two in family: good home. &29 ICenslngton.
HOUSEGIRL Girl for upstairs housework
and assist with children. 43tj McPherson.
HOUSEGIRL Girl to do general housework;
sall family; "goo 1 wages. 3K8 Easton ae.
HOUSEGIRL Gooil white girl to do geieral
housework: no washing. 2103 Waerly place.
HOUSEGIRL GJrl for gvneral housework;
good liaces; two In family. 0326 V Henrietta.
HOUSEGIRL Girl for housework in family
of two; no washing. C&6A Cle eland ave.
HOUSEGIRL Girl for general housework;
small family; coed T-,agps. 1133 Hodlamont.
HOUSEGIRL Girl to do general housework;
no outside or laundry work. 4317 West Relle.
HOUSCGIRL-'-Glrl to psalst In general houe
work; small family; In flat. W2S Falrmount.
HOUSEGIRL A girl for general hou-ewor;
small family and good wages. 2320 Cherokee.
HOUSEGIRL Girl to do general housework
In small family; wages lib. 215 H. Jefferson.
HOUSEGIRL General houserfrl; pmall fam
H; new Hat: good wage. 3647A Blaine ai.e.
HOUSEGIRI A-ighi for general housework;
iia washing: good iages. 50S9 Washington 'ac.
IIOUSE4IIRL A girl for general house tinm
In fmllv of three adults. Apply at C173 Majile.
HOUSEGIRL Girl for general housework;
small family; good wage. 531 A Louisiana ae-.
1IOUSIXHRL Ntal colored girl for general
t.oU3ework; family of two; -jd cook. 4704A
Cook. -.J-.
HOUsjEGIRL Girl for general houeoric
witii some experience. ISHQ 1'oiest Park Loule
ard. HOI7SEGIRL German Klrl to do general
hoiewOik; no waging; no cooking. 436 west
HOUEEGIRL-Good person for light houe
woik and to care for iintg of sick wrson. C032
Las ton.
HOUSEGIRL Girl to do encial housework;
younc couplu in ptetty littlo flat; good -wasts,
4:42 Ilad
IIOL'SEGIHL A girl to assist with general
liouscwoik: small family; good home. La
Hallo st.
HOUMvGlRL Ctrl for g-neral housework;
small family: good wages; ateadi. 13:4 North
HOUSEGIRL Girl to do general housework;
no washing or Ironing; no outside work. 3627
HOUSEGIRL Girl for general housework;
If pi ef erred, can g6 home at night. L21A Ar
lington .
HULSIXJIRL Experienced house and dlnlng
loom girl; Lest wages; references. -eti9 West
mlrfrter. HOUiC31RL Toung girl to axalat In hoxise
work: small family: no washing or ironing.
3KS Page.
ROUbEGlRL-CCunpetent girl foe general
housework; family ot three; wages J3u. l2fio
IIOUSEGmL Good German girl for general
housework; no washing; good wagea. 31u7
HOUfaLGIRI-Good German girl or elderly
ladv to do Kcneral houteucrtt; two in famiij.
SNbLV Victor.
liUUbEGIRL Good German ttlrt cr elderly
latty for general housev.ork; two In family.
2m;a victor.
HOUSEGIRLr-Voung girl to assist ultli
housework: no cashing or Ironing; good pay.
ZtClX Rusell ne
IIGUSEGIRL-Girl for general housework; no
washing; good home. Address 717 N. Thirteentn
Bt., East ht. Louis.
COOK Girl to cook and assist with house
work. Apply second lloor east, fclafford A part -ments.
4l Llndell.
HOUbLGIRI-Girl to do general housework;
small family; with or without washing; excel
lent wages. 4225 Delmar.
ROU.SKGIRL Young kirl who will make her
self useful assisting with housework, and go
homo at nights. 44J1 Delmar.
HOUSEGIRL Girl for general housework
to assist with children; no washing or Ironing;
good wages. 41 64 A Mcl'htraon,
HOUSEGIRL Good whUe girl for general
housework; mUit understand cooking; German
preferred. E07J KUrmOunt ae.
HOUSEGIRl-GlTl to do general housework:
no washing; good wagea; place where second
girl la kepu 4W4 McPherson.
HOUSEGIKI-GIri for general housework;
must be good cook and UundreM; family of
two: wages T-L Applj, withrcferenceir, E4T6
HOUSE WOMAN A woman for general house
work; at once; no children; good home. l?X
wagoner Place, 'lane j-jasion car.
Clerks n'd Collector.
lxrtoovn 'i i it i f,-rt,.-rn-ii- i-i"iiriiiwi
CASHIEK E-rperleneed ladr cashier for re
tall grocery. FD 136, Republic.
OFFICE ASSISTANT Young ladyr experi
enced: IS. J7. "Leigh-Bros.. Century building.
SAIJSSL,ADII"S Two e-tnerlenced salesladle-r;
KOod salary. JIay'Dry Goods Co.. East St.
V SAMXI-ADI15S tr handkerchief. 4k
. Jewelrv, notions and fancy goods depart-
X rnents. SCHAPER BROS.. Broudway 4
as and Franklin. , 4fc
iii:m waxted kesiaije.
ClfAMTiCRM UI) Woman to do chamber
work. 10IJ8 S. Jelfcrson.
i;il.MnERMAJl-Kxpcrienced chambermals?
at r.0l Vasiirgton oe.
CHA.MIiEHJIAin-One experienced chtmber
m.iid: white. 1 1. million Hotel.
fllAMItCR-MAIDS. 17TC. Chambermaids,
v .vtrc-s , cc.ks. house, kitchen girls, laun
ditswes: I air grounds. American. 913 olive.
cos Jlorgiin'st.
UlbllWAMIKR-Lady dishwasher,
after 10 a. m . 61 locust st.
UiMlWAbllUItb Twn 'romen dlhwoshers.
Clilk'i Union Market Retmrant.
OlallWAMIBK A woman dl'tiwasher. Olivia
Cnfe. KK3 N. Grand; basement.
IJlSIIWAfclltRS Two male dslhwashers.
Call at onee. 110 N. Twenti-llrst st.
tilltl To help In restaurant; 34 a week. C St.
Up adway.
Gir.I.S-ltrlght girl", 14 to 15. Sterling: Mfg.
Co.. :i.'I Ol'.ie.
GIRLK 'In do light work; good wages; steady
work. 3T. X. Main.
:ii:i'- Two ;
llrl". 14 or 15. to work
-"i: N. Ilro-ulwar.
GIUI': Pinners; at once; good wages. Mc-F-atlird.
37 Olive.
GIRL Girl In rrtmliy (tf three; good wages:
no washlrg. 447IA IMmar.
Glltl-Ono exp rlented hill and bathroom
;irl. white. Ilsmlltnn Hotel.
GIUI.S Girl for bindery: also ruling ma
cldne fe,v1er Gig.t. Twent-llrst and Moig-.ui.
;n:;. i
tngr i,jh"
'amillir with the tolonng rf nho
Itorin 1, 41". lieas ae.. s"ond floor.
GlRI-i:jl(nre. girl to work 111 eonfee
tiernrv Moil, itferenro required. 2CS l'rank
llp GllilJt For light facfr work. R. E.
'len lrle.l Fruit a"d Kut Co . 300 X.
niercial M.
UML'i-RAIAIl i:Kperkni"d houcnmald;
in i tst; Wf stnill ster plate.
KITi'llEN iHRIGIrl to nsslst In kitchen of
lnprlirooin 914 i'endleton
Kiri'llFN OIRl-'J-Rihemlan kitchen girls
-Mply at iTirhtlin Endeavor Hotel.
Kiri'IIEN GIRIJJ. JJrC Ten kitchen Mid
pntrr glrli for line -xliiblt In World's Fair.
t'11 hI H o'clock. Southern Kniplojment Co.,
iw; ii.strui
l.MHi: -i-teadv home work: transferring;
to t weekly 721 OIie. rmim 421.
LADY stariirs for home work: 34 to 316
v eHi . no i tiirl'nt e. Room 411 Hollind bldg.
LMJIES prepared for civil fenlce examina
tiinv Write corre-pondence Institute. 605 Uur
linston hiilldlng. St. JyiuN.
I'A.VIRY GIRlMust have experience,
rafe. 3fb Olive.
I'IN.KRS-Glrl pinners.
JIcFarlaml. 3007 Olivo st
at once; good wages.
H'RUlmOMAX Woman to scrub and wash
dishes; 37 per week. 1216 Washington.
m;r'A NT No outside work. Apply at 512n
Kensington ave
bCRUIIWOMAN Woman for boardlns-house.
to scrub and wash windows. 2022 N. Rroadway.
SKIKTMAKEl First-class hands on ladies'
tailor-m'ide skirts whise A. Co. 4106 Olive.
WANTED Ladles to learn halrdresslng,
manicuring or facial treatment: short time re
qulnd by our method of cor s tan t practice and
xpert IrstrucJions; can nearly earn expenses
lipfore completing. Call or write. Moler Col
leKP. RIO Pine rt.
WOMAN White or colored, by the day for
house cleaning. 2611 Marcus, flret flat.
Mr OMAN Middle-aged woman to
iro.irdlns-hou'se kitchen; good homo
ZJJ2 Cliouteau ae.
help In
and pay.
WOMN Experienced Grmj,n -woman for
housecUanlng bj the daj ; come prepared for
work. 3432 Hads ae.
GIRIJ-Collar girls, starchers. mangle jrlrls
and machine handb. Home Laundry, 4 US Eas
ton ae.
IRONER Woman to do iron in b; come ready
o woik. 2343 Park.
IRONER-Ehirt waist and ladles' clothes iron
er. nt Excelsior Laundry. 1012 X. Grand.
LUNIREbS Laundress for Mondas at 4333
Washington ae.
LAUNDRESS A colored woman to wash and
Iron 4''-3 Morgan.
LVUNDRESS Monday morning; through
OlKe car: 6X0 west. iil8 Allanthus st.
ljAUNDREhb GH laundress immediately.
Martha Parsons Hospital. C4 School st.
LAUNDRESS Flrvt-class laundress to take
small family washing home. 4704A Cock ave.
HUNDRY HELP Experienced shirt finish
er and machine, (tirl. Mercantile Laundry- Co ,
3313 Msnchester ae.
IVUN DRESS Situation by a. laundress to
take washing home. Miss Smith, 1427 Frank
lin n.e.
L UNDRESS Experienced laundress for
ramm wa-smng. .ionoa3. Apply Tnurday.
22S N. New?tcnd.
Westminster Laundry. 4115 Ollve.
MAltKERS lllghct wages. Monarch Laun
dry 1719 Frnnklln ave.
MARKER AND SORTER-Experlenced. Cen-
turv- L-nrdry oo . 4ab4 Easton.
d arBoavtreaaets.
-. ...-.J-WWW-i
ALTERATION HANDS Six experienced
hnndi in alteration deimrtment for altering
1acket and ajit: good wages: s-teady position.
M. J. Steinberg llat and Fur Co., 307 N. Broad
w ay.
GIRL For ladies tailoring and dressmaking.
Mr. S Isenbvrg. 1212 N. Eighth.
GIRLS Good operators on canvas gloves; ex
Twricncn not necessary; good pay; steady work.
1W0 IMddlE -!t.
fai:A.;:tritIS Feamstress for plain sewing,
at one-. 31rfi Lachde ae.
Fupger. C21 Walnut.
SEWING GIRI Girls to work on custom
ecat. 1CZ N. Elchlh u, third floor.
. ft t , .: ft ?
ALilUUUU.Y J1A.MJ! l' iutpr- w
tlon nand. at once, on ladies' suits. A
Ofttplv'!i S12 X. Rrondwav.
STISCOGUAPIIER One who has some
kri.ivv ledge as ussiatant In booUkoeping: state
salar. JTE Si. Republic.
Clerks and Collectors.
ARE ou peeking employment? Send 50e for
completu llt Ot World's lair concessions.
name3 and addresse. 0r concessionaires: thou
sands will he cmplojcd. Williamfon. 210 Odd
Fellows' bltlg.
CAi-HIER World Fair Pike concefslon;
honstv rniuls'te; steady throush Fair. Auto
crat. H Pine
CHrCKnn-Ycun -ran to check in hotel
storeroom 31, month and board. Apply 913
lXUit. UtFt.ll!.
CI.KHK Young man fcr shlppln; clerk,
hrttndu 1117 Olive.
CI.KKIC Xlght c'rrk for smxll lunch counter
In Wttl Brtl. ? and board. i:3 Market.
t;i,KllKS Four grocery
$10. department store. US.
clerks. Ji:; hotel.
American. 919 olive.
Cl.nitK Hrlght oang man. about 20 for
clerical position; go!, rapid writer; chance for
jdv -tncement fcr right applicant. FB 8, lie
public z
CLi:itK "toung man: gents' furnishing store;
fl5 week start: rapid promotion: future. Auto
crat. SUA line.
CLERKS, ETC Clerks, addressers, sales
men, office assistants; Ji 110. III. lalgn Bros.,
Century bullcine
COLLECIOR Hustling young man as col
lector; Exposition grounds; $75 month; seascn
ticket. Autocrat. 8I6A Pine St.
CCLLrCTORS Ir-nrance collectors can add
IS fally to their raiary: no eitra time required.
Call at ptore, 1C3 N. Fifteenth st.
JUNIOR DRUG CL17RIC Pay good wages.
Adiircfi 2322 Lafayette ave.
LAW taught bv mall: write for particulars
regarding oar fiee scholarship. Amerean 0r
rei.ponderce In-tltute of Law. klO Olive. St.
Louis. Mo. :
MAN Young man to work in srocer -saloon
business. Appiy 2101 Market ct.
MAN Y'oung man assist shipping clerk:
Wholesale hat house; J15 week. Appl 915 Lo
cust. upstairs.
MANAGER, ETC. Office manager, 73, ex
pent es: traveling and city salesmen. American,
913 Olive.
MIiN AND TEAMS- On GranJ. ave.
Washington. John Whealen.
MEN Three joung men run on psssenser
trains; 51S to 12a week; through daUght runs;
now open. Apply MS Locust, upstairs.
MEN Several oung men. work In shipping
nnd packing d'lartmcnt wholesale dry good
house: good wage, with advancement. Apply
918 Locutl. upstairs
MEN Two joung men (from country pre
ferred) to work In wholesale grocery house;
112 week; chance to advance. Apply 91S Locust,
OFI'ICE AS--'1STA NTS Young men. ofllce as
sistants; supplie-. IJ0; railroad. 3J. L'lgh Bros.,
t-mtuty l.ullillns. .
T1MEKEEVI"R3 For construction company;
ISO. board; mfg. concern 165. American, "1
TWO iiasenger runs non open; through East
em trains; good thing for summer. 15.3 Mar
ket st. .
WORLD'S TAIR: full list Of concetj Ions;
jiame- ind addresses of concessionaires: snd
50c. Information Bureau. 524 Pine st.
WANTED-Recrults for the V. S. Marine
Corps, able-bodied unmarried men. between
21 and 15, good character: must speak, read
and write English; marines serve at sea on
men-of-war in all ports of the world, on land
In our Island possessions, and at naval stations
m United States. Apply Recruiting Off.ce. Post
Office bldg.. Eighth and Olive sts.. St. Iinla
Steuo-crsi ptaprs.
STENOGRAPHERS Railroad. 150. 13): lega'.
143: mfg.. 15: electrical. 160. Leigh Bros
STENOGRAPHER Rapid operator on Smith
machine to address envelopes. W'estern Ad
dressing and Letter Co.. 506 Olive.
jULqri.n n i-i.i-iiii .-".-... ...
The Trades.
Tji.nnji.n.ri.rinnriririri i 1 ...-....-..-.
Third-hand Ixiaer. gal Choutean.
Third-hand baker.
;o20 Cass.
11AKBEK A Hrst-clasa barber, tin Franklin
HARBCK First-class barber; U guaranteed.
30)4 Finney.
11AKBUR Good
Franliliu ave.
barber at once. Call 1903
IJAKBEJt For Saturday and Sunday: U guar
anteeil. ioo Carr.
HARRER-JIO a week guaranteed. Apply at
21L h. Fourth .t.
Sterdj. 1325 Franklin.
IIAKIIER Flr-t-class
East bt. Louis. 111.
barbsr. 3 Eaucn,
2621 N. Uroadwar.
RARBER Good barber.
Eighteenth and Market.
Northwest corner
HARDER Good white barber,
de. enter, north of Olive.
E15 W. Van-
HARBER Good alngle barber, at once; good
wngs. 6202 N. Rroodway.
RARRER Colored; 60c and
good workman. 44374 Easton,
guarantee for
HAIiliKi: wanted, to buy complete three-chair
outfit; will sell very cheap. 2742 Olive at
liAKHKIt Good barber for Katurday and
Sunday if suited: percentage. 509 X. Eleventh.
ilAUIIKIl Good barber, with license and
tooN; evening, h'uturd ty and Sunday. 272$ I.a
chde. HAKUElt White barber, that will work for
colored man; guarantee ll per week; must be
good workman. Wm f. Ifayes. Ulllsboro. III.
but ksmlth nntl palntt rs. iCtf N. PUth.
Ftl.XCKSMITIf. i:TC One blacksmith, one
blacksmith helper, two wagonmakers. Inquire
Albert Hcnrj. fOl K. Broadway.
steady work. 3317 Flnnej.
HL'hHUI.MAN Apply 7:S a. m. Eaward
Ilarl. Jr. Hrotdvvav nnd Olive.
UAIllNin'MAKI.rt Experienced cablnetmak
?r. Apply at ll-J) Ollvt.
CAIIINITTMAKERR rive cabinetmakers. J.
T. Craighead & Cto.. M3 S. Seventh st.
i.'AHINJTTMAKERt; ami carpenters, call on
us; we plae Jot: top wnges. Autocrat. J1A
fine ht.
fAIllNKCMAKBRS-aix experienced cabinet
makers. Apply at once to E. r. Beldel Mfg.
. 1115-17 l'lne st.
CMMNtrrilAKKR One accustomed to store
littures. Apply 5Da Burlington building, Eighth
.md Olive. 12 o'clock.
t-AIUNKTUAKERS. ETa Three cabinet
makers; tv.o bellboys; steady work; good wages.
Apply 918 I.ocust. unslalrs.
'AUl'ENTKItS5 Nonunion carpenters, at once.
4"iS N. Sarah st.
CARPENTERS To hang refrigerator car
doors. Apply SSC0 Ue-Kalb st.
CARPENTERS, ETC. Carpenters and- car
builders. Apply 2SCK) IX Kalh st.
CARPENTERS Two nonunion carpentera
Hosedale and Adelaide ae., near Delmar Gar
den. CARPENTERS Five carpenters. Electricity
building. World's Fair; 75 cents per hour. John
Calllgan & Co.
CARPENTERS-CS cents per hour. App'v
Charles Gordon, corner ot D Ballvters and
Givervllle aves
l&Ji bt. Louie.
riage Co . 4024 Delmar.
CARRIAGE TRIMMER Permanent position.
L i:. Lueschaw tc Co. 1545 N. Broadway.
251 J Olive.
ae. Male Becond cook. r.13 Franklin
Plne Ft.
Man cook for Allen's lunchroom, til
COOKS-For Christian Endeavor Hotel. Ap
ply Thurgdav on premises.
COOK Shott-order cook: colored.
Blue Grass Cafe. 414 Olive st.
COOKS Tnrn eonlis fne tthrwt nrrt.rs . -
none but experienced need apply. Th-t'Sun Res-
t.uiaiiL. iio c:. rriTin Bt.
COOK Male white cook for restaurant: state
experience and wages expected: gold short
order man capable of getting up dinners pre
ferretl. I'D . Republic.
rtOORMAN Good doorman.
2S12 Nebraska
3619 S. Grand.
HARNESSMAKER Custom hflrneasmnk.-.-
Geo. Grassmnck. 1213 N. Broadway.
. JOB-PRESS FEEDERS-Bross-Bauer Prlnt
inr Co . ail N. Thirteenth.
MACHINISTS and blacksmith helpers and
feneral help for machine and wagon shopa 12Z
MACHINIST Flrst-class. all-around machinist;-
lathe and vise work; expert dlem&ker.
Down-Draft Boiler Co, Twenty-third and
j-.i'.ixi. n
MACHINIST Experienced sewing-machine
machinist, who la acquainted with burlap-bar
mttmitiea. vppiy at. -in i. v.cTnnercia.
MAN One who understands all kinds of
woodworking machinery; high wages paid to
rigni party. Apply -it. a. rieiroann Mig. Co.,
Thirteenth and Rutger tits.
Sftj Morgan.
MUSICIANS Amateur brass musicians. In
eluding bns and snare drummers, at small sal.
arles. to nil up band. FA 36. Republic.
PAINTERS Two painters. Call at 5321 Conde
at 7 a. m.
PAINTERS-Call after 6.30 this evening. 1M9
N. Jefferton av e.
IV INTERS farrla--e talnters to rub varnish
and rough stuff. a2 I'apln st.
PAINTERS Carriage and wagon
Peter Wagoner. ;ton H. Broadway.
PAINTER. ETC. Carriage painter and
to learn the trade. 1400 N. Seventh.
PAINTERS Houw painters; steady work;
report ready for work. Menard and Julia.
day morning '
-Two palnter-i anil decorators Frt
20. I.ucke Bnw . 3146 Olive.
PAINTERS-Twenty-flve painters; steady
work. A. J. Itelt-: Ialntlng Co. 5060 Page.
Carriage painters and blacksmith helper at
RlOlngtcn's. 1215 I.conard ave.
PAINTERS Ten nonunion ttalnters. at once:
good wane'-. 7250 Ro-alie ave.; take Maplewcod
car to Marrhall nve.: walk south four blocks.
Co.. 1215 aiouteau.
-Cill at once. Francis &
PAPER 1L1NGERS Plvo paper hangers, at
Klngsbup and Clara ave.; to-day-
PLUMBERS Ten nonunion plumbers: steady
work antl good wages for good men. Coyne
1W-.. 4if2 Easton.
POt'KETBOOK M -iKER Pocketbook maker
for World's Fair. Addres II. Grossman, block
43B. Varied Industries. Exicltlon. St. Louis,
SAWIER Younjc man for double cut-off or
eqiJlser saw. 2C2 N. Fifteenth.
SAWYER. ETC. Cross-cut rip sawyer and
machine naler. Columbia Rox Co.. Nineteenth
end North Market.
SHOEMAKER Klrst-class shoemaker.
early. 2707U Franklin a e.
SJHOr.MAKEIt Goo.1 "hnemalicr for repair
ing; good wages. 3555 Oli' e.
SHOEMAKERS. ETC. FIrrt-clas shoemak
ers and cobbler. McNamara. 206 N. Sixth st.
SHOEMAKERS First-class heel scourer snl
heel brea'ter: steady worlc. Werlhelraer-Swartx
fcnoe tjo.
hlGN PAINTER Who has experience In ex
posltlon work; highest wages. FD 121. Republic.
TAILOR All-round tailor,
Call 13 N. Four-
TAILOR Good tailor for steady wcrk.
TAILORS At once, competent help en ladletf
tailoring and shirt-waist tults. 532 N. Van
dev enter.
TEN men for corrugated roofs. C725 S. Broad
way. TINNER At I". Franke.
take Suburban carl.
Old Orchard. Mo.;
Good tinner.
Sin N. Broadway.
TOOLMAKERS rirst-class toolmakeri on
fine adding machine work; write, giving refer
ences nnd experience. The Arlthmoeraph Co.,
127 Rees L. Chlcaao.
UPHOLSTERI1R First-clasa sober upholster
r at once. Call 4J2S Easton.
UrHOLSTERERS Upholsterers to hind bur
lap. Inquire Manufactures building. World's
Fair Tound. opposite space No. 26s New
York Decorating Co.
1S19 N. Seventeenth st.
WIllTBNERS-good whlteners. Barten's. 1521
Casi. I
WANTED Experienced book binders; all de
partments; nonunion: for large bindery In Chi
cago; full union waxes and permanent position
guaranteed; give experience and references. Call
or address R. R. Donnelley A: Sons Company,
149 I'll mouth place. Chicago.
Nonunion machinists and machinists help
ers for Western railroad. Apply at 113 X. Sixth
st.. room 3.
LABORERS Twenty laborers on Twelfth
and ItursU. J. Moloney.
LABORERS At Lemp ave. and Wyoming st.
at onee. Fred Hoffmann
LABORER Laborer for bock of planer. Fur
niture factory, 262J N. Fifteenth.
TWO hotel housemen. 123. room and board.
Colored porters, waiters and yardmen: steady.
Men private places, 125. 130, board, room.
Checkers, bar porters: World's Fair.
Boiler firemen: I0: oiler, 150: steady work.
3 cooks' helpers, steady work, to-nlgbt.
10 handy factory laborers. 110, 112 week
9 married couples, farms and private places.
Firemen. World's Fair hotel cafe, steady.
Bus. bell, bllllard'hall boys, steady work.
Barn and floor men. 140, 14 month: steady.
2 pantrymen. World's Fair, 140. 150 mr.nth.
104 laborers, teamsters. It. 1. 1 Ozark Mts.
tfl lalorers, extra gang, steady work.
Al pcoplo out of work call on the oldest and
largest employment compa-jy In St. Louis.
National mpIomnt Co., H3-1U N. Sixth.
" s.s. "I'll'irsTis-Vsjsii-lrtjijjssjjsjisyi
Labor era.
IMBOUERS-Twent, laborer, for brt'
sleady work- take Creve Coeur iikVriSl
Set nff .t Al rrA ... W BSSS
sr arsi J
uviiuiuitts LADorers wlth-shovsls: U
ESiS.?:-.-'5pRf "? 'iSftfc I?- eor. d;
-"-s - "" j ;.
LABOBBRS On concrete wont: ti .mum.S
work: highest wat-s. Apply on Cots BrtliiaatT
between Union and Arlington. Skranka On.
Lsir:En I'lIERS-Men to pile lumber to oot
yard- Columbia Box Cfc.. Nineteenth andNorti
..CAItPBNxERs-ioo- house and brtdjrs oanssa:
tera: 40c per hour; union coal miners. fit-It
ni Walnut. Establlshsd MX.
Conducted on strictly business principle. All
work guaranteed as represented.
Wanted-Ptve hundred laborers and teamsters
for now railroads In Missouri. Illinois, Indiana,
Ohio and Kansas: fr pass to all.
Two hundred laborers for extra cane: rail
road company work; money any time; free
Karm hands, gardeners, milkers, man for pri
vate p.ace, camp cooks, waiters, blacksmiths,
If vou want work, apply to the oldest, moss
reliable and responsible labor agencrra St.
Louis. KOEXias. LABOR AOftfCT.
C12 Walnut st.
MIICKKRH. BTC.-Flfteen muckers: J. A.
Hosklns. near New Rock Island, between Ver
sailles and Ole Camp. Also 100 Italians; com
wny work; Jl 23 per day; work until November
1. Western Lmpltomcnt fa. Ml Walnut st.
QUARRY11EN. t-TTC. Quarrymen. stageaS.KI
ftT. 2aJ': '"St.'T" xt ,3 p'r ? James
Ponns. 4 N. Ninth st.
SHOVEL,ERb Twenty-flve shovelera at Bel
mar and King's highway Thursday momlnr.
Commonwealth tnstruttlon Co.
ter. Ark., and Aurors, Mo . steanvdrlll runners
S2.73 per day: also laborers and teamsters, Jl.vi
r.r dar James Dptvni. 4 N. Ninth st
TEAMS. ETa Twenty-five teams. 59-tt. bJ
1 m"n: month's work. W. J. Redmond. Olive
and list Harah.
WIIEi:r.Ell-HOIJER9, dnmpm-n and skin
ners half mlb? eawt of Poorhouso and Arsenal
Bt. M. E. Hartmn. contractor.
-''-- ------ -i-,irwrir,r.rw.jrLiul
BOTNeat Orman boy. 1709 SI Jeireron ave
nue. r
-BOTS-To help In tin shop
!Wj5 N. Fourteenth
- BOV Neat, colored boy for outside work.
ixi r To
Ktrel ave.
cook waffles at Booth's. II4A
PODA HOY Good soda boy: experienced. JMO
West J'clle.
N. Thirteenth.
Bross-Bauer Printlrg Co.. Ztct
ELJiTVATOR BOY About 14 or IS years old.
Grand Aienue Hotel.
BOYS Cood boys over 14 years. Henry Gaus
& Son. 2100 N Main.
BOT Boy. 15 years old. Sylvester C Judge
Hat Factory, ism pine at.
UOTfl Burn K years or over. Men-rel Bog
Go.. Folso-a and Lawresc avaa.
BOY About IS. to work In lunchroom; 16
week and board. 2322 N. Broadway.
BOY Grod boy. at once. Opal Printing Co .
214 lnnist building. Xlnth and Tine.
BOY 15 to IS years old. to leam trade. Ijud-Iow-Sajrlo.-
Wire Co.. Fourth and Elm.
BOY To learn watchmaker's trade: l scan;
pest of reference. 1125 X. Vandev enter.
BOY To learn bokers trade; German
ferred. Sleeper's bakery. 1017 Olive st.
BOYS Several bos to learn trade. Winter
A Oeantll Eng. Co.. 611 N. Sixth, third floor.
BOYS Must be- It years old: M per week.
Columbia Box Co.., Nineteenth and North Mar
ket sta.
BOY To leam razor grinding; must bs bright
and willing to work. Koken Barber Supply Co..
SIS Market.
BOYS Three boys to sell popcorn, peaauts
and gum: liberal commission. Call 93( a. in.
IM Olive st.
BOYS To sell Exposition souvenirs: sood
pay; easv work. Call, afternoons only, room 9.
114 N. Third.
BOY About IS years old. Apply In compossne
room, between 10 and 11 a. m . third Hoot,
Republic building.
BOYS Six bright boys to sell candles, psa
nuts. etc.; good commission. Apply between
12 and 1p.m. 1323 N. Garrison.
BOYS Several bright, tidy boys. 10 to 14
years, for work near Exposition grounds cood
pay: must have recommendations and $5 cash
to deposit as security; call o'clock Friday
Homing. See Mr. Edwards of Doubleda-r A
Co . llo If. Fourth st.
at Holland building.
Call 11 N Eighth st.
MESSENGER. BOYS None need apply with
cot reference. 409 N. Nineteenth st.
BOOTBLACKb Colored boys; neat, clean,
active: for World's Fair stand. Apply at once.
800 Chestnut st-. between 1 and 2 p. m.. second
ADDRESSER Good penman to address en
velopes. Western Addressing and Letter Oft.,
COS Olive.
ANT Intelligent person may earn 150 to HO
monthly corresponding for newspapers; no eaa
vassing: send for particulars. Northern Press
Svndlcate. Lockport. N. Y.
ARE you goodr If so. call. We get you em
ployment quickly. Autocrat. S15A Pine st.
ARE you In a rut 7 Have i ou the ability to
earn more money If you bad the right oppor
tunity; It Is our business to furalsn you ths
opportunity: Investigate our methods of piscina
hlgh-srade men In good positions; offices In 16
title-. HAPGOODS (Inc.). 916 Chemical bfd,
St. Louis.
Speaks German. 1239 Park ave.
rlage blacksmith helper. Apply 2-ux Olive st.
BRIGHT, honest, energetic young man for
wholesale n-use; begin at tottcm; 111 week.
USA Pine st.
BRIGHT young man of good appearance and
nuiners; salary 112 week: references required.
Mr. Cooley. 16 Chestnut st-
BRIGHT, active, ttronc young man, not
afraid of wcrk; wholesale manufacturing; con
cern. Autocrat- 816A Pin. st
ESS Carr.
Stable, noi Clark ate.
COACHMAN Experienced coachman to care
for one horse and work about tne place, oa
Llndell bouL: references required. ES lis. Re
pubilc. CHECKERS, truckers and might handlers for
freight, ware, wholesale bouses and Fair
grounds. 1523 Market.
COOK Man cook, for Allen's Lunchroom, til
COOK For small restaurant: 110 per week.
FE 20. Republic.
DAIRYMAN German to work In dairy: irto
ran milk: call at Daniel Paule Mercantile Co..
7704 Ivory ave.
DISHWASHER-call for Frank Taylor. 2MJ
Gem Restaurant, 1403
Olive st.
Franklin ao.
Male dishwasher.
Voney. 313 Locust st.
DISHWASHERS-Men dishwashers
len's Restaurant. 611 Pine st.
for Al-
DISHWASHERS Men and women dishwash
ers for World's Fair. Call 4:20 p. m. 2Ha Eu
genia. DISHWASHER Colored man to wash dlahta
and help In kitchen. Hotel Garni Cafe. MM
Olive st.
and Chambers.
Stamping Co., Second
To deliver groceries. 2258 S. Grand.
DRIVERS, wagon helpers, hostlers. Hoot-men,
buggy washers, harness cleaners: positions guar
anteed. 1523 Market.
DRIVER Man to drive team and work
around horses; German preferred. Carlyle Dairy
Co.. His N. Vandeventer.
DRIVER Man to drive team and work with
horses: German preferred, carlyle Dairy Co..
1115 N. Vandeventer.
DRIVERS WANTED-Experienced driven,
familiar with the city. Apply st stables of St.
Louis Transfer Co.. St. Louis and East 9t. Louie
FOREMAN Sober, industrious man for work
Inr foreman, to help load wagons In East 9C
.Louis; give references. FK i Republic
GARDENER Good gardener for general work
on small private place. It. II. Clifford. 612 Bur
lington building. 110 Olive.
GOOD German cook, lunchman, carver, twov
Alshwisbers, six girls for lunchroom. Call to
day at 610 Market st. or at Blatz PavUlqn
World's Fair grounds.
HELPER Uood carriage blacksmith helper.
1134 LlndelLj
HOSTLER Thlrty-Brst and Olive; livery sta
Two hostlers. 2627 Olive.
HOTEL fireman. 140 and board! also heuae--man,
porters, Janitors, watchmen; hotel help.
1123 Market.
HOUSEMAN Flrst-class houseman. 2035 Park
nue IloteL
HOUSEMAN Old white man. to- do chores.
1013 Chouteau.
H2J N. Tenth St.
HELPERS Wagon blacksmith helpers.
Clark ave. Roehlke & Bros-
PORTER Good porter for barber shop. 8.
cor. Twenty-ninth and Olive.
HOUSEMAN Colored. Call at We'llngtoa Ho
tet T15 Pine st.
1IOUSE1IAN Good man as houseman, to help
""""i reurTui worn, suss Maple (The auonroan.
JANITOR. ETC Janttne m- -..tr.hm.ti M0:
store porter. US;- hostlers, drivers, checkera,'
truckers and freight handlers; other openings.
American. U OUve.. .
KrrcHEN MAN-E-rperlenced man kttakaa
nelper. BurUngtcm, 1114 Market.
i .-v.
'..IT t
diK-sHniic-i.-taBLJ?sr .