-?t;-. - - -
'4 .
'1 w&
MAN To take care ct n.e borwea, Call 304 X.
MAN Man to work la stable. 42S X.
:. Experienced man to deliver grocerie.
ICC X. Boyle.
Vf A-V a ...-. . --',"'-'.', ' '
ard. 191 Morgan.
MAN Young man to take care of horses and
IlPITl In nwrp i-ii. v ru. ... -
. w.-m,.t ! .-J. Aj.11 T1UU Pfc
rr.v tr.nj.. . -. ', .-. .- .. "T JTTT
WMMhiVlun mnn !. i I.1A I.ll...
- - -.--"e ..n.... ii. .r-.u..r-ij t . gjj .'i..
iirtrt loung man to take car or non-ea ana
tlaughlei-houee. 4131 Natural Bridge road
MAN Youpr man to care- fcr ptos clan rf
rce; remain at night. Apply at noon. 302 N.
Tenth Ft.
MAN AND WIFE Good, experienced white
man and -ife jn small famll ; ona horse and
lawn. j.7A L.IKKV ft
viv - . . i. - . '....r,-. .....
nent ,-Oaltlon; ctaM!lu-J bnV.nfF; no lake.
trail fur While. ZfiUK Frank.ln art-.
MAX -A middle. a ted white man. sober, In
Iu?trlcus and competent, to attend horr'a. cow.
lawn and general chr-. around house: TM.R2&
??. room snd board S753 Chamberlain n.e.
MAN A good man to do ncrV. tn stora ml --n
tr Ftr-cet; mui-t b strong and aM- b hand'e
'Mm: mly acquainted with cits reed apn y
M7 N. Fourth -t
MAN-WI U-MWAk" ounc man. to .3 ear
rid. with .xprlnce in Itne ct pttam pip flt
Ur.KK and huppli-. to &Mdl in hilling, chip
ping, folluwinc up vrden and. to t-e cencntUj
T5ful. hy a manufacturing concern. cite refer
ence and state Kalarv expected FK 1J. K
IHblK 1IKX To hard. lumlvi Me-jel Vax ..
t -ulsnin ana Ijty-enc .
M-. i !!.. un i'j s ; tarns t k'ni-m-
- MAN A whit? man for house care. drlWns
and housework. SSI M-ariUng'o...
MEN Handy men for Wo'M'n Fair ground.
SI Amoriran Uusines r.jrenu. sit Oliv.
MEN Courle of koo1 men la s till; gool
ralar- to right vart. Call at ! S. l;roadwav
MUN Fifty men or bo oer 15 jcars can
make from t to J3 da; rliable buslne. "all
from 3 to 6 p. m. Thursday or ITlday. r33
OraN3ia ne.
Mi-N To Mil code on train: he?t iay dur
Inic tne Fair. Apply to Mr. Jordan. It- IL New
Ornce Xo. f. 2jj Walnut at.. 7iear wpt end
MEN To larn barber trade: frw week re
quired; steady practice and careful lntmctlnm
uCrtTT! wSlfn KfllnHjta nl"nrtl.1 rlmAtlil for
radsates; la t .ek of special Apr.l ttr. dii
cr rlte M.Jcr I5ar!t-r Collep. 1119 Fine si.
FAXTHV MAN-Apply ChrNtian Cndeaior
FEDDLEKS To sell th greatest lik: novelty:
tic monv-maVer. lb N. Tftcnt-flrt.
l"OKTKR Good, all-round man to do porter
nork. l! S. Jefferon.
IOKTEU F1rstcl2? porter, to wor la bar
ler fhop. 40S N Tenth st.
lOKTKIl Fort er and wiihwasher at Tho
loumun. Seventh and St. Charles sts.
FOItTEU-Colored jvrrter In World's Fair ex
hlWt. teomhern Employment Co.. 17 ChtKtnut,
FORTiUlS Tu o strong ounjr colored men as
liorters. ,, Apply ltronn Shoe Co.. KLshtccnth
and Wafh Ft5.
SUMK.-To ell flrstMjass nursery Hock;
rood salaries paid; stock fruaranteed true to
name as labeled: prices ans rlgrnt. Write for
termj to . I. Knisht, Lawrence. Ks.
hTOVE MAN Experltnced atoie roan. Apply
HSO Olive.
TRUCKEKS. ETC. Truckers, drivers and
Trarcn helpers: derorator and helpers and eth
er kind of help for World's Fair grounds. Ap
ply Sl&LncUst. upstair?.
UPXIOLSTEIlEns Two cood upholsterera. at
once. 3609 N. Grand.
WE want salesmen and Reneral hotel and
restaurant help; also a few men for Flke con
cession: Inside Fair grounds. 1533 Market.
AVANTEDHrlp at Wtrld's Fair erounJ:
all tnos kinn employmPnt. call en the lar
gest onlv (Incorporated; employment bureau In
St. Louis. All positions guaranteed. Amer
ican, Sl OUte.
WAITER Good ana waiter In coffee-house.
Ct Morgan st.
WAITEKS Two colored waiters.
Grand; basement.
WAIT EKa Four alters r "a altresses for
nisht wcrk: call at once 2331 OMve st.
WAITER Toune man to wait en table. Ap
plv kitchen Christian Brothers College.
WAITERS To-day at Hale Fire Fighter.
"World's Fair grounds. Apply at Sklnker road
MAN Toung; man In dining-room.
Ta lor.
BOOKKEETOl Eiperler.cd onlatant tiook
Veeper: farnl Ur with checklnr account!: 545.
0O. Leigh Brt . Century bulldltis.
frJ- amtcameai.
SALESMAN Apply -Opal Prlntlne Co.. m
Benolit bulldlne. Ninth and Pine.
SALESMAN Experienced crocery Fpeclalty
man, on coaimlsslan. TP 22. Republic.
S iLESMEN-Men to e-:i rooJi tn city: Ui to
30 weeklv. Weber. Ills Olive. Bfth Boor.
SALESMEN Ten men to Mil stap'e article:
J2 to li per day See Mr. Sawyer. Blel Bros..
in Oil ve nt.
SALESMEN Pay weeWy: work the jear
round; outfit free. Lawrence Nursery Co..
Xaurenc. Kaa.
KAN Young man to work In furniture (tore:
mut be experienced In selling tumlture: state
where last employed: recommendations. VD V3,
SALESMEN WANTED-To aell hlgh-grad.
nursery stock (or tb old reliable Grles nur
erie. T. E. Grlesa. Prop.. Lawrence. Ki.
SALES-MEN Big money; we want hurtlers to
handle the official guide at the World's Fair
grounds: cash deposit required: call between 10
and 11:30 a. m. Thursday. C5 and M Do Menu
TRAVELING MAN Traveling man to ap
point canvassers. Coll from n to I at X Bur
Mngon building.
to carrv three samples cf a uan'a shoe
to retail at J1.50; state territory and experi
ence, reference, etc.; ready sellers everywliere.
The ri.5a Shoe Factory. Baltimore. Md.
A new bTok. Sxlo. containing K photo
. graphs of th WorId Fair buildings and
"Town the ni.e": Just the book to sell on
the street and at the World's Fair entrances.
l)r price applv to the St. Lculs News Com
pany. IPM-ino Locust st.. St. Loul.
AGENTS to represent Saratoga Hemlock Co.
wood 35C9 Morgan.
ahrvth At World Fair ciounds: no ex
perience required. Hirschberg. second floor
Carlctcn bldg.
FEW good buttling men can make tz to $6
Ptr day Hunt employment. Call at ttore, lo;
N Fifteenth. ,
WANTED Eerjboav Intending to handle
soaienlr and World'fc Fair novelties to set
our line befnr. placing ordera. SL Louis But
ton a.. IU Lucas avc. manfacturera of special
..I'IM Wl" ll.l..
Rnr.TmTrilifi (ZnrA iMllrl!rtr? saTar- cr com-
mlsrlon. Fred Rude. 61 Fourteenth su. Eaet
riu ivlul.
Llt-ITOU City solicitor, call uil tnwir.
riepaitnunt stored, etc.; good commission;
pmllt. F1J 13?. Ilepubllc.
AMEItlCAN Shoe Repalrmg Co. repairs -cur
hoes while vouvalt: men's sewed soles and
heels. 75c: open eenings. zssi aiRrKer.
li- vmi hav. muds vou want tailored, call
ih! week at Ticknor's. 123 N. Eleventh ft.:
kieclal end prompt attention to your torder.
WE can get n buyer fcr your business uulcker
than--nnvone else: trv us.-
B HOT, 90 Chestnut st.
WALL paper cleaned. 75c a room: work guar
anteed. L. Mitchell. 1134 Chouteau.
WB make reneral Jobbing s specialty: your
patronage solicited: Klnloch C 2041. Pitterson
HrtM. carpenters and bnlldrs. 19)0 St Charles.
It eluaUeiy. Rooms.aio-T-A
obtained. Uigdon t Loagaal
ns. I'attct Law x-
-s-s mo xrusi mog 1
lilruTj'LfXi irii'MTi-.-.-i'i" - ------------.
BARGAINS .In street and evenltn Cresses;
hlRhest prices paid for cast-off clothing; postal.
Klnlnch A 2'i Mn Miller. rr Walnut.
FEATHER beds wanted: pay15 to lis each;
erd postal. T. J Ryan. West End Station.
OELBER, Is buying all kinds gentlemen's
lothlng. overcoate. tuxedos, uniforms, etc. Call
t store or write Arlington Store, at Morgan.
OL1. eloth'r.g;
win car highest puce: genu
clothing only, need badly; late or uexoa.
ii3 carr St.
:, rtami; new ana uea: corns. cuiio. amo-
1 .l2 Stamp and Coin Co.. 4U N. Elc'enth.
buy or rent few show cases: In rood con-
I Laic pnw. xu. v. j i-g .
TTrVDC!!! AC Secondhand ct all kinds.
WUUrCnftVC brnaht and sold all the year
round. Georae Bniectanann. Main and alto tine
Slocks and complete jeweirr stores.
I.. BLTJMENKRANTZ. m Franklin are.
Bras and copper pUtlnr, polishing, laauencs
uarBiUrtD of all kinds. Klnloch B 22,
B. 8. SAV1LLE. !- N. Seventh St.
JUao cold, aliv.tr. braaa and 9ppar platlsa:: rs
palrtnc oxldlxlur; and laqniic at rasooaU
ALL kind of fun.lt.xrc boucht: carpets, pi
anoa feathers; contents of (lata and dwelling.
Wolf. 1239 S Rroarlway; phone C 4S3.
ALL kinds of household eoods wanted: larce
and small lots: funvture taken in exrhancf for
mnlny. Kin. D iw. Ilrasch. 3123 FrankUa.
mSFORE Fe'IIna- our feather. If ou want to
cet what theyure worth, send postal to M.
ifpeelman. 33J&A" Franklin.
FHAT1IKR bvds nantt-d, pay 13 to JlS each;
-end ii-t-.aL T. J. Ran. West Knd Station. ,
FK.TIii;K&; -iy highest pric; honest
weight: t'Q''al Glule IM.lov? Co.. S633 Flnn-,
TO huv houe-ho!1 furniture for four rooms;
f uMlng liK!c. Tr 131. Ret'tib.lc.
VK pay highest tun 'pnees fcr hoUttold
furniture. piaro. ic; ala boy entire content
of fats ur reslcenre: rn'i or rca ptal. Leo
ror! Auction Co.. 11-1 01S 9t.
For Mile.
rfi n. i"nr4in. inree-iix-e wuuiui rrurxwni
ft and other c-ld piece, rw dtalei.". T33 Clar
endon n.e
KHUNY b-okcaefc with Bias knoba. adju-t-aln
shelve-; can 1h stM as china closet; price
J13 302 Mapl ac.
OiNTENT weu and elegantly furn!hed 5
rom Hit; sj lange. e.crjttici; comp'1' "-
l)ININO-IXM tabic, chair. t.Mfbar.1. tun
1-etlroom ete. carpet, rui st.ve. pictme. ku-
ilxtun-s. curtain jn-1 ther hou-s-hcll r-xvi:
must bf mmcd this wck. Call Kttreen Id and
1 C5 Cc-jk ae.
i;Lz.iANT leeartioin fumlurt at uinriln, til
Fire t yvon 1 io r ti -t Af.tr Irtt
FOL'K-liOLK Itrt-ltr & timet rarse. dir.inff
tablf and chair, cheap S311 nid a".
rt'I-NlTUKE fcr two h.niiefccepinE rconis,
new In Decemlier. W N. ?cmpinn.
FUhXITrni: of T-reom buure: cheap. Ii--Irr
clly. houo iSir rent; reasonable. 4T"8 Cct
la;re .iCc.
OAS ranee. toe and ulndau t-cr'-en. nthtr
valuable articles; to-day onl 2v Neotho t.
NICK proorv ic b5x aud largu counter; sell
cheap for cath. rVC N. pHry.
ONB larae. flrt-c:afa tur; nearly new. Ap
plr I7ri N Tenth
MX-HOL13 Quirk Meal range: 12x15 l.rus
sel rue 4131 lelmar ItotileiaM.
Tv( lira hotel ranees, cheapest price. 211
N Twelfth Ft
2.50 Iron bed?: J.SO) cots; Z.b.') mattresses.
srrtnes, hotel furnished ccmple J Guthral.
1-bber Imperial bul'dirjr. R. W. Kin D 7
FuII-slz' and nRlc bdt; ct on
Cotton-top mattrs sJlaOU
1CJ WaliIneton a.e
For crowded apartments just the thing'-
1S3 Washington ae.
For Furniture Buyers.
TOO Iron beds. $l.e; ISO oak dresser. J.M;
1 wahetand. 11.43. ,"- dozen chair1. 3oc tach:
100 pair ftather pillows. S; pair. We will hae
for the next ten dajs a sjvclal sale on articles
sullab! for hotl purposen and solicit large
or small orders. Furnishing houses a specialty.
W-pIece. full-size bed outfit 18.75
n-plece single bed outDt 6.50
T-plece wire cot outtlt 3.i5
Abotr outfits all hae first-class, new wool
mattresses. ,r . , , . -
J-plece. first-class upholstered cot IS
;.0oi) upholstered cots 5.50
2.100 fiill-slxe. new wool roatfesses i(w
2QM single bed new wool mattresses 1.
I.W0 cot-slxe new wool mattmses LW
z.00 full-size bleached sheets 3S
2.000 slnsrle bed bleached sheets 33
2.000 cot-slxe bleached sheets 22
2.000 pillow Slips 9
2.O0O new woof pillows 35
2.0D0 C feather pillows 3
2.000 rephyr tacked corn'orta 1 W
2.000 pairs summer blankets 75
;00 40f hair mattresses (cuaranteed) 100
200 45f white felt mattresses (miaranteed).. 7.00
200 43f special felt mattresses (guaranteed). 6f0
Orders mit be given ten to twenty days
before delivery-
sjwffMsj-jxj-i-f-r-sf sssMsssisassssaiasssSis,ssj.sfcisSfcjssisjas
TOADIES and centlemen. send your spring jrar
ments to e Paris Cleanlne and Dyeing Empo
rium Co.. 1330 Franklin ave.
ACME steam carpet clenlns. 3c yard- K0
taston: pnone uc.mar in.
McCourtney. manager; carpets renovated: look
Itk-T.w. Un. giSO: Kin Pel. 2M. 3W9 Finney.
FMriRK Steam Carpet Cleaning Co.. W.
Waterman. Mgr Carpets renoate lcoit ilka
new. 211: Lucas. Tel. Beaumont 223: Kin. C SSS.
DOWNING re date and renaJm allrerware
rold i la tea watches, jewelry; low prices; cash
ror oia Etna, nuver. piaunnm. sua n. seven in
COLUMBIA. Pierce and Caesar bicycles. Co
lumbia motorcycles: n-pairtna: and renting.
Bell 1414A. Morgan &. Hardlnr. SS. Olive.
Falling Hair, Ucning Scalp,
dandruff.and all disorders alTectlng thc
hair or scalp perniaiieutly and asfely
cured. All lnfurmstlon acd book frse,
noOMennod-Jsccarti. St.I.oui.
AAA1 1.CO0 cards, 7c: billheads, notel.eads.
envelopes. 31.25 McGlll A Co. 121 y. Eloenth.
St, Fine work: fair prices; send for samples.
EIERMANN BROS. Printers. 322 Pine, so
licit )our business and guarantee satisfaction;
lire commercial work a specialty. K.n. 1433A.
EUREKA Printing Co.. 324 N. Third it low
rates on your printing this week.
" - . .j. -ii --i-iiiririi-ii'irrvs
ADAMS, the stamp man. 314 N. Sixth sl, St,
Lou's. Mo.: rubber sump, s-als. stencils, eta;
""Jt y'ltil' M"-v. "1IH JOI C llll.
EXCCLSlbR Rtendl Works. 311 nilv. tnw
stel Ftarrps. rtenclls burninr brands, rubber
type, seals, braps and aluminum chcks.
RUBBHR stamps rubber type, clans, mark
ers, brass and alum'nura checks at low.st prlca.
Karper .Stamp and Seal Co.. 916 Locust.
ror tat.
T?rr,.fIVmriV ntirl Kmlth IvrMtrHrs
Oliver. J40: other?. 115; rentals, two months
to. St. Louis 'H'pcwrltcr Exchange. 810 Olive.
TOCR selection ol the largest stodc of slight
ly ued end secondband typewriters In the
country, standard makes guaranteed for ona
year: sold and rented everywhere: send for
baraaln and rental rate card. The Typewriter
Ezcranpe. 208 N. Elxh'-h st . fit. Louis. Mo.
World's Fair Bargains.
We arc making; a special rate rm the two most
ropu'ar tpewritrs on the market, for the
WorMV Fair ocrtod.
No. 2 Kemincton. 6 months T 9 05
No. Remington. 6 months 15 0)
No. 1 ftnith Premie . 6 month 9. ft,
No 2" timlth Premier C months J3 "0
You who want a tpritr fcr the WnrlVs
Fair nerlod only cannct nfford to miss th's oTer;
machines ruaranteed; rent payable In advance.
The Typewriter Echange,
208 N. 9th St., St. Louis.
W. J. CORD, the K-ople's dentist: no decep
tion practiced. 70S-1O Pine: phone 1052A.
DR. SHATJU 03 Pine st,: cTown and bridge
work a specialty; gold crowns, 34: plates, 33 to
37: gold fillings. 31: consultation .free; hours
g to t. .
Leading; Dentists, Established for 43 years.
Olive. Entrance 509 Olive st.
Extracting FREE when teeth
are ordered. Largest and old
est dental establishment In tb.
city. We employ the most
skillful men In the profession.
All work guaranteed. Consulta
tion FREE. Do not look for
cheap dentists, but cede to us
and get reliable woru at low
est prices Opes daily from S
a. m. to S p. m., and Sunday
from ZM to 1 d. tn.
ATA those de'lring help or seeking situations
n ay register with the Free Employment Bu
reau of the State Bursu of Labor Statistics.
fl3H Chestnut st,: situations and help furnished
free nt charge. Tel. Klnloch A ML
nfVM-iiiiiii-" sirri ii " Jiivsnifiiiirsnnsrsjijij
PARTNER In millinery store; good business
and location. 4419 Kaeton.
PARTNER with 32.000 In rooming-house and
sa'oon; an exceptional opportunity. TP 10, Re
irnn irir ' - " ' - i 1 irm n. ii
SECONDHAND D. C. D. D. hoisting engine:
IS to 30 horse-power; also one ten-ton capacity
sTlff-Ier derrick, FA 33. Republic.
SECONDHAND gasoline engine wanted, or
4 tiorse-power; send sartjculars. William Wcs
termann. Carljle. IU.
I.M'.QH gentle.
spider horso. FD 1C Re-
For Sale.
ACCOUNT of death, horse and mare, double
set names, niri wagon. izs wasn. rear.
A LAUQE number of boo.1 work, dtltlng and
express horses, wagons, buggies, harness, etc.;
for cash cr on time payments: everything ns
represented: If jou don t like what we nave
find what jou want and we will get It for you;
sre us before bu)ing. Standard Credit Co
1605 a Twelfth. ,
ALMOST new- rubber-tlwd runabout harness:
very cheap. Miss ool. 1713 Morgan.
ALWAYS on hand, droit,- driving, general
purpose hors-s. new wagons, bitggtes and har
ness: ou try hordes b-fore buying: caeh or on
payment. P. L House. 1515 N. nroadwav.
AT a fr.crlfice. if taken at cr.ee. rubbcr-tlred
runabout: rood as new. 33P Lflclcd.
AT barcln; horej. v agen, new set harness:
must s.u at once; call Sunday before 12. after
2 p. in. wekdav. lo Ijunl.
UAKCAIN: big buck horse, sortl worker. J50;
lo more u for him. 2-45 Maols-n
IIAIKIAIN. (rood, sound work horse, giwl
driver; haine. must sill: 3:o. It21 S. Jeffer-on.
IIAltCAIN, phaeton. coo.t onr; two good
fen suney anl light driving harnrrs; ch-ap.
2525 Chouteau
IIAKOAIN-New storm buggies, park wag
one, stirteve, take and deliierv wagons; flrst
olasi work. J j; ?dicr. U2J N Foul teer.tli.
BAY horn.
wetan . 4": alio n-w
-.:iln. 1712 Morson
HAY drlvmir rio-xo. S55. roan horse, age 6,
S3." d stnre. 1221 N. Jeffen-on.
II T ponv. 5 jell oM. .mlted fcr paper boy
r HtfM dellvtrv- 1CS tYash. rear.
I5AY hnie. 7 sejrs od. round, city broke;
suitable fir storm bugsv cr delivery wagon.
2131 s Ptventh.
HUS horse suitahle for teaming or Morm
hucgv- nil N. Nineteenth.
IIIG ork team. 375- large horse; also de
liierv horse: u-"h wagon. 49; selling out, 1C21
Franklin ave.. rear.
CHEAP; one park wagon: can be seen at SS21
Conde st.
CHEAP; good work mule.
1724 Elliot,
DIRT wagon or brick wagon
1114 St. Anne.
your own rrlce.
DRAFT, driving and gererwl purpose horses,
wagon, barnees: casn or pavments; everything
guaranteed as let-rcsfPtcd. 4472 Clayton ave.
EXTRA nice saddle and harness pony; very
cheap Hiss Hush. 1713 Mcrgan.
FAST white mare.
1& S Seventh.
HMJ It: ot dn.:n norscs.
Tfer-. Pior 7f2I.
sanforc. 711 N.
FINE rubber-tired driving wagon.
Murphy. 14uS N. llrcadway.
FINK rubber-tired runabout, almost new, at
i b-vealn. 2"2 Manchester.
r'lSB family fcoise. C jears eld. li hands
high: pounl. gentle. E&61 Julian ave.
FINE trap: rosrnv : rubber-tire; price $S0;
gfo1 condition. 572 Von Versen.
FINE, large delivery horse. JU
racritlce on account of death: works single or
ituble R. Kedtle il. 24C9 N. I'rairle.
FIVE-YEAR-OLD drlvlnc horve. suitable for
storm buggy or delivery. 1623 Wash, rear.
FOUR good horse.: 320 to Jfll: guaranteed
thoroughly reliable. Stoddaid Feed Co. 2SW
FURNITIJRU top ard open delivery wagons;
new and bccondhand. Young & Co.. 1425 N.
Broad way.
GOOD horse, park wagon and harness; also
good mare. 2943 Madison.
GOOD horc and nw single harness for de
livery: cheap. 1701 Morgan.
GOOD cut-under butcv. 345: nice mare and
gentle small pony. 1711 Wash.
GOOD double set of harness; will sell rea
sonable O. Lang. 1113 Cas ave.
GOOD delivery horse. 1CV- hands. 7 vears old;
saddle pony: cheap. 1XX Wash, rear.
GOOD bay pony,
or a uble: will trait
cheap; will work single
for wagon. 4446 Kttston.
GOOD 16-harul work, farm or delivery horse,
dead-down puller and fan traveler. SS, give
trial: good pony. 335. -3107 Pine.
HARNESS: finest assortment all kinds, from
IS 50 ud: large stock Job saddlery: also second
hand names. A. Tuckett. 1S2! N. Broadway
HIGH-GRADE delivery horse: also
work horse: selling out. 4345 Arco ave.
harnei: bargain.
black borfr". runabout
Call 23 Henton place.
HIGH-ACTING bav runabout mare; sound
and fast. Wm. F. Mulhall & Co.. 2610 Lafay
ette ave.
HORSE and pony. 323 each: good horse, run
about and harness. 2045 Easton.
HORSE: 15 hands: also teams: chunky: 6
years: gentle: for lady; pony. 320; express, gro
cery, coal wagon: leaving city. 1S14 Morgan.
NEW cut-under, rubber-llred surrey; cost I235;
sell 3125. FD S3. Republic
NICE bay horse. 5 vears. fine driver, perfect
ly sound: new rubber-tired runabout; cheap.
204 Russell,
ONE good horse. J. H. Klelnschmldt, 591
Wyoming st.
ONE Frankfurter lunch wagon. J001 Lamb-
din ave.
Ill mr.
ONE-HORSE top wason. suitable for baker,
Tocery or butcher, 340; with brake. 2762 Caro-
ONE new one-horse platform furniture wag
en: two new top stanhopes; four new top park
wagons: tnree new top express wagons. Wm.
Dischert u. & vv. kjo.. isju-jj jioraim.
l-VIVlk. 1VSKL11B, .1MIUBI ucn, 1I.1U1.U. Kll
WICTlfc. J1CHCI, ... i..y-y".
. cwfVK?. An.. mhluOlnrf. .Imnaf n.r-
I11E..V.,, 1... . M. -V. .M. M.-.,- ......
cost 3250: sell ISO Warehouse. 204 3. Third.
PLUG mule; 37.50.
1G05 Chambers
l-ONY. 31S: horse. 124: big mare cheap: specu
lator's bargain. Grocery store. 1130 N. Jefferson.
RUBBER-TIRED runabout; new. G.
Twentieth and Bissell.
RUBBER-TIRED runabout: a bargain.
kers-Isaacs. Mb N. Lelflngwell.
RUBBBR-TIRED driving wagon. 1
Buderwleden A Dunkman. 1) St. Lo
for sale.
RUBBER-TIRED cut-under surrey, 3110: steel
tire storm buggy. Grocery store. 309S Olive.
SORREL pony; any boy or girl can drive.
Lang. 1113 Cat-- ave.
STYLISH 5-year-old
horse, fast traveler,
small black mule. 33).
bay work or delivery
good pulller, 3125; also
322: Pine.
STEEL-TIRE cut-under surrey. 355: good
phaeton. 145; runabout and harness. 325. 2T62
TEN larr
bargain. Fa:
draft horses and mares at
rmer Yard. 920 N. Broadway.
TEAM farm mares; nice matched team for
grocery or delivery wagon; work mule, 335;
need room: must sell. 104 S. Jefferson.
TWO good horses,
6714 Easton.
one pony; will sell cheap.
TWO large, two small horses, city broke:
runsbout. top buggy, harness. 2011 Waah. rear.
355 buys fine. new. steel-tire runabout: 313
buys dump (art and harness; 140 buys fine.
light ladles' phaeton. 3105 S. Broadway.
2.W0-FOUND team horses: gray delivery
horse: white pony: rubber-tired runabout. 3101
Law ton.
SECONDHAND stock; two-norse platform top
wagon, equipped with "Wlttlch's patent end
gates: traps, storm buggies, surreys. 1222 N.
Builders cf high-grade storm buggies. Posi
tively guarantee satisfaction; latest styles:
large stock always on hand; Kin. C 192. 201
We are the people for reliable goods at re
liable prices. Grolock Vehicle Co.. 915 N
Rubber-Tire. Driving Wagons $60.
One year's guarantee. These are bargains
2flo-2C2 S. Eighth. Between Walnut and Clarn
Complete Line Delivery Wagons.
Anvthlng cu LDEEDg A XAJ.LBT
200-2(12 S. Eighth. Between walnut and Clark.
Stanhopes, spiders, runabouts, surreys, etc
for salt In St. Isiuls exclusively by
t. r itr.i.Mju aii" fine.
We haw- ail Immense variety, tsken In ex
charge, that must bed Isposed of at great bar
gains. Wright's, Washington ave,. comer Nine
teenth. Genuine Columbus Storm Buggies.
Special drive on ten fine Columbus storm bug,
gles. To make room fcr Incoming stock. w
will close out these lobs at greatly reduced
prices. Be sure and see these.
300:201 8. Eighth. Between Walnut snd Clark.
Man iifacturer
of Wajronette,
Tallyho-. Hotel
and Depot
Coaches, Trans
fer and alt
kinds of Busj
cess 7agona.
UH-n North Broadway.
Fin. line pony vehicles and harness; will
guarantee to fit any pony.
y-r02 B KleMh Between Walnut and Clark.
FRESH milch cow.
717 Bates.
FRESH milch cow: give three gallons milk
per day. 11 N. Spring.
JERSEY cow for sale; nine quarts richest
sunk. SCO Plymouth,
11 1 1 111!
A OFS A. BilEClIT butchera' Ice box: Sxt
feet, B Men. 1305 Pine st.
BARGAINS Spr:ng suits; sample hats anu
shoes at SOc on the 31 : special price for coun
try merchants. 8. Gordon. 303 Morgan st.
BUY cur high-grade lump coal at lie per
bushel, delivered. TeL D 11M: Main 2l(A.
Johnson I'wvl t.
CASH registers bought. eoM and exchanged.
James Duffy. 114 N. Ninth: Klnloch A MX
CINDERS near World's Fair grounds: any
quantity. Hlrsch Rolling Mill Co.. Phone
Main ISIS.
COALr-Dorr-s high-grade. 12c bushel, deliv
ered. Edward Dorr. 2233 Pine. Kin. C 22.
DESKS, furniture; new; desk room or office
for rent 1115 Chemical building.
FIREPROOF safe. 73 Inches fclgh. S3 wide.
3S deen: good as new. Wlllbranlt. 1007 Olive.
KIMHNIi tackle, buckets, pols. nets. Hi. t.
full rupply: everything very cheap. Standard
Tool Co. 23 N Firth, next to Hllts's.
FLORIST refrigerator; plate gla-w HI
around: suitable for florist or fine butcher. 1725
OHS case; erst 1275; sultlble for World's
Fslr exhibitor: 3100. 2C3 Burlington building.
N11W and secondhand bill'aM anl pool tables,
cloth and ball-. A. B. Schmidt. 32S Market.
HIUH-GItADi:. large, roil-tou cftlce desk:
good as rcw; cost 3CJ: price S25. 372f Dsimsr
INVALID'S chair.
N. Therea ave.
like new; very ".heap. SI,
LOT of
?-condli.inJ lumber, chfjp.
olFH-E fixtures, store counter, i-helv :ngs anl
kindling woud. Call at 112 N FJshth t.
PAINTS This Is the place to buy your paints
from Great Western Paint & Color Co, 14
I S16
Mancresler ave.. mi Eastrn ave. 1911 Park.
I'llO.NDOUAPWJ - five different styles. See
us before sou buv. Htar our machine play.
The Rav Co.. 923 illlvo si.
RESTAURANT steam tabic; In good order;
J15. ZH N. Eighth St.
SECONDHAND billiard tablt-: In gorl ccndl
llon: price jM. FD 124. Republic
German or Spanlh.
C S. course In French.
FD 111. Republic
bllOW cases: all plate glars: will
cheap Apply to Aloe's. 512 Olive st.
TWO stern-wheel gasoline boats at 301 N.
rrafu st.
TWO platform scales, one facing mill, one
tubular water heater, seven polishing xtanJs.
lot of DUltevs. hanger, platers and dynamos,
etc 1140 N Main st.
WESTERN washing machine. 31: slightly
damsge.1 in railroad wreck, standard Tool Co..
R23 N Sixth .:.
WORLD'S FAIR kindling. 31 per load: large
tler-e 444 Ttnn
5 0u0 sheet" McKlnlev sheet music at 10c pr
shet. The llev Co . 923 Olive st.
1.5,0 7x3 army tents: will make special prices
on large lots. st, Louis Belttng and supply
Co . EOS S. Fourth st.
. I
4 Secondhand lumber. Apply 701 Roe 4
4t building. 4
The Dals reversible Individual Are cscap
for sale in quantities. 237 Hurllnrton bulldlnt;.
Headquarter for United States. World's Fair
and fcrij;n tlan.
IS S. Fourth ft.
Wrought Iron Range Co.,
l!th and Washlmrton Are.
'i-i-ii- -i"i-i"V--i-.ifr.r.-i vTonnm
niPfllTVn In .mi.r. nlanm- Vh.tu V.-l.,.-
iock Kranlch & Bach: many others; from 310
to 3150: easy pajments. E. A. Boehm & Bro ,
IMS Franklin.
BUY your musical
Instruments where vcu
have advantace of
largest selections in city
Land lowest prices. Hunleth'a. 9 S. Broadway
f "HEAR the feoui ot a Krakauer Sing": to
hear it is tn buv It. Mild onlv bv Dan'l O. Dun
ker Piano Co.. Fourteenth and North Market.
PIANOS tuned. 31.50: first-class piano and
organ tuner and repairer: 25 years' experience;
send postal to 11. Kami. 1114 8. Broadway.
TWO pianists and violinist would like to have
engagements for parties, orchestra; of at
World's Fair concession. FC 112. Republic.
MB supply outside towns with new and sec
ondhand Instruments; write for catalogue and
bargains J. PUcht A Hon. 113 S. Broadway.
WE can use alx more
souare nl.nna
.. ..... i. m. i-y .,- z.
nrn., nuu Mm uurr rpccuti
fnrinr.m.nta in
order to make It worth your while to trade
jour square nere. ne say mis witn aosoluto
! ctrclty. F. BEYER Sc BON.
Seventeenth and Locust,
JlOo upright Kurtiman piano: fnll slie: with
stool and cover; in fins condition: for 3200 cash.
5302 Maple are.
3135 buys fine upright piano. Kleekamp Bros.
Piano Co.. 2207 Park ave.. St. Louis.
330 buvs a nice piano; cost 3265: stool, cover
and delivered 1414 N. Sixteenth st.
U5 buys a fine little uprlgnt piano: fully
guaranteed: vours at 310 down and 9C monthly.
F. Beyer & Son. Seventeenth and Locust.
Durinjr the past SIXTY TEARS has aWays
been found good.
1109 OLIVE ST.
JT 1 AIM Ub fccondhauid
for rent at lowest prices.
mrnts at lowest prie:.
r 1 r Vi VyO ed. exchanged
or moved at lowest prices.
Pianos and Organs lead the
world in superiority cf tone,
touch and general construction.
1116 Olhre Street.
""----"------ -..-. 1 -tf'.r.nriryrtfVJXa.
DTNAMOS and mctors. all styles and volt
ages, for sale or rent; ws buy electrical ma
chinery. Rosslter-MacGovern Elecrlcal Cm.
Tel. 4146 Main. MX Missouri Trust building.
ENGINE: Ideal: S'jxlO; 35-h -p.; automatic:
cheap. Ros Electric Co.. Third and Elm.
Motors. Dynamos and Engines to Rant,
Rose Electric Cti. Third and E'm sts.
Gasoliniand Steam Engines
boilers, steam pump., au.m, gas anu waur
supplies, sawmill machinery, belting, nose. ste.
8AVE 25 TO 40 FUEL.
By using a smokelens downdraft furnace, boil
ers, tanks, tmokes-jtcks, etc. manufactured
and on hand. All klnda o repclrs promptly
Twenty-third aud Papln sts.
For Sale.
BICYCLE, high grade. 13; coaster brake; call
to-day; cheap. 1122 N. Leonard.
BRINDLE bull, pit stock. IS. 1433 Franklin.
FINE mastiff dog. 11 months old: good
watcher: 35: must sell. 1410 S. Eleventh.
FINE mastiff pup. j-ear old; weighs ISO lbs.;
320. 104 8. Jefferson ave.
ONE pair gruv- squirrels: very playful. 3009
Pine st.. after 530 D.m.
USB cnaMbertaiti'B Click fel and brooder
Blank. & Hawk supply Co.. 3H Market sc.
NEW toutinc car: detachable tooneaur 12
horse. opposed motor lamps- odometer: horn;
bargain: quick tale. FE S6. Republic
AUTOMOBILE: electric machine;, first-class
condition. Call 1S03 Locust.
UAKERY. with two room, furnished, com
plete, with Ic cream counter: fine tlxtures;
rent S16: cash or term if sold at once. FD 130.
IU public. .
BAHliE3t shop; six chairs; four baths. FD
14. Republic
HAHUK shop; three chairs; will sell cheap
If sold this week. FE lfrJ. K-tpob.Ic.
J.AUBKIl shop; two chairs; gorU location;
low rent; small capital required. ISIS X. Ninth.
BAR HE It shop; first-class; three ehalrs;
shop centrally located. Inquire at 2025 Market.
HA BG A I.N for quick eale; must sell my bak
ery and confecllonerj ; other business opening
Saturday; eauy terms; bargain. FD M. Ite
.BLACKSMITH and repair inic shop; flrst-claas
business: ood tra-le; bargain. 17'ji Do i man.
HOOK and news store: chap rent; tio
rooms; possttrtlon at once. 23i2 I 4 "ton.
IiU'iX'HKlf-tlloi ttuim. compute; must sell;
lnef-tlcrtte; Rrtat sarrlfice- 2205 Morgan st.
CIO All ft'rt? and laundrj branch: Ilrst-class
stand: simmI location. 6 N. Ninth.
CIGAR and confectionery, with Illng-nv-ms;
launary branch: :? hand leu; mall ialanc;
have uther business; big bargain. 197 N. Fif
teenth st.
CONFECTIONARY. 2KB Choutfau: $150 rtonn.
talance monthly; direct llni I'atr; no competi
tion; thre rooms; fine fountain, near uans.er
CONTENTS nf three-rr-om flat for J310 c-tsh;
flat renu for Si: per month; 240) block n Gla.
sjv nve. FE 2K Republic
X)MFUETE neatlv furnished I2-room hou:
on Olive -st.. near t'nion station: rent $00; all
roomi i1IIh1 with sood-paj Irk rocnurrs; pl
location ti is. uepuniic
COTTAtjE: fi finely furnished room": near
OIIe untl Cardinal: 3 rent; lease; price S17j.
ivnriu s j-air itroKtrage i-o.. v tjnesinut st.
apanment-house with assuied patronage. 4644
Cook: L'elmar I34t
FIFTEKN-KOOM boarding-house; full ot
good-paying boarders; cause, sickness. 1451
Old Manchester.
FINE lunch car; corner Vandeventer and
Easton. .
FIRST-CLASS meat and vegetable market,
doing a large and profitable bu-int-s In a line
neighborhood: will stand the strictest lnvesll
gatuji: thlj Is an opportunity sldom orTtred:
sales 3K,f" to 34i 004 nr Tear: 33.000 cash yi 111
buy It. No agents. IT 140. Republic.
FIVE-CHAIK barber shop: downtown district.
FC 32. Itepubllc.
1X111 isale or Rent Grocery and ralcon: good
con.er In North St. IxiuLs. Cast Brewing Co.
rUHNlHED rooming-home; near Union
Station. FE 17. Republic.
GOOD-PAYING blacksmith bhop In country
town: bargain. Applv 1953 Cherokee.
OROCERY stcre. with living-room; rent 312:
great bargain: 3X: .oust laie city. 2(23 Eas
ton ave.
GROCERY and saloon: one of the best-paying
stand?; nlll Invoice aboa; 33,9X1. Gut
Brewing Co.. 13 N. blxth st.
GROCERY and confectionery: good stock;
cigar stand, laundry branch, soda fountain: living-room:
good trade: 3500 cash, is S. Ewlng.
GROCERY and dnellin? doing n good busi
ness: a bargain If sold at once. 313 N. Tenth
pt. Iut St. Louie. Will sell without dwelling.
FD 135. Republic.
GROCERY and meat market- location unsur
passed; West Knd: prli- 3I..M; sales SIOJ
r-.onthly: rent $t": s. living-room": large profits:
hlghest-clara trade. Morgan-Rcnlnger, 703
HOTEL Berlin. 112 s. Sixth (Opposite Hav
lln'a Theater) Must sell on account of World's
Fair concession. I. M. Gabelmann. prop.
HOTEL: elegantly furnished, swell. West
Fnd mansion: larg jard: lease; enly 3IM
month: 34 rooms; te us Immediately. Wllburn
tc Co.. S343 Ollte
LLA9E of well-turnlshed betel ot 32 rooms:
1M miles from Bt. Louis; bargain If sold at
ence. FA 37. Republic.
HUNERY: one of the best in city: very
successful: raying big dfttdends: will sell all
or half Interest: for further Information see
my agents. Morgan-Renlnger. 9cs Chestnut.
LUNCHROOM: csubllshed for jears; big
night trade: cheap for cash. 13011- Fine.
MEAT market In West End; elegant shop;
must sIl: other business. FD 103. Republic.
PHOTOGRAPH gallery clearing 32.MO a year,
or will sell half Interest: bargain. 1713 RusselL
PHOTOGRAPH studio; best location In t.
Louis: West End: cheap; other business. FD
133. Republic.
RACIIET store, with living-rooms; bargain;
sickness compels rne to sell. 3110 Eftston.
RAILROAD labor agency all or Interest;
good business: established. FE 21. Republic
REFRESHMENT tent: 12x24 feet: Cheap. 203
Burlington building.
RESTAURANT; Adelphl: lease: easy terms.
1417 Olive at
RESTAURANT: good location; good trade.
H. L Fish. 373 Market.
RESTAURANT; am changing my florist store
into restaurant: Kitchen built; will sell. 172S
RESTAURANT: doing good business: part
nership troubles reason for selling. -3223 Frank
lin ave.
RESTAURANT: cheap: mut sell this week:
low rent; tacrine,; Olive st- location. FC 10S,
RESTAURANT: good location; established,
good trade; small rent; must sell; cheap. 2702
N. Ninth.
RESTAURANT: good-paying business; on ac
count of other buslnesa Apply 296 N. Four
teenth st.
RESTAURANT Downtown: doing paying
paying business; bargain If taken at once. 1133
Chestnut st.
RESTAURANT lunch counter; good business
and location: seats twenty-flTe: rent 330; price
IV'). d9 s Seventh M.
RESTAURANT- busy thoroughfare; Income
3250 month: rent 327: best reasons selllnc; price
34M Glascock. 902 Chestnut.
RESTAURANTS aad furnished Hats: all parts
of city; good locations: call on us for any kind
business. WHburn. 2343 Olive.
RESTAURANT: good location: rent III; ln
ccme 131 dally; 332S gets tbls tsrgaln. and you
won't regret It, Armstrong. 1014 Chestnut,
ROOMING-HOUSE: nine rooms; good loca
tlon: rent 335. 16 N. compton.
ROOMING-HOUSE: rooms: sll filled: 340
rent: no higher: sell chtan. 29M Olive.
ROOMING-HOUSE: 17 newly fuml-hed rooms,
near Fair: a new building; a bargain: 31,000;
half cash. Armstrong. 1014 Chestnut.
ROOMING-HOUSE:' 20 newly fltted rooms;
near Union Station; lease; 31,400 burs this: with
terms on part, Armstrong. 1014 chestnut.
ROOMING-HOUSE: 12 rooms: chock full cno:
S350 down; lease; rent reasonable; large base
ment: owner leaving city. J703 Lucas.
ROOMING-HOUSE; 13 rooms, near Garrison:
lease: only 313: most completely furnished house
In cltyt genuine bargain. WHburn. 2343 Olive.
ROOMING-HOUSE: West Pine; 3 rooms:
lease: only J75: party leaving city; can give
you bargain, sure, Wllturn A Co. 2343 O.lvo.
ROOMING-HOUSE': 3100 block Washington; S
roomsr excellent furniture; rent $4: Iesse: price
38&0: fine. Morgan-Renlnger. 90s Chestnut.
ROOMING-HOUSE: 2730 olive st,: principal
and direct line to "Fair": 1 clean, bright
rooms; World's Fair lease; essr terms.
RESTAURANT: 32M buys downtown restau
rant and lunch stand; reasonable rent; owner
can't speak English. World's Fair Brokerage
Co . SOS Chestnut st.
ROOMING-HOUSE; near three direct car
line, to "Fair": ten elegant rooms: every con
venience: 1250 cash, balance monthly. Glas
cock. 902 Cneatnut.
ROOMING-HOUSE: 10 well-furnished rooms;
ISO rent: good location for business: 3300: get
Into this business quick. Armstrong. 1011 Chest
nut. ROOMING-HOUSE: Locust: corner; 13 room.;
elegantly furnished; rent 311): World's Fair
Lease; pries 31.(00. Morgan-Renlnger, aft
ROOMING-HOUSE; choice West End 'ora
tion: 10 rooms; 3 rent: lease: Income 1120
month: World's Fair business, cause: 3J00 han
dles. Glascock. 902 Chestnut.
ROOMING-HOUSE: 24 room; Olive, west:
lease: 3100 month: nicely furnished: certalnlv a
Seat bargain: see us. WHburn Ic Co.. 2343
ROOMING-HOUSE: 20n west; 0 rooms; ele
gantly furnished; neat and clean: rent 340: no
rahe; price $7. Morgan-Renlnger. 903 Chest-
ROtiMING-HOITSF:- 10 rooms VZ rnt !...
downtown: S5C0 handles close wholesale houses;
bargain. World's Fair Brokerage Co.. SOS Chest
nut st.
ROOMING-HOUSE: downtown: 11 moms: 3SS
rent: lease: Income over 3100 month: owner
opening large nocei: s.w nanaies. uiascock.
9112 Chestnut.
ROOMINO-HOUSK: near depot: 21 room-:;
bouse always full. WorM's Fair lease; accom
modate 1W people dally; 120.) handles. 201 S.
ItOOMING-HOUSE: li rooms: Washington,
rear Compton: one of bst locatlcns In city;
lease: sell cheap: sickness. WHburn & Co.,
K41 Olive.
ROOMINtl-HOrsE: 3613 Page: conven'ent 3
direct car lines Fair; refined neighborhood: 32S-1
cash, balance mcnthlj ; 10 elegant, clean rooms;
owner must leave.
ROOMING-HOUSE: Washington boulevard:
near Vand.venter: choicest of locations light
rooms; 340 rent: lost health forces sale for SSiio
who's lucky T World's Fair Brokerage Co.. SOS
ROOMING-HOUSE: nar station: 24 rooms:
full ccod-paylng men: lease; accommodate loo
ne'p'e dai: 33 handles. Glascock, 902 Chest
nut. ROOMING-HOUSB: H rood-slled, well-furnished
rooms; downtown: 333 rent: lease clear
ing about ISO month now: Brussels carpets- oak
and Iron beds completely furnished: 3y nan
dles. World's Fair Brokerage Co.. 90S Chestnut.
ROOMING-HOUSE: why not ret a rood oner
Notice these good points: Washington neir
Garrison, northern exposed; rear rooms all de
sirable: t spacious rooms and flnisVd basement,
345 rent: line Axmlnster and velvet carpets:
brass and Iron beds: felt mattresses: mahogany
and golden oak furniture; clean, neat: rerv de
sirable. World's Fair Brokerage Co.. 90S Chest
nut SI.
Iltf OOV nrA hnawlfi....Aiiai -al. ..a a
i-..w.. a. r-..i-uv.n, "-.11 1U a.
C-AtR ..
ullOOW- at ........ -T.U... a-, . n ,
Co. 919 N. Sixth st.
SALOON Flrat-rlsrs corner, doing very good
business: fine totality; price 31.600. FB 99, Re
public .SALOON: on Easton a va.; low rent: two-ilTlnc-rooms.
Atwljr a77 Cur.
IWH.WlW.0. K. a!......
SALOON; prominent corner: will s-11 cheao
If t&Jcen at once; good reasons; no agents. 3M
S- Eighteenth.
FALOON: doirntnv.n: beautiful corner; dally
bumess l: rent 31H: subrent 3; 3I.0W: will
lrvolce price asked; will guarantee tbls place,
alorgan-lteninzer. S taestnut
SALOON'; Market: downtown: Individual
lease; corner: C Ililng-rooms; daily buslnej
: 31.. 3T0O cah: balance monthly. Jlor-gan-lnlnger.
ft(a Chestnut.
SALOON for rale for a client: one bUx.k
Union bttlon: sickness. Sheridan & bheelian.
attornes. 714 Roe building.
SALOON: dilng 330 dally over bar: 8 rooms
pay rent: price 34ftJ: eerv convenience: somc
tblng dvlng here. Armstrong. 1014 Chestnut.
SALOON: 3250 bujs corir -loon: 3W rent:
two rooms ami kitchen: disagreement pnprle
tors cause. World's Fair Urokerage Co , 901
Chestnut st.
SALOON: actually doing f? a day; near sta
tion: trains stoti etcry two minutes: room;
owner heir to large estate: Jl.SJJ. Glascock,
!W2 Che-tnut.
SlfOH shining parlcr: 25)2 S. irroadway; op
posite HaslMgen's Auditorium; rell on attount
of sickness.
SMALL confectionery: oancr leaving city.
FD 1(0. Keouillc
1.730 tuia 2n.rocm I.ouse, complete for 7)
twople: lid Ui: flllre st, VD 131. Uepuhlic.
TllKEK-CltAIl: barber fhop: ch-ap: estab
lished. r) Baugn. Kast t. Lul. 111.
TtVO good pjjlng dru- stores. inentorj
atut K.v); lo.v rent. Morgan-Itenlnger. WJ
World's Fair Chance.
Half Ir.teret saloon, palm garden urd e"ncrt
hall; building neatl cor.ipleud; downtown:
near Olive: 31.''' required: will clear $!r0l
during Fair: cwortunl's unsurpassed. Mor-gan-R
rlrger. 0U Chestnut,
Svrell furnished S-room hcusp; nc.ir Grand
and Llndell; furniture r r.eli: rent er
reasonable; see ag-nti. Morjan-Renlnger, W
Hctel: 80 rooms; We-t End: lease durlr.g
World's Fair period: 3.fO0 handles; has 31S.KM
of nra- furniture Jlorgan-Ronlager. SW Chest
fl'lled with roomers; sttam heat; barcatn. FC
12i. Republic.
KAbTON. 3VSt- Ten-rocm furnished house;
reasonable if soM Immediately; deirabl loca
tion. tCRNISHKD flat: four roonis: Income S2.T.
per week: rent ?): price 2S. ZZ1ZA Olive.
NKATLT furnished twelve-room house on
Washington: full of good-paying rcomtfs; terms
to u!t- FI 5. RenuMic.
NEWLY" furnished a.e-rrmm modern flat;
cheap rent: no rale durlnc fair. 02 1 Mcrcan.
NEWLY furnished ftve-rom modern flat;
cheap rent: no raise during Fair. 2924Morran.
3Jroom hotel; -H.S0O; snap.
CC3 Walnwrtsbt
TWO four-room flats: furnished : IS5 each ;
rent -JM each: larse yards, trees; no children;
also new Estey grand piano; cheap. ZIZi IX
Tralrlft ave.
A LIGHT manufacturing and mail-order busi
ness, Ith new Invention; the sprinc heel nalk
Inr cushions; 5.0j).Mi pair can be sold to
World's Fair visitors: $90 takes everything. In
cluding stock; owner's time taken up at the
Fair: call from 7 to 9 a. m. and 7 to p. m.
F. -C- Relchardt Manufacturing Co.. southeast
cor. Third and Pine, third floor.
Men. women, boy, girls; no person deserve
success who will not grasp a golden nportunl
tr; snd SOc for 2-B-p, bock. Golden Rule Co..
Ciuthrie. Ok. J
HAVE you Koo or Jl.ono to Invest In strictly
legitimate business? Call on Haag At2ams.
115 Burlington bulldlns.
PARTY with iCOOO for completely equipped
bar at main entrance to World's Fair: no rent.
TC 118. Republic.
$50 cajh secures steady man position where
he can earn $5 weeklv; experience not neces
sarv: Investigation desired. FB 12. Republic,
Restaurant and booth privileges for sale;
center of the Pike; best money-makers. Call
708 Pine st., room 3)6.
A recently Invented patented machine will
turn the soli with on. man and two horses
eoual to four men with eight horses with plows;
company will sell stock to manufacturer. Full
particulars, address Hex 137. Mount Carmel. 111.
ADAMS. 2-ttlU
Small hall room: cheap rent.
i.ui. persons wisai-ig roams, apply vrntraj
Room Agency. 14 N. Fourth st.. room 3.
AN elegant room, with use of parlor, for
g-ntleman: extra, fine: on Del mar boulevard.
east ot King's highway. TP 9. Republic
ARLINGTON, 2507 Neatly furnished front
room: all conveniences: private family.
ARMSTRONG. 1223 Neatly furnished rooms:
all conveniences: handy to cars: price 31 day.
ARMSTRONG. 1L-S Two furnished connecting
rooms: private family: four or flva adults; 3
week. ARMSTRONG. 1211 Three nicely furnished
rooms; reasonable; conveniences: north side
Lafayette lark.
ACBEKT. 1210 Furnished room for gentlemen-
convenient to World's Fair.
AUBE11T. -53A Private family In West Knd
will rent two rooms: csfe tn same block.
AUBERT. KS Suite cf two beautiful rooms
for gentlemen: will rent for Fair period: nas-
AUBERT Place. A (Southeast corner Eu
clid and Suburban Tracks) Large front room,
AUBERT. 773 Front room for Wortd's Fair
visitors; Delmar. Olive and Suburban cars;
wslklng distance from Fair.
AUBERT. 733 44900 West) Clean, nicely ft'T
nlshed. light rooms: private home: three car
lines: walklnr distance Fair: for Fair visitors.
BAhKMENT for white roan and wife- Apply
3229 Morgan.
BAUGH. 917. East St- Louls-EIegantlr fur
nished rooms: prtvata family; all conveniences;
BAYARD. T't Choice rooms, for World's
Fair visitors: convenient to Fair.
BAYARD. 1132 Ona large furnished room:
Page, Suburban cars; light housekeeping al
lowed. BAYARD, 1123 One hlcely furnished front
room: gentlemen only: Suburban. I1 cars;
near Fair.
BRANTNER Place. 3113 Large front room:
furnished every convenience; private family:
BELL. 4604 Nicely furnished rooms for tran
sients. BELL. 3S29 Nicely furnished single room;
southern exposure: good location.
BELL. 3044 Nicely furnished room; gentle
men only, all conveniences; Suburban and
Transit cars.
BELL. 3032 Two lovely furnished rooms:
southern exposure; every convenience; private
nailing . ,dw;imv1
uc-4..--i..a.-. i-. ..cnij p.parr'a iwms jor
gentlemen! ur light housekeeping; very rea
sonable. lc-C-.l, a !. .'. .. ....., .
BENTON. 9:0 Nicely furnished rooms for
gentlemen or iignt housekeeping: reascnapte.
tUTVnT.TC IGi.- V..1I- ...ml., Jt m nn u .
for one or two gentlemen.
BL.MNE. 4133-Nlcely furnished front parlor
iwtr i.u .cn.ieiugii; umi-t linn 10 otiq . r air.
nlra rtU-'a-r im TU Vvalafl aAAaaa KTaa ..
V..W---'., a,, . ,.ai...a.n. v.wa. w.m .
II per day.
BROADWAY. 618 N. Rooms. rOc. 35c and C0c;
31.25 per week and up: baths free.
BROADWAY. 908 N. Neatlv furnished front
parlor, suitable for two gentlemen.
BROADWAY, too 8. Nicely furnished front
room for two gentlemen: reasonable.
BROADWAY. 912 N. Very desirable, nicely
furnished rooms for World's Fair visitors.
BROADWAY. 1321 S Three nicely furnished
front rooms, second floor, with back parlor;
all conveniences.
CALIFORNIA. 1921 Furnished rooms; con
venient to cars; private family; modern; rea
sonable. CAN nccommodate World's Fair visitors;
private home; no World's Fair prices. FD M9.
CARR. 2122 Two large, nicely furnished
front rooms; private family; all conveniences.
CARDINAL 812 N. Front and back rocma:
gentlemen or housekeeping.
CASS. 2313 Neatly furnished room, suitable
for two gentlemen r also light housekeeping.
CASS. 2131 Nlcelv furnished front room; sec
ond floor; gas, bath; southern expcsure;.rea-
wAE, js-a iewiy lurnisnm ironi rooms;
one cr two gentlemen; modern conveniences;
1,'Ato, siiiA riceiy lurnisnea rront room;
private family; bath, gas; all conveniences:
CASS. 1350 Newly furnished room, second
floor: private family; quiet home; all conven
iences ; reasonable.
CATES. M-Twr beautiful rooms: single or
en suite: six blocks World's Fair entrance.
CATES. .3301 (Corner. Belt)-Beautiful rooms;
nicely furnisfced: southern exposure; for two,
four or eight gentlemen only; close to Fair.
CHAMBERLAIN. 503 Elegantly furnished
rooms: strictly modern: In detached house;
large yard; corner lot: IS minutes' walk to
Fair grounds: Page car Une two blocks north;
Mintirran two blocks south.
CHANNINO. 1011 N. Large front room; suit
able for two or three; low terms.
CHESTNUT. 1422-HI1 Nicely furnished rooms.
SOc and up. for two: weekly rates: reasonable.
CHIPPEWA. 2700 One neatly furnished room;
modern conveniences: cars pass door.
CHIPPEWA. 3204 Three neatly furnished
rooms: accommodate three or four gentleoun;
aaM. SM UWMI. .-.
J- - -, 11 1 -,- , H.HI.l
rHOUTEAL". 1217 Nicety furnished roomst
gas, bath: German family.
CHOUTEAU. li Nicely furnished rooms,
from We to 31: nar Union Staiijn. Kohns.
CHOUTEAU, 1012 Rooms for light housekeep
ing: furnished. 31.50 up: unfurnished, a up:
connecting rocr.
illfii:TL-AI- vr! W.I'-fi.rnlahMl reCCnd-
story front room: transient trade; private
family: rea-onanle.
CHOUTEAU, -02 Furnished rooms for
World's Fair people: good clean tds; bath,
not and coM water.
Lieht hi.u-iikcepirg: third floor: large: re-pect-
ai,ie; tz.j'j; mntr rwm.
1-r.j.Mic 'jsrTL t'-.n'tiftil f-cond-storv front
nmm inr rt.riitanani mnni " iv -
CLUAItY. J'c (Bet-.i-n Twmty-secon.1 and
Tmtv-ttlrd. Near Cass Elegantly furnished
nrlr.-: reasonable.
(Olinus. 212 N. Nlcly furnished room, for'
couple or thie gcntlem-n: Fair vi tors.
l.uiii'ii).. wis N- Furnished rooms: gord-accoramc-iations
for cntlmen. at reasonable
COOK. 42'C Rooms lor visitors, by day or
COOK 43; Room cr suite of two roomsr
b-eakta-t If lire'l
iirtiK. 42S7 liable iiaricrs: touthem expos
ur: for mo to four g.-nt.emen
COOK. 4K7 Two large third-story roams;
southern exposure; two to six gentlemen.
COOK. 2W3-Rocms for World's Fair visit
ors: home whTe test references can te given.
r"OOK. trcs Well-furnwhed "i-ond-storr-front;
als'j slnsle room; irtvate family; gentle-
CTXIIC. 2I Trree room, newly furnished,
second ticor; rmuhem exposure: fold'ng doors;
single or en suite: private family; references.
COOK. 4042-5"! Exceptional advantages for
World'. Fair visitors: fine location: ev-erythlne
new; Illustrated circular and particulars free.
COTK BRILL! ANTE. 3514-Nicely furnished
front room; private family; three doors west
o: Grand.
COTTAGE. 2643 Two front rooms, slsgle cr
en suite; on Spring car line.
COTTAGE. 4BJ-Furc!hed rooms: privlleg-j
of light housekeeping: reasonable; Spalding cars.
DtLMAK. 41 Nicely furnished room for
World's Fair visitor).
DELMAR. 3S32 Newly. beauUfulIy fumishol
tcoms: sll convenience?.
D1LMAIC44C6A Handsomely furn shed rooms,
with all conveniences: private family.
nni.MAJ:. 4453 Nicely funuslied room: suit
ab' for two: ccnvenlent to three car lines.
DELMAR Boulevard. 3-42A Desirable front
or back 10cm: fivo minutes valk to Fair.
DELMAR. 3341 Nicely furnished rooms; al
cove; southern exposur; also night lodging.
DELMAR. 4642 Private family In West End
will rent two rooms tj gentlemen; Olive cars.
DELMAR. 45i.'. Nlcsly furnished front room
for one or two; modern conveniences: cars con
venient. fiSLMAH Boulevard. 5143 Desirable rooms;
privatt family; hot bath; phone; board In
ifnv- block
DLLMAK Boulevard. 42! i Elegant rooms for
gentleman: private family; references; 'phena
L'ndell l;.rf.
DELMAR. SCI Finely furnished room;
beauUfulIy located; private family; 320 month
ly; permanent.
Dil-MAlt. 4322 Newly furnished rooms;
transient or permanent; modem conveniences
Telephone Llndell 237SM.
DELMAR. Boulevard. 5312A Newly furnished
rooms, -tingle or en tuI.2; gentlemen preferred;
Delmar and Olive cars.
DKLMAR. 4M2 Two newly furnlslr-d rooms,
with alt convenience: prefer four gentlemen;
313 each: Delmar and Olive lines.
DELMAR. 5719 Furnished rooms: World's
ralr guests: pilvat. home; two blocks from
main entrance. Phone Forst 2S7M-.
DICKSON. ZHJ-Newly furnished large room
for one or two gentlemen: al convenlencesL
DICKSON 2723 Newly furnlshi-d rooms; .
clean: flrst or second floor: gai. bath: southera
exposure: reasonable: Jefferson or Spring ave.
DIVISION. 241 Near 1200 N. Jefferson)
Large unfurnished room: 33 p.r month,
DODItH. :34A Five ncodern. furnished
rrtms rent separate or together: reasonable.
EASTON, Ml! One large unfurnished front'
EASTON. 4512 Furnished or unfurnished
rooms; bath: no children.
EASTON. 4H3HA Mcely furnished front
rooms; bath and gas; private family.
EASTON. 3019 One front parlor, furnished for
llaht housekeeping; gas. bath: 3?) month. -
EAi-TTON. 5Ki (Rear) A furnished room for
two gentlemen: Easton cars: Fair close.
EASTON. 40S6A Two neatly furnished rooms
for gentlemen. In home of a widow; gas and
EASTON. 571SA German home; fornlshedi
parlor; connecting room: 13 week each; Fair
EASTTON. 4S2CA Two large connecting front
rooms; elegantly furnished, modern eonvenl
tnces. EASTON. S9S4 Nicely furnished flrst-clasa
rooms; gas and bath: 35 a week; tire mtnntea"
rlV to world's Fair grounds.
EASTON. -S60-C Neatly furnished second
floor 100ms: World's Fair De-role: tl each per
son: two car lines direct to Fair.
EIGHTEENTH. 711 N.-Nlcely furnished
rooms: also small rooms; 31.M week op.
EIGHTEENTH. 1127 N. Nlcelv furnished
rorm: suited for two or three gentlemen.
EIGHTEENTH. 1123 N.-Nlcely furnL'hed
recend-stcry front for housekeeping; reasonable;
quiet f smlly.
EIGHTEENTH. 1424U S. Visitors sitendlrut
Fair will find accommodations for four gratle
men at above place.
ELEVENTH. 141 a Nlcelv furnished front
and other rooms, for gentlero-n: reasonable.
ELL'OT 1321 N. Furnished second-floor front
or middle room; gentlemen or housekeeping ;
ELM. 313
Furnished rooms for World's Fair.
ELEGANTLY furnished front parlor; In pri
vate family; hot and cold bath: telephone: fif
teen mlr.,tes' walk of Exposition grounds; c
terms reasonable; breakfast If desired. FE 11.
Republic. .
v ETZEL. C14 Choice furnished rooms; near
Fslr grounds: take Suburban cars.
ETZEL. (174A Neat, clean, furnished rooms:
reasonabl.; ten minutes ride -to Fair grounds:
liburban car at corner; bath; small family.
EUCLID. 11SO Furnished rooms: terms rea
sonable: take Suburban or Page ave lines.
EUCLID. 1142A Furnished room, for gentle- ,
men: $12.50 per month: Suburban and Pag
EUCLID. 1111 N. Front room: couple cr gen
tlemen: permanent or transient: Page cars;
nesr Fair.
EUCLID. 1142A N. Nicely furnished room for
gentlemen: 112.50 per month: Suburban and
Page cars.
EUGENIA. -OlS Wcrid's Fair axummoda
tlona: nice rooms; cne Mock from station: good
EVANS. 3622 Nicely furnished roam; prtvata
family. ,
EVANS. -29
Two furnished rocms
EVANS. 3507 Two front furnished roomsr
ras. bath: 37.50 week: no raise.
EVANS, 4469A Nicely furnished front room,
for one or two gentlemen: also ball room.
EVANS. 4473 Nlcelv furnished front 10001:,
mod Irvitlon: convenient to three car lines.
EVANS. 3fl(A Nestlr furnished front room:
handy to World's Fair; reasonable: prlvat.
EVANS. 4115 Furnished rooms; caa. bath.
screens: southern exposure: private: Easton and
c-uuuru.11 nn.
EWING. 709 N. Elegantly furnished front
room: come upstairs to flat 12.
EWING. 515 N. Nicely furnished second
floor room: southern exposure: gas, bath.
EWING. 793 N. Clean and neatlv furnished,
front rooms, flrst floor: bath, gas: teleohona
ervlce: 31 per day.
Nicely furnished rooms.
FAIRMOUNT. -"78 West End house; wlir
rrnt a few rooms to transients.
FALL 2S-.-A Nlcelv furn'ihed front roan:
private famll); ccnvenlent to three car linear
FINNEY. 4052 Unfurnished basement; with,
FINNEY. 4114A Lnrjre rooms: gentlemen
uaiy: ia minuva ro cair.
FINNEY. 3925 Lodging; main car line to
World's Fair grounds; 56c, 75g and 31-
FINNEY. 3923 Furnished rooms, for light
housekeeping all conveniences: Lath.
FINNEY. 443 Handsomely furnished rooms;
transients; Wortd's Fair cars at door: free tele
phone. FOR nice minis during the Fair, address
Mrs. J..-. Hltt. 551 Fal-mnunt.
FOUNTAIN. 4S77 "holce furnished rooms: for
Fair transients. Gill at 1118 Euclid ave.
FQURTH. 112A 8. Large and small fur-
r-snea i
FOURTH. 1022 S. Nicely furnished rnotns.
srrsiged for two gentlemen: reasonable terms;
third floor.
I-XJURTEENTH. lis . Furnished rooms for
light housekeeping: bath; all conveniences; $3-W
and up
FRANKLIN. 2429 Elegantly furnished rooms;
Wfn snd bath.
FRANKLIN. ,1424 (The Aver.ne Inn Rooms.
IS cents day Tanword: 31.30 week upward.
FRANKLIN. -SWA Furnished rooms:
venlent to World's Fair car line.
FRANKLIN. 19254 Two elegantly furnished
front rooms: for ladles or gentlemen.
FRANKLIN, 3307 Nicely furnished mat
room: every convenience: rec-twriable.
ifi&l'iCZ, 3?z&ri"& ,