Newspaper Page Text
Fl r ! HELP tt'lvrri. ...... Eh h-i .n.Kmn... JlrtLfc. . - I.MI '"iMcllnnton, " 'i'VkVwi vy ui'tii iifiiiPTTiim rnr OMorcl porters, waiters "iSa WSi a BMI'a' Men private place?. 33 ? ?5li5leaL?!air Checkers, bar port en- iSi.i1?a,S- "on--Boller firemen -iv ",,.? .r.- F r. I r MOUSEMni.n GOOUi. "" ' - i-ifi i mi,, i. i. i -ir .mttt Wtita. THE ST. LOUIS REPUBLIC: FRIDAY. rAPRIL 29. 1904. 11 30 handv fuctfW 1a,U VX: XS-'dy ibonn, extra ganir. sfsady wk Mta- -. iiiiimi m.. 1U.H5 x HlTth lift Labor Agency. 607 Market. ' Shei' WATClllinS l-Tr-.... ' : : W tf?- -. rassa: YOUNG MAX ion: position rf Autocrat. MSA Pice foFSDf'--: YOUNG W5i"'nrttt"iMKMb:TSS,tSS:- foj. feathers-Vrrf...-DO'Ji:hi: carpets, p. Ret ity're10" Sgli-,'t J want to Spcelman. Xa ''-n- "nd " - H- FKATHERS i!2LiL2rfiSS,hr5S5r!,t t'EA'i'Ml:n . , "nd Postal: T " i ,..""ca,'.r" " f each; -. "j... cai cna oiauon. endcS? iUr cii Ble: no dealers. 725 Clar- OIlrSDtOOM turnltur cheap t" - 59" . 5 pETi -Three hundred carpets from South r 2.. ,0'-1: 'hest trade: all Hits: any price. Leo-iorl's. 12 oilve n.. tecend noor. MA N I Itnt . A. . Tt TT service vvholesale- hardware "&-? .I?,.?-"! Aut-Tat MM Pi '-rtt.vT FIFTY MR.V jvn nnvs nxv-n. To en ST TJ-TnTC mn r i. .'Mt-'f; FORMS. OOnn iVAfiiVi aVA.'. el-. - fc . rTAV--i'-'tii: '.'' w- "6"i .-' iAFULSi aiHfclJT. r- BKPLOTHCJT AC.EHCIKS. Ju- tnose deririn; help or 't'bs situations JX IJl!:ltere.,v"h ,Jhe KrM Employment Bu JT?,V Si ,h' State I?urau or Laiwr Slatntlcs. --- -..-...fc . puuuu.:f anu crip xumianea frw of charge. Tel Klnloch A S!l. ACESTS AXD SLESMU. 'iv s.M.u-iiA.N for cltv silcon trade: liberal cnin-nln'on Address j3 Garneld oe. 8A1SMEN-Men to Fell cM-3s !n city S1J to tM weekly. Wtber. lie olive, fifth flair. SALESMAN: inside ralr jrrounds. S3 to day; tsjmmer's ork: positions cuaranteed. 1S23 Market. SALESMEN Pay round: outfit tree. Laurence. Kas. wtekly; v.ork. the car Lawrence Nursery Co.. SALESMEN VVAJ.-TED-To sell hiKn-grade nursery stock for the old reliable Grtesa nur wnw. T. K Grlesa J--op . Lawrence. Kas BAI.ESS!EN B:s meney; e -.rant hustlers to handle the ofnelal culd-i ct the tvorld'i Fair Krounds: caah deposit resulred: call between 19 and 11:30 a. m. Krlday. to and C8 Do Menil bulldlnir. TK.VVELINQ MAN Tra elln n-an to ap point canvassers. Call from 1 to 4 at 40s Bur llnirton bulldins;. ITTEXTIOX, STnnET SALESME A nen bonk, .SxlO, containing SS pbotoerniiba of the World's Fair bnllillncs and "lloitn the? rike"; Jot the book to cll on the street and at the Worlrt's Kalr eatraneen. For price apply to the St. Louta Xeirs Company, lOOS-KJIO Locust t., St. Loo In. PIMNCltOOM table. chairs, aldeboard. two cecroom sets, c.irio't. ira.1 stoe. pictures, gas nxtup-f. curtains and other household toods; must be moved this week. Call Utwecn 10 and 1 tS Cock ave. IX3LDING bed ainl upright piano: beautiful and good as new. TV 34. Uepubllc FRENCH hall clock. Ulaid with rold. claw feet: hlKhboy: six chairs, mahogany. 1410 Olive. KUHN1TURU ir,A Ohio I'UIINISHEU fivc-roo-n Hat: one block fro-n Pt. Iymls and Vandevtnter; rent no: naa and tmh TP 13 n-publlc HALL tree. thre pairs nort:res. wnrdrohe. one marble-top table, one hal! treo. 3'33 Cook. mSI.ESS FOR SALE. AN ll-room fumlshtU houd; two tathrocms; coJ paying roomers. 1011 N. Corn pt on. UAKKUV and confectionery; old-cstab.l3Jic4 traae; home bakery; ail Improvements made: bear all Investigation; must cell at tacrlnce. X North Market. BAKERY: lunch may be a-lded: bcrt Vct End location; lire rentable ocns: rent 3S2; rrlce 11.200. cannot tav ca market long. Glaa enck. frtt Ch"tnut. ItAHUKR shop; six chairs; four bath. VD J 44. Republic. HARDER Gotl. Mady Job Icr good man; 110 ccarantccd C33 N. Tmnt -eJclub. I3ARHKR ihop; two chairs, rood location; small capital required; other butine&s ISIS N. Nlrih. 11AIMIAIN for quick ea.e; mutt fell my com m!a.rn huln3; account cf other Luitcess; M. FE 57. Republic, UARUAIN Tor iulck Ml: raun ell ray bak t and confectionery: other 1 uslna cter."C easy terms; bargain. Fi hi. Ile- BLMVESS FOR SALE.. TWO Rood paying dru; torea ; inventory nl-out K.ulO; low rent. Morgan-Renin ger. &09 Chestnut WILL, eell ray one-half intcrett in Tell-ctab-UsheJ produce and commission business; 12.009 an.l yrvic'3 required. FK 4J. Itepubltc. WORLD'S FAIR CHANCE. Half Interest tulocn. palm irarden and concert hall, building nearly completed: downtown, near Olie: iLCi-J required; dear lto.0 during Fair; t'.'lTOrtunlty unsurpassed. Morgan-Ren Ins er. S0 Chestnut . ROOMS FOR RE.NT. "MMVMJVk'ls MUUWWMUMNHUM j 1-7. rtrVinai :laiS!rap mnmi nrntw nnnvil Room Agtny. H N Fourth kL. room 3. ANN. 2C3T Thrre nicely furnished rooms; conveniences: references exchanged. ANY l9ttora to Fair rteslni rileplv fur nished rooms, call nr writ 937A West Cab- ann court; seven minutei" walk to Fair. SAI-OON; Market: donntown: Individual Iene; correr. 6 llvlr,troom: dally business $4): 11 S"). 1700 rash; balance monthly. M organ -Renlnger. 9tS Chestnut. SAlJON downtown corner: dally bu'n 14?; rent I11C subrent U3; S1.C00. t.111 lno'ce irlc asked, will guarantee ifclj plate. Morgan Rer.lnner. 303 Chestnut. Saturday rubllc. IJUVCKSMITH and repairing shep; rtrst-c ara tjUslneEs; good trade: Lai gain. XTCa Dolman. UOARDING-HOUSn: 12 rooms. World K.tfr Ia-e; reascnablp rent: Pine mar Compton; SVn takes thl" (la'-ojck. S02 Chctnut. liOARDING-nolTSi:. lifetin. bargain. 1J. cash; 14 rooms. I urn shed; 21 boarders; rent low; location pxceptlona; te!llns to take hotel. TI 153. Republic NEAT ouX s.debcard and extension table. 1S12 Coia av. OAK mantle fc'12'ng bed, sfrtr.s trefa 2-J37 tt, Vincent. ONE tet parlor furnltuie. six pieces; 1C5 Gore ave.. Webstr Grove? TWO larg- hotel ranges; cheatst price. 211 N Twelfth st 2.5X Iron bd: 1.500 cots: 2.500 mattresses, springs, hotel fumUhed complete J Guthral. jobber Imperial building. R. 400. Kin D ISO. FOLDING CHAIRS For crowded apartments just th thing. LAN6AH & TAYLOR'S WAREHOUSE, 1J23 Wcshlneton ae. NOTICE TO SECONDHAND DEALERS W- have, damaged by flater. a quantity of springs and cut cf all kind and will sell In anv Quantity at a great sacrifice: must t moved at once Call at 20 Florida at. St LrtuUped and Mfg Co. HOTEL RANGES CHARTER OAK STOVE &RAN6E CO. MAIN AM) CASS AVE. For Furniture Buyers. 7C0 Iron beds. 11.23; VA cak dressers. 56 50; 10 n-atkhstands. 11 43; SO dozen chairs. 35c each; l&u pair feather pillows, Sic pair. Wo will have for the next tea dajs a special al en articles sultabl for hotel purposes and solicit large or small order. Furnishing houses a s;-cclait. NEW YORK STORAGE CO 2219 Waah St. Agents. 94AlsANIValil''kiA.MaitrfillWMNias AGENTS to represent Saratoga Hemlock Co. wood. io9 Morgan FEW good hustling men can make 13 to 16 r day liaht employment. Call at store, 193 " Ffteenth. WANTED Eryooa.7 lntendlnr to handl souvenir and World's Fair novelties to e our IIn bforf placing orders. St. Louis But ton Ox. 415 Lucas ave.. xaanfactcrers of special deslcns. 1,000 STREET MEN WANTED AT ONCE TO SELL ROQSrV-LT CAMPAIGN BUTTONS. Greatest money maker ever known. Kllictil Cwpjlja Bst tci Co., De;r!t, Midi. Texaporarr cjuanera at St. Louis. tract Size. In S Colors. I'M . 817 R, Stt St MISCELLAXEOIS WATTS, '' ,1-i-i-fWtfin. ,iit - -, irij--ijTjTj tend postal T. J. Ran. West End SlatlonT OELBBR ts fcujlnit jail kinds gOTtlenwn- cloihlnB. overcoats, tuxedos, uniform", etc. Call - pyyin w wine rtiuumua store, c 3i organ. W&7 zytiifAi world's fair Bedding AT MAXl'FACTCRER'S I'llICE. 10-plece. rail-size bed ouclt .JITS i-plece single bed outfit CM ,-plece. wiro cot outst.. ............... ......... 3,75 Above outfits all bars flnt-clasE, sew wool 7-plece, tlrst-class upholstered cot I 3.3 z.vt upnoisterea covs.. 19M full-size, new wool mattresses... 2,00 single bed new wool mattresses. 2.0)0 cct-sire new wool mattresses.... 3.01X1 full-stM bleached sheets 2.'j0 single bed bleached sheets. , 2,000 covslze bleached sheets 2.01X1 pillow slips 3.000 new wool pillows 3.OH0 c feather pillows 2.000 zephyr tacked comforts ? fiia nntrs summ&r blankets ......... 0) Of hair mattresses (guaranteed) 10.O) 300 4if white felt mattresses (guaranteed).. 7.00 !00 jf special felt mattresses (guaranteed), too Orders must be given ten to twenty days bfcre delivery. LAiiGAN & TAYLOR S ft M. CO. 1S23 WASHINGTON AVML LM ... a.w ... tS0 ... LM) ... as ... 33 "I 63 ... 35 ... 4) ... L0 UOARDING-HOL'SG; actually clearln? iZfO month now; Lccust near Lefflngwell; lino loca tion, convenient three Itir car I net-, detached mansion, fine stabl- lajge. llgr.t. finished tare ment. pl?nt cot Fpac In attic, ample tent room In ard; alrable lease; 12 spiciou. rub stantlally famished iom3, iron lyis, can ac commoddt W &ecve Hr das , heart trouble compels Immediate ale. H.Oi.0 handled, sure y clar larpe fortune thl summer. World's Fair ltrckrHce Co. Pv6 Chefnut st 1ILTC1IEU htp outfit coir.plrt-: must sell; InveetlKate. grat 22CS Morgan. CALL at &2C Franklin ac stock and fix tures for sale; good thing; long lease; must ba sold this week CIGAR ctore; llw; Market fct; lcoe ui.tll lM; lllng rooms, second floor. CIGAR store nnd laundry branch; first-class sUrd. good location C N. Nln'Ji CIGAR and fralt store. cheap, call at once 147 N r.-lth living-room; Fifteenth t CIGAR and storr or crocerv, in voice or lump, cither pla-Z'a. Call 23) 5. Uroad-way. CONFECTIONARY. Ice cream, canjv and d garetyro living-rooms: rent 115. 4245 Eostnn. CONFECTIONBRV. 23J5 Chouteau: SlJ down, halarce mi.nthl: direct line Fair; no competl ticn; S rooms; fine- ft an tain; near transfer corner. FIFTEEN-ROOM boarding-house; full of gond-raying larders; cause, sickness. 1411 Old Mnncfcester. VI RsT-CLASS mcai n nd egc table market. doing a larre und pre il tab it? bus ness in a fir.a neighborhiKra; ulll stand th strictest tnv ti gaticn; thla Is an opportunity Idora fTrtd. sales 123.0) m 141.000 rr ar- S3.00-) caih will buy It. No agents. FO UX Ht public. HOOMINO-UOUSE; 1-ocuat, rcrner; U rooms; elfEautly furnished, rent JU0; World's Fair lease; price Sl.fcOO Morgan-Renlnger, S03 Cheut- nut B ELL-FURNIIIEO S-room house; nar .Grand, furniture cry bwII; rent ery reasoi abl"; ee my Agents. Morgan-Renlnjer. mi Chestnut RESTAURANT, downtown, feeding 450 peo ple daily tas ); rnt 13j. 1s-. price 11 irK); miner sajs invest gat thoroughly. Morsan llfPlncr M9 Chtatnut WAM11.NGTON. 4110 Ulck Sixteen rooms; !) r-cr month. Word's ljr period, roomie and board Ins Motgan-Renlngcr. &J Chestnut. FLHMsirUIJ IIOLMZS AND FLATS FOR SALE. fc"1 . Ji-M-ij--ir-1rsr-i-ii-a-1i-.i"ini-iru'iir)J-jlrf CXiMPLETELY nnd nicely furn!nd four rocma fiat end Lath. che:.peit rent In the city, considering location; cne-Iialf block from car line downtown and direct to World's Fair; price reasonable 4175 Oelmar NEWLY furrlshetl thrr-roon fiat rn IJoyle find Laclede, rent 115; a barsa'n If sold to-d-ty. Ask In drug store at Eojlp and Licled- aes. OLIVE. 321SA Four-rcom furnished flat; come 122 75 a week, rrlce 1225. In- THKEE-ROOM fiat, furniture and furnl3h Ircs to b told to renter. Call Hiturday or Sunday J J Cununlns, 1SJSA N. Twenty-fcond TWELVE rc-om. nicely furnlshc-d; goij Icca-tl-n. toujo sell ZS2Z Luja. Apply at 30J6 Wash- Insxon nrsFxuss ciiwcns. EIST location for general Rtoro In Fouth n'Hen Kentucky, good point for business and good i-tororo-m for rent. Addrtss S. XL ltr ktiis, Elktcn. Ky. ARLINGTON. 2C07 Neatly furnished front rocm: nil convenience: prlat family. ARLINGTON. :tI3-NIcel furnished front rom for couple: walking distance of Fair. ARMSTRONG, IL6Tuo f'irnlshd connectinr rooms; private family, four or five adults; $3 week. ARMSTRONG. 1217 Three nicely furnished rooms; reasonable; conveniences; north sid xifayette 1'ark. AUUEKT. Zlv. Private family In West End will n-nt two rooms cafe in same hlork. AUDERT, 502 Suite of two beautiful room for gentleman; will rent for Fair period: reasonable. AUUEKT l'lace. CA toutheast Corner Eu clid and Suburban Tracks) Large front room; raenable AUHERT. 773 Front room for World Fair visitors. Delrnar. Olive and Sjfcurban cars; waTklng dl-tince frtrfn Fair. AUREItr. 7 4440 Wtst) Clran. nicely flT rlhed. light room), pilvate home; thre car lin- nilking distance Fir fur Fair visitor. HA CON. 1SI2 Good accommodations for Woild's Talr visitors; private family: three cur llres convenient. HACON. 2410A Nicely furnished room for two gentlemen. bth. ga; private family; con verier.t to Grand and i-pring car lines. IlAEGII. 317. East SL Louis-Elegantly fur r.lshel nxms: private family; all conveniences: rtasonahlo. IIAYARl). 7P-Cholc rooms, for World's Talr visiters: ccnvenleut to Fair. UAYARD. 1132 One larg- rurnished room; Pace. Suburtan cars; light housekeeping allowed. UAYARD, 1123-One nicely furnished front room: gentlemen onl; Suburban. Face cars; near Fair. HELL. 3."29 Nicely f urn' shed single room; southern exi-osim. good location. HELL. 3040 Nicely furnished room: gentle mm only, all conveniences; Suburban and Transit cars. HHLL, 3032 Two lovly fumlshd rconis; southern exposure; every convenience; private frtmlly: reasonable. HENTON. 231 Plat: two rcoms and laundry; to coupi without children; priv 1 ege of bath; 112. ROOSIS FOR RENT. 4'.N'iiaiM .wstjfiaysw.1.. DELMAR. 44&6A irandsomelv furnished roomw. with all conveniences; private fanViy. DELMAR. 4642 Private family in West End will rent two rooms tD gentlcmsn: Olive caru. J FLMAR, 3341 Furnished rooms; can aocm tnodate tv.o to six, bath; phone K 27i0 Delrnar. DELMAR Boulevard. 42:t Elegant rooms for gentlemen; private family; references; po?r.e 1J63M. DELMAR, 235 Nicely furnished rooms; good locatlcn; all conveniences; World's Fair visitors accommodated. DELMAR. 4616A NIcelv furnished front room: for one or two; modern cenvenienew; cars convenient. . EI .MA It, 2&il Furnished rooms, with all conveniences. Including hot bath; beautifully lo-nted; 130 monthly. L'rLMAft. 4522 Newly furnished rooms; trnslnt or permannt; modern onv enlencefi. Telephor. Lindell 2375M DELMAR. Roulevard. 5212. Newly runHshe-i rooms, single or en sul; trntlemeu preferred; Delrnar and Olive car DELMAR. 3464-NlceIy fumisli"d rcmir.s: all crnvenlences; eplendid locatitn; visitors to World's Fair accommodated. DELMAR, 4.512 Two newly funised rcoms. Ith all convenience: rrefer four gentlemen; 115 each, DImar and OUv- l!ns. DELMAR, 5719 Fum'shed rooma; Worta'1 Pair guMf.; private home; two blocks from main entrance. Phone Forest 267M. DICKSON 2723 Newly ftirni-hM rooms; ccan; first or Fecund fioo; gas, bath, routh-m expoacre; reawjnable: Jeffereon or Serine ave, cars. DIVISION. IS27-NJceIy furntih. front loom for two men or couple, private family IOD1ER. r634A-Five rr-ierr.. furrli-hed rc-on rent s'parat' or tPgMiir: reasonable. R0021S FOR RKNT. sMNssslWWfce4ss''ss''NeV Z9A rurn'sriinj roowst slngl or n suite; WcrIJ's Fair pcple; thronsb Olive carj. lJOi:TON I'late. (j3J Reautiful rooms, single or en suite; tutu; breakfast IFdesirvd; near Fa'r. HOItTON Place, t?05CA NlceJy rumlshtd rocmi. private family; will accommodate World's; pair visitors. HORTON Place. i!5 Eeautlful rooms; med rc: pnvat family; fifteen minutes" walk to Pair; convenient to cars. IIORTON. (.151 Two Iargi rooms, newly' pa pered; Foutlwn nnd tiorthern exposure; well lighted and ventilated; will furnish to suit: tr.cludf-s exclu'nvc use of front entrance, perch and vard, cnnrajnlnz shade troes and flowers; private family. r.o other roomers: moderate t-rms HOWARD. 2"25 Nicely furn!hed front room; cound fi.xvr; convenient to two car llnes JEFTKKbON, lath and gas. IrwO N. One furnished room; JEFKERHON, S Front rcoms cr en cult Flie Ard hall rrjms; n.r Lafavetie Park. JETTER.-ON. 2213 !n t.riatc family en visitor-. S Nicely furnished mon car line; for World's Fair KEXNEKLY. 4722 On larre room; sCuth.m esposLr-; hot and coM baths: cars close. KENNERLY. 4S03 On large rurnlshedv room; private tume; rrodtrn: one or two stj-tlmn KENNERLY. 4343 Neatly furnished front parlor for Wrld a Fair pccple; reasonable; Tajlur cars. LA SALX.E. 1110 FuKttrtM roo-n for three cr four centVmen: al? hall room. L mu.K. 341S Klegantlv furn'shed from rocm; first fieor. icr two gentlemen. EADS. 3139 On flnlsh1 liaftnent room In exchange for serlc rf white ut-rran. EASTON. 010 One eoutli room; two baserr.ent roms; cheap. EASTON, 3015 One frcnt parlor, furnished for light housekeeping; ga. bath; 12) menth EAhTON, 5CS .Rear) A furr.lhed room for two remlcmen; Easton cars: Fair clre. B.STON. 4312'iA Neatly furnished rwrns; private famllj ; gas. bath; fifteen minutes to Fair. EASTON. 67HA German home; rurnls-hnl parlor; connecting roorn; 13 week eacJi; Fair close. HAVING five ccnccs.slcns. all big money-makers, i.eei nitant; therefore wHI r-11 Interest In two answor outck Hamilton. 4533 Delrnar. FIVE-CHAIR barber stop, downtown district. FC 52. Republic FLAT; 512 rent; 3 newly furnished room's western; rrlce 11W: leaving city, somclw !y s srnp World's Fair Brokerage Co, "3 Chestnut. FOR bale cr Rent Grocery and saloon ; goo-i confer In North St. Louis Cat Hrewing Co. GOOD furnished hou, bargain, cen trally located, call between W and 11 a, in. 2523 Washington. GROCERY and saloon- six rooms; rent 140; must sell this week. 412: N. Grard. GROCERY store, with llvlng-roon; nnt S12; great bargain; 1330; must leave city. S23 Eas ten ave. GROCERY and paloon; one of the best-paying stands: win involve about 2,300. Cast BrewJnc Co . &19 N. fclxth St. GROCEIiY and meat markt-t. clean ttock and fixtures; established: go.?il locatlcn tie? dally. 143: low rent: will sacrifice. 1220 Benton st. Sew In sr Machine. t!' iSsSslVNWM NEW HOME sewing machine, with attach mer.t.s: S3 If taken Immediately. 50&SA Page. SrOKAGfS A5D 3IOVUVQ. AMERICAN Storage and Moving Co, SU 0!lre Packing-, shipping: all .torag. In sep arate rooms. Both phone. W. H. Lanxdale- BONDED warehouse: Henry C w. WIehe Storago and Moving Co., UU-II Franklin ave.; money advanced when desired. Klnloch C 3d, F. II. POKTMANN Storage and Moving Co Separate rooms: low price, en reliable muvlns; and storage. SS01 Cass ave.; phone D 1247. OLD doth:nrr ulll n Ht?.h... n-i... ..-. clothing only need badly: Tate of Teias. IL Bossenzweg. lie: flarT st. STAMPS; new and used: cans, curios, anto BraPttsJ Canadian money bought and sold. St. ,u.- ,mty mU .via v.q.. ii& . terenm. TO bnv- ttrn .eenndhar,; Vranlrfii. k..... cheap: state price. FE 61 Repucll:. 52,000 Old Gold Wanted. TJ 1M csib lor old xo'd watch out, cbtlnt mat mlscellameoat jtw " . J' A- BIILCE JL CO Boom Wt St. Louis Star Bids.. 12th and om. NOTICE TO EXHIBITORS AT THE IVORLD'S FAIR. " .i"?! ,?I!clt 'our patronage for gold, silver. lag. Dofnnc; oxidizing and lacquering, which ", prepared to handle In large or small reasoaauie quantities, promptly. . , ,t...aA.fcc. prices. DEGCB Ik MUSICK. 717-713 Market at. ncsnscss WASTED. m "l " "lJl"sfVsr-M-g---M-J-LruJ-JTJ-LIXf AMERICAN She Repairing Co. repairs your hoe. while vou wait: men's sewed soles and Mala. 7e: open evenings. 2M Market. ARMY officers, polio, and nremen. uniforms rnade to order on abort notlc at Ticknor.. 123 7. Eleventh st. TRUfilCS. suit cases, etc; cut prices; repalr fnc oheap; goods called for and delivered free. St. tonls Trunk Co.. 2542 Franklin. IJL'iaiA.VA Storare Co, Geo. Jokerst. Mgr. Moving packing; both phones; 2 warehousea. NSW lURK btorage Co.. Tenty-scond and Wash; move. pack, ship or .tor. furniture tn separata rooms: estimates given: work guarot. SOUTH bide storage and Aiming Co.. UCl-l-f Elitnev st. Bell i-ldn-y at: Klnloch Vlctut IX. CTfllltCC ABSOLUTELY ilREPitOOF. new OIUIMaC warehouee. Grand and Laclede, for safekeeping of furniture, pianos, trunks, valuables, boies. etc.: strlctl first-class moving uacklng. shlpptng. etc. Our Ore Insurance th. lowest. Money advanced. Ship goods our care. Estimate, f ree- Get our r&toa. Both phones. 1211 21 Olue. R U. Leonort Auction & Storage Co. OKOCERV and confectionery, mod stock; cigar stand, laundry branch, soda fountain: Uv-Inc-mom: good traoe. $3CO cah. 12 S E-lng. GROCERY and fixtures: pcl location fcr business; rent cheap; three living-rooms; tir galn for right party; reasons for selling. Call or write. Chas. Rodgers. 2S27 Cars. HANDSOME bookcase and writing deek: combined cost tS6; solid walnut: eell 124. U41 Chouteau. LEASE of -nell-rurnlshed hotel cf 22 ro"ros: KO mlie-j from St. Louis; bargain If sjkl at once. FA 57. RcpubUc LUNCHSTAND location; good place; Call at 2C31 Pine. LUNCH stand: big established stand. 13)1!, Pino. MEAT market In West End: olegant slop; must sell; other business. FD 10S. Republic M1LL1LR1 : established sevtn yeutc, nice trade; good locatlcn; living-rooms: liw rent; must oell at once; at sacrlfiCO; Investigate. FC US. ReDublic. PHOTOGRAPH studio; best location 1 t. Loul: West Cr,d; cheap; ctter busintss. FD US. Republic. LUAVB th Ileal Ectate Business, Be Your Own IK. give u ccmplcte practical course of Irstrucllon. furnish larse llt cf ealablo prcrerty. make ou our special representative, co-operato with and as.s st jou to earn ircm 53,t,h to j;,0C-l annually; write fcr fre lllustiated booklet. II. W. Cross i Co., US' Oils block. CnlcnK". KO WAYS TO MV.KG MONEY Mn. wemtn, bojs. c rls; no person de.rve succci viio will not BTJip a troltlen ofportunl ty; snd Ic for IM-p. book. Golden Rule Co, Guthrie. Ok PARTY with :3.!V) fcr completely eiulppd hr-r at n.aln intrnco tu WorId"a Fair: no rent. KC 115 Rcputllc STOCKS A.M DONDS. "PROFITABLE INVESTMENfr1 IMl01tTAT IKVENTIO.V. A reccntlv Invented patented machine will turn the soil with cnt- man and to horses eoual to four men with eiitht horses with plows: comptny will fell srck to minufacturer. Full particulars, addrts Ilex 157. Mount Carmel. I1L FOR ALC-MISCKLLAMZOUS. A GERM-PROOr stone filter. 2: 17 y) pres sure Slier onlv $4 M: stones and repiir. for all kinds ) nit-rs Peake Kllt:r Co.. 783 Pine. BARGAINS tpi-Tg suits; tample hats and shoes at Wc on the Jl: special trlce for ccun tn S Gordon. tU Morgan st. CAbll reelsters bought, sol'i and exchanged. James Puflv- J 16 N Ninth: KInhvn A to CINDERS' near Wo-ld's Fair grounds: any ouantltv llirscb RolUnc Mill Co.. Pbone Main 2tOS COAI-Do-r's hirli-crnd-. 12c bushel, deliv ered Rlward Dcrr 2?3 Pine. Kin. C 52. nSIIING tackle. run su Tool Co. i. fcUVAlt. UUVACIC, IFV..V3, IlCi", a 1-J, ppb. evtrythlrg very chap. Standard a.. S23 N. Ixth; next to Ht.'ts's. FLORIST rffrigtratrr: pUte glass all around; suitable for fiorist or fine butcher. 1725 Olive. GAS cookl-'g stove, four burners; i-tncn men: gc-od as new; price reasonable. C1Z5 Del mar boulevard. l.EI.NARD. 2727 Newly papered rooms for cntlement ur light housekeeping; v ery reay eonrtblA. HLViNB. 4135 Nicely furnished front porlor for two gentlemen; direct lines to World's Fair. 1ILAIR. &. Nicely furnlthed frcnt room tor v,o EPrtlemen. URQADWAY. 11 per av. 10T N. Excellent rooms. SOo to HROADWAY. CIS N. -Rooms. 20c. 33c and 50c; 11.23 rer week and up: baths free. RROADWAY, fOO S. Nicely furnished front room for two gentlemen. reaonablA. HKOADWAY. 512 N. Very d-lrable. nicely furnished rorms for World n Fair visitor. RROADWAY. 1K4 S. Two nicely furnished rooms, for three gentlemen; southern exposure. HKOADWAY. 2507 S. Nicely funVsred front room; tas and bath; private family; reasonable. HKOADWAY. U21 S Three nicely furnished front room?, second floor, with back parlor; all conveniences. HKOADWAY. SOft 8 Neat up-to-date fur nished rooms for light housekeeping; with bath and all conveniences. CARANNE, 507.S World' Fair vlsltorn will find pleasant room at "The Cabaane" for $1 per day each guest. CALIFORNIA, 1821 Furnished rocms; con venient to cars; private family; modern; reasonable. CAN accommodate Worll's Fair visitors; private home; no World's Fair price. FD 109, Republic. CABANNE Court. S43 rst or rooms; minutes walk to Fair: reasonable rates. CARANNE, 53v0 First-class rooms; every convenience- cafe, street cars, phona; eight blocks from wcrld's Fair; strictly residence district. CARDINAL. 112 N. Front and back rooms; gentlemen or housekeeping. EASTON, 1S2SA Two large connecting frost rooms; elegantly furnished; modern convent tncs. EAfcTON. 4127 Large front parlor; hot bath. gas; can accommodate four gentlemen; reasonable. EAh'iON 6X1 lOpiostte Evergrrtn Ave.) Frr rooms or for housekeeping: Ua:cn. Olive and Suburban cars. EASTON. C-J4 Nicely furnished flrft-cUs rooms; gas and bath; 13 a weelt; fire minu'.ej ride to woria's Fn!r ground? EASTON. fM0-2 Neatly fjrnlsred fccnd fioor loom: World's Fair Dec-pie; 11 each per son; two car lines direct to Fair. EIGHTEENTH. 1127 N- Nicely furnished room suited for two or three gentlemen. EIGHTEENTH. 1424W S. Visiters ettendir.g Fair will find accommodations fcr four gentle men at above place ELEVENTH. 1410 S- Nicely furnished rooms for gentlemen and hoasekeeplrg. ELEVENTH, 2613 S. For men only: Weepirc room; World's Fair accommodations; very reasonable, ELL'OT 1321 N. Furnished second-floor front or middle room; gentlemen or housekeeping; tith ELM. 313 Fumlshed nvns for World'e Fair. ETZEI-. I4 Chclre fnrrlahed rcoms; near Fair grounds: take Snburban car. LTZEL. 8174A Ntrat. clean, furnished rooms; reasonable; ten minutes' rid to Fair rrounds; Suburban car at corner; bath; small family. EUCLID. I21S N- Furnished front room; pri vate family; one or two gentlemen; reascnaul. EUCLID. UilK Furnished rocm. for gent'e men; 112.30 per month; Suburban and Page cars. EUGENIA. 3niS Wcrld's Fair acccramthia tiens: nice rooms; one block from station; good rates. CAROLINE. 2C30A Nicely furnUhed room: private family: care convenient. CAROLINE. 2521 Two furnished frcnt room on first and second floor, for Fair visitors; pri vate family. CARR. 1523 Well-furnished. large, second floor room; 14 per week. CARR. 711 Terms reaonabie: second floor. H1GK-GRADC large, roil-tou office desk; gcod as ce: cost 155 price S. 4727 DIniar ave. RACHET store, with living-rooms; bargain; slckneas compete me to eelL 3110 Eastoc. RESTAURANT: Food location; good trade. H. U Fish. SJ3 Market. REHTAURANT Fine business and location; big bargain. $271 Easton nve. RESTAURANT: am changing my florl-t store Into restaurant; kitchen bul.t: will sell. 172S Olive. PRIKTISG. w.weeeew.ewwwNiwwWdM AAA1 LC00 cards, T5c: billhevds. noteheacs. .nve'.opes. 1.2S. McGlll A Co.. 121 N. Eleventh. CRESCENT PRINTIXO CO . V31 N. Fourta Et. Fine work; fair prices; .end for samples. HERMANN BROS.. Prlnteia, 222 P ne. so licit our business and guarante. satisfaction: fine commercial work a apecia ty. Kin. 1421 V. EUREKA Printing Co., 324 N Third st Low rates on rour printing this weak. KM1UU.R STAMPS. SEALS. STEHCILS. mnimmmm ADAMS, the slamn man. X14 N nxlh . .Qr Lou's. Ma: rubber stamps, seals, atendla. eta: good, cheap, quick. Writ, for new list. EXCELSIOR Stencil Works. JI2 Olive, for steel stamps, stencil., burning brands, rubber type, seals, brass and aluminum checks. WE can get a buyer for your business quicker tluui anyone else: trr us WORLD'S FAIR BROKERAGE CO.. B HOT. SOU Chestnut it. WB make general jobbing a specialty; your gitronag. BOliclttd: Klnloch c 2041. Patterson ros.. carpenters and builder?. 1100 Bt. Charles, PARTNERS WASTED. ' i - - - -,- -r,-i-,vnrwinnii - EXPETJB-S'CED partner; restaurant man: extraordinarily good location. Sj92 Easton. PARTNER with J10W In rooming-house and saloon; an exceptional opportunity. TP 10 Ke puMle. PARTNER One or more men as partner to eperate steam sawmill on Pugct Sound- good thlas;: will bear investigation. Addross &" 301t Ollvs. HACrni.VERT WASTED. ii 1 1 i j 1 1 1 1 i i -ii-L-uTryxns4a SECONDHAND D. CUD. D. hoisting engine 31 to 20 horee-power; also ons ten-ton capacitv Stig-leg derrickV FA 35. Republic T1"PIC W RITER5. RUI3BER stamps, rubbsr type, signs, mark ere. brass and sdumtsus checks at low st price. Kasper stamp and Seal Co.. sit Locust. RESTAURANT; nrt-cla; good lear; cheap rent: meals 25c and up; have other business. Inquire 2305 Easton. RESTAURANT; good location; rem IIS; in comt (2j dally; fc-5 gets this bargain, and you won't regret it. Armatrong. 1014 Cr-tstnut, RESTAURANT at World's Fair; will -ell all Or half interest: doing 575 daily now; Icae; worth price asked. Armstrong. 1011 Chestnut. RESTAURANT; busy downtown location; Income 135 day; six Urlce-rooms. rent 135; owner has other business; 11.200 handles Glas cock K2 Chestnut. f HONEY; pure extract! honey from my own tees: 50c per quart Ihwn's Jar; will deliver. R. A. Holekarrp, 42CI Virginia ave. LARGE six-hol Home Comiort range. ceat boiler and hot-water attachment; good as new; IIS. 2315 Olive st. LOT of eecondcand lumber; cheap, isrfi Cbaribprsi MINIATURE cntton-hale no-.eltles. out nf the ordinary. H Mauderer, Mfg . general delivery. Write or will call with sample- PAINTS This is th place to buy yeur palnt from Great Western Paint & Color Cn . U 4-316 Mancheter ave. 352 Ea-tcn ave.. 1511 Park. POOL table, bar flxtu-es: new, s-x'ondhand; all kinds; supplies. A. T. Moore. 1113 Casa. ROLI-TOP desk, chair and Mmyrna rug; fine condition. 122.50 210 Odd Tellcws building. SECONDHAND MI lard table: In gcod condi tion: pric- 130. FD 124. Republic. SHOW cass; all plate glass; will cheap Applv to Aloe'i 513 Olive st. ROOMING-HOUSE: 8 rooms; gwjd location: rent 135. 16 N. Comptcn ROOMING-HOUSE; eight nvrn, nicely fur nlshed; In gool lecation. 2223 Law ten. ROOMING-HOUSE, 30 roonw; niahed; H.0C0; 1330 down; Ieae, Lwlng. 'irtly fur- Bli r. P'irt ROOMING-HOUSE: 10 lars rooms, furnished complete; well filled; will sell reasonably if sold at once. 2313 Law ten. ROOMING-HOUSE cf eight rooms; conveni ent to three car lines, direct to Fair grouads; no agents. FE to. Republic. LCOMING-HOUSE, 2720 Olive; principal and direct line to Fair; II clean, blight rooms; W'trld's Fair lease; easy terms. CARPET CLJEAlsTHG. ... . -,n n ,-,,-, fl ,--, -) n ixijJ' ACME steam carnet cleaning, xe van. Easton: phone Delrnar 1708. CHICAOO Steam Carpet Cleaning Co.: w. J. McCourtney, manager; carpets renovated; look like n-w. Lin 2S33: Kin. Del SCI. 2S2J Finney. EMPIRE attain Carpet Cleaning (Jo. W. Waterman. Mr. Carpet, renovsted. look like new 2123 Lucaa. TeL Beaumont 220; Kin. C 66. BOOKS PAPERS. tfJBlBasaua.rfihbb.Bfc,, I WANT tn bnv law. minSli. m-A thr wwttt books. Dan LJnahan. bookseller. 521 Market. PERSONAL. A DETECTIVE rnrtvatev doe, MhAilawtn. ..,,. Investigating: ret. P. O. Box 770. St. Louis. OR CAZEAUX, 1302 Washirgton, treats Ir regularltlee and all female trouble.; 25 yean est. DK. MARY ARTHUR, 2W1 Washington ave.. receives during confinement: treats female trou bles; guarantee, results: infants adopted. Call. LADIEd consult roe: no medicines. Whitley. 425 S. Ewlng ave. i. C. evMAAeMevese).i For Sale. m ,'eei...sH-'rirVVjsiii. BE01TNGTON and Smith tvpewrlters, 125 Olivers, HO; others, 115; rentals, two months 15.- St, Louis Typewriter Exchange. R0 Ollvo. UNDERWOOD No. 4 and roll-top typewriter desk; used very Utile. 1014 Fullerton building. TOUR selection of the largest stock of slight ly used and secondhand typewriters in the country; standard makes guaranteed for one year; sold and rented everywhere- send for bargain and rental rate card. Tho Typewriter Exchange. 20S N. Eighth a.. St. Louis. Mo. World's Fair Bargains. We are making a special rate on the two most popular typewriters on the market, for the world's Fair period. No. 1 Remington, fi months. .... .,.....,. J 9.00 No. s Remington. 6 months..... 15 0) No. 1 9mlth Premie , 6 months 9.00 Iio. 2 Smith Premier ti months 15.00 Tcu who want a typewriter for the World's Fair period enly cannot afford to miss th's oTer; machine guaranteed; rent payable In advance. The Typewriter Echange, 208 N. 9th St., St Louis. MACITIXERY KOR SALE. EROO TANbO is guaranteed to relieve sup prcsslon; 12 box. Dr. Cazeaux. 2902 Washington. ROOMING-HOUSC; 10 well-furnished room; 130 rent; good location for business; JX0 gets this. Armstrong, toil Chestnut. ROOMJNG-HOUSE. 1250 down; balance. 15C0. monthly; 9 we II -furnished rooms: 130 rent: near 3 World's Fair car line. 5623 Cook. ROOMING-HOUSE; 17 newly furnlsned rooms near Fair; a new building; h bargain; 11.000. half cash. Armstrong. 1014 ChcstnuL ROOMING-HOUSE; 20 newly-fltted room near Union Station; lease; 11,400 buvs this with terms on part. Armstrong. 1014 Chestnut, TAKLD knives, pocket knives, shears, razors and razor strops, hones and paste; good strops, 15c. Standard Tool Co . 23 X. Sixth. TWO paiform scales, one facing mill, ens tubular water heater, seven polishing stands, lot cf nulloya. hangers, platers and dynamos, etc. li N Main st. WOKLD'S Fair kindling, 11 per load; large pieces. 4445 Eastcn CARR, 2112 Furnished front room for two gentlemen; respectable family; 11.25 each. CARR, 2122 Two large, nicely furnished front rooms: private family; all convenience. CASS. 2126A Front room furnished for four gentlemen or light housekeeping. CASS. 2313 Neatly furnished room, suitable for two gentlemen; also light housekeeping. CASS, 2131 NiceR- furnlshM front room; sec ond floor; gas, bath; southern exposure; reasonable. CAtS, 1&2S Newly furnished front rooms; one or two gentlemen; modern conveniences; private. CA:, 22HA Nicely furnished front room; private family; bath, gas; ail conveniences; reasonable. CASS, 1S3 Newly furnished room, Bcrad floor; private family; quiet home; ail conven iences : reasonable. GATES. 35C1 (Corner F.elt Beautiful rooms; nlcly furnisieo; sojthern exposure; for two, four or eight gentlemen only: close to Fair. CHAMBERLAIN. 53 Elegantly furnished rooms; strictly medern; in detached house; large yard; corner lot; 15 minutes walk to Fair grounds: Page car line two blocks north; Suburban two blocks south. EVANS. 322 Nicely furnished room; private family. EVANS. 4229 Two furnished rooms. EVANS. 3507 Two front furnished gas. bath: 12.59 week: no raise. LA bALLC. 332 Neatly furnished rooms; oce front, for rtnt.emen: private family. LA J-ALLK, 313 Nicely furnished front rosea In private firal'y: convenient to all cars. LARA DIE. 4327 N-cely furnlsn- mol-rn roorn: private family; 113 menth for two Sn- tlernen LACLEDE. 2520 Two newly furnished room-; gaj and bath. LACLEDE, 213 Nic- ligat rooms; bath; ga; reascriabje rates, nice lawn. LACLEDE. 2227 Furnished rooms; all con-vertlence-. gic p..- div. direct car to Fair. LACLEDE. .-23 Durable front and other reims f.-r v.'orld's Fair vislurn: reasonable. LACLEDE. 222-Fumlsned rooms for light housekeepirir: aim hall room: reasonable: bath. UCLEDE. 3341 Front and other room: Fcuthrrn exposure; clecn; well-fumished; tcr visiters LACLEDE 3303 Xtrwinis for World's Fair vl Iters; 73c and 11; direct line from depot to Fair. LACLEDE 2700 Furntsfced rocm: private family: bath, etc.; gentlemen only; reference; ci.ll at tree. LACLEDE. 2313 I'ront rwna, southern expo-r-iK-z dl-ect line from Union Station and World's Fair LACLEDE. 3303 Elegant, bright, clean rooms !n mod rn private house; both phones: 15 min utes walk to World's Fair grounds; direct line from Union Station and Fair: World' Fair is ltors only acccmrrtfvtate-d. LAFAYETTE. 254 Room and board In rrt vnte family convenient to Fair cars; modern. LAFAYETTE. 23 Nicely furnished room for World's Fair visitors: reasonable; phone Victor 137CL. LAMI. 120 Neatly ger.tien e n. furnihed room for two '.AW ton. 22ts FurnUhed room for World's Fslr visitors. LAWTON. 2727 Front and rear parlcrs. LAWTON. 2332 Second -floor front; all con-Vfnnc-3: private family. laAWTON. 2312 Large frcnt room gentlemen: 13 per wpk each. LAWTON, 33a Clean, nicely furnished roora by day -.r week; rrmanent If desired. LAWTON. 314 Newly furnished room, sult aM for three; 13 week; all cocvenlecces. LAWTON. 2)07 Nicely furn shed front par lor: FouttKTn exposure: also other rooms. LAWTON. 27i.v Two adjoining rooms for three or four gentlemen: terms reasonable. LAWTON. 2315 Nicely furnished front par I)r; also room for light housekeeping; cav loth. LAWTON, 321? NIccIt furnished front and other rooms: visitors accommodated; near car lines EVANS. 449A Nicely furnished frcnt room, for one or two gentlemen; also hall room. EVANS. 447S NlceW furnished front room; good location: convenient to three car lines. EVANS. 2C1SA Neatlv furnished front room; handy to World's Fair; reasonable; private family. EVANS. 4391 A Newly furnished front room; southern exposure; one or two gentlemen; reasonable. EVANS, 4115 Furnished rooms; ras, bath. screens; southern exposure; private; Easton and Suburban cars. EVANS. 45A4A Large, second-story front room; nicely furnished; gas and bath; gentle men: references. EW1NG. 709 N. Elegantly furnUhed front room; come upstairs to flat 12. EWINO. TCft X. Clean and neatlr furnished front rooms, first floor; bath, gs; telephone ervloe-; SI ner day. FAIRFAX. 4223 Two furnished rooms, second floor. FAIRMOUXT. KC2 Nicely furnished rooms. FAIRMOUNT. 5073 West End house; rent a few rooms tu trans'rti'. LAWTON. 353 Elegant rooms to accommo date few World's Fair visitors; modem conveniences. LEE, 432S One furnished or unfurnished room; direct route to World's Fair. LEONARL, 717 N. Nicely furnished front room, frst floor; gas; bath. LINCOLN. 2360 Nicely furnished room; la German and French family; reasonable. Call afternoons. LINCOLN. 4X7 Nicely furnished rooms; pri vate family; will accommodate World Fair visitors: reasonable prices. LINDELL, 240S Nicely furnished frcnt bed room for gentlemen. LINDELL - Boulevard. 23I4A Two cr three P'-ntUy furnished rcoms bath; private family; gentlemen only. LOCUST. 2S20 Large roon suitable for four cr six: house modern. LOCUST. SO Two nicely furnished front rooms; mi modern conveniences. LOCLST. 272s Large, bright, airy rooms; first-class every way. with large lawn. LOCUST. 2325 Elegant large rooms; visitors by rfnv or week: one Mock from ear. FALL, 2S33A Nicety furn shed front room; private family; convenient to three car lines; reasonable. CHAMBERS. 1111 Elegant furnished room. second floor; strictly private; quiet home; very reasonable. CHEROKEE. 1939 Nicely furnished rocm: handy to cars: World's Fair line. CHESTNUT. 1433-1411 Nicely furnished rooms, fWc and up. for two; weekly rates: reasonable. ARMY TEXTS FOR SALE. Lt0 7x8 army tents; will make special prices on large lots. St. Louis Belting and Supply Co . MS S. Fourth st. s4444sess4s4B :FOR SALE. 4 Secondhand lumber. Apply 701 Roe fe building. HOTEL RANGES CHARTER OAK STOVE & RANGE CO. M UN A.tD CASS AVE. ROOMING-HOUSE: ten rooms, with all fur niture complete; in first-class condition; rent 40; must sell at once; will sacrince. 2-S Olive. ROOMING-IIOC9E: near station: 21 rocnw full gccd-paylng men: lease; accommodate 100 people day; 129) handlea Glascock. 902 Chestnut. ROOMING-HOUSE: 11 rooms: elegantlj fur nished: gas. bath: furniture new; JIM a month rent: reasonable lease; J750: call quick. 7W Lucas. KOOMINO-HOUSK. near depot: 24 rooms house always full; World's Talr lease; accom modate 100 people daily; 1200 handles. 201 S Sixteenth. GOLDEN SEAL Female Regulator relieve. Irregu'arlties la three hours; S3 per box. 2321 Washington, LADIES' doctor receive, during confinement: ladle. In trouble, call. 2123 Ollv. st. LADIES-Conlinement. taken: adoption If de Hred. can Mrs al. Dlehl. 1004 N. Jefferson. LADIES, my regulator never talis; complete treatment free. Mr. E. Starr, faa Franklin. LADIES will not regret calling on .fis. Hol land; lowest terms; confinements taken. 1401 N. Eleventh. LADIES, In ell obstinate, abnormal, long standing "monthly suppressions." any cause In pathology. Dr. Eouthlngton. Concentrated Er- fo-Kolo Compound brings positive, painless re let within three to five dus. Mail, SIM; double strength. S2. Circulars free. Dr. South Irgton R. Co . Dept. RR Kansas City. Mo. MIDWIFE Receives during coc; ladles la trouble, call- Infanta adopted. 2)148 Lafayette. ROOMING-HOUSE; newly furnished. Law ton, near Grand: light, nlry rooms; world's Fair lea.e: 1200 down, balance easy. Glascock S02 Chestnut. ROOMING-HOUSE: Washlngtcn ave.: close wholesale houses; 11 light rooms: price 3375 lease durlne Fair. World's Fair Brokerage Co .' Chestnut st. RCOMING-HOUSE. 3CW Page: convenlert 3 direct lines Fair: reflnd neighborhood- 1220 cash: balance monthly: 10 elegant, clean rooms: outer milt Uave. . ROOMING-HOUSE: near three direct car lines to "Fair": ten elegant rooms; every con venience: CM cash, balance monthly. Glas- FLAG3 AND BUNTING. World FsOr Flu;, Fine of All Nations, nan tins: in All Colon and Dec oration. W..LTKUA.EIAICKER SUPPLY CO -..O-ICC-lO-l Xortti Fourth St. CHIPPEWA. 2700 One neatly furnished room; modern conveniences: cars pass door. CHIPPEWA. 3204 Three neatly furnished rooms; accommodate three or four gentlemen: cars pass door. CHOUTEAU, 7C2 Nicely furnished rooms for ft ur gentlerren. CHOUTEAU, 1217 Nicely furnished rooms, gas, bath: German faoiily. CHOUTEAU, 1221 Two clcelr furnished rourna for gentlemen: gas, bath: all conveniences. CHOUTEAU. 1750 Nicely furnished rooms, from f3c to fl: near Union Station. Kuhns. CHOUTEAU. 1012 Rooms for light housekeep ing; furnished. 1L50 up; unfurnished. U up; connecting rocrrs CHOUTEAU, 1S24 Well-furnished story front room; transient trade; family; reasonable. second-private CHOUTEAU, 832 Furnished room for World's Fair people; good clean beds; bath, hot and cold water. FIFTEENTH, 1 X. NIc-ly furnished sec-ord-story front, suitab'e for tre- gentlemen. FIFTEENTH, 1522. X. Newly furnihed rooms; private family; gas. bath; three gents; 1I.M week. FINNEY. 4112 Nicely furnished rooms; con venient to three car lines. FINXEY. 4114A Large rooms; only; 15 minutes to Fair. gentlemen FIXXET. 44s2 HsndsomelT furnished rooms; transients; World's Fair cars at door; free telephone. FOUNTAIN, 4S77 Choice furbished rooms; for Fair transients. Call at 1118 Euclid ave. FOURTEENTH, 513 X. Furnished rooms fcr gtrtUmen or married couple: by day or week. FOURTH. H2A S. Large and nlaaed room. small fur- FOURTH. 1023 S. Nicely furnished rooms, arranged for two gentlemen; reasonable terms; third floor. FRAXCia 1404 Large furnished front roctn; private family; Catholic couple; Rock Church Parish. FRANKLIN. 2011 Three unfurnished rooms; second floor: reaeonable. FRANKLIN, 35UA Furnished rooms; venlent to World Fair car line. FRANKLIN. 19354-: two elegantly furnished front rooms: for ladies or gentlemen. LOCUsT, is. comfortable rooms, for World's Fair visitors: n per dav; centrally located. LOCUST. 2122 Nicely furnished rooms; tran sients accommodated; modern conveniences. LOCUST. 2321 Elegantly furnished front rooms''- southern ejtppyure: by day or week. LOCUST. 232S Nice. large second-story frontl also front parlor; can accommodate eight visiter?. LOCUST. 3235A Wen-furnished second-tionr rooms, for permanent people, or 50c to Si to visitors. LOCUST. 3T-3 Nicely furnished rooms; clean, bright and airy; every convenience; rea sonable rates. LOCtT.. 22T0 Handsomelv furnished rooms; filtered water; modern conveniences; Mock from. World's Fair cars: SI pe day. LOUISIANA. 2711 NIcelv- furnished room for gentlemen employed; World's Fair cars convenient. LUCAS. 2702 Nice clean beds and cicely fur nished rooms: gas. bath, etc. LUCAS 27uC Furnished rooms by the day or week: housekeeping if deslred. LUCAS, 2702 Furnished rooms, ty the day or wek; housekeeping if desired. LUCAS, 3115 One living-room in rear; also basement rooms; for colored people. LUCAS. 3022 Second-story front room; couple cr two or more gentlemen: reasonable. LUCAS. 3026 Nicely furnished rooms: all modern conveniences; tpen all hours; prices reasonable. Hora RANGES, KITCnEX COOKING OCTFITS. Wrought Iron Range Co., 19th and Waxlilneton Arc MCSICAL. RAP-GAINS in square; Knabe. Whee icck. Kranlch & Bach; many other.; from 340 to 1130. easy pavments. E. A. Doehm & Bro., 1& Franklin. BARGAINS In square (lanos: Knabe. Whee lock. Kranlch & Ilach. rrnny others: from Jio tn $130: ea.v payments. E. A. Boehza St Bro.. leos Franklin. ' BE up to date and get latest two-step. "Poor Jim": piano copy. 2Jc: orchestra, 40c J. PUcht & Son. 113 S. Broadway. ROOMINO-HOU3B: Washlnon boulevard near Vandeventer: cholceet of locations: I light rooms: 1(0 rent; lest health forces tale for lr.0 Who's lucky? Worll's Fair Brokerage- Co.. SOS Cbennnt st. MRd. BRIDGES Office hours. S to 1; medicine. S305 Laclede, c 1954: Lindell MM. MRS. A. SCHROEDER receives confinements: call. 2907 Franklin ave. Kin. C 134J. lilts. DR. SMITH. 304C Easton: absolute se clusion before and during contiaement: terms reasonable. Beaumont 45A: Klnloch. 1438D. ROOMING-HOUSE: tlM cash, balance IJ'Ml easy; 8 very clfan. nicely furn shed nyims; Iron beds, new mattresses. Brusse's carpets; to rent S200 west; main car line to Fair. World'i Fair Brokerage Co.. Kt Chestnut st, SALOON and boardlnc-house. Seventh rt. Call 1X3 S. PRIVATE diseases, nervous debility, etev. qulaklv cured- medicine furnished: one treat ment free. 107A N. Ninth. DTNAMO. 734 light Thompson-Houstoa. J300. Ros. Electrte cn.. Third ara Elm. K'n. A &S5. m DYNAMOS and mctors. all styles and volt- re. ior saie or rent; we ouy ejecrncai ma ilnery. Rcsslter-MacGovern Elecrjcal Co.. ' ! mi in v1 MissMiri TnT nniMing. ELEVATOR, electric, direct connected- too volts, with or without cab an platform. Rosa Jtlectrio Co. Third and Elm sts. fiaiilintind StamEngim$ UoUars. gteam pumps, im, gas and water applies, sawmill machinery, belting, hose. etc. FAIRBANKS. HORSE & CO.. St. Louis. i.veeyeee ' ' nr.TTMRrA. Pierce and (Caesar blrrvcles. Orw Inmbia motorcycles: repairing and renting. Bell 3414A. Mooran & Harding 3tpg Olive. Mmss. Warrtnes 1 V arfgt Iraymi Private horn, before and during confinement: diseaM. of women a specialty: moderate terms. Call or write. 2105A Olive M. DOCTOR DENNIS fSTSSff && tlar: condncta the only reepecUble sanitarians for connnoment U this city: perfect seclcslon and heme comfort.: trained nurse: lowest term." adoption If desired: Irregularities po-lilvelv rei rroved at little coot: ruaranteed remits: ladles. I have 20 yean experience and when needing a friend come Br write to me. -. DOCTOR HOtll " i before and dur HHWIun ing confinement: lnfanu adopted if desired- trained nurse.: medical and surgical disease of women a specialty; Irregu larities treated by new painless method- term, reasonable; consultation free; call or writ.: confidential 23H Olive at-. EL Louis. Mo. SACRIFICB: twenty secondhand bicycles: s-ood me new; must sell: also twenty bicycle framea: tire, at Tour own price. Central Bi cycle Stfpply Co., 213 N. Twenty-first, Pbone C17M. DR. ANNIE NEWLAND. Private licensed home for Udlea Detore ana durtns; conuneme&t: oldest and most reliable Institution in the State; established over forty years; home comforts; motherly care: Infants adopted: Irregularities successfully ' treate.1 satisfaction guaranteed; ladles la trouble, cali sr write. TttH OUT. st. SALOON: good location. 716 Olive. In rear. SALOON: Al comer. Co.. 81 N. Slx'h st. Inquire Gast Brewing SALOON First-class corner, doing very good businew: fine locality; price 1LW0. FB . Re-publlc. SALOON: prominent corner: will sell cheao if taken at once; good reasons; no ag?nts. 21C0 S. Eighteenth. FOR Sale or Tia'e Chlckerlng piano. Grand, corner of Euston. CHOUTEAU AND EIGHTH. N. W. Cor. Light housekeeping, third floor; large; respect able. J2 CO.- other rooms. CLARK. 2S12 Two furnished rooms for gentlemen. CLARK. 3022 Beautiful second-story front room for permanent parties: by May I. CLKART. 14-3 (Between Twenty-second and Twenty-third. Near Cass) Elegantly furnished parlor: reasonable. COLLIN3VILLE. 102 (East St. Louis) Fur nlshed rooms by week Jl dollar up: beds 23c op. COMFORTABLE room for two gentlemen: private family. Apply rear it S. Charming. COMPTON. 4545 a Nicely furnished front room: nice location: rent cheap. COMPTON. 1021 S. Nicely furnished front rr.ora for two gentlemen or couple. COMrTON. 212 X. Newly furnished rooms; all conveniences; World's Fair visitors. COMPTON. 1019 N. Furnished room.; sord accommodations for gentlemen, at reasonable terms. COMITON. 1021 N. Elegantly furnished front room: thrte or four gentlemen; all con veniences; reasonable. . COOK. 4202 Rooms for visitor., by day or longer. "HEAR lh So-ji of a Krakauer ding"; to hear II Is "o b-jv It. Sold onlv hv Dan'1 G Dua-k-r Piano Co.. Fourteenth and North Market JUST Imported. Immense lot of mouth harps anil accordions at way-down prices. Hunleth Music Co.. 8 S. Broadway. MLSICIANS Amateur brn-s musicians. In cluding Lasb and snare drumm'-rs. at smII al arie. to HI up band. FA 2. Krpubllc NEARLY nw upright piano; 44MA West Belle very (.heap. TWO nianlsts and violinist would like to have engagements for partle. orchestra or at World'. Fair concession FC lit Republic vll supply outside towns with new and sec ondhand instruments: write for catalogue nnd btrralns J Plachl & Son. 113 S. Broadwav. J1I5 buys tine upriiht piano. Kleekarap Bros. Piano Co.. 2307 Park ave.. St. Louis. SALOON for sale for a client: one block Union Station: .Ickness. Sheridan i Shcehan, attorneys. 714 Roe building. u-, 6ALOON; always busy: e living-rooms: rent 5; trouble with wife: J2M or less: must sell; fflve us a bid. Armstrong. 1014 Chestnut. SALOON, doing S30 dally over bar. 1 rcorrs pay rent: price J400: every convenience- some thlng doing here. Armstrong, ion Chestnut. 8ALOOJ.: J250 buys ccrner saloon: 320 rent; JSPnK.,1-'S kitchen; disagreement partners cam-. World's Fair Brokerage Co.. 906 Chestnut st. bALOON at World's Fair; half Itteresf parties overreached this cash in building and must have C.500: 60-foot bar ccmpletef rent and everything paid; a business transaction strictly. Amntroag. 10H Chestnut. SMALL confectionery; FB 44, Republic. owner leaving city. SHALL coffee route; will eell at moderate rrlce. Pall or write. 18S3 CTertJie?. "cra"1 TRANSIENT rooming-house; doing good busi ness; going- Soutrj for health. SIS 5.V Tweaty tZ'l buvs a nice piano- cost VX6; stooL cover ami delivered. 1414 N. Sixteenth st. OUR GUARANTEE ON PfANOS During tte past SIXTT TEARS has always HOUSE Ullll 1109 OLIVB ST. COOK. 4267 Double parlors; southern expos urc: for two to four gentlemen. FRANKLIN. S19 NIclv furnished rooms by the day or week: no light hooseke-picg. FRANKLIN. 271-Neatlv furn!hel rocms for World's Fair visitors: prices reasonable. FlvA"KfJ!C. 1C4 (Th. Avenu Inni Rooms, 2S cents div uowanl: 31 50 week upw-ard l'RAKLIN. 141IA Furnished front room for gentlem-n: bath: also rooms for oc day. FRANKLIN. 1507 (Call Secnnd Floor) One very large frort room, elegantly furnished: can accommodate four at fl.25 each: cne medium .Ize. GARFIELD. K2S Large parlor room: out!-en exposure: modern conveniences: private fimtly: gentlemen or couple: three car lines to World. GARRISON, 1321 N.-Nlcly furnished room; gas and bath; reasonable price. GARRISON. 720 N.-EIgantly famished front parlor, two or more gentlemen: visitors ac commodated: bath: gas. GET a new. clean rocm at the Francis, Just o-nl. at 114 N. Broadway. GEYER. 2644 First-floor, neatly furnished front room: gas. bath, conveniences: print. family. . GIBSON. 4136 Two furnished rooms; twenty minutes' walk to Fair grounds. COOK. 4267 Two large thlrd-etory room.; southern exposure: two to six gentlemen. COOK. 3747 Large front room: second floor: southern exposure; bath: suitable for gentlemen. COOK. 370O Newly furn shed rooms: private family: convenient to World's Fair; reference. COOK. 3ST Rooms for World's Fair visit crs; home where best references can be given. COOK. 4339 Well-fumlshed second-story front: also single room: private family: sea-tlemen. COTE BRILLIANTS. 3S16-NIcely furnished front room; private family; three doors west of Urand. COTE HRILL1ANTE. 4ZS3A One Urge front room; southern exposure; private family; two gentlemen preferred. COTTAGE. M4-Two front rooms, stall, or en suite; on Spring car line. COTTAGE. 4(23 Furnished room; privilege of light housekeeping; Spalding care. COZENS; 3531 (Near Grand) Large front and connecting rooms for housekeeping; reasonable. GLASGOW Place. S5C3A Newly furnished hall room: reasoraMe. GLASGOW Place. 2053 Newly furnished frcnt rocm: southern exposure; tat. gas; suitable for two: S5 a week. GOODE. 1821 Nicelv furnished front room, first floor: private family; large yard; rea sonable rent. LUCAS. 27TS Nicely furnished rooms: con necting; ncod accommodaticn for visitors to Fair; not bath. LUCAS. 2321 NIcelv- furnished room-,: all con. venlences; one-half block from World's Fair car line; reasrnible. LUCAS. 312 Two very large, nicely furnished rcoms: stationary wa5h bowl, hot and cold wa ter and bath: transients accommodated. LUCAS. 2704 Comfortabley furnished larg. front rorn. second floor: bath, gas; direct car line to Fair; two geed beds; for four men; rea sonable, other rooms. MADISON. 22VJ Newiv furnished room: prl vate. qul-t home. rea-cnab for gentlemen. MAFFITT. 4041 Nlcly furnl-hed rooms for rentlemen; convenient to or lines; private family. MAFFITT. 4537 Two nicely furnlhed rooms; two car lln-s: every convenience; reasonable; private home. MAFFITT. 4151 Two connecting rooms, nest. ly fur-tl-ned; use of kitch-n: gaa ranger bath; no children; convenient to two cars. JIANCHEsTCR. 412C Four famished rooms for housekeeping: gas range. MAPLE. 5312 Private famllv In Cabanne will rent few verv Ito-autiful room. MAPLE. Mil One or two beautiful rooms; board same block: cl to Fair. MAPLE. I43-ChoIce rooms: rear Hamilton Hotel: Suburban. Olive cars: 10 minutes walk rair. OR4.ND. ftO Three rooms, unfurnished, second floor: rent reasonable. GRAND. 1907 N. Nicely furnished rooms; bath, gas; southern exposure. GRAND, 1422 N- Nicely furnished rocms for housekeeping In private family. GRAND. I316B N. Fine, newly furnished room: all conveniences: gas. bath. GRAND. 3133 N. Nicely furnished rooms: gentlemen only; bath. ess. front GRAND, 2 N. Furnished rooms: southern ex posure: World's Fair visitors: all car lines. GRAND. 3S20 N. Nicely furnUhed back par lor, for two gentlemen: private family; bath ard gas. MAPLE. CCSS (The Suburban) Flrst-clae. rooms; cafe in connection: permanent, or tran s'ents: near Fair. MARCUS. -53 Nicely furnished front rooms; suitable two c-ntlemeu; terms reasonable; prl vate family. MCPHERSON. 4240 Furnlsh-d rooms. MCPHERSON. 1157 Nicely furnished room, for Fair visitors: transients or for a short rerind M-PHlTTtSON. Ave.. Between Kins". Highway- and Lake Ave. Front room, with south ern and eastern exnesures. to a gentleman of re!mment. In a strictly private faml'y: wtthro. short walking distance of th- Fair: near Wash ington and Usona hotels: Bell telephone; un less willing to par for these exceptional ad vantages do not answer. FE 34. Republic. MINERVA. 5223 Furnished rooms. Bit! UCD 9. UfCDCD bicsio EDUCATIONAL. COMPLETE chemistry scholarship tn inter national Correspondence Schools, cheap. FE gs. Republic- TAKE a course In St. Louis Watchmaklng Scncol. m515 Eastern ave., and become a'first Ciasa Jeweler. Send for circular. WALL PAPEJX. ee-se-ee.,.,.00 EHRLTCH RnOS. oaner rcoma. t3 eaeh. vnrV mnaim: paiming rvasoaaoie- eueo Easton. "-vl-- paper.cleaced. flrs-class work. Mc ap. SS-Bfr t0 'e ofrooo. Address Wm. Smith. Ifiul OUve at. DAYTON. 2oOS Two furnished rooms; also accommodations for Wcrld's Fair visitors; all conveniences. DELMAR. 50 Furnished rooms for World'. Fair people. DELMAR. 2928 FurnUhed rooms; references exchanged. DELMAR. 40C Nicely furnished roora tor World's Fair visitors. Dt;LMA.-7 -W5-Rcoma. well furnished, for World's Fair people only. DELMAR 3-92 Wor'd's Fair visitors scoom modated In newly furnished rooms. DELMAR 44K-Nlcoly furnished roam: sttit able tor two: convenient to three car. lines. DELMAR Boulevard. S242A Desirable front w. ..w. ,umu. .u minarer t aiK to Fair. DELMAR. 3341 NIcelv furmiri. ,.. .1. covo: southern exposure: also night lodgmav DELMAR BouIevard, 5149 Desirable rooms: not oata; phone; private family; sarr.o block board la GRAND. 1523 N Two nicely furnished rooms, suitable for four gentlemen: good home; pri vate family. " ORAND. 2539 N. Nicely furnished rcoms and board: private family: bath and gast beau tiful surroundings. GRAND. 1417-NIcely furnished rooms; rrl vate family; all conveniences ; fifteen mlaules' ride to World's Fair. HENRIETTA. 2711 furnished rooms; ecnvenlent tn three car lines; all conveniences. HICKORY. 3012 one furnished room: gaa gas range and laundry. bath. HICKORY. 3(39 Nicely furnished rooms; also one for light housekeeping. M HICKORY, 1314 Furnished rooms; gas, bath; for World's Fair visitors. HICKOPY 22H Nicely furnished rooms. from 25c tcr csv up with all conveniences. HICKORY. 829 Nicely furnished room, for two gentlemen or couple; home conveniences: reasonable; cars. MINERVA. 5J15 Furnl-hed room, near the Wn-M'. Fa'rr select locality- good cur service, MINERVA. 5340 In p-ivate home until after the Talr. two eregant front rooms, furnished: convenient to the World's Fnlr xrounda. MISSISSIPPI. 153-Several furnished rooms: opposite Lnfeyetle Park: World's Fair visitors. MISSISSIPPI, liro Nicely furnished rooms for three gentlemen; all ccnvenlences; opposite La fayette pjrk. MORGAN. 3112 Nicely furnished rooms-conveniences. all MCROAN. 272S-Neat. bright rooms for tfen tlemen: 31 25 each. HIOH. 1024 N Nicely furnished rooms; tran slenu accommodated. HnRTOV SiU- RMnHfnl m,u.w. h. .K i saiauisa walk Fair: two car lines. FOR ADDITIONAL ! WANT ADS I SEE NEXT PAGE. I -I Sl .-Si ,;1tvSirt- ofSW-.'-.'5-;-. --1;tv. -- . . C"-"1- -.-J-- -s;4fcS-5-i. it&i':i3jam