Newspaper Page Text
THJ ST. LOUIS KEPUBLIC: FRIDAY, &PRIL 29, 1904. IS m 11 5fc OUR SUBDIVISION OFFICES AT WEST CHOUTEAU PLACE, . Sarah and St. Louts Avenue, ' PAGE AVENUE HEIGHTS, I'ase Avenue and Suburban U'y Tracks . SOUTH OVERLAND PARK, Crcve Coeur Line he WIUL CLOSED SATURDAY. OPEN ALL DAT &CSDAY. Special sales at all Subdivisions now colng; on at loir rl--e --.1 very easy terms. HOUSE GIVEN AWAY AT SOUTH OVERLAND PARK MISSISSIPPI VALLEY LHIST 0J.,SEffi, ft & w ?&- PR? MONEY TO LOAN. :t- UMAAMAA 'fc On Personal Property. KS" WAftWrtSVWWVW -( '-. DUNNSX g cyMoney, to loan In any amount or rrs3cah properly. Bargains in an all kinds of unredeemed tiWitt 1 912 FRANKLIN AVE. IQiiEY for SALARIES re;,- t. tvcasuiiau c KillCi. 5 - Sf-A - TO JM. ig-E. 2.- rayniprt plan, and business is atrlrtly Vnod A Jaccard tralldirig. 4JT X. Broadway. LOANS IN EAST ST. LOUIS. s& b.W- i . . . . . .... .-O.tE. evJiaNOS and SAL-AlUES. aui. need and lUuia to suit JUK A tux ITY to oar. We do eu r-xnoe gaoiis. Extea- ? cum in caa in case of sleknejta. LUxral dHcoani. Sinlocb Pt. Clair 445. -THE HO-METHUST CO.. gf 415-417 Missouri Ave.. Bast St. Louis. $-; Lowest Rate Loans. tc:-r:t. hm Al oil Ui UJUtfl GU UMb and Ju a.n; uu iiu'lt; Mo.VKV on your FUR 5SJl'lLKB. PiANOS. aorscs una salons; goods fecial in your i-u&awwus; WfcKKLy t. n ..ww . ...... .-.u..- iibunui w sauTlu.i payments: wntsi HATES: d!s frtminl tlven It PAID bofore due Call or writs 3 N. Tenth st.. room 111 Ozark building. THE sSUERSON FINANCE CO. EAST ST. LOUIS LOIN GO. ' j lo&e) wo. b.u.iou KOou unu art -alio. j-ef personal prcperty; easy monthly payments. -VlttHn 225 McCasland bldg.. 235 Colllnsvllle ave. W Plumes: Bll East 1153M : Klnloch St, Clair 450. MONEY FOB SALMIES PEOPLE. j4vTV. xiiraub ou money quickly aad coufljen SfsaBr. without security. National Credit Co., jglroma "l-9-"2 Chemical blag.. Eighth ana Olive. If JtoMV Advancid Salaritd Paopla, r&juustcrstLX)anlin-nwLt9 kwvii wiuiuul rcu tur.eaiy paymenwwiX" Dusineas in on pnnci- auu. loiman. vi our oiuk..ju3 unennuk Money! Money!! Money!!! ur Sal&iie-t bought at reasonable diacoust; wa ;:'Javn money on furniture: cfceapett In tows. -. Xoulty Finance Co.. ll Missouri Tni bldg. HORSCS AXD VEHICLES. Uaated. M"trfarsOsy"sir"jiiMJ " i jsi LARGEk irentle, spider hone, vubllc FD 1U. Ke- : POXY "Ino Manchester rcafl. - TUN rood livery horses: I have reopened anl 'rttnodeled my old i stand at m Laraj-ttte are. Jt Clch. Hibne Victor 1SS3. TOO lanro vans or waitcns for delivery our- pfis. Apply T:3 a. m. Friday. Schaser Bros.. ErDadwav and Franklin. For Sale. A LARGE number at rood srork, dnvtof and . CsnresE harsl! narons, UUSS1C9. 1K4UC1 Vlb. . 'tv cash cr on time payments eremhlnr a you don't like what .we hav iisnjuiLru; tt. tsd what vou want and we will ret It for yoa; re us before buylnr. Bianoaru ur.aii w, -: a. Twelfth. ALMOST new rubber-Ured runabout: horse 'libamaifl:.-chacw-JAia Woods.' 113 llorgaa. .. ALWAYS en hand, draft, driving, rsneral mrpose horses, new wsgons. buggies snd bsr rtss: you try horses before buying: cash or en Srments. P. L. House. 151S N. Broadway. -AT Mlllef s. 2110 Pine, all kinds o econd- rsjiq -wagons ana pmrgig. at a sacrifice If taken at once: rubber-tirca runabout: good as new. 2H3 Laclede. AT bargain: horse, wagon, new set narnee-i. must sSTsx once; call Sunday before 12. after. S p. m. weekdsys. 1K-J LamL BARGAIN Big 1,400-pound horse; in good shspe. -t strs. viiimB. i v,.fr-.. BAROAJN: rood wor,-0,-0.-L.'w5d:er and traveler: MO: roust selL Id S. Jefferson. BARGAIN New storm, buggies, park wag ons, surreys, staks sad delivery wagons; first class work J M Selsar. msjfr. Fouiteenth. BAROAINS-Buslness wttmnsjsJlkinds: two milk: one two-ljory. too-pUtftm prw Jto soverai bugsies. -jniepQau-. piwu. - .-. --.... BAY roare. L10O lbs.. I years oM. sound ana faL Grocery. 215 Twenty-nnn. HAY driving horse, US; black mare. .25; spec-lit"-? bargain. Feed store. 1221 N. Jerferson. tilstor's' bargain. BIG horse, suitable for teaming buggy. 11 N. Nlnteentn. BIO work horse, 122: t-ony. 117: team, weight Store, 1130 Jf. Jefferson. S.'XO. XISK. Rirs work horse: 1.(09 lbs.: gentle pooy; rubber-tired runabout: 133. 3UH Lacieqe. l CHEAP: aood mare. horse, pars: wagon. 2345 Madison. harness; also DRAFT, dxlvlojr sad general Durpcse horses, wagons, harness: cash or payments: srerythlnr sisnteedss represented. 447t Clayton are. nnv mars, medium site, for light delivery cr driving. 140. Rear 2TC. Olive. EXTRA good horse, 1 hands; new single bar- ztess. very cheap. imi stoiga--. FINB Ut of driving norses. There. Phone 2f2D sanford. 711 N. FINE rubber-tired drlvini wagon. Amend A Murphy. 1408 N. Broadway. STUDEBAKER VEHICLES. We are the people for reliable goods at r liable ces. Tjrolock Vehicle Co.. SIS 1 Broadway. Storm Buggles,&3&5ffiii .IOHS D. MAKLEY COH TOO Casa Arc. WRIGHT'S SPRINQ DES 6NS IN CARRIAGES.,, Immanai Variaty for Silectiori. Washington Are., cor. 19th. Rubber-Tired Driving Wagons $60. One yes ruarantee-es. ur bargains 2a0-20 S Eighth. Between wsinat-ana v.irs. Complete Line Delivery Wagons. An-thins you --"-DEEDg ft MANU--r. SO0-20S S Eighth. Between walnut and Clark. MOVER'S FINE VEHICLES. Stanhopes, spiders, runabouts, surreys, etc Genuine Columbus Storm Buggies. !,-closed these lobs st greatly reduced JrieeT Be -ire and "' manlet. xOH-aM-a Eighth. Between Walnut and qark. Man ufacturera of WftsTOMttea, Tallyhos. Hotel and Depot Coach: Trans fer and ',i kind, of Bul- -nasa Wagons. MeCABE-BIEnMAIIWAGOJI CO, .T-nj-zt jorci ----""--" POnTVEHICLES" AND HARNESS. Fine line pony vehicles and bsraess; will rSsnteeJo fit any ggy. ft jusUBt. giBja a' Eighth. Between walnut and dart. PUTTEE LEGGIN6 $3.50, $4, $4.60, $5, $6.50. RIDING SADDLES, $3.25, $4.50, $7.50, SIO.OO .and up to $50.00. -- RIDING BRIDLES. $1.00 to $14.00. - .;':' , -. . . '; lBBMBB I Jill ii j mi and Wooilion Rnnd. I1K HORSES AND VEHICLES. For Saie. iim u. iAB cam"J' houe. 6 cars old. 16 hands high- wiuai. centK :sq JulUn ae. FINE trap: rocmy; rubber-tire: price 1S5: good condition. iLT: Von Versen. FINE Lay horse, suitable for any purpoe: years: 16 hands; sound. :si caston. FINE chunkv fjmllv harness: cheat. 2735 s. horse, lop buyry snd Hroadway. Ftvi:-yis.KOLI !rlvlnc horse: suitable for storm buggy or delivery. 162s Wash. rear. FI L large draft horfes. live larK" draft mares, two take uacens, one bulk uacun. fur niture car. four sets of double harness and two sets of single harness. Smith & Sons Transfer. lit Wash st. FUUH hor-ie?. two main, city br"ke; run about; top buggy; harness; bargain, am Wash, rear. FOLH stylish, gentle driving horses; four de livery horses: four large draft horses; will soli under guarantee. Call at 3101 Cass ave. l-LRNITLRE. top and open delivery aagons; new and secondhand. Younjr & Co.. US N. Broadway. GENTLE bay horse: 1"4 hinds high; aged 3 years; any purpose. 1502 . Thirteenth. GOOD cutunder surrey; H5; pony. 1711 Wash. good mare; small GOOD delivery horse; 6C31 Old Manchester. sound: VSZ. Zlemenn. GOOD mare buggy. 1.VW A for light Ninth st. delivery and storm GOOD, strong work horse; good condition sound; works double. 1312 N. Tenth. GOOD work or deliver- horse ana ash wagm. sell separate: selling out. 1521 Franklin, rear. GOOD driving horse, cheap: also delivery horse; fine buggy and harness. Store, 2303 Olive. HARNESS: finest assortment all kinds, from 14.S9 us: large stock Job saddlery: also second hand harness. A. Turkett. 1322 N. Rrcadwav. tllGH-ACTING black hers, harness and run about: bargain. Call 2S Benton p'ace. HIGH-ACTING and fast. Wm. F. ette ave. bay runabout mare; smmd MUIhall & Co.. 2C9 Lafay- HOItt-ES: suitable for almsst any purpose. Keyes-Marshall Livery Co.. 1122 Chestnuf. HORSE, wagon and names?, runabout. 13: storm buggy. t2 133: rubber-tired I. 2110 Pine. HORSE, suitable for deliver wagon; mare, 6 years old, weight 1.100 pounds. 132E Wash, rear. HORSE, wagon, surrey and hnrness: cart harness; lot mixed harness; cheap; must sell quick. 2719A University. NEW cut-under, rubber-tired surrey; cost 123."i; sell J133. FT fcS. Republic. NEW peddler wagon: secondhand surrey, park wagons: one storm buggy: one top buggy. one bail-bearing runabout: rond condition: at car gams. F. E. SchmltL 2121 N. Ninth. ONE Frankfurter lunch wagon. 2M1 Lamb din ave. ONE-HORSE stake wagon; almost new; sell cheap. 204S Fair. ONE new one-horse platform furniture wag en: two new top stanhopes: four new top park wagons: three new top express wagons. Wm. Blschert C & W. Co.. 1S30-32 Morgan. PARK wagons, almost new; handmade: cheap. Metter. 2724 Chippewa at. eil PLATFORM top express, 133: open express, S27.M: top platform peddling wagon, $25. Mil ler's. 211ft Pine st. PLUG mule; 17.60. 1603 Chambers. -KEFRESHJIENT and sandwich wagon, har ness and horse: S125; good as new. Coal yard. Natural Bridge road and Thon-pron.- RUBBER-TIRED runabout; new. G. Boekers, Twentieth and BlsselL RUBBER-TIRED runabout: s bargain. kerft-Isaacs. SC'S N. Leftlngwell. RUBBER-TIRED cut-under surrey. steel-Hred storm buggy. SS. JOS' Olive. JUO: RUBBER-TIRED driving wagon, for Buderwieaen et Dunkman. 1303 St. Louis. RUNABOUT, good as sew; also good work horse; cheap. 3548 Finney SECONDHAND sliver-mounted trap harness: almost new: handmade, Geo. Grassmuck. 1313 N. Broadway. SEVEN-VEAR-OLD bay; high spirited and a beauty. Slnloch A 162. EEVERAL horses nd mares, wagons and harness; express outfit: pony; top buggy. S)Z Vase. SIX fin driving horses; young, sound and gentle: suitable for surrey, trap, runabout and storm buggy. Stable, rear residence. 2427 Mor gan. SORRELL mare; 16 hands. 4 years old; taken for debt: cheap. IOCS Market. TEAM fine dark bay horses, mares. 6 and 7 years old: weight 2,2b0; work double and single. 1S1I Morgan. TEAM horses, Mli hands. 7 and 9 ears; also fine delivery horse; bargain If taken at once. First floor. 4343 Arco ave. TEAM farm mares; nice matched team fr grocery or delivery wagon; work mule. $35; need room: must selL 1U4 S. Jefferson. TWO horses, pony and light wagon; must sell; cause, sickness. SIS Cass. TWO big horses, weight L530 lbs. each, and medlum-slxed horse's harness and wagon. 2J poulard. WAGONETTE, horses, horse. 2a N. Grand, rear. runabout; driving WANTED Tou to know I have remodeled my stable at 2T10 Lafayette and can board 0 horses: 318 month. Phone 13S3. II. Clch. YOUNG, etllsh mare, storm buggy and har ness: make an offer. 4S05 Lotus, comer Euclid. 355 buys fine. new. steel-tire runabout; JI3 buvs dump cart snd liarness; 140 buys fine, light ladles' pha-non. 3106 S. Rroauviay. DOGS, CATS, PETS FOR SALS. gXjXXsxr jl "LH- - - i"i "iri " iiri" i"" " " " " """ " i ial FOUR white terriers, two poodles, 2 to 4 months old. 321A V. Vandeventer. 300D talking parrot, cheap: owner giving up home. Call to-day. 4263 Dcl-n-tr. USE cnsniberlain's caick feed and brooder Blanks 4 Hawke cupply Co.. 204 Market St. POULTRY AXD EGGS. h.k.rf... LIGHT BnUimas. duck Minorcas, wnue vvy andotts. barred, and buff Plymouth Rooks, buff Cochins: breedliw etock and eggs. Hole karnp, 42C3 Virginia ave. AUTOMOBILES. JXJJ-lJ-xrLLLLlJ-l ---- ---.- s-i NEW tourlnc car; tlptachable tooneau- 12 horse, opposed motor: lamps: odometer; horn; bargain; quick eale. 3S-E 2C, Ke pub lie. DERMATOLOGY. m0 Superfluous Halrr Molesv warts, red Teint, scarf, and ail no BtghtJy,humll1fttlDj? blemlthe-i perma ttentljaodiafelrremoTed.Cllorwrlt JOHN H. IVOODBtTKY D.I.9 S00 3Irmod-Jccard, St 3LoizJja OPTICIAXS. j-lj-(j-ijjswwv'ii,',yv'rv''fs-,i' -i--i- -i-i-,-"-- -i HIR8CHBERG. eye spectallat. will give you perfect vlsl n; examlnaUon fre. Carieton building1. Sixth and OlH'e, second floor; entrance Sixth c MEDIUMS CLAIRVOYANTS. - - - - ---i AMA-M-sttMAAA- PROFESSOR KH1R0N, The treat clairvoyant. 3S22 Olive st. hours. 10 to a; lowest fee. M cents. Office D1EI5G, CLEAMXG, REPAIRIXG. m .i i.n rnii-ii in ii . . i i nonni LADIES and gentlemen, send your spring merits to the Paris Cleaning and Dyeing i gar- lm po- rluro Co.. 1330 Franklin ave. DEKTISTRY W. J. OORD. the people's dentist; no decep tion practiced. iiK-ia fine: phone 10S2A. SECRET SOCIETIES. 40nm ROTAL ARCAJIUM. FELIX COUNCIL, i NO. MM. ROYALAR canum. meets every -first and third Friday e vrest Gate1 Hall. Grand and Eastern' avenues, vr.vm.ker dexres will be conferred off October IS. W. L STECKER. Recent. jr. H. W. Boclotette. Secretary., GRAND COUNCIL MISSOURI. ROYAL Arcanum. 309-311 Holland Bulidtn-- A cordial -welcome to vlsl tors, friends, brethren and from abroad. o;a Jno. C. KUllnsswortb. Grand Sectttary. ":. V BEL-RET SOCIETIES. , KMnT OK PYTHIAS. " ! St00ll0f A C11B LODGE. NO. Ill IV nv nic-c-i-o , X":Y Thursday etentng at (o'clock. West muis,;S55' ". Gnd inTka.a TTe -KT .- Member, requnted to sttend regular ly. Visitors cordially InvltedT ' au uiar C. W venue r-!! .A1.'W VONET. C, C. Clltton. K. of R. S.. UU St. Loul. C S,lnWiolDBS CKOWN LODGE. ?Z- viii. .' ot I'- Uegular convention cv 5r.J. S?V alKlt. 8 o'clock. Hall No. r. tenth fIo:r, tlon. -ratury bull.Ilng. Work at each conien-lerj- tnemler come. Visitors Imltcd. r. c K. W. KIRK. C C C. Scott. K. of It. & S. ir. !axA iX- -so- K. K. OF P.. CZtiJStiiS!" TuJy evening at $ o'c.ock. h,M n,VJi!.d,nK' N'ml1 ini Olive streets. est warn tTIav. e"hlhK- April :6. rehearsal; Hi m mf''''s to .ittend: go.d time prem ised. All ilitlrc brothers i.:-nm J. I- Pemr-ey. K. of R. ft s. Dit H VrV1-."11' -Nu- li- OF P.. lKt.TS ...ii i"rr Wl-day evening at Odd FeUawr :;i.i. n . "ventn aoor. Nintn .nd om. S vi,i. u,"le1 m'tlcT Wednesday. April :V A, , '" ,ral!k cf Etquirc. Me mbets eipect- ii1U"." '"vj""l- F..S. STU.MM. C. C. KC,nr.e'n'ue." Uerm"- K -, lt- -S C LTL11E GItEAT IxJDOi:. NO. H6. K. OF vVI."0B:lu'!, 1,I" Thirtieth and Ulhe K,f,,Kt'.SJai' ,A',r." ' -" ln tlw ran of u- t. . -11- -1'. KR1 fsCllLa C. C. v. A. Hotgrts. K. cf It. i s. Tit-'Ouiti LODun no. r. k. of p.. hci:- T-1-. i 'lnl0!, I'ul.dhu. No. Ml Olive Srtleet i-Eii J.0"8 n.M --on"r the rani; of Knignt on l ridaj tvtnlng. April 13. Visitors alnd wd- Charles a Fink. K. of It. A: S. st iJhf,, Tuesday evenlnf at o-ciock at Anchor Hall, souinwest coiner Jefferson aiu I3;iL!!iV.'ou Take Ctompton Heights, rarkor r.- "?f?. nae ars. iiemcei. are eipectcl and visitors cordially invited to attend. L. It. Cass. K. cf It. & s. :j;iPlC LODGIi NO. Sat K. OF P. W. a. Grar K. cf h." & s. PlthJIltlt LODGE, NO. :. K. OF P.. meets rerularly every Monday evening In Hall No. 3. seventh floor Odd Febows- Nrxt meeting Monday. May :. 1KM. Work m the rank of Knight, Visitors aru cordially Invited. Memters ae requested to attend. . ., . JOSEPH O. MORE. C. C . F. vlitte. Jr.. K. of R. 4 S.. 3S0CA North Twenty-fifth street. PI TMALORAS LODGE. NO. 275. K. OF P.. meets every Wednesday evening at vstle hail, northwest corner orand ana "fas ten avenues, at 8 o'clock. Work in Page rank Wedne-wiay, May 4. Members exiiected. Vis ing brothers always welcome. .. . , .. E- U- HOLLET. C. a L. Etttr.ger. K. of It. i S.. No. 3535 Eastern avenue. Klnlocb D LIS. B-ffUi'EKT E. COWAN LODGE. NO. 131. K. 0 x'.. meeU every Monday evening at i o'clock. West Hail, Century nullding. Ninth and tliive streets. Monddy, May 2. woitc In rank cf Page. Members are requested to attend. isitors are welcome. OSCAR M. STOLL a C. Attest: Henry II. Lu-bLert. K. of It. & s. R-.U CROSS IJJOGIi K. OF P.. MEETS 'l' s o'clock at Odd Fellows' Hall. Ninth .-..d Olive streets, every Wednesday n ght. vis itors always welcome. May t. lvH, omplined rank of l'aje. J. it. 1IIGDON, C. a 11. W. lieidlng. K, of R. & -J. IllAiiASlI LODGE. NO. 241. K. OF P.. meets every Tuesday evening at castla hail, southwest corner Unud-i ay and Benton. May 3. business meeting. Visitors welcome. .. O. L. OSUORN, C C. M. C. Shnlte. K. cf R. 9 l ASHl.NUIO.N LOLIGE. NO. 131. K. Or ,w P.. Century Streets Friday evening. April 2S, business meet- -s, uncuui rally. A. J. TILDBN. C. C. Jos. P. Dummlch, K. of R. & S.. Maple wood. Mo. ZULEMA LODGE. NO. 221, K. OF P.. . meets Monday evening. May 2. IK1, ln hall No. l, tenth roor Cen:ury building, at i o'clock. Regular convention. Work in rank of l'age. Members ejcpt-cled and visitors cordially Invited to attend. FRANK J. VOLLMER. C. C Attest: O. M. Brooks, K. of H. A S. P. O. Box 102. lSDKFEJnjEVr (IHDEH ODD FEL LOWS. ANCHOR LODGE. NO. 222. X. O. O. T. meets evcy Mondav evening at Schuette's nail, .Nineteenth and Wright ttteets. Work in the degrees, visiting brothers welcome. LEO LANGENBACHER. N. G.. David Petty, secretary. 1S2 O'Fallon street. mECliANlCS' LODGE. NO. 41s. L O. a . P.. meets every Friday evening st O'clock, at i'rai.k P. Blair Post, O. A- IL. Hall. 17Ci Market street. V Isiting brttnren cor dially Invited to attend. Work ln the decrees every met ting. J. H. GRA.NADE. N. G.. 1024 Ruiger street. J. F 8treetar. Secretary. 3019 Indians ave. ST. LOUIS LODGE, NO. 5. I. O. O. F.. meets every Saturday evening at S o'clock In Odd Fellows' bultdlng. Nlntn and Olive streets, hall No. L Visitors welcome. Members' expected to attend. Wotk ln the second degree at next meeting, April JO. H. L GERL1N. N. G. Wallace McCargo. Secretary. ST. LOUIS LODGE, NO. 5. I. O. '677.. meets ev ery Saturday evening at $ o'clock ai. Odd Kehows building, southeast corner Ninth und Olive streets, hall No. L Members expected to attend. Visitors a.ways welcome. Work in the second degree next meeting. It. L. UERL1N. Jf. G. Wallace McCarga. Secretary. WU-LiEK LODGE, NO. Z. L O. O. F.. meets Tuesday evening of each week at 1,4 No. 1. Odd fellows' building, corner Ninth and Olive, at s o'cIock. Work In first degree. May 3. lsltlng brothers Invited to attend. - -.- . . o J' " SUANBK. '. G. F. . RlegeL Secretary. A.Clt:.T t'UU ASD ACCEPTED HASOM9. 's---'iss-si,-mi VHiW EltWIN LODGE. NO. 12. A. F. &. A. M. Special meeting Friday, April 2y. Hs34. at 7i p. m.. Grand Avenue Masonic Temple, Grand and Finney avenues. Work, second de gree. Members itquested and visitors frater nally Invited to attend. AUO. KAMP. W 1L George J. Heme. Secretary. GEORGE WASHINGTON LODGE NO. J A. . Si A. Al.. wi.l hom special com munication Tuesaay. May 3. at 7 p. m.. Masonic Temple. Grand and F.nney avenues. Work ln Master Mason degreo. Visitors will be wel comed. UfcuKCE W. JAMES. W. M. W. L. Reynolds. Jr.. Secretary. T lSOUitl LODGE. NO. L A. r.& A. M. 1 a stated communication ilay 5. st 7:30 el m.. Masonic Tenl - j avenue. Important business. F. c. degree. Members are requested and visiting brethren fraterjiollv Invfferi ti mi.n.i " fraternally Invited to attend. , . 3. W. KP.CEGER. W. John IL Deems. tSecretary. M. K.MGHTS OF COLL'MBCB. K L----- --V.'-.A J. U, ,..11, . . rf f-r.lnm,iia .., ... . . --- tuurth IVeuneouay at Hon Hill Hall. Xo. S-jj Maple avenue. VUlUSc kin.i.i. u..-, JlT: v- h, .,,.?. ..ciT sscona come. JOHN PAUL CHEW. Grand wslter T. Cunninchata. Recorder. It i.vjLl-'l'lt; COb.NCtL, NO Sut I "I KniKhts of Columbus, meeu every sec ond luuliu Tuesday in tno west nail Vin. tury bundln. Ninth and olive streets, visit, log cordially invited. "" FRANK Q. CUNNINGHAM. Orand Knlsht V. P. Leonard. Recorder. -uM. I--.'-'- lAJijLa l.Oi.ALal o. .-. u every just ana tnlrd Tuesday ax West kud Hall, southwest coiner tai,rina Vauue- very ant and tnlrd Tuesdsr invited. -' .vmo- . .a.,u uiiiuu or. CortliAllw Joseph F. T. Lamv. Record. r. u TRIIIK OF BEN IIL'R, -T-irWtC',i, T 1 i--i -iiiii-isi--itjTj-s s OURT NO. 102. TRIHE OF BEN-HUR everv spronrt anrl fntmt. t-,..A Vy meets every st Pboentx Ilall. Jelferson and Cass avenues Suns and Daughters of Hur from other courts and out of the city are he-v e-ctended a cor. dial Invitation to visit. By order nt .... , A.!-'-CE C. MIJLKBT. Chief. Attest: Arendt Kuelper, Scribe. No. 2S63 Scott avenue. SIMONIDES COURT. NO. 61. TRIBE OF ,tD"'u,;' m' "ery nii,-X "'Kit at Ben-IIur Hall, northwest corner Twenty-second street and Frsnklln avenue. Visiting Sons and Daughters of Ilur alwas welcome. . , . FRANK J. PBR.VNO. ChleL W. Roy Slgler. Scribe. 2303 Ulci-ii--2 street. WOODMEX OF THE WORLD. mOUN'T AUBURN CAMP. NO. 243. WOQD .. . "Jf J"f I11" World, meets at ball of Charles H. Kicker, northeast corner New!ead and North Market, diet and third Fridays. Members expected and visitors Invited. O. c. BRCN. Consul Commander. R. it Rncon. Clerk. 4473 Finney ave. East St. Lonla Items. Zr--Jt-'L J' J-auIaner will return to-morrow from Omaha. Neb. Doctor and lint J. G. McErien have re turned from Toronto, Canada. ..r;M's,,.,.Allc.e Simons has returned from a visit with friends ln St. PauL. Minn. Iniloberlyfsio"" Hlrry MoT--,0: -vUit!ng M. Anderson of Pana. IIL. is visiting here. 7iJ-f i n?-?, -"'-"---S of the Plymouth Congre gational church, summit . and Wabasha ave r;liei..Eat si- -iO'ds, will te opened for pub- ? .'i'E, -;?,-;??,-' -: I' The "1 rmon in the new building will be preached by the pastor, the Reverend G. W. James at 1045 a. m. cr?!--!f':-l,frT-c 'or Mrs. Mary Jost of No. 601 North Eleventh street. East St. Louis, will -!Id "iiitll--.--Utr dace and In-Belleville. Services will take place at her late home this artexnoon. and from there the body will be taken to the Trinity Lutheran Church at Thir teenth street and Summit avenue, where the Reverend Kretchmcr will conduct a funeral service. ,.Tle body will then be taken to the borne of Henry Schroeder on Abend street, Belleville, where services will be held to morrow after-noon. The burial will be In Wtl nut Hill Cemetery. To Close Saturday. The.Model Clothing Company will cl03e their store nil day Saturday, and keen open to-night-until 10 o'clock. . :- WHEAT TRADERS BULLISH DESPITE BETTER WEATHER. ACTIVE DEMAND FORCES THE PRICES UPWARD. Corn Is Slightly Lower on the Day: but Oats Advance Sharp- Iv Provisions Easv. Chicago. April 25. Notwithstanding the markcJ Improvement In weather condi tions, a majority of traders to-day were bullish on tha v. heat situation, an :tct!ve pcacraj dem3id forcine prices up --itTBC for July. Corn L-i o(T a shiide. Oats are up l'4c ProvLsiona show a loss cf So to "Sc. WHEAT. The opening in wheat was barely steady, owing to the untesponsive tone of cables and to more faror-tbl- weather, both in the Northwest and Southwest. The July delivery was "4c to '.c lotvor at S3jc to S35c. There was a Rood demand, however, from the start, commlstion-hnusrs and shorts Lelng active bidders. With only moderate nn'erlLgs. the market soon de veloped considerable strength. The bull ish sentiment was largely the result of accrued momentum of previous crop-damage reports and of advices showing de layed seeding in tht Northwest. Many of the heavy traders made a cliange of front to the buying side, and the pit crowd was apparently willing to follow the lead. There was good buying throughout the day from the Southwest, due tn small re ceipts and to tin improved cash situation. Prices steadily advnno-d until July touched Sac. from which point some reac tion occurred on liberal selling by a big holder. The demand, however, was of the very best character and the marKet showed no sign of weakness. The close was strong, with July at SluriSt-Sc May tanged between KV and SS.e. rlos-Ml nt i-ic. Clearances of -wheat and flour were equal to 71,:sij bu. primary receipts wtre l.W) bu., compared with 4U.SW bu. a vear ago. Minneapolis. Duluth and Chicago re ported receipts of TTi ears, against 104 cars laM. weetc anu jii a year ago. CORN. EUrly ln the day traders ln the corn pit were ln a quandry owing to the action of the leading long. and. in consequence the volume of business was light. The big holder was an open seller, while, at the same time, brokers supposedly acting for him were active buyers. Late In the ses sion, however, the upturn ln wheat en couraged pit traders, who bought freely, both of July and Sept. There was also a good demand from shorts. The market responded to the improved buying, the July deliver" advancing nearly 1 cent. All of the gnln was subsequently lo?t on realizing by the big holder. The market closed about steady. July opened a shade lower at ISc. and closed at 4SHc. May ranged between 46-Tic and ti-c. and closc nc at l-ic. Local receipts were 150 cars with 27 or contract grade. OATS. Oats were independently strong on an active general demand. The buying was of such an influential character that the re actions in wheat and corn had compara tively little effect in oats. An excellent cash demand with a continent advance was a dull influence. July showed a gain of almost 2 cents and although all the advance was not held, the market closed decidedly srtrong. July opened unchanced to Uc higher, at 375ic to 38c. advanced to SJgc. and closed at S9c. Local receipts were DS cars. RANGE OF FUTURES. Opening. Highest. Lowest. Closing. Wheat Sl'4 "is SfUH &, 4SH 'i Hi "3 31S 11.95 12.23 6.72-, 6.T7"-. 6.H.) 6.7'J Articles. Rec. Ship. Wheat, bu. 24.S-M J3.70J Fiour. bbls. 13.4M !LW Cbrtl. bu. -(,K-) S9I.400 Oats, bu. 50,Sis Wi.lJO Rye. bu. 2.5-w Barley, bu 25.C0O 15,500 PROVISIONS. Provisions were firm early in the day on good buying by packers. Later there was free selling of May pork by commission houses, resulting In a reduction throughout the whole HeL The late decline In wheat and corn was a bear factor. Thd market closed easier with July pork down 22Wi25c. at $12.2a. July lard was OR Cc at liST'i. Kibs were 12Ac lower, at J6.60. MARKETS DY TELEGRAPH. New York. April 2S. Flour-Receipts 12.CK; exports 14.753: quiet but steady. Re rtuur quiet. Ctirnmeai steady. Rye dull. Barley qult- Wheat Receipts "t.MQ: spot firm; No. 2 red S1.V4 elevator: No. 2 red fi.icgl.M f. 0. b. al'oat; No. 1 Northern Duluth SS&SSc f. o. b. afloat; 2i3. 1 hard Manitoba nominal f. o. b. ahuat. Options opened ItreauUr. but Immedi ately turned strong, and were well supported all the forenoon on unfavorable crcp news. In cluding the bullish Price Current review. Later they reflected South and West buying;, adverse crops from Missouri and Indiana and smaller Argentine estimates closing firm at Slc net advance. Ma' mS914c closed Slic; July S3 7-lCRSc. closed S3Vsc: Sept. S34S84'ic. closed izrjc Com Rec-lpts none; exports 1.,- 523: spot firm: no. nominal elevator snd E5Hc i- . u. -uiiu.; ..u. A cuu.- sic; v. 2 wnue Etc Option market was stronger at first en heavy commlsMon-house buying West, and yiemeu to reiiuiiuK. anu cioea easy at net un chanced to -ic advance. May closed 55c; July 3 S-16S54C. closed 3 9-lCc. OatA-Recelpts 37. 5"0: exports 12.740: srot firm: mixed 2ij-- 1S3. 4wi-t-c; naLiirai wane j it- js ids. 4au43c; cllpiied white OS to 40 lbs. 51833c Reef easy: fimlly .5'Ki"0.M: iress MiiS.OO: packet ia.litt 9J'). Cut meats dnil: pistled bellies sitsTUc.' Lard dull: Western steamed 7.30c; refined easy. Pork oulet. Tallow weak. Cottoa-s-od oil dull; prime yallow 2SH3X'. Rice dul. Molases firm. Toledo, O., April 28. Clover seed Cash and April J5.40 bid; Oct. J:75. Prime alslke 55.13; Ail. 36.25 bid. Prime timothy 11.40; Sept. jl.ti bid. Chlcaso. ADril 2S. Casht 'Flour nulee bnt n.r--. vvneav- at No. 2 spring 87832c: No. 3 SS691C: 9ctm. Corn No. 3 34S"icr No. 2 No. 2 red yellow 51M.r?53Hc -How WM353HC Oats No. 2 HirtHc; No. 2 ni.e i-immc; ittx j wnue u-r4j2C xvye r 70c BaFley-Oood E-:6''c; fair I e-so.' 2 70c Batley-oood 826i.-c; fair to choice malting 45Hv5c. Seed Prime timothy )2.&5: clover icontract arsde) 310.73. Provisions Mess pork, per bbL. 312.10312. 13; lard. pr 100 lb.. !6.72Ha6.75: short ribs sides (loose) 3.2 i-..-; suuri clear iiu-s u-.u.- ...u-rtf-i.i.. vvniSK-i, basis of hlrhwlnes, 11.2S. Kansas Oty. April 2S. Wheat May 0Xc: July 73!ntr73iC: s-pt. 7S-jJ70"jc: cash No. 2 hard S0c: No. 3 S5eS7c: No. 2 red II; No. 3 93fil 95c Corn May 44,c: July 43.':h-:: Sk-pt. 43c; cash No. 2 mixed 4S4t?'9c: No, 3 47Hc; No. 2 white 4"l34c: No. 3 46'4347'jc Oats No. 2 white 40c: No. 2 mixed 33c Hay higher; choice timothy 310.50011: choice prairie ts."-tt 8.50. , Rye No. 2 4e. Receipts Wheat 12.C0; corn S.800: oats 8.0W. Shipments Wheat i.W; corn 40.SOO: oats 5.W-). Peoria. April S3. Corn higher: No. 3 45c; No. 4 43t43'4c. Whisky on the basis of lt.2i for finished goods. Liverpool, April 23. Wheat-Spot dull; No. 1 California 7s: futures steady; Mav 6s 3Sd; July 6s 4Sd- Corn Spot, American mixed new quiet, 4s 24d: American mixed old steady, 4s 7d: futures steady: May 4s 4d: July 4s 3id. Duluth, Minn.. April 23. Wheat In store; No. I hard 91Sc: No. 1 Northern 90ic: No. 2 Northern 87Sc: May SOHc: July SOiic: Sept. 81Hc Oats on trk. and to arrive. 41c Milwaukee. Wis.. April 23. Wheat lc h'gher; No. 1 Northern 96c: No. 2 Northern 9lfisi5c: old July Mtc Rye flrm-r: No. l 724c Itarfey firmer: No. 2 3c; sample SOjJWc Corn flrmtr; NO. 3 50S32c: Julv 4Sc bid. I Minneapolis. Minn.. April 28. Wheat May 91'.sc: July 914c; 8?t. SienHc: on trk.: No. 1 hard 9ISc; No. 1 Northern S3Sc: No. 2 Northern 91Hc Flour First patents J4.9-jtt3: second pat ents J4.S"S.S9: first clears J3.45a3.5J: second clears 32.3U32.49. Bran ln bulk. (15815.50. KKits. REPUBLIC SPECIAL , New York. April 28". Eggs-Receipts 1S,81 cases. With telegrams and letters coming ln pltring.Umtts on goods- In transit and covering orders to buy at the market for account of Western correspondents, the situation was string at the opening with all offerings freely taken on the basis of ISc for Western firsts. Quotations are arranged to meet the business In which the range given' was necesearr to meet sales to regular and outside buyersr Small sp-crilatlve operators have taken advantsgn of the recent decline, to -Increase their lines of storage holdings out of selected lots of regular racked goods from the cUrren arrivals. Dir ties and checks were m good request. Prac tically no line of Northern storage packed were obtainable at quotations. .Western, storage packed. 18He4c: firsts 17V44J1SC: seconds 17c: Kentucky flrsfB J7!ic;, seconds -17c. Other quo tation, unchanged. , PI lladeiphla. April 28. Eggs steady; fresh near-by and fresh Southern lTHc at mark; fresh Western 17c at mark; fresh Southefn'at' mark: .; Citcago. April 28. Eggs easier at mark, cases Included, lCfjl(4c per dos. Hspsas City. Mo., April 2S. Eggs lower: Mis souri and Kansas, cases returned, .14c;. new No. : whltewcod cases included lio. ' r May KHSSf SSS J.;"i Jub- :..m-,--s; a--, M Julyt ....S3-iBk3s. ST. gju fr rtept. .SH,&Sll. S2 JlC Sept.! .,73;,s) fip; rs'l Corn 4 May ....46HP46", 47'i 4o"i July ....4SHti4S. Ijij 4SH Sept. ...4S!-H-4 4J ii'l Oats May 3S4340 4Wi 23H July . 37",f3Si 33-i 27i Sept. ....31S631H 32 31, Mess Pork May 12.17U 12.23 11.53 July .... 12.47h 12.KS 12.23 Lard May ... .S2i 6.2H C.TJ'.a July .... 6.92'j 7.021- 6.8:V3 Sept. ... 7.07U 7.ii . 7.u aiort Ribs May ..... S.32H CST1! C.42'i July .. 8.67- 6.72l 6.57k SepL .. t..S2ii tJ.s:-i C.VO Old. tN"ew. RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. iakilfe'td HAPPENINGS IN ILLINOIS CITIES AND TOWNS BAKERS INCREASE PRICE OF BREAD Hereafter Only Five Loaves Will Be Sold for Twenty-Five Cents Instead of Six. Master bakers of Belleville yesterday de cided that hereafter they will sell their bread live loaves for a quarter, instead of six loaves, as has been the custom for many years. The loaves will not be in creased in size. Increased prices of the raw materials are given as the reason for the cutting off of the extra loaf, and the master baker-j stated that they will make no concession, no matter how many loaves are One of the master bakers stated last evening that the six loaves for a quarter was a source of much annoyance at best. He said that the poor people, who needed bread the most, seemed to get the worst of it, unless they bought a quarter's worth of bread or tickets at a time, which not all could afford to do. The size of the loaf. It is said, will bo increased ra the prices for materials decline, but it 13 understood that no return will bu made to a reduced price. FKAXK AVILKEXS'S CASE DHOrPCO. Testimony of Principal Witness In Arson I'rusecntiou Discredited. State Attorney James A. Farmer yester day entered a nolle prosequi in the case of Prank Wilkens of East St. Louis, who was charged with arson. 'ilken3 was found guilty in the Circuit Court, but secured a new trial. The credibility of one of the witnesses, George Jines, who confessed the charge of arson and is now ln the renitcntiary, was attacked, and as he was the principal witness for the State, Mr. Farmer de cided to dismiss the case. Jines was employed by Wilkens and confessed to setting fire to Wilkcns's place, but claimed that Wilkens had hired him to d6 it. His testimony was not be lieved by the auditors in the courtroom at the time, and It principally on his testimony that Judge Burroughs granted the request for a new trial. Attorneys for Samuel Parsons, who was sentenced to the Penitentiary for life for the death of his wife, whom he claims he mistook for a burglar and shot, yesterday filed a notice of an appeal. A jury in the Circuit Court vesterdav returned a verdict of $2.0.0 damages against the Western brewery in favor of Joseph Eicher. whose hand was caught in machinery at the brewery" eighteen months ago. Gives Itond in Lottery Case. Edward Horn, a Belleville saloonkeeper, arrested on a charge of sending lottery lists through the malls, returned yester- dar from Springfield, IIL, where he gave bond. Dorn says that he did not know that It was against the law to send a lot tery list through the mails, and that h mailed this one to a friend ln St. Louis, whom he knew played the lotterv. The envelope happened to get torn in the Post Office and the list was discovered acci dentally. The letter was easily traced. Rnd Dorn was arrested. Ills friends be lieve that he will get out of his trouble. Hellevllle .r Xntes. C E. Slocum is reported serlcusly ill. Fred Schopp fell from a hay left and broke his tight arm yesterday. George Talbot cf Twelve-Mile Prairie is vis iting Li Belleville. A. J. Bente was fined 123 and costs on a charge of selling lottery tickets. Miss Sadie Ross is visiting la Carthage. Ma Sheriff Thompson took Anna Hall to the asylum at Anna IIL, yesterday. The woman was adjudged Insane by Judge lly. Dan Hagerty was fined 160 and costs en a chargf- of selling liquor wlthout-a llc-nse. Assistant Master in Chancery Charles A. Karcb will deliver an address at the .Memorial Day services to bc-heM by the- Grand Army of the Republic at O'Fallcn. May 30. East St. Louis Marriage Licenses. Marriage licenses "Issued In East St. Louis yesterday are: Delmer Davis, a. Bast SL Louis; May Briggs, If, East St. Louis. Irving Ponty. 21. Qulncy, IIL; Mario Cllne. a, Qulncy. 111. Harvey L. Rutheford. 24. Indianapolis. Ind.; Goldie E. Spangle. 19. Doer. 111. William Bond, 21. East St. Louis. IIL: Ora. Pratt. IS. Cairo. 111. Funeral of Mrs. M. A. Curry. Companion Court. Queen City Lodge, No. 233. of the Foresters, will attend the funeral to-morrow of Mrs. M. A. Curry, who died at the home of her mother, Mrs. Joseph Humphries, No. 527 North Eighth street. East SL Louis. The members of the lodge will meet at the home of Mrs. R. A. McHale. No. 122 North Fourth street, to arrange for the attendance. Ilond's Franchise Annulled. Mayor Fred J. Kern of Belleville yes terday annulled tho franchise granted to the Southern Illinois Electric road, which proposed to run from Mount Vernon to Belleville. The company secured the right to traverse several Belleville streets, but was required to pay J2C0 Into the City Treasury before the end of ninety days. This was not done. Must Label .Ml It Cans. Doctor J. G. O'Brien, president of the East St. Louis Board of Health, yester day notified milk dealers that they must label all their cans of milk, so that the consumers will know whether they are purchasing milk, skimmed milk or cream. Alton N'otes and Personals. C. J. Jacoby of Alton has gone to San Fran cisco. Cal. ML-s Emma Eusch of Alton entertained the Holy Club yesterday afternoon at her home In Belle street. The Epworth League of the First M. E. Church in Upper Alton has eUcted Mrs. Lathv Wagconer president. Mrs. II. Reeder first vice j-resldent. Miss Effie Stalder second vice presi dent. Miss Mamie McReynolds third vice presi dent. Mrs. Clay White fourth vice president, Harry Ross treasurer. Earl Gannaway secre tary and Miss Edith Lowry organist. The Highway Commissioners of Woodrlver Township have elected George T. Henry presi dent and F. J. Klepmeyer treasurer. The Reverend W. II. Gannaway. pastor of the First M. K- Church ln Upper Alton, win preach a special sermon on Sunday nlcht to the young people. Following the sermon baptismal services will bo held. Paul Lamont of Upper Alton has gone to Memphis. Tenn. Thornton McReynolds of Peoria. 111., is a visitor in Upper Alton. rhlllp Wise of Los Angeles, CaL, is a vis itor ln Upper Alton. The contractlnc; firm of Wolf, Manpln Ac Curdle of Alton has been awarded a pivlng con tract at Paris, 111., amounting to J3S.0C-V. The Piano Club of the Alton Conservatory nf Music held a mectinc List evenlnrc at the conservatory rooms In East Second street. M. M. Dillon of Alton has gone to Los An geles. Cal. , John Quigley of Alton has returned from Asheville. N. C woman's Naiore Mother's Friend, by its penetrating and soothing properties. 'allays nausea, nervousness, and all unpleasant feelings, and so prepares the system for the ordeal that she passes through the event safely and with but little suffering, as numbers have testmed and said, it is worth its weight in gold." $1.00 per ' bottle of druggists. Book containing valuable information mailed free. IK BJtADf lLD lEttJUTO CO., AtJaata, 6. -a51' .T- "-V; -?. .sZ:-yL DEATH REVEALED SECRET MARRIAGE llis.s Alice Humphries and Jlathew A. Cleary Were Wedded Last June. Through her death yesterday morning a secret marriage between Miss Alice Humphries, daughter of Mrs. Jo-eph Humphries, of No. 527 North Eighth street. East St. Louis, with former City Clerk Mathcw A. Cleary of East St. Louis, was discovered. Shortly before her death Mrs. Cleary turned to her hus band and then to her relatives who were standing about her bed. and said that they had been married since last June. Cleary afterward-, according to Jli. Humphries, told her that the marriage had taken place, but that they had kept It a Fecret. According to'frien-b- of Mrs. Cleary. she was married last June at Nashville, 111., where she had gone to visit friends. Shu had been in Okawville. and with Mr. Cleary drove to Nashville and were mar ried there. Mrs. Clearly stat.-d tbat the ceremony had been witnessed bv former Excise Higgins of St. Louis and hl wife. The couple decided to keep the marriagp a secret, and none of Mrs. deary's friends ireamed of h-r being married until on her death bed she told them. The funeral will take place Saturday morning. b-rvces will be held in St. Patrick's Church. GOSSRAU CHARGED WITH DEFALCATION. Former Comptroller of Alton Indict ed by Madison County Grand Jary, Which Makes Partial Report. The Madison County Grand Jury at Ed wardsville made a partial report last even ing to Judge B. R. Burroughs-, a third batch of thirty Indictments being returned. Of these thirteen were suppressed for the arrest of the parties named, and bench warrants immediately issued. One of tb- Indictments suppressed will be of consid erable interest in the Trl-Cities. Another was against Otto Gossrau, for mer Comptroller of Alton, ln whose books irregrumties were recently discovered, it is nheged. An indictment against him char ging embezzlement was teturned and. as the exact amount that he failed to check was not known, the figure was placed at J10O. His bail was Axed at SUM. Indictments were returned against the proprietors of nine Klwardsville saloons, tor keeping open on Sunday, as follows: Fred and Henry Uohrkaste. Charles Brendle. J. A. Maze. Simon Kellerman and Louis May. Casper Funke & Robert Funke. "ie E. Bosen. Ivan Zurkuhlen. William J. L. Schwartz & Leonard Mav. and Charles Staben: bail was fixed at J20) in eacn instance. Four true bills were returned against John Meehan. the Madison policeman, for false Imprisonment at the time of the pool room raid, ball J100 In each. Two cases of false imprisonment were found against Meehan. Patrick JlcCam bridge and William Street. Jointly, with ball of J200 each, and George Nichols Is named in two indictnnts for receiving stolen property and ball fixed at J400. The Grand Jury may finish Its work to day. St. Louis Cotton Market. Spot market nominally unchanged. Sales. 20 Dales, vjuote: Ordinary 12H Good ordinary 12"i Iiv middling 13S Middling 141! Good middling 14U Middling fair rt Tlni-es and stains "is c OS white. Oalv eston Spot market firm: mlddlilnr 14c New Orleans Spot market quiet; middling- 14c. Memphis Spot market quiet; middling 13T4e. Net receipts at all United States ports for six days were 28.949 bales, against 48,377 bales a week ago and 54.690 In 13. Exports. 25.046 bales, against 73.574 bales ln 11903. Stocks, 414, E29 bales, against 333.433 bales In 13-JC. Receipts at principal points: Galveston. L711 hales. New Orleans, 1,755 bales Mobile. S27 bales. Favannah. 2S bales. Norfolk. 200 bales. Houston' 1.075 bales. Memphl. 431 bales. St. Louis warehouse statement: 1904." 13C3. Stocks on hand Sept. 1 i.j 1L713 tvet receipts...... ,3 Net receipts since Sept. 1 54.B4 64.22 Net shipments 4" Net shipments since Sept. 1 42.297 4fl.S7- Stocks on hand 12.11! 18.053 Gross receipts 3i 1.342 Gross receipts since Sept. 1 497.(02 139.728 Gross 'shipments 310 1.744 Gross salpmenta etnee Sept. I....ti.3C9 CSC129 Br Telegraph. New Tot. April 2S- Spot cotton closed doll: middling uplands 13.83c: middling Gulf M.lOc: sales 2.790 bales. Futures c'osed steady; April 13.50c: May 13.51o; June IS.Coc; July 13.75c: Aug- 13.40c: Sept. 11.90. The market opened steady at a decline of 8 to 14 points. The losses were under seliinr by room bears, and liquidation as a result of rather disapponltng Llvernool cables. Commission houses bad some orders of over-nleht description for the late months, and spot nouses were said to be buy lrg the near positions. This Imparted the steadv undertone, and shortly after the call prices rallied 3 cr 4 p3lnts. but there seemed little bull support. -and New-Orleans weakrainx tke local market soon broke to a net loss of 10 to 15 points, with early buyers dumping out their cotton en reports of more favorable weather. But reports were circulating- that targe exports from the New York stock were pending. The market gradually ral'ied. and .In the early afternoon turned firm. .May, which hai tw..n i-fwm tn 1X.4. -tfllit Uli In ft 5 ft had been down to 12.43c. net loss of only 2 points, and f-en-erlrr of shorts, was net 2 and July 13.34c on tr.g or snorts, was net 2 points higher. while the late months did not fully loin in thre t the late monins aia not tuny advance. Estimates for to-morrow's receipts at leading points were iignt. contnoutirur to tne afternoon's firmness. Trading, however, was comparatively quiet, and the demand sufficient ly limited. Prices were finally steady at a net decline of 3 to S points. Sales (estimated) SOJ.noo bales. New' Orleans. April 23. Cotton Futures dull but steady: April 13.71c bid: May 13.Sltrl3.t2c: June lie bid; Julv 14 19814.20c; Aug. 11209 13 21c: Sept. ll.69gU.7Ic: Oct. ll.13ffll.19c": Nov. lLO3011.O5c: Dec ll.4c Spot cotton quiet and easy: sales S50: ordinary 11 11-lsc: sood or dinary 13c; low middling USc; middling 13c; good middling 14?ic; middling fair 14'H-15c: re ceipts 1,735: stock 217.164. Liverpool. April 28. Spot cotton in fair de mand: prices unchanged to 2 points higher; American middling fair S02d: good middling 7.83d: middling 7.7d: low middling 7.65d: rood ordinary 7.54d: ordinary 7.34d. The sales of the day were' 8.090 bales, of which 2no were for specn'atinn and export, and Included 7.100 Amer ican. Receipts 9.1i) bales, all American. Fu tures opened steady and closed easy: American middling, g. o. c. April 7.66d: April and May 7.4f-d: May and June t.42d: June and July 7.39d; July sxd Aug. 7.34d; Aug. snd Sept. 7.0M; Sept. and Oct. .41d; Oct. and Nov. 8.14J; Nov. and DfC 8.07d; Dec. and Jan. 8.03d; Jan. and Feb. 6.04L Coffee. New York. April 23. Coffee Spot steady. Futures opened steadv at an advance of 10 points. In sympathy with higher European mar kets and somewhat lighter primary receipts than expected. Demand was not heavy, and shortly alter tne i-pening uie marKet lost a partial 5 points of the advance under light liquidation, prompted possibly by a few May notices, which, however, were premptly stopped and the market was finally steady at a net ad vance of 5 to 10 points. Sales were reported of 20.7511 bags. Including May 3.KS3.90c: July .1 Y6.15c: Aug 6.25c; Sept. C.350S.4&:: Dec .63 S.70c: March 8.95c. Is to love children, and m home can be completely happy without them, yet the ordeal through which the ex pectant mother must pass usually is so full of suffering, danger and fear that she looks forward to the critical hour with apprehension and dread. Molhcr's FrleiHJ . -,.. . Jtw zS&hzYA . "THE BARGAIN HUNTERS'' S70.00 Given away next week. Watch for the BARGAIN ADS IN THE WEDNESDAY REPUBLIC. St. Louis Railroad Time-Tato ST. LOUIS TI3IC Arrivals and Departure of Trains at L'nlon Station. .P"' 'Da"y except Sunday. tSunday only. .-,.. ..-'-c?I!t Saturuay an I Sunday. rrSattu da onb laaturday and aundav caly. , II. A. o. S-W. It. K. mS..11.'!,',-1-" Ua- -s.-'JI-m -7:2 pm i?,?'?if- Aecwnniuo-tion... ;s.lam 26:52 pm I VrVi--1". t-"1"-"! sa-m -i:2jipm l.,ce-:n' Accommodation ... -.: pm T3-32am Mncenntj Accerair.dati-)n.... 2S:0S am :i:3pm wr" "":-, and French Licfe -v-2j m .;:S-i- v!L'S."r-;- Tn'- x""li Ex JHZ2am v lncrnes AceommocUtoln tlJ:2iam HI HLl.NtiTO.N ItOtTC . , TIOX. Train. For Ilannibal-nurllngtcn . I'.MOX STA- Deprt. Arrive. . "2:33 am S:&) pm r'A . ---i"--''i -.niam I or Qulncv and Uurlincton .. t7:il am S-29 pm t$3 pm . -.Vl'-1"--1 K"- -- t-4-"- 7-3 am "301 Ii" J,??-,',5?,a'- North, est "9:io am 7:1S Sj. I aui Minneapolis -"-:3 pm 2:ti tri'Si'-'-Jl. -- l'ic- Ccast. '2:15 pm S-M oi nm :ljam 13 pm 6:"fl pm c-X??,,,3" 1-,lr. Pac. CBa,t- S.-OOpm S,rt ,1Iln-'s I'la East -side ... t:10 pm Burlington. St Paul. Minn. . T: rm :Ua-n "S:4S am S-"m Local from Hannibal ' ll3-am CHICAGO A.M ALTON. Cliicaiio Trains. The Alton Limited 3:Mam f,5?'rle g."-- Kprce 12:02 pm Palace E-press -"-CO bn Midsight tp-cui .:.::.:::::::i;jpS -.,i . K City Traius. Missouri Staf Express ...... -5:12 am Kacsai, city Limited .........'M pm 7:23 pm ::I2 pni "Ttli p-n 1:19 am s.-ooptn 7:44 am ., . ..-i-i-- trams. Ja ts-nDm Jackson v-111. t7-2Sr-n t-POntaeld Capital city Fiver :7:13 pm 5, . ,l MOUNTAIN KOLTE. fct. L. Ft. ttv-th - .- tonlo and Galvencn 'Ex.... 2-21 cm Est ai ej-ftra-a e":::: -;soaS RJ" and Mexico Ex -biwpm Texas Express "-- pra fast Mali :..; .2S5am vJS l-rT"at,s- t0 st- I- Memphis Express ej.-o) pm Be.mont Pass-nger "S-OOani 1-30 pm 9-30 pm 1-Mp-n 7:35 am 7-3j pm 7:13 am 731 pm 1-v0 pm 7-35 am 7-15 pm- Arkansas and Texas Express -:4S pm T:12 am St. Louis and Chester Ac... '4:10 pm 10-2S am Arkansas and T-xa Mall J-2S am n:. pm FOLRTH STREET AND CHOUTEAU AVE- r. c. .. ,Nl:E STATION. D fwto and Bismarck Ac... '3:30 cm 8:45am ST. LOUIS SOUTHWESTEHJi RA1L- WAY. . , ("COTTON BELT ROUTE." Arkansas and Texas Mall... 9-2S am 3-M pm The Texas Train 't-52pm l-20ani Arkansas and Texas Ex '9:45 pm 7:12am BIG FOUR. LAIvB SHORE. NEW TORK CENTRAL AND HLIlaON RIVER. BOSTON AND ALBANY AND CHESAPEAKE AND OHIO RAIL- Irdlarapolls Express N. T.. Bos. and Cln. Ltd.. Knickerbocker Special -Mattocn and Alton Acs Mattoon and Alton Ace R.-ston. N. T. and Phlla... Cincinnati Express .......... Fast Express Alton Leaves 10:20 a. m. . 17-00 am tS-SO pn . 8:20 am 9:i5 pm . 12-1-! noon 5:43 pm . tt-20pm 9:46am . 28-20 pm - . 11:21 pm 7-3- am . "S:2J pni "t-Mir- 12-3-am .. tfl-50 p. ra $: 1:43 p. m. p. tn. Arrives 'jy'O a. m.. MISSOLRI PACIFIC RAILWAY. Fast Mall 3-OOam no-CJpm Local Express 7-25 am S:50 pm California Express MaMam s-oipm." A'aslilngton Accommodation.. 15-23 pm fS:G0ra Omaha Limited 3:10 pm 'S-SOam Kansas and Colorado Ex 1:1 pm lO am Kansas City Express 2-v: pra "l.-OO pm Joplin and Southern Kan. Ex. 7:22 pm '3-08 am Kansas and Nebraska Ex 11:39 pm 7-20 am Creve coeur, trains leave Union Station at i:15 a. in.. 9-13 a. m.. tl-30 p- m- and tJ". P'Oak Hilt trains leave Union Station at K:43 a. m.. tlOJO a. m.. t5-0 p. m. and t-20 p. m. Klrkwc-d trains leive Union Siatlon at tT- a. m.. 7-25 a. m.. t:-50 a. m.. tll-2 a. to.. tls p m.. 14:10 p. m.. 23:40 a. re tSSO p. m.. "S-zJ p. m. and tliJO p. m. M-, K. T. RY- "THE KATT." Columbia. Sedalia and S. W. llJans 2:30 pm The Katy Flyer" JS-ttpm j5JJ3 Mo . Kas. and Southwest.. .. H:4j pm 7-81am 90LTHERX RAILWAY. ST. LOUIS-LOUISVILLE LINES. St. Louis Exposltlan" am 4-5Spm Ptlnceten. Atlanta, etc '7-J2 am j-Mpm IiiceetoD Accommcdatlcn.... t-34 pm 210-00 am Louisville and Florida 10-10 pm 132 am TOLEDO. ST. LOl'IST AND WESTERN. (Clover Leaf Route.) Ths Commercial Traveler". 1-30 pm Titaam "Eastern Express" l-zSam "S-tapm Charleston Accommodation .. 5:00 pm 1038 am IC- P. ST. L.. Alton. Springfield. Peoria and Grafton Express 1:14 am sT-JOpm Alton. Chatauqua and Springfield Mall "S-ll vm H'-g am MOBILE AND OHIO. New Orleans. Mobile, etc.... 8:00 am TrMpra Murphysboro Acccmmoda- .. Men. HM om tn-18 am ST. LOUIS-PEORIA LINE. (See C. P. & St. L.) ST. LOUIS AN1 HANNIBAL RAILWAY. (Via Wabash.) Mall and Express 27:40 am til 3 am Mall and Express tS"03 pm t:la pm ST. LOUIS. K. C. COLORADO R. R- FROM UNION STATION- uj Versailles Mall snd Express, t-01 sm Tf( pm FROM FORSTTHE JTrNrnON. Unl-in Accommodation Sflpa 3-J- L.. U A- ST. L. RY. (Henderson Roate Fast Mall 8S9ara Taipa Eastern Express 8:4pm 1-20 sm ILLINOIS CENTRAL. Jfnrfhera Llaes. Ncrth ntlnots Express 1:52 am Chicago Daylight Special ... ll:4- sm 722 pea 19:40 Im 7-24 am Springfield Accommodation.. t4'3 pm Chicago Diamond Specla- .. 9:1b pm Springfield Accommooauon T-w"pm .......... Sonlhern Lines. Fast Mall 1-2nara nflS-pm New Orleans Special 1:15 pm n-egpm Accommodation ...;... 430Dm 11-24 am New Orleans Limited n-Wtrm 1-38 pm LOCISVTLLE AND NASHVILLE. Florida Limited .-......... 4-0i pm lS pm Fast Mail I3in 7-18 pm Scuthem Express ...-. 8:45 pm 7dl cm VANDALIA LINE. PENNSYLVANIA LINES WEST OF PITTS BURG PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. Fast Mall S-SOam "2:15 am Keystone Express ...... . 8:44 am 108 pm Local Express ................ 124 am 5:00 pm New York Limited 12:30 pm 1:42 pm Vandalla Accommodation..... "3:"0 pm 8:40am Eastern Express 8:15 pm 1:48 am New York Express..- 11:35 pm 9:40pm ST. LOUIS MERCHANTS' BRIDGK TERMINAL RAILWAY SUBURBAN TRAIN SERVICE. Eastbound Leave E.ghth anil Gratiot streets dally 910 a m.: 150. 5:15. 6- p. m. Except Bunday-4:19. 8-1C. 737. M:3 a. m.: 12:08, 8:40, 7:55 p. m. Saturday and Sunday only I1:1T p. m. Sunday only 4:24. ?:C5 a. m.; 1221 p. m. Leave Washington avenue dally U4 a. m.: 155, 5:20. 833 p. nj.,Except Sunda-rl 2X, -H. 7:41, 10-34 a. m.; 12:12. 3:45. S.-eO p. m. Saturday and Sunday only 113 p. m. Soaday only 8-28, 7:10 a. m.: 1223 1 p. m. Westbound Leave Granite City t"-f 132. 3ft. B:5S. 7:12 p. m. Except Sundsy 1J. 8-04. 702. 824. 9-55. u:10 a. m., 4:4U t:17 p. m. Sat urday only : P. m. Sunday only C5S. 8:7. 10 -M a- m. Saturday and Sunday only 11 "53 p. m. Except Saturday and Sunday-S p. ra. Leave Madison dally-l:18 -fe o6. T:1T p. m. Except Sundsy 6:191 :0. 7M. 2, 1000. It'll a. m.; 4:4!. 921 p. it. Saturday only 4 -M p m. Sur.da v only 0. 8 -OS. to -08 a. m. Sat urday and Sunday only 1158 p. nu WABASH. Enstera Lines. Continental Limited -09am Totedo. N. Y., Boston Exp.. "S-ja pm Toled-. N. Y.. Boston Mall.. 1:45 am t,it.hf T.Imlted ............11-22 sm TrJSpm 7:33ra 23nm 1:00 om 9:00 bin Toledo Local Express 8:45 am JacksonvUle iocai t-rpress.. is:vam t7:15psi cnieaxo Lisea Banner Express Chicago ... 922 am Trfttptn 7:33 am SMara ti.nn.r Limited Chicago .,."9:03om Midnight Limited Chicago "..1132 pm tvansas uiiy Lines. Kan-as City Express 9:00am v-.r.... cttv Fast Mall 320Dm CKMpm Kansas Cltv Limited 10:15 pm ,loriu-i--iirra nine. Council Bluffs-Omaha Exp... 9:0O am 1-51 am M!nneapoll-St. Paul Exp.... 1:10 pm l.-to urn Cannon Bail-Omaha ....... 1-30 pm T:1S sm Ottumwa-Des Moines Exp... 9-uoam 8:00 pm Ottumwa. Des Moines and Minneapolis Limited 730 pm 715am Local Trains. West Moberlv and Kas. City 1:0 am 8-50 pm Moberlv Local 5:14 pm 11:10 am East Decatur Local 4:40pm 1104 am East-Jacksonville Local .... t4:40pm tll-Olam Snbarban Tralas. Depart From Union Station: St. Charles. ttl3a p. m. Klnloch rarSr. t8S p. m.: Fergu son. 2:45 p. m. (ex. Sat.). '420 p. m. Fro-ll Olive Street Station: St. Charles. 11-00 s, m.. t5:40 p. ra.: Brldgeton. (4:15 p. m.. W:42 a. m.; Fm-ruson. 8-50'a. m.. ti20 P- rn., '1-35 p. m., t5:4 p. m. ArriveAt Union Station: St. Charles, ttl-05 p. m.; Ferguson. "t-OS p. m.. t5:48 p. in.. t8:l a. m.. 219-20 a. m. At Olive Street station; St. Charles. 1:43 p. m.. 2755 a. m.: Klnloch..42I a. m.; Brldceton. 8:40 a. m.. t8:I0 p. m.: Fer- io-i s. m.. Tizzu p. m T3-5A p. m. FRISCO SYSTEM. Valley Park Accommodation. t8-50am fl0:19a2ii Texas and Kansas Mall....... 1-30 am 8:40 pm Pacific Accommodation ...... 825am tl:31pns Texan .--9-02 am 8S0pr-i Valley Park Aeco-nmodatIon.Tlo-2o am t729 am Pacific Accommodation 112:55 pm 21029 am Valley Park Accommodation. .tl -22 pm fJ:opm Meteor . 230 pm 1139 am Valley park Accommodation. t3-50pm t8:am Pacific Accommmodatlon J5-24 pm M:i4ara Valley Park Accommodatlcn. TSiSa pm fn-29 pm Valley Park Accommodation. tS-24 pm ts-s, pm Padflc Accommodation -.. 47:pm Valley Park Accommodation. 17-20 pm 37-ss am Texas and Kansas Limited... 3:25 pm 121 am Western Express 10:00 pm "-SSam Valley Park Aecommodatloa. .- 11-80 n Talley Park pm T7:4tpJ - Attyv zgL .- -i.ri H fe- ;.--.-&& jS.i- .SiSjl 'jsM illiifiiiliMiBBBlB