Newspaper Page Text
"V -ois. t-VS?S5-J 14 THE ST. LOUIS REPUBLIC: FRIDAY, APRIL 29. 1904. "iTI "1 :? I & f "i i ! - - Mil Hj. Since the period of 1814, when the pictur esque in clothes had its decline, never have boys' clothes been beautiful. A new era has devel oped, marked for its original designs and for its artistic effect and color harmonies. We arc enthusiast ically in accord with this new reign of the beautiful. Here are shown the best exam ples of these art clothes which need not be costly, altho' they possess great merit in workmanship and fabric dependency. Double-Breastcd Serge Suits, belts of same material, lin en crash sailor collars and white linen crash shields also with white pique collar and shields. (White Serge Sailor Suits, double-breasted style, em broidered shields and collars. New Reefers in double-breasted coverts, in three-quarter lengths, ages U 1-2 to 12 ." and ?G. Store open Friday night. NEW CRUISER CALIFORNIA LEAVES BUILDERS' HANDS. Embodies taint and Bent Ideas tnr Vtiirii of Thnt Type Total Coat 95,000,000. San Francisco. April 28.-Th.3 armored cruiser California was launched to-day at the shipyards ot the Union Iron Works In this city. The electric button which started the vessel on her way to the water was touched by Mrs. Walter S. Martin, daugh ter .of Henry T. Scott, president or the Union Iron Works, and the cruiser was christened California by Miss Florence May Pardee, daughter of Governor Par dee. The launching took place under the tusplces of the Native Sons of the Golden West, whose grand parlor is now in an nual session at Vallejo. The cruiser CaUfornia Is supposed to embody the latest and best In vesseis of her class. There are to be five vessels like her, but at present the nearest approach to her on any waters Is the mo lei FLAGS FOR IEC0RATIKG ! American and World' Fair FIaa la beat wool bunting; and la stamp dyed cotton. All alsea. 8111c Flat; la great variety ot sliest also small lapel flags. BAmCKKS OF AUu KINDS. Flag- Pole Holders, Sc to 2 each. BIG FOUR BEST LINE TO CINCINNATI SLEEPERS PARLOR CARS. "THE BARGAIN HUNTERS" $70.00 Given awT next week. Watch for the BARGAIN ADS IN THE WEDNESDAY REPUBLIC. PILES,! FlJtsla. Fl ura. Itching, I Bleeding, Rec tal Ulcer Btc. Cored without turcica ooeratlon. Curei tuannteed. All protruding awwvu m one ur too ucairaeme. Do not continue to suffer whm you can be cured without an op eration. Consultation free. Call or write, lnclozlng 2c stamp, for 3(- pace uooKiet on Kectai Dieeaaes. BR. . Hn SMITH, 8DD Ollvt St, St. Uuls,Ho. RBADTHB FOLLOWINQ TEST1J10NIAL: Dr. M. Ney Smith, City: Dear Sir I am pleased to state that after being treated by ou for the piles that I am cured. I did nat have any protrusion after the first treatment, and did not lose any time from my business while being treated. None but those tone have been troubled thus can realize what treat relief this has been to me, for there had never been a day for the last twenty yean that the piles had not protruded at every ac tion of my bowels. Tours truly, HOWARD BAKER. No. S931 Blair ave.. (March 4. 1904.) St Louis, Mo. Hundreds cf other testimonials similar to the above can be shown at Dr. Smith' office. Da not continue to suffer, but consult Dr. M. Ney "8mltb and be cured permanently without a surgical operation. DR. M.. NEY SMITH, Specialist, Rooms 7 and S, 800 Olive St.. St. Louli. Mo. Established and permanently located in St. Louis sines 1M. DUPTURMT H && GurmlMmm W. A. LEWIN, M. DM 604 Washington Ave. NOTARY PUBLIC. JOSEPH F. FARISH, ST. .LOiriS' REPUBLIC BCILDIXG. Tell. Bell Main 3iM(S. Klnloch A 073. ,, . - . - " . aV jyft'.r?tjy.. 'V-'yjf.y- ..:-g-.S-?-V..',-- -.-1--: Tk Republic Building:. On Olive St. at Seventh. Closed Saturday. cruiser Drake. The construction of the Cal ifornia wai authorized by Congress 31i.rch 3. 1S93, and the contract for her ennstrje tion was let about a year later. rih Will ccst complete J3.000.0n0. her hull and -na-chlnery costing J3.SOO.000. and her equip ment and armament the remainder. Her principal dimensions are: Length on load-water line, 3)3 feet; extreme Ircsdtb, 69'. feet: mean drafts, 24 feet, and dis placement, 13,410 ton?. She will nave twin screws and triple-expansion i-nsines cf 3.000 horse-power, capab'e of develooing a maximum speed ot twenty-two knots an hour. GREAT DISPLAY OF GOWNS. Xctt Garments nt ScruRss, Vander loort A Barney Attractive. Gowns and towns are to be seen at the annual May opening of the Scruggs. Van dervoort & Barney Dry Goods Company. The display of feminine wearing apparel to be seen on the first floor of the Em- fiorlum forms a women's haven. Filmy aces, silks, beautiful gowns from Paris and beautiful gowns from everywhere else that pretty gowns come from gnct tho eyes of tho."e who enter this drotim palace of delicate beauty. One knows not where to look, so much Is there to be seen, and If one would go In and not find someone who would act as guide for her she would come out but lit tle the wiser. An especially beautiful gown Is an even ing confection trimmed with Irish laco and made over silk. It Is made on the Russian style and edged with lettuce taffeta. And then the.-e are the morning gowns, which are made up of shirt-waist suits In pongee, taffeta, checks, halr-llned taf feta and dotted foulards. , The afternoon gowns are made In voiles, crepe de Chine taffeta and pongees. Silk walking suits are to be seen In all materials. Ona particularly noticeable one 1i of fancy taffeta trimmed with Per sian lace. It is made on the blouse style, with Russian sleeves and kilt skirt. There Is another which Is composed of three pieces Jacket, blouse and skirt. It 19 made of linen and trimmed with Chl may lace. The skirt Is of the 1830 style. The ladies" coats are not to be passed over, of course. There are coats to be seen, but perhaps the most striking one Is of cream-colored silk, trimmed with Chantllly lace. These coats are to be worn over dressing or afternoon gowns. Next to the ladles' coats the tea gowns ore displayed, and one which catches the eye directly Is made of pink silk, trimmed with Valenciennes lace insertion. It has embroidered edges and sailor collar. In one department are displayed all the light French undergarments that will be popular this summer. Most of these French undergarments are In the Japa nese design and are to be worn with ecn ing dress. They are made of idlk and their very appearance epeaks coolness. With someone to show you all thene delightful things you will enjoy It, but do not undertake it alone. BURG0YNE SHOOTS MALLOY. ? Former St. Louis Politician Fa tally Wounds Kansas City Man. REPUBLIC SPECIAL. Kansas City, Mo., April 28. Dick Malloy was shot and probably fatally wounded by William Burgoyne while standing in Eil Maloney's saloon, on East Twelfth street, this afternoon. Mnlloy ond his partner, "Bill" Adler, and Burgojne had a' re volver fight yesterday. In which eight shots were fired at Burgoyne, none of which took effect, Burgoyne six weeks ago shot and killed Fred Hunnel, a switchman. In this citv, but, as Hunnel attacked him first, he was discharged at his preliminary hearing. Burgoyne is a politician and formerly lived In St. Louis. Since coming to this city he has held several municipal posi tions. CONFERENCE AT MASCOUTAH. One Hundred and Fifty Evangel ical Church Ministers Attend. REPUBLIC SPECIAL. Mascoutah, 111., April 3. The annual Conference of Evangelical Churches con vened here yesterday. About 130 ministers were In attendance. The Reverend M, Bchroedel of Hoylcton delivered an address on Sunday-school matters this afternoon, and the Reverend W. Relmer of Carllnvllle preached on matters pertaining to tho young folks' so cieties this evening. WE WILL "Gut the Prices" Until 10 O'Ciock To-Night! TboofhYouWoD't Find UsinTo-Uorrow, Yob Will Find St. Loin's Best Dressed Grid's Fair SlgVseers in Sot Shoes' SIXTH AND FRANKLIN. Closed All Day Saturday. . -rfgcV- It IBB ft isAi:-s;iA? -, WILL NOT CULL ' EXTRA SESSION President Promises to Let Crum Appointment Rest Until Sen ate Convenes Next Fall. AFRAID OF CAMPAIGN ISSUE. Senators Urge Upon Roosevelt That Confirmation of Negro Would Mean Disaster at the Polls. Tl'C Republic- llunau. Hth Ft aml,rennlanUAe. Wellington, April 2S. The counsel of Senators has prevailed and President Roo.scelt will not call an extra. pc-don of the Senate to force tlnal action upon tho Crum appointment. The Piesldent re cedes cntirclv from his outspoken Mand in behalf of the necro and will allow the matter of confirmation to go ocr until the net regular icssiim. Senators Aldrieh. Hpooner and Allison remained nt the White House for some time last night, and to-day other Repub licans called upon him in relation to the matter. The Senators made plain the ab solute impossibility of c-onllrming Doctor Crum without causing a delay of from two weeks to a month, since Democrats had served notice that ccry means known to illlhiistering would be used In oppo.-ition. The Senators were anxious to get away from Washington for the mmmcr. AIo, they deem the President's Inclination to lilt the Crum matter to the size of a national issue to be unwUe. In the light of the facts, it is understood, the Presi dent recognized the futility of his course. From the purely political viewpoint the Senators also argued that .such radical action as forcing the continuation of u negro upon the senate, while It might be a powerful appeal to tho negro vole, would have directly the opposite effect upon an equally large. If not larser. number of Republican. It was said that there could be no telling the extent to which bitter ness would be developed, and It was held bv several of the Senators that the "race question" would surely result scrlouslv to the imrtv which may attempt ti make of It a political Issue. So the matter drops" until niter tne national election. ST. LOUIS PHYSICIANS HONORED BY HOMEOPATHS. Doctor V. John Harris Klrelril Pre. Illrnt yrxt Meeting: Will Be Held In Knnaam City. Election of officers and reading of pa- pers on technical subjects occupied yes terday's sesPiqn of the Mis-nuri Institute of Homeopathy at the Southern Hotel. The new- officers are as follows: Doc tor W. John Harris, St. Louis, president; Doctor William McClay, secretary; Doctor C J. Luyties, St. Louis, provisional sec retary; Doctor David 31. Gibaon. St. Louis, treasurer; Doctor H. W. Westover. St. Joseph, necrologist. The members of the Board of Censors are: Doctor L. H. Whitney, Carthage; Doctor W. E. Riley, Fulton; Doctor F. D. Antrobus, Jeffenon City; Doctor Louis P. Crutchtr. Kansas City. It was decided to hold the next annual meeting of 1903 in Ktnsas City. The physicians who attended the meet ing gave a banquet at the Missouri Ath letic Club last night in honor of the vis iting physicians, who were: Doctor Frank Kraft. Cleveland. O.. editor of the American Physician; Doctor lienjamin Bailey, Lincoln, Neb., proprietor and manager of the Green Gables Sanitarium; Doctor W. K. Greene. Little Rock, and Doctor Sarah X. Hobson, Chicago. UNIDENTIFIED MAN ENDS LIFE. Leaps Into River at Foot of Cher okee Street. An unidentified man committed suicide yesterday afternoon by jumping in the river nt the foot of Cherokee street. New ton Hennlger of No. SG22 De Kaib street and Vattie Schneider, who lives at the foot of Cherokee street, were fishing near where the man Jumped into the river. They recovered the liody with a hook. The body was taken to the morgue. The dead man was apparently about 35 years old. wi ighlng 175 pounds, dark complexion, Willi brown hair and mustache. In his pockets were found a gold watch, a yel low leather bill hook and a black leather purse containing 70 cents. ATTEMPT TO KILL CANDIDATE. Assassin Shoots at D. 31. Robins of Jefferson vi He. Intl. Jeffersonville, Ind.. April S. An attempt was made to-day to assassinate D. M. Robins, candidate for Major on the Inde pendent Iilmr ticket. Mr. Robblns was seated in hii home when two bullets crushed through tho window, one splintering the chair on which he wai sitting, and the other de molishing a lamp. The shots had been lired from an alley. In which a revolver was found later. No arrests have been made. fS.CO I'mpbrellas Tills Week Silk Umbrellas new handles, paragon frames $3.00 and 3 A values this week at 12.50. FIELD GLASSES and Opera Glasses at very moderate prices. HAND BAGS. S3.73. of genuine black seal, inside coin purse and card case, at MERMOD & JACCARD'S, Broadway and Locust. If rite for our Calalof5,00 illuttraliom. FALLS FROM MOVING TRAIN. W. H. Woods of Sycamore, 111., Fatally Injured in Indiana. Evansvllle, Ind., April 28. While trying to go from one coach to another this morning, William Henry Woods of Syca more, 111., stepped from a passenger train on the Evansvllle and Terrc Haute Rail road near Hazclton. Ind. The train was going at the rate of forty miles an hour. Woods, who is SO years old, received a fractured skull and broken leg. He was brought here, but cannot live. WILL REHABILITATE FORT. Signal Station Training School to Be Built Near Omaha. Omaha, Neb.. April 28. The War De partment has decided to rehabilitate old Fort Omaha, and establish a signal sta tion training school. The grounds are com modious, and are said to be well adapted to the purpose. General Chaffee has noti fied local representatives that about $30,000 will be made available to begin the work in about sixty days. REALTY EXCHANGE CLOSES. Agents to Enjoy Holiday at Fair Opening To-Morrow. At a special meeting of the Real Estate Exchange yesterday afternoon it was unanimously decided to close the exchange to-morrow on account of the opening; or . -s --&f-iH'- tho Fair. It la expected that nearly all the real estate firms will close for the en tire day and a holiday will be generally observed. While many of the agents will attend the Fair to-morrow, no arrangements wcro made for n general attendance as a. body. Steps will be taken soon to secure a special real estate men's day later on. George J. WanMralh sold to James Gore tho two-story biick flat building No. 5047 St. Louis avenue and lot r135 feet ad joining on tho east for $1,375. Mr. Gore is Slate representative of the Detroit Stovo Works and 'bought for an Investment. Ileal Itnte Trmufcr. lini.T 0 ft., to. s.. bet. North Murli't an. Coto IMlllontc. city Mock r.3i; MathloH Venney onl wife to ll.tum Kuzputrlck w. d i 1.1 Altl.lNUTO.V Stl It., n. s., south or St. Louu. city bloctc 4J: Juhn Doran anil wife to William II. Cbchran and wile k. (1 2.5 AltnBNALr-X ft., s. S-. bet. Tlilrtfnlh u-lil Lemp. city block 031: Christina Scnafi-rt et al. to GiWRC llaupt and lfcw. d IJO Li: ii ft.. -. s , lt. Manc!iratr and Old llunchtfter. city bmck Sy'Jl: I'. F. Jolly to Ivy X. lVrgu-sm w. il 2 "K C.llA.Nji; 1! ft. 4 lr... .. tit. KIn"s hlfitmay and Aca.1tm, illy block 4Mo; Archie V. Duke to Su-an V. Kliinlgan n, d 7,0O CLK1IB.NS-) ft., ii. h . Mrs CtjD Clcm ns. city block -Ills. laizabetn H:liluit-r ! Izctta J. II. Weber . il i.KW CASS W It. 4 111., n s.. bWne No-. 10I3-13-17 ami 1013 Cass. clt biixk V1--; Martha llaluser to William K. lit w. d 9.000 COLEMAN 13 ft. -, in . v.. . liclnc No. I71S Coleman, city block 1: i'rtarli-H J. Harrlton and wife to llarobi Ucaltv Coml'anj w. d 1 CIlII'l'llWA S It., a. r.. Iielnr No Jiri l"nlpvcua. citv Mock ItEG: tlaihli Toina inJ wlte to Henry llclnzo anil wife -. , 3.000 t'lli:itOKKi:-S ft., n. s, l-t. Michl Kan and Compton. city block 1V2; w II hrlmlna Arcti and husband to Freil and wife w. d 4.3C0 CIUIJ HIUI.I.IANTK 4') ft., ii. .. bet. Tailor ami Cora, citv block .ITCH. Sam uel J. Sullcns ami wife to Anicda cawl -. .1 1.000 DE llAI.t,IVKIti:-S ft.. .. Miitli of Dc-lnmr. sunpy 3TS: schuchminn llealty Compan to Lulu Varnev w. tl 3.001 uicn'rnrcNTii i w ft.. . . lit Km. met ami tlcjtr, city block S21S., Charles clalt. and wile, by trv . to J Aini Ileck(r -. d ... . .. . 1.230 EIHTH-:i ft., w. .. . bWr.R S33 an.l S N. KlKhth. city block 10S. Chart's Ktrtchbautn and wife ct al to Klherta 1V. h ami ImJ Co. w. l ,. 15,ftJ FINNKV S It., n. i.. bt. Whlttleranil remlleton. clt block 3T4i, Ceorse . Hood and wire to l'ttcr A. KtUtM vr. d 3.G FOL'llTCENTII 10 ft., e. 8.. bet. Ij,fy ctte and Kninict. city block 41't: Susan na Hick to Vaclav Nahllk and wife- w. 1 3, 0 FRANKLIN 30 ft.. !-. . belnc I"JS) Franklin, city block 1010: Harriet L. Trafak and husband to Frank It Mejer w. d . .. 3.000 OANO-:5 ft.. .. bet. Kmllv and Twenllftb. city bloik r76;t Heater Ho ward and huohand to John O. I. Schluer and wife w. d 3.Wri OKATIOT U ft 6 in., n. J. bet Tif lany and Kprinjr, city block 33IS; Dex ter Tiffany and wife et al to Uclede Gas Light Co. fee d 1 GKANIJ 310 It., e. r., . e. cor. ItUis'll, ilty block 13i,!l: Wm Horan to Alp.e & Hemmflman It. K; Co. w. d f-O.CO IIARTKOKl-35 ft., n. .. bet. Arknnsaj and Orand. city block 146:: The Con necticut Mutual Life Insurance Co. to Kdward Lane w. d 1.2C3 HALL'S FKItttT 4.3S7 acres, n. s . sur vey 1937; Henry 1'eters and wife to Charles U Waiter w. d 6.V1 IKA1IO S ft., w. b . bet. Fillmore and Itowen. city block E'So: Samuel a. Mc Gulre to Wm. C. Webb qtc. d 330 jrjFFKItSON-50 ft.. e .. belnc ri)-21 S. Jeffernon. city block 1!4; Joihua Itlsch and wife to Mary B. Janouai-k w-. d OlO KKNNRItLV 35 ft., n. .. west of Mr-cii-. cllv block 4ITS; John It. u'ebbr and wife, to I-ottle B. Newcomb and husband w. d 3,j11 LI'CAS-37 ft. 6 In . n. s.. b-lng 3431 Lura-. city block 1U34-: Owen E. 1-dRar and wife to Jchn A. Sohns w. d S.0-0 U.CLi:Dr-33 It. In . . 8 . bet. Boyl and Nowstead. city block 3306: Cnalle O. Woodson to Kber Ward w. d 5.G00 LKWIS PARK 30 IL. center line. bet. Talor and Marcu. city bleck 4353S: Emily Calvin to Edith J. ICodjters w. d. 1.301 LACLEDE 33 It. 6 In., n. ft. bet. Bojle and Newstead. city block 3?ofi; Archi bald N. Cmlc and wife to Charles o. Woodson w. d 1 3IIIMiiOElir-S ft., r. s. bet. Fif teenth and Nineteenth, city block 1117: Henry F. Hreder and wire, to Carl Wil ier and wife w. d . 3,700 MOItGAN-30 ft., n. s. being 5157 Mor gan, city block 4S43: Charles II. Keppel and wife to George S. McKee w. d 9,000 MAltYLAND-50 ft., s. s . being 4612 31a rjland. city .block 3SJ4: Edward II. Simmons and wife to H. M. Stonebrak er and wile w. d 12,500 Nl;WSTEAI-37 ft., e. .-.. being 3300 North NewiteaJ, city block 3613; 11. A- Smith and wife to Emily A. Mel ton w. d S.MO NINTH-CO ft., e. ft. Iiet. Lafajette and Goer, city block 383: Herman Gldlon ettn and wife to John Kotte and wife otc. d -.033 NINTH 30 ft., e. a, bet. Utfajette and Gejer, city block 3-3: Henry Kott Jr.. et al . by special cufhmlssionr spl. comr.'s d. 2,0.3 PAGE 40 ft., n. a . belns 3737-39 Tag-, city block Ui3; Mai:dalen.i Lueck to Mary Slatter)- w. d ,73) PAGIi-a ft, 4 In., s. e , rart of Walton, city block 3773: Gecn; N. Martin and wife to Warm Teadale w. d 1 PIEDMONT 31S ft., e. s.. bounded BOUth by Meramec. east by Missouri and St. Iui5, Iron Mountain and Southern ltailroad and north bv Hickman, city block 261S; Mary F. McConkln to the Laclede Ga Light Co. w. d IS.ojO 31'. LOUIS 23 It., n. ., being 30i;-M7A St. IMils, city block 53?: Star Con struction Cc. to Jame-9 Gore w- d 3.900 ST. ANGE 3S ft. 0 In , e. s.. ' belnc 1414 and 1410 St. Ansre. city block 23: Dcra Llnek and hmbard to Mary -Ial-loi w. d j.5il EUDl'RHAN 38 ft., n. .. r. w. cor. Allanthu- city block 3s3')B; Margaret 1a. Palmer and hu?band to August H. Frederick w. d 3,730 ST. IXU!S-2i ft-, n. s . city block 5333; Union Press Brick Works to James Gore w. d..... 1 SOLLARD 3i ft., n. ft. bounded north by Julia, Laura Motz to Augusta Moe-wener-itc. d. (und. 1-3 int.) OX) TENTH 43 ft. 4H In. w. s., being Silt 8. Tenth, city block 2332; Algle IJerry to Mary Wldmer file d 1 VICTOR 2S fU. n. s. belnc IS17 and 3S07A Victor, citv blfrl: 2,'Si: Jcln It. AVestermayer and wife to John Heck w. d 3.4 0 WARREN 73 ft., s. s.. bet. Illalr and Fifteenth, cltr block 1115: Lo Ra sleur and wife to Charles II. Kranke w. d. (undltided one.ha'.f interest)... 1.3.0 WATERMAN 70 It., n s . het. ITnlon and Belt, city block 3S7C; X. p. Wilfley to J f" Van Riper w. d 23.0"0 W1THXKL J7 ft- 6 In., n. R.. Iiet. I.emp and Wisconsin, city block 1131: 24 ft. 2 In., s. s. I,aclde, belne 2910 Laclede, city block 1733: Wm. Surbied. Sr.. and wife to Delphine and Celine Surbied WAS'lnN:aT6N-3)'VtV,'sVV.Vbet."kinn's highway and Lake, citv block .7.1H: JnUcn S. llemls and wire to St. John's Methodic I?oi-copal Church. South, of St. Ix.ul w. d 12.3C0 Ilolldlni; l'rrnilt. C Stahl. one-story brick store, at No. 422 Delmar: J1.400. Ida Wut-TberTrer. two-story brick dwelling, at Noa. 340S and 3110 Magnolia: J4.31-). A. K. Humphrey, four two-s tory brick dwell, ings, at Nos. 4-J7 ta 4601 McPberson; J3O.0W). To Close Saturday. The Model Clothing Company will close their store all day Saturday, and keep open to-night until 10 o'clock. Funeral of James Cofclck. The funeral of James Cohlck. a well known resident of Brldgeton, who died of Blight's disease Wednesday, will take place at 4 o'clock .this afternoon, with burial In St. Ann Cemetery. Mr. Cohlck was 47 years old and was a graduate of the Missouri State University. Besides his mother. Mrs. Emcllne C&hick, he ii sur vived by Ave brothers John V.. William W., George. Thomas and D. M. Cohlck. THE GROLOCK VEHICLE CO.. 91S X. Broadway, show the very latest styles in Surreys, Stanhopes. Traps, etc. Clothing: and Shoes Stolen. .A sneak thief entered the rooming-house of William Kayning at No. 112S Howard street Wednesday evening and stole cloth ing and shoes valued at $35 from William and Joseph Schenk. who roomed there. There la no clue to the thief. Tou can't Judge an Ale without trying It. EVANS ALE la yours for the asking. Steals -S300 From Bureau. A sneak thief secured COO Wednesday from a bureau In the room of Mrs. Martha Meyers, who conducts a rooming-house at No. 1414 Washington avenue. Mrs Meyers had left the door to her room unlocked and does not know when the thief entered. Hotel Jefferson was opened to the pub lic on April 7. .Ladles, try an Oyster Lunch while shop ping. Mliford'a. 207 and MS N. Sixth it. Boy Straek kr Car. Charles Theln, the S-year-old son nf Henry Theln of No. 3ST8 South Broadway, was struck by -a Broadway car and sus tained a scalp wound about 2 Inches long. Hs Injuries are not serious. To Close Saturday. The Model Clothing Company wlll close their store all day Saturday, and keep open to-night until 10 o'clock. ?-: .-:v3py:? ii vJt?-A5f5- ,V,: Ghe World's Grandest Jewcly Establishment A display of decorative and useful articles that vie with each 3ther for ascendency. St. Louisans have been enthusiastic in their praise of this establishment, of its brilliant display, of the great stocks of new, best things, of the extraordinary values .offered in each and every department. Solid Silver That high stmitlanl of quality noticeable in every article in our establishment is especially at tractive in our solid silverwares. One quality. J fino-oiie stand ard of price, the lowest. A handoni" dfign In tableware it our Madam Royale tMttern. made exclusively for our trade. Hilk-linod box. containing fit ster ling Silver Fpnon. "Madame rtov ale" pattern I S.iH) Coffee Spoons-. Illustrated, per sot of R "" With gold bonis - Butter Spreaders', per set of 6 "'n With cold blades n.oo Ovter Forks, oer et of C.... I.SO With cold tines !-'- PsItI Fork", per pet cf 6 f.7S With cold tine 11.SS Ico rrenm Forks-, rer set of K.. O.K11 With gold botcli.- .,.! 1.1)0 Ice Cream Spoon, per set or fi turn Willi cold bonis siJOJIO Individual noulllon Spoon". per s-et of 6 n.O" With co'd honW 10.r.o Holler Kniie. each 2.SK! With gold bowls S.TS OBBKSBBBBBBBBBBSBI ItrlfllssssssB Cut Glass lieaiiliful in its ."parkling brilliancy; the design aie now. many exolus-ive. tlie ciittings are rich and artlt-iltr tlic prices are very moderate. Water Bottles 4.0O to flK.OO Pitchers... Sugars and Creams.... Individual Salts Spoon Trnys Fruit Bowls Fruit Stands Confectionery Stands.. Vase? , .f Oil und Vinegar Bottles... Our Own Silver Polish J 5c Per Box " To brighten the silverware, to make it look new, you'll not be able to secure a betfer polish than that made tinder our supervision. " A large box, 15 cents. MERMOD H JACCARD'S "wYte for Illustrated Catalog. It will aid you in making selections. DIAMOND SWINDLER USED RICH CHICAGOAN'S NAME. Had Jewels Delivered at Residence, Then Sent Young- Man for Pack age, Plendlng Mistake. Chicago, April 23. A diamond swindle of starting boldness. In which one of the finest residences In Chicago was used by the swindler as a clearing-house, is being investigated by a score of operatives from a private detcctli c agency. Jen els to the value of 2l,l("J a em obtained by the sn indler. The head of a Jewelry firm received a all over the telephone ftom a person who gavt the name and address ol a Tiealthy citizen, requesting that an assortment of diamond crescents be ent to lit residence tor his wite to select rrom. The Jeweler complied immediately, send ing by special messenger a tray contain ing three crescents. Opening the package, the wife of the man wnose name had been used b the swindler beheld the jewels and was wondering from whom they came when she alwj was Mimmoned to the tele phone. 'Ihe person al tin- other end of the wire explained that h w.i the jtweler and had ju.-t sent the diamond crescents to her by mistake. One of his clerks, he uid, would cull for the gems at once. Half un hour later a young nun called at the house, prerented the nun's card and the diamonds were turned over to him. The denouement came when, not having heard fiom the citizen who was Mippused to have sent for the good", thi- jeweler toitcliHltd 11:2 crescents had not pleased his wire, and s-ent :i clerk v.ith morn Jt-uel from which a choice mitit lie made. Mntlont-ry Special. Modern Uuen Corres-pondeme Paper, of fine texture and pleasing writing surface; white, gray, blue and tinturn; 24 sheets and 24 envelopes 3) cents instead of 40 centn this week only. MSRXIOD & JACCARD'S. Broadway and Locust. TH0S. C. DAWSON APPOINTED. Iowa Man Selected Minister to San Doniingo. Washington. April 28. President Roose velt has appointed Thomas C. Dawson of Iowa, at present secretary of the United States Legation at Rio Janeiro, Brazil, as United States Minister to San Domingo. The office has Just been provided for by legislation and carries with it ft salary of $5,000 a year. v The President tendered the mission to General E. C. O'Brien of New York, one time Commissioner of Navigation, but per sonal interests impelled mm to decline :t. The Wabash Line Will sell tickets for World's Fair opening at rate or one fare round trip (Danville $3.00) from Danville. Moberly and In termediate stations, for trains leaving stations afternoon of Friday, April 29, and subsequent trains arriving In St. Louis firlor to noon Saturday. April 30. return ng by all trains, including Sunday, May 1. JEFFERSON CLUB'S SOCIAL Dublin Band Has Been Invited to To-Xigiit's Entertainment. The Jefferson Club will hold a social session- at the club rooms to-night, for which many invitations 'have been issued. The entertainment will begin with a varied vaudeville performance, the artists from all the vaudeville houses In the city hav ing given their services for this purpose. This will be followed by an athletic ex hibition. Including trapeze and parellel bar performances and Indian club swing ing. Secretary Combs says that when It comes to Indian-club work, the Jefferson Club holds the medal. A special Invita tion has also been issued to the Dublin Band. . Aacast Lata's Body Found. The body of August Luts, a rurnlture worker of No. 1S39 Sullivan avenue, was found lying in the lake In Hyde Park yes- I L--lCw , fy J..-W.(i- .htfg5a"Si Art Wares Quaint Oriental vases, fig ures, lamps, stands, screens, howls, teapots; in bronze, Jap anese silver, cloisonne satsuma ware and ivory. Any one piece in our collection will bring an added beauty to even the most elegantly furnished home. N Bronze Vase and Solid Sitter Ttnn-la " - ""- Cared ivories. Groups Tea and Toffee and SolM Silver Tea and Tete-a-Tete itfr ,,! f-l.l. ..,,... ,., v,,wu. Satsuma Ware. Copper and Silver Imported China Hundreds of pleasing shapes and decorations', very pretty Indeed most every piece is imported, the quality is the best, and the prices are very low. Dinner Sets SII.ESIAX CIIIN'A DINNER. SErTS-Rn-cocco shapes- xmd decorations, clusters of pink miniature American Eiutv Roses and green foliage: goid CfC 71 emblazoned handles. 102 pieces.. .' ' LlilOGES FRENCH CHINA DINNER SETS Decorated in beautiful spriys of pink roses, virgin gold handles nr 1 olid gold-piated knobs, 100 23 (U) pieces - ifsmftw SELECT IJJIOOES FRENCH CHINA DINNER SETS of monopole shape, border decoration, virgin gold handles and solid gold-plated, knobs. Complete set of US pieces. In- CfJ (Ul eluding large soup tureen 4hwww VmbrellaLS at $2.50 A very good selection can still bo made from those ?.U0 and $3.50 Silk Umbrellas marked at 4&50 for this week of which we told you on Sun day. Every Umbrella is new every one ia good value; silk: covers, paragon frames, steel pillars, and a large variety of handles. .. M.OO to .1O.0D . I-IO to ll.t)0 ttXc to a .-,.5" ..f 3.00 to 914MKI . ."..) to f40.M ..'12.75 to .tS.l .9 7-5(l to a.oi t.75of:m.oo 1.75 to O.OU BrOa.dWaVv and LOCtUf. NOTICE! BRANDT'S CLOSED SATURDAY ALL DAY. OPEN TO-NIGHT UNTIL 10 O'CLOCK. J. G. BRANDT SHOE n. 619-621-623 N. Broadway. PIER airs Hnyn UPTURE cured for life No fc&ft" always bears this signature on the label. It insures perfect satisfac tion, and is a pro tection against all the troubles and worries caused by inferior imitations. The Improved requires no tacks. Wood rollers. Tin ruilers. terday by Henry Berhom of No, 3S01 North Twentieth street. Berhom first noticed a coat and hat lying near the shore and dis covered the body lying In water less than two feet deep. Luti was about 43 years old and had been out of work for soma time.. His wife Is confined in an asylum. A Birthday Gift. Pleasinir and appropriate would be one of our $5.00 solid gold birthmonth rings engraved Lily for April monogram en graving free. MERMOD & JACCARD'S, Broadway and Locust Sent Fru- Our Jtlvttrottd Catoltff. WIFE'S DEATH INVESTIGATED. Otto Oard Held by Police Pend ing Coroner's Inquest. Otto Oard., a barber of No. 1S09 Blddle street, is being held by the police pend ing the Coronet's inquest, over the body of his- wife, who died at the City Hospital, yesterday morning. . - He reported to the police that she awak- CASTORIA frftntMiffiMr TiMlMYNlimAliiitBiailt MirSMihk?: ; 7& Jardinieres f 1.50 to 154 nl,ul A:nnn a ,..-. r-j,a duu o i.2xft Figures, Animals, T.'f 4.00 to 9 1S) Pots. China. Pewter 9 2.00 to 9 lis Sets. he.-inHfniit- " .. aa . ... b w.m, is m 7(; Vases. Plates and ..! S.SO to 1,15 Cloisonne Vases 9 2.0O to f 250 Our Hail Order Service bUocqualei Prompt answers to all inquiries; prompt filling of all orders. Til l oiiBcrrs 97 veusbti WtuMnUasf(sfeMimstttrassMlraMsrsitest(sfSaa IscftBKsteWsattiatresattMlksiicstfWass. Of m Wmmit ibk PR8. TMbRWtON at Ml WOW. -h.iH, w. 551. Hydrocele. Varicoctle. P&. Fistula. Cancer, and all IdodredtrooMea katfe. do detrnuon from business. Tea thoonad will tntiir riaraes on application. ures guaranwea. frrraieujaHTsUcaoDDats on any of the above diseases tret to the afflicted tirinc symptoms. Gf RHW-AMTOOAN DOCT08S. 800 0e Stmt. St lam. Mv VAMILII-PEMSYLVIHIA EXCURSIONS from 8T. LOUIS. (IE If Cleveland. O., and return. 91t)ad Tickets sold May 14. 16; T .. ,; 1l.13- Re'um limit in cluding May K. 1904. (C 1 C tt Pittsburg and return. J) 1 O. UU Tickets sold May IS. 17. IS. f Return limit May, a. 1304. $0 C ;PoJrt0n' - 4 return. V .) Tickets sold May IS. , a. ' 9r Ttllrn limit 1Uv 4C 1nt $23.25 June 13. HO. Atlantic City. N. X. and return. Tickets sold June 1. 2, 4, 5. Return limit $ Zp Indianapolis and return. y.Od Tickets sold June Zt. 23. v Return limit July IB, 19M. 41 p- Atlantic City, N. J., and. Jy0.i return. Tickets sold July K-' ' 10. IL Return limit July S. TICKET OFFICES Tth and Olive Sta. and Calosi Station. ITHJICKMEAL" JS RANGES RMCEN STOVE CO REYNOLD'S GOUT .Tew persons net. oe nnanea uy k. rectsKKAAcsx. kas.wiiiiasatKjKT. ened hhn Wednesday 'night ahd- cbsa plalned or a pain 7W herSide. a W?d several remedies which did notriitava her. and flnallv m.i i.. ?i ""T'l tab eta. At'rXZX,''Er .TiTlSS?' attempted to awaken her, butS taHC?J.,n"'nb5'ac d had jgv - - - Miuspiuu. wnere Bears tlw Signatm m At dCvgiik fe-fi i e kJ I A - 4 "3 .' ? 4 j -33 ' 3 &zn HE S &m Vi&Ji l:tM?.i'rSY.Tg mWM MtftM t.' - ' 'r. ?: StBBBsl