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& ) 3Vr'?UsAH Sws i v-7Vi.5 Sns j--gSggpgragt a-. jst "bif "z? jijTr " ? , -. ' 5f2?vV anffoy4y.w..syi TfiE ST. LOUIS REPUBLIC: FRIDAY. &PBIL 20. 1904." t KACING St Noel Won Feature . 3Io BOXING rolice Stop West End Club o BASEBALL! Cardinals Defeated at Union Course and Barmaids at Fair Grounds. Bout in Third Round, O'Brien Getting Decision. Cincinnati by Score f 6 to 2. THE REPUBLIC'S DAILY RACING FORM CHARTS. ARNOLD K. TO THE FORE AGAIN AS FAIR GROUNDS POSSIBILITY. GIFT HORSE WINS AT LONG ODDS R. RICE'S LUCKY TREAK UNBROKEN K1NLOCII RESULTS (Fair Grounds). IMOI JOCKEY CIX'B RESIXTS. fr K 1 ?'!' I I r b to Ssr r I r, I if ;" gv &- m ; &: ' 64' m- 7. tr' V Trotter's Gelding Seems Best in Promises Keen Contention Race, in Which Knowledge Union Track. Klnloch. 'AtthouBh the fourth race nt the Fair Ground9 to-day might properly be claa.ed as the feature of the card, the last race probably will be tbu best bettlnjr proposi tion on the programme. In this race, a Good field Is assembled. Arnold K. has been s how Ins good form of late, although he has developed a ten dency to swerve In the stretch, mhloh seems to have affected his last two racei In his last out It resulted In his disqualifi cation. He has four pounds off his last race, and his most dangerous opponent to day reems to be Mollle T.. whom he beat rather handily In the last race. It Is true that his swerving Interfered with Mollle T, but ho had practically passed her at the time. He should hold her aafe to-day. Memphlan's best work Is gen erally shown on a softer track, than that which should prevail to-day, and the same applies to Broodier. Pourquol Pas Is hardly up to her last season's form, and Frank Rice Is one of the New Orleans contingent 'who favor Blush. So It seems as if the Trotter entry should win this closing race. In the fourth event, a six-furlong allow ance event. Knowledge should win. The lumpy track yesterday did not seem to his liking and he faltered for an Instant In the stretch. With a more favorable footing to day and ten pounds off his weight, it urely looks as If he could win this race. Doe fakin will not have iiiucu tu beat, apparently. In Uchodale and Irhy Ben nett. As practically all Echodale's good races have been won on a heavy track. It looks as If his Held should burn mm up to-day. Irby Bennett did not do enough In his last out to justify the Impression that he should run In sensational fashion to-day. In the third, Meran seems best, although form on tbe contenders must be based on their showing In the recent heavy going. He managed to catch the good section of the track behind General Prig last Wednesday and ran a fair race from where he cot oft, He has eight pounds off to-day, which should help somewhat. Dusky Secret has been running as a hot thing, but It does not appear as If rumors anent his form were worth considering. Sister Lillian and Illuminate may get sec ond and third places. King's Charm ran a really good race Monday. He led a field of fair class to the last sixteenth and fought vigorously to the close. He had practically the same weight as to-day two pounds more Mon day, to be exact and should be a strong contender. Short Cake ran a good sec ond to Memphlan his last out. Both races were in heavy going, but it is about the sola recent form to offer on the pair. -Christelle ran a fair race last Friday. She was a contender to the last sixteenth and then commenced to back uo She is in the Baker stable and the entries from this barn seem to be In good trim. She may be third to-day. Decoration may win the first race, al though the field offers plenty of oppor tunity for another Urchin to go through. Birdwood and Feronia look next best. ' At Union Trade Track conditions have been different ev ery day of the twelve days that horses have started .t Union Park. The track should be better and faster to-day than It has since the meeting opened. The soft spots in the back stretch and straight which the horses labored through yester day should be well dried out to-day. The mudlarks have had a good season and WE WIRE BUT ONE HORSE TO A RACE. WWVWNrV At Fair Grounds EiUblhkti 1890. Urchin. SO to 1, won; Dawson. 3 to 1. won: Harniakis, 7 to C won; Dotace, X to X won. Our clients received the above jesterday. Terms for selections Jl dally. (S weekly, or U forlthe three beat bats, one or more to be a winner or no charge. NOTE After May IS our regular handicap sheets with best bet marked will be deliv ered to any address in St. Louis before 12 o'clock, without extra Wis Ktnr Mlmprtstat. NWW coarse. WIRED AKTWHERE AT A. M. Reynolds Co., 6th Floor, 119 iMrtwra St., CHI8AN. National Bank and other references of the highest character furnished. "THE BARGAIN HUNTERS" $70.00 Given away next week. Watch for th BARGAIN ADS n the: WEDNESDAY REPUBLIC. DR.SCHREINER, bl6CrKstnut St., St. llouU, Mo. Tkr ME1 iftMiiBi--t-ll-e Cures private and chronic dis eases. Lost. Manhood. Nervous p.wiltr. Lot Vigor, Seminal Wealcneas. Night tosses, Do bl".jtlnx Dnkma. Early De caf. Varicocele, results of er tat or excesses. eTiinanr Dis eases Oleet. Strictjre. .TJn-natu-al Discharges and all dis- esse- of Kidneys and Bladder and Blood Poison, all atatsv rrvoltlt-elr cured. Out-of-town - patlenti- treated by mail -Boo fraa. Sl.OOTER WEEK FOR TREATMENT You can buy no better fur $10 a week. ConsultaUon free. Call or writ. Hours: I a. SB to t d m. sasdaya. u a. m. to t p. m. MENAIIW0MK. CssBUlfTaantural llsaargf.lslatloaa, IrrlUUoas r alcsrathna f raaeaas aaatkraata. FaialMo. uii mat aatria. Ca, gnt or sotsnoas. MBanns-a-i-na, r scat la flala wrssujr, kr zpra, rsala. fat if..orbottles.75. ctrcalar aat oa nttatsai Dr.BOHANNAN Jnni rail Chroala and Special Dlsesses. Dr. B.a "Veis. UbleCDntit''MtWtynrtsKeruldmT,Onnml yreskam. lata Vtaahsod. Varieooal nut nils riolt lag frorj jaotlitaltmrsttzcsiw,la framtwa to urea weikst la SMaaauaiteaUyadnitlMatB talspaperfoi jrtrforjy yeanvsad has nerert.iled in nrlsa tls Wont Cut. IiaputsVlggrtataonMlDOLEAOEOUEKwaa MaweskiiessberoBdthelryein. Price, rira Dollars; Mckin,OiiiiIlir.will show tasttaa Bamedy will tfoaUUiuT&adrutrieoV BoldoaIrbrDK.CA.Boii- Mffi aMwnnpiMm.sbtiSBU, J oit Street. 8t Louis. Ma. smttaaas a atu last r.U.ti -" wufwa, cagwij f "ssnanaa. aaBBw WliataMalsT ZtMS S "THE BARGAIN HUNTERS" '' S70.O0 GIren away next week. Watch for tha , BARGAIN ADS IN THE WEDNESDAY .REPUBLIC. c&(V bfR-9 PJJRv Oaanaiati V Rs'iV rlsrMStV OsllMMs TntKErjuttCaami vaii.a.aiRr the' Last Race on the Card, Which Feature of the Day Is Fourth Looks the Bust Open . Caid at now comes the selecUon of those who can run well on e good or fast track. The third rate will be the feature, nt ono mile and sevcrty j.trds. Summing up conditions-not theories, nor cHs. for the strict following ol the latter never filled the pockets of tt-6 tpcculator Macbeth should win the race. Setaucket may bo rated as the "ct horse, but the lattor's showing doe not warrant selecting him to beat Macbeth. The Improved conditions of the track rray Improve the chances of Setaucket, but he picks up nine pounds on his Ust race, which was not very "good, although in faster companv. The raco will doubt less be between Macbeth and setaULket, the chances favorinc the former. All things considered, btar Cotton looks the best in the second race. He and In spector Shea like the distance, and the going Is not altogether to their UUIIkc. In ihe light of tne excellent nice ard the speed fchown by Pa tho Fiddler in his last out, he ts to be considered a. contender, and at least in the money. Daln is due to win, and there U noth ing in the second race which would appear to materially Interfere with tho of victory of the horse. Chlcara Is a pretty fair sort of a sprinter, and Miss Bob appears to be a good bet for show. Tho fourth race will be between Broth erhood. Wigwam and Don Alvro. 'lhe former, upon previous show Ins. looks the best, Tho route and the condition of track fav or him. Jim Ferrln has shown such speed that It is hard to desert him at me and one half furlongs on a good track. Yo b-u will likely be the contender and Urchin Is placed third as a matter or compliment after being given away by his owner at the Fair Grounds jesterday es a good for nothing and then winning at SO to 1. Vomer will doubtless be the favorite In the lost, the jumping race, and should win. XOTES OP TBE QUARTER STRETCH. Cichln ! Given Away Directly Be fore the First Itmce Yesterday. Urchin, the brown Kingston gelding, who won the first race at tho Pair Grounds jesterday and who is entered at tho Union track to-day, signalized his last appearance on the older St. Louis course by winning at 40 to L , Moreover, ho switched owners Just be fore the race, this transfer taking place so shortly before the contest that the re cipient of the gift had no time to put up a boy in his own colors. William Walker, familiarly known as "Red" Walker. gav.e the gelding to George Phillips immediately before the event. With a prudent afterthought, however. Walker stipulated that he should receive any money Urchin won in the race. Urchin won Just 22, the amount of first money. He will be transferred to tho Union course this afternoon. His chances in a field of five were well liked by many of the female bettors who congregate in the rear of tha press box. Shrieks of Joy rent the air wntn ho came home by him self. Walker Intends to ship to Worth to day, and said after the race yesterday that he did not regret his action in giving the gelding away. "He may keep on winning, and he may never win again," ho said, "but I am tired of handling him. Phillips can keep him, and I wish him Joy. I got first money, however, and that is worth more to me than Urchin." John Schorr of Memphis Is still at the track, and made two bets yesterday. Those whs) have heard of the brewer's bank roll may Imagine that he burned up the ring on these two beta. But he didn't. He bet Just J10 on each of two races. In the third race he put 110 on Tower and had the satisfaction of seeing him romp home at odds of 6 to L In the next race he bet 110 on Irish Jewel and Most. Evidently satisfied with these wagers, the man of millions watched, the races from his favorite post on the grand-stand steps. His moderation may explain why he is a millionaire to-day. Quite a little settlement of penalized Jockeys Is now quartered at the Fair Grounds Tor their terms to expire. Two more boys Joined tho contingent yester day. These were Messrs. Fauntieroy and HodffeSOn. Who Will have enfnrfAfl vnrn. uuna unut aiay v. Starter Dade was unable to .keep the boys In proper control at the post, and set them both down for that period. He also Imposed fines to the extent of J7S on three of the boys, each of whom was land ed with a penalty of J25. Swain, Wolff and Wallace caught this latter dose after contributing their parts to delay at the post. While the track at Union Park yester day was pretty well dried, it was not good. In spots it was decidedly slow. The at tendance was fdlr, perhaps 2.000 To-day ladles will be admitted free when accompanied by escorts. Some friend of the management ha3 arranged for 2,000 American Beauty roses to be distributed among the women. R. R. Chambers and J. W. Walker of Hot Springs, operating the betting priv ileges on the Canadian racing circuit, were guests at the Union Park track yester- Sam Wagner, one or the persons Inter ested In the Worth track at Chicago, Is Ited the Union Park course yesterday. Mr. Wagner pronounced it one of the finest In tne country. Secretary Lawrence of the Detroit Jock ey Club was a visitor at the Union track yesterday. He Is on his way to Kansas City, where he will act as assistant secre tary during tho meeting there. There were nine regular books, two dol lar books and one combination book In operation at tbe Union track yesterday. Manager Carmody says there will be fif teen books on to-day, and more may be added to-morrow. General Cronje and Colonel G. S. Mara, with several other Boer officers, will be guests of the management of the Union jocxey l.iud to-aay. OKB FAVOIUTE WIKS IN THE MBD. Waterside Takes the SafflolU Stakes From 100 to 1 Shot Nevada. New York, April 23 Three thousand persons Journeyed to Jamaica In the rain to-day to witness the running off of a poor card, the feature of which was the Suffolk Stakes. The! track was a sea of mud. Only one favorite won. Waterside, at 5 to 1. won the Suffolk by els lengths, after having; auowca iMevaaa ana uotowin to make tne running- to the-stretch. Right Royal, a l-to-4 favorite, was heat en a head by the 15-to-l shot, R. L. John ston, in the .second race. Qeorge Chandler claimed Lord Melbourne out of the third race for 11.4S0. Summary. Tim race, six furlongs, selling For Luck, 90 (A. Brennan), 4 to 1. won: Clear the Arena, 87 (Storm), 15 to 1, second; Singing Master. 91 (Hilderbrand). S to i, third. Time. 1-1 J 2-5. The Bowery, Esperance, Wreath of Ivy, Steel Mak er, Blue Pennant, Ether Leaf. Doctor Loder, Half Holiday and Aqua also ran Florlzel finished third, but was disquali fied. Second race, four and one-half furlongs R. L. Johnstone, 105 (Phillips). 15 to 1. won; Right Royal. U0,tO'NeU), 1 to 4. second. Clever Hampton, 102 (Ulldebrand). 6 to 1, third Time, :E7 Raiment, and Morris Kallska also ran. Third race, mllo and seventy yards, selling Midshipman, SS (Crlmmina). 6 to 2, won; Lord Melbourne, 104 (Ollphant), g to J, seoond: Nev ermore, lOS (Cormack). 5 to 1. third Time, 1:521-5. Carter, Turnpike. Sarah Maxim, Sat ire Hackensack. Early Eve, Northern Light and Alack also ran. Locket left at the post. Fourth race, four and one-half furlongs, the Suffolk Stakes Waterside. 107 ((VM.ln 1 won: Nevada. 94 (Crlmmina, ieo to 1, second: lust tAn Ini fkjTe.. ie v -. .4 -i .. . ..t .Li . ? '. .V " na. lime. M -. S-6. Only One, Austen Alle, Gotowin, Jungle op. Baxllllsa and Veladay also ran Fifth race, rne mlta nnif uv,ni vmi, .-m. lmi dlcap Sals, 1M Hlldebraad), 4 to 1. wont'Flor 5? JtSLP P'?,!'. l.cond: Hlm- SS:!S"C'iJV.K -V"b i1?. '-wl-5. uuuuiuiu, otKim OC11. DCOVCn "lHISlll Knob Hampton also ran. Masterman left at the post. Sixth, race, atx furk-yrs-Mart MulUn. IIS ntviner;. 10 6. wron:H!gn Heels. 103 (Cor: SKS- ,U "S! 5.s:.?a.iw IMI (Fuller). 16 to 5, won; mack). 30 to 1. second? Chela). 2a lot L third. -Tims t-s m-ri: Flag Offlcer. Prince .of Pleasure.' Btono Aratii: erSfsM,WH!r'-aS--B 1-m -SK.il322r,.'r?v" - CDty. Rapport, nwuann -isw ran. Twelfth D-ty, April Weather clear: gj First race, purse 110O, selllnr. mile m II0R-K9 WEIGHTS I . II Bttlnc Ind A.NU JOCKEYS' S U V, S. 1 F. I Op CI. PI. 4? It'rchln. 10J. C. Harris ; IK lno Ink! 1 13 49 10 W llMapo. 10J Howell SI 3' 2' 2' 1 3'1 S : 3:12 33 Klnloch i'nrk, 1(9. Itjlwe.. ll 2s 9 2' I 3" 11 12 4 CO Necond Mute ill Wallace. l 5 4s 4 I 4nk) 6 i 7-5 S 6 ST IKlss (jute. lCrt. Donegan . 41 4po & 5 I & I 6 S 6 5 fctart Rood Won whipping; second eallv Winner: W'm. Walker's br. sr. h Kingston Mnj M. Winner was best and would have won without a final drive ixapo took had going most of wav. 1'ark had no excuses Mate ct a foolish ride, was kept In heaviest n'ud all the vav. Kls Quit k of no account. Scratch. necaiiaba. Tnddj Time .114. .-". :40Si. .63. 1 03, l.K OZ. Second race, purse J4J9. I car-oM, four and one-hilt furlongs: H01R WFI0HTS I TMtln-. Ind AND JOCKEYS. I S K i S J- Op I CI PI. i', Dotage. 10'. rauntleroy....! 1 i4 Is 1 C5 S :jT5 41 loo Kelly. 111. Wallace .. I 3 S4 I' 3' 6-.' 7-r. 1-2 i VMt Una. ion. Hodg-wn ...I 4 3hd .... "! 3 10 1J 3 4J Tim Dniecist. If, -twain I t 5 4' 4no W K 4 43 UP. of Oallantn.HU.WoUT 2 4Vi 6 5 K 8 E-3 Start good Won easllj : second same. Winner: G C. Bennett A Co's ch c bv Onordaga Fplendld Winner, nff living, picked coing and was ncvir extended Kelly had no excuse Others call for no comment Time 0Ti. :. S:U. '4T :rM,. 1 0J. 63. Third race, purse $460. 3-year-old, fire HOnsRf WFtGHTS AND JOCKEYS Ind 4 (Tower. lOi. Folev I Cl 31 IPrrtenston. 103, Wallace ..I ll (MJ IKnonlwlgi. 10! Ilridwell.. I 41 44 iRuck I'oxler. 10j Donegan J 31 iKdna Kdnards. 100 Jenkins! 21 -- Start good Won easllv: pecond driving. Winner: N J. Catalanotto's br g , by Ba.-tlaw Duchess of Tower. Tower took outtidef path where track was good, and won without being fullv extended Pre tension wa prcbably best, but was ridden with -Mlrulous lack of Judg ment Knowledge had early speed but stopped toon. Time 074. 1S4. -33'i. .45. JD, 1 li 64. fourth race, purse $,00 six furlongs. IIORRJ WTIOHTS ND JOCKEYS Ind. Isi u 02 (IT) r: 02 Harmakl". 1C nice... . I Irish JevW. 111. CrawTord Our Llllle Si. Honelt .. ..I 1 5Vi 31 3' 4 ino! 2no Kindred, in. Donegal! ... t 2 Hid I 3 Start good Won cleverlj Winner: O'N'eill A Egan's ch. c (3). by Imp Albert Montv ale. Hcrmakis outrun In enrlv part, took good going on outside In stretch stole np before Crawfont saw him and won rathe- easily at end Crawford seemed to h ire race cinched at stretch tum whn chall-nced. and let his horc swerve Into hean go ing Kindred showed Improvemert and is due. Time .133.. .2i. .384. .53. 1 0". 1 S3. 65. Fifth race, purse $400. selllnr. mile and i:onE9 UTICHTS AND JOCKEYS. Ind (47) a tn 42 '.I 59 Dawion. 101. rolev Burke tmchran l03.afcMul n! Lirrv 'Uilt. 103. Wallace . Atlc Knn 9? 4fnvalt. . .. I! Drefus SI McLauGhlln Wall. 9S. iiowen 1 ri t" 1 t" I II 4 I 3"j I 4l Shdt 41 1 6 C 6 i 31 V I V I if 1 I lhd Ftart Rood Won raIIi second drlvlnt Inner: G II Keal's b r. (&). by St. Andrw or Maxio Eaiter. Dawon. prohablv best cf flrt three, ran his race Burke Cochran finished Mronnly after loslns; around on first turn. Wall ran far belovr. his form Overwehthf Barney Dreyfus. 3 Time 14. IIS. .43. :M'4. 1.10.. I.S. 1 40. 1 6. 2 104 6. pixth rare, purse J40O. selllnr. fix furlongs: I HORSra WFIGHTS I Eettlnr Ind AND JOCKEYS. IS Ji J4 ; K Op Cl Pi. U tackle Saint. 104 Wolff.... 6 4'4J Ihl 1 l'vt if V 4 e LincS. ,105. McMulten I V Ink Jnk 13-10 -; 3 5 14 Fuiturtlla. 104. Gullett ... 1 S' 2' S" ! C 2 67 OoodyTno Shoes IW.Ilonell 3 2' 4 J JU 5 13 4 W Zama. 80. Stovall 4 5 6 5 J R-3 IS 1 54 Clifton Boy. 106. Schlchel.. E V &"S 10 11 4 Start good. Won easily: second driving Winner: K, n. Orr's br. m (6) by St. Florlan Falthlcs Winner was much the best. Went around field, took best going and won going away. Lyn'-h had no ex cuses rugurtha had speed.but hune at tho end. Zama very weakly Tlrne-im. :2Ci. :MU. :52vj. 1 04. lg2S. TO-DAY'S ENTRIES AT LOCAL AND .TO-DAT'S KINLOCH ENTRIES. First race, six furlongs, 3- ear-olds and up. selling: 53 Decoration J t Toddy 10S . Haibrough ....106 59 Birdwood 104 37 Hubbard 5 53 Feronia ........ 94 44 Bcn Mac 6? Second race. five, and one half furlongs. 3- year-olds and up. selling: 44 'King's Charm.l0il 41 Matt Wadlelgh.lfJ S7 'i-hortcake .103 33 "Our Chap f 61 scavbon 9i X2 Chrl'lelle 1 26 Myrtle Whito ..103' S7 Kenrlngton .....97 .... Pnow Cap list 1.... 'Vaden 100 (3 tdna Edwards. DQi Third race, six lurlongs. 3- ear-olds and up, selling: 55 Meian 101 54 'Husky Secret .101 .. . Whltmore Ul Illuminate 101 Bamacle bister Ulllan .. 33 Tourth mce. seven furlongs. J-i ear-olds and up. allowances: Er-hodale ...., Irby Bennett ..1051 43 Knowledge 110 I Doeskin .... .. 92 ,.105 Fifth race, six furlongs, selling: 3 ear.olds and up. 3 sUranlum 107 53 Four-Leaf a . 97 26 Princess Mao ..101 m "Sweet Driam .103 23 'Velasquez 101 54 'Lavoble 33 .... Tommy Foster .107 Sixth race, one mills. 3 year-olds and up. selling: .) Veirlhtan lit W) 'Mollle T. 101 21 Tourquol Pas . 92 54 'Blue Blaze .... S9 5S Arnold K 94 S3 'Hickory Cor- 47 'Frank Rice ...100 ncrs 92 (52) Broodier 104 'Apprentice allowance claimed. REPUBLIC SELECTIONS. First Race Decoration. Birdwood. Feronia. Second Race King's Charm, Shortcake, Chris telle Third Race Meran, Sister Lillian, Illumi nate. Fourth Race Knowledge, Doeskin. Irby Ben nett. Ilfth Race rrlncess Mac. Tour-Leaf C, Tom my roster. blith llace Arnold K . Mollle T., Memphlan. TO-DAT'S NASHVILLE ENTRIES. First race selling. Ave and one-halt fur longs J. Sidney Walker Ballarlo Presentation .111 Potter .106 Tempe J ... 37 ... 94 .. tl .. 91 .. 91 .. S5 .. S3 ltst.uien raner ....r. Orient 104 Laura Hunter 103 Pea Ridge 100 Overhand .. 93 Miss rielschman , Rowland Cyuttlca Orghal Second rice four and one-half furlongs Saranola los Russell A. ..... 101 Verltes 101 GambrlnuS 101 Edna bandman SS Wabana 93 Lolo Mai 93 Merit 9S Third race, stceplecl-ase short course: Step Lightly 151 Mjstlc fchrfner . ...114 Falellt 149 Volantlne 135 Leo Planter 131 Snowdrift 125 SteD entry. Lightly end Mjstlc Shriner. McLean of a mile: Fourth race, seven-eighths Bcundllng ... ...Ill ...14 ...101 Bugler Cheboygan .. 93 .. 91 Chomblee ... postman ..... Fifth race, five eighths of a mile, selling. The Trlfler 102 Doctor Brady 93 Princess Orna 103 Malvln! 99 Renaissance 101 "9jlvirn Belle 91 Madison bquaro 101 'Lamplight 89 felxth race, one and one-sixteenth mile: Brlera 103 CMckavote 99 North Wind 104 Malakorf 95 Lodestar lvl ''Atheola 94 Annie Lanrettn 83 1 Rachel Ward 85 'Arprentlce allowance. NASHVILLB SBLECTIONS. REPUBUC SPHXTIAL. Nashville. April 28 Selections First Itace Orient, J. bldney Walker, Potter. Second Race Wabana, Russell A. Merit. Third Race M stlc Shriner, Snowdrift. Leo Planter. Fourth Race Bugler, Boundllng, Chamblee. Fifth Race Bugler, Lamplight. Chamblee oixm luitc itacnei vvaru. Nortnwina, Lode rtar. STADIIM WORK DEIXG PISHED. J. E. SnlliTnn Returns From East and Employs Extra Corps of Men. An extra force of men was put to work on the track and Stadium yesterday by James E. Sullivan, Chief of the Depart ment of Physical Culture, who returned from the East. a i expected that the track and inclos urs of the Stadium at the World's Fair, where the Olympic games '-will bo-held, will be completed by May 12, when the first events are scheduled to bo pulled oft. The college gymnastic championships are to be held May 12 and 13. They will consist of exercises on the parallel and horizontal bars, (lying rings, tumbling, side hoire and club swinging. The all around championship contest will include the same events, excepting the . club swinging. . Mr. Sullivan returned fwim Thfl--nT.i- where he referred the relay races of the University of Pennsylvania. Texas Leajrne Results. , ' Dallas. Tfx-A anvil 9 rj..h.ii - , .. Texaa Iiagne tWtayw'ereT""" s"'"" lu " At Paris-Dallas V Paris 4. At Corslcana Coraicana 6, Fort Worth 6. track heavy ond rouh. and one-elehth: Union Tiack April 67. rirst race, H0n!IS w FIGHTS AND JOCIU1T& Ind Hlrd of Promise. Golden Flower. unicn. luu. i:aiir Wctor n. 107. Lady Marks, iionsna wrights AND JOCKK1S r-arojd 103 Cilvit. tuego 9S Sohoen ... Ilrrt Light. 78 Fliher. ta-di. nil. Ilenrltv ... Hanchman 9S. Tlurton. Moroton. 10a MetTartv. Accolade. 101. lldna Lnne. 101. 69. Third race, and one half furlongs: II0RSB9 WIGHTS AND JOCKEYS I Bottlng ; H S F. I Op I CI. T 2 i V 6 C 3"A 3S 4' 2nk li i 2' l V Z 9-11)1 4 S C 6 V 4" I3 20 ink 4' 5 B 4)1 M TBI ".(, Cl 5". 62 Bluish. 107. Adarrs T G Sc-iruor'ah. Little Pirate 102 h-acravts 103 Sailor's Delight. 70. Tourth race, HOrtSES WmrjHT3 AND JOCKKYb I netting I ur I CI PI. 6C) (55) n (52) 57 53 t Noel. W .111S3 CaUUlU lL omenos 113. Piul vv haley. Poor Bov 1 3hd 1'Vi 1" 3"4 4 I Jim Nap. SO. one-e1shth: lionns wrrniiTS AND JOCKEYS. I Bfttlnr S. F. I Op ) Cl "l 7' 31 4nk I"; 5 C 5" 2'H Z 13 5 G 4 ( M 2 51 101 15 nk 6 ;j 14 0 Ind PI. Ramoocxa. 97 Dutch Carter, is Duelist. 10s. Punctual 104 C Pr of Endurance 103.Heid 1 Mlsslin. Ml. K Murphy... Bar L Due, 10. Adarrs . 72. HOTFS wnofiTS AND JOCKEYS Kunja. 103. Burton Illrdslaser, 100. Cilvlt Erbe- 100 McKlnny Equity, 101 Dav-ton Nettie Block. 103.Scrogglns Bssonto 105 Kuhn I John Ball. 1104. TO-DAT'S UNION TRACK ENTOIF.S. First raco,3ona and one-sixteenth mile, sell ing: 23 oton Clay W7 64 Margie S 105 54 Inspector, Shea .111 41 Pay the Fid- 55 star Cotton ...1J3 dier 107 41 'Belle of the- 41 rq-altre 101 Illcg ,ji.. .'.... 110 Cl btar Nell 10! 72 John Bull 107 41 'Lady Knight-- 55 batln Coat ...1U2 hood 94 fceeond race, half mile: 25 Miss Bob 115T3S Will Rollins ...113 .... ban Prlmo IIS 5 Rose Dodge ....110 . . Kan Home 115 62 Dalny 115 53 Chlcarra 115 62 Luna Eoff 110 Thlid race one mile and twenty yards, purse. Oncgen , Macbeth ..., Setauket .... ..10, 26 Prince Richard .1W ..110 J CS Establish SO . 113 I 52 Felix Bard 105 Fourth race, selling, three-quarters of a mile: ES Brotherhood ....107 B) Wigwam 105 50 Wahplta H7 49 Gold Ribbon. ..110 32 smack 11) 37 Don Alvaro ....107 45 King Crane ... 1W Fifth race selling, five and one-half furlongs: 37 Kibosh iai 47 Lolly Daly 119 a Maru 1Z6, Urchin 131 43 Mmgaway 114 I 17 'Tlcmalns 113 .... Countess Clara .1231 (5) 'lo San 11J 23 'Maggie's Pet ..123 .... Master Willie ..119 60 Jim lerrln 113 1 Sixth race, handicap: ono and one-half miles, hurdle 60 Harrow 133 (CO) Vamer ltt 60 Buck O'Dowd ..126 42 Broadway 134 Apprentice allowance claimed. REPUBLIC SELECTIONS. Tirst Race Star Cotton. Inspector Shea, Pay tne fiddler. becond Race Dnlny, Chlcarra. Miss Bob. Third Race Macbeth, aetauket. Felix Bard. Fourth Race Brotherhood. Wigwam. Don Al varo Fifth Itace Jim Ferrln. To San. Urchin Sixth Race Varner, Broadway. Buck O Dowd' TO-DAY'S OAKLAND ENTRIES. First race, five and ore-half furlongs selling: Belle Reed , 103 1 haul of Tarsus 111 maaueus ivt Llmerock Town ....1W Maud Mull-r 101 Sir Dougal Ill Adnor Ill Dora 1 103 Waiter 103 Sir Christopher ICC Chlleno 104 bam Lazarus 114 Second race, one-half mile, selling: Cedarburg 1V7 Dresden 107 Ben Eric 107 Edg'-llffe 94 Ani3 94 Sea oiage ... . ... 92 Leo Mead Jocular Light of Day . Iron King .... liob Ragon .... .. 99 ... 93 ..10 .. 97 ..113 Third race, one, mile and fifty, yards: Henry Clay Rye ....I'M Tcropah ...M6 The Stewardess .... 30 Nellie Bawn 98 Miss Vera ...'. 94 The Toiler 103 Doctor Long 103 Irrprcrnptu ...1"3 Carllee 109 VellcvCstono 10J lllowaho 101 Miss Slav Bowdlsh . 92 Fourth race, one mile, selling: Wistaria 100 Kylo II 102 Inspector Monro ..M110 Technique 97 The Lieutenant 94 Vaughan .... 94 War Time 94 Tannhauser 137 Jack Little 107 Orchan 117 Harka Mcalta. IK rifth race five and one half furlong selling: Hoyal White ....... 103 "Sir Preston Ill Ko-ebud 109 Skip Ma lis Flaneur US Victoria A. 112 Educate 107 flremius 115 Our Pride .Ill Sol Ltchtensteld ...:il Agnes Mac 113 Nanon ; lit Sixth race, one mil and fifty x.ards selling: Northwest Ada N Foxy Qrandpa .. Arthur Ray Golden Light ... Mocorlto 2 ,. 97 ..101 .101 ..101 David s. .. bearcher .. Isabelliu . Glenrlce .. Invlctus ... Hlrdpnsq .....10 ....10 91 .... 91 ....106 ....103 OAKLAND SELECTIONS. REPUBLIC SPECIAL. San Francisco. April 21 Selections: First Kate Saul of Tarsus, sir Christopher, Sam Lazarus. Second Race Ben Eric Light of Day, Sea Voyage. Third Race. lllowaho. Miss May Bowdlsh. iciiow stone, Tourth ItaceWack Little. Inspector Munroe. Tannhauser. Fifth Race Sir Preston, Flaneur. Our Pride. Sixth Race Ada N . btarcher. Northwest. KEEFE TO BOX IIUBER. Hen Matched for Boot at North Side Club Stanton Meets Klein. Billy Huber or Bt. Louis and Jack Keefe of Bist St. Louis have been matched to go fifteen rounds before the North Side Athletic Club next Tuesday evening. The men will meet at IS! pounds. ' Keefe has not appeared in the ring of late, but has kept at work in East St. Louis, and is suld to be in flrst-cl;ss trim. Huber has been training at the South Broadway "Club and has reduced his weight somewhat. Members of the South Broadway Club have scheduled a boxlnjr entertainment for the evening of May T. the feature of which will be a twelve-round go between Julius Klein and Will Stanton. They will go oa at 143 pounds. Two premlinarics will be arranged, later for this event. Central Leairae Opens Season. REPUBLIC SPECIAL. , ' Ev-vnrvilr ii Anri. M.Tn. .-t 1S5...SR. ?"" "HF "? her, to-Jay k- 1 .,.. --' -- -- -. --v. uireiiuut Kouiifl -yea; cvansvuie fiVansvilla C-, Fort tVayna . IS. Weather clear: track lumpy. selling, puree $400. for 2-year-olds, five furlongs: B I F. 1 Op I CI- 1 1 1'Vi SI 10 4" I 2' i-5 J-20 2hdl 3' ! 10 Jhdl 4" 4 S 0 15 I 15 I I- lll.Luehrs 2hd 4' 3'H! 1V S-! 1. Sinclair 31 SI no 1' E I Untnn I 41,' 7-1 lOiWalnw'hti S I Start ejod Won driving: cecend ea'ily Winner: J. H Sawvers c" : w. Lv Toraker MIkus Bird of Promise was probably best. Time -14. :2S. .scv,. LllHi 0 Second race. .'.Ilng. purse JI00. for J-iear-clds and upward. uu mile and one-half: B'ttlng Jj. op I CI. 3 I. !nk i I tl 2 I 3' r tl 4 I s .......I 7l Ehdl t' ...'..! II 14 I 1 f. 4' I 4 SB Shdl E 20 311 8 I Vi Chdl 7nk S 8 Sinclair, '"I 4 I 121 Crin. 401 IS tart good. Won eallj; second same. Winner: W. F. Cotton's b cr 10) by BC! Miles Thelma. Learord was much the tet. Ftiro ran a good race Red Light was given a ooor ride Fisher waltlnc too Ion-.'i. S. :a'i. :S7, laeM. l,S4t, 1.38!i. 1 34H. 2.53. purse 1500, for 2 rear-olds oa mile: fcli J F.J n.ttin F. I On f CI. I PI. 1 I!H, l"t 2,,4 1 i-: 1-21 ... 4 9-10 121 3H r l-r 101 4 107.Xlurph 3 2nk 4 8l "chilling 2'U 3" E 4hd naldo .... l,Chap'l 1,-6, Start bad Won handily second sam. Winner: M Dily's b. k 3). h Athellng Sapphire Bluish V7as much the best, but technically interfered with Scarborough on the first tuin Time 13U. .J7'. .4iv.. ;c, i-w;. l 24'.. 1 3S'S. 1 MU. purse $700. sir furlonrs: I Bttlnr U Op ICI. li 2'4 2 3' 6l 4' 41 5 3 114 6 E Adams I Ihdl 21". J5 "I 4 I G' 6 I 4i 4! Ml - liliWl..... SlcCarty.... 113 M'KInnej Hurtnn 12-: 5-21 12-10! 7-I Walnwrlght.. 201 CO! 23 t ,1 S lhd lhd 2'4 2l 4' 34 5 5 3(, 4" 6 C Fomenos and l'oor Boy, ltlce entry. Start good. Won driving- second handily Winner: O Hat"s b r. lit. bv st aeorre Nan St Noel von In a close flnlh with Miss Gould Tho horses malntilned their respective positions from the start Paul Whsley was out rf form and bled Poor Bov showed some earlv speed. Time 13U -S&M. H. X'i. 1-05VS 1.2:!.. 71 Tifth race, eelllnir purse J400, for 4-iear-olds and upward, one. mllo and seventy jards. Betting F. Op I CL vy. i il" 2 8 s 35 3 2 2'- 4 3 6 Chd S 12 St. 10 8 7 3 B-2 S. PI. Burton., 19 Calv- 4 4hd J 2Mi Calv-it.. 1'H SIcKlnney.. Bonner 5hd 2 I 4H I 6h 5hdi r' 7 1 2 6' 4 S Start gooi Wot hsndlly: second same. Winner. R. R. Rice's ch. er. 4) bv Wadsworth Atischlef Rampooia. probably the best. Puncuta end Duelict got off well In motion. Rampooza followed at a convenient dlstnnc and finished strorcly. Duelist was short Time 12. .3C .38S. .52',. 1.0C?4. 1 20. 1.34ii. 1 54,. Sixth race, selling, purse 34CO. six and one-half furlongs: 3 1 4 2no 1U 1". 2' .1 2'-, f 4' 51 til nk SVi 7 7 2hd 5' 7 Peretto .. Start bad Won driving: second same. Winner: It. R. Rice's br m. (A), by Ke-ha-mo Brlgoiee. Ertie was best, but got off last and closed a wile gap. Kunja rut a nice race, but was forced hard at tha finish Blrdslavcr did tho front running;, hut was short. Time 22. 554. 1:25. 1.33. FOREIGN TRACKS. TO-DAT'S JAMAICA ENTRIES. First race, selling. 2-year-oldsi five furlongs: Niblick 112 1 Aqueduct 103 Tramator lu5t Workman ....102 First Born 97 Trajan -..I)! Delaval 97 Bufferanco 107 Revel 1 99 Bedell 39 Andavarl IPC 1 becond race, longa: 3-1 ear-olds, handicap, six fur- Gold Saint 126 silver Dream 122 Jacquln IIS Tim Payne 116 Andrew Mack 116 Airorten 114 Tom Cod ....IIS Orlskany 103 Third race. 3-year-olds and up, selling, one mile and seventy yards: Kejncte 102 Daly 108 Gavlota 105 Nlnespot 101 TCe Don 98 Court Maid 94 Btssle McCarthy ....10 far Roche 105 Do Res2ke 105 Go Between 87 Fourth race, the Newton Stakes. I- ear-olds and up. six furlongs: The Musketeer .. King Pepper .... Akela Young Henry ... Monet , Foxy Kane , ..115 ..112 ..UO ..122 ..106 ..108 Palette Brlarthorpe . Gold Dome Bardolph ... Jack Ratlin .. 96 .. 98 .. 91 .. M ..UO Fifth race. 2-year-old Allies, (our and one half furlongs: Sufferance Martha Gorman Mon Amour Pink Garter . Garvle Jcnes . Carrie Jones . ...104 .. 99 .. 99 Sixth race, mares, 2-year-olds and up. six fur-lores: Naughty Lady .-...1W Funnyslde 19S Palette 10 silver Dream 1C Merry Hours lis Mutiny lot Hydrangea 100 JAMAICA SELECTIONS. REPUBLIC SPECIAL. New Tork, April 2J. Selections: riMt Race Nlblack, Aqueduct. Delaval. Second Race Tim Payne, Alforten. Tom Cod. Third Race The Don. De Reszke, Tfinespot. Fourth Race Foxy Kane, loung Henry, Jack Ratlin. Fifth Race Mon Amour, sufferance. Carrie Jones Mxth Race Silver Dream, Mutiny, Funny side OISEAU WON THE AV OND ALE STAKE Favorites and Well-Backed Horses Divided tbe Card on Heavy Track. Narhville. Ten , April 23. Favorites and well-backed ones captured the card at Cumberland Park to-day. Unfavorable weather did not deter the crowd and bet ting was good. The track was heavy, out scratches were few. The Avnndale Stake for 2 year olds, at five furlongs was the feature. J. J. Green er's Olseau was nlaved. whlin Kin. r)a on a previous no turmance had a good following. Summary: First race, six furlongs Radium, 107 (D. Aus tin). 12 to 6, won: Heritage. 107 (Minder). 1 to 1. second; Potter, 107 (V?. Robblns). 7 to 5. third Tl-ne, 1 20V4. Begum. Allen, St. Luke andrAnrora J. also ran. becond tree, four and one-half furlongs Gasci one. 10S W. Robbins). 11 to 5, won: Alice Lloyd 103 (Ilyams). 5 to L second: Cesarlus 10S (Dart). 20 to 1. third Time. .59 Omealca. Bes lerllng Joslc. Savolr Fa! re. TVoodcIalm and Tulla Tukee alo ran. Third rsc. selling, mile Lou Wood (R. Johnson) 18 to 6. won; June Collins. 99 (D. Aurtln) 2'4 to L second. Tennesseean. 9; (Rob Mrs) 3'4 to 1. third." Time. 1:49 Hot. The Guardsman. Water Tower and Barges also ran. Fourth race, five furlongs-olseau. Ill (Ly-ne). 11 to 10 won: Rebounder. 10C (Minder), 10 to 1, secrrd; Dixie Lad, 10S (J. Mathews) I to 1, thlid. Time. 1.08. Daxlo. John Smulskl and Zlnda also ran. Filth race, atven furlongs Florence Fonso, fo (Carrier). 2H to 1. won: Jonn Doyle, 97 (W. Rebttns). 4 to 1. second; Peeper. 102 (R. John son). 8 to 1, third. Time, 1.28 Lodestar. Helen Tarwater. Balm of O I lead and Oul Out also ran Arak left at post. Sixth race, selling, six furlongs J Sidney Walker, ill (D Austin). 1 to won: Bonnalle. 94 (Hyorrs), 50 to I, eecond: Frank Kenny. 112 (I amf dry). 4 to 1. third Time 1.21.. Chanter ell Presentation. Bourbon. King Graden and Lady Rltta also ran. Western Leajrae. At Denver Denrer. 6 14. 2: Omaha. 6. 13. 5 Batteries Eler and Lncia: McCarthy and Gondlne;. ' ( At Colorado Sprinjrs Colorado Sprint;. 14, It. 4- Des Moines 6, 5. Batteries Coons and Menlit; Cushman. Harvey and McCausIand. At St. Joseph St Joseph. 14 2: SIoox City. 0. 1. 2. Batteries McConnell and Dlehl: Llndex tnan and Blerwald. Holland Assigns Umpires. " HPHCIAU Jlloomlngton, 111 , April 23 The Three-Rye League season will open to-morrow. Prestdent Holland to-night, after Issulnx his Instructions, assigned his staff of umpires as follows: Lewis Kramer or Louisville. Ky., at Decatur with Rockford: Floyd Beardsley of tVest Pullman, 111 , at Rock Island with Cedar Rapids. Joseph Loh-ck of Davenport at-Bprlnrfie Id with Du huque, and Victor Janney of Marshall at Bloomlnston with Davenport. College Baaeball. At MinneapolisMinneapolis 1. Nebraska la At Larajette, Ind. Wisconsin University It. Purdue 13. ' Will Play ColantbU Teams. REPUBLIC SPECIAL. Columbia. Mn . Anrtt 9t n-t.. -v- o .. Kas . High School basket-hall team arri-M in wiumma to-mplit and will ply the iunior hi. A !.. .H ... . .. . ------ " roam tr atisa uniiMMitw . .. . : SiVnT - ht . ,.."-.'5r.Ji5nb.."?.'r .?AJE?J'Hf-J'?e4.wli th tean, wul murS hornt "r "mc" Urchin Gallops nonie Abead in Opening Race at 40 to 1, at the Fair Grounds. After being; given away as of little ac count and before his new owner could se cure his own colors in which to race. Ur chin galloped home In the-first race at tbe "alr prounds jesterday, winning at odds of 40 to 1. Urchin raced In the colors of William Walker, who has owned and trained him for some time. Considering that the gelding's races had not been up to the tandard. Walker gave him to George Phillips immediately; before the ilrst race. C. Harri3 had the'mount and tne geld ing went to the post at 40 to 1 in a field of Jive. Uo was practically overlooked by all save a few sharpshooters in the grandstand, who gathered behind the 4 winning- post and raised Joyful howls as he came home well In the lead. Small fields and slow time marked the racing, but twot events havinjr as tu-ny as six starters. To the lumpy and par tially dried condition of the track this state of affairs can be laid. Interest in the card centered m.Iuly 'on the fourth rac. the handicap of the-programme. Tills was at six furlongs and brought out four starters, of which Unr makis was made favlrote at C to S. IJIce rode the gelding In rather clever fashion and brought him home an easy winner after Irish Jewel and Kindred had alter nated In the lead for the early stages. Our Llllie, who won her race from JIalster two dais ago. was in the same event, but the best she could do wns to nnlsh third. Kindred showed a trace of ins uia speea and leu lor a period, onlv to be passed by Irish Jewel and Harruakis when the -nrelch was reached. Tower, at 6 to 1, won the second race, after Knowledge and Pretension had laid In nice position for part of the Journe and after they had appeared to have the race between them. . Foley brought up the big gelding with a rush at the cloe and the going enabled him to draw away from his fleld. He won handily. In the 2-j ear-old race, second on the card. Dotage led for the greater part of the distance and won neatly from Joe Kellei. Th Republic tipped both Dotage and Harmakls as the best choices In their respective races. In the first race. Urchin galloped home at long odds, his field btrung out behind him In a struggling line. Dawson won the fifth nee rather neatly, after a hard struggle in the stretch. Wall opened fa vorite in this race and was well played on the strength of his race the previous day. He ran last. Tickle Saint won the last race In ccod style, after leading; the best p-trt of the wav. Lvnch ran n. cramrt ran. nmt mma in second, while Fugurtha lasted long enough to get third money. LIKE A SPONGE Some of the most stubborn diseases enter into the system through the pores of the fkin. Like a 6ponge, it absorbs poisons of various kinds, which are taken up by the little blood vessels beneath the surface of the body, and emptied into the great current of the blood. The juices of peUon Mk and other noxious wild plants percolate through the skin like watet through aspoage, art taken into the circulation, breaking out afresh eih season, and linger ing on for years unless antidoted and driven outof the system. ' -J Oye Poisoning: among the employes of dye hoises, and from wear ing colored under-clothing and hosiery, is of frequent occurrence and dangerous to health, causing boils and sores and POiaoK" OAX AD ITS XMUKm. other ernntions Orarflfteanyatarsarotwaspoljonadtrtthyat- Workers ill leaa, brass sat tin relief. SorasbrtkeoutOTrBijrody-sl and other metals ars often Miartonirn,affsctln-Jiliaiot' wattnatk , , . , , - , Finally, about a year aro nry doetor told M to poisoned by the chemicals rjr 8. S. S.. which I dd. Aftsr takins thras and acids used in polish- bottlss all tha aoras diapMtd.andiharaas j ,l j .i j 1 bssn bothered sine, an. I faol aanch lndaataelt mg, andthft dust and nl- yourTaluaWe medidnafor so prompt and aesw- ingssettlingupon the skin, ti&gZ?0j&:Wmma and which find their way )aTu,. Ky. COS. O'BBT-UT. through the pores into the blood, followed by inflammation, swelling and the most obstinate sores. Blood Poison, the vilest of all human dseases, is 'often con tracted through shaking the hand or handling the tlothing or other arti cles used by one infected with this dangerous poiscn. The deadly virtu reached by washes, salves, soaps or other external (remedies. -The blood must be purified and a healthy circulation estabished before getting permanently rid of the disease. S. S. S. acts upoi the blood, ridding it of the original poison and restoring it to a health,, normal condition. S. S. S. is guaranteed entirely vegetable, an tnrivaled blood puri fier and the best of all tonics. With all impurites removed from the blood, the sores and eruptions disappear from the cin. Write us should you desire medical advice or any information about your case; this wflj cost you nothing. TIK SWIFT SPECIFIC tO-, AT1AMTA, tUU DR. CMS. A. DUFF'S CHAS. A. DUFF, M. D. NO CURE. NA DAV-The , antees HiiiiBiPiliH mnmnmnmnmnmnlelflsssssssssssssssi DpniBcd uvnicm ok aicae ot ncionit aoaer. , ...SPECIAL NOTICE Absolutely no chartte unless atlafaetlon 1 ml-nm, All patients receive an Instrument of -irltinsr Inanrlar them ot c: err- slalV' 1 p .j 2 receive an instrument of "" '?. :! reiaaoeo in ease llllf Vnah srllmast4Bm--i will -,. - - ., Vrell-lcnanr flnin.lml .tnH.ii.-, . ti.n inrhiT v. ConMttlUtion rF. aail SS2Hience Successful treatment by malL rtnL61!6? untn youa have lnvest!ae durlnir week 8 n m a b n m crihr. m. to; Sundays, entirely rcanonalhla for anv raapaiit. thai la -aa-. faat-iii-k-i CHAS. A. DUFF, M. D 8IO Olive SU St. Loafs. Burlington Building. Directly Opposite South Side of T JUorman HlabopV V11U have the Uormoti r-hnrrh tsei- e..i, b. MnTr ?;:- r:i - .c;rr."r.i sm&sgEsEgsSSi and vVnn .r-fSV 'r.,ai.?UTlrcnri the worst SSS!5"a rermaioRhoes, sires. Seminal Kmiasiona. a-he. t-nn.tneasto Marrr. uonalfnsiflavM. .-.- Twltcliln-r of !.;.. "aSaU"5?" WMt- Bts( t - fn-Mim, "Ti:iTZj.-irrrj-ggr.'' undevaioptHl orrins. Stimulates 5m!i'J,i)!.,- maiL. JL. ajrunaii maT-Btaa tn --. -. r- . - j SizCJI"-ceBters.XQ osra Address BiahoiBSTto. "fla iriiclSl Af lr I'lavlug Duelist Heavily, ia le Books, the Captair. Itamnooza Saves Hi T ndinfro SL? i-UOUln p - 9 lln R. R Rice's Ramnooa. tjUV Ci of 12 i 1. and hi" Kunja. at 3!4JHJ1, can tun ine Cfth and yixth races at Union I-arli yesterdav, uml th; Captain was ther able to put down JSOO In his sched ule 1 'winnings, which in twelve dajs'haa aire itcd to over tS.QMt V. le the Rice string is a good one, luck has n a strong facto' with his every en-trj- 2rbe was much the best in"it race cesti n)a. The Dankls horse as heav y p'iaj id nt to to 5 and even money. Lut lit aj.y to a miserable start nnd.aft cr living c!6sed up twenty lengths., rati Kt rk and Itlrdslayer to H. finish that was j-roaforlably c!oe for those who backed their- 'two With an evsn break T2rb have won easily. lie's luck, rather than, the wise dol lsrsfnas strung to Kunja, and Rlce'sluc w ori consequently the bookmakers figured tfct!llait sheet in red ink. Itfras a tad day for favorites, but ths playin tne books was so -varied that the :oo(nakers said they quit but little Win ner. I Bil of Promise, an outxider. unset: thin right off the reel. Golden Flower, an dtls-on favorite, was handily beaten In tl.flrst race. In 1 stupid ride, Fisher waited with Red IJghiuntil the last seventy yards before he c4ed on the filly, and then it was) too late. Intier a good Tide Red Light should linveone much better, and the ride b got w ft like burning up public money. Cal vit oriLcaroyd made the most of the) sit uatiorrand waited until the pacemakers came hck and then he went ahead. In stead f taking up the chase after the winner! Fisher waited to beat a few straggles in the last seventy yards. In thlthird race Bluish was beat, Scar borough second best, and Little Pirat ti-rd but. Segraves was left almost flat flooted t the post. At that he showed "peed. 0-ertook the bunch, but twica stepped k. a hole and almost went down. Paul Mialey ran a poor race. He yema the favojle, but was a sod dlsappolnttannt to his tickers. After finishing a poor fourth hebled. and will hardly he entered for sev erfdav s. St. Noel and Miss Gould were first h break from the barrier. They ran like akeam to the finish. St. Noel was best, all finished In the same relative position In; which he started a short half lenglhtthead. With Duektit was a case of not what you ued to-, but what you are to-day. Duelist outclres such a field as he 'was In e'terdav.hnd vet he did not outclass it. After tiine trial.", and each time Do Arman's bore- a favorite and heavier. piciytj, ire lurcu up uiquns tne sisu-nuia. Bad startinln the last race let Erbe. si heavily plav ei favorite, off to such a dis advantage thjt there was no chance foe tho horse to trercome it. After the Tbe Captain Rice showed a. bunch of ticbt marked for Duelist to win. He said te played DeArman's horse. 1 ana his own 1 impooza naa savea aa iaa- I ings in tne nuts. &zm rssssp' t . 1 finding lis way inraign we poxes 01 vaa skin, contaminates tleblood and produces fearful ulcers, crupiohs and blotches. The diseases that enter the system by absorption or throigh the pores are-as deep-seated and daigerous as any brought on by internal causes, and .cannot be CERTAIN METHODS I METHODS diable, Quickest Ever PcVfected. The Most Reliable, and Safest Ever lc MY SKILL has no equal lnjthe cure) of I'elvlc and Private Diseases bf Men. be caus I hive advanced with tie rapid up ward march of medical telenet. My mod ern methods are every day joying that they are positively the safest, Slickest and most rename mat nave ever tten perfect. eu tor curing BLOOD POISON, CTDinTIII - w a a.w wrtisi m m a. aim-.- -. -M --. --k-L. -a. VARICOCELE, , '-Nervous Bocllne, P 1 1 o vjlf upturtjy C'Hydrocelaand DIseaaetioithaKltt ' noya, Bladder and Prostat Slantf. ( There is absolutely no palchwW about ins results ci tne course 01 trsmnent r give for each of the diseases rmake 1 ; specialty, for soon after bei ilng taj - treatment every syrrptom 01 u easei i uppears anu tne irouoie never 1 curs. Only Specialist In St, Loata VT Gaai to Completely ana Fermaae: fjjr Cs -irltinsr Inanriaa- them ot c err 1 or failure 10 comnietelr t'asa 1 a . . ,a- aa... ... b.ak i - TT .Wtl wi Inrliail ,. - !,. . Terms aro always made to sni ife P925 my methods and tenn&fjbe . -, i -. vix 9 to 1, Mo. of Tost ODIce. .- (2 been In o-e over e - mjfY? FT" es - Luce''in pe w years by - - - ------- -.wvw I AVS-a , insomniar STy aai r. BSnK iwirnSS- 2S ' tSii .S?:?5fI0A SBanE&' ih i.iiri - W IS. A lona-WematM"r5Sr2IW"A aaa I W1. csire tnmiLI " mmt-sair m-li u -i----aM-- ..LTfl 4MUMJ 44iy Ih, a- I mn nam? GtvctUaza fri oZWass&i;. i r-r w tei Lrl t ?2SJk. irfcrj'SS?. 'a.J-t aS y: '&.?i rsmmm&mMfs " "-r I .-f rtc" r i,S t eA"-J M k?Im&tM!. - . .r'j tr: fei-4S& li9rMM:ff-i Hfe- - -